; ;
;; ; "What's happening to me? How did you do that?" Alice asked.
; ; "Time for explanations later Alice. Control, dot, control" Lorraine ; pronounced the last three words precisely.
; ; Alice stiffened, and all concern vanished from her face.
; ; "Control established, orders?" Alice chimed mechanically.
; ; "Follow me, no speaking" Lorraine spoke slowly.
; ; The women stood in perfect synchronisation, and Alice meekly followed ; Lorraine out of the hut. Together they walked for a few minutes before ; Lorraine disappeared into the largest grey building. Alice followed her ; through the maze of corridors, stopping at last in a well-equipped lab.
; ; "This will be home for a while, you don't mind - do you?" asked Lorraine.
; ; "No, I don't mind" came the soft reply.
; ; "Good, now I need you to undress Alice, everything, you can put your clothes ; on my desk" requested Lorraine.
; ; Alice started to strip, none of her normal embarrassment surfaced; she ; calmly undressed. Lorraine observed dispassionately at first, but with ; increasing interest as more of Alice's body came into view. It was clear to ; Lorraine that Alice worked out; she was fully fit, in both senses of the ; word! Alice finished folding her damp pants and placed them on top of the ; neat pile on Lorraine's desk. She then stood awaiting further instruction.
; ; "Spread your legs Alice, let me inspect" Lorraine's voice trembled.
; ; Alice simply obeyed; she was blissfully unaware of her affect on the ; onlooker. Lorraine stood in front of Alice and extended her hand, for the ; first time ever her fingers explored the velvet pouch of another woman's ; sex. They slid easily between the soft lips, and smoothed liquid desire, ; from the well of Alice's being upwards to the tight bud. Alice convulsed, ; and as if in sympathy Lorraine shuddered, her desire almost overwhelming her ; professionalism. Lorraine used every ounce of her will power to pull back ; from the brink of uncharted territory. Her wet hand fell away from Alice's ; climaxing body. Lorraine spoke from between barely open lips.
; ; "Get into the pod Alice," Lorraine pointed to an oval recess in the far ; wall, "NOW!"
; ; Lorraine watched the hypnotic sway of Alice's hips as the woman made her way ; to the pod. She almost gave into the desire to stop Alice mid task, and give ; her a more intimate goal, almost but not quite. As the pod hatch shut, ; Lorraine regained some of her composure. If that was the affect Alice could ; have already, she was going to be highly effective when fully programmed as ; a field operative. Lorraine whistled to herself.
; ; "Mata Hari, eat your heart out!"
; ; Lorraine busied herself preparing for the first system run; she rang John ; Took, and told him of her error regarding the sex of the subject, fussed ; around the controls and checked every conceivable setting. Finally when she ; could delay no longer, she moved the mouse smoothly and the cursor hovered ; for an instant above the WWW icon before she clicked the button. The ; countdown began, and Lorraine made for the lab door at a steady pace. She ; shut the door behind herself, slumped against it, and sighed deeply. There ; was no going back now!
; ; Lorraine sat alone in the coffee room, cradling a steaming mug in her hands. ; She could still feel the dew running over her labia; she marveled at the ; power of her attraction to Alice. Lorraine was heterosexual, but that had ; not stopped her wanting Alice with a desire close to desperation. With ; programming, Alice would be able to turn that attraction off and on as ; instructed; no wonder Geraint predicted WWW as the greatest development in ; counter terrorism in history. Who could resist?
; ; Alice stood in the pod watching the intense purple light projected on the ; pod's visor. She felt the familiar warmth wash over her, as she was drawn to ; the fluid display. Deep within Alice's mind, changes were happening; part of ; her hindbrain was partitioned and rules implanted, rules for the conduct of ; a vector. For unknown to Alice, this was what she now was.
; ; In normal life she would be Alice, until the vector switched in; the ; switching would be circumstance dependent and totally irresistible. Alice ; was a weapon, in an undeclared war.
; ; Alice was aware of the physical changes; she felt her nipples and clitoris ; tingle as they enlarged to match her increasingly sexualized state. She ; glanced down her body and relished its new appearance. Alice's self induced ; mind-fuck began; rivulets of desire snaked down her thighs from her seeping ; sex, and her heavy tipped breasts undulated with desire.
; ; But most intense of all was the climax in her head, it ran on and on, ebbing ; and flowing until the pathways were established in her conscious brain. As ; she physically orgasmed the vector made its link to the CNS. The weapon was ; primed, but deactivated - for the time being.
End of
Part 5