; ;
;; ; "We are the advanced force of a warrior tribe that will wipe all traces of ; the human race from this planet; and claim it for the C'phu as their ; rightful home world, yesss!"
; ; He swivelled his neck to take in the whole of his command group, they were ; resplendent in their post coital colouring. Two giant warriors stood either ; side of Ju'nutha, their long tongues toying with her distended puce nipples. ; Si'natha and As'natha were powerfully built with armoured scales protecting ; their chests and shoulders. Their eyes smouldered with the desire for blood, ; mammalian blood - fresh and red, predators of deadly tooth and claw. They ; were separated by the most desirable siren, a reptile to tempt any human ; astray, regardless of gender.
; ; "Within weeks each of you will command a legion of your own kind. We must ; prepare for war, it will come - and our enemies will perish. Yesss, ; perisssshhh," Ger'natha paused, "but for now we must return to their ; disgusting form, so we may move among them unseen. Not for long, once we ; have ascendancy the mask will be discarded. Yesss!"
; ; Long seconds passed before the room was once again briefly bathed in intense ; purple. Geraint directed the group to observe the emergence of the newest ; vector.
; ; Liz's eyes opened as the pod door swung away from her modified body, and she ; stepped into the room.
; ; "Allow me to make the introductions," Geraint paused, "we are you master's ; and mistress, Simon, Ash, June and myself Geraint. How are you?"
; ; Liz said nothing, but snarled at the group, her eyes flashing purple.
; ; "Excellent, but of no use here - we are immune to your call. The prey lies ; outside. I see the program continues to evolve - you are quite a handful" ; Geraint reached out to grope a prominent breast.
; ; Liz's reaction beat his, her hand caught his in mid-flight.
; ; "Only for prey," Liz laughed, "you don't qualify"
; ; Geraint grinned with delight.
; ; "Go, recruit more - soon we will be unstoppable - the hive mind grows in ; power." Geraint ordered.
; ; Liz turned; dressed, and headed for the door, all eyes followed the ; succubus. Even Gul'nathan's were not totally immune to her subtle seduction.
; ; A speaker, burst into life.
; ; "Geraint to video conference suite, the High Counsel requires an audience"
; ; "Repeat - Geraint to video conference suite, the High Counsel requires an ; audience"
; ; Geraint paled slightly, and rushed to the door, even he didn't want to keep ; the High Counsel waiting; his wrath was legendary.
; ; It was 15 minutes before Geraint re-joined the others.
; ; "We have our first task, we have been asked to neutralise Dr Skelly and Mrs ; Saunders. There is no time to waste. Simon and Ash, you will carry out the ; terminations. LEAVE NOW!"
; ; "Oh, and do not fail me" Geraint warned, his yellowed eyes glinting ; savagely.
; ; Alice walked to the door with some caution; hopefully this would be the ; police escort. She used the viewer for the first time in months, peering ; into its small brass centre. Two uniformed officers stood on the step, Alice ; sighed her relief and opened the door.
; ; "WPC Pamela Green, and WPC Geraldine Jones" the smaller blond PC spoke.
; ; "Can I see your I.D. please," Alice asked softly, "sorry but I need to be ; certain"
; ; "Understood" replied the brunette.
; ; Both held their Norfolk Constabulary cards up for inspection.
; ; "Great, thanks, come in" smiled Alice.
; ; Alice introduced the WPC's to Lorraine, who smiled a knowing smile to Alice.
; ; "Please don't stand on formalities, we're going to be house mates for some ; time, at least until this is resolved. I am Gerry and this is Pam," said ; Gerry.
; ; Lorraine's smile grew to a grin.
; ; "We look forward to getting to know you better" she quipped.
; ; For no apparent reason, Alice blushed.
; ; "No time to lose, are you packed?" asked Pam.
; ; "Yes, we're ready," replied Alice, "the liaison officer told us to be"
; ; "Ladies, lets go, we may just get there in daylight, if we put our foot ; down" Gerry ordered.
; ; Lorraine and Alice sat together in the back of the speeding police car; they ; clutched each other's hands. Around them the Norfolk countryside flew past, ; but they ignored the spring fields dappled with the evening sunshine. Fear ; concentrated their minds on the arrival; the journey was just to be endured.
; ; Silas Blanton prepared for his evening walk; Silas was a sad figure, the ; wrong side of sixty, friendless and penniless. He scraped a living from the ; odd jobbing for the local farmers, even they only put up with him, as his ; rates were so low. Silas glanced out of his window, next doors little girl ; was playing in the garden. He watched her fragile movements closely, out of ; nowhere her mother appeared and ushered Cindy indoors; the woman gave Silas ; a long withering stare. Silas closed the curtains and sighed.
; ; 'They'll never know, I'd not harm a hair of her head. She's just like my ; Mary...' Silas thought wistfully.
; ; A single tear wandered down his sallow, unshaven cheek.
; ; "Shep, come on boy" Silas whistled
; ; A flash of black and white tumbled into the room and weaved in and out of ; Silas's bandy legs.
; ; "Calm down, boy!" Silas ordered, "Let me get this lead on"
; ; Shep stared up into his master's face with unconditional love.
; ; "You're a good lad, come on Shep" Silas muttered, his grubby hand ruffling ; sleek fur.
; ; The odd couple wandered along the lane, looking directly ahead, around them ; unseen curtains twitched. The lane opened out and merged into a copse of ; trees; Silas bent awkwardly and let Shep free. Silas shivered, it might be ; spring but the evenings were still nippy, an orange sun dipped below the ; misty horizon. Silas liked the night - it hid things.
End of
Part 13