PZA Boy Stories

Scott Westwood

Boys Love Torture

Chapter 17
Coach's Lessons and A Fateful Encounter

Story Notes

The original plan was for this Chapter to be dedicated to testing Mark's limits. We will be getting back to that at some point. There has been so much interest in Coach Taylor, the 22 year old hot assistant Coach and Jason, that I decided to explore things further, with them, before returning to Mark's torment.

Meanwhile, things continue with Logan and Coach Taylor. Check out the END of Chapter 16 for a reminder! Chapter 17 is ALMOST totally about Coach Taylor and Jason 3; and about them coming to grips with their desires!


Jason glanced up at Coach Taylor, he really looked nervous now. So far, Logan was the only one to have seen the young coach standing up in the loft. He considered the possibilities and decided he did not want to let the other guys in on it just yet.

He told a couple of the other seniors that he had to make a couple of quick phone calls, and to continue with what they had planned for Logan.

He grabbed a back pack, rushed outside, ran up the stairs to the loft, and pulled Coach Taylor back so no one could see him.

He cut the cable ties that bound his wrists behind his back, but quickly replaced them with handcuffs.

Coach Taylor stammered, "Come on Jason, you've had your fun, so just let me go, okay? I promise I won't say anything about what happened today."

Jason laughed softly, "If there is one thing I'm sure of, it's that. Besides who would you tell anyway? And what would you say? Coach, face it, you're screwed. And besides I can guarantee the things I would say would be much more interesting! You read about that kind of stuff all the time 3; you know coaches and youth leaders perving on teenage boys."

The Coach's face turned white, "Oh Shit Jason, you know I haven't done anything!"

Jason laughed, "Yea, but I have no doubt about the fact you've been thinking about it! You probably jack off thinking about it, don't you?"

Coach Taylor blushed deeply and Jason saw it.

"Yea, I figured. I can usually tell. Well, we're gonna need to talk about this some more Coach, in private, so follow me."

He headed towards the door.

Coach Taylor stammered, "Oh come on Jason, I can't go outside like this, what about my clothes?"

Jason smiled and said, "Look, I will get tired of this pretty damn quick. You do exactly what I say, otherwise, I'll just turn you over to the boys, and let them have their way with you! And that will be just the beginning. So cut the crap and follow me."

The young coach knew he was stuck. He decided to just go along with it, hoping that sooner or later he could talk some sense into Jason.

He was really nervous as he followed Jason down the outside stairs and into the nearby woods. He prayed that no one would see them 3; it would be hard to explain.

They went about 20 yards into the woods when Jason stopped. He pulled some rope out his back pack, un-cuffed the coach then re-cuffed his hands in front of him. Then he pulled his arms up high and tied them to a low tree branch.

He stepped back to admire his handy work. Coach Taylor had the body of a 16 year old 3; but a really well developed 16 year old. His six pack abs were just pronounced enough, and every part of his body was well toned. He also loved the Coach's red hair, which seemed to sparkle in the sunlight.

Jason chuckled, "Dang Coach, you have a great body. And check out those pubes of yours, don't think I've even seen pubes that red before."

The Coach blushed and said, "Okay, so 3; um what are you going to do to me?"

Jason chuckled as he broke a young branch off a nearby tree and stripped off it's leaves, "Well, we're going to start by having you answer some questions. I can usually tell when a guy is lying to me, so remember that. If I think you're lying, this is what you'll get."

He lashed the branch hard against the side of the tree.

"Yea, would be a shame to mark up that nice body of yours Coach."

Coach Taylor gulped and said, "I'll do my best."

Jason smiled, "I'm sure you will! Remember, the whole truth!"

Jason thought for a moment and then pulled something out of the bag and approached the Coach, who eyed him nervously.

He trembled as Jason grabbed his cock and balls and began attaching something to them. He looked down and his eyes widened. He stammered, "Jason, what the hell is that?"

Jason laughed, "Man Coach, for a 22 year old, you haven't been around much have you. This is a chastity device. It will keep you from getting hard, and you won't be able to take it off without the key. You could probably try cutting it off some how, but could really hurt yourself. But you won't, cause if I catch you with it off, I promise, you will regret it!"

It took less than a minute for Jason to lock the coach's cock and balls up. Coach Taylor was starting to sweat. He felt so helpless. But he was also getting excited. Nothing like this had ever happened to him before.

He knew he was gay, but had never had the courage to act on it. He fantasized a lot. But could never bring himself to hook up with another guy. He was too scared of getting caught. He had come close to setting up a meeting through the Internet a few times, but chickened out at the last minute.

Jason ran his hand across the Coach's hard abs and said, "Okay Coach, are you ready for the questions?"

Coach could only manage a nod.

Jason smiled, "Okay, we'll start with some easy ones. Remember, I can tell when you lie."

"Okay, so first of all, have you ever done anything sexual with another guy?"

The Coach thought for a moment and then said, "Um, no um not really."

Jason smiled and lashed his chest. It wasn't hard but got his attention.

He stammered, "Well, um not since I was 14 or so. I had a friend, and we jacked each other off sometimes, but that was about it. He wanted me to suck him off, but I didn't want to."

"So did he suck you?"

Coach shook his head, "No, he just jacked me off."

Jason smiled some more, "So have you ever had a blow job?"

Coach took a deep breath, "Well, yea, but not from a guy, if that's what you're getting at. I've dated some girls and a couple of them loved sucking me."

Jason laughed, "Yea, I can understand that, you do have a nice cock there Coach. Looks great when it's all boned up too. Pity it won't be that way for awhile."

Coach wanted to ask how long he had to wear the chastity thing but thought he'd better not antagonize Jason by asking.

"So I guess it would be safe to assume you've never been fucked before, or fucked another guy?"

Coach shook his head and said, "No."

Jason smiled and said, "What about girls? You fuck any of them?"

Coach shook his head again and blushed.

Jason could tell he was being totally truthful.

"Man, Coach, DUDE! That means you really are pretty much of a virgin! Holy shit man, I never would have guessed that 3; especially with that body of yours, and that face. Holy Shit!"

Coach Taylor blushed even more. Like it or not being exposed like this and forced to answer these personal questions was turning him on. If it wasn't for the device, he'd be getting totally boned in a hurry!

Jason was extremely excited now. Doing stuff to Logan was a major turn on. But suddenly finding himself in control of Coach Taylor was totally wild! He thought about all the stories he had read on the net about situations like this, and how many times he had jacked off while reading them. And now, here he was, living one!

"Okay Coach, now some other really personal questions! Remember I want the absolute truth!"

At this point, Coach Taylor was in a sort of daze. He knew he should be protesting. He knew he was an adult now, and should be able to find a way to take control. But, he couldn't. Finding himself at the mercy of this hot, teenage jock was just too much of a thrill.

"Okay Coach, so how about this, how many times a day, do you usually jack off?"

Coach thought for a moment, and then said, "Um 3; well 3; lately twice a day 3; sometimes more."

Jason, laughed, "And let me guess, those sometimes 'more' days 3; would they happen to coincide with the days when you 'checked on us' in the showers?"

Coach couldn't believe how smart Jason seemed to be. And couldn't understand how he could know one of his deepest secrets. He blushed and could barely manage a nod as he said softly, "Yea, something like that."

Jason put the branch down. He sensed he really would not be needing it. Tears were running down Coach Taylor's face and he was shaking uncontrollably. Jason grabbed Coach's chin and forced him to look him straight in the eye.

"Dude, you are gay aren't you? Admit it! Say it!" he snapped.

Coach took a deep breath and sobbed, "Yea, I am! Please Jason, don't say anything. Okay? Man, I love coaching. I really do 3; and it's not just because of 3; you know 3; um 3; getting to see naked guys 3; I just love the game 3; and love teaching 3; so please, don't rat me out."

Jason glared back at the Coach for a minute and then said, "Well, listen Coach, I have got to tell you 3; I like you a lot. I think you are a great Coach and a cool guy. So as long as we reach an understanding, I can promise your secret will be safe from anyone outside the team! You be TOTALLY open with me, and we'll be cool."

Coach got hold of himself and said, "I guess I can accept that. So where do we go from here?"

Jason smiled and said, "Okay, I want you to think about this real carefully and be totally honest! I mean it Coach. I'll give you a few minutes. Then you are going to give me a summary of your 'deepest' and 'darkest' fantasies! You do that, and convince me they are true fantasies, and we will have an understanding. Then we'll make a deal."

Coach nodded and said simply, "Okay." As he started thinking, he still couldn't believe how exciting this was becoming. Some of the stuff he had read on the Net was really perverted but excited him nonetheless. On the one hand it would be tough to admit to the things that turned him on the most. Actually, it would be humiliating to tell Jason what they were. And that, in itself was exciting.

Jason was getting increasingly excited with every passing moment. He loved the feeling of being in control and couldn't wait to "get down to business." Coach Taylor really was hot! He hoped that besides being gay, he was also into the nasty stuff.

"So Coach, I got a quick question, while you're thinking. What's your first name anyway? I never heard it?"

Coach relaxed a little and said, "Well, it's Russell, but most of my friends call me Russ, or Rusty 3; actually most still call me Rusty, cause of, you know my hair."

Jason smiled, "Well, I just may call you that too, once we get to know each other better, but don't worry, I won't call you that in front of the other guys or teachers."

Both of them relaxed a little more. Even though he was really worked up, Jason held back from pressing the Coach on his fantasies. He chatted with him about being gay, and what it was like in high school. He told the Coach, that he was gay too, although he had fooled around with girls. Up until recently, he had been telling himself that he was straight, and had himself convinced of it.

The Coach loosened up even more and told him about how he had been raised in a small town. His father was a minister and for the last few years had been really preaching about the sin of homosexuality.

It was a surreal situation, Coach Taylor tied to a tree, naked, with a chastity deice on, chatting with one of his teenage students. Yet for the Coach, it was an incredible relief. He had never talked to anyone about his homosexuality. Never talked to anyone about his "special" interests, which most would find to be really perverted.

And yet here he was, about ready to spill his guts, to this teenage boy, whose control he suddenly found himself in.

They chatted a little while longer and warmed up even more to each other. Finally Jason said, "Okay umm 3; 'Coach', I think it's time for you to start fessing up. We've established the fact that you are gay. Now I want to hear about the things that you fantasize about! All of it."

Coach took a deep breath, blushed and stammered, "Well, okay. I've never told anyone about this, cause it is pretty perverted, and embarrassing to admit 3; I mean it, and you'll probably think I'm weird."

Jason laughed, "Coach 3; Dude 3; think about it! After what you've seen today. DO you really think I'd find what you like weird? If it will help, I'll tell you, most of that stuff that's been done to Logan was my idea! Some I got from stories on the net, but for the most part, I came up with it. And it seemed like you were getting off on it! That's why you followed us to the old field house wasn't it?"

Coach blushed some more and said, "Yea 3; um 3; yea 3; it is 3; I um 3;do sort of get excited about that stuff 3; so, um, are you into 3; you know 3; um 3; BDSM?"

Jason laughed, "Coach Dude, it sounds so funny, the way you say it! But yea, I am, I just really started getting into it 3; And this thing with Logan was a great excuse. He's not as straight as you might think."

Coach smiled and said, "Yea, I sort of figured."

Jason continued, "So I guess with you, it's more than just seeing naked teenage jocks, you get off watching them be tied up, tortured and humiliated. Is that what turns you on the most Coach? You like watching boys suffer? Bet you'd love a little "hands on" experience with us!"

Coach swallowed hard and said, "Come on Jason, you know that could get me into a lot of trouble, not to mention it's illegal."

Jason suddenly got a flash of inspiration. Now, what the young Coach didn't know was, there was no way Jason would ever turn him in. He was just not like that. He might threaten to do so, to coerce the Coach to do what he wanted, but would never go through with his threats.

He was positive he had read the Coach correctly, and understood his needs and desires. He really wanted to do "stuff" to the Coach, and what he was about to say was risky, since he might lose this one great chance.

Still, he had to try.

"Relax Coach, no one's going to turn you in, I can guarantee that! No matter what happens."

Coach looked at Jason and said a little sarcastically, "As long as I do what you say, right? I've read stories like this on the Internet too you know."

Jason smiled as he reached up and untied the Coaches hands. "Actually Coach, I was thinking that you're going to do what I say, because you really want to 3; in fact I think you really need to!"

Coach lowered his hands and rubbed his wrists, he was at a loss for words.

Jason looked at him and said seriously, "And I'm gonna make another educated guess here. You really liked watching us torture Logan a lot. You loved watching us make him strip 3; loved watching us shave and humiliate him 3; and then torture him 3; didn't you?"

Coach couldn't quite bring himself to move. He thought he should just leave, and forget about the whole crazy thing. But just couldn't pull himself away. He glared at Jason and said, "Okay, yea, I did, so what? You know I'm gay 3; and now you know some more!"

Jason laughed, "Easy there Coach 3; don't throw a hissy fit! You can go ahead and leave if you want, but I don't think you will. I think you really want to hear what else I have to say. And don't worry, stay or go, I won't say a thing!"

He tossed the key for the chastity device to Coach and said, "Here, you can leave it in the loft, which is where your clothes are."

Coach turned and walked towards the field house. He was breathing hard. So was Jason, who was kicking himself for letting the Coach off the hook. He was just about ready to return to the field house too, when Coach stopped walking.

Jason crossed his fingers. Coach Taylor stood on the edge of the field for several minutes, lost in thought. His mind was screaming for him to leave, but something was holding him back. He thought to himself, "Shit man! I'm 22 years old and still haven't had any real sex. Still have never taken a chance. SHIT 3; if not now, when? I'm gay, so what? I like perverted stuff? So what?"

He stood there thinking for at least ten minutes. Jason backed silently into the clearing where they had been. He breathed a sigh of relief when Coach turned and walked back towards him.

Coach was at a loss for words. Jason smiled reassuringly and said, "I knew you'd be back, cause you had to come back. It's what you need."

Coach swallowed hard and said, "Dude, I have to tell you, I'm a little scared. I'm like almost five years older than you, and you've obviously done more than me."

Jason smiled some more and said, "Well, Coach Rusty, that's okay. I understand."

Coach swallowed and said, "So where do we go from here?"

Jason laughed, "Well you can start by giving me my key back, then you're gonna have to answer a few more questions honestly."

Coach tossed him the key and waited. He was breathing even harder now and starting to sweat. He had never felt this excited before in his life.

Jason looked at the Coach and said, "Okay, I have a feeling there is one thing that you are really having trouble telling me, so I'm gonna help you out. Sound good?"

Coach nodded.

Jason grinned and said, "Okay, we'll talk a little more about what happened today, but first I'm gonna ask you about something that happened last week. Remember that day you found us in the showers, messing with Todd?"

Coach smiled and said, "Yea, you guys had his hands tied to two of the shower heads and had rolled your towels up into 'rat tails' and were whipping him."

Jason laughed, "Yea, and I'm sure you noticed that he was boned, and so were a bunch of us."

Coach smiled and said, "Yea I did. But I didn't make a big deal out of it."

Jason laughed, "Yea, you didn't even tell us to stop. You just said to finish up and then you went into Coach Lawrence's office and closed the door. He was gone already."

Coach Taylor smiled and said, "Yea, I guess I did. I figured you guys wanted to fool around some more and I had some work to do."

Jason winked and said, "Yea I know you did. You don't know what happened after you left do you?"

Coach looked a little nervous as he shook his head.

Jason smiled and continued, "Well, right after you left, a couple of the guys jacked Todd off. They made him shoot before they untied him. I let them do their thing, and went to thank you for not getting on our case. I tried the door, but it was locked, and the blinds were closed."

Coach said, "Yea, I didn't want to be disturbed."

Jason chuckled, "Yea, tell me about it! Funny thing about those blinds in Coach Lawrence's office, there's a gap in the one corner and if you lean close you can see what's going on in side."

Coach Taylor turned white as a ghost.

"And imagine how surprised I was when I saw what "work" you were doing. Let me refresh your memory. You were naked, standing against the back wall, with your arms spread wide, just the way we had Todd tied in the shower room. And you were thrashing about and acting like you were being whipped. Just like we were whipping Todd. Oh and then you lowered one hand and started jacking off 3; remember?"

Coach Taylor was speechless. He had no clue what to say.

Jason let it sink in a little and then said, "So anyway, that got me thinking. I have this weird feeling, that when we were doing those things to Logan today 3; you were fantasizing that we were doing them to you! Am I right?"

Coach Taylor couldn't believe it. Jason was absolutely correct.

He lowered his eyes and said sheepishly, "Yea, you are. Sorry, makes me seem like a total perv and a wimp I guess. I don't know why it turns me on so much. It just does."

Jason stepped closer to Coach, put his arm on his shoulder and said, "Coach Dude, don't worry about it! I mean it. I think it is cool that you told me 3; although I guess I had to sort of pull it out of you. It's okay though. As they say, whatever floats your boat! You're basically a bottom then, which is fine. Can't have Tops, without bottoms."

Coach actually felt a sense of relief getting the last part out. He looked at Jason and said, "So um, what about you. What do you like?"

Jason smiled, "Well, that should be obvious by now. I like being the one in charge 3; being the top 3; and I don't want to scare you Coach, but I gotta let you know 3; if the truth were to be known 3; I am somewhat of a sadist."

Coach thought for a few moments and looked at Jason and smiled weakly as he inquired, "And I'm guessing that you do like making older guys do nasty things."

Jason laughed, "Yea I do, I like making them suffer 3; torturing them 3; humiliating them, and so on. Although I have to admit, the oldest guy I've ever done that with was like 19. He was in college. But I would really like to use a hot guy, who was a little older, as a slave boy. That would be fun."

They both looked at each other.

Coach Taylor's mind was really racing now. His mind was saying 3; "No 3; No 3; No!" 3; but his body and his hungry, raging hormones were shouting 3; "YES 3; YES 3; YES!" His cock strained inside the chastity device, trying in vain to get hard. He looked at Jason standing there in his lacrosse uniform 3; Looked at his firm muscular legs 3; his nicely defined biceps 3; and his broad chest 3; and his hormones took over.

Coach Taylor said mischievously, "So got any good prospects?"

Jason winked at him, reached out and ran his fingers down Coach Taylor's chest, "Well, yea there is, it seems there is this really hot lacrosse coach who just moved in, and I think he's been wanting to get into this stuff for some time."

Coach smiled and said, "So guess maybe you should ask him, and see what happens."

They both were breathing hard as they looked at each other.

Jason had read a lot of stories. He had hid the truth about how much he was into this stuff from all his friends and had managed to masquerade it by doing "initiations", bets, and things like the "court" thing with Logan.

He had "played" Master/Slave stuff with a few friends, but it was pretty tame. The one time he had started getting into it, was when he hooked up with the 19 year old college Dude. Jason really liked being the "Master", and regretted that he didn't play that role all that well.

He was determined, the next time he had a chance, he would do better, and act like a Master was supposed to! Like in all the stories he read. Still, it would be tough. Yea, he had a Sadistic side, but was basically a nice guy.

Jason looked at Coach Taylor standing in front of him, totally naked, except for his socks, running shoes and the chastity device. He decided to test the waters and just go for it! He had read so many stories, he should be able to make this work.

He took a deep breath, glared at Coach Taylor and snapped, "Okay IF, we are gonna do this thing, we have got to have an understanding! Right from the start! When we are on the field, whether for practice or games, or in school, and /or out in the 'general' public it will be 'You Coach 3; Me Player/Student'! Got it?"

Coach Taylor nodded, "Yea, that works for me!"

Jason smiled wickedly as he grabbed Coach Taylor's chin and looked him straight in the eye and snapped again, "But other than that, it will be 'Me Master 3; You Slave Boy', and you will do whatever I say 3; no matter what! No questions 3; no lip! Take it or leave it! Understood?"

Both glared at each other. Both were sweating. Coach Taylor could not believe he was doing this, nor could he believe how excited he was. The thought of being totally under Jason's control was crazy, but totally intoxicating.

He looked at Jason and said, "I understand, Sir!"

Jason smiled and said, "Good boy! Now turn around and put your hands behind your back!

Coach Taylor did as he was told. Jason cuffed his wrists, picked up his back pack, and said, "Follow me slave boy!"

Coach Taylor was nervous as they excited the woods. He kept looking around, scared that some one would see him like this. When they reached the door to the field house, Jason dropped the pack on the ground and grabbed Coach Taylor by the arms. He pressed him up against the door and told him to listen.

Coach Taylor pressed his ear to the door. From inside he could hear muffled screams and knew that the boys were still torturing Logan. By the sounds of things, they were getting pretty rough.

Jason laughed, "You know, it's a funny thing about teenage boys, straight or gay, they can do some pretty nasty stuff when they get all worked up. And trust me, these guys get worked up a lot! Just imagine what they would do if they had a chance to work you over!"

Coach Taylor's cock strained inside the chastity device as he listened to Logan scream. He was almost certain that Jason would be turning him over to the boys soon. He was scared, but also excited.

Jason let him listen for a few more minutes, then dragged him up into the loft.

He had him lay down on the floor on his stomach again, and helped him inch up to the point where he could see the action down below, but would still be out of sight in the shadows.

Coach Taylor's eyes widened as he surveyed what was happening.

The boys had put Logan's lacrosse stick across his shoulders and lashed his arms to it. They had positioned themselves in a big circle around the perimeter of the gym. Logan was running laps, and each time he reached one of the guys, he would stop, bend over and wait until the guy wacked his butt with his stick.

Judging by Logan's screams, they were all hitting pretty hard.

Coach Taylor gasped as he felt Jason fingering his hole. He started breathing harder and harder as Jason lubed his hole, inserted the handle of his lacrosse stick as far as it would go before wrapping rope around it and Coach Taylor's legs.

Coach Taylor trembled and panted. The stick was inside him pretty far and hurt like hell. Still he could not take his eyes off the action below.

Jason whispered, "Okay Slave Boy, you keep watching. I'm going to join the action below 3; oh and this should make things even more exciting for you!"

All of a sudden, Coach Taylor felt a new sensation inside his ass, and it started driving him crazy. Jason had apparently taped some type of vibrator to his stick, just outside his ass. The vibrations were transmitted along the stick, and into his ass. Tears filled his eyes as his cock fought to get hard inside it's little cage.

Jason smiled as he crossed the floor. Logan was an absolute mess. His body was covered with red marks 3; he was sweating like crazy 3; and his eyes were filled with tears.

Jason waited for Todd to smack his ass with his stick, then directed them to bring Logan to the center of the room. He had four of the boys drag the smaller pommel horse there too, and then raise it up a little.

As soon as it was in position, he had them bend Logan over the horse, and tie his ankles and wrists securely.

Coach Taylor watched as Logan was bent over the horse, with his ass spread wide and vulnerable. Even from where he was, he could see how red his ass was, and see all the nasty red marks from the lacrosse stick hits.

He trembled as he watched and listened.

Jason took little Johnny's stick from his hands. He opened a jar of Vaseline and started greasing the handle up good. Logan tilted his head up, saw what Jason was doing and started to shake.

Jason smiled and said, "Okay, Logan, you've been fucking with every one of us since you became Captain. Now it's time we fucked with you! "

He handed the stick back to Johnny and said, "You know what to do!"

Coach Taylor watched from his twisted perch as one after another, each team member greased this handle of his stick and took his turn ramming it into Logan's tortured ass. Logan screamed like crazy every time. They all seemed to want to shove their stick in the furthest.

The crazy thing was, that with each thrust, Coach Taylor tried forcing Jason's stick into his own ass even further. He could just reach it with his cuffed hands and managed to inch it in even further as he imagined it was him down below.

Twenty four teammates fucked Logan with their sticks before it was Jason's turn. When it finally was, Jason said, "Damn, it seems I lost my stick."

Coach Taylor smiled as he watched the team members volunteer to lend him theirs.

Jason laughed and said, "Well, I've got a better idea!"

Coach Taylor trembled as he watched what happened next.

Jason pulled off his jersey, shorts and jock. He handed his jock to Dustin and told him to stretch it over Logan face, so the pouch covered his nose and mouth.

He pulled some packs of condoms out of his back pack and tossed them to the boys, then slipped one over his hard cock.

"Okay, boys, now it's time to really fuck him! He fucked us all over. Now we are gonna return the favor big time!"

Logan started to whimper, "OH, God, please no 3; shit man 3; DAMN 3; I am so sorry! DAMN! I promise, I'll be good!"

Jason laughed as he pressed his cock against Logan's hole. The lacrosse stick handles had done their job. It was just a matter of seconds before Jason rammed his hard teen cock deep into Logan's ass.

Logan screamed and pulled at his bonds as he was mounted and fucked hard by ALL 25 of his teammates. Coach Taylor watched wide eyed as the brutal scene unfolded. This wasn't like any porn video he had ever seen. All the boys were naked now, and all were totally worked up.

Logan was being fucked really hard. Almost every one of the boys slapped his ass hard while they rammed their hard teen members in as far as they could.

The other crazy thing that was going on occurred right after each boy pulled out.

Jason pulled each boy aside, took off his condom, and emptied it into a glass. By the time they were all done, the glass had a decent amount of rich teen jock seed in it.

Coach Taylor could not believe how turned on he was by the whole thing. And he could not believe that he had actually cum twice during it, even with the device on 3; and not being hard. He could feel the stickiness in his pubes and was actually enjoying it. He wondered if Jason would punish him for cumming like that, and started getting excited again.

Logan was removed from the horse, and forced to kneel in front of his team mates. Jason made some hokey speech about the team becoming one through their Captain. Then he tilted Logan's head back, told him to open his mouth, and proceeded to pour the glass with their consolidated cum into his mouth.

He made sure that Logan swallowed it all, then glared at Logan and said, "Logan, are you now ready to demonstrate your contrition with a final act of extreme humility 3; and in so doing take your place as our Captain, once more?"

Logan was in a total daze, but managed to get hold of himself and say, "Yes, I am."

Jason nodded to a couple of the seniors, who cuffed Logan's hands behind his back, and dragged him across the room to this little utility area. It had a concrete lip around it and drains in the floor. At one point, it had some washing machines there, but they were long gone. All that remained were a couple of hoses.

They forced Logan to lie down on the floor on his back.

The other boys rushed over and, in accordance with Jason's instructions removed their sneakers and socks.

Coach Taylor could see it all from where he was. It was unbelievable.

One after the other, each boy raised one foot then the other, and Logan was forced to suck their toes, and lick their feet. When they were done, they walked all over him. Each one made sure to step on his cock and balls, more than once.

Finally, Jason had them all gather around. He looked down at Logan and felt sorry for him as he said, "Close your eyes and mouth Dude!"

Coach Taylor grimaced as he watched Jason aim his cock and start pissing all over poor Logan. The other boys followed suit. When they were done they returned to the center of the room and started dressing in their uniforms.

Coach Taylor watched as Jason knelt beside Logan. He couldn't hear what was being said, but could sense the emotion.

Jason looked down at the naked Logan, lying on the floor, hands cuffed behind his back, eyes filled with tears, and totally covered with the piss of his teammates. Jason said softly, but firmly, "Okay Buddy, you have been true to your word and now we will be true to ours. You have taken your punishment. I'm gonna rinse you off, now 3; sorry it'll probably be a little cold 3; when I am done, get dressed, your uniform is right over there. Then join us in the center of the room. And Dude, DO NOT MAKE US DO THIS AGAIN!"

Jason hosed Logan down as fast as he could. He handed him a couple of towels and joined his teammates who were assembled in a large semi-circle. All were holding their sticks by their sides as they waited.

When Logan finally managed to make his way to the center of the room, dressed once more in his team uniform, Jason approached him and said, "You have done well. Are you ready to resume your role as our Captain?"

Logan nodded and said, "Yes, I am, and I promise, I will do better this time. And thank you all for giving me a second chance. Yea, I was an asshole, I understand that now! And I love you guys for letting me hang in there with you."

Jason handed Logan his lacrosse stick and shouted, "HUU-RAH, CAPTAIN LOGAN!"

The boys started pounding their sticks on the ground as they chanted, "LOGAN 3; LOGAN 3; LOGAN 3;!" Over and over again.

Coach Taylor's eyes filled with tears as he watched the boys close in on Logan and join in a massive group hug. The sex stuff was momentarily forgotten.

When at last the chanting stopped, the boys filtered out. Two remained behind 3; Logan and Jason.

Logan looked at Jason and said, "Dude, I thought you didn't like me?"

Jason laughed, "I'm still undecided. Time will tell, who knows we might actually become best friends one day."

The truth was, that is exactly what would end up happening. For now both were a little leery of each other. They chatted for a bit as they walked towards the door, finally Logan gestured towards the loft and asked, "So, what the hell was that all about? I guess I was the only one to see that."

Jason laughed, "Yea, you were. And I got something to show you, but first, I gotta ask you something really serious. I mean really serious. And I want you to tell me the truth, okay?"

Logan laughed, "Dude, after today, I think I can do that!"

Jason smiled and asked, "So are you gay or what? I'm serious, I gotta know."

Logan chuckled, "Well, it's a little complicated. At least for me anyway. I've been thinking for awhile now that I might be bi. But after these last couple of days, I'm not really sure."

Jason looked serious as he said, "Well, it did seem that you were getting pretty worked up. It was like you were actually enjoying it. Especially the sexual tortures and humiliation. That's how it seemed anyway. I know most guys would get worked up in situations like that, cause it's just the way we are, you know horned all the time. But you seemed to really get into it."

Logan thought for a few minutes, looked Jason in the eye and said, "Okay, listen, I know you and I have not gotten along very well in the past, but I think I can trust you. I would just really appreciate it if you wouldn't tell the guys any of this."

Jason nodded and said, "Don't worry, I won't."

Logan said, "The truth is I am thinking that I am leaning more towards the gay side. It's strange, I still like doing stuff with girls, but if I'm being honest, I seem to get more excited about doing stuff with guys. Even more so, when I'm forced to do stuff. If that makes any sense."

Jason laughed, "Yea, it makes a lot of sense. But that's okay. Cause I feel the same way, well sort of. I actually prefer making other guys do stuff. That's a real turn on for me."

They stood in silence for several moments, just looking at each other. Jason noticed that Logan's shorts were starting to tent. Logan saw Jason looking down and started to blush. Jason looked up and stared at Logan, who appeared to be trying to figure out something to say.

Jason swallowed hard, then said firmly, "Listen Dude, you are the team captain. And one hell of a player, and I will do what I promised, and follow you! But I have a feeling you and I are going to have to have a special understanding."

Logan was once again starting to sweat. He started breathing harder and stammered, "Uh, an understanding about 3; um 3; what?"

Jason glared at him, swallowed hard again, then suddenly reached out, grabbed Logan's rising cock through his shorts and said, "An understanding about this!"

Logan trembled and gasped, "Oh God! 3; Ahhh!" His cock hardened the rest of the way instantly.

Jason smiled wickedly and asked, "Do you want me to let go?"

Logan took a deep breath, shook his head, and said softly, "No!"

Jason smiled more and said, "Okay, from now on, this belongs to me! In fact your body belongs to me, so you will do whatever I say, whenever I say it, cause I think it's what you really want. Isn't it?"

Logan could not believe how excited he was. He looked at Jason and said meekly, "Yea 3; Oh GOD! Shit!"

Jason removed his hand, patted Logan on the shoulder and said, "Okay, so we do have an understanding. That's cool! Now I've got something to show you. You just follow my lead. Call this a little reward."

Jason was really feeing great now. He loved being in control, and couldn't believe how easy it was to take control of Logan the way he had just done. Logan was actually feeling great too.

Logan followed Jason up into the loft and gasped when he saw Coach Taylor, bound naked on the floor with lacrosse stick handle deep in his ass. He watched wide eyes as Jason pulled the stick out, untied his legs, un-cuffed his wrists and flipped him over on his back.

Jason chuckled, "So anyway Dude, Coach Taylor and I have an understanding too. Isn't that right Coach?"

Coach Taylor stammered, "Um, yea, that's right 3; um sir!"

Logan couldn't believe it. His cock got even harder as he looked at the hot young coach lying naked on the floor with the chastity device on. Add that to the fact that he too, was apparently in Jason's control, and it was a really hot scene.

Logan asked, "So like what? Coach Taylor has to do whatever you say too?"

Jason chuckled, "Yea. Check this out!"

"Coach, Slave boy. Stand up, turn around and bend over, with your hands on your knees."

Logan stared in awe, as the Coach did exactly as he was told.

Jason smiled, looked at Logan and said, "Okay, go ahead and finger fuck him for awhile. See if you can really get him moaning."

Logan couldn't believe it. He looked at Coach Taylor's hot ass and got really excited. He wet one of his fingers and slowly began working it into the Coach's hole.

It didn't take long for both of them to start moaning. The more Coach moaned, the harder and deeper, Logan finger fucked him. Both were incredibly turned on 3; as was Jason, who could not believe his luck!

His mind raced as he began think about what lay ahead. Not only did he have the hot team captain under his control, he also had the even hotter assistant coach at his beck and call. And with the two, he was determined to explore some of his most evil and darkest fantasies.

He let Logan finger fuck the Coach for at least fifteen minutes. By the time he told Logan to stop, both were sweating like crazy.

Jason took note of the fact that Coach Taylor's encased cock was dripping a fair amount of pre-cum.

Coach Taylor, could not believe how worked up he was. Standing there naked in front of two of the hottest jocks on his team, bent over, and being finger fucked by the team captain was a major turn-on.

Jason seemed to sense it and laughed, "Damn Coach, looks like you are really into this! Shit, maybe 'El Capitan' here should do this to you in front of the whole team! Bet they would love to see their Captain finger fuck their assistant coach."

Coach Taylor blushed and trembled. He imagined Logan doing just that and almost lost it again.

Jason laughed and said, "Hmmm, Logan, I think it's a little unfair. You are a slave boy too, so I think you need to join Coach here. So what do you think Coach? Should Logan be naked too?"

Coach panted, "Um, yea, I guess. Whatever you say sir!"

Jason chuckled, "Okay Logan, stop the finger fucking, and stand up straight while Coach Taylor strips you."

Jason directed Coach to remove all of Logan's clothes except for his socks and running shoes. He smiled as he watched Coach Taylor carefully remove Logan's uniform. Coach Taylor's hands were shaking as he pulled Logan's shorts and jock, down and off.

He looked at Logan's hot teenage body up close and started breathing even harder. Years of pent up, unfilled desire was taking it's toll on him. He was totally in lust now! Lust for Logan's body, and lust for the things Jason would require of him.

Jason sensed it all. He thought for a moment and said, "Okay Coach, here's the thing. I will give you fifteen minutes to make Logan cum again! You can do whatever you want to him. He will do whatever you say during those fifteen minutes. You make him cum, and I will knock two days off of the time you have to wear that chastity device. Trust me, you will want to do that!"

To Jason's total delight, Coach Taylor jumped right in. He turned Logan around, forced him to bend over and then started finger fucking him.

Jason smiled as he watched Coach Taylor go at it! He might be inexperienced, but he clearly understood the male sexual anatomy.

It took less than two minutes for Logan to start panting and moaning like crazy. Coach Taylor had two fingers in his ass and was alternately massaging and squeezing his prostrate. Couple that with the fact that Coach was running his tongue up and down Logan's back, and you had a very hot situation.

Coach Taylor got Logan totally worked up with his ass assault.

Jason was getting really worked up too! He couldn't believe what happened next!

In one swift move, Coach Taylor got Logan to lift one leg as he swung around to Logan's front. His fingers never left Logan's ass. When Logan dropped his foot back on the floor, Coach Taylor was positioned in front of him 3; still fingering his ass.

Coach Taylor looked up at Logan and asked wickedly, "So Mr. Captain, would you like to feel your Coach's mouth on your pleasure parts?"

Jason almost lost it at that point. The sight of the naked, and hot young coach on his knees in front of the equally hot, teenage jock was wild!

Logan moaned really loud as Coach Taylor squeezed his prostrate between his fingers, "OH, MY GOD! SHIT! DAMN COACH! 3; AGGHHH!.. Yes please!!!!!!!"

Coach Taylor smiled, leaned closer and began licking Logan's balls.

What Jason and Logan did not realize was that this was pretty close to a scene the Coach had rehearsed in his head for years! It started back in high school, and got refined all through college. When he did his student teaching it got more refined, and intense.

During his senior year in college, Coach Taylor did a full semester of student teaching. As part of it, he was assigned as an assistant coach for the lacrosse team. It was a difficult time for the young coach.

Seeing the teenage jocks on the field and in the locker room, before and after practice and after games was heaven and hell. As much as he wanted to, he could never bring himself to act on his desires. So, he developed a series of masturbatory fantasies 3; most of which involved being used and abused by his young teenage charges.

And now, finally, here he was 3;

Needless to say, it didn't take long for nature to run it's course. Jason had given Coach Taylor 15 minutes 3; it took less than 10! Coach Taylor was sucking Logan's cock like crazy. Logan's hips were pumping back and forth now.

Suddenly he grabbed the back of Coach's head, held it firmly and shot a load into his mouth. After all he had gone through, it wasn't a lot, but it was enough for the Coach to get a good taste.

Jason smiled as Coach Taylor finished by licking Logan's cock clean. He thought to himself, "Yes Coach, you really are a natural! Guess all those years of not getting any real action has turned you into a super horn dog!"

He let Coach finish up then told him to stand and watch. Logan started getting a little nervous as he watched Jason rummage through his back pack. He trembled when he saw what Jason pulled out. It was another chastity device.

Logan started to protest as Jason put the device on his cock and balls, but Jason silenced him with a wave of his hand. When he was done, he stood up, added the key to the chain around his neck and smiled at them.

"Okay, guys, here's the deal. From now on, both of you are my slave boys. Which means you will do whatever I say, whenever I say. Understood?"

Both nodded and said, "Yes Sir!"

Jason grinned and continued, "Now I have both of your cell phone numbers. You both are going to be 'on call' whenever I want. And expect to be called, cause I get horny a lot, and I got a feeling I'm going to need to be using your bodies a lot."

He ran his hands up and down Coach Taylor's chest and down Logan's back. Both shuddered and started breathing hard again. Jason could tell that both were totally turned on by the prospect of being used like this 3; and he was right.

He continued running his hands over their naked bodies for several minutes, then said, "Okay, guess I need to get down to the specifics. To start with, both of you are going to be trained how to be gay and serve as good slave boys. That will include torture training. You both will stay after practice and wait for everyone to be gone. Then you will both join me in the trainer's room for 'practice.' It should last at least an hour, so plan accordingly."

He reached into the back pack, pulled out two vibrating eggs and handed one to each of them.

"You will make sure you have these inserted in your butts before practice. I'll have the remote controls, so you can figure I'll be triggering them on and off during practice."

"Now, I am sure you both are wondering how long the chastity devices will be on. The original plan was for them to be on for one full week. That still goes, for you Logan. But Coach, you earned a reward for getting Logan to cum that fast, so it will be five days for you."

Logan moaned, "Oh, Man, damn. Please, I'll go insane."

Jason smiled as he patted Logan's caged cock, "Yea, that will be a long time for this bad boy not to be able to get hard, let alone shoot! But who knows, there might be away for you to shorten the time. We'll see."

Jason really wanted to get both of them to the point where they were out of their minds with lust and desire and he had no doubt that his quickly conceived plan would do just that.

"Okay, we'll start with a simple lesson right now."

Jason directed them to stand "chest to chest" and put their arms around each other.

"Okay, now go ahead and kiss. And when I say kiss, I mean, really kiss!"

Both of them blushed as their mouths touched. It took a little while for them both to relax. Jason coached them along and encouraged them to run their hands over each other's hard body.

After that, it wasn't long before they were kissing passionately and breathing really hard! Both were getting really worked up as they ran their hands up and down each other's back and felt each other's ass.

Watching the hot team captain, making out with the even hotter young coach was almost too much for Jason. He was hard as a rock, and could not take his eyes off of Coach Taylor's beautiful ass. He licked his lips, knowing that he would be the first one to enter that territory. As much as he wanted to do it, right then and there, he decided to wait.

The day he fucked Coach Taylor would have to be a special day. He wanted to do it in a special way. He thought about doing it in a romantic way, but quickly abandoned that possibility.

The more he thought about it, the more he wanted that moment to be nasty. He wanted to fuck Coach Taylor brutally. He wanted him to be tied down and helpless. He wanted to fuck him hard over and over again, to make him beg for it to stop. And then make him beg for it to continue. And even more exciting, he wanted to do it in a way that was totally humiliating for the hot young coach.

So he decided to just bide his time.

He let them go at it for awhile, then separated them. Both were panting, and both were covered with sweat.

He laughed and said, "Well, looks like the two of you did pretty well, with 'Making Out 101'. I think you will both do well with my course. Now I think it's time for a little Phys Ed lesson."

Jason had them turn around. He cuffed their hands behind their backs and said, "Okay, now here's the deal. We're gonna have a little running competition in just a few minutes. Meanwhile you guys rest up. I'll be back shortly."

He let them sit down. Then he grabbed the back pack and headed off.

He was making things up as he ran back towards the practice field in the old stadium.

There were a lot of things that turned Jason on, but one of the most exciting things was making guys do humiliating and scary things. The plan that was formulating in his mind would be scary for both, but even more scary for Coach Taylor.

Being forced to run around, outside, naked, with his hands cuffed behind his back would be scary indeed, even more so with what Jason had in mind.

Jason thought about everything that was inside the back pack and smiled. "This is going to be so hot, he thought," as he reached the gate to the practice field. Once inside, he set the pack down on one of the bleachers and started searching through it.

He was glad they had brought most of the handcuffs. He pulled the remaining four sets out, removed the keys and dropped the cuffs back in the bag. He knew that although the keys all looked pretty much the same, each one would work on only one set of cuffs.

He looked around the old stadium. There were bleachers on both sides of the field. Not real big, but big enough for his plan. He placed two of the keys in his right hand, along with the key to Logan's cuffs. The others went into his left hand, along with Coach's key.

He smiled as he headed up to the top row of the bleachers. He placed one key from his right hand on the end seat. Then he moved along the top row to the center section and deposited the second key on a seat right in the center. The last key was placed on the very end of the front row.

He then crossed the field and did the same thing with the keys in his other hand. He chuckled as he left the stadium and headed back to the field house.

Coach and Logan were sitting on the floor of the loft, waiting patiently. Both seemed a little nervous. They looked even more nervous when Jason directed them to follow him down the outside staircase.

Both looked around anxiously. Praying that no one could see them. Coach Taylor was really getting scared. He saw the devilish look on Jason's face and figured he and Logan were in for something nasty.

When they reached the bottom stairs, Jason glared at them and snapped, "Okay Slave Boys, I've got a nice challenge for you. There will be a reward for the winner, and a penalty for the loser. And trust me, you don't want to lose."

The two listened in horror as Jason explained how he placed the six handcuff keys in the old stadium. He told them there were three keys on the seats in the bleachers on either side of the field. Their challenge would be to find the key that would unlock their handcuffs, and then return to Jason. The first guy to get back to Jason, un-cuffed, would be the winner. The loser would have to continue until he was un-cuffed as well, otherwise he would earn an extra penalty.

Coach Taylor glanced across the field towards the old stadium. There was absolutely no cover along the way. The thought of crossing that field, totally naked, in broad daylight and then having to search the stadium was very scary indeed.

He wanted to object, but kept his mouth shut, knowing he really had no choice in the matter. Logan surveyed the field as well, and looked just as scared as the coach.

Jason told them to start a slow count to one hundred, and then start running.

He then turned and headed back to the stadium. He told them he would be waiting at the opposite end of the stadium, under the goal posts. There was no way he would miss this.

He reached the goal posts, turned and waited. He didn't have very long to wait. Logan and Coach Taylor entered the far end of the stadium a few minutes later. Their naked bodies glistened with sweat. They stopped, surveyed the bleachers, shrugged and split up.

Jason smiled as he realized, as luck, or bad luck would have it, they had chosen the wrong sides. Coach Taylor was searching the side that had Logan's key, and vice versa. "This is going to be great fun to watch!" he mused.

Coach and Logan ran up and down the bleachers. Both started at the top row, which meant they both found the two keys there rather quickly. Jason watched as they struggled to use each key on the cuffs. He smiled as he saw their frustration grow.

It took them awhile longer to find the last key on each side. Coach found his first. He looked like he was going to cry when he tried the third key, and discovered it didn't work.

He glanced across the field. Logan was moving across the front row, searching. Coach Taylor had a feeling that Jason had arranged the keys in the same locations on both sides of the field. He ran out of the bleachers and headed across the field.

He was about halfway there when he saw Logan squat down, pick up the final key and try it. Logan grunted, set the key back down and ran out of the bleachers.

They passed each other on the steps. Logan knew he had to hurry, so he started running fast. He was only halfway across the field when Coach Taylor reached the first key. Luck was with Logan. The first key didn't work for the Coach.

Jason wished he had checked to see exactly where the right keys were, but then thought that this was more exciting. He watched the two hot naked jocks scurrying around the bleachers.

Coach reached the top row on his side, just as Logan started headed to the top on his side.

The way things looked, the Coach was on his way to winning. Jason thought so too, so he started thinking about Logan's penalty.

Unfortunately for Coach Taylor, his luck didn't last. He reached the second key and tried it quickly. It didn't work. He set it down in a hurry, and headed to the final key.

He glanced across the field, in time to see Logan trying his second key. He sighed as he saw Logan raise his arms above his head, in triumph.

Coach ran to the last key as quickly as he could. He was fast, but not fast enough.

By the time he had unlocked his cuffs and was running down the stairs, Logan was running down the field in full stride. Coach ran as fast as he could. He reached mid field just as Logan reached Jason.

Jason smiled as Coach Taylor joined them. "Nice try Coach. I was sure you were going to win there for a few minutes. But what the hell, shit happens."

He let them catch their breath, then ordered Coach Taylor to go and collect all the keys and bring them back. It bought him a little more time, to formulate his penalty plan. He and Logan watched Coach Taylor moving through the bleachers. It really was exciting watching the naked young coach run around outside, totally naked.

Jason laughed, "Man, Dude, he really is hot! Shit! And one of the coolest things is he could easily pass for one of us. Bet that dude is gonna get carded for a long time."

Logan laughed too, "Yea, he really does look young. And shit, he'd really look like a little kid, without those nice pubes of his."

Jason laughed, "You trying to give me ideas? Guess you'd like him to join you in the pube-less club, huh?"

Logan giggled, "Yea, I guess. But if it happens, I think it should be done in front of the whole team. Just like with me, and let everyone help. Man Dude, that was really humiliating."

Jason said, "Well, we'll have to see. I'm not sure how many guys I want to let in on this. I like him a lot, but he really could get into some serious shit, if the wrong people found out."

Logan said, "Well, think about it. I may be an asshole, but I do know the guys, and know that they can all be trusted to keep their mouths shut. Hell, most guys our age are like that 3; you know because of the 'code' and all."

Jason grinned as he watched Coach Taylor gather up the final keys and head back. The "code" that Logan was referring to, was, of course, the unwritten one that bound boys together. For most, it was pretty sacred. You just did not tell adults things that could get someone else in trouble. It just wasn't done! Unless you wanted to be regarded as a snitch, which, for a teenage boy, would be like a death sentence.

Jason thought about it as the Coach approached. He started getting really hard as he considered ways to humiliate and torture the hot red head.

He let Coach Taylor catch his breath as he sorted through the keys and handcuffs. He matched them all up, and then returned all but two sets to the pack. Then he turned and looked at the two. Both were glancing around nervously now.

Jason smiled and said, "Okay, it's reward and penalty time. Logan you won, and for your prize, you get two days knocked off of your chastity time. Which means you only have to wear that thing for five days. You can run back to the field house now, get dressed and then head home. I'll call you later."

Logan was grateful, but still concerned. At his age, five days of not jacking off would seem like an eternity. As much as he wanted to stay and see what the Coach's penalty would be, he figured he should just leave, before Jason came up with any more ideas 3; and so he took off.

Jason looked at Coach Taylor, who was watching Logan run across the field, "He looks pretty hot, running naked like that, doesn't he Coach? Bet you'd love to watch all of us running around outside naked too!"

Coach Taylor blushed deeply as he thought about it. His cock strained inside the chastity cage. He didn't know what to say.

Jason let him stew for a few minutes, then continued, "Okay Coach, it's time for your penalty. And don't even bother protesting, cause it's not gonna matter!"

Coach Taylor entered as sort of daze-like state as Jason put his plan into action. He got increasingly scared with each passing moment.

It started when Jason had him bend over so he could insert a vibrating butt plug into his ass, and got worse when Jason made him stand with his back to one of the goal post uprights.

He pulled Coach's arms around behind the pole and cuffed his wrists together. He used another pair on Coach Taylor's ankles, which were just slender enough for the cuffs. Coach Taylor trembled when Jason blindfolded him.

But it was the last thing that Jason did, that started to make him really shake.

Jason took two small pieces of duct tape, and taped the keys to the cuffs, to Coach Taylor's chest 3; one below each nipple. He laughed viciously as he said, "Okay Coach. For your penalty, you're going to remain here until I come back and release you. Unless of course, someone else finds you first. Which, in that case, you just might be able to convince them use the keys to release you. Heck, I'm sure you can come up with some crazy story."

Coach Taylor wanted to cry, he pleaded with Jason, "Oh God, Jason, please don't do this! Shit, I could get into all kinds of trouble. I'll do anything else you say!"

Jason said, "Yea, I know you will. You're gonna do that anyway! Just remember that! I'm leaving now, and if you say one more word, I just may lose track of the time and not get back here before the soccer team starts their practice!"

Coach Taylor trembled. He wanted to plead some more, to reason with him, but decided to just keep his mouth shut. The thought of the soccer team finding him like this was just too horrifying.

He heard Jason pick up the back pack and walk off.

With Jason gone, he became increasingly aware of his desperate situation. Naked, blindfolded, cuffed to the goal post, with a chastity device on his cock and balls, and a vibrator humming in his ass, would be very difficult to explain.

He prayed that Jason would not leave him there too long, and tried to put the soccer team out of his mind. But the more he tried, the more he thought about them trotting onto the field and finding him. And the more he thought about it the more scared he became.

And even scarier was the fact that, the more he thought about it, the more his cock strained inside it's little prison.

Jason had no intention of letting anyone find the young Coach like that, but was having a lot of fun thinking about how scared the Coach was. As much as he would like to let the soccer team boys find him like that, and then mess with him, he realized it just wasn't practical.

He sat down on a bench near the stadium gate. From his vantage point, he could see the Coach at the opposite end of the field and could see anyone coming long before they reached the field.

He figured if anyone did come, which was unlikely for at least two more hours, he would have enough time run down the field, release Coach Taylor, and then get out through the rear gate.

And hour went by quickly for him, but not for Coach Taylor.

Jason was just about ready to go and release the Coach, when he heard a noise outside. It was an odd squeaky noise, accompanied by some laughter. He jumped up and peaked through the gate.

He was ready to go into panic mode when he saw the source of the noise.

Two boys from the soccer team, were wheeling the portable soccer goals down the path from the equipment shed. They were mounted on big rubber wheels. Luckily, they were heavy and not that easy to move.

Luckier still was the fact that Jason recognized both of the boys. They were seniors and both were really cool. Even better was the fact that both were wild and crazy.

An idea popped into Jason's head and he rushed out to meet them.

They stopped as they saw Jason approach. One of them called out, "Hey Jace, what's up man, you guys have a game today, or something?"

Jason laughed, "No, not really, we had this Team Meeting thing. So what about you guys, you got a game, or just practice?"

The guy smiled back and said, "Neither one actually. Coach cancelled today's practice last week because of some kind of conference he had to go to. We're just setting up the goal posts for the team from Merrill Academy. Their practice field is being re-sodded, or something, so they're going to be using ours. Appreciate it, if you could give us a hand, these suckers are heavy."

Jason smiled broadly and said, "I'll be glad too, but I've got to let you guys in on something crazy. You've got to promise you won't say anything to anyone though! I think you'll get a kick out of it!"

They both laughed, the second guy said, "Is this something that could get us into trouble?"

Jason giggled, "Possibly, but I don't think so."

They looked at each other, then the first guy said, "Hell, wouldn't be the first time, and won't be the last. We're in!"

They both knew Jason well, and were sure whatever he had cooked up would be fun and exciting.

Jason said softly, "Okay, leave the goals here for now. Follow me into the stadium, and don't say a thing! I'll explain once we are inside."

They followed him through the gate. Both were pretty excited. Whatever this was, it had to be pretty freaking good, based upon the way Jason was acting. The hint of mystery and conspiracy added to their anticipation!

As they rounded the corner, Jason whispered to them to remain quiet.

At first they thought the stadium was totally empty. They were about to say something when they spotted him. The first guy whispered, "Holy Shit, whose that naked Dude? And it looks like he's tied to the goal post. Damn this is freaky!"

The other guy whispered, "Yea and pretty fucking gay! But who cares! So who they hell is he, anyway?"

Jason whispered back, "I'll let you guys figure that out. Let's just say it's a team thing right now, okay? And remember, you can't say anything to anybody! I mean it! I really don't want to get him into trouble. I just want to scare him shitless."

They both laughed softy. One of them said, "Hey Jace, come on dude! You know us! We won't say a thing. If this is some kind of initiation thing, that's cool! So what do you want us to do?"

Jason said, "Okay, here's the deal. I want you guys to pretend like you just found him here, and mess with his mind. You guys can feel him up a little too, just for fun. I know you guys are both straight, but just do this okay? It will blow his mind."

They both laughed. The second guy said, "I think we can handle that. Just how much do you want us to mess with him?"

Jason thought quickly and said, "Well, if you can handle it 3; um 3; maybe you could get him to beg to get released. The keys to the cuffs he has on are tapped to his chest 3; and um 3; I was thinking 3;maybe you could um 3; you know 3; make him 3; Um 3;"

They smiled some more as they realized Jason was having a difficult time spitting it out.

Finally the second guy smiled wickedly and said softly, "Dude, I got a feeling I know what you're trying to say. That's okay. I guess it's pretty predictable, given the situation."

The other guy looked confused, "What's predictable?"

The second guy laughed, "I think what Jace is trying to say, is that he wants us to make the Dude give us blow jobs or something, but is afraid to say it."

Jason blushed and stammered, "Yea 3; um something like that. I know it's pretty gay and all, I just wanted to really freak him out. It's okay if you don't want to."

There was a brief pause, then the first guy chuckled, "Hell is that all! Shit man, as they say, a mouth is a mouth. Both of us have been having trouble with our lame ass girl friends, and I'm getting sick and tired of using my hand everyday. So, hell, yea, I'm in!"

His buddy agreed quickly.

Jason smiled as he reviewed the plan. They were to really act surprised when they found him. They were to mess with his mind and body and get him to agree suck both of them. And, if they wanted, they could spank him.

They were just about ready to do their thing, when one of them asked, "By the way, who is the Dude, anyway?"

They couldn't believe it when Jason told them.

"Shit man! This is freaky! I've seen him around. He looks like a kid. Man this is going to be fun! Best of all, he doesn't know either one of us! But we'll let him know, that we know who he is. That will really blow his mind."

Jason smiled as he watched them trot down the field. He followed along and then concealed himself at the end of the bleachers. He was close enough to se and hear everything.

Coach Taylor started shaking as he heard voices approaching.

"HOLY SHIT Dude! Check it out! Fuck!"

"Wow! This is unreal. Man the Dude is naked, and what's that think on his cock, man?"

Coach Taylor tried to get hold of him self. To think what to say. The voices were clearly those of teenage boys, but older teenage boys. He hoped they didn't recognize him.

They walked up to him. One of them asked, "Dude, what the fuck happened to you? And why are you cuffed to the goal post like this?"

Coach Taylor stammered, "Well, it's, um 3; kind of a long story 3; it's sort of a practical joke. And I'd appreciate it if you guys could release me. The keys to the cuffs are taped to my chest. Just release me, and I'll make it up to you guys."

They winked at each other. One of them said, "Well, I don't know, maybe we should wait for the rest of the team to get here and take a vote."

Coach Taylor trembled, "Oh God, please no. Just let me go now, and I promise, I'll make it worth your while."

The second guy stepped closer. He started running his hands over the coach's hard body and asked teasingly, "So, just what would you be willing to do for us, if we let you guy. You've got a really nice body 3; maybe we should mess with it for awhile. Pity you got that thing on your cock. It would be fun to see what you looked like boned."

Coach was getting really scared now. His lower lip quivered as he begged, "Guys, look, I'll do anything if you just release me, and let me get out of here before the rest of your team gets here. Just let me go!"

They looked over at Jason and winked.

They pinched Coach Taylor's nipples as one of them said, "Okay, Dude, how about this 3; if we let you go, you are gonna have to give us both blow jobs and let us shoot in your mouth. Do that, and we'll let you go!"

Coach thought for a moment and then said, "Okay, okay! I'll do it. Just release me."

Jason smiled as they un-cuffed the Coach and dragged him around under the bleachers. They told him he would have to keep the blindfold on until after they were gone, and assured him he would have plenty of time to get out before the team arrived.

Jason then watched from the shadows, as Coach Taylor dropped to his knees and delivered on his promise. Straight or not, both boys were really worked up. Jason was really worked up too, and also came in his jock as he watched his naked, hot, young red-haired Coach sucking away.

It didn't take long for both of them to cum in the Coach's mouth. By the way the Coach was acting, it was clear they both had delivered large loads of their rich teen seed into his mouth.

They patted him on the head and thanked him for doing so well. They reminded him to wait a few minutes before removing the blindfold and leaving. They were just about to round the corner, when one of them looked back and said, "Hey Coach Taylor! Thanks again for the awesome blow jobs! You've got a great mouth and tongue."

And with that, they were gone.

Coach Taylor dropped to the ground and started crying.

Jason "found" him that way a few minutes later. He apologized for being late and asked what had happened.

Coach Taylor explained what had just transpired, then sobbed, "Oh man, Jason! I am totally screwed now! They knew who I was! Shit! I'm a dead man."

Jason patted Coach on the back and said softly, "Listen Coach. I saw those guys leaving. I know them both. They are cool! If it will make you feel any better, I'll talk to them. I know I can get them to keep their mouths shut."

Coach Taylor stopped sobbing and said, "Really. You think you can really do that?"

Jason patted Coach Taylor reassuringly and said softly, "Yea, I know I can. You let me worry about that."

Coach Taylor's Slavery Evolves

They sat in silence for awhile. Finally Coach Taylor got a hold of himself. Jason told him they better get moving. He gathered up the handcuffs, and told Coach Taylor to run back to the field house and get dressed.

He ran with him. The run was actually exciting for both of them. As scared as the Coach was, there was actually something exciting about running like this, especially with Jason at his side.

As they reached the loft, and Coach Taylor started dressing, he realized how excited he was. He thought about what lay ahead. He thought about being in Jason's control and still could not believe how excited it made him feel.

His excitement continued to mount when Jason insisted on riding with him back to his condo. As soon as they were inside, Jason started looking around.

"Coach, so you own this place or what? It's pretty awesome. I didn't think teachers made this much money."

Coach Taylor smiled and said, "Well, we don't. My grandmother left me a bunch of money, so I bought this place. It's paid for, so I don't have any rent to pay."

Jason was impressed. "Looks like you got a lot of cool stuff too 3; Widescreen TV 3; a monster stereo 3; And a killer computer setup 3; and with a nice web cam too. So you use the Webcam much Coach?" he asked mischievously.

Coach blushed and said, "No, not really. I mean I can make it work, but have been too scared to do 3; you know 3; sex stuff with it."

Jason laughed, "Well, we'll just have to take care of that Slave Boy!"

Coach Taylor tingled all over. He could tell Jason was anxious to check out his computer, but suggested he see the rest of the place first. He gave him the grand tour which included the partially completed basement. That part really got Jason thinking.

He noticed a drum set in one corner and what appeared to be soundproofing on the walls and ceiling. Coach Taylor explained that he played drums and had the basement soundproofed so as not to disturb the neighbors.

Jason filed that away in his memory. An idea popped into to his head that got him really excited.

They returned to the room where Coach Taylor's main computer was set up. Jason sat down in front of the computer and clicked on Internet Explorer. He smiled at the Coach and said, "Okay, I'm guessing since you live alone, you don't have much set up in the way of hiding stuff. Am I right?"

Coach Taylor blushed and nodded.

Jason laughed as he checked the browser history and bookmarks. It was clear that the Coach had been doing some really heavy porn surfing and viewing. And judging from the sites he had visited, he was into some pretty nasty and kinky stuff.

Coach Taylor averted his eyes when Jason glanced over at him and said, "Man Coach, looks like you are really in to BDSM in a major way. Some of these sites are pretty freaking hard core, Dude!"

Coach Taylor could barely manage a nod.

Jason opened up a couple of the pay sites and went directly into Coach Taylor's account. He smiled as he reviewed the list of "favorite videos" on one of the sites. Most were heavy with bondage, humiliation, punishment and torture.

He watched portions of a few of them and could not help but notice something that most had in common. In each one, the guy being abused and tortured was about Coach Taylor's age.

Jason closed the sites, thought for a few minutes, while Coach Taylor sat beside him sweating.

Finally he looked at the Coach and said, "Okay Dude, it appears you really are into this stuff big time. I just need to confirm a few things with you, before I say anything else. And I want you to be totally honest with me. I believe you know you can trust me by now."

Coach nodded and said, "Yea, I do. Ask me whatever you want, I won't bull shit you, I promise."

Jason nodded and said, "Okay, you really were being serious before when you said you never did any of this stuff with other guys before, since you did that little thing when you were 15."

Coach nodded and said, "Yea, that's the truth!"

Jason smiled and said, "But I bet you think about it all the time. Having sex with another guy, and doing the nasty stuff."

Coach blushed even more as his eyes started to water, "Yea, it's been insane. And has been getting worse since I started this coaching job. I get so worked up all the time. I've tried doing stuff myself, and it works, to a point, but then it seems I get super horny the next time around."

Jason continued to question Coach Taylor in detail for the next hour. He felt sorry for the Coach and his long suppressed desires. The more he questioned him, the more he began to care about him. The way Coach Taylor acted, you would never suspect he had such an intense submissive side, let alone such a strong desire for the kinky stuff. It all came out 3; how scared he was about hooking up with other guys for real 3; how he had tried self bondage, a lot 3; how he had chatted with other guys on the net who wanted to do stuff with him 3; how he would go so far, then chicken out 3; on and on it went.

He was scared of being humiliated in public, but also appeared to be turned on by it.

Finally Jason asked Coach Taylor to pick out one of the videos on the net that turned him on the most. He didn't even have to think twice about it.

They watched it together. Jason got really excited by what he saw. There were two main characters in it. One was a guy about Coach Taylor's age, the other a little younger. The older guy was the younger guy's slave.

He was treated roughly, and tortured repeatedly. One of the scenes that seemed to excite the Coach the most was when the naked slave boy was tied up, thrown in the back of a van and driven out to this barn in the middle of nowhere. There were a bunch of young guys there, drinking beer and wearing football letter jackets. A couple of them had their football uniforms on, and looked liked they had just come from a practice.

Jason tried to keep from laughing. The guys were trying to look and act like high school jocks, but were pretty clearly over 18. It was a hot scene for sure though. Especially when the horny jocks, dragged the naked guy from the van, strung him up by his wrists and took turns whipping and paddling him. They gagged him when he started begging for them to stop.

They took turns climbing up on some boxes and fucking him hard while he hung from the beams over head. The abuse went on for a long time. They whipped his hard cock, pinched his nipples and paddled his balls. Eventually they lowered him to the floor, cuffed his hands behind his back and continued his torment.

He was forced to lick their sweaty toes and feet and then their sweatier ass holes, balls and cocks. It was pretty intense.

Jason looked at Coach Taylor. He was clearly in distress as he watched the video. By the way he was fidgeting he figured the Coach's cock was really struggling in the chastity device now.

He stopped the video, thought for a moment, then looked at the Coach and said, "Okay Coach, I think I understand even better now." He looked Coach right in the eye and said, "You really do want to do this stuff for real, don't you Coach. Like in the video!"

Coach Taylor swallowed hard again and said softly, "Yea, God help me I do! I can't stop thinking about it! Shit it's terrible. Guess that makes me a total perv I know. I'm sorry it's just the way I am. I thought about getting therapy or something, but from everything I've read, it's just not gonna work anyway. Man, I'm a total mess and nut case!"

Jason thought fast. It wasn't like he was looking a gift horse in the mouth. He just wanted to make absolutely sure before he fully committed himself. He didn't want to be disappointed.

"Okay, Coach, I'll be honest with you. I really love doing this stuff 3; a lot. And there is nothing more in the world I would like to do more right now than to use you as my slave boy 3; my sex toy 3; my torture slave. I just want to make sure it is what you really want, cause once we get started, there will be no turning back."

"And, the other thing you need to understand is that I am not forcing this on you. I would never turn you in. Period! Oh, and like I said earlier, when we are on the field, and you are the Coach, I expect you to treat me like everyone else. I Fuck Up! You let me know, like you do with all the other guys."

Jason looked at Coach Taylor, who was lost in thought. As much as Jason wanted to play the "coercion" thing, he was more excited about just laying all the cards on the table. He wanted Coach Taylor's submission to be genuine, and not coerced. He basically already had an agreement with the Coach and Logan, but wasn't totally satisfied, since it had more than a hint of coercion attached to it.

He could tell Coach was extremely excited, but had just an ounce of wariness left. He decided to "up the ante", a little more. He removed his own clothes, stood in front of Coach, totally naked, with his big hard-on and said, "Okay, Coach, and just so you know, once you really become my slave boy, this is what you will be worshipping. Your mouth and tongue will become familiar with every inch of my body. You will taste my cum, eat my ass and lick the sweat from my body after most practices and games. When you do a good job, I just may lighten up with the torture for a bit, but just a bit, cause I am gonna love hearing you scream."

Coach Taylor's eyes widened as he surveyed Jason's incredible teen jock body. His last vestige of wariness vanished in an instant. He looked at Jason and said, "I'll do whatever you want! I'll be you Slave, for as long as you want."

Jason smiled broadly. He had what he wanted. In the way that he wanted it! Coach Taylor was now his totally 3; and Jason was loving the rush of power he felt!

He let it sink in for a moment, then snapped, "Okay, Slave Boy, then your total slavery begins now! Gather up my clothes and dress me!"

Coach was a little disappointed. He loved seeing Jason naked. He rushed to follow Jason's order. Like a personal valet, he dressed Jason. When he was done, he stepped back, lowered his eyes and waited.

Once again, Jason fought of the desire to fuck Coach Taylor. He was determined to do be the first, but wanted it to be really special.

He looked at the Coach and said, "Okay Slave Boy, we've got a lot of stuff to get organized. We'll start with a basic rule. From now on, whenever I come over, you will strip totally naked. And until I say otherwise, you will be on your knees with your hands behind your head! Understood?"

Coach Taylor nodded, thought for a moment, then quickly stripped naked, dropped to his knees and placed his hands behind his head.

Jason felt another rush!

He sat down at the computer, opened up Word Pad and started typing.

"Okay, Slave Boy, since money doesn't seem to be a problem for you, I am making up a shopping list for you, of some things we will need. You can watch as I type."

Coach Taylor moved closer to the computer and watched as Jason typed. He recognized most of the items as they appeared on the list. They were sex and torture toys. His breathing grew harder and harder as the list continued to grow.

Jason glanced at Coach Taylor and said, "Okay Coach, I take it you don't own any of this stuff yet?"

Coach swallowed hard and said, "Um, no, I thought about buying some but was afraid someone would find out. I was gonna buy some on the Internet, but up until I moved here, it wasn't really safe to mail stuff to me."

Jason laughed, "Well, I think I can help solve your problem. Do you know Ridge Road, on the other side of town?"

Coach nodded.

Jason smiled and continued, "Well if you follow it out of town, past that old industrial area, you'll go through an area that has a bunch of bars and clubs. You know it?"

Coach nodded again and said, "Yea, I been to a few of them."

Jason continued typing as he said, "Okay, well, if you go two blocks past the Country Western Club, you'll see a converted barn on the left, that has a big sign, 'The Adult Emporium', have you seen it?"

Coach swallowed again and said, "Yea, I have. I've just been afraid to go in."

Jason was really getting a kick out of Coach Taylor's nervousness.

He laughed and said, "Okay, anyway, here's the deal. They sell adult videos on the first floor. But the second floor is where they have a bunch of adult toys and stuff. That is where you will go shopping. I am able to get in there to look around, cause one of my friends has an older brother who works there. He lets me in, when no one else is around."

Coach Taylor watched as the list continued to grow.

Jason looked at the Coach and asked, "Dude, if I continue, this will cost a lot! Especially if I include the special stuff!"

Coach Taylor was mesmerized by the list. But more than that, he was extremely excited by the fact that he would be 'forced' to buy the stuff. 'Forced' to take the items to the checkout counter and have them rung up by some clerk.

He glanced at Jason and said, "Um, Jason 3; um Sir 3; don't worry about it. I got plenty of money, so go for it!"

And so he did!

When he was finally done typing, Jason sat back, looked at Coach Taylor and said, "Okay Slave Boy, take a look at the whole list. I'll explain those last two sections when you are done, cause I'm pretty sure you won't understand what they are all about."

Coach Taylor reviewed the list. It was pretty inclusive 3; dildo's, butt plugs, tit clamps, ball separators, ball paddle, penis whip, flogger, paddle, leather paddle, whips, handcuffs, shackles, suspension mitts, gags, electro torture box, prostrate stimulator, assorted cock rings, catheter set, enema kit, leather wrist/ankle restraints, ball press, and so on, it was all there.

When he was done reviewing the first part of the list he smiled and said, "It's okay Sir, I think I can do it all. Just a little scared, since I never bought any of this stuff before."

Jason smiled and patted him on the head, "I understand. Okay, now let me explain the last items on the list. They are really cool, but, sad to say, pretty expensive."

Coach Taylor listened as Jason explained the second part of the list. It included some "Internet Enabled" devices. One of them was an anal vibrator, the other one was a masturbator with testicle stimulator.

"Now the way these work is this. You install the software on your computer and subscribe to this special site. Then you hook up with someone else on the net. He can download the control software from the special site. You put the anal thing in your ass, and then put the cock masturbator and testicle stimulator on. You plug them both into the USB ports on your computer."

"It is best if you do this on Web Cam, with your sound on. Then you hook up with the guy who has the control software and the password you gave him. He can use the control panel on his machine to run the masturbator, testicle stimulator, and anal vibrator by remote. It can be really intense."

Coach Taylor's mouth dropped open, "Holy Shit. And he would be watching it all. Wow!"

Jason laughed, "Yea, but it gets even better. Look at the next item on the list. The 'Self Bondage Kit.' It is really wild. I'll show you some pictures of it. But it's really crazy. It comes with wrist, knee and ankle restraints, and can be controlled over the net too."

He browsed to another web site and brought up pictures of the self-bondage kit.

"You start by strapping your ankles and knees to your chair, facing the computer and Web Cam. Of course, you'd already have the other stuff on. Okay, now check this out. The most important part of the thing is the remote restraint thing. See it?"

Coach Taylor looked at the screen. There was an item that looked like a large U shaped metal bracket. Jason pointed to it.

"Okay, that's it! You slide it over the right arm rest of your chair, and lock it in place with those two screw things. The prongs stick out to the right. Next you wrap the leather restraint, with the lock box around your right wrist."

Coach Taylor looked at the picture. The right wrist restraint had this rectangular box attached underneath. There were two large holes in the box, spaced so they matched the prongs on the U bracket.

"Okay, now once that is on, you plug the control cable from the wrist lock into another USB port. As soon as you are done, you reach over and secure your left wrist to the other armrest with the leather strap, and you are ready for the last step. This is really cool!"

Coach Taylor was astounded, and excited.

Jason smiled and continued, "Okay, and finally, you line up the holes on the lock box on your right wrist, and then push it onto the U Bracket as hard as you can. When it is all the way on, the locks engage and you are totally restrained!"

Coach Taylor said, "Holy Shit!"

Jason laughed, "Yea it is cool! The Dude who is watching you on the Web Cam can keep you that way for hours if he wanted to 3; and use those toys on you as well. I looked at the stuff in the store, and if you set it up right, there is no way you can get loose."

Coach Taylor was really excited now.

Jason smiled and said, "Oh, but just so you know, there are some safety features built in. If you lose the Internet connection, the right wrist restraint unlocks automatically in 2 minutes. And also, if the battery gets too low, it releases as well. So it is pretty safe. Oh, and yea, it has a timer too, so you can set it to automatically release after a certain amount of time. It can be overridden though, if you use the Internet control thing."

Coach Taylor was totally blown away. He had never heard of anything like this before. The very thought of being abused and controlled by some anonymous person on the net was blowing his mind.

Jason continued, "Okay, I can tell I got your attention, so I'll just point out the last items on the list. They are the really nasty ones. They are very similar to the masturbator, ball stimulator and anal vibrator. They do the same thing, but can also cause lots of pain. They use electro shock, heat, and constriction mostly for pain. But the cock device also has a couple of rings with spikes that can really hurt. Like I said, they are nasty."

Jason let Coach Taylor look at the list for a few minutes. He was a little concerned that he might be pushing too hard, so he said, "Okay, Slave Boy, you take a good look at the list and tell me what you are ready to buy. Then we'll figure out a plan."

Coach Taylor scanned the list one more time, took a deep breath and said, "Well, I would just as soon buy it all at once 3; if that's okay Sir!"

Jason was having a hard time adjusting to his Master role. Had he really thought about it, he might have understood Coach's reaction a little better. Money was not an issue for the young Coach, thanks to his grandmother's will.

The thing that was an issue for him was making the actual purchase in person. Which would explain why he wanted to do it all at once.

Jason got hold of himself and said, "Ahh, okay, sure. We'll just need to schedule a time to go there and buy the stuff."

Jason figured he had bought himself a little more time. He had, but it was just a little. To his total surprise, Coach Taylor said, "Uh, well, how about right now? I suspect they are open!"

Jason didn't need to be convinced. He had Coach Taylor dress quickly, grab his wallet, and they were off to the store.

As they rode, Jason told Coach he was pretty sure Brian was working. As long as Brian's boss was not around, he would be able to go in with Coach Taylor. He also told him, to be on the safe side, he would introduce Coach as his friend Rusty. Coach Taylor liked that idea.

Luck remained with them. Brian was working alone. Jason introduced "Rusty" and Brian told them there were only two other guys in the store, and they were looking through the gay bondage videos.

Coach Taylor peeked around the corner of the video shelves. He saw the two guys near the far end of the aisle. Suddenly his eyes grew wide and he pulled back, hissing, "HOLY SHIT!"

Jason asked, "What's wrong, you know those guys?"

Coach nodded and whispered, "Yea. Shit! They are two fraternity brothers of mine. Freshmen. They just pledged last semester, just before I graduated 3; and um 3; um 3; shit."

Jason laughed, "Let me guess, they have no idea you are gay?"

Coach blushed at the sudden revelation in front of Brian.

Jason smiled and said, "Don't worry, Dude. He's cool. He's gay too, and figured you were too."

Coach looked like he wanted to bolt. Brian said, "Hey listen, if it will help, you guys can go right upstairs. I'll buzz you through. I know these guys pretty well. They were already upstairs, bought some bondage stuff, so I doubt if they will be going back up. I'll blink the upstairs lights when they leave."

Coach seemed really relieved, he ran to the second floor door and waited for Brian to release the remote lock. Jason told him to go ahead upstairs, and he would be right with him. Coach didn't need to be told twice. He hurried up the stairs as soon as the door opened.

Jason showed Brian their shopping list. Brian laughed and said, "Well, if you guys are planning to buy all of this stuff, I got some good news for you. Almost all the stuff on the first part of the list is included in this 'Super Deluxe Package' we have. Buy it, and you get a 20 per cent discount. Both of the Internet Packages are on sale too, so if you want them, I can give you the discount as well."

Jason smiled and said, "Cool, I'll let him know. Go ahead and package the stuff up for us, cause he will be buying it. Oh and do me a favor, see if you can get those two guys names and phone numbers for me."

Brian winked, "Yea, they are pretty hot! But then again so is your friend, Dude. He is really hot!"

Jason laughed as he headed towards the second floor door, "Well, you get me their numbers, and maybe I'll hook you up. I gotta warn you though, he's into some nasty stuff."

Brian chuckled as he buzzed the door open, "That's cool, I can do Nasty!"

To say that Coach Taylor looked like a kid in a candy store would be an understatement. Jason found him checking out the CBT section. He walked up behind Coach, patted his butt and said, "See anything interesting?"

Coach laughed and said, "Wow, I didn't know there was this much variety. Some of this stuff looks pretty wicked and would hurt like hell."

Jason laughed, "Yea that's why they call it cock and ball torture."

They spent the next 30 minutes browsing the aisles. Jason told him about the package deals and Coach was cool with it. They picked up a few extra items that weren't included in the package deal flyer that Brian had given Jason.

They reached the end of the aisles just as the lights flashed on and off. Jason chuckled, "Guess your frat buddies are gone now. So what's the deal? Guess you're not ready for them to know you are gay."

Coach Taylor blushed and said, "No, I'm not. I'm also a little surprised. I had no idea those guys were gay. They don't act like it at all."

Jason laughed, "Dude, you don't act like it at all either! I guess we're going to have to work on your 'Gaydar.' Cause it seems you don't have a clue."

Coach smiled nervously. They turned towards the stairs and were about to leave when Coach pointed across the room at another doorway. "What's in there?" he asked.

Jason smiled, "Well, that's the Dungeon Room. They sell equipment and furniture for home dungeons. Want to look?"

Coach nodded. He had seen "dungeons" in some of the porn on the Internet, and had fantasized about them.

His eyes widened as they entered the room. It looked just like a dungeon. It even had stone walls. Well at least what looked like stone. The room was dark and had small track lights on the ceiling. Each one was aimed at a different piece of furniture or equipment. It was a "well equipped" dungeon. Everything was there: a large X shaped St.Andrews Cross, a standard cross, punishment horses (like the kind he'd seen guys bent over), two exam tables with restraints (one had stirrups), a couple of slings, all purpose benches (also call fuck benches), a large "dildo" chair that had a dildo that rose up through the seat, and even a medieval rack.

There were also brackets and racks on the walls from which paddles, whips, and shackles hung.

Coach Taylor took his time looking around. He looked at Jason and said, "Holy Shit, they actually sell this stuff?"

Jason giggled, "Yea they do. I think most of it is a special order thing, but they also are hooked up with some guys who actually put dungeons together for people. Brian told me I'd be surprised at how many they've actually done. Here check it out."

He picked up a flyer from a small table by the door and handed it to Coach.

Coach Taylor read the flyer. It showed pictures of some basement dungeons that these guys had installed. There was a website address, a phone number, and a big notation that said, "Free Estimates! No Job Is Too Small, or Too Large."

Jason suppressed a smile as he watched Coach Taylor fold the flyer and put it in his pocket. He was pretty certain what the Coach was thinking, but didn't want to push.

When they got downstairs, Brian had everything ready. He added the items they had picked up to the invoice and threw in a couple of the items at no charge. Jason was really impressed. Coach didn't flinch at all at the bill, which was just under a thousand dollars.

Brian was happy too. His boss would be ecstatic when he saw the day's sales figures.

He helped them carry the stuff out to Coach Taylor's car. As they placed the last items in the trunk, Coach looked at Brian and asked, "So, I was just curious. Those guys that do the 3; um dungeon stuff 3; are they really good?"

Brian smiled and said, "Oh yea. They are great and very reasonable. Oh and yea, very discreet. They work with us to order the equipment and are pretty fast. So if you are interested, just give me a call."

He handed Coach a business card and winked, "By the way, my cell number is on the back."

Brian thanked them again for the sale, as they drove off.

Coach Taylor started chattering away on the ride back. He told Jason, he had an empty footlocker back at the condo and would get everything unwrapped and organized in it. He reiterated how amazed he was at the variety of stuff that was out there.

Jason was amazed at how readily Coach Taylor was jumping into all of this. Then again, it was probably not that amazing, since Coach had been suppressing his desires for the real thing for so long.

Jason had Coach drop him off at the practice field, which was where his bike was. He told the Coach he would call him later that evening, and reminded him of his instructions for the week.

He watched as Coach drove off and thought to himself, "Man this is totally incredible! This is gonna be one wild and crazy time."

Coach Taylor was thinking the same thing as he rushed home. He knew he had to be careful. Jason and Logan were both just underage. But at this point, he really didn't care. He was too turned on and had already taken the plunge.

He couldn't wait for Jason to really get into things with him.

As soon as he got home, he carried the boxes and bags of toys into the basement. He dragged the empty footlocker into the center of the room and started unwrapping and sorting through his purchases.

He had barely started, when it occurred to him it would be more exciting to do this job totally naked. He pulled off all his clothes, tossed them in a corner and proceeded with the task at hand.

It didn't take him long to get really worked up. He couldn't keep his hands off his smooth, hard body as he imagined the toys being used on him. His cock strained inside the chastity device as he organized the footlocker.

The smaller items went in the large removable tray: cock rings (of all types), ball stretchers, ball weights, penis sounds, tit clamps, ball paddle, penis whip, and so on. The dildo's, butt plugs, ball press, whips, paddles, restraints, hand cuffs, gags, blindfolds, and such were in trays at the bottom of the trunk.

The Internet equipment was already in sturdy boxes, so he decided to just leave it there.

When he was done, he lay down on the floor and started playing with his nipples. He got himself really worked up as he imagined that Jason was there torturing him. He looked around the room and visualized it was a dungeon.

And that is when it really hit him!

He jumped up, ran over to his pile of clothes and retrieved the flyer.

He read through it again, and pulled out his cell phone.

He said to himself, "Dude, you are insane!" as he dialed the number.

He jumped when a voice picked up on the second ring. He swallowed hard and stammered, "Um 3; ah 3; I got your flyer from the 3; um Adult Emporium 3; and was sort of interested in getting a free estimate."

It was pretty clear that the guy on the other end of the phone had dealt with nervous would be customers before. It didn't take him long to get Coach to relax. He also seemed to understand the importance of "striking while the iron was hot."

To Coach Taylor's surprise, and eventual delight, the guy was doing an estimate just a few miles away and could come over right after that. Coach gave him the address and hung up.

He dressed quickly and put all the toys away.

He still couldn't believe he was doing this. He looked around the unfinished basement and envisioned it as a dungeon and got really excited. He decided if he went through with it, he would make it a surprise for Jason.

It took about 45 minutes for the guy to arrive. Coach was a little surprised. The guy looked to be the same age as he was, and just as young looking. The guy seemed to sense it and chuckled, "Dude, I know what you are thinking. I look pretty young, right? Well, if it will help, I've been doing construction for over four years now. Mostly kitchen remodels and stuff, for my Dad's company. A friend and I do this on the side, which means, of course that dear old Dad doesn't know exactly what we do. He just thinks we finish basements. So don't worry, we are good at what we do! My name is Steph, by the way."

Coach relaxed a little as he led him down to the basement, "My name is Russ, or Rusty. I had a little work done in the basement already, but not much.

The guy seemed pretty impressed. "Well, looks like you've already got the place soundproofed. Which is good. It's actually the same material we use, so we can still do artificial stone work with no problem."

The guy started taking measurements of the room as he continued asking questions about what Coach had in mind 3; how soon he wanted it done 3; and so on. Coach Taylor relaxed more and more as the guy talked.

He tried using his "Gaydar" but had no clue if the guy was gay or not.

"Okay, I think I have just about everything I need. If you take a look at this sheet, there are a bunch of options that you can check off which will help me complete your estimate."

He handed a clipboard to Coach.

Coach Taylor looked at the list of options which included everything from track lighting to the actual furniture and equipment. He checked off a bunch of items and handed the board back to the Steph.

Steph smiled as he looked at the list, "Wow, looks like you are going all out. I can call you tomorrow with an estimate and can start just about at any time. The only thing on the list that might take a little while is the rack, since that's a special order. Other than that, we can get everything else in pretty quick."

Coach said he'd like to get it done as quickly as possible. Steph agreed to call first thing in the morning and then headed off.

Coach was really excited. He couldn't believe how much had happened in the last 24 hours and that he was finally taking action on his deepest and darkest fantasies.

He picked up the boxes with the Internet enabled toys and headed back upstairs. He decided it was time for a little fantasizing, in spite of the chastity device.

It took Coach Taylor almost an hour to unpack the Internet equipment, read through the instructions, install the software and setup the online account that would allow someone else to control the devices via the net.

He had an older wooden desk chair, with armrests that he figured would be perfect, so he set that up in front of his computer. He mounted the u-bolt on the right armrest and made sure it was secure.

He decided to attach the ankle and knee restraints to the chair legs with the flat headed screws that were provided with the kit, so that they would always be ready. When he was finished, he read through the instructions once more so he was certain he understood them completely.

By the time he was done reading, he was totally worked up. He pulled off all his clothes and was about ready to test out the restraint system when the phone rang.

It was Jason.

They talked for awhile. Coach Taylor told Jason that he had unpacked everything and gotten it all organized, including the Internet stuff. Jason was anxious to do some testing and didn't seem at all surprised when Coach admitted he was already naked and had a restraint chair in place.

It took about 15 minutes for them to get the Webcam fired up and running. Jason was able to connect to the "control" site and download the control panel software. He got excited when he was able to connect to Coach Taylor's computer.

Then they tested the lock box. Coach Taylor plugged the right wrist restraint cable into the computer, and pushed it onto the U-bolt on the right armrest. It locked into place and the green light came on.

Both were delighted when Jason was able to release the lock by remote control over the Internet. They tested all the other devices, even though Coach was not wearing them. They all worked fine as did the WebCam, microphone and speakers.

Finally Jason asked, "So Slave Boy, I guess we should have a real test. Go ahead and put the anal stimulator in your butt. Plug it in, and then sit in the chair. Oh yea, and attach those electric tit clamps as well."

Jason watched as Coach Taylor hooked himself up. He had a great view of the chair, and the sound was perfect. He heard Coach grunt as he inserted the stimulator in his butt and attached the tit clamps.

He started getting really hard as he watched Coach sit down in the chair and attach all the restraints. He did a great job. Ankles and knees were first. Jason was really pleased when he saw how Coach secured his knees. His legs were spread really wide.

Coach put the lock box restraint on his right wrist, then reached over and secured his left wrist to the armrest. When he was done, he looked at the screen and said, "Okay, I think I'm ready."

Jason smiled and said, "Okay Slave Boy, go ahead and secure your right wrist!"

Both were breathing hard as Coach lined up the lock box, and then pressed it onto the U-bolt. It beeped and locked into place.

Jason smiled and said, "Okay, good! I got a message that said it was locked and I have control. Go ahead and see if you can break free. Try really hard."

Jason watched as Coach pulled against his restraints. He really did try hard, but there was no way he could free himself.

He looked at the screen and said, "Dang, this thing really works! There is no way I am getting free until that lock box is relesed."

Jason was really pleased and extremely excited. He almost wished he hadn't put the Coach in the chastity device so he could see him boned. Still, he thought this was going to be lots of fun. He looked at Coach Taylor's hot, naked body, restrained in the chair.

"Okay Slave Boy, here we go. Remember I can keep you in the chair as long as I want, and I'll warn you right now, it's going to be a pretty long while. Who knows, I just might give some of my buddies a call and have them come over to watch your little show!"

Jason could tell that Coach Taylor was really turned on, but also looked a little nervous.

"I think you need a little warm up. Oh and by the way, even with the chastity thing on, it's still possible to cum with the right amount of stimulation. You let me know if you are getting close, cause I don't want you cumming without my permission."

He smiled at the camera and continued, "Speaking of stimulation, I got something to get you good and warmed up."

He switched the anal stimulator on at the low level and was rewarded by a soft moan from Coach as the stimulator began to vibrate gently. He winked at Coach and said, "Okay, now watch this!"

Coach's eyes were glued to the computer screen as he watched Jason stand up and slowly begin to strip. He took his time and made sure Coach had a clear view of his athletic body. By the time he was completely naked, Coach was really breathing hard.

Jason stepped closer the camera and aimed it down slightly. He grabbed his cock and started stroking it. "Yea Coach, I know you like seeing this. You be a good Slave Boy, and you'll get to see a lot of me. You'd like that wouldn't you?"

Coach gasped and nodded, "Yea 3; Um yes sir!"

Jason laughed as he continued stroking his cock, "And I know you want this bad boy to be the first one inside that nice, hot ass of yours!"

Coach stared at Jason's beautiful cock. Like almost all the boys on the team, he was circumcised. His cock was almost as big as his own. He wondered how it would feel to have Jason all the way inside of him.

The vibrations inside his ass grew stronger and his nipples began to tingle as Jason activated another control. His cock strained inside the cage. He would just about kill to be able to get a hard-on right now.

Jason stepped back and looked at the screen. Coach was breathing even harder and was beginning to sweat. He smiled as he sat down and began idly fondling his cock and balls. He ran his hand over his chest and played with his nipples.

"Yea, I can tell you really love my body, don't you Coach. Bet you wish I was there so you could lick me all over."

Coach shuddered and nodded.

Jason continued his perverse little "self-stimulation" show as he gradually increased the vibrations in Coach Taylor's butt and the electrical current running through his nipples. He loved having Coach at his mercy, and loved getting him turned on.

"We are really gonna be having lots of fun from now on Coach. And like I said, you be a good Slave Boy, and you'll get some special rewards. I already, got one in mind for you, since you were good enough to purchase all these toys. Want to hear what it is Coach?"

Coach Taylor nodded and said, "Yes, please!"

Jason laughed and said, "Okay, well, as I recall, you really seemed to enjoy catching us messing with Todd, in the showers, you know tied between two shower heads and being whipped while he was boned. Admit it! I think you watched for a little while, before you let us know you were there."

Coach trembled as the vibrations increased even more. His eyes watered as he nodded and said meekly, "Yes, I did." The entire scene had been a major turn-on for him in more ways than one.

Jason smiled broadly and continued, "Well, for your first reward, I can set things up to repeat that whole thing. But you'll get to pick whoever you want to be the guy that gets tied up naked and whipped with towels. You can choose anyone you want from the team. I'll set it up and let you know when we're going to do it, so you can "catch" us in the act."

Jason saw the look on Coach Taylor's face and imagined the naked pictures of his team mates flashing through his mind. He increased the vibrations in Coach's ass and the tingling in his nipples.

Coach moaned and pulled at his bonds. He breathed harder still as he pictured the boys on the team. What a decision to make. Most of them were really hot.

He looked at the screen and panted, "So I can pick anyone at all, right?"

Jason laughed, "Yea Coach anyone. I'll make sure he get's tied up naked just like Todd was. And that he is boned while we whip him. Heck, if you want, I'll make sure he get's jacked off in the end, and shoots right as you come in. You think about it and let me know! That will be your reward though."

He let Coach think about it some more as he turned the control levels up even higher. Coach gasped and moaned. He pulled at his bonds.

Jason spit in his hand and started stroking himself faster and faster, "Dang, it feels so good getting boned! Too bad you've got a few more days before I let you get boned again. By the way Coach, tomorrow's special lesson after practice will be rimming. You and Logan are gonna practice on each other's asses. I can't wait to see your tongue in Logan's ass. That's going to be so hot!"

Coach moaned really loud. He half shouted as he tried to raise his butt off the chair, "Shit, DAMN! I'm getting so close! Shit!"

Jason snapped, "You better not cum Slave boy!"

Coach looked at the screen pleadingly and begged, "Man, I'm not sure I can stop it from happening! Please let me cum."

Jason smiled and said, "Okay, but if I do, then you will stay in that chair until you cum two more times! That's the deal."

Coach was in no condition to dicker. He was close. He knew from his earlier experience that cumming with the device on was not nearly as pleasurable as when he had a hard-on, but still it was better than nothing. He nodded vigorously and said, "Yes, okay, please!"

Jason smiled as he turned the controls all the way up.

Coach screamed. The stimulation was so strong, couple that with the incredible feeling he had from being at young Jason's mercy and it was just too much. His body convulsed as gobs of his thick white man seed oozed out of his cock.

Jason was pleased. He shot his own load as he watched Coach convulse and couldn't resist licking some of it off his fingers as he chuckled, "Wow, Coach, to bad you are missing this. My stuff tastes pretty good, if I most say so myself. Don't worry though, you'll have plenty of opportunities to sample it."

He lowered the control levels and let Coach catch his breath. Then started it all over again.

It took almost two full hours of constant stimulation, both verbal and physical to get Coach to cum two more times. The pictures that Jason painted were extremely erotic and nasty. Especially the ones that involved Coach Taylor being tortured and humiliated in front of the team.

When he finally released the restraint, Coach was a total mess. His body was covered with sweat and he could hardly stand. Jason made him lick all the cum off the chair and ordered him not to shower until morning.

He reminded Coach of their "meeting" after practice and then signed off.

Coach somehow managed to make it to his bed. He collapsed onto it and fell asleep quickly. Though he slept pretty well, he did wake up several times. Each time it was the same. He was having a wild dream, with him in the center of the action 3; bound and being relentlessly tortured by the boys on the team.

Coach woke up at 6:30. He pulled dressed quickly in his running outfit: shorts, socks, sneakers. He hardly ever wore a shirt when he did his early morning run. He enjoyed the feeling of the morning air on his bare chest, and also liked the way people looked at him.

In spite of his "workout" in the chair, the night before, Coach felt very invigorated. He pushed himself to run further than he normally did, and decided to run on a trail that one of the boys had told him about.

It was a pleasant run through the woods. He was doing his cool down walk, when he encountered another runner. It was a teenage boy who was also running shirtless. Coach checked him out. He also had a very nice build. Judging by the way he was sweating, Coach figured he had pushed himself as well.

The two of them started talking 3; the usual small talk 3; "Nice morning for a run 3; haven't seen you here before 3; etc."

Finally the boy extended his hand and said, "By the way, my name's Chip. I run here most mornings."

Coach Taylor shook Chip's hand and said, "My names Rusty. I'm pretty new here." He was pretty sure that Chip was checking him out, which made him feel good.

Chip smiled and said, "You know, you look familiar."

Coach laughed and said, "Well, I don't think we've ever met. Maybe you've seen me at the high school practice fields."

Chip's eyes widened knowingly, "Oh shit, yea, that's where I saw you. You're the new assistant coach for the lacrosse team, aren't you? I'm on the soccer team and we practice on the field next to you guys."

Coach chuckled, "Yea, guilty as charged. But don't hold that against me."

They talked while they walked. Chip was really inquisitive and asked a bunch of questions about Coach's background, where he had gone to school, how old he was 3; the works!

Eventually the conversation turned to running.

Chip smiled and said, "Well Coach, I run most mornings cause it's a lot cooler, especially this time of year. Maybe we can run together sometimes."

Coach smiled back and said, "Yea, that would be cool. It gets boring sometimes running alone, and having a running partner helps. You gonna be running tomorrow?"

Chip said he was. They decided to meet at the park entrance the next morning, just before 7:00. Coach said he'd bring a piece of paper with his cell phone number on it, so they could keep in touch if plans changed.

They reached the end of the trail and went their separate ways. Both were lost in thought as they walked home.

Chip was certain that Coach Taylor was really checking him out. He saw him looking at his groin a few times and had a strong feeling that he was gay. Which would be like a dream come true for Chip.

Coach Taylor was having similar thoughts about Chip. He thought Chip was one of the hottest teenage boys he had ever seen, and had the distinct feeling that Chip had been eying his body a lot. He would love to see Chip naked and more. Still there was the fact that he was an adult now, and Chip was just a teenager. Then again so were Jason and Logan.

Both of them took long hot showers that morning. Chip's was really pleasurable, since he was able to jack-off as he thought of Coach Taylor and what he would look like naked. Coach's shower wasn't quite as pleasurable since he had the chastity device on. Still it was fun thinking about Chip.

Breakfast was light, as usual for Coach Taylor 3; coffee 3; cereal and some fruit. He was just about ready to leave for practice when the phone rang. It was Steph. He had the estimate ready for the "dungeon" and made arrangements to drop by later that afternoon to go over it.

Coach was excited all during practice 3; for several reasons. First he couldn't get his mind off of Chip. Second, Steph would be dropping by with the estimate. And third, Jason kept triggering the vibrating egg in his ass, every time he got close.

Jason, was, of course, getting a real kick out of making Coach Taylor and Logan squirm during practice. He decided, that next time around, he would make them go commando, without the chastity devices on, so he could watch them get boned during practice.

Things went surprisingly well after practice too.

Logan and Coach Taylor lagged behind, on the pretense of getting in a little one-on-one practice. Coach Lawrence told Coach Taylor to lock up after they were done.

The two waited until they were sure that the rest of the team was done showering.

They entered the locker room just as most of the boys were leaving. Coach was a little disappointed, since he had missed seeing them naked, but consoled himself by thinking about what was about to happen.

He went to the coaches' room, stripped down and wrapped a towel around his waist. Logan did the same in the main locker room.

When they were sure everyone was gone, they headed to the trainer's room. Jason was waiting with a big smile on his face, "So are my two Slave Boys ready for their special lesson?"

Both nodded and said hesitantly, "Yes sir."

Jason laughed and continued, "Okay, we'll do a little gay warm-up first, then get to the main event. Which, by the way, I will be recording."

Coach Taylor got a sinking feeling in his stomach as he saw a digital video camera setting on a tripod. He didn't want a video record of any of this to be made, but could tell by the look on Jason's face, that there would be no sense arguing about it.

"Okay, boys, now lose the towels and stand facing each other."

They pulled off their towels and turned towards each other.

Jason switched the camera on and said, "Okay, now I want you both to wrap your arms around each other and start making out. Feel your bodies up real good, and then start kissing!"

It was a little awkward, at first, for both of them Coach had never been this intimate with a guy before, let alone a hot teenage jock, but had certainly dreamt about it.

Logan had similar feelings. He had been abused by the team, but had never really "made out" with a guy before.

They pressed their sweating bodies together and began running their hands all over each other. It wasn't long before animal lust took over. Both of them were really going at it.

Jason was hard as a rock watching them. It seemed like Coach's hands were everywhere on Logan's tight body, but tended to linger longer on his ass. He let them work up a really good sweat, then separated them.

"Okay, you two horny toads, I think that's enough of a warm up. We'll start each one of our special sessions just like that. Okay Logan, you get up on the exam table on your hands and knees."

Logan climbed onto the table. Jason ordered him to lower his chest to the table.

Coach eyed Logan's exposed butt and got even more excited. He knew what the lesson was, and couldn't wait.

Jason giggled, "Okay Coach, you're looking pretty hungry for Logan's nice ass. Today's lesson is all about rimming and tongue fucking. I'm sure you've seen it in porn movies, so go ahead and get to it. Do a really good job and you may earn another reward. Oh and by the way Logan, if it feels like you are about to cum, say so!"

Both of them loved "cumming", and both were wild with the desire to cum with a hard-on, which was currently denied them both, thanks to the chastity devices.

Coach pulled a stool close to the end of the exam table, sat down and looked at Logan's beautiful ass. He spread Logan's cheeks apart and breathed in the incredible aroma of teenage boy. It was just the right mixture of musk and sweat.

Logan trembled as Coach Taylor began running his tongue up and down his crack.

Jason moved the camera around to take in as much of the action as possible. He made sure to include close-ups of both of their faces.

It didn't take Coach very long at all, to really get into it.

He ran the tip of his tongue around Logan's hole. That caused Logan to moan. His moans grew louder as Coach began teasing the center of his hole with the tip of his tongue.

Jason almost shot his own load Coach began tongue fucking Logan in earnest. He would run his tongue around Logan's tight pucker several times and then force the tip in as far as it would go.

Logan was really going crazy! He panted over and over again, "OH MY GOD! OH, MY FUCKING GOD! SHIT 3; AGGGGHHH 3; COACH 3; DAMN!"

Coach Taylor was totally turned on as well. He loved the taste of Logan's butt. Loved his smell, and loved the way he could make Logan moan.

Finally Logan shouted, "SHIT, man, I'm getting really CLOSE!"

Jason snapped out of his erotic daze and told Coach to stop.

He let them both calm down a bit before he said, "Okay Boys, switch places!"

Both trembled as they did as ordered.

Logan took his place behind the Coach and took a close look at his ass. It really was nice. He breathed in Coach Taylor's manly smell, spread his cheeks and went to work.

He started by running his tongue up and down Coach's crack.

Coach Taylor gasped as he felt the young team captain's tongue exploring this most intimate part of his body. He couldn't believe how good it felt.

Jason couldn't resist pushing his young Coach's erotic buttons. He leaned close and said, "Yea Coach, you like having your ass eaten don't you? Well maybe we should give more members of the team a taste of your hot ass. Of course, you'll have to do them first 3; let them feel your tongue in their asses, just like Logan did."

Coach Taylor gasped for air as Logan began forcing his tongue deep into his hole.

"OH GOD! DAMN, I think I'm going to CUM!" he half shouted.

Jason patted Logan on the back and said, "Hey Logan looks like Coach likes your tongue! Go ahead, if you can make him cum, in the next minute, you'll get a really special reward!"

That was all the encouragement Logan needed. The truth was, he was loving doing this to the Coach. It took less than thirty seconds before Coach Taylor gasped, "OH GOD!"

Jason was just fast enough with the camera to catch most of the action, up close. He got a shot of Coach Taylor's face as he gasped, his cock oozing cum, and Logan's face in his ass.

He smiled as he looked between Logan's legs. Cum was dripping from his chastity device. Logan saw were Jason was looking and said sheepishly, "Sorry, I couldn't help it."

Jason laughed, "Well, I guess I should be mad, but that's okay, you did such a great job, I forgive you. Besides the same thing happened to me."

He pointed at his own crotch. Logan smiled as he noticed the large wet spot in the front of Jason's tented shorts.

Jason gave them several minutes to catch their breaths and calm down. He ordered Coach Taylor off the table and had them both lick the cum up. When they were done he said, "Okay Boys, this is how these sessions will work. You'll do the same warm-up ever day before the lesson. When you are done, the two of you will shower together, and take turns washing each other's bodies."

"Both of you earned a reward for today's lesson. I'll let you know what the rewards will be. For now, hit the shower. You can use the one in here."

Jason smiled as he watched them head into the shower. He couldn't wait for the day he would remove their chastity devices. He wanted to see both of them totally boned 3; and even more, he wanted to get into some very serious cock and ball tortures 3; especially with Coach Taylor. He had a really nice large cock and low hanging balls that would be fun to torture.

By the time Logan and Coach were done showering and had changed back into their street clothes, Jason had verified that everything was back in order. The training room did smell of cum and sex, but he figured that would dissipate soon.

Logan said his goodbyes and hurried off to some family event.

Jason walked to the parking lot with Coach Taylor. When they reached Coach's car, Jason looked at Coach and asked, "So Slave Boy, how did you like your first full lesson?"

Coach swallowed and said, "Well, it was pretty intense. I liked it and all 3; but still am new to the whole thing. And, to be honest, I guess I'm still pretty nervous about 3; you know 3; me being an adult and all 3; and you being 3; you know."

Jason was still struggling with his own dilemma. He liked Coach Taylor a lot, and was attracted to him, hell what gay male wouldn't be. But the thing that was turning him on the most, was the feeling of power.

He loved being in control. He loved making other guys suffer 3; to feel pain 3; to make them scream 3; to humiliate them. And he really wanted to go "all out" with his hot young Coach.

He knew from all the stories he had read about Masters and Slaves, he had to be tough. He wanted to be tough. To be cruel. But he didn't want to go too far and have the Coach say, "The Hell with this!"

There was a very long pause. Both seemed to be searching for words. To say the air was filled with sexual tension would be an understatement.

At last, Jason got hold of himself and said, "Okay Coach, we've tested the waters, so I guess we should just skip all the bull shit and get to the bottom line. Which, by the way, is where you come in!"

Coach Taylor listened intently as Jason slowly laid things out. Like it or not, he was transfixed.

"Now you know I can make you do whatever I want, especially since I now have that video of your ass rimming session with one of your 'boys'!"

Coach trembled.

Jason smiled and continued, "Yea, just like in all those stories on the Internet. But, I'm not like that. There is NO way in HELL, I would ever turn you in 3; or let anyone else 'turn you in' 3; that would NOT be right! So get over it!"

Coach thought for a moment and stammered, "Okay 3; um thanks 3; I um still 3; am 3; ahhh 3; a little nervous, so just hang in there with me."

Jason moved closer and said, "Listen to me Coach 3; or should I say Slave Boy? I'll give you one last chance to back out of our arrangement. We can just forget all of this ever happened. But if you really want to do this, we will do it just like we talked about!"

"Oh, and this will be the last time we have a conversation like this again. I can understand you being nervous and all, but you'll get over it. You just need to decide right now, just how badly you want to do this. And if you do, you will surrender to me completely! And I do mean completely! Whatever I say goes!"

Coach thought for several minutes. His cock strained inside the chastity device. He thought about what was ahead for him and just got more and more excited. At last he looked at Jason and said, "Okay, you've got me! I'll do whatever you say! I mean it. The only thing I ask is that you don't make me do something that will end up with me in jail and out of a job."

Jason smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'll be careful."

Jason took a quick look around. There was no one else in sight, so he decided to "cement" the deal. He looked at Coach and asked, "Okay Slave Boy, you ready for an order?"

Coach swallowed and said, "Yes Sir!"

Jason laughed and said, "Okay Boy 3; give your clothes! All of them! Now!"

Coach looked around nervously as he stammered, "You mean right here?"

Jason snapped, "Yea, right here! Don't make me tell you again!"

Coach sighed as he surveyed the area one more time, then proceeded to strip. When he was totally naked, he handed his clothes to Jason and waited.

Jason pulled Coach's wallet, cell phone and keys out of his pocket and handed them to him as he said, "Okay, that's how you will drive home. I'll give you your clothes back after practice tomorrow."

Coach rushed to get in the car. He was scared, but also extremely turned on.

Jason watched Coach drive off. He thought to himself, "Yes Coach, we are in for some wild times!"

Coach's drive home was wild. It seemed like he hit every traffic light and was certain people could see into his car. One of the crazy things about the drive home was his realization that if it wasn't for the chastity device he would probably have been completely boned during the entire ride.

He was thankful he had a garage with an automatic door so he was able to drive inside before getting out.

He went to his bedroom, pulled on a pair of shorts and decided to surf the net. His thoughts shifted to the dungeon he would soon own. He visited some of his favorite Gay BDSM sites and got himself totally worked up. He kept grabbing at the chastity device wishing he could jack off.

While he did get turned on watching some younger guys being tortured, the scenes that turned him on the most were the ones that featured guys his age being tortured really hard. He couldn't wait to see what it would be like to be totally at Jason's mercy. To really feel the pain and sexual torment.

He pretty much lost total track of time and was startled when the door bell rang. He glanced at the clock and realized, Steph was right on time.

Coach rushed to the door and motioned for Steph to come in. Steph smiled as he looked at Coach Taylor's nearly naked body.

Coach led him to the kitchen and offered him a beer, which Steph accepted gladly. He took a few sips, then opened up a folder he was carrying.

"Well, I've got your estimate. I tried to shave the price wherever I could since you were going all out. I also added one other option, you can see it there, it's another interior wall at the stairs end of the basement. It will essentially hide the dungeon from anyone who has to do any work on your furnace or hot water heater. I figured you might want that."

Coach took a look at the estimate. It was a little more than he expected, but still within reason. He looked at Steph and said, "Well, it actually looks pretty good to me, so when can you start?"

Steph chuckled, "Well, believe it or not we could start tomorrow. We had a cancellation, so have a couple of open days. Which is about all the time we'll need. The fact the basement has already been soundproofed and studded is a big time saver."

Coach got really excited. He smiled and said, "Wow, that sounds great! The only problem is I will be out in the mornings, but I don't mind having you work when I'm not home."

Steph smiled back and said, "That's okay with me. Just so you know we are bonded and all."

They continued sipping their beers as they went over the details of the contract. Coach couldn't wait to see the look on Jason's face when he showed him the dungeon. Even better, he couldn't wait for Jason to use the dungeon.

When the paperwork was all signed and put away, Coach pulled two more beers out of the fridge. They sat and chatted for awhile about things like: how long had Steph been doing this type of work 3; How he got started with it 3; How many dungeons he had actually built 3; and so on.

They reached a point where there was a pause in the conversation. Steph smiled knowingly as he realized Coach was struggling to ask him something. He winked at Coach and said, "So Rusty, I get this feeling that there's something else you've been wanting to ask me."

Coach gulped and blushed as he stammered, "Well 3; um 3; yea 3; I guess 3; but 3; um 3; it's pretty personal 3;"

Steph laughed and said, "Well, listen I've been around the block a few times and pretty sure what you have been dying to ask me. So I'll just tell you 3; Yes, I'm gay! And yes, I'm into this stuff. So do you feel better?"

Coach took a deep breath and said, "Yea I guess I do. Sorry, I'm sort of new to all this."

Steph laughed again and said, "Yea, no shit! I can usually tell! I get the distinct feeling that you are more the Slave type, am I right?"

Coach blushed some more and said, "Yea, I pretty sure of it 3; I mean just thinking about it really turn's me on. I know it sounds dumb."

Steph smiled and said, "Not at all. In my case, I like being the one in control and admit I am a total sadist. Guess that's why I do such a great job building dungeons. Let me know if you want me to hook you up with some Masters. There are plenty of flakes out there, but I know some that are really good."

They chatted some more about the basics of BDSM play. Coach was mesmerized by Steph's total honesty and candor. All too soon, Steph cut off the conversation by explaining he had to make arrangements to pick up all the supplies they would need for the next day's construction.

They shook hands and Coach walked Steph to the door.

The last thing Steph said as he waved goodbye was, "Oh and about that other question you've been afraid to ask, the answer is Yes! I'd be more than happy to give you a full demonstration in your new dungeon when it's finished 3; Slave Boy!"

Coach closed the door and panted. "Holy Shit!" he thought. "Damn, it's like these guys can read minds or something. Or is it just that obvious."

Coach returned to his web surfing and once again lost track of time. Before he knew it, it was past 10 at night. He checked his email and made sure his cell phone was still turned on. He was actually disappointed there were no messages from Jason and was getting increasingly horned.

He wasn't the only one disappointed that night. Across town, Logan was having similar feelings. Despite the fact he had been able to cum, the fact that he couldn't get boned was beginning to drive him crazy. He loved masturbating and was already to the point where he would promise anything to get the damn chastity device off.

Both he and Coach had restless nights, and both woke up the next morning incredibly horned up.

Coach hoped his morning run would help relieve some of his sexual tension. It actually might have, had Chip not joined him.

The sight of the hot teen jock, who also loved running shirtless, only made things worse for Coach Taylor. He could barely speak by the time they finished their "cool down" walk. He was "THAT" turned on by just being with Chip. It didn't help either when Chip started hinting he had some really personal questions he wanted to ask the Coach the next day.

There was something about the way Chip said it, that got him excited.

He got back to his condo just as Steph pulled into the driveway with his construction van. It didn't help matters that Steph's construction partner was just as hot looking as he was.

Coach tried the cold shower routine, but it really didn't help. By the time he left for practice he was just as horned as he was before his run 3; maybe even more so.

Thankfully, it was a good practice. Coach Lawrence seemed really pleased the way the boys responded to his new assistant coach. Coach Taylor was also pleased that Jason seemed to back off from triggering the vibrating eggs as much as he did the first day.

He and Logan both wondered what "special" lesson Jason had in store for them after practice.

Things went pretty much the same way as the day before. Coach Taylor and Logan lingered on the field 3; while the other boys showered and dressed 3; Coach Lawrence left 3; and Coach Taylor and Logan entered the trainer's room wearing just towels.

Both were a little surprised that Jason had apparently not showered yet, and was waiting for them dressed only in his jock strap.

He smiled as he watched them enter and said, "Okay Slave Boys, you know the warm up drill! Same as yesterday."

They dropped their towels, wrapped their arms around each other and started "making out."

Jason smiled broadly as he watched them go at it. They were clearly more worked up than the day before, as evidenced by the way they were furiously rubbing their encased cocks up against each other.

He let them go at each other for awhile, then pulled them apart. Both were panting, and both were clearly super horned.

Jason smiled as he pulled off his jock strap and lay down on the exam table on his back. He looked at Coach and Logan and said, "Okay, before we get to the main lesson, I need my two Slave Boys to help me out. I didn't shower yet, so you guys can go ahead and give me a nice tongue bath!"

Both looked at Jason's glistening hard body. His cock was totally hard and sticking straight up.

It took a moment for Jason's order to sink in. When it did, they jumped to it!

Each one started with Jason's toes. They ran their tongues between each one and licked his feet.

By the time they started licking the inside of his legs, Jason was moaning really loud. He made them slow down and skip his groin.

They licked his sweaty armpits and moved to his nipples.

By the time Jason finally let them start working on his cock and balls, both were like two wild rabid dogs. They couldn't get enough of Jason's body.

Somehow Jason managed to keep from cumming. He let them get him close several times, then finally told them to stop. Both seemed really disappointed.

Jason glanced at their encaged cocks. Both were really twitching.

He concluded he had them both to the point they were totally beyond reason 3; and he was right!

He climbed off the table and said, "Okay Boys, time for the main lesson. It's actually more of a competition. And the winner will get to have his chastity device taken off! So you guys interested?"

Of course they were!

Jason laughed as he led them across the room to where two ropes dangled from a ceiling beam.

"Okay, here's the deal. You guys will take turns. When it is your turn, you will tied up with your arms over your head, and the other guy will lash you all over your body, until you ask him to stop! The guy who takes the most lashes wins! It's that simple."

Jason could tell that neither one was thinking clearly. The only thing they were thinking about was getting the chastity device off. Though he briefly had entertained the idea of leaving the decision of who would go first, up to chance, he decided on a more interesting approach.

"Okay, I decided that Logan will go first. I'll tie him up Coach, while you decide what you will you use on him. There's a bunch on items on that table, use one, or a combination, it's up to you. Just make sure you keep track of the number of lashes he takes before he begs for it to stop 3; cause that's the number you will have to beat when he does you!"

Jason proceeded quickly to tie Logan up as planned 3; with his arms spread wide and pulled up to the point he was standing on his toes. He smiled as he watched Coach Taylor sort through the various whips and was pleased when he selected a flogger that consisted of multiple leather straps.

Logan trembled as he listened to Jason's final instructions to the Coach.

"Okay, remember Coach, which ever one of you takes the most lashes wins, and gets the chastity device removed 3; so make them good ones!"

Coach looked at Logan's stretched and naked body. His cock stirred as he considered what was at stake. He wanted the damn thing off his cock, but felt a little sorry for Logan. Still there was the fact that Logan would be doing the same thing to him shortly, and would undoubtedly show no mercy. And that did it.

Coach Taylor raised the flogger and delivered a really hard blow across Logan's upper back.



It didn't take long for tears to start running down Logan's face 3; as his screams became louder.



Coach moved the blows around 3; he had started with his back 3; then moved to his ass 3; then his chest 3; And stomach 3; and so on.



The welts began to appear everywhere.



It went on and on!







Finally, Logan could stand it no more.

It took 67 hard lashes for Logan to cry out 3; "OH GOD 3; PLEASE STOP! I GIVE UP!"

Coach lowered the flogger and looked at Logan's tortured body. It was covered with some really nasty red welts. He gotten totally caught up in the moment, and couldn't believe he had just done that to one of his "boys."

Jason untied Logan and helped him to the ground.

Logan curled up in a ball and cried openly for some time.

When he finally managed to get back on his feet, it was Coach Taylor's turn to tremble. He saw the look in Logan's eyes as Jason tied Coach Taylor in the same manner.

Jason stepped back and took a good look at Coach Taylor's outstretched body. It was an awesome sight. He smiled as he watched Logan approach with the riding crop, flogger and leather strap. Yes he was really going to enjoy watching his hot young coach suffer.

Logan took a deep breath, raised the riding crop and delivered a savage blow across Coach Taylor's ass cheeks.



Coach Taylor cried out and pulled against his bonds. It was one thing to fantasize about this type of pain, but another to actually experience. He looked at Jason standing in front of him smiling, and felt a strange rush of excitement.

In spite of the pain he got more excited listening to Jason taunt him as Logan moved the blows around his naked body.



"Oh yea Coach, you do have a really nice body. To bad it's gonna get marked up so bad, and too bad the rest of the team isn't here to watch 3; Who knows, maybe next time."

Coach gasped as Logan began lashing his chest and stomach with the riding crop. He kept at it for twenty nasty lashes in a row before he started in on Coach's ass with the leather strap.

Coach Taylor's eyes filled with tears as Logan turned his eyes bright red. He was lashing as hard as he could and kept knocking Coach off his toes. With each blow, Coach Taylor's cries grew louder.




"EEEGOD!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!AHHHHH!"

Jason started to get a little worried that things were going just a little too far. There were some really nasty looking red marks all over his body, and his ass had gone from bright to dark red and showed signs of some cuts.

Logan seemed to be getting upset that Coach showed no signs of giving up. When he reached 55 lashes, he switched to the flogger. One of his favorite things was to lash Coach on the side of his body, so the leather thongs wrapped around and slammed into his stomach and chest.

He did the same thing to his thighs. Occasionally kicking his legs apart so he had access to the sensitive inner parts. Coach Taylor was crying hard as they passed the 67 mark.

Jason allowed Logan to deliver three extra blows for good measure before he told him to stop. He untied the Coach and helped him lie down on the floor. Like Logan, Coach Taylor curled up in a ball and just sobbed for awhile.

Jason dipped some rags in cold water and gently dabbed the welts on his body. He was a little concerned that there would be some scaring. It took sometime for Coach to stop sobbing. When he finally did, he sat up slowly, smiled weakly at Jason and said, "Guess I won the prize didn't I."

Jason laughed as he helped Coach to his feet and proceeded to remove the chastity device. Coach breathed a sigh of relieve as the thing came off and began to blush as nature took it's course.

Jason smiled as he watched Coach's manhood rise to full erection. He had to admit, he was really extremely well endowed. Logan stared at Coach Taylor's huge hard cock and said, "Holy SHIT!"

He swallowed hard as Jason chuckled, "Don't worry Logan, I have a feeling you're going to get a chance real soon to ride that thing!"

He grabbed hold of Coach's cock and said, "Okay Slave Boy, now listen up. You earned the right to get the device off, now this is what I want you to do. You get dressed and go home. I suggest you might want to soak in the tub for a little while when you get there.

I'll expect you be ready to appear on your Webcam tonight and I don't want you jacking off before then. Do you understand?"

Coach nodded, and said "Yes Sir!"

Surprisingly, the effects of the savage whipping seemed to be wearing off fairly quickly, all except the welts of course. He felt more blood rush into his cock as he considered the fact that Jason would be using him that evening.

Jason gave him his clothes and told both of them to get dressed and hit the road. Logan asked about his chastity device and Jason laughed, "Yours stays on for awhile longer! Who knows though we might just find a way for you to earn an early release.

Logan dressed quickly and headed off. Jason helped Coach Taylor straighten up and then lock the building. He could tell Coach was feeling some pain, but was excited by the fact that, in spite of it all, he was clearly staying boned.

When Coach got home, Steph and his assistant were really going at it. He took a peek in the basement and was amazed at just how far they had come.

"Wow, you guys really work fast."

Steph smiled and said, "Yea, we like to get a job done as fast as we can. We do it right, but also work pretty fast."

Coach offered them some cold drinks, but Steph said they were fine, since they had brought a well stocked cooler.

They chatted for a little while, then Coach went back upstairs. He took Jason's advice and soaked in the tub for awhile. By the time he was finished, the worst of the welts were looking a lot better. They were still there, but not as nasty looking. He realized he would not be running bare-chested the next morning or two, which was a little bit of a disappointment. Especially the way Chip looked at him. He wondered what he'd think if he saw the whip marks. He toyed with the idea of letting Chip see them, but quickly put it out of his mind.

Steph and his assistant worked until 5:00 that afternoon. Coach was really excited at how far they had come. Steph assured him they would be able to finish the next day. He pointed across the room as he said, "And I've got a surprise for you. It seems the Emporium had a rack in the warehouse. So we were able to get it right away. It's all set and ready to go."

Coach looked at the rack. It was as impressive as it was ominous looking. He felt his cock hardening again as he imagined being stretched out naked on the rack at the mercy of a cruel and sadistic master.

The rest of the dungeon was really looking good. The imitation stone walls looked real. The track lighting was in place, along with most of the equipment.

Steph told him they would probably be finished by 3:00 the next day. The last thing to be done would be the new wall.

Coach thanked them for their worked and walked them to the door.

He rewarded himself by throwing together a quick steak dinner.

He could hardly wait for his session with Jason and wondered just what he had in store for him.

He set the sex toy foot locker on the floor near the computer. He tested the WebCam and made sure the restraint chair and Internet activated toys were ready to go. He had a hunch, that since the chastity device was off, Jason might want to use the cock internet torture device on him, and that made him really hard.

As the top of the hour neared, he got more and more excited. Being forced to display himself on the WebCam was still scary, but also very exciting. He wondered how long it would be before Jason forced him to display himself in front of others 3; and that got him even harder.

He checked his email shortly before 9:00 and was pleased to see there was one there from Jason. He opened the email and started breathing hard as he read the contents.

It included step by step instructions about how to open up an account on a popular BDSM Social site. Coach was ordered to open a Gold account that allowed all members to contact him.

He was to set things up that he would broadcast his WebCam whenever Jason told him to, and would allow, anyone who wanted to watch him. Furthermore, he was to keep Jason informed of how many viewers he had and save all of their instant messages for Jason to read.

Jason gave him his own user name which was "RedBoyMaster". Jason also explained that whenever he was on at the same time, he would open up a conference so he could chat with anyone who was watching Coach.

Coach felt really scared as he followed Jason's instructions. He set up the account using the Account name "HornySlaveBoy22" using the details Jason provided him for his profile. Then he made sure he could launch the WebCam. It worked perfectly.

He jumped when his cell phone rang at 9:30.

It was Jason, of course, who insisted that turn his WebCamBroadcast on immediately.

Coach rushed to obey.

He launched the Cam, adjusted the lights in the room and was surprised, when within minutes he started noticing people connecting to his broadcast.

Following Jason's instructions, he invited each one to join him in a private Chat room. Jason was there as well.

Coach watched as the number of viewers rose to just over ten. Judging by their profiles, most were guys, and most were older than Coach, although three of the profiles indicated they were 19 or 20 years old (including Jason's 3; so much for age verification!).

Coach started breathing hard as the realization sunk in 3; these people were actually watching him. He chatted and exchanged greetings for awhile, and it wasn't long before the chat started getting sexual.

Fortunately for Coach, the viewers all seemed to have sound, so they could hear him talking, which meant he didn't have to type as much.

Jason made him explain to everyone that he was a slave boy and that his Master was "RedBoyMaster" and was in the Chat room.

Almost immediately, requests started coming in for what Coach should be ordered to do. Jason pretty much took over. To everyone's delight, he ordered Coach to strip totally naked.

Coach began breathing really hard as he removed his clothes. By the time he was completely naked, he was totally boned.

Jason ordered him to stand in front of the camera and stroke himself to the edge. It was a huge turn on for everyone watching, but an even bigger one for coach. The fact he was doing this in front of people he didn't know was driving him wild.

As soon as he announced he was at the edge Jason ordered him to sit in the chair and hook up the Internet enabled devices. They included: the Anal Stimulator, Electric Tit Clamps, and the Cock and Ball Torture devices.

Jason explained it all in chat as Coach finished by attaching the restraints. Most were totally blown away when he explained the fact that once Slave Boy slid the right wrist restraint on, his bondage would be in Jason's control.

Coach finally locked the restraint in place. It was clear he was going no where until his "Master" released the restraint via the net.

Jason smiled as he watched the Chat window. Almost everyone of the viewers clamored for him to make his Boy suffer while they watched. Several offered him money to be able to control the devices.

Jason chuckled in chat as he asked everyone to be quiet and listen.

The number of viewers rose to 12 as Jason began manipulating the controls. Coach started to moan as he felt the sensations in his ass, cock, balls and nipples.

Jason did a sort of twisted "play-by-play" in the chat window as he adjusted the settings on the controls.

The viewers were clearly loving it. Especially since they could hear Coach's voice.

Jason did a great job bringing Coach to the edge several times. Each time Coach begged to be allowed to cum. He was beyond caring that people were watching. Jason was really loving the attention he was getting in the chat room too!

He asked if they wanted to hear the Slave Boy scream 3; and needless to say, they all did.

Jason triggered the device that started squeezing Coach's balls. It didn't take long for him to start really thrashing and then screaming.

His screaming grew louder as Jason triggered the spiked cock rings.

He tortured Coach for almost an hour. The viewers could tell, the pain was very real and were really enjoying the perverse show. Jason marveled at how many of them kept requesting more pain to his balls.

By the time he backed off, Coach's body was covered with sweat. He was crying and begging to be let go. A couple of the viewers suggested that Jason let him go, but were quickly outvoted.

Finally Jason announced it was time for the finale. He would use the devices to make Slave Boy cum. As soon as he did, he would be released, but would have to eat all of his cum while everyone watched.

Coach stared at the screen. He saw what Jason wrote in chat and responded quickly, "Yes MASTER, I'll do it 3; please make me cum."

Jason slowly brought Coach back to the edge, using a combination of anal, testicle, nipple and cock stimulation. The pain was gone 3; replaced by pure pleasure.

When Coach finally came, it was really explosive. He screamed as several volleys of his rich white seed blasted out of his cock.

Jason let him catch his breath before releasing the wrist restraint by remote. To everyone's delight, Coach used his free hand to sop up his cum and deliver it to his mouth.

Jason was delighted. Everyone stayed in chat while Coach freed himself.

Most told Coach how hot he was, and how much they were looking forward to the next time he was online.

It took awhile for everyone to sign off. Jason reminded Coach Taylor that this was just the beginning and then signed off himself.

Coach Taylor carefully packed up all the toys. He thought about the last couple of days and all that had happened. His body was aching all over. His balls felt totally drained. And he felt a little guilty.

He considered the guilt briefly and then tossed it aside.

Right or wrong, he liked what had happened and couldn't wait for Jason's next orders!

Thanks to all!

A major thank you to all who have responded with answers, suggestions and such. And special thanks to those who have attached pictures they feel "represent" the lead characters in the story. It is a difficult thing to do 3; to translate the written image to real ones.

I am in the process of reviewing all the pictures I have received and deciding on which ones come closest to the images in my mind. A number are close enough for me to use while I write. I will be more than happy to forward them to anyone who asks for them, with one condition 3; you must ask me for them, confirm that you are over the age of 18, AND accept the fact that, to the best of my knowledge the individuals depicted in any pictures that could be regarded as pornographic, are actually over the age of 18. (Or words to that effect!)

Speaking of photos 3; there was one that was recently submitted that has been a major inspiration. Though his hair is not "quite" as red as I envisioned, he has been serving as my inspiration for Coach Taylor.

NOW on to other matters 3; As I have indicated before, I do try to incorporate the input and suggestions I receive as best I can 3; when I can. So please hang in there!

Chapter 17 begins the process of bringing the "Brothers" back to center stage 3; albeit with some twists. Chip, Dennis, Stevie ALONG with Mark and Matt will continue to be the MAIN characters, but will become involved in an accelerating series of encounters with Aaron and Justyn (The Cousins) 3; and Jason, Logan and Coach Taylor (The Lacrosse Team connection!

The other characters will continue to appear at times. Foremost among them are Pete, Andy, and Zack.

And for everyone waiting for more torture, STAY TUNED! The Dungeon is just about finished! The "LINK" has been "set-up" in the storyline!
