PZA Boy Stories

Scott Westwood

Boys Love Torture

Chapter 21
Let The Games Begin and Some 'Forbidden' Love

Chapter Prologue and Story Notes

And a WARNING 3; this Chapter ALSO includes a major section where young Mark suffers a lot! Yea, it is somewhat barbaric! It depicts acts that are illegal in most places! But is all just part of this fantasy story! If you have been reading the story, you should have seen it coming!!! So if this is not to your tastes, just skip this chapter!


The Youngsters- Stevie and Jimmy (Plus the "Brat Punks" in the park!)

The Early & Mid-Teens- Mark, Dennis, Chip, Pete, Andy, Skyler, Zack

The Older Teens- Matt, Logan, Jason, Justyn

The College Aged Guys (Or Close)- Aaron, Coach Taylor, Casey, Cody, Steph (the oldest at 24)

Temporary College Frat Guys- These Guys are in the Fraternity. Not sure how long they will be around in the story: Bryce & Brandon (Twin brothers who wrestle), Eric, Frankie, Ross

AND, as a reminder 3;

As we return to the SAGA 3; Chip, Dennis, Coach Taylor and Casey are in the midst of a challenge. They have to jack off in each Frat House on Fraternity row 3; or if they can't, then receive some type of punishment at each one. It is all part of "young" Mark's "honorary" initiation to the Gamma Frat. Mark earned that unusual offer, by impressing the frat brothers with his "mastery" of electro-torture! And he had to come up with some sort of challenge for those four!

Perhaps the wildest thing that happened so far, was that Chip, somehow managed to acquire the star quarterback of the college football team as his slave! Will be more on that soon.


Chip smiled as he headed towards the next house on fraternity row. He was confident that Cody had taken the hint and would make sure Dennis had a rough time. And speaking of time, he figured he needed to make up for some lost time, if he had any hope of winning or at least not losing.

If he knew what was going on at the other houses, he wouldn't have worried so much.

Coach Taylor was having his own rough time. He had been able to cum at the first house he went to but was having trouble at the second one. He was standing in the middle of a large party room and stroking his cock while a bunch of beer drinking fraternity brothers cheered and jeered. He tried for over twenty minutes, then one of the brothers told him to stop and said, "Okay guys, looks like Mr. Stud here isn't gonna be able to shoot right now, so I guess we'll just have to punish him in some way 3; that's what it says on his card 3; so anyone got any ideas?"

It was a "straight" fraternity, but boys being boys, it didn't really matter. They all were getting a kick out of coming up with possible punishments for the hot naked young coach.

Coach Taylor listened as they threw out suggestions. Several wanted to paddle him. Others wanted to whip him 3; And of course there were those who suggested blow jobs for all. One guy suggested they should fuck him, but got shouted down and told that was too gay.

In the end they settled on a combination 3; They would paddle his ass, while he gave blow jobs to all who wanted one. Being horny college guys, almost all wanted to see what it would be like to have a guy suck their cocks.

And so Coach Taylor spent the next half hour bent over a coffee table, sucking one guy after another. They decided that his ass would be paddled once every thirty seconds while he sucked. By the time he was done, Coach Taylor's ass was bright red and his face was coated with cum.

They signed his card, and sent him on his way, without giving him anything to wipe off the cum.

Of the four "participants" though, Casey was definitely having the worst time. Everyone at the various houses knew he was a Gamma, and were eager for some type of payback. And he was definitely getting it. Still he took it like a real trooper. He tried his best to cum at each house but just couldn't, so he received a lot of punishments.

His punishment at the other gay fraternity on the street was to have to ride every cock in the house.

By the time Casey finally made it back to the Gamma house, his body was covered with welts and cum and his hole was hurting really bad.

Coach Taylor had received similar treatment at most of the houses, but not nearly as severe. Still when he staggered back into the Gamma house, he dropped to his knees and sobbed as he handed his card to one of the brothers.

Chip and Dennis actually did quite well, considering the circumstances. Most of the guys at the houses were reluctant to get very rough with the two young jocks. Still they didn't let them off the hook. They received their fair share of paddling's and such. Lucky for both of them "quick recovery" was in their genes, and both were actually able to cum at most of the houses.

They arrived back at the Gamma house about the same time and well before Coach and Casey.

The brothers at the house examined their score cards and decided to refine their plan for determining who won. They came up with a quick point system that took into account who had cum the most, how long it took to get back to the house, and the punishments they had received.

Try as they might, no matter how they calculated it, they did not have a clear-cut winner or loser. Casey and Coach clearly were the losers. And Chip and Dennis were tied for being the winner.

They talked for awhile, with Mark listening in. Finally Mark asked, "What about we have some sort of tie breaker.? Could we do that?"

The Frankie smiled and said, "You know we could do that and I got just the thing!"

Several of the brothers smiled knowingly.

Frankie looked at a couple of them and said, "Why don't you guys set it up in the party room! You know the drill 3; get it all ready."

They grinned and ran off as Frankie turned to Mark and said, "I think you'll like this a lot!"

Mark couldn't wait.

They called Coach, Casey, Chip and Dennis into the room. Chip and Dennis both smiled when they were told they were tied for first place. They trembled slightly when Frankie announced there would be a tie breaker.

"Now don't you two worry, both of you will get a reward. The guy who wins will just get a little better reward."

They smiled some more when they heard that. Meanwhile, Coach and Casey weren't smiling. They had been told that they would both receive a penalty. Casey shook some more as he considered it. As much as he liked this stuff, and as masochistic as he was, he hoped the penalty would not be the one he was thinking about.

Then again, it might be interesting since the hot Coach Taylor would be going through it too. His suspicion of what it might be was pretty much confirmed when Frankie looked at the Coach and asked, "So Dude, you've earned a penalty, but we need to know how much time you have, cause it will last 24 hours."

Coach Taylor swallowed hard. He could easily lie, but decided not to.

"Well, I am free all day tomorrow, since it's another off day for regular practice. The boys will be in the weight and training rooms, and I don't have to be there."

Coach would miss that, of course, since he liked dropping in and watching the young jocks sweating and straining, especially since most of them tended to workout in just skimpy shorts and shoes.

Frankie smiled when he saw the look on Casey's face.

He stepped closer to Mark and whispered, "You're gonna get your chance to learn about something you've been most curious about. Think about it 3; 24 hours 3; that should be a big hint."

Mark thought for a moment then his eyes popped open and he whispered, "Holy shit! You mean `The Pit'?"

Frankie winked then said, "Of course, before we get to that, you do have to finish the main part of your initiation, so you'll be a real brother."

Mark shook a little, took a deep breath, and said, "I am ready whenever. I'll do whatever is required. I'm not afraid."

Frankie patted Mark on the head and whispered, "Dude, you should be! It will probably be the toughest thing you've ever done."

He could tell Mark really was scared, but showed no signs of wanting to back out. He thought it would be interesting to see how well he handled what was about to happen to him.

Mark was about to speak, when one of the brothers returned and announced everything was ready for the tie breaker.

Frankie immediately directed everyone to head to the party room.

Dennis's and Chip's mouths dropped open when they saw what had been set up. It wasn't hard to figure out what the contest would be.

In the middle of the room, two long boards had been set up on posts, side by side. Each was about eight inches [20 cm] wide and eight feet [2½ m] long. It was what was on the boards that really got their attention.

There were five dildo's, mounted equi-distant apart on each board. They started with a small one on one end and gradually got longer and thicker.

Frankie saw the look on their faces and chuckled, "I see you guys have obviously figured it out. It will be a race and whoever finishes first wins. You start on the end with the smallest dildo 3; you lower yourself `all the way' on it 3; fuck yourself three times 3; then move on to the next one. It's pretty simple. Just make sure you are all the way on each dildo, and, don't worry, they are being well lubed right now."

Dennis and Chip watched as two of the brothers greased the dildo's. They shuddered as they saw what they were using for lube 3; it was Icy Hot.

Both looked at the last two dildo's and trembled. The fourth ones were scary enough, but the fifth ones were really huge. Neither brother was looking forward to riding the last one. Still both were determined to win the perverse final contest.

Any of the guys who weren't totally boned, got hard instantly as they watched the two teenage jocks take their places at the end of the dildo boards. Once they were in position, two brothers stepped up behind Chip and Dennis and handcuffed their wrists behind their backs. Both were already breathing hard in anticipation.

Frankie shouted "Go" and the two brothers quickly straddled the end of the board, lined their holes up on top of the first dildo and slowly lowered themselves.

They both winced as the dildos slid into their tight butts. Chip made it all the way down first, but Dennis was right behind. They panted as they raised and lowered themselves the required three times. The frat brothers cheered them on with "Go! Go! Go!"

Casey and Coach had temporarily stopped worrying about their upcoming ordeal as they watched the perverse display. Both boys struggled a little more on the second dildo's. They moaned as they moved up and down on them and their cock's twitched.

In spite of all they had done, there was something really humiliating about doing this in front of a room full of guys. By the time they started on the third dildo, both were blushing like crazy and were totally boned.

As they struggled to impale themselves on the third dildo's, they both stared at the next two and started shaking again. The third ones hurt like hell, but the last two looked like total ass splitters.

Chip finished fucking himself on the third one first and proceeded to the next one. Dennis was slightly behind, but not by much.

Frankie looked at Mark and said, "Those two seem pretty evenly matched 3; and have a lot of guts."

Mark smiled and said, "Yea, they are. Chip used to beat Dennis all the time at just about everything, but not any more. And both are really strong and can take a lot of punishment."

They both watched as Chip began lowering himself on the fourth dildo. His eyes widened in pain and he began panting really fast as his ass slowly opened more. By the time he was about halfway down they could tell he was really hurting. Dennis had just started lowering himself on his and was whimpering.

Chip seemed to be hung up, halfway down. He yelped as he moved his legs up and down, trying to force the wicked thing all they way in his tortured hole. He tried and he tried. Sweat began running down his face and body as more and more pre-cum oozed out of his throbbing cockhead.

Mark watched, totally fascinated, as Chip gritted his teeth, closed his eyes, and lifted his feet off the floor. The entire weight of his body was now pressing him down. He screamed as he suddenly slid the rest of the way down.


Dennis looked over and watched Chip thrash about screaming and moaning. He was in a similar position and had seen what Chip had done. He was determined to win their nasty little race, so he raised his feet off the ground too. It took a little longer for his tight little ass to yield, but when it did, he slipped all the way down fast, and screamed even louder than Chip had.


Everyone watched the two teens thrash about for a while. Eventually they settled down and continued with their task of fucking themselves three times. It wasn't easy. Both were breathing really hard and covered with sweat. Both were moaning and groaning. And both of their cocks glistened with pre-cum and were throbbing.

Mark saw one of the frat guys whisper something in Frankie's ear. He nodded and smiled and then stepped closer to the boys and said, "You two are putting on such a great show, we want you to fuck yourselves six more times on those dildo's!"

They both groaned, but got to it! It got a little easier as it went along.

Frankie looked at the guy who had whispered to him and said, "That aught to do it!"

And it did.

Chip was just beginning his fourth additional "trip" down the dildo when he felt it! His face flushed, and he started panting really fast. As he reached the bottom, his cock twitched violently and he started to cum.

The frat brothers cheered as they realized what was happening and saw a nice little rope of white teen seed shoot out of Chip's slit.

Dennis saw it too. Watching his naked and handcuffed brother shooting, while impaled on the nasty dildo was all the additional stimulation he needed.

The brothers cheered again as they heard Dennis howl and saw him start to gyrate, just like his older brother. They cheered even louder when they saw the little squirt of white stuff shoot from his throbbing cock.

Frankie smiled at Mark and said, "Holy Shit! Those two are like cum machines! And even better they shoot too! Do they do that all the time?"

Mark giggled and said, "Oh Yea! They produce the stuff really fast. They say it runs in the family. And whenever they cum, they usually shoot good 3; not like some guys, who, you know, just sort of ooze. Chip can really shoot far, but Dennis is catching up quick."

They watched as the two siblings finished their self-fucking and then moved to the last dildo. Both had a really tough time getting the head of the dildo into their hole. It looked just like a real cock, but was very thick.

It took some time, but eventually after a lot of moaning and panting, both were able to start working the devilish thing into their butts. Dennis was clearly having the toughest time. His eyes filled with tears as he struggled to force himself down on the horrible dildo.

Chip glanced over and saw the determined look on Dennis's face. He had seen it before. He knew how tight Dennis's little ass was and knew he had to be suffering more than he was. Which meant he was suffering a lot.

As much as Dennis tended to constantly piss him off 3; he still was his brother, and like it or not, Chip did have some warm feelings for him. There had been times in the past when he had let Dennis and even Stevie "win" things, just to make them happy. He considered doing it now, as crazy as it seemed.

As luck would have it, he didn't have to make that decision. His momentary hesitation was all the time Dennis needed.

Dennis looked over at Chip, saw that he seemed to be hung up and decided to just "do it." Like they had done before, he raised his feet off the floor and forced his body down on the monster dildo.

His scream made everyone in the room jump.


Pain shot through his body. It felt like his little ass had been split in half. Somehow he managed to ignore it and started fucking himself on the pain giver.

Chip recovered from his thoughts and rammed himself all the way down on the monster. His scream was just as loud as Dennis's.


Frankie and Mark were completely mesmerized as they watched the two brothers ride up and down on the horrible dildo's. Both were moaning 3; both were crying 3; and both were totally covered in sweat.

At last it was over.

Dennis managed to pull himself off first. He ran to Frankie, dropped to his knees and gasped, "Now what?"

Chip arrived a few seconds later, and did the same.

The frat brothers cheered. Frankie let things settle down, then waved his hand for silence. When all were quiet, he looked around the room and announced, "Well we have a winner. Stand up guys, and turn around."

Dennis and Chip stood up and slowly turned around. A couple of guys uncuffed them. Frankie held up Dennis's hand and said, "And the winner is Dennis. Great job both of you. As I said before though, since you both did such a great job, you'll both get a reward. But Dennis will get something extra."

Chip glanced at Dennis and suppressed a smile. He saw the way Dennis was "beaming" and was sort of glad he had won. He really was a total shit most of the time, but was a determined little fucker. And like it or not, they were brothers.

Frankie looked at the two brothers and said, "Okay, it's time for your reward."

He looked across the room and beckoned a group of guys to approach.

Chip and Dennis watched as five young frat guys walked over and lined up, side by side in front of them. They all appeared to be about 18 years old and were obviously jocks. Chip couldn't take his eyes off two of them. They looked like wrestlers and Chip was fairly sure they were brothers. He was right on both counts.

Frankie let Chip and Dennis check them out for a couple of minutes then said, "Okay, Dennis and Chip, here's the deal 3; we had a summer pledge class with eight guys. Two of them are dominants and the other six are submissives. These are five of the subs. Casey is the other one."

"Dennis, for your prize, you will get to choose two of these guys to be your slaves for the night 3; and of course anything goes! And Chip, you will get to choose one. The two who aren't chosen will be punished along with the two losers over there."

He gestured towards Coach and Casey, who were once again looking nervous.

Frankie walked over and stood beside Chip and Dennis. He looked at the line of five guys and said, "Okay boys, show these two the goods, so they can decide."

Chip and Dennis smiled as the five young frat boys pulled off their clothes, tossed them aside and stood with their hands behind their heads. All had hot trim bodies, but it was the two wrestlers that clearly were the hottest.

Both had blond hair and blue eyes and solid well proportioned bodies. It was pretty obvious they were twins. About the only difference between the two was that one wore his hair longer than the other.

Frankie smiled as he saw the way Chip and Dennis were looking at the twins. "I can tell you both like the twins. If you want to see them hard, go ahead and feel them up."

They didn't need to be told twice.

Chip grabbed the cock belonging to the one with the longer hair, and Dennis grabbed the other. Both twins moaned as Dennis and Chip started stroking. It took just under a minute for the two to get fully erect.

Frankie smiled again and said, "I guess I should introduce these guys, Chip, you are stroking Bryce, and Dennis, you are stroking Brandon. They are both very good slave boys and like things really rough and nasty. Isn't that right boys?"

Both shouted in unison, "Yes Sir!"

Frankie leaned towards Mark and said, "Dude, you wouldn't believe how rough these two like it. They have been messing with each other since they were in junior high 3; and from what they have said, they have done some really nasty stuff. Bryce told me they had a friend in high school who loved torturing and humiliating the two of them together.

Dennis heard what Frankie said, he looked Brandon in the eyes, grabbed his balls and squeezed hard as he snapped, "So is that right boy, you like things rough? Really rough? Both of you?"

Brandon gasped, "AHHh! 3; YES Sir!"

Dennis started slapping Brandon's hard cock as he continued, "Well, if I make you my slave boy, that's how you are going to get it! Nasty and rough? So would you like that?"

Brandon looked at Dennis. The mere thought of being tortured and humiliated by this 14 year old boy was a huge turn on. He remembered some of the things they had been put through in high school, by a guy who was not much older than Dennis and his cock began to twitch.

"Sir, I would like that!"

Dennis smiled, looked over at Bryce and asked, "So what about you? Would you like that too?"

Bryce was having similar thoughts, his cock throbbed as he responded, "Yes sir!"

Dennis smiled again, looked at Frankie, and said, "Okay, I'll take these too!"

Chip was a little disappointed. He had wanted to get one of the brothers, but now turned his attention to the remaining three guys. All were pretty hot. Chip walked along in front of them, fondling their cocks and balls, and pinching their nipples. All were very worked up.

Chip stopped in front of the guy on the end and inquired, "What's your name?"

He took a deep breath and said, "My name is Eric sir!"

Chip smiled as he fondled Eric's balls which hung pretty low. Eric had a well toned body, with muscular legs, great biceps and pecs.

"You play any sports Eric?"

Eric said, "Yes sir! I play football and basketball."

Chip really liked Eric's looks. He circled around him and gasped when he saw Eric's ass. He could have been the "poster boy" for "Hot Ass" magazine! He ran his hand over Eric's smooth ass and asked teasingly, "So Eric, would you like to be my slave boy. I gotta warn you, this nice ass of yours will get a lot of attention, and your cock and balls will too 3; cause I love doing hard cbt!"

Eric panted, "Sir, yes sir! You can do whatever you want!"

Like Bryce and Brandon, Eric was totally turned on by the thought of being abused by a young teen. It was actually one of his major fantasies and one he had yet to act out. He had been "checking" Chip out since he had first seen him and had wondered what it would be like to be the hot young teen's slave.

Chip moved on to the other two guys. One played soccer and the other baseball. Both were fairly tall and had nice hard, lean bodies. He fondled each in turn and asked the same questions, but couldn't get his mind off of Eric.

Finally he walked back to Eric and asked, "Okay Boy, if I choose you as my Slave, will you really do whatever I say? No matter what?"

More blood rushed into Eric's hard cock as he panted, "Yes Sir! I promise 3; anything 3; No Matter What!"

Chip smiled as he turned to Frankie and said, "Okay I choose Eric!"

The two guys who weren't chosen sighed. Frankie looked at them and said, "Okay, because you two weren't chosen, you will spend 24 hours in the "Pit"."

Mark saw the look on their faces. Both looked scared. He couldn't wait to find out what happened in the pit.

Frankie looked across the room, as two frat brothers entered and gave him a "thumbs up" sign. He then turned to Mark and said, "Okay little Dude, looks like we are ready to finish your initiation. Follow those two guys. They will get you ready."

He glanced at Chip and Dennis and said, "Don't worry, you guys will have plenty of time to use your `slave boy' prizes!"

Mark trembled slightly as he followed them back to the first floor of the turret.

The inside of the room was ringed with frat brothers dressed in black and red robes. All were holding candles. All were checking out Mark's naked and tight little body. Mark could "feel" their eyes on him. Being the only one who was naked in the room, was actually exciting for him and his cock hardened some more.

They all stood there in silence for several minutes. Finally Frankie entered the room followed by more brothers. They were all wearing robes.

Frankie approached Mark, looked him in the eyes and said, "Okay Mark, this is your last chance to turn back. Once you ascend the stairs with us, your initiation will proceed to it's conclusion. As part of it, you will be tortured physically and sexually for the next three hours. The tortures will be very real 3; and I mean very real! Now with that in mind, Do you wish to proceed?"

Frankie almost wished Mark would back out. No one as young as Mark had ever gone through this and he really liked the kid. While he liked doing this stuff, he was a little concerned about his age.

Mark swallowed hard, glanced around the room and said, "I want to proceed!"

Frankie saw Mark shake slightly as he responded. He smiled, patted Mark on the shoulder and said, "Very well, come with me."

Mark followed Frankie up the winding stairs all the way to the roof of the turret. It was just like the roof of a castle. It was almost sundown and the roof was ringed with torches. But it was what was in the middle of the floor that caught Mark's attention.

There was a large rectangular wooden frame lying on the floor. It was made of thick wooden beams and actually was in two layers. The other interesting thing was the fact that at one end there were what appeared to be two large metal hinges and a couple of pistons.

It didn't take Mark long to figure out what was about to happen. His thoughts were confirmed when two of the brothers dragged him to the center of the frame, laid him down on his back and secured him spread eagled to the frame.

One of them attached tied a piece of rope around his balls. It was a really long piece of rope and when he was done, he coiled up the slack and hung it on a hook on one side of the frame.

Mark quivered as he saw another brother approach with a string of ass beads. He greased them up and carefully worked all five into Mark's tight little hole. Mark groaned as the last bead entered his ass. Another coil of rope was attached to the end of the bead string and hung on a hook on the other side of the frame.

In spite of his growing fear, Mark's cock was as hard as a rock, and growing harder.

Mark waited in nervous anticipation as he heard a sound of a large bell being rung somewhere outside the house.

Two brothers knelt beside the frame and started rubbing some type of lotion all over his outstretched body. When they were done, Mark's skin glistened in the like from the torches.

The bell rang slowly for several minutes, then stopped. As soon as it did, Mark felt the frame he was secured to shake slightly. His theory about how the thing worked was confirmed moments later, as the frame slowly began tilting up.

It took almost a full minute to get into a vertical position. When he did, Mark found himself hanging by his arms. The frame slide forward and edged towards the front of the house. When it stopped, Mark gasped as he looked down.

He could see the front lawn of the fraternity house clearly, and any one standing out front could see him, naked and spread eagled. The big surprise was the fact that the lawn was crowded with college students 3; mostly guys, but there were some girls there too. They cheered when they saw Mark hanging there.

The bell once and four figures dressed in hooded black robes came up the stairs. Each one carried a leather flogger in one handle and an unlit candle in the other. They stood on either side of the frame, placed their candles on the floor and waited.

Frankie approached looked at Mark and said, "And now it is time to reap what you have sowed. Earlier, you had your four slave boys flogged. You ordered that they each should receive 25 hard lashes. Now each will have their chance to `return the favor'."

Mark trembled as he glanced around. The four hooded figures removed their hoods, they were Coach, Casey, Chip and Dennis.

Dennis looked at Frankie and said, "That's 25 from each of us, right?"

Frankie nodded and said, "That's right, 25 hard lashes from all four of you."

Dennis leaned close to the frame and chuckled to Mark, "I'm really going to enjoy this!"

Coach and Chip focused on Mark's back and ass, while Dennis and Casey lashed his chest, stomach and inner thighs. It didn't take long at all for Mark to start screaming. Frankie could tell the hardest lashes were coming from Dennis who was hitting Mark's exposed thighs really hard.

By the time they finished, Mark was crying and sobbing. His body felt like it was on fire. As much as he wanted it to stop, he was determined to get through it all.

Like he had ordered done to them, the cock and ball torture followed next. His cock and balls were coated with Icy Hot and then slowly covered with hot wax. The four guys did a thorough job. When they were done, Mark's cock and balls were completely covered in wax.

Like the rest of his body, it felt like his genitals were on fire.

Sadly for Mark his torment was far from over. A penis whip and ball paddle were produced, and the four took turns paddling Mark's poor balls and whipping his cock. It took some time for the wax to be whipped and paddled off his suffering manly parts.

When at last it was over, Mark slumped in his bonds and sobbed.

There were some in the crowd out front who felt sorry for the little dude, but no one made a move to try and stop it.

Frankie let Mark recover slightly before giving the signal for things to continue. Mark was in for yet another surprise. It started when one brother slipped a vibrating cock ring onto his cock and switched it on.

Two brothers then approached, took hold of the frame set up, and slowly slid it closer to the front of the house. When they stopped, they pulled a couple of large metal bolts out of the frame's sides and slowly tilted it forward. When they were done, the frame was actually hanging our over the edge of the roof, and Mark could look straight down at the crowd on the lawn.

Suddenly, the purpose of the two long coils of rope that were attached to Mark's balls and to the beads in his ass became clear.

Both coils were removed from their hooks and allowed to dangle to the lawn below. Several guys rushed to grab the ropes. The crowd cheered as one guy began tugging on the rope that was attached to Mark's balls.

Frankie leaned over the edge of the roof and spook to Mark, "Okay little Dude, here is how this works, and the crowd knows it. When I say go, people in the crowd will take turns yanking on your ball rope. And they will also, slowly start pulling those beads out of your ass. The trick is, you have to cum by the time the last bead is pulled out of your ass. If you don't then we'll let Dennis and Chip here take turns using these on you! And I have a feeling neither one will be gentle!"

Mark turned his head and looked back. Frankie was holding a couple of long poles that had dildos mounted on them. One dildo was really big and it was that pole that he handed to Dennis.

Frankie smiled and said, "So I suggest you think happy thoughts!"

The crowd started chanting "CUM! CUM! CUM! SHOOT! SHOOT! SHOOT!" as Mark felt more tugging on his balls and pressure inside his ass, as the first bead started spreading his hole back open.

Hanging naked like this, over the crowd, being forced to ejaculate, was as humiliating as it was exciting. Much to the delight of the crowd, Mark's cock quickly rose to full erection.

Mark moaned really loud as the first bead was pulled out of his tight little ass. The crowd cheered of course.

He moaned again as some guy yanked hard on the rope tied to his balls.

There was another yank on the bead rope and a second bead popped out of his ass, followed almost immediately by a third.

To the crowd's delight, Mark started frantically pumping his groin in a desperate effort to get himself to cum. He thought about all the nasty things he would be making Casey do. It helped, but not enough.

The crowd's chant got louder as the guy kept yanking on Mark's ball rope.


Another bead was pulled out of his ass. He looked around and saw Dennis smiling wickedly as he began greasing the big dildo on the end of his pole.

He was pumping his groin like crazy now and the crowd was absolutely loving it. The site of the cute young naked teen, with the tight little body, desperately trying to make himself ejaculate, mostly by sheer force of will, was really hot. And no one seemed bothered by his age.

Another guy grabbed the bead rope and gave it a firm pull. The last bead popped out of Mark's ass. Mark groaned as watched the beads fall to the ground. He turned his head and saw Dennis step up to the edge of the roof.

Dennis leaned over the edge, held out the dildo pole and pressed the tip of the dildo against Mark's tight little hole. It took some doing, but eventually he began working the dildo into Mark's ass.

Needless to say the crowd was really excited now. They watched in morbid fascination as Mark winced. Pain shot through his body as Dennis slowly impaled his ass with the big dildo.

A cheer arose from the crowd when Mark gasped and cried out, "OH GOD!"

Dennis took his time getting the dildo all the way inside Mark, who tried to escape his fate by arching his back. It was a futile effort. By the time the wicked thing was all the way in, he was covered with sweat and breathing hard.

The good news was that his cock was now throbbing and leaking pre-cum like crazy.

He thought of Casey some more as Dennis began moving the dildo in and out of his ass. Thankfully it didn't take too long to come up with an image that sent him over the edge. He moaned really loud as Dennis picked up the pace.

The crowd was screaming now, "CUM! CUM! CUM! SHOOT! SHOOT! SHOOT!"

Mark thought about taking Casey to the park, finding the group of young punks, and then ordering him to strip in front of them. He thought about the blush that would be on Casey's boyish face when he ordered him to masturbate while they watched 3; and that did it!

Suddenly Mark cried out 3; his muscles tensed even more 3; and then to everyone's delight 3; and nice string of young teen seed shot out of his throbbing cock. It was not as much as Dennis or Chip would have produced, but is was respectable 3; and visible!

The crowd applauded as they watched the young teen's animated orgasm.

Dennis was a little disappointed when Frankie told him to pull the dildo out of Mark's ass.

Frankie stepped to the edge of the roof, waved at the crowd and called out, "This concludes our ceremony, thank you all for coming and have a nice night."

The crowd applauded some more and then began drifting off as the frame holding Mark was tilted back up, slid back and then lowered to the floor.

Mark was glad this part was over. His arms and legs were really aching and his ass was hurting. Sadly for the tough little teen's tight ass, his ordeal was not yet over.

They removed Mark from the frame and then let him sit up and rub his arms and legs.

Frankie waited for Mark to show signs of relaxing, then announced, "And now young friend, the time has come to complete your binding to our brotherhood, by joining with all the brethren."

Mark looked up and Frankie, gave him a slight smile and said, "I'm ready." After what he had just gone through, he figured, "joining with the brethren", couldn't be that bad.

He was wrong about that.

The brothers formed a line and headed down the stairs, followed by Chip, Dennis, Coach, Casey, and then Frankie and Mark.

Frankie held Mark back for a few moments. He looked at the plucky youth's tortured body. There were quite a few red marks all over it from the savage flogging he had receive. He put his hand on Mark's shoulder and said, "Listen Dude, you have done really well, you really don't have to do anymore if you don't want to 3; you can still be our friend."

Mark looked at him quizzically and said, "Yea, but would I be an honorary brother, like we talked about?"

Frankie shook his head and said, "No, you wouldn't, but you could still hang out here sometimes."

Mark took a deep breath, straightened up and said, "I promised I would do this, and I always keep my promises. I don't care how tough it is, I can handle it!"

Frankie rustled Mark's hair and chuckled, "You know, I believe you can! SO, okay, we'll finish it then."

He led Mark towards the stairs, when they got there, he paused once more, put his arm around Mark's shoulder and said, "Okay, these last things are the toughest ones for most guys. You've come this far, and impressed us all. My final piece of advice now is to try and relax. The more you can relax, the easier this will be."

Mark trembled slightly as he tried to imagine what was next, he nodded slightly and said softly, "I'll do my best."

Frankie guided Mark slowly down the stairs. When they descended into the next room, Mark figured out almost immediately 3; "what was next!"

It was the room that had the four chains hanging from the ceiling. It was lit with a large number of candles. A sling had been attached to the chains and the walls of the room were lined with fraternity members dressed in robes. Chip, Coach and Dennis were sitting on chairs across the room.

Frankie pointed at the sling and said, "You know what you must do."

Mark swallowed hard, walked over to the sling and climbed on it. He lay on his back and waited patiently. His heart was pounding furiously.

Two of the brothers approached. They pulled his arms up and secured his wrists to two of the chains. They spread his legs wide, pulled them up and secured his ankles in the same manner.

His tight little ass was now totally exposed and in the perfect position to be entered.

Frankie walked over to where Coach, Chip and Dennis were sitting. He handed a small basket to Chip and said, "You three are our special guests, and as such, we invite the three of you to honor us by preparing each brother for the joining. Though you will not be able to participate in the actual joining ceremony, we would appreciate your assistance."

They didn't understand until they looked in the basket, it was filled with packets of condoms.

Chip and Dennis didn't know what to say. Frankie stood there waiting. Coach thought for a moment, winked at Chip and Dennis and said, "We would be honored to help."

Frankie nodded, turned around, walked back across the room, and took his place between two red robed brothers.

Dennis whispered to Coach, "So what does this mean? We pass out the rubbers?"

Coach smiled and whispered back, "I have a feeling it's a little more than that. But we will see. Just go with it!"

A bell sounded. Frankie raised his hand and said, "Let the joining begin. And let the initiate become one with his new brothers."

One of the brothers walked over to Coach, Chip and Dennis. He took off his robe and handed it to Coach. He had been wearing nothing under his robe. Chip and Dennis both grinned as the, now naked, young college guy stepped up to them, spread his arms and said, "Please prepare me." It was Bryce, one of the twins that was now enslaved to Dennis.

Dennis seemed confused. Coach nudged Chip and said, "Dudes, he wants you to put the condom on him! Get it?"

Dennis whispered, "HOLY SHIT! This is great! This is gonna be like the `mother of all' gang bangs!"

Chip's cock hardened as he opened the first condom pack. His hands shook slightly as he slid the condom on the Bryce's hard cock.

Dennis whispered to Chip, "You Bro, I got dibs on the next one!"

They watched, totally mesmerized as Bryce turned and walked over to the sling. He picked up a bottle of lube, coated his condom covered cock with it then positioned himself between Mark's spread legs.

He looked down at Mark and announced, "I am you brother Bryce!"

Then he pressed the tip of his cock against Mark's hole and began working his way inside. Mark gasped as Bryce entered him. In spite of everything he had been through his hole was still extremely tight, and Bryce's thick cock hurt like hell.

He tried his best to relax, but it was tough. Bryce pounded away at his ass for almost five minutes. He cried out when he finally shot his load, inside of Mark.

Dennis couldn't contain himself, he leaned over and whispered to Chip and Coach, "Wow, the Dude, came in Mark's ass!"

Coach whispered back, "Don't worry, that's what the condom is for!"

They continued watching as Bryce pulled out of Mark. Another robed brother stepped beside him and held out a cup. Bryce took the cup, carefully removed his condom and dribbled his cum into the cup. He retrieved his robe from Coach, put it on and returned to his place by the wall.

The process was repeated with the next brother in line, it was Bryce's twin, Brandon.

Dennis got really excited as he slid the condom over Brandon's hard cock. Dennis checked him out as he did. He had a wrestler's build and a chiseled, but cute boyish face. Just like Bryce. When he was done he glanced over at Bryce then whispered to Chip, "Shit man! They are so hot!"

Brandon looked down at Dennis, winked and whispered, "Thanks Dude! I mean Master!"

Once again they watched as the "ritual" was repeated. Bryce's twin brother, Brandon, stepped between Mark's legs, announced his name, and then proceeded to fuck Mark hard. It took a little longer for him to orgasm inside Mark's aching ass.

When he was done, his cum was added to the cup and he returned to his place.

And so it continued.

Chip initially tried to keep track of how many times Mark was fucked, but lost track around 25.

Frankie was the last one to "join" with Mark. Coach, Chip and Dennis all gasped when they saw the size of Frankie's erect cock. It was huge!

Mark trembled as Frankie entered him. He trembled even more as Frankie continued working his monster cock inside of him. As much as he wanted to spare the little guy, he just couldn't. The "ritual" demanded that he bury his cock all the way in!

By the time his pubes finally touched Mark's little ass cheeks, Mark was gasping for air and moaning, "OH GOD! SHIT! AGGGHHHH!"

Frankie whispered, "Just relax little dude! Relax!"

The sound of Frankie's calming voice helped. Mark managed to catch his breath. He looked up at Frankie through watery eyes and said softly, "I'm okay. Go ahead and do it."

Frankie's eyes watered a little too as he looked at the sweating young teen. He was young, for sure. He had cried some, but all in all, had taken his "joining" like a real man 3; better than some of the other brothers, in fact.

Frankie hesitated. Mark sensed his hesitation, tilted his head up, looked at Frankie and said softly, "I'm okay! So go ahead 3; make me a brother!"

Frankie smiled, took a deep breath, and then began sliding his cock in and out. Mark shook violently each time Frankie rammed the monster all the way inside.

Fortunately for Mark, it didn't take Frankie long to cum. When he did, he quickly pulled out of Mark, removed his condom and added his cum to the cup.

Coach, Chip and Dennis, watched as the "ritual" continued in silence.

Mark was removed from the sling and helped out of the room. He had trouble walking, so two of the brothers supported him.

As soon as he was gone, Frankie walked over and talked to Coach, Chip and Dennis.

"Okay guys, since you guys are here as `honored guests', so to speak, we're going to let you observe Mark's final initiation 3; at least up to the point when he is taught the secret stuff. The only thing we ask is that you not tell others about this 3; okay?"

All three nodded and said, "Yea 3; sure 3; Um yea."

Frankie smiled and continued, "Okay, good, and since you guys are basically his friends 3; or whatever, you can actually `contribute' something to the final ceremony 3; if you like. It's up to you."

While Frankie was speaking, several of the brothers were "converting" the room.

The sling was removed, and a table that looked like an altar was carried up the stairs and placed in the center of the room. A smaller table was placed beside it.

The cup with all the collective ejaculate was placed on the smaller table between three candles.

Frankie gestured towards the cup and said, "You couldn't be part a full part of the joining ceremony but you are welcome to `contribute' if you like 3;oh yea, and if you can!"

The three seemed a little confused at first, but quickly figured out what Frankie was talking about. Dennis looked at the cup and blurted out, "HOLY SHIT! He's gonna have to drink all that cum, isn't he???"

Frankie smiled and chuckled, "You show great wisdom boy! So, as I have said, you are welcome to `contribute', and if you do, you may stay and watch. Otherwise, we will ask that you wait for us in the party room."

It took another few moments for it all to sink in. All wanted to stay and see what happened next 3; And all figured it out at pretty much the same time 3; but it was Dennis who jumped on it first!

"Okay, so, like what should I do 3; like um 3; you know!"

Frankie smiled and said, "Just step up to the table and `add you seed' to the cup!"

If Dennis had any shyness, it was totally gone, at least for now. He immediately jumped to his feet, went to the table and started stroking his cock. He couldn't wait to see Mark have to eat all this cum 3; and even better, let Mark know afterwards that his cum was in there too.

The mere thought of it pushed him over the edge quickly. He shot a nice little load into the cup. Chip followed right after him and added another nice sized load to the cup.

Coach blushed as he stepped up to the little table. He couldn't believe Chip and Dennis had been able to shoot as much as they had! He stroked really hard 3; and it took him awhile, but finally he was actually able to add a little of his own seed to the mix.

Frankie seemed pleased. He had, of course, enjoyed watching the three of them jack off into the cup. His mind was racing as he tried to remember all the "procedures." It was tough, but helped along when a red robed brother suddenly burst into the room and gave him a MAJOR thumbs up.

He walked over to the "three" (Coach, Chip and Dennis) who were seated once more, knelt down and lowered his voice, "Okay, I have to tell you guys this is pretty fucking unusual 3; first off, it's unusual since we are actually doing an `honorary' initiation for someone as young as Mark 3; but it's also unusual to have `non-members' actually here 3; observing 3; like you three. Don't get me wrong 3; it is permitted, according to the rules. And based on the signal I just got, it appears that Mark wants you guys to be here for this last part. Guess that means he has some strong feelings for you guys."

They looked at each other, and searched for words. After several moments, it was Chip who actually found the words.

"Yea, we like him a lot. He's way cool!"

Frankie thought for a moment and then said, "Okay, that's cool too. Now listen 3; and listen GOOD! What happens next is not gonna be pretty! It will be Mark's final lesson 3; and one he needs to learn."

The three were even more intrigued now as they watched a "brother" set up a digital clock across the room.

Frankie saw where they were looking and continued, "Mark has chosen the path of a `Master' 3; and has to learn 3; `first hand' about `limits' 3; what happens next serves two purposes. First of all he will learn something about his own limits, and second he will earn a `ritual' number which is sort of like a rank. The longer he lasts, before he breaks, the higher his ritual number will be and the higher his rank in the fraternity will be. It would take too long to explain, so you'll have to trust me, it's important!"

Frankie let it sink in for a moment and then continued; "Now I have to warn you, this last thing is going to be really rough. Although Mark will be an `honorary' member, he will still have pretty much all the privileges of a regular member, still, despite his age, he has to earn it. Right now, he is being given a `ritual bath' 3; when he returns 3; he will drink the elixir of the brethren 3; then he will choose the mode of his final test! Oh and yea, this will take awhile."

The "three" watched as one of the "brothers" prepared the elixir!

Coach Taylor was the first to realize what was happening. He watched as three "pills" were crushed and dropped into the cum cup, followed by a heavy dose of vodka and some soda water.

Coach smiled as he watched the brother stir the cup, then turned to Chip and Dennis and said, "Now that is ONE hell of a CUM COCKTAIL! Our young friend is gonna be boned for a long time if they make him drink that!"

And they did!

Moments later, Mark, still naked, was led into the room. He clearly looked better as a result of his bath. He was forced to kneel before the little table. Frankie pointed at the cup on the table and said, "You must now, drink the Elixir of the Brethren!"

Dennis snickered as he watched Mark, pick up the cup and drink it all. Mark gagged a little, more from the alcohol than anything else. He had eaten cum before, but never this much so it was a little hard to get it all down. The soda water helped a lot by making the slimy mass thinner.

When he was done, he placed the cup back on the table and waited patiently.

Frankie smiled and said, "All right my prospective brother. On the table in front of you are three printed cards. You are to examine them. Each one lists a mode of torture. You are to pick one that will be used on you for the final part of your initiation. The difficulty of the one you chose will affect your final ritual number and ranking in the fraternity."

"Also the longer you hold out before asking the tortures to stop, the higher your ritual number will be."

Mark trembled as he picked up the cards and read them. One said, "Anal Torture", another said, "Body Lashing and Flogging", and the final one read, "Cock, Ball, and Nipple Torture."

Mark was pretty sure he knew which one carried the most weight, though it scared him, he chose it anyway.

He put two of the cards on the table and handed the third one to Frankie.

Frankie read the card, looked around the room and announced, "Let the record show that our future brother has chosen well and will endure Cock, Ball, Nipple Torture."

The brothers gathered in the room applauded.

Frankie then said, "Let the initiate be taken on his walk-a-bout now, so all the brethren will know."

The three watched as Mark was once again led out of the room.

Frankie walked over, knelt beside their chairs and said, "Okay, basically they are just walking him all through the house. All the brothers will get a chance to feel him up good. Actually this is essentially buying time for the pills to start kicking in. I'm sure you guys know what the pills were that were added to the cum."

Dennis chuckled, "Yo, those were boner pills, weren't they to make Mark super boned and horny."

Frankie laughed, "Yea, you got it. He should be really boned when he gets back. And then he will be hung from the ceiling by his wrists, the clock will be started and his torture will begin. Like I said, the more he takes before he breaks, the higher his rank will be."

Coach Taylor interjected, "Well, I suspect he'll get a pretty high rank. He is a pretty tough kid."

Frankie laughed again and said, "That I noticed. He took the other stuff better than a lot of guys who are a lot older than him. Okay, I've got to go check on some things. Oh year, after we're done with this part. There will be a short ceremony back up on the roof. Sorry, that's the secret part, but it only takes a few minutes. When that is over, you can join us in the big room downstairs for a party!"

He was about to leave when he suddenly remembered something. He looked at Chip and Dennis and said, "You two will get to start working the slave boys you won during the party."

He then looked at Coach and said, "You'll be able to party for a little while before your penalty starts. You and Casey will be spending 24 hours in the pit." He smiled as he saw Coach tremble. Yes it was going to be fun having the hot young coach in the Pit!

Dennis blurted out, "So like what's in the Pit?"

Frankie laughed as he turned to leave and said, "Don't worry, we'll let you watch when we put the two of them in there, along with those other two guys who weren't selected. I think you'll like it."

And then he left.

They sat and watched as a couple of brothers climbed up and attached a metal chain to a hook in the ceiling.

Dennis started jabbering again, "Dudes this is so fucking cool. Even better than torturing you guys. Remember you both still have to do your challenges sometime, and so does Steph."

Chip snickered, "Yea, and remember, you and Mark are gonna have to `pay-up' when we do!"

Surprisingly Dennis was really worried about that part. He was having too much fun. His only dilemma was the fact that the way things seemed, like it or not, Coach, Chip and Steph had each won one of the parts of the contest. Which meant there was a three way tie. He remembered the dildo race thing that he and Chip had gone through to break their tie and decided to suggest some sort of tie breaker to Mark, the first chance he got.

He was about to speak again, when something happened that would totally change his life.

They all turned their heads as they heard the sound of metal cleats on the stone floor.

A guy dressed in a dirty practice football uniform entered the room, looked around and then asked the brothers who were rigging the chain, "Yo Bro's, what's happening and who are these Dudes."

They quickly explained about the honorary initiation thing and gave him a capsule summary of what had happened earlier.

Dennis couldn't take his eyes off of the football jock. In his mind he was the hottest guy he had ever seen. He had dark hair and a well chiseled manly face. His sleeves were rolled up and Dennis could see he had really great biceps. Add that to the fact he was wearing one of those short jerseys that revealed well defined six pack abs, and he was like a god!

At least in Dennis's eyes.

The guy looked over and saw the way Dennis was eying him! Or "perving" on him as he liked to say. He was used to it, he got it all the time, and actually liked it.

He winked at Dennis and chuckled, "So you like what you see little dude?"

Dennis blushed and lowered his eyes. He was speechless.

Chip looked at Dennis. He had never seen him like this before. He leaned over and said, "Hey Bro, what the fuck's the matter?"

Dennis tried to think of something to say. His heart was beating like crazy as he looked up at the football jock who was grinning at him.

The jock winked once more then left the room.

Dennis sat in silence for just a moment, then jumped up, and said, "I'll be right back!" and then ran out of the room.

He caught up to the football jock and called out, "So um 3; dude 3; guess you play football 3; huh?"

The guy stopped turned around, smiled and gestured towards his uniform, "Well now how did you guess 3; um 3; DUH!"

Dennis blushed again as he realized how dumb what he had said really was.

He laughed nervously, "Oh yea 3; ha ha 3; guess that was pretty lame. I wanted to play football, but my Dad said I wasn't big enough."

The guy laughed and said, "Well, I don't know, looks like you do have some muscle on you 3; you would need to bulk up some, but who knows, especially at your age 3; which is what, by the way?"

He didn't know why he was even talking to this kid. Sure he always liked it when guys looked at him the way this kid did, but he was a kid after all!

Dennis stammered 3; "I'm um 14, but I'll be older one day."

Dennis rolled his eyes as he realized how dumb THAT sounded too. The guy didn't help when he chuckled, "Yea, that happens!"

There was a long pause as the two stared at each other. Finally the football jock, smiled, extended his hand and chuckled, "I'm Ross 3; you got a name little Dude, or aren't you old enough to have one?"

Dennis took hold of Ross's hand and gave it a firm shake as he said tenuously, "Um 3; I'm um.. DD.. Dennis."

Ross chuckled, "You don't seem to be to sure about that Dude."

Dennis blushed and looked down. For some reason he wanted to impress this guy, but every time he opened his mouth, he sounded stupid.

Ross figured he should tell Dennis to get lost, but decided to have some fun with him instead. He was a real exhibitionist and loved to use his body to control other guys, especially ones who were cocky smart asses. Which he had a feeling this kid was.

He thought for a moment, opened the door to his room and said, "Listen little dude, I gotta get a shower, you wanna come in and help me get undressed?"

Dennis looked like he was ready to pass out and Ross loved it. Dennis nodded and followed Ross into his room.

Ross thought to himself, "Shit I can't believe I'm doing this, but what the hell, this could be interesting."

Once inside the room, Ross tossed his practice helmet on the floor and quickly pulled off his jersey, shoulder pads and t-shirt. He flexed his muscles a little, smiled at Dennis and said teasingly, "Pretty impressive huh?"

Dennis's mouth dropped open as he stared at Ross's bare torso. He couldn't believe how hot Ross was. Coach Taylor was hot, but Ross was even hotter.

Ross sat down on the edge of the bed and looked at Dennis. He smiled as he recognized the look on his face. Dennis was totally mesmerized. Ross had seen that look many times before. Guys just loved looking at his body. And he loved the feeling of control it gave him.

Though he definitely did not have an "interest" in young boys, he did like the feeling of power and couldn't resist messing with the entranced teen. He wanted to see just how far Dennis was willing to go. Maybe he could scare the little shit away.

Ross suddenly glared at Dennis and snapped, "So are you just gonna just stand there all day or help me?"

Dennis stammered, "Um, okay, what should I do?"

Ross smiled and said, "Well you can start by taking off my shoes."

Dennis nodded, dropped to his knees and quickly began taking Ross's shoes off. As they came off, Dennis could smell Ross's sweaty feet. The odor was a little unpleasant at first, but then sort of grew on him.

Ross was really having a good time watching young Dennis. He had seen the signs before. He smiled at Dennis and said, "Go ahead and smell my feet 3; I can tell you want to."

Dennis really was in a trance. He leaned down and sniffed Ross's feet. His eyes rolled and his cock hardened.

Ross chuckled, "So little Dude, you obviously are gay 3; so are you a top or a bottom? You know what that means don't you?"

Ross got the reaction he was hoping for. Little Dennis momentarily snapped out of his trance, sat up and said sharply, "Yea Dude 3;I know what it means! And I am a `Top!' 3; Um mostly! My brother's done some shit to me 3; but I am a Top. I like making other guys do stuff! Especially older guys like you!"

Ross grinned as he thought, "Yea, this is gonna be fun!"

He looked at Dennis sitting there with a defiant look on his face. He jumped to his feet, grabbed Dennis by the throat and pulled him up as he snarled, "Well sorry to maybe disappoint you, you little shit, but I am definitely a top! And I don't bottom for anyone! Especially not a smart ass little punk like you! So here's the deal, you can get the hell out of my room right now 3; OR 3; you can stay! But if you stay, you will be my little bitch! My little puppy dog! So what's it to be?"

Ross figured that would probably do it! Scare the little shit off!

Dennis was in a state of shock for sure. But there was something else. All of a sudden he had these wild feelings 3; they were similar to the ones he had when he had fooled around with Mark's cousin, but were much stronger. All he could think about was pleasing Ross. No way in hell he could leave 3; and he would do anything just to be able to be with him.

Dennis looked at Ross and whimpered, "Please I want to stay."

Ross was a little surprised, but also pleased. He loved the rush he got when he took control of another guy 3; even a young one.

He let Dennis go and snarled, "Okay little Dude, you want to stay.. then take off my pants!"

Dennis dropped to his knees and proceeded to unlace Ross's football pants. His hands shook as he slowly pulled the pants down Ross's muscular thighs. Ross's heavy sweaty manly scent was overpowering now!

Ross looked down at Dennis, quivering at his feet as he stepped out of his pants. He thought 3; "Shit, this kid will probably faint when he sees what's coming next."

Dennis sat back on his heals and looked at Ross, standing there in just his socks and jock. His heart was pounding really fast now. Ross's sweaty manly scent was really strong.

Ross smiled and said, "Okay you little shit! Take off my socks, and give both of them a good sniff after you do."

Once again, Dennis's hands trembled as he slowly removed Ross's socks. His eyes rolled as he smelled each one and his cock got even harder.

Meanwhile, Ross was pretty much on "auto-pilot!" He glared at Dennis, and snapped, "Okay, you take off that borrowed T-shirt and shorts, and show me that nice little body of yours."

Dennis stood up, stripped quickly and tossed his clothes aside. He instinctively put his hands behind his head and waited while Ross looked him over.

Ross grinned as he checked out Dennis's compact little body. He thought he didn't really have a "thing" for younger boys, but he was actually pretty impressed, especially by Dennis's genitals, which were really well developed for a boy his age.

"Dude, seems like you're sort of an early bloomer 3; you got some nice `equipment' down there."

Dennis blushed when he saw where Ross was looking and his cock throbbed.

Ross, giggled, "Well guess it's `show you mine time' now!' as he pulled down his jock and tossed it aside.

Dennis's reaction was pretty much the same as most gay guys when they saw Ross's cock. It was even larger than Frankie's and was now fully erect. Ross gave it a few quick strokes and smiled as he saw Dennis's eyes widen.

"Yeah, pretty impressive isn't it?"

Dennis was speechless as he looked at Ross's fully developed body. He was in lust for sure, but there was definitely something else 3; he was actually loving the way this hot college jock was treating him.

And Ross loved the way Dennis was looking at him. He began to wonder just how far Dennis was willing to go and decided to push him.

"Okay listen you little shit, go over to the closet over there and bring me the black suitcase that's on the floor. I'm gonna show you what you have to look forward to 3; if you stay here 3; you're probably not going to like it!"

He watched Dennis literally bound over to the closet and retrieve the suit case. Dennis had a really nice spankable little ass and Ross thought it might fun to get him to squeal.

Dennis returned with the heavy case and placed it on the bed. He was really curious about what was inside, but had a pretty good idea. Ross smiled at Dennis and said, "Okay little dude, open the case and check out what's inside. You said you wanted to stay, so see what you've gotten yourself into.

Dennis's mouth dropped open as he looked inside. He was right; the case contained a bunch of sex toys and torture devices. Some looked really nasty. He recognized most of them and trembled slightly as the realization hit him that Ross probably wanted to use them on him.

Ross sat on the bed beside the case, looked and Dennis and said, "Go ahead and take out one of the collars and put it on, Now!"

Dennis didn't even think about resisting. He rummaged through the case, found a leather collar and quickly put it on. His heart was really pounding as he stared at the things in the case.

Ross's heart was pounding to as he saw the way Dennis was quivering. He picked up two padded wrist restraints and put them on Dennis's wrists. Then he placed two other padded restraints around his ankles. As he finished securing them he chuckled, "You know why these are all so heavily padded?"

Dennis shook his head.

Ross smiled, pointed to some hooks in the ceiling and said, "It's so I can hang you from them while I torture you."

Dennis gulped as he looked up at the hooks. He suddenly had a vision of his naked and vulnerable body hanging from them and really started to shake. He started thinking that maybe this was not such a good idea, but then looked at Ross again. He couldn't take his eyes off of his gorgeous body.

Ross kept up the pressure by saying, "Okay little dude, here's the deal, if you do stay, I get to use whatever I want to that nice little body of yours 3; for as long as I want. Oh and just so you know, if you start screaming, which I can guarantee you will, I'll just gag you."

Dennis took another look in the case. There were whips and floggers, cock rings (some spiked inside), dildo's, butt plugs, a milking wand, some other kind of electric wand, a couple of ball presses, clothespins, clamps and a lot more.

Ross picked up a strange looking flogger and said, "Know what this is?"

Dennis nodded and said, "Yea, it's some kind of whip." It didn't really look that bad.

Ross grinned and said, "Yea, but it's special, see it's made out of horsehair. And the thing about it is that it really stings, especially when used on a guy's cock and balls. You'll get the picture soon enough."

Ross grinned even more as he saw Dennis shake. The kid did seem to have guts though and Ross began looking forward to actually torturing him.

"Okay little Dude, I'll tell you one more thing, which I think you'll really like. If you take whatever I dish out even reasonably well, you'll get a special reward."

Dennis perked up and stammered excitedly, "Well 3; um what is it?"

Ross smiled, rustled Dennis's hair and said, "Well, you'll get to sleep with me, that is if you can stay, and heck, I'll even let you mess with me if you want."

Dennis's eyes really widened and he blabbered, "You mean like we would do 3; you know sexual stuff 3; just me and you?"

Ross laughed, "Yea Dude, that's the idea."

Dennis was totally excited now. He didn't care what Ross did to him if he could get to "be" with him.

He thought for a moment then asked, "Um, so would I get to do things to you too? You know like nasty things like torture and all?"

Now it was Ross's turn to think. He saw the totally excited look on Dennis's face and his cock twitched. He hadn't even considered that possibility. It had been a long time since anyone had done anything to him. The last time was when he joined the fraternity and had to do all the pledge stuff.

He looked at Dennis again and how excited he was and wondered what it would be like to be on the receiving end of things from the little guy. He couldn't believe he was even considering it, but for some strange reason he just couldn't resist. Part of the it may have been because he was so incredibly horny.

He ran his fingers through Dennis's hair again and said, "Well, I don't really do that, but I guess that would only be fair, so yea, sure you got a deal little dude."

Dennis was totally beaming. He figured whatever Ross did to him would be worth it if he got to have sex with him and also torture him. He looked at Ross and asked tenuously, "And `anything' goes right? No matter what? And no safe word!"

Ross smiled and laughed, "Yea that's right! Anything goes! And yea, no safe word for either of us." He was actually a little surprised that Dennis seemed to know so much about BDSM.

They sat in silence of a few moments, then Ross said, "Well, guess we might as well get started. We'll start with a little warm up for you. I want you to do jumping jacks until I tell you to stop. And then when I say stop, you will stand with your arms and legs spread wide, while I inflict pain on your body. Then start again when I say go. So get started."

Dennis headed to the center of the room and started doing jumping jacks. Ross smiled as he watched Dennis's hard cock bouncing up and down. He knew from experience that for a lot of guys, being forced to exercise in the nude was somewhat humiliating, but was also a turn on.

He loved watching guys exercise while naked and loved messing with their minds while they did. He picked up the horsehair flogger and began swishing it in the air. Dennis kept doing his jumping jacks while Ross approached, still swishing the flogger.

When Ross finally shouted "Stop!" Dennis stood with his arms and legs spread wide, closed his eyes and waited nervously.

The first lash hit has back really hard, and Ross was right it stung like hell. Dennis thought it felt like a hundred needles had hit his back. He yelped when the next last hit his tight little ass. The pain was pretty bad 3; and got worse when Ross moved around to the front. He gave Dennis a hard lash across the chest and then moved quickly to his genitals.

The first lash across Dennis's hard cock really hurt bad, and made Dennis cry out.



Tears filled his eyes quickly as the nasty horsehairs tore into his balls.

Ross spread five more lashes around Dennis's body. Dennis moaned with each on. He breathed a sigh of relief though when Ross shouted "Go!"

Dennis started doing jumping jacks once more. He watched through watery eyes as Ross stood on a chair and tied pieces of rope to the hooks in the ceiling. Ross noticed him watching as he climbed off the chair and chuckled, "Yea Dude, you're gonna be screaming really loud very soon now!"

Dennis continued watching while Ross pulled an object out of the case. His eyes widened when he recognized what it was.

Ross saw the look on Dennis's face and said, "Know what this is?"

Dennis panted as he continued his jumping jacks, "Yea, it's a penis whip."

Ross chuckled, "That's right little dude, and soon it's gonna meet your penis big time. Guess maybe I should have told you my big thing is genital torture and I'm awfully good at it. I am definitely gonna enjoy torturing yours."

Dennis looked at the penis whip. It looked just as nasty as the one in Coach Taylor's dungeon. It had the three short rawhide laces dangling from it and from what Dennis could see, also had the tiny little sharp spikes on the ends.

Ross sat down on the bed and watched Dennis continue to do his jumping jacks. His teenage body was building up a nice sheen of sweat and the bouncing up and down was definitely helping to keep his cock hard.

He thought about the deal he had made with Dennis and began to wonder what things Dennis would be doing to him. He was certain Dennis would tie him up and was equally certain his own penis would be feeling the sting of the nasty little whip. He also had the feeling that Dennis would make humiliation a major part of his game plan.

The more he thought about it, the harder he got. Which was interesting because he already was really hard.

He set the penis whip down, picked up the horsehair flogger and walked over to Dennis. He was just about ready to tell him to stop again, when his room mate Kevin walked in.

Kevin smiled when he saw Dennis and the flogger in Ross's hand. "Looks like someone is having fun. Kinda young isn't he?"

Ross chuckled, "Yea, I know, just couldn't resist, besides he really wanted it."

Kevin looked at Dennis's sweating body and said, "Well, I guess he is about the same age as the honorary who's being initiated now. Oh yea, and speaking of that, Frankie was looking for you. Seems the little Dude chose `cbt' for the final part of his initiation and Frankie knows how good you are with it. They are getting ready to string him up now. He is hung pretty well for someone his age, just like this little dude. Oh yea, and you should see how boned he is! They gave him a cum cocktail and put the good pills in it!"

Ross thought for a moment, told Dennis to stop and then said, "So Dude wanna take a break and go watch your buddy being tortured? Who knows I just might let you help and see how creative you are, we can finish our deal later."

Dennis got excited all over again. Getting to mess with Ross later would be lots of fun, but right now there was Mark, and he didn't want to miss that. So he said, "Hell yea!"

Ross then continued, "Okay, cool. Let me jump in the shower real quick then we'll go." He picked up a towel and headed towards the door. Just before he stepped out, he looked back at Kevin, gestured towards Dennis and said, "Hey Kevin, do me a favor, put a cock ring on this little Dude and maybe a butt plug up his ass while I shower."

Kevin grinned at Dennis as he looked through the case, "So what kind of deal you got going with Ross?"

Dennis responded excitedly, "Well, he gets to, you know, torture me and stuff for as long as he wants, then I get to do the same to him, and then afterwards we are gonna have sex."

Kevin looked shocked as he slid a cock ring down Dennis's hard cock, "Wow, that's a shock! Him letting you do him, he just doesn't do that with anyone. You sure he said that?"

Dennis grunted as Kevin worked a butt plug into his little ass, "Um, yea for sure. I can make him do whatever I want, and anything goes."

Kevin was totally surprised. The last time anything like that was done to Ross was when they had pledged. Since then Ross had been a total top. He wondered just what he had been thinking.

Meanwhile, in the shower, Ross was wondering that too. What was it that got him so hard just thinking about Dennis being in charge of him. It was a very new feeling for him. He finished showering quickly, dried off and headed back to the room.

He put on his ceremonial red robe and then told Dennis to follow him.

Dennis reached for his shirt and shorts, but stopped when Ross snapped, "No Dude, you go just like you are."

Dennis blushed again as he followed Ross down the halls and into the Ceremony room. To his surprise, Mark was hanging upside down by his ankles, which were spread wide. His wrists were secured to the floor.

He looked at Mark's cock and understood what Kevin had meant. Dennis had seen Mark boned before, but this was unreal. Mark's cock looked like it was ready to explode! It was super hard and throbbing.

Frankie looked down at Mark and said, "Remember, the ritual clock will start with the first lash and will stay on until you ask for the torture to stop or time runs out. The longer you endure the tortures the higher your rank."

Mark really looked scared. Hung like this, his genitals were totally exposed and completely vulnerable.

Frankie pulled Ross aside and whispered, "Okay Dude, you are in charge of his cbt. BE hard on him, but remember he is pretty young, so just don't do any real damage."

Ross smiled and said, "Don't worry, you know me, I can make him suffer a lot without that damage and it does look to me like he's got a good set of balls that can take a lot of pain."

Ross was right about that, Mark's balls could take a great deal of pain, which was perfect.

Ross nodded at Frankie as he picked up a horsehair flogger and raised it between's Mark's spread legs. Mark saw what he was holding, took a deep breath, clenched his teeth and closed his eyes.

And so it began.

The clock started as the first lash slammed into Mark's throbbing cock.


Mark gyrated in his bonds and moaned. The horsehair's really had a nasty sting to them.

Ross continued lashing away and Mark started really thrashing about as Ross methodically lashed away at his exposed cock and balls. He hit really hard, and Mark was clearly in a lot of pain, but to everyone's surprise, he didn't cry out, he just kept moaning through clenched teeth.

His inner thighs were also stinging, since it was virtually impossible to hit his balls and cock, without some of the nasty strands striking there as well.

Ross lashed Mark's aching cock and balls for a full 15 minutes before moving on. He picked up a ball press, knelt down and showed it to Mark who looked at it through watery eyes. It was made out of metal, was basically rectangular in shape, and had a large turn screw on it which led to four cup shaped metal plates.

"Know what this is?" Ross asked.

Mark nodded and said softly, "Yea, it's a ball press." He shook slightly as he said it.

Ross smiled as he stood up and carefully worked Mark's tender balls into the press. He turned the screw quickly and it wasn't long before he was rewarded with more moans from Mark.

Pain shot through Mark's body as he felt his balls slowly being squeezed.

He cried out!

"AGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!" but didn't ask for it to stop.

Ross turned the screw as far as he thought he should. It looked like Mark's balls were almost flat when he stopped. And of course all the signs of extreme pain were there. Mark was thrashing about like wild. Tears were streaming down his face and he was breathing really fast and hard.

Even better, Mark's body was covered with that type of sweat that seemed to only come from a guy who was being tortured while sexually aroused. And even with the pain, young Mark remained totally aroused.

And, of course, seeing Mark like that made Dennis even more aroused. His cock was sticking straight up in the air and was really throbbing.

Ross let Mark thrash in pain for about ten minutes, then glanced at Dennis and smiled when he saw the look of extreme lust on Dennis's face. He motioned him over and said, "Okay Little Dude, let's see if you can make him beg. There's a bunch of nasty stuff in that chest over there. Use whatever you want on him 3; as long as it's on his cock and balls."

Dennis ran over to the chest and started looking through the stuff. It took less than a minute to make a selection. It was a battery powered electric rod.

He walked backed to Mark, leaned down and showed him the rod.

Mark shook even more. He knew how badly the electric shocks from those type of rods were.

Ross knew too, so he decided to make sure Dennis had full access to Mark's aching balls. To Mark's initial relief, he carefully removed the press then. Mark gulped as he looked up at the look on Dennis's face. Even though he was hanging upside down, he recognized the look. And with his legs spread so wide he felt extremely vulnerable.

Ross stepped away. He smiled as he watched Dennis go into action. Dennis pressed the tip of the rod against the nape of Mark's neck and pressed the trigger.

Mark jerked and moaned as he felt the first, of what would be many electric shocks.

Dennis moved the rod to Mark's chest 3; and zapped both nipples.

Dennis giggled and said, "Those are just the warm ups! You know where all the rest are going!"

Mark did and started breathing even harder.

Dennis touched the tip of the rod to the end of Mark's throbbing cock and pressed the trigger. Pain shot through Mark's over aroused cock. He moaned and jerked around.

Dennis gave him no rest. Five shocks followed in rapid succession 3; up and down Mark's hard cock.

To Mark, it almost felt like bee stings. And really nasty bee stings!

He cried out and really started thrashing wildly.


Dennis started zapping Mark's aching balls 3; over and over again 3; and finally Mark really did start to scream.


Mark's body was totally covered with sweat, his eyes were filled with tears and he was breathing extremely hard.

Dennis laughed, "You want me to stop? Just say the word! If not I'll fry your cock with this thing!"

Mark looked up at Dennis and shouted 3; "FUCK YOU DENNIS!"

Dennis smiled as he touched the wand to the tip of Mark's hard cock and started zapping away again. This time he kept it on the tip and kept zapping.

Mark went wild.

He tugged at his bonds and gyrated like a wild man.


Ross stepped closer to Frankie and said softly, "Shit man, those are two freaky little dudes. Both of them! I mean Fuck 3; look at this. I wonder how much more the little dude can take."

Frankie chuckled, "Yea, I was wondering the same thing myself. You know, by the way, if he keeps hanging in there, we are gonna have to reposition him 3; cause of the blood rushing to his head. How do you think we should do it?"

Ross thought for a moment as he listened to Mark's screams. Dennis was once again focusing on his balls, and was keeping the wand in the same place.

Ross said, "Well, guess we could just hang him by his wrists 3; what do you think?"

Frankie was about to answer when Dennis looked over and enquired, "Hey is it okay if I make him cum? I know how to do it with this thing!"

Ross smiled and said, "Yea, go for it Dude!"

What followed was a scene none of them would forget for a long time. It was like Satan's son was in the room.

Dennis gave Mark's cock and balls a few quick zaps 3; then began slowly working the wand into Mark's little ass. He worked slowly and repositioned it several times until Mark's reaction confirmed the tip was on Mark's prostrate.

Ross glanced at Frankie and whispered, "I got a feeling this is gonna be good."

Dennis smiled and triggered the wand.

Every muscle in Mark's body tensed as the electric shock hit his little prostrate.

A big glob of young teen seed oozed out of his aching cock. Hung upside down the way he was, most of it landed on his face and chin 3; which was what Dennis intended.

He triggered the wand again 3; and a little more cum dropped out of Mark's cock and onto his face.

Dennis looked over at Frankie and Ross and winked. He pulled the wand out and started zapping Mark's cock and balls again. He did it about ten times 3; then shoved the wand back in Mark's ass, found his prostrate and zapped it three times in rapid succession.

Somehow more cum oozed out.

And once again, Dennis went back to zapping Mark's genitals yet again.

Frankie and Ross let things continue for awhile until Dennis looked over held up the wand and said, "I think the batteries are running out."

Frankie laughed and said, "We got more 3; we'll replace them while we change his position 3; he's been hanging upside down for too long already."

Dennis wined, "Oh man, it's a lot more fun this way."

Frankie glared at Dennis and said, "Well you can have some more fun if you want. He just won't be upside down."

Dennis got a pouting look on his face as two of the brothers lowered Mark to the floor, turned him around, lifted him up and hung him by his wrists.

Frankie stepped close. He looked at Mark's tear stained face and whispered, "Yo Dude, you've been through a lot. You ready to stop now? You are definitely in the frat, and have already earned a high rank."

Mark took a deep breath, gave Frankie a weak smile and whispered, "I'm okay. He's not gonna break me, no matter what he does 3; um well, maybe if he tried cutting my balls off, but 3; he's not gonna break me!"

Frankie's eyes watered a little as he thought, "Shit this really is one tough ass little Dude."

He patted Mark on the shoulder and whispered, "Okay, listen, you are almost `maxed' out time wise anyway 3; you got like 30 minutes left. You can continue if you want, but don't have to."

Mark looked at Frankie and said, "I can do this."

Frankie smiled at Mark and said, "Okay little Dude, then we finish up."

He walked over to Ross and said, "God, that kid is stronger than most of the guys here. It's crazy."

Ross laughed, gestured towards Dennis and said, "And yea, he's more sadistic than just about anyone here. Now I'm starting to worry about the deal I made with him."

Frankie asked, "What deal?"

Mark screamed again as Dennis started in on him. He was hanging by his wrists, his balls were tied tightly and were sticking out obscenely with his cock tied up and out of the way. Dennis had decided to start back up by simply punching his balls 3; And he was punching really hard.

Frankie listened as Ross explained the whole deal. Frankie couldn't believe it.

He looked at Ross and said, "Shit man 3; you haven't `bottomed' for anyone since you pledged. And what? Now you are gonna let this wicked little kid do it to you? What brought this on?"

Ross shook his head and stammered, "SHHH Shit, I don't know 3; It just sort of happened. And the crazy thing is 3; it is kinda turning me on. Is wild I know."

Mark screamed again as Dennis started slapping his cock.

Frankie laughed, "Well, by the looks of things, it will be interesting! That really is one nasty little dude."

Dennis went back and forth, slapping Mark's cock and then punching his poor balls. Mark was in a great deal pain and was screaming, over and over again.


Dennis kept asking, "You give up yet twit?"

And Mark kept answering through gritted teeth, "FFFFUCK NO!"

And so, on it went. By the time the last thirty minutes were up, Mark was crying like a baby and his cock and balls looked all red and purple. He was totally drenched in sweat.

To Dennis's dismay, Frankie announced it was over.

A couple of the brothers released Mark, untied his cock and balls, and laid him down on the ground. Mark curled up in a fetal position and laid there sobbing for several minutes. Eventually he regained control of himself, struggled to his feet and weekly turned towards Frankie.

Frankie whispered to Ross, "Yea he is one tough little dude."

Two more brothers appeared. One of them carefully smeared some ointment on Mark's cock and balls as he whispered, "This will help with the pain a little." They helped Mark put on shorts, a T-shirt, socks and sandals.

Another brother appeared and helped Mark put on a red hooded robe. It was the smallest one they had and Mark looked a little funny in it cause the sleeves were too long.

Frankie chuckled, "Don't worry little brother, we'll get it adjusted for you."

He waited a moment, then continued, "Well it is my honor to inform you that you are now an official honorary member of this fraternity. Your rank is that of High Guardian, which among other things gives you the right to use any slave members of the fraternity whenever you want. They wear the black ceremonial robes, but can also be identified by the thin black bracelet on their left wrist."

Dennis glanced around the room. There were quite a few blacked robed guys there. He whispered to Chip, "Wow, I wonder if I can become an honorary member too."

Chip whispered back, "You saw the shit Mark just went through. You would have to do it too."

Dennis trembled slightly as he considered it. He was like a kid in a candy store though. He had, seen all the guys get naked, as they fucked Mark earlier. All were hot. He whispered to Chip, "Well it might be worth it."

Frankie glanced over at Chip, Dennis and Coach Taylor, "Well guys, we have one final thing to do, we will be taking Mark's oath on the roof. Sorry it's only for members, you three can go to the party room and start the party. We will be back down shortly."

The three left as the brothers proceeded up the stairs.

The roof of the turret was once again lit with torches. The brothers made a circle around Mark. Mark was taught the secret handshake, signs and countersigns. Then he was asked to repeat an oath. It was pretty much what he expected, and was rather short.

When he was done, the brothers closed in and did a huge group hug. And then carried Mark down into the party room.

Despite his lingering pain, Mark felt really good.

Someone turned on the music, the beer started flowing, and the party got rocking.

After about thirty minutes, Frankie pulled Coach, Casey, and the two brothers who had not been selected earlier aside and said, "Okay, you four know you will be spending 24 hours in the pit. You got about thirty minutes left, so enjoy. Oh and Casey, if you want, you can explain to our young Coach friend here what it's like 3; or better yet, go ahead and show him, take your beers with you."

Coach was curious. Just the name sounded ominous. They grabbed a couple of beers and Casey led Chip back to the turret. He opened a trap door in the floor and led Coach down a narrow staircase.

When they arrived at the bottom, Coach started looking around. The room had already been lit with candles. Spaced evenly around the outer walls were these wired looking stools that were bolted to the floor. All had shackles hanging from the ceiling above them. Shackles were also attached to each side of the stool legs about a foot off the floor. In addition, there was what looked like a leather seat belt lying across the top of each stool.

But it was the stool seat that really caught his eye. Each one had a large hole in it.

Casey saw the look on Coach's face, smiled and chuckled, "I think you figured it out, but go ahead and look underneath."

Coach knelt down and looked. It was pretty much as he had figured. There was a nasty looking dildo positioned under the hole, and it was mounted on top of some type of piston that was sticking up from a large metal control box.

Casey laughed, "Those things are wicked by the way. They vibrate and undulate once inside you and can inflate a little. The worst part is they all have these built in electrodes that periodically shock you. And all have these adjustable controls that can be used to control how hard the actually fucking is."

Coach took a big gulp of beer and said, "Shit man! Twenty four hours would be a long time for that."

Casey laughed and said, "Yea, it is, but not to worry I got the feeling you and I will be getting the worst treatment. Come on over here and I'll explain how these work."

Coach followed Casey to the center of the room. There were two exam tables there. Both had the classic stirrups used to raise the legs up and keep them spread wide.

There was a large rectangular shaped box on the floor at the end of each table and some sort of strange metal frame suspended from the ceiling above each table. The frames had several "arms" mounted on them, each with what looked like an electrical drill.

Casey proceeded to explain.

"Okay, I'll try and give you the quick explanation. These tables are really nasty. First thing that will happen is we will be secured on the tables on our backs. Our hands will be secured above our heads, our legs will be lifted up, spread wide and be secured in the stirrups. You can see by the position our asses will be spread wide and vulnerable."

"Next a leather strap will be secured across our waists, to restrain us even more."

"They will tie a cord around the tip of our cocks, just below the head, pull it up and tie it to the waist strap. Then our balls will be tied off. At that point the real fun starts."

Coach took another long gulp of beer as he imagined being secured on the table.

Casey continued, "Okay, those large rectangular boxes on the floor are fucking machines. When we are ready, they will bring our these poles that have dildo's on them 3; slide them into the machines, then adjust them until the dildo's are part way into us. They will lock them down and then set the controls. Those dildo's do vibrate, inflate, and shock just like the other ones."

Coach said, "Oh God!"

Casey chuckled, "But wait the worst is yet to come."

He pointed to the metal frame above the tables. "Okay take a look at those things on the ends of the metal arms, or booms. They are modified electric drills and are sort of programmable."

Coach took a good look and immediately started to get the picture. Instead of a drill bit, on the end of each drill there was a small circular metal plate. Each one had about six short flat pieces of leather dangling from them.

Casey saw the look on Coach's face and said, "Yea, looks like you get the picture. When those babies are turned on, those plates start spinning and those leather straps start flailing. And the way it works is this. They will position the booms so that there is one by each of our ass cheeks and another above our balls. Once turned our asses and balls will get lashed with the straps."

Coach's eyes widened as he thought about it, "Holy fuck!"

Casey took a sip of his beer and said, "Oh it gets even worse. See after awhile, the booms start moving. The ass ones move slowly up and down lashing our inner thighs before returning to our asses. And the one on our balls moves up too, so our cocks will get thoroughly whipped. That's why they will be tied up liked that, so the sensitive undersides will really get it hard."

Coach couldn't believe it. "Shit man, who came up with this thing?"

Casey said, "It was some alumni dude. It is pretty wicked."

"I'll say!" Coach muttered. He was really not looking forward to the next twenty four hours.

Casey took another sip of beer and said, "Oh and there is the other thing. The rule is when anyone is in the pit, two brothers have to be here observing for safety. They take shifts."

Coach said, "That's good, also I guess in case we have to piss."

Casey laughed, "That doesn't matter, if we have to piss, we have to piss on ourselves. They won't release us for twenty four hours 3; and most guys do end up pissing. And there is the other thing. Some time during each shift the two brothers on watch are expected to do two things 3; The first is to piss on us 3; and the second is to climb on the table and cum in our mouths."

Coach almost choked as he swallowed even more beer.

Casey laughed, "Yea, it's pretty intense. Only other thing is, for fun, the brothers on duty are supposed to keep track of the number of times each of us cums. Sometimes the brothers bet on which one of us will cum the most."

Coach was trembling again as he followed Casey up the stairs. As horny as he was, he was definitely not looking forward to the next twenty four hours.

The brothers were partying hard. In spite of all that had happened all were once again getting worked up. The smell of aroused males filled the room.

At last the moment, that Coach had come to dread arrived.

The music was turned off. Coach Taylor, Casey, and the two losing frat boys were led to the center of the room. All four were forcibly stripped in front of the jeering crowd.

Frankie raised his hand for silence and announced, "As you all know all four of these guys have been sentenced to twenty four hours in the pit. In keeping with our tradition you all will get to decide, who goes where 3; on a stool, or on a table. As I hold my hand above each of their heads, announce your pleasure."

Frankie stood behind the first losing frat boy, held his hand above his head and the crowd shouted, "STOOL 3; STOOL 3; STOOL."

The same thing happened to the other brother.

Casey turned his head, winked at Coach and whispered, "See, I told you!"

Frankie put his hand above Casey's head and the crowd yelled loudly, "TABLE! 3; TABLE! 3; TABLE!"

It was repeated for Coach.

Dennis looked at Chip, crossed his eyes and asked, "What does that mean?"

Chip said, "Don't know, hopefully we will get to see."

Luckily they did.

The crowd of wild frat boys rushed forward and dragged the four victims to the Pit.

Chip, Dennis and Mark just followed along. They watched, totally mesmerized as the four were secured to the stools and tables. It didn't take them long to realize how things worked. The three got really worked up when the victims were secured and the equipment was turned on. Casey and Coach were the first to start gasping and moaning.

Frankie walked over, leaned towards the "three" and gave them a real quick explanation of how things worked and especially what Casey and Coach would be experiencing.

They could hear the spinning leather straps slapping their asses and balls 3; along with the purring of the fuck machines as they forced the dildo's deep inside Casey and Coach's asses. Both let out a sudden loud gasp.

Frankie smiled and said, "Now that was probably the dildo's inflating."

They all stood and watched for awhile. The guys on the stools were suffering too.

Finally Frankie said, "Okay, listen we better get back to the party, you guys have the slaves you won to use yet, so don't want you to waste that. One last thing though 3; if you want to, you can do one of the things the brothers will be doing throughout the night. Before you leave, go ahead and stand on those stools beside the tables and piss on them. It's part of the deal."

They thought for just a moment, then did as Frankie suggested. Mark climbed on one stool, pulled out his cock and pissed all over Casey, focusing mostly on his face. Chip and Dennis did the same to Coach Taylor.

It was another humiliating moment for the Coach, which of course just served to make his cock hard.

Everyone returned to the party room. Frankie gathered Eric, Bryce and Brandon together and turned them over to Chip and Dennis who ordered the three to strip naked immediately.

Chip and Dennis stepped away for a moment and talked. They were figuring out what to do next. Ross walked up and talked to Dennis.

"Listen Dude, I been thinking about our deal and have an idea. Since you got this slave deal going here, how about we do ours on another night? It will still be the same. I get you and then you get me 3; and since you are staying here tonight anyway, you can just go ahead and `sleep' with me tonight 3; okay?"

Dennis quickly agreed and went back to talking with Chip. They decided to torture and humiliate their slave boys separately for a little while and then do a combined thing.

The frat brothers had gone back to drinking beer. The music had been turned on but not that loud, cause all were interested in seeing what the two young teens would be doing to the guys.

And Chip and Dennis did not disappoint them.

Dennis was really wrapped up in the twins, Bryce and Brandon. He just loved their tight, muscular wrestler bodies and loved the whole "brother vs. brother" thing. And so he went with one.

The first thing he did was have Bryce stand with his arms behind his head 3; and legs spread wide. He looked at Bryce and said, "Okay Slave Boy, this is how this goes. Your brother Brandon is gonna have 15 minutes to cause you pain. You must keep your hands behind you head and not move from your position. He is not allowed to deliberately force you off your feet. If you move your hands from behind your head, or move your feet, he will get an additional 15 minutes. You Understand?"

Bryce nodded his head and said, "Yes Sir."

Actually, he and Brandon had been playing "games" like this for awhile. Both were into pain games.

Bryce "assumed" the position and waited. He gritted his teeth as Brandon assumed his. He knew exactly what was coming. Dennis was pleasantly surprised when Brandon delivered a quick kick to Bryce's low hanging balls.

Bryce moaned, cried out, but maintained his position.

Brandon followed with three quick kicks in a row. Bryce's eyes filled with tears as Brandon continued kicking his twin brother's balls. All in the room were amazed that Bryce managed to maintain his position.

Ross turned to Frankie and said, "Shit that is wild. Can't believe he's able to take all that."

Frankie said, "Well, both are pretty damn tough. I got a feeling it will get wilder in a moment, if I know that little dude. And Bryce, I think is a better kicker."

Frankie was actually right. As he figured, when the 15 minutes were up, Dennis had them change places. Bryce's balls hurt like hell and he was anxious for revenge.

Meanwhile Chip was starting a nasty thing of his own with his "slave" Eric. He had gotten one of the brothers to get him a needle nosed pliers and set it aside. Eric was standing in the traditional slave position 3; legs spread, hands behind head. Chip was running his fingers through Eric's thick pubic patch.

If there was one thing Chip had learned, it was that guys with thick "bushes" seemed to have an attachment to them! Guys with sparse ones did not.

He combed Eric's pubes with the tips of his fingers and asked, "So Slave Boy 3; you like having a nice patch of pubes like this?"

Eric started to shake and quickly said, "Oh yes sir 3; oh God, please don't shave them off 3; I'll do anything!"

Chip chuckled, "Well, I can already do anything to you I want, and that means shaving you if I want. You know that, right?"

Eric shook some more, nodded and said, "Yes, Sir, you can, but please don't."

Chip smiled and said, "Well, I got an idea, if you can get through my test, I won't shave it all off 3; how is that?"

Eric nodded, "That is great Sir, whatever it is, I'll do it."

Eric then listened intently as Chip explained the test. It was a little gruesome, but better than getting his pubes shaved off.

It went like this:

Chip would use the needle nose pliers to pluck one hair at a time from either his pubes, balls, or arm pits. Each time after he pulled a hair, Eric would be required to say, "Thank you Sir, Please Pull ANOTHER!" It would go on for as long as Chip wanted. And Eric would be required to keep his hands behind his head the entire time.

Eric agreed, and so it began.

"AGGGH! Thank you Sir, Please Pull ANOTHER!"

Back across the room, there were other cries of pain as Bryce began kicking Brandon's balls.


Frankie took a sip of his beer looked at Ross and chuckled, "Shit man, it's like a perverse three ring circus."

"FUCKK 3; AGGGHHHD 3;Thank you Sir, Please Pull ANOTHER!"

Ross laughed back, "Almost afraid to see what the third ring would be like!"

Chip initially focused on Eric's pubes, but alternated, pulling hairs off of his balls and from his arm pits. Eric's eyes watered, but he kept his hands locked behind his head. He'd rather lose some of his hairs by pulling than all of them by shaving.

Chip continued pulling hairs out one at a time until Brandon's 15 minutes were up. Then H\he and Dennis proceeded with their plan

Eric, Bryce and Brandon were led to the middle of the room. All three were only partially hard now. They were arranged in a little triangle formation with their bodies pressed together, so their chests and cocks were touching.

Their arms were pulled up over their heads, handcuffed and secured to a rope dangling from the ceiling. Next a rope was passed around their waists and secured to keep their groins tightly pressed together.

The frat boys were really caught up in the show now 3; and couldn't wait for the next 3; "act".

When the three were secured, Dennis looked at Chip and said, "You gonna explain?"

Chip laughed, "Bro, was your idea 3; you explain."

Dennis smiled, turned to the crowd and "explained."

The plan was this. The three were to be kept tied like that until all were totally boned. But they would be spanked by everyone in the room while they got boned. Everyone would get a chance to smack each of their asses once with their hand.

If all three were not boned when all had a chance 3; the next round would be with a paddle 3; the third with a leather belt 3; and the final 3; with a cane.

All three shook when they heard that.

Bryce whispered to his fellow victims, "Dudes I am into pain and all, but let's try to do this before the cane! Last time I got caned was bad!"

The others agreed, and all three started pumping their cocks against each other.

The frat boys really did have a lot of fun.

They formed a line and each 3; in turn gave Eric, Bryce and Brandon's muscular asses a hard slap.

Frankie was last in line and smiled when he slapped Bryce really hard. Bryce yelped and said, "I'm boned!"

They were halfway through the round with the paddles when Eric cried out, "I'm boned!"

All of their asses were really pink now, and none were looking forward to the leather belt round. They were grinding and pumping their cocks together and encouraging Brandon with all kinds of porn images.

The belt round began! All three took some nasty lashes to their burning butts before Brandon finally panted 3; "I'm boned!!!!"

Dennis smiled.

He stepped up, forced his hand in between them, grabbed a hard cock and asked, "Who's this?"

Eric, gasped, "That's me sir!"

Dennis grinned, let go then fiddled around, found another hard cock, grabbed it, squeezed and asked, "Who's this?"

Brandon, gasped, "That's me sir!"

He quickly confirmed that all were totally boned.

It was Chip's turn now to announce the final part of this part of the show. All three were to be finger and dildo fucked 3; until all three came!

The crowd of semi-drunk frat boys cheered.

Ross looked at Frankie and said, "Shit! This is so damn hot!"

Chip asked Mark to help.

Dildo's were brought out and placed on the floor by the victims.

Mark, Dennis and Chip, knelt behind their chosen slave boy, lubed up their fingers and worked them into the tight asses of the college boys. Chip was doing Eric. Mark had Brandon, and Dennis had Bryce.

They quickly found their prostrates and went to work massaging them!

All three began moaning and panting loudly.

Chip recognized the signs and said, "Dudes, I think we have to go right to the dildo's 3; otherwise will spoil the fun."

The others agreed, picked up the dildo's and began working them into their subject's asses.

The frat boys were going wild as they watched the three young teens force the nasty dildo's into the victim's asses. Eric, Bryce, and Brandon all felt like their asses were being split. All three were panting, all three were gasping.

Mark looked at Chip and said, "Can I decide the next part?"

Chip laughed, "Go for it! Dennis won't mind."

He was right, Dennis was ramming the dildo deep into Bryce and loving the way he was gasping.

Mark announced, "Okay you three worthless slave boys, this is how this is gonna work. All three of you are gonna have to cum. But none of you can cum until ALL three are ready to! If one of you cums before that 3; all are gonna be punished."

An idea popped into Mark's head 3; he looked at Frankie and said, "There's still room in the pit right?"

Frankie laughed, "Yea, still four stools left."

The three screamed almost at the same time as the dildo's were shoved all the way in.

Dennis was really hard on Bryce. He rammed the dildo in and then started fucking him with it like crazy.

Chip and Mark were a little bit easier. They let both of their guys adjust a little before they started fucking them with their dildos.

Thankfully, for all three, they all were close to cumming pretty fast. To Dennis's dismay, one after the other announced they were ready to cum. When all said it, Mark told them to cum when they could.

The dildo's were rammed in and out and all three came really quickly.

Dennis and Chip had reached the end of their collective plan, but both had plenty of time with their slave boys, and Dennis had a really nasty idea for the two twins.

He stepped away while the "slaves" were being released and talked to Frankie about what he needed. Frankie "hooked him up" with one of the other frat brothers who helped Dennis gather up all the stuff he needed. It was an interesting collection.

By the time they were released, Dennis had all he needed in a bag. To the twin's surprise, Dennis led them out of the frat house and across the back yard.

Frankie smiled at Ross and said, "You might want to follow. Based on what Dennis asked for, I think Bryce and Brandon are in for a tough time! Dang he really is a twisted little shit! Clever, but twisted."

Ross rushed off to follow.

The crazy thing was this. Dennis was pretty observant. Earlier in the day 3; he had noticed, there appeared to be this swampy area, right next to the small woods behind the frat house. That was where he was taking his twin slave boys. He hoped it would be what he expected. As they approached, the mosquitoes and flies started buzzing around and he smiled.

Ross skulked along close behind.

Dennis pulled out a flashlight and shined it around as he worked his way through the small woods 3; he wanted to be as close to the swamp as possible. He grinned as he listened to Bryce and Brandon slap the mosquitoes and flies off their naked bodies.

Ross figured out what Dennis was up to, right about the same time Dennis enacted the most diabolical part of his plan.

Bryce and Brandon were ordered to stand with their backs against two trees. Dennis pulled their arms around the trees and handcuffed them. He used some rope to tie their ankles to the base of the trees, and blindfolded both of them.

Ross watched from the shadows as Dennis worked on the last part of his scheme. He could tell Bryce and Brandon were already in distress by the way they were squirming. That much exposed naked flesh was like a buffet for mosquitoes and flies 3; especially at this time of night.

Dennis tied a piece of rope around Bryce's balls, found a rock, tied it to the other end and let it drop. Bryce groaned as he felt his balls being stretched.

Dennis did the same thing to Brandon.

Ross almost laughed out loud when he heard what Dennis said to the two poor twins.

"Okay Slave Boys, I'm just gonna leave you both here for awhile, cause I know there are a bunch of little friends who are excited about meeting you!!!"

Both were already gasping for air 3; mosquitoes and flies were attacking 3; they could feel them all over their naked bodies and were helpless to swish them away 3; they jerked and shook 3; but nothing worked.

Dennis watched them hopelessly struggle 3; he could hear the mosquito sounds and the buzzing of flies. He shined the light on Bryce's cock, saw a big horse fly land there and smiled when Bryce gasped. Those things could sting a little.

Dennis continued, "Okay, I am gonna make things even more fun for you both."

Ross continued watching from the shadows 3; it was a little hard to see 3; but took just a few moments to figure out what Dennis was doing.

He pulled a squeeze bottle of pancake syrup out of his bag, and proceeded to dribble it all over both guys' cocks, balls, nipples and all through their pubes. And maybe worse 3; he dribbled some on their feet and ran it all the way up their inner legs and into their pubes.

Dennis smiled as he put the bottle away, "Now that should make things even more interesting!"

When he was done, Dennis sat down next to a tree. He put the flashlight on the ground, leaned it against a rock and aimed it a Bryce's crotch.

He sat there for at least ten minutes, just watching. He wanted to make sure this was working. And it was!

Both brothers started gasping and jerking around.

The attack of the night insects on their exposed flesh increased with every passing second.

Mosquitoes and flies buzzed around and landed on them. They couldn't brush them off. And worse, both felt "things" crawling up their inner legs, following the trail towards their sweet syrup soaked pubes.

It was maddening.

Dennis waited for both to start really "yelping" hard. He left the flashlight pointed at Bryce's cock. He stood up and turned to leave and said, "I'll be back in awhile 3; enjoy your new friends!"

Ross backed off and waited for Dennis to emerge from the woods.

Dennis saw Ross in the moonlit back yard and walked over.

Ross smiled at him and said, "Okay, I saw it all! Shit man how long you gonna keep them there?"

Dennis laughed, "I don't know 3; an hour, maybe two 3; who knows. I read about something like this on the net. It is kind of wicked 3; being exposed to insects like that and not being able to get rid of them. They are gonna have plenty of bites."

They walked back towards the house, lost in thought for a moment. Then Ross asked, "So I guess you have some stuff like this in mind for me 3; huh?"

Dennis giggled, "Well, I guess, yea 3; but maybe worse. We got this special place of our own, and I was thinking of maybe taking you there."

Ross had no clue where the place was that Dennis was actually talking about, and let it pass. But his cock twitched.

Dennis's cock twitched too as he imagined Ross's hot college jock body stretched out in the ant pit for maybe two hours.

They walked in silence the rest of the way 3; lost in their own erotic thoughts.

By the time they returned to the party room, things were in "high gear" as far as Eric was concerned. Chip had tied Eric to a post and was letting all the frat boys put clothespins on his body.

>From what Ross and Dennis could see, Eric already had at least fifty on him, and there were still plenty left on the floor. Dennis ran over and quickly added a few more. He managed to find some open spots under Eric's ball sac, and smiled was he watched Eric cringe.

Eric knew the worse part of his ordeal would come when the pins were removed. That was actually the most painful part and he wasn't looking forward to it.

The "three" 3; Dennis, Chip and Mark were allowed to drink some beer. Frankie and Ross sort of got a kick out it. All of them tried to act like they had done it before. The only one who was convincing was Chip 3; probably because he had done it before!

They watched the three young teens sip their beers and continue to mess with Eric.

Frankie looked at Ross and said, "Dude 3; I know we shouldn't be doing this, but 3; I just can't help myself. This is ending up being so fucking exciting. Those are three, crazy ass hot little dudes! I just hope we all don't get arrested!"

Ross chuckled, "Yes, well I was sort of thinking the same thing, but I got a pretty strong feeling about them, and I really doubt they would ever say anything. Anyway, at this point is water over the damn!"

Frankie smiled again as he watched "The Three" put more clothespins on poor Eric.

"Yea, this has been a wild day! And I guess, the wildest part has been those three little Dudes. Shit man 3; Steph called and asked for a favor 3; said yea, cause sounded like fun 3; and then one thing led to another 3; I mean Fuck! Look at them 3; all three are like major dominants. Was pretty obvious in our `honorary" Mark there, and also that other little Dude 3; umm.. Dennis 3; who by the way seems to be VERY sadistic 3; I am still a little unsure about the oldest one 3; Chip. There is something about him that just hits me. I'm not sure what it is yet."

Ross took another swig of beer, looked at Frankie and said, "SHIT Dude! You're not really thinking of `honorarying' the other two are you? FUCK!!!"

Frankie knew it was totally wrong. It was probably wrong to do it with Mark in the first place, but he couldn't take his eyes off of Chip as his mind wondered 3; and he thought of Chip 3; naked and suspended on the frame on the roof 3; Chip in the sling being `joined.'

Meanwhile Chip was really enjoying himself. He loved the feeling of power he had over Eric. He slapped Eric's hard cock over and over and started knocking clothespins off of him. Every moan from Eric just made Chip harder.

Most of the brothers in the room were getting hard again too, watching Eric's ongoing torture. But they weren't the only Gamma House brothers who were getting hard.

Outside, Bryce and Brandon, despite their predicament, were both totally boned! They were going wild and gyrating all around trying to shake off all the insects that were attacking their exposed bodies.

Bryce gasped, "FUCK man 3; there are these things on my cock 3; FUCK!!!! It's like they are trying to eat it! DAMNNN!!!! FUCK! IT hurts like hell!"

Brandon panted back, "YEAH 3; SHIT 3; something is like stinging my BALLS!"

Unfortunately for the two bound young wrestlers, it was a very warm night 3; which meant there were a lot more little critters out than normal. With every passing minute, more of them joined the naked flesh feast 3; and bound as they were 3;NONE could be brushed off!

Somehow Dennis managed to pry himself away from the party room and crept back outside. He made his way to the little wooded area to a point where he could both see and hear the twins.

They were really suffering now, and even in the darkness Dennis could see why. Flies and other insects were swarming around them and both were shaking wildly, trying, in vain to dispel them.

Dennis liked watching it! Heck, what young sadistic gay boy wouldn't? Both boys were about 5' 8" tall and weighed in at 163 pounds. Their bodies were solid and muscled and they were really hung. They also both had nice thick patches of pubic hair, which, like Chip, was something Dennis really loved to see.

He reached inside his borrowed shorts and started stroking his own cock as he watched the twins continue to squirm. He was just about to the edge when an idea crossed his mind. Mark and Chip both had long term slave arrangements with older guys 3; so why not him.

After seeing and hearing about how Mark and Chip did it, and reading all the stories on the net, he knew it wasn't really that hard to do, and it seemed like there were lots of guys out there who were actually into it. And it certainly seemed like the twins were really "into" it!

He thought for a few more minutes and came up with a plan!

He pulled his hand out of his shorts and walked over to the twins. The trees they were tied to were close enough, so Dennis could reach both of them. He worked his hands between the trees and their butt's and massaged their cheeks as he said, "So are my two slave boys enjoying themselves?"

Both said, "Yes Sir!"

Dennis chuckled, "Well by the looks of your boners I'd say you are!"

The twins' cocks twitched when they heard that.

Dennis grinned some more as he saw ants crawling all over their throbbing cocks.

"Well listen guys, you know I could leave you out here all night if I wanted, right?"

They both trembled and said, "Yes Sir!" As masochistic as they were, neither one of them were looking forward to that possibility. Pain was one thing, but this was maddening!

Dennis felt a rush of power, squeezed their ass cheeks and continued.

"Something else you two should know, from everything I've learned, it seems like most of the little critters come out in force right about dawn. So if I do leave you here all night, there will be a lot more of them finding your naked bodies at that time. Hell, guess I'll need to add some more pancake syrup so they all can get some."

Neither one knew what to say. Both continued to try and shake off the little pests, but it was not working. Mosquitoes continued to bite them everywhere. Ants ran up and down their legs, through their pubes and all over their genitals 3; horseflies landed on them and stung them.

Dennis let them think for a moment then said, "But, I do have an idea how you could avoid that. You two interested?"

Both were and said, "Yes Sir!"

Dennis grinned again and said, "Okay here's the deal, I'm going back to the party for a bit and let you two talk. When I come back you guys make me `an offer'. And if the offer is SO good I can't refuse, then I won't leave you here all night. If it's not, then you will be the early morning insect buffet! Oh and yea, I'll bring back some sugar to sprinkle on you to make it even more interesting! So you two think about it!"

He gave their asses a gentle pat and headed off. He made sure he walked loudly enough so they thought he was totally gone. He was, but crept back, just close enough so he could hear what they were saying.

Brandon started it off.

"Shit man! This sucks! Fuck I can't stand this 3; these things are making me crazy. This is worse than getting my balls kicked."

Bryce panted, "Yea it is! SHIT my pubes are full of ants I think! And these flies keep stinging my cock! FUCK!!!!"

Brandon panted back, "So what we gonna do bro? What kind of deal you think he wants?"

Bryce chuckled between gasps, "Come on you know. A situation like this. There really is only one kind of deal. It's always the same, and you know it!"

Brandon thought for just a moment and said, "Oh, so like you mean he wants us to be his slaves?"

Bryce said, "Yea, I'm sure that's it. To tell you the truth, it's kind of a turn on 3; you know being the slave of a little dude like that. I'm guessing he'd probably make us do a lot of the same stuff the other little dude told Casey he was gonna have to do 3; you know in front of his little friends 3; strip 3; jack off 3; get felt up 3; get tortured 3; stuff like that."

Dennis was loving what he was hearing.

Bryce and Brandon's cock's were both throbbing hard now as they thought about it.

Brandon said, "Dang, he is awfully young!"

Bryce responded, "Yea, he is, but kinda cute and even a little hot!"

Brandon managed a smile and said, "Yea, he is 3; so I guess we're gonna make him an offer to be his slaves huh?"

Bryce gasped from another fly sting on his cock and said, "Yea, the question is for how long. I think he is pretty serious about this. So would have to be pretty long."

They suffered in silence for a few more minutes.

The twins were so much alike! On the wrestling mat, both were aggressive as hell and hard to beat. But off the mat, both tended to be extremely submissive and were total exhibitionists.

Their cocks started to throb faster as they considered what it would be like to be young Dennis's slave.

Brandon offered, "You know he does seem to be a real sadist! Things would be pretty rough!"

Bryce gasped yet again as two mosquitoes bit near his left nipple, "Yea I think he is, but think about it! Remember Tom, he was rough with both of us!"

Brandon thought for a moment and said, "Yea, you're right. So what should the deal be?"

He actually had a deal in mind. It was insane, but just thinking about it almost made him cum.

Bryce gyrated some more. He was still trying to shake off the pesky insects that were attacking him.

He took a deep breath and said, "Okay, here it is 3; call me crazy 3; but bro 3; I have had enough of this 3; and don't want to be here all night 3; so how about we give him the same offer the other little dude got from Casey?"

Brandon gasped, "FUCK! You serious 3; like until we graduate? Shit that's like almost four years!!!"

Dennis almost came when he heard it. It was all he could do to keep from shooting in his shorts. The very thought of having the two hot young college wrestlers in his control for that long was enough to put thoughts of Ross aside for awhile.

Bryce gasped back, "Yea, I know it is but, hell, a couple of things 3; first I don't want to be the morning insect `feast' here, and second 3; I don't know 3; the thought of being the little dude's sex and torture slave is sort of exciting."

Brandon had similar thoughts.

"Yea, I guess it's okay, so that's gonna be the offer? Bye the way, you know if we agree, he could still do this to us again?"

Bryce responded, "Yea, I guess he could. But what the hell!"

Unbeknownst to Dennis, both brothers were actually getting close to cumming as they thought about the deal. The insects were driving both of them wild, but so was the thought of being controlled by the young sadistic teen.

Dennis was extremely hard now. He had heard the entire conversation and his mind was racing. He did not want to blow this. He decided to leave the twins where they were for about an hour more, to more or less cement the deal.

When he got back to the party, things were really getting hot. A lot of guys were groping and kissing. Chip had Eric kneeling on the floor, with his wrists cuffed behind his back, sucking anyone who wanted it.

Ross saw Dennis return and pulled him aside.

"Listen Dude, I'm serious, you will be sleeping with me tonight. But the night is still young. Deal with the twins however you want 3; but then get your ass back to me 3; cause I definitely want it! Oh and you can check the Pit if you want 3; you might find that very interesting!"

Dennis's heart and cock were really throbbing now!

There was so much he had to do 3; `Complete the deal with the twins' and 3; `Sleep with Ross'.

Somehow he managed to make his way to the Pit.

As he walked down the narrow steps, the first thing that hit him was the smell! 3; Piss 3; Cum 3; Sweat 3; and the Must of all naked aroused males.

When he arrived at the bottom of the stairs he paid no attention to the two poor hapless frat boys impaled on the dildo stools. Instead, he looked at Coach Taylor and Casey on the tables. The fucking machines were churning away, along with the whirling paddles.

Even in the dim light, Dennis could see that their asses and inner thighs were bright pink. At the moment the whirling leather paddles were focused on their asses and balls. Both of them were moaning. And from the looks of things, both of them had cum.

One of the frat boys on watch saw the look on Dennis's face and said, "Yo Dude, both of them have cum more than once. You might want to hang around for a second, cause you might to watch this!"

Dennis nodded and stared at the tables.

There was a loud puffing sound and Casey and Coach started screaming.

The frat dude leaned closer to Dennis and said, "Okay, that was the dildo's inflating! Hang on 3; vibrations are next 3; followed by the prostrate shocks!"

Dennis's eyes really widened as he watched, totally fascinated.

Casey and Coach really were screaming loud.

The screaming lasted for over a minute then ended with gasps and pants as drops of cum oozed from their piss slits.

The frat dude laughed, "Yea, that is the wild part 3; They won't be able to keep from cumming 3; When that shocker turns on 3; it forces every ounce of cum out of them. By tomorrow night 3; neither one will want to cum for a week! It is totally wicked!"

Dennis stayed for a little while and watched the "paddle wheels" flail at Casey's and Coach's cocks and asses.

Both of the frat boys on the stools moaned, and "came" while he was there.

He thought about staying longer, but remembered his two "boys" outside. So he headed off.

It had been just under an hour since Dennis had left the twins. Both were totally desperate now and Dennis could see it. Bugs were swarming all around them and Bryce's cock was covered almost completely with flies, mosquitoes, ants and other things.

Dennis had not bothered to bring the sugar, because he figured he wouldn't need it. And he was right! Both brothers were huffing and puffing and gagging.

Dennis giggled, "So you guys got a deal for me or you gonna be here until the morning?"

Bryce took a deep breath and stammered, "Yes Sir! We do 3; ummm 3; we will be your slaves!"

Dennis chuckled, "Okay, that works for me. But for how long?"

Bryce hesitated and Brandon gasped as yet another little thing stung his balls, "Dude just fucking say it! AGGGHHH!!!"

Bryce felt another little aggravating bite too and said, "Okay, well 3; we'll be your slaves for like a year!"

Dennis laughed and snarled, "Not good enough! I'm getting the sugar out now and will see you guys in the morning!"

Bryce sighed and said desperately, "Okay, sorry, okay 3; we'll be your slaves until we graduate. We'll be your sex and torture slaves. Just get us out of here now!"

Dennis stepped between them 3; grabbed their chins and snickered, "Okay, that's a good deal 3; BUT 3; if I let you go now 3; and you are my real slaves 3; ANYTHING GOES 3; and I mean ANYTHING 3; until you graduate! You both got it?"

Dennis loved the feeling he was getting now!!!! Two college aged jocks in his control!!

Bryce and Brandon both panted and shouted, "YES SIR!"

Dennis smiled and snickered, "Okay, then it is a deal. First thing is this, I'll release you guys, but you are going to have to get all the critters off of you then meet me out in front of the frat house for physical training!"

Dennis untied their feet, removed the hand cuffs and ran off.

As soon as they were totally free, the twins stepped away from the trees and swatted all the insects off of their bodies. It took awhile to get the ants out of their pubes. When they were done, they ran to the front lawn of the frat house.

Dennis was waiting there and had an agenda!

He ordered both to do a series of grueling exercises. There were some "passersbys" but none seemed surprised. It was "Fraternity Row" after all 3; and naked guys doing stuff like this was actually pretty common.

By the time they were done, both were totally covered in sweat 3; and extremely hard!

Dennis stepped close to them, grabbed their hard cocks and snapped, "Okay both of you belong to me `totally' until you graduate! You will follow ALL of my orders! You got that?"

They shouted, "YES SIR!"

Dennis beamed and said, "Okay, we are going to go for a little run now 3; so you two go get your running shoes and put on a pair of shorts."

The brothers ran inside the house and returned within just a couple of minutes.

As soon as they got back, Dennis took off running and told them to follow. He jogged slowly and said, "Okay Slave Boys, I want you to memorized this route, cause you will be using it a lot! Don't have to follow it exactly, but will need to know how to get to where I'm taking you."

The brothers followed along. It was actually only about a two mile run, which wasn't hard for any of them, including Dennis. When they arrived at their destination, Dennis stopped, pointed at a house and said, "Okay, that's the place. That is my house. Whenever I call you guys I expect you to jog over here. Sometimes you'll come as you are now 3; but sometimes I will want you to run in just a jockstrap 3; Or maybe even totally naked. It's up to me!"

Both brothers trembled slightly as they thought about it, but both remained totally hard.

Dennis decided they needed to head back. He was supposed to be at a sleepover and didn't want to get spotted.

The run back to the frat house was faster than the first and by the time they arrived, all three were sweating hard. They went back to the party room and Dennis told both of them to strip totally naked again and grab a beer. He had something in mind that he wanted to do, but had to talk to Frankie.

Ross and Frankie were sipping beers near the bar. They both smiled as Dennis approached. They smiled even more when he gave them a quick run down of what had happened. Frankie almost choked when he heard the last part.

"So let me understand, you got the twins to agree to be your slaves till they graduate?"

Dennis smiled and said "Yea, um I hope that's okay."

Frankie laughed, "Well I guess so. Still we are gonna want to use them ourselves."

Dennis chuckled, "That's fine. I mean they are in the Frat and all. Anyway, I was wondering if it would be okay to use those dildo boards 3; you know that my brother and I had to use."

Frankie smiled and said, "Sure, especially if you're gonna want the twins to race on them. That would be fun to watch. We'll set them up."

Dennis walked back across the room and talked to the twins. He set down a few basic rules, like they would have to call him everyday, both would have to sleep naked and both would have to go "commando" all the time.

They had no choice but to agree.

They continued sipping their beers and watched as a few of the brothers brought the dildo boards out and set them up. The dildo's were greased with more Icy Hot and two pairs of handcuffs were laid on the end.

They looked at Dennis questioningly. Dennis smiled and said, "That's right boys. You two are going to race now! Just like I did with my brother. And the loser is going to get a really nasty penalty! And I mean nasty! So do your best."

Dennis let them finish their beers then led them over to the boards. The frat brothers cheered as they saw the twins take their places at the ends of the dildo boards. They knew the drill and reached their hands behind their backs. Dennis cuffed them both, patted them on the ass and said, "Remember, it's a really nasty penalty!!!"

Dennis shouted "GO!" and they were off!

As dildo races go, it ended up being one of the most exciting ones the frat boys had ever seen. Seeing the two muscular and naked twins fuck themselves on the dildo's, with their hard cocks bouncing up and down, and hands cuffed behind their backs was really hot.

Both were leaking pre-cum like crazy by the time they started fucking themselves on the third dildo. They were pretty much running neck and neck the whole time.

Ross looked at Frankie and said, "Man this really is great! Shit those boys are so damn hot! I wonder what the penalty is gonna be."

Frankie chuckled, "I don't know, but knowing that twisted little dude, it will be bad."

Both of the brothers had trouble with the last dildos. They were big. Both yelped as they lowered themselves all the way down and then fucked themselves. Tears filled their eyes as they felt their asses being split.

It was a close finish.

Brandon was just a little quicker than Bryce and made it to the finish line first.

The frat boys cheered.

Dennis stood between the twins. He glanced back and forth between the two and said, "Okay, Bryce you lost, so you will get the penalty. Brandon won so you get a quick reward. Down on your knees Bryce and suck your brother off, until he cums in your mouth."

Bryce knelt down and took Brandon's throbbing cock in his mouth. He had sucked Brandon off many times before, and swallowed his cum as well. Both brothers loved doing it to each other, especially after a workout when they were really sweaty.

It took almost no time before Brandon started shooting his rich jock seed into Bryce's mouth. Bryce sucked him totally dry and then sat back and waited. He watched nervously as Dennis returned from across the room carrying a bag.

Dennis motioned for Bryce to come to him. He got a sinking feeling in his stomach as Dennis led him outside and into the back yard. The feeling got worse as they approached the wooded area. He hoped he was wrong about what the penalty would be. Sadly for Bryce he wasn't!

Dennis led him back to the two trees near the edge of the swampy area. He told Bryce to pick a tree.

Bryce chose the same one he had been handcuffed to before. He leaned against the tree with his back to it and stretched his arms back and around. Dennis then went to work. He handcuffed Bryce, tied his ankles to the base of the tree and blindfolded him. He pulled a piece of rope around Bryce's waist and tied it around the tree. He figured that would make it even more difficult for Bryce to try and shake the insects off.

Bryce trembled as he felt more pancake syrup being dribbled up and down his inner legs, in his pubes and all over his cock and balls. Dennis then smeared some on his nipples and ass.

The last thing Bryce felt was something being "dusted" on his body. A lot went on his pubes.

Dennis laughed, "Okay, in case you didn't know, that last stuff was sugar. It's a special gift for all your new little friends! I told you the penalty would be nasty. Anyway, I'll see you in the morning."

Bryce was ready to scream. The insects were already closing in.

Dennis walked away. He paused near the edge of the little clearing and looked back. Bryce was already squirming like crazy. Dennis couldn't see it, but for some reason a lot of the insects seemed interested in Bryce's throbbing cock, and it was driving him wild.

It would be a long night for sure.

Dennis returned to the party room and it seemed like things were winding down.

Chip still had Eric on his knees giving out blow jobs to all who wanted one. Brandon was at the bar, drinking a beer. And Frankie and Ross were talking in a corner. Dennis asked Chip if he had seen Mark.

"Yea, I think he went to the pit to check on things. You know where you're gonna sleep tonight? Cause I'm gonna be in Eric's room."

Dennis smiled and said, "Yea, I'll be in Ross's room."

Dennis found Mark exactly where Chip said he was 3; in the "Pit."

Once again, the first thing that hit Dennis when he got there was the smell. It was so familiar 3; piss 3; cum 3; sweat 3; and that musk that comes from aroused naked guys. He paid no attention to the two frat boys on the stools. Instead he focused on Coach Taylor and Casey.

It was obvious both had cum and that both were in distress. There were covered with sweat and piss. The little paddle machines were running at high speed now and paddling their asses and balls. By the looks things they had done a great job. Their asses were really red, and there were red marks up and down their inner thighs.

The fucking machines were also churning away 3; ramming in and out with no mercy.

Dennis whispered to Mark, "Shit, this is insane 3; and they gonna be here until tomorrow night!"

Mark laughed, "Yea, both have already pissed themselves and have cum! It will be interesting."

They watched for a little while and listened to Coach's and Casey's moans.

Finally Mark said, "Well, hey, I'm really tired I think I'm gonna find a place to crash. We are supposed to be at a sleepover 3; hahahaha."

Dennis followed Mark up the stairs. Frankie was waiting at the top. He looked at Dennis and said, "Yo dude, Ross went to his room and said for you to join him there. Oh and he took your Slave Boy Brandon with him."

Dennis said "Thanks" and rushed off.

Frankie smiled at Mark and said, "Well little dude it's been a long day, so you want to crash with me?"

Mark got a sudden rush. His heart started beating fast and his cock, once again got hard. He nodded and said, "Yea 3; Sure!"

Frankie smiled as he led Mark to his room. He knew what would end up happening 3; knew he shouldn't be doing it 3; but just couldn't resist. Anyway, it would be an "interesting" experience.

As things turned out there were a lot of "interesting" experiences in and around the Gamma house that night 3; and probably the most "interesting" ones didn't involve torture or bondage.

It started in Eric's room. Eric, as an obedient slave, offered to sleep on the floor and let Chip have the bed. But Chip suddenly had other ideas. Chip pulled off his shirt and shorts, climbed into the bed and told Eric to join him.

Then Chip pressed his body against Eric's and said softly, "I know you're my slave boy right now, but I want you to be something else 3; I want you to be like my boy friend."

Eric didn't know what to say. He pressed his body against Chip's. He could feel how hard Chip's heart was beating. He could smell Chip's manly teen scent. It was just too much. He leaned closer, pressed his lips to Chip's and kissed him long and hard.

Both lost track of time as they explored each other's bodies.

Similar things were happening down the hall.

Mark was in Frankie's bed. Both were naked and hugging. Mark looked in Frankie's eyes and said, "Man, would you do `stuff' to me 3; you know?"

Frankie smiled and said, "Yea, I will, but you gotta do `stuff' to me too."

And so they did.

And last but not least, further down the hall. Dennis was in bed with Ross. Both were very excited. Both had sex before, but not really like this. Both were really shaking as they pressed their naked bodies together and slowly ran their hands over each other.

Ross was in a daze like state as he felt Dennis's hard compact little body. It was wrong, but also felt so right. Dennis was in his own daze. He had never felt like this before. Right now all he could think about was pleasing Ross.

And he did! All through the night!

While the three pairs had a pleasurable night, there were those who didn't.

Brandon actually had the best of it. He was naked, with his hands cuffed behind his back and was wearing a chastity device now. He had been forced to sleep on the floor at the foot of Ross's bed 3; which meant he heard the sounds of Ross and Dennis's lovemaking all night.

Down in the Pit, Casey and Coach Taylor were pretty much being kept in a state of constant sexual agony. The fucking machines went through a series of different programs. The leather whipping things kept spinning and lashing their asses, thighs, cocks and balls. Every frat brother who came in to cover a shift pissed on them and came in their mouths. It was hell.

And speaking of hell 3; Bryce was experiencing his own private hell.

As the night wore on, it just kept getting worse. His cock and balls kept getting bitten by various insects. Ants crawled up and down his legs and filled his pubes. His nipples were also being bitten. And try as he might, he couldn't shake any of them off his exposed naked flesh.

He cried almost the whole night and called out to be released. But, no one heard.

The worst thing for Bryce ended up being just as Dennis said 3; at dawn 3; the most critters came out. That is when Bryce finally started to really scream!


While Chip was in the midst of fooling around with Eric that night, his "turned off" cell phone received a call from a former friend 3; best friend actually. He was a couple of years older than Chip 3; and had moved away 3; but was now moving back! Yes, Dan was moving back! The hot dude with light brown hair, warm olive eyes, and a great smile! He stood only 5' 6", but worked out a lot and had an ass to die for! Yes Dan was a real little hottie! He and Chip had actually been like best friends, but had never really done "anything" sexual. Crazy thing was, BOTH had wanted to, but never found the way to do it! 3; And Chip had actually cried when he left, and now Dan was moving back!

Story Notes

Well, there it is. Apologies yet again for taking so long. Still having ups and downs in my personal life. I really do appreciate the emails with comments and suggestions 3; and especially recounts of real life experiences. They help turn me on! Which in turn helps me write.

This SAGA is like a GAY PERVERSE SOAP OPERA, so expect some characters to COME and GO! Is all part of the drama!

As some of you may note, I have incorporated some suggestions I have received into this chapter. I try to do that when I can 3; but continue to follow where the characters lead me. The "paddling" thing in the Pit was suggested by one reader 3; along with other things in this Chapter. More will follow.

Oh and yea, SCOTT! If you read this, wherever you are 3; please contact me somehow! I mean it!
