; ;
;; ; "Get her out of there for me, promise me - promise..."
; ; June had not promised Damon, he had succumbed to his injuries before she ; could. June shook her head trying to clear the flashback. June dressed, and ; headed for the kitchen. Quickly she prepared herself a bowl of cereal and a ; juice, and then she sat. The cereal went uneaten, the orange unsipped, ; June's eyes focused somewhere between the kitchen table and the sink.
; ; "Get her out of there for me, promise me - promise..."
; ; "Get her out of there for me, promise me - promise..."
; ; "Get her out of there for me, promise me - promise..."
; ; The horrific evening replayed itself, time and time again. June was roused ; by the clatter of the morning paper shooting through the swinging letterbox. ; She made an instant decision; grabbed her car keys and headed for the ; garage.
; ; 30 minutes later the last 20 pence fell into the parking meter at the ; hospital. June walked briskly to the reception area.
; ; "I wonder if you can help me, was an injured motorist brought in here last ; night?" June enquired.
; ; "One moment, I'll check,"
; ; June watched the blonde girl teeter away on heels that were far too high for ; work, 'I'll be seeing you for back problems - soon' she reflected silently.
; ; "Here we are, unidentified male - Lacrosse ward," the blonde stated.
; ; "Can I see him?" June asked.
; ; "Only if you are a relative - he's quite poorly," the blonde looked straight ; at June, "but perhaps you could identify him for us?"
; ; "No, I'm a just friend - his name is Damon Saunders," June replied, "Look ; I'm a physio at the Health Centre, any chance of bending the rules?"
; ; "I'll get one of his nurses' - it's the best I can do," the blond girl added ; with a smile, "take a seat."
; ; June fidgeted for a couple of minutes, before picking up a magazine, seconds ; later the nurse arrived.
; ; "Staff Nurse Patel, I understand you know our mystery man?" the young woman ; peered over her spectacles.
; ; "Yes, how is he?" June asked.
; ; "Heavily sedated, he'll probably be out of it for a few more hours. How do ; you know him?" the nurse enquired.
; ; "He's a patient..." June sobbed; "I found him last night..." tears flowed ; freely, "Oh god, I'm sorry..."
; ; "No need to apologise, he has a lot to thank you for when he comes to," ; Nurse Patel held forward a spotless white handkerchief.
; ; "Did he say anything, anything at all?" June sobbed.
; ; "Yes, not that it made any sense to me" the nurse replied.
; ; "He said, 'Get her out of there for me'," The nurse paused, "It's a bit odd ; really, he was alone in the car?" the nurse asked.
; ; Nurse Patel moved to comfort June, as soon as the attractive nurses flesh ; touched hers, June jumped.
; ; "Christ, I have to go!" June stood, and abruptly turned to leave.
; ; "Wait, I'm not sure you should drive, just calm down a little first!" called ; the staff nurse.
; ; "No time" shouted June as the reception door swung closed behind her.
; ; Lorraine entered the lab, and as had been her habit during the night, her ; first stop was at Alice's pod to check her condition. The vital signs were ; good, and she appeared to be responding well. Lorraine gazed into Alice's ; face to see if she was regaining consciousness. Alice's eyes flickered, and ; then opened widely.
; ; Lorraine was hit by the colour of the irises, a deep purple that wavered and ; pulsed with an inner life. Lorraine felt herself relax, and grow warm, so ; warm and comfortable. Suddenly it ended, Alice's eyes returned to their cool ; blue shade, and Lorraine was released. The scientist slumped a little, she ; felt cheated; she wanted it back. Shivering a little Lorraine steadied ; herself.
; ; She heard a small chuckle behind her and turned to see Geraint.
; ; "She let you go, the vector works - we are protected - disqualified as ; targets," Geraint explained.
; ; "You mean she knows we are not terrorists, how?" Lorraine queried.
; ; "She knows we are not targets, Lorraine - it never did have anything to do ; with terrorists!" Geraint beamed.
; ; "Nothing to do..." Lorraine struggled to comprehend, "but the Ministry, the ; brief..."
; ; "All subterfuge, to cover the real mission objective," Geraint paused, and ; then looked directly at her, "you are now part of that mission, Dr Skelly"
; ; Geraint's eyes flickered, and then his purple gaze caught Lorraine, much as ; a spider catches a fly. Lorraine stood motionless as Geraint moved to open ; Alice's pod.
; ; "W,dot,W,dot,W,dot - executive override code wonderful. Subject Lorraine ; Skelly - remove protection. Vector code 435-698 - activate!" Geraint chanted ; the words rhythmically.
; ; Alice moved forwards until she was toe tip to toe tip with Lorraine Skelly's ; motionless form. Alice's eyes swam with the same intense colour as ; Geraint's. Delicately Alice leant forward to kiss Lorraine; slowly, tenderly ; Lorraine responded. She returned the kiss, and felt the desire burning ; though her frame. The lab was gone, Geraint was gone - there was only lust, ; a deep burning passion. Gently Alice pushed Lorraine to the tiled floor, ; fumbling open the buttons of her lab coat.
; ; Geraint turned and walked from the lab, his burgeoning erection eliciting a ; slight limp as he moved. He opened the door, took a lingering look at the ; writhing women and walked into the corridor. Once he was safely ensconced in ; his office Geraint relaxed. He drew down the shutters on his office windows ; and stood erect in the centre of the room. Without further ado, Geraint ; stripped himself naked; the change began.
End of
Part 6