; ;
; ; Davis poked his brother Gavin with his electro-prod sending 50,000 volts through him, distracting him briefly from the girl he was rutting.
; ; Life was tough in the quarantine zone, what had once been an island called Britain. There were only two careers, stim-farming or if you were really lucky, and were smart enough to pass tests, a posting to the Earth Defence Force beckoned.
; ; Like all modern Brits, Davis had been born in the fields and been picked up by the watchful herdsman's Landrover, tagged and then delivered to the school pens. His mother had not cared that her baby had been taken, as soon as she'd recovered she'd sought out her alpha male eager to get started on Davis's next brother.
; ; He and Gavin had grown up together, at age twelve he'd had a serious crush on him. Unfortunately adulthood had brought on changes, like 50% of Britboys Gavin had turned out to be a breeder. One day the schoolmaster had simply come into the dorm and ordered Gavin taken away to the breeding cells.
; ; Davis had visited for a few days, but they'd put females in with him.
; ; The first day Gavin had been fearful and wanted Davis to help him escape. The second day he'd seemed distracted, glancing at the females every few seconds.... the third time... The third time Gavin had snarled at him and then returned to fucking the female he was riding. The fourth day the cell was empty; Gavin had been let out into the fields to join the herd.
; ; The rest of the world didn't want any Brits getting off their island. When there was a 50/50 chance a Brit son would go rogue and turn their nice intelligent girls he met into sex-crazed herd animals....well the UN and CDC just wouldn't have it and you could see their point. The only exception being made was the all male Earth Defence Force, the EDF, which was safely space based and made great efforts to be an equal opportunity employer.
; ; Fortunately there was also a serious black market for the 'stim' hormone that turned nice girls wild. ..and the black market funded the farms that were gradually generating back the male population.
; ; Davis didn't like the farm, it wasn't that it was plain immoral, or the fact he had to electro-prod livestock like the muscle-bound thing Gavin had become. It was the whole damn boring lifestyle!
; ; He turned hearing the engine of a quad. It was Chaz, a cute 17 year old, a year younger than himself, a guy he couldn't keep his eyes off for some reason.
; ; "You got accepted! You are In!" yelled Chaz vaulting off the bike and running excitedly toward him.
; ; "The EDF man! You are in!"
; ; "I'm in?"
; ; "You are so in!"
; ; "I'm IN!" whooped Davis hugging the younger boy and kissing him full on the lips.
; ; Chaz enjoyed it and then broke the kiss frowning
; ; "Better play it cautious" he advised "Earth Defence Force isn't like the Dorm. They probably have a humor failure if you kiss a fellow officer, especially as they're mostly furriners"
; ; Davis also frowned, feeling embarrassed, the things that went on in the Dorm didn't count, not really. "I'll miss you and the rest..I'll..email or something"
; ; "Oh yeah.. shuttle leaves in 30 minutes. I'm to take over as herdsman and you are supposed to head over to Sidemore Field on the Quad. Stepfather says he's getting your locker cleared and that your stuff will be waiting for you at the shuttle."
; ; "30 minutes?! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" he swore racing over to the quad before realizing he didn't have the keys.
; ; "Here!" yelled Chaz, throwing the keys which Davis plucked from the air with practiced ease.
; ; Davis didn't bother to thank the kid, Sidemore Field was a good 20 minutes away even if he took shortcuts.
; ; * * *
; ; Davis stood at parade rest amongst a group of about fifty fellow cadets. They'd been aboard The Achilles for just two hours, long enough to stow their kit and watch a health and safety about the hazards of decompression. This was their first real lesson, stood in a hangar dominated by the twenty foot high battlemechs, each one an anthropomorphic starfighter, deadly and shark like.
; ; "This! Is your Mark Two Neural Interface! The device that allows you to connect with your Variant Tech VF series Mecha" Shouted the lycra clad Squadron Leader "It is your best friend! In fact its so friendly it wants to be your lover!"
; ; Davis laughed nervously as did about half of his fellow cadets.
; ; In his hand Flight Captain Palance held something the size and shape of an octopus. If an octopus was made from polished blue tinged metal and had a single robotic eye that seemed to scan the room constantly, that is.
; ; "Do you find this FUNNY Cadet? Do you think I say this to amuse you? Front and Centre Cadet McCall!"
; ; "Sir! Yes SIR!" replied Davis feeling the fires of hell opening up under him.
; ; "This is is NOT safe technology! This is NOT Human technology! This.. is ALIEN. This was once one of the devices that The Abductor used to kidnap all of Mr. McCall here's ancestors." Explained Flight Captain Palance "We've reprogrammed it, turned it into part of the weapon systems that will defeat a second incursion. The snag is that these interfaces literally have minds of their own and want you to feel what they feel."
; ; The briefing room was deathly quiet, this was big news to all the cadets.
; ; "Anyone spooked by the idea of alien technology trying to fuck with their brains and feeling like this is a mistake, wanting to wash out...do it now...you will all be using one of these interfaces if you stay, get used to it or go. This is a matter of conscience, your employment opportunities will not be affected by your decision."
; ; Only two of the cadets stepped out of line, both looking fearful. The rest held their places, everyone knew how vital the EDF might be one day if The Great Abductor returned.
; ; "You are doubtless wondering how you will know if your interface is fucking with your mind. You will know because it will be trying to get you aroused, hot and horny. Cadet McCall! Strip naked!"
; ; "Sir!?" gasped Davis taken off guard
; ; "Strip you 'orrible oversexed Brit!" snarled Flight Captain Palance
; ; Hurriedly Davis complied, stripping out of his one piece skintight lycra flight suit. He felt humiliated and was surprised to see several cadets leaning forward slightly paying closer attention, some leering, some thoughtful.
; ; "Mr McCall. I will now connect you to your interface. It will try to make you horny. You will resist. You will not flip the bone IS THAT CLEAR?"
; ; "Sir! Yes SIR!"
; ; Without further warning Flight Captain Palance thrust the interface against his head. Sensing his presence the interface closed its fingers around his skull.
; ; There was an instant of pain as the interface inserted its connecting spike through his ear and into his brain. The device knew its business, seeking out his pleasure centers and connecting to them, it swiftly subverted his perception of pain and pleasure. His damaged ear felt suddenly warm and comfortable. It reminded him of the time in the dorm when one of his herdbrothers had used his tongue to... He frowned. Was the interface making him think of sex or was it just his own mind doing it.
; ; A moment later he felt the urge to open his third eye and did so. Extra data flooded his senses, data tags attached themselves to each cadet, heart rate, eye contact, arousal state, each with their own tiny indicator bar.
; ; The cadet three rows back for instance, the nice fresh faced one, had his eyes focused on Davis's crotch and had a 79.4% arousal state. It was really kind of kewl knowing how much they liked him. He began to wonder how much they'd pay for his ass and considered slipping into a seductive pose where his pert bubblebutt ass was displayed to maximum effect.
; ; "Interface to standby mode" ordered Flight Captain Palance
; ; To Davis it felt like someone had just thrown a bucket of cold water over him, the extra data and his horny mood vanishing in an instant.
; ; He glanced down and was mortified to see that he was sporting an 8 inch woody that was beginning to dribble precum.
; ; "As you can see, this interface got into Cadet McCall's mind and turned him into a lust driven fuckbunny in less than 0.500 minutes" continued the Flight Captain. "By the end of Basic Training you will be expected to resist this side effect, what we call 'Interface Narcosis', for at least 24 hours."
; ; The Flight Captain turned to Davis with a mischievous smile. "Don't feel embarrassed Cadet. They are all going to face what you just experienced...now get over to the Privacy Facility and see what you can do about relieving yourself of that 'problem'. You can ask for assistance of any one cadet, but I want both of you back here in 15.000 minutes, in uniform and without any unfortunate stains."
; ; "Sir! Yes SIR!" responded Davis blushing so brightly that he felt that he was lighting up the room.
; ; Assuming that the Interface would be passed to a new victim he reached up to pull it lose, only to find that it gripped tighter when he tried to move it.
; ; "Permission to speak sir?"
; ; "Granted"
; ; "It won't come off sir"
; ; "It isn't intended to. You cannot function as a mecha pilot without it, and you need to be able to treat its extra senses as if they were your own. You will therefore be wearing your interface 24/7 until your training is complete. Now pick and go before they all get excited seeing that nice cadet cock of yours." replied the Flight Captain Palance waving him toward the green curtained cubicles of the 'Privacy Facility'
; ; "Sir! Yes SIR!"
; ; Something didn't quite ring true, but Davis found that his erection was feeling very needy, he really needed to get it seen to. Scanning the Cadets he pointed to the cute one he'd spotted drooling over his crotch earlier. "You!"
; ; The boy looked suitably embarrassed and put on a fake expression of one being asked to clean the stables as he dropped out of line to follow Davis.
; ; Once they'd got to the cubicle and pulled the curtain closed Davis turned to greet his helper.
; ; "Hi. I'm Davis McCall, a product of McCall Farm.... I'm a Brit" he added hesitantly knowing that many, if not most non-Brits would fear and hate him.
; ; "Andy O'Hare, NYC. Look I have to tell you... I'm SO, like, not gay. I'll help you out and all, but it doesn't mean shit ok?"
; ; "Well of course it doesn't! Didn't your dorm mates help each other out of an evening?"
; ; "Dorm? I don't understand"
; ; "The other boys in your year group..." Then it clicked, the outside world did it the other way, with intelligent fems helping to raise individual boys perhaps even with sisters "I guess you didn't grow up in a room with 30 other boys then...stupid of me to assume you did. Look I'm not gay either, its just that this interface gizmo detected that you were 79.4% aroused. That was the highest rating in the group so I figured you'd be most likely to want to help out"
; ; Andy seemed relieved that it was all just the interface's fault. "So...um what do you want me to do?"
; ; Davis knew what he wanted, and what Andy subconsciously wanted, but it was obvious that the other cadet wasn't quite ready for that yet. After all non-Brits had all sorts of hang-ups about sex, probably because they didn't grow up on farms where any given field had at least one couple guaranteed to be fucking at any given time of day. ...maybe after Andy had his own interface connected he'd feel a bit less uptight.
; ; "Just jack me off, pretend its your own meat if it helps...and after your interface is fitted I'll do the same for you." he replied pretending it was just strictly business.
; ; "Ok" replied Andy hesitantly moving next to him so that they were side by side calves touching.
; ; Andy reached out his left hand and began jacking him off in an awkward way. It was obvious that Andy was right-handed and if he'd been doing himself he'd have been using the other hand.
; ; By now Davis wad getting desperate. Grabbing the other cadet by his right wrist he pulled him around so that they were facing each other, his naked erection touching an equally large bulge that Andy's flightsuit did nothing to hide.
; ; Davis placed Andy's wanking hand in contact with his erection. "Better if you use the hand you usually use."
; ; Andy did as he was told and Davis let himself slip into a blissful semi-aware state, just letting the sensations flow.
; ; He didn't notice his interface quietly reactivate until he'd been deep-kissing Andy's willing mouth for several minutes. In the end it was the DataStream that had given it away slipping its weird sexual statistical information into his field of view.
; ; Andy's adoring eyes told him that the cadet hadn't realized how the interface had been manipulating him.
; ; The curtain swished back revealing a pair of interface wearing cadets holding hands and looking fidgety.
; ; "Can you guys hurry up, we need a cubicle" said one in a slightly desperate voice.
; ; The Interface began thinking of orgy scenarios he could use, but Davis was determined not to cooperate with the randy metal octopus. He held Andy's head in his hands and imagined what it would be like to have the cadet going down on him.... he had a good imagination and was cumming almost instantly.
; ; "Thanks, I owe you one" he gasped "You'd better go get Interfaced...I'll wait for you"
; ; Andy nodded and headed back toward Flight Captain Palance, returning 2.750minutes later. He looked even more beautiful now that he had an interface of his own, caressing his head and feeding him full of desire.
; ; They had to find a different cubicle but this time they were definitely on the same page, Andy's hetro reluctance was a thing of the past. Davis's third eye opened, sensing an interface nearby, Andy's new eye did the same and suddenly they were connected getting a full insight into each other, knowing precisely how much they had secretly lusted after each other in the brief time they'd had together.
; ; The sex was wild too. Now that they had access to what the other unit needed, it was simplicity itself to choreograph their moves for maximum gratification. This time they both came and it was simultaneous.
; ; "Attention! All Cadets front and centre!" yelled Palance "I know full well that every last one of you has shot his bolt so no 'I haven't cum yet excuses! MOVE IT! MOVE IT!"
; ; From his place in the second row Davis noted that the line of cadets was sort of ragged with the cadets in front of him tending to stand in pairs. He glanced to his left, Andy was within touching distance, they could hold hands if they chose.
; ; "I see that you are not correctly spaced out, feeling that warm afterglow and an overwhelming trust in the cadet next to you. Am I correct?!"
; ; "Sir! Yes SIR!" they replied some voices sounding uncertain about where this was going.
; ; "That is because you are now linked pairs, the cadet next to you is your wingman, you will be trained as a pair to fight, fly and act as a team. Through your interfaces you will learn ; to predict each other's combat strategies and complement them."
; ; "Hey! That interface gizmo just forced me to have sex with this dingo next to me...and you said it's supposed to make us continually horny as a sideeffect! What the fuck sort of half baked organization is this?! I thought I was joining the military, not a gay fucking dating agency!" growled one of the cadets rebelliously, others muttered agreement.
; ; Flight Captain Palance's expression turned stony.
; ; "Engage loyalty routine one" he ordered
; ; Davis felt his interface tighten its grip and begin twisting his emotions, he didn't even notice that he was locked in place unable to move.
; ; "Think about the EDF. Think about what it means to be a member of the EDF and how it feels to serve your commanders and your wingmen" Demanded Flight Captain Palance
; ; Davis dutifully considered the EDF and all it stood for, he already had a deep respect for the EDF's mission but now he found that he loved the EDF with a hard edged fanaticism. His needs and EDF's needs were one and the same. If EDF required him to have regular gay sex he would do it with utter commitment, if the Earth-Gov ever needed to be replaced by a more clear-sighted EDF command, he'd eagerly lead the assault.
; ; "Any further problems?" asked Flight Captain Palance, smiling, already knowing the answer.
; ; "Sir!, NO Sir!" they replied in unison
; ; "Just so we are clear here. Yes you are expected to have full on gay sex with your wingman. Yes you are expected to enjoy it 110%. It is strategically vital that you be able to pilot your Varient Tech Fighters for as long a possible during a mission. One of the methods you will use to prolong your resistance to interface narcosis will be to have a good hard fuck before you mount up."
; ; Davis felt Andy's hand slip into his and squeeze gently. As a pair that had had no great reservations in the first place, the heavy jolt of loyalty had merely confirmed that not only were their feelings for each other correct, it was their duty to act on them.
; ; "As you have all just made love and are hopefully completely sated, now is a good time to introduce you to your VTs." Said the Flight Captain, resuming his lecture. "I want you to pick a Mecha and mount up. Do NOT touch any controls. This session is for acclimatization only. Go."
; ; Davis raced toward one of the VTs. Without having thought about it each cadet had chosen a different VT to head for. Currently the giant Mecha were in hybrid mode looking roughly like a aero-fighter with legs, a set of boarding steps parked next to its cockpit.
; ; From watching the Dorm's single TV Davis knew that the craft could rearrange itself into either a full on Aero-fighter or a roughly human shaped battloid. The VTs were cutting edge military technology; nothing could match them.
; ; His interface seemed to recognize where they were to sit and he found that he knew exactly where each tube plugged into his skinsuit. Soon he was completely strapped and plugged in.
; ; Activating VT-011
; ; Davis blinked, the word had been said inside his head. Without warning his sense of self went fuzzy. He was still aware that he had a body but it was a sort of vague awareness that didn't feel real.
; ; Another awareness superimposed itself, starting with his feet and moving upward like a computer's scanner light. He could feel his feet against the cold metal deck, then lower legs, a crotch that felt wrong and genderless and then continuing to include wings, cockpit and power systems.
; ; The lack of a cock was disturbing, without realizing what he was doing he moved his hand to check by feeling the flat featureless area. The area still felt erotic but it was still...different.
; ; Then it occurred to him that he was feeling as if the VT was his body, the cold blast of the life support system blowing past his naked metal body feeling more 'real' than the blurry sensations from his real body.
; ; Standing in hybrid mode felt awkward, sort of like bending over at the waist all the time. He changed his position to stand upright. It wasn't quite as simple as just standing up, various parts of his new body changed places, his cockpit rotating so that it was mounted vertically forming the area where his six pack would be.
; ; Delighted, he ran his hands over his body, feeling the smooth metallic skin and receiving pleasure signals from his delicate touch, his hand moving to the fuel tank caps that appeared to be to be analogous to his nipples. Damn that felt good!
; ; "Atten-SHUN!"
; ; Obediently Davis snapped into position, noting as he did that every cadet had stood up and all had been playing with themselves, caressing their wonderful new bodies.
; ; "You have now learned to use the interface to bond with your VT. That was the easy part! Your interface wanted you to do it. You will now dismount. From experience this is the more difficult task, your interface wants to keep you connected, it does this by making your VT body seem more real than your real body. You must find and concentrate on the awareness of your real body."
; ; Davis now understood another reason why the extra jolt of loyalty was needed to keep the cadets in line. The implanted feelings of duty and obedience to EDF were all that stopped him from rebelling. Just letting awareness of his original body fade away and becoming VT-011 permanently was so, so, tempting.
; ; The De-bonding process was exactly as difficult as the Flight Captain Palance had warned, sort of like trying to pull off a pair of tight rubber glove that had been super glued to his hands using only willpower.
; ; After 17.245 minutes he finally managed to fit his mind back into his original body, finding that his lycra skinsuit was sopping wet with perspiration generated by the effort of de-bonding. Quickly he popped the hatch and was assisted by several interface wearing ground crew who supported him and handed him a bottle of Isolytic energy drink. One of the ground crew even gave his ass a quick grope, a friendly gesture he promised himself that he'd follow up on later.
; ; To his surprise he was first out, it took a further 45.114 minutes for the last cadet to emerge.