PZA Boy Stories

Scott Westwood

Boys Love Torture

Chapter 25
There's No Business Like Show Business

Story Notes

Just a few quick notes before we pick up the story.

My original intent was to get into the 'Arena' with this chapter, but I go where the 'spirit' and other 'feelings' lead me. I follow my 'horned muse'. We are getting close to the Arena event though.

Also, this is clearly a 'gay' story. Although there will come times when some girls appear. Their 'use' will be primarily to provide another element of humiliation for the boys 3; and nothing more. So not to worry, this story will NEVER make it into the realm of bi-sexual stories!

This is a LONG chapter for several reasons. Foremost among them was the simple fact that I felt moved to provide more experiences with the Twins and Kevin, which will serve as a springboard into other future encounters, and second, I have included another RECAP of the characters. It can be found at the END of the Chapter. Feel Free to scroll down there before starting this Chapter to refresh your memory. And, of course, I tend to write long chapters anyway 3; LOL!

Now as this Chapter opens, it is the Wednesday morning before the big event at the 'Naked Fight Club' in the old barn. The Twins, Brandon and Bryce, are in for a really interesting and full day, as are the Peterson brothers and their German exchange student, Kevin.


Bryce and Brandon were nervous, once again, as they reached the vacant classroom, pulled off their clothes and assumed the 'present' position in the hallway. It was Wednesday, a day that promised to be a long one, since they had to model for the art class that night.

As they waited, they both wondered about who would be inside the classroom this time and what they would be required to do. Despite their nervousness, their cocks throbbed inside the nasty little chastity cages as they remembered what had happened on the previous days.

When the door finally opened, they hurried inside. The heavy window shades had been pulled down, so the room was really dark. They stumbled in the darkness, found their 'spot' and assumed the 'present' position and then looked around. It took a little while for their eyes to become adjusted to the dark. When they did, what they saw made them really start to tremble.

It was an old building and this room had some large wooden ceiling beams. Someone had hung some chains and rope from two of the beams and it didn't take a mental giant to figure out what they would be used for. There was also the fact that two solid wooden chairs had been placed under the dangling chains and ropes.

The twins were blinded for a moment as several spotlights were suddenly switched on. They heard a deep voice, which sounded familiar say, 'Okay you two, now listen up you know you must do whatever you are told, so do it quickly!'

"You will go to the chairs. There you will find several objects. The first are sets of leather wrist and ankle restraints which you will put on yourselves. The other item I will explain once your restraints are on. Now do it!"

The twins hurried to obey. The tone of that voice told them they did not want to anger this guy. As soon as they were done, they stood up and waited. Both had seen the other object on the chairs and trembled. They knew what it was and knew it would not be pleasant.

They squinted and tried to make out who the "voice" was, but couldn't. It was too dark and the spotlights were blinding them. One thing they could make out though was that there was a camera on a tripod aimed at them, and it was running.

"Okay, you did good. Now I could tell by your looks that you recognized the other objects. They are inflatable butt plugs. They have been greased and are ready to be inserted, so insert them in each other now! And insert them deep!"

Bryce picked up his plug, handed it to Brandon, bent over, spread his cheeks as wide as he could and waited.

The voice smiled as he watched Brandon work the plug deep into his brother's tight ass. If there was one thing he loved, it was hearing a cocky college jock like these guys moan. And moan Bryce did as Brandon forced the plug in.

Brandon moaned too, when it was his turn.

As soon as they were done, the voice commanded them to sit in the chairs, with their arms over their heads 3; which they did.

That was when they had their second surprise. There were others in the room, who quickly proceeded to secure the twins in the chairs.

The twins trembled some more when they saw who the others were. There were three of them. They were part of that group of brats from the park. All looked to be around 12 or 13 years old and all looked like real smart asses.

They moved quickly. Their arms were pulled up over their heads and secured to the chains. Both were somewhat surprised at how good and thorough the brats were.

Their ankles were pulled up on either side of the chairs and tied off. Then their knees were pulled apart and tied to the front corners of the chair seats. Finally a rope was pulled around their waists, just above their pubes and tied off.

When the brats were done, the twins were totally immobilized and with their legs spread as wide as they were, they were in an extremely vulnerable position. They felt even more vulnerable when one of the brats unlocked the chastity devices and set them aside.

Now it wasn't just their balls that were exposed but also their cocks, which true to form, began to harden.

Once the twins were totally secured, the "voice" thought for a moment. His plan was to make an "interrogation" movie that seemed real. In order to do so, he would need to instill some real fear in the victims. What he said next, did exactly that.

"Okay boys, I could tell by where you were looking that you know this whole session is being taped. That shouldn't come as a surprise to you."

It didn't. The twins knew it had happened before, and although it was embarrassing, it was something they could handle. They weren't prepared for what they heard next.

"And now for the surprise. You see I know what has been going on here the last couple of days. I know what your orders are. You enter this room and have to do whatever you are told for an hour."

"Now that the two of you are tied up and ready, I will tell you that my three young apprentices and I, chased your `would be' tormentors for today away. And now you are ours!"

That got their attention!

"And you may be ours for a lot longer than an hour, unless you tell me what I want to know. And you WILL tell me what I want to know! Have no doubt about it, my young apprentices can't wait to make you talk. I gave them some good torture ideas, but trust me, they have some pretty good ones of their own.

[Boy Fact #5- Boys can be very cruel and sadistic.][Boy Fact #13- Younger boys are fascinated by older boys' "tools". They love the thought of torturing older boys' genitals.]

"Okay now here's the deal. The two of you are in the Gamma Fraternity. My young friends here will torture you both until one of you tells me the frat's secret password. My advice is that you save yourselves a lot of pain and suffering by telling us now."The twins looked at each other for a moment, then looked towards the "voice." Brandon took a deep breath and said, "Umm, that's something we just can't do. We would get kicked out."

And for the twins, getting kicked out of the fraternity would be really bad. One of the conditions their dad had made when he agreed to pay their tuition and room and board was that they join the Gamma fraternity and remain active until they graduated.

If they left college, they would have to return home and would end up working for their uncle's construction company. Which was something that neither one wanted.

The "voice" smiled and said, "Well suit yourselves! Okay boys you might as well get started."

He knew the brats were anxious to get started. Getting the chance to torture two hot college jocks was reward enough for their services. But there was another part to their deal.

If the brats failed to get the twins to talk, then all three of them would end up being tortured during the upcoming weekend's arena event. Though they were a little young, they did have nice compact bodies and seemed to be naturally athletic. The "voice" figured that since they were real "smart-asses", it would be fun to torture them and make them beg.

The brat who seemed to be the leader of the little group, laughed sadistically and snarled, "Okay, go ahead and put the clamps on them!"

The other two brats picked up two sets of tit clamps and clipped them on the twins' nipples. The clamps they were using had sharp metal teeth and both of them gasped as pain shot through their nipples.

Both of them had very sensitive nipples 3; and both were feeling the pain.

The head brat snarled, "What is the password?"

To the delight of the mysterious "voice", who remained in the shadows behind the camera, Bryce glared at the brat and said, "You know we can't tell you that, no matter what you do to us!"

The brat laughed and said, "We were hoping you'd say that!"

He nodded at his two buddies, who immediately kneeled behind the chairs, grabbed the bulbs on the ends of the inflatable butt plugs and started pumping.

Brandon and Bryce moaned as they felt the plugs expanding inside their butts. It didn't take long for their moans to turn to groans. Both began to sweat as pain shot through their insides.

The brat snarled again, "What is the password?"

Bryce and Brandon were already suffering, unfortunately for them, it was just the beginning. The pain and humiliation reminded both of them of some of the punishments their father and uncle had put them through while they were growing up.

They both hoped what the brats did to them would not be as bad 3; it wasn't. It was worse.

The "voice" smiled as he watched the brats really go to work. The acting wasn't that great, in fact it sucked, but what the hell, the acting in most porn movies sucked anyway. He figured with some clever editing, he could put one together that he could post on a few of his favorite Websites. Having the second camera, in a semi-close-up of the twins would help the process. He glanced over at that camera to make sure it was still on 3; it was!

Brandon snapped, "We'll never tell! Do what you must, but we'll tell you nothing."

The brat really seemed pleased, even more so when the twins cried out as the butt plugs were inflated more.

Both were already in a lot of pain, but it got even more intense when the brat pulled the chains that connected their tit clamps up and connected them to the overhead ropes. They looked up and shook some more when they saw the ropes were actually running through some little pulleys.

The purpose of the pulleys became clear in a moment. Both of them cried out as the brat attached weights to the ends of the ropes and let them drop. The pain in their tits was now even more intense.

"What's the password?" the brat snarled!

Bryce gasped, "Fuck you! We'll never tell you!"

The brat grinned some more. Looked at his buddies and said, "Okay, prepare them for the ultimate tortures!"

The "voice" didn't know what those tortures would be, but was anxious to see. Needless to say, the twins weren't anxious to find out.

The "voice" smiled as he watched the two boys kneel beside the chairs and start stroking the twin's cocks. It didn't take long at all for the two hot jocks to become totally and painfully erect.

The "voice" was a little surprised about that, since the twins were already in so much pain and were clearly scared.

Had he known what the brothers had gone through at home, he wouldn't have been surprised at all.

The truth was their father was an extremely strict disciplinarian with some rather twisted ideas. Their mother had died in a car accident just after dropping the twins off at a cub scout meeting, and their dad had, pretty much blamed them.

After that, punishments for even the slightest infraction, were frequent and grew more and more intense, and perverse.

Every time they were punished, the twins were required to be naked 3; and every time they were required to be fully erect. What made things even tougher was the fact that they were usually punished in front of someone else. Sometimes it was their uncle, other times a neighbor, and other times some of their friends. There were even times when they were turned over to a neighbor for punishment.

Despite the fact that most people would think it was wrong, no one ever said anything. In fact, the "witnesses" actually seemed to enjoy watching the twins being punished, especially after they reached puberty.

Dad also insisted that when they worked out at home, they had to be naked, which included when they exercised out in their yard 3; something he required them to do every day 3; and their workouts were always grueling.

The boys were also required to play sports year round. In the fall it was lacrosse 3; winter it was wrestling 3; spring it was baseball 3; and summer it was soccer. Both boys were naturally gifted athletes and incredibly handsome.

Although they were quite popular in high school, they rarely dated. And when they did, Dad had to approve of who they went out with and gave them an early curfew. And on those few times they did go out, Dad put a chastity device on each of them.

The whole dating thing was just a way of keeping up appearances. Dad knew that his sons were gay. He also knew that being a gay high school jock was not easy and if word got out, it could cause problems.

So he let them date. Actually he "made" them date, but only enough to look good.

Of course he knew his son's had certain needs 3; needs that he took it upon himself to control and use.

Being punished in front of others, was humiliating enough, but Dad had other ways of humiliating them that were even more intense.

He knew the twins had discovered the joys of masturbation about the time they entered junior high school. He also knew that they frequently participated in mutual masturbation sessions. Those activities were hard to hide, especially since his room was right next to theirs.

Dad let them have their fun throughout junior high, but once they entered high school he took total control.

It was on a Friday afternoon during the summer before they entered high school that Dad told his sons to meet him in the hallway by the front door. They had just returned from soccer practice and were looking forward to taking a shower.

They where used to "hallway" meetings. They stripped off their clothes and headed downstairs.

Dad was standing beside the closet, holding a tape measure and a marker. Brandon and Bryce stood on either side of the closet door and waited while Dad went through the routine he had performed since they were 8 years old.

He marked their height on the door frame and noted the date. Then he measured their waists and chests and added that to the notation.

He stepped back and waited while they prepared themselves for the final measurement. A smile crossed Dad's face as he watched his sons stroke themselves to full erection. Both were fully developed. They had thick patches of pubic hair. Their balls hung low and their cocks were perfectly formed. As soon as they were fully erect Dad measured their cocks. He smiled as he added the results to the notations on the door frame. At 9 inches [23 cm] each, his boys were very well endowed.

Brandon and Bryce waited to be dismissed. Both were anxious to get into the shower, and "relieve" themselves. But dad wasn't done with them yet.

He stepped between them, took hold of their hard cocks and said, "Well boys, it does seem like you really are well on your way to becoming men. So it's time for a new set of rules."

The twins did not like the sound of that, but knew they had no choice in the matter.

"Now I know you boys like to masturbate."

The twins started to protest, but Dad silenced them with a wave of his hand.

"Don't even try to deny it. I've known it for sometime. And I also know that you boys have sex with each other. I'm not going to tell you not to, in fact, as far as I'm concerned you can jack off as often as you want and have sex with each other, whenever you want."

"The only thing is, whenever you want to do either, you will have to ask my permission. And if I find out you've done it without my permission, you both will be punished severely."

Brandon and Bryce remembered that day well. And they remembered how humiliated they felt all through high school when they asked Dad for that permission. He pretty much always granted it.

The twins were too scared to disobey, except for one time. Dad caught them in the act when he came home early from work and told them they would be punished in a way they never had been before and that they never would forget it.

Dad was absolutely right about that.

Tied in the chairs and being tortured by these three young boys, reminded them of that punishment.

Dad had arranged things with a neighbor who had two sons aged 11 and 12. The twins had been punished in front of the boys on a number of occasions. And the boys really seemed to like watching.

The plan was a simple one, but it worked.

The boys next door had a weekend sleepover with one of their friends who had also witnessed the twins' punishment before. The three of them slept in the basement rec room.

Friday night, Dad delivered Brandon and Bryce to the sleep over. They were both naked and had their hands cuffed behind their backs.

Dad gave the keys to the cuffs to the boys and said, "Okay boys, Brandon and Bryce need to be punished. I talked to your fathers and they agreed it would be all right for the three of you to do handle their punishment. So the deal is this, they belong to you guys for the entire weekend. They will do whatever you say, and you can do whatever you want to them 3; and I mean `whatever' you want. Just remember, they have been very bad and it should be really rough punishment."

The three young boys' eyes widened when they heard the "deal."

[Boy Fact #5- Boys can be very cruel and sadistic.][Boy Fact #13- Younger boys are fascinated by older boys' "tools". They love the thought of torturing older boys' genitals.]

Dad stayed long enough to see Brandon and Bryce being tied in chairs. He smiled as he went up the stairs.

He was barely out the door when he heard Bryce scream.For the twins it was a weekend from hell. The three young boys tortured them almost constantly. And when they weren't torturing them, they humiliated them in various ways.

By the time the weekend was over, the twins could barely walk. Their balls and nipples ached, as did their cocks. Their bodies were covered with red marks. They had lost track of the number of times they had sucked cocks and the things that had been forced into their butts.

And here they were, at the mercy of three young boys who were almost the same age. These three were just as cruel and sadistic as the others, maybe more so.

The twins trembled as two of the brats knelt beside them and began applying pieces of duct tape to their inner thighs. Their legs weren't that hairy but they did have a nice coating of short soft golden hairs on their thighs.

The head brat waited for the duct tape to be applied then snarled, "What's the secret password?"

Brandon snapped back, "Look, we're not gonna tell you. So why don't you just let us go. If you want, we'll give you guys blow jobs."

The brat laughed again and said, "Oh don't worry you'll do that anyway. So save yourselves a lot of pain and tell us what we want to know."

The twins shook their heads.

The brat smiled, nodded at his two friends and snapped, "What's the secret password?"

Brandon and Bryce kept their mouths closed and waited.

A moment later, both opened their mouths and gasped as the first piece of duct tape was slowly pulled from their inner thighs.

The "voice" smiled as he watched the duct tape torture continue. The boys took their time. Piece after piece was slowly pulled off. By the time they were done, Brandon and Bryce were gasping for air and tears were running down their faces.

He smiled even more when he saw the head brat take 6 candle jars out of the box and light them. The twins saw it too and shuddered again. They knew at least one of the next tortures they would be facing, and it definitely wasn't a favorite.

Once the candles were lit, the brat pulled a small black box out and looked towards the "voice" who chuckled, "Yea, go ahead and use it. I told you how it works."

The brat smiled as he pulled the accessories out of the box.

Brandon and Bryce trembled as they watched the brat setting things up. It didn't take them long to figure out what was coming.

The brat placed a chair behind the twins, put the black box on the seat and then plugged it into an extension cord.

One of his buddies asked, "So Dude are we really gonna put those things in their dicks?"

The brat laughed, "Hell yes! This will be lots of fun 3; well maybe not for them."

The "voice" watched as the boys greased up a couple of thin metal rods and then carefully inserted them into the piss slits of the twins' hard cocks.

Brandon and Bryce winced as they felt the rods being worked into their throbbing shafts. It was an odd feeling and was very uncomfortable. Worse was the fact that they knew what was coming.

The brat attached wires to the end of the two rods and then asked, "What is the secret password?"

Brandon glared at the brat and snapped, "Fuck you all!"

The brat smiled as he turned the dial on the black box.

Bryce and Brandon's eyes widened as the felt a strong tingling sensation inside their cocks. At first it tickled, but then began to really itch. And it was an itch that quickly became maddening. They both tugged at their bounds and squirmed in their chairs.

Their squirming didn't help and only seemed to cause more pain inside their stretched butt holes.

"What is the secret password?" the brat demanded as he turned the dial.

The twins' reaction was almost immediate. They both screamed as they felt what seemed like hundreds of needle pricks inside their throbbing cocks.


The "voice" grinned as he heard the twins' screams and watched them yank at their bonds. If there was one thing he really enjoyed, it was seeing naked, well muscled college boy jocks suffer 3; and suffer they did!

The brat continued turning the dial as he demanded to know the secret password.

"What's the secret password? Tell me now unless you want your cocks to be fried from the inside out!"

The "voice" grinned a lot more as he listened to the brat's words. He knew that the current wasn't strong enough to actually burn them, but would, nevertheless cause a lot of pain.

The twins screamed and gasped for the next twenty minutes and then began to beg.

Bryce pleaded with the brats, "OH GOD! Please stop! We'll do whatever you want if you just turn that thing off! PLEASE!"

"Okay sure, just tell me the secret password!"

The begging and screaming continued even after the probes were removed from their suffering cocks.

Now the pain came from the hot wax being dribbled all over their naked bodies. Needless to say their cocks and balls got extra doses of the burning molten wax.

The "voice" knew the twins were tough, but was amazed that they could endure so much pain without totally breaking. Even more amazing was the fact that both remained painfully erect.

Still, he wondered why they didn't save themselves more agony by simply revealing the password. It couldn't be that important.

Actually it wasn't all that important. What was important was what would happen if they did reveal it. They would definitely be kicked out of the fraternity, which would mean they would have to move back home 3; and that was something neither wanted to do.

They both new, however, if it was decided to "kick" them out, they would be given a chance to stay. That "chance" would require them to spend an entire week in the secret room in the basement of the frat house.

The room was called Satan's Chamber, and although they didn't know exactly what went on there, they had heard rumors.

Rumor had it that the room was equipped with a variety of some of the worst torture devices ever devised. Once inside the chamber, there was no such thing as a safe word. They would be tortured and humiliated around the clock for the entire week.

After it was over, they would be allowed back in, but would have to go through a pledge period all over again 3;a pledge period that would last a full semester.

And so it was, though they did beg, they did not break.

The brats were relentless and totally sadistic. They gave the twins' genitals a full coating of wax. And when it had hardened, they removed the wax using penis whips and ball paddles.

The twins' screams became so loud that they had to be gagged.

The "voice" was pleased with what was happening. Just as he had figured the brats were really cruel and obviously were enjoying torturing the two college jocks.

Of course he knew that they had another reason to be so tenacious.

It had been totally by chance that he had come upon them in the middle of vandalizing one of the large picnic pavilions in the park. They had done a lot of damage and he had managed to capture it all on video.

He made a copy of the video and stopped by the park a few days later with his portable video viewer.

Needless to say, the brats were in a state of shock when the "voice" tracked them down and showed them the video. There was some "trash" talk at first, which ended quickly as the "voice" laid down his terms.

He would keep the video to himself if the three of them agreed to help him out with his little torture video. That part was an easy "sell." It was the second part that took some convincing.

The "voice" had "eyed" them up while he explained. While he really wasn't that "into" younger boys, he did love the thought of humiliating these three punks, and making them squeal.

The deal was, if they managed to "break" the twins, they would get to use them as their slaves for a month. However, if they failed, all three of them would be participants in the upcoming "Arena" Event.

Although they didn't know exactly would they would have to do, they had a pretty good idea and it wasn't pretty 3; still they made the deal, since they figured they had no choice.

Brandon and Bryce were crying like babies.

The brats began focusing on the twins' balls. They tied them off with some more rope and paddled them, then they began squeezing them in their hands and letting the balls "pop" through their fingers.

The pain was terrible, but so was the humiliation of being worked on by these young boys.

The years of twisted naked punishments they had experienced at home, had essentially conditioned them to get boned anytime they were punished. Though they stayed hard most of the morning, after three hours of nearly constant torture, they finally began to soften.

Much to the brats dismay, the "voice" announced that the time was up. The brats pleaded to be allowed to continue, but the voice refused.

"I told you guys you had three hours to break them. Well, the three hours are up, which means the three of you will be part of the arena event this weekend. So just get used to the idea. Now put the chastity devices back on them, untie them and get the hell out of here. I'll let you know when you need to be at the barn."

The "voice" smiled as he watched the brats release the twins. Brandon and Bryce were covered in sweat and were trembling 3; they weren't the only ones.

The brats really were cocky and had been so sure of themselves. By the time they had the twins released, all three were sweating and shaking.

The "voice" smiled broadly as he watched the brats leave. Though they were only 13, they did have nice, tight compact bodies and judging by the bulges in their shorts, at least two were fairly well endowed.

Yes, it would be fun to include them in the weekend's activities. Though he had not thought it through entirely, he did have a few days to come up with something interesting for the three young punks.

The twins remained sitting in their chairs, waiting.

Another minute went by before they saw the camera light go off.

There was movement behind the camera. Their eyes widened as the "voice" stepped around the tripod and approached.

It was Jake, the sadistic skinny guy from the Geek frat.

"Well, I must admit, you guys surprised me. I was certain the little devils would break you. Oh well, I guess it is just as well that they didn't. My guess is had you revealed that password, you both would have been in lots of trouble with your frat."

Neither one knew what to say, so they just sat in silence, catching their breaths, as Jake continued.

"The boys did a great job on you both, and although there are a few red marks here and there, they are not too bad, which is good, since you two have a posing session tonight. My advice is that you go back to the frat house, get cleaned up and then rest."

The twins didn't need to be told twice. They struggled to their feet and left the room as quickly as they could.

Jake grinned as he watched them stagger towards the door. He really did like looking at their lean muscular naked bodies and was so looking forward to the weekend's events.

Brandon and Bryce dressed quickly and headed back to the frat house. Their bodies ached and both were grateful when they were finally able to take a long hot shower together. They soaped each other up and took turns gently massaging each other's tortured bodies.

Eventually both of them started feeling a lot better. They rinsed off and dried each other, then went to their room and flopped down on their beds. They laid in silence for a few minutes before Brandon finally spoke up.

"Dude, those inflatable butt plugs were really wicked 3; I thought my ass was going to explode, it hurt like hell."

Bryce laughed, "Tell me about! My nipples are really sore too and look really red."

They compared notes for awhile, and eventually drifted off to sleep.

They awoke about an hour before the art class began. They dressed quickly and headed towards the art department.

Despite the fact that while they were growing up, they had been required to be naked in front of so many others, they still remained somewhat shy and blushed easily when they were "on display."

Yes it was one thing to be naked with other guys in a locker room, but another to be the only ones naked in a room 3; and this evening, they would be naked in front of an entire classroom of art students.


When they arrived at the classroom, Professor Mitchell was talking to two boys at the back of the room. Both were a little on the skinny side and appeared to be high school age.

The professor looked up and smiled as he saw the twins enter the room.

"Ahh there you guys are. Good you are here ahead of time. I'd like you to meet my two interns, Nick and Allen. They are from the local high school art department and will be preparing you both for your posing sessions. So you do whatever they say."

Nick looked at the Professor and giggled, "So how do we tell them apart?"

Professor Mitchell, chuckled, "Well it doesn't matter all that much, but this is Bryce and he's Brandon. You can tell them apart by their haircuts. Anyway, why don't you get started while I finish my preparations? I'll check them over when you are done, oh and yes, take off their chastity devices."

Nick told the twins to take off their clothes and stand with their hands behind their heads.

By the time they were naked, and standing as ordered, both were blushing and their cocks were straining inside the chastity devices.

Nick and Allen's cocks were straining as well as they removed the chastity devices and both smiled broadly as they watched the twins' cocks bone up as soon as they were free. The "internship" aside, the truth was Nick and Allen were very excited about the chance to not only see the two hot jocks naked, but to actually get to feel their bodies.

Professor Mitchell had been very specific. He had given them bottles of oil and instructed them to oil the twins bodies to ensure that their musculature really stood out. And so they took their time, rubbing the oil all over Brandon and Bryce's bodies.

The professor watched, out of the corner of his eye, as they rubbed the oil into the twins' pecs, biceps, abs and so on. He grinned some more when he saw them slowly coat their thighs and genitals with liberal amounts of oil.

By the time Nick and Allen were done, Bryce and Brandon were breathing really hard and their cock heads were glistening with pre-cum. As embarrassing as it was to let these "geek-ish" high school art students feel their bodies like this, there was no denying the fact that they were also turned on.

The Professor walked over and examined the twins. He noticed the fact that their nipples seemed very red and that there were several red marks on various parts of their bodies. He thought about questioning them about it, but decided to wait until the class arrived.

It would be more fun to question them in front of the class.

Professor Mitchell told the twins to stand on either side of the door and to introduce themselves to the class members as they came in. It was yet another embarrassing moment, in a long string of embarrassing moments the professor had planned for them.

It wasn't long before the students began arriving. Every one of them smiled as they "checked out" the two naked jocks standing just inside the door. Most of the girls couldn't seem to take their eyes off of their 9 inch [23 cm] erect cocks, which were standing straight up.

Professor Mitchell glanced around the room as the students took their places at the various drawing stations. It was a full house and all seemed anxious to get started.

The Professor passed out copies of the course syllabus and went over the basic rules and grading process. When he was done, he announced that the first assignment would be to complete a charcoal drawing that depicted the two models in a classical Greek fashion and highlighted their musculature.

He let the class think about it for a moment, then continued, "Okay, now before you all start, I am going to let you take a few minutes to examine our models more closely. For an assignment like this, some artists do better work if they have a chance to actually feel their subject."

"Brandon and Bryce will now circulate around the room and stop at each of your stations. Feel free to explore their muscular lines and their bodies in general. Also while doing that, try closing your eyes as you feel and envision what you are feeling."

The twins were really shocked and utterly embarrassed. Their embarrassment grew as they made their way around the room.

To Professor Mitchell's delight, all the students in the class took advantage of his suggestion. They felt Bryce and Brandon's muscles and generally ran their hands all over their tight bodies.

Their genitals received plenty of attention as well, especially from the girls in the class. By the time the class was done feeling them, both were breathing hard and their cocks were throbbing.

The twins took their place on the raised platform and assumed the pose that the professor had given them. The way they were standing they looked a lot like classic Greek statues.

As the students began prepping their drawing materials, Professor Mitchell decided to add some more humiliation.

"Now some of you may have noticed the red marks on their bodies and the fact that their nipples seem somewhat sore. Would one of you mind explaining what happened?"

Neither one wanted to and both blushed even more.

The look on the professor's face showed that they had to say something. Brandon took a deep breath and offered, "Well, it was sort of like a fraternity initiation thing. It got a little rough."

The Professor laughed and said, "Well, why don't you tell us little bit about it while the class gets ready."

Both seemed like they were ready to cry. Brandon thought for a moment then decided to give a real quick summary. He hoped it would be enough.

Actually it was more than enough.

Everyone listened intently as Brandon told them about being tied in chairs, naked, having clamps put on their nipples and getting whipped on their chests, thighs, stomachs and genitals.

There were some murmurs here and there but few seemed surprised. They were in college, and new a lot of what went on during fraternity initiations.

As soon as Brandon was done talking, the professor continued, "All right, I guess that's enough of an explanation. Looks like everyone is ready to start. Now, as I said, you are to try and capture the feeling of early Greek art. I would suggest you just draw one of them, since you will only have 20 minutes for your first drawing."

"And one more thing, can anyone tell me, what is an important difference between the way males were depicted in classical Greek statues and our two models?"

He glanced around the room. He guessed that some of them knew, but were afraid to speak up.

He stepped up on the platform beside Bryce and pointed at his genitals.

"Well, it's these. When you get a chance, take a look at some pictures of Greek statues. One of the obvious differences is the fact that most of the athletes shown in that art were depicted with small genitals, which is clearly not the case here. Both of these guys are very well endowed, and should be depicted as such."

"For class purposes I would like you to draw them as accurately as possible."

One of the students asked, "Ummm Professor, both of them are you know 3; ummm, erect now. So should we draw them that way?"

He smiled and nodded, "Yes draw them as you see them."

And with that they started to draw.

Professor Mitchell could tell the twins were really embarrassed by his last comments. Both tried to "will" themselves to get soft, but neither could. They were just too horned now and stimulated.

The professor circulated through the room, offering suggestions here and there while trying to judge the level of talent in the class.

All of the drawings were rather good, but two of them really caught his eye.

There were two boys who were sitting closest to the platform. Both seemed focused on the subjects' genitals, and both seemed to a have a flair for emphasizing the erotic. Yes, he would definitely keep on eye on these two.

By the time the first 20 minutes were up, the twins had relaxed quite a bit and were actually beginning to enjoy the attention they were getting.

The next drawing was a pencil one. The Professor had the twins assume a classic wrestling pose 3; standing up and grappling each other. Needless to say, the fact that their naked, oiled and sweating bodies were pressed against each other did nothing to lessen their aroused state.

Professor Mitchell circulated again and was pleased to note that the two boys who had caught his attention were once again focusing on the twins' genitals.

The class went well. The students seemed to enjoy having the twins as models, even more so when they learned that Bryce and Brandon would be with them for the entire semester.

The other thing that got them excited was when Professor Mitchell pointed out the digital video cameras mounted around the room and explained that all of the modeling sessions would be posted on the department's website within a couple of days.

That got Nick and Allen's attention. They couldn't wait to share the sessions with some of their friends.

As the end of the class drew near, Professor Mitchell decided to do one more drawing assignment. He hoped it would have the desired result.

Bryce and Brandon were really on the edge now. They had been erect for over two hours and were leaking lots of pre-cum.

The last drawing was to be a charcoal one. The Professor put the twins in another wrestling pose 3; one that, given the present circumstances, was very erotic.

It was called a "full nelson." Brandon stood behind Bryce and wrapped his arms up and under Bryce's arm pits. He completed the hold by locking his hands behind Bryce's head. The end result was that Bryce was essentially "spread-eagled" in front of the class, with his genitals fully exposed.

And if that weren't enough, the tip of Brandon's hard cock was pressed up against Bryce's hole 3; something that the class couldn't really see, but Bryce was very aware of.

The class had been drawing for only about five minutes when Bryce began to gasp.

Brandon whispered in his brother's ear, "Need me to loosen up a bit? Am I hurting you Bro?"

Bryce whispered back, "No Dude 3; shit it's not that 3; dang, I don't think I can stop it now 3; SHIT!"

Brandon felt Bryce's muscles really tighten and knew what was about to happen. Although he knew he shouldn't do it, he couldn't resist. He pressed his cock hard against Bryce's tight hole and forced his cock head inside.

Professor Mitchell smiled as he heard both of the twins gasp.

Bryce began to tremble uncontrollably. He made one last attempt to stay nature's course, but it was too late 3; there was just too much "stimulation."

Everyone's eyes widened as Bryce cried out and began shooting load after load of his thick college jock cum.

The first blast arched up and out and splattered on the feet of one of the two "erotic" boy artists. It was followed immediately by two more shots that landed on the edge of the platform.

Bryce's face turned bright crimson as his orgasmic convulsions gradually subsided. Sure he had cum before, in front of others, but this was different.

Professor Mitchell turned his attention to the two boy artists' drawing pads. As expected, both were sketching hurriedly 3; and both were depicting cum blasting out of Bryce's cock.

He waited a few minutes for everyone to finish, then told Brandon to release his hold on Bryce.

As soon as Bryce was free he had one of his interns fetch a towel for Bryce and told him to clean himself up, and wipe up his mess.

For Bryce it was yet another humiliating moment. All eyes were on him as he wiped off his cock, then got down on all fours and proceeded to wipe up all his cum. The one erotic boy artist grinned as Bryce wiped off his shoes. For him it was a thrill to see this naked jock down on his knees wiping up his own cum.

It was a thrill for the Professor as well. He had thought about having Bryce lick it up, but decided that would be too much for the first night.

The class was able to get in two more drawings before the night was over. To everyone's delight, by the time they were done, Bryce was once again fully erect.

The Professor kept the twins standing on the platform while the students put away their materials and placed their drawings in their assigned drawers. They all smiled at the twins as they left.

The last two students were the two boys who had added an erotic touch to all of their drawings. They lingered in front of the platform and kept eying the twins.

"You boys need something?" the Professor inquired.

They looked at each other, blushed slightly, and then one of them said, "Well, sort of. We um noticed in the syllabus that there will be a special project later in the semester and that besides that, we could apply for additional assignments, for extra credit. Is that right?"

The Professor smiled and said, "Yes it is, it can be just about anything. So do you two have something in mind already?"

The other one smiled and said, "Well, actually we do, we um talked about it during break and were wondering if maybe we could schedule some private modeling time with these guys."

Professor Mitchell smiled some more and said, "Yes, that probably could be arranged, that is if Bryce and Brandon agree, and you would have to pay them for their time."

They talked for a little while longer and worked out an agreement. The twins could use the money, so it wasn't that difficult for them to agree. After all, these two guys would be seeing them naked every week anyway, so why not.

The boys were just about ready to leave when the professor added, "I was just wondering if you guys would like to do one more quick drawing tonight?"

The looks on their faces told the Professor they would, and he couldn't resist one last round of humiliation for the twins.

While they hurried to retrieve their drawing materials, the Professor picked up two objects from his desk. As soon as they were ready, he showed them to the boys and asked, "Do you know what these are?"

Once again they glanced at each other, grinned, and one of them replied, "Well they look like male chastity devices."

"That's right," the Professor said. "And here is the thing, Bryce and Brandon have to have these on, when they leave. As you can see, I won't be able to put them on if they are erect. So I was thinking, I saw the nature of your first set of drawings and thought it might be interesting if you did a drawing of them masturbating. As soon as they are done, I should be able to get the things on them when they soften up."

Again, the twins blushed. They didn't want to masturbate in front of these two art students, but figured they had no choice.

The boys whispered to each other, then one of them asked if they could choose the pose.

The professor agreed.

Then, to the twins' embarrassment, one of the boys said, "Okay, well we'd like them to sit on the edge of the platform and jack each other off while we draw."

The Professor liked the idea and told the twins to do it.

And so, moments later, there they were, jacking each other off in front of these two strangers. As they did, both of them wondered what lay ahead during their "private" modeling sessions.

Fortunately for the twins both boys drew very fast. Which was good because it didn't take Bryce and Brandon long to shoot their loads all over the floor in front of them. Brandon's was the largest, but Bryce had a decent one too.

The Professor let the boys finish their drawings and put them away. He noted these drawings were even more erotic than the others and decided to take a chance.

When they returned from the art cabinet he told them, "Well, looks like Bryce and Brandon need to clean up their mess. Maybe you two could tell them how to do it. I have a feeling you could come up with an interesting way."

They looked a little nervous as they thought for a moment, then one of them said, "Well, um, maybe they should lick it up. Would that be okay?"

Much to the twins' chagrin, the Professor agreed, and so a moment later, there they were down on their hands and knees licking up their cum.

When they were finished, they stood up and waited while Professor Mitchell quickly placed the chastity devices back on them. The twins dressed immediately afterwards and to the Professor's delight, left the classroom chatting with the two boy artists.

"Yes," he thought, "This will be a very interesting semester."

The day had also been very "interesting" for another group.


The Peterson brothers and Kevin woke up just after 9:00 in the morning. Their parents were gone for the day, which meant Kevin would be required to be naked all day as part of his ongoing initiation.

Like most boys their age, all four of them had morning boners 3; and all four were horny. And so Kevin's initiation started early.

Chip started things off by reminding Kevin that he had to come up with a list of tortures and humiliations that he would undergo that evening and that they should be tough.

Kevin was eager to please his new friends and had been come up with some that he thought would really impress them. Most of the ideas had come from the websites and stories Chip had shown him the night before. Although some of them scared him, in a strange way, he actually was looking forward to the challenge.

Chip told him that he had until noon to complete his list and would be given time to do so. Then he turned to his brothers and said, "Okay guys we'll do some initiating now. We'll take turns giving Kev here, things to do before breakfast. We'll do some more after breakfast and then give him time to write up his list. So Stevie, how about you start. Give Kevin an order."

Stevie thought for a moment as he looked over Kevin's naked body. He really loved making older boys do things and especially loved torturing their cocks and balls. [Boy Fact #13- Younger boys are fascinated by older boys' "tools". They love the thought of torturing older boys' genitals.]

He looked at Chip and asked, "Anything right?"

Chip laughed and said, "Yea Sport, just remember though we have all day and we will be doing plenty tonight."

Stevie took another look at Kevin's hard cock. It was almost as big as Chip's. A wicked grin crossed his face and he said, "Okay, I'll be right back!"

Kevin saw the look on Stevie's face just before he ran out of the room and got a little nervous. If he knew what Stevie was up to, he would have been even more nervous.

Chip and Dennis were curious. They knew Stevie and were sure he would come up with something nasty and fun 3; and they were right.

One of the chores Stevie hated doing was trimming the holly bushes in the back yard. They had these hard leaves that were really prickly and no matter how hard he tried he usually got pricked.

Chip smiled when Stevie returned a few minutes later with several branches from the holly bushes. He laid them on the floor and then told Kevin to assume a push up position with his cock and balls right over the bunch of holly branches. There were a lot of leaves on the branches and Kevin eyed the hard prickly tips on them.

As soon as Kevin was in the push up position, Stevie put chairs on either side of his waist and told Chip and Dennis to sit in them, and then sat down in front of Kevin's face and waited.

Kevin tilted his head up, looked at Stevie and asked, "So what am I supposed to do now?"

Stevie laughed and said, "Nothing really, just hold your pushup position as long as you can.

Kevin locked his arms and tried not to think about the prickly holly leaves piled under his cock and balls. At first he thought it would be easy to remain in that position. However, after about ten minutes he started to breathe hard and sweat as he strained to maintain his position.

Eventually he got his first real jolt of pain when his middle sagged and his hard cock made contact with some of the sharp points on the holly leaves.

He gasped and raised his groin back up.


Stevie smiled. He had read about something like this on the internet and was really enjoying watching Kevin strain. It was happening pretty much the same way as in the story he had read.

Kevin had a nice firm muscular body and a nice sized hard cock, which was sticking out just about the prickly leaves. He started gasping for air and began shaking as he tried hard to maintain his push up position. It was clear he was starting to lose the battle.

Stevie smiled and taunted, "Well big guy, I think you know what will happen eventually. And don't even think about trying to twist and turn once your arms finally give out. Those chairs, along with Chip and Dennis will help make sure your favorite body parts end up right on top of those leaves! Oh and if you do try to turn, you will receive a very special punishment, which I guarantee will be worse!"

Kevin was really shaking now. His groin kept inching down and it felt like every muscle in his body was aching. He thought about the nasty prickly leaves touching his cock and balls and got scared. He tilted his head down, looked at the pile under his throbbing manhood and shook some more!

There were quite a few leaves, which meant there were quite a few prickly points.

The brothers watched Kevin's struggle and got even more boned as the hot blond German boy try to avoid the inevitable.

And when it finally did come, it was intense.

Kevin was totally covered with sweat when his arms finally gave out. He was actually too worn out to even try to twist and turn. He dropped to the floor and screamed as the prickly points of holly leaves jammed into his cock and balls.


Chip and Dennis added to his suffering by leaning over and pressing down on his butt.

Kevin's eyes filled with tears and he began to beg in English and German as the pain shot through his manly parts. His balls were hurting but his cock was worse. It was totally hard and that seemed to accentuate the pain.

They forced him to stay on the leaves for a couple of minutes then helped him roll off and onto his back.

Chip felt a little sorry for Kevin as he looked at him sobbing on the floor. There were tiny little red marks all over his cock and balls as well as on his lower abs and upper thighs.

They left him laying there while Stevie got rid of the branches.

When Kevin showed signs of gaining some composure, Chip turned to Dennis and said, "Okay Bro, your turn. Make him do something good and fun! Hahahaha!"

Dennis had been thinking about it the whole time Kevin was struggling. He had come up with an idea that he figured would be pretty humiliating. As it turned out by chance it ended up being even more humiliating than he had envisioned.

Chip and Stevie both smiled as they watched Dennis make his preparations. Dennis explained to Kevin that he was now his little puppy dog and would be treated as such.

He had Kevin get down on all fours and put a dog collar around his neck and attached a leash to it. He laughed as he reached between Kevin's legs and slipped a cock ring on along with a leather ball separator.

"These are my doggie's special collars."

He completed Kevin's preparation by forcing a butt plug into his ass. It was a special plug that had a thing that looked like a small brown feather duster sticking out of it.

"And of course doggie must have a tail!" he chuckled, as he tapped Kevin's new tail.

The brother's pulled on gym shorts and shoes. Chip and Stevie winked at each other as they watched Dennis lead Kevin out of the room. They followed as Kevin was forced to crawl through the house and out into the back yard.

Kevin trembled some as he realized where they were headed. Although he was no stranger to various forms of exhibitionism, which did excite him, this was different. It was humiliating and a little scary.

Chip and Stevie both laughed as Dennis led Kevin around the yard and then made him do tricks like "Sit-up" 3; "Roll Over" 3; "Speak" 3; and so on. They kept looking at Kevin's groin and smiled knowingly, as they noticed that Kevin was still as hard as a rock.

Chip whispered to Stevie, "Looks like our new German friend might not be quite as straight as he thinks."

Stevie giggled, "Yea, he seems to be into this."

Chip said, "Yes well he is 15, and trust me little brother, when you are 15 it's so easy to get `into' lots of things. I can't wait to see his torture list for tonight. That should tell us a lot!"

They continued to watch as Dennis played with Kevin. Now he was throwing a stick and making Kevin "fetch" it with his teeth. Both felt their cocks throb as they watched the naked, blond German boy crawl around the back yard.

Their cocks weren't the only ones throbbing. Dennis's was really throbbing, but so was Kevin's. Kevin couldn't believe just how horny this whole thing was making him. What was left of that "straight" voice inside him was fading rapidly.

He wanted to please his new friends very much, but also wanted other things. While he performed his doggie tricks, he thought about his other instructions. Wild thoughts went through his mind as he imagined some things he could put on his torture list.

He also thought about masturbating. He knew his orders, that he could only jack off while someone else watched. He couldn't stop thinking about it and hoped the brothers would order him to do just that 3; in the back yard, while they watched.

An even wilder thought crossed his mind as he crawled across the yard, picked up the stick with his teeth and hurried back to Dennis.

He imagined Dennis taking him for a walk, just like this, out in front of the house and down the street. They would encounter some other kids from the neighborhood and Dennis would order him to do doggie tricks and then finally jack off while they watched.

The more he thought about it, the harder he seemed to get! If that was possible, because he was already painfully hard.

He knew it probably couldn't happen, but was actually looking forward to it, if it did. [Boy Fact #7- A horny teenage boy lacks common sense.]

Chip watched Dennis mess with Kevin for several minutes more. He was about to suggest they try some other things when he heard a voice from behind him.

"Hey Chip, what's going on?"

Chip turned around and was surprised to see Mary leaning over the fence watching. They had been neighbors for years and were in the same grade in school.

Mary was somewhat of a tease and she and Chip had "fooled around" at times, but had never gone all the way. Living next door to the Peterson boys was somewhat of a thrill for her. She had caught glimpses of some of their "naughty" activities at times and always got a kick out of it.

And this was clearly, a "naughty" one. She watched the naked Kevin crawl around the back yard and smiled.

Chip smiled back and laughed, "Well it's sort of an initiation thing. That's Kevin, he's a German exchange student and right now he's our little puppy."

Mary giggled, "So can I get a closer look at your puppy?"

Chip invited her to come in and then told Dennis to bring the puppy over. Kevin crawled over and immediately started to blush when he saw Mary.

Mary laughed, looked at Dennis and asked, "Dennis, can I pet your new puppy?"

Dennis laughed back, "Sure! Okay puppy, roll over on your back and let our friend pet you."

Kevin blushed even more as he rolled over on his back.

Mary was really getting a kick out the whole thing. She loved seeing boys naked, and just loved doing things to them and making them do things.

She knelt beside Kevin and ran her hands over his body. She felt his biceps and abs 3; his firm thighs 3; teased his nipples, and ultimately fondled his cock and balls.

She asked Chip about all the little red marks and laughed when they told her how they got there.

"Wow, I wish I could have watched that. Maybe you could lend him to me some time. I have some friends who might really like to try some things with him."

Kevin didn't like the way that sounded. Chip knew the friends Mary was talking about and knew that if that ever happened, Kevin would be in for a tough time. He had no intention of allowing it to happen but figured he could use it as a sort of threat to play mind games with Kevin.

Mary played with Kevin's cock and balls for a little while, then said, "You know, you probably should get something on him to take care of all these red marks. I've got something that should help. I'll be right back."

She ran back to her house and returned quickly with a tube of first aid cream.

The brothers watched as she applied the cream to Kevin's genitals, lower abs, groin and upper things. She took her time and it wasn't long before Kevin started to show the tell tale signs.

Mary loved feeling boys' hard cocks, but there was something else she loved too.

She stopped applying the cream, looked up at Chip and giggled, "So would it would be okay if the puppy ejaculated while we watch? It looks like he is pretty worked up."

Chip looked at Dennis and asked, "So what do you think Dennis, he's you're puppy at the moment!"

Dennis laughed, "Yea, sure, why not, that would be cool!"

He looked at Kevin and said, "Okay puppy dog! Go ahead and jack off while we watch!"

Kevin's blush deepened as he grabbed his cock and started stroking. True, he had done it before back home. It was one of the "dares" his friend put him through fairly frequently. But it was still embarrassing to have to do it in front of others, especially this girl.

Mary smiled as she watched Kevin pleasure himself. It was one of the things she really liked 3; watching a naked teenage boy masturbate. If there was one thing Mary was good at, it was luring teenage boys into situations where they would end up getting naked and jacking off.

Strip poker was her favorite method. Boys being boys, it was really easy to get them to play and accept whatever penalty they earned for losing. And there was also Truth or Dare, which was even easier, especially when playing it with some cocky jocks.

She could tell that Kevin was getting really close now. The signs were all there 3; the really heavy breathing 3; the groin pumping 3; and the tightening of all the muscles.

Her smile broadened as Kevin gasped and started shooting all over himself. His first shot splattered on his face and then on his chest and abs. Mary loved watching this part, and was determined to do whatever she could to lure Kevin into other things, as soon as she could.

Sadly for Mary, her mother called out from across the yard and she had to leave. She winked at Kevin just before she left and giggled, "Nice meeting you Kevin. Hopefully we can play sometime soon."

As soon as she was gone, Chip looked down at Kevin and said, "Dude, I think she likes you, and that could be scary, cause she is into some nasty stuff."

Kevin wondered just how "nasty" her stuff was. Laying there covered in his own cum, his mind started racing as he considered the possibilities. He thought he should be scared, but really wasn't. And the odd thing was, he actually wanted to find out.

Chip let Kevin rest for a few minutes, then turned to Dennis and said, "Well Bro, listen, we should finish up for now and get breakfast. I will do my turn with him afterwards."

Dennis agreed but had one last thing for his puppy to do.

He led Kevin to the back of the yard then told him to pee like a dog.

Chip and Stevie both laughed as they watched Kevin, down on his hands and knees, raise his leg and then piss on a tree.

It was another humiliating moment for Kevin, and there was more to come since Dennis wasn't quite finished yet. He winked at his brothers then told Kevin to roll over and lay on his back with his legs spread wide and his arms up over his head.

Kevin did as he was told and wondered what else Dennis had in store for him. The really crazy thing about all of this was the more he was put through, the more excited he became. And despite the fact he had come minutes before, he found his cock starting to harden again.

Dennis smiled as he saw Kevin's cock begin to stiffen again. "Looks like our little puppy dog likes being treated like this, so I guess we should give him the full treatment."

Kevin's eyes widened as he watched Dennis step between his spread legs, pull out his cock and aim it at Kevin's chest. "If I were you, I would close my eyes and mouth and keep them closed."

Kevin obeyed immediately. He knew what was coming and shook slightly. He had just pissed like a dog which was a first, and he was now in for yet another first.

Dennis let Kevin think for a moment, then let loose. His stream of pee hit Kevin right in the middle of his chest. It was humiliating, of course, but it least it didn't feel bad.

Dennis told Chip and Stevie to do the same and in just a moment, all three brothers were emptying their bladders on Kevin. Chip focused mostly on Kevin's groin and abs while Stevie coated Kevin's face and hair with his own little stream.

They let Kevin lay on the grass for a few minutes. All three smiled as they watched his cock rise to full erection.

Kevin was thankful they hadn't made him actually drink their piss. The smell of it was strong and he wasn't sure if he could do that.

Chip broke the silence by announcing, "Okay guys, let's take the puppy over to the hose and rinse him off. We don't want the kitchen smelling like piss."

Dennis led Kevin to the back of the house, picked up the garden hose and proceeded to hose Kevin down. The water was cold and Kevin began to shiver. The cold water, had an effect on his manhood, which softened quickly.

Thankfully, Dennis did not keep him outside very long. Stevie had brought some towels outside and all three brothers helped Kevin dry off.

Breakfast followed. Chip made bacon, eggs and toast for all of them. Though he had to stay naked, Kevin was grateful that he was allowed to eat normally. He had thought that they were going to make him eat like a dog.

The boys wolfed down the food and then quickly cleaned up the kitchen. As much as Dennis and Stevie wanted to stay around, both had promised to spend some time with their friends. Stevie was heading over to Jimmy's house to play some new video games, and Dennis was going to the mall with Pete and Andy.

As soon as they were gone, Chip looked at Kevin and said, "Okay Dude, here's the plan. My turn is next, and I plan to have some fun with you, but before I do, I'm going to give you some time to work on your list of tortures and humiliation for tonight. Remember, they will need to be tough and challenging. We'll actually have at least three hours."

"And also remember, this is your first full chance to prove you are worthy by sacrificing your body, so make it a good list."

Chip had Kevin get on his computer. He set him up with Microsoft Word, and opened up his favorite gay story site that had a bunch of BDSM stories and gave Kevin a list of stories to read.

Kevin spent the rest of the morning reading the stories and working on his list.

He was still a little surprised that the things he was reading about excited him so much, they just did. Even more surprising was the fact he was adding a bunch of the nastiest ideas to his list.

[Boy Fact #7- A horny teenage boy lacks common sense.]

By the time he was finished, he was, once again, totally boned. Chip got boned too as he read over Kevin's list. Kevin had included a lot of painful tortures and some really humiliating things.

He smiled at Kevin and said, "Dude, it's a good list. You do know that we'll actually be doing this stuff to you right?"

Kevin took a deep breath and said, "Yes I do. I wanted to impress you guys, like you said 3; and I'll do it all, if you want. I guess I am a little scared, but I'll do it. And like in some of the stories I read, you can gag me if you want."

Chip patted Kevin on the shoulder and responded, "Well, hopefully we won't have to gag you, but we will if you scream too much."

Chip got a lump in his throat as he looked at Kevin sitting naked and boned at the computer. Although he did have a fairly serious relationship with Dan, he found himself attracted to Kevin in a very big way.

There was something about this hot, blond German boy that was really getting to Chip. And it was definitely more than the fact he had a smooth muscular body and a cute face. Chip loved Kevin's accent and he also loved his general attitude and spirit. Kevin obviously had guts, which was something Chip liked a lot.

Chip looked at Kevin's list again. It was very impressive and he was looking forward to putting Kevin through everything on it. But before that, he still had his "turn" with Kevin. The two of them were alone now and Chip was thinking hard. He wanted to do something special.

He thought about some form of torture but figured there would be plenty of that later. Kevin's list was pretty complete and included several different forms of cock and ball torture, which Chip loved to do.

Surprisingly, it was Kevin who broke the silence.

"So Chip, are you going to make me do something now?"

Chip smiled and said, "Yea, I'm thinking about it and I have an idea that will help me think. Go ahead and lie down on the floor on your stomach and I'll start by making you feel good."

Kevin did as he was told. The next 30 minutes were pure pleasure for Kevin.

Chip was good at torture, but he was also good at giving massages.

Chip worked Kevin over good. He massaged his shoulders, back and legs and spent quite a bit of time on Kevin's hot ass. By the time he had Kevin roll over on his back, both were really worked up.

Kevin's hard cock was dripping large amounts of pre-cum and Chip's gym shorts were tented to the max. Chip ran has hands over Kevin's chest and abs, and then gently massaged his thighs. He ran his fingers through Kevin's thick patch of pubic hairs and grinned when he saw Kevin's cock twitch.

And that's when he decided what he wanted to do.

Kevin's eyes widened when Chip stood up and pulled off his shirt and shorts. He looked at Chip's smooth well defined body and his cock twitched some more.

Chip smiled as he straddled Kevin and knelt down.

Kevin looked at Chip's groin which was now poised right over his. His lower lip trembled as he asked, "Um, Chip, can I ask you something?"

Chip said, "Sure, you can ask me whatever you want."

"Okay, I was just wondering. You don't have any pubic hair. Did you shave it off or what?"

Chip laughed, "Well I had a really nice patch, but it all got shaved off by these guys, it's sort of a long story. Maybe I'll tell you about it one day."

Chip's cock throbbed as he thought about not only telling Kevin about what had happened, but also showing him the video of his torture session on the cross. He was curious about how Kevin would react.

"Anyway, go ahead and feel it if you want. I don't mind."

Kevin's hand shook as he ran his fingers over Chip's denuded pubic area. Although it was smooth, he could feel some stubble. Chip moaned as Kevin took hold of his hard cock.

Both boys were breathing hard and were starting to sweat. The smell of sweat and the musk-like odor of teenage boy arousal permeated the room.

For Kevin, the last couple of days had been as exciting as they were confusing. Although he had done some wild dares and challenges back in Germany that were clearly sexual in nature, he had never actually touched another guy in a sexual manner until he arrived in the United States. In fact, he never even imagined he ever would.

And yet, here he was with his hand wrapped around Chip's cock, and clearly loving it.

Once again, Chip's "gut feelings" were right on! He gently pushed Kevin's hand aside, laid down on top of him, with their cock's touching and whispered into Kevin's ear, "Just go with the flow dude."

Kevin gasped as Chip began sliding his cock against his. He didn't know what to say. All he knew was that he felt good 3; really good!

Chip felt good too 3; But he wanted to feel even better. And in Chip's case, there was really just one way to do that!

He continued rubbing his cock against Kevin's, looked him in the eye and said, "Okay Kev, up until you got here, you have pretty much been living a straight life, right?"

Kevin gasped, "Yes I have. I've never done anything like 3; um what we are doing now 3; you know, with another guy."

Chip laughed, "Well you have been missing out. I can tell you are liking this and really want it, so I'll tell you what, your initiation is gonna last the whole time you are here. From now on you are my `boy'! You'll do whatever I tell you to do, whenever I tell you to, no matter what! And I do mean, no matter what! Do you understand?"

Kevin's heart was really pounding and his cock was throbbing. This went well beyond the challenges and dares he had done back home. They had excited him, but this seemed a lot more exciting.

Kevin managed to stammer, "I 3; um 3; understand."

Chip smiled some more as he climbed off of Kevin. He really did want to cum, and make Kevin cum again, but wanted it to be as intense as possible and had figured out a way to do just that.

"Okay Kev, get up and get back on the computer. There is someone I want you to contact."

Kevin sat down at the computer and waited for Chip's instructions. His heart continued to pound as Chip told him what he wanted him to do.

Chip kept his fingers crossed as Kevin got on the net, logged into his messenger program and began to chat.

As luck would have it, the guy who had given Kevin "challenges" back home was online and was more than willing to do what Chip wanted.

It took almost an hour to get it all set up.

Chip set his webcam up in the basement rec room and connected to a website that broadcasted private webcam shows. He was pleased when he saw Kevin's friend from Germany log onto the site and got really excited when the guy told him in chat that he had been able to do even more than Chip had asked.

There were three girls and two guys gathered in his apartment to watch the special webcam show. Plus there would be several more logging on who couldn't be there. The guy assured Chip that they could all be trusted.

As much as Chip wanted to make the "show" public, to maximize Kevin's humiliation, he decided against it, to be safe. As it was, by the time they were ready to start, there were over 15 viewers, which helped fuel Chip's own exhibitionist fire.

The comments in the chat box started flying when the naked and boned Kevin entered the room and stood facing the camera.

Chip made sure the sound was working and smiled as he viewed the comments. All were really excited about the upcoming "show." Most of them had seen Kevin naked before and had been involved in some of his "dares." But all of them were surprised when Kevin told them what they were about to see.

Kevin's heart pounded and his face flushed as he looked at the camera and said what Chip had told him to say.

"Umm, hello everyone. This is Kevin, and welcome to my special private show. I think you all know I am here studying in America. I have already done things I thought I would never do, and am going to do a lot more."

He glanced at Chip and pleaded softly, "Please, do I have to say the next part?"

Chip grinned and said, "Yea Dude! Remember you gotta do whatever I say, no matter what, so go ahead and tell them in your own words, what I told you to say!"

Kevin swallowed hard and his eyes watered as he looked at the camera again and continued.

"Okay, well, I am now a slave boy, and will be for my entire time here. That means that whenever my host parents aren't around I have to be totally naked. It also means that I am only allowed to masturbate when someone else is watching."

That generated a lot of comments and questions in chat.

Chip took a moment to respond to as many of them as he could. Fortunately he was a fast typist.

He laughed out loud as he gave Kevin an overview of the comments, questions and his responses 3;

"They are really loving this Kev! I just told them that you will be on regularly and will masturbate for them. They all seemed excited about that. I also told them that you will do other things as well, like use sex toys on yourself. That obviously excited them even more."

Chip glanced at Kevin again. He loved seeing the deep blush in his cheeks and, of course his wonderful hard cock.

Kevin's heart continued to pound really hard and his cock throbbed. He thought about the people from back home watching him and got even more worked up. He remembered what Chip told him he had to say next and got pretty scared. However, his fear did little to lessen his arousal. If anything, it seemed to feed it.

He gave Chip one last pleading look and whispered, "Do I really have to say the next part? I already agreed to do whatever you want."

Chip laughed, muted the microphone and whispered back, "Yea, and this is part of it, so go ahead and tell them what I told you to say. I mean it! And, by the way, I already did tell them in chat that you are doing this as part of an initiation for this club thing. So that should help and I also told them about me, Dennis and Stevie, so they know your living arrangements. Okay, now get to it, and make sure you speak up!"

Chip switched the microphone back on and waited.

Kevin's lip quivered as he looked at the camera and began to speak.

"Well, okay. Chip is here with me now and wants you all to watch some things. First he's going to spank me with his hand, then a paddle and finally a belt. He's going to roll some dice to see how many swats I get from each."

"Then I'm going to lick his balls and suck his cock."

Kevin paused for a moment and looked imploringly at Chip again. He was shaking now.

Chip just grinned and said, "GO AHEAD! Tell them the rest!"

Kevin took a deep breath and blurted out, "And he is going to let you all watch while he fucks me hard. He wanted me to let you all know that this will be the first time that has ever been done to me."

Kevin thought he was going to pass out. He absolutely had never been this embarrassed before.

Judging by Chip's reaction at the keyboard, his words had created quite a stir on the other side of the world.

Chip smiled as he followed the chat. All were ecstatic about watching what was about to happen to poor Kevin. He responded as fast as he could, then announced that the show was ready to start.

He began by having Kevin bend over with his hands on his knees, facing the camera. He made sure there was a clear view of Kevin's face, then rolled the dice on the small table that was in front of him.

Kevin announced the result of the roll, "Seven!"

Chip could see more comments being made in the chat window but ignored them. He raised his hand and gave Kevin's beautiful, tight, pale white ass a hard slap.


"AGGGHHHHH!" Kevin gasped.

Chip gave Kevin's ass two more nasty slaps, then stepped closer to the computer screen to check the comments.

He smiled broadly as he read a number of comments about how cute he was. They also appreciated the fact that he too was naked. There were also several suggestions about making his smacks harder.

Chip made a couple of quick responses, then went back to work on Kevin's ass.

He finished the hand slaps then proceeded to the paddle and leather belt.

Sadly for Kevin, the next two rolls of the dice were not as good.

He ended up receiving ten wacks with the paddle and eleven with the belt. By the time Chip was done, Kevin's ass was bright red and covered with several dark red marks. Both boys were sweating and Kevin's eyes were filled with tears.

And to the delight of all the viewers both were still totally boned.

Chip let Kevin rest for a few minutes while he continued the chat. Some wanted to see Kevin get spanked more, but most were anxious to get to the sex stuff. Chip was mindful of the time difference and decided he had better get to the main "events."

He made a few adjustments to the web cam as Kevin knelt in front of him. He patted Kevin on the head and said, "Okay slave boy, now do it, just like I said."

Kevin sighed, then stuck out his tongue and began licking Chip's balls. He tried not to think about the people from back home. None of them had ever seen him do anything like this before, and he wondered if they were liking what they were seeing.

They were! In fact, more than one of the guys from back home was actively stroking themselves as they watched young Kevin pleasure Chip with his mouth.

It wasn't long before Kevin was bobbing up and down on Chip's teen pole like a pro. The combination of humiliation and Chip's aroused male scent pushed Kevin into a state of total lust. Every moan from Chip made him work harder to increase Chip's pleasure.

Chip was lost in the moment too. He kept glancing down at the hot naked boy at his feet and had to work hard to keep from cumming. He let Kevin "do his thing" for several minutes, then reluctantly pulled him off. He wanted to save his teen seed for Kevin's virgin ass.

Both boys were panting as Chip rearranged some things for his "finale". He kept glancing at the computer screen to check out the chat comments. His one regret was that he wasn't going to be able to change the camera angle once he got started.

Judging by the chat comments, a number of the viewers were turned on by some of the things that excited Chip. They loved it when Chip bent Kevin over the small table and tied him down.

He made sure that they had a clear view of Kevin's face and ordered Kevin to keep looking at the camera and to "narrate" like he had told him too.

Kevin trembled as he thought about his friends back home who were watching this. He had figured out that this was going to happen to him at some point, and was actually sort of happy that it would be Chip who did it to him first. What he hadn't counted on was the webcam audience from back home.

Chip made a "show" of greasing up his pole so that all could see. He loved seeing the comments flowing about how well endowed he was.

He covered a finger with some lube and worked it into Kevin's tight little hole. Kevin gasped as he felt the finger being worked inside of him.

Chip stared at Kevin's ass and breathed harder. He couldn't wait to get inside of him. Although he felt some sense of pity for Kevin, he knew that this was going to be a brutal fucking. He wanted more than gasps and moans from Kevin 3; he wanted to make Kevin beg and scream.

Which is exactly what happened.

It started off pretty much the way Kevin expected, and he followed Chip's instructions.

When he felt the tip of Chip's cock begin pressing against his hole, he looked directly in at the camera and announced, "Umm, okay, the tip of his cock is now against my hole. It already hurts a little, but it is not too bad."

And so it went.

Chip pressed harder and harder and was rewarded by a loud moan and gasp as his cock head suddenly slipped inside Kevin's straining ass.

"OH GOD! AGHHHH! He's inside me now! Damn! It hurts like hell!"

Chip kept up the pressure and inched further in.

"OH GOD, he's going deeper now! AGGGHHHH! SHIT!"

Chip didn't let Kevin catch his breath. He just kept pressing deeper. It wasn't long before Kevin cried out, "OH PLEASE STOP! I BEG YOU PLEASE! OH God it hurts! You are too big!"

Chip was in such a state of extreme lust that he just couldn't control himself. He gathered all his strength and rammed his cock all the way in.

Kevin screamed and pulled violently at his bonds. Tears ran down his face as he sobbed, "OH PLEASE! I'll do anything! ANYTHING! Just STOP!"

But Chip didn't. Instead he began rapidly ramming the full length of his manhood in and out of Kevin.

Kevin screamed and pleaded for a little while longer, then settled down. The pain lingered but eventually began shifting to something else.

Chip sensed the change and shifted his position slightly. He could tell by Kevin's reaction that his cock was definitely sliding back and forth across Kevin's prostate.

The change in Kevin was obvious to everyone watching. The look of pain on his face was totally gone, replaced by one of ecstasy and desire. He was gasping for air and his eyes were glazed over.

Chip gave Kevin's ass a hard slap and snarled, "I told you would end up liking it. So, okay boy, tell them the rest! NOW!"

Kevin's voice cracked as he looked into the camera and gasped, "Oh GOD! Please Chip! Fuck me so HARD it'll make me cum! "

He was beyond caring now. Whatever embarrassment he had felt about being on camera had vanished in a sea of lust. He wanted to cum so bad and didn't care who saw it. In fact, knowing the whole thing was being watched just increased the thrill.

Chip kept pounding Kevin's ass for almost ten more minutes. He wanted to cum in Kevin's ass, but decided to hold off. To Kevin's dismay, Chip pulled out suddenly, stepped over to the keyboard and began typing furiously.

He smiled as he saw the responses, knowing he had made the right decision.

Kevin was startled when Chip got up from the keyboard and untied him. He had been so sure that Chip was going to fuck him until they both came. Instead, Chip had him sit on the little table facing the camera and said, "Okay Kevin, my boy, now go ahead and give everyone a taste of your up and coming masturbation shows. Show them your best technique."

Kevin's blush returned as he grabbed his hard cock and began stroking. He was too far gone to offer any resistance. He was desperate to cum.

Chip smiled broadly as he watched Kevin pleasure himself shamelessly. It was obvious that Kevin was no stranger to the art of masturbation. Periodically he cupped his balls with one hand while he ran his fingertips over his exposed glans.

It didn't take long.

When he finally did cum, it was explosive. He cried out as he shot several volleys of his rich teen boy seed up onto his chest and then into his pubes.

Chip couldn't resist adding to the hot spectacle. He stepped into frame, aimed his own throbbing cock at Kevin's face and shot all over him.

The scene was too much for most of the guys back in Germany. Watching the two hot young teenage jocks, glistening with sweat, gasping for air and shooting their loads sent most of them over the edge as well.

It took several minutes for Chip and Kevin to catch their breaths. When they did, Chip let Kevin finish the chat.

Kevin was a little reluctant at first, but perked up as he began "chatting" in earnest. It seemed like everyone was commenting about how hot he was, and how great his little sex show was. No one seemed to think any less of him for letting himself get fucked on camera.

They more he chatted, the more excited he got. He was beginning to really enjoy all the attention.

All too soon, the chat ended. It was getting late back home, and people had to sign off, but not before Kevin promised to notify them before his next "show."

When the chat was over, Chip switched off the web cam, smiled at Kevin and said, "Yo Dude, listen, I know this is all happening fast and you are not used to it. I hope you're not too upset."

Kevin smiled back and offered, "Well, I guess maybe I should be. But, no, I don't think I am all that upset. It was pretty intense. But I am all right with it. I just am a little confused about one part of it."

Chip smiled knowingly. He took a deep breath and said, "You mean the part where you started to enjoy it?"

Kevin blushed yet again as he looked at Chip and said softly, "Yes. That's the part. You see, no one has ever done that to me before. It really hurt at first. It hurt a lot. But then it actually started to feel good. It's a little confusing."

Chip asked, "And how did it feel being tied down while I did it to you?"

Kevin lowered his eyes and muttered, "That was another confusing thing. That just seemed to make it more exciting 3; having no control."

Chip chuckled, "Yea, I understand. And if it helps at all, you did great, a lot of guys have those same feelings."

They continued to talk for almost an hour. Neither one of them seemed at all concerned about the fact that both were naked. Chip explained more about the torture house and the fight club and Kevin shared some more about the types of dares he had done back home.

Boys being boys, by the time they decided it was time to get cleaned up, both were once again boned up and horned.

Somehow Chip managed to resist the temptation to do more with Kevin. They showered separately, then Chip had Kevin get back on the computer to "refine" his list of tortures and humiliations. He figured, after his most recent experience, Kevin might want to revise some things.

He was considering postponing Kevin's torture night until after the arena event. As luck would have it, his decision was made for him when he received a phone call from his mother. Their plans had changed and they would be coming home after all. Not only that, she told Chip that they were planning on taking all four boys out to dinner.

Dennis and Stevie were a little disappointed when they got home and heard about the change in plans, but got over it quickly when Chip showed them Kevin's list. It was pretty intense.

The boys did manage to have a little fun with Kevin at dinner. They made him go "commando", and wear a cock ring and put a vibrating, remote controlled egg in his butt. They took turns with the remote control during dinner and got a kick out of Kevin's reactions.

Kevin tried to act as normal as possible, but it was difficult. He was boned the entire evening and had a severe case of "blue balls" by the time they got home.

As soon as they got into their bedroom, Kevin asked if he could jack off. To his dismay, the brothers "voted" on it and decided he'd have to wait, at least until their parents were asleep. They played some video games for awhile.

Although Kevin was pretty good at the games, he ended up losing most of them because he was so distracted by his condition.

At last it was clear that the parents were, indeed asleep. Chip left the room to confirm it. When he returned he smiled at Kevin and said, "Okay buddy, looks like your time has come."

Kevin's eyes widened and he blabbered, "You mean I can jack off now?"

Chip laughed, "Yea I guess so. Unless Dennis and Stevie have any objections. Just remember, we get to watch."

Kevin looked at Chip's younger brothers and asked, "So is it okay?"

He got concerned when he saw Stevie whisper something in Dennis's ear. His concern grew when he noticed a wicked smile cross Dennis's face.

"Yo Chip, We think he should have to earn it, by doing something," Dennis chuckled.

Chip smiled and said softly, "Well, I guess that would be okay. We just have to be careful. We don't want to wake up the `rents'."

Dennis thought for a moment and was about to say something when Stevie chirped, "Hey, you know maybe we could do some kind of game. You know to make it exciting for all of us. And..umm 3; no matter what, Kev will get to jack off."

Stevie did want to see Kevin jack off, but he was also caught up in the moment. The other three were caught up as well. All were boned, and all were eager to do "something." Watching Kevin "jack-off" would be fun for sure, but a game that involved some sort of risk, would be even more fun.

They "haggled" for awhile and were beginning to get frustrated when Chip took control.

"Okay guys, I have an idea. It seems like we all want to play a `nasty' game of some type. Since it was Stevie's idea, why don't we let him decide what it is. He can make up the rules. It could be fun!"

Stevie really perked up as the three older boys looked at him expectantly. His mind was racing to come up with a "hot" idea.

Chip helped things along by insisting that they would play whatever game Stevie came up with, as long as it didn't wake up the parents. To Stevie's delight, they all agreed. Which wasn't that much of a surprise, since all were now horned beyond reason.

[Boy Fact #3- Boys have an almost insatiable need to face challenges.][Boy Fact #7- A horny teenage boy lacks common sense.]

Although Stevie had not yet "crossed the line" into his teen years, he was clearly on the fast "sexual experience track", thanks to his two older brothers. He loved playing any kind of game that involved guys having to get naked and do penalties, so he decided on a strip game.

The other boys all smiled as he explained the rules. They were pretty standard. They would play a simple game of strip poker. Each would start with the same amount of clothes. Each of them would come up with three penalties, write them on pieces of paper and drop them in a jar.

The first guy naked would draw one penalty out of the jar. The game would continue until all four were naked. And, of course, once you were naked, if you "lost" again, you got another penalty.

It was a standard game, but Stevie threw in one last curve. Whoever "won" a hand would pick which of the other three guys had to remove a piece of clothing.

Chip, Dennis, and Kevin thought that was a cool idea.

Stevie passed out pieces of paper and pencils while Chip added, "Okay remember everyone, nothing too noisy. Mom and dad are both heavy sleepers so it will probably be okay if you want to throw in something outside. We'll just be sneaky."

All four had wicked smiles on their faces as they wrote down their penalties. One of the things that added to the excitement was the fact that there was the possibility that they could end up drawing one of their own penalties."

It took about five minutes for the penalty writing to finish. Needless to say, by the time the papers were all in the jar, all four boys were incredibly boned and sweating with excitement. Even though they were still dressed, the odor of aroused boys was already filling the room.

To Stevie's delight, he managed to win the first hand and smiled as he ordered Kevin to take off his shoes.

The excitement continued to grow as round and round they went. All were eager to get to the penalty phase. Surprisingly, they spread things out. As tempted as they all were to "focus" on one guy, they kept things fairly even.

It took almost a half hour for them to get to the "interesting" part. Chip won a hand and decided to really even things out. He ordered Stevie to take off his shorts. Now all four were down to just their undies 3; and tented undies at that.

They tingled with anticipation as Chip dealt the next hand. One of them would be naked at the end of this hand and would have to do a penalty. Even more interesting was the fact it could be one of his own penalties.

Kevin was the lucky one. He won the hand easily and glanced at the other boys. All were breathing hard. He considered the possibilities, then smiled broadly as he looked directly at Chip and said, "Okay Chip, take off those briefs and pull a penalty from the jar."

Chip shrugged, stood up and pulled off his briefs. The others smiled as Chip's hard cock slapped up against his bare pubic area. The smiles grew wider as Chip pulled his penalty from the jar and read it out loud. It was one of the ones that he had come up with.

"30 Minutes of Ice and Hot Wax Torture."

To Kevin's surprise, the mere thought of torturing Chip like that, made his own cock get even harder.

It didn't take the others long to have Chip tied up spread eagle on his back in the center of the room. Stevie retrieved a bowl of ice cubes from the kitchen and then the boys got started.

Dennis insisted that Chip be blindfolded so he would get no warning of the wax coming.

In no time, Chip was squirming and pulling at his bonds. Kevin had started things off by running ice cubes all over Chip's body. He placed one in each of Chip's armpits and then held a couple against his balls.

Stevie and Dennis were busy with the candles.

Dennis focused on Chip's chest, nipples and stomach, while, predictably, Stevie began coating Chip's hard cock with the searing wax. Like Chip, it was something Stevie liked to do. He knew the wax hurt the most when the guy's cock was really hard, and he made sure Chip's remained totally hard the entire time.

By the time the thirty minutes were up, Chip's body was glistening with sweat. His eyes were filled with tears and he was breathing hard. Though he had moaned and gasped, he had somehow managed to suppress any screams.

He almost failed in that endeavor when the boys proceeded to pick the wax drops off of him. It hurt the most on his inner thighs and balls, which had a light coating of hair.

Kevin smiled as he helped untie the hot young jock. It had been fun doing it to Chip, especially watching his muscles flex and strain against the bonds. Oddly enough his own cock throbbed as he wondered what penalty he would end up drawing once he was naked.

He didn't have long to wait. Dennis won the next round. As tempted as he was to make his older brother do another penalty, he couldn't resist making Kevin get naked and possibly draw one of the penalties he had put in the jar.

Kevin blushed as he removed his boxers. As comfortable as he was being naked around others, he did find it a little embarrassing to have an erection in front them. Especially one as intense as the one he currently had.

Dennis let out a little "yelp" when Kevin read his punishment out loud. It was one of the ones Dennis had written and which he hoped either Chip or Kevin would draw.

"Cock and ball torture- ten minutes by each guy! Their choice."

Kevin trembled slightly as the brothers proceeded to tie him down on Chip's bed. His arms were pulled up over his head and secured to the bed posts. His legs were spread as wide as possible and tied off.

Chip was about to blindfold him when Dennis chirped, "Nah, don't blindfold him, we'll let him see what's in store for him. Umm, since this was my idea, each one us will get to pick a torture item from the box.. And then get ten minutes to use it on Kevin."

Kevin watched nervously as the three brothers ran to the closet and retrieved their choices for his upcoming torture.

His cock continued to harden as he considered his situation. He found being tied up naked and helpless like this to be strangely exciting. He didn't know why, but he was actually looking forward to what was about to happen to him and was determined to be just as strong as Chip had been.

His determination wavered slightly when the brothers returned and showed him their selections.

Dennis had chosen the penis whip. He held the nasty little whip up in front of Kevin's face and made sure he saw the little knots at the end of the short rawhide laces.

"Yea Kev, those little knots make quite an impression when they snap into the underside of a hard cock."

Kevin's eyes widened as he considered what Dennis had said.

He trembled some more when Stevie showed him the little ball paddle. As a jock he was no stranger to being hit in the balls and knew there was almost no pain like it. From the look on little Stevie's face, he could tell his balls were in for some real pain.

It reminded him of the time, back home, when he was at a public pool. When he was changing in the locker room, a group of young punks had ganged up on him, pulled off his swim trunks and then proceeded to snap his balls with their rolled up towels.

[Boy Fact #13- Younger boys are fascinated by older boys' "tools". They love the thought of torturing older boys' genitals.]

The younger boys seemed to totally enjoy torturing his teenage balls, and didn't stop until they had made him cry. And now here was Stevie with that same mischievous look on his face.

That was scary enough, but it was the item that Chip showed him that really made his eyes widen. It was a small electrical box with several wires hanging from it.

Chip grinned wickedly as he explained, "Okay Dude, let me explain this briefly. This is a little electrical torture box. It is pretty simple and is pretty wicked. These two little straps wrap around your cock, and these two small clamps get attached to your balls. The electric shocks can be sent to your cock and balls separately or at the same time. Most guys end up screaming before it is over, so we may end up gagging you before I'm done. If we do, I'm sure you'll find the taste of Dennis's dirty jock strap, umm 3; interesting."

The brothers took another good look at Kevin's solid body. Seeing the naked young blond German boy stretched out and helpless was a huge turn on for all three.

They stared at him for a couple of minutes, then Dennis couldn't take it anymore. He slid a constricting cock ring down Kevin's throbbing shaft and picked up the penis whip. He grabbed the tip of Kevin's cock and pulled it straight up so he an unobstructed shot.

Kevin gasped really loud when the three knotted laces slammed into the sensitive underside of his cock. He pulled at his bonds and arched his back.



Dennis just kept going!



Kevin tried his best to stay as quiet as possible but it was a losing battle. The pain shooting through his throbbing teenage manhood was just too much. His gasps became louder and louder.

Chip knew Dennis, and was prepared. Before Kevin could let out an actual scream, he grabbed one of Dennis's used jocks, balled it up and stuffed it into Kevin's mouth. Kevin barely noticed the salty, pungent taste. He was too focused on the pain.

Sadly for Dennis, his ten minutes went by all too quickly. He did grin as he saw the nasty red stripes on Kevin's poor cock.

Kevin bit down on the gag as he felt Stevie's hand wrap around his balls.

Stevie smiled as he fondled Kevin's nice set of low hangers. It was something he really enjoyed feeling. He smiled even more as he began squeezing harder and harder. Kevin started to shake and arch his back again as Stevie's grip became more vice-like.

Sweat poured from him armpits as the pain increased. The squeezing was bad enough, but it was when Stevie began letting one ball at a time snap through his fingers that Kevin went wild.

He screamed into his gag and yanked at his bonds. Tears filled his eyes as the pain shot through his tortured testicles. It was almost worse than being hit there.


Chip looked at Stevie's face. He realized that Stevie was just as sadistic as he was, not as bad as Dennis, but getting there. He glanced down at Stevie's tented briefs. Like his two older brothers, little Stevie was as hard as he could be.

Dennis was a little disappointed when Stevie decided to just use the ball paddle briefly. Still the taps were hard enough to cause Kevin to scream into his gag some more.

By the time Stevie was done, Chip almost felt guilty when he began his turn. Kevin whimpered into his gag as he felt Chip attach the electrical devices. His cock and balls were aching a lot.

Try as he might, he couldn't seem to "will" his cock to soften up. The cock ring was clearly doing it's job. But there was something else. Despite all the pain, Kevin was still feeling a sense of excitement.

The electro-torture started off easily enough. Chip turned the dial just enough to cause a tickly sensation on Kevin's cock and balls. The sensation was just enough to cause Kevin's cock to harden some more.

Sadly for Kevin, the strange, but pleasant sensation did not last that long. Chip "tickled" Kevin's balls for about a minute more, then turned his attention to Kevin's throbbing shaft.

He gradually raised the shock level. Kevin flinched as the tickling sensation up and down his cock turned into an itch and then pin pricks. Once again he screamed into his gag as pain shot through his cock and balls. It felt like they were being jabbed with hundreds of tiny needles. It was worse than the penis whip and worse than Stevie's ball squeezing.

Chip watched Kevin thrash about as he kept alternating the level of the shocks to Kevin's teenage manhood elements.


He loved seeing the hot blond's muscles tense 3; loved watching him arch his back and tug at his bonds 3; and loved the smell of arousal and sweat that now filled the room. If he had one wish, it would be that he should have put a prostrate stimulator in Kevin's ass. He would love to see Kevin cum while undergoing this type of pain.

Still, he figured, there would be other times to do that.

At last the time was up.

Chip detached the device while Dennis and Stevie untied Kevin. They let him rest for a few minutes. Chip gave Kevin some ointment to rub on his sore cock.

The three brothers were all concerned that Kevin would be upset. He moaned softly as he applied the ointment. By the time he was done he was smiling. He looked at Chip and the others and said, "Wow, that was really rather intense. I'm sorry I screamed."

Chip laughed, "Dude I would have screamed too! Trust me."

To their surprise, Kevin made no move to remove the cock ring. He stood up slowly, sat back down on the floor, picked up the cards and asked, "Okay, whose deal is it?"

They all giggled as they began the next hand.

Stevie won the hand fairly quickly. Though he could have made either Chip or Kevin do another penalty, he decided it was time for Dennis to get into the act.

Dennis knew his time would come. He shrugged as he pulled off his briefs and reached for the jar.

He said a silent prayer as he pulled out a piece of paper. He knew the other two penalties he had written and hoped he didn't draw one of them in particular. He had been super horned when he had written them.

Luck was with Dennis, in this case. The slip he pulled had been written by Kevin, who was not quite totally into the scheme of things. A situation that would change quickly in the days ahead.

The penalty was fairly tame, but still pretty exciting.

For his penalty, Dennis had to go outside and run around the block totally naked. What made it a little more interesting was that he had to do it with his hands tied behind his back and his cock and balls would be tied off and "attached" to the rope that tied his hands.

Chip thought that was fun in itself. The thought of Dennis running through the neighborhood like that made him smile. But it was the last part that made him and Stevie both laugh out loud.

Dennis rolled his eyes as he read the last part.

" 3; And finally, you will find someone who will untie you and tell them it was all a prank that your friends did!"

Kevin looked at Chip and stammered, "Ummm, I hope that last part isn't too much. I know it is also sort of late."

Chip chuckled, "Well, yea it is a little late, but it is a nice night so some people may still be awake and outside. We do have some people who like to sit outside at night. And heck sometimes these guys down the street shoot hoops in their drive way."

Chip thought for a minute then said, "Okay, how about this 3; the agreement was that we had to do whatever the penalty was that we got, so let's say if Dennis can't complete that last part, he'll do an extra penalty. That seems fair."

Dennis tried to protest, but to no avail.

In no time at all, the boys had Dennis out in the back yard, all prepared for his run. He was "trussed" up pretty good, and to his chagrin, his cock was standing straight up. Chip double checked to make sure the "rents" were still asleep. They were!

When he returned, he gave Dennis his final instructions.

"Okay Bro 3; remember ALL the way around the block! And I suggest you find someone to untie you before you get back. Don't even think about trying it yourself, cause you are going to have to tell us who it was."

He gave Dennis a slap on the ass and Dennis took off running.

Dennis couldn't believe he was doing it.

Sure it was exciting running naked through the night, but also scary. He knew the neighborhood really well, and was certain some people would be out and about. He dodged a couple of them who were out watering their lawns. He was fairly certain neither had seen him.

As he ran, he considered who he might get to untie him. The "prank" story seemed plausible enough. The question was who to trust to untie him. There was also the fact that whoever it was would see that he was boned.

Tied as his cock and balls were, he was fairly certain that he would be erect if he did encounter someone. The bouncing as he ran would also see to that.

As he reached the end of the street, he discovered that Chip was right. Two guys were out in the back of their driveway shooting hoops.

Dennis stopped running and hid in the shadows. The two were seniors in high school and both were assholes. What was worse, both of them didn't like Dennis at all. He considered the possibilities and decided to pass on these guys.

He crept away and started running again. He rounded the corner and headed down the running trail that ran behind their street. Fortunately there was a full moon so he was able to see. He figured he would be able to find someone once he got to the other end of the block.

If push came to shove, there was always old man Howard, who was usually out watering his grass around this time. Dennis had always thought he had a "thing" for boys, and might get a thrill. Still, he shivered at the prospect of him seeing him naked and boned.

He was getting near the end of the trail when he suddenly saw a flash of light, just off the edge of the path. He froze and waited. Then crept closer.

There was another flash of light which clearly was the result of someone lighting a cigarette.

Dennis's heart began pounding faster as he crept silently through the woods. He heard some muffled laughs. There was plenty of cover and he was able to get close enough to see what was going on.

There were two guys in a small clearing, smoking and drinking beer. Dennis recognized them though he didn't really know them. Both were on the high school lacrosse team and seemed like fairly cool guys. Unlike the two who were shooting hoops.

Dennis listened to them talk for a couple of minutes. They were talking about the usual 3; "chicks" and sex.

Dennis considered the possibilities. His last chance after this would probably be Mr. Howard. He didn't like the idea of Mr. Howard seeing him naked and boned and was concerned that the old dude might try "something" with him.

These two guys weren't much older than Dennis was, and probably could be relied on to be understanding and to keep a secret. He didn't want to have to pull another penalty from the jar so he decided to take a chance.

After all, how much worse could it be.

He should have known! 3; Two high school jocks 3; with no dates 3; out in the woods 3; drinking beer 3; talking about sex!

Dennis took a deep breath, stepped into the clearing and said 3; "He guys, sorry to disturb you, but I was wondering if you could help me."

The two guys jumped up and started to hide their beers, then stopped and laughed when they saw Dennis.

They asked him what was up, and Dennis quickly gave them the prank story. He could tell they were amused and was sure they would help him. He turned around and raised his bound hands as best as he could.

"So anyway, if you could just untie me, I'll be on my way."

The two of them smirked as they circled around Dennis. One of them gestured towards his hard cock and said mockingly, "Looks like you are enjoying this Dude! That's a pretty nice boner you got there."

Dennis blushed as the two of them continued to taunt him. He had been so sure they would help him out. Now he was getting worried. His worries deepened as he realized that both of their shorts seemed to be tenting out.

"So I guess you like this sort of thing 3; you know running around naked at night with your hands tied behind your back and your cock and balls tied up. So are you a fag or what?"

Dennis started to panic, "UMmm 3; no 3; ummm 3; it just sort of happened 3; I couldn't help it 3; so please just untie me 3;and I'll leave you alone."

The other one laughed as he grabbed Dennis's cock and gave it a squeeze, "Yea and I guess you just get hard like this all the time. My guess is you really like being tied up. Now if we untie you, what's in it for us?"

Dennis was really panicking now. One of the guys was rubbing the front of his own tented shorts. He didn't know what to say, so he just blabbered some more, "Okay, well how about I just leave now."

They both laughed as one grabbed Dennis's arm and snarled, "Not so fast Dude! You asked for our help and you'll get it. As soon as you help us out."

Dennis was sharp enough to guess what that "help" was gonna be. His conclusion was confirmed when one of them forced him to his knees, pulled down the front of his shorts and waved his cock in front of Dennis's face.

"You seem smart enough to know what you gotta do, so get to get. Do a good job and we will untie you and let you go without doing anymore. But you gotta do us both!"

Dennis thought for a moment. As much as he didn't like being forced, it wasn't like he hadn't sucked a guy's cock before. He stared at the first guy's cock. It was almost as big as Chip's and was fully erect.

The scent of the hot jock's crotch was strong. He thought for another brief moment, took a deep breath, opened his mouth and started sucking away. The guy moaned as he felt Dennis's lips wrap around his throbbing cock.

He looked at his buddy and stammered, "Damn, this dude is good 3; wait until you feel this." In spite of his situation, the guy's comment seemed to encourage Dennis to work harder. He pulled off for a moment, licked the guys balls then ran his tongue up and down the rock hard shaft.

The guy trembled and gasped when Dennis sucked his cock head back in his mouth and ran his tongue around it. It was all that was needed to push the high school jock over the edge. The muscles in his stomach tightened. He grabbed the back of Dennis's head and held it firmly as he shot a full load into Dennis's mouth.

Dennis was somehow able to swallow it all and continued sucking until he was sure the guy was completely drained.

The guy pulled out, dropped to his knees, looked at his buddy and chuckled, "Dang it is so true. Guys do give the best blow jobs. Okay, it's your turn!"

His friend didn't have to be told twice. After seeing what had just happened he was already close to cumming. He pulled his shorts down, stepped closer to Dennis and moaned as Dennis began working his cock over with his tongue and mouth.

It took less than two minutes for his own substantial load of teen jock seed to flood Dennis's mouth. When it was all over, the three of them collapsed on the ground. Dennis waited patiently, hoping that they would do what they promised.

For once he kept his smart mouth shut, which was probably a good idea.

To Dennis's relief, the guys untied him while they commented on how good a cock sucker he was. They were so pleased, that they even gave him a can of beer.

"Okay Dude. Here's a little something to wash our spunk down."

Dennis had tasted cum before and didn't mind the taste all that much. Still it was good to get the salty sweet taste out of his mouth.

The three of them sat and chatted while Dennis finished his beer. When he was done they exchanged a few final pleasantries and then Dennis trotted off. He trembled slightly as one of them called after him, "Yo Dude, don't be a stranger! If you see us around, we just might want your help again."

The last thing Dennis heard was the sound of laughter as two more beer cans were popped open.

Meanwhile back at the Peterson house, Chip was getting a little worried. Dennis had been gone longer than he should have been and he was about to suggest they get dressed and go looking for him, when suddenly Dennis emerged from the shadows.

He was holding the rope in his hands and panted as he approached. They all smiled as they noted that he was just as boned as when he had left.

Kevin commented on that fact and Dennis said smartly, "Well you try running around the block naked with your cock and balls bouncing and see what happens."

They all chuckled at that. Before they went back into the house, Chip insisted that Dennis explain how he got untied. They all smiled as Dennis explained he had run into two guys from the high school and how they had helped him out.

He omitted the part about what they had made him do in return.

Though Chip was suspicious, he decided not to press the issue.

The boys crept back in the house quietly and began another hand of their poker game. Stevie hoped he would win another hand, but the odds were against him. Chip won the hand and ordered Stevie to get naked like the rest of them and pick a penalty.

Dennis crossed his fingers as Stevie pulled his penalty. The other two that Dennis had written were pretty nasty and he couldn't wait to hear Stevie squeal.

Stevie had written some twisted ones too and his eyes rolled as he realized he had drawn one of his own. Thankfully it was not a terribly painful one. Still he was a little disappointed because he had written it with Dennis in mind.

He stared at the paper and hesitated. Dennis grew impatient, grabbed the paper and read it out loud, "Wash everyone's toes, armpits, cocks and balls with your tongue and then give them all a tongue fuck."

They all laughed out loud when they saw the look on Stevie's face. There was a brief discussion about who would go first. Finally it was decided that they would go by body part, which meant that Stevie would lick all of their toes, then their pits and so on.

For little Stevie, it was somewhat more challenging than he anticipated. All three of the older teens had been sweating a lot, especially Dennis after his run around the block. What was worse, they made sure Stevie did a thorough job.

Dennis insisted that Stevie lick every single toe. By the time Stevie got to the "good parts" his tongue was pretty dry. Chip allowed him to take a few sips of water from time to time to moisten his tongue.

And that was all it was, just enough to moisten!

By the time Stevie was done with their cocks and balls the salty taste of teenage boys was so strong he almost gagged. And then, of course, there was that musk-like smell that was overpowering.

But it was their asses that presented his greatest challenge. His nose wrinkled as he worked his tongue up and down Dennis's crack and then stuck the tip in his hole. Dennis's moans were loud as he felt the point of his little brothers tongue work it's way inside of him.

As loud as his moans were, they were nothing compared to Kevin's. For Kevin, it was like nothing he had ever experienced before. He shook all over as Stevie forced the tip of his tongue in as far as it could go. Stevie seemed just as excited. There was something really cool about making Kevin squeal and moan with pleasure.

Had he known just how close Kevin was to cumming, he might have continued a little longer. He still had Chip to do, and figured it was getting late.

By the time he finished with Chip, all four of the boys were in an extremely high state of almost insane lust.

All of them were desperate to cum, even Stevie. There was an anxious discussion about what to do next. For a few moments it seemed like they would simply continue the game, then Chip came up with an idea.

"Well, listen guys, it's obvious all of us want to cum, so how about this. We can save the rest of the penalties for another day. We can finish up by playing a simple game of `jack-tag.'"

Kevin was curious, "So how does it work?"

Chip giggled, "Well there's a couple of different ways we could play. As much as I'd like to play in the back yard, maybe we shouldn't press our luck and just stay in here, so here is how it will work. It's sort of wild."

That seemed to catch their interest.

"We start by each of us drawing a card. The highest card goes first. He is `it' and get's blindfolded. The rest of us take up positions around the room, standing with hands behind our heads. The guy who is "it" feels his way around the room until he touch's someone. When he does, he jacks that guy off until he cums. Then the guy who came is `it'. He gets blindfolded. The others `reposition' in the room and then he feels his way around until he finds someone to jack off."

"The game continues until everyone has cum. Oh and if a guy who already `came' gets found again, he will have to jack himself off until he cums again, no matter how long it takes."

They all liked the idea. They drew cards and Dennis was the first one to be "it." All were breathing hard as they watched the blindfolded Dennis stumble around the room waving his arms and bumping into furniture.

He passed really close to Chip before finally running into Stevie. He was disappointed that it was Stevie who he would be jacking. Though it would be fun, it wouldn't be as much fun as jacking Kevin or Chip.

Still he did get excited as he stroked Stevie's hard little cock and quickly brought him to a nice orgasm. Though he wasn't shooting much at all yet, there was just enough to not be classed as a dry one.

Then it was Stevie's turn. He got really excited as he stumbled around the room. And he got even more excited when he ran into Kevin.

His excitement grew as he removed the blindfold, wrapped his hand around Kevin's hard cock and started stroking. Kevin gasped and immediately started pumping his groin, which caused Stevie to stroke harder and faster.

Chip and Dennis managed to resist the temptation to jack off as they watched. Kevin was really quite animated and was breathing really hard by the time he let out a really loud moan and shot his thick, creamy white load all over Stevie.

Luck remained with the little group of horny boys. Kevin was "it" and though he passed really close to Stevie, he ended up bumping into Dennis. So the game was pretty even.

Kevin wasted no time going to work on Dennis's throbbing cock. As anxious as he was to see Dennis cum, he took his time, and brought Dennis to the edge several times before finally making him shoot.

Chip smiled as he watched Dennis ejaculate. He made note of the fact that Kevin seemed to be a natural at "edging" a guy and wondered what it would be like to be at Kevin's mercy.

Dennis was now "it" again and broke the smooth stream of events when he bumped into Kevin. For a moment, Kevin was confused, then remembered the rules that Chip had laid out. He looked at Chip and said, "So I guess I need to jack off now, right?"

Chip nodded and giggled, "That's right for as long as it takes!"

For fun, they had Kevin climb on the desk, and get on his knees. They formed a semi-circle around him and then watched as Kevin grabbed hold of his cock and started stroking.

He was blushing like crazy as he tried to pleasure himself in front of the others. It took almost twenty minutes before he came again. It was almost as animated as the first time he came.

And so Kevin was "it" again. Fortunately for Kevin the boys were starting to tire, and no one seemed to mind when Chip silently placed himself directly in Kevin's path. Kevin seemed really excited when he realized he was going to get to jack Chip.

He was about to get started when an idea popped into his head. He looked at Chip and then the others and asked sheepishly, "I was just wondering if maybe I could jack him off in a special way. However I want. I mean if it's okay."

Despite the fact they were all pretty tired, the fact that Kevin used the words, "In a special way" peeked their interest.

Chip was so horned at this point that he was beyond reason. He wanted to cum in the worst sort of way and readily agreed.

He didn't protest at all when Kevin had Dennis and Stevie tie Chip on his bed, in the same manner they had tied Kevin earlier 3; with his arms tied above his head and his legs spread wide and tied off.

Chip's cock twitched in anticipation as Kevin knelt beside the bed and began teasing his cock. He wanted to cum bad! He needed to cum bad. And Kevin sensed it.

Any fatigue the boys felt, vanished quickly as Kevin just took over. He brought Chip to the edge several times in the course of fifteen minutes but would not let him cum.

Needless to say, Dennis and Stevie were excited. So excited at watching their older brother being tormented that they decided they needed a midnight snack They gathered up a bunch of things from the kitchen and munched out as they watched Kevin work on Chip.

Dennis whispered to Stevie as Kevin brought Chip to the edge again, "Wow, I think we created a monster."

Chip was thinking the same thing and started to complain.

"Okay, you've had your fun, so please just `get me off' okay?"

Dennis loved hearing his older brother beg. He winked at Kevin and said, "You just keep doing what you're doing. I'll shut him up! Stevie get my other jock from the laundry basket, the really smelly one and stuff it in Chip's damn mouth."

Stevie also seemed caught up in the moment. He did just as Dennis commanded and then sat down to watch.

Dennis's taste was really strong, and there was enough of the pouch of the wet and dirty jock dangling under his nose that he could smell Dennis's sweaty musk.

Although Kevin had some doubts about what he was doing, he couldn't help himself. He knew about the "initiation" he had committed himself to, and was pretty sure there would be some sort of payback, but he really wasn't all that concerned.

For the moment he was having too much fun working Chip's hot, well toned body and his ample teenage manhood.

Chip was trying really hard to cum 3; but couldn't. The tight cock ring that Kevin had placed on him, at Dennis's suggestion was making it even more difficult. Though Kevin was a "rookie" at this sort of thing, he did seem like a natural at what he was doing. For Chip, time passed all too slowly. Kevin brought him to the edge over and over again but managed to stop just before the big moment.

Dennis was totally beside himself. He loved watching Chip suffer and kept encouraging Kevin to keep going. An hour went by. Chip's body was totally covered in sweat and his sheet was soaked. His cock head glistened with pre-cum which dribbled down the length of his ample shaft.

Kevin leaned close to Dennis and Stevie and whispered, "So do you guys think I should just go ahead and make him cum?"

Stevie nodded but Dennis shook his head and whispered back, "Well, if you want my advice, I would try and get him to promise to do some other things. He's totally desperate to cum now and will promise anything just to be able to cum. And if he doesn't, just tell him you'll keep him tied up all night so he can't cum, at least until morning."

Kevin thought about it and his cock started throbbing all over again. He saw the pleading look in Chip's eyes, and made his decision. This type of thing seemed to be how they did things, so he went along with it.

He pulled the jock out of Chip's mouth and said teasingly, "Okay, well it seems like you really want to cum in the worst sort of way 3; and it also seems like it's sort of customary that you offer me something if I make you cum. Is that right?"

Chip started to argue, but it was a weak attempt. He was beyond reason and could only think about cumming. Heck, he had done the same thing to other guys, and loved doing it. So it only seemed fair. Still he did have to at least put up some token resistance.

"Oh come on Kevin, that wasn't part of the game. It's okay you tied me up and all, so just make me cum, okay?"

Kevin stood his ground and Chip decided to give him what he wanted. He was that desperate. He figured that Kevin really was new at this and wouldn't demand too much.

"Okay, okay, whatever! What do you want? You name it, I'll do it."

Chip's cock twitched as he said it.

Kevin winked at Dennis, smiled and said, "Okay, well um 3; how about this?

"I'll make you cum right now if you agree to be 3; you know my slave for 3; umm 3; like a week 3; like in those stories."

Dennis smiled as Chip pulled as his bonds and snapped at Kevin, "Hey, no fucking way! That's way too much, just for making me cum now."

Dennis was about to say something when Kevin snapped right back, "Okay, suit yourself! Guess you shouldn't have shown me those stories on the web!"

He shoved the jock back in Chip's mouth and ran the tip of his finger around Chip's throbbing cock head.

Chip growled into the gag and thrashed about. He was getting a little pissed. For someone new at this, Kevin was obviously a fast learner.

And so it continued for another thirty minutes. There were a couple of close calls when Kevin almost went too far. Pre-cum seemed to be everywhere. Chip's hair was plastered on his head from sweat and he was gasping for air. Kevin seemed to know all of his sensitive spots.

Dennis gave Kevin a feather, which he used on Chip's nipples, balls, cock and inner thighs.

Finally Chip couldn't stand it anymore. He started nodding his head.

Kevin grinned as he pulled the jock from Chip's mouth.

"So you ready to deal?"

Chip gasped, "Okay, Okay 3; look 3; how about we make it three days. And anything goes.. OKAY?"

Kevin chuckled, "Okay, I guess that's more than fair. But I get to pick the days!"

Chip nodded and said, "OKAY! It's a deal! NOW get me off!"

Kevin carefully pulled the cock ring off of Chip, then started stroking his cock.

It took less than a minute for Chip's muscles to spasm. He raised his butt up off the bed and gasped as several strings of his rich teen jock cum shot into the air. The first blast hit Kevin in the face. The rest splashed over Chip's chest and stomach.

Chip thought he was going to pass out. His orgasm was that intense!

When his breathing finally returned to normal, the boys untied him and helped him sit up.

Kevin held his breath for a moment, looked at Chip and asked, "Uh, you're not mad at me are you Chip?"

Chip looked at Kevin then cracked a smile, "Well, maybe I should be, but what the hell, it was intense! And besides it's not like we haven't done stuff like that before. And don't worry, I'll honor the deal. It's how we work."

And then they went to bed.

And, boys being boys, all four were fully boned once again before they fell asleep.

It was an "interesting" night for Kevin and Chip. Both of them kept waking up "hard" and in a sweat. Both were having similar confusing thoughts 3; even Chip. Kevin kept thinking about the year ahead and the things he would be required to do for his "initiation." He couldn't escape the fact that as tough as it would be, he was excited.

But he was also excited about the prospect of Chip being his slave. The confusing thing was he wasn't sure which excited him more.

In the other bed, Chip's mind and heart were racing too. Again he was having contradictory thoughts. He really was extremely excited about making Kevin do "stuff." He couldn't wait to torture him again and put him through all manner of humiliations.

His cock was twitching as he thought about it. It continued to twitch as he considered the three days he owed Kevin.

Predictably, three of the boys jacked-off before it was time to get up. Kevin, followed his standing orders and waited.

In the morning he asked Chip if he could jack-off. Chip was his old self. He made Kevin wait until they were all done showering. Then had him kneel in the center of the room, and jack off while they watched.

The brothers really loved watching Kevin pleasure himself. Chip especially loved the way Kevin blushed. He helped deepen Kevin's blush by reminding him that he would be masturbating in front of the camera on a regular basis.

It was Chip's reminder that pushed Kevin over the edge. He gasped as his hot white seed shot out of his throbbing manhood. He continued milking himself until he was completely dry, then sat back on his heels and waited.

Chip chuckled, "Great job Kev. Now go ahead and shower. We'll save some breakfast for you."


Brandon and Bryce once again approached the vacant classroom with trepidation. Both trembled slightly as they pulled off their clothes and waited to be summoned into the room, by whoever was there.

By the time they were finally called in, both were breathing hard, and their cocks were straining inside the chastity devices.

They were relieved that Jake wasn't there. Instead there were two young guys who appeared to be high school age. Both were dressed in gym clothes and appeared to be jocks. Judging from the way they were sweating, the twins figured they must have been working out just before they came.

The two smiled as they eyed the naked twins standing with their hands behind their heads.

One of them chuckled, "Well, it looks like it's just as the dude said. You guys understand you have to do whatever we say, right?"

Brandon and Bryce nodded their heads and responded in unison, "Yes Sir!"

They slowly circled the twins, running their hands over their bodies and squeezing their muscles.

"I have a feeling this is going to be fun. At least for us. Let's start by removing those things so we can check out your equipment! The dude left us the keys."

Predictably, both twins boned up instantly when the devices were removed. The guys slapped the twins' cocks around a little and squeezed their balls until they groaned.

"Yea, just as I figured, you guys have some really nice `equipment'. I bet you are both good at using it too! Maybe we'll have you demonstrate once we're done with the little games we have planned for you."

The guys smiled some more as they saw Bryce and Brandon's cocks twitch.

One of the crazy things about the situation was that of the four guys, it was the twins who should have been the most nervous. They were, to some extent, but it was the two high school jocks who were the most nervous.

Neither one had ever done anything like this, with the exception of the typical initiation and hazing things that many jocks experience when joining a team. Neither one wanted to appear "too" eager, but both were actually quite excited about being in control of these two naked college jocks.

They both had fun "initiating" the freshmen on their team and had been pretty "creative" with the things they put their young teammates through. They absolutely loved the feeling of being in total control and making the cocky young jocks do things they wouldn't normally do.

Actually, it had been one of their more "creative" initiation sessions that provided them with the opportunity to mess with the twins.

A couple of days before, they had been out in the woods near the college's fraternity row. They were initiating their freshman teammates in this small clearing that was really muddy. The freshmen were wearing just jockstraps and were required to exercise in the mud.

The exercises included sit-ups, leg lifts, pushups (until they dropped) and finally running in place and jumping jacks with their jock pouches stuffed with mud and small stones.

They hadn't realized that someone was watching them until the very end, when this "geekish" looking college guy appeared from behind the bushes. It didn't appear that he was upset and any fear they had of being turned in was quickly banished when he walked over and began talking to them.

It was an interesting conversation, to say the least. The guy told them his name was Dwayne and he was in a fraternity at the college. The two jocks introduced themselves as Orrin and Hunter and explained that they were doing a team initiation.

Dwayne pulled them aside and told them he had enjoyed watching and invited them to help him with a special initiation of two young college wrestlers. Though they were wary at first, he did have their interest, and they agreed to "help."

What they were doing with the freshmen was fun, but this was different. The two guys Dwayne was talking about were college age and that made it more fun and more exciting.

Bryce and Brandon cautiously "eyed" the two jocks. They weren't all that tall 3; maybe 5'9" or so. Their bodies seemed well defined and solid, typical of jocks who played games like lacrosse.

Although neither one of these guys showed any outward signs of being gay, both knew from experience that it didn't matter. Straight or gay, jocks that age could get worked up by anything even remotely sexual and get into some pretty nasty stuff.

[Boy Fact #17- If they can find a "justification", many "straight" boys can actually get turned on participating in activities that are "gay" in nature.]

And Orrin and Hunter were really starting to get worked up. Though they had never done "it" together, both of them usually got boned after a rough workout and jerked off as soon as they could. This morning's workout and run had been a rough one and both were starting to get painfully boned. Seeing the two naked muscular twins with "bone" of their own just seemed to speed things up.

Still there was a hesitation on their part. Neither one wanted to "appear" gay in any way. Both typically went out of their way to talk about sex with their girl friends whenever they made their initiates do anything even remotely sexual.

Their minds raced as they considered what to do with the twins. They hadn't thought about it all that much and seemed at a little bit of a loss. Finally, it was Orrin who got an idea, one which evolved quickly and was embellished by his friend Hunter.

He rummaged around the old desk at the front of the room, looking for rubber bands but found something better. It was a ball of binder's twine. The type that was sort of rough, hairy, and prickly. He whispered to Hunter to follow his lead as he cut two- 3 foot lengths of twine from the ball and handed one to his friend.

The twins flinched as Orrin and Hunter went to work. Both were reminded to keep their hands behind their heads and their legs spread.

Hunter knelt in front of Bryce and followed Orrin's lead. Like Orrin was doing to Brandon, he tied one end of the twine around the base of Bryce's long hard cock. He then proceeded to wrap the twine snuggly around the rest of Bryce's shaft 3; all the way up to just below the head, where it was tied it off.

When they were done, the two young jocks stepped back to admire their work. Bryce and Brandon's cocks were now encased completely in the irritating binder's twine. With every breath they flinched slightly as they felt pinches and pricks all along their cocks, which remained painfully hard and were sticking straight up.

Hunter added to their distress by ordering them to run in place. That caused more pain and it wasn't long before both were sweating from it and the physical exertion. Orrin taunted them as they "ran".

"Wow, you two really seemed to get off on this stuff! You are both still hard as rocks and it appears you are leaking plenty of pre-cum."

Orrin was right, of course. Like it or not the twins did "get off" on this sort of thing. They couldn't get soft, even if they wanted to.

Orrin and Hunter watched for awhile. Neither one seemed to care about the fact that they too had both become totally boned now. Their minds continued to race as they considered their next move.

Once again it was Orrin who came up with something. He winked at Hunter as he told the twins to stop running.

Then he pulled off his shirt and said, "Well, you know it's pretty hot in here and Hunter and I haven't had a chance to shower after our morning workout, so maybe you two can help us out a little."

Hunter wasn't sure where this was going, but continued to follow along. He removed his shirt and waited for Orrin's next move.

The twins eyed Orrin and Hunter some more. Their cocks really twitched as they checked out the two high school jocks' upper bodies. Their chests were smooth but well developed, with firm biceps to match. Both had clearly defined six pack abs and a hint of a "treasure trail" beginning slightly below their navels.

Orrin glared at Brandon as he raised one of his arms and snapped, "Okay jock boy, get your ass over here and wash my pits with your tongue 3; and make sure you do a good job."

They had never done anything like this before with their initiation things. Hunter thought it seemed a little gay, but was caught up in the moment and decided to have Bryce do the same thing with him.

The twins went to work quickly, running their tongues through the two high schooler's hairy pits. They smelled strongly of fresh teen sweat and tasted salty, but neither seemed to mind.

Orrin and Hunter clearly did not mind either, and were soon moaning. The situation was more than exciting, it was intoxicating. The physical sensation in their pits was one thing, but it was the simple fact that it was these two naked college jocks doing it, that was something else all together.

By the time Brandon and Bryce finished, all four were breathing hard. The room reeked of male arousal and sweat and Orrin and Hunter essentially gave into their darkest desires.

Hunter jumped in next by suggesting the twins lick their toes and feet.

If there was any feeling of humiliation, the twins didn't show it as they removed Orrin and Hunters shoes and sweaty socks. Both boys moaned louder and louder as Brandon and Bryce licked and sucked on their toes, one at a time, then ran their tongues up and down the soles of their feet.

The twins were moaning too. Their nostrils were filled with the pungent odor of teenage feet, but it didn't matter. The situation was just as arousing to them. Both wanted to jack off in the worst sort of way, but couldn't with the twine wrapped around their throbbing cocks.

As soon as the twins were done, Hunter leaned back, looked at Orrin and gasped, "What now Bro? I'll go alone with whatever you say."

He had assumed that they would do the same type of things they had done with their freshmen teammates, but this seemed a lot better. Sure he had sometimes gotten boned while initiating them, but nothing like this.

Now, if either of the two had thoughts that "crossed the line" between straight and gay, it was probably Orrin. He thought for a moment, then threw all "caution to the wind" as he sat back, looked at the two naked and boned college jocks kneeling in front of them and inquired, "So, tell the truth boys, are you two fags or what? Come on, admit it!"

Even after all they had been through, they were still reluctant to admit it. Which was kind of wild since they were in a fraternity that everyone knew was gay and into BDSM.

Brandon took a deep breath, leaned back, nodded and said softly, "Yes we are sir."

Orrin grinned, looked at Hunter and chuckled, "Well, bro, I don't know about you, but I'm sort of curious if fags do some of the things I've heard they do. So sit back. This could be educational."

Hunter was a little unsure about where this was going, but couldn't escape the fact he was excited 3; so he just went along with it.

Orrin glared at Brandon and continued, "Okay first of all, tell us your names. It's obvious you are twins, but we can tell you apart by your hair cuts. So tell us your names and what sports you play. It's obvious you do play sports."

The twins introduced themselves and explained they played all sports, but wrestling was their main love.

Orrin laughed, "Yea, I bet you guys really do love wrestling 3; you know getting to grab the other guy. To bad we don't have a wrestling mat in here cause it might be fun to watch you guys wrestle naked."

The twins didn't know what to say. Both had wrestled naked many times with each other, and loved the times when they were able to do it with others.

Orrin thought some more, then said, "Okay, we don't have a lot of time, so I think we better get to the `educational' part."

He let it sink in for a few moments, then continued, "Okay, now I've heard that fags love sticking their tongues in each other's asses. I think you guys call it rimming or tongue fucking 3; or something like that. I've never seen that, and neither has Hunter, so why don't you demonstrate on each other."

They had done it before, but the circumstances here, were pretty humiliating. Still they had no choice. To Orrin's delight, Brandon dropped down on his hands and knees and waited for Bryce to go to work.

Hunter's eyes widened as he watched Bryce position himself, spread his brother's ass cheeks and proceed to run his tongue up and down Brandon's crack. He couldn't believe a guy would do that.

His eyes widened even further as he watched Bryce run his tongue around and then into Brandon's hole.

He leaned closer to Orrin and whispered, "Dude, that's sort of gross. But I wonder how that feels."

Orrin chuckled, "Well judging by the look on Brandon's face and his moans, I bet it feels pretty good. Shit man, no girl has even done that to me, and I doubt they will. You know chicks!"

They sat back and watched as the twins changed places. Bryce's moans were even louder than Brandon's had been. If it wasn't for the twine around his cock, he probably would have cum.

Unknown to each other, Orrin and Hunter were having similar thoughts. Both wondered just how good it really did feel. Both remained boned to the max as they considered their next move, which would almost certainly be construed as gay. Still the more they watched, they more they didn't care.

A wild thought popped into Orrin's head. He couldn't resist it. The trick would be to get Hunter to go along with it. As luck would have it, a solution came to him.

He leaned over and whispered into Hunter's ear, "Okay Bro! How about we do the ultimate humiliation with these guys? It may seem a little strange and all, but, heck I don't know about you, but I love making them do nasty stuff. So trust me, okay? No matter what. Oh and whatever happens is just between us!"

Hunter was a little bit leery, but decided to just go along with it. He suspected where things were going, but was beyond caring, or reason.

[Boy Fact #7- A horny teenage boy lacks common sense.]

Orrin smiled, jumped to his feet and quickly pulled off his gym shorts and nodded at his buddy. Hunter shrugged and then pulled off his own shorts.

Once again the twins' cocks twitched as they looked at Orrin and Hunter standing before them, in just their bulging jocks. Both had thick pubic patches that framed their "packages" nicely.

Orrin turned around, bent over, looked back at the twins and chuckled, "Okay boys, show us how it feels to have a fag tongue work our asses! Do a good job or you'll regret it!"

Hunter mimicked Orrin's actions and waited nervously. He had never experienced anything like this and never thought he would.

It wasn't long before he and Orrin were moaning. Brandon worked on Orrin, while Bryce did Hunter. They ran their tongues up and down the cracks, around the holes and then inside the two hot teen boys.

Orrin and Hunter breathed harder and harder as the twins worked their tongues inside their virgin holes. It lasted for over five minutes. By the time the twins pulled back, Orrin's and Hunter's jocks were soaked with pre-cum

They couldn't believe just how good it felt. And like the pit and toe licking, the fact that it was being done by these two college jocks, who were totally under their control made it even better.

For the moment, both had "crossed that line". What followed was predictable and inevitable.

Orrin looked at Hunter and said, "Well I don't know about you, but I know what I want next!" as he pulled off his jock.

Hunter was in a daze. He grinned and chuckled as he pulled off his jock strap and stepped closer to Bryce. He glared down at the obedient jock and snapped, "Okay jock boy! You know what you gotta do now! So do it!"

Bryce stared at Hunter's hard cock. The circumcised head glistened with pre-cum and was throbbing. Bryce breathed in Hunter's strong scent.

Orrin giggled as he realized Hunter was really into the situation totally.

Hunter smacked Bryce on the top of his head and snarled, "What's that matter fag boy? Haven't you seen a hot cock like this before? Go ahead and get to work 3; NOW! Otherwise we'll have to punish you!"

Bryce responded to the abuse instantly. His own cock throbbed inside it's twine casing as he leaned forward, licked Hunter's ample balls and then began sucking his cock in earnest.

Brandon did the same to Orrin.

It could have been the overall "situation" or Brandon and Bryce's refined sucking skills, or just the simple fact that Orrin and Hunter were simply two teenage boys who were now horned out of their minds.

In either case it didn't take long for Orrin and Hunter to get totally lost in the moment. They grabbed the back of the twins' heads and actively began fucking their mouths fast and hard.

Brandon and Bryce recognized the "terminal" sounds and sucked harder as the two young budding "masters" shot their creamy loads. They made sure they sucked the teens dry before they sat back on their heels and waited.

Orrin and Hunter were once again drenched in sweat. Neither one had ever experienced orgasms as intense as that. It would haunt both of them for a long time and ultimately drive them to seek additional "opportunities" to explore their needs for domination.

Sadly, for the moment, their time was up. Orrin wanted to do more, but decided against it. He hoped that Dwayne would provide them with another chance to use these two college boys and didn't want to risk upsetting him.

Even so, an idea popped into his head. He thought it just might please Dwayne, so he went with it.

As he and Hunter were dressing, he gave Brandon and Bryce a final set of instructions.

They were to keep the twine on there cocks until noon. At which time they would run, in the nude, to the back yard of Dwayne's fraternity house. They would take the chastity devices with them.

When they got to the house, they would remove the twine, jack off, catch their cum and feed it to each other. Once they were done, they would put the chastity devices back on, and return to their own frat house. The locks didn't need the keys to lock 3; just to unlock, so the plan would work.

And so it went.

As soon as the twins were gone, Orrin returned the keys to their hiding place. He called Dwayne on his cell on the way to his car and filled him in on the plan he had devised. Dwayne seemed really pleased, which made Orrin happy.

He and Hunter said very little as they drove home. Both were lost in thought. Both would end up jacking off several more times that day.

And speaking of "jacking off" 3; Brandon and Bryce followed their orders completely.

The naked run to the "Geek" frat house was a little scary, since it took place in the middle of the day.

Their hearts pounded as they stood in the back yard of that house, removed the twine from their cocks and proceeded to masturbate. Oddly enough, for some reason, they kept their eyes open and looked directly at the faces staring at them through the windows.

Inside the house, the "Geeks" cheered as they watched the two naked jocks jacking themselves off in their backyard. They cheered even louder as they watched them feed each other their cum, put the chastity devices on and then run off.

All of them had been "victimized" by smart-ass, cocky jocks over the years, and none had any sympathy for any of them.

Jake smiled, as he watched the twins run off. He had captured their latest masturbation show on video and sent a copy of it to Dwayne.

As soon as he did, he returned his thoughts to the upcoming "Arena Event." There was still a lot to do. Besides just double checking the video setup at the barn, there was the matter of exactly what to do with the young "brats" who had earned some punishment for their failure, the day before, to make the twins "talk".

At around 12, or maybe 13, they were younger than his "tastes", but acted and looked a little older. And, of course, there was their overall, "smart-ass" attitude. There was hardly anything that Jake liked doing more, than humiliating and torturing dudes like that 3; no matter what their age.

The question was what to do with them. He thought about it for some time, then finally came up with a plan. He picked up the phone and called Chip. They chatted for a short while.


Chip loved Jake's idea. As soon as he hung up the phone, he went looking for Dennis. When he found him, he pulled him into another room and filled him in.

"Dude, Jake has something he wants you to do for this event. It is sort of last minute, but he is pretty sure you can make it work."

That got Dennis's attention initially, but it was what Chip went on to explain that got the full attention of his mind and his cock.

Chip gave him a quick overview of what had happened and told him that Jake wanted Dennis to come up with a way to "punish" the three "brats" during the Arena Event. Chip told him that the "brats" would do whatever they were told.

Dennis was a little unsure about the situation until Chip gave him their names. Dennis knew all of them, and disliked them all. Sure, he liked making older boys do stuff, but figured, this would be fun.

He gave Chip an inquisitive look and asked, "And I guess anything goes 3; right?"

Chip recognized the devilish look on his brother's face and chuckled as he punched him in the arm, "Well, yea, as always 3; anything short of, you know, permanent stuff. I mean you can't cut their balls off or anything."

Dennis laughed, "Yea, okay, too bad though, cause one of those little pricks deserves to have them crushed and then cut off! Anyway, okay, I'll do it."

Chip smiled and said, "Great! Just let me know what you have planned so we can work it in. I need to know by tomorrow afternoon. That's when we are meeting at the barn to rehearse things and then take some pictures and videos of all the guys who are fighting. I guess the "brats" should be there too, at some point, at least so they know what they will have to do."

The rest of the day, as well as the following morning, was essentially uneventful for just about everyone, as least as far as "stuff" was concerned.

Chip, Dennis, and Mark spent most of their time on the phone 3; confirming and coordinating the big event. Stevie and Kevin road their bikes out to the barn and torture house. Chip had given Stevie a list of things to do there and figured it would probably be best to keep them both busy.

Needless to say, a lot of the "participants" were having second thoughts.

The older guys, Coach Taylor, Aaron, Cody, and Ross had concerns about the age thing. Being in their very early twenties, they were all legally adults and were worried about the fact that not only would minors be there, but that there was no way of knowing who would be watching on the net.

Ross was the only one who didn't seem to care, but the others did.

Chip, was still Chip however, and was one eloquent and persuasive dude! Even so he did have to make one compromise. Anytime the action would be on "camera", the older guys were allowed to wear masks and no one would be allowed to take pictures of them without their masks on.

Chip figured it was a small price to pay for having the hot young adults involved. He was also pleased with himself, since he didn't have to even try holding any of the so-called "slave deals" over their heads.

Oddly enough, it was the teenagers who Chip and Mark had the toughest time with. All of them had "cold feet".

Matt and Justyn, the two 17 year olds, were the easiest to deal with. Both had slave deals, and Chip and Mark had plenty to hold over their heads, so their participation was essentially a "done" deal.

For Andy and Pete, Dennis's two 14 year old buddies, it took a little more than threats and coercion. They wanted an additional incentive. The fear of punishment was not enough. They wanted a reward for the winner.

They haggled for over a half hour. Chip was just about ready to tell them to just forget it and fuck off, when Dennis jumped in. He had been listening to Chip's side of the conversation for most of the time and could tell how frustrated Chip was getting.

He grabbed the phone from Chip, glared at his older brother and whispered, "Dude, you want them in the fight 3; right?"

Chip nodded and whispered back, "Yea, for sure, but not if they expect that much of a reward. I mean SHIT 3; they are nuts. I'll just scratch them from the whole thing if I need to, and maybe just put the twins in their place, instead of using them for the warm-up."

Dennis was certain Chip meant what he said. He thought for a second and then said slyly, "Okay, how about this, if I can get them to do it, without involving you in any way, can I make a deal?"

Chip knew Dennis very well. He knew how devious he could be. He looked back at Dennis and said, softly, but firmly, "Okay, yea, sure, as long as I'm not involved in anyway. But what's the catch? I know there has to be one!"

Dennis grinned and said, "Well, the only catch is this. You owe me a favor 3; you know like in the Godfather movie."

Chip was a little leery about this, but was also frustrated. He really did want to see Andy and Pete fight, and was hoping that Andy would lose. Though he sensed there was some sort of trap in this he ended up agreeing, and per his brother's request, left the room so that Dennis could complete the negotiations.

Ten minutes went by before Dennis emerged from the room with a smile on his face. He looked at Chip and said, "Okay, they are in! The loser will get crucified as planned. The winner will get a special reward!"

Chip's mouth dropped open. He stared back at Dennis and asked, "Okay little brother, how did you do it?"

Dennis laughed, "Dude 3; it was just like in the movie 3; I made them and offer they couldn't refuse!"

That definitely raised Chip's suspicions. He knew Dennis. He kept prodding him to give him the details. Dennis wouldn't tell! And Chip got frustrated.

In the end it took a physical wrestling match to get Dennis to open up. It was pretty brutal. Both were fairly evenly matched and solid. But Chip was older, and was even more of a "street fighter" than Dennis.

When at last he had Dennis where he wanted 3; pinned down on his stomach, with his hands locked behind his back 3; he kept "kneeing" Dennis in the balls and demanding to know what the deal was.

"Come on you little prick! What deal did you make with them? Tell me or I swear I'll mash your balls until you can't walk!"

It took a few really hard "mashes" before Dennis finally gave in.

He turned his head, looked at Chip and said, "Don't worry ass-wipe! It doesn't involve you at all. I just gave them something they couldn't resist is all!"

"WHAT was it?" Chip snarled.

Dennis gasped, "Okay, let me up, and I'll tell you. I totally promise!"

That was enough for Chip. The "brother/brother" promise thing had been a sacred thing, between the three of them. He let Dennis go, allowed him to rub his balls for a bit then asked simply, "Okay, so what did you give them?"

Chip smiled as he saw the little wicked grin on Dennis's face.

Dennis giggled, "Well I think you'll like it. I mean what I offered as a reward for winning."

Chip's frustration was returning. He snapped back, "AND THAT was WHAT? GOD DAMMIT!!!"

Dennis laughed and then said, "Dude it made sense 3; I just gave them Kevin for a week. He has to do whatever we say anyway. So I figured, why not!"

Chip's initial shock wore off quickly. It seemed like a lot, but what the heck.

He thought about it for a little while, then broke into laughter as he chuckled, "Well, heck, it will be part of his `exchange student' training I guess. And knowing those two perverse friends of yours, I am sure the training will be interesting."

They chatted for a few more minutes, laughing about how things had worked out, then Chip returned to his "duties."

He had one last pair of naked fighters to confirm 3; Jason and Logan! And it was another "hot" pairing. Both were on the lacrosse team and in great shape. Jason was 17 and Logan was 16.

One of the most interesting aspects of this "bout" was the fact that Logan and Jason had this "master/slave" deal in place. Although Logan was the "Captain of the Team", due to a quirk of fate, he was currently Jason's "slave boy".

And due to yet another strange quirk of fate, and some clever manipulation, the two were now committed to fight each other during the weekend's event at the "Naked Fight Club."

Once again Chip got frustrated when he realized both were trying to back out at the last minute. He ended up setting up a conference call between all three of them. After a brief period of bitching and moaning, they agreed on a "revised" deal.

Jason and Logan would fight each other as planned, and do everything as ordered on that day. The loser of the fight would be "crucified" like all the other losers and suffer torture from the crowd for two hours.

For the winner, there would be something else. If it was Logan, he would be released from his slave deal with Jason, and Jason would become his personal sex and torture slave until he graduated.

However, if Jason won, not only would Logan's slave time be extended for a year, but he would also have to figure out a way to get his 14 year old brother to help Jason.

By the time they were done talking, Chip had no doubt they would fight hard to win! Logan especially, since the thought of having his younger brother as one of his "masters" was pretty scary.

Chip breathed a sigh of relief as he hung up the phone. It seemed like all the main fighters were now locked in. In light of what had just happened with the Andy, Pete, Jason and Logan 3; Chip figured he might end up having to offer the other three pairs some other reward as well, since they were almost certain to find out.

Although things were looking good, there were still a number of things to work out and confirm.

There was the new matter of what they would do with the three 13 year old "brats". Chip had no doubt that Dennis would come up with something nasty and entertaining. He just hoped it wasn't too "nasty" or take too long.

Then there was the question of what to do with Kevin. He considered trying to integrate Kevin into the main events, but figured they already had enough going on. Kevin's time would come if this thing worked out. So he decided to use Kevin in a sort of "window dressing" way. Kevin would be dressed in just a jockstrap and help with their "mini-concession" stand that sold soft drinks and snacks.

Skyler and Zack had already agreed to do just that. The two 14 year old jocks were exhibitionists in their own right and would make great "bookends" on either side of the hot young German boy.

Chip continued running through all the details in his mind. Everything seemed to be falling into place.

Stevie and Kevin had moved all the restraints, sex toys and torture devices that Chip wanted from the "Torture House" to the tables in the back of the barn. It had definitely been an educational experience for Kevin. Had anyone been listening they probably would have cracked up, listening to little Stevie explaining to Kevin what some of the devices were for.

Kevin was definitely getting an education well beyond what his mother expected when she enrolled him in the student exchange program!

One after one, Chip "checked" things off in his mind 3;

Mark would actually be running all the video stuff in the barn, since Dwayne and Jake had decided not to be there, "in person", just in case. Still, they would be on call, and Jake and Dwayne would be monitoring the Website, by remote, during the event.

The only thing that still had Chip concerned was the "attendees!" It was supposed to be a "by invitation only" event 3; both in real life and on the Internet. But word was clearly getting out and he had no idea how many people would be attending and/or watching.

The Internet was the easier thing to deal with. If it appeared that things were getting out of hand, Dwayne and Jake had assured him they could simply cut the broadcast off and shut down the website.

His biggest concern was the barn and the live attendees. There was an old dirt road that led to the barn from the other side of the property. That was the way everyone was supposed to get there. But what if some figured out the other way in? And what if it drew attention to the barn and the "house."

He thought about it for quite some time but somehow managed to set it aside. There was something he remembered about what Bill (the rich guy who owned it all) had said when it all started 3; as Chip recalled, it was something like 3; "Money can buy a lot more than property! It can buy a LOT of silence too! When! And ONLY IF it is needed, call the toll free number that is in the box, under the bottom step, in the basement! There is also an email address there."

Chip had found the box, memorized the number and the email address, and then destroyed the paper! Because it seemed like the thing to do!

[Boy Fact #2- Boys are natural conspirators.]

As it turned out the number and address weren't really needed. The crowd was a little bigger than Chip had anticipated, but everyone was very secretive and followed their instructions. They used the back road and parked their cars and bicycles behind the barn in the small field 3; totally out of sight from the road.

Chip was once again reviewing the plan for the actual fights when Kevin and Stevie returned. They were home alone, so Kevin followed his standing orders and got naked. He sat down beside Chip and asked how things were going.

Chip told him things were looking great and decided to give Kevin the overview of how things would work. He wondered how long it would take Kevin to bone up while he explained the events.

It didn't take long at all.

The basic plan was:

There would be five main fights or contests, plus the warm-up one between the twins, Brandon and Bryce.

The main fights were: Andy vs. Pete (the 14 year old teenagers) Matt vs. Justyn (the 17 year old teenagers) Coach Taylor vs. Aaron (the early 20's, recent college Grads!) Jason vs. Logan (the 17 and 16 year old teenagers) Cody vs. Ross (the two 21 year old college seniors)

Before the event, all of them would be lined up on either side of the barn entrance. They would be naked, with their arms bound over their heads. The "guests" would be allowed to touch them as much as they wanted, but were not to make them cum.

The fighters would be naked when they fought and would be required to stay boned the entire time. If a fighter lost his erection, he would automatically lose. The fight would go on until one of them gave in.

At the end of all the fights, the losers would be secured on crosses around the ring and the crowd would have two hours to torture them.

Kevin was really curious about how the actual fights would be staged, so Chip explained some more. He indicated that the plan might change.

The warm-up event sounded really exciting. The Twins would be in the huge metal cage that had open handcuffs secured on the sides and dangling from the top. The winner would be the one who could get his opponent cuffed and helpless. Once that happened he would gut punch the loser for as long as he wanted.

The loser would be kept secured inside the cage during the rest of the events, and any of the guests who wanted to, could go inside and torture him.

Kevin remembered the Twins and got hard just thinking about the match.

Andy and Pete would be the first match in the main arena. It would be a very simple match 3; with bare hands only. Anything would go though 3; punching 3; kicking 3; choking 3; you name it 3; until one of them gave in.

Chip chuckled when he explained the next match. It was more of a contest. Knowing Matt and especially the smart-ass Justyn, Chip had decided to go with something that would be really humiliating.

Kevin's eyes widened as he listened to Chip describe the "Dildo Race". The two boards borrowed from the frat house each had five dildos on them. The dildos got progressively bigger from one end to the other. The two contestants would race to impale themselves on all the dildos. They would have to get the dildos all the way in. Once they did, they would have to "hump" themselves up and down an increasing number of times.

Two humps on the first one, the smallest 3; four humps on the second one 3; six on the third 3; and so on until they did ten on the last.

Once they were done, they would run to the edge of the ring, face the audience and jack off. The winner would be the one who came first while jacking off.

Kevin gasped, "Wow, that sounds really intense. And how old are these guys?"

Chip chuckled, "Both are 17 and in good shape."

Chip couldn't wait to see Justyn riding the dildos in front of that crowd and then jacking off.

Next would be Coach Taylor and Aaron, the two recent college grads. Chip had decided that they would wear leather collars that were joined by a six foot piece of rope. Both would be given a leather flogger and be blindfolded.

The blindfolds had to remain on for the entire match, which would go on until one of them gave in.

Chip's own cock started to throb as he imagined Coach and Aaron going at each other. Both were in incredible shape, with fully developed bodies, but had rather youthful faces. He figured it would be a good fight.

Chip had plans for the last two matches but hadn't made up his mind which would be which.

One would be between Jason and Logan, the two hot high school lacrosse players, and the other between Cody, the super "hot" college quarterback, and his almost equally hot wide receiver, Ross.

One of the matches would be similar to the one between Coach Taylor and Aaron, in that they would be tied together. Each would be given a flogger and a birch branch. They would not be blindfolded, but would be tied together by a five foot length of rope that was attached firmly to their balls.

The other was sort of a combination "obstacle" course and fight. The two naked fighters would stand back to back at one end of the ring. When they were told to "GO" they would follow these paths, that wound around opposite sides of the ring. Along the way there would be "stations" where they would be required to do certain things.

At the first, it would be 20 pushups 3; the second, 20 sit-ups 3; the third, 20 jumping jacks 3; at the fourth they would have to coat their cock and balls with Icy Hot 3; the fifth would be 40 pushups 3;then 40, sit-ups at the sixth 3; 40 jumping jacks at the seventh 3; then at the eighth, they would have to insert a large butt plug in their ass.

Chip smiled as he pictured the event. Kevin was enthralled as he listened to Chip's description. It was that last part of this bout that got him really excited.

Once a guy had the butt plug in place, he could race to this table at the front of the ring and choose ONE object. There was a leather flogger, a riding crop, a long leather paddle, a birch branch, a tawse, and a horse hair flogger (they sting!).

At that point the object would become to remove the butt plug from his opponent!

The guy who made it to the table first, would have a definite advantage. He could try and prevent the other guy from reaching the table if he wanted too, using the item he had acquired.

And, of course, like all the events, both would be required to be boned the entire time.

Chip smiled again as he reminded Kevin of that requirement, which Kevin thought was pretty cool. He imagined the guys stroking themselves periodically, throughout their bouts, to stay hard.

Chip was imagining it too, but figured it would not be all that tough, since all of them would be given the "pills" just before the guests started arriving.

Kevin was painfully boned by the time Chip finished his explanation of the fights. But it was when Chip explained Kevin's role that his cock really started to throb.

"Okay Kev, now we're going to have this little concession stand setup selling soft drinks, bottled water, juice and snacks and I want you to help there. Like the other two guys who will be working there, you will be wearing just a jock strap. Oh yea, and if any of the guests wants to see your cock and balls, you will show them. Got it?"

Kevin blushed as he nodded and said, "Yes, I understand. Umm 3; will I have to do anything else?"

Chip chuckled, "Well, that will be up to you. I suspect, at some point, someone will want to, maybe `feel you up'. But, like I said, I'll leave it up to you."

Kevin's cock throbbed as he thought about it some more.

Chip grinned as he looked at Kevin's throbbing cock. He laughed, "Well it's pretty obvious you need to relieve yourself, so how about I put you on that Webcam setup and see if some of your friends from back home are still awake?"

It was more of a statement than a question. It only took a few minutes for Chip to get it all setup. Kevin sat in the chair, fondling his cock and balls and staring at the camera. Chip watched the little chat room and gave Kevin a "thumbs up" sign when he saw they had five viewers.

Kevin spit in his hand, grabbed his hard cock and started stroking as he looked at the camera and said, "Hello everyone. I hope you enjoy watching me masturbate like this. If there is anything else you would like to see me do on camera, please say it in chat and I'll try and do it next time."

It was what Chip had told him to say. He stroked faster as he saw the comments running across the chat window. He couldn't read what they said, but figured there were some nasty ones, judging by the way Chip was chuckling.

Kevin's thoughts turned to the upcoming arena event. He didn't really have a big role there, and wondered if many of the guests really would try to get him to do more "things" 3; and with that he gasped and shot an ample load all over his chest, stomach and pubes 3;

Postlogue, Suggestion Request, Notes

Another apology for the delay in getting this Chapter out. Sometime life gets in the way. Thanks to all who have emailed me with support and suggestions. It has helped

Anyway, at long last, we really are on the verge of the great Arena Event. As a reminder, this event is clearly a fantasy, for entertainment purposes only, and is not intended to promote actual events or encounters.

Also, I am still trying to include suggestions as best I can and as the storyline will allow. It does take time to work them in. There are a few things that will probably not make it into the story however. They include, and are not limited to: permanent markings (although there may be a branding at some point), mutilation, castration, 'extreme' public nudity/acts (the kind that could clearly get someone arrested, like streaking a football game or a mall, etc.), anything involving human excrement (ie. Shit), and feminization (sorry, it is a personal thing).

While the Arena Event does 'cross-the-line' in some ways, I have decided to keep it in, in view of the overwhelming response.

As mentioned in this Chapter, Chip has come up with plans for how the events will be staged. They should be pretty intense!

Please feel free to email any suggestions either for additional events OR for what should be done with the three 'brats.' Dennis is coming up with an idea, but hasn't announced it yet.

Also, Chip hasn't decided which of the final two pairs will do what. He has two 'fights' in mind. He just needs to decide.

Character Summary

Once again, I have decided to include a recap of the 'Main' and 'Semi-Main Characters'. Note also I have Included a NEW designation 'Periodic'. These are characters who will come in and out. Teenage boys can be VERY promiscuous! And that is one of the reasons our characters seem to multiply so damn fast! Anyway here is a quick GUIDE to our MAIN, Semi-MAIN and PERIODIC characters. Sorry that I am not including FULL descriptions of each! Suffice it to say all are HOT 3; or at least CUTE! 3;

ALSO, if a character is NOT INCLUDED, it is for ONE of two reasons. The first being a simple 'oversight' AND the second being that, unless I receive requests the character who was omitted is not intended to become a regular one.

ANYWAY, here they are:

The Peterson Brothers! (MAIN) Chip Peterson- 15 years old, Short Spikey Blond hair, warm brown eyes, compact well proportioned athletic build with rapidly developing six pack abs, a cock that is a least 7 inches [18 cm] (or more), and a beautiful thick patch of pubic hair with golden highlights.

Dennis Peterson- (MAIN)14 years old, short dirty blond hair, a pert little freckled nose, piercing blue eyes. With the exception of the six pack abs, Dennis's body is a mirror image of Chip's 3; he has the same well proportioned athletic build, a long cock, and a thick patch of pubic hair. Facially, though, he could pass for a ten year old.

Steve 'Stevie' Peterson - (MAIN) 11 years old, bright blond hair which he spikes just like Chip, green eyes, and rosy 'chipmunk' like cheeks. His body is smooth and trim without an ounce of baby fat.

The Wiley Brothers! (They JUST moved in!) (MAIN) Mark- Literally the 'new kid on the block.' He is 13 years old, has a tight compact body, and a really nice little bubble butt. He is just as scrappy and self-confident as Chip was at that age, but having just moved into the neighborhood he is over-eager and desperate to make new friends.

Matt- (PERIODIC) The other 'new kid on the block.' He is 17 and is Mark's older brother. He is another super jock, with an attitude to match, and a rather large cock. Although Matt has had more than his share of girls, his greatest passion has been 'perving' his younger brother Mark 3; until recently when Mark managed to turn the tales on him!

Aaron (PERIODIC) Aaron is 21 and in Grad School, majoring in sports medicine and therapy. As a Phys Ed major, he, of course, has kept himself in exceptional shape. He is gay, and really into BDSM. As scary and risky as it gets for him, he really likes doing 'stuff' with teenage boys. And actually loves being on the receiving end!

Pete and Andy- (PERIODIC) Dennis's 'best friends'. Both are 14 years old. Both are jocks. And both are constantly horny. Chip really has a 'thing' about Andy's body! Andy is a swimmer and has a REALLY small, tight butt!

Justyn (PERIODIC) Or Less since he is an asshole!! This Justyn is Aaron's asshole cousin who was staying with him for a few weeks! He is 17.

Skyler and Zack (PERIODIC) Two more cocky 14 year old jocks. They first appeared in Chapter 7 when Mark 'recruited' them to help out. They both are really straight! But also really horned! Both of them have the same attitude 3; 'IF it feels good 3; go for it!' Neither one has 'homo-phobic' attitudes! They just love sex! Any way they can get it!

Logan (SEMI-MAIN)OMG! Logan first appeared in Chapter 10! And was described this way 3; Logan who was actually 16 and a total stud 3; bright blond hair, piercing green eyes, and the type of solid muscular body typical of high school lacrosse players.

Jason (SEMI-MAIN) A High school senior. He is on the lacrosse team with Logan, is 17 and delivers pizzas. He has a fairly well developed body, but is not as 'toned' as most of the other boys. Like Chip, he seems to have an 'uncanny' understanding of how to control and manipulate others 3; particularly boys! And also like Chip, he loves the torture aspects of BDSM.

Coach Taylor (PERIODIC) The 22 year old former college lacrosse star had joined the high school coaching staff immediately after graduation. He was an exceptional player who was well liked by all the boys 3; Due mostly to his athletic prowess and also the fact that he could pretty much pass as one of them. He looked that young. He has redish hair and an extremely well developed body, not to mention a really big cock. He is gay, but very inexperienced sexually. The very thought of being 'used and heavily tortured' by younger guys is his big 'turn-on.'

Cody- (PERIODIC) The Star Quarterback for the local college team. He had a really nice build with great biceps, a v-shaped torso, solid abs, and a really small muscular butt. While he excelled in college football, and might have a shot at being drafted into the pros, he wasn't deluding himself, at barely six foot and 189 pounds, he just wasn't big enough.

Casey- (PERIODIC) The CLASSIC 'All-American' boy type, with the rosy cheeks, piercing green eyes, a chiseled jaw and an extremely well defined body. He could have been a 'poster boy' for 'GQ' magazine since he was the type of guy who was always well-groomed and never seemed to have a hair out of place. In fact, his frat brothers have nick-named him 'GQ'. If anyone seemed out of place at the Gamma House (the BDSM Frat), it would have to be Casey.

The Twins (Bryce and Brandon) (MAIN) - Both have blond hair and blue eyes and solid well proportioned bodies. It was pretty obvious they were identical twins. About the only difference between the two was that one wore his hair longer than the other. Bryce had the longer hair.

Dwayne and Jake (PERIODIC) - The two guys from the GEEK Frat who love manipulating and using jocks. Both are gifted. Of the two, Jake is clearly the most sadistic!
