Scott WestwoodBoys Love TortureChapter 29
Story and Other NotesOnce again a reminder that characters will be coming and going throughout this series! Some will take center stage for awhile, then 'recede' for awhile.My Story Support Site is back online. It includes pictures that viewers have sent me depicting how they view the various characters. If you have one you'd like to submit, email it to me at westwoodscotty(at)hotmail(dot)com. Also email me if you would like the link to that site and I'll send it to you.
Chip sat in a booth at the back of the little café. It was near the college campus and sort of 'trendy.' It had free WI-FI access and there were a number of college students scattered around the place at the moment. Most were drinking those fancy coffee drinks while they worked on their Laptops. Chip had been 'nursing' one of them himself as he waited. He was a little nervous. The call that started this whole thing had been rather mysterious and perhaps a little ominous. The call had come in on his cell early the previous morning. The voice on the other end of the line was deep and gruff. Chip's first inclination had been to hang up but he kept listening when the voice mentioned the 'Torture House' and 'The Arena Shows.' It was a strange conversation. The guy seemed to know a lot about Chip and all the boys involved with the Torture House. That included the college frat guys as well. Apparently the guy sensed Chip's nervousness and the phone and went to great lengths to ensure Chip that he and the boys were not in trouble. The voice concluded by saying, "Look I'm willing to bet that this is freaking you out a bit. I'll get to the bottom line which is I have a little proposition for you that I am certain you will find interesting and beneficial for you and your friends. But I'll need to meet with you in person to explain it. Don't worry, it will be in a public place so you'll feel safe. I have your private secret email address and will send you the instructions of where and when to meet. Before I do however, I'll send you an email with a special link on it. Trust me when I say you'll want to check it out." "Once again Chip, I'm not out to hurt you in anyway. Quite the contrary I want to help you more than you could imagine. Do a favor for me and I'll return it ten fold. For now, just check out the link I send you. Afterwards, if you want to meet, send me an email back and I'll send you instructions. The only initial stipulation is that if we do meet, you will follow the instructions I send you to the letter. Otherwise any potential mutually beneficial deals will be off." And with that he just hung up. Chip tried to just blow it off in his mind, but couldn't. All day long he kept checking his email, when the email finally arrived his heart started pounding. It was short. It contained a link to a website and a specific page on that site that he was to go to at 6 pm EST that night. It further instructed him to log into the chat room there with the handle "RedAnt!" That was a clear indication to Chip that the guy knew a lot about their activities. To say he was intrigued would be an understatement. He was happy that he would be home alone that night. Stevie and his parents were at some "cultural event" in the city. Stevie didn't want to go, especially since he had to wear a tie. But Mom was insistent. Chip had managed to get out of it because he had soccer practice and wouldn't be home in time. Chip ran all the way home from practice. When he got into his room, he pulled off his sweaty shirt and stripped down to just his jock. It was one of those "nasty" little things he liked to do when he was alone and surfed the net. And he was totally alone because Dennis and Kevin were off at this educational camp thing for the week. Mark wouldn't be over either because he was at the same camp. Anyway, Chip noted that the link he had gotten was to a site that was out of the country. He was even more pleased when he got there, and to the specific page he had been given. It was a Webcam Site. Even better was the fact that the actual page was one that featured Teen Boy Torture. Chip was on a little early. The Webcam room he had been directed to wasn't active yet but was listed as the #1 Room for the week so far. While he waited, he popped in and out of some of the other Webcam "rooms" 3; more like little shows. Most of featured guys were sitting in front of the camera chatting with the others in the room, who pushed for them to get naked. Those who had gotten naked were torturing themselves while everyone watched. Most were taking suggestions for what to do next. Chip had been on similar sites, but not one like this that seemed focused on torture, which he loved. A lot of the guys were hot. Some were also pretty dang young. Chip checked most of them and got totally boned in the process. He found the instructions for how to set up Webcam shows on the site and got even more excited when he read about how he could earn credits for things like "Login In time" on gay porn sites, even sex toys through the mail. With the equipment they had at the barn, he was certain anything they did as far as putting on one of these shows, would be a hit.
Scream You're on "Teen Boy Torture"At precisely 6 pm, the Chat room he had been waiting for became active. There was a still shot of what looked like a dungeon on the screen. He logged into that room and gave himself the handle "RedAnt" as instructed. He smiled as he watched the number of visitors rise rapidly. He also found that his cock was rising at the same time, in anticipation, fueled partly by the mystery of the call that had resulted in him being there. He jumped right in and started asking questions about this show that everyone was chattering about. He was directed to go to the room's profile, which he did. The instructions were simple enough 3; in a few minutes everyone would be shown three boys aged 13, 14 and 15. Then everyone would get to vote on which one would be tortured in the dungeon that night, and also which device would be the primary one used. There were pictures of the potential devices setting in the dungeon. They were a rack, a torture table, a St. Andrews cross, and a punishment horse. Chip's cock was getting harder by the minute as he waited in anticipation, along with all the others. The number in the chat room was getting close to 200 now. Judging by the comments that were being made, he was sorry he had missed the previous night's show., especially when some of them mentioned how much they liked the part where hot wax was dropped on the inside of this guy's foreskin and made him scream. Chip pressed for more details, but didn't get much of a response. Everyone was too intent on waiting for the "boys" to be shown. He was told however that the boys would probably be on display in separate cells. All three would be naked and bound so that their bodies could be examined. One guy commented that they would probably be boned if it went like the night before. Chip's cock really started to throb as he watched the comments fly through the room. The three boys supposedly all had nice firm bodies and decent sized cocks 3; even the 13 year old one. This guy "Punisher" started chatting. He was the owner and host for the event. When he popped up on the Webcam screen, more blood rushed into Chip's hard cock. The guy appeared to be college age and had a body that could stop traffic. He was obviously a wrestler or a gymnast judging by his defined muscles. Chip also loved what he was wearing 3; a black executioner's mask 3; black leather armbands 3; a black jockstrap and black combat boots. The fact that he was boned was obvious. Chip got really excited. Already he was getting more ideas for their next Arena Show. He couldn't wait to show this site to Mark. If anyone could figure out how to make this work, it was that kid. He was a real brainiac. It seemed they were getting close to the time when they would get to choose the torture victim for the night. Punisher reminded everyone about how the voting would go. After all three boys were shown, they would have five minutes to type in their votes. All they had to do was type in "#1", "#2" or "#3". He noted that one of his "volunteers" was running a journal program that would record the votes and would prevent anyone from voting more than once. Anyone caught doing that would be booted from the chat room and banned for the rest of the show. Chip was so excited. Since Mark was not there to see this, he launched his video "capture" program and lined it up on the Webcam window. It worked really well and had been used to capture and record other Webcams. At last the moment arrived. Chip confirmed that the video capture was working. He poised his fingers over the keyboard to vote for the night's victim who would be torture while they watched and listened for a full hour. Someone typed in "DRUMROOL PLEASE" in chat. Chip smiled and shifted his hard cock inside his sweaty jock as the picture changed. The Title "Boy #1" popped up on the screen. The video was perfectly clear. It was in a dungeon jail-like cell. Sitting on the floor was a naked boy. His arms were shackled to the wall above his head. His legs were spread wide and secured to the floor, and as all had hoped, he was totally boned. Chip looked at the guy's tight little athletic body and started to breath harder. It wasn't until the camera zoomed in on the boy's face that Chip gasped out loud. He almost fell out of his chair. The boy was Mark, and he looked really scared. Chip just couldn't believe it. He wanted to grab his cell phone and call someone, but who would he call. The next shock came a couple minutes later when "Boy #2" was revealed. He was in the exact same position as Mark had been 3; It was his brother Dennis 3;he was naked and boned and for once looked scared too. Shock number three wasn't as much of a surprise. Boy #3 was Kevin who was naked and boned like the others. A thousand questions flew through Chip's mind 3; What the fuck? 3; How the hell did this happen? 3; Did Dennis do this? 3; Yea he probably did 3; what a dumb SHIT!" Chip was so temporarily disoriented that he almost forgot to vote. By the looks on Mark and Kevin's faces, he was certain they were not crazy about what was happening. Though he didn't know how he had done it, he was certain it was Dennis. He was the one that supposedly "won" that Internet contest and invited Kevin and Mark to that great camp. Almost absentmindedly, he voted for #2. He sat there still in a daze as the votes were counted up. He was a little surprised that "Boy #1" was chosen by a rather wide margin.
Mark's TortureStill in a daze, he watched as Mark was pulled from his cell and marched into the dungeon. He knew Mark had lots of guts, but right now he looked like a scared rabbit.The crowd's next choice was what device to use. It was a close vote, but in the end the torture table won. As much as he loved young Mark, Chip's cock really throbbed as he watched him being stretched out on his back on the torture table. He was spread eagled and tied down so tight that he grunted. Chip looked at the "Visitor Count" for the room, it was at 262. Suggestions for ways to torture Mark were coming in fast. Not surprisingly most wanted various forms of cock and balls torture. Someone seemed to be sorting them out and passing them to this Punisher guy, who was the one who would be doing all the torturing. Punisher looked at the camera and said, "Okay, for all those who can hear me, the first torture of the night will be ball torture, using a ball press. Chip's eyes were glued to the screen as Punisher slipped a wooden ball press over Mark's relatively small, but sensitive balls. It was very similar to one they had at the torture house. Chip's cock throbbed as he remembered torturing Mark's tender balls. As gutsy as Mark was, he almost always screamed when his balls were tortured hard. The video "coverage" was a little bit rough since Punisher stepped out of frame from time to time to adjust the camera. Things got a little better when someone else apparently started helping. He wasn't that good at the controls, but was able to show some decent close ups of Mark's face and his cock and balls. Chip quickly forgot about his questions about this had all come about and just sat back and watched the show. Punisher began turning the screws on the press and it wasn't long before Mark was huffing and puffing. The viewers kept demanding more pain and Punisher kept turning the screws. Chip knew the feeling all too well as he watched Mark sweat and squirm. His chest was heaving up and down and he was huffing and puffing. Eventually he cried out, "OHHHHHHHHHHH 3; GOD!! AHHHHHHGGGGGGD!" Punisher looked at the screen, beneath the bottom of his mask, his mouth formed a wicked grin and he said, "No Safe word for this boy tonight! Want to hear more?" Sadly for Mark they did. Punisher gave the screws a few more turns. Mark raised his butt off the table and screamed, "AGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH! 3; AHHH! AHHHH!" He was thrashing so much that Chip was afraid he would dislocate a shoulder. Tears flowed from his eyes as he gasped for air. Chip knew the pain. Getting kicked in the balls, but this was worse, because it was a slow pain. Punisher waited for Mark to settle down just a bit. Then looked at the screen once more and said, "Okay, now it's time for some cock torture. Boy Number one here is supposed to be some kind of genius with electro-torture, so we'll try that on his own cock. Chip continued to watch as Punisher wrapped two wired bands around Mark's cock, one partially on the head and the other at the base, just above the cock ring he was wearing. The sound of the electrical unit was hard to hear, but was clearly there and got louder as Punisher turned the dial. The chatters were all calling for more and more current. As expected, it wasn't longer before Mark was gyrating and screaming more. The current made it feel like hundreds of needles were flying through his engorged cock. Punisher made it even worse. He left the current on, picked up a milking rod and pressed the tip against Mark's purple cock head. Mark screamed really loud when he pressed the trigger. Most saw the electrical spark on the tip of Mark's cock, right at the piss slit. All heard his scream echo through the room. "AHHHHHHHHHHHH! OH MY GOD! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! NO!!!!!!!!! AHHHH!" His screams continued as Punisher zapped Mark's tortured cock four more times. ""AHHHHHHHHHHHHGGGGGGG! 3;.. EEEEEEEEEHHHHHHH! AGGGGGGGGHHHHH!" Punisher had been keeping a close eye on the clock and figured it was time for the finale. To the dismay of many, he removed the electrical bands and the balls press. He lubed his hand and wrapped it around Mark's tortured, yet hard cock. Everyone listened carefully as Punisher glared at the boy and snarled, "Okay Boy, here's the deal. You have about ten minutes left to cum with my hand around your cock. You'll have to do most of the work. If you fail to cum before then, after tonight's show you will be taken to a cross outside that's near the back of this property. It's on the edge of a swamp. You'll be secured on the cross for the night and I can assure you, naked as you are, a lot of little critters will get a taste of you! That will be your punishment, so pump hard." Punisher looked at the camera and said, "Oh and we'll make sure to record some highlights for you all." Not surprisingly a number chatted that they hoped he would fail. Most, however wanted to see the hot little 13 year old shoot. Chip was really breathing hard as he watched the final ten minutes. Mark was spread out pretty tight, but was able to pump his groin up and down. Fortunately for him, he was in great shape and had great endurance. For the second night in a row all eyes were glued to the Webcam window as a young, teenage boy tried desperately to shoot. Mark pumped his groin faster and faster. Pain shot though his stomach and thigh muscles but he kept at it 3; sliding his cock up and down through Punisher's hand which thankfully maintained a firm grip on his throbbing teen pole. While most eyes stayed on Mark's slender body, Chip glanced periodically at Punisher. Clad primarily in just that black jock strap, Chip could tell Punisher was breathing hard and was sweating a lot. His rippled stomach was moving in and out. Chip smiled as he thought, "Yea, looks like Punisher likes punishing little boys a lot! I wonder just how old he really is 3; 20 maybe?" Chip did feel some sense of relief when he heard Mark cry out and shoot in the air with about one minute left. It wasn't much jism, but he had cum and had therefore avoided the Punishment. The show ended right on time, although Punisher and a bunch of the others lingered in chat. Chip wondered what was happening at that point 3; and also wondered where they were. He tried to think of what to do, and was a little worried. Chat rooms were a part of Chip's life, so he lingered too, hoping to learn something. It was about 5 minutes after the show had ended that Chip received an invitation to enter into a private chat. It was from someone named DungeonKing. He accepted the invite and entered a private chat. RedAnt: Hi DungeonKing:Hi! So did you enjoy the show? RedAnt: Oh ya. It was a big surprise though. DungeonKing: LOL. I'm sure. RedAnt: So are you the guy who called? DungeonKing: Oh ya. LOL! RedAnt: I figured. DungeonKing: Look Dude, I'm sure you've got a lot of questions. Most of them I won't answer right now. RedAnt: That okay. Whatever. DungeonKing: First thing is, your brother and his friends will be returned safely at the end of the week. So don't worry, and I'm certain they'll keep their mouths shut. You all seem very good at that. RedAnt: LOL. Yea. So what's gonna happen to them for the rest of the week? DungeonKing: Honestly I don't know everything, but I do know all three will be tortured very hard. It's part of the deal your brother made. Chip thought, DAMN YOU Dennis. How dumb can you be? DungeonKing: Don't be too mad at your brother. He's paying a heavy price. He's getting something in return, but that's not what I'll be talking to you about. RedAnt: That's cool. So what you want from me? DungeonKing: It will be easier to explain it in person. For now let's just say it will be very worth your time and effort. I can get you more equipment and hook you up with Internet connectivity that is a lot safer than what you boys have used for your Arena show. It is impossible to trace. They continued to chat some time, mostly because Chip kept pushing. He didn't know what the guy wanted in return yet, but it all sounded great 3; The Internet stuff 3; even more video equipment 3; more sex toys for the torture house 3; even a renovation of the basement that would make it into a real dungeon. DungeonKing: Now I have to tell you, I do know the guy who owns that property. We keep in touch. He likes you guys a lot too. So he is cool with anything I do. That did come as another surprise to Chip 3; but what the heck, the bills were all being paid. RedAnt: Okay, all sounds good. But just what do you want from me? DungeonKing: Well to start with I need you to do a couple favors for me. Then after that, from time to time I may ask you to do some more. RedAnt: LOL! You sound like the Godfather or something. DungeonKing: Not to worry, you won't have to kill anyone or rob a bank. Nothing like that. Some might be a little tough at times, but well worth the effort. As smart and wary as Chip was, there was something intriguing about this whole thing. It was like a big secret conspiracy. Though no one had every really challenged his leadership of their nefarious little group, working out a deal like this would definitely cement his position for years to come. He wanted to press for more details, but ended up settling for a face-to-face meeting. DungeonKing said he would email the details of the meeting. He seemed to have thought of everything. DungeonKing: The email will tell you where to meet and exactly what to do. I know your school is closed tomorrow for a teacher In-service, so there should be no problem meeting during the day. Don't plan anything else. RedAnt: That's cool. Nothing else planned anyway. DungeonKing: Now the last thing is this, you will follow ALL instructions in the email EXACTLY. I mean it, consider it a test if you will. RedAnt: Can I ask one last question? DungeonKing: Shoot! RedAnt: Are you gay? DungeonKing: Does it matter? RedAnt: Not really, was just curious. DungeonKing: Fair enough. Yes I am. And I'm sure you are. RedAnt: Yea, though it's not like I'm out to the world or anything. DungeonKing: That's okay. Do what you have to do. Just remember to follow all the instructions in the email! And with that the chat ended. Chip's heart was really pounding now. He was excited and his mind was racing. He stopped the video capture program and checked the clock, there was plenty of time before Stevie and his parents got home. He turned out all the lights in his room, lit a bunch of candles then sat back in his chair, to watch the webcam video again while he waited to receive the promised email. Sitting there in just his sweaty jock helped to turn him on. His cock really hardened as he watched the show again. It throbbed when he saw that Punisher dude again, dressed the way he was 3; then some more when Mark, Dennis and Kevin were shown, naked and bound in those cells. The pre-cum started to floor as he watched Mark being tied down on that torture table. Had he wanted to, he could have made himself cum at any moment watching Mark's intense torture and then the final cum routine. He didn't though, because Chip loved to prolong things. He loved keeping other guys hard and on the edge for long periods of time, especially when they were bound and helpless. He also loved doing it to himself and loved just being boned, which for Chip, was pretty much all the time. He "edged" himself more than once while the video played. He was about to start it again, when an email popped up in his box. It was the one he had been expecting 3; well sort of. He opened it and was surprised to see how short it was. It said: "Here's a special link. It's a recording of last night's show that you didn't get to see. BTW, your young friend Mark did help run the cameras and chat for that one." Chip chuckled as he clicked on the link 3; "Yea, that figures. Mark ran the cameras last night. I wonder who helped tonight?" Chip sat back once again and watched the screen. The format of the show was the same, the victim was different. Chip did have a hard time keeping from shooting during this one. He edged himself throughout and almost went to far, especially when Punisher was dripping that hot wax on the inside of Kevin's outstretched foreskin. He knew it was really sensitive, but judging by the way Kevin was screaming it was super-sensitive. He would definitely have to remember that. To Chip's surprise another email arrived within moments after he finished watching Kevin's torture. It was the long one he was waiting for. He realized that some of the instructions should have raised some "red flags", but he blew them off. With all he had been through already and knowing that he could take care of himself, he decided to just go with it. Parts of the instructions were a little creepy, perhaps even scary 3; but that was all part of the challenge, and Chip just loved to be challenged. The text of the email read as follows 3; Hello Chip, I trust you enjoyed both shows. As an FYI, I can pretty much guarantee that your Brother Dennis will be tomorrow night's star of the torture show. I stayed in chat for awhile after you left, and most will definitely be voting for him. I'm sure you won't want to miss that. Anyway here are your instructions for our meeting tomorrow morning. Remember you must follow them exactly! [The first part of the email gave directions to a café near the college. Chip knew where it was. He was told to be there at 9:00 sharp and to sit in a booth near the back. He was further instructed not to ride his bike, but to hitch-hike there instead. The guy promised that he would give Chip a ride home.] So far so good Chip thought. The guy was right, he didn't want to miss watching Dennis get tortured. The hitchhiking thing was fine. He had done it before, even though he had been told not too. After that the instructions got a little freaky! 3; You will wear the following, and only the following: A T-shirt (white sleeveless preferred), gym shorts (white preferred), jock strap, athletic socks and running shoes. That's all. Also you will carry no cell phone, no wallet, no keys, nothing! I will join you in the booth at 9:05. I will sit down beside you and hand you some items, which you will put on. Then you will sit and listen while I explain the deal I am proposing. Once I have done that, you may ask whatever questions you like and I will answer as best I can. If you agree to the deal, you will shake my hand. Then you will follow me outside to my car and get in. From that moment, and for the rest of the day, you will do whatever I say, without question! And I mean without question! We will be visiting the Torture House and The Barn during the day, primarily so I can make sure you understand what I have planned, but also to officially "seal the deal." After that, we'll make one more stop before I take you home. You should be home by 5:00. Though some of this may sound strange, and maybe scary, I know you have lots of guts and are not afraid to take risks. I can assure you that what I am offering will be worth your time and effort and that tomorrow you will be returned home safely. There you have it. If you are willing to do as I say, respond with two words, "GAME ON!" Then I will see you as planned. If you fail to respond within one hour, I will assume you are not interested and will look elsewhere. Your decision will not jeopardize the Torture House "complex" in any way." Chip sat back and read the Email over and over again. His heart pounded as he did. The instructions were clear enough, and Chip was no dummy. Based upon what he read, he was reasonably certain that the "seal the deal" part would involve something nasty and probably sexual. He had heard the guy's voice and it sounded like he was middle aged, probably in his 30's or even 40's. Chip had been "perved" on by older guys before. Well, not quite that old. Most of what he referred to as "perving" involved "looks", innuendo's and the occasional brush up against him. Chip was also mischievous enough to do things like go places in baggy shorts with no underwear, and sit in places and ways where other guys and boys could see up the legs of his shorts and see his cock. It gave him a thrill. He thought about it some more as he rubbed his jock pouch. "What the hell he thought, so what if he wants to perv on me. If I can get something out of it that is good, then why not." He replied to the email with "GAME ON!" His curiosity fueled his excitement. He was actually looking forward to the next day's meeting and the deal, whatever it was. He continued to wonder about what the "favors" would be. Needless to say, by now, Chip was really horny and he wanted to do more than just jack off. He figured he could find someone to do "something" with, but first things first. He called his mom's cell. They were just about ready to go into the reception before the concert and Stevie was acting up, so she was in a hurry to get off the phone. "Mom is it okay if I camp out with some of the guys tonight? I don't have school tomorrow and I promise I'll be home by dinner time." "That's fine dear, just try not to stay up all night. Bye." Chip smiled as he hung up. Now to find someone to mess with, he thought. He ran down his contact list as he rubbed his cock. The first few guys he called weren't home or couldn't do anything. Chip was getting frustrated and hornier by the minute. He scanned the list hoping for something or someone to stand out. Finally someone did. He grabbed his cell phone, opened his contact list and pressed speed dial. He smiled when a real voice answered on the other end. "Hello?" "Yo Cody, it's me Chip." "Hey Chip, what's shakin dude?" Cody was the Star Senior Quarterback for the local college team. A real All-American jock, with the body to match. He was secretly gay, and by a quirk of fate, was Chip's slave boy through graduation and then graduate school. Which meant about three more years. It didn't take long for Chip to find out that Cody didn't have anything going on that evening. He was shrewd about such things. Knowing that meant Cody couldn't back out. "Okay, Cody, since you're not busy, I want you to come over to my place right now." "Oh I don't know Chip." "Dude, it's not a request Slave Boy, it's and order, just do it! When you get here, park your car on the side of the house and come in the back door. I'll leave a note taped to the door. Read it and follow the instructions inside. Do it BOY!" Chip snapped just before he hung up. Chip's cock was really throbbing now as he sat down and hurriedly wrote a note and printed it out. There was another cock throbbing across town. It was Cody's, who's heart was pounding as well. He thought about calling Chip back, to beg off, but the truth was, he didn't have anything special to do. He quickly pulled on a T-shirt and a pair of jeans as he thought about Chip. The kid was just 15, well almost 16 now. Cody was six years older and a college senior. As the quarterback he was used to giving orders on the field. Off the field however, he got turned on when someone else ordered him around, particularly this boy. He knew it was sort of perverted, but he just couldn't help himself. He was lucky he was able to snap his jeans closed. He was already that boned just thinking about Chip might have in store for him. Cody's drive across town was sort of challenging. It hadn't been all that long since the Arena show and he knew he still "owed" someone from the raffle. It was a 14 year old boy as he recalled. His payout was a full day of "slavery" where anything would go. As he drove, his mind continued to race. He had yet to figure out why he was so turned on by this. He wondered just what Chip had in mind for him this evening. His cock hardened completely as he considered all sorts of wild possibilities. Some of them were totally unrealistic, but it didn't stop him from imagining them. Most of them involved some form of naked public display and humiliation. Chip understood that about Cody. Though he couldn't do anything that would definitely get Cody into trouble, he could "push the envelope" and scare the shit out of him 3; in between physical and sexual tortures, of course. If there was one thing that Chip didn't know, it was ever since that crazy day when Cody became Chip's slave, Cody's masturbatory fantasies almost always involved Chip giving some type of humiliating order, or torturing him in some diabolical way, to the point he screamed and begged for it to stop. By the time he pulled into Chip's driveway he was totally horned. He got out of the car and walked to the back door. There was a note taped to the door and a black gym bag setting on the step. His hands trembled as he grabbed the note and opened it. Cody had no idea just how much of a horny, sadistic and playful mood Chip was in. Chip smiled as he peaked out of his bedroom window. He saw the panicked look on Cody's face as he read the note. "Okay Slave Boy! Follow these instructions Exactly! Take off all your clothes 3; YES, right where you are standing. That means EVERYTHING! Put everything but your car keys in the gym bag and lock the bag in your trunk. Next come inside the back door and come upstairs to my room. It's the only one with the door open. Once inside, read the note that is in the middle of the floor, and do whatever it says! Cody looked around. It was still light outside and there wasn't much cover where he was standing. His heart pounded as he opened the gym bag, pulled off his shoes and dropped them inside. His socks and T-shirt followed quickly. At that point he paused once more, taking a look around, he ducked as a care drove by on the street. He waited for a bit, then stood up, unsnapped his jeans and let them drop to his ankles. Chip watched as Cody stepped out of his jeans, yanked his briefs down and off, and dropped both into the bag. Chip's cock really throbbed as he watched the now naked, and totally boned Cody, creep around behind his car, open the trunk, drop the bag in, close it as quietly as he could and then rush to the back door. Chip hurried to get inside the big walk in closet, the one with the louvered doors. He opened a slat just enough to see into the room. The drapes and window shades were all open and the room was well lit. Cody crept carefully through the strange house, found the stairs and then the bedroom and finally the note on the floor. Chip's heart pounded as he watched Cody read this note. "Put your car keys down then do all of the following: - Face the computer screen on the desk 3; yes the Webcam is on - Stroke yourself and play with your nipples until you are at the edge - Slap your cock hard 20 times. - Squeeze your balls hard 10 times - Say these words out LOUD 3; `I have been a bad boy and deserve to be punished' - Stroke to the edge again - Place your hands behind your head and wait for me" Chip shook with excitement as he watched Cody read the note and then look at the computer. Cody saw the Webcam and the "on" light and trembled. His breathing grew faster. For a moment Chip thought he would run from the room. After a moment though, he dropped the note and the car keys, looked directly at the Webcam and started stroking his big cock while playing with a nipple. Chip looked at Cody's groin and smiled some more. Though it hadn't been that long since he had been shaved down there, it appeared that Cody's pubes were growing back in fast. That was fine with Chip since he like that look. Cody got to the edge quickly and proceeded to slap his cock really hard. He grunted and gasped. Chip liked the fact that Cody was being so hard on himself. That continued with the ball squeeze. After that Cody looked directly into the Webcam and said, "I have been a bad boy and deserve to be punished!" As he stroked once again he thought about the Webcam. He had no way of knowing who was watching, or how many were watching, and no way of knowing if anyone recognized him. Those thoughts got him to the edge again really fast. He raised his hands, placed them behind his head and waited. Chip looked at Cody's cock sticking straight up in the air and breathed harder. He let Cody stand like that for several minutes, then stepped out of the closet, switched off the Webcam and the computer and said, "Come on Slave Boy, grab your keys, we're going for a ride. You drive cause I ain't got my license yet." Cody gestured to his naked body and stammered, "You mean like this?" Chip giggled, "Of course like that. You're the slave boy remember!" Chip grabbed his backpack and hopped out of the room. Cody stood there for a moment in shock, then rushed after Chip. By the time he got to the back door, Chip was already waiting in the car. He looked around before creeping cautiously down the drive way and jumping into the driver's seat. "Where too now?" he asked between excited breaths. Chip smiled and said, "Head towards the stadium." Cody's heart was really beating fast now. He backed down the driveway carefully, pulled out into the street and drove off. As they drove his mind was running wild. He kept looking in the rearview mirror. He was scared about what would happen if they were stopped by a cop. How could he possibly explain the fact that he was sitting in a car, naked, totally erect with a 15 year old boy beside him. Chip was having a great time. He just loved this feeling of power. He had plenty of time to decide what he would do with Cody. He definitely wanted to torture him for awhile, for now though he was satisfied with just messing with his mind. He saw how nervous Cody looked and giggled, "Oh I guess you're upset about being the only one naked. How about I pull my shorts down too, or even take them all the way off. Would that make you feel better?" Before Cody could respond, Chip pulled his shorts and jock down to his knees. His hard cock slapped against his pubes and he giggled some more, "See I'm all boned up too. Come on look I know you like seeing me boned. Remember the first time you saw it. You sucked me off good that day too! Remember?" Cody almost came right there. A light up ahead turned red and Cody slowed down. He glanced at Chip's exposed hard cock and pleaded, "Please sir pull your shorts back up please." Chip acted hurt as he pulled his jock and shorts back up. "Okay, well maybe later then." By the time they reached the stadium, Cody's cock was ready to explode. Chip had been running his hand up and down the inside of Cody's thighs and patting his balls. As they entered the parking lot, Chip said, "Drive around to the practice field and while you do I want you to think of some good tortures I can do to you somewhere. I'm really in the mood for that." Though Cody wouldn't admit it, he was too. His Cock twitched as he thought about Chip tying him up and then torturing him hard. That whole process excited him a lot 3; and the pain, seemed to make his orgasms all the more intense. They pulled into the practice field lot and Cody stopped the car. Chip looked around and noted that there were no other cars around. There were some older looking buildings on the far side of the field. Chip pointed them out and asked, "So what are those buildings over there?" Cody said, "Well one is just equipment storage, the other is the old training room, you know for strength training and stuff. It's still got most of the equipment, mostly older stuff though. Only a few of us use it, me and a couple of the back-up quarterbacks, and a couple of the wide receivers, most use the new place. Chip grinned and asked, "Can we get inside? Is it open?" Cody nodded, "Well it's kept locked, but I have a key, it's on my key ring. Only a few of us have keys, the janitor, of course, a couple of the freshmen `managers', they help with the team and mostly clean-up, and there is one key in Coach's office. Chip thought for a moment then said, "Okay, sounds like a good place for some fun, so drive around over there." Cody started the car and headed around the field. He continued to breath harder from the excitement. As scary as it was being buck naked in the car, he could not deny the fact that he was very turned on. They went inside the training room as soon as they got there. Cody looked around nervously as he quickly unlocked the door. He thought Chip would asked to shown around. "Want the tour?" Chip smiled and said, "No, I'll just look around. You just go over there and kneel in the corner like a good slave boy. You know the position." One of the things that Chip was good at was figuring out the things that turned other guys on. It hadn't taken him long to figure Cody out. As luck would have it, in Cody's case, one of the things that excited him was what Chip really loved to do. Torturing a naked guys was fun enough for Chip. But the thing that really excited him the most was making a guy name his own tortures. He knew from experience that when a guy was really horned and all boned up, he could come up with some pretty wicked stuff to be put through. Chip was certain that Cody fantasized about a lot of wild stuff. From the moment Chip had discovered the ropes hidden under Cody's bed that were tied to the four bed legs, he knew that Cody was in to torture. There was one occasion when Chip had pressed Cody on that. It was when Cody was drunk. Cody was in a strange mood and admitted that he got turned on by being tortured, and tortured harder than most. He almost cried when he admitted that he frequently engaged in various forms of self-torture, which was okay, but not as much fun as being bound and helpless while someone else did it to him. He had also admitted that the thought of various ways of being humiliated in public, though un-realistic, really turned him on. Chip remembered that night well. Cody was really drunk. It was shortly after the arena show. Chip came over after Cody called and said he'd really like to talk. The "slave stuff" was set aside that night as soon as Chip realized Cody was just looking for a friend, and maybe needed one. He was teary eyed as he talked about most of the stuff. So much had come out that night. Almost too much for a 15 year old to handle. But Chip was no ordinary 15 year old. Yea, Cody needed to talk and he felt that Chip was the only one he could talk to about this stuff. Sure Ross knew a lot, but though they were close, he just couldn't share most of this stuff with him. And so there he was with Chip. Cody rattled on about what he had gone through in junior high, high school and college. He didn't have the same interests as most of the other jocks around him. He liked them much more than girls, which so many of them talked about, all the time in the locker room. And of course they also talked about "fags" too! All through those years, he had fantasies that got wilder and more intense. His struggled in the locker rooms, because he kept getting boned when he saw naked guys. It was sometime during junior high when he started getting into self bondage and torture. It was tricky, but helped him "get off." He talked about some experiences he had with strip games and such, not a lot there, and admitted that through most of those years he had gone through all the motions of dating and "fooling around" with girls, because it was expected. He hated it though. Chip listened and commiserated with Cody. He also pressed to learn more about Cody's inner self. One of the wildest fantasies that he got Cody to admit to was absolutely un-realistic, but effective when reflecting on it while jacking-off. Hell Chip had thought about himself more than once after he had heard it, and it helped him cum hard every time. It was after Cody had downed a few more shots of whiskey, when he got into it. He looked at Chip, sitting beside him and asked, "So do you wanna hear just how fucking sick I am? Wanna hear about my dirty dream?" Chip patted Cody on that back and said, "Well, okay, yea, if you want to tell me. That's okay. It's okay if you don't though. Either way, right now I'm just your friend and no one will know. I mean it." Chip really wanted to hear it, and even at his age, he had the instinct that told him Cody needed to get this off his chest. The booze was making it easier. Cody trembled, looked at Chip and stammered, "Promise you'll still be my friend? This is pretty sick I know." "Dude we've already been through a lot. I could tell you got turned on a lot during the arena show. That's fine, whatever works for you, just tell me." "Well okay here it is. It couldn't happen, but I do get turned on just thinking about it." Chip listened wide eyed that night as Cody shared his deepest, dark fantasy 3; and it was wild. "It's like this 3; I'm in this football game. There is this crazy deal that the losing quarterback is gonna get punished after the game 3; in public. Well I lose. I get dragged to the 50 yard line in front of the stands and get stripped totally naked by the rest of the team. They bring out this portable soccer goal post frame and tie me to each, spread-eagled. People are invited to gather round and help with my punishment. There are a lot of people there who are pissed that we lost 3; men, women, boys, girls and little kids 3; most are just watching 3; but a bunch help out. I get boned right away, and people laugh and point. They pass out these little pointed sticks to the smaller kids and get them to jab my cock and balls with them. It doesn't take long for them to get into it and make me scream and thrash around. The pointing sticks hurt a lot and draw a little blood. After that, they line up a bunch of these boys from the middle school football team. They are around 11 or 12. Each one is allowed to punch me in the stomach or balls, one time. Most punch my balls. Oh and yea, the cheerleaders are given the chance to fondle me, which they all do. The older people just watch and cheer. The ones are my team mates. They shave off all my pubes and armpit hair. Two of them hang weights from my balls. A couple more put clamps on my nipples. They get lined up to whip me with a flogger when a couple more come running over with this monster dildo. They end up shoving it my ass and fucking me with it while the team members each give me one lash wherever they want. The crowd cheers with every one of my screams. When they are done, my body is covered with red welts. They untie me and make me kneel right there on the 50 yard line and jack off. The last cheers come when I shoot in front of everyone." Cody was blushing deeply when he finished. He and Chip were both boned by then 3; really boned. Chip remembered everything that Cody had said and kept it to himself. It was the last thing that happened that night that Chip remembered the most, however. After Cody finished his "confession", they chatted for awhile. Chip sensed that Cody needed this. He commiserated with him and shared some of his own secret fantasies and desires. That helped a lot. They got to the point when Chip started to think Cody wanted to get some sleep when Cody said, "Dude, can you do me a big favor?" Chip smiled, "Yea, sure anything you want Cody." Cody stood up and walked over to the door. He was a little tipsy, but managed to open it, hang a sock on the door knob, then close and lock it. Chip smiled, he knew what that little signal was used for in frat houses. When Cody returned, he stood in front of Chip and said, "Okay, I'm ready now. Would you please torture me? Ummmm 3; hard. I need this 3; and ummm 3; could you also do it the way I tell you to?" Yes Chip remembered that moment in great detail, it revealed so much about Cody. Chip reflected on that moment as he looked around the training room and through some smaller attached rooms. That night was so damn exciting. As soon as Chip had agreed, Cody said, "Okay, order me to strip totally naked and stand with my hands behind my head, then feel me up, call me nasty names, slap my cock, squeeze my balls and stuff. Be really nasty 3; you know." That was easy. Chip did it with a passion. Though there were times when he wanted to just take over, he didn't, instead he just let Cody tell him what to do. It was intense and wild. Chip was certain the booze played some role in this, but most seemed to come from Cody's pent up fantasies and desires. Late into the night, Cody directed Chip through all sorts of tortures. He had Chip tie him spread-eagled on the bed, so tight it hurt. He had Chip whip him as hard as he could 3; stick his cock and balls with these little bamboo skewers 3; put a swizzle stick inside his cock 3; slap his cock 3; squeeze his balls 3; rub a tooth brush over his nipples and balls 3; stuff a dirty jock in his mouth when he screamed too much 3; and so on. He even got Chip to straddle his chest so he could tongue Chip's hole and then suck his cock until Chip came in his mouth. Everything was done while Cody was tied down. The last thing that Cody asked to be done was that he had to jack-off in front of his open window. He said how he wanted Chip to "order" him to do it, and Chip complied. The Frat House was in the center of Fraternity Row, and Cody's window faced the street. "Okay Cody 3; open the shades, pull up the blinds and stand in front of the window!" Cody did as told. He was breathing really hard now. Even harder when Chip turned on Cody's desk lamp and aimed it at the front of his naked body. "Okay now jack off! Keep jacking until I tell you to stop!" Chip could tell that Cody was now horned out of his mind. Anyone on the street could see him clearly. Cody jacked away, and jacked harder when he heard some whistles and hoots from outside. Yea there were some college kids outside watching. The hoots continued until Cody shot his wad. That brought cheers. Chip made him continue to stroke until he was drained, then switched off the light and closed the blinds. At that point, Chip thought it was over, but it wasn't. Cody surprised him when he produced a Chastity device and asked Chip to lock it on him and take the only two keys with him. They waited until Cody's cock was soft enough to allow it to be locked up. It was a tight fit and Chip noted that with this one on, there was no way Cody could get an erection. "What about the locker room?" Chip asked as he locked the device. Cody trembled slightly as he said, "Well, that will be my problem, won't it?" The chastity cage thing excited Chip a lot. It was something that he and Cody would use for quite some time. He usually kept it on Cody for one or two weeks at a time, and would always make Cody "pay" some penalty to have it removed for a bit. The cage was off, right now and had been for awhile.
Chip finished looking around. There was a lot of stuff there 3; free weights 3; benches 3; exercise machines of various types 3; jump ropes 3; climbing ropes 3; even some gymnastics stuff like a high bar 3; rings 3; pommel horse and so on. There was a shower room at the end of the building and a couple of whirlpool tubs that looked old. The last room was a first aid room. It had an exam table and some cabinets filled with basic supplies 3; band aids 3; cue tips 3; ace bandages 3; rubbing alcohol 3; tubes of Ben-gay and Icy Hot 3; and so on. Chip smiled as returned to Cody, who was kneeling in the corner where he left him. He was on his knees with legs spread wide and his cock was sticking straight up. Chip's cock was hard too. He had decided that this would be a wild night for Cody and would serve as a good "work up" for his meeting with that guy the next day. He was certain the guy would expect something twisted from him, but he wasn't worried about it. He knelt beside Cody, ran his hand over Cody's firm, muscular inner thigh and said, "Okay Slave Boy, here's the plan. I'm going to torture you really hard tonight because I'm really horned and need to have some nasty fun." "I'm gonna give you ten minutes to think about some good hard tortures we can do right here 3; right now. We'll do them and then maybe some that I think of. You just make sure you come up with some nasty ones. You know the equipment and stuff that's here. Think about it while I look around some more." Chip really grinned as he stood up and walked away. He could tell that Cody was incredibly turned on now. Chip continued looking around, trying to get some more ideas of his own. He wondered into this little office. Not much was there 3; a small desk 3; telephone with a sign "LOCAL CALLS ONLY!" 3; and an Emergency Call list was taped beside the phone. Chip noted there were two names and numbers penciled in at the bottom of the list that seemed recent. It said 3; "For Cleanup Call: Eric or Jesse" Their numbers were provided and were on the local college exchange. As it always seemed to happen, a wild idea popped into Chip's head. He wondered if these were the two guys that Cody mentioned 3; the freshmen "managers" who had keys to this building. Chip knew about this stuff. Managers was used as a title for guys who couldn't make the team for one reason or another 3; either they were too small 3; or just lacked talent. It was a way for them to be with the team. They traveled with the team, got T-shirts and shit, but had to do lots of grunt work. Not any real training 3; just grunt work. Chip was reasonably sure that Eric and Jesse were those two "managers". If they were, he had another nasty idea. He gave Cody more than 15 minutes to come up with his list of tortures. If he was right about this, they would be very tough. He knew that Cody loved being challenged both on and off the field. As he walked back across the room, he looked at Cody kneeling in the corner and reflected on just how lucky he was. Cody was not cute! He was handsome, and a truly "manly man!" Though he wasn't as tall as he should be for his position, he had a classic quarterback build 3; lean and muscular. Chip had watched him play and was impressed. He was one "bad-ass" quarterback. He could pass from the pocket for sure with deadly accuracy and was not afraid to take hard hits after he released. But he was most dangerous and affective when he got loose. As a result, the local college team's offense was built around his style of play. Most pass plays looked like "pocket pass" ones, but ended up with Cody breaking out quickly and passing on the run or keeping the ball himself. And when Cody kept the ball, he was very hard to bring down. As Chip reached Cody, he took another look at his naked body. It was lean and muscular but also hard as a rock 3; like his ample cock was at the moment. Once again Chip knelt beside Cody and rubbed his thigh. "Okay Slave Boy, before we start your torture I have a quick question 3; just curious 3; umm do you know an Eric or a Jesse?" Cody was surprised. He crossed his eyes and stammered, "Well yea 3; they are the two freshman managers 3; they are little twerps 3; team wannabe's and all 3; but okay I guess 3; how do you know them?" Chip chuckled, "I just saw their names in that little office and was just curious. So Anyway, let's get started. What tortures have you come up with for yourself? I hope they are tough, cause I am really horned and you know how much I love torturing other guys." Cody gathered his thoughts and said, "Well there are a lot of possibilities here 3; so I'll just give you a bunch 3; maybe you could make them even harder in some way." Chip gave Cody's big balls a squeeze and chuckled, "Trust me you know I can." Chip couldn't wait to get to it. He really wanted to torture this hot college jock hard. "Okay, well, first of all, you could make me do a shit load of sit-ups, pull-ups, leg lifts and stuff 3; maybe whip me while I am doing them 3; oh and for the pull-ups 3; you could hang weights from my balls while I do them." "You could also hang me from the gymnastic rings by my wrists and then whip me really hard. Also there are some weight benches that you could rig up so I have to hold a bar that is attached to my balls 3; and if I lower it, it will pull on my balls." Chip was pleased so far and told Cody to continue. "Ahh okay, well you could spread eagle me on the outside of the equipment cage with Velcro straps 3; there are plenty of them around and then punch my stomach and balls with the boxing gloves 3; and you could tie me over the horse and paddle or whip my ass really hard. There are some things around you could fuck me with, and then fuck me yourself with your fingers and then cock 3; and then make me suck you." "Anything else?" Chip demanded. "Well, you could use some of the free weights on my balls when I am tied down on an exercise bench. Stretch them out with a cord or something and then start stacking weights on them 3; oh and yea, you could make me piss on myself in the shower room 3; and maybe piss on me too." It seemed like Cody had more, but Chip figured this would be more than enough. Chip had noted that Cody seemed to get more and more excited as he described the things he had come up with for Chip to do to him. Chip got excited too! For more than one reason. After seeing the Webcam shows, he was inspired. Dealing with Cody gave him an idea for a sort of twisted "game show" on the net. One of the key parts would be where three guys had to come up with a "torture" that they would endure on camera. The viewers would watch their suffering and then vote for the best one. The winner would get some prize and the losers would each receive some really nasty penalty, which everyone would watch. For now, he had Cody. He got things started simply enough. He had Cody start stretching and working out. He added an interesting twist though. "Okay Slave Boy. I know you have a warm up routine that you do before the games 3; you know, out on the field with the team 3; takes about 15 minutes or so.. right? Cody nodded and said, "Yea, close to it." Chip had seen that routine many times and knew it well. He liked watching it. Even though they were in uniform, he liked watching. Chip grinned and said, "Okay, then get out on the practice field, I'll even help you with it 3; cause there are parts where you all pair off 3; heck you could teach me." Cody's mouth dropped. "Woah 3; out on the field? Like this?" Chip chuckled as he headed towards the door, "Yeah, come on Slave Boy, remember the big deal 3; ANYTHING GOES 3; so come on." Cody's heart was beating wildly. He was very scared but followed after Chip. Once on the field, Chip made him "line-up" on the 40 yard line, just like for real and said, "Okay get started and do that chant thing. It's cool. I'll try and follow along." Cody looked around nervously. Here he was, in the middle of the practice field, naked and with an erection that would not go away. He prayed no one would see him. That aside, he couldn't resist following young Chip's orders. He quivered as he started the "chant" and stretching exercises. Chip was pleased. He loved this. He loved watching Cody exercise in the nude 3; especially out in the open like this. He loved the feeling of power it gave him. That feeling got more intense when used another of his tricks. Chip was clearly a natural, when it came to this stuff. That included being a "Master Tease" 3; For gay guys 3; even just curious guys, Chip had the looks and the body that could really "tease." Chip let Cody get started then began following along. He did stretches and stuff for a bit. Cody smiles as he watched Chip, but continued looking around nervously. Cody's nervousness continued and got worse right after he sat down and began stretching to his toes. Chip had been following along, doing the same things, but stopped suddenly and chuckled, "You know, maybe this isn't fair, doing it like this 3; maybe I should join you totally." Cody's eyes nearly pooped out of his head as Chip stripped totally naked and then joined back in with the exercise routine. Cody's mind reeled. Hell, it was bad enough being out here in the open, naked and boned, now he had this 15 year old boy doing the same thing 3; while naked and boned. He thought he should protest 3; but couldn't. The truth was, he was hopelessly turned on by it all 3; the public nakedness 3; the fear 3; and now Chip's hot tight body. They continued through the entire warm up routine, including the sit-ups and such where they held each others ankles and sat on each other's thighs. Chip did it all. When they were done, Chip pulled his clothes back on (T-shirt, jock, shorts, etc) and ordered Cody to follow him back inside. As soon as they were in the building, Chip said, "Okay, now for the best stuff on your list!" Chip started things off by having Cody jump up and grab the gymnast rings that hung from the ceiling. He stood on a stool and used some Velcro straps to secure Cody's wrists to the rings. This way, even if Cody lost his grip, he'd still be hanging from the rings. Chip ran his hands over Cody's body. He pinched Cody's nipples before fondling his cock and balls. "So let's see, you wanted me to whip you hard while you were hanging like this right?" Cody trembled and said, "Yea, and don't stop, no matter what I say 3; right? Chip nodded and said, "Yea, I know!" It's one of the other things Chip had learned about what Cody craved. He wanted to experience that feeling of having absolutely no control at all 3; to be pushed beyond his limits. It was tough for Chip to do at times, but he managed to do it. Chip left Cody hanging there for awhile. He had this feeling in his gut and an idea popped into his head. Most of Chip's ideas turned out to be good ones and worked out. The fact that he was a risk taker helped a lot too. He knew that this was a wild idea and ran the risk of really pissing Cody off, but he couldn't resist. Besides, Chip did have an "uncanny" knack for reading people, especially other guys. Chip closed the door to the little office, picked up the phone and dialed the number listed for "Eric." He got Eric's voice mail and just hung up. He smiled as he dialed Jesse's number. Judging by the sound of Eric's voice mail recording he was a twerp. Chip's heart leaped when a voice answered this time. "Hello?" "Hello, is this umm 3; Jesse? From the football team?" The voice was definitely "twerp-like", just like the other one. A plan was coming together in Chip's mind really fast. A plan that if it worked, would help make Cody's life even more 3; challenging and exciting 3; and help Chip. It did hinge heavily on Chip's ability to "size-up" and use other guys. In this case, Chip was very confident. He only had a little info 3; very little info, but he knew guys like Jesse and Eric well. They almost always were "twerps" and loved hanging out with jocks who were on teams they could not get on. Chip figured that a lot of them were gay, and helped out with the teams so they could see these jock boys naked. If he was wrong about Jesse and/or Eric, he was certain he would sense it and find a way to back out. He also relied on his understanding that most boys, even older ones loved "conspiracies" and accepted "initiations" as a part of life. It was that thing that he hoped to use with this guy. "Yea I'm Jesse, who are you? I see you are calling from the old training room." "Yea, that's right I am, and my name is Chip. You don't know me, but I know some guys on the football team. Now this may sound strange and all, just don't freak out, okay." Jesse laughed, "I'll try not to, so what's the deal?" "Well okay, I'm taking a big chance doing this cause I don't know you. You gotta promise and swear to God that you will not tell anyone else about this." [Boy Fact #2- Boys are natural conspirators.] "Don't worry, I know how to keep my mouth shut. I absolutely do, so what's this all about?" So far so good Chip thought, Jesse was obviously intrigued enough to keep talking. "Okay, well, this is the weird part. There is a guy on your team that has to do this initiation thing for this group he is joining and has to have someone not in the group do some of the initiating. It is weird I know." Jesse thought for a moment and asked, "So where do I come in with all this?" Chip smiled, he could tell, Jesse was "interested", "Well, okay, see the group told him that this other person had to be someone from his football team. It's like a challenge. He's freaked about anyone else on the team knowing about this. I figured I could help him out by trying to get someone to do it. I sort of figured that it might be easier if it wasn't one of the other players. Though you don't play, you are technically on the team, so you could qualify. The biggest thing is that no one else could ever know, outside of this group." Strange as it may sound, Chip's ploy seemed to be working. Jesse was interested, and assured Chip over and over again, that no one would ever know. Still Chip had to test one last thing. "Well cool, one last thing 3; so you know 3; this initiation is sort of twisted and rather nasty 3; and may seem very strange 3; and ummm 3; okay maybe even perverted. There he said it! [Boy Fact #4- Boys accept the fact that some sort of 'initiation' is part of the 'group joining' process.] [Boy Fact #6- Initiations, punishments, or penalties almost always involve nudity at some point!] [Boy Fact #17- If they can find a "justification" and are horned enough, many "straight" boys can actually get turned on participating in activities that are "gay" in nature. "Initiations" are one of the most common "justifications".] There was a pause on the other end of the line and Chip crossed his fingers. At last Jesse responded with a chuckle, "Hell I've been through some wild stuff myself. Mostly in Scouts 3; talk about perverted 3; and heck, I went through the football team initiation thing cause I'm a manager 3; so I know about strange and perverse." "If it will help you, I'll say again, I can keep my mouth shut and am willing to help out." Chip was certain that Jesse was being sincere. Had he known that Jesse was actually getting boned as they talked about "initiations" Chip's remaining doubts would have vanished in a second. "Okay, so what do I need to do?" Chip smiled and said, "Well can you come to the old training room like right now?" "Yea, I can be there in like 5 minutes. Need me to bring anything?" Chip smiled some more and said, "Umm I guess not really 3; well unless you've got some dirty used jocks around, that might be good." Chip was even more re-assured when Jesse chuckled, "Yea, I can do that, mine is pretty sweaty and needs washed, and there is at least one in my roommate's laundry bag that is the same way. I could bring both." "Great and last thing, when you get here, you gotta promise you won't freak out when you see who this guy is 3; and never tell anyone else!" "Hey Chill DUDE! I totally promise! Okay I'm on my way." He hung up the phone. Chip sat back for a moment and mumbled to himself, "I hope this fucking works!" Meanwhile across campus, Jesse was scurrying around his room. He grabbed his sweaty jock and his roommate's and tossed them in his back pack and bolted out of the room. He was sort of flattered that he had been called and couldn't wait to get there. He had indeed gone through a bunch of initiations over the years, especially in Scouts. He loved initiating the "new boys" but had never had the chance to initiate an older guy. He was pretty sure that whoever this guy was on the football team, he had to be older than him. He was just 18 after all. As he ran across the campus his cock began to harden. Almost every initiation he had ever been through involved nudity. He hoped that this guy would have to be naked for whatever it was. Chip was really boned too, as he returned to the training room. His plan was evolving rapidly. Jesse seemed like a willing enough participant. What he didn't know was just how far Jesse was willing to go, and just how cruel he could be. There was the fact that Jesse was a "manager" and those guys tended to be teased a lot by all the big jocks around them. If Jesse had any pent up hostility there, it might be useful, especially if he also had a thing for guys. Once again, had Chip known more about little Jesse he would have been really encouraged. Jesse was pretty short and had looks that made him seem younger. At 18 and in college he could have been taken for being 14. As much as he tried, he just couldn't compete with the other boys. He was fast, but not fast enough. And he was not big or bulky enough to play football. He tried so hard to get on the team, but couldn't. Still he had impressed the coaches, who let him become one of the managers, so he could be on the team. Jesse took a lot of abuse from the players, but hung in there. He did a lot of shit work in the locker room and was the center of jokes from time to time, but that didn't matter, as long as he could be "on the team." If Chip's plan worked the way he hoped, it would blow Cody's mind and he would experience a sense of utter humiliation. Something that could continue if Chip had read Jesse right and Jesse was willing to continue helping. Chip ran his hands over Cody's naked body some more and said, "Okay, you just think about what's about to happen for a bit longer. This body should have some nice red marks on it real soon." He gave Cody's ass a hard slap and headed outside. It was hard for him to pull himself away. Cody looked so hot hanging there naked and boned. Chip waited outside the training building. For just a minute before he noticed a figure running across the field towards him. He smile as the guy ran right up to him, bent over slightly and wheezed, "I'm Jesse, I guess you are Chip. You're younger than I thought you would be." Chip laughed, "Yea, and you look younger than I thought you would." Jesse straightened up and chuckled, "Yea, I get that a lot." Chip let Jesse catch his breath before he said, "Well I guess you probably have tons of questions." Jesse smiled, "Hell who wouldn't but I'm willing to take some stuff on faith. But I guess it's pretty fucking obvious that I'm interested, shall we say." Chip laughed, "Yea looks like you ran the whole way here." "Pretty much. Maybe I'm crazy. I don't even know what group the dude is joining is, is it a frat or something?" Chip grinned and said, "Or something. Sorry I can't tell you 3; at least not right now, it's really secret." "That's cool. Who knows maybe I might want to join sometime. I mean if I could." Chip chuckled to himself, "Sheesh what the hell is it with guys. Mention that there is a secret group and they want to join, even before they know what it is." "Well, here's the thing, maybe I could get you an invite if you want. That is if you still want it after you help with this part. The initiation is really nasty and tough. It's actually tougher for guys, the older they get, and this guy is older." Jesse was intrigued, "So how old is he?" Chip lowered his voice and said, "Well 21, close to 22 I think." That narrowed things down. Jesse started running down the list of seniors on the team. Try as he might he couldn't imagine which one this might be. Now this was yet another weird moment in Chip's life. It was also one of those moments that he just seemed to be able to handle without much effort. Chip had been a little surprised when he saw Jesse. He had expected him to be a skinny little nerd type. Instead, he was actually really cute. In fact, he looked a lot like Mark. He had that same compact body and impish face. Chip's cock throbbed when Jesse said, "So I'm 18, guess that means my initiation wouldn't be as tough as this guy's right?" OH What a tangled web we weave! Chip grinned and nodded, "Ummm 3; that's right. It gets tougher the longer you wait." Chip just couldn't help himself. No way they needed another guy to initiate, hell they were backed up as it was, and had all the Arena stuff and slave deals to work out. Still he was a boy and a horny one at that. "Anyway, look if you are interested, I'll do what I can to get you in. For now I just got a couple last things to ask you about. First of all, this is an initiation and the guy getting initiated will be naked the whole time. Any problem with that?" Couldn't help but notice the movement in the front of Jesse's gym shorts. "No I'm cool with that, I sort of figured that. I mean it is an initiation and all." Chip smiled, "Yea, that's right, and umm some might think most of this stuff is 3; well gay." Jesse smiled some more and said, "Cool with that too. I figured that too." Actually he was hoping that was the case. Chip had another quick notion and went with it, "Okay, the last thing is 3; umm have you ever heard of something called the Naked Fight Club?" Jesse's face turned white as a ghost and he swallowed hard 3; "Holy SHIT! Is that what this is? HOLY SHIT!" Chip was afraid he had just blown his whole plan. He patted Jesse on the back and said, "Dude that's okay. Just don't freak. It's okay if you don't want to help!" Jesse got hold of himself. "No, I mean yes, I'll um help. HOLY SHIT! I was just surprised." He started to blush as he said, "Ummm 3; DUDE, I saw the web show thing. I umm 3; well the only one who that is my best friend Eric, he and I both watched it 3; SHIT MAN is this part of it? Wow?" Chip laughed and said, "Yea, pretty much. So can I count on you to be cool about this?" "Definitely. So if I can join will I have to fight like that?" Chip laughed, "Well maybe that or other things, time will tell. But if you joined and got through the first part of the initiation, then you could help with the shows." Chip laughed inside and asked himself, "SHIT! Why does this keep happening? I mean really 3; HOLY SHIT!" So anyway, Chip had yet another eager apprentice. Even better, because it was one he could really use to torment Cody. Speaking of Cody, Chip snapped back to the moment. "Okay, now listen Jesse, you and I can talk some more another day, for now, I need your help. The guy inside is gonna be tortured and humiliated tonight a lot. What's more he's been ordered to come up with his own list of tortures. If you are serious about joining and can handle it then you will be the one doing most of the torturing. So can you be cruel 3; I mean really cruel?" Jesse nodded and said, "Oh yea! You bet! You wouldn't believe some of the shit I made some of the young Scouts in our troop do." Chip was satisfied. "Okay, here's the plan, follow me inside. You stay hidden in the shadows and listen. Stay there until I call for you, then just go with the flow. I'll help. Main thing is, you listen to what he says, and try to do it all!" "Oh and, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE! Do not gasp when you see who it is! I want him to be shocked and freaked when he sees you. Got it?" Jesse nodded and said, "What about these dirty jocks I brought in my bag?" Chip chuckled, "Well, just go with the flow. If they are sweaty and dirty, they are good to stretch over his mouth and nose or maybe use as a gag too." Jesse's cock was rising as he followed Chip inside. He was excited. He saw the naked guy hanging from the rings and almost lost it. He had to cover his mouth with his hand as he realized the naked guy was Cody, their star senior quarterback. His own cock hardened completely when he noticed that the ultimate stud was also totally boned up. Somehow he managed to keep quiet as he heard Chip talking to Cody. "Okay Slave Boy, now once more, I want you to repeat what you said before. All the tortures you want to be done to you tonight or that could be done." Cody took a deep breath and said, "Okay, it's like I said, you could make me do a shit load of sit-ups, pull-ups, leg lifts and stuff 3; maybe whip me while I am doing them 3; oh and for the pull-ups 3; you could hang weights from my balls while I do them." "You could also hang me from the gymnastic rings like this and then whip me really hard. Also there are some weight benches that you could rig up so I have to hold a bar that is attached to my balls 3; and if I lower it, it will pull on my balls." Jesse was getting really worked up now, listening to his hot quarterback rattle of a list of tortures for himself. He had absolutely no idea Cody was involved in anything like this 3; let alone he would be turned on by it. "Ahh okay, well you could spread eagle me on the outside of the equipment cage with Velcro straps 3; there are plenty of them around and then punch my stomach and balls with the boxing gloves 3; and you could tie me over the horse and paddle or whip my ass really hard. There are some things around you could fuck me with, and then fuck me yourself with your fingers and then cock 3; and then make me suck you." "Anything else?" Chip asked as he gave Jesse a quick wink. "Well, you could use some of the free weights on my balls when I am tied down on an exercise bench. Stretch them out with a cord or something and then start stacking weights on them 3; oh and yea, you could make me piss on myself in the shower room 3; and maybe piss on me too." Chip grabbed Cody's balls and said, "Okay one last thing. As my slave boy, you do know that I can share you with others, right?" "Yes Sir! Whoever you want!" Cody panted. "So If I tell you that you have to follow another guy's orders, you will have to correct?" "Yes Sir!" Cody panted some more. "That means, if he orders you to strip 3; you strip! No matter where! He orders you to suck cock 3; you suck cock! He wants to torture you.. he tortures you! RIGHT?" "YES SIR!" Cody half shouted as pre-cum oozed out of his cock. Chip patted Cody on the butt, glanced at Jesse standing in the shadows and gestured towards the office. Both of them went there quickly. Chip noticed the big tent in Jesse's shorts and said, "Okay, we've gotta get started. You heard all that. It will be like I said. But you will have to pay up and be initiated to be fair! You'll have to do something tonight too 3; as a sort of sign of good faith and to start your initiation." Jesse was breathing hard too. He said, "And if I do get initiated, then Cody will have to do what I say, right? Even though he's older and all?" Chip said, "Yea! Just like I said. It's a long story." Jesse thought for just a moment, then said, "Okay I'm in!" Chip smiled, "Okay, now just follow my lead. I hope you remember his list. If not I'll help remind you. Tonight though, I want you to do most of the torture. And be cruel!" Jesse nodded again, "Trust me too. I'll give it my best shot!" Chip went back into the room and stood in front of Cody. He looked up at him, saw the glisten of sweat all over his naked body and the way his arm muscles had begun to quiver and laughed, "Okay Slave Boy, I have a surprise for you. Here's you're guest torturer for tonight. Obey him as you would me." He motioned for Jesse to come out. Cody trembled, but really shook when he recognized Jesse. "OH GOD!" He muttered. Chip was really pleased the way Jesse jumped right in. He retrieved an old leather belt from one of the lockers and started lashing Cody's back and ass. "SWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAATTTTT!" "SWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAATTTTT!" "SWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAATTTTT!" The sound of the leather belt striking Cody's bare flesh echoed across the training room, as did Cody's gasps and moans. Jesse was really whipping Cody hard. Chip took a look at Cody's back and ass and noted they were already showing bright red stripes. "SWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAATTTTT!" "SWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAATTTTT!" "AGGGGGHHHHHH 3; AGGGGGHHHHHHHH! 3;.. EEEEEGGGGGG!!!!" Chip walked back around and continued to watch as Jesse delivered blow after blow all over Cody's muscular body. He loved watching Cody thrash about and especially loved it when Jesse started working on Cody's front. He worked his way down Cody's broad chest 3; then across his defined abs 3; jumped to his thighs 3; and delivered several nasty blows to Cody's erect piece of college manhood. Cody wasn't quite screaming yet but was getting there. >From Cody's side 3; well he was a mix of wild, rampant emotions. He was somewhat pissed at Chip for getting Jesse involved. This was supposed to be a secret. No one on the team, with one exception knew about any of this. And now here was Jesse, the twerpy freshman manager, in the middle of things. "SWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAATTTTT!" "SWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAATTTTT!" "AGGGGGHHHHHH 3; AGGGGGHHHHHHHH 3;GOD!!!!!" As pissed as he was with Chip, for the moment, there was no denying the fact that he remained hopelessly turned on by what was happening. Hanging there by his wrists, buck naked, and being tortured by this freshman. Even worse was the fact that he would be seeing little Jesse everyday and practice 3; on the team bus 3; at all the games 3; in the locker room 3; and so on, and would probably have to obey his commands. "SWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAATTTTT!" "SWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAATTTTT!" "AGGGGGHHHHHH 3;!!!!" He glanced down at Jesse, saw the look on his face and the way he was licking his lips 3; and thought to himself, "DAMN! The little Dude is into this a lot. He's gotta be gay 3; and in his wildest dreams never imagined he'd get a chance like this 3; shit! This is gonna be a rough season!" "SWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAATTTTT!" "SWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAATTTTT!" "AGGGGGHHHHHH 3; AGGGGGHHHHHHHH! 3;.. EEEEEGGGGGG!!!!" Jesse was having similar thoughts. Never in his wildest dreams did he ever think anything like this could happen. He had done some things in junior and senior high, but nothing this intense. That didn't mean he hadn't fantasized about it though. He had some really wild ones that he jacked off too 3; sometimes three or four times a day. .. or more. Most of them involved him doing things like he was doing right now. He got boned all the time in the locker room, after practice, as he watched the guys on the team get naked and shower after practice. Sometimes, after they were all gone, and he was cleaning up he jacked off right there in the locker room. He picked up a random jock, sniffed it and jacked off into it. One of the wildest things he did was to jack-off on a guy's mouth piece. He'd put it back when he was done and let it dry over night. He wondered if any of the guys every noticed the strange taste the next day. Anyway, thanks to that strange call from this kid Chip here he was fulfilling one of his wildest dreams ever. The type he had been afraid to try and actually make happen. He was afraid to look for guys in real life. And now here he was, not only getting to torture a real guy, but also the hottest guy on the football team. "SWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAATTTTT!" "SWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAATTTTT!" Cody continued thrashing about. Despite everything he had already experienced, he continued to have a difficult time understanding just why he got turned on by this so much. Any animosity he had with Chip disappeared quickly as he focused on what lay ahead and the nasty things young Jesse would make him do. Chip let the savage lashing go on until Cody was totally drenched in sweat and his body was covered with red stripes. "Okay Jesse, Dude, go ahead and move on to the next thing!" Chip slid a couple of step stools close to Cody. He and Jesse climbed up on them to release Cody's bonds. They hadn't actually been necessary. Cody never had let go of the rings, despite the savage lashes he received. As Chip brushed up against Cody's sweaty side, and smelled his strong manly and aroused scent, he said firmly, "Remember slave boy 3; you are MY slave boy 3; And now you're Jesse's slave boy too 3; and absolutely anything goes!" Cody's cock throbbed when he heard Chip's words. It continued to throb as Jesse, essentially took over. Chip was really pleased and satisfied to watch what was happening. Well, more than satisfied! Jesse pretty much covered Cody's list of the tortures he had named himself 3; with a few adjustments here and there. He made Cody do a bunch of exercises, including doing a bunch of pull-ups with weights hanging from his balls 3; a lot of weights, actually. He left the weights in place when he secured Cody, spread eagled on the outside of the equipment cage and punched his abs as hard as he could, over and over again. He punched Cody's balls too, from time to time. Then there was the exercise bench! Cody was tied down on his back, and as he himself had described, his bound balls were stretched out and then free weights were piled on his balls, one at a time. Chip was a little concerned about that. He didn't want to see Cody ruined for life, but also knew that a guy's balls can take a lot of punishment of this type 3; as long as the pressure was not focused in a tiny area. Cody huffed and puffed 3; gritted his teeth and gasped as the pressure on his large, and highly sensitive balls slowly increased. Jesse added just a little weight at a time, and was clearly enjoying making Cody suffer. When Cody's gasps began evolving into stifled screams, Jesse looked at Chip and winked, "I hope this is what you wanted. It's the first time I ever done anything like this 3; I have read about stuff like this 3; supposedly the slow pain is best 3; for torture.. and, yea you can really make a guy suffer this way." Well, Cody was definitely suffering now. He cried out in agony, which was made worse by his thrashing about. That caused the little stack of weights resting on his tortured balls to shift around and sent wave of pain cascading through his guts. Chip stepped closer to Jesse and whispered, "Dude, are you certain you've never done this stuff before?" Jesse laughed, "No not really. I did some initiating stuff in Scouts 3; made some guys beg and all, but have pretty much just dreamed about doing something like this." Chip patted him on the shoulder and chuckled, "Well, you're off to a great start. Just remember that we'll be doing some of your initiation tonight too." Chip's last comment did make Jesse's hard cock tingle. He wondered what that would be, but was more excited about it than worried. "AGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHH 3; OH GOD! DON"T CRUSH THEM!!!! AGGGGHHH!" Cody gasped. Jesse added the last weight and stepped back to watch. He was afraid to add anymore. He watched as Cody gasped for air and groaned. More blood rushed into his already painfully engorged cock as the full gravity of the situation sank in. That really was Cody, the hot star quarterback, strapped down naked and suffering. And after tonight, the same Cody, the biggest stud on the team would be his to order around, however he pleased. The other absolutely exciting thing was the fact that, in spite of all the pain, Cody's cock remained totally hard! He had read about guys like that, who got turned on by torture, especially torture, but had never experienced it. And it also appeared that Cody, the guy who ran the team, both on and off the field, was also turned by being ordered around by younger guys 3; he had read about that too, and was anxious to test that out. Yes as far as Jesse was concerned, whatever his "initiation" would be, it would be worth it! At this point, Chip decided to pull Jesse away, far enough to be out of Cody's earshot. They went to a corner of the room and Chip asked, "So okay Dude, it seems like you're definitely into this 3; big time." "Oh yea. SHIT! I never thought anything like this would happen. I have sort of tried to um.. you know 3; hook up with some guys through the Internet 3; but have been 3; well afraid 3; seems like there are a lot of flakes around." Chip chuckled, "Well then I'm glad I called you. Anyway, real quick, in case you haven't figured this out yet, Cody gets really worked up by being tortured, and ordered around by younger guys. I mean really worked up. And that's cool. You know, whatever floats your boat." "Yea, that's cool!" Jesse said as he continued watching Cody squirm and gasp on the weight bench across the room. "Now, I'm gonna say this for the last time 3; and I mean it! You cannot tell anyone on the team about this! Seriously, only one other guy on the team knows about this, and he'll never say anything!" Jesse's mind ran down the team roster. He couldn't imagine who it was and was really curious. Had he known more about the frats on campus he might have been able to figure it out, since there was one guy who was in the frat known for being gay and into BDSM in a big way. Even though most of the team knew that about the guy, and in spite of all their "gay bashing" banter in the locker room, no one ever messed with him 3; partly because they were afraid of him, but also because he was damn good in his position. He didn't act gay at all, and never showed any indications of being even remotely interested in any other guys on the team. "Now I took a big risk getting you involved in this. I did it mostly to freak Cody out. He does have another `thing' about being exhibited naked in public and all, or just in front of other guys. I figured it would really make him freak if it was someone like you. Ummm 3; no offense." Jesse giggled, "Non taken, as they say. I'm sort of used to being abused by these guys. They get on me a lot because of my size 3; call me little twerp 3; a wanna-be 3; and stuff 3; that's okay though 3; because 3; ummm 3; well 3;" He paused, unsure of himself. Chip gave him a pat on the shoulder and chuckled, "That's okay. I'm guessing a part of it is that you'd get to see those guys naked a lot 3; right." Oddly enough, Jesse felt relieved. He felt comfortable talking to Chip. "Yea. That really is part of it 3; still I'm curious, why did you decide to go with me? We only talked briefly on the phone and you didn't know me." Chip laughed, "Well, I do seem to have a knack for judging people, and there was something about the way you talked to me and what you said when I mentioned the initiation thing, that told me I was on the right track. I would have backed off, had I not gotten the right vibes from you. And no offense again, but I've been on sports teams since I was little, and when I got into junior high, we always had guys like you `helping' with the team. I could tell the way they seemed to always be around while we showered and changed, that they were 3; you know 3; umm 3; `interested.' Oh and finally, you got here really fast 3; ran all the way. Bet you thought about the initiation thing all the way here." Jesse blushed some more and said, "Wow! Yea. Okay I did 3; you know I'm dying to know how Cody got into this, and how he became you're slave boy. Man, you're like what 16?" Chip laughed, "Well, 15 right now and that's a story I just might share with you someday 3; you know once you're 3; um a full member and all." Jesse's cock tingled some more as he chuckled, "I guess that means after my initiation, right?" Chip chuckled back, "Well, at least until you are further along." Chip was about to continue when Jesse cut him off and said, "Hey listen, I think it's only fair that I tell you something. Hope it doesn't screw this up." Chip said, "I'm sure it won't, so um what is it?" Jesse thought for a moment as he watched Cody continue to gasp, sweat and squirm with the weights on his balls. He did not want to mess this up by pissing Chip off, but figured he should get this out in the open from the start. "Well, I had no idea at all who you actually were when you called 3;no idea at all. But UMMM 3; when I got here and saw you 3; well 3; I recognized you." "Oh yea? From where?" Chip inquired. Jesse took a deep breath and stammered, "Well, I saw you on the net! You were the Dude running that show 3; you know 3; the naked fight club thing you mentioned 3; right? If not he looked a lot like you." It was a big step for Jesse to admit yet again thathe had watched it. No except his best friend knew he had watched it. His roommate was out that night and he had covered his tracks on their shared computer well. To his relief, Chip smiled as he said proudly, "Yea that was me! So it sounded like you liked it? Did it turn you on?" It was like he had opened the flood gates! "Oh my GOD Dude. SHIT! I mean it was SO FUCKING HOT! I mean I came like 4 or 5 times. My room smelled like cum and I had to open the window before my homophobe roommate got back." Though he didn't need any further confirmation about Jesse, he accepted this, and felt he understood Jesse even better now. He had no one around he felt he could trust to share these feeling with 3; let alone talk about his fantasies. And now here was Chip 3; who seemed like a kindred soul 3; and a caring and understanding friend. "Well, I'm glad you liked it. That is one of the things we do. Ummm 3; just curious by the way 3; you mentioned your best friend Eric watched the show with you. Did he like it? And, uhh 3; did you guys 3; you do 3; um `anything'?" Jesse took another deep breath and said, "Well, I think he did like it, but I'm not really sure why. I sort of hinted around afterwards, about stuff, but he didn't really pick up on it. I'm not sure what he likes 3; been a little afraid to push it. He's the other team manager, and 3; well 3; um was afraid he would freak if he really thought I was gay. He may have liked it because of the fighting part 3; and the fact that it was these jocks beating each other up." Chip decided not to press any further in that direction. Instead he asked, "Okay, you need to get back to things here. One last question though. Did you recognize anyone else at the naked fight club show?" Jesse thought for a moment, then shook his head, "No I don't think so." Chip grinned and said, "Okay, follow me." Jesse followed Chip across the room. As soon as they arrived beside Cody, still suffering on the weight bench, Chip pointed at Cody's groin and whispered, "Didn't some of those guys get their pubes shaved off? One of them was shaved by a bunch of young brats as I recall." Jesse looked at Cody's groin, saw the stubble where Cody's pubic hair should be and gasped, "HOLY SHIT! Damn! He was the DUDE in the mask! SHIT! WOW!" Chip laughed, "Yea, pretty intense huh? And do you remember how turned on he was when he got shaved and stuff by that group of 12 and 13 year old punks?" Jesse reflected back, "Yea he seemed that he was boned really hard. Didn't some kid win him in a raffle too?" Chip chuckled, "Yea he owes some 14 year old boy a full day of service where anything goes. I was thinking that maybe you could help me with the raffle follow-up maybe. We've got a bunch of stuff to catch up on, and you might be able to help in some way." Actually Chip had enough help, he just figured this might be yet another way to keep Jesse "motivated." "Anyway, more on that on another day, for now, let's just finish up with Cody. So what next?" What was next was the punishment horse. Cody was released from the weight bench and then bent over pommel horse. He was strapped down with a bunch of Velcro straps around his ankles, wrists and knees. Jesse started things off by paddling Cody's ass with a short board he had found as he did, he taunted Cody with what he would be going through. "Okay slave boy, while I turn your ass nice and red, let me tell you what I've already come up with for you." Chip smiled as he listened to Jesse's plan. He may have been inexperienced but was fast at coming up with ideas. It was a pretty good basic plan, and made sense. Most of it centered around football of course. Jesse told Cody that he would be watching him at practices and games. He would make note of any mistakes Cody made as quarterback and Cody would be punished for each one. The more he made, the tougher the punishments would be. As far as practices were concerned, after practice, unless Jesse told him otherwise, Cody would meet in the back of the back-up equipment room. Hardly anyone went there. Once there he would jack-off while Jesse watched. This would be after every practice. He told Cody there would be more. Chip could see that Cody was really super horned now. He was grunting with every wack and from what Chip could see, he was ready to cum at any moment. When Jesse was satisfied that Cody's ass was red enough, he looked around the building. He had hoped to find some dildo like objects. Nothing was there, so he settled on a bottle. It was shaped like a beer bottle. Chip smiled as he watched Jesse grease it up with some Vaseline from the first aid room. The way Jesse acted, Chip was certain that this was something Jesse had never done before, but probably had fantasized about that, maybe even jacked off while he thought about doing it to some guy 3; and hell maybe even tried it on himself. Chip was right on all counts. What followed was hot to watch. There was the hot college senior quarterback tied bent over a pommel horse, with his ass spread. And there was this cute college freshman nervously working the guy's ass. Jesse started slowly and tentatively, his hands shook as he greased up his finger and cautiously worked it into Cody's hole. Cody gasped with the first penetration and began to moan as Jesse worked it in deeper. Jesse was breathing harder and harder with every moan and seemed excited by being able to produce those moans. Chip knew the feeling. It was one thing to make a guy gasp and scream under torture, but another to make him moan with pleasure. There was something so exciting about feeling a guy tremble and moan as you explored his "pleasure points." Jesse was really getting into his "exploration." He worked his finger in and out of Cody's hot ass. He twisted it around, and when he found Cody's prostate, he massaged it with the tip of his finger. Eventually he got to the bottle. He inserted that and worked it in as far as he could. Cody cried out. It was a pretty big bottle and caused Cody a lot of distress. Jesse added to it by tapping the bottle with the board 3; not hard enough to break it, but enough to cause vibrations to be transmitted into Cody's ass. Painful or not, Cody was turned on in a major way. Jesse worked the bottle in and out as he teased Cody about the other things that would be in is ass in the days and months ahead. He winked at Chip and Chip returned a "thumbs up" sign. Chip was absolutely certain that Jesse had never done this before, and was equally certain about some other things that Jesse had never done. As always an idea popped into his head. It would sort of "seal the deal." It had two parts. Chip was certain about the first part, but a little unsure about the second. When it appeared that Jesse was done torturing Cody's hole with the bottle he said, "Ok Jesse, I think there's something else that we need to do." Jesse pulled the bottle out and waited in anticipation. Chip saw the tent in Jesse's shorts. He got one of the small stools that was nearby and placed it on the floor between Cody's spread legs. He then told Jesse to get on the stool, facing Cody. Jesse climbed onto the stool and waited. He was curious and very excited. "Okay Jesse, now put your hands on Cody's hips and wait." Jesse leaned forward a little and placed his quivering hands on Cody's hips. He watched as Chip retrieved one of the dirty jock's Jesse had brought and stretched it over Cody's face. He forced some of the pouch into Cody's moth and snapped, "Okay, suck on that slave boy!" Cody and Jesse were both quivering now and sweating. Jesse had an idea what was gonna happen next and was a little scared. He had dreamed about doing this, had never acted on that dream. Chip confirmed his suspicion when he said, "Okay, Jesse, remember you have to do what I say too. So keep your hands on Cody's hips." Chip stood behind Jesse, grabbed the waistband of Jesse's shorts and jock and yanked them down to his ankles. Jesse gasped and trembled as his hard cock slapped against his pubes. He started to blush and his blushing increased when Chip walked around, pulled up the front of his shirt and began rubbing some Vaseline on Jesse's got. He was a little embarrassed, but excited. As embarrassed as he was, there was no escaping the fact that he enjoyed the feel of another guy's hand on his hard cock. Chip was enjoying the feeling too. He just loved feeling other's guys hard cocks, no matter what age they were, no matter how large or small the cock was. It gave him yet another feeling of power, especially when they gasped and trembled with excitement. Jesse was doing both. Chip could sense a hint of embarrassment on Jesse's part. A lot of guys got embarrassed being boned around others. It was a very personal thing, and it was a clear indication that they were turned on. Which was a sort of sign of weakness. Chip smiled as he took his time greasing Jesse's hard cock. It wasn't super big, but was perfectly formed and uncircumcised. Chip thought about that too. He reflected on the Webcam show and the way Kevin's uncircumcised cock had been tortured. And here was another one. Yea, it would be interesting to experiment on Jesse during his "initiations." Right now he was focused on this moment. Jesse continued to shake as Chip finished the greasing and then pulled the tip of Jesse's cock up against Cody's hole. He looked up at Jesse's reddened face and inquired, "First time Jesse?" Jesse nodded and stammered, "Uh yea 3; I umm never done this before 3; not sure exactly what to do." Chip smiled, rubbed Jesse's back and said reassuringly, "That's okay. It's not that tough. The trick is the angle. Once you get it in, the rest should 3; um well come naturally. I'll help you along." Chip turned his head, looked at Cody and said, "You hear that slave boy? You should feel honored! You're this Dude's first fuck! And I can tell you're loving this!" Chip smiled as he saw the way Cody trembled some more. He knew Cody, all too well. On Cody's part, well, he was more than honored, he was turned on even more. The thought of being fucked by the 18 year old team manager while he was tied down like this was humiliating enough. The fact that Jesse could see how turned on he was by being used like this was even more humiliating. And that humiliation just fueled his arousal. Chip helped Jesse get started. Jesse had problems at first getting the right angle. When he finally got it, and the tip of his cock slid into Cody's quivering ass, he grinned and half shouted, "OH YEA! WOW!" His grin widened as he continued working his hard cock into Cody. Chip grinned too. He kept his eyes on Jesse's face as Cody gasped and moaned. Each moan seemed to encourage Jesse all the more. He appeared Jesse was about halfway in, when Jesse's grin changed to one of pure lust and nature took over. He rammed his cock all the way in and then started fucking a way 3; fast and hard. Cody's shakes and gasps egged him on. For Jesse, all those years of frustration and the teasing from the jocks he hung around was finally released. Nothing had ever felt this good. He rammed his cock in and out as hard as he could, slapped Cody's ass hard and said, "Yea, take that SLAVE BOY! Get used to this SLAVE BOY!" and so on. As Jesse pumped faster and faster, Chip's thoughts turned to Cody. He looked at Cody's naked body bent over the horse. Saw the red welts from the savage lashing he had taken. Confirmed the fact that Cody was still boned to the max and leaking pre-cum as the young freshman continued ramming his no longer "virgin" cock into his ass. As intense as the whippings and the ball tortures had been, as always Cody had made a major recovery and seemed even more turned on by everything that was happening. But that was how Cody was 3; the greater the pain 3; the greater the humiliation 3; the harder Cody always seemed to get. Chip was certain that Jesse was trying to prolong this great moment, but from the look on his face, was losing that battle. The signs were all there 3; the rapid breathing 3; the sudden increase in the speed at which he pumped in and out of Cody's quivering ass 3; and finally 3; the way all of Jesse's muscles seemed to spasm at the same time. Jesse let out a loud scream as he pumped furiously in and out of Cody's ass and his man-seed shot inside his hot quarterback. He pumped until he was drained and exhausted before dropping onto Cody's back. Cody was close to cumming as well. He got an intense warm tingling feeling when he felt little Jesse's cock pulse inside of him. Though his ass was hurting, the feelings of pleasure were greater. He trembled a lot when Jesse dropped down on him and lay there on top of him as he caught his breath. He didn't know which he liked more 3; the feeling he got from being tied down and having the young manager fuck him 3; or the feeling he got when he realized how much pleasure Jesse had gotten from using his ass like this. Both were equally intense. Chip let them remain that way until both were breathing normally. Once they were he gave Jesse a gentle pat on the back and said, "Sorry Dude, we need to move on." Jesse reluctantly slipped his cock out of Cody's ass, stood up and quickly pulled his jock and shorts back up. Chip could tell that Cody was anxious to cum, but decided to hold off on that. He wanted that for his own personal pleasure later. As soon as Jesse was dressed and had once again gotten hold of himself, Chip had Jesse release Cody. Once he was off the horse, Chip told Cody to go outside, kneel beside his car in the "present" position and wait for them. Once again Cody's heart throbbed as he followed Chip's orders. No one was around outside, but there was always the possibility that someone could show up and see him kneeling there naked. Still he followed Chip's orders. As soon as Cody was outside, Chip looked at Jesse and said, "Okay Dude, we gotta move on. I'm going outside to talk with Slave Boy Cody. You go ahead and do what you need to, to put shit away in here and then join us outside by the car. Like I said, you are gonna have to start your own initiation tonight. That's only fair, and 3; ummm 3; you don't have to ask me again 3; Cody will be following all of your orders from now on, unless I tell him to stop 3; you got that?" Jesse nodded, "Yea, I get it." "He'll do whatever you say. You just can't give him an order that will get him into big trouble for sure, or arrested 3; you know, like strip naked in the middle of a football game out on the field." Jesse laughed, "Yea I get that too." "Last thing is this. Because it is sometimes tough for me to get over to the campus, because of school and stuff, there will be times when I may give you orders for you initiation through Cody. He'll tell you that they are from me, and you will follow them. That's part of your initiation. May seem awkward at times cause you are also giving him orders and all 3; but you'll get the hang of it 3; and Cody won't fake you out." "Jesse thought for a moment and smiled, "Yea, I guess it's a little awkward, but sure I get it. Yea, okay." Chip could tell that Jesse was excited about everything. The question was, what excited him the most 3; getting to have Cody as his personal sex and torture slave 3; or getting initiated himself. Well time would tell, he mused as he headed outside. Jesse watched Chip leaved and then rushed to get things back the way they were. This old training building wasn't used a lot, but he and the other manager were responsible for maintaining and cleaning it and would catch a ration of someone complained. Meanwhile Chip nearly busted up laughing as he approached the car. Cody was kneeling there as instructed and was glancing around nervously, watching for any bystanders who might appear. The thing that almost made Chip laugh was the fact that Cody still had the sweaty jock stretched over his face. "Did that smell and taste good?" he teased as he stepped closer. Cody stopped sucking on the jock and said teasingly, "Well, I guess so, but not as good as your's sir!" Chip laughed, "Well go ahead and take it off then. Maybe I'll start saving some of mine for you after soccer practice. I do sweat a lot down there 3; oh and yea I do like to cum in them. Is sort of fun to drop my shorts, right after practice and rub up against this tree in the woods behind the field until I cum." Cody's cock throbbed as he envisioned Chip doing that. He was certain Chip was just teasing him. The wild thing was that Chip did that fairly regularly. The tree he was used was in a perfect spot. Chip was pretty much concealed but had a clear view of the soccer field. As he rubbed his exposed jock pouch against the tree, he watched his teammates, the ones who had screwed around or messed up during practice run their punishment laps. Chip wished they had to do them naked, but was satisfied to watch them huff and puff and train as he pumped away and then pumped into his jock. Chip rarely had to run laps himself. He was very good and almost never screwed up. He made a mental note to save his next cum soaked jock for Cody. Cody was a little surprised when Chip tossed him his car keys and said, "Okay, get your clothes out of the trunk and get dressed, but leave the trunk open. There is something else we need to do." Cody ran to the trunk, opened it and dressed as fast as he could. He wondered what Chip had planned next. Whatever it was would most probably be exciting, it always was. He hoped that, at some point he would get to cum. His cock was painfully hard and his balls were aching from more than the tortures they had received. Once Cody was fully dressed, he and Chip leaned against the side of the car and started talking about other things 3; like how things were looking for this football season for the college team 3; who would end up going to super bowl and so on. Chip was getting a little worried about the time. He knew that Cody had an early morning practice and didn't want to keep him up to late and wanted to make sure he was able to take care of his own "need" before bedtime. He was about to go back and check on Jesse, when the little Dude came running up. "Sorry it took so long. I just wanted to make sure everything was back in place," he said.
Jesse's, Cody's and Chip's Wild NightChip responded, "No Problemo Dude! We gotta get moving though and have to start your initiation like I said."Jesse nodded and quipped, "I figured, so what do you want me to do?" Chip winked at Cody then turned to Jesse and said, "Okay, start by taking off your shirt and tossing it in the trunk." Now Jesse was smart enough to know that this was coming and where it was headed. Still, that didn't keep him from blushing as he pulled off his shirt and tossed it into the trunk of Cody's car. [Boy Fact #6- Initiations, punishments, or penalties almost always involve nudity at some point!] As much as Cody craved being on the receiving end of orders, he couldn't help but get excited by what was unfolding. He took a closer look at Jesse. Yea, he had seen the young manager in the locker room, but never with so much as his shirt off. He always thought he was sort of scrawny, but now that he saw him shirtless for the first time, he changed his mind. Sure little Jesse was not a super jock or anything, but he did have a nice build. Cody looked at Jesse's chest and abs 3; there was just a hint of muscular development there 3; nothing that a well directed weight program couldn't help with. Cody's cock tingled as he thought maybe helping Jesse with that 3; hell he just might appreciate that. Once his shirt was off and deposited in the trunk, Jesse looked at Chip and asked, "Okay done. So next?" Chip smiled and said mischievously, "Guess!" Jesse shook and little blushed some more, then pulled his shorts down and off and tossed them in the trunk. He stood up and then to Chip's delight, gestured towards his jock and said, "And I guess this too, right?" Chip couldn't resist, he turned to Cody and giggled, "So what do you think Cody? Jock or no jock?" Cody tried to look like he was think hard, then smiled at Chip and said, "Well this is an initiation, so definitely no jock." Chip laughed, looked at Jesse and said, "You heard him, lose the jock." Jesse's heart was really pounding as he pulled his jock off and tossed it in the trunk. Sure he did feel some embarrassment, but found he was really turned on by this and especially when he saw the way Cody eyed his naked body. With his jock off and stashed, Jesse looked at Chip as he pointed to his feet and asked, "What about them?" Chip smiled some more and said, "No leave your socks and running shoes on, you'll be needing them." Jesse wasn't sure he liked the sound of that. Chip waited a few moments before he closed the trunk and told the others to get in the car. Jesse's cock throbbed as they drove off. Here was another new experience 3; sitting naked in the back seat of a car, going who knew where, and getting more and more boned by the minute. Chip glanced in the back seat and smiled as he looked at Jesse's rising cock. "Yea!" he thought, "Jesse is a fast riser 3; that's awesome 3; all the better!" "Where to?" Cody asked. Chip thought for a second as he reviewed his hurriedly concocted plan, then said, "You know where the College Ecology Center is?" Cody nodded. "Okay good," Chip said, "Head there and drive around out back of the main building there is a parking lot there." Chip knew it rather well. He had been there as part of this "enrichment" program at school. Chip's teachers were always putting his name in for stuff like that. Chip liked it cause it usually got him out of regular classes. Tonight, the Ecology Center would serve as the perfect launch point for the start of Jesse's initiation. It was outside the main campus, and opposite of where fraternity row was, which was also where Jesse's dorm was. Chip estimated it was around five miles between the Center and Jesse's dorm. As he had hoped, when they pulled up to a stop in the lot behind the center, there were few cars around. A couple cars were parked close to the building. Chip figured they belonged to janitors or some late working staff. As soon as they stopped, Chip looked at Jess and said, "Okay, get out now!" Jesse was a pretty shocked and scared, but followed Chip's instructions and was soon standing beside the car on Chip's side. Just as Cody had done earlier he kept glancing around nervously. Who wouldn't standing there naked and boned in an open and public place like that. Chip rolled down his window, looked at Jesse and said, "Okay, here's the plan, Cody will see you at practice in the morning, he'll have at least one order for you. At that point you can start giving him orders too. I don't care what they are, as long as they don't interfere with mine. I'll talk to you later in the day." Chip started to roll up his window but stopped for a moment when Jesse stammered, "WOAH 3; DUDE wait! SHIT! How do I get back? It's a long way to my dorm!" Chip smiled and said, "Not my problem 3; you figure it out!" Jesse gasped, "Dang, well, umm could I at least have my security card, I'll need it to get back in the dorm 3; it's clipped to my shorts in the trunk. Come on please?" Chip giggled again, not my problem. Cody will have your stuff at practice 3; till then 3; have fun!" With that, Chip rolled the window, looked at Cody and said, "Okay lets's go!" Cody stepped on the gas and they sped off, leaving a stunned and frightened Jesse behind. As they turned out of the lot, Chip looked back and giggled as he watched Jesse duck behind some trees, "Looks like your little manager dude is in for a fun night." Cody couldn't help but be amused and excited by this turn of events. This was another of the types of challenges that turned him on so much 3; naked outside and faced with a very real challenge, which included the risk of exposure. And for Jesse, this was a major challenge. To get back to his dorm, he would have to cross the main campus at some point. He could try working his way around, but that would make his journey a lot longer. His mind raced as he considered his options. At last he settled on taking a direct route. It would run through the heart of the main campus where most of the classroom buildings were. There would be some traffic for evening classes, but it should be sparse and probably better than trying to get through the more residential sections. As warm as the night was, he was certain that a lot of college students would be outside 3; hanging out 3; drinking and such. As scared as he was, his heart pounded and his cock throbbed as he took off running. Oddly enough he did find it rather invigorating running naked like this 3; as he ran 3; a song jumped into his mind which he couldn't shake 3; it was the old Ray Stevens tune, "The Streak" 3; he didn't remember all the lyrics 3; just bits and pieces like 3; "He's in the mood to run in the nude" 3; "They call him the streak 3; Weeeeeeehhh" 3; "Look at that, look at that" 3; "there he was naked as a jay bird" 3; He ran fast and hard as the song ran through his head. He managed to continue running fast, darting behind trees and bushes until he reached the edge of the main campus. That's when he stopped, crouched behind a bush and surveyed the situation. There were more people around than he had hoped. He knelt down as he considered what do next. The Ray Stevens song faded out as he tried to come up with a plan. At the moment his focus was just reaching his dorm. Once there, he would have to deal with how to get back in without his key card 3; which not only opened the outside door but also his room. Meanwhile Cody and Chip were having a great time in the car. Both were laughing as they imagined what Jesse was going through. "Dude 3; I mean shit man 3; that's a fucking long way! Jesse has to be freaking. And then you didn't let him have his security card for the dorm! Man that's mean! He'll have to find someone to let him in. Man, this is wild." They joked around as they drove on. Cody kidded about the shit Jesse would be coming up for him. That's when Chip said, "So um Cody 3; you're not too pissed at me are you 3; you know for getting Jesse into this? I couldn't help myself once I got the idea." Cody thought for just a moment and said, "Well, yea I'll admit I was very pissed at first. You know this is supposed to be a secret, but I guess it did work out. Just don't make a habit out of it." Chip laughed, "Okay, I won't I promise. I just wanted to use him to freak you out tonight 3; but, things just sort of snowballed 3; now it seems I am gonna have to 3; you know officially initiate him and all 3; just to keep things going." Cody chuckled and said VERY teasingly, "Oh I feel your pain and stress 3; you know to torture and humiliate this guy 3; must be tough." They both laughed at that. As they circled the campus, Cody asked, so you want me to drop you off at home, or do you have something else in mind for me tonight 3; remember I do have an early morning practice. As horned as Cody was, he hoped that Chip did have something else for him, and hope it would enable him to cum soon. If not, he would enjoy a slow and extended jack-off session back in his room. Chip said, "Well, here's the thing Dude 3; sorry for the short notice and all 3; but see it's like this 3; I don't have school tomorrow and told my mom I was camping 3; I am supposed to meet this guy at that Internet café near the campus at 9:00 in the morning, so I thought I would just crash in your room tonight." Cody smiled and said, "Well Mr. Master Dude 3; just as long as you don't keep me up all night!" Chip giggled, "I promise I won't. Scout's Honor!" Cody laughed as he turned the corner and headed to the frat house. "Yea Scout's Honor! Dude I bet you were one wild as crazy twisted little Boy Scout!" Chip chuckled, "You bet. Still am I guess still registered I think 3; just don't go to meetings 3; to many other things to do." On the way to the fart house, Cody reminded Chip of the basic rules they had worked out. Cody did not want to draw attention to the fact that Chip was there. The fact that Chip could pass for a college freshman helped a lot. Chip had actually been in and out of Cody's frat house on a number of occasions. The few guys who paid attention to him figured he was just another freshman looking to get a "bid" to pledge at some point. So, in the end it was easy for Chip to slip into Cody's room, unnoticed. Once inside Chip tried to focus on the primary reason he started the night's activities in the first place! He was horned as hell, and was looking for relief. He didn't want to stay up too late either, because he wanted to be sharp for his meeting in the morning. After all the stuff with both Cody and Jesse, it was now past 11 at night. Chip considered what to do next. He got a brief respite when Cody told him he needed to check his Email and told Chip he could do the same if he wanted when he was done. Chip took the opportunity to use Cody's private bathroom (a perk for being the star quarterback). It took awhile for him to coax his hard cock to soften up enough so he could pee. He joked about that when he walked back into the room. "Man, it's so tough to take a whiz when you're boned!" he giggled. Cody laughed, "You don't have to tell me that man! I have that problem all the time." Chip had softened enough to piss, got hard instantly when he saw Cody. Cody was sitting at his computer and had stripped down to just his jock. His body still had a sheen of sweat from the earlier activities, and the bulge in his jock pouch confirmed the fact that he was still hard 3; rock hard. Cody glanced at Chip and chuckled, "Hey get comfortable dude. You can have the computer in a minute, most of my emails are junk. Man, couple of these persistent cheerleaders keeping after me. Guess I just might have to `dip my wick' some more to keep them happy 3; and you know to keep up appearances." Yes, Cody had "dipped his wick" on more than one occasion 3; mostly because it was expected. In fact, most of the cheerleaders ended up either riding or sucking his ample piece of manhood at some point. Hell it was a "status symbol for them. Now not to say that Cody didn't enjoy it. It's just that he didn't enjoy it nearly as much as he enjoyed this other stuff. And, what the heck, if fucking a cheerleader here and there was what it took to cover his other "interests, well then why not. Cody's cock tingled as he watched Chip strip down to his jock. He grinned when he noted that Chip was just as boned as he was. He let Chip use the computer to check his email. He reclined on the bed and watched some TV, all the while keeping his eye on Chip's semi-naked body. Chip had hoped to get another Email from his mysterious contact, but was not surprised that there wasn't one. He responded to the ones he needed to. Most from other guys in the "club." More than one asked about the raffle "payouts" and how they would work. There were also some emails from the guys who had won the raffles, asking the very same thing. As level headed and organized as Chip was, he was getting a little flustered. "There's got to be a way to get a handle on all this shit." He mused. He wished Mark was around. Though he was younger he was good at organizing stuff. At the moment, Mark was tied up in a dungeon, literally, and wasn't available to consult. Cody sensed some level of frustration in his young "master." He got up off the bed pulled up the spare desk chair and sat down beside Chip. "So what's up Dude, you seem a little frustrated." Chip shrugged and said, "Man you have no idea. Things are getting so fucking out of control. I've got so much going on 3; it's like I need a damn secretary or something." Cody placed his hand on Chip's should and said, "Well 3; hmmm. If you don't mind me stepping out of my slave role for just a bit 3; maybe I can help. I mean if that's okay." The Master/Slave thing aside 3; the truth was, they respected each other a lot. Chip was, quite naturally enamored with Cody's athletic and leadership abilities 3; as well as his body 3; Cody had similar feelings about Chip, albeit for different reasons. Chip chuckled, "That's cool. Just so you are back when I say so." "No problem there! So what is the problem 3; your current major malfunction?" Cody was actually enjoying this moment a lot as he listened to Chip just chatter and blabber. It was one of the few times Chip dropped his defenses and revealed admitted to his doubts and frustrations. For once he sounded like a totally flustered 15 year old boy. Cody listened and cajoled as Chip chattered about how far out of hand everything related to the club 3; the torture house and the arena show had gotten. Everyone was looking to Chip for answers and decisions 3; and new and more twisted ideas. When they finally reached the point where it appeared Chip had gotten most of it out, Cody asked, "So, okay what is your biggest problem right now? Start there. Lot's of people might say to knock off as many of the smaller issues first 3; to you build up steam 3; but I like going for the big one first 3; to get it out of the way." Chip nodded and said, "Well, that makes sense. Right now the biggest issue is the Arena Show raffle. Everyone is pushing for the `payouts' to get organized. They are making me crazy." As worked up as Cody was and eager to "take care of business" he realized that the sooner Chip got back to his normal self the better. "Okay, so refresh my memory 3; about all the raffles." Chip opened up a Word Pad window and dropped a list into it. "There you go, that's the summary!" Cody read the list and smiled when he saw his own name. - "Payouts" from the Arena show "Raffles"! These guys owe a full day to the winner where "Anything Goes": * Logan to a Teammate from the lacrosse team. * Justyn to one of the young "brats" (The park punks) * Coach Taylor to the Twins' Dad. * The Twins to another one of the "Brats." * Cody to a 14 year old boy. The Internet Raffle (These Guys Each Owe a LIVE "Private" Show on the Net): * Chip * Casey * Logan "So have any of these been set up yet?" Cody asked. "No, not yet. I've gotten some emails from some of the winners, and have been sort of just holding them off." Cody put his hand on Chip's shoulder and said, "Okay, well start with this 3; make a spread sheet. You know how to do that?" Chip gave Cody an impish grin and giggled, "Of course I do, dude, computers are my life." Cody smiled as he watched Chip find and open Excel. "Okay, now do this, go ahead and list the guys who have to pay up. Include their contact info in a separate field also include whatever contact info you have from the guys who one. Maybe split that in two 3; for what they gave you guys at the event and any one they used afterwards to contact you.." He smiled as he watched Chip's fingers fly over the keyboard. He opened emails, copied and pasted here and there. It took about 15 minutes before Chip sat back and said, "Okay, that's what we got." Cody scanned the spread sheet and said, "Well from what I can see things don't look all that bad 3; just will take someone to do the follow ups, so you don't have to worry about it. Hell who knows, maybe you could use your latest recruit to be the club secretary 3; from the little I've seen of him around the team 3; he does seem pretty sharp and organized 3; and motivated."
MeanwhileJesse wasn't feeling like an organized club secretary 3; instead he felt like a hunted fugitive. At the moment Cody was proposing Jesse as a potential solution to Chip's organizational issues, Jesse was having his own "organizational" issues.He was hiding behind some bushes in the middle of the main campus, buck naked and still boned. He had tried slapping his cock to get it to go down, but that just seemed to make it worse. He watched and waited for the group of students, who were hanging smoking cigarettes in the little park to leave. They stood between him and his next hiding spot. As he waited he considered how he would get back into the dorm. None of the solutions he came up with put his mind at ease. There was no way around it. Someone was going to see him naked like this in order to get back inside. The question was who? Jesse slapped his hard cock again as he thought about potential ploys. He managed to reach one conclusion, and that was, regardless of who he asked, he just couldn't be boned up when he asked. That would be just too embarrassing. So he would jack off, while in hiding near the dorm entrance, then wait until someone came along he felt he could convince to let him in 3; he would say it was a fraternity prank 3; that should work 3; still would be embarrassing, but less so if he wasn't also boned.
And Back at Cody's RoomChip thought for a moment and said, "Well, yea, I guess that could work."Cody said, "Yea I am sure it will. Hell Dude, look you have most of the info here already. Looks like the only people you have not already heard back from are 3; umm 3; let's see 3; Whoever it was who won you in the Internet raffle 3; the guy who won Coach Taylor 3; oh and the ones you call the brats." Chip's eyes opened wider and he gasped, "Oh shit just a sec." His fingers flew over the keyboard once more. He looked through his saved folder, found the email that Dennis had forwarded to him, pulled the essential info out of it and added it to the spread sheet. There we go, I almost forgot we did here from those little dudes I call the Brats. One of them, there sort of punk-ass leader emailed Dennis. So, okay we heard from them." Cody laughed, "And looks like you also heard from the kid who won me." Chip chuckled, "Oh ya, he was one of the first. He is anxious. I'm sure he doesn't know who you are. Just likes your bod. Seems really hot to torture you big time." Cody laughed, "Well, I'll pay up as soon as we can set it up. I will wear that mask though." Chip was getting back to his old confident self. Cody looked at the list some more and said, "Okay, for the ones you haven't heard from, send them an email giving them a deadline to respond so you can set up a time for them to get their "winnings." "Looks like you owe a "show" on the net. Let me know about that, I'd like to see that." Chip laughed, "Okay you big perv, if he responds, I'll let you know." Cody smiled some more as he watched Chip's fingers fly over the keyboard once again. He sent emails off to the winners who hadn't responded. Then composed another to those who had already responded. Cody read it and grinned. It was a masterpiece. Chip congratulated them on winning 3; apologized for the delay 3; titillated them with reminders of the fact that "ANYTHING GOES" when their "meeting" would happen. He even offered to provide the meeting place if needed. Finally he asked each to submit three potential meeting dates and times, so they could coordinate the schedule. When he sent the last email, Chip looked at Cody and asked, "So what do you think?" Cody laughed, "I think you are one scary dude 3; and I think I am ready for a shower." Chip perked up and giggled me too. Guess both of us are sort of stinky. It's your room so you can go first." Chip turned back to the computer. He deleted a bunch of junk mail, then checked the Webcam site that he had seen Mark, Kevin and Dennis on. He looked for Punisher's broadcast, but it was active at the moment. His cock throbbed in anticipation of the following night's show when Dennis was sure to be the star attraction. Sure they were brothers, but Chip was looking forward to watching Dennis get more than his fair share. He wanted to hear Dennis scream in totally agony 3; Dennis's smart ass voice cracked and squeaked when he reached that point. Cody busied himself laying out a towel for Chip and dropping his dirty clothes in his laundry bag. His eye's remained locked on Chip sitting at the computer, clad only in a jockstrap. He pulled his off and dropped it on the floor beside the bed. He wrapped a towel around his waist and headed into the bathroom. Cody's cock remained hard as he brushed his teeth. He took his time, hoping that Chip would do something. As horned as Chip was, he remained focused on the computer screen. It wasn't until Cody walked back to him that is own "need" jumped back to center stage. Cody was so horned out of his mind that he couldn't stand it any longer. Chip's manly teen scent permeated the room. Made all the more stronger by the fact he was wearing just his jock. Cody placed his hand on Chip's shoulder and said, "Ready for your shower, ummm 3; sir?" Chip had planned to check out some of the other Webcam shows while he waited for Cody to shower. He replied, "YO! Slave boy, I said you could go first." Cody trembled, and said, "Well, actually I thought maybe we could both go first." In spite of Cody's submissive nature when it came to sexual situations off the field, there were times when his dominance on the field "bubbled" over. The was one of them. To Chip's utter and complete surprise, Cody wrapped his arm around Chip's neck in a choking head lock. Chip gasped as Cody pulled him from the chair and dragged him towards the bathroom, "What the fuck! Shit man, let me go!" Cody ignored him and snarled, "Not until you're cleaned and showered. You smell worse than I do and I don't want my room to stink. So get with it. You will shower right now!" Chip's arms and legs flailed about. As strong and scrappy as he was, Cody was a lot bigger and stronger. Chip slapped and punched 3; even scratched, but couldn't break Cody's lock around his neck. Cody let him struggle for awhile, it was sort of fun, and made his cock harder, feeling Chip's naked sweaty back pressed to his chest 3; let alone the fact that his hard dripping cock was hitting Chip's muscular teen ass. "Stop squirming my Master. You smell! Now pull your jock off so we can shower." Chip struggled some more and bitched, at last he stopped fighting, reached down, yanked on his jock strap band enough to allow it to drop to his ankles. He stepped out of it and said, "There you go perv." Cody looked down, Chip's glorious teen cock was just as hard as his, maybe harder. He sensed that there might be times when Chip wanted something like this to happen, so he followed his senses. He didn't know which would be the most fun 3; doing it the way his gut was leading him at the moment 3; or facing Chip's retribution. Didn't seem to matter 3; both turned him on. He kept the choke hold on as he reached into the shower, turned the water on, adjusted the temperature, then dragged Chip under the cascading water. Chip continued to struggled and bitch for a little while longer. Eventually he settled down. Cody maintained his temporary dominant role. He released Chip and snapped, "Okay Chip 3; my shower 3; and for just this moment 3; my rules! So accept it." What followed next was one of the most erotic moments either had ever experienced. It started with Cody "ordering" Chip to wash his body. Chip complied, his hands trembled as he soaped up Cody's muscular body. He was very thorough. When he got to Cody's cock, Cody let him wash and stroke for a bit but ended up pushing Chip's hands away, before he got to the point of no return. Chip was in total bliss when it was his turn to be "washed." He gasped as Cody cleaned and massaged his manly parts, but went into heaven when Cody washed his "innards." It was at that moment when Cody's dominant side manifested it once again. He pulled Chip's arm up behind his back in a painful arm lock and slammed him up against the shower stall wall. Chip gasped but offered no resistance as Cody forced his soapy finger into Chip's tight hole. Chip's moans grew loader and louder as Cody rammed multiple fingers in and out of Chip's quivering hole. In spite of the fact that Chip was pretty much "over the edge", he was still Chip 3; and maintained his impish nature 3; As he approached the point of no return, Chip gasped teasingly, "Umm Dude keep that up and we'll have to clean the shower wall!" Cody laughed, "That's okay, I got extra towels 3; and lots of spray cleaner." Chip chuckled, "Well okay then, go for it. I'll make you pay for this big time though 3; you know that!" Both knew that 3; especially Cody. If there was one big surprise that night, it was that Cody did not fuck Chip right then and there. Chip did cum though, and in a very spectacular way. Cody kept Chip pressed up against the shower wall, with his arm painfully locked in the small of his back while he finished his deep and savage finger fuck. His own cock throbbed again as he felt Chip's ass clamp down on his fingers and scream as he shot his pent up load. Cody released Chip's arm and pressed his body against Chip, as Chip's teen cock pulsed and messed the shower wall with his thick white seed. They remained in that position for a long time as the shower water coursed over their naked bodies.. Finally Chip giggled, "Ummm 3; maybe we should get out and dry off now before we start to prune up." They climbed out of the shower and dried off quickly. By the time they walked back into the bedroom, things were back the way they usually were, with Chip back in charge, and Cody his willing and horny slave boy. Chip had needed that. As intense as the moment had been, Chip's incessant horniness returned as he looked at Cody's naked body, and his hard throbbing cock, which was yet to find relief. Cody smiled as he watched Chip go to the computer and log out of the chat room. He stood there and just waited until Chip looked at him and snarled, "Well slave boy? Just because you got me off like that doesn't mean anything has changed. Try something like that again, and you'll pay for it BIG TIME!" Both of their hearts were pounding as Cody dropped to his knees, spread his legs and placed his hands behind his head. "Yes sir, Sorry sir, you can punish me however you wish sir," Cody stammered. Chip considered his options. He didn't want to keep Cody up too late 3; and he was pretty tired himself 3; but Cody's actions did require some form of punishment. As he considered that his thoughts returned to Jesse. He looked at Cody and said, `Well, before we get to your punishment, I've got something you'll need to do with Jesse in the morning. Make sure he understands this is coming from me." "Yes Sir! I will." Cody responded. "Okay to start with is it possible you two to be alone for a bit before practice?" Cody smiled and said, "Yea 3; I mean yes sir. Both of us are usually there earlier than most. I use the time to review the play book and he and Eric lay out the equipment 3; I probably could get Jesse alone though for a bit." Chip grinned, "Okay, that'll work hopefully. So, do you still have those chastity devices I brought you and the locks?" Cody nodded towards the bed and said, "Yes sir, in the box under the bed." Chip hopped over, retrieved the box and rummaged through it. He had totally forgotten that all this stuff was here. There were several chastity devices of various sizes there. He smiled as he examined them. Most were too small to put on Cody, even when he was totally soft. He picked up the smallest one as he reflected on Jesse's cock. Yea, Jesse did have a decent sized one, but it wasn't all that big. Chip was reasonably sure that it would fit in this little one when it was soft. Would be a tight fit probably, but all the better, since it would definitely prevent Jesse from getting a hardon and masturbating.
Speaking of MasturbatingAt the moment, Jesse was doing just that! He was in the bushes, near his dorm and working hard to relieve himself, before he approached anyone to let him in the building. His journey across the campus had been wild. Though he had managed to stay hidden most of the way, he had been spotted several times. Most resulted in whistles and hoots and hollers. One of them was when he was spotted by a group of drunken frat boys. They chased Jesse for a few blocks before he was finally able to lose them by ducking into the shadows between some tall buildings.At the moment he was focused on cuming, so he could lose his erection long enough to ask someone to let him in. It took him awhile before he finally shot his latest load. That happened as he thought about his upcoming encounters with Cody.
Back in Cody's RoomChip was explaining what he wanted done during the morning's first encounter with Jesse. Cody would get Jesse alone and tell him that he was under orders from Chip. He would then suck Jesse until he came in his mouth. Right after that, as soon as Jesse "softened" he would lock Jesse's cock and balls in the chastity device and inform Jesse that the keys would be given to Chip after practice.The way things were scheduled, Chip could sleep in, in Cody's room during the early practice. Cody would have more than enough time to return, give the keys to Chip and then drive him to the café for his mysterious morning meeting. At this point the only thing that remained to be done was Cody's punishment. Chip considered the possibilities. It was getting late. So he didn't have too many options. After much thought, he used one of his favorite techniques. "Okay Cody, I'm really tired of thinking too much, so you name your punishment. It has to be done tonight, or doing the night." Chip knew that Cody was really good at naming punishments and self-tortures that were tough and challenging. He gave Cody time to think about it while he brushed his teeth. When he returned, glared at Cody, kneeling there naked, with his hands behind his head and his cock sticking straight up in the air. His own cock hardened as he snarled, "Well slave boy, what should I do with you?" Cody swallowed hard and said, "Okay sir, um just do what I say, I'm sure you will like it." Chip smiled and said, "Okay, go for it." His smile broadened as he watched Cody, throw back the bed sheet and covers and lay down on the bed on his back. He stretched his arms over his head and said, "Okay sir, tie me down like this. There's plenty of rope in the box. Tie off my cock and balls too if you want and leave me like this for the night." For some it might not have seemed all that much of a punishment. Chip looked at Cody's throbbing cock. The head was purple and his balls were quivering. Cody was desperate to cum. Not being allowed to do that would be torture indeed, in light of how long he had been worked up. Chip worked fast to bind Cody as he had asked. He tied his cock and balls too. Not enough to stop circulation, but snug enough to be felt. When he was done, he hopped off the bed, turned off the light and then climbed back in bed beside Cody. He pulled the sheet up over his own naked body, but left Cody's totally exposed. Chip turned on his side, and inched close to Cody until his body was pressed against Cody. His own cock hardened again as he pressed it against Cody's firm muscular thigh. Cody responded by breathing faster and harder. One of the other things that Chip was exceptional at was getting guys worked up with his words. In this case he decided to use his hand as well. As Cody lay there, Chip rested his hand on Cody's hard cock. He whispered nastily, "Okay slave boy 3; this is only part of your punishment! You know how much I love torturing and humiliating guys like you right?" Cody gasped, "Yes sir I do!" "Good boy!" Chip whispered as he gently squeezed Cody's cock. "Now as you fall asleep tonight I want you to come up with three punishments that can be done within this next week. One must involve some form of public humiliation, the other two must involve cock and ball torture 3; you know how much I like that. Make them really good. If I don't like them we'll double what you'll have to come up with! Understood?" He squeezed Cody's cock really hard as he said the last part. Cody sucked in air and gasped, "Yes sir, I will." Chip released his grip, snuggled closer to Cody, but left his hand resting on Cody's cock. He was certain that Cody would come up with three good tough ones. That made it more exciting for Chip, since Cody was naming his own punishments and Cody tended to be very tough on himself. It didn't take long for Chip to drift off to sleep. It took longer for Cody to get to the point where he could sleep. He was horned nearly out of his mind. That state was not helped at all by the fact he was naked, and bound, with the naked body of this hot teenage jock, pressed up against him, let only the fact that said teenaged boy's hand was resting on his hard manhood. Cody reflected on the day's events, then on Chip's final words. His thoughts shifted to coming up with some tough punishments. Everything he came up with made his balls tingle. Most were unrealistic, derived from wild stories he had read on the net. He was certain he could come up with some cock and ball tortures that would more than satisfy Chip. He could handle lots of pain, and he knew Chip would love to see that. The only trick there was to come up with some new things 3; short of that, intense CBT would suffice. The big challenge though was the public humiliation thing. That was the tough one. Public humiliation was a center piece for some of his most intense masturbation fantasy. Almost all could never happen, since they would get him arrested. Sure there were some public things that happened in San Francisco, but Cody was certain Chip wanted it to happen here. That posed problems. His "star" status as the college quarterback meant his picture was all around town. Hell, he couldn't go anywhere in this college town without someone giving him a thumbs up and commenting on the past game or the next one. And that was his dilemma 3; how to come up with a challenging "public" humiliation that would satisfy his teenage master who was now sleeping peacefully pressed up against him.
MeanwhileNot that far away, Jesse was trying to deal with his own dilemma.He had managed to cum by jacking off in the bushes and thanked God for that. He did however know his "hormones" and fantasies. Standing here outside his dorm, buck naked, except for his feet 3; he knew it wouldn't be long before his cock started hardening again. If he was going to avoid the greater embarrassment, he had to act quickly. He watched as various students approached, used their security cards on the dorm door and went inside. One after another he ruled them out 3; for various reasons 3; he didn't want to ask a group to let him in 3; didn't want to ask certain people he definitely knew him 3; He was starting to get desperate when he noticed a long figure approach the dorm entrance. When he walked under a street lamp, Jesse recognized him. He lived on the floor below and was a total geek and a loner. Jesse didn't know his name, did anyone? The way he was walking, Jesse was certain, he was drunk. Jesse's heart pounded and his mind whirled. As the guy reached the door, he decided that it was now or never. This might be his one and only best chance. Jesse jumped out of the bushes and darted towards the door and arrived as the guy began fumbling for his security card. He was pretty much "out of it", but noticed that Jesse was naked. "Yo Dude, you're naked, what's up?" Jesse tried to look desperate, that wasn't hard, because he was. "Hey Dude, help me out. These frat guys stole my clothes and my security card and said they would whip my ass good. They may be here any minute 3; could you please let me in?" The guy looked Jesse up and down and grinned, "Well yea okay. I hate those frat pricks." Jesse had said the right thing. The geek dude hated most frat boys. He swiped his card through the reader and the door latch clicked. Jesse pushed the door open, muttered, "Dude, Thanks I owe you one bro!" and took off running. He used a side stairway to get up to his floor and was relieved when it didn't take long for his roommate to open the door. Still some of the other "neighbors" on the floor saw him before he got inside the safety of his room. Thankfully his roommate was half asleep and didn't ask many questions. As they both climbed into bed, the last thing his roommate asked was, "So what are you pledging a fraternity or something?" Jesse responded, "Yea or something!" Jesse slept naked that night. As he drifted off to sleep, he reflected on the evening's extraordinary events. Oddly enough he was totally boned before he even thought about his upcoming adventures with Cody. His memories of his naked run across campus did that.
SleepThe only one who had some trouble getting to sleep that night was Cody. He was painfully boned, and could relieve himself. What's more he couldn't stop think about his last order from Chip.Every thought came up with for his public humiliation was unrealistic, and only served to help keep his unreachable cock hard. When at last, he came up with one that just might work and was actually do-able, he was finally able to drift off to sleep. His cock throbbed as he thought of it. It was public, and humiliating, to the point it scared him. He almost came, as he felt asleep. Though Cody couldn't cum during that night, there were others who did. Chip came once during the night. He couldn't help himself. He woke up in a heated sweat around 3:00 am, humped Cody's muscular leg and then fell back asleep. Jesse came again too. He jacked himself off about the same time as he remembered masturbating in the bushes in front of the dorm. AND 3; way out in the middle of nowhere 3; Mark and Kevin were give special privileges for the night. Punisher had left them loose with special instructions. Dennis was bound in his cell as before, sitting on the floor against the wall, hands shackled over head, legs spread wide and secured to the floor. He couldn't jack off, obviously. Also, the cell's had been left unlocked so that Mark and Kevin could come in, stand over Dennis and jack off on him as many times as possible. Punisher was pleased. In the morning, it was obvious that the boys had done a good job, judging by the amount of cum on Dennis's naked body. He was also horned out of his mind horned out of his mind 3; and would remain so until the night's torture show.
The Meeting DayThe day started with everyone waking with hard-ons.Chip woke up, untied Cody, and then rolled over to sleep a little longer. Cody was relieved to be released and wished he could cum. His cock was so hard, and his balls ached. He knew however that he would have to wait. As usual, when he arrived at practice, there were only a few guys there. He changing into his practice uniform quickly, under the watchful eye of his young manager, Jesse. As soon as he was dressed, Jesse nodded and motioned for Cody to follow him to the spare equipment room. As always it was deserted. They walk to the back of the room, behind a stack of equipment. Jesse was about to speak when Cody said, "Okay boss, before you say anything, I've got an order for you from Chip 3;A couple actually" Cody could tell Jesse was taken a little by surprise. "Okay, what are they?" Cody smiled and said, "Okay, you'll like this first part. You just have to stand there." Jesse waited and tingled as Cody dropped to his knees in front of him and pulled Jesse's shorts and jock down to his knees. By the smell of Jesse's crotch, Cody could tell that Jesse had probably not showed since his little adventure the night before. Predictably, his cock was sticking straight up in the air. Cody licked Jesse's balls before starting on his hard shaft. Cody's own cock throbbed inside his cup clad jock as he pulled Jesse's cock into his mouth and began sucking. When Jesse's "man smell" wasn't that strong, it was there. As Cody bobbed up and down on Jesse, he reflected on what he was doing. The act alone, being down on his knees and servicing a younger guy like this was a turn-on. The taste of that cock in his mouth was another turn-on. Jesse was also reflecting too. Just 24 hours, anything like this wasn't even in his wildest dreams. And now here he was, with the star quarterback down on his knees sucking his cock. Even better was the fact that that same star was now his slave. He looked forward to using Cody's awesome body in everyway possible. Not surprisingly, it didn't take long for Jesse to shoot in Cody's mouth. What horned, 18 year old gay boy could hold out very long in a circumstance like this. As soon as he was done, Cody sat back and watched Jesse's cock. He was pleased to note that it was softening quickly. The fact that Jesse had cum during the night helped. Cody directed him to wait a few minutes. "Can I pull my jock and shorts up now?" Jesse asked. "Not just yet. There is one thing more that Chip wanted me to do." Cody responded. "No close your eyes and put your hands behind your head." Jesse shrugged and did as instructed. Jesse's cock was probably as soft as it would get. Cody decided to act as quickly as he could. Under the circumstances, Jesse would probably start getting boned again. He pulled the chastity device out of the waistband of his football trousers, slid it apart and quickly put it over Jesse's manhood. It was one of those cage types, made out of clear plastic. The main cage part slipped over the penis and acted as a sort of jail. The other, ring-like part, slipped up and under the balls, to hold the cage on. Jesse trembled slightly when he heard, and felt the cage being snapped into the lock ring around his balls. He felt Cody fiddle around some and wondered exactly what was going on. Cody snapped attached the little padlock on, and sat back. It had been a tight fit. Chip had chosen the right size. It was pretty small. Even though he was very soft at the moment, Jesse's cock was cramped inside the cage. Cody grinned as he thought about what lay ahead for his horny little manager. There was no way he could get an erection inside that cage 3; and also no way he could jack-off. He wondered how long it would take for Jesse to start going nuts. He was pretty sure that Jesse was used to masturbating at least three times a day, maybe more. The fact that he was around the guys on the team so much and in the locker room would add to his torture. Cody chuckled, "Okay you can look now and pull up your jock and shorts when you want." Jesse looked down and really shook. Up until then, he wasn't sure what Cody had been doing down there. He recognized the device from pictures on the net and his mind whirled. "OH GOD!" he muttered. Cody grinned and said, "Yea, Oh God! Is right! And just so you know, Chip has the only keys to this thing. He might unlock it sometimes. My guess is though that you'll have to 3; you know 3; "pay up" in some way." Jesse really was shocked. This wasn't anticipated. At all. He had planned to make Cody jack-off while he watched before practice, but couldn't think right now. A loud whistle emanated through the building. Cody smiled and said, "Practice is starting. Let's go 3; oh and I have to drive Chip somewhere right after practice. If you want me to do something. It will have to be later. My classes are over at 1:00, call my cell." As Cody trotted off, with his hard cock pressed against his cup, he thought about the afternoon and hoped Jesse would make him do something. He was really horned and excited about the prospect. In spite of Cody's state, it was a good practice. Cody made some mistakes, which were clearly noted by young Jesse. That fueled Cody's super horned state as he imagined Jesse punishing him later that day. He was certain that most of Jesse's punishments would focus on his cock and balls. He was right about that 3;most would 3; but not all. Cody did get some amusement during practice when he noted Jesse squirming from time to time and adjusting "things" in his shorts. When practice was finally over, Cody left quickly. He showered quickly, and somehow managed to keep his boned state concealed. He pulled on a fresh jock, sweats, and a T-shirt, grabbed his back pack and ran out to his car. Jesse was in the middle of gathering up the dirty sweaty uniforms and didn't say a thing. For the moment, he was too concerned about his own problem. There were naked guys walking all around and his cock was straining to get hard inside that cage. It hurt. Cody was happy that Chip was awake and dressed when he got back to his room. They had just enough time to get Chip to his meeting. As they walked to the car, Cody looked at Chip once more. He was wearing all white. T-shirt, shorts, socks, and running shoes, all were white 3; and judging by the waistband, so was his jock. Cody told Chip all about what had happened with Jesse at practice. Chip was pleased, especially when Cody mentioned how shocked Jesse seemed to be. They drove in silence for a bit, which was finally broken by Cody. "So um Chip 3; what's this big meeting about?" Chip grinned and said, "Well I'm not totally sure, but it may help our club out a lot 3; you know, the torture house and fight club." Cody nodded, "That's cool. Hope it all works out." The rest of the conversation shifted to just idle chatter about football and such. Cody dropped Chip off outside the café and headed to class after wishing Chip good luck.
And SoChip sat in the booth at the back of the little café. It was near the college campus and sort of "trendy." It had free WI-FI access and there were a number of college students scattered around the place at the moment. Most were drinking those fancy coffee drinks while they worked on their Laptops.Chip had been "nursing" one of them himself as he waited. He was a little nervous but as always, horned. His cock throbbed, when, precisely at 9:05, this guy approached, sat down across from him, smiled and said, "At last we meet in person Mr. Chip. I've been looking forward to this meeting. My name is Tom, by the way." Tom extended his hand. Chip did also and they shook hands. Tom was already impressed. Chip's handshake was firm and his demeanor was one of confidence. If the 15 year old teen was afraid, he sure wasn't showing it at all. Tom smiled as he watched Chip's eyes. Though he tried not to make it obvious, Chip was checking him out the same way he was checking Chip out. Both were impressed with the other. Chip was actually quite impressed. He was pretty sure that Tom was in his 30's 3; could be 40's though. Regardless he seemed to be in exceptional shape, with a slender yet muscular build. He had a square jaw, short brown hair and a look that exuded an air of power. Tom was just as impressed with Chip. He had seen him on the Internet, running that Arena show, but Chip was even better in person. Tom understood immediately how it was that Chip had been able to do what he had done. Not only was he incredibly cute and, well, handsome, he was athletic and had this charismatic aura about him that was intoxicating 3; oh and a smile that could disarm anyone. Tom thought to himself, "Shit, I better get down to business before I fall under this kid's spell." He started things off by placing his briefcase on the table, opening it and removing a laptop. He had decided that he would indulge himself just a little with this hot young teen, partly to satisfy his own desires, but also to test Chip. He was about to pull something else out of the briefcase when the waiter approached with a coffee drink and set it down in front of Tom. "Here you go Sir, your usual." Tom said, "Thanks Dillon, put it on my tab 3; his too." Chip took another look at their waiter and his cock tingled. The guy was probably a college student. By his looks, Chip figured he almost had to be a gymnast or perhaps a wrestler. Besides the hot, muscular build, he also had the type of babyish face that Chip liked a lot. Tom saw the way Chip looked at Dillon, and especially the way his eyes followed him back across the room. "So I guess you like what you see Chip? If you like, I could throw him into the deal as well," Tom said. Chip looked a little confused, "Umm 3; what do you mean?" Tom laughed, "He's one of my slave boys. A good one too. Likes to be pushed hard, really hard. So if you like, I'll let you use him whenever you want." Chip smiled wickedly as he imagined Dillon, naked and stretched out on one of the torture boards out at the house. Tom smiled and continued, "Tell you what, why don't you give him a quick try." Tom waved for Dillon to come back to their table. As soon as he arrived, Tom asked, "So Dillon is it possible to your break now?" Dillon smiled and said, "Yes Sir, I'm kinda of overdue for my first one." Tom smiled some more, "Okay, so why don't you take it right now? Oh and take Chip here with you, maybe show him the attic store room. Oh, and yea Dillon, you'll do whatever Chip tells you to do." Dillon swallowed hard as he looked at Chip and said, "Yes sir." Tom smiled as he watched Dillon lead Chip out into the hallway. He flipped on his laptop, and surfed to the Log In page for his dungeon's cameras. By the time they reached the attic, Chip's cock and balls were really tingling. Following Dillon gave Chip the opportunity to check out Dillon some more. His upper body had a distinct V shape and his ass was small and nicely rounded. Once in the attic, Dillon turned to Chip and asked, "So I guess you want me to strip? Right sir?" Chip nodded and said, "Yea, that's right?" Dillon nodded, started stripping and asked, "So you want everything off 3; want me totally naked?" Chip nodded again and said, "That's right, everything." Chip watched wide-eyed as Dillon removed his clothes. His breathing got harder when Dillon was done, and assumed the classic "present" position with his hands behind his head, and legs spread. Chip looked Dillon up and down. His body was even better than expected 3; trim and muscular. What's more, he had a nice thick patch of pubic hair, which set off his perfectly formed cock, which was sticking straight up. Chip stepped closer, wrapped his hand around Dillon's cock and said, "Looks like you're really into this, aren't you?" Dillon blushed, took a deep breath and said, "Yes sir. Very much." "So tell me Dillon what turns you on the most? Be totally honest and tell what it is that excites you the most! I mean it!" He squeezed Dillon's throbbing cock as he said it. Dillon gasped as he felt Chip's hand on his cock. Ordinarily, he would have hesitated about revealing his deepest desires, but there was something about this hot teenager that excited him a lot. "Well, ahhh, okay sir. If I'm being totally honest like you said, it's ummm 3; maybe a little embarrassing." Chip placed his hand on the back of Dillon's neck and said reassuringly, "That's okay. Doesn't matter what it is. Just tell me." "Well, okay sir. First of all, I like being 3; you know like a torture and sex slave. I like that a lot. I used to dream about it all the time 3; I still do." "And I guess you like serving Tom then?" Chip inquired thoughtfully. "Ummm, yes sir. He's really tough. He makes me scream a lot, and beg and stuff 3; that's okay. It turns me on 3; but umm 3; I sort of get even more excited when I get 3; umm 3; you know humiliated and tortured by younger guys." "So like how young?" Chip asked. The blush in Dillon's cheeks deepened. He swallowed hard and said, "Well, okay, yea, um guys your age 3; or younger." Chip began running his hands all over Dillon's firm muscular body. He kneaded his pecs and biceps 3; rubbed his stomach and thighs and fondled his balls. That seemed to help Dillon spit it all out. "Well, actually boys who are like around 11 or so. They get really excited and can be really cruel." Chip knew that. He could tell that Dillon was incredibly turned on now, from Chip's fondling but also the very act of admitting this. Chip continued feeling Dillon's body as he told Chip one of his deepest secrets. Dillon had two 11 year old brothers who were twins. By some strange stroke of fate, whenever Dillon was home, he was their slave boy. He didn't give Chip all the details about how that happened, but gave Chip the impression that they had something to hold over his head, and were "forcing" him to do all kinds of nasty things, not just for them, but in front of their friends as well. "So what kind of things do they make you do?" Chip asked. "Well, all kinds of stuff. I have to be naked most of the time when I'm around them. They tie me up a lot and torture me. Mostly my cock and balls, they love that. They make me jack off while they or their friend's watch 3; Make me strip in public places 3; lots of stuff like that 3; and ummm spank me all the time." Chip could tell that Dillon was getting more and more excited as he talked about it. He glanced at his watch, and realized they were getting close the end of Dillon's break. "Okay, Dillon, go ahead and jack-off while I watch," Chip commanded. Dillon grabbed his cock and started stroking fast. Chip loved watching the hot, college guy masturbate, it turned him on, but it turned Dillon on too. Chip smiled and said, "You know, I've got an 11 year old brother. I'll bet Tom would lend me too you so I could turn you over to him and his little friends for awhile. They really like torturing and humiliating guys your age, and get into some really wicked stuff. They'd love a shot at you Dillon." Chip was "right on" with what he said! He saw the signs and stepped back a little. Dillon's glistening body, stiffened. He gasped for air as three spurts of his rich, college boy seed flew out of his cock. Chip let him catch his breath, then said, "Good boy Dillon. I'm sure I'll be having more fun with you soon 3; very sure. Now go ahead and get dressed, but no undies, you go commando the rest of the day. I'll keep your briefs as a sort of souvenir." Chip scooped up Dillon's light blue briefs and left the attic. When he arrived back at the table, Tom smiled and said, "Nice isn't he?" Chip nodded, "Yea he's awesome. You said, he can be included in the deal right?" Tom laughed, "Yea no problem. I have plenty of slave boys. I'll admit he is one of the hottest though 3; and he does like things to be really rough 3; and the more humiliating the better 3; I will let you have him if you want." Tom let him think for a bit then said, "Well we'd better get down to business. We've got a lot to go over and do today and I want to make sure you get home in time to see Dennis's little show." Chip smiled when he thought of that too. He couldn't wait to see Dennis suffer during that Webcam show. Tom let him think for a moment, then continued, "Okay you said you were willing to follow my orders today. You dressed just like I said, that's good. Now I have something for you to do." "Yes Sir!" Chip said with a smile. "You can just call me Tom, Chip." ""Yes Sir 3; ummm Tom!" Chip replied. He watched curiously as Tom removed two items from the briefcase and placed them on the table. Both were ring shaped and had small cylinders attached. Chip recognized the first one. It was definitely a vibrating cock ring. It took him just a bit longer to figure out the second one. It was wider and made of leather. It had a couple of snaps on the outside and a wide copper colored metal band on the inside. Chip was certain it was designed to snap around a guy's ball sack and that the metal band on the inside probably delivered an electric shock. "I'm sure you can figure out what these are for, so be a good boy and put them on." Tom was pleased when Chip showed no sign of surprise. Even better was the fact that Chip didn't say something like, "You mean right here?" Instead, Chip just picked them up off the table, placed them on the seat of the booth beside him, then reached down and pulled his shorts and jock down just enough so he could access his manhood. He grimaced slightly as he wrapped the leather band around his ball sac and snapped it into place. He could feel the coolness of the metal band resting on the top of his balls. As he slid the ring over his hard cock he asked. "Um where do you want the ring on my cock to be positioned 3; um 3; Tom Sir?" Tom smiled, "Where do you think I want it to be Chip?" Chip thought for just a moment then said, "Probably right under the head. That's more sensitive." Tom nodded and said, "Okay make it so." Chip slid the ring over his cockhead, and positioned it so it was directly under the head. It was a constricting ring, and as snug as it was, would not fall off. When he was done, Chip pulled his jock and shorts back up and waited. Tom then pulled a small, metallic silver egg out of the briefcase and placed it on the table. It had a small wire dangling from one end. "Okay, I'm sure you know where this goes. In this case use the restroom." Chip grinned as he grabbed the egg and headed off. "Let the perving begin" he thought. Chip found a stall, went inside closed the door and worked quickly to insert the egg in his tight hole. He used his spit as lube, and grunted as he forced the egg in as far as he could. Tom smiled as he watched Chip coming back. He was walking a little funny, and grunted when he sat down. He placed a remote control on the table and said, "Okay I'll explain the deal now, but first a little demo. This is a customized remote These buttons in the top two rows control the cock ring and the egg. There are three speeds for each, slow, medium and fast. Tom watched Chip wiggle around a bit as he demonstrated each one. Chip felt the vibrations and started to sweat a little. His cock and balls really tingled, and as strange as the situation and in spite of the fact that Tom was so much older, he found himself hoping that Tom would "perv on" him in a rough way. Next Tom poised his finger over one of the two red buttons. He said, "Okay brace yourself for this one." Chip grabbed the edge of the table. He knew what was coming but figured it couldn't be that bad. It was. When Tom pressed the red button, Chip nearly flew off his seat. It felt like a hundred electric needles had just stabbed his ball sack. Tom waited for Chip to catch his breath and said, "Pretty nasty, huh?" Chip gasped, "Damn that thing is wicked." Tom said, "Yea it is. The battery is small but powerful. Lasts 12 hours before it needs recharged. Oh and the other red button starts a cycle. It delivers a shock 3; waits ten minutes then delivers another one nine minutes later 3;then waits eight minutes and shocks again. It cycles down until the last two shocks are one minute apart. Then it starts over. Chip was really impressed. Tom saw the look on Chip's face and chuckled, "If you want, I'll throw some of these into our deal." Chip smiled and said, "That would be awesome!" "Oh and so you know, they have a pretty good range. Not like most of the ones you may have seen or used. This model has range of almost 300 yards. Might be fun to use at a football game on your friend Cody. I wouldn't do it while he was running plays, but when he's on the sidelines 3; that could be lots of fun." Chip imagined doing that to Cody 3; sitting in the stands and watching him on the sidelines 3; squirm and shake. "Yea, that would be wicked." At last they got down to business. Tom outlined his side of the deal, and explained the primary reasons he was doing it. First of all, he was doing it as a favor for his friend the guy who owned the property the boys used. In addition to installing more video and Internet equipment in the barn and in the torture house, the basement of the house would be renovated and turned into a first class dungeon. Tom would also see to it that the boys knew how to use Internet connections that were untraceable 3; that included streaming video and email. He didn't want the boys to get in to trouble. He also insisted that they wait awhile before their next Arena Event. That would allow things to sort of cool down. When they were ready for the next one, he suggested strongly that they limit the live audience to a select group. Chip had no problem with any of that. Things had been getting out of hand and he had been worried about getting into trouble. "So anyway, all you need to do is follow the instructions I'll give you when it comes to security and you should be fine." Chip was grateful; he thanked Tom repeatedly, and was anxious to get to his side of the deal. Tom also told Chip that if the boys ever needed any supplies or equipment, they were to come to him, and he would provide whatever they needed. He preferred they went through him and not try to buy stuff on their own, nor try to solicit any money donations over the net. Credit cards and Paypal transactions could be traced all too easily, he explained to Chip. "Okay, now to your part of the deal. Before I lay it out, after we're done here, we'll be driving out to the house, I have a couple of surprises for you that will blow your mind." Tom was about to continue when Chip said, "Can I ask you something Tom? Just curious." Tom nodded and said, "Sure ask away." "Well, this does sound like a really great deal so far. I was just wondering, are you like `into' boys 3; you know young boys?" Tom grinned, "If you mean am I a pedophile?" Chip nodded, "Yea, sort of." Tom grinned some more, "Okay, well, I will admit, I do get turned on by younger guys 3; you know like your age. It does make me feel young again. But I haven't ever acted on it more than watching, you know like your Arena Show and those Webcam shows." "My primary interest area is college age guys and maybe a little older. I do have some slaves who are my age or a little older. Oh and, by the way, that guy Punisher, who's running things with your brother and his friends 3; he's sort of an apprentice of mine. He faked me out, lied about his age, so I took him on and trained him. He's only 17. I'm still a little miffed about that, but we'll get back to that. In answer to your question though, no, I don't consider myself to be a pedophile. Is not my primary interest. Of course, that doesn't mean I won't 3; how do you say it? 3; perv on you today!" He gave Chip a wicked smile as he reached under the table and rubbed Chip's knee. Chip smiled, "Well, that's cool. You can perv on me as much as you want Tom!" "Are sure Chip?" Tom teased. "Yea, whatever you want!" Chip slid around the booth until he was close to Tom. For appearances sake, he acted like he was doing it so he could see the Laptop screen. Tom noticed that little detail and grinned, "Not only was this kid cute and charming, he was also smart." Tom did realize, that at this point, he was clearly being seduced by the hot teen. He didn't mind it though. Somehow he managed to continue. Chip's part of the deal was rather opened ended. For his part, Chip would have to do certain "favors" from time to time. Tom explained that most of those favors would involve use of the Torture House and Barn. Some of the guys he "played" with got really excited by being tortured and used by younger guys 3; especially teenagers. Most of those guys were in college. The plan would be that occasionally they would be "delivered" to the torture house. Once there Chip and his buddies could torture them as hard as they wanted and even use them in an Arena show. There might also be times when the guys being delivered were teens themselves. Tom explained that in those cases, some were being punished by their fathers. Physical and sexual tortures were a last resort, for some fathers whose sons just didn't get it. "Yea, see, in all these cases, it will make my life easier if I have a group of `reliable' and trustworthy boys to do this. Will save me time. I of course will never be directly involved except for arranging delivery. Sound good so far?" For Chip it was better than good. He nodded and said, "No problem here. Sounds cool." Tom had no intention of becoming a sort of "pimp" for young boys. He did, however, have some important business clients who had, shall we say, "special interests." In Tom's business, perks and gifts of gratitude were all part of the game. They typically included things like a golf club or golf bag 3; tickets to sporting events (a luxury box for the biggest clients) 3; bottles of expensive imported wine 3; autographed memorabilia 3; you name it. And, yes, occasionally hookers. Tom did have a few, very important clients who had a "taste" for younger guys 3; teenage ones to be exact. Arranging that had always been problematic. The few times he had tried, the results were not good. The "boys" who could be found tended to be more of the "classic fem boys" and acted it. Tom had never liked that in guys, and neither did his special clients. >From everything that Tom had seen and heard, none of the boys involved with Chip's group were effeminate 3; Quite the contrary 3; all seemed to be real manly boys. Tom did fumble around, trying to explain this part of the deal. Chip let him go on for a bit and said, "Look, I get it. Trust me. If you need a `boy' for someone, I know I can deliver 3; for whatever they want 3; short of, you know the obvious, like permanent marks and stuff. They all will keep their mouths shut too. Oh and you can have my asshole brother Dennis whenever you want. He won't like it, but that'll make it more fun. As much of a sneaky shit as he is, he would never tell." This was the part of the deal that Tom had been most concerned about. Chip did manage to put his mind at ease though. After that, they talked about the details of how things would work 3; who could know about the arrangement 3; how to stay in contact and so on 3; when it appeared that everything had been hashed out, it was Chip who pressed to move on. "Okay, I guess we have a deal. I'm looking forward to those surprises out at the torture house. You also said we'd `seal the deal' out there right? Guess that's where you'll perv on me!" Tom couldn't resist. He smiled at Chip and said, "Yea. I'll show you the surprises which you will love, then I will `perv' on you!" Chip giggled, "OOOOH! So what's it to be then, just gonna feel me up? Or real torture? You can strip me naked and do whatever you want today, you old perv." Tom's cock really throbbed. He loved the way Chip teased him 3; loved his charm 3; his looks 3; his wit 3; and his solid teenage body. He couldn't help but wonder how much torture Chip could handle 3; how much humiliation. "Okay, okay! We'll get to that you naughty little horn dog. Let's get in the car and head to the house. I'll show you some stuff on the laptop once we get there." Tom chuckled. Chip's eyes widened when he watched Tom sign the check and drop a 50 dollar bill on the table, just before they left. Tom noticed Chip's look and laughed, "Dillon is a very good and hot slave boy 3; and does need the money." By the time they were in the car and on the way to the house, Chip was breathing hard. His mind was racing. The deal was awesome, a little twisted, but incredible. He couldn't wait for the renovations to be done and the new equipment to be installed. He also couldn't wait to see what Tom would do to "seal the deal." He was once again in one of his odd moods. For the moment, his cock throbbed as he imagined Tom torturing him really hard. They drove in silence for a bit, then Chip asked, "Um Tom, do you mind if I ask you some more questions?" Tom smiled, "Not at all, go right ahead." "Ahhh, okay, well I was just wondering about that guy, Punisher. You know where Dennis and they guys are, you said he was sort of your apprentice. What did you mean by that?" Tom thought briefly and said, "Well, okay. I trained him to be a Master. How to torture and humiliate, without causing damage and of course, how to make it as exciting as possible. He is really into torturing other guys, especially younger ones." Chip grinned, "Me too, but I prefer doing it to older guys. No too much older though." Tom chuckled, "Oh good, so I guess I don't have anything to worry about then." Chip laughed, "Yea, probably not. Better be careful though. I can be very convincing when I want to be." Tom laughed, "So I've heard," then continued. "Well the thing about Mike, that's Punisher is this. Like I mentioned, I'm still a little pissed that he lied to me, but it did work out in the end. I was gonna do this thing with your brother and his friends myself. Then decided against it, because of, you know the um 3;" "Underage shit?" Chip offered. "Yea something like that. Anyway, since Mike was around, and motivated, I thought he might enjoy doing something like this. Also I sort of got hooked in by your brother. He is somewhat of a little charmer, and has this 3; I don't know personality and smart ass cocky grin that makes you want to smack him." Chip rolled his eyes and giggled, "Tell me about it!" "Well, anyway, as long as Mike could do this thing, then I decided I'd do the deal.. My guess was that young Dennis was motivated more by trying to show you up by getting his own fresh heard of college aged victims." Chip smiled, "Yea, probably. Then he'd rub that in my face." "Well, anyway, about Mike. He's gonna be part of one of the favors I mentioned. You'll understand in just a little bit when I show you a video clip I have." That did capture Chip's curiosity. Mike (aka. Punisher) was a hot young Master 3; really hot. Chip thought about everything Tom had said about Mike, and wondered what that favor would be. He was certain there was a clue in what had been said, but couldn't figure it out. As they neared the Torture House, Tom said, "Well I'll answer more of your questions a little later. Just so you know, I've got a cooler in the back. I brought some subs for us, for lunch and some other stuff." "Cool!" Chip said. "There are a number of reasons I wanted to bring you here. One of the main ones is that so you understand something about the history of this place. It goes back years, to colonial times to be exact." For the moment, the "kinky" stuff was set aside. Chip was clearly interested in what Tom was saying, very interested. "So, anyway, I won't even try to remember the exact names of the owners. Suffice it to say the property has been in the hands of a handful of families over the years. At one time it was over 1,000 acres, but now is down to 250 or so. That's still big." "I'm you've done some exploring. Did you notice that old stone foundation down by the creek 3; in the big bend?" Chip nodded, "Yea. We saw that. Seems pretty old." Tom smiled, "Yea, it is. There used to be a tavern and store there, up until shortly after the civil war. Then it burned down and was never rebuilt." "Since then, the owners of the property have been mostly farmers. Now as far as the house is concerned, it has been fixed up a number of times, but think the original structure is still intact." "Oh shit, I hope we didn't screw anything up," Chip said hopefully. "Not to worry. The place was pretty run-down when you guys got involved. It's not like it's that historic, and anything you've done could be easily fixed if the owner every wanted to do a "historic" restoration. Right now, he's satisfied the way things are going." "That's really cool," Chip said. "So, the property does have a history, like I said. There is a major part of it's history that I'm going to share with you today. I think it will blow your mind." Chip was super curious now. When they arrived, they parked beside the barn, actually around the back. Tom told Chip to get two machetes from the shed beside the barn. "We don't have any of them," Chip announced. "Bunch of other stuff we could use though." Tom smiled and said, "Well check anyway." Tom's smile broadened as he watched Chip return from the shed, carrying two brand new machetes. Chip giggled, "You're sneaky!" Tom said, "Yea. Just dropped them off the other day. Be careful they are really sharp 3; or should I say wicked sharp? Is that right?" Chip giggled, "You're doing great old man. Stick with me and I'll have you sounding like a teenager." Tom smiled and chuckled, "Awesome, that's way cool!" Chip laughed, "Well don't get too far into it." After that Chip followed Tom down a path that led into the woods behind the barn. "So Chip, how many buildings do you think are on the property?" Chip thought for a moment and said, "Well, I guess there are four that we found. I'm not counting the little spring house. Or that old cow barn across the field that is falling down, oh and not the chicken coop. That leaves the house, the barn, the shed and that other small barn, that looks like an old blacksmith shop." "Very good Chip. There is another one though, a pretty significant one." Chip was very intrigued now. He continued to follow Tom down the path in the woods. Tom stopped when the path took a hard right turn. He looked to his left and said, "Okay, this is the spot. There used to be a big oak tree here, with a double trunk. That was the landmark." He pointed off to the side, towards a bunch of densely packed pine trees that were partly covered with all sorts of vines. "Ever been in there?" Tom asked. Chip shook his head, "No. That area is really overgrown. It's hard to even get between the trees, there is so much growth. We've never tried to go through there. Too much of a hassle." Tom chuckled, "Well, it was intended to be. Just follow me." Tom led Chip around the dense patch of trees and underbrush. When they reached a patch that seemed a little less dense, between two large rocks, he started hacking away at some of the vines and told Chip to do the same. To Tom's delight, after a little while, Chip removed his shirt, tucked it in the waistband of his shorts and continued hacking away. Tom continued help glancing at Chip even more. For a 15 year old, he was well developed. The light sheen of sweat served to accent his solid biceps, defined chest and emerging six pack abs. Chip acted like a "man on a mission". He hacked at the vines and cleared a small path between these two old pine trees. At last Chip saw something, "Dude looks like there's an opening in this shit, just ahead." Tom said, "Well go ahead and push through, I'll follow you." Chip plunged ahead. He broke through the densely packed branches and brush and gasped, "HOLY SHIT! WOW!" Tom stood beside him, put his hand on Chip's sweaty bare shoulder and said, "Pretty cool, huh Dude?" "HELL YES! Dude we had no clue this was hear. Holy shit!" Tom grinned as he watched Chip survey the small clearing they had just broken into. There were plenty of weeds and creeping vines there, but the main attraction was the stone cottage in the center. It looked like something from a fairy tale. Tom looked at it too. He hadn't seen it in over ten years and was pleased it was still in good repair. It was overgrown for sure, but the slate roof appeared totally intact, which was important. Tom let Chip run around the clearing checking things out. At this moment, Chip was the quintessential young boy. He had just made this great discovery. "Dude, there's a well back here, and a little spring 3; oh and way in the back a stone outhouse 3; and a little shed 3; wow." Chip shouted. When Chip returned to Tom, he couldn't stop chattering, "Wow, this is awesome! We had no idea this was even here, I mean like shit." "Want to look inside?" Tom quipped. "Hell yea, can we?" Tom giggled, "Sure Sport. Go ahead inside." He handed Chip a flashlight. He smiled as he watched Chip run to the door. It was unlocked, but was very thick and heavy, and hadn't been opened in sometime. Chip had to use his shoulder to force it open and seemed pleased when it finally gave way. The rusty hinges squeaked really loud. Chip grinned at Tom and chuckled, "Dude we're gonna need a shitload of WD40!" Chip shined the flashlight inside for a moment, looked around, then hopped inside. Tom followed and grinned as he watched Chip explore the interior as if he was on a treasure hunt. There wasn't that much there 3; an old table and chairs 3; some shelves and a makeshift sink 3; a small side room appeared to be an old pantry 3; a larger side room had three tiers of wooden bunks built into the walls. Chip found a ladder that went up into the attic. He climbed it cautiously and looked around up there too. There were some more beds and a couple of old trunks which he confirmed were empty. When he finally returned to Tom's side, he asked excitedly, "So who lived here? Seems like they wanted to keep this place hidden? So were they like robbers 3; you know highwaymen or something?" Tom smiled and thought, "Oh yes, Chip, as savvy and mature as you can be, you are 15 after all! Hell, if there was a river nearby instead of a creek, you'd be hoping for river pirates." "Well, I'll explain more once we get back to the house. It will blow your mind." Chip was really worked up now. When he and Tom left the cottage, they "covered their tracks" so that the entrance to the little clearing was not obvious. They dropped the machetes off in the shed; grabbed Tom's cooler and headed to the torture house. With lunch safely in the fridge, Tom led Chip down into the basement. He commented that the boys had done a great job with things like their makeshift rack and was sorry it would be replaced during the renovation. "Yea Chip, you guys did a great job down here. One thing I'll need you all to do is to empty out that storeroom. I'll have an industrial dumpster delivered out here for all the junk. The wall is gonna be removed so that you guys will have a larger dungeon, almost as large as mine." Chip was excited about that, but wildly curious about Tom's other surprise. "So what's the other surprise, Mr. Tom Sir?" Chip said with a twinkle in his eye. He raised his eyebrows and gave Tom a mischievous look. Tom thought, "Damn, this fucking kid is an absolute charmer." He couldn't resist messing with Chip, so he smiled and said, "Well, okay, I'll show you, but it'll cost you." Chip giggled, "Yea, I sort of figured. So is it perv time?" Tom laughed, "Not totally just yet, I do wanna see more of you though, so go ahead and take off your shorts." Chip smiled as he pulled his shorts down and off. He looked at Tom, gestured towards his jock and asked teasingly, "This too?" Tom laughed, "No not just yet. I can see that nice bare ass of your's now, and that is enough for now." Chip turned around, and wiggled his smooth bare ass at Tom, "It's nice isn't it, Mr. Perv?" Tom smiled, "Yes it is. Now let's get to the surprise." There was a large heavy oak shelving unit on one of the basement walls. Tom directed Chip to push it aside. It was very heavy and Chip grunted and groaned as he pushed it. Tom watched the hot young teen, clad only in his jock, socks and shoes, struggle to move the heavy shelf. He considered helping, but was enjoying watching Chip's muscles strain. He added to his fun by activating the vibrating cock ring and egg. Chip looked at Tom as he struggled to move the shelf, "PERV!" he giggled. Once the shelving unit had been pushed aside, Tom wasted no time going into action. He counted the stones on the wall from the left and top, found the one he was looking for and then looked at Chip, "Okay Sport, brace yourself, you're going to just love this." Chip watched totally wide-eyed as Tom, removed a large stone, reached inside the hole it had covered, and turned something. There was a loud, resounding click. Tom winked at Chip, "Here we go!" he chuckled. Chip's mouth dropped open as Tom yanked hard and a portion of the stone wall pivoted out. "HOLY SHIT!" Chip gasped. "Damn, a secret passageway!" DAMN!" Tom chuckled, "Yea it is. Grab some candles from the shelf and some matches. You'll love this." Tom watched Chip scamper across the room and begin gathering up the candles. His cock balls tingled as he once again surveyed Chip's solid teen body. He felt like a teenager all over again and surrendered to his own dark desires. When Chip returned with the matches and candles, Tom looked at him seriously and said, "Okay Mr. Chip, we've made the deal, but the price of admission for the rest of this tour is that nice body of yours! Four hours of physical and sexual torture, so what say ye?" Chip's balls were tingling too. He smiled teasingly and said, "Done and done! Mr. Perv sir!" Tom wasn't sure what Chip was most excited about 3; the secret passageway or his upcoming sexual tortures. He took the matches and candles from Chip, turned and entered the passageway. Chip followed, as wide-eyed as any boy could ever be. The passageway had been well constructed. It was lined with stone with periodic stone pillars for support. Tom lit the candles as he moved along, and placed them in these small alcoves, that were spaced evenly along the walls. Chip wasn't sure how far they walked. It had to be a few hundred yards. When they reached the end and stood at the base of a large heavy wooden ladder that led up to a trap door, Tom turned to Chip and said, "Okay Chip, in a moment, I'm gonna have you climb this ladder and open the trap door. You will love this! Before you do, I'll tell you why this is all here. First off, did you notice that little tunnel that ranched off a little ways back?" Chip nodded. "Good, well that leads to the foundation of that old tavern I told you about. It's blocked off on the other end right now. "So anyway, have you heard of something called the `underground railroad'?" Chip nodded again and said, "Yea 3; the civil war 3;or 3; umm before guess 3;when they smuggled slaves out of the south 3; right?" Tom smiled and said, "Exactly! Well Mr. Chip, this was one of the main stops along the way! The owners of the original property were abolitionists. The harbored escaped slaves and helped them move further north. They built this to protect themselves. Rather than have the escaped slaves stay in the main house, they set up quarters for them that were hidden, and would enable them to get away, if the authorities showed up to enforce the law at the time. Okay Sport, climb up the ladder and open that trap door. I suspect it might be hard. Hasn't been opened in years!" Tom was right. It took a lot of effort on Chip's part to force the trap door open. When it finally gave way, and dropped on the floor above with a loud bang, Chip hopped up into the room above and gasped, "HOLY SHIT! WOW! SHIT MAN! WOW!" Tom looked up and giggled, "Cool huh?" Chip laughed, "Shit man, WAY COOL!" Chip's eyes were widened yet again. He looked around the room. It was the store room of the hidden cottage. It all came together then 3; the bunk beds 3; the little kitchen 3; the well 3; the heavy growth hiding the place 3; made sense now. Tom waited for Chip to take it all in and then hollered up, "Okay Sport, come on back down!" Chip scampered down the ladder after closing the trap door. The hinges creaked loudly and he giggled again, "Yea Dude, we need lots of WD40!" Tom said, "No problem. So anyway, I figured it was about time you knew about this. Now the other part of the deal is this. I want you and your band of merry men to clean up the cottage 3; you guys can use it as a bunk house of sorts if you like, but keep it hidden." By the time they returned to the basement of the torture house, Chip's mind was running wild. The cottage could be used as yet another torture place. It would be fun if they did have someone who was, "less than willing" 3; to drag him through that stone lined tunnel 3; lit by just candle light 3; naked and scared 3; force him to climb the ladder up into the cottage 3; where he would be tortured and used. Yea that could be terrifying. "Okay, so then can I assume we do indeed have a deal? Officially now?" Tom said. Chip grinned and said, "Absolutely!" They shook hands and Tom said, "Okay, so now it's time to `seal the deal'." Chip's cock tingled in his jock. As much as he had been kidding about this moment, he was actually looking forward to see what Tom would do to him. Tom got things started by ordering Chip to run three laps around the large field. He smiled and his balls tingled when he watched Chip take off running. This was one of the things he enjoyed a lot. Watching a hot young guy running and exercising outside, either naked or wearing just a jock. It was a thrill for Chip as well. His cock was fully erect before he began his run, and remained so throughout. As he ran, he thought about what Tom would do to him when he got back. He was certain he would be tortured in some way and was determined to impress Tom with his "staying power." Tom watched Chip for a couple of minutes before going back inside the torture house. He set his laptop up in the kitchen and connected to his dungeon's control computer. It didn't take him long to see what was happening back in the dungeon. Mark and Kevin were standing beside each other. Dennis was on his knees with his hands cuffed behind his back and was in the process of licking Mark's balls. He hoped this scene would continue for awhile. He continued to watch and listen as he set a chair up facing the computer screen and attached some ropes to the legs. Tom was a lot like Chip in many ways. Another thing he loved was getting a guy super horned while he was bound, and then ordering him to come up with a list of tortures he would undergo. It was devilish, but effective. Experience had shown that guys who are horned out of their minds, can come up with some nasty and hard tortures for themselves. Their horniness makes them very brave and eager to suggest tortures and or humiliations that are very "challenging" to say the least. Tom was certain Chip would do just that. Tom's own cock throbbed some more when Chip returned. His solid teen body had a nice sheen of sweat, and it was obvious that Chip's cock was hard inside his jock strap pouch. He ordered Chip to take off his shoes and socks and stand with his hands behind his head. Chip complied quickly. His heart pounded as Tom, circled him, while running his hands all over Chip's neat naked body. It felt like his heart would explode when Tom took hold of the waistband of his jock and yanked it down to his ankles. Tom's heart pounded too as he watched Chip's hard teenage manhood slap up against his pubic area. Without saying a word, he moved quickly to put leather wrist and ankle restraints on Chip. As soon as they were in place, he grabbed Chip's cock and led him into the kitchen. He forced Chip to sit in the chair, facing the laptop screen. He pulled Chip's arms around behind the back of the chair and tied them securely. After that he spread Chip's legs wide, pulled his ankles up on either side of the chair and tied them to the chair rungs. Finally he secured Chip's knees to the corners of the chair. He knelt beside the chair and said sharply, "Okay Mr. Chip. I'm going to give you a few minutes to come up with a list of five tortures and/or humiliations you will endure, to seal the deal. They need to be tough and not necessarily with you tied here in this chair. Impress me with what you come up with, and I'll through in a nice "bonus" slave to sweeten the deal, in addition to Dillon. Meanwhile, you can watch and listen to what is happening with your brother and his friend in my dungeon." Chip's eyes widened as he looked at the screen. Dennis was naked and cuffed, on his knees and was currently sucking Kevin's hard cock. Mark was standing beside Kevin, naked and boned as well. He could here Punisher in the background taunting Dennis with all the things that would be happening to him on air later that night. Chip's cock really started to throb as his mind turned to coming up with a list of tortures for himself. Tom would have all the resources of the torture house at his disposal, and could make Chip suffer a lot. Chip wanted to impress Tom. His balls tingled as he came up with two things that would impress Tom. Meanwhile Tom had stepped back and was watching Chip. He was breathing hard. Though he knew he should not be doing this with a boy Chip's age, he just couldn't help himself. Chip was just too irresistible. Had Chip and Tom known what else was happening the moment, both might have breathed even harder 3;
Meanwhile, On the RoadJesse looked at Cody as they drove down the road on their way to the Torture House. He had called Cody as soon as his last class was over and ordered Cody to pick him up.He was already "climbing the walls" with the damn chastity device on his cock and balls and was anxious for some payback for Cody's part in that, as well as his part in dropping Jesse off buck naked across campus the night before. His cock strained inside it's cage as he looked over at the huge bulge in Cody's shorts. He had been very specific when he had called Cody earlier 3; "Okay, and slave boy, you'll wear just a T-shirt, Shorts and running shoes and socks. That's it 3; no undies or jock, and you'd better be boned when you pick me up." This would be Jesse's first "full session" with Cody and he wanted to make it as tough as possible. He was certain there would be all types of good stuff to use with Cody out at the Torture House and in the barn arena. He couldn't wait to torture the hot senior quarterback he had lusted after since becoming a freshman team manager. "So can you guess what part of you will be getting the most torture once we get there?" he taunted. Cody swallowed hard and said, "I'm guess my cock and balls." Jesse giggled, "You got that right. Oh and who knows, I just might let you cum." If Jesse had any regrets, it was that he probably wouldn't be able to use the video equipment at the barn. It was probably locked up. One day he would put Cody on a Webcam. For now, he would be satisfied to just get some still pictures and video clips of Cody being tortured, and hopefully cumming. Cody's cock was getting painfully hard as they drove and he thought about the things Jesse would be doing to him.
Back at the HouseChip's cock was painfully hard and leaking pre-cum as he reviewed the list he had come up with. It was a tough one, and was sure to make him scream at some point. He wasn't scared though, if anything he was turned on.His excitement increased as he watched Punisher tie Dennis over a punishment horse and hand paddles to Mark and Kevin. Tom waited for the paddling to begin, before he placed his hand on Chip's shoulder and said, "Well, what have you come up with? Make sure they are good! That will make my day!" Chip took a deep breath and opened his mouth to speak just as Mark's first blow landed across Dennis's creamy white little butt!
Coming SoonI do plan on getting to the Arena Show Raffle Payouts Soon! Once again they include:- 'Payouts' from the Arena show 'Raffles'! The guys who got raffled off owe a full day to the winner where anything goes: * Logan to a Teammate from the lacrosse team. * Justyn (the smart ass 17 yr. old) to one of the young 'brats' (The 12/13 year old punks) * Coach Taylor to the Twins' Dad. * The Twins to another one of the 'Brats.' * Cody (The College senior star quaterback) to a 14 year old boy.And, of course, the Internet Raffle (These Guys Each Owe a LIVE 'Private' Show on the Net): * Chip (Age- 15) * Casey (Age 18) * Logan (Age 16) The 'winners' of the Internet raffles have yet to be revealed (HINT! Means open to suggestion!!!) If you have any suggestions for what any of these Raffle Payouts shouldinclude, email me ASAP! ALSO: I have never done something like this before. But will give this a try. One of my readers has been trying to 'Hook UP' with someone. He sent me the following 'ad' and I agreed to include it here- 'Boy in need of big brother. My name is Jonathan. I am 21 years old, But age is just a number Cause I am a boy at heart and soul. Need a Big brother to have fun and teach me the fun stuff. Keep me in place when I step out of line. Order me around as he would like to do if I was his real little brother.' He is genuinely interested in doing this. If you are interested in having a younger brother to 'mess with' (yes he wants to experience some things like in my stories), then let me know and I'll have him contact you. After that will be up to him and you! Oh and yea, he is apparently a soccer player. ANYWAY 3; Final reminder, there is a description of most of the characters in this series and the list of 'Boy Facts' here. Thanks for reading, and don't forget to email me with any experiences you care to share, especially those 'initiation' experiences. Doesn't matter how tough or tame they were, I love hearing about them! Also feel free to offer suggestions for tortures for any of the boys. westwoodscotty(at)hotmail(dot)com