; ; ; LB: Colleen Whyte - Marion's Eggs ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; · ; LB Collection · ; Story Links · ; Site Links · ; Poetry · ; Submissions · ; lbworlds Yahoo! · ; Donations · ; ;

Marion's Eggs

; ; ; ; © Colleen Whyte
; c.whyte@clear.net.nz
; ;
; ; It was a clear evening, the light cloud of earlier in the day had gone ; and now the stars were clear and crisp in the dark sky. The couples up ; at Lover's Point were treated to what they took to be a shooting star ; then thought no more of it. Had they cared to watch it longer they ; would have seen that it suddenly changed direction just before ground ; level and moved silently into a piece of suburban wasteland, the glow ; of its superheated surface quickly fading.

; ; It touched down ever so gently and within seconds a blur disguised its ; outline, making it almost indistinguishable from the trash and ; overgrowth of the vacant section. Even the hatch when it opened broke ; the camouflage for just a moment, and then it was closed again as the ; sole occupant of the space craft studied the quaint houses of the ; sleepy town.

; ; Activating the scanner on her left gauntlet, Ntel surveyed the nearest ; houses : 3 hominoids, 2 non-viable; 1 hominoid, viable; 4 hominoids, 2 ; non-viable; 2 hominoids, both viable. Ntel took the last as the best ; of the options and quickly made her way over the low fence to what was ; the back yard of the two story house. She approached the rear door of ; the domicile and walked straight in.

; ; Marion heard the door open and putting down her mop she went into the ; kitchen to see who it was. Standing in the doorway was almost a woman, ; she was dressed in some skin tight leather outfit and Marion would ; have mistaken her for a biker chick except for the face. The creature ; had no nose, her eyes were large black ovals and her ears fibrillating ; gills down to her neck. Marion went to scream but was too scared to ; make a sound.

; ; Ntel sized up the woman who had appeared, she looked to be middle-aged ; by human standards, with her long reddish-blonde hair up in a loose ; bun. She was dressed in a blue-white gingham dress with just enough of ; a neckline to indicate that she was indeed a female of the species. An ; ideal subject, Ntel decided as she stepped forward, wrapped her arms ; around the terrified woman and drew her close. She locked lips with ; the woman's open mouth and inserted her tongue, eight inches long, an ; inch thick and ribbed.

; ; Marion's eyes opened even wider, she was being kissed by this strange ; creature and it had put something huge into her mouth, almost like a ; giant version of the time her husband had tried to make her give him a ; blowjob. She felt she was going to gag, especially when she felt fluid ; shoot out of the thing in her mouth. Then a sereneness flooded through ; her, like when she used to enjoy sex with her husband. She felt good ; all over and relaxed, this strange creature was her friend.

; ; Ntel gradually retracted her tongue and was slightly surprised to find ; the human reluctant to break the kiss. Well, she wouldn't mind a bit ; of pleasure too. She reached one hand around and began kneading the ; woman's breast, Marion responded by grabbing the alien's bum and ; squeezing it, pressing their crotches hard against each other. Ntel ; continued to play with the tit, their kiss becoming more impassioned ; and letting the human's tongue probe into her own mouth. She let this ; continue for a bit, then broke away;

; ; "I need access to your womb," Ntel said.

; ; "Please call me Marion. Of course you can have it. Come with me and ; I'll get more comfortable." Marion led Ntel into the lounge and ; reclined on the sofa. She hiked up her dress to the waist and peeled ; her heavy cotton panties off, exposing her blonde pussy. Ntel got down ; on her knees, moved her face between Marion's spread legs and gently ; probed with her tongue.

; ; "Oh, yes," moaned Marion, "Yes, please, push it in."

; ; Ntel formed a lock around Marion's slit with her lips, then extended ; her tongue. It slid easily into Marion's sopping went cunt and Ntel ; found herself enjoying the taste of Marion's juices. Marion began to ; moan even harder and started to squeeze her own breasts. When Ntel's ; tongue began to thrust in and out she couldn't help but scream out in ; delight and clumsily unbuttoned the front of her dress to get better ; access to her erect nipples. Between her legs Ntel felt the thrill of ; her egg running up the inside of her tongue and felt Marion convulse ; as it shot into her. Marion's entire body shuddered through an orgasm.

; ; Satisfied with the implanting and feeling much more sexually excited ; than normal, Ntel got up to see a disheveled Marion playing with her ; tits, trembling through the after-effects of so powerful an ; orgasm. She couldn't believe how receptive this Human woman had been.

; ; "Oh, that was wonderful." Marion gasped at last, having caught her ; breath but still too weak to get up, "Please tell me you're not going ; to leave now."

; ; "I will be with you until you give birth."

; ; "Oh, am I pregnant again? How wonderful. Please, I should know your ; name."

; ; "I am called Ntel. I will need to impregnate another but I can spend ; time with you for now."

; ; Marion got up, uncharacteristically unconcerned by her condition and ; took Ntel's hand. "Come with me," she whispered in the sexiest voice ; she could muster. Not sure what was going on, Ntel followed as Marion ; led her up the stairs and into the bedroom. There Marion undid the ; rest of the buttons on her dress and took it off. She then unclipped ; her bra and tossed it away before slinking over to Ntel in her best ; Lana Turner impersonation. Ntel felt herself being aroused again and ; helped Marion as she struggled with the unfamiliar fasteners on her ; flight suit. It soon fell to the floor and Marion went straight for ; her tits, biting and chewing on her nipples until Ntel was thoroughly ; aroused. They both moved over to the bed and Ntel let Marion run her ; mouth all the way down to her crotch where Marion's tongue began to ; probe her own cunt.

; ; Before long they were in a 69 position on the bed, Marion's tongue ; flicking Ntel's alien clit and driving her wild with excitement while ; she reciprocated by thrusting her huge tongue deeper and deeper into ; Marion. They shared orgasms, traded orgasms and thoroughly pleasured ; each other till they both felt they couldn't take any more.

; ; As they lay there in each others arms, a nearby door opened and ; closed.

; ; "That will be my daughter, getting a glass of water." Marion said ; calmly, "I can't wait for you to meet her and share your special gift ; with her as well." Marion got up, quickly wiped away the sweat with a ; sheet and buttoned herself into her dress. She then left the room and ; headed downstairs.

; ; Joanie was heading into the kitchen when Marion came down the stairs,

; ; "You look happy Mom, done something special today?"

; ; Marion looked at her teenage daughter, so young and innocent looking ; dressed in her white blouse, pleated skirt and short cardigan. So ; unlike herself at that age, Joanie hadn't even had the facts of life ; talk because her husband took anything sexual to be dirty and ; evil. "Joanie, could you come up to my bedroom. I've got something ; very special I want you to see."

; ; "Sure, Mom," Joanie replied as she followed her mother ; upstairs. Marion opened the bedroom door and Joanie went in, and froze ; in confusion when she saw the naked Ntel.

; ; "Its okay, Joanie," Marion reassured her as she gently pushed her ; daughter over to Ntel, "She's a very special friend to us and she's ; got a present for you. Something you'll really love. Trust me."

; ; "But Mom ...."

; ; "Now trust me, darling. Sit down her on the edge of the bed to make ; things easier." Marion sat her daughter down then sat down behind her, ; her crotch pressing against her daughters bum, her breasts against her ; back as she wrapped her arms around her daughter's waist and leant ; forward to kiss her on the cheek. "This will hurt for just a moment, ; then its the most wonderful thing in life."

; ; Joanie didn't know what to do as Ntel got down on her hands and knees ; and slowly moved towards her. She was even more surprised when her ; Mother pulled back her skirt, exposing her panties. Ntel reached up ; and slowly slid the panties down Joanie's legs and off over her ; feet. She then spread Joanie's legs and nuzzled her mouth up against ; her light crop of pussy hair. If her mother hadn't been there Joanie ; would have freaked out, instead she was confused.

; ; Joanie felt something wet and hard prodding against her pussy lips and ; tensed. Marion responded by moving her hands up to her daughter's pert ; little breasts and began squeezing them rhythmically while tonguing ; her daughter's cheek. A wave a pain ripped through Joanie and she ; squealed as something intruded into her, she felt was going to be ; ripped apart, a searing pain in her groin. Behind her, her mother's ; actions became more frantic, squeezing her daughters tits hard and ; grinding her own body against her daughter.

; ; Then the pain subsided into a dull ache, and that in turn was ; overtaken by waves of pleasure as Joanie could now feel something ; thrusting and probing inside her. She understood what her mother meant ; as she panted hard, pleasure overcoming everything else. Something ; popped inside her and she groaned through her first orgasm, knowing ; she would do anything to feel that sensation again. She didn't have ; long to wait as it came again and again and never seemed to ; end. Behind her, her mother was cooing in pleasure as well as she held ; her orgasming daughter tight against herself.

; ; The impregnation finished, Ntel retracted her tongue and got ; up. Marion wasn't finished though, and she set about undressing her ; giddily happy daughter. She pulled off her own stained dress and then ; set about teaching her daughter how to pleasure a woman. Ntel just ; watched, she wasn't sure she herself could handle much more.

; ; Hours passed, Marion and Joanie had finally had enough and were lying ; there in each others arms, their naked bodies covered in sweat. Then ; they heard the front door open and close.

; ; "Oh dear, that will be my husband." Marion sighed.

; ; "I have no use for him, therefore I will eliminate."

; ; "That's nice." Marion muttered dreamily as she watched Ntel leave.

; ; The next morning Ntel entered the bedroom to check on the status of ; her hosts. They were just waking up, both still naked. Joanie noticed ; first.

; ; "Mom, my tummy has swollen up." she said, quite calmly. Everything had ; been so wonderful since yesterday evening that she couldn't believe ; that anything unpleasant could ever happen to her ever again.

; ; Marion looked at her daughter's stomach, she did indeed look like she ; was about four months pregnant. She felt her own stomach and realized ; she was about the same, it just wasn't as obvious on her less toned ; body. Looking up at Ntel, Marion was positively glowing with ; happiness. With a coy smile she gestured for the alien to come over, ; and to make the intent of her invitation clear she reached down and ; spread her nether lips.

; ; Ntel was slightly bewildered but drawn in by Marion's rampant ; horniness. In the past her race had crept on to planets, taken hosts ; by stealth and then left shortly after they had given birth but now as ; she buried her face between the woman's legs and slurped at the ; delicious juices, she was having to deal with a host that not only ; enjoyed the experience, but lusted after it. If the woman was so ; willing, so desperate in fact, to be a host, then Ntel decided that ; she could take her back to the mother ship.

; ; Marion sighed contentedly as she lay in a semi-reclined position on the ; strange alien material. It was almost like a bean chair but filled ; with a warm jellyish substance and so comfortable that she didn't care ; that her limbs were beginning to atrophy from lack of use. She didn't ; have to do anything any more, no scrubbing floors or cooking and ; cleaning for an ungrateful husband and children. Her food came to her ; in a living tendril like an elephant's trunk that squirted the ; delicious goo into her mouth, more tendrils with tongue-like tips ; cleared away her bodily excretions, from licking the sweat off her ; skin to collecting her urine and faeces before they even had a chance ; to leave her body. It all felt so wonderful, like being licked all ; over and she giggled at how naughty she was in enjoying the probing of ; her ass.

; ; Then there were the suckers that were clamped on to her breasts, ; always gently milking her and that felt good too. But best of all was ; when Ntel came to re-impregnate her. That was always like the best ; fucking she had ever had. Marion looked down past the tendrils at her ; swelling belly, it wouldn't be long now, she would be pushing out ; another egg and Ntel would be by to collect it and to service her ; again. Marion was so proud that she could produce an egg every twenty ; four hours. The stimulation and joy of continuous pregnancy, Marion was ; so blissfully happy. ; ;

; ; ; ; © Colleen Whyte
; c.whyte@clear.net.nz
; ;
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