; ;
;; ; Her view shifted from the blueness of the creature's wide maw to its face. ; Attractive yellow eyes smiled from a feminine visage. The face had a feral ; quality to it, an evocative cross between mammalian and reptilian features. ; The pale fawn of its face flowed down the neck of the hybrid and onto its ; flanks. The thorax was more brightly coloured; a delicate mauve shade tinted ; the deeply rounded breasts.
; ; A circle of satin-like purple scales, surrounding an erect purple spike, ; topped each dome. The twin globes swayed, as the reptilian animal moved its ; weight one from clawed foot to the other, and back rhythmically. The lithe ; legs smoothly ascended to the humped mound of the creature's vulval slit.
; ; The creature moved forward, slipping its tongue back into its mouth. June ; attempted to move, as the reptiles sex organ pressed against her upturned ; face. June became uncomfortably aware of the creatures wet, cold, labia ; sliding across her cheeks.
; ; Something harder pressed against June's closed mouth. She looked down in ; shock, only to see the tip of a scaly tail expanding as it forced her mouth ; open. The tail slid steadily down her throat; the white-hot pain came from ; nowhere. Its intensity snapped her mind, sending her tumbling into the ; darkness of welcome oblivion.
; ; Lorraine entered the room; and Geraint turned, hissing his dissatisfaction.
; ; "I need males, there is no guarantee this female will survive the transition ; to Gul'nathan. We need Warriors, not Breeders. Get the vectors active - you ; included, yesss!"
; ; "At once, Geraint - at once!" Lorraine replied.
; ; "Ger'natha! Ger'natha of the fabled C'phu tribe of Gul'natha, yesss!"
; ; "Ger'natha, at once, my humble apologies" Lorraine's voice trembled.
; ; Her apology was too late, Ger'natha flashed a clawed fist into Lorraine's ; neck. Lorraine sprawled onto the grey tiled floor, her skin crossed by three ; deep gashes.
; ; "Respect, yesss - respect is due" snarled Ger'natha at the shocked ; scientist.
; ; The lizard-animal fled the room, snorting its disgust. Lorraine stood, blood ; seeping from the wounds on her delicate throat. However, the gashes were ; already closing, knitting together as Lorraine's enhanced healing process ; kicked in. Lorraine picked up June one-handed and slung her over left ; shoulder.
; ; "You better survive girl, or I may not!" growled Lorraine to the bare ; unlistening walls.
; ; A police car entered the gateway and pulled up with a shudder.
; ; The guard walked forward, routinely he uttered.
; ; "Constable, security clearance?"
; ; The seated policeman said nothing; his eyes flashed purple for a mere ; instant.
; ; "Fully cleared constable, just drive up there, between the two buildings - ; past the laboratories and up to main reception - you can't miss it" the ; guard blinked his automatic reply.
; ; Now this was better news, Lorraine virtually ran to reception to welcome the ; newest recruit.
; ; 'At last, something to keep that bastard off my back while I think' she ; mused.
; ; Within minutes the PC was housed in his own pod, secured away.
; ; "J.T. prepare for a male conditioning run, repeat male," Lorraine stated ; into her desk intercom.
; ; "Check, run prepared, run ready Webb's 2.0 for male subject" John's voice ; confirmed without emotion.
; ; Lorraine's finger had no hesitation in confirming this run; confidently she ; walked to the door.
; ; The door flew open before she reached it, and a brightly coloured Ger'natha ; charged in, he bellowed at Lorraine.
; ; "Get out, get out, and find more, more - yesss"
; ; In his excitement Ger'natha didn't wait to hear the startled reply, he ; simply rushed to the misted pod, and stood eyeing the contents hungrily. The ; reptilian fell into a hypnotic state, patiently awaiting the first stirrings ; of its prey.
End of
Part 8