PZA Boy Stories

PZA's Feedback Form

Comments for authors will be forwarded by me to the author. Please, let me know for which author the message is meant. ASSTR provides the capability to send your comments to me anonymously. However, if you would like me or the author to respond, you must give me your e-mail address.

Subject (Please state which author and story you are commenting on):

E-mail (optional*):

* if you want that I send you an answer, you have to fill in your e-mail address. Leaving the e-mail box blank, makes your message completely anonymous and there is NO WAY that I can find you. When you don't get an answer you expected, don't be angry but probably you forgot to give your e-mail address or made a typo - just send me a message again with a working e-mail address in the box above.

Name (optional):

Enter your comments in this box.
Returns are only necessary between paragraphs.

© Copyright A.I.L., December 24, 2001