; ;
;; ; 'To hell with it, Damon's recovery is the most important thing'
; ; June's foot stood on the accelerator, and the Clio burst into life. Minutes ; later she arrived at W.I. A security guard approached her right window. He ; spoke through the widening gap as the pane slid smoothly down.
; ; "Ma'am, security clearance?" he asked, stooping to the low car.
; ; "Oh, I don't have any..." June paused, "but I'm here to see Alice Saunders, ; her husband has been hurt in an accident!"
; ; "I'll just check, hold on," the guard replied, straightening up, and talking ; quietly into his radio.
; ; "Fully cleared Ma'am, just drive up there, between the two buildings - past ; the laboratories and up to main reception - you can't miss it" the guard ; beamed a friendly welcome.
; ; "Thanks, bye," echoed a relieved June.
; ; 'Well that was straight forward, maybe this will be easier than I thought' ; June sighed, her fears alleviated.
; ; Lorraine walked briskly towards reception, 'another unexpected visitor, how ; can the project be so compromised?' she wondered.
; ; Lorraine walked towards the seated woman, smiled and extended her hand in ; welcome.
; ; "Hello, I'm Dr Skelly - I understand you have a message for Alice?"
; ; "Yes, Damon is in hospital, sedated following a car crash last night - he's ; been asking for her" June replied.
; ; "And you are? A neighbour," Lorraine paused, "a friend?"
; ; "An acquaintance of Damon's, nothing more" June held back, there was ; something not quite right about Dr Skelly.
; ; "I'm sorry, but you've missed Alice, she left half an hour ago" Lorraine ; stated.
; ; "Damn, I'll have to drive to her house, I have the address somewhere" June's ; brow creased.
; ; "No need, use the phone in my office - at least you can warn her you are ; coming," Lorraine smiled disarmingly.
; ; "Follow me"
; ; June walked along behind Dr Skelly through a couple of corridors, and ; followed her into a small room.
; ; "The phones there, I'll just get the number up on the PC -one second," ; Lorraine opened the database and searched on 'Saunders', "there, anything ; you need just shout, I'll be just outside the door"
; ; "Thanks, I will," replied June.
; ; June read the number from the screen and started to dial.
; ; '0-1-6-0-3'
; ; The screen swirled, and June screwed up her eyes to try to make out the rest ; of the number. From the centre of the monitor a small spot of purple zoomed ; out to fill the screen, June frowned and reached for the mouse to clear the ; screen saver. Her hand stopped inches short as the liquid colours slipped ; along Junes optic nerves to nest in her visual cortex. June relaxed, warm in ; the accepting swirl of colours. June heard the door open and tried to turn ; her head to look. It was impossible; to look away from the screen would be ; sacrilege.
; ; Even when she felt the long tongue slide around her face and move in ; rippling pulsations down her neck; she sat frozen, her heart pounding as the ; excitement washed over her. Worm-like, the prehensile organ slid under her ; tee shirt and wandered in the valley between her breasts. Her mind screamed ; for help; but no sound would leave her throat. Roughly the chair was swung ; around and June got her first sight of the rooms other occupant. Her mind ; screamed louder still.
; ; Alice fussed around the house, tidying things away and putting Damon's meal ; onto cook.
; ; 'He'll be back soon,' she thought, 'I wonder if today has been a better day; ; I hope so, I don't feel up to a fight tonight.'
; ; The doorbell rang, and Alice hurried to answer it.
; ; A tall policeman stood at the door, he studied Alice with interest for a ; moment, before he spoke.
; ; "Mrs Saunders, Mrs Damon Saunders?" he asked.
; ; "Yes," replied Alice.
; ; "PC Simon Brown, Norfolk and Norwich constabulary, may I come in?" he asked ; politely.
; ; Alice stood blocking the doorway.
; ; "What's happened? Is it Damon..." panic rose in Alice's voice.
; ; "It really would be better if I came in, Mrs Saunders" he repeated.
; ; "Of course, please" Alice showed him into the living room.
; ; The tall constable spoke, his mild country accent full of concern.
; ; "Take a seat," he paused, "good, now I'm afraid your husband has been ; injured in a car accident, he's currently sedated in hospital. Nothing life ; threatening, but he's in a bit of a bad way"
; ; "But he's such a good driver," she stuttered "How? When,"
; ; "Looks like he cornered too fast, that, and mud on the road, let me see," PC ; Brown unbuttoned his pocket and flipped out his note pad, "22:57 14th March ; 2003"
; ; "That's crazy, today is the 14th of March, isn't it?" Alice asked in ; disbelief.
; ; "No, Mrs Saunders, today is Saturday March 15th" PC Brown smiled ; reassuringly, "look, you sit there for a second and I'll make us a nice cup ; of tea!"
; ; Alice sat gazing out of the curtains trying to make sense of it all, and ; failing miserably. 'Today is Friday, I know it is - I went to gym class ; yesterday so today must be Friday.'
; ; Alice turned to the constable as he retuned to the room with two steaming ; cups.
; ; "Today is Friday, you are wron..." her voice faded completely.
; ; Two cups fell to the floor, and a dark stain spread across the brown ; oriental pattern. PC Simon Brown stood to attention while the purple-eyed ; woman approached him on her knees. He didn't flinch as she undid his trouser ; fly, and unfurled his chubby penis into full straining erection. Alice's ; lips stretched around the glistening head, her tongue probed the single ; weeping eye - as her fingers rolled back his thick foreskin. He didn't ; glance down to view her seductive handiwork; his eyes were fixed on the ; myriad of pulsating colours on the TV screen.
; ; The remote fell from Alice's hand as she gripped his muscular buttocks to ; force his shaft father down her spasming throat. She was rewarded by spurt ; after spurt of warm semen gushing into her receptive mouth. Alice stood, and ; wiped a glob of cum from her lips with her sleeve. She smiled broadly at her ; new conquest.
; ; "Well PC Simon Brown, welcome to the project, first you will take me to the ; hospital; and then for you it's off to W.I." Alice announced, relishing her ; role as mistress.
; ; "Yes Ma'am, once I'm cleaned up Ma'am!" Simon replied
; ; "Let me take care of that!" Alice replied, licking her lips.
End of
Part 7