PZA Boy Stories

Scott Westwood

Boys Love Torture

Chapter 22
Arena Dawns

Chapter Prologue and Story Notes

This chapter focuses A LOT on some college age guys but DOES include some significant moments involving Chip, Mark and others 3; including 'Dan' 3; Chip's old boy friend who has moved back to town!Okay, and as a special treat for a couple of TWO REALLY close friends, the end of this chapter includes a MAJOR event! It involves the 'three' brothers! You gotta read it! I am SO happy BOTH of you are back in my life!Okay, it has been awhile since I reviewed this stuff 3; so here goes!


The 'Three' did have fun during the night with the college guys.

The morning turned out to be a little crazy. Frankie, Ross and Eric all had morning classes so they had to rush off.

One cool thing was that the frat had a cook, who came in and made breakfast. So, Dennis, Chip, and Mark were able to go downstairs and eat breakfast. It was 'omelets-to-order' day so each of them had one.

They talked about the previous night's events while they 'wolfed' down the food. All three were really excited about everything that had happened.

They were just about done eating when Chip said, "Man I wonder how Coach Taylor and that Casey dude are doing in the pit."

That got Dennis thinking about Brandon and Bryce.

Brandon was still in Ross's room 3; laying on the floor 3; naked and cuffed. And Bryce was still outside, cuffed to the tree.

Dennis was definitely sadistic, but he actually did have a caring side. He talked to the cook and got him to make up two breakfast plates 3; one to keep warm 3; and the other to take with him.

As much as he wanted to check out the Pit, he decided to take care of his own slave boys. He took one of the breakfast plates and headed upstairs.

Brandon was actually surprised when Dennis appeared with the nice breakfast. Even more so when Dennis un-cuffed him and let him eat his food at the desk. Dennis watched Brandon gobble down the food. He ran his eyes all over Brandon's muscled, naked body. And once again checked out his groin. It was pretty clear Brandon's cock was straining to get erect inside the chastity device.

When Brandon was just about done, he looked over at Dennis and asked, "So where's my brother? I think I know."

Dennis smiled and said, "Yea, I put him back out there, and left him there all night. That was his penalty. I said it would be a bad one."

And it was!

It was well past dawn and Bryce was almost in a state of delirium. He had managed to doze off periodically during the night which was fortunate. His body was covered with bites and red marks and his muscles were really aching. The salt from his sweat and tears was burning his eyes beneath his blindfold. The insect attack on his naked exposed flesh had been relentless.

One of the craziest things though, was despite his situation, Bryce actually 'came' twice during the night. It wasn't spontaneous though 3; someone had found him there and had taken advantage of his situation 3; not once, but twice.

Bryce was reasonably sure it was the same guy. The guy never said a word the first time. Both times he brushed the bugs off of Bryce's cock and balls 3; and the rest of his body. Then he ran his hands all over him 3; fondled his cock and balls for awhile and finally, jacked him off.

The second time he asked a question as he stroked Bryce's hard cock.

"Who put you here?"

Bryce responded, "My Master did. It was a penalty."

And that is all that Bryce remembered, except for the fact that he thought he heard footsteps a couple of hours later and sensed a presence, but wasn't sure.

It would be Dennis who would discover that someone else had been out there that night. And it would be Dennis who would end up turning it to his advantage.

Dennis let Brandon finish his breakfast, then told him to get dressed and meet him downstairs.

While Brandon was dressing, Dennis managed to talk to a couple of frat guys and found what he was looking for. They did have a bathtub in the house, and did have these bath 'salts' that Dennis hoped for. The same type they had at the torture house, which he figured Bryce would need.

When Brandon appeared, dressed in shorts and a T-shirt, Dennis told him his plan. They would go and get Bryce 3; help him back to the house 3; and then get him soaking in a tub of warm water with the salts.

Brandon's eyes filled with tears when he saw his brother. He looked terrible.

Dennis actually did feel bad when he saw Bryce's insect ravaged body, so he moved quickly to release him from the tree.

It was while Dennis was un-cuffing Bryce that he noticed 'it.' There was an envelope laying on the ground behind the tree. Written on it were the words, "To HIS Master."

Dennis grabbed the envelope, stuffed it into the waistband of his shorts and finished releasing Bryce.

Brandon and Dennis helped Bryce walk back to the house and guided him to the bathroom.

Bryce moaned as they helped him into the tub. The warm water felt good and it wasn't long before he dozed off. Dennis decided he really needed to soak for awhile and told Brandon to watch him.

Then Dennis hurried off. He wanted to check on how things were going in the 'Pit.' And also wanted to see what was in mysterious envelope. He decided to check the Pit first.

The odor of piss, cum and sweat was even stronger than before. Coach Taylor and Casey looked pretty bad. They were totally drenched in piss from all the frat boys and had apparently cum several more times. The insides of their thighs and asses were red from the little paddling machines.

The boys on the fuck stools looked pretty bad too. Both were covered in sweat and Dennis could see globs of cum in their pubes and splattered all over their abs.

One of the frat guys on watch asked if Dennis wanted to piss on them. Dennis shook his head and said, "Maybe later." He left the pit and headed to the kitchen where he retrieved the plate the cook had been keeping warm for him.

Bryce was thankful for the breakfast. He sat in the tub and ate in silence for a while, then looked at Brandon and Dennis and giggled, "You know, I've had breakfast in bed before but never in a bath tub."

They all laughed at that.

Dennis could see that a lot of the red marks on Bryce's body were looking a lot better. Bryce soaked for over an hour, then climbed out and dried off. He wasn't surprised when Dennis appeared and put a chastity device on his cock and balls. When he was done, Dennis followed Bryce to the twin's bedroom where Brandon was waiting.

He ordered them both to kneel and put their hands behind their heads. Then he proceeded to review his rules!

Both of them were to go 'commando' from now on. Even when they worked out or wrestled (except for regulation meets). They were also to sleep naked. Each of them would have to suck at least one guy off every day, and would have to let the guy cum in their mouths. The chastity devices would stay on for as long as Dennis wanted. If they wanted to jack off, they could ask Dennis, but there would be a price to pay.

The wildest thing was that Dennis had discovered the frat house had a pretty good Webcam system set up in the dungeon. Dennis told the twins that each week they would put on a torture show, where one of them would torture the other for a full hour. Then they would change places. The chastity devices would be off for the duration of the show and Dennis would monitor a chat room on a computer where people could vote for which brother performed the best torture. The winner would get a reward! The loser would get a penalty suggested by those who were watching on the net.

The twins trembled slightly as they imagined their weekly 'show' on the net and wondered just how many viewers they would have. Both of their cocks strained inside the devices and both were already thinking of tortures for the other one.

Dennis glanced at the clock and realized it was time for him and Chip to leave. Both wanted to be home before their parents got there. He let the twins go for the day and went looking for Chip. He had forgotten all about the envelope tucked inside his shorts.

He found Chip and Mark waiting near the front door. They conferred for just a few moments, then headed home. All three were really excited and chattered while they walked.

Eventually it was Chip who essentially took hold of the conversation by explaining this wild plan he had. Chip had come up with this crazy idea. He wanted to clean out the big old barn by the torture house and set up like an arena inside for this like 'Gladiator' thing. He also wanted to set up 'crosses' around the inside of the barn. Dig post holes, and set the crosses in them. Regular crosses 3; not the X shaped ones. So then they would have this day when guys would compete in pairs. Both would be naked, of course. The loser of each match would get punished in front of everyone, and then be hung on a cross for like for an hour or two and the crowd would get to torture and punish all the losers. He was thinking about inviting a bunch of the frat dudes to come and watch along with Stevie's friends, some of his friends and even the 'punks' from the park. He also has some wild ideas for each 'battle.' Different rules for each!

The 'MATCH-UPs' he was hoping to arrange really got Mark and Dennis's attention. As an incentive he was thinking he might arrange it for some of the guys to have their 'slave' agreements lessened. For others, he would just appeal to their male cockiness! That Matches would be: Pete vs. Andy (They still owe Chip for that deal!) Matt vs. Justyn (Matt is Mark's older brother who is his slave for a year and of course Justyn is Aaron's smart-ass cousin.) Coach Taylor vs. Aaron Logan vs. Jason (The two high school jocks. Jason currently is Master of Logan) Cody vs. Ross (Turns out they are on the same football team. Ross had no idea about Cody being gay, but might be tempted into the contest.) The losers would all be 'crucified' essentially and tortured by the crowd. He also explained that all of the fights would have a different twist. He would probably start with Pete and Andy. They would be led into the arena, naked and boned. Both would be given a leather 'flogger' and then be blindfolded. Only rules would be these: 1- Blindfolds must remain on 2- Both must stay BONED!!! If a guy gets 'soft' he loses. 3- Battle continues until one says, "I GIVE".

Mark and Dennis were both getting boned as they imagined Pete and Andy in the arena 3; flailing away, trying to find each other 3; and of course being forced to stay boned.

Mark said, "Dang, that would be so hot! I could order Matt and Aaron to do their fights. And guess you could do the same with Cody, Coach, Pete and Andy. Justyn probably would do it to if he could get out of that thing with Zack. I'm not sure about Jason or that Ross dude 3; like why would they do it?"

Chip smiled and said, "Well, I got a feeling they could be convinced. It's just a matter of asking at the right time and in the right way."

Dennis suddenly chimed in, "Hey, what if we broadcast it, you know like on a Webcam thing?"

Chip laughed, "Yea right 3; like we got Internet in the barn!"

Mark thought for a second and then said, "Well now wait a minute. The guy who got us the house had it hooked up with an Internet connection 3; and the barn is close 3; so, maybe wireless might work."

Chip chuckled, "Okay, guess we will have to check that out!"

They walked in silence the rest of the way, thinking about the 'Arena' idea. It wasn't until they were home when Dennis remembered the envelope. He went into the bathroom, closed the door and opened it. He was surprised by what he read, but also very excited.

"To HIS Master: You don't know me. I just wanted to say I like this guy. I did jack him off when I found him, and was just wondering if there was anyway I could fool around with him again. I'd even be willing to work out some kind arrangement. If we could work out a deal, please call the following number."

Dennis was a little shocked, and unsure what to do. He stared at the phone number for awhile, then ran out of the bathroom, grabbed his cell phone and headed outside. He sat on a bench in the back yard and dialed the number.

The voice on the other end was definitely college aged and sounded to be around Bryce's age. Dennis tried to lower his own voice, but it really didn't work. Both of them sounded very nervous as they talked, but eventually Dennis was able to convince the guy that he was 'indeed' Bryce's 'Master.'

Dennis thought he sounded like a geek 3; and as things turned out, he was right. They arranged to meet, at the edge of the woods where Bryce had been bound.

Chip wasn't surprised when Dennis ran back through the house and told him he was gonna go hang out with his friends. It was just as well, because Chip wanted to call Dan, his old best friend, who had moved back and sort of hoped they might be able to 'fool around' a little. He also wanted to tell Dan about the whole 'Arena' idea, and maybe get him to help.

Dennis rode his bike back to the frat house and headed straight to the wooded area behind it. He parked his bike just inside the woods and waited.

It was only about ten minutes before his suspicions were confirmed. A guy, who appeared to be just a little older than Bryce approached the woods. He looked really scared. He definitely looked like a geek and was clearly not a jock. He was actually a little pudgy, but not enough to be repulsive.

He entered the edge of the woods, looked at Dennis and stammered, "Um, sorry I was looking for someone."

Dennis giggled, "Yea, I know. And I think you found him! I am the Master!"

His mouth dropped open as he looked at young Dennis. He really couldn't believe it. But still, being on frat row, albeit in a frat made up of 'geeks' he had seen a lot of strange things. And he had seen Mark hanging from the frame on the roof the night before and had been really turned on.

His name was appropriate 3; it was Dwayne. He knew he was gay, but no one else did, and he had never acted on it. In fact, the first time he had ever touched another guy's cock was when he stroked Bryce in the woods 3; and now he desperately wanted more 3; no matter what it took. There was no way in hell he could ever 'hook up' with someone as hot as Bryce 3; but he wanted to 3;desperately!

Dennis smiled when Dwayne told him his name. He sensed Dwayne's nervousness and that gave him a real 'rush.'

"So what can I do for you 'Dwayne'? Yea I got your note 3; means you are probably gay 3; so you really want to make some kind of deal like you said? I will tell you up front 3; that dude is mine for like four years 3; him and his twin brother 3; believe it or not 3; both have to do anything I want 3; and I mean anything! So you interested?"

Dwayne was MORE than interested! It was something he wanted SO bad! As a 'gay' geek 3; he had gone through so much frustration 3; been 'rebuffed' the few times he tried to 'hook up' 3; and, of course, gotten more than his fair share of 'fag' comments from jocks. And now, here he was 3; on the verge of having two REALLY hot jocks in his power!

All the twisted stuff he had read about on the net 3; could really come true 3; with real guys! Two real HOT JOCKS! Dennis said they were twins! The question was 3; what would be the cost!

Dwayne's lip quivered as he asked, "Okay, so what would be the deal? Like what would you want?"

Dennis thought for a moment and smiled. He really loved this feeling. He looked at Dwayne and said, "Okay, well how about this? 3; Let's say I could like 'rent' them out to you 3; I'll be fair 3; you help me out with some stuff 3; and whenever you want them 3; and they will be yours totally for that week. They will do whatever you want! How's that? Oh and one thing more."

Dennis thought it was reasonable 3; but heck, Dwayne was older and had resources he didn't!

Dwayne thought for a few minutes, they haggled over the deal a little then reached an agreement. It wasn't what Dennis had originally wanted 3; but was okay. There was just one other thing 3; and Dwayne asked about it, "Okay, tell me what the other thing is 3; and we just might have a deal 3; As long as they will do ANYTHING I want!"

Dennis laughed, "Yea they will do anything 3; no matter how tough or twisted! And the other thing is this 3; to 'seal this deal' you will have to do what I want! You want those two hot jocks 3; as your slaves 3; you will do what I say! It's simple. So if you really want to make this deal 3; you will start by dropping your pants now 3; and let me feel you up!"

Dennis was really feeling the power now!

As tempting as it was 3; Dwayne said, "No Deal! I'll help you out 3; but I get to 'feel' you up right now!" It was a major leap for Dwayne, and his heart was pounding.

He turned and started walking off. Dennis felt the power drain away! The deal was gonna be gone in seconds! Dwayne wasn't as dumb a Geek as he had thought!

He liked the idea of humiliating the twins still further by lending them to this Dude. He thought for a moment longer then said, "Okay, you got a deal! So what do you want me to do?"

Dwayne turned around, smiled and walked back to Dennis. He had never felt like this before, but had dreamt about it 3; being in control of another guy. He looked at Dennis. He was young, but did have a nice enticing teen boy body.

Dwayne said, "Okay, before we complete the deal I'm gonna want to sample the merchandise. So are they around?"

Dennis responded, "Yea, they are both at the frat house. They were gonna work out in a couple of hours. I could go get them if you want."

Dwayne grinned and said, "Yea, I want. But first we will do like you said, you know 'seal the deal' 3; but it is you that will do the sealing. So take off your shirt now you little smart ass!"

Dennis reacted fast. He trembled as he pulled off his shirt and then tossed it aside.

Dwayne's cock got really hard as he looked at Dennis's smooth chest and flat stomach. Though he wasn't living in his frat house, he had been there when Dennis came by during the freaky contest and loved seeing him naked.

Dwayne was ecstatic now. The feeling of power was just too much. He couldn't wait to get his hands on the twins. But first things first. He looked at Dennis and said, "Okay, you do seem to be pretty smart, so you should be able to figure out what I want you to do next!"

Dennis knew exactly what Dwayne wanted. He pulled his shorts and underwear down to his ankles, stepped out of them and kicked them aside. He placed his hands behind his head and waited 3; his cock, got hard instantly.

Dwayne looked at Dennis's wonderful teenage body. He stepped closer and ran his hands all over him. He pinched his nipples and then fondled his cock and balls. Dennis's heart was really pounding. He didn't know why, but there was something extremely exciting about the way this Dwayne dude was touching him.

Dwayne's hands were shaking as he felt Dennis. It was an experience he had never had as a teen, and so it was really exciting. But as exciting as it was, he couldn't get his mind off of what was ahead. He couldn't wait to start using the two college jocks 3; and using them in the worst ways possible.

Dwayne gave Dennis's hard cock a slap and said, "Okay, I guess the deal is sealed! Go ahead and get dressed and then get the 'merchandise!' And if they are as good as you say, and will do what you said they would, we just might work something extra."

Dennis dressed quickly and ran back to the frat house.

The twins were surprised to see him and even more surprised when he explained they were being 'lent' out. They didn't complain though and followed Dennis out of the house. Their cocks were really straining inside the chastity devices as they approached the little wooded area.

Both were taken slightly aback when they saw Dwayne. They had seen him around and knew he was a member of that 'geek' frat. They didn't know that he was gay.

Dennis introduced them and then gave the twins the 'full' news.

"Okay, here's the thing, from now on he is your Master too! Well maybe not all the time, just when I say he is. And you will do whatever he says! Right now he is, so you will do what he says! I mean it!"

Dennis looked at Dwayne and said, "Okay, go ahead 3; try it out."

Dwayne was really excited now. He looked at the twins and said simply, "Okay, STRIP!"

And they did!

When they were done, they assumed the classic slave position 3; naked 3; hands behind their heads 3;legs spread wide.

Dwayne almost passed out as he looked at them. Their bodies were perfect! He loved how muscular they were. He loved their nice thick pubic patches. And even though their cocks were inside chastity devices, he loved them too.

As a further test, he ordered them to do some exercises 3; pushups first 3; And then sit ups.

Dwayne's cock got extremely hard as he watched the two brothers exercising. So many thoughts ran through his head. There were so many things he wanted to do to them. He had gone through so many years of frustration 3; and teasing from jocks 3; and now 3; all of a sudden, he had two jock boys totally at his disposal. It really was a dream come true!

Dennis's mind was racing now. He really like the idea of the Arena thing, and it occurred to him, that in order to make it happen, they would have to be doing a lot of work at the barn, to help out, so maybe having the twins off his hands for a bit would be a good idea.

He told Dwayne a little about his idea for the Twin's weekly Webcam show and got Dwayne really excited. Dwayne thought about it for a few minutes then pulled Dennis aside and said, "How about this Dude? I think I can get something like that set up at my place, it would be perfect. We could broadcast it every week and you could help. I got all the equipment already and think I could get a couple of guys to help out."

Dennis thought about it too. It sounded great And who knew, maybe Dwayne could help with the Webcam setup at the barn, so he quickly agreed.

Both were really excited now. Dennis decided he had better get going. He gave Dwayne the keys to the chastity devices and told him he would be in touch. Then he left.

Dwayne watched the two hot jocks exercise for a little while, then had them 'assume' the classic slave position while he explained his rules. They were similar to the ones Dennis had already laid down.

As much as he wanted to extend his pleasure, Dwayne just couldn't contain himself. There was something he just had to feel. He told them both to drop to their knees in front of him 3; pulled down the front of his pants and undies and said, "Okay Slave Boys, you know what to do!"

They leaned closer, opened their mouths and began servicing Dwayne's virgin manhood.

Brandon licked his balls while Bryce focused on Dwayne's fully erect cock. It was an experience Dwayne had never had, but one he had fantasized about a lot. As such it didn't take long for him to reach that moment.

To Bryce's surprise, Dwayne shot a monster load of thick cum into his mouth. He gulped it all down and then licked Dwayne's cock clean. For a Geek, he did have a decent sized cock. Not as large as theirs but still, nothing to be ashamed over.

Being forced to service the pudgy Geek-like Dwayne was pretty humiliating but also a turn-on. Both brothers were used to humiliations of all types. They had been punished by their stern father in many different ways for years, after their mother died, and almost all of those punishments involved some sort of humiliation. Their Uncle Al had moved in and was part of their discipline.

Their father also believed that for the punishment to be effective it had to be done in front of witnesses and with the one or ones being punished totally naked. And so when they were punished it was always done in front of their Uncle at least, although sometimes a neighbor watched and worse, on a number of occasions the punishments were actually carried out in front of some of the boys' friends.

By the time they were in high school the punishment sessions became more and more intense, and humiliating. Boys being boys, at that age, every time they got punished, both of them became painfully erect, and on some occasions actually orgasmed before it was over.

Both boys were well endowed, extremely handsome, and very athletic. Their father had even added a small gym to the house. One thing he had insisted on was that both boys worked out everyday, and when they did, they did it totally naked, 'in the manner of the Ancient Greeks.'

Their up-bringing was a little wild, for sure, and had clearly added to their sexual desires and tastes. The thing was, though many of their friends knew about what they were going through at home, no one ever said anything. They were very popular and others wanted to be around them.

Dwayne didn't know any of this. What he did know was he now he had two hot jocks in his control.

When he recovered from shooting, he pulled up his pants and let them dress. He sent them back to the frat house and told them to wait for his call. He had plans to make!

Bryce and Brandon dressed quickly and ran back to the house. They couldn't believe what was happening. Their cocks were really straining inside the devices now. When they got back to their room, they both collapsed on their beds. Brandon said, "Dude we are totally screwed now! Shit man! He is like some insane Geek 3; you heard him talking to Dennis! FUCK! I mean SHIT, what if someone recognizes us on the Web! And we gotta do that Torture Show every week?"

They lay in silence for several minutes then Bryce kidded, "Well, at least maybe we'll get to cum 3; even if it is in front of an audience."

Brandon snapped back, "Dang, you are so twisted!"

They bantered back and forth for awhile and ended up getting themselves even more worked up and horned. They were so much alike, and the truth was, despite all the shit they were talking, the thought of being forced to do so much nasty stuff in front of an audience on the net was exciting them a lot!

And speaking of that, Dwayne was rushing to see if he could do just that! He had a friend back at his own frat house who was just as much of a Geek as him, maybe more. He also had absolutely no doubt he was also secretly gay, cause he had seen some stuff on his computer. And it was nasty stuff!

But the big thing about him was that he was really good at Website stuff. He was sort of a tall, pimple faced, skinny runt 3; but was exceptional when it came to Web development. If anyone could set up something like Dwayne had in mind 3; it would be Jake! And there was something else there 3; about Jake, that Dwayne couldn't quite put his finger on 3; just a feeling!

When he got to Jake's room, Jake quickly blanked his computer screen. Dwayne laughed and said, "So were you looking at porn or what?" Jake's blush confirmed that was exactly what he had been doing.

Dwayne continued, "Dude, don't worry, your secret is safe with me. Oh and hey I have to tell you I know what you like. It's no big deal, cause I like the same stuff, so we can skip the game playing. Besides I got a favor to ask, and I think you're really gonna like it.

Jake listened intently as Dwayne explained the thing about the weekly 'torture' show he wanted to 'Webcam' from his basement. He had all the equipment to do it, but needed Jake's Web skills. Jake did get excited about it, then asked, "Okay the big question is how are you going to get the jocks to do it? Where are you gonna get them?"

Dwayne laughed, "Well, believe it or not, I have that covered already. I'll show you tomorrow!"

The rest of the day turned out to be sort of a rest, recovery, planning and clean-up day for just about everyone.

Dwayne went to his house and started reorganizing the basement. He also came up with a list of some things he would need. Jake started working on the design for the Website.

Chip went to see Aaron. He told him all about the Arena idea and Aaron liked it. Aaron was really good at wood working and even agreed to cover the cost of the 'crosses' and help put them up.

When they were done going over the rough plans, Aaron asked the big question.

"So, um who do you have in mind to do the fighting? It does sound pretty hot, having to fight totally naked, and um, boned. Plus the crucifixion and torture for the losers is really hot too."

Chip smiled and explained that part of his plan too. Aaron liked how Chip was setting it all up, to tempt some of the guys who owed him and others. He liked the idea of seeing his smart-ass cousin Justyn in the arena. Even more so because he was sure Matt could beat him, and wanted to see Justyn hanging naked on one of the crosses.

There were a few of the guys that Chip mentioned that Aaron didn't know. But they sounded pretty hot. Then there was this long pause. Chip thought for awhile and then said, "And, well, um there is this one other match we'd really like to do. It would be really hot too!"

Aaron was curious. "Okay, and who would that be between?"

The lucky thing for Chip was that he really did seem to have this sixth sense when it came to these things. He blushed slightly and said, "Well it would be between Coach Taylor and this other really hot guy!"

Aaron's cock started to throb as he thought of Coach Taylor.

There was another really long pause. Suddenly it hit him! His cock got totally hard. He looked at Chip and said, "OH SHIT! And let me guess, you want me to be the one fighting him 3; is that it?"

Chip smiled and said, "Yea, come on it would be really hot!"

Aaron thought he should just say no, but couldn't. His cock really started to throb as he imagined himself in the arena with Coach Taylor. Both were naked and boned and fighting each other in front of a crowd that consisted mostly of younger boys.

He thought for a moment and then asked, "Okay, so what's in it for me? A little time off of my slavery thing with Mark?"

Chip smiled yet again. He knew he had him.

"Well, we might do that, but maybe something else too. If that's what it is gonna take. Let's say, if you win, you'll get to use Coach Taylor as a slave for awhile, how would that be?"

Aaron, did in fact 'go both ways' and the thought of being able to use the hot young Coach Taylor was pretty much what did it! He grinned at Chip and said, "Okay, I'll do it! Guess if I lose though, you will love seeing me up there on one of the crosses, huh?"

Chip laughed, "You got that right!"

Meanwhile, back on fraternity row, Casey and Coach Taylor were being released from the Pit, along with the other two poor guys. All were in bad shape. A few of the brothers worked on cleaning the Pit, while others helped clean-up the victims.

Frankie had one of the frat guys drive Coach Taylor home.

The first thing Coach Taylor did was take a long hot bath, then he simply collapsed onto his bed and fell asleep. Memories of the Pit would linger for a long time. His entire body ached and he had never cum that many times in a 24 hour period before. Still, the memory of Casey there beside him would linger too!

Chip walked back home, lost in thought. Things were really looking good. Getting Aaron to help with the Arena thing was huge! But even more exciting was the fact he had gotten Aaron to agree to be one of the participants. His 'ploy' had worked and it was one that would work again when dealing with Jason and Ross.

As he walked up to his house he was surprised to see someone sitting on the front steps. It took him a moment to recognize him 3; but once he did, his stomach turned inside out 3; he ran towards him, and within moments, the two were wrestling on the ground!

Chip gasped, "Holy SHIT Dude, you really are looking great! Man I missed you so much!"

It was his old best friend, Dan. The guy who had moved away and was now back. They went inside, got a couple of drinks and started talking about old times. Needless to say, it wasn't long before they started getting into talking about the 'other' stuff.

They approached the subject cautiously. The chat was typical 3; "You got a girlfriend" 3; "Ever go all the way with one?" 3; "Ever get a blow job?" That type of stuff. After a little while the conversation seemed to become a little awkward. Both wanted to say something but seemed scared, to. Neither one wanted to risk losing his best friend.

Finally it was Dan who said jokingly at first, "So, um have you ever done anything with 3; you know another guy? I mean like just for 3; um fun?"

Chip blushed slightly then said, "Well, okay, just don't get upset 3; but yea I have. What about you?"

Dan said, "Well not really, but I have wanted to try it. Hope that doesn't sound strange."

Chip smiled and said, "Well, listen you still gonna be my best friend, right? No matter what I tell you?"

Dan nodded and said, "Dude, you can tell me anything!"

Chip thought for a few minutes more and said, "Okay, I'll be honest with you. I've fooled around with some girls, but I prefer doing stuff with other guys 3; so I guess that does make me gay."

Dan didn't seem upset. In fact he seemed relieved. His cock started to really harden as he said, "So, um like would you want to try something with me? You know like now?"

Chip grinned and said, "Sure, I'm always ready for it, just what would you like to do?"

It took a little more urging, but finally Dan started spilling his guts. He got tears in his eyes when he started talking about things he had seen on the net. It was a big turn-on for Chip, because Dan had apparently been fantasizing about the same stuff Chip liked to do. What's more he really wanted to be the one on the receiving end. Which was fine with Chip.

They talked about torture and BDSM and Chip showed Dan some really rough Websites. It was the stuff Dan wanted to experience, but was never able to find anyone to do it with.

Not surprisingly, their talk got them all worked up, and the next thing you know, they were up in Chip's bedroom, with Dan tied naked, spread eagled on the bed, and with a huge boner.

Chip ran his hands over Dan's naked body. His body had really developed over the years he had been away, and Chip just loved looking into his warm olive eyes. He looked him in those eyes and asked, "So have you been a good boy or a bad boy lately? Be careful what you say, cause bad boys get punished around here!"

For Dan it was actually like a dream come true. He had watched scenes like this over and over on the Internet 3; always fantasizing that he was the one being punished. He looked up at Chip, took a deep breath and then said, "I have been really bad, and should be punished hard!"

His cock throbbed as he said it. Chip's did too! The thought of torturing his best friend's solid teen-age body was a huge turn-on. He wondered just how far he should go, since it was Dan's first time.

He knelt beside Dan and whispered softly, "Dude, just how badly do you want this? I can be really tough! It's what I like!"

Dan panted back, "Please Chip 3; I have been dreaming about this for so long. I mean it! You can gag me if you want!"

Chip decided to push Dan hard.

He started by tying Dan's cock and balls off. Dan's cock had gotten super hard and his heart was pounding. His breathing got harder when Chip covered his nose with a dirty jock strap.

Chip retrieved some rubber bands from his desk, knelt beside the bed and wrapped a few tightly around Dan's hard cock. Then he took another one, stretched it out and let it snap into Dan's cock head.

Dan cried out as pain shot through his straining cock. Chip snapped him again, further down. Again Dan strained at his bonds and cried out. Chip just kept it up. His goal was to bring Dan to tears as quickly as possible 3; and he succeeded!

He continued 'snapping' Dan's hard cock with the rubber band, then moved to his balls. Dan was sweating like crazy, and was panting and sobbing.

Chip asked him several times if he wanted to stop. Dan, just kept panting, "I've been a bad boy!" So Chip continued torturing his friend. He tapped his balls with a ruler over and over, pinched his nipples really hard, slapped his cock around, pulled out some public hairs with a pair of tweezers and so on.

Dan really screamed and cried, but didn't beg for it to stop.

At one point, Dan looked at Chip through watery eyes and gasped, "Do you like doing this to me?"

Chip tremble slightly, blushed, and said, "Yea, sorry 3; I do. But I'll stop if you want."

Dan smiled weakly and said, "No, that's okay. I want to make you happy."

That hit Chip hard! His heart swelled as he snapped the rubber band into Dan's hard cock a few more times. Then he quickly untied Dan's hard cock, pulled off his own clothes and laid down on top of him. He rubbed his own cock against Dan's and kept it up until he felt the signs! And when he did he pulled the jock off of Dan's face, pressed his lips to Dan's and gave him a deep kiss.

The two were locked in a deep kiss when both started to cum. Both came very hard. It was a moment both would remember for a long time.

Chip remained on top of Dan for a while. Finally he climbed off and started to untie Dan. Dan looked at Chip and said, "You can do more if you want."

Chip giggled as he continued untying him, "Dude, that was the first time. Don't worry, we'll do it again, and next time I'll really be tough on you."

They both laughed. It would be the first of many encounters between the two boys who were clearly more than best friends!


The next day was another eventful day, particularly for Dwayne and the twins!

Jake was excited about Dwayne's idea, but wanted proof that Dwayne could deliver the jocks, so Dwayne had set up a meeting in an empty classroom at their college. He wanted both of the twins to be there, but Brandon begged off with some lame excuse.

At the appointed time Bryce entered the empty classroom and assumed the ordered position. Dwayne and Jake entered a few minutes later. Dwayne introduced Bryce to Jake but not Jake to Bryce.

Jake was 2 inches [5 cm] taller than Bryce but skinny and really nerdy looking with bad skin. Bryce's heart sank as he checked him out. Dwayne ordered him to strip completely, immediately!

Bryce stripped really fast, his heart pounding faster and faster.. Jake loved watching the hot muscle jock strip and then assume a 'display' position.

Jake looked at Dwayne who smiled and said, "Go ahead, do whatever you want to him."

Jake gave Bryce a really hard look through mean slitted eyes.

Bryce got quite scared as he saw the look on Jake's face. Despite the fact he got turned on by being forced to display himself, he had seen that type of look before, and his balls started to tighten up.

Jake started to feel Bryce all over. He tested his muscles, arms, pecs, and six-pack. He handled Bryce's rapidly hardening cock and moved on to his scrotum noticing how his balls had tightened up.

Jake gave him a grim little smile and very gently began to massage the balls back down to the bottom of the sack. Once there he took one nut in each hand and pressed down with his thumbs.

The pressure wasn't much at first, then quickly got harder and harder.

Bryce started to sweat a little, it hurt and he really wanted to take his hands down and protect his balls but he was ordered into that position and he knew he had to obey. He had to take the pain from this scary guy. Finally the pain became so intense that he started to tremble all over and whimper, "Please sir, please sir."

Jake looked at him coldly and said, "Please what boy?"

In the meantime Dwayne had been watching and had been really getting off on it. It was what he wanted, to see this gorgeous hunk under complete control and suffering.

Jake repeated the question, "Please what boy?"

Bryce, trembled all over. His balls were in great distress, and he squealed in a very little boy voice, "Please stop sir, please, please."

Jake looked at Dwayne, who nodded in the affirmative. Slowly, very slowly Jake released the suffering jock.

Jake seized the hard cock with both hands, holding the shaft in his fist and the other fist right above it. That was 'proud flesh' with a vengeance. Jake was beginning to be convinced that this was a winner, but there had to be more tests to make sure. Stroking the cock a little he had no problem getting it rock hard. Now holding the shaft in one hand he peeled back the foreskin to behind the head and had a good look at the glistening head. Bryce stiffened and he got a haunted look in his face.

"Please Sir", he whispered.

Jake smiled, he knew exactly what was happening. The boy was a jock and had no problem with being nude and having his cock handled and his nude body looked at, as long as his cock head was covered by the skin he was ok. Peeling back that layer made him feel naked and really vulnerable.

Jake was now ready to drive the boy to distraction. He looked over to Dwayne and said, "Its OK I'll take care of it."

Meaning, I'm moving on. Jake peeled back the prepuce so it once again covered the head and Bryce's muscles relaxed a little. But Jake was a little annoyed at Bryce's reaction and decided to punish him just a little right there. The more serious stuff he would save for another time.

Reaching up to his shirt pocket he pulled out the little plastic slide rule he always carried with him. There was a 10" [25 cm] long plastic ruler, complete with slides. He stroked the head a little with his thumb as if to clear a path for something. Bryce did not know it but that ruler in that cruel man's other hand did not bode well for him.

And he was so right. Jake sharply rapped Bryce's dick head with the plastic slide rule.. That stung and Bryce gasped. Jake coolly announced to Bryce that he had not liked his reaction to him and that he was now going to discipline him by delivering 10 strokes with the ruler to that cock.

Bryce was to count out each stroke and if he missed one it would start all over again. And so it went. Stroke one!

Bryce said, "One."

Jake waited a moment but that was all.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" asked Jake.

Bryce had a blank look but suddenly realized and said, "Sorry Sir, it is One Sir?"

"Right," said Jake, "let's start over."

And so it went. Bryce stayed in the slave attention position and his eyes did not waver but by stroke 7 his breathing became a little short. By 8 he whimpered a little, by 9 he gasped but he stuck out the 10. His cock head was red and a little raw but he had done it. Jake grunted, released the cock and moved on to the balls.

As Jake was testing Bryce he decided that this boy would get the full treatment. Before he left he told Dwayne he was in and would talk to him to find out what Dwayne had in mind. Dwayne had risen 300% in his estimation. Dwayne heaved a sigh of relief. Jake was an important part of the campus science scene and to be accepted by him is something he had been after for so long.

Jake told Dwayne he be part of it as long as Bryce and his brother would both be there. Jake knows about the cam setup and had already decided that he wanted to show off his mastery over the hunks 'equipment' to everyone on the cam viewing tree.

Dwayne and Jake agreed to get together and plan the basement scene for later the coming weekend.

Meanwhile Bryce was in tears and sobbing a little bit. He had been humiliated and devastated to be handled like that by a total stranger in a room where they could be discovered at any time.

After Jake had left Dwayne took the shaken Bryce to the sofa in the back of the room and started to calm him down. He held him with one arm around his shoulders and the other stroking and fondling his body. That was really the first time he actually had a boy in his arms, let alone such a gorgeous muscle hunk.

That marvelously pliable soft skin over those firm, full muscles, Dwayne became dizzy at the experience but being a fairly sensible person he quickly realized he had to keep his senses together.

After a period of fondling, Dwayne noticed that Bryce was responding by moving his body closer to him encouraging Dwayne to finally have his hands come to rest between those massive thighs and holding that soft sac and those huge balls.

This was the second time he had held them. The first was in the woods but this was different. Now he could take his time and was not in competition with bugs and mosquitos.

He squeezed those lovely balls. Bryce looked up at him and said softly, "You like those, sir?"

Dwayne thought a moment and nodded.

Bryce shifted slightly, lifted his pelvis ever so slightly so that his balls were pushed farther into Dwayne's hand.

"Please do whatever you like with them Sir." Bryce whispered, spreading his legs wider so that Dwayne had free reign over the center his masculinity.

For a moment Dwayne was tempted to crush those orbs, but he realized that he did not just want to punish them he really wanted to show all the others, who had always doubted him, what power he had. He kissed Bryce lightly on the lips and said , "Don't worry, I will later, I will call you and tell you when."

Dwayne told him to thank his Master by kneeling and saying it.

Bryce dropped to his knees, thank Dwayne and remained kneeling with his head down in a totally submissive position.

After Bryce was allowed to leave, he hurried back to the frat house. he told Brandon about all that had happened, and both started getting nervous.


Dwayne had decided that the entire event with the twins would be taped. He had this great system and never had an occasion to use it. Here was an opportunity to have fun with it.

On the day of the event, the twins arrived in their pick-up and parked in front of the garage and walked around the house to the back door of the extension as they had been told. They knocked and stood at parade rest.

After awhile Dwayne opened the door. He had already he had started the video camera and cam equipment so he could capture all the action, including the sound.

As they entered the large room, the twins glanced around nervously. They saw the cameras, with their 'tell-tale' lights that indicated they were on. They also saw a variety of pieces of torture furniture and devices.

Two other guys were standing on the other side of the room, grinning at them. Bryce recognized the one as being Jake, but didn't know the other one. He trembled when he saw the wicked grin on Jake's face.

Before they could go very far into the room Dwayne ordered them to strip and put their clothes against the back wall.

He also told them they had one minute to take off their clothes and stand facing the room, standing up straight with their legs spread wide, hands behind their heads, shoulders and elbows back and eyes straight ahead. For any second they took longer than the one, they would get a swat.

Dwayne took out his stop watch and said go. The boys pulled off their shirts, pants and shoes and threw them against the back wall. The stood up, glanced at the cameras again, and looked scared. Brandon gestured towards his briefs and asked sheepishly, "You want these off too?"

Though both brothers had changed many times in the locker room, there really was something humiliating about doing it when everyone else around you was dressed, let alone in front of cameras.

Dwayne smiled and said, "Of course, those too! And your socks! You two need to be totally naked for our audience."

They pulled off their briefs and socks, tossed them aside and then came to the ordered attention. Even with the delay, the timing was good, but not good enough: Brandon was 12 seconds over, Bryce 11 seconds.

Jake and Toby (Jake's Geek friend) had by now come to the back of the room and set up the saw horse, throwing a towel over the wood.

Dwayne put Brandon over the saw horse first, since he had taken longer and had Jake administer the 12 strokes with a stout strap. Then it was Bryce's turn for his 11 strokes. The boys grimaced, rubbed their sore asses but other wise said nothing. They had deserved that penalty and knew it.

The boys were then marched with their hands behind their heads to the front of the room and told to bend over the table, sticking up their asses. Jake got out the tube of KY and greased up the boys' holes and proceeded to insert a butt plug in each waiting ass.

Toby had been handed the hand cam so he could get really good close-ups of the plugs popping in. Dwayne was at the computer console managing the screens and Internet chats. Already messages started coming in about loving seeing the boys having to stand so completely open and accessible and those great asses!

With the butt plug up his ass Brandon was now marched back to where the ropes hung from the pulleys. Jake placed leather straps around the hot jock's wrists and ankles. He had Dwayne come over for a moment and help him. He showed Dwayne exactly how to do it, letting Dwayne put on a wrist and an ankle.

This was Dwayne's first time he had actually restrained anyone, let alone a muscle stud. He was thrilled and experienced a rush of excitement as he helped restrain one of those dudes who had plagued him for so long.

Jake turned the wheel operating the pulley system and Brandon's arms and legs were slowly but inexorably pulled apart. Finally Brandon stood spread eagled and fully extended. He felt a little nervous but also sexually aroused to be so exposed, his half hard cock started to rise to its full fat 10½ inches [27 cm].

Bryce had been watching his brother being strung up but now it was his turn. He was put on the table on his back and his wrists and ankles were tied to the legs of the table at each corner.

He too was stretched to the max showing the full extent of his muscles. He lay there on the hard table squirming to find a comfortable position. But found none. In this position he had to lie there arching his back. Jack smiled a hard smile. Soon this boy would have other things to worry about.

At this point Dwayne announced to the twins that it was not only that video taping was taking place but they were also on a live video cam being broadcast over the internet. The twins gasped and started to complain that that wasn't fair. But Dwayne very curtly told them their complaints were too bad - this was how it was going to be.

After a short moment the boys calmed down and considered that actually this exposure was what they'd been wantin. They started 'playing' to cameras they had scene around the room, looking for the tell-tale little red lights.

Dwayne and Jake had decided they would start with Brandon first. A basked filled with clothes pins was brought to where Brandon was half suspended. Jake slowly ran his hands over Brandon's great pecs and abs, giving his cock and balls a good squeeze.

Jake started to apply the clothes pins to Brandon's torso. First to the nipples, then in arc along the edge of the well-defined pecs, first the left pec, starting at the sternum and moving pin next to pin up the to the arm pit.

Next came the right pec and became a mirror image of the left pec. Clearly the pins pinched the stud but he wasn't going to show any that he was suffering any discomfort. More pins were put to the back of triceps.

Jake next massaged the sac and played a little with those big balls. He placed a ball stretcher on the sac trapping the balls below the wide leather stretcher, then snapped the ball spreader strap to a snap at the back of the leather.

What came next scared Brandon. Jake held up a big round weight up so Brandon could see it.

"Five pounds!" snapped Jake as he attached it to the D-ring on the ball stretcher.

Brandon gasped, "AGHHH!" as the weight was released by Jake. He would found out why it was called a ball stretcher.. Even though it was not a heavy weight, the guys intended to leave it on all evening. It would do its work of causing great pain to that hot dude and cause him to humiliate himself by begging for release.

A few clothes pins were left in the basket and Jake clipped them to the soft stretched skin of the sac. Brandon whimpered a little but caught himself. He was not going to break that easily. Dwayne and Jake left him there struggling in his bonds turning their attention to Bryce.

Stretched on the table with his legs spread wide he made a very appealing picture. Dwayne manipulated the focus of the near cam in such a way that it brought that hung dude into sharp focus for everyone.

Jake examined the stretched naked body.

"What's that?" he snarled at Bryce.

"Weren't you told to shave and be clean? What are all those hairs doing here?"

Jake pulled out a pair of tweezers, a razor, and a can of shaving cream and showed them to Bryce, who immediately started to shake. He then held them up to one of the cameras and said, "I think we will let our audience decide. So what do you all think, which should I use to clean up this naughty boy?"

Dwayne looked at the chat screen which filled up quickly. After a minute he smiled and called over to Jake and said, "It's almost unanimous. They want the tweezers!"

Jake smiled, set the razor and cream down and started to pluck those stray hairs. Some were around the nipples and a lot were on the balls. Bryce yipped as each hair was plucked. It wasn't long before his body was covered with sweat and he was breathing hard.

When he was done with the plucking, Jake tied several twists of a cord around Bryce's ball sac trapping the balls in such a way that they still had a little give. Then he brought out his own creation. He had put a ball press together but not an ordinary one. This consisted of two pieces of plexiglass held together by a vise with the upper and lower jaws screwed onto each plexiglass sheet that they were solidly fixed.

Jake opened the jaws of the press so Bryce's balls could just slide in. Once positioned Jake started to turn the 'turn screw' on the vise.

Slowly, agonizingly slowly those ample balls were flattened. Jake would stop every now and again to let Bryce catch his breath and try to accommodate the increasing pressure on his balls.

Of course, not too much relief was to be granted. Jake looked at those great increasingly flattened balls and pushed an index finger between the plexiglass sheets into the balls from each side.

The pain was sharp and immediate!

Bryce shrieked in pain and his body twisted and turned trying to get away from those punishing fingers.

"OHHH 3; GOD!!! AGHHHHH!!!!!!"

Jake grinned, Dwayne started to sweat even more and gasped for air. This is just what he had been hoping for. Clearly the audience had been too for the messages started to fly in.

"YEA! Make that jock boy suffer! 3; Make Him Scream! 3; If he begs! Don't stop!.

And on it went.

Jake continued turning the screw until Bryce's balls were almost flattened. A lovely sight through the plexiglass and caught in a close up with the hand cam!

Bryce now screamed and started begging for mercy. The pain was beyond anything he had experienced before.

"AGGHHHH! OH GOD! PLESE STOP! AHHHHHHHG! Please, I'll do anything!!!"

More messages that came in demanded that those balls be crushed and that the muscle boy be utterly not only humiliated but annihilated.

Dwayne was totally turned on by Bryce's agony but suddenly realized he didn't really want to annihilate him. Dwayne motioned to Jake to loosen up. Slowly Jake unscrewed the plexiglass sheets until there was just minimal pressure on the balls.

"Dang!", he thought, "Just as we were doing so well."

Still there were other things to do! There were a few clothes pins still left. Jake started to place those pins in a line along the top of Bryce's cock. Toby, who had been watching all this with a mixture of sexual excitement and horror was totally turned on by those big cocks. He asked if he could also put some pins on that great cock.

Jake said, "Sure!"

So Toby started to put pins on Bryce's hard manhood. By the fourth pin Jake stopped him, pointing out that he had placed them in a crooked line. Toby was asked to remove them and Jake explained that the pins needed to be placed in a straight line down the cock.

"Looking good was important if you plan to do this kind of play," Jake laughed.

Toby nodded, apologized and started over again. He carefully aligned the clothes pins along Bryce's cock in a straight line. Six of them. Bryce groaned, he really did not enjoy being part of a training exercise.

With Bryce taken care of, attention now shifted again to Brandon. The boy was in bad trouble. Twisting in increasing agony from the pins he inadvertently swung the weight on his balls back and forth. Every time the weight swung between his legs the downward pull greatly increased the pressure on his balls.

Brandon was now close to breaking. Jake sensed it. He walked over, and began lashing the stud's big swinging cock with a riding crop smartly across the stiffening shaft.

Pain shot through Brandon's throbbing cock. He yanked at his bonds and cried out!


Jake lashed even harder, right on the head. That sharp unexpected sting made the proud stud break. He started to reallycry and beg for mercy.


Those cries for mercy were music to Dwayne's ears. That was what he wanted to hear. He let the stud's cry out for a little while and then relented.

He told Jake and Toby to remove the cruel pins and ball press and allow the boys a few minutes to compose themselves.

Needless to say, here were a number of protests in chat. So many of them wanted the hot jocks' torment to continue for awhile long. Dwayne reminded the chatters that this was only the first show and they would be doing it each week. He gave out an email address so they could send in their suggestions for how to make the boys suffer each week.

That seemed to take care of it. After awhile the requests for more torture subsided, because the audience wanted to see something else. And Dwayne decided to oblige them.

So Toby was told to stroke the two hot jocks to climax letting them come and give them relief.

Once again the chat room heated up as they watched the two studs being jacked off. All were anxious to see them shoot and none were disappointed. When they did finally cum, it was explosive. Both yanked at their bonds and screamed as big streams of their man seed erupted from their tortured cocks.

To the audience's further delight, Toby fed the boys each other's cum.

After that they were untied and brought forward. They were ordered to kneel in the standard slave position, face the main camera, and thank everyone for watching.

Though both had just cum, both felt their cocks twitch again as they knelt in front of the camera and did as ordered. It was extremely humiliating.

When the camera's were finally turned off, Dwayne and Jake embraced them each and praised them. Brandon and Bryce actually thanked them for their efforts, even Toby got a thank you.

The twins were then instructed to appear the next afternoon to review the raw video before it was edited so they could give their comments.

When they came, they were to jog naked from the frat house through the nature preserve along paths prescribed for them. The gate into Dwayne's property would be open. They were to enter, close the gate and continue to the back door. The twins agreed readily< got dressed and headed back to the frat house.

That night as they fell asleep, they talked about their experience. Both had some aches and pains, but both were once again completely boned.

The next day, the boys did as instructed. They hoped that not too many people would encounter them jogging naked, because it would be so embarrassing. Unfortuanely, it was a beautiful afternoon and there were a good number of joggers out. The twins got a lot of smiles and a lot of smirks.

Their still red assess from the spanking drew interested stares as well. Running naked their cocks swung up to their bellies and against their thighs, just like a spanking and the balls whopped all around. By the time they arrived at Dwayne's they were really sore all over again.

The viewing of the video was a great success. Everyone got really turned on, there were hard cocks all around. Dennis was invited to be there also and was really impressed with how his 'slaves' had taken to real pain and humiliation.

After they finished watching the video, Dennis decided it was time for a treat. The twins were ordered to give blow jobs to every one in the room, which meant Dwayne, Jake, Toby, and Dennis, and then they had to kneel and jack off while everyone watched.

When they were done, the twins were told to run back the way they came. The run back was actually a little more embarrassing since Dennis had put the chastity devices back on them, which resulted in even more stares.

When everyone was gone, Dwayne reviewed the chat logs once again. He had decided it was better not to tell the twins about all of the comments received. The heavy punishment which some of the viewers wanted them to receive was something which scared even Jake.

However, the success of this scene was evident and new episodes would be planned including more humiliations and punishment. And not all of them would be inside, after all, why not use those woods and the great outdoors? And a wider viewer ship seemed a good idea also.


The next few days turned out to be ones of feverish preparation for a lot of the boys. Chip, Dennis, Mark and Aaron worked hard on the old barn. It didn't take them as long as they thought for things to really start coming together.

The 'Arena' was set up in the center of the barn and a had a low wooden wall around it. Benches were placed, bleacher style on one side of it and every seat had a great view. The crosses didn't take that long to set up either. The hardest part was after they were put together, they had to be tilted up and dropped into the post holes that were dug around the other three sides of the arena. They were very heavy and sturdy. Each also included padded wrist and ankle restraints, which would enable the victim to remain on the cross longer.

When they were done, they were proud of their work. There were also a couple of 'holding' cells by the entrance, where the 'gladiators' could be examined before the fights and a series of cages for the losers who were awaiting their punishment and crucifixion.

Mark had also been right about the wireless internet. They had been able to set up some Webcam's in the barn. Dennis had also offered to get someone else involved to help with the camera stuff. He was sure Dwayne would jump at the chance to work on something like this.

And he was right! Dennis called Dwayne and gave a brief explanation of what was going on. Dwayne was totally interested, so Dennis gave him directions to where the barn was and arranged to meet with him that afternoon.

With the basic physical arrangements completed, things now pretty much fell on Chip. For the event to be the big success they all wanted, Chip would have to be able to deliver the matchups he had envisioned.

Fortunately for Chip, he had not lost his 'salesmanship' touch.

Andy and Pete were among the easiest. They agreed to fight in the arena as described. In return, the winner would be released from his slavery deal. The loser would have to still pay up and would also be punished and crucified.

Matt and Justyn weren't quite as easy. Mark ordered Matt to do it, but was nice enough to say he'd let Matt off of two months of his slavery if he won. It took a little doing, but Chip and Mark got Zack to agree to let Justyn off of his sucking and fucking deal, if Justyn won. So they both agreed, both thought they would win, of course.

Coach Taylor and Aaron weren't really a problem at all. Aaron had already agreed to do it, and for the young Coach, the thought of having to fight naked like that in front of a bunch of teenage boys was too much to resist.

The other two match-ups might be tough to arrange, so Chip though about them long and hard. He really wanted to see Logan fight Jason and was pretty sure Jason would agree to let Logan fight, since Logan was his slave. The trick was to find a reason for Jason to risk fighting Logan.

He was about to give up on that one, when he suddenly remembered something about Jason. It was something Jason had said at some point. The more he thought about it, the more he was convinced it would work.

Chip called Jason and told he had someone he wanted him to meet. He arranged to meet Jason on fraternity row. He took him to Cody's frat house and introduced him to Cody. Chip smiled as he watched Jason's reaction. He couldn't believe he was actually talking to the star quarterback. They chatted for awhile, until Cody had to leave for practice.

They had been in Cody's room while they chatted and Chip knew he was on the right track. Cody changed into his practice uniform right in front of them and Jason could not take his eyes off of him.

After Cody left, Chip took Jason to the old barn and showed him the arena. He explained how things would work and Jason got extremely excited, especially when he heard the initial line up of matches. He readily agreed to let Logan fight and asked who he would be going up against.

That's when Chip smiled and said, "Well, I've given this a lot of thought and really want him to fight you!"

Jason was shocked. "Are you fucking kidding me, now why would I want to do that. I am sure I could beat him, but if I didn't then I would be punished by everyone there and then hung on a cross for more torture.. right? No way man!"

Chip grinned and said, "Well what if you had a chance at winning something really special? I mean really special."

For some reason, Jason flinched. He looked around the arena and at the crosses and said, "Just how special?"

Chip sensed the opening, he put his hand on Jason's shoulder and said, "Well, you know that Cody dude, the quarterback? What if I told you, if you won, he would be your slave for two months 3; I mean your total slave!"

Jason's mouth dropped open, "No way! Are you shitting me?"

Chip proceeded to explain the deal he had with Cody, and that it would be possible for Jason to use Cody. He saw the tent growing in Jason's pants.

Jason looked at Chip and said, "But if I did lose, then it would be just like you said 3; right?"

Chip smiled and said, "Yea, you would receive the same as the others, so just make sure you don't lose!"

Jason thought for a couple minutes. He couldn't get his mind off of the thought of using the hot quarterback. Finally he looked at Chip and said, "Okay, you got a deal. I'll do it!"

They shook hands and Chip smiled. Just one more match to go.

Chip got back to the house and plunked down on his bed. Dennis was on the computer looking at porn. He looked over at Chip and asked, "So how are all the matchups going?"

Chip sighed and said, "Well I got all of them arranged except for the last one. The one between Cody and that Ross dude 3; you know the one you hooked up with. I don't know how I can get him to do it."

Dennis really was 'head-over-heals' for Ross and would definitely like to watch him fighting naked in the arena with a hard-on.

Dennis thought for a few minutes then said, "Hey Chip, I was just thinking, umm 3; nobody really knows that the Cody dude is gay, right?"

Chip smiled and said, "Yea, I'm pretty sure. So what?"

Dennis grinned and said, "Well Ross is on the same team and is gay for sure, and maybe has 3; you know the hots for Cody, and would maybe like to do 3; you know STUFF to Cody, if he could 3; so maybe 3; that could be what would get Ross to do it. I mean you could just order Cody to fight cause of the slave thing 3; what do you think?"

Chip perked up, "That just might work."

Then Dennis added, "Of course, I probably could just make Ross do it as part of that deal we have, cause we still owe each other."

The two brothers then continued talking about the Arena thing. While Chip had been gone, Dwayne had come out to the barn and looked around. He was impressed with what he saw and agreed to bring some equipment by the next day, including a laptop which could be used to control all the cameras.

Chip was really pleased about that. Things really were working about better than they had anticipated.. He came up with a plan that he was pretty sure would work. It was sort of dramatic, but would probably be fun. After that the only thing left to do would be to decide who all would actually be invited to attend the first event.

The next morning, Chip, Dennis, Stevie and Mark gathered at the barn to touch things up. Dwayne got there shortly after they did and got the extra equipment set up quickly, since he had to be back on campus for a meeting. Before he left he showed the boys how to work the laptop and record video. He also promised he would be there when they did their first event.

There was no way he wanted to miss that.

The next person to arrive was Jason. As soon as he got there, Chip had the others show Jason the video equipment while he went to the torture house. He waited on the porch until a car drove up and parked out back.

He didn't want anyone to know who had just arrived. He rushed him into the house and explained his plan. He had no choice but to followed Chip's plan and agreed to wait inside the house until the appointed time.

Chip rushed back to the barn and told the others that they would be getting a guest soon and to just play along.

About 10 minutes later, a motorcycle drove up to the barn and parked. They waited until the rider walked in. Dennis smiled as he recognized Ross, the hot football stud.

Ross smiled as he looked around the barn. He was really impressed. He got even more impressed when Chip explained how things were going to work. He couldn't believe how twisted these boys were. He really liked how the fights were going to be run 3; naked and boned, and the punishments afterwards.

After the 'grand tour' and the explanation, Chip and Ross stood leaning on one of the arena walls. Ross asked, "So what do you want from me? Seems like you got everything arranged, including some good matchups."

Chip smiled and said, "Well we need one more. We kind of wanted to have the last match be between two college football players. Like two really hot ones."

Ross grinned, "And since I'm on the football team, I guess you figure I could arrange that for you?"

Chip grinned as well and said, "Well sort of. We have the guys picked out. One of them is already set. We just need the other one agree to do it."

Ross thought for a moment and said, "Okay, so who is this other one? I'll talk to him if I think he'll do it."

There was a long pause. None of the boys said anything. They just stared at Ross. Ross looked around, saw the way they were looking at him and then it hit him.

"WOAH! Back up the bus! You're not talking about me!"

Dennis jumped in, "Yea, it will be cool! Come on! You can do it big Dude! Maybe consider it part of that deal we have."

Ross glanced around the arena and imagined himself naked and fighting in front of a group of howling teenage boys. It was a little bit of a turn-on, but still was not really his thing. He glared at Chip and said, "So what would be in it for me if I win? I already heard what would happen if I lose. What would I get for winning? It would have to be something really good!"

Chip laughed and said, "Yea it is! If you win you would get to do anything you wanted to the hottest guy on the team for like a couple months."

Ross thought about it and said sarcastically, "And just who, would that be?"

"That would be me!" a voice called out from the barn door.

They all turned their heads and watched as Cody walked towards them. Ross almost went into a state of shock. He had seen Cody in the locker room many times and had lusted after him, but Cody had never shown any signs of being gay or even being interested.

What Ross didn't know was that Cody had lusted after him just as much during the years they had played football together. He just was too afraid to make a move. But now, thanks to the crazy thing that had happened with Chip, he was finally in a position to do something about his feelings and desires, or was actually forced to do something about them.

Cody walked up to Ross, smiled at him and laughed, "Dude, don't pass out on me! Guess you're really surprised to see me here, huh?"

Ross stammered, "Dude, I thought you were totally straight!"

Cody laughed, "Yes well, I've pretty much had to make it look that way. And to be honest, I have never really done anything until 'he' came along!" He pointed at Chip when he said it.

Cody's cock throbbed as he remembered what it felt like to cum in Chip's mouth and to have Chip cum in his. It had been and incredible feeling. The thought of being Chip's sex slave for the next couple of years was really exciting.

But, now, he was face with another incredibly feeling. The thought of getting sexual with is hot wide receiver was almost overpowering.

Ross was still in a state of shock and somewhat disoriented. This whole thing had taken him completely by surprise. Especially the part with Cody being involved.

He trembled slightly as Cody stepped closer to him really close, gave him a wicked smile and continued. Even Stevie could feel the 'Sexual tension' in the air.

"Now as I understand it, this is how things will be going down. On the day the event takes place, there will be five pairs of guys fighting in this little arena. Supposedly all of them are pretty much hot jocks, but of varying ages."

He glanced at Chip for confirmation.

Chip smiled and said, "Yea, that's right. A couple of them are 14, then there are a few who are 16 and 17, and finally some in their early twenties. All of them are pretty hot."

Cody grinned and said, "Yea and the last would include us. So anyway, the fighters will all be on 'display' for the audience to examine as they arrive. They will be naked of course."

"Each pair will be required to fight totally naked and must stay boned the entire time. Oh, and yea, each fight will be set up slightly differently and will continue until one gives up. Afterwards, the losers will be crucified and tortured by the crowd for two hours. Oh and check out the crosses. About half way down the upright!"

Ross looked at the nearest cross. He hadn't noticed it before, but there was a block of wood mounted on the front of the cross upright that appeared to be adjustable, up and down. The big thing was what on top of the block. It was a large dildo, which meant the crucified victim would also be impaled on it.

Cody grinned, "Yea, pretty intense huh?"

Ross still didn't know what to say. As excited as Cody was about the whole submission thing, he was after all, a natural leader 3; and this was one of those time he would have to take charge to get what he wanted.

He stepped really close to Ross, reached down, slid his hand inside the front of Ross's pants, grabbed his hard cock and snapped, "See, I knew it! You really are just as excited about doing this as I am! Go ahead, you can check me out too!"

Ross was confused at first, then slowly reached inside Cody's pants and felt around. Cody's cock was hard as a rock and was throbbing. Cody gasped as Ross's hand closed around his manhood and squeezed.

Both started breathing really hard.

They stood there for a moment, just feeling each other's manhood. Meanwhile every other cock in the room was rising fast.

At last Cody said sharply, "So what's it to be? You willing to fight me or not? Remember whichever one of us loses ends up on a cross, and I am sure the fans will not be gentle."

Ross moaned as Cody gave his balls a squeeze. He glanced over at the crosses and all he could think about was a naked Cody hanging from one of them being tortured and tormented.

Ross stammered, "Okay, yea, I'll do it!"

Cody smiled, patted Ross's cock and withdrew his hand. Everybody was smiling.

Ross pulled his hand out of Cody's pants.

Cody appeared lost in thought. He looked around the arena again as he imagined him and Ross, going at it, naked, in front of a crowd of, probably mostly cheering and jeering teenage boys. His cock continued to throb.

At this point, he was essentially horned beyond all rational thought. All he could think about was finding some relief. Suddenly a wicked idea popped into his head. It probably was dumb, but heck, he was desperate and so incredibly horned!

He looked at Chip and asked, "So this will be the first time anything like this has happened here, right?"

Chip nodded and said, "Yea, it will be the first time, so we want to make it good."

Cody smiled and said, "Well did you ever think that maybe you should have 3; um sort of a dress rehearsal or um 3; 'un-dressed' rehearsal 3; you know just to get a real feel for how things will go. You could probably just do it with one fight 3; you know.. like one pair of guys. Run through it though, and make it real. That would probably be good."

Cody's cock really started to throb as he said it. He knew where he was going with it and was about to surprise everyone. He didn't realize that for his hurriedly concocted plan to work Ross would have to be just as horned and irrational as he was. Which, of course, Ross was. Which is why things unfolded the way they did.

Cody saw a slight look of confusion on Chip's face, so he continued, "Well it looks like this, seems like we got a nice little test audience here, you know, the four of you. And you got two of the 'fighters' here, so how about we have a full rehearsal. You guys treat us just like you will on that day. And we will fight 3; just like we would on that day 3;and the loser will be punished 3; just like he would on that day! It would be a full rehearsal."

The boys faces all lit up as they considered Cody's wild proposal. Jason was really excited as he thought about seeing his idol naked.

Ross pulled Cody aside and said sharply, "Dude, are you fucking crazy! I mean seriously."

Cody grinned and said, "Yea, I am serious. Come on Dude, it will be fun. And it you want, I'll throw in something extra."

"Like what?" Ross asked shakily.

Cody continued, "Look, I'll be honest, even though you might not have known I was secretly gay, I definitely knew you were, and it didn't bother me. I knew what frat you were in, and what types of things they were into to 3; so this should be right up your alley. Yea, and I know you've been checking me out for years in the locker room."

Ross blushed a little and said, "Yea, okay, I admit it! So what would be the 'extra' thing?"

Cody knew Ross was 'in', and what he said next, 'sealed the deal!'

"Okay, whoever wins will get to use the loser however he wants for a full weekend. And I mean however he wants. See, I've never been fucked, which means if I lose you will get to be the first guy to ever fuck me 3; and you can shove your cock in my ass as many times as you want. If you lose, it would be another first, cause I never have never fucked another guy, so you would be my first! So how about it?"

Ross looked at the boys on the other side of the barn, who were taking amongst themselves. He nodded towards them and said, "You realize, whichever one of us loses, is gonna be in for a rough time on the cross 3; a really tough time, cause I can tell, they really are a twisted bunch of little Dudes 3; especially the one."

Cody said, "Yea, I sort of figured that. But hell, 'no pain, no gain' as they say. So are you in?"

Ross thought for a moment, then laughed and said, "Yea, I'm in. I just hope you enjoy your time on the cross and my cock up your ass."

Cody giggled, "We'll just have to see about that!"

On the other side of the room, the boys had been having a hurried conversation. They all were hoping that the two hot college jocks would, indeed, do the real thing. At one point Chip silenced them when he said, "Look, I have no doubt they will, I can tell, they are both so horned you could smell it! So we have to make plans!"

The plan they cam up with was that it would be as realistic as possible. Both of them would be stripped naked and placed in the holding cell by the front door. Jason, Stevie and Dennis would act like audience members arriving. Cody and Ross would be standing against the cell bars, in the classic slave position, and would be 'felt up' and teased by every one arriving.

Mark was confident he could run the video equipment and be able to tape the entire thing. Chip would organize the fight, which would be one of the versions he had come up with.

At the appointed time, Cody and Ross would be led into the arena. The other boys would take their places in the seats. Chip would then explain the contest as he prepared the fighters.

Both would be required to stay boned the entire time. If one got soft, he lost immediately.

In this particular battle, their balls would be connected by a rope about four feet [1.2 m] long, which would be secured tightly around their ball sacs. When Chip blew his whistle, the fight would begin 3; they could punch 3; kick 3; slap 3; wrestle.. tug on the ball rope 3; whatever. The fight would continue until one of them gave up!

Ross and Cody walked over to the boys. Cody looked at Chip and said, "Okay, we'll do it! Just want you guys to make it as close to the real thing as possible, including the punishment for the loser. Okay?"

Chip smiled broadly and said, "Yea, that's all cool! So in that case, you guys can go over there into to holding cell, strip completely naked and then assume the slave position up against the bars."

They both actually rushed to do as Chip instructed. In no time at all, both were naked and standing up against the bars with their hands behind their heads. Dennis. Stevie and Jason 'played' their parts well. They entered the barn and proceeded to feel Cody and Ross's bodies. Needless to say, most of the feels were focused on the two hot college jocks' manly parts.

Cody and Ross, were totally turned-on by what was happening. It really was humiliating being on display like this, let along being 'felt up' by a group of teenage boys, especially little Stevie, but extremely exciting.

The boys added to their excitement by making all kinds of nasty comments about what they would be doing to the one who ended up hanging on the cross. By the time they were done and headed to their seats, Cody and Ross were very worked up. Both were breathing hard and sweating.

Mark gave Chip a 'thumbs up' to indicate the video was working and Chip went and retrieved the two fighters. Both trembled as Chip led them into the ring. He had them stand facing each other as he first tied one end of the four foot [1.2 m] rope around Cody's low hanging balls and the other end around Ross's.

He repeated the basic rules, got another thumbs up from Mark, and blew the whistle.

Chip literally dove out of the arena and it was lucky he did, cause Cody and Ross really went after each other fast.

Both started by tugging on the 'ball' rope 3; trying to pull on the other guy's balls.

Punches followed and then kicks! Both of them landed some hard blows.

Chip sat in the benches next to the other boys. Jason leaned over and said, "Damn 3; they are really going at it! This is so hot!"

Chip giggled, "Yes, well, I hope your match with Logan is gonna be hot too! I can't wait to see you out there, naked, boned and fighting!"

Jason smiled and said, "Don't worry it will be. And even hotter when Logan is put on a cross."Jason sat back and watched the savage battle between the two college jocks. Both were sweating and were now wrestling on the floor. He considered his own upcoming match with Logan and realized it would be pretty savage too. Logan was pretty tough. Jason just hoped it was Logan who ended up on one of those crosses and not him.

At the moment, Cody had Ross somewhat immobilized with his legs and arms pinned beneath him. He was slapping Ross's tight ass with his hand over and over again, and Ross's ass was turning a very bright red. Cody kept demanding him to give up, so his ass just got redder.Both of them were straining hard. Their muscles were throbbing.

Cody was trying hard to maintain his hold on Ross 3; and Ross was trying to break it. It was an awesome sight!One mistake by either one, and the situation could change rapidly.Which is exactly what happened!Cody was really slapping Ross's ass hard, but Ross was hanging in there. Cody decided to make a grab for the ball rope and start tugging on Ross's balls really hard. He shifted his position slightly and reached for the rope.It happened so fast. Ross felt an opening and went for it.

He used every ounce of strength he had left to escape Cody's hold and it worked. In a flash, their positions were reversed, only Cody's was worse than Ross's had been. He was essentially pinned on his back with his arms trapped under him. Ross had a killer leg lock on him, and worse, had one hand free with full access to Cody's genitals and the ball rope.Ross grabbed the ball rope and started tugging on it.

Cody's balls were pulled away from his body at an obscene angle. He groaned loudly as pain shot through his stretched balls. Ross kept up the pressure. Cody began to scream and felt like he was about to puke as the pain in his balls became intense. He tried hard to break Ross's hold, but couldn't.

Ross glared at Cody and snarled as he pulled on the rope even harder, "Dude, I swear to God, give up now, or I will pull your balls right off!" He gave the rope a really hard tug, and Cody screamed! "OH GOD! SHITTTT!!!!"


"So save your balls and give it up!" One more tug on the rope was all it took! Cody screamed and then SHOUTED,


Ross kept the pressure on for a few more minutes, then let go of the rope and released Cody.Chip jumped into the ring, raised Ross's hand in the air and shouted, "And the Winner is Ross!" The boys cheered.Chip gave Cody a few minutes to recover. Then he ordered him to kneel facing the audience, with his hands behind his back.

Cody did as he was told. His heart pounded as he looked at the boys. He couldn't believe he had actually lost.Chip looked at his hot college jock, kneeling defeat and said sharply, "Cody, you have failed, and your punishment is to be crucified and tortured for two hours. The sentence to be carried out immediately!"

Cody's heart pounded even faster as he was led to one of the crosses. He climbed onto step ladder, with his back to the cross. Chip and Jason pulled his arms up and out and secured his wrists in the padded restraints.The next part was a little trickier. They made Cody take one more step up, then carefully lined his hole up on top of the dildo mounted on the cross. He was then ordered to take a step down.

He groaned as the tip of the dildo inched into his ass.As soon as Chip was satisfied the alignment was good, he pulled the step stool out from under Cody's feet. Cody immediately dropped all the way onto the dildo. He screamed as the nasty thing penetrated all the way in. He thrashed around for awhile and tried to pull himself up off of the thing, but just couldn't.

The way his arms were stretched, there was nothing he could do.They completed his bondage, by pulling his ankles up on either side of the cross and placing them in the ankle restraints.When they were done, all the boys stepped back and admired what they saw. The sight of the hot senior college quarterback, hanging naked on a cross, impaled on a dildo and with a throbbing hardon, was incredible.

All of them got a lot harder as they thought about the next two hours and the terrible things they would do as part of Cody's punishment!Cody was thinking about it too. He saw the looks on the boy's faces and it scared him a little. He trembled slightly as he watched Chip spread a bunch of sex toys and torture devices out on a table.

The boys moved in closer and gathered around his cross. All except for Ross and Chip who were whispering about something.When they were done,

Ross stepped up to Cody and said, "Before we begin your punishment, there's something you need to know. Go ahead and tell him Chip."

Chip smiled and said, "Well, I'll just show him. Go ahead and look up there, right above my head."

He pointed straight up. Cody looked up and really started to shake. Hanging from a rafter was what was obviously a video camera, and what was worse, the red light was on, indicating it was running.

Cody cried out, "Oh no! Please don't tape or send this over the net 3; I'm begging you!!! What if someone recognizes me! Oh God Please No!"

Ross grabbed Cody's throbbing cock, gave it a hard slap and snarled, "Shut the FUCK UP! You lost and that is part of your punishment! So take it like a man and if you don't I'll make sure the whole team sees the tape. I mean it! I bet a lot of them would love to see you being punished like this, and I unless I miss my guess, these little horn dogs are gonna make sure you shoot too."

"Think the guys in the locker room would like to watch you getting jacked off by some kids?"

Cody really was shaking now. Being on display and tortured like this in front of these teenage boys was humiliating enough, but it was even more humiliating to know that it was being sent over the net.

The other scary thing for Cody was that the more he thought about it the harder his cock became.Ross stepped closer to Chip and said softly, "I got an idea, you guys should have him name his own punishments. And maybe tell him if he isn't hard enough on himself, he'll spend extra time on the cross!"

Chip really liked the idea. He stood beside Cody and said, "Okay Dude, here is how this is going to work. Each of us will take turns punishing you for the next two hours and jacking you off! You already know our names and you can see all the 'items' on the table.

Since I think you are pretty new to this, I'll make sure you know what all the items are 3; Then your time will officially start." Chip explained what all of the toys did. He skipped the ones that were obvious.

By the time he was done, Cody was really sweating and breathing hard.

Chip smiled and finished by saying,

"Okay, your two hours start now! You pick one of us to go first and name your punishment! At the end of the two hours, we will all vote, and if we think you weren't hard enough on yourself, you'll get extra time on the cross!"

Mark jumped in at that point and said, "Hey Dude, we can make it even better! How about we let the people who are watching on the Internet vote? I just checked the chat room 3; we got like 23 viewers! Dwayne really set this thing up great!"

That really made Cody shake!

Chip stepped closer to Cody and whispered, "You Hear that? That is what we will do! You WILL name your punishments! Oh and YOU will also ask to be jacked off sometimes too! I mean it! Now Pick one of us 3; and name your punishment! And it better be loud enough for everyone to hear! And Like I said IT better be tough!"

Cody trembled as he looked at the camera and then at the items on the table! He couldn't believe what he had gotten himself into! And worse, he couldn't believe just how turned on he was by the whole thing! Mark got into the chat room and explained how things would work! Everyone got really excited and started typing like mad.

Mark made sure all could hear the audio. Once he was sure they could he gestured to Chip.

Chip looked up at Cody and said, "Okay, Now Pick one of us 3; and name your punishment!"

Cody looked at little Stevie and said, "Um, Okay, how about Stevie 3; Um use the penis whip on me?"

Stevie smiled as he picked up the penis whip. It really was pretty nasty. It wasn't very big. It consisted of just a small plastic handle with three short knotted rawhide laces dangling from it.

When used properly, on a hard cock, the laces snapped around and the knots slammed into to underside of the guy's cock 3; and in this case, Stevie seemed to be a natural at using it.The first thing he did was tie a piece of rope around Cody's cock, just below the head.

He pulled on it, so Cody's cock was sticking straight out in front of him, then he raised the whip and asked, "Okay tough guy. I'm thinking of how many lashes your hard cock should get 3; but I want to hear how many you think you should get! If the number you say is higher than what I'm thinking, that is how many you will get!

BUT, if the number you say is lower, you'll get twice the number I am thinking!"

Stevie wrapped his hand around Cody's cock and stroked it slowly. Cody moaned as he looked at the camera. Hanging naked on the cross and being stroked by this young kid, in front of an Internet audience was the most humiliating thing he had ever been through.

Little Stevie gave his cock a hard slap and said, "Come on tough guy! How many lashes should I give the nice hard cock of yours?"

Cody took a really deep breath, thought for a moment and gasped, "UM 3; okay, how about 25?"

Stevie smiled and said, "Okay, that's cool! I was thinking 20, but 25 it is.

This thing really is pretty wicked. Especially when the lashes are hard, and I think I'm gonna make everyone of them hard!"

Mark smiled as he saw the comments in the chat room! Everyone wanted the lashes to be hard.Stevie pulled on the rope to stretch Cody's hard cock out, raised the penis whip and delivered a savage blow to Cody's engorged manhood. The laces snapped right around it, and bit into it's sensitive underside.Cody screamed and yanked at his bonds.


Cody's scream seemed to encourage Stevie. He delivered one savage lash after another in quick succession. By the time he reached 15, Cody was really going crazy. He was crying and his body was covered with sweat.Stevie paused for a moment and let Mark zoom in on Cody's cock. It was still hard but was now covered with red marks.

An idea popped into Stevie's head. He wrapped his hand around Cody's cock and said loudly, "So big guy, would you like a little break?"

Cody gasped, "Oh yes, please 3; agghhhhhhh!"

Stevie giggled, "Well okay, how about this? If you can convince the Internet audience to have me jack you off, I'll give you a nice break. But you have to convince them, so look at the camera and ask real nice!"

Cody's eyes watered even more as he stared at the camera. It was like a nightmare.

He couldn't believe he was saying what he was. His lower lip trembled as he said, "PLEASE let him jack me off while you all watch. Please let him masturbate me for your pleasure! I'll cum really hard. Please let him make me shoot!"

Stevie squeezed Cody's throbbing cock and said, "Anything else? What about all the cum you'll be shooting?"

Cody blushed as he looked at the camera and added, "And, um 3; if you all let him make me cum 3; I will 3; um 3; eat it!"

Mark smiled as he saw the comments in the chat room! Everyone wanted to see Cody cum and, of course, eat it! He gave Stevie a thumbs up.

Stevie grinned as he set down the penis whip and started to stroke Cody's long piece of manhood.

Cody blushed some more as he stared directly at the camera. His cock really started to throb when he heard Mark announce,

"Wow, we got 44 viewers on the net right now 3; and like almost everyone of them wants to make sure you catch his cum and make him eat it! They want to see lots more torture to!"

Cody's heart started to pound fast as he considered the fact that there were 44 'viewers' watching him being masturbated by this young boy. Stevie really had learned a lot from Chip. He gave the side of Cody's ass a hard slap and snarled, "Come on big boy. You know you should be saying some stuff, to make things more exciting for our audience, so get to it!"

Mark announced, "Okay, word must be spreading 3; we got 49 viewers now!"

Cody took a really deep breath, looked at the camera and then panted,

"Oh God, please everyone, I really need to cum for you all. I'll do anything!"

Chip walked over to Mark and started whispering in his ear! He had come up with a really twisted plan.

Mark smiled as Chip explained what he had in mind.He whispered back to Chip as he watched the laptop screen, "Dude check this out! Shit we are like up to 62 viewers now! Fuck 3; I guess word spreads fast!"

Chip laughed, "Yea, guess it does! Okay 3; you just stay in the chat room and 3; um follow my lead 3; you know type so anyone who maybe can't hear will know what the deal is 3; this is gonna be SO damn HOT!

Cody watched as Chip approached. There was something about the look on Chip's face that scared him.

Chip stepped in front of Cody 3; looked directly at the camera and said, "I hope you all are enjoying are little show. And for those of you who just might be local and recognize our star, we have a special deal!"

Chip looked at Cody, gave his cock a few quick strokes along with Stevie and said, "You were serious weren't you when you said you would do anything to be able to cum?"

Cody was really out of it! He heard Mark announce 3; "73 viewers now, and they all want to see him cum!"

He panted, "Yes, I'll do anything!" Chip told Stevie to stop stroking. He climbed up on a box and began whispering in Cody's ear. Cody really started to shake and his eyes filled with tears. He looked at the camera and heard Mark announce 3;


His cock throbbed as he thought about the fact that there were now 82 viewers watching him hanging naked on the cross and about to be jacked off by a young boy 3;

And not to mention the tortures he would still have to endure. Chip slapped Cody's cock and snarled, "TELL THEM NOW! Exactly like I said! I Mean it! "

Cody's eyes watered as he stared at the camera and stammered, "Ummm 3; okay 3; If any of you see me 3; and say 'apple blossom' I will do whatever you want!"

Chip slapped his cock really hard and snapped, "And give them some examples!!!!!"

Cody gasped as he looked into the camera, "Ahh okay 3; I'll ummm strip 3; Jack off 3; suck you off 3; Let you fuck me 3; whatever! You say the code words and I'll do whatever you want!"

Mark motioned Chip over to him. He whispered, "HOLY FUCK 3; they are going crazy on the net! So many wanting to know where he is! But it seems like there are some that know! This is so hot!"

Chip smiled as he looked at Cody's throbbing cock. He nodded at Stevie and said, "Okay little brother, you can make him cum for everyone whenever you are ready!"

Stevie ran his finger up and down Cody's cock and said, "Okay 3; once more for the audience! Tell them what you want me to do big Dude!"

Mark looked at the computer screen 3; the number of viewers continued to rise! He remembered his time on the roof of the frat house and his own cock got even harder! As much as Mark liked doing stuff to other guys 3; there was just something about having things the other way around! By the time they crossed into just over 90 viewers 3;

Mark was actually wishing it was him hanging on that cross! Of course Mark didn't know it then, but he would be getting his wish sometime soon!Cody looked at the camera and gasped,

"Please everyone 3; let him make me CUM for you all! I will shoot a lot!"

Mark looked at the comments on the screen! A bunch of guys had already cum! But everyone wanted to see little Stevie make Cody cum!

He nodded at Stevie, and Stevie started stroking Cody really fast! It didn't take long before Cody was really gyrating!

Being masturbated by a kid, in front of this growing Internet audience was insane! Stevie slapped Cody's balls and snarled,

"Ask them once more big boy, cause we are taking a vote about if you will allowed to cum!"

Cody looked into the camera and totally begged, "Oh GOD please, let me CUM! Let him make me CUM!"

Mark watched the computer screen! The number of viewers kept rising! He winked at Stevie 3; and Stevie decide to just do it! He stroked Cody faster and faster!

Cody kept staring at the red light on the camera, imaging just who might be watching his humiliation.At last 3; Cody reached the point 3; he shot his load 3; with just under 100 viewers! And it was explosive!

Stevie caught every drop and made him eat it all!!The viewers dropped off somewhat after Cody 'came'! Not that surprising 3;

Since a lot of guys drop out when they cum! Still 3; Mark watched the screen 3; and the number of viewers actually stayed in the 70's!

A lot wanted to see the rest of Cody's tortures!Stevie gave Cody a couple of minutes to recover then started stroking him again. As soon as Cody was fully erect, he delivered the final hard lashes with the penis whip.

Tears ran down Cody's face as the last rawhide laces tore into his manhood.When he was done, Stevie set the whip down, turned to Chip and said, "Next!"

Cody had almost forgotten the conditions Chip had laid down.

He glanced at the table and then at the faces of the boys. Chip glared and said, "Remember there's gonna be an Internet vote! And if you aren't hard enough on yourself you will be tortured longer!"

Cody looked at the devices on the table. Most of them were for cock and ball torture and he really needed to try and give his aching cock a little rest.

He swallowed hard and then said, "Umm 3; okay 3; how about the clothespins and clamps. And Jason can do it!"

Jason smiled as he picked up the bag of clothespins. He started by attaching one to each of Cody's nipples, then proceeded to add more up and down Cody's sides, in his armpits, his navel, his inner thighs and so on. It was when he attached a bunch to Cody's balls that Cody really started to squirm.

Mark called Chip over to look at the chat screen. He whispered, "They really seem to be liking this a lot 3; but check out what else they want to see!"

Chip grinned and whispered back, "Well we do have the stuff to do it! I am sure it would drive him wild, especially with everyone watching."

Mark continued typing in the chat window as he whispered to Chip, "God, I can't believe some of this stuff they want to see done to him! Some of these guys are really cruel 3; and almost everyone wants to see him cum a lot more."

Chip smiled and said, "Well yea that would be cool, but I'm not sure just how many times we'll be able to do that. He's not like you or me and my brothers."

Mark giggled and said, "Yea, you're probably right? Still I bet I could get him to cum at least four more times before his time is up! I am pretty good at jacking guys off!"

[Boy Fact #7- A horny teenage boy lacks common sense.]

He was sort of kidding, but he was a teenage boy 3; who was really horny. And so was Chip 3; and Mark had used the 'b' word! Chip's mind started racing. As much as he liked messing with Cody, he still had a 'major thing' for Mark! He loved Mark's compact body, and totally loved making Mark do things. All of a sudden he wasn't thinking about Cody.

Chip looked at Mark and said, "So what do you want to bet?"

Mark had turned back to the computer screen and was only paying partial attention to Chip.

He chuckled, "I don't know 3; what do 'you' want to bet?"

Chip's cock was really throbbing now! He gave Mark a wicked grin and said, "Well how about this 3; if you can get Cody to cum four more times before his time is up 3; then I'll spend an hour on one of the crosses 3; and you can do whatever you want to me 3; but if you can't make him cum that many times 3; then you will spend an hour on one of the crosses!"

That got Mark's attention. He looked away from the computer and thought about it. He returned Chip's wicked grin and said, "Well that's kind of interesting 3; puts the pressure pretty much all on me though!"

The number of viewers started climbing again as Jason started knocking the clothespins off of Cody and Cody began gasping.

Mark looked at the screen, thought for a moment and said, "Okay how about this 3; if I can make him cum four more times, you will be on a cross for two hours 3; just like him! And you will be on the Internet 3; just like him! And yea 3; If I fail 3; then it will be me on a cross!"

Both of them were beyond reason! All they could think about was seeing the other guy hanging naked on a cross. Chip was a little concerned about the Internet part of it, since they were minors and could get into trouble.But he was able to pretty much set his concerns aside because he was so damn horned 3; that, and the fact that Mark said they could probably get Dwayne to password protect the site.

And so they made the 'bet.' Sort of 3; because it didn't end there! Dennis and Stevie sensed that something was up. They came over and 'nosed' their way into the bet! They haggled for a few minutes 3; but reached an agreement 3; IF Mark could make Cody CUM FOUR more times in the time remaining 3; the three brothers would suffer on crosses, just like Cody 3; for two hours! If he failed 3; then EACH of them would get Mark for two hours 3; each!

And Mark added 3; "Oh and yea, you guys lose 3; I get to invite whoever I want to help with your crucifixions!"

The bet was made!

The Internet audience was ecstatic when Mark stepped in 3; grabbed Cody's cock and stroked him off yet again!

Mark walked back to the computer 3; winked at Chip and snickered, "That's one! I still got almost 75 minutes to go! Dude I am gonna love seeing you and your brothers on those crosses 3; maybe you should pick them out!"

The next 75 minutes were wild! Cody was forced to choose more punishments. He chose a ball press with weights and had Dennis do it to him! Dennis showed no mercy at all! He pressed Cody's balls until they were almost flat and hung weights from the press. Cody actually squealed when Dennis added the last weight! He looked at the camera and begged for it to end. But no one wanted it to end!Having no choice, and with plenty of time left, he chose the 'horsehair flogger' to be used by Chip.

Chip did a great job. He lashed all over Cody's body and made Cody scream. In between the lashes though, Mark jumped in! He made Cody cum two more times! It was something Mark was really good at doing!

When Chip was done flogging Cody 3; he placed the flogger back on the table 3; and looked at the clock 3; there were 15 minutes left 3; and it was Mark's turn!

Mark smiled when he heard Cody's final choice 3; it was 'electro-torture'! He picked up the 'milking rod', smiled at Chip, Dennis and Stevie and giggled, "You know even though he is impaled on that dildo 3; I can get this in his ass! And One click is ALL it will take for him to CUM! And One Cum is all I need!"

They watched as Mark worked to slide the rod up inside Cody's ass. Cody gasped and squirmed as the rod slid inside him. It took a little doing because of the dildo 3; but Mark managed to find the spot! Cody gasped as the tip of the rod touched his prostate. Mark winked at the brothers and said 3; pick your crosses Dudes!He clicked the trigger on the rod 3; and Cody came yet again! 3;.

Story Notes

Coming Soon! I Hope!

- The GREAT ARENA SHOW!- The Three Peterson Brothers on the Crosses (Chip, Dennis, Stevie) If you have ANY suggestions for 'other match ups' for the Arena 3; please get them to me ASAP!Right now this is the lineup:

Andy vs. Pete (teenagers) Matt vs. Justyn (teenagers) Coach Taylor vs. Aaron Jason vs. Logan (teenagers) Cody vs. Ross

Remember 3; they will fight totally naked! Chip sets the rules for each fight 3; and the losers all get crucified and tortured for two hours!

Thank you all who have helped me! westwoodscotty(at)hotmail(dot)com