PZA Boy Stories

Scott Westwood

Boys Love Torture

Chapter 28
Chris Crosses The Line

Story Notes

Once again there has been a much longer gap than I had anticipated. In order to keep this series 'flowing' I have decided to do a 'redirection.' I have introduced a wide assortment of characters and have a lot of choices of what to cover next. I do not intend to introduce anymore 'main characters.' Any 'new' characters who do appear will be used solely as 'plot elements.'

My apologies to those readers who are enjoying 'Chris and Peter.' They were inserted into the storyline at the request of one of my readers. My intent is to move things along and focus on the longer established characters when I can. Chris and Peter's experiences will be sort of concluded during this chapter and rather quickly, I might add. But not to worry, they may return briefly here and there.

After that, I will shift back to the 'mains'. Though most of them are 'teens', the others will still be there 3; 'The Twins' (the college wrestlers), Coach Taylor, and Cody (the star college quarterback). Some characters will definitely be 'phased out and/or repalced' however.

Oh, and by popular demand, Dennis will soon have an encounter that doesn't go the way he planned. BIG DISCLAIMER there and a reminder that this is, after all, a fantasy and in no way condones illegal actions. Nuff said about that!

I do continue to be 'enamored' with the concept that there are few 'absolutes' in this life. While there are guys out there who are clearly Dominants and absolutely will not 'switch' or so they say! There are a number who will do just that, if the 'right' person comes along, even if it's just one time.

And finally, with all the stories within this story, I will be jumping around a quite a bit. Rest assured, I do remember most of the subplots, and will get around to them eventually. If I am missing one, that you are 'hot ' to hear about 3; drop me an Email, and I will do my best to move it up.

As a refresher, I have included capsule summaries of most of the 'Main' and 'Semi-Main' characters at the end of this chapter, Feel free to scroll down for a quick review as needed. The 'Full' List of 'Boy Facts is included at the end of Chapter 27.

And with that, back to the story 3;


If Chris had concerns about Peter getting himself into trouble with their tormentors for going too easy on him, they were banished completely with the first series of lashes across his back and butt.

Chris gasped through gritted teeth as Peter lashed him hard over and over again, with the birch branch.




Chris flailed around with each blow. It didn't take long for his back and ass to feel like they were on fire. The pain was intense and it took all the strength he could muster to keep from screaming.

While he was a little angry with his friend, he realized that neither of them had a choice, so he just worked hard to deal with it.




It seemed to go on forever.

To make things worse, the boy who was running things (Dylan) continued to taunt and torment him.

"You think that feels bad? Wait until he starts on your chest and stomach 3; and then your cock and balls!"

Dylan grinned when he saw the look on Chris's face. It was a mixture of anger and fear.

"That's right Mr. Tough Guy! He's gonna lash that beautiful hard cock of yours and those nice big balls. Guess that will be a first for you, and very educational."

Chris shuddered as he considered what Dylan had just said. The pain on his back and ass was bad, but would be nothing compared to having his cock and balls lashed.

To make matters even worse, Dylan continued, "Oh and who knows, we just may have him use this on you."

Dylan held up a little penis whip. Chris looked at the nasty little device in Dylan's hand. It wasn't very big but it's use was immediately clear. Three short knotted leather laces dangled from a short wooden handle.

Dylan chuckled, "We call this a penis whip. I understand it is most effective when a guy is totally boned 3; like you are now. I think the guys will really love watching that because from what I can tell, they are really into cock and ball torture, among other things."

Peter's balls really started to tingle as he listened to Dylan. He had sort of hoped that he would be the one being bound and tortured, but was getting more and more excited by everything that was happening.

Sure he had seen Chris naked before, and had even sneaked some peeks of him jacking off, but this was so much better. Seeing Chris, naked and bound with a raging boner, and being tortured and humiliated sexually in front of these younger boys was just incredible.

Dylan handed the penis whip to Peter and said, "Okay, make sure you do a good job on that nice hard cock of his. Oh and you might want to tie a piece of rope around his cock head, so you can pull his cock straight out. Should make it easier to use that whip."

Chris trembled visibly as Peter did as suggested. It didn't take long for Peter to have Chris's hard cock sticking straight out, parallel to the ground. Chris watched in horror as Peter raised the nasty little whip.

Peter's first blow was worse than expected. His aim was perfect. The knotted laces wrapped around Chris's throbbing shaft and bit into it's sensitive underside.

Chris thrashed about and shouted, "OH FUCK! SHIT! GOD-DAMN!"

If Peter had any compassion for his best friend, it didn't show as he delivered nine more blows in quick succession. For Chris, it was a major miracle that he did not give in and scream. The pain was intense. Even worse than the lashes he had received on his back and ass.

By the time Peter finally set the whip aside, tears were streaming down Chris's face, and his body was coated with even more sweat.

The boys who were watching were also covered with sweat, but for a different reason. Every one of them was getting increasing excited as they watched the hot, naked jock suffer. And everyone was getting hornier by the second.

Luckily for Chris, the boys were getting so horny, that they were anxious to move on to things that were more sexual. Sure it was fun watching the torture, but what lay ahead would definitely be even more fun.

It seemed pretty obvious that Chris had never engaged in any real sexual encounters with another guy, which meant watching him being forced to do just that would be great.

Chip and Logan were definitely thinking along those lines as they stared at Chris's naked, outstretched body. Both walked over to Dylan and pulled him aside.

They had a hurried conversation, as Peter looked over the other torture devices on the table. Peter's cock throbbed as he looked at the dildo's and butt plugs.

He picked up one of the largest dildo's and looked at Chris's nice muscular ass.

Chris trembled when he saw what Peter was holding. He had seen all the toys on the table and knew that this moment was coming. He couldn't take his eyes off the dildo which appeared to be even larger now that Peter was holding it.

Peter kept his own eyes on Chris's ass as he began applying lube to the dildo. His cock throbbed in anticipation of hearing Chris moan and he wondered if the porn stories were true. Could you actually make a guy cum just by fucking him? He hoped it was possible. It would definitely be awesome to watch his friend cum that way.

Meanwhile, there was a little bit of dissension amongst the boys. A couple of them wanted the torture to go on and get more intense. That was what Dennis wanted. But the majority were in favor of shifting gears.

Dylan didn't seem to mind when Chip, essentially took charge and told the boys to untie Chris and take him and Peter to the center of the barn arena.

Both were surprised by the unexpected turn of events. Peter had been looking forward to using the dildo on Chris. He was about to set it back on the table when Chip chuckled, "Hey Dude, bring that with you along with some lube, oh 3; and a couple of those paddles."

Peter did as Chip ordered and eagerly followed the little group into the center of the arena. He smiled when he took a look at the special bench which had been set up there. He had seen one in videos, and knew that it was a punishment or "fuck" bench.

The subject would climb onto the bench on all fours, with his chest resting on the raised and padded center part. His forearms, lower legs, knees and elbows would be secured with leather restraints. A thick leather strap would be stretched over his lower back.

When finished, the subject would be totally immobilized, with his ass spread and vulnerable, his cock and balls hanging freely, and his mouth in the perfect position to provide "service" to his tormentors.

Peter's cock hardened even more as he visualized Chris being secured on the bench. He couldn't wait.

Though Chris had never seen a bench like it before, it wasn't difficult to figure out how it would be used. He trembled slightly when Chip approached him and said softly, "Ok straight boy, now pay attention. You just might get a kick out of what is gonna happen next."

Chris was pretty sure he knew what was coming and was, therefore surprised by what happened.

Chip turned to the others, winked and said, "Okay guys, you know what to do."

Though the plans had just been made, they acted quickly.

They surrounded Peter, took the toys from his hands and led him to the fuck bench. Chris started to protest, but Chip shut him up quickly.

"Just keep your mouth shut! Remember you said you would cooperate. So deal with it 3; especially if you want us to take you back. Otherwise, you can find your own way back. Who knows, you two naked guys might be able to find someone to help you find your way."

Chris shuddered when he considered what Chip had said. He had no idea where they were, and the prospect of running around naked, in a strange area, trying to find help was very scary. So he kept his mouth shut.

Logan gave Peter's ass a hard slap and snarled, "Okay Dude, climb onto the bench 3; NOW!"

Peter was taken completely by surprise. He had been certain that Chris was gonna be on the bench, but now it would be him.

His heart began to pound faster and faster after he climbed onto the bench and waited while the boys secured his wrists, forearms, ankles, knees and waist. His cock throbbed when he saw Chip hand a large wooden paddle to Chris and begin whispering in his ear.

For Peter, it was actually like a dream come true. He had been thinking about being bound and used for sometime, but had been afraid to ask Chris to try it. He had been even more scared about trying to try and hook up with some stranger.

And so, his dream was about to happen. Had he known what Chip was whispering in Chris's ear, he might have felt differently.

Chris's face turned bright red as he listened intently to what Chip was saying. He just couldn't believe what he was hearing.

Chip grinned as he watched Chris's face. His words were having the desired affect.

" 3;That's right tough guy. Your friend was in on the whole thing. He pretty much set you up. I think he really likes seeing you naked and being forced to do this stuff. In fact, he seemed to get pretty excited about acting like he had been kidnapped too. Seems like he's a very good actor."

Chris looked at Peter, naked and totally immobilized on the fuck/punishment bench.

His mind continued to reel as Chip went on.

"Yea it appears like your buddy likes this sort of thing. He seemed really excited when he thought we were gonna secure you on that bench. Man he was really greasing up that dildo, and couldn't take his eyes off your ass!"

"Now I'm sure this is all new to you, but you should be able to figure things out. There are all kinds of toys on the table, and we have plenty of time. Do a good job and we just might go a little easier on you when it's your turn on the bench."

Chip let the words sink in for a few moments.

Chris glared at Peter. He just couldn't believe it. He had never been this angry with Peter before. He had never done anything like this before and never thought he would.

Still his anger was such, that for the moment, any "straight" reservations he may have had, evaporated.

He glanced at Chip and stammered, "So ummm 3; what do you want me to do?"

Chip laughed, "Well punish him, of course! Make him pay for what he did, and for the other things you're still gonna have to do."

Chris thought for a moment, and began tapping the paddle against the side of his leg. He tried to fight the raw urges that were assailing him, but just couldn't. He was so angry and his cock was so painfully hard that his animal instincts took over.

He glared at Chip and said, "Okay, I got it! I'll give you little perverts a great show! Hope you enjoy it!"

Peter watched as Chris approached. He had seen Chris mad before, but not like this. All of a sudden he felt scared.

The boys were rather amazed. They knew this Chris guy was "straight", but what he did to Peter was anything but that. He started by paddling Peter's ass until it was bright red. Then he whipped Peter's back and legs with a leather belt.

He got the other boys involved to by insisting that Peter suck each one of them. None of them minded that one bit.

After all had their turn, Chris took his. He had Peter lick his balls and suck him until he was super hard. Then, to everyone's delight, Chris "mounted" Peter. He showed no mercy at all as he rammed his cock all the way inside Peter's quivering ass.

Peter screamed and tugged at his bonds as Chris fucked him hard. He had dreamed up this very thing, many times, but hadn't thought it would be quite like this. It hurt like hell. He thought it would feel great to have his best friend cum inside of him, but it didn't.


When Chris finally reached that point he cried out and snarled as he pumped his seed into Peter!

"OH YEA!" he howled! "YEA!"

When he was done, he pulled out of Peter, walked around and made him suck his cock and balls clean.

Chip had been trying to think of what to do next. After seeing what Chris did, he had decided to just finish things fast and let them go. After all, he and the other guys had plenty of other things coming up.

The last things that happened between Chris and Peter, surprised everyone.

Chris untied Peter, then had him kneel in front of all the other boys and jack off. Peter blushed as he jacked away. His breathing grew heavier and heavier as he listened to what Chris had to say, "Hell Peter, you know your ass and mouth felt so good, I may never have to masturbate again, as long as I have you around. Yea, what the hell, I think from now on you're gonna be, what I guess the fags would call, my bitch! I sort of like that."

His last words seemed to push Peter over the edge. He shot a nice load straight up in the air then hunched back down on his feet and waited.

Some of the boys were a little disappointed when Chip announced that they were done with the two older guys. They had wanted to torture Chris some more, but went along with Chip.

They were given back their clothes and allowed to leave. Chip told them where a nearby bar was, and told them to go there and wait for someone from the fraternity to come and pick them up.

As they were dressing, Chip had a flash of inspiration.

He grabbed one of the extra chastity devices and gave it to Chris.

"Here, you can have this. Consider it a gift for being such a good sport. You can use it on your "bitch".

Chris wasn't sure just how to use it, so Chip showed him. He stopped Peter from dressing for a moment, and snapped the device on Peter's cock and balls. When he was done he handed the key to Chris and chuckled, "I think you've got the picture now. He won't be able to get boned as long as that thing is on, and it will virtually impossible for him to cum. It's definitely going to be fun for you to fuck him when he has it on. Hell, and with that thing, he can keep it on 24/7. You just have to take it off occasionally to re-lube the inside."

Chris laughed as he watched Peter pull his pants up over the device and carefully tuck it inside his undies, "You hear that Peter 3; 24/7 3; that means you only get to masturbate when I say you can. Hell this should be fun."

Chip felt pleased when Chris pulled him aside to chat. Chris wasn't mad at Chip and the boys and basically thanked them.

"You know, I suspected that Peter did had the hots for me all these years. I could tell the way he looked at me, and I knew he liked spying on me when I jacked off in the shower. Hell, he came up with so many excuses to come into the bathroom while I was showering."

They chatted some more and ended up exchanging email addresses. Chris promised to stay in touch and made Chip's day when he asked if Chip and the boys had a web cam, because if they did, maybe he could let them watch Peter do some stuff.

Chip gave him his instant messenger addresses, along with those of some of the other boys.

It was as they were leaving when Chip gave Chris one final suggestion that Chris really liked.

"So,umm Chris, you know, maybe you could make it like 3; whenever Peter wants to jack off, he has to do it on camera. That would be nasty and cool."

Chris liked that idea a lot. He knew it would be a little dangerous to do, with younger boys watching, but decided to take the chance. And so he agreed to let Chip know. They exchanged some final pieces of information about time zones and such, then parted company.

The last arrangements pleased the other guys.


Chip had hoped to see the two guys before they returned to England, but it didn't happened. About a week had gone by since then and Chip had pretty much written both of them off, when Chris made contact with a long email. It was interesting to say the least.

It started off by Chris rambling on somewhat about not being gay, but finally admitting that he did like doing some stuff. He said, "Hell, Mate! I guess sex is sex. Didn't someone once say any sex is good sex. I must admit, now that I've tried it, I do like fucking Peter. His ass is tighter than any pussy I've ever had. And I like treating him as a sort of slave. He's been begging for me to take that thing off of him, but I haven't yet."

Chip smiled as he read and then re-read the email. Chris really was getting into the "spirit" of things.

Whenever they were in their shared apartment (or "flat" as he called it), Peter had to be naked. He let Peter watch every time he jacked off, which wasn't that often since he was fucking Peter so much.

He said that he thought he would just keep this up for a little while as a payback for the thing Peter had pulled off in the States, but had decided to keep it going for a lot longer.

Chip grinned when he read Chris's closing part.

"Oh and hey, I almost forgot. You might not be into this as much, but for me it is quite exciting. See, in the past, Peter and I have had some threesomes with a chick. It was fun. Well, we're having them again, but I've added something. See I know Peter does like sucking my cock, so I don't let him do that very much. Instead, when we've had a threesome with the twisted chick from nearby, I fuck him, while I make him lick her pussy. Peter doesn't like it much, which is why I do it. Oh yes, she really likes it too.

I've already "lent" him out to her and her friends who made him do all kinds of nasty things and used a bunch of things on his ass."

Chris promised to write again and contact Chip via instant messenger to set up a webcam masturbation show. He really got Chip worked up when he mentioned that he was trying to work things out with his laptop and wireless connections so that he could take Peter to various public places and make him masturbate there. He had some in mind that would be scary for Peter, but also safe.

He concluded the email with one last note that got Chip even more worked up.

"Oh yes, and btw, I have been thinking about perhaps doing a threesome with another guy. I'm not sure I am ready for that just yet. But maybe time will tell. I do get sort of worked up every now and then when I think about doing that. Don't get your hopes up though 3; but if you have any ideas about that, let me know."

Chip had plenty of ideas. Instead of sending them right back to Chris, he just sent a short reply and promised to get back to him soon. He wanted some time to think about it.

Chip continued reading his other emails and was surprised when he received another one from Chris. It got him excited and made him laugh really hard.

It went like this 3;

"Oh yea Mate, I almost forgot to share the really funny thing with you. When we got to the airport, both of us had totally forgotten about that little metal lock on that chastity thing on Peter.

It set off the metal detectors and Peter ended up being taken to this side room for a strip search. They took me too, because I was with him, but only made him strip.

Man, it was so funny. I had told Peter he couldn't wear any underwear, so when he stripped off, there he was standing there, totally naked, except for that thing. He was really quite embarrassed and didn't know what to say.

The security guys were laughing and had some fun. They made a big deal about looking to see if there were any regulations about something like that not being allowed. They took their time looking on the computer with Peter standing there naked.

I was a little worried that we would miss our flight. Finally they let him dress. While he was dressing, one of them asked Peter who had the key.

Peter did think fast and said, `Umm, my girl friend back home.' That relieved me, but I almost busted up. Especially when the guy said, `Well, so what? She doesn't trust you to keep it in your pants when you're away?'

Like I said, it was really funny. Peter was totally pissed off about the whole thing and demanded I take the thing off. But like I said, I'm not going to budge on that point. I guess I do like having a sex slave around, even if it is another guy.

Maybe one day we can chat about some of the stuff you little perverts do. LOL! Just kidding, what the hell, do what floats your boat. But I would like to hear."

Chip sat back and thought, "Hell, this just keeps getting better and better. Too bad they live so far a way."

----------- MEANWHILE ---------

While Chip was doing his email thing, Dennis was over at Andy's house, on one of Andy's computers. Andy's Dad was an IT Manager and had the house all wired and hooked up with computers all over the place.

Dennis had "sucked up" to him and was allowed to use one whenever he came over. Which was just as well, since Chip tended to hog the one at home. Andy, who was himself a gifted computer geek, had checked all the computers that he and Dennis could use and was certain there were no monitoring programs on them. He knew all of his Dad's tricks.

At the moment, Andy was up in his room playing XBOX with another friend, while Dennis was in the basement exchanging ICQ messages with this older guy. It was the guy he had met at the sex shop that one day.

Now Dennis wasn't dumb, and he could pretty much hold his own during Internet chats. He did, however, have a blind side. He was really cocky and at times was resentful of his older brother Chip.

Like Chip, Dennis did have a "thing" for making older guys do "nasty" sex stuff. He did like doing it with high school guys for sure, but had a special attraction to college age guys and/or guys just a little older than that.

The thought of making them suffer and just totally humiliating them was almost always at the center of young Dennis's masturbation fantasies.

With all the shit that had been happening at the Torture House and the Arena 3; and with the College Frat 3; they had plenty of older guys to mess with. It didn't matter that they had to sometimes "give" something back. What mattered to Dennis was the fact that Chip seemed to get all the credit and was sort of worshipped by everyone around him.

In his twisted way of thinking, Dennis figured that if he could somehow "bring in" some other older guys like the Twins and Cody 3; guys who he was in charge of 3; he could "show Chip up" and get more of the respect he deserved.

To that end, he figured this guy he had met might be able to "hook him up" with some older slave boys. He was willing to do just about anything to arrange that. He didn't stop to think just how dangerous what he was doing, actually was.

--------- ACROSS TOWN ---------

There was someone who did know the danger, but for another reason. It was Tom, the guy Dennis was chatting with.

Tom was much older than Dennis, 35 to be exact, but did look a little younger. He was a fanatic about working out and weight lifting and had a well defined set of pecs, abs and biceps 3; not over bulging, but well defined.

Add that to his V-shaped torso, chiseled face, muscular legs and slightly hairy chest and you had a very "manly man" indeed.

The most important thing about Tom though, within the context of what was happening, was the fact that he was not only gay, but also an experienced and extremely rough BDSM Master. Submissive guys just drooled over him and he never had trouble finding guys to use and abuse.

As he sat in front of his computer, exchanging messages with this damn cocky kid he had met by accident at the sex shop, he kept telling himself, over and over again, that he shouldn't be doing this 3; that he should just tell him to "fuck off."

He did try that, but the kid would not be put off.

Part of Tom's dilemma was that fact that Dennis did look an awful like a young friend from his teen years. He had that same dirty blond hair, freckled nose and piercing blue eyes 3; and yea that same cocky attitude.

He and Tom got into "torture" and bondage games of all types. Since he had become an adult, he had never crossed the line 3; never even thought about doing it 3; that is until he met Dennis.

They went round and round in ICQ. Tom used the handle "Punisher" and Dennis used "DevilBoy". Try as he might, Tom just couldn't shut Dennis up, and just couldn't pull himself away.

Eventually they reached the point where a deal began to be worked out. Dennis insisted that he was a young BDSM Master. Tom tried to blow him off by mocking him. That didn't work, Dennis just "mocked" right back.

The last part of the exchange went something like this 3;

Punisher: So what is it you want kid? DevilBoy: Fuck you! I told you to stop calling me kid you old fart! Punisher: LOL! OK DevilBoy. What is it you want? DevilBoy: I told you that too. Are you brain dead or what? I want you to hook me up with some slave boys 3; you know like in their 20's or so. Maybe a little older. No chubbies though. Punisher: And if I do, what do I get? It had better be good. DevilBoy: Whatever you want. I don't have any money though. I could give you a bunch of great games. They are hot and sell for a lot. Punisher: Get real kid. Come on, what can you give me that I might want? DevilBoy: You name it and I'll get it.

They went back and forth for quite some time. Dennis was determined 3; really determined and getting increasingly desperate. Tom could sense that too, but continued to avoid giving into the insane desire that was growing. It was a desire that was intensified by Dennis's cockiness.

At last it happened 3;

DevilBoy: Okay, well FUCK, maybe I could hook you up with some guys 3; you know college frat guys. I could do it.

Actually Dennis could do that, as a result of his encounter with the Frat, and he was sure he could get Mark to "lend" Casey, that All-American jock boy to him for something like this. Casey was Mark's slave after all.

Punisher: Now why the fuck would I want that. Little Dude! I can get as many of them as I want. If you can get them, why not use them for yourself anyway. Why do you even need me? DevilBoy: Well, yea, I get it. I just need some different ones. Ones that no one around here knows. I have my reasons. Punisher: Well I sure you do. Okay, so let's say I do hook you up. Still 3; what the FUCK is in it for me? DevilBoy: What the fuck do you want?

Yea the moment had indeed arrived. Tom just could not resist. All the bantering with this plucky little prick had turned him on completely. He had visions of Dennis screaming in his play room 3; begging for mercy 3; And so on. He wondered what Dennis looked like naked. He loved making grown men 3; fully developed men scream and beg 3; loved humiliating them in the worst sort of ways 3; but DAMN! He flashed back to his youth 3; and gave in as he remembered the screams and pants that came from his fellow teens back then.

Punisher: Okay young Master. I have a price in mind. Not cash of course, but I doubt if you could do it. It is tough. But I'll give you a special deal 3; I'll get you 4 3; no wait 5 prime slave boys 3; all are in great shape 3; all are in their mid-twenties, except for one who is 32. They will submit to whatever you want. DevilBoy: Okay, that sounds perfect! But can we cut the bull and get to what you want from me. SO what's the "special deal" LOL? Punisher: IS simple and a great deal. I get you 5, and you get me just 2. But they have to be 2 that I really want. They will be my slaves for a full week 3; in my dungeon playroom. DevilBoy: Shit dude 3; I don't know. A week might be tough. Punisher: Yea maybe, but I have a plan.

Tom couldn't believe he was doing this. A plan popped into his mind 3; one that seemed as close to perfect as it could get.

Punisher: So here it is, I can set things up so that the two "slave boys" win a bogus contest. They get a free week at this wilderness learning center. They could get off from school easily enough I am sure. Hell I could even provide brochures and stuff. One of them would win and be allowed to bring a friend. Trust me it could work.

Tom was certain it could. The place in the brochures and Internet site existed, and it would probably be an easy matter to sucker the parents in.

DevilBoy: Okay, yea I guess it could work. SO how long would I have the ones you give me? Punisher: Well how about we say 6 months. Not full time of course, but you will be able to use them however you want. They are used to very rough treatment and torture, so you could have plenty of fun.

Dennis was totally hooked now, and willing to pay whatever price he would have to. Yea, Chip wasn't the only one who could deliver.

DevilBoy: Okies, sounds good. Now what about the two guys I have to give you? You said they had to be certain ones.

Punisher: Well yea they do. And I will have them for an entire week in my dungeon. They will be stripped naked on the way here and be kept naked for the entire week. Make no mistake, I am really into torture and the two will be tortured a lot! And, of course used sexually over and over again. Oh and , if there is one special condition, it is if they fail to "please me" they will have to stay an extra week.

That last part would be tough to do, but what the hell.

Dennis was totally beyond reason now. He needed to make this deal happen. It would show up Chip 3; BIG TIME.

DevilBoy: Okay, whatever you say. So what guys do you want? Punisher: LOL! Well you seem smart. I would have thought you had figured that out by now! I want YOU! And another guy about your age 3; and no chubbie either. So that's the deal! Take it or leave it. I know what you look like, you send some pictures of other guys you can get, and I'll tell you which one I want.

Dennis was SPEECHLESS. He hadn't seen this coming at all. He almost panicked and closed ICQ.

No way in hell he wanted to let this perv use him. His mind raced. He thought about what he would get in return and his cock hardened. Then he thought about what the guy wanted and his cock hardened some more.

It was sort of exciting thinking about being naked in front of this guy and turning him on! He knew he had a great body, and did like it when other guys eyed him up. Somehow he managed to overlook the "torture" aspects of the deal. Instead, he imagined himself sort of seducing this guy with his body.

DevilBoy: Well hmmmm 3; let's say it you could work things out. When would we do it?

It took awhile to come up with a potential time. But they eventually did.

Then they shifted to the matter of the other boy. He had to be around Dennis's age and in good shape.

Punisher: Okay, so tonight you send me some pictures of potential other boys. They should be wearing something like just a thong or speedo. I want to see what I am getting. DevilBoy: SO what? No naked ones? You scared of kiddie porn shit you perv? Punisher: Something like that. Anyway, I'll pick the one I want, and set up the 3; you know cover story. After that I'll send you the instructions for you and that other boy. DevilBoy: And you're being honest about this right? I do this and I get what you said? Five slave boys for 6 months? Punisher: Yea that's the deal! I may even throw in an extra one if you deliver your end and manage to keep things covered up. From what I have heard, you and that crowd you run with are good at that.

Dennis should have realized just how dangerous what he was doing actually was. If not then, then when he received the instructions which went like this 3;

Things had been set up for him and this other boy to attend this wilderness camp 3; all expenses paid. There was even a phone number the parents could call to talk to a "counselor."

On the scheduled day, the boys would be dropped off at a train station where tickets would be waiting for them.

Once at their destination, both boys would be picked up by a van. They would get inside the back of the van and immediately strip naked.

They would place their clothes in a chest that was there and lock it.

Next they would put on blindfolds and cuff their hands behind their backs with the handcuffs provided. The ride to the camp would take almost two hours, so they would lie down. And they would follow all instructions given to them by the driver without question.

So there it was!

Dennis and Tom breather harder and harder every time they exchanged chats.

Dennis should have become more wary about all of Tom's security instructions. He followed them to the letter though, and ensured that ALL traces of their contact was erased. Now that was dangerous.

As far as the other boy was concerned, that would be a little tricky. Dennis did have pictures of a bunch of the guys, some naked ones included. The trick would be to find one that would go along with it.

Still, he was confident that he could figure something out. He pretty much decided that he would not be totally open about the whole deal. Well maybe about the payoff, which he knew some guys would like to share.

It was the part about the torture that he would downplay. Hell, all the guys were used to this stuff anyway, so why not! Might even be more fun if the other guy was surprised.

If there was a surprise in all of this, it was that Dennis essentially totally blew off any concerns about what he would be going through during that week! Hell the guy looked rough and admitted he was into the really rough stuff.

And now to the matter of the other boy. Dennis considered the possibilities 3;

[[[ SIDE NOTE REMINDER: The boys Dennis was considering!]]]

[Mark- He is 13 years old, has a tight compact body, and a really nice little bubble butt. He is just as scrappy and self-confident as Chip was at that age. And also like Chip, he is very gifted when it comes to dominating other guys 3; no matter what age!]

[Pete and Andy- Dennis's "best friends". Both are 14 years old. Both are jocks. And both are constantly horny. Chip really has a "thing" about Andy's body! Andy is a swimmer and has a REALLY small, tight butt!]

[Skyler and Zack- Two more cocky 14 year old jocks. They first appeared in Chapter 7 when Mark "recruited" them to help out. They both are pretty straight but also lately have become pretty damn curious! And also, both are always really horned! Both of them have the same attitude 3; "IF it feels good 3; go for it!" Neither one has "homo-phobic" attitudes! They just love sex! Any way they can get it! Oddly enough, both have thought about having sex with each other, but neither has really acted on that.] [Kevin- The 15 year old German Exchange Student could be the poster boy for "Aryan Youth" magazine. He has bright blond hair, piercing blue eyes and a tight athletic body. Like Chip he loves most sports, but excels at soccer, which he plays with reckless abandon. And also like Chip, he has a very high tolerance for pain 3; a trait that will be tested during his year in America.]

Dennis sat back and pondered the options. He did have pictures of all six of them and couldn't wait to get home to send them off.

When he finally got home, he was in luck, Chip was not on the computer. He was off playing soccer somewhere. Even better, Stevie was gone too.

He went to his secret directory and sorted through the pictures. Most of them were very revealing to say the least. He picked out the ones he wanted which did include some naked ones 3; to hell with the kiddie porn shit, he reasoned.

Then he waited anxiously.

He checked his email repeatedly over the next hour and was relieved when he finally got a response. It was a little surprising, but cool.

The guy had given him his first three choices. They were: Mark 3; Kevin 3; and Zack, in that order.

The big surprise was that he said he would add some extra time to his end of the deal if Dennis could bring along two, instead of just one 3; a LOT of extra TIME!


Dennis was not having much of a difficult time with what was happening. Hell, if he could get what he wanted by using his body and the ones of his friends, then why the heck not!

Tom, on the other hand, was not having such an easy time. He kept telling himself that he was not interested in young boys, but could not escape the fact that every time he thought about Dennis, and at least one of those other boys being naked 3; in his playroom and at his mercy, he got super boned. It was like he was a teenager all over again!

He wanted to feel that young flesh yet again 3; to taste it! He wanted, maybe even needed to hear those adolescent screams again as he tortured them sexually, over and over again!

He never considered himself to be a rapist either, but could not escape this particular round of feelings. The things he was dreaming about were nothing short of rape 3; and brutal rape at that. He was determined to show no mercy at all and be "inside" those boys every chance he got!

And HELL! Even worse for those boys was the fact that Tom knew he was safe medically! He got tested regularly and would indulge himself by cumming inside them.

Tom didn't believe in God, but he did manage some impassioned prayers to be able to get rid of the urges.

If God was listening, Tom's pleas were ignored, and Dennis's Scheme kept rolling on!

--------- DENNIS's SCHEME UNFOLDS----------

Dennis was actually quite pleased with himself. Especially after the last email he had received from "Punisher." He was determined to get that extra guy. That should be pretty damn easy.

Kevin was living with them and was like a family member. Dennis's parents were easy "marks" and easily manipulated. Chip had learned that at an early age and Dennis picked up on it.

The whole thing about "winning" a contest was total bull-shit, but the parents bought into it. Sure, Dennis's mom did look at the website and called the number Dennis gave her, cause parental permission was required. He even gave her the "official permission" slip he had received via Email that he and Kevin would have to have with them.

Dang, it was all too easy! The "Counselor" she talked to on the phone was SO NICE, and managed to cover any doubts and/or questions she might have had. Getting Dennis out of the house for a week would be a welcomed blessing.

On the other end, Tom was having more than his share of doubts. He had managed to make it through the phone conversation with Dennis's mother without throwing up.

And somehow he would make it through another with Mark's mother.

Fortunately for him and Dennis's scheme, neither parent bothered to compare the phone number they called to the one that was listed on the website! They were so elated and were happy that their boys would have this opportunity.

Tom waited about a week before he ditched the cell phone away. It was a pre-paid one he had bought off some dude on the street and he was certain it couldn't be traced.

The other thing he was fairly certain about was that Dennis was being really careful about covering his tracks. That still worried him a little. Had he known Dennis better, he would not have worried at all. Dennis did a VERY thorough job!

Tom did promise himself that this was going to be a one shot deal! He would indulge himself with this one intense scenario, but would not repeat it! It was just TOO dangerous.

On Dennis's part, well, things were perhaps just too easy. When he chose to use them, he had Chip's same powers of persuasion. Kevin and Mark were all too easy to recruit into this scheme.

Kevin was the easiest. He was living with them for the year 3; he liked Dennis and wanted him to be his best friend and would go along with whatever Dennis did 3; even if it meant doing 3; well 3; sex stuff.

Mark took a little more convincing 3; but not all that much. After all, there was a "big payout" in the end and Mark did like "messing" with older guys 3; especially college aged 3; then again, it was a rather heavy price to pay 3; a whole week of total slavery 3; then again 3;

"Come on Mark, I mean HOLY SHIT! Think about it! These guys are like total fucking slaves and all. I'll share them with you! Oh and hell, I'll let you pick two just for your self!"

Mark was interested, but still needed convincing.

"Oh hell Dennis. Shit I already have that Casey dude. Why do I need anyone else?" Mark snickered.

Luckily, or unluckily, depending on your perspective, Dennis had a lot of the same instincts that Chip had. And one of those instincts was that "variety was the spice of life."

"Man, these guys are like crazy ass slaves. They eat this shit up and are trained 3; not only that, I know they like it rough 3; really rough 3; hell you could use them to try out all that electrical torture stuff you like so much 3; shit 3; and it's just a week that you would have to do!"

They continued bantering 3; back and forth for awhile, sitting on their bikes on the edge of the college soccer field watching a practice.

Dennis had not planned it, but it did seem to have an effect on young Mark.

"Okay, so I get two 3; right 3; and for like six months? Right? And anything goes? And all I have to do is be a slave to this older perv for a week?"

Dennis was anxious to "seal this deal!"

"Yea, just a week, and I have to do it too 3; and he's not that old 3; and Kevin will do it too 3; and it's not like he's all that old 3; somewhere around 30 or so, but he is in great shape but looks younger 3; and if you do it we can get them for even longer!"

Mark eyed the college jocks running around the field. He thought for a little bit then looked at Dennis and chirped, "Okay, I'm in! But I get to pick the two guys I want from that group! I mean it, I pick first! And I want them both for a year! Not Just six months! A year!"

Dennis was so excited and desperate to make the deal, so he agreed.

Somehow he would make it happen 3; he was sure he could convince "Punisher" 3; after all he did say that he would do more if Dennis came up with that extra guy. And he had that extra guy.


DevilBoy: Okay, I got it done. Three of us for you 3; you old perv! Punisher: For a week right? Just like I said? DevilBoy: Yea just like you said! Shit man, I know you already talked to my Mom and Mark's mom, and they got suckered in. You're a good perv! Punisher: Yea, I guess I am. DevilBoy: There is just one problem 3; It's with Mark 3; the first guy you chose 3; he'll do it 3; but he wants two of those slave boys for a year. Punisher: A pushy little shit it seems. DevilBoy: Yea. Really pushy. Punisher: Well 3; hmmm. I can arrange that. But it will cost you some more. DevilBoy: Dude, I don't think I can get the "rents" to buy into more time 3; I mean shit 3; mom bought into your bullshit about a week at that "camp." I doubt she'll buy into anymore, and it will be tough to take off more school time. Punisher: Yea, I get that. And I have a solution. You do live close enough, so how about this 3; I am willing to lock this deal down on faith 3; And, yea I'll give those guys to this Mark kid for a year 3;

Dennis breathed a short lived sigh of relief.

Punisher: But then that means I get you for the same amount of time. After your week 3; I get to use your little body whenever I want! And I mean all of your body! I'll be cool about working it out, but you will be mine 3; mouth, ass, cock, balls 3; everything for a year! You back out and I pull the plug on those slave boys! So what about it? Is this a deal, or no deal?

Dennis and Tom had BOTH crossed a line!

There was a LONG pause in their chat session. Both were breathing hard. Both were scared 3; BOTH sort of wanted the whole deal to collapse 3; But then again, BOTH of them 3; Dennis the horned 14 year old, smart ass teen 3; and Tom, the horned 35 year old "teen-wannabe" were too far gone.

Punisher: So? DevilBoy: So what? LOL! Punisher: Fuck you! You Little SHIT! I am signing OFF!

Dennis almost panicked!

DevilBoy: Woah! Woah! Wait! K? Punisher: K! Talk to me. DevilBoy: Well, shit, okay. We got a deal. Like you said. Punisher: Good!

------ THE DEAL BEGINS -----

The "Deal" went down pretty much as planned, with one exception.

Tom kept having second thoughts about messing with the boys. Still he did want things to happen, even if he wasn't directly involved. He was on the verge of just calling the whole deal off, when dumb luck intervened.

Mike called and asked him what was happening.

Now Mike was 17, but did look a little older. At least old enough to look "legal."

He was extremely good looking and athletic. He was definitely Tom's type, wavy, light brown hair, dimpled face, narrow waist and well defined muscles, and of course a nice sized "package."

Mike was also a real sadist. He had started messing around with his friends at an early age. He loved bondage and torture, and especially loved making other guys suffer.

He got heavily into the Internet BDSM scene 3; learning everything he could about being a Master. Finally he located a nearby real life BDSM Club. He managed to work his way with the help of a fake ID and his older looks.

Once in, he started "training" to become a REAL BDSM Master. There was this guy Tom, who took him "under his wing." Tom was very experienced and very demanding and rough.

Tom had told him, that in order to become a true Master, he had to first prove he could be a good slave.

And so, he dove into it! He served as Tom's slave boy for a full year. He experienced every thing imaginable. The tortures and punishments were intense 3; the sexual humiliations and encounters 3; relentless.

To Tom's delight, Mike proved himself in a big way 3; and so they moved on to Tom teaching Mike the finer aspects of being a Master.

It was during that time when Tom discovered that Mike was underage. He was 17 then, which meant he had been 16 when it all started. He was pretty pissed off about it at first, but eventually forgave Mike, and continued working with him.

And now, an idea popped into his head. He had been impressed watching Mike at the club, dealing with slave boys. As far as he was concerned, Mike had essentially "graduated" and deserved some sort of present.

And here it was. It would be perfect!

Mike was just 17, and the three young "soon-to-be" slave boys were teenagers themselves, albeit a little younger. Yea, this could work out well. It would be a little safer for him and he would still get to see the action, since the place that would be used was his pride and joy! 3; a well equipped dungeon, complete with "state-of-the-art" video and Internet equipment.

He thought about the Internet part and smiled.

Tom had seen the boys "Arena Show" on the net and had been impressed. So impressed that he recruited a couple of twisted college Geeks to do a set up for him.

It was a work of art. It that the best Web-Cams and related software. Even more important was that just about as untraceable as you could get.

Any Web Cam and/or videos originated there, were "streamed" to these servers that were out of country. Chats and other functions like email went through anonymous servers as well.

Tom smiled as he outlined his plan to Mike. He thought Mike would jump through the phone, he was that excited. Especially when he described the boys.

That wasn't that much of a surprise to Tom. Though he knew that Mike did like using guys who were older than him. There was no escaping the fact that doing the same with younger teens was an even bigger turn-on.

So the plan evolved and was finalized.

---------- OFF THEY GO ----------

When the day finally arrived, everyone was excited.

Dennis's mom dropped the three boys off at the train station on the way to work. She waited just long enough to ensure that the train tickets were waiting for them.

With their tickets in hand, she smiled, hugged each of them and then rushed off.

"What a wonderful opportunity this is for these boys," she thought as she drove off.

If the boys were scared they didn't show it as they boarded the train and found a group of seats around a little table.

Actually they were extremely excited. The fact that the arrangements had been so secret and that their parents didn't know what was really going on, made it even more exciting.

[Boy Fact #2- Boys are natural conspirators.]

And then there were the mysterious and ominous instructions about what would happen when they got off the train. A little scary and ominous, but also challenging and intriguing.

[Boy Fact #3- Boys have an almost insatiable need to face challenges.]

Oddly enough it was a little more challenging than any of them dared to admit.

In spite of all the wild stuff they had been through, all three were young teenage boys and also had that natural shyness at times when it came to being naked around others.

[Boy Fact #9- Most teenage boys go through a period of time when they are very self-conscious about their bodies.]

All three knew the instructions 3;

"When you get off the train, walk around to the back of the station, outside. Sit on the white bench and wait.

When a large black van pulls up, get inside the back, close the door and strip completely. Put all your clothes, and anything else you have in the chest and lock it.

Finally, put the blindfolds on, use the handcuffs to cuff your hands behind you backs, and then lay down for the ride."

Each one blushed a little as they thought about that part 3; and each one got boned up in the process.

The trip through the countryside was fun. The boys played cards as they watched the scenery.

At one point Dennis chuckled, "Too bad we can't play strip poker now."

Mark poked him, "Dude! What a perv, are you that anxious to get naked?"

More jokes and insults followed, even from Kevin, who had been working hard to sound like a typical American teenage boy. It was a little tough. His English was almost too good and proper, and of course there was his German accent, which Dennis actually liked.

Yes, it was the beginning of a great adventure for these boys.

The train ride part of the adventure ended all too quickly for them all.

The station the train pulled into was much smaller than they had anticipated, and was, in fact more a just a whistle stop, seemingly in the middle of no where.

It was pretty much in the middle of nowhere for sure and was more of a "Seasonal" stop. It's main "customers" were people coming and going from a variety of resorts, campgrounds and other getaways, located in the nearby mountains.

As the train pulled out, and the three young teens found themselves alone, a little fear began to set in. The bench was right where they were told it was.

They sat down and waited.

There wasn't any joking around now, just an occasional query 3; "Umm 3; I wonder how long we'll have to wait?" And so on.

It wasn't long at all, and all three trembled when they heard the sound of tires.

The van was black and had tinted windows. It pulled up next to them.

They waited for a moment, then headed around to the back and did as instructed.

There was just enough light to see inside. A partition separated them from the driver, so they couldn't see him.

There was a moment's hesitation after they closed the door. All were nervous and had begun to sweat.

Finally Mark broke the silence as he pulled off his shirt and said, "Guess we might as well get started."

There was another slightly nervous guy in the van 3; the driver. It was Mike.

He watched through a small peephole as the boys stripped totally naked, put on the blindfolds, cuffed themselves and laid down. He smiled as he noted all three had nice cocks, nice patches of pubic hair, and were totally boned.

This was better than the pictures he had seen. All three had solid teenboy bodies.

His smile broadened and his own cock hardened as he drove off, lost in thought.

Tom's instructions had been detailed and "to the point!"

Mike was to prove himself as an absolute Master. He would have the boys for a full week. They were to be tortured hard repeatedly 3; humiliated and used sexually over and over again. There were to be NO SAFEWORDS 3; NO MERCY! 3; and SO ON!

He had the complete use of Tom's dungeon "complex" out in the woods, which included the video and Internet equipment, which was to be used to share the experience with Tom and others.

Mike smiled some more as he reviewed his plans. He was sure Tom would be pleased, especially with the way he planned to scare the three boys right from the start. It was rather brilliant he thought.

The ride to Tom's isolated complex took about an hour. Most of it in dirt roads that would through the woods.

When they arrived, Mike wasted no time getting started.

He pulled the three out of the van, and led them, one by one, down the stone stairs that led into the basement dungeon. When they were lined up, he made a point of slamming and bolting the heavy steel door they had passed.

One by one he removed their blindfolds and enjoyed hearing each gasp as they looked around.

He had to admit the dungeon was impressive with it's array of crosses (some x-shaped), a rack, torture table, punishment horses, jail cells, and the like. There were chains, whips, paddles and shackles everywhere, along with cabinets that were full of torture and sex devices.

He lit some candles and grinned some more as the boys continued to take it all in.

He stepped out of the room just long enough to turn on the video equipment to start recording the event and prepare himself.

He had thought about putting on a bunch of black leather stuff, but decided against it. Instead, he stripped down to just his black jock and socks, pulled on a pair of black combat boots, and slipped an "executioners" type mask over his head. It covered everything from his nose upwards, and did look pretty scary.

By the time he returned, all three were breathing hard and looked like scared little rabbits 3; the fear aside though, all three were clearly horned little rabbits, as evidenced by their cocks which were standing straight up.

Mike started things off, by paced back and forth in front of them, while tapping his hand with a leather paddle.

"Okay, slave boys, I am going to start things off by pointing some things out to you all, and explaining the rules, so listen carefully!"

"I do know all of your names, and a lot about each of you 3; and yea, I know all about your Arena Shows and shit 3; so does the guy who owns this place."

Once again he looked at the three naked and cuffed teens standing in front of him. They really did look scared.

"Like it or not, I am your absolute master for the week, maybe longer 3; that depends on you. I will use your bodies in anyway I want. Punishment will be hard and frequent. I love nothing better than to torture guys like you and make them scream and beg.

Besides being tortured and punished, you will be used for my total sexual pleasure. That means my cock will be each of you everyday 3; in your mouth and up your tight little asses 3; that and more."

He let it sink in a little, then continued.

"If at any time, any of you have thoughts about trying to leave, forget about it now. Escape is impossible. Take my word on that.

Face the fact that you are my slaves and do exactly as I say, and you could earn some rewards.

If all three of you please me, then, the deal will be considered as having been honored and you will be returned home 3; and yes the rest of the deal will then happen.

Failure to please me will be tragic for you all. It's simple, thanks to Dennis here, no one knows where you are 3; no one. And yea, one of the software programs he was given to help him "hide" his files, has wiped out all Instant Messenger and Email exchanges on his computer. Oh, and yea, the camp you guys are supposed to be at has no idea who you are."

"Don't worry, it's not like you'll be killed or anything. We wouldn't do that. The simple fact of life is, there are plenty of guys out there who would pay big money for sex slaves like you. The slave trade is real, and boys like you are in great demand. SO think about that!"

He let that start to sink in even more, then said, "But, enough of that. That could only happen if you fail to please me. So let's not get to that point."

Mike's words had their desired effect. All three boys were in a state of shock. Mark and Kevin were pissed at Dennis for being so stupid.

"Okay, so here is how things are gonna work. To start, unless told otherwise, when you are out of your cells, you boys will assume what I call a "present" position.

"That means down on your knees, with legs spread wide and hands behind your head. And you will be boned."

He continued with the rest of the instructions which were pretty standard for slave boys 3; He was to be called Master and/or Sir 3; No cumming without permission 3; all orders to be obeyed 3; etc.

He pointed out that each cell had a toilet and a small wash basin which they would be free to use as needed, when they were in their cells. Each of them would be required to be washed daily. Washing would be done by the other two boys.

"Also, there is a well equipped little video studio upstairs. Each of you will be required to put on frequent masturbation and sometimes torture shows on the net."

He stepped closer to Mark, wrapped his hand around Mark's cock and balls and chuckled, "I know you're 13, so are you shooting yet?"

Mark blushed, nodded and said sheepishly, "Yea, I mean yes sir, a little 3; enough I guess."

Mike loved the little blush on Mark's face. He also loved Dennis's smart ass comment that followed, "Dude he doesn't shoot all that much. Not like me and Kevin here."

Mike contained a laugh as he stepped over to Dennis and snapped, "Are you that stupid, didn't you here my instructions?"

He gave Dennis's ass a hard wack with the paddle.

Dennis thought for just a second and said, sarcastically, "Oh yea, I mean umm SIR! He doesn't shoot all that much. I can shoot a lot more!"

That response got a fast reaction.

Mike grabbed Dennis by the neck, dragged him over to a punishment house, uncuffed and re-cuffed, bent over the thing and proceeded to paddle Dennis's tight creamy white ass as hard as he could.

When he finally stopped, Dennis was crying opening. His ass was bright red and he was quivering.

"Now say you are sorry!"

Dennis stammered, "I'm sorry Sir!"

Mike released Dennis and led him back to the others. As he watched Dennis take his place back in the line, he noted there was something about Dennis that indicated this would not be his last time over the punishment horse. His demeanor clearly indicated that this was a boy who had a difficult time learning a lesson 3; and would probably be an eternal smartass.

So, the little punishment display over, Mike moved on quickly.

He un-cuffed all three boys, showed them where the supply of leather ankle and wrist restraints were and ordered them to put them on each other.

That was actually sort of fun to watch. They were teenagers after all and tended to fumble around and not always think straight. The fact that they were clearly still horny, just added to the fun.

[Boy Fact #7- A horny teenage boy lacks common sense.] [Boy Fact #8- Teenage boys are pretty much horny 24 hours a day!]

In this situation, the amusing part was the simple fact that most of the leather restraints had been used on older guys. These boys ankles and wrists were smaller and adjustments had to be made. There was a lot of poking and jabbing as they worked to apply the restraints.

Mike had considered including an order about no talking, but had decided against it. Another part of the fun would be listening to the boys chatter during the week. Kevin and Mark already seem really pissed at Dennis for getting them into this situation, so he was sure that chatter would get rather "barbed" at times.

Once they were done, he checked the restraints on each of them. As expected, they had done a good job. Sort of funny, but each wanted to make sure the others had no chance of working free.

The leather restraints were a matter of convenience for Mike. Having them on all the boys eliminated the needs for handcuffs and such, and made binding them in different ways, all the more easier.

At this point, Mike made a change in plans. He was going to do this part himself but thought it would be more fun to watch the boys do it.

He pulled out some more items tossed them on the table and explained their next task.

"Okay Slave Boys. This is what's next. I know that you boys know about this stuff, so it should be easier. There are some cock rings and ballsack restraints on the table. Your next task for each of you to have a cock ring on the base of your cock and one of the leather ballsack restrainers around the top your sack. They need to be snug, but not tight enough to cut off circulation. I am sure you guys understand what the cock one's main purposes is. Oh and of course, you can't put them on yourself! A buddy has to do it."

Once again he had to keep from busting out laughing as he watched the three naked and horned young teen boys spring into action.

This task produced a lot more poking and plenty of chatter.

"Dammit 3; just stand still 3; shit man, hang on 3; what did he mean by that 3; DUDE, you are so lame 3; No I'm not 3; I'm serious 3; DUDE 3; it helps to keep you boned 3; and 3; Umm makes it harder to cum 3; and so on."

There were some playful slaps and squeezes here and there before they lined back up with there cock's and balls bound as ordered.

That had been fun to watch, but it was what happened next that took Mike by surprise and made his own, jock-strap clad cock throb. He must have missed some whispering in there.

As soon as they were lined up, Mark turned his head and winked at the other two. Dennis rolled his eyes, the nodded. A second later, all three boys dropped to their knees, spread their legs and placed their hands behind their heads in the "present position."

This was one of those moments that Mike did, and would continue to have a tough time with as a budding Master. He was so pleased, excited and turned on.

He looked at the line of kneeling naked, and boned teens. Had it not been for that hint of a smirk on Dennis's face, he might have given in way too much.

Still there was no denying the fact that he was pleased.

He walked around behind the boys and ordered all to lean forward and stick there asses out as much as they could. MAN! What an incredible site they were! Three beautiful teenage boy tight asses. All creamy white, except for Dennis's which was still red.

He rubbed the paddle around each ass in turn and gave each a sharp tap.

"Okay boys, you are off to a good start here, well maybe except for Dennis here. Keep up the good work, follow your orders, prove yourselves to me and you'll all be free at the end of the week. IF NOT 3; well 3; let's not think about that right now."

He gave Dennis one additional smack and said, loud enough for all to hear, "Okay Mr. Smart ASS Tough guy, you'd better not screw this up! All three of you have what they want in that real slave trade. Believe it our not, you have something a little extra!"

He reached around, gave Dennis's cock and balls a hard squeeze and snarled, "Yea you got equipment that they want bad 3; so unless you want to be a sex slave for a very long time 3; get with the fucking program!"

Mike was pretty sure that Dennis was a pretty shaken. It was obvious as he led the boys to their individual cells.

Like the others, he sat Dennis down on the floor in a corner of the cell and fastened his wrists to an eyebolt on the wall above his head. He completed the arrangement by spreading his legs wide, and securing his ankles to floor eye bolts.

Before he left the room, he took one last look at all three.

Sitting on the cool stone floor, naked and bound with their legs spread wide 3; cocks and balls bound and all fully erect was a wonderful site 3; and one to be shared for sure. Which was why he had to go upstairs to ensure that the cameras were working.

While he fiddled around with the video and audio controls upstairs, Mike listened in to pieces of the conversation that unfolded between the boys. He missed some as played around with the settings. The parts that he did here, made him laugh. It started with Mark.

"Shit man, you really fucked up big time. I mean it Dennis. I mean shit!"

"Sorry Dude, I guess I wasn't thinking right."

"SHIT! You never think right! I just hope we can get out of this at the end of the week."

Kevin quivered, "Ummm 3; he is kidding about the slavery thing 3; I mean after this week 3; just kidding us right?"

Dennis tried to say something, but Mark cut him off, "I'm not so sure! Thanks to `shit-for-brains' here 3; no one really does know where we are. And hell, if we disappear people will just think we are run-a-ways or something."

They chattered about that for awhile. Mark bitched at Dennis for quite sometime. In the end, they all calmed down a bit and concluded that they had no choice, and needed to do whatever they could to try and please this guy and be good slave boys.

"That means you too Dennis. If you could stop being such a smart as for one week, maybe we could get out of here." Mark snapped.

Mike missed some of the things that were said, but was pleased with what he had heard. It didn't mean he would go much easier on them, in fact he was really looking forward to being really hard 3; especially with Dennis. Then again there was also Kevin 3; the German boy with the bright blond hair, classic athletic body and perfect manly parts 3; and then again there was young Mark 3; he was just 13, but had a really nice compact body and his own set of pronounced fun body parts.

As tempted as he was to alter his plans, he decided to go with what he had. It involved torture of varying kinds and would feature a unique part of the dungeon house. After careful thought, he decided that young Mark would experience the unique thing first.

----------- THE FIRST TORTURE SESSION ---------

All three boys were curious but wary as Mike began their first full torture session.

It started out relatively simple.

Kevin and Dennis were taken from their cells, and secured on St. Andrews crosses on opposite sides of the dungeon. They were spread eagled really wide with their backs to the cross.

Mike pulled a couple of leather "parachutes" out of a cabinet and gave them to Mark. He was pleased that young Mark understood how they worked. They were basically leather circles with a hole in the center, and a slit bordered with snaps, oh and three metal chains attached to the outer edges.

The thing was slipped over the guy's ball sac and snapped together to form a cone. Once in place, weights could be hung from the "parachute", which would pull his balls down.

Mike directed Mark to put parachutes on Kevin and Dennis and then hang weights from the chains until they "moaned."

It was a fun moment for both Mike and Mark.

Mark started with Kevin. He put the thing on, and hung weights from it until Kevin moaned, as directed.

He took his time with Dennis, squeezing his cock much more than required while he attached the parachute, and really seemed to enjoy adding enough weights to make Dennis moan and sweat.

Mike was impressed. But as impressed as he was, it would not save little Mark from what he had planned.

Mike loved torturing other boys. He preferred the slow torture. In Mark's case he had come up with one that was nice and slow.

With the parachutes in place, and both Dennis and Kevin showing signs of suffering from the weight on their balls, it was Mark's turn.

Mike led him over to this large stone platform, near the center of the room. It was about two feet high and had what appeared to be a wooden trapdoor in the center.

Mike had Mark stand on the "trapdoor" and raise his arms straight overhead. He climbed up and secured Mark's leather wrist restraints to a dangling chain, then jumped off, ran over to the wall, and proceeded to turn the crank handle of a winch.

It took just a few moments for Mark to be raised up to the point he was stretched out and standing on his tip toes.

He looked down past his cock, which was standing straight up, and focused on what his toes were touching. It was clearly a trap door. There were hinges on both sides and a "seam" in the middle.

As gutsy as Mark was, he trembled as he imagined all sorts of possibilities for what might be under that trap door 3; all were scary 3; And all un-realistic! But he was just 13 3; and had a vivid imagination 3; and, yes, was TOTALLY HORNED!

Sadly Mike could not read Mark's mind 3;If he had been able to, he would have gotten even more worked up 3;

The dungeon was scary enough. That fueled Mark's imagination about what might be under that trap door 3; "OH my GOD 3; Crocodiles like in that Indiana Jones movie 3; OH SHIT 3; Maybe snakes 3; OH DAMN 3; maybe ants 3;like in the torture house 3;"

And so on.

Actually, there could be a lot of really nasty things down there. For now, it was just water 3; cold water. And for Mike, it would be enough.

There was a "sub-basement" beneath this dungeon. There were some other torture devices there, but the centerpiece was what was called the "Pit" or "Tank". It was as ingenious as it was expensive.

"Tank" might have been the best description of the stone lined, and yet water-tight chamber that lay under the trap door.

The damn thing could be filled with water. The temperature of which could be controlled.. A watertight door below could be opened for cleaning and other nefarious purposes 3; like torturing a naked body that was lowered from above.

Mike didn't let Mark wait long before he opened the trap door.

As soon as he did, Mark dropped down a little. A little pain shot through his arms as he dangled there. He glanced down and was somewhat relieved when he saw that the "pit" beneath him was filled with water.

His relief wavered when Mike explained what his torture would be.

The water below him was rather cold. He would be lowered into it slowly, a few inches at a time, until he was up to his neck. Mike had experienced it when he went through his training with Tom. It was like walking slowly into the shallow end of a swimming pool, filled with really cold water.

Mike was about to activate the winch, which was set to automatically lower little Mark into the water about 4 inches [10 cm], every other minute, when he remembered something.

He ran out of the room and returned a minute later with a glass of water and some pills. At their age, these boys did not need pills to help them get erections. They got them all the time. Taking these pills would ensure that they maintained them even longer, and worse, that they would get to the point that they were painful erections.

Mike smiled as he gave each boy a pill. They knew what they were for and looked a little wary.

As Mike fed Mark his pill and watched him swallow, all he could think about was that TV commercial that said, "Seek immediate medical attention for an erection lasting longer than four hours." If things went as planned, the erections that these horny young dudes had would last a lot longer than that. Which would make things all the more fun.

He took a moment to run his hands over Mark's tight little body. Hanging by just his wrists made his body look all the more tighter, which Mike loved. When he was done, he gave Mark's ass a pat and chuckled, "Okay, time to get started."

Mark shivered slightly as he watched Mike activate the winch, which immediately lowered him the first few inches towards the water.

With Mark's slow torture underway, Mike turned his attention to the other two.

He retrieved a special little whip from a cabinet and held it up where both boys could see it.

"So do you two know what this is?" he chuckled.

Their eyes widened as they looked at the little whip, which consisted primarily of three short knotted leather laces attached to a wooden handle. The laces hung from a little cross bar, which allowed them to be spaced slightly apart.

Dennis and Kevin seemed afraid to speak. Mike smiled as he remembered how he felt when he was secured on a cross like they were and faced the upcoming use of the thing on his painfully engorged manhood.

He glared at Dennis and snapped, "Well tough guy? What is it?"

Dennis swallowed hard, took a deep breath and stammered, "Umm 3; it's a penis whip 3; umm sir."

Mike smiled as he swished it through the air and chuckled, "That's right 3; and as luck would have it, we have two very accessible hard penises right here."

He let the thought sink in for a moment before continuing. Both of the naked and bound teens were quivering.

"Well, we might as well get started with the little competition I have planned for you two slave boys. I'll tell you right up front 3; I'm going to use this thing on both of you. The contest will determine just how many lashes you receive. The winner will receive a really special reward, so keep that in mind."

Dennis and Kevin couldn't take their eyes off the nasty little whip. Both knew what it felt like when those little knotted laces struck home. When used properly, they would wrap around the victim's hard cock and slam into it's sensitive underside. Both were certain that Mike knew how to use it properly and quivered.

They quivered even more when Mike explained how the contest would work.

"Okay, so here is how this will go. I will think of a number of lashes I want to give your cocks. The two of you will think of a number lashes you will receive that will impress me. I'll give you a little while to think about it and use Mark as a sort of timer.

Once his feet are fully in the water in the pit, I'll ask each of you to whisper your `offer' in my ear. The first challenge will be to give me a number you think is definitely higher than the number I have in mind.

If your offer is lower than what I was thinking, you will get a very severe penalty. So think carefully. Remember you want to impress me with your courage.

The other part of this is, the guy who offers to receive the most lashes with the penis whip will win and earn that special reward. The loser will receive not only the lashes he offered, but the number the winner offered as well.

Oh and yea, to be clear, even if you do `win', you will still receive the lashes that you offered. Okay, I think, that's easy enough to understand, so start thinking about your offer."

Mike glanced back and forth between the two spread-eagled boys. Both were sweating and showing definite signs that the weights hanging from their balls were causing a good deal of distress.

That aside, they seemed just a little less scared as they turned their thoughts to the little contest. Mike really liked this, and loved making them have to decide this aspect of their torture.

It didn't matter which one won of lost. He would really enjoy it. His own cock throbbed inside his jock as he thought about lashing both of their firm teen cocks with that nasty penis whip.

Still thinking about that, he turned his attention back to Mark, who's toes had just dipped into the cold water. He smiled as he watched Mark's lips quiver slightly.

"Pretty cold, isn't it slave boy?"

Mark nodded and said, "Yes sir."

Mike had checked the water. It was cold enough to be extremely unpleasant , but not cold enough to cause rapid hypothermia. The thing he did like most about this particular form of torture was that it was nice and slow.

Mark shivered a little more as the winch clicked and lowered him a little deeper.

Mike looked at Mark's perfectly formed cock that was sticking straight up. He couldn't resist messing with Mark a little more. He leaned closer and dangled the penis whip laces on Mark's hard shaft.

"You know, maybe I should warm this nice cock of yours up a little before it's in the water. I'm guessing you know what it feels like?"

Mark trembled and nodded, "Yes sir I do."

He remembered the times it had been used on him, and trembled.

Mike let that sink in for a moment, then chuckled as he patted Mark's cock and gave it a firm squeeze, "Well, maybe later. You have enough ahead of you for now. There's an interesting twist to your torture time in the water pit. But will get to that."

Mark did not like the sound of that.

The winch clicked again. Mike grinned as he noted that Mark's feet were just about fully immersed.

"Well, it's just about time to see just how brave your two friends are."

He walked to the center of the dungeon and waited for the next click of the winch, then announced, "Okay boys, time for you to give me your offers."

He smiled wickedly as he approached Kevin. He loved Kevin's smooth, solid body, which was set off by glowing, bright blond hair. He knew that Kevin was new to all this and not as willing a participant of the Arena events as the other boys.

Tom had gotten that out of Dennis, who was quite the blabber mouth. What made this even more exciting for Mike was the fact that he knew that Kevin had not done anything substantial with guys before he got to the USA 3; and did prefer girls.

That aside, he was 15, and had been aroused from the moment Mike first saw him.

Dennis took a deep breath just before he whispered his "offer" into Mike's ear.

Mike smiled and patted Kevin gently on the head before rustling his shinning, but sweaty golden hair, "Good boy! That's a good offer, and it is higher than what I had in mind, so you're safe there."

Kevin smiled broadly, the fact that he would still be receiving the number of lashes he had offered, was temporarily out of mind.

Mike smiled too as he walked over to Dennis, who did seem a lot more scared 3; still somewhat defiant and cocky, but scared none-the-less. What 14 year old boy wouldn't be when faced with the fact his cock was about to be lashed.

Mike was really pleased the way this was going. The number he had in his mind had been 10. Kevin showed a lot of guts by offering to receive 25 lashes with the penis whip.

He reached Dennis, gave him the same wicked smile and said, "Okay tough guy, you'd better make this good. Your German buddy gave me a good offer. Seems like he's pretty tough."

Dennis glanced over at Kevin and thought quickly. He didn't want to lose this, but didn't want to receive too many lashes if he did win.

He was about to whisper his offer when he decided he'd better increase it, just to be safe.

Mike really smiled as Dennis whispered in his ear, "Ummm 3; 20 lashes."

He stepped back and smiled at Dennis. Dennis looked somewhat confident when he saw the smile on Mike's face. His look changed when Mike laughed and said, "Well, that's a decent offer, but not quite good enough I'm afraid. Your buddy offered 25 which means he wins and will get the special reward. It also means that you will receive your 20 and his 25, for a total of 45 lashes."

Dennis's faced flushed and he trembled. He wanted to cry as he thought about the penis whip. He loved using it on other guys but hated the thought of it being used on himself.

Mike chuckled as he squeezed Dennis's hard cock, "We'll get to that in just a little bit. I want to give that pill the chance to really kick in. It's best when the penis is painfully hard 3; I suspect you know that."

Dennis somehow managed a nod, but that was all.

Mike made a quick check on Mark. He was just about in the water up to his knees and his teeth were chattering. Despite that, he remained totally erect, which was a good sign.

The relief Kevin had felt vanished as Mike approached him with the penis whip. He trembled as Mike tied a thin cord around his cock, just below the head, and then used it to pull Kevin's quivering shaft down to the point it was sticking straight out in front of him.

"Okay, Kevin, it's time for your 25. Count them out for me."

Kevin watched as Mike raised the whip and closed his eyes tightly.



He gasped.

Mike smiled. Kevin had started his count in German, which he thought was sort of cool.

He looked at Kevin's quivering body. It glistened with sweat, which was mostly from the exertion of having to deal with the pain from the weights hanging from his balls. The cock lashing would add to that sweat. Mike loved the smell of the sweat that came from being tortured.



Kevin pulled at his bonds and gyrated, which caused the balls weights to start swinging around.

Mike's aim was perfect. With every lash, all three of the knotted laces wrapped around Kevin's hard shaft and slammed into that sensitive underside. He kept at it and watched Kevin's anguished face.

By the time they reached 10, Kevin was gasping for air. His chest was heaving and tears were running down his face.

Mike thought he would start to beg at any moment 3; But Kevin was a tough boy and hung in there.

The last 5 lashes generated loud and anguished screams, along with wild thrashing in his bonds.



When it was finally over, Kevin slumped in his bonds and sobbed loudly.

Mike removed the cord from Kevin's cock. It looked pretty nasty and had a number of red welts up and down the shaft, and a bunch of red marks where the knots had impacted.

Though he had softened slightly, his cock was still rather hard and seemed to get harder as Mike ran his hand through Kevin's plastered down hair, while patting his shoulder and say softly, "You did good Kevin, very good. I am very pleased."

[Boy Fact #15- Some boys actually get turned on by being humiliated and tortured.]

He continued stroking Kevin's hair for several minutes and was amazed at how quickly Kevin seemed to recover. Mike's simple show of affection and praise, worked wonders with Kevin.

Mike gave him one final pat, then walked over to Mark.

The water was just below Mark's balls now and he was shivering like crazy. The shivering was not just from the water. It was also the result of being suspended the way he was.

Mike reached down, splashed a little water on Mark's balls and chuckled, "Looks like the fun is just about to begin."

He wrapped his hand around Mark's teen shaft and said, "Think you can keep this hard for me, just by thinking?"

Mark stammered through chattering teeth, "I'm not sure 3; umm 3; sir. I'll try sir."

Mike gave Mark's cock a firm squeeze and said, "Well, watch what I do with Dennis. That should help. I have a feeling you like a lot of the same things I do and watching your smart ass friend suffer should help a lot."

Mark looked over at Dennis, stretched out on the cross. He thought about the extra weights he had hung from Dennis's nice balls and about the penis whipping he was about to receive and more blood rushed into his own cock. Yea, that would be fun to watch.

Mike felt Mark's cock throb some more and smiled. He knew he was right about Mark.

Dennis trembled a lot as Mike walked over and tied the cord around his cock. He gritted his teeth closed his eyes and waited.

He was surprised when nothing happened and cautiously opened his eyes. To his complete surprise, Mike was back across the room and ws removing Kevin from the other cross.

He watched as Mike removed the weights from Kevin's balls and then helped Kevin walk across the room towards Dennis.

To everyone's surprise, Mike picked up the cord that was tied to Dennis's cock head and handed the end to Kevin.

"Okay Kevin, go ahead and pull his cock down like I did yours."

Dennis grunted as Kevin pulled his hard cock down until it was sticking straight out. This was making this even more humiliating, having Kevin directly involved with his upcoming suffering. That was bad enough, but it got worse.

"Okay Kevin, you understand the best way to use this penis whip 3; Aim correctly and all three of the laces will 3; you know 3; um do their thing 3; as I think you know now."

Kevin nodded as he gently massaged his aching cock and chuckled, almost mischievously, "Yes sir, I definitely do know that. Your aim was really good 3; really good 3; OUCH"

Kevin had recovered well, and quicker than expected. Mike loved his little imp-like response..

"Okay, well now listen carefully Kevin. You'll get your special reward soon. For now I have a special assignment for you. To help you get in the mood, I'll remind you of the fact that it was Dennis here, who got you into this. He is the reason you'll be suffering so much. And just so you know it will be getting a lot worse."

Mike wasn't certain, but he thought he detected a twitch in Kevin's young manhood. "Maybe he's into this a little more than I thought he would be," he mused.

"So anyway, here's the deal, Dennis is gonna get 45 lashes with this penis whip, and I want you to give them to him. I expect them to be hard and want to hear him scream. And yea, if he does beg for it stop 3; well 3; we'll see 3; who knows I just might decide to let him make some sort of deal with you. For now though, get started while I work with Mark."

Dennis was pretty pissed about this turn of events, and felt totally humiliated by what was happening. His anger, did turn to fear though, when he saw the look on Kevin's face. There was no doubt that Kevin would show him no mercy at all.



Kevin's first blow was right on target. Dennis gasped and thrashed about. Kevin added to Dennis's pain by giving the parachute around his balls a good yank.


Mike knelt beside Mark and smiled as he heard Kevin snarl, "Come on Dennis 3; you ass. Take it like a man and count them out!"

Dennis snapped, "FUCK YOU Kevin! I'll definitely get you for this! I mean it. Lighten up!"

Mike glared at Dennis and shouted, "YO! Slave boy! You shut the fuck up and listen to Kevin! Mouth off again to him and you'll get a lot worse.!

Dennis's face was flushed with anger and humiliation. Still as dumb as he could be at times, he at least had the smarts to shut up.

He got a slightly dirty look from Mike when he looked at Kevin and said, "Okay, Kev, let's get this over with. Give it your best shot!"

Which is exactly what Kevin did.





And so it went.

The sound of the laces hitting Dennis's stretched out cock flesh, told Mike that Kevin was doing a great job 3; as did Dennis's gasps and eventual screams. He wasn't sure what he would do if Dennis did start to beg. He so wanted to see Dennis take all 45 lashes across his ample teen cock. Then again, it might be fun to see what Dennis just might offer Kevin to make it stop. Time would tell.

Mike knelt on the platform and looked at Mark. The water was covering his nice little pubic patch now and he was shivering like crazy.

"Looks like Kevin is enjoying this. I'm sort of surprised the he has this in him!"

Mark was too.

[Boy Fact #5- Boys can be very cruel and sadistic.] [Boy Fact #15a- Some boys actually get turned on by humiliating and torturing others.]



"So Mark, how are things going down there? Still totally boned?"

"Yes sir I am. I've been thinking hard!"

Watching Kevin lash away at Dennis's cock and hearing Dennis gasp and start to scream helped a lot 3; As did the pill he had been given. Still it was tough, because he was really starting to suffer.

"I guess you do like torturing other guys, right? Be honest."



Some more color returned to his cheeks as he blushed, averted his eyes and said sheepishly through chattering teeth, "Umm yea 3; I mean yes sir I do like it a lot. I guess that makes me a total perv huh?"

Mike laughed, "Well, I guess 3; but what the hell so am I 3; I mean think about it."

Mark thought about it a moment and smiled.



The conversation they were having helped Mark take his mind off the cold water. He was still suffering but this was making it easier to handle. Mike was enjoying himself as well. His talk with this plucky youngster, hanging naked in the pit, was really turning him on.

"Okay, so tell me Mark, what kind of guys do you like torturing the most 3; you know, what do they look like and how old are they?"

Marks teeth chattered a little less as he responded. He still felt a little embarrassed about admitting this stuff. Strangely enough though, that embarrassment and the conversation was helping to keep his cock hard and throbbing.

"Well, sir to be um honest 3; I guess I like doing it to older guys the most. Guys around 18 or a little older 3; and guys who are real jocks 3; And um have 3; you know 3; Um big 3; Umm cocks and all."



Mike ran his hand over Mark's smooth and slightly defined chest then down towards his groin and said teasingly, "I suspect you like CBT then, right? You know cock and ball torture?"

Mark trembled some more and said, "Ummm 3; yes sir, I guess I do."

Mike paused long enough to hear Kevin roll through several more lashes. Dennis's gasps had become louder and louder and he was starting to cry.

He reached down, rubbed the pouch of his jock and said, "I bet you'd like to get a shot at me, wouldn't you sport? You said, older guys mostly. So how about it? Be honest, I bet you'd just love to torture me wouldn't you? To have me naked on one of those crosses, or stretched out and tied down on the torture table. I have been told you are good at electro-tortures."

He rubbed his pouch some more for emphasis and continued, "Come on admit it little dude. I bet you'd love to torture my cock and balls and make me scream and beg, now wouldn't you? You know I am just 17, by the way."

Mark didn't have to answer. By the look on his face and the way he was squirming around, Mike knew he was right. Mark's teeth had stopped chattering and he was breathing hard.

Then again so was Mike.

His intent had been to tease Mark to keep him fully aroused. The wild thing was that he too was even more aroused than before. It was a little confusing for him.

He had accepted what Tom had told him about 3; in order to become a good master, one first had to learn how to be a good slave. And so Mike had "submitted". His slave training had been very tough. Though Tom had managed to keep him aroused throughout, it wasn't nearly as exciting as being on the other side.

Mike knew he was a DOM 3; A TOP 3; and now a MASTER! He was certain of it. And yet here he was getting more and more worked up while teasing this naked 13 year old boy. It was insane, but he just couldn't stop what he told himself was "just taunting" designed to increase the boy's suffering.

Mark kept running his eyes up and down Mike's body. His cock throbbed under the water as he imagined Mike stretched out on the nearby torture table. Damn, his body was even better than Casey's was 3; which was saying a lot! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [Casey- The 18 year old "All-American" boy type, with the rosy cheeks, chiseled jaw and extremely well defined body. Like the "Twins" he is a member of the Gamma fraternity, is an exhibitionist and a masochist 3; and by a twist of fate is now young Mark's slave until he graduates! He had basically been the "expert" at electro torture until Mark "demonstrated" his natural abilities.] -----------------------------------------------------------------------



"Come on Dennis, take it like a man! You haven't even arrived at the halfway point yet and you're already crying like a baby! You're not so tough are you? Guess you are more of a girly boy right? Did I say that correctly?"

Somehow Mike and Mark managed to keep from busting out laughing. Kevin's German accent was charming enough, and his English was perfect, it was just the way he said things that ended up sounding so funny.

Funny or not, Kevin kept up the pressure and delivered five lashes in rapid succession, giving Dennis no time at all to catch his breath.







Dennis was yanking at his bonds and thrashing about.

Mike looked at Mark, who was now chest deep and shivering once again, "So Slave Dude, what do you think? Should I maybe let Dennis off the hook a little or what?"

Mark managed a nervous laugh and said, "Well it is up to you sir, but if it was me, I might, but I'd make sure Dennis had to you know 3; pay for it in some way 3; you know 3; like give Kevin something."

Mike chuckled, "My very thoughts! It just might be fun to see what kind of deal Dennis would make. You know him, will he honor the deal?"

Mark grinned and said, "Well, Dennis really can be an asshole, and is really sneaky. I'm sure if they made a deal for after we got home, Dennis would try to get out of it somehow 3; but if you told him it would cancel the main deal, then he'd do it. I know how much he wants those slave boys."

Mike looked across the room and shouted, "Yo Kevin. If you want to you can stop. But only if you get a good deal from him. Otherwise he gets the full 45 across that nice cock of his. Oh and I have to approve the deal!"

Mike grinned as he saw the wicked look on Kevin's face. He looked at Mark and chuckled, "Looks like Kevin is into it!"

Mark nodded and said, "Yea, I mean yes sir 3; ummm sir 3; like umm by the way, we will be going home right 3; like at the end of the week. That stuff about selling us into the sex slave business was just to freak us out 3; right?"

Mike was really impressed with Mark. He was an extremely bright kid. Those his mind told him he shouldn't, he couldn't resist telling Mark the truth.

"Yea okay", he whispered. "I'll tell you the truth, but you had better not tell the others, I mean it!"

That seemed to perk Mark up a lot.

[Boy Fact #2- Boys are natural conspirators.]

"Yea, you're right. I was playing mind games, but don't tell them that. I do want to freak them out 3; and if you help me do that, well 3; let's just say I'll go a little easier on you 3; not much 3; just a little."

Mark's eyes twinkled, he was really shivering now as the water reached his neck. What he said, through chattering teeth made Mike's cock throb like crazy.

"That's okay sir, you don't have to 3; I can handle it, and I'll do what I can to help freak them both out. It does make me feel like a little bit of a traitor though 3; I am loyal to my friends and don't like guys who aren't."

Mike smiled and whispered, "Well, don't feel to bad about it 3; and if it will make you feel any better, how about I punish you for doing it, okay?"

Oddly enough, that seemed to make Mark feel a little better.

They stopped chatting for a bit and listened to what was happening across the room. It was entertaining to say the least. Kevin was trying hard to force Dennis to break down and make some sort of perverse deal. He was being tough on Dennis, but it wasn't that easy for him, since he wasn't totally into this sort of thing and was so new at it.

That didn't stop him from trying though.

The other thing that made it exciting was Dennis! In spite of the risk of retribution from Mike, Dennis was really mouthing off to Kevin. Kevin responded by delivering harder lashes and yanking on the ball weight chain.

Mike smiled at Mark and said, "Damn, is he really that stupid? He just doesn't take a hint, does he?"

Mark giggled and said, "Well, he really is smart. I mean very smart. But just doesn't know when to shut up! He's always trying to show off and can be really cruel."

They listened to the negotiations a little bit longer.

Mike looked at Mark's expression as the water reached the top of his neck and said, "Don't worry little dude, that's as far as you'll go. Oh and the water will get warmer in a little bit 3; that will be important for the next part of your torture, which I'm sorry to say will be tough."

Mark was relieved but was also wary. He watched as Mike hopped off the platform, turned off the winch and then returned.

Mark's face was now level with the top of the platform, just a little below it. His eyes widened when as Mike sat down, spread his legs wide and then moved into a position where his jock strap pouch was right in front of Mark's face.

Mike's manly, and sweaty smell was stronger than Chip's and Casey's and his cock definitely seemed a lot bigger.

The two forgot about Dennis and Kevin for the moment. Both were really "charged" up now.

Mike was looking forward to the next phase of young Mark's torture. Before that, however, he couldn't resist some more teasing 3; of Mark but also himself.

While he was at the winch, he had switched the "pit's heating elements on. The water would warm up rather quickly, and it wouldn't be long before Mark found himself dangling inside a tank of warm bath water.

Mike rubbed his pouch and returned to their earlier conversation. He thought he probably shouldn't, but there was something about Mark that he couldn't resist.

"So let's get back to what we were talking about before. Have you tortured a lot of older guys? I mean like really hard?"

Mark could feel the water getting warmer and his cock really started to throb. He did think Mike's questions were a little odd, but then again what was odd 3; and who knew, maybe this could go somewhere.

And if there is one thing that young Mark had already learned about this stuff, it was that even some of the most dominant guys, could sometimes get turned on by having the tables turned. As much as Mark loved being the one "dishing it out" there were times when he wanted it the other way.

Mark also had some very dark fantasies about stuff that was sort of "non-consensual". Well actually totally non-consensual. Most of them revolved around being kidnapped and being forced to become a real sex and torture slave. For young Mark, torture was sex. There were times, when he was alone, that he got himself hard, and jacked off while he dropped hot wax on himself 3; mostly on his hard cock. In fact, he could actually make himself sometimes just by dropping the wax up and down his cock.

All that aside, Mark's thoughts turned temporarily to Mike, this muscular 17 year old "Master" sitting with his legs spread wide and his jock pouch in front of his face.

"Come on boy, answer my question now! Tell me about it. Who were some of the guys you have 3; um 3; `tortured.'"

Mark didn't know quite where to begin. He thought for a moment, then stammered, "Well, yes sir. I have tortured some. It got started in a sort of crazy way. And just sort of happened. My older brother made me do a bunch of nasty stuff 3; he's your age. And 3; then I got involved with this sort of club thing 3; and got initiated 3; and the next thing you know, I was initiating these other guys 3; and then got to have Matt, that's my brother as my slave 3; and I got to torture him 3; then some other guys a little older 3; and I got tortured too at times 3; and because I did 3; I ended up getting to torture other guys 3; and do stuff at what we call our torture house and all 3; and stuff over the Internet 3; it's sort of hard to explain."

GOD! It was like he had opened the floodgates! Mark kept chattering. Mike didn't need to hear all the details and but just loving hearing Mark rattle on. He did know quite a bit about what had happened at the so-called Torture House, and also with the Arena Show.

That chattering was interrupted when Kevin hollered over, "Umm, Sir, I think we may have a deal here 3; I mean if you approve."

Mike smiled at Mark and said, "Hold those thoughts, I'll be right back. We're getting close to the next phase of your torture. We may continue this later."

As Mike crossed the room towards Dennis and Kevin he shook his head and told himself, "Shit! Get Hold of yourself Mike! Get a fucking grip! The stuff you're starting to think about is just nuts!"

He reached Dennis's cross checked him about. Dennis was a complete mess. He was totally drenched in sweat 3; his cock, was still hard, but covered with red marks and the head looked dark blue.

"Okay, Kevin, my boy, how far did you get, and what's the deal you came up with?"

Kevin did seem to be a little embarrassed as he explained things.

"Well sir, I hope this will be all right. I am very new to this. But we did make it all the way to 32 when Dennis really began to cry, a lot and beg."

Mike looked at Dennis. For the moment all signs of defiance or cockiness were gone. He looked down at the ground and trembled when Mike lifted his chin and stared into his teary eyes, "Not such a tough guy are you now, huh?"

For the moment, he wasn't. All that Mike could see was the face of a scared and defeated little 14 year old boy. He had the feeling that would change soon, and that Dennis would be his old ass-hole self soon enough, so he moved things along.

"Okay Kevin so just what is the deal?"

He was surprised at just how good the deal was! So was Mark who was listening intently.

"Well sir. The deal is that for the remainder of my time here, neither Dennis or his friends can't make me do any sex or torture things. He'll get his brother Chip to say I finished my initiation and I don't have to do anymore."

Mark was a little disappointed with that part. Even though he was younger than he liked, he had been looking forward to some more tough initiations for Kevin.

Mike was able to put the pieces together quickly. He did understand boys and initiation stuff. He looked at Dennis, tilted his head up again and asked, "Now I don't know everything about this twisted little club you guys have, but are you sure you can arrange that slave boy?"

His tone was that of a mocking challenge, which Dennis responded too.

"Yea yea! I said I could do it and I can 3; um Sir."

The defiance in his "Sir" was obvious. But he did say sir.

Dennis's cockiness was returning quickly now. He had no doubt that he could find a way to get Chip to go along with it. Sure it would cost him something, but Chip could be bought, especially when he was all horned up, which was just about all the time. And he definitely did not want to mess up the deal to get his own little pack of college aged slave boys, so he figured it would be worth it.

Mike smiled, looked at Kevin and asked, "So is that it then?"

He hadn't expected this at all, but was relatively pleased, he was even more pleased with what Kevin 3; the young "Mr. pseudo straight boy 3; said next.

Kevin swallowed hard, blushed deeply and said, "Well yes sir. The last thing is this, during the rest of the time I am staying here, Dennis will have to perform whenever I say, and anywhere I say."

The last part was classic Kevin. It was obvious it was hard for him to say it clearly. He was still shy about that and afraid to admit to some feelings.

Mike was about to ask him to clarify it when Dennis jumped in. Yes, Dennis was back.

"Oh hell Kevin, you are so fucking lame. We made the deal. SO case closed. I'll tell him the last part since you are too much of a wimp to spit it out."

Dennis looked at Mike and said, "The final part of the deal is this 3; until he goes back to fucking Germany I have to do whatever sex stuff he says. If he wants me to jack off in front of him or anyone else, I have to do it. The same thing goes for sucking cock. I guess old Kev here is more of a perv than we thought.

Anyway, that's the deal. And I'll stick to it as long as your `boss' sticks to his end of the big deal."

The mocking tone in Dennis voice was there. Kevin continued to look embarrassed, but Mike was convinced that, Dennis would follow through.

"Okay Dennis, I approve. Just remember too, if I get any indication that you have backed out of the deal in anyway, I will make sure you lose those slave boys. And that is a promise."

And with that, Mike had Kevin help him remove Dennis from the cross. Dennis was especially relieved when the weights were removed from his aching balls.

Mike gave Kevin and Dennis some ointment to use on their sore cocks. He knew it would help with the pain 3; but in keeping with his general scheme the boys were not allowed to put the ointment on their own cocks. They had to apply it to each other.

That very process, helped to ensure that both boys were back to a fully erect state very quickly.

Speaking of erect, Mark was super erect now. He had heard the deal and his mind was already thinking about ways he could get Kevin to make Dennis's life a never-ending session of sexual hell, at least for this next year.

------------- MARK'S NEXT CHALLENGE ----------

Mike let Kevin and Dennis work the ointment into each other's cocks. Any animosity they might have had appeared gone as they giggled and teased each other.

Their spirits had returned quickly and both were ready for what would happen next, especially since it was obvious it was Mark's turn.

Mark trembled some more as he considered his situation.

He was hanging naked, in a pool of water, up to his neck. He had a raging boner, and it seemed clear that he was in for some intense sort of torture. It was also clear that his two friends would be assisting in some way.

Mike ordered Kevin and Dennis to retrieve these two gallon jars from a table by the wall. Both were filled with water and had paper sleeves wrapped around them so you couldn't see inside. All three boys were curious about what was in them 3; especially Mark.

Mike placed the jars on the platform in front of Mark's face which was just about level with the top. He smiled as he looked down in the water to confirm that Mark was still boned. He was!

Mark stared at the jars and trembled. He had no idea what was inside of them. At least it wouldn't be ants he mused.

Any relief he might have felt vanished when Mike removed the paper sleeves. The water was just a little murky, but you could definitely see that there were leeches swimming around inside both jars.

Dennis grinned and chuckled, "Oh wow 3; leeches 3; wicked!"

Mark trembled quite a bit as he stared at the jars. He knew that the leeches didn't hurt all that much, but just the thought of them attaching themselves and sucking blood was freaky and scary.

Hanging there naked and helpless, Mark felt extremely vulnerable.

Mike let Mark think about for just a bit, the directed the other boys to slowly pour the jars into the water. Dennis grinned wickedly as he emptied his jar and then leaned over to look down in the water. As he hoped some of the leeches headed right for Mark's hard cock.

Mike watched the process and chuckled, "I'm not sure if you guys noticed this, but these leeches seemed rather skinny, that means they are hungry, and of course what they eat is blood. They do have a way of sensing out good sources, especially any area of the body that has a large supply 3; you know, like an engorged penis."

Mark shuddered as he felt the leeches attaching themselves to his body. It didn't hurt that much 3; just like a tiny pin pricks, but it did feel weird and was a little itchy.

Mike gave the all the leeches a chance to attach themselves then used the winch to raise Mark up out of the water. The other boys watch wide-eyed as Mark's fully exposed body dangled in front of them.

At least three leeches had attached themselves to Mark's cock, two were on his balls, the rest were scattered around and included places like his chest, inner thighs, stomach, back, and even an armpit.

Mark was scared and couldn't resist looking down the front of his body. He knew they were there and could feel them, but seeing them attached and sucking away was really scary.

Mike closed the trap door under Mark's dangling feet. He knew from experience that the leeches would simply drop off when they had their fill and didn't want them back in the pit. In fact he had already opened the drain to empty it out.

"Okay boys, you two sit there and watch. When the leeches start dropping off, pick them up and put them back in the jars."

The boys sat there and watched Mark dangle and squirm as the leeches sucked a way. He definitely could feel them on his erect cock, and could also feel more blood rushing there, keeping him hard.

It took about 30 minutes for the leeches to start dropping off. Mark breathed a sigh of relief when the ones on his cock were the first ones to go.

As they dropped, Mike used a cotton swab and antiseptic to treat the little red areas. Some did have tiny droplets of blood.

When all were finally off, and safely back in their jars, Mike lowered Mark and released him. All three boys were then led to there cells, where they were ordered to sit on the floor against the back wall, with their hands overhead and legs spread wide.

Mike moved from cell to cell, attaching their wrist restraints to the eye bolts above their heads. He attached the restraints on their ankles to eyebolts that were screwed into the floor.

With the three naked teens secured, he left the dungeon and went up starts to the little video control room and studio. He had been formulating this plan for over a week and was pleased with himself.

He had found a gay site on the web that featured amateur web cam shows. Guys streamed their web cams to the site. Besides the obvious, part of the fun was trying to attract the most viewers over the course of a week. The guy who did, got "bragging rights" but also won some free connection time to a bunch of gay sites.

Mike had been attracted to one room in particular, on the site. It was called "Tortured Teen Boys." He loved watching it. Even though it was cool, most of the webcam "shows" were pretty basic and consisted primarily of guys getting naked, boned up, and then torturing their cock and balls in various ways.

Mike was determined to win this week, and had the equipment and the subjects to do something much more elaborate and, erotic.

He checked the video screens to ensure things were set properly and was pleased to note that the ceiling mounted dungeon cameras had perfect and clear views of each boy. He also checked to ensure the mikes were working in the cells and at the control console.

He had already prepared some little graphics which he could superimpose over the video whenever he wanted. He switched back and forth between the cameras and his cock twitched as he saw all was working perfectly.

When all was ready, he turned the camera that was aimed at him on and made a few quick adjustments. He had to admit, he did look both hot and ominous, sitting there in his black jock strap, executioner's hood and boots. He had a gymnast's body, and was certain there would be many viewers who would love to see him being tortured.

But that was not the plan.

---------------- ON WITH THE SHOW ----------------

He logged into the "Teen Boy Torture" room and activated him Webcam. He was pleased to see there were already more than a hundred viewers watching the various "shows." It took a little while for his to be noticed. When it was, guys began dropping into his chat window. It didn't take long for them to start getting excited 3; especially when they read the profile that Mike had attached.

When they clicked on it, they read about this twisted viewer participation thing Mike would be having each night during the week at 6 pm EST 3; which was approaching quickly.

The basic plan was this:

"Punisher", that was Mike had three teen boys aged 13, 14 and 15. The viewers would get to decide each night, which boy would be tortured while they watched. They could also suggest the tortures.

Mike had posted pictures of four of the devices in the dungeon 3; a St. Andrew's Cross 3; the torture table, a punishment horse, and the rack. There were also some pictures of the rows of whips, paddles, dildo's and such.

The decision about which boy would be tortured would be based upon the votes in the chat room each night.

He further got their interest with the statement that there would be "NO SAFE WORDS" and LIVE AUDIO would be included.

The only limitations were that there would not be any permanent marking and no "shit play."

Mike gave the guys a chance to read the profile, and look at him while they chatted. As he had hoped the number of viewers in his room grew quickly. In fact it was obvious that a few of the viewers had turned off theirs and were now watching his. He could tell that by the "handles" being used.

Mike had seen the video stream of the "Arena Show" and had gotten some tips from it. He chatted for awhile and got a number of the "chatters" to help explain what was happening to any new arrivals. Most were more than eager to help. That's the way chat rooms went.

Mike continued chatting as he listened into the dungeon mikes. As expected the boys had begun talking back and forth. He smiled as he heard their conversation.

Kevin asked, in a quivering voice, "So what do you think will happen next?"

Dennis responded with his usual smart mouth, "Who the fuck cares! Does it really matter, he's got us for the whole week!"

Mark couldn't resist doing his part of the conspiracy he had agreed to with Mike.

"Well, it could be a lot longer, you know, remember what he said about the sex slave thing."

"Oh that's gotta be bull shit, he wouldn't dare!" Dennis snapped.

Kevin quivered, "He wouldn't. He couldn't 3; could he?"

Mike smiled at the way Kevin's voice sort of squeaked when he said it. He smiled even more listening to Mark's response.

"Well now I don't know. He just might. Hell he's right. Nobody does know where we are, and thanks to `numb nuts' here, who made sure everything was covered up and erased, I doubt that anyone could find us.

I guess the parents would try for awhile, but probably end up assuming we had run away. That thing happens all the time. Yes Dennis you really fucked up this time, and worse, you got us sucked in."

Dennis seemed at a loss for words as he thought about it. Mark was right, about everything 3; and he began to wonder about the sex slave thing. It sounded preposterous, but the more he thought about it, the more unsure he got.

Mike was about to turn the volume down when Dennis spoke up. The smartness was gone from his voice as he stammered, "So Mark, do you really think he might do that? I mean how could he? That's totally illegal you know."

Mark's cock throbbed as he continued. He was having fun with this and loved the fact that Dennis had suddenly gotten a lot less cocky.

"Well, I read a lot about that kind of stuff. There really is this sex business, especially down in the Caribbean. It's supposed to be easy to smuggle sex slaves down there from the States. Oh, and from what I read, white, teenaged boys are in great demand and fetch a lot."

He nodded his head towards Kevin and chuckled, "And my guess is our German friend Kevin over there would go for a lot. He's got a great athletic body and that bright blond hair that some guys really like 3; especially old pervs. Yea Kevin would be riding plenty of big fat cocks and doing a lot more. But then again, so would you Dennis!"

Mike smiled broadly as he focused on Dennis and Kevin, who really did look scared once again. Really scared. Mark was doing a great job.

He did turn the volume down just a after Mark concluded by saying, "But hell, I'm sure that won't happen if we do as he says 3; you know please him. It'll be rough for sure, cause this dude really seems to be into the torture stuff 3; so just go along with it! And Dennis try and keep your big, smart mouth shut. It'll only get us into trouble."

All three of the boys were lost in thought and sat there silently.

Mark looked up at the camera above him and winked. He had noticed the cameras early and was certain that Mike was probably doing some video of this, maybe even something on the Internet. The last thought made him blush slightly, but also made his cock throb.

And speaking of the net, the chat room was filling up very quickly and Mike was having a hard time responding quickly enough. The group was good and made sure all newcomers read through the profile quickly.

The bulk of the chat had turned to the viewers wanting to see "the boys". Mike had kept them somewhat occupied for a bit by standing up and showing them his full body. He even pulled his jock down a few times to review his ample and hard cock.

Finally, he decided he couldn't wait any longer. He had to move on, before he started losing viewers. He explained the procedure in the chat, but also opened his mike and said it out loud. Most had audio, so this is what they heard:

"Okay everyone, this is how this will go. For the next few minutes I will be showing you the boys. They are downstairs in their cells. I will refer to them as Boy Number 1, Number 2 and Number 3. I'll give you all a chance to get a good look at them, and then let you all vote for which one will be tortured tonight 3; and then on which device 3; the cross 3; the rack 3; the torture table 3; or the punishment horse. Remember we'll be doing this each night this week the same way. Oh and yes, NO SAFE WORD and the boy will not be gagged, so if you do have your audio on, you can hear him."

The wild chatting slowed down dramatically as everyone turned their attention to the video box.

Mike was sure there were some gasps out there as he switched from camera to camera in the cells. He paused on each boy and panned the camera up and down their bodies, including a close-up of their hard cocks. The boy "numbers" were superimposed over each shot.

He gave them plenty of time to "take it all in."

Down in the cells, Mark managed to suppress his smile as he saw the "on-air" lights flick on and off between the ceiling cameras. He was certain that Mike was doing and Internet thing. He also noted that there were camera's aimed at most of the main torture devices in the dungeon. All had track lights aimed at them as well. "Yes," he thought, "There are probably a bunch of pervs out there watching right now."

When the "preview" was over, the voting began. A couple of the guys had volunteered to keep track of all the votes, and that helped. It didn't take long.

When the voting was done, the two volunteers compared notes and though they were off by a few, there was a clear cut winner.

The "victim" for tonight would be "Boy #3", which was Kevin. Mike smiled at that. It didn't matter which boy it was, but he was looking forward to torturing Kevin, in particular.

He switched to Kevin's camera as the discussion shifted to which device would the primary one used with the hot, blond teen.

Just looking at Kevin's firm body, spread solid legs, and perfect hard teen cock, made Mike's manhood throb.

It took a little while the group to decide, but they finally settled on the rack.

"Boy #3" would be stretched out painfully taught. He would be whipped, his cock and balls would be tortured, along with his nipples, and of course he would be jacked off until he shot his load, which everyone hoped would be ample.

Mike told the chat room that he would be moving to the dungeon to start the show.

After that, he rushed downstairs, ran into the dungeon, opened one of the cabinets and pulled out the sliding drawer that had a computer on it. >From there he could "remote in" to the upstairs computer. It was a little cumbersome and tricky, but it would allow him to manage all of the webcam and camera functions with the exception of a few.

He looked at the screen and was pleased to see that he had not lost any viewers yet, in fact he had gained a few. All were anxiously awaiting the "show" and most of the other "show rooms" were either empty or just logged off.

As soon as he was certain, everything was working, and the main camera was set properly, he walked over to Kevin's cell. He stood in front of him, but slightly off to the side so as not to block the camera and glared down at Kevin, who was looking up at him fearfully.

"Okay Slave Boy, here's the deal. You have been chosen to be the star of an Internet torture show tonight. That's right. Well over a hundred viewers have seen you and selected you to be tonight's victim. In fact they are watching right now and can hear everything we say."

He gestured towards the ceiling camera and smiled.

Kevin looked up and trembled. He saw the red light on the front of the camera and trembled some more as he thought about what he had just heard. There were over a hundred out there looking at his naked body and seeing him with an erection. And what was worse, they were about to watch him being tortured. He knew the tortures would be sexual, and probably focus a lot on his genitals.

He was clearly both embarrassed and scared, but in spite of it all, his cock throbbed.

Mike smiled as he looked at Kevin's chiseled, but angelic face. He hoped the deep blush in his cheeks was showing on the camera. Thankfully, for the viewers' sake, it was.

All eyes were glued to the screen as Mike released Kevin and then led him out of the cell.

He walked Kevin over to the rack, made a quick camera switch and then continued. For the moment it was a wider angle that showed, him, Kevin and the rack. He spoke loud enough for all to hear as he pointed as the rack.

"Okay Slave Boy, this is the device they have chosen for tonight. You will be stretched out very tight, then you will be tortured for a full hour. You will be whipped. Your balls will be placed in a press and squeezed until you scream. Your cock will be tortured in various ways as well and who knows what else."

Kevin was really shaking now as he looked at the rack and considered Mike's words.

Mike leaned close and whispered, "Okay slave boy! Remember what I said! Please me this week and you will be out of here at the end of the week. You seem to be smart enough to understand. So be a good little slave boy and climb on the rack 3; NOW!"

Kevin really looked scared as he climbed onto the rack and lay down on his back. His chest was heaving and he was sweating once again.

The viewers seemed to go wild in chat. The sight of this hot young blond 15 year old, who seemed genuinely scared, climbing onto the rack, was so intense.

Mike hooked him up as quickly as he could and stretched him out to the point he groaned.

As soon as Kevin was stretched out fully, he turned to the computer, adjusted the camera so that it was focused on the rack, and showed Kevin's body fully. It was at an angle from the "foot end" of the rack and showed everything 3; including Kevin's fully erect cock.

Looking at the comments, it was clear that quite a few were interested in Kevin's un-circumcised cock, and were already suggesting possible tortures for it. Mike took their suggestions to heart 3; one of them in particular.

Yes, Kevin did have an absolutely perfect looking, un-circumcised cock. Though Mike didn't have a lot of experience with un-circumcised cocks, he had learned that there were two parts that were particularly sensitive.

One was the glans (or cockhead) itself, which was very sensitive, while exposed. The other area that was even more sensitive was the inside of the foreskin. Actually the inside was extremely sensitive.

Mike looked at Kevin's hard cock. The blond teen's foreskin was retracted and sort of waiting.

He grinned as he read the suggestion in chat 3; he had clamps 3; he had candles 3; tiny ones.. regular paraffin ones 3; and beeswax ones which he knew had to be used with caution since they could cause burns, since they burned so hot.

The suggestion made sense, and was almost certain to make young Kevin scream. He decided to hold off on that part for just a bit.

Since Mike only had two hands, he told everyone in chat to make sure they had their audio on and were listening in. He would talk while he tortured Kevin and would check the computer screen chat window periodically.

He was just about ready to get started with the torture when an idea popped into his head. "DUH!" he thought. There was a simple solution that would help make things run smoother.

He told everyone in the chat room to hang on for a second. Then ran over to Mark's cell, and released him.

He'd have Mark "man" the chat room and relay what he was seeing in chat while he tortured Kevin.

As he figured, Mark was a "quick study" and it took it him no time at all to figure out how to direct the chat, as well as manipulate the camera controls via remote. The system was very similar to the one that the college Geeks had set up in the barn 3; very similar!

At last, things got rolling.

Mark monitored the chat room and passed what he was seeing to Mike. No one asked about who that other voice was, who was passing things to "Punisher" 3; they were too focused on watching the action.

Mark's "slave role" seemed to be set aside, at least for the moment, except for Dennis who was sulking in his cell. Still he was getting some pleasure listening to Kevin being tortured.

Mike started things off with a riding crop. He tightened the rack a few more notches then started in on Kevin's chest and stomach. The lashes were hard right from the start and red welts appeared quickly on Kevin's smooth light skin.


Kevin pulled on his bonds and trembled as the crop hit him squarely on the chest.



The one across his flat stomach landed just above his navel.


Stretched as taut as he was, the lashes seemed to hurt all the more.

Mike glanced at Mark, who responded with a "thumbs up" gesture. He had made some adjustments to both the camera and mike settings, and was certain everyone had a clear picture, and could hear not only the sound of the lashes, but also Kevin's gasps.

Mark had forgotten his role as a slave for the moment as he focused on his job. He loved doing all of this, and especially loved watching Kevin suffer.

As fast as he could type, he had a tough time keeping up in chat. There were now over 150 viewers. Most seemed content to just watch and listen, but a number kept typing messages with comments and suggestions.

The second time Mike glanced over, Mark made a "mouthing" gesture with his hand. It took a moment, but Mike figured it out. The viewers wanted to hear him talk more, and so he did.


"AGGGGGGHHH 3; GOD!" Kevin gasped as the crop hit his flat stomach yet again.

"There you go SLAVE BOY! You've got a lot more coming. Remember, your show is for a full hour tonight and I know they want to hear you scream."




Mike delivered three rapid lashes across Kevin's heaving chest.

Kevin thrashed about as much as he could and cried out 3; "AHHHHHHHHHH 3; NOT! 3; BITTE! 3;.. AHHHHGG 3; PLEASE!"

Mark smiled as he read some of the comments in chat.

GUEST10155: Wow! That dude isn't acting! Marcus: No way he could be 3; this is definitely real 3; holy shit! TitusMan: And OMG, look how boned he is. CRAP! GUEST 10189: YO! Please whip him lower! LOL!

And so on.

Mark snapped his fingers just as Mike raised the crop again.

He mouthed the words 3; "LOWER" and pointed at his crotch and grinned.

Mike got the picture.

The next bow landed across Kevin's pubes and missed the tip of his hard shaft by an inch.



Kevin arched his back up and thrashed some more. That one hurt like hell. And scared him. He figured the next blow would be lower and be on his hard cock.


He was absolutely right.


The blow hit his cock dead center, and was very hard. The sound of the lash even made Mark flinch.

Kevin thrashed about wildly, yanking violently at his bonds 3; and screaming, "OOOOHHHHHHHHH 3; AGGGHHHHHHH 3; PLEASE!!!!!"

If anyone in the chat room had even an ounce of compassion, it was not showing one bit. Everyone wanted more. Everyone wanted to hear more screams from the suffering blond young boy.

Mike decided to deliver just a few more blows before moving on. The hour was going by quickly, and there were still some things he definitely wanted to do.

The last three lashes were to Kevin's stomach and chest.

As he delivered them he snarled so all could hear, "OKAY SLAVE BOY. Next is what I promised you, some CBT 3; you know what that is boy 3; right?


"AGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH! 3;. ahhhh 3; YES SIR!" Kevin responded through quivering lips.



"Well say it! What is CBT?" Mike snarled louder.

"It's cock and ball torture sir!" Kevin responded between gasps.

Mike laughed as he patted Kevin's hard cock, "That's right boy, and I've got something special in mind for this puppy tonight. Trust me, you will hate it!"

Mike could tell by Mark's smile at the computer and his hand gestures that the viewers were loving this.

Kevin was sweating like wild again. His golden blond hair was glistening with sweat and was plastered down across his forehead. Mike smiled broadly as he looked at Kevin's throbbing hard piece of teenage manhood.

It really was throbbing.

Mike thought to himself, "Maybe you do like this Kevin. That hard cock is not just from the pill 3; no way."

He leaned closer and whispered in Kevin's ear, "Okay, now listen up shithead. We have way over a hundred viewers watching this, and I don't want to disappoint them, so you do exactly as I say 3; I mean exactly!"

Kevin's eyes filled with tears as he listened to Mike's hurried whispered instructions. He listened carefully 3; he wanted to make sure he "pleased" Mike.

Mark didn't know what was happening. He was sharp enough though to keep everyone occupied in the chat room. That part wasn't hard. Mark was good in chat rooms. He even fielded questions 3; with educated guess responses with Punisher's chat handle 3;

GUEST10155: He's gonna get some CBT right? Punisher: Count on it? GUEST10189: What about the ball press stuff? Punisher: Not sure if we'll have time tonight. Will still be good though. Titus: So this will be on again tomorrow at the same time. Punisher: Yea, same time! Titus: And we'll get to vote again on which boy gets tortured?

Mark wasn't sure about that, but made a good guess.

Punisher: Yea!

Mark continued to field questions while he panned the camera up and down Kevin's stretched body, lingering on his cock and balls.

It appeared that Mike was done whispering in Kevin's ear when one of the main "chatters" asked 3;

Titus: So just guessing here, but since you are obviously helping while Punisher himself is talking to the slave dude, are you one of the "boys?"

The question took Mark by surprise. He thought about just blowing it off, but had been taken by surprise so he responded 3;

Punisher: Yea.

Not surprisingly that response created a major stir in the chat room. Everyone wanted to know which one of the boys he was.

Mike looked over and asked, "Yo Boy! What's up?"

Mark kept typing and said, "Ummm, Sir they want to know which boy I am?"

That took Mike by surprise too. He rolled his eyes and said, "Tell them you are Boy Number 1 and we gotta move on."

Mark typed it in chat.

He tingled when he saw a number of responses that said 3; "We'll vote for you tomorrow night boy!" or words to that effect.

Somehow he managed to settle the crowd down and nodded to Mike, who stepped back towards the rack, pulled Kevin's head up so he was looking right at the camera and snarled, "Okay boy! Say it Now!"

Kevin's body shook as he looked at the camera with tear filled eyes and said through quivering lips, "I've been a very bad boy and deserve to have my cock and balls punished hard while you watch 3; and then I'll have to shoot while you watch 3; and thank you for watching."

Mike gave Kevin's head a pat and whispered "Good boy", then prepared Kevin for his punishment.

As he did, Mark adjusted the camera to ensure that the viewers got to see a lot of Mike's body as well. It was really very impressive. At 17, his gymnastic training which had begun when he was 8 years old had honed his body well. Dressed now in just the half executioner's hood, black armbands that accentuated his biceps, a black jock strap, and combat boots he was as erotic as he was ominous.

Mark could feel the excitement build as Mike worked to prepare Kevin's cock for the next round of torture. It was one that Mark had not seen used before, at least not in this manner. It was made more effective ht the fact that Kevin was un-circumcised.

It didn't take long for some of the guys in chat to understand what was happening, and to explain it to others.

Mike placed this metal frame-like thing over Kevin's groin. He pulled Kevin's cock up and maneuvered it so it was sticking up through the frame. Then to the delight of the crowd, he attached these clamps to Kevin's foreskin and secured them to the metal frame.

The end result was that now the supersensitive "inside" of Kevin's foreskin was totally exposed and vulnerable.

Make figured out what was going on and manipulated the camera to show a close-up of Kevin's cock. He knew from experience that people would want to see the look on Kevin's face as well, so he prepared to "cut" back and forth.

Laying there with his cock sticking straight up in the air, with his foreskin stretched out, caused Kevin to tremble more and more.

His eyes watered more as he watched Mike light some candles and then wave them over his groin.

The viewers were going wild in chat 3; those who didn't understand completely were hushed up as others jumped in to explain. Actually, no explanation was required when the first drops of wax landed on the inside of Kevin's exposed foreskin.


Had ne not been stretched out so taut on the rack, he might have been able to knock the little metal frame over that was keeping his cock up-right.

His gyrations were wild and his screams grew louder as Mike continued dropping wax inside his foreskin and also on his exposed glans (cockhead) which was almost as sensitive.

It didn't take many drops of that hot wax before Kevin did start to beg. He was shaking violently and throwing his head back and forth as drop after drop impacted his sensitive aroused cock flesh.


Mike had determined that he would show no mercy to the young teen boy. Still this was a "show" and he wanted to make sure the audience was buying into it. He lit another candle, and held it above Kevin's balls.

He looked directly at the camera and asked, "Okay everyone. Should I stop now, or continue his punishment with wax on his balls and more on his cock? It's up to you? Mercy or No Mercy?"

He pulled the candle back a bit, reached under the metal frame and stroked Kevin's cock to ensure it remained rock hard. As he did, he looked over at Mark and gave a little shrug.

Mark bent over the keyboard and typed away. The response inside the chat room was predictable 3; "NO MERCY!"

Mark looked at Mike and announced firmly, "NO MERCY!"

Kevin whimpered when he heard that and closed his tear filled eyes. He tried to hold back the screams, but it was a losing cause.

As the hot wax dropped on his balls and then, once again inside his foreskin and on his overly engorged purple cockhead, he screamed louder and thrashed about.


For most of the viewers, this was the most intense and incredible thing they had ever witnessed 3; a 15 year old boy 3; with a solid body 3; handsome face 3; aroused to the point it seemed his cock would explode and being tortured to the point he was really screaming and begging for mercy.

Mark did note that a couple of viewers did log off, but couldn't tell if it was because they were shocked, or had cum themselves.

Mike continued dropping the hot wax onto Kevin's sensitive genital skin.

He glanced at the clock and realized their announced time was just about up, and so he blew out the candles, looked down at Kevin as he quickly removed the clamps and metal frame, and snarled, "Okay slave boy, I'll stop the punishment if you do one last thing for all the viewers 3; all you have to do his cum for them while they watch 3; that's it."

Somehow Kevin was able to get hold of himself, and through his sobs and shaking said, "Okay Sir, yes sir."

Mike didn't wait to hear any suggestions from the chat room. Instead, he walked to the end of the table, and loosened the rack just enough to release Kevin's left hand ( he was left handed after all) and snarled, "Okay slave boy, go to it! You had better cum before our time is up or you will get a lot more punishment tonight!"

Kevin didn't have to be told twice. He reached down, grabbed his hard, tortured cock and started stroking like crazy. He knew a lot of people were watching him and his face flushed with embarrassment, but he didn't want to be punished anymore that night.

Mike walked over to Mark and looked at the computer screen. He was excited by what he saw. There were 177 viewers and the comments he saw were very exciting. Everyone was loving this and guys were reporting that they had cum during the show 3; and couldn't wait for the next night.

Mike glanced over at Kevin who was stroking really hard now. If there was one thing he had learned, it was that regardless of how much of an exhibitionist a guy might be, or how much he had experienced, a lot of guys were still embarrassed when they were forced to masturbate in front of others. Kevin was clearly one of those guys 3; which made it all the more fun for Mike.

Mike smiled broadly when Kevin finally came in a spectacular fashion. He was definitely a shooter. Cum seemed to fly everywhere and he gasped and screamed as he came.

Mark did a great job with the camera and managed to capture the moment really well.

Mike figured he should find a way to reward Mark in some way. He really was very gifted. Whatever the reward ended up being, it would not get Mark out of his own tortures for the rest of the week though, which Mike was really looking forward to even more.

It had been fun to torture Kevin for sure, and he wanted to make Dennis suffer a lot, but in spite of Mark's help he did want to torture him a lot. There was just something about that tight little 13 year old body of his, and his plucky personality that turned him on.

Mike had decided to end the "show" right on time. Which he did. He figured the crowd had a good "taste" and that they would want to come back for more.

He took over control of the computer and the chat from Mark and directed him to take Kevin back to his cell, and secure him in the same manner Dennis was 3; sitting against the walk with his legs spread wide and secured to floor bolts and his arms stretched over head.

He watched out of the corner of his eye as Mark did as instructed and smiled when he heard Dennis mumble, "So what are you, the fucking teacher's pet or something?"

Mark ignored him and went about his business.

When he was done securing Kevin in the cell, he was a little unsure about what to do next. After a moment's thought he walked over close to Mike, who was busy on the computer. He waited for just a minute, then dropped to his knees and assumed the "present" position.

>From his position, secured in his cell, Dennis rolled his eyes and mumbled, "What a suck up!"

Mike smiled as he watched Mark "assume the position" and his cock throbbed.

The way things were going in the chat room, he figured he would be online for awhile. The webcam show was closed, but people were still wanting to chat. Lots of the guys were talking about how hot the show had been, and when they had "shot their load" during it. Most had been able to hold off until near the end, and did it when Kevin was jacking himself off.

Mike (aka. Punisher) got plenty of accolades from the viewers. He assured them there would be another show at the same time the next night. Almost everyone said they would be there for sure and many said they would spread the word.

It was during that time in the chat that the subject came up about who the next "victim" would be.

Mike assured them that they would be able to vote again, just like they had done earlier and could choose between the three boys.

He smiled as he watched the chat comments flow. They were discussing the three choices. While there were those who wanted a repeat performance of "Boy Number 3", there were a bunch who were pushing for "Boy Number 1 (Mark). Somewhere in the middle of all this Dennis seemed to have been forgotten.

Mike fielded a lot of questions about how this all had happened, and managed to maintain a veil of secrecy about most of it.

He tried to back out of the chat, but was having a tough time. There was just too much activity, which included a number of comments and questions about him as well. He had been on camera and got a lot of comments about how hot he was, and questions about whether or not they would get a chance to see one of his "boys" service him.

Mike couldn't pull himself away. His cock just seemed to get harder and harder as he chatted and glanced at little Mark on the floor beside him 3; naked and boned 3; and still in that present position.

The chat conversation ebbed and flowed, and though many had signed off, there were still quite a few in the room, when the subject once again returned to which boy would be chosen the next night. There were guys "lobbying" for each one.

After awhile, Mike noticed that there were quite a few pushing for "Boy Number 1" to be the next torture victim. He let the chat roll for a bit as guys tried their best to describe the different boys, then finally got involved. He glanced at the cells and noted that Kevin and Dennis had both managed to fall asleep. Mark, however was still wide awake and kneeling beside him.

An idea popped into his head and he started typing in chat.

Punisher: Sorry everyone, but I let two of the boys fall asleep, but Boy #1 is still awake. Wanna see him?

Of course they did!

Punisher: K, let me turn a cam on for a moment to give you a quick look.

Mike turned the Webcam back on, and opened the video window in the chat room.

He looked over at Mark and directed him to go into his cell and assume the present position against the back wall.

Mark did exactly as told. As comfortable as he was with nudity, he still quivered slightly as he faced his cell camera and kneeled with legs spread and hands behind his head.

If there was any doubt about who would be chosen to be tortured the next night, it was gone by the time Mike was finally able to shut down and log off.

Though Mark's body wasn't quite as developed as Dennis's and Kevin's were, it was tight and compact and his "equipment" was pretty much fully developed and framed by a nice little patch of dark pubic hair. All in all, he was one incredibly cute and yea, hot 13 year old boy.

With the computer shut down, Mike's first inclination was to put Mark "to bed" like the others and then go to his room and jack off as he remembered the day's events. His cock was really throbbing though and he couldn't resist dragging things on just a little longer.

To Mark's surprise, Mike had him take some blankets into the cells and toss them over Dennis and Kevin. Despite the fact they were still chained to the floor and wall, both were sound asleep.

Mark covered them both, dropped a blanket in his own cell and returned to Mike, once again unsure about what to do.

Mike saw the quizzical look on Mark's face. He motioned for Mark to follow him up the stone stairs and outside into the back yard.

It was a very warm moonlit night. The night air felt good on Mark's naked body. It was one of those things he really liked, being naked outside at night, no matter what the situation was.

Mark had no way of knowing that Mike really didn't know what he was doing at this moment. He just felt compelled to do more with Mark.

He led Mark to a picnic table, sat down on the bench and then looked at Mark and said, in his best "command voice", "Okay slave boy, put your hands behind your head and run in place until I tell you to stop! NOW!"

Mark responded quickly and was soon running in place as ordered.

The bouncing motion seemed to help keep his cock fully erect.

Mike smiled as he watched Mark's cock and balls bounce up and down. If there was one thing he liked a lot about this stuff, it was the simple thing of ordering another guy to exercise in the nude. It had started in his pre-teen tears as penalties for losing strip games and had continued, and even escalated through junior high and then high school.

Whipping, paddling and other things were fun, but "forcing" a naked guy to exercise to the point of exhaustion was a major turn on for him. It was even better when he could force the guy to jack off in the end. Along that line, one of the other exciting things he liked to make a guy do was jack-off "while" he was running in place. It didn't always work, because it was sort of awkward, but when it did, it was great.

For the moment, Mike was in automatic pilot and just following his urges. He continued giving young Mark orders to do various exercises. He had him run laps around the yard, do sit-ups, pushups, deep knee bends, leg lifts, and so on until he was really straining.

Mark followed all orders completely and pushed himself really hard. Like Mike, he loved making other guys do the same thing, but tonight he was turned on by being "forced" to do this stuff in front of Mike.

Mike pushed Mark really hard. His cock was really throbbing by the time he finally ordered Mark to stop and kneel in front of him.

His heart was pounding as he looked down at the naked, and sweaty young teen kneeling before him. Some wild thoughts swept over him. If ever there was someone horned out of his mind, it was Mike, at this moment.

He managed to get a grip and convince himself that it was time to torture little Mark "mentally" some more. He rubbed the pouch of his sweaty jock strap, looked at Mark and said, "Okay, as we were talking about earlier, admit it slave boy 3; you do have this thing for older guys right?"

Mark was struggling to catch his breath after all the exercise, but managed to stammer an embarrassed, "Umm 3; yes sir 3; pretty much."

Mark seemed just a little confused by the conversation.

"It seemed pretty obvious that you really liked watching your buddy Kevin being tortured tonight. Did you like hearing him scream and then beg? Did that make you even hornier?" Your cock seemed awfully hard the whole time, and I'm certain it wasn't just from that pill I gave you. Come on admit it! You also really love torturing other guys! Making them suffer, and I expect just humiliating them in general!"

This was another thing that Mike just loved to do 3; force a guy to reveal his darkest desires and yea, his "dirtiest" ones. It was a real power trip for him, and a very humiliating one for the guys he pushed into it.

----------- MIKE & MARK'S DIRTY "DANCE" ----------

Mike was feeling a sense of power now as he pushed Mark to reveal so much about his desires. Kneeling there naked, in the night air, in front of this "Master" was like a sort of twisted confessional moment for Mark.

All of a sudden he felt the urge to "reveal all." 3; and just about all came out as he started chattering away.

Yes, all of Mike's suspicions about Mark were true. He knew he was gay. He had known for a long time 3; at least since he was twelve 3;[Heck for a 13 year old, one year can seem like a long time] 3; He really liked doing naked stuff with other boys 3; and liked torturing them a lot 3; especially when they were tied up 3; he loved doing it to older boys the most 3; ones that were college age or close to it 3; and MOST especially loved being really nasty and cruel with them 3; Mark averted his eyes as he emphasized the "nasty and cruel" thing. He apologized several times for having those thoughts and desires and said he just couldn't help it.

He probably would have just rattled on some more, "baring his soul" had Mike not stopped him.

"Okay Sport, that's pretty much what I thought, it is sort of obvious. The other thing that is obvious though is that it seems you do like to be on the receiving end as well. Is that right? You've been boned since you got here and it's definitely not just from that pill."

Even in the moonlight, Mike could see the embarrassed look and the blush on Mark's young face. Once again Mark averted his eyes, swallowed hard and then stammered, "Well, yea, I guess 3; when I get super horny sometimes, I get these crazy feelings and ideas 3; you know 3; but most of the time I just want to do stuff to other guys."

Mike noted that Mark's eyes now seemed to be focused on his jock strap pouch and that made his heart pound really hard. He drifted into a sort of daze as he stammered, "So I guess that all means that you would love to mess with a guy like me 3; you know 3;strip me naked 3; tie me up and then torture me 3;make me beg and scream and such 3; is that right?"

He could tell by the way Mark's cock twitched that he was absolutely right about that. His cock was twitching too, but he managed to tell himself it was because of the feeling of power he had from forcing Mark to share so much about his most "secret" urges and desires.

Oddly enough, it never actually occurred to Mike that he might have been doing this for another reason. At this point, if there was any teasing going on, it was him teasing himself.

Mark thought for a bit, swallowed hard then looked at Mike and said, "Yea, okay, that's right. I like to do that a lot. All of that!"

He noted a slight change in Mark's demeanor. His response wasn't sheepish at all. In fact it was rather bold and had a hint of challenge. After that, Mike could not resist pushing even further. He looked down at Mark and chuckled, "Okay little Dude, now that you've fully admitted it, just what would you do to me if you had the chance, say like I was your slave for a week? And anything would go."

Mark thought some more. An impish look appeared on his face and he said teasingly, "And you would be like a total slave boy right? And have to do anything and everything I said, no matter what?"

Mike laughed, "Yea, that's right. Anything and everything! My guess is you'd probably show me no mercy, right?"

Once again Mark thought for a moment. An idea popped into his mind it was really daring 3; really daring. He wasn't sure where Mike was going with all of this and was pretty sure he was just toying with him, to get him worked up before torturing him. He wasn't completely sure about that however.

Mike wasn't completely sure about what he was doing either. It was clearly getting Mark all worked up, and would actually be a good mental torture for Mark to know that he couldn't "have" Mike in that way. He did, however, really want to hear what Mark had to say.

He waited patiently for a bit then pressed, "Come on, now tell me the truth there'd be no mercy for me right? I promise I won't be mad at you."

Now Mark was a risk taker, always had been. He thought for a moment, then said the strangest thing. Well strange in light of his current situation.

"Okay, well since you asked, how about we change places for a moment while I tell you 3; you know so you can get a feeling for it."

He held his breath when he saw the surprised look on Mike's face.

Mike's mind raced and his heart pounded 3; this was really odd, and definitely not in keeping with his plans, which included tying Mark to one of the posts in the yard and leaving him outside for the night.

Mark thought he had gone too far and was about to apologize when Mike laughed, "Well, okay, why the hell not. It's not like I have anything better to do."

And so they changed places. Mark got up and sat on the picnic table and waited for Mike to kneel in front of him.

When he did, Mark hesitated slightly and looked lost in thought. Mike saw the look on Mark's face, thought for a moment too and then chuckled tauntingly, "Oh, let me guess, you want me to be naked too?"

Mark grinned, nodded his head and said, "Well yea, of course, if you really want to `feel' what I am saying."

It was another big risk, but one that worked.

After a full day having three naked teenaged boys at his disposal, and not relieving himself, Mike was in a super horned state 3; it was the kind of horniness that sometimes clouded his reasoning abilities.

At this moment, all that he could feel was the thrill of the situation. More blood rushed into his cock as he thought of the things he would be doing to Mark while he was tied to that post. And hell, if this got Mark really worked up, then why not.

Mark's eyes widened as Mike rose to his feet and stripped off the few things he was wearing. The executioner's cap came first, followed by the boots and then his jock.

He was about to kneel again when Mark smirked 3; "That means everything!"

Mike shrugged, removed the black arm bands from around his biceps and his socks and then dropped to his knees. He put his hands behind his head and teased, "Okay, there you go. I hope you're satisfied and like what you see. Now answer my last question boy!"

Mark did like what he saw a LOT! As he already knew, Mike's cock was painfully hard and showed definite signs of having been leaking pre-cum. He was certain that the mesh of his jock was soaked with it as well as sweat.

Mike's body was that of the classic gymnast. Not an ounce of fat anywhere and really defined muscles. Though his body was smooth and relatively hairless, he had a nice thick patch of pubic hair, and a large cock, which in spite of it's length was standing straight up.

"Come on boy! Answer my question! You'd show me no mercy right?" Mike snapped.

Mike thought to himself, "Man the kid must be going crazy seeing me like this. He's probably turned on more than he ever has been before. This should be fun." Yes, Mike loved nothing better than torturing a guy who was super horned. It was like his specialty.

He seemed to ignore the fact that he himself was now super-horned, and getting hornier by the second.

Mark's instincts took over. He stood up, stepped closer to Mike and said, "Okay, do what I say and I'll answer you."

It was yet another risk. But it worked.

Mike thought just a second and said, "Okay tell me what I should do."

Mark smiled and said, "Well to start, stand up, keep your hands behind your head and run in place just like I did, and don't stop until I tell you to!"

There was now a definite air of command in Mark's voice now, an air which Mike responded to. He didn't think at all, but just rose to his feet and started running hard.

Mark continued pushing the envelope. He slapped Mike on his firm muscular ass and said, "Run faster boy, if you want to hear my answer."

To Mark's delight, Mike, his 17 year old Master did as he commanded. He picked up the pace and ran faster. More blood rushed into his bouncing cock as he thought about how he would make Mark pay for this indulgence. He would really relish hearing Mark's screams and couldn't wait for the next night's webcam show which was sure to feature Mark. For now though he just wanted to hear Mark's answer.

Mark kept Mike running until he was almost totally out of breath and was covered in sweat. Even though they were outside, the smell of sweat, male nakedness and arousal was strong! Very strong.

When Mark was satisfied that Mike had run enough, he ordered him to stop and get back down on his knees.

He then knelt beside him and took his last big risk.

"Okay, hands behind your back! Now!"

Mike complied quickly, and without thinking, which he was beyond being able to do now.

Mark sensed it. Unlike a lot of guys, getting super horny seemed to make Mark's thinking even clearer. In fact, it fueled his imagination and creativity, and yes, his dominant side.

Mark picked up Mike's jock, and felt and sniffed the pouch. As he suspected, it was soaked with sweat and pre-cum.

Without hesitation he stretched it over Mike's face so the pouch covered his mouth and nose. He pushed part of it into Mike's mouth and snarled, "Suck on that, if you really want to hear my answer smart guy!"

Mark smiled as the older teen complied instantly, which he was sure he would. He had seen that "glassed look" in other guys eyes before and knew what it meant.

On Mike's part, well he didn't have a thinking part right now. It was all primal instinct. His eyes rolled as he tasted and smelled his own sweat and pre-cum. Both were strong and made him breath faster.

His heart pounded as he felt young Mark's hand around his balls. The pounding increased when Mark started slapping his hard cock around.

"Okay Dude. Since you have made such a big deal out of wanting to know I'll tell you. If I had you as my slave boy for a week like this, there would be absolutely no mercy at all! I mean it! You'd be naked the whole time. You'd be tortured in ways you probably haven't even thought of 3; and you know where most of that torture would be focused."

He gave Mike's balls a squeeze for emphasis.

"Oh and you know the other stuff too! Yea you mouth and ass would be used too. I have friends who would love to have you suck their toes 3; some who are into nipple tortures 3; oh and some who would love to see just how many nasty things they could shove up your ass."

"And of course, most, if not all of it would be broadcast on the Net. Yea I saw a lot of the comments in chat. A bunch of those pervs were just as interested in your body as Kevin's and would love to see you stretched out on that rack. Yea think about the things they would suggest to be done to you!"

"Now that should answer your question. There would be NO MERCY FOR YOU!"

Mark gave Mike's cock one more really hard slap, then leaned back. He had felt the shift in Mike's balls and knew what was coming.

Mike sensed it too and couldn't resist the urge any longer. He imagined himself stretched out in that rack being tortured by this feisty young teen boy. And with that, he cried out as his man-seed blasted out of his throbbing shaft. It splashed all over his chest. Some hit his face. It seemed to go on forever.

Mark was really pleased with himself. He had seen guys cum in spectacular fashion before, but this was really something.

Mike was totally beyond caring now. He grabbed his cock and pumped it shamelessly until it was totally drained and the convulsions stopped. It had been the absolute most intense orgasm he had ever experienced.

Mark sat back and waited as Mike slowly started breathing normally. He sort of expected Mike to thank him and was surprised when Mike suddenly pulled the jock off his face glared at Mark and snapped, "Okay you sneaky little shit. You answered my question, now get your ass back in your cell right now and wait for me! Move it slave boy!"

Mark jumped to his feet and hurried back inside to his cell. What confidence he had vanished quickly as he considered how pissed Mike sounded. Maybe his instincts were wrong for a change.

That thought seemed to be confirmed moments later when Mike stomped into his cell. He had pulled his sweaty jock back on and had wiped off most of his cum, but he still smelled of it.

He ordered Mark to sit on the floor like the other two boys and attached his wrists to the wall above his head. Like Dennis and Kevin, Mark's legs were spread wide and his ankles were secured to floor bolts.

Unlike the others, he didn't cover Mark with a blanket.

Mark assumed that, that was it, when Mike stomped out of the cell, and was surprised moments later when he returned with a small box.

He sat in silence as Mike removed items from the box one at a time and proceeded to use them.

The first was a sort of silver egg which Mike greased up. He worked it between Mark's spread legs and up into his tight hole. He made sure it was lodged deep inside Mark, before he said, "That's operated by remote control. You'll understand soon."

Next he clipped a couple of clamps on Mark's nipples. They had a little battery inside and vibrated when turned on, which they now were.

He completed Mark's "preparation" by slipping two vibrating cock rings over his hard teen shaft. He grinned as he switched them on.

"Looks like you're in for an interesting night smart guy! Oh and since you seem so enthralled with the Internet, you might be interested in knowing that you won't be alone during the night!"

He pointed at the ceiling camera. Mark looked up and noticed the red light was on and blinking.

"That's right the camera is all set to go. And you are smart enough to understand that when it stops blinking and stays red, you are on air for all to see. Yea, this should be a great preview for tomorrow night's show!"

Just before he left, Mike glared at Mark and snapped, "Oh yea and about what happened earlier. That was a one time deal! I hope you enjoyed yourself! You'll be paying for it big-time!"

Mark trembled as he watched Mike leave. He really did seem pissed. Mark wanted to slap himself. "How could I have been so wrong? That was stupid!" he thought.

---------------- A NIGHT OF HELL, THOUGHTS, AND PLOTS ----------------

Mike hurried to log onto the Net and the Webcam site. He was pleased when he noted that a bunch of his previous audience was still there, albeit in other rooms. As soon as he activated the video stream, guys started popping into his chat channel.

He had put the mask, and other things back on and was sitting as before, on camera. Although some started pressing for him to do stuff himself, he pretty much blew them off, but kept their interest when he typed in chat 3;

Punisher: Sorry guys you don't get anymore of me. But I do have a sort of preview which I'll try and leave on all night. It features Boy #1. Don't be afraid to pass the word. And remember, if you all select him tomorrow night you'll get to decide what his tortures will be.

With that he pressed the key that put the camera in Mark's cell "online". Mark saw the light stop blinking and turn solid red. He knew there were guys on the net watching now and would be anxious to see him be forced to cum over and over again.

That wouldn't be long now. The vibrating cock rings were doing their job well on his over sensitive teen cock, as were the vibrating nipple clamps. He started breathing harder when he felt a vibration inside his ass. Mike had obviously activated that vibrating egg, which would continue to run various cycles throughout the night 3; some fast 3; some slow.

Mike leaned back in his chair as he saw the look on Mark's face. "Not such a smart guy are you Mark? Yea, no mercy for you slave boy!" he mused.

His smile broadened as more guys joined the chat and watched the Webcam. From time to time he moved the camera around with the remote control 3; panning up and down Mark's youthful body 3; zooming in on his anguished face 3; then on his hard throbbing cock and so on.

He couldn't resist staying in chat for awhile.

Everyone was getting really worked up, especially when he explained about the vibrating cock and nipple rings and the egg in Mark's tight little ass. That really got them excited.

When it appeared Mark was close to cumming for the first time, An idea popped into Mike's head 3; it was a wicked idea.

Punisher: Hey everyone one, I got an idea, how about we turn this into a sort of cum fest marathon? Titus: Sounds interesting. What ya mean? Guest101518: Yea, what? Punisher: Well the camera and the vibrators will be on all night, so maybe you all could keep count of how many times the slave boy cums. Titus: That could be fun 3; and if people were leaving they could explain and pass the current count on. I'm guessing you sleep at some point. Punisher: Yea. I will. That sounds good and simple. The sound is on by the way. My guess is he'll reach the point where starts to scream and whimper.

As if in confirmation he heard a loud gasp from the cell and looked at the Webcam monitor.

Mark was gasping for air. He had arched his back up and was pumping his groin in the air as several small spurts of prime teen seed shot out of his throbbing cock. It wasn't much, but could be seen on camera.

But the most exciting thing was the fact that Mark's orgasm was so animated and appeared so intense. Each time he came he arched his back and pumped his groin 3; EACH and EVERY TIME. He couldn't help it, the feeling was just too strong. It remained that way throughout the night. Wet or dry, painful or not, each time was the same 3; with the exception of the fact that after about ten times, Mark began to scream, whimper and beg.

It was a long night for Mark, and a long one for many viewers who couldn't seem to pull themselves away. Watching this bound, naked 13 year old boy being forced to cum over and over again was a major turn on for young and old alike. There were many keyboards around the net that had to be wiped off that night.

Mike eventually did go to bed. It was after he had watched Mark cum for the fifth time. He left the Webcam on.

As Mike drifted off to sleep, he thought about what had happened. He couldn't believe he had done that and promised himself it wouldn't let it happen again.

He tried to focus on the things he had planned for Mark, but his mind kept "re-playing" that little scene where he had stripped naked for Mark and followed his `orders'. By the time he finally did nod off again, he was totally boned and leaking more pre-cum into his dirty jock which he was saving for Mark's face.

He didn't find out, until the next morning just how much of a stir he had created with his latest Webcam show. It snowballed quickly during the night.

A bunch of guys kept a "vigil" in the chat room and were diligent about passing on the count. It wasn't that hard. Wet or dry, Mark's orgasms were always animated, and easy to recognize.

He didn't get much sleep that night at all. When morning finally arrived, the count stood at 27. He was drenched in sweat and his little pubic patch was plastered down with dried cum and sweat.

His cock had softened periodically throughout the night, but got hard quickly enough with the constant stimulation 3; such is the way with young teenaged boys.

Mike was pleased when he re-entered the chat and got caught up on what had happened during the night. Some guys had pulled all nighters. One of the craziest things was when "Titus" told him something wild that occurred.

It seems there was a group of young boys, he guessed around Mark's age or a little older, who had stumbled into the Webcam room. They were at a sleepover. They weren't supposed to be on the site cause they were underage, but boys will be boys!

Anyway, they ended up having a contest. It was wild. It seems they had a sort of tag team thing, taking turns. They watched Mark and one guy jacked off. The goal was for him to cum within five seconds of when Mark did. If he did, then he picked another guy who had to do the same until Mark came again.

If the guy failed, he had to keep on jacking 3; and if he came too soon himself, or couldn't cum at all 3; he had to pay some "penalty".

Titus: I tried to get them to tell me what the penalties were but all they would say was they were "perv" penalties. Punisher: OMG. LOL! Titus: They were on most of the night and asked about tonight. I told them the show would start at 6 pm EST. They said they would be watching. Naughty boys, huh? Punisher: LOL Yea! But aren't we all.

Mike continued chatting for a little while longer. At last he announced that he had to stop the "show" so he could get the boys ready for today's show. That seemed to satisfy everyone..

Mike logged off chat and dropped the video stream. Mark saw the camera light shift to blinking mode. He was relieved that he was no longer "on-air" but would be even more relieved once Mike came down and shut the damn vibrators off.

Mike took a moment to gather his thoughts and review his plan for the day.

He would give the boys breakfast 3; dry cereal in one bowl and milk in another, and make them eat with their hands cuffed behind their backs.

He would give them time to wash up. There was a large bath tub in the washroom, beside the dungeon entrance. It had a couple of shower heads. The rule would be they had to get thoroughly clean, but would not be allowed to wash themselves. All three would be in the tub at the same time and would make sure each other got "squeaky" clean. That included inside their tight little holes.

After that, he figured Mark would need some time to rest. That was fine. He was in for a rough time tonight. Kevin had already done a show and deserved a little respite. Dennis was due for some sort of intense experience.

Mike smiled as he considered his plans. Yes it would be a rough day for Dennis. There would be plenty of humiliation and lots of pain. He wanted to hear that smart-ass scream some more and beg for mercy again. And he couldn't resist letting Kevin get in on the act. Mark would get a shot at Dennis as well.

Yea, this was something he really loved, setting boys up against each other. Today it would be Kevin and Mark against Dennis, and he would make sure they showed no mercy. He wanted Dennis to be pissed and anxious for revenge.

Then it would be Dennis against the other two on another day. He figured Dennis would need little or no coaching on that day, and would definitely show no mercy for his two "friends".

The last thing he did before preparing breakfast was look at his emails. There were a lot on the account he used for the Webcam stuff. There were plenty of thank you's for sure. But a lot more. Some guys had sent him pictures and offers to be his slave. Most said they wanted to do it for real. There were a number of older guys, but also some younger ones who begged to be allowed to be his slave for real.

He sorted through them, deleted some, but kept some.

Oddly enough, one of the ones he kept was from this guy who appeared to be around 15 or 16. It was actually sort of funny. The guy had included a picture of himself. In it he was wearing a makeshift mask, like Mike's executioner's hood. He had on a jockstrap and black boots. He was also holding a whip. And his jock was clearly tented out!

The surprising thing was that the dude was asking Mike to be his slave boy. Actually it was more like telling him 3;

"You know you want to be my slave. You can't fool me! I can tell! I have access to my own private playroom. I'll give you directions if you are serious. Only reply if you are serious, cause if I do let you come, once you get here you will be my total slave, and I mean total! I can do whatever I want and that also means sharing you with my friends!"

Mike smiled as he looked at the picture again. The kid appeared to be in great shape, probably a jock of some type. The shape his body was in suggested that he played at least one sport that required a lot of running around 3; lacrosse perhaps, he thought.

He thought about deleting the message but kept looking at the picture as he re-read the email. It was typical of someone trying to "act" the part of being a "Master."

The last part of the email made him smile some more.

The guy told him what city he lived close to. It wasn't that far away 3; probably about an hour's drive from Mike's place.

It didn't matter, no way he would even consider it.

Still he kept reading.

"Okay, so anyway, like I said only reply if you are serious about submitting completely. I mean it! I will understand if you are too scared to do it!

Cheers, MasterBoy

PS: If you ask nicely I might consider sending you the photos of my friends who help me. After that you can tell me if you are serious."

Mike started laughing. His first inclination had been to delete it and forget about it. Instead he dashed off a quick reply, to tease the little prick 3;

"Okay `MasterBoy' you can send me the pictures. But don't get you're twisted little hopes up! I have no intention of submitting to you or anyone else. Hell, you obviously are just playing a little game. Go play X-box or something! Oh yea and stay out of chat rooms that you are too young for 3; naughty boy!"

He smiled as he hit the send button, just before heading to the kitchen to set up breakfast.

What followed wasn't all that eventful, then again 3;

He released Kevin and Dennis, got them to release Mark and help him stand up. After that, all three were encouraged and allowed to take their morning pee and dump. All three seemed embarrassed as they sat on the exposed toilets with Mike watching. Kevin especially.

That embarrassment continued when Mike told each of them to wait before they cleaned their butts. The boys each had a healthy bowel movement. They blushed when Mike gave them their next set of instructions 3;

"Dennis, you go ahead and wipe your ass, then wipe Kevin and Mark. From now on you are the one and only `ass-wiper' for everyone. Anytime anyone takes a shit, you will clean their ass."

Dennis was clearly humiliated, as were the other two boys.

Dennis cleaned himself then headed to Kevin's cell. When he got there he wadded up some toilet paper looked at Kevin and snarled, "Okay, bend over and spread-em wide."

Mike smiled as he watched Dennis do his job. He wrinkled his nose as he carefully wiped Kevin's crack and around his hole. Kevin moaned slightly when Dennis pressed the tip of his finger into Kevin's tight hole.

"Get used to it Kev 3; I bet the perv is gonna want a lot more stuck in your butt before we leave."

He was right, of course.

The same ritual was repeated in Mark's cell. Mark had to brace himself while Dennis did his job. He was pretty weak in the knees following his ordeal.

Hand washing followed and then the boys hands were cuffed behind their backs before they were led upstairs for breakfast.

Mike ate his as he watched them. It was fun watching the three naked young teens down on their knees eating their breakfast without hands. Predictably, there was some jostling around and wise cracks while they did it. It was sort of a challenge doing it.

All three licked the bowls clean. They even ate all the spilled cereal off the floor. That was the result a sort of dare between them.

As soon as they were done, Mike took them to the wash room and explained the "bathing" rules. When he was done, he said, "Remember what I said 3; you can't touch yourself when you do this. You're buddies will make sure you are squeaky clean, and that means inside your butt too. And remember, there is a camera in here too, and I will be watching."

He un-cuffed them, laid out towels, wash cloths, soap and shampoo and left the room.

As soon as he got back to the control room he flipped the washroom monitor on. He was happy that he had been so "loose" about the boys being allowed to talk. He grinned as he listened and watched. There was plenty of splashing around, poking and teasing going on. Kevin and Dennis pressed Mark about what had happened the night before.

Mark left out the part about what had happened outside with Mike, but told them about his "cum" ordeal.

"HOLY SHIT Mark, so like how many times did you cum anyway. Did you shoot much?" Dennis chuckled.

"Well I'm not really sure. It was a lot though. The inside of my dick is like burning and my balls are really aching, so you guys be gentle when you wash me down there."

Dennis laughed, "Well I guess most of that is because of cumming when you're dry. That really hurts!"

Mike kept listening and watching to ensure the boys followed the rules. While he did, he checked his emails again and was surprised to see he had received a response from "MasterBoy". It was short and had two attachments.

The email read simply 3;

"Decide Boy! Your submission must be complete! No conditions! You're body will be mine totally if you have the guts to come here!


Mike looked at the pictures. They were of two boys. Both seemed to be about the same age as "MasterBoy" and in the same shape. Probably on the same team he figured. Both were wearing gym shorts and were bare-chested. Mike's jock throbbed inside his jock as he checked them out.

He re-read both emails again and looked at the pictures.

Finally he managed to pull himself away. He moved both emails to his SAVE folder as he thought, "Nice try Dude, but no way. Nice pictures though."

Mike closed his email program and headed to the washroom. He was pretty sweaty again and thought it might be fun to have his three slave boys wash him. Yea, that should get them all worked up again. I'm sure the other two can't wait to see my `equipment'!

---------------------- MEANWHILE -------------------------------

About five miles down the road, Tom, the guy who had "trained" Mike to be a Master was smiling as he sat at his computer. He had hooked Mike up with his dungeon house and all it's sophisticated video systems. Yea, those Geeks from the college near the sex shop had done an exceptional job.

What Mike didn't know was just how exceptional that job had been.

Besides the regular cameras and mikes, there were hidden ones all over the place. What's more, ALL could be monitored from Tom's other house. It was a small cabin, but well equipped.

He smiled as he pressed the play button on one of the DVD recorders. It was from a surveillance camera in the back yard of the main house. The camera was "state-of-the-art" for night viewing. Though the picture was a little dark, the picture was very clear and the audio was exceptional.

Tom leaned back some more. His cock hardened as he watched the scene yet again. It was of the "meeting" that took place in the back yard of the dungeon house the night before. He saw and heard everything. His cock hardened as he watched Mike make young Mark exercise naked. It got a lot harder as he listened to Mike's comments.

Once again he almost shot a load when it got to the part where little Mark took control of Master Mike. It was an intense moment.

He reviewed what happened after that 3; Saw and heard Mike set Mark up in the cell, and watched most of Mark's forced cum ordeal.

Finally he returned to the "live" action at the house.

Mike had just entered the washroom. The three young teens were standing in the tub, wet, soaped up and boned. Dennis was in the middle of "cleaning" Kevin's tight hole with his soapy fingers 3; from the look and sound of things, he was doing a deep cleaning.

"Come on Dennis, not so far, okay?" Kevin pleaded.

Dennis laughed as he shoved his finger in even deeper, forcing Kevin to moan even louder. He nodded toward Mike who was standing beside the tub, clad in his jockstrap alone and said, "You heard our Master, he said we had to do a good thorough job. Isn't that right sir?"

Mike's cock throbbed, and continued to throb as the "washing" continued.

When it was time for Dennis's ass cleaning, Mark coaxed Kevin to do the job. In spite of Kevin's lingering reluctance, he picked up the soap and got to it. Mike had the distinct feeling that Kevin was still pissed at Dennis.

Kevin soaped two of his fingers good and worked them in as fast and as deep as he could. He almost knocked Dennis off his feet as he rammed his fingers in and out. Dennis quivered, did a sort of little pain dance and snapped, "Holy Shit Kevin, that fucking hurts man! Chill out, will you?"

A wicked smile crossed Kevin's face as he rammed his fingers in even harder, "Oh come on, you said it had to be good and thorough!" Kevin chuckled.

Mike's cock was really throbbing now 3; really throbbing. Kevin seemed lost in the moment and was doing nothing short of finger fucking Dennis as hard as he possibly could.

There was no way he would stop this. Instead, he pulled off his jock, pulled off his jock and climbed into the tub and said, "Okay Slave Boys, time to clean your Master. Make sure you do a good job, I shouldn't have to clean my self."

The boys were just a little shocked. It was the first time all three had seen their "Master" totally naked. They were a little tentative at first as they began soaping Mike's firm muscular body. They seemed encouraged though and got bolder when Mike placed his hands behind his head and closed his eyes.

They got bolder as they felt Mike quiver as they neared his manly parts. Mike had pretty much surrendered to the feeling. He wondered which one of the boys would have the guts to work on his ass, and just how "deep" the cleaning would be.

A smile crossed his face as he realized it was Dennis who had begun soaping his ass.

Someone else was smiling too.

Tom made sure the DVD recorder was recording the scene, then "muted" the speaker volume as he continued to watch.

He picked up his cell phone and dialed the number the guy at the sex shop had given him.

Story Postlogue, Questions And What's Next!

A second apology for taking so long with this installment. I had my reasons, but am back now.

As I write, I continue to be led by the 'muse' between my legs. What helps keep the 'muse' alive and working? Well it's a number of things. Emails do help. The ones that seem to help the most are ones that include 'real life' experiences, no matter how simple. Real life 'initiation' experiences are my favorite.

Also there are the ones that encourage me and include some suggestions for 'things' that the reader would like to see happen to certain characters who are in the story.

As far as what's next is concerned? As always that's tough, since there are so many places to go. At the moment I am certain there will be the following 3;

- Continued 'coverage' of events at the 'Dungeon House'. Dennis, Mark and Kevin are at the beginning of their week there.

- 'Payouts' from the Arena show 'Raffles'! The guys who got raffled off owe a full day to the winner where anything goes: * Logan to a Teammate from the lacrosse team. * Justyn (the smart ass 17 yr. old) to one of the young 'brats' (The 12/13 year old punks) * Coach Taylor to the Twins' Dad. * The Twins to another one of the 'Brats.' * Cody (The College senior star quaterback) to a 14 year old boy.

And, of course, the Internet Raffle (These Guys Each Owe a LIVE 'Private' Show on the Net): * Chip (Age- 15) * Casey (Age 18) * Logan (Age 16) The 'winners' have yet to be revealed (HINT! Means open to suggestion!!!)

There will be another Arena Event, plus more Action at the Torture House.

Well, that's it for now.

Thanks for reading. Scotty westwoodscotty(at)hotmail(dot)com

PS: My Story support site is back online. Ask me for the link and I'll send it to you. Sorry if I missed earlier requests. BTW, it does include pictures of how viewers 'see' many of the characters (feel free to send your ideas/pictures too). There are also direct links to a number of favorite videos. All free, of course.