; ; ; LB: 12. Yotna El'toub - Web's Wonderful Web ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; · ; LB Collection · ; Story Links · ; Site Links · ; Poetry · ; Submissions · ; lbworlds Yahoo! · ; Donations · ; ;

Web's Wonderful Web

; ; ; ; Part 12 ; [1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4 ; 5 ; 6 ; 7 ; 8 ; 9 ; 10 ; 11 ; 12 ; 13 ; 14 ; 15]

; ; © Yotna El'toub

; yotna_eltoub@hotmail.com
; http://www.asstr-mirror.org/files/Authors/Yotna_eltoub/www/ ; ;

Chapter 12: Revelation.

; ; Alice was startled from her misery by the insistent ringing of her mobile ; phone.

; ; "Hi, Alice Saunders," she answered, with more cheer than she felt.

; ; "Mrs Saunders, it's Staff nurse Patel, I wonder if you could return to the ; hospital?" nurse Patel's voice was calm but persistent.

; ; "What's wrong with Damon? Tell me, he should still be asleep shouldn't he?" ; Alice asked, frowning.

; ; "It would be much better to discuss this face to face, Mrs Saunders" the ; over polite nurse suggested.

; ; "He's dead isn't he? TELL ME!" Alice's voice was edged with panic.

; ; "Please calm yourself Mrs Sau..." nurse Patel was rudely interrupted.

; ; "TELL ME!" screamed Alice.

; ; "Yes, but it's not due to..."

; ; Alice hurled her phone against the lounge wall; it flew apart, the battery ; and keypad landing in opposite corners of the room. Alice grabbed her bag; ; frantically looking for the credit card that Damon had forced on her, all ; logic was gone. 'It was the last thing he held, must find it.' Alice grasped ; the card and brought it to her trembling lips. The card felt oddly cold, ; Alice looked closer at it. It was too thick for a credit card; she screwed ; up her eyes to read the small script on it 'Memory Stick PRO 1Gb', it was a ; data card. Alice ran to the computer in the study, 'Damon has sent me a ; message' Alice's thoughts raced as she headed for the study.

; ; Unknown to Alice her whole conversation had been observed; Lorraine crouched ; in the bushes watching carefully. She now crept to the study window, keeping ; her body low. She soon realised that Alice was too engrossed in the computer ; to notice anyone, and stood up a little way, to relieve her complaining ; muscles. Alice pushed the memory stick into the port on the front of the PC, ; and a folder opened on the desktop. Alice studied it intensely; a look of ; disappointment clouded her face. Lorraine saw Alice reach for the mouse and ; click.

; ; The screen turned orange, and a large yellow word appeared 'unravelled' ; Lorraine realised what the program was, one millisecond too late. Her eyes ; were now like Alice's, fixed on the glowing screen, as the orange colours ; shifted and danced. Synapses fired, connections were made - two minds had ; the vector uncovered in them. The control was shifted from autonomous to ; voluntary. The higher minds now knew of the vector, and had full access to ; its secrets and control. Reality snapped back into place as the swirling ; colours faded.

; ; Alice swung away from the screen, her mind reeling with unwanted ; information. Her gaze fell directly on Lorraine, orange eye meet orange eye; ; she knew, they knew, they both knew all.

; ; The grey suited man sat observing the London Street far below him with ; interest. This was his habit, his relaxation. The black phone on his solid ; oak desk rang; he swung his sculptured leather chair around with ease and ; gathered the handset into his manicured hand.

; ; "Bowen, Ministry of Defence," he answered, "I see, tell me more"

; ; Bowen listened with growing attention to the story he was being told, his ; body tensioned as his concern grew. Finally he spoke.

; ; "You are right to contact me Dr Skelly, I will arrange a place of safety for ; you both. Leave it with me."

; ; Bowen extended his right forefinger to cut off the call; he then keyed a ; short code.

; ; "Charles, it's Woody, we've got a bit of a ball's up in Norfolk, yes that's ; right - WI. Look I need a safe house for a couple of women in danger, ; arrange it pronto could you?" he paused, "Smashing, fancy a rubber later on ; this week? Good I'll get someone on it. Cheerio!"

; ; Bowen rested his hand on the desk momentarily, before swinging back to watch ; the masses below; his grey eyes calmly observed the scurrying populace. ; Affairs of state drifted away, and he was as motionless as the sign on his ; desk, as sculptured as the writing on its glossy surface. The writing that ; read 'Anthony Woodford-Bowen, Minister of Defence.'

; ; Lorraine sighed, and relaxed back onto the settee.

; ; "We should be out of here tonight, Alice. Somewhere safe" she smiled.

; ; "Thanks Lorraine, I judged you badly" Alice apologised.

; ; Alice lifted her hands to Lorraine's ample bosom, and searched for the ; telltale peaks.

; ; "This time I have no doubts," Alice murmured, as her lips met Lorraine's.

; ; ; End of ; Part 12 ; [1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4 ; 5 ; 6 ; 7 ; 8 ; 9 ; 10 ; 11 ; 12 ; 13 ; 14 ; 15] ; ;

; ; ; ; © Yotna El'toub
; yotna_eltoub@hotmail.com
; http://www.asstr-mirror.org/files/Authors/Yotna_eltoub/www/
; ;
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