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Terry and the Magical Trunk

; ; ; ; © (author?)
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; ; Terry was a pretty girl. Mid-range height with shoulder length blonde ; hair and small but perky breasts, she was often the topic of many an ; amorous conversation.  But Terry's mind was rarely on boys.  Terry had ; an obsession. A silly obsession, one based mostly on childish ; curiosity, but still a very compelling one.  She shared a rented ; house with two other girls her age. When she had moved in, they had ; been fairly cool about it; the only thing she thought unusual was what ; they said about the wooden chest in the attic.  "Make sure you never ; open it."; Shawna had said. "Never";

; ; Every day since then, Terry's curiosity had grown.  Finally, she ; could take it no more. She waited until her two roommates left for the ; day, then crept up to the attic. Nervous excitement filled her as she ; walked through the cluttered space to where the chest was kept.  It ; looked innocuous enough; it was merely a large, wooden trunk. It ; wasn't even locked. It was about four feet wide and three feet tall. ; Licking her dry lips in anticipation, she opened it up and looked ; inside.  And was confused to find that the chest was not filled with ; jewelry, or dirty magazines, or beer; it was filled with slime.  Firm, ; transparent slime, with a slightly greenish tinge to it. It looked ; like unflavored jello. It had small bubbles frozen in its slimy ; surface, and smelled very strange.  An unusual urge hit Terry. Though ; it terrified her, she found herself reaching her hand towards the ; slime. More than anything else, she wanted to touch it. And more than ; anything else, she just wanted to slam the lid down and run. But still ; her hand moved slowly towards the glistening surface as Terry suddenly ; found her panties moistening in her excitement.  Her finger penetrated ; the gelatinous ooze; it felt thick and strangely warm, and definitely ; wet. Though she didn't want to, she found herself pushing her hand ; further into the glop; soon her fingers were engulfed in it, and then ; her entire hand. She writhed her fingers in the thick goo, and though ; her mind was thoroughly disgusted, it felt intensely erotic. The moist ; patch in her panties was growing. The feeling of the slimy glop oozing ; through her fingers made her other hand instinctively reach for her ; crotch. Though Terry was still nervous, she knew she had to have ; more. She got up on her knees and thrust her whole arm into the goo; ; the feeling spread and she found herself rubbing her vagina without ; even realizing it. She pulled her arm out and looked at the ; transparent slime as it dripped slowly down; a thick membrane of the ; goo still lead from her elbow to her hand and down into the mass. She ; grabbed a gooey fistful it as she pulled off her shirt and shoved the ; glob down her bra. She rubbed her breasts together with her ; slime-coated hands, feeling them slide effortlessly against one ; another, being lubricated by the glistening sludge. Inexplicably, this ; was the sexiest thing that had ever happened to her. She eagerly ; grabbed another glop of the slime and shoved it down her panties; it ; bulged and oozed down them as it slid down her vaginal lips. She ; rubbed them slimily as her panties became soaked; the feeling became ; stronger and stronger as she sloshed her hand around her vagina and ; slimed her boobs together. She stuck her arm back into the slime, and ; her excitement built even more. Before she knew it, she had stood up, ; stuck both her legs into the glop and begun lowering herself into ; it. She sat in the goop masturbating furiously, wondering how she ; could possibly be doing this. She writhed in ecstasy in the puddle of ; goo, and the slime seemed to writhe back. She exploded into orgasm ; again and again, feeling them wash over her in rapid succession as she ; sunk herself further into the slime. It felt disgusting, but this only ; excited her all the more. Soon she was pulling up globs of the goop ; and splattering them all over herself, and soon after she shoved one ; such glob in her mouth. It tasted awful, but somehow she had to ; swallow more. She stuffed slime into her mouth and swallowed as fast ; as she could, then finally couldn't take it anymore. She turned on her ; side, put her legs against the slick flesh of her chest, and thrust ; herself completely into the foul goop. She writhed in intense pleasure ; as she felt the goop sliding against her skin, and soon it was forcing ; her way up her vagina, up her butt and down her throat. She was ; terrified and couldn't breathe, but the feeling of the slimy tendrils ; of mucous brutally forcing their way up her ass was intensely ; sexual. She flailed in the goop as it invaded her every orifice, ; pulling her panties off and wetly massaging every inch of her ; body. Wave after wave of orgasm hit her, and she never realized it ; when the lid slammed shut. She banged in terrified ecstasy against the ; hard wooden walls, and with a blissful wave of panic, realized she was ; trapped. Her skin began to dissolve, both outside and in, and all she ; could do was surrender to the orgasmic waves of agony that shot ; through her as her skin was quickly stripped away. The agonizing slime ; became her whole world, and soon it faded with the last throes of her ; cum as it shot out of her...Shawna had looked everywhere for Terry, ; until she found the trunk. A slime-covered bra and pair of panties sat ; next to it, and it looked slightly larger than it had been. With a ; sigh, she pulled out a pair of metal tongs and a large garbage bag, ; opened the trunk and began fishing Terry's mostly-digested remains out ; of the viscous glop... ; ;

; ; ; ; © (author?)
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