Amanda was in need of a good fuck but it took her by surprise when she got her wish!
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"Oh God no! It can't be possible, it's trying to get inside me", Amanda tried to scream as she felt it pushing at her, trying to find a way into her down there and then it did. Pinned against the rocky cave wall like a starfish in aspic, unable to move her limbs, there was absolutely nothing Amanda could do to stop it. She felt it smoothly spreading her soft flesh, opening her up like a pink oyster, touching her everywhere and slipping itself into her wet warmth.
She tried screaming again when it found the second way into her and began to pulsate; moving deeper inside her, touching all of her; stretching her to her limit, filling her up completely; fucking her.
Amanda really quite enjoyed her own company and had wandered away from the rest of the group to explore the empty coastline on her own. She had accidentally stumbled across the small cave mouth, hidden by rough undergrowth at the base of some low cliffs. Her nervousness had evaporated when she saw the overgrown carvings as soon as she popped her head inside. They had been partly covered in lichen and green algae, as thick as moss. It looked as though a chunk of vegetation had recently fallen off, turning slimy and brown where it lay on the cave floor below. Twenty minutes of gentle scraping had exposed images to human eyes for the first time in a very long time.
They were quite extraordinary works of naïve art, detailed and crudely erotic. Palaeolithic pornography was how she described them to herself. The carvings appeared to be in a sequence starting at bottom left and progressing in a coiling, serpentine ring to a single central image. They were clear in execution and the anatomical detail was perfectly described. She guessed that they depicted a fertility rite, some sort of offering to the Gods of the ancient artists. That was how she would write it up for the University journal, with lots of illustrations. That would get even the dried up old bitches back at the villa Ponte Rosso a little wet.
It was plunging into her so hard now that her breath was forced from her lungs in little explosions, with each violent thrusting, all along her inside to her inner extremities. It had removed the substance gagging her, flowing away from her face and throat like a thick gel. Her body was still imprisoned, unable to move in its grip; it was swirling over every square centimetre of her skin and it was still inside her; fucking her. At least her breathing was easier. Now she could scream.
Amanda was a mature student with a women's group from the University; combining a sorority holiday with some local anthropology and archaeological research for their course. They were staying all together at a villa on part of the Mediterranean coast that has been occupied continuously since before the last ice age. Even though the area had been thoroughly explored by others, there was still the odd novelty to be found.
The thing had changed; inside her it had become firmer more solid, harder. But still with a surface feel of the softest chamois leather, it was neither cool nor hot just a sensation within her of movement, friction. Amanda felt as though both the handle and the thick part of a baseball bat were both being used to penetrate her at the same time. She could feel them moving against each other inside her and it hurt like the Devil. Her cries and pleading seemed to have no effect on its plunging, probing violations of her trapped body.
"Stop it, please, Fuck it hurts. Oh God. You're hurting me, you fucking bastard. Who are you? Why are you doing this? Please. Don't, not any harder. Oh God, Oh Fuck, you Asshole." Amanda tried to speak around the violent thrusting causing her to gasp and pant. She was a mature, sexually experienced women in her early forties with the looks of a fit and trim thirty five; but she had never felt anything inside her like this before. Whatever it was, it was everywhere. She couldn't describe the rippling, swelling, pulsing friction she felt in her every internal space. To her absolute disgust and horror, she could feel her body reacting. The pain of its pulsating presence in her every internal cavity was beginning to feel good. Amanda was starting to enjoy being fucked.
Amanda was not currently married but had a son of seven years who was staying with her mother back home. She was not a slut but she had several virile male friends she saw regularly, a few were quite a little younger than her, all had been her lover at some time since her divorce. Many of them she still enjoyed when she was in the mood, but even at her most abandoned she never let them use anything on her other than their own bodies. Amanda thought of Jacques, a favourite friend who was particularly well endowed. His powerfully thick, rigidly erect body could only come slightly close to what was inside her now.
The assault when it came had been a total shock but she had not been physically unprepared, in point of fact she had been very wet and very ready.
The villa Ponte Rosso was pleasant enough but a little small for their party. She had to share her room and there was not much privacy. A few of the party were gay but it was not normally a problem, there were long time partners and everything was usually cool in the group. However, after a little too much ruffino rosso, Janine had backed her into a corner of the bathroom after the first day. It had been embarrassing, Amanda had explained she didn't swing in that direction and had gently removed Janine's hand from down the front of her shorts where it had snaked. Amanda had not found the feel of the older woman's cool fingers on her sex unpleasant; they had just not done anything for her. Janine was bunking with Hannah and Amanda expected that suited them both. She had heard moans and faint cries from their room just last night on her way to the very same bathroom.
It wasn't that Amanda was a prude, far from it; she could fuck like a back street whore when it suited her. It was just that she preferred men with good bodies and she was picky. If an acceptable fit and hard man was not available she preferred her own devices when she got horny.
Amanda was beginning to get that familiar hot silky feeling in her belly. Whoever, whatever it was seemed to be reacting to her mood, changing the depth and rhythm of its thrusting, expanding and contracting its girth in waves and even throbbing like a cat purring deep inside her. It was as if it knew precisely what did it for her. Her cries were now more moans than protest.
"Uhh huhh, that's good, Oh God, right there, just a little harder. Oh Fuck, Oh Fuck, that hurts good. Mhh hmm, right there, push it harder. Oh Fuckkkk". She didn't know if it could understand her but she was past caring.
Amanda was writhing and twisting her whole body in response to the incredibly sensual stimulation of every part of her, bumping and grinding her broad flat pelvis like a world-class pole dancer going for the title. The thing was allowing her the freedom to fuck it right back.
The party had arrived over five days ago and Amanda had not had the opportunity to be alone and have an orgasm since they had arrived. As a consequence she was as horny as hell when she had found the cave. That combined with the explicit carvings and the cool solitude had contributed to her present predicament.
She had explored the small space, only barely big enough to stand up in. It would be crowded with more than six people. She had found it to be empty except for the carvings and a stagnant pool in the centre of the shingle floor. She had gone back to examine the carvings again and take photographs with her small pocket digital camera.
Amanda had slipped out of her crop top and khaki shorts to enjoy the natural air-conditioning after the heat outside. Her nudity, she wore no underwear, had enhanced the silky sensuality she had felt looking at the images on the cave wall. Clearly recognisable male and female figures were in all the usual positions of rutting sex. In some carvings two and three males were doing one female. Several depictions of fellatio were faithfully rendered, lovingly incised into the hard granite. Amanda caught sight of her reflection in the still water of the rock pool; she thought she didn't look half bad. Her roots had been done before leaving home and her hair was a pleasing honey streaked blond in a bunch at the back, which she undid to shake out, fluffing it with her hands. Her tanned body was toned; she worked out and ran every week. One of her men friends once said when he was lying atop her, sweaty and limp, that she fucked like a horse. She wasn't offended she knew just what he meant; she liked riding horses and enjoyed the feel of smooth power the animals held within them. Several times on day long rides out she had come back home with very wet underwear from the rhythm and the hard leather against her body.
Amanda was not a petite woman, at 5'10'' with wide shoulders and broader flat hips that curved around a softly domed belly she looked like she could take a hard ride and then be put away wet. Her full breasts were still firm and her large nipples were very dark and permanently partially erect from feeding her son. Before leaving home she had shaved completely smooth and her reflection in the pool was so angled that she could see the dark frill of her labia between her parted thighs.
"Not bad for a fortysomething." she had muttered. The echo was dull in the small cave. "Shame I can't put my hand on a hard man when I want one", she thought out loud.
Turning back to the carvings she had hesitated to think, this could all have been just lewd graffiti for her ancestors to jack off. If it were not for the ancient symbolism and the depiction of a deity amongst the carvings she might have dismissed them. The images showed women being given up to the deity in the penultimate scene after mating with several of the male figures earlier in the sequence. The carvings of the God were unfortunately less clear but suggested an unformed being, with an amoeba like capacity to change shape and some octopoid characteristics of tentacles. The deity was not something she recognised from any of the familiar mythical stereotypes. The central image was very strange, that of a female figure surrounded by an aura or halo, Amanda couldn't make it out. The fingers of one hand traced the carved stone outlines as her other hand explored the softer, warmer and sensitive parts of her own body. She was wet between her legs and she dipped her fingers into her warmth, raising them to the stone and using her body fluids with a dirty little thrill to moisten and clarify the image.
She tried to imagine what happened here, the sweating, moaning, writhing sex. She felt there would have been no inhibitions, anything could be and was done to the offerings, the women brought here to honour the god. She wondered if they were willing participants or if they had fought, kicked and screamed, as they were gang raped to the glory of their gods. Someone who had participated in the debauch must have made these carvings, the cave was too small for watchers. Her damp fingers were touching where their hands had been, the same hands that had held the offerings as they writhed and screamed.
She was touching herself now as the images played themselves in her mind's eye. Hard muscled sun bronzed young men with powerful thighs and bulging calves, worshipping their Gods, using the women as their alters, vessels to take their hot seed as they spilled themselves into the deep red depths of the offerings.
Amanda had been masturbating as she daydreamed and the orgasm took her by surprise. She had not come since Martin the weekend before she left and the release was a powerful one. Amanda usually came wet her juices always flowed readily. She frequently ejaculated a few ounces of fluid when she had her first orgasm and this time she felt it flood over her fingers to drip onto the shingle and splash at the shore of the rock pool.
Luxuriating in the silky after-glow of the orgasm Amanda had spread her thighs a little wider to accommodate her hand. She sometimes fisted herself if she felt particularly lusty and wide open. One hand was on the carvings, supporting her as she had worked her knuckles inside, about to have another orgasm when it attacked. Later she realised she must have woken it with her release of sexual energy and mental focus on the carvings.
The pool had flowed out from its depression in the shingle and wet her ankles. Amanda removed her hand at the touch and her pale grey eyes went wide as she watched the substance of the pool coat her legs, flowing up and over her thighs, hips, belly, breasts and then very rapidly covering all her body. She panicked, fighting for breath until it flowed into her mouth and down her throat stopping short, allowing her to breath but not speak. The rest of the pool followed and she felt her limbs being moved around by the hydraulic pressure, arranged to accommodate it she resembled the splayed position of the figure in the last carven image.
Then it had started to fuck her.
Amanda was coming; it felt like she would explode with the pressure of the ecstatic sensuality to which the creature was subjecting her. It had flowed almost completely inside her; little of its strange substance was left out side her other than a treacly wetness around her thighs and groin covering them like cycling shorts. It had concentrated its density into twin pistons, thudding rhythmically inside her, touching every sensitive part of her in just the way she wanted. It understood when she wanted gentleness and when she wanted pain, soft touches and hard driving, deeply penetrating thrusts. It was the perfect lover and Amanda had her orgasm. The highest peak she had ever climbed followed by the biggest wave, crashing and flooding through her. Amanda passed out from the totally overwhelming emotion for a few seconds, falling gently to the resilient shingle.
She lay still on one side, breathing heavily; her full breasts quivering as her body still shuddered with the small aftershocks of great sex. Water began to leak from her, to run out of her over her thighs, down her legs and onto the shingle. As she lay gasping trembling uncontrollably from the intense pleasure, the pool left her and slowly refilled the depression in the cave floor.
Later that evening, listening to the measured breathing of the woman in the other bed, Amanda thought she might go back to the cave again tomorrow, with a bucket.
Authors Notes:
I happen to like Tits and Tentacles. I wrote this after wondering about what we don't know about our distant ancestors and how we re interpret the unknown as 'God worship and ceremony'
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