; ; ; LB: 14. Yotna El'toub - Web's Wonderful Web ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; · ; LB Collection · ; Story Links · ; Site Links · ; Poetry · ; Submissions · ; lbworlds Yahoo! · ; Donations · ; ;

Web's Wonderful Web

; ; ; ; Part 14 ; [1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4 ; 5 ; 6 ; 7 ; 8 ; 9 ; 10 ; 11 ; 12 ; 13 ; 14 ; 15]

; ; © Yotna El'toub

; yotna_eltoub@hotmail.com
; http://www.asstr-mirror.org/files/Authors/Yotna_eltoub/www/ ; ;

Chapter 14: Discovery.

; ; Lorraine was the first to enter the two up two down residence. Its humble ; exterior denied its size and comfort.

; ; "This is pretty nice, bagsy the front bedroom" she called.

; ; "I'm afraid you and Alice will need to share!" Gerry called out.

; ; 'Not too much of a problem' thought Lorraine.

; ; After 30 minutes of unpacking and exploring, the girls slumped down in the ; living room.

; ; "At least you look more comfortable in your casuals" Alice commented to ; Gerry and Pam.

; ; "We are, it's a bit of a holiday for us, but we are on duty 24/7" Pam ; replied.

; ; "We'll try to make you duties as pleasant as possible" chuckled Lorraine.

; ; "Are we still in Norfolk?" Alice queried.

; ; "No Suffolk, just on the outskirts of Newmarket" Gerry answered.

; ; "Oh great, is there a race meet on" Alice asked naively.

; ; "Even if there were, I doubt if Pam And Gerry would be too keen on us being ; somewhere that public," Lorraine answered.

; ; "Correct!" added Pam with a grin.

; ; "Oh, well at least the countryside's nice," said Alice gazing out of the ; French windows.

; ; The rear garden and wood beyond were still just visible in the twilight.

; ; "Coffee anyone?" asked Lorraine.

; ; "Please," chorused three voices.

; ; "Alice, can you help" Lorraine asked.

; ; Lorraine and Alice sat at the kitchen table waiting for the kettle to come ; to the boil. Alice noticed that Lorraine was unusually quiet

; ; "Are you OK?" she asked.

; ; Lorraine said nothing but turned to face Alice, her eyes shimmered with an ; orange light. Alice nodded - she felt it too.

; ; Back in the living room, Gerry nudged Pam in the ribs.

; ; "I'm just going to pop outside for a ciggie, keep your eye on things, OK?"

; ; "Sure" uttered Pam, in her best clipped anti-smoking voice.

; ; Gerry walked out on to the porch and opened her pack of Superkings; she ; fished inside and retrieved a small square black plastic device. Gripping it ; firmly between finger and thumb she activated it, and slipped it under the ; 'Welcome' mat. Gerry smiled as she smoked in silence.

; ; Ash sat in the drivers seat beside Simon; two sets of eyes were trained on ; the portable GPS between them. The screen of the device flicked and two ; lines swept across it face to form crosshairs. Simon zoomed the view in.

; ; "Drive, follow my navigation" he barked at Ash.

; ; The black Primera launched itself into the night at speed.

; ; "It's not too far, our source was good! First left, straight on for 2 miles ; then right 500 yards, to target" Simon directed.

; ; Minutes later the car silently passed the target house.

; ; "Head up there," said Simon, pointing to a lane.

; ; "We'll approach from the rear, outflank them" Simon laughed with gusto.

; ; Ash grinned wickedly.

; ; Silas stood on the slight ridge in the wood, his favoured spot. He swept his ; binoculars around in an arc; it was very quiet tonight - no sign of the ; badgers at all. Silas continued to scan for activity; his eyeglasses passed ; a bright window. Silas paused, and then refocused on the bright pane. What ; he saw warmed his loins, his long penis hardened - for the first time in 35 ; years, for the first time since 'that' night.

; ; He watched the four naked women with fascination, he'd heard of such things ; - but to see it! Numb fingers pulled clumsily at his greasy fly, his large ; erection fell into his ready hand. The brunette, god she was superb, her ; head flung back in passion, as her partner plunged her face into the fleece ; between her thighs.

; ; As Silas pumped his shaft with increasing vigour, the wide tip expanded. Now ; they formed a ring, all four of them, mouth to slit as they writhed on the ; living room carpet. Silas could take no more, gobs of semen cascaded from ; his twitching prick, adding to the stains already soiling his trousers.

; ; It took him several minutes to recover; finally he raised his glasses to his ; eyes once more. The orgy was over, the brunette was very distressed - ; crying, and talking excitedly to the others. Then she did something that ; stopped Silas's heart, she pointed directly at him! Silas panicked, catching ; his shrinking member painfully in his fly as he hurriedly zipped it. 'No ; time to sort that, run!' Silas fled, Shep rushed after him enthusiastically.

; ; Reaching a blighted tree Silas paused, and rested his weight against it ; puffing heavily. For a brief instant the wood lit up with a purple flash ; 'Christ a storm, that's all I need!' But then Silas smiled - 'it will hide ; my tracks, I'm in the clear.' Shep suddenly went berserk barking and ; growling at the sky.

; ; "It's just a storm, nothing else" Silas laughed.

; ; But Shep knew better, he dashed off to attack the intruders. As Silas ; watched in wonder, Shep disappeared into the darkness. There was a sudden ; squeal, Shep's barking stopped.

; ; "Shep, Shep boy, you alright?" Silas called as he wandered after the wayward ; dog.

; ; "Shep, is that you! What the FU..." Silas's voice cut off in a strangled ; cry.

; ; His crumpled body fell heavily to the forest floor. Silas lay flat on his ; back gazing at the night sky with sightless eyes. His only friend sat ; pinning at his side. Shep would not judge him, others would. Others would ; gather at the church in the morning commenting on his state of attire and ; muttering 'Good riddance.' But then only Shep really knew Silas.

; ; ; End of ; Part 14 ; [1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4 ; 5 ; 6 ; 7 ; 8 ; 9 ; 10 ; 11 ; 12 ; 13 ; 14 ; 15] ; ;

; ; ; ; © Yotna El'toub
; yotna_eltoub@hotmail.com
; http://www.asstr-mirror.org/files/Authors/Yotna_eltoub/www/
; ;
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