PZA Boy Stories

Scott Westwood

Boys Love Torture

Chapter 5
Deal or No Deal

New Boy Facts:

Three BOY FACTS have just been added. Two were suggested by a reader and one is from me. Feel free to suggest more!

Boy Fact #12 – Boys are really afraid of something serious happening to their precious genitals. But they can get hard thinking about other boys living through their worst nightmares like getting balls crushed or penises cut off.

Boy Fact #13 – Younger boys are fascinated by older boys' 'tools'. Part of it may be from envy. They love the thought of torturing older boys genitals.

Boy Fact #14 – Most teenage boys have an incredibly rapid recovery time. Especially when it comes to anything even remotely sexually challenging.

(All Boy Facts (in new window))

And now on with the Story!

Aaron shuddered a little as he realized that 'he' would probably be that 'present' and that one of the recipients had just been trained on how to use the tunnel. 'Oh well,' he thought, 'It will be an experience for sure.'

Chip was heading towards the door, when Aaron had a thought.

"Hang on a second, Chip, I've got something for you, "Aaron said.

Chip turned and walked over, as Aaron reopened the trunk, rummaged around and finally handed Chip a key.

"Okay Dude, take this and keep it with you all the time. It's the spare key to Mark's chastity device. I'm not sure how I'm gonna explain why you have it, but something will come to me."

Chip smiled as he accepted the key, "Gee thanks. This is cool. I'll try to think of something too. So does this mean I can unlock it?"

"Sure, whenever you want, just as long as you lock it back on, when you are done!" Aaron chuckled.

Chip thought for a moment and then asked, "Umm, Aaron, I was just wondering if maybe I could borrow some of your 3; umm sex toys sometimes?"

Aaron laughed and said, "Sure, just let me know what you want. You can borrow just about anything, except for the tunnel, at least for now. I have plenty of stuff."

Chip was really getting excited. "Well, I'm thinking it might be a lot of stuff, and I'll understand if you don't want me to borrow that much."

Aaron thought for a moment, and then chuckled, "Actually, I just thought of something! Follow me Dude!"

Chip followed Aaron up into the garage lost and watched curiously as Aaron moved a bunch of boxes around and then pulled out another footlocker. It was almost as big as the one that had Aaron had his sex stuff in.

"Okay Chip, I think this just might work out better," Aaron said as he unlocked the trunk's combination lock. "By the way the combination is 6-6-6," he laughed.

Chip's curiosity was totally aroused now. "So, like, um 3; what's in it?"

Aaron smiled and continued, "Well, there's this buddy of mine who was really into this stuff for a number of years. He got married last year and gave me all his toys, cause he's really not into it at all anymore. I was gonna try and sell some of the stuff on the net, but just never got around to it. I have so much stuff already and don't really need these. I hate to see it go to waste and it just occurred to me that you guys would make real good use of it all."

Chip's eyes widened as Aaron flipped the lid of the trunk, lifted the top tray out of the trunk, set it on the floor and said, "VOILA!"

He looked at the stuff in the big tray and then into the trunk and could not believe what he was seeing. It contained every conceivable type BDSM toy imaginable. Just like Aaron's trunk. All except for the tunnel, of course.

Aaron watched as Chip rummaged through the stuff and added, "Oh yea and by the way, there is a box in there full of all the batteries you'll need for the vibrating stuff, like the cock rings, masturbator, butt plugs and some of the dildo's.

Chip looked at the collection of dildo's and swallowed hard. Some of them looked really nasty!

Finally he managed to stammer, "Um, wow Aaron, this is just awesome. But it seems like too much. I mean really. I could give you some money for it, but I don't have very much."

Aaron placed his hands on Chip's shoulder and said softly, "Don't worry about it. Consider it a gift, and in return, let's just say you owe me a few favors."

Chip thought for a moment, and then said, "Well, okay 3; sure 3; this is way cool. Thanks a lot."

Aaron said, "My pleasure. You can keep the trunk here as long as you want, but I suspect you will want to move it out to your 'torture house' place pretty soon."

Chip stammered some more, "Ummm, yea! I'll see if I can get someone to help me carry it."

Aaron laughed, "Well Dude, I have to get to the airport, if you need me to help get it out to that house, let me know. You can come back later tonight to get it. Or if you want it sooner, and I'm not back yet, just come in through the back door, I'll leave it unlocked. Okay?"

Chip nodded and then said, "Wow, man thanks again, this is really wild! And I guess I'd better book! Mark's probably wondering what happened to me. You are the best man!"

And with that, Chip was off.

His mind was still trying to take it all in. He figured he should try and catch up with Mark as soon as he could, so when he left Aaron, he headed right for the woods. He got to the small clearing just as Mark was pulling on his shirt.

Mark panted, "Dude, I was wondering what happened to you! I came back and you were gone."

Chip laughed and said, "Well Dude, I was wondering the same thing about you, so I went looking for you. So where the hell did you go?"

Mark thought for a moment. He wondered how much he should tell Chip. Then he decided to just tell him the whole thing. He was certain Chip could be trusted.

Chip listened attentively as Mark gave him a 'blow-by-blow' account of all that had happened with Aaron, including the things he told Aaron about him and Matt. He seemed pretty embarrassed to admit to what was going on with Matt. Still he really liked Chip, and it felt pretty good to finally get it all off his chest.

Chip noted that Mark's description was both detailed and very complete, except for one item 3; the chastity device.

"Pretty intense wasn't it Chip? Dude I was so scared! And now the crazy thing is I am gonna have to be his slave. Oh well, sounds kinda weird I guess," Mark chirped.

He was about to continue when he saw a strange expression cross Chip's face. Chip was feeling more guilty as he reflected on the whole event.

"Listen Dude, I have a confession to make, and I hope you won't be too mad at me, cause I really want to be friends!" Chip said softly.

"A confession about what, Chip?" Mark asked.

"Well, that whole thing 3; ummm 3; with Aaron, and all 3; was 3; ummm 3; a setup right from the start!" Chip stammered.

Mark's eyes widened, "What do you mean 3; a setup?"

Chip looked apologetically at Mark and said, "Well, I set the whole thing up with Aaron when you were on your run. I figured he'd help out. But it did go a lot farther than I had planned. I just wanted to scare you. He was supposed to catch you and then punish you for a little while. So, please don't be too mad at me!"

Mark's mouth dropped open, "HOLY SHIT! FUCK ME! 3; DANG!"

Mark's mind was spinning. He stood there thinking for at least a minute. Chip cringed as Mark took a breath and opened his mouth to speak. He was afraid Mark would be really pissed.

"Oh my GOD! Holy SHIT! HOLY SHIT! You guys scared the total piss out of me. I thought I was gonna be totally screwed for sure!" Mark laughed.

"So 3; um 3; you're not mad at me?" Chip asked tentatively.

Mark smiled and said, "Well, I guess I probably should be, but what the hell, it was actually pretty exciting. And man, I don't think I've ever 3; um 3; cum that hard in my life 3; dude you should have seen it!"

Chip smiled and chuckled, "Well 3; ah 3; and see that's the other thing I need to tell you 3; I actually did see it."

Mark's mouth dropped open again as Chip went on to explain the whole thing about being outside the window 3; about watching Mark get spanked 3; and about being in the garage loft the entire time.

Mark felt his cock straining against the chastity device as he considered the fact Chip had seen it all. Had watched him getting spanked 3; then sucking and licking Aaron 3; retrieving his cum soaked jock from the laundry basket 3; and of course cumming under torture.

"So, then you know about this thing he put on me, I guess?" Mark chuckled.

"Yea. The chastity device!" Chip said.

Mark pondered for a moment and then said, "Damn, this is gonna be wicked. It won't let me get hard. I'll go crazy if I can't cum."

Chip smiled and said, "Well I have a surprise for you."

He reached inside the neck of his t-shirt and pulled out the chain with the key.

"You see I have the spare key, which means I can unlock you whenever I want!"

Mark's eyes widened yet again, then he looked suspicious, "But I'll bet it's gonna cost me something isn't it?"

Chip laughed, "Well, of course. But it won't be a big deal. All you need to do is meet me here each morning after my run. Then I'll unlock you while we do more initiation stuff. Do a good job, and I'll make sure you cum before I lock it back on you."

Mark thought for just a second and then chirped, "Wow. Cool! Okay, I can handle that."

They worked out the details. It was decided they wouldn't worry about the challenge questions. Mark would simply do whatever Chip told him to do each morning.

They kidded around a little while, then Chip sent Mark on his way. He figured Mark had done enough for the day, and besides, he needed time to think, and specifically to jack off.

Dennis and Stevie were hanging out in the family room, playing video games when Chip got home.

He wasted no time jumping in the shower and began his long overdue slow jack-off session. Chip loved jerking off in the shower after a run and this one promised to be a great one.

He took his time and let his imagination run wild as he ran his hands all over his tight body. He played with his nipples, stroked his pubes, rubbed the insides of his thighs and worked his hands closer and closer to his cock and balls to tease himself.

He recalled the events of the last few days. The thing with Dennis had been really hot. Then he thought about Pete and Andy and their entire conversation about a deal.

"Damn!" he thought, "It might just be worth giving them a shot at my body, if I could fuck Andy's tight hole! Two hours of torture from them. Then I'd get to do the same to them for four hours each. Talk about a one sided deal! But hell, if they were dumb enough to go for it, why not? Plus, after I won, they'd be my slaves for a full week, and I'm sure Aaron would let me use the Tunnel on them. I can almost hear them both screaming! The only question would be when to make the deal."

Decisions! Decisions!

And then, there was Mark!

Chip grabbed hold of his cock and started to stroke slowly as he thought about Mark's tight little body, stretched out painfully on the 'rack.' "Damn, he looked great! And damn it was really fun watching him sweat and suffer. Especially when he started to scream!" he thought. "And, OH MY GOD, when he 'came and came and came', how awesome was that?"

Well, for Chip, it was pretty awesome, cause he started to shoot like crazy, all over the shower walls. It seemed to last for ever. When he was finally able to catch his breath, Chip finished his shower then got dressed.

By the time he went back downstairs, Dennis and Stevie were both gone, which was just as well, cause Chip really needed time to think and plan.

He went back to their room, got on his computer, opened up an 'organizer program' and started making notes. So much was happening, he figured he needed to get himself really organized. His files were all password protected and encrypted, so there was no danger that Dennis or Stevie could get in to them.

He started off by making some quick notes, in no particular order. When he was done he would go back and organize them.

[TO DO #1 – Give Aaron to Stevie and Mark to be their total slave for a day as their birthday present. Make sure they torture him really hard. Have Mark use the Tunnel on him.]

Chip had won the bet with Aaron, and both had agreed that 'anything goes'. As much as Chip would have liked to have Aaron as his slave, he thought it would be really cool to let Stevie and Mark have their way with 21 year old Aaron.

[TO DO #2 – Move the 'toys' he got from Aaron out to the torture house!]

Chip just wanted to be ready for anything that might happen.

[TO DO #3 – Initiate Mark every morning and make him cum.]

Chip did feel a little guilty about this one, but what the hell. The thought of doing stuff to Mark was too big of a turn-on to pass up. Besides, come hell or high water, he was going to make sure the 'club' existed!

[TO DO #4 – Make Stevie and Jimmy do some initiation things for the 'club.']

Chip really liked that idea. That would be part of their punishment for misleading Mark.

[TO DO #5 – Find a way to get Mark to be able to torture his older brother Matt!]

Chip figured that was probably what Aaron had in mind when he did the thing with the chastity device on Mark. Aaron would force Matt to make a deal to get the chastity device removed from Mark.

[TO DO #6 – Make the deal with Pete and Andy! Make sure they know 'Anything Goes!']

Chip thought about this one for some time. He figured he was probably crazy for even considering it, but what the hell. Getting to do things to Pete and Andy was probably worth the risk. The deal was very one-sided in his favor. They would torture him for two hours, then he would get to do the same to them for four hours regardless of what happened during his two hours. And, if they couldn't make him beg to stop, both of them would be his slaves for a full week! He knew he had a very high tolerance for pain, and was certain he would win. Still he would need to come up with some basic rules for the 'Deal.' So he wrote them out.

(Boy Fact #7 – A horny teenage boy lacks common sense.]

[The Deal-

Part 1 – Pete and Andy can do whatever they want to Chip for TWO HOURS 3; anything goes except for the following: No blood, No permanent marks, No eating shit, and No picture taking.

Part 2 – Chip can do whatever he wants to Pete and Andy for FOUR HOURS 3; anything goes except for the following: No blood, No permanent marks, No eating shit, and No picture taking.

Part 3 – In addition, if Pete and Andy can make Chip beg for them to stop, or refuses to do anything they say during the TWO HOURS, then he will be their total slave boy for a full week. And ANYTHING GOES! If they can't then the two of them would be Chip's slaves for a full week. And ANYTHING GOES!

SPECIAL NOTE – 'ANYTHING GOES' means anything that will not get either of us arrested!]

Chip smiled as he thought, "Now that should do it. If they go for this deal they really are dumber than I thought."

For some strange reason, Chip did not seem at all concerned about his own two hours of torment. And stranger yet, he found himself getting harder just thinking about it. Which was very strange for him.

Chip's mind tended to move very fast and worked on several levels at once. While he could be a very meticulous, detailed planner, he had to have a bunch of things in play to keep from getting bored.

Chip sighed as he looked at his list, then spoke out loud to himself, "Oh hell, let's just see if they want to get this fucking party started!"

He grabbed his cell phone, brought up Pete's number, and pressed CALL!

It took just a minute for Pete to recognize the number and answer, "Yo Dude, what's up? You'll never guess where we are right now!"

Chip should probably have tried to guess, but he didn't even try! He took the 'High Ground', cut Pete off and snapped, "I don't give a shit where you are, just want to know, is Andy with you?"

Pete stammered, "Uh yeah 3; he's with me 3; we are out at 3;"

Again Chip cut him off, "Dude, I don't care where you are, or what you two little horny toads are doing! Remember the deal we talked about?"

Pete stammered some more, "Oh 3; yea 3; that's right 3; um 3; yeah!"

Chip laughed and said, "Okay, if you want to make the deal, get your little asses over here in 30 minutes! And we will see!"

Chip hung up the phone and looked at the clock as he thought, "Now that should do it 3; one way or another!"

Chip started stroking himself through his shorts as he thought about the things he would do to Pete and Andy during their four hours and also during the week when they would be his slaves. There would be plenty of torture and humiliation. He definitely planned to use the torture house and possibly the Tunnel. They didn't know about the torture house, so that would be a big surprise when he took them there after his two hours.

This got him thinking about all the toys Aaron had given him and how they could be used. He wished he had the money to buy a few of other nasty items he had seen on the net.

And then it HIT him in one incredible FLASH! A way to torture and humiliate Pete and Andy, and make a bunch of money at the same time. The more he thought about it, the more excited he got. A nasty plan started to come together in his mind. The only complication would be the fact he couldn't use the torture house. Since the plan would require that a whole lot of other guys were involved, he'd have to find another location because he'd prefer to keep the torture house thing within his little group. He was totally confident that he could find a safe place and that his rapidly evolving plan would work.

Things had suddenly changed. Now, he absolutely had to get them to go for the deal.

He considered changing the deal a little to make it even more enticing for them, since it was so one-sided, but then decided against it.

"Yea," he thought, "I think I know just what will push them over the edge."

Chip printed out a copy of 'The Deal', and then sprang into action.

He stripped off his clothes, ran into the bathroom, jumped in the shower, wet himself down, wrapped himself in a towel and waited.

As soon as he heard Pete and Andy bouncing up the stairs he walked back into the bedroom.

They arrived just as Chip returned from his 'Shower.'

Chip laughed and said, "Wow, you guys got here fast. Thought I'd have time to take a quick shower and get dressed before you guys got here. Well, it doesn't matter, I printed out the deal. It's on the desk. Take a look at it. And if you guys have the guts to actually go through with it, we can do it in two weeks."

Pete stammered, "Um 3; ah 3; okay 3;" as he picked up the paper and began reading. Andy looked over his shoulder. Both of their eyes widened as they read the terms.

Chip waited to start his little 'show' which he was sure would push them over the edge.

An intense whispered argument ensued between Pete and Andy. Finally they turned to Chip and Pete said, "Well, we don't know Chip, I mean really, like how come you get to do things to us for four hours, but we only get to do them to you for two?"

Chip smiled as he pulled off his towel and began drying his hair. He could 'feel' their eyes checking out his naked body. Chip, of course, knew just how impressive his body was.

"Well, that's because it's me you are dealing with and not some pimple faced geek. That's the price you will have to pay, just to get me to do it. So take it or leave it! Just remember, like it says, 'ANYTHING GOES'!"

He ran the towel up and down his body, and took extra time drying his ass and groin.

Pete and Andy started whispering too each other again.

Chip smiled, dropped the towel, pulled on a jock strap and walked over to them.

He put his hands on their shoulders and asked, "So how about it guys, is this 'A Deal or No Deal?'"

Andy nudged Pete, who stammered again, "Well 3; umm 3; about this Anything Goes thing 3; um that means we can do anything we want to you 3; and make you do anything we want?"

Chip suppressed a smile. He knew he had won.

"Yea, ANYTHING GOES, except for the conditions that are written there. Oh, and I guess except for something that will definitely get us all arrested!"

He grabbed Pete and Andy's right hands and pulled them down to his jock strap pouch.

"Other than those things, anything goes!"

Chip glanced at the front of their shorts, which were now totally tented.

"So how about it? Is it a Deal?"

Pete and Andy were beyond conferencing! Both nodded and said, "YEA! DEAL!"

Chip smiled as another idea popped into his devious brain. He loved drama, and decided to have a little fun.

"Okay, we are going to have to seal the deal with a little ceremony!" he said as he grabbed a plate and set it on the floor. He took the printed copy of the Deal and laid it on the plate along with a pack of matches.

Then he told Pete and Andy to kneel around the plate.

"Okay, this is how we will make the deal official. When I say go, we will all jackoff and shoot onto the paper. When we are done, I will light the paper on fire, and that will mean the deal is sealed! Got it?"

They were totally caught up in Chip's spell and could only nod.

Chip said, "Go" and all three pulled out their cocks and started jacking furiously. It didn't take long for the three horny teen jocks to Seal the Deal! Andy shot first, followed by Pete and Chip in rapid succession.

Chip quickly lit the paper on fire and the three watched as the flames consumed paper and cum.

Finally Chip chuckled, "Is it just me, or does burning cumm smell pretty weird?"

They all laughed as Chip dressed and the other two put their cocks back in place.

It took just a few minutes for them to confirm that the 'big event' would happen in two weeks.

Chip was feeling pretty confident as Pete and Andy prepared to leave.

"By the way Dudes, so where do you want to do the two hours with me?" Chip asked in a matter-of-fact manner.

They smiled as they walked to the door and Pete said, "Oh that's easy, we'll do it at the 'Torture House.'"

Chip's mouth dropped open and he stammered, "The Torture House" 3; um 3; how did you find out about that? I didn't think you guys even knew about it."

Pete laughed as they walked out the door, "Oh, heck, Dennis told us all about it. In fact that's where we were when you called us. Dennis and Stevie were giving us the grand tour. It's really cool. We'll have a lot of fun with you there. Oh, and don't worry, Dennis and Stevie don't know about our little deal, at least not yet. And you said Anything Goes!"

Chip heard them laughing as they bounced down the stairs. He thought about the last part of the conversation. Though it had come as a surprise, he figured it had probably been inevitable that they would find out about the house. Especially since they were so close to Dennis. Still, he was now getting a little more apprehensive about his two hours.

Once again, Chip needed some time to think. He grabbed a soccer ball and headed out to the park.

As things turned out, a bunch of his friends were at the park, and he got totally caught up in a pick-up soccer game. Which was actually what he needed 3; to get his mind off of things.

When Chip finally returned, he realized someone else was there as soon as he entered the house. He heard laughter coming from their upstairs bedroom. He was about to call out as he climbed the stairs then stopped as he recognized the voices. It was Stevie, Jimmy and Mark, and by the sounds of things they were playing a video game.

Chip stopped and listened, wondering if Dennis was there too. The way they were talking, it was pretty clear that the three were alone. An idea popped into Chip's head. "This could be a lot of fun!" he thought as he continued up the stairs.

When he walked into the room, Stevie and Mark were totally wrapped up in a video game and Jimmy was watching. He kicked off his sneakers, pulled off his sweaty soccer shirt and shorts and tossed them into the laundry basket as he chuckled, "So who's winning?"

Stevie laughed, "I am right now."

Mark laughed back, "Yea, well not for long."

He glanced over at Chip who was standing across the room, wearing only his white socks and jock. Mark seemed genuinely surprised as he said, "Oh hey Chip, so, like 3; um 3; what are you doing here?"

Chip laughed as he pulled off his socks, "Why shouldn't I be here? This is my room too you know?"

Mark's eyes widened, then he turned to Stevie and asked, "Wait a minute 3; you guys are brothers?"

Chip smiled as Stevie said, "Yea, pretty scary, huh? But he's okay!"

There was a moment of silence, then Stevie paused the game and looked at Mark.

"Hang on a second! You called him Chip, when he first came in, like you already knew him."

Mark said, "Oh yea, I do, I just didn't know he was your brother, that's all."

Chip smiled as he picked up a towel and headed towards the bathroom.

Stevie continued to think, then asked, "So, like um, how did you meet Chip?"

Chip listened intently as he stripped off his jockstrap and tossed it into the laundry basket. The excitement of the moment was beginning to make him hard, so he wrapped the towel around his waist. He wondered if he would have to add something to the conversation, to create the shock he was hoping for. As luck would have it, he didn't have to.

Mark perked up and chirped, "Oh yea! He made me do some of the challenges this morning, and some other initiation stuff for the club."

It took a great deal of self control for Chip to maintain a straight face as he saw the look on Stevie's and Jimmy's faces. They looked white as ghosts.

Chip, walked over, patted Mark on the shoulder and said, "Yea, you two would have been proud of him, he did a great job, and will definitely make a great club member."

Chip was really enjoying himself. Stevie and Jimmy were frozen in place, in an obvious state of panic.

Chip let them stew for a couple of minutes as he had Mark explain some of the things Chip made him do. He cut him off before the stuff with Aaron came up.

"Well, anyway, that's enough for now Mark, like I said, you did really well, now if you don't mind, I need you to go downstairs and wait in the living room for a few minutes, while I talk to Stevie and Jimmy for a moment about some special club business. We won't be long."

Mark jumped up and headed towards the door, just before he left, he looked back at the three and bubbled, "You guys are really awesome. I'm so glad I hooked up with you and the club and all."

And with that, he was on his way downstairs.

Chip walked over, closed the door, and then glared at Jimmy and Stevie.

"So, what do you think about that? Pretty cool dude isn't he?" Chip snapped.

Jimmy and Stevie were trying to figure out if Chip was pissed off as they both stammered, "Uh, yea 3; he's really cool!"

Chip walked back and stood in front of them. He continued his glare as he said dramatically, "Okay, you two little shits, I am gonna make this really quick. I'll start by telling you how I found out about this so-called club thing, and then I'll tell you how you two are gonna help fix things. And if you don't wanna fix it, just say so, and then I'll beat the SHIT out of both of you! Got it?"

They both nodded.

Chip smiled, leaned closer and then proceeded to tell them the story about how he had hidden himself in the closet, and watched as they messed with Dennis. He also told them about how Pete and Andy ended up in the closet too. The only part he left out was the discussion about 'The Deal' between him and Pete and Andy.

They sat in shock for a moment, then Jimmy said, "WOW!" followed almost immediately by Stevie saying, "HOLY SHIT! Ummm 3; so Chip are you mad at us or what?"

Chip glared for a moment, then cracked a smile, "Well, I was for a little while. Mark seems to be really cool, and I know he really likes you guys. Since he just moved here, he was really anxious to make friends, and you guys took advantage of that."

Stevie started to say something, but Chip cut him off, "But, don't worry about it. Cause I guess I did too with the 'challenge' thing, although the primary reason I did it was to see how long it would take you guys to find out, and to sort of blow your minds. But, anyway, Mark is really cool, and he is really pumped about the club. He is also being a really great sport about the whole initiation thing, and I don't want to hurt his feelings. So I have a way to make things right."

Stevie and Jimmy seemed relieved.

Chip smiled and continued, "Okay, so from this moment on, 'the club' exists and we will do 'stuff' as a club. Mark will continue to be initiated, mostly because he is really excited about that. I'll explain the whole thing to Pete and Andy, and none of us will tell Mark how this thing got started. I'll probably tell him sometime in the future, but not right now. Got it?"

They both nodded.

Chip chuckled, "Good! Oh and one other thing! You two are gonna have to be punished for taking advantage of Mark, the way you did, and I have something in mind. Okay?"

They nodded again.

Chip smiled and said, "Okay, I'm gonna call Mark back up here. You two just follow my lead.

Mark was excited when he entered the room. In spite of everything he had already been through, he was once again horny as hell and his cock was straining inside the chastity device as he contemplated the fact that he was going to be doing some more initiation stuff.

He was right about that! But not in the way he thought.

Chip told him to stand beside Stevie and Jimmy, and listen to what he had to say.

"Okay Mark, now the three of us have been talking, and we are all really impressed with the way you have been doing your initiation stuff! Isn't that right Stevie and Jimmy?"

They looked at each other and stammered, "Uh 3; yea 3; that's right!"

Mark beamed, as Chip continued, "There is just one thing I didn't tell them about, and I think it is best we just show them as I let you out of it. You deserve a little relief. So go ahead and show them that special thing you are wearing."

Stevie and Jimmy stared, wide-eyed as Mark pulled his shorts down to reveal the chastity device.

They all started breathing heavily as Chip released Mark's cock and balls from the device. Needless to say, his erection was almost instantaneous.

Chip let Stevie and Jimmy stare at Mark's hard cock for about a minute, then pulled his shorts back up.

"Okay, Mark, it's time for some more initiation stuff. Are you ready?"

Mark relied excitedly, "OH YEA!"

Chip smiled and said, "Well, this is gonna be a little different. Cause I am going to give you your first assignment as a club member, and will judge how well you do! So are you ready for it?"

Mark swallowed and said, "I'll do whatever you say!"

Chip stared at Stevie and Jimmy as he continued, "Okay Mark, this is your first real test! It is actually sort of a reward too. You see Stevie and Jimmy are not yet done with their own initiations, so you will initiate them for one hour! They will do whatever you say! Isn't that right boys?"

Stevie and Jimmy gulped and nodded, "Uh, yea."

Chip thought the look on Mark's face was priceless.

"Holy shit 3; are you serious?" Mark stuttered.

Chip laughed, "Totally! Go ahead and give them an order, your hour just started. Impress me with the stuff you make them do, and you just might earn another reward!"

There was another long pause, and then 3; it happened! It was like a switch had been thrown. Chip watched in awe as Mark took over!

"All right you guys, stop staring at me and STRIP 3; And I mean STRIP totally naked NOW!" Mark shouted at Stevie and Jimmy.

Stevie and Jimmy looked at Chip.

Chip shrugged and pointed at Mark.

There was another brief pause 3;

Mark saw where they were looking and snapped, "Okay you two shitheads, you head what he said, I am in charge for the next hour, so get over it! NOW STRIP!"

They all jumped at the fierceness in Mark's voice. Then Stevie and Jimmy proceeded to pull off their clothes in a hurry. Chip smiled as he sat down in the chair in front of his computer. He had thought about showering but didn't want to miss anything.

As soon as Stevie and Jimmy were completely naked, Mark told them to run downstairs, go out into the back yard and touch back fence. While there, they were each to do ten pushups, ten situps and then kiss each other's cock ten times. Then they could come back.

Jimmy started to whimper, but Mark wouldn't have it. He slapped them both on the ass hard and shouted, "NOW GET MOVING!"

And they MOVED! Out the door and down the stairs. Chip and Mark went over to the window and watched as they ran across the back yard. Chip was liking Mark more and more. Both had monster hardon's now, as did Stevie and Jimmy.

Mark turned to Chip and asked, "Umm, I'm gonna need some things 3; like some rope 3; and umm 3; something like carrots 3; or things that I can make them shove up their butts 3; and um, I hope this is all okay 3; what I'm doing, I mean."

Chip laughed as he pulled a backpack out from under his bed, "Yea you are doing fine. There's plenty of rope in here, and I'll run downstairs and see what I can find for their skinny little butts. So, um Mark, I take it you like doing this stuff?"

Mark blushed and said, "Yea, I do. I like having to do stuff, but I think mostly about torturing other guys. Making them do really dirty things, making them sweat, and then making them scream. I know it's weird. This buddy of mine, where we used to live let me read all these stories on the net, and I can't get some of them out of my mind. Hope you don't think I'm too strange."

Chip laughed as he crossed the room, "Hell no! I love it! You and I are going to be really good friends, I can tell. Okay, they should be on their way back now. I'll see what I can find for you."

Chip passed Stevie and Jimmy on the stairs. They were both sweating and had major boners. "Yea, this is going to be fun," Chip thought as ran to the kitchen.

He dug through the fridge and was dismayed. No carrots. There were two cucumbers, but they were way too large. He was about to give up when he thought about the freezer. He opened the door, looked in, and 'there it was!' A package of frozen hot dogs.

Chip chuckled as pulled two out of the package. "Yes indeed, this is going to be a lot of fun."

By the time Chip got back upstairs, Mark had tied Stevie's and Jimmy's hands behind their backs. They were standing facing each other a few feet apart. Chip smiled as he watched Mark tie one end of a long piece of rope around Stevie's balls and the other end around Jimmy's. The rope dangled on the floor between them. Chip was about to say something when Mark ran over to the closet, rummaged around and came back with a pair of Chip's heavy hiking boots. All three watched in fascination as Mark tied the laces of the boots to the center of the rope lying on the floor.

When he was done, he looked at Chip and asked, "So what did you find Dude?"

Chip smiled and held up the two frozen hot dogs, "Will these do?"

Mark laughed, "Oh my god! Yea! Perfect!"

He grabbed the hotdogs from Chip and then stood between Stevie and Jimmy. "So boys, guess where these are going?"

Jimmy started to tremble, "Oh God, No!"

Mark stepped behind Jimmy and said, "Well, since you spoke first, you get the first one. Now bend over."

Jimmy started to whimper as he bent over. Mark carefully spread his cheeks, and worked the hotdog all the way into Jimmy's tight little hole. Tears were rolling down Jimmy's face by the time it was all the way in.

Stevie had the same reaction, when Mark worked the frozen dog into his ass.

When he was done, Mark stepped back and admired his handy work. Chip was, in total awe at how fast Mark had come up with this whole setup. He would be even more impressed with what Mark did next.

Mark pulled two dirty jockstraps out of the laundry basket. He placed one on Chip's computer desk and across the room on the bathroom doorknob. Then he picked up a leather belt, doubled it over and stood between the boys.

"Okay Dudes, here is how this is gonna work. First of all you guys see the boots tied to the rope that connects your balls?"

They both nodded.

Mark smiled and continued, "Good, now when I say GO, you two are each gonna back away from each other to tighten the rope, so the boots are lifted off the floor. Got it?"

They both trembled as they nodded again.

Mark smiled and said, "GO!"

Chip watched in fascination as Stevie and Jimmy slowly moved apart. They grunted as the rope became tighter and began pulling hard on their balls. It took a little while, but finally the boots lifted off the floor. When they stopped, their balls were stretched out in front of them, the boots were hanging about six inches [15 cm] off the floor, and both were sweating and moaning.

Mark seemed pleased with himself as he continued, "Good job guys! Now I have some challenges for you. Your main goal is to keep the boots from touching the floor. Oh, hey, Chip, can you be the judge, and watch the boots to see how many times they touch the floor?"

Chip laughed, "Sure thing! I'll let you know."

Mark glanced back and forth between Stevie and Jimmy, "Okay, by the way, each time the boots touch the floor, each of you will earn wacks with this leather belt. The first time they touch you each get one wack 3; the second time, it's two 3; the third time, three 3; got the picture?"

They both nodded fearfully. Jimmy squealed, as Stevie took another step backwards, which raised the boots a little higher, but tugged harder on their poor balls.

Mark laughed, "Way to go Stevie, you got the picture! Oh and by the way, I expect you both to keep those hot dogs in your asses the entire time! If your lose your dog, you WILL get a special punishment."

Chip was really getting to this! So he chirped in, "Oh hey Mark, speaking of that, if one of them does earn that special punishment, you can do it at another time, and it can be whatever you want!"

Mark beamed, "Okay, you heard Mr. Chip! Now here's the first challenge. Is an easy one 3; you guys just run in place until I say stop! Just make sure the boots don't touch the floor! Okay GO!"

Stevie and Jimmy started running in place. Both grunted and moaned as their balls felt intermittent pressure on the rope.

Chip was cracking up 3; the running in place thing was brilliant 3; the longer they ran, the more the rope and boots bounced 3; tugging on their balls in quick little spurts 3;

Jimmy seemed to be doing worse. Tears were running down his face. He staggered a little and moved towards Stevie for just a second, which was long enough for the boots to touch the floor.

"That's ONE," Chip shouted.

Stevie snapped at Jimmy, "Dude back the fuck up!"

Jimmy overcompensated and took a couple big steps back, the rope tightened quickly, the boots flew off the floor and both screamed as pain shot through their stretched balls!

Chip marveled as Mark continued his bizarre challenge. He had them run in place for almost ten minutes. Then he had them retrieve the two dirty jockstraps, while still tied together with the boots hanging on the rope, and of course their hands still tied behind their backs. It started with Stevie 3;

"Okay Stevie, I placed a jockstrap on Chip's desk 3; you need to pick it up with your mouth first 3; after you get it, Jimmy will get the one off of the bathroom door knob. And make sure the boots don't touch the floor!"

It took a little while for them to get a system down. As they worked their way back and forth across the room. They yelled at each other each time the boots touched the floor. Tears ran down their faces from the pain in their balls. Finally they figured out 'baby steps' were the key, and they coordinated their movements.

When they had finished, the boots had touched seven times, which meant they both had earned 28 wacks with the belt.

Mark smiled as he untied the rope from around their balls. "You guys did pretty good. Though you have earned 28 wacks, you picked up the jocks and you both kept your hot dogs inside of your butts, and that is good!"

Stevie and Jimmy both smiled. In spite of their recent little ordeal and the fact their butts were about to be wacked, they seemed really excited. It's amazing how well a little bit of praise works with boys that age.

Mark checked his watch, "Still plenty of time," he thought.

He glanced at Chip, who seemed really pleased. Which was good, cause he was anxious to impress Chip.

"Hey Chip, I'm gonna need your help for this next part, if that's okay?" Mark chirped.

Chip laughed, "Sure! What do you need me to do?"

Mark, smiled and said, "Well, take off your towel and lay down on the floor on your back."

Chip grinned as he dropped his towel and lay down. Was no sense trying to hide the fact he was really boned anyway, since his towel had been obscenely tented. And he was anxious to see what Mark was gonna do.

He didn't have lone to wait.

"Okay you two, we have been keeping Chip from taking his shower, and he looks pretty sweaty, you guys are gonna give him a complete tongue bath, with your hands still tied behind your backs," Mark commanded.

Stevie and Jimmy figured there was no sense arguing, so they dropped to their knees, bent over and started licking Chip's toes and feet.

As they worked their way up his legs, the smell of aroused boys grew stronger and stronger. They licked his armpits, his chest, his stomach, his navel, and then his pubes. By the time they were ready for his cock and balls, Chip was sweating all over again, and breathing really hard. The tip of his cock was covered with pre-cum.

At this point, Stevie and Jimmy paused as they stared at Chip's cock and balls. Jimmy stammered, "Uh 3; so who's gonna lick what?"

Mark was about to say something, when Stevie chirped, "Well, since I'm his brother, I guess I'll do his cock. You can do his balls."

Chip almost lost it, when he heard Stevie say that. His breathing grew heavier and heavier as the two little dudes worked on his cock and balls. He was just about ready to cum, when Mark cut things off.

"Dang! Time is up. Guess we'll just have to finish this at a later time," Mark laughed.

He was really enjoying seeing how worked up Chip and the boys were, and he especially liked the feeling of power he had keeping Chip from cumming.

Chip wanted to scream, "Let them continue. Let them make me cumm!" But for some crazy reason he didn't. There was something really exciting about Mark controlling things, and Chip wanted to see it through.

And control things, Mark did!

Within a matter of minutes, everyone was dressed. Stevie and Jimmy had agreed to meet with Mark again, so he could do the wacks to their butts, and it was understood they would have the hot dogs in their asses when that happened.

Chip was really impressed with Mark 3; his take charge attitude 3; and his twisted mind! As soon as he could, he pulled Mark aside and asked him to help him out with something.

Mark quickly agreed, and the two were off 3; leaving Stevie and Jimmy to play video games.

As they ran out the front door, Mark asked, "Okay, so where are we going? I've got like maybe three hours before I need to be home."

Chip laughed, "Perfect, follow me! I need you to help me move something to the 'torture house!' And I promise, you will love it!"

Chip took off running, followed closely by Mark. It took just a few minutes to arrive at Aaron's house, go inside, retrieve the trunk, and start hauling it off to the torture house.

The trunk was a little heavier than Chip had anticipated, so they had to stop a few times to rest. Each time they stopped, Chip explained a little more to Mark about the torture house, how they got to use it, and what was in the trunk they were carrying. By the time they reached the house, Mark was totally enthralled!

"Okay Dude, here we are! Now to start with, you have to promise not to tell anyone else about this house, okay?" Chip said seriously.

Mark responded excitedly, "No problem Dude! I won't say a thing to anyone! I promise."

Chip laughed, "Yea, I figured as much. Okay, first of all let me show you where we keep the key. You are welcome to come out here whenever you want, just make sure you lock up afterwards, and oh yea, and as the old saying goes, clean up your mess, if you make one. Also, you're welcome to keep some stuff in the fridge, but unless it has your name on it, it is pretty much fair game."

Mark laughed as he watched Chip remove the key from under a large rock beside the porch steps, "No problem!"

Chip unlocked the front door, replaced the key and then had Mark help him carry the trunk into the house. After they set it down in the middle of the living room, Chip turned to Mark and said, "I'll show you what's in the truck later. Right now I think you'll want the grand tour."

Mark followed as Chip pointed out all the 'features' of the house. He noted that just about every room had eye bolts and hooks screwed into the walls, ceiling, and floor at various places. This meant it would be possible to secure a guy just about any way you wanted.

The living room contained the Torture Board and the Punishment Horse.

The Board was essentially a large plywood board in a near upright position where you could tie a guy spread eagled, standing up. Chip pointed out the hole in the center of the board and explained that if the guy was secured with his back to the board, his ass would stick through the hole, and be available for use from the other side. Of course, if was tied to it the other way, his cock and balls would be sticking through the hole. There was also a leather strap on the board that would go around the guy's waist or lower back and help keep him locked down securely.

The punishment horse was a large padded sawhorse thing. The guy would be bent over it and have his ankles and wrists secured on either side.

Chip bent over the horse to demonstrate and laughed, "It's not too hard to imagine some of the nasty things you could do to a guy while he is tied down over the horse. Oh and check out where my crotch is! See how you would also have full access to his cock and balls?"

Chip waited as Mark bent down and looked. Then he stood up and giggled, "Pretty wicked, huh?"

Mark laughed, "Yea, Wicked COOL!"

Chip took Mark into the dining room and showed him the Torture Table. He explained how it was designed primarily for the 'Ant Torture' but could be used in other ways.

Mark's eyes widened as Chip walked him through how the ant torture would work. He showed him where the one gallon glass jars were kept (There were a couple of spares, in case one broke), along with a flour scoop used to gather the ants, and protective gloves. He told him where the pit was with all the red ants. He demonstrated how the glass jar would be secured under the table, around the guy's cock and balls. And finally, he climbed onto the table, lay down on his stomach, spread his arms and legs wide and had Mark use the leather straps that stretched over his lower back and upper thighs to secure him to the table.

"Okay, so now you see. At this point, the guy's wrists and ankles would be tied to the corners of the table. His cock and balls would be sticking down through the hole. And those leather straps would keep him from being able to lift his groin up at all. Which means once the jar is moved up into the hole, his cock and balls will be inside it with all the red ants! Pretty wild, huh?" Chip said proudly.

Mark laughed, "Wow, this is really nasty! That would really hurt!"

Chip laughed, "Yea! Those ants are really wicked!"

Mark released Chip from the table and then continued his little 'tour.'

There wasn't anything special to show in the bedrooms. Just the fact that like the other rooms, there were a bunch of eyebolts and hooks screwed into the walls and ceilings.

Mark thought the bathroom was interesting. There were some large hooks in the ceiling above the bathtub, and a couple in the walls. He also noticed there was a large hook in the ceiling above the toilet, and two eyebolts screwed into the floor on either side.

Chip saw him looking at the toilet and laughed, "Bet you're wondering what's up with the toilet."

Mark nodded and Chip continued, "Well, see what you do is have the guy straddle the toilet bowl standing up. Then you tie his arms up over his head to the hook in the ceiling. All the ceiling hooks and bolts are screwed into solid wood, so they can hold a lot of weight. And finally you tie his ankles to the bolts in the floor on either side. We thought this would be where we could give the dude enemas. That way when he shits it will go in the bowl so we won't have a nasty cleanup.

Mark thought that was really cool too.

The next stop was the cellar. Mark got really excited when he saw the big cage and he smiled when he saw the long work bench along the wall.

Chip laughed when he saw the way Mark was looking at the work bench, "Yea, I know what you're thinking. I'm gonna try and do a rack set up like Aaron has as soon as I can find one of those winch things."

Mark's eyes widened and he started talking fast, "Oh wow, hey, I just thought of something. My dad has an old one that is a lot like Aaron's. He doesn't it use it anymore cause he got an electric one. It's just setting out in our shed with a bunch of other stuff that he's gonna get rid of. I'll bring it out if you want."

"Hell YEA, that would be awesome!" Chip said excitedly.

Their last stop was the kitchen. Chip pulled a couple of Pepsi's out of the fridge and sat down at the table. He told Mark to look in the kitchen cupboards while he drank his Pepsi.

There wasn't a lot of stuff in the cupboards. One had paper plates, cups, towels and such. It was the corner ones that were the most interesting. They had a bag with clothespins, a bunch of candles, matches, coils of rope, duct tape, piles of rags, a plastic container filled with stir sticks, a bottle of sterilizing solution, first aid kit, bottles of various types of lubrication, and several bottles filled with pills.

Mark picked them up and read the labels 3; Levitra, Viagra, Cialis. He smiled as he put them back and snickered, "I don't think any of us really need these things!"

Chip laughed, "Tell me about it! They help older guys who are having trouble get erections and maintain them longer. But that's not why we have them. You see if you give a guy our age one of those pills, he'll get a really nasty hard-on, that will take forever to go away, even after he cums. It makes his torture even tougher."

"Damn Chip! You thought of everything. This is really cool!"

Chip laughed, "Yea, well I did have help. Mostly from Dennis. He thought of a lot of it. He is really pretty twisted."

They finished their Pepsis while they sorted through the trunk. Mark was, of course, totally blown away by the stuff inside of it. It was just about as complete as Aaron's.

"Holy Shit! This stuff is great! Almost as good as Aaron's. In fact, I think some of the dildo's in here are even nastier than his."

Chip chuckled, "Yea, that's what I thought. And check out all the vibrating stuff. They are wild."

By the time they were done and had put the trunk in the dining room closet, both were totally tented out. As much as Chip wanted to do something, he decided it would be better to keep Mark totally horned, to help inspire him.

"Well, Dude, that concludes the great tour. I need to get back home, so let's lock up and get moving. I'll show you a short cut you can use most of the year."

Mark followed Chip outside and waited as Chip locked up and hid the key.

"So Chip, what did you mean when you said you could use the shortcut most of the year?"

Chip smiled as he turned and started jogging slowly around the corner of the house, "You'll understand in a few minutes."

Mark followed Chip around the house and across a small field. They ran through a small wooded area and then around a large pond. When they reached the far side, Mark began to understand. The path they were running on narrowed dramatically and passed through a spooky looking wooded swamp. When they reached the center, Chip stopped.

"Okay, we call this the Haunted Swamp. It looks really spooky at night. Most of the year you can use this little path to get through it. It's just during the one month when we get a lot of rain that you can't, cause it's way too marshy. And you don't wanna even think about walking through the water. It's full of leeches and who knows what else. Some of the people in the neighborhood have been trying to get this drained, but so far no luck."

Mark looked around. He could see why they called it 'haunted.' The dead trees looked spooky enough during the day. He wasn't really bothered though since he was no stranger to swamps or the woods. The men in his family were all avid outdoorsmen. His father, grandfather and uncles were actually pretty obsessive about it, and had taught Mark about survival from a very early age.

They took a few moments to catch their breaths and then started running again. As they left the swamp, Mark glanced back, and a wicked idea popped into his head. A very wicked idea. The more he thought about it, the more excited he got. If it worked, it would be his contribution to the torture house!

Meanwhile, Chip was thinking too. He did some of his best thinking when he was running. And this was no exception. He started thinking about the deal he had made with Pete and Andy, and how much he wanted to win the bet. As a jock, he was no stranger to the importance of training and decided very quickly that he would definitely have to do some sort of training to get ready for those two hours, which now were looking tougher, since the torture house would undoubtedly be used.

The question was how to train for it. As numerous coaches had said, "No Pain, No Gain!"

He glanced at Mark, running beside him and remembered how he had handled Stevie and Jimmy earlier. And then it all came to him in one incredible flash of inspiration. He knew exactly what he needed to do to win the bet! He knew it wouldn't be easy getting ready! But is anything worthwhile doing, ever easy?

Chip realized they were just about home, slowed down, and started to walk. Mark followed his lead. They walked in silence for several minutes as they caught their breaths.

There was a park bench at the end of the street and Chip directed Mark to it. They sat down and then Chip looked at Mark.

"Dude, I have a really big favor to ask you."

Mark smiled, "Hey, whatever you want. I'll do it."

Chip smiled back and continued, "Okay, here's the thing, first of all, are you doing anything the day after tomorrow? I'm gonna be at my grandparents house tomorrow with my brothers. But are you gonna be around the next day?"

Mark nodded, "Yea, I've got nothing going on for pretty much the rest of the week. So I can help ya out with whatever."

Chip moved closer to Mark and said seriously, "Okay, here's the deal, and I think you'll like it."

Chip took a deep breath and then asked, "How would you like to be able to humiliate and torture a guy my age at the house for two hours a several times over the next couple of weeks?"

And there it was! Chip opened the door. The crazy thing was, he didn't really understand why he was going this way! He was too focused on winning the bet, and too horned to think straight.

[Boy Fact #3 – Boys have an almost insatiable need to face challenges.]

[Boy Fact #7 – A horny teenage boy lacks common sense.]

Mark's mouth dropped open, "Are you fucking serious?"

Chip said, "Yea, I'm totally serious! The Dude is my age. And you will be able to do whatever you want to him and make him do whatever you want for two hours each time. The only conditions are that you don't 3; do blood stuff like cutting him 3; no permanent marks 3; no using shit 3; no picture taking 3; and um, one other thing 3; you can't shave his hair."

Chip threw the last one in when he remembered what had happened with Dennis.

Mark looked like he was in a state of shock. He thought for a moment and then stammered, "Well, hell yea, I'll do it 3; but like what's the deal? Who is this guy and why is he doing it?"

[Boy Fact #2 – Boys are natural conspirators.]

Chip inched closer and said softly, "Okay, I'll tell you, but this is definitely just between you and me! You see this guy made a deal with two other guys. They get to humiliate him and torture him for two hours. If he begs for them to stop at any point, then he will be their slave for a whole week. But if they can't make him beg to stop, then they will be his slaves for the week. And anything will go!"

Mark's eyes popped really wide, "Wow! That is really wild! 3; But so where do I come into all of this?"

Chip smiled some more and patted Mark on the shoulder, "Well, the thing is, he and I are really close. And he really wants to win that bet. And he thinks the only way he can win, is to train for it. And train really hard. Which is where you come in. I'd like you to train him. You would have to be totally ruthless though and totally mean, cause those two guys will be that way with him. They will really be hard on him! You would have to be too! So what do you think?"

Mark took a few moments to let it all sink in. It sounded a little strange. Still it was very exciting.

"So, umm 3; I could do whatever I want with him? Except for the stuff you said?"

Chip nodded, "Yea 3; ANYTHING! But you have to be really tough on him. Otherwise the training won't help! You'll have two hours each time to get him to beg for you to stop. If he does beg, then you will get to do it again. But if he makes it through the two hours, you are done. Unless he wants to try again."

Mark thought some more and asked, "Will you be there Chip? To help?"

Chip laughed, "Yea, I'll definitely be there. But you'll be in charge and will have to do it yourself. I want you to really impress me by being a total badass with him! I mean it!"

Both boys were totally worked up now. Both of their minds were racing. Mark was already thinking about what he would do with a guy like Chip at his mercy. Chip was thinking about what it would be like to be used and tortured by Mark for two hours and got even more excited. Which was strange for Chip, since he really got off on being the guy doing the torturing.

It was pretty much a miracle that neither one of them shot a load right then and there, they were THAT worked up.

Finally Mark managed to stammer, "Okay 3; yea 3; I'll do it! So how's this gonna work?"

Chip smiled and said, "Well 3; okay 3; we'll meet out at the house at 3; say 10:00 am the day after tomorrow. Like I said, I'll be gone tomorrow, but you can go out to the house to get stuff set up if you want. Just lock up afterwards."

Mark nodded and asked, "Okay 3; and anything goes with this guy? I mean anything?"

Chip said, "Yea! Except like I said! You just have to be really tough with his training! If you can't be mean, then it's no deal."

Mark punched Chip in the stomach really hard, "How's that for mean Dude!"

Chip punched Mark back, just as hard and then the two started wrestling on the ground 3; punching and kneeing each other, over and over 3; laughing all the time.

Finally they both collapsed on the ground panting.

Chip looked at Mark and chuckled, "Okay, I believe you 3; so I'll see ya at the house then 3; at 10?"

Mark laughed, "Yea, and tell that dude to rest up! Cause he is gonna need all his strength!"

And with that they were off. Chip had thought about putting the chastity device back on Mark, but figured it would be better to leave it off for the next couple of days.


That night was interesting for both of them.

Both had trouble sleeping. Both were horned to the max.

Chip still wasn't sure why he had set things up with Mark the way he had. Things were gonna be tough enough with Pete and Andy 3; so why did he come up with this whole training thing with Mark to put himself through even more misery 3; and why was he getting so excited about Mark being in control of him 3;

He tried thinking about Mark being tortured in Aaron's garage 3; it worked for awhile 3; laying in bed 3; in just his briefs 3; he reached inside and started stroking himself 3; he remembered watching Mark stretched out and screaming 3; he stroked harder 3; and then 3; all of a sudden, he started thinking about being at the torture house 3; under Mark's control 3; now he was the one screaming 3; and then he started shooting into his briefs 3; and shooting harder than he ever had before.

It took a little while for Chip to finally get to sleep. He couldn't stop thinking about Mark torturing him and just kept getting more and more excited.

Meanwhile, Mark was having similar sleep problems, albeit for slightly different reasons. He was really glad that Chip had not put the chastity thing back on him. Like Chip, he was stroking himself as he thought about what would be happening at the torture house in just over a day.

He kept thinking about all the nasty things he would do to the guy who was Chip's age and was confident he could get him to beg for him to stop. He figured that would really impress Chip, if he could do that. He had already come up with a couple of ways to make the torture table more challenging and terrifying and was certain that Chip would be extremely impressed when he saw what Mark had come up with. Still, Mark was not totally certain the things he had come up with would work. So he decided to do a few tests at the house the next day when no one was around.

By the time he fell asleep, his briefs were just like Chip's 3; soaked with cum.

Mark slept in a little later than normal. When he finally got up, he took a quick shower, dressed and then made himself a bowl of cereal. As he ate, he ran through his plans for the day, making a mental checklist of all the stuff he would need to take with him 3; a package of hotdogs, some string, a tube of Bengay, a tube of Icy Hot, and a tropical fish net.

When he was done eating, it took just a few minutes for him to gather his supplies and toss them in his backpack. And then he was off!

"Damn, I really hope this works!" he thought as he rode his bike to the torture house.

The test he had come up with was fairly simple, and if successful would make the entire torture table experience with the ants really intense.

As soon as he got into the house, Mark grabbed the protective gloves from the dining room and headed outside to the ant pit. He was really pleased to see there were a lot of ants crawling all around the pit.

His idea was as devious as it was simple.

Once the guy was strapped down on the table, with his cock and balls hanging down though the hole, Mark would rub either Ben Gay or Icy Hot all over his cock and balls. It would take just a few minutes for the guy to feel the burning sensation on both.

At that point, Mark would push the ant jar up into place and watch the ants attack the guy's cock and balls.

The only question was how the Ben Gay or Icy Hot would affect the ants. It could kill them or just repel them. Ideally it would do neither.

Mark smiled as he tied a piece of string around one hot dog and then another. He smeared Ben Gay all over the first one, and then lowered in amongst the ants.

It didn't take long for a bunch of the ants to start climbing all over the hot dog and begin biting at it. Mark watched as they continued to move around all over the hot dog. The Ben Gay was clearly having no affect on them at all. So far so good, he thought as he pulled the hot dog out of the pit and flung it off into the weeds.

He smeared some Icy Hot all over the second hot dog and lowered it into the pit. And that is when he got his big surprise. The ants were apparently being affected by the Icy Hot.

Unlike the Ben Gay, which they seemed to have ignored, the ants went crazy over the Icy Hot. Within seconds the hot dog was covered with ants! And they seemed to be really angry and were actually attacking the hot dog.

Mark smiled as he watched them swarm all over the hot dog. "This is perfect!" he thought.

He continued to watch for a few more minutes and then flung the hot dog off into the weeds.

Mark was very pleased with himself and was sure Chip would be impressed with the tortures he had planned for this guy. He decided to go ahead and get things all set up inside the house so he wouldn't have to do it all the next morning. And he still had plenty of time to see if he could find the other special little things he needed for the final part of the torture table terror.

He had things pretty much all planned out in his head, so once back inside, he moved rather quickly. A key part of his torture scheme was going to involve fear and anticipation.

He started in the living room where he pulled a small table over beside the torture board. He retrieved a number of items from the trunk and the kitchen closet and placed them on the table. They included: a penis whip, tit clamps, two cock rings, a leather ball separator, two plastic stir sticks, some sterilizing solution, a candle, matches, some leather lacing, a vibrating egg, a tube of Ben Gay some clothespins and a paddle. He leaned back against the board and looked down to ensure he could see everything on the table from that angle.

When he was down, he covered the items with a large towel, and then moved on to the punishment horse.

He moved another small table around the horse where the guy could see it, once he was bent over and secured. On this one he placed two large dildos (one with a vibrator inside it), a whip, a leather paddle, a parachute (designed so weights could be hung from the guy's balls), and a riding crop.

He covered that table as well and then headed into the dining room.

Mark smiled wickedly as he dragged a side table to one end of the torture table. "This is gonna be the best part of the day!" he mused as he placed his implements of torture on it. They included: two glass gallon jars, the tube of Icy Hot, a bottle of antiseptic, a vibrating butt plug, and a leather flogger.

He decided the ants could wait until morning, but if the other thing was going to work, he'd have to see if he could find the other little critters today.

Finally, he went back into the living with one of the gallon jars. He completed his house preparations by placing some leather ankle and wrist restraints, a cock ring, a leather collar, some small shackles, rope, blindfold and a 'ring' gag beside the door.

He grabbed the jar, put it into his backpack and then headed off towards the swamp.

It didn't take Mark long to find what he was looking for. He filled the jar with water from the swamp and then used the tropical fish net to gather up three decent sized leeches and placed them inside the jar.

He smiled as he examined them. They were exactly the type he was looking for. The kind his aunt used with what she called alternative medicine. These looked like they were fairly hungry which made them even better, since they would be anxious to find a source they could suck blood from.

Mark placed the jar is his backpack and headed back to the house. He was hoping this guy would be like most people when it came to leeches. The thought of these slimy little creatures attaching themselves to your body and sucking blood could be rather terrifying. Especially as you watched their bodies becoming larger as they filled with blood.

Mark had been scared of them at first, but lost his fear completely when his uncle explained to him how leeches worked and most importantly how to safely remove them. Which Mark had done on several occasions when he was doing wilderness survival stuff.

Back at the house, he put the jar on the table beside the jar he would be using for the ants, loosened the lid just enough to allow some air to get in, and then covered the table with a towel.

Mark made one final check around the house and headed home.

The more he thought about the next day, the more excited he became. He figured this guy would probably be a jock just like Chip was and how much fun it was gonna be to totally humiliate and torture him. His only concern was the two hours. It sounded like a lot of time, but he realized now it really wasn't. Some of the things he had planned might take too much time, so he'd have probably have to forget about them, or just do them faster.


Mark and Chip, both had a tough time sleeping that night.

For Mark the main problem was trying to shut down his mind. He kept running through his plans over and over again and couldn't stop thinking. He finally fell asleep after jacking off twice.

Chip was having similar problems. He couldn't stop thinking about the next day and all the things Mark would be doing to him. He kept coming up with different ways to tell Mark, that he was the guy that Mark would be torturing, and to make sure he went through with it. Then he would start to sweat as he imagined the things Mark would be doing to him. He had absolutely no doubt that Mark would be using the ants and wondered just how bad it would be. Like Mark he was finally he was able to get to sleep after jacking off a couple of times.


Mark got to the torture house just after 8:00 the next morning. He wanted to check everything out before Chip and the guy got there. And of course he needed time to fill the other jar with the red ants.

As luck would have it, the ants seemed to be concentrated in one area of the pit, so it took him very little time to scoop a bunch of them into the jar. When he was done, he placed the jar on the small table beside the one with the leeches. He was just about ready to cover them up with the towel when another idea popped into his head. He got a hot dog out of the fridge, tied a piece of string around it, and placed on the table beside the ant jar. He smiled as he covered the table, "Yes, this is going to be really wild!" he thought.

When he was satisfied, he grabbed the leather ankle and wrist restraints, the cock ring, the leather collar, the small shackles, rope, blindfold and the 'ring' gag and put them on a chair on the front porch. Then he sat down and waited.

Is was about a half hour later when he heard the sound of bicycle tires on the gravel path. He waved as Chip road up.

Chip parked his bike and walked up on the porch. He smiled as he saw the items Mark had on the chair beside him.

"Looks like you're pretty much set to go," Chip laughed.

Mark smiled and said, "Oh yea! Wait until you see the rest of the stuff I have set up. Come on in and I'll show you."

Chip held up his hand and said, "Hold on there tiger! I'd actually rather be surprised when it all actually happens."

Mark seemed a little disappointed, but quickly got over it as Chip sat on the porch railing and asked, "So are you sure you can be really tough on this dude?"

Mark laughed, "Oh yea! You won't believe some of the stuff I have planned for him. I'm sure I can make him beg to stop. And you said he will do everything I say right? No matter what?"

Chip nodded, "Absolutely! Anything goes except for those few conditions."

Mark smiled broadly, "Damn Chip this is so cool! Thanks for letting me do this. You are the best!"

They sat and chatted about nothing in particular for awhile. Both seemed to be getting a little nervous.

Finally Mark glanced at his watch and asked, "So like um, how soon is this dude gonna be here?"

Chip knew the big moment had arrived, he took a deep breath and said, "Well the truth is, he's already here!"

Mark looked around and responded, "Really? So like where is he?"

Chip laughed nervously as he stood up, spread his arms and announced, "He's right here, standing in front of you!"

Mark looked at Chip, "Aww come on Chip 3; quit screwing around and tell me where he is!"

Chip knelt down, placed his hand on Mark's shoulder and looked him right in the eyes, "I'm NOT screwing around! The truth is I AM the guy who made that deal and that bet! And I really want to win that bet. I may have been stupid to make it in the first place. But I'm not stupid enough to think I can do it without preparing for it. And this is the only way I know to prepare. I need to find out how much I can take. And how to deal with it. So please do this for me okay? I promise I won't hold anything against you. You just need to be as tough on me as I know they will be 3; even tougher."

Mark saw the look in Chip's eyes. It didn't take him long to accept the fact that Chip was totally serious. He had been focused entirely on torturing this other dude while Chip watched. But Chip wanted him to do it to him. He really liked Chip a lot and wondered if he could put their new friendship a side to do all the terrible things he had planned.

Chip spoke up again, "Come on Mark. Do this for me okay? I need your help, and I need this!"

They remained silent for several minutes. Finally a change seemed to come over Mark. He looked Chip up and down and could not help but notice Chip's gym shorts, which were clearly tented. His own cock started to harden more as he began thinking about Chip doing ALL the things he had planned.

Chip was getting a little worried and was about to say something else when Mark finally said, "You want me to be really, really rough on you 3; and really try to get you to beg me to stop. Right?"

Chip nodded and said, "YEA! I mean it! If you are not really mean, the training will be useless! And, I'll tell you what, if I do beg for it to stop I want you to just keep going! Make it even harder! And, in fact, add an extra hour! I mean it! Okay?"

[Boy Fact #7- A horny teenage boy lacks common sense.]

Both boys were breathing hard and sweating.

Mark thought for another moment and then asked, "And if I do this, you'll do whatever I say 3; no matter what 3; except for those few things 3; and you promise you won't be mad at me?"

Chip gave Mark a playful jab in the stomach, "The only thing that will make me mad is if I think you are not being tough enough. I really wanna win this bet thing! Got it?"

The more thought about things, the more excited he became. He suddenly realized, he could be tough on Chip, really tough, and would actually love to put him through this stuff.

"Okay, I'll DO IT!" Mark stammered.

Chip patted him on the shoulder, "Thanks Dude! 3; I Think 3;"

Several moments of silence followed as they both were lost in thought. Finally Mark asked, "So I guess I am in charge now? Huh?"

Chip laughed and said, "Yea! I am yours to command!"

Mark was thinking quickly, "Okay, can we start the time in about 30 minutes? Cause I think I need to prepare something real quick?"

Chip laughed again, "Sure thing! You're the boss! Whatever you say!"

Mark smiled, ran into the house, and grabbed a Pepsi and one of the erection pills. He chose the one he had learned was supposed to be most effective at maintaining erections for a long time. The one with all the warnings on the label about seeking help if an erection lasted more than so many hours.

Chip laughed as Mark handed him the Pepsi and the pill. He recognized the pill's color. "I see you chose the best one there Dude!"

Mark chuckled as Chip swallowed the pill, "I guess we are about to find out!"

They sat down on the porch and continued to chatter. Allowing time for the pill to start taking affect. They wouldn't have long to wait.

Chip decided to tell Mark about Andy and Pete. Mark had seen them around and thought it would be fun for Chip to have them as slaves for a week. Chip was really getting into the chatter and was about to tell Mark about his special present, when he felt his cock start to throb more.

"Dude, I think it's starting to work! SHIT! My cock's getting even harder!"

Mark laughed and said, "Well then, I guess it's show time!"

Mark stood up and Chip followed suit. Mark extended his hand and asked, "Friends? No matter what?"

Chip grabbed Mark's hand, shook it and said, "YEA! NO MATTER WHAT! So DO IT DUDE!"

Chip let go of Mark's hand, stepped off of the porch, looked up at Mark and waited. Several moments passed. And then it happened! Mark was transformed!

"Okay SHITHEAD! You asked for this! Now you are gonna get it! Take off you fucking clothes and toss them up on the porch!" Mark shouted.

Chip reacted quickly! In a manner of seconds, he was standing there, totally naked in front of the house, with a monster hard-on.

Mark smiled as he tossed the leather wrist and ankle restraints and the leather collar to Chip. "Put those on quick! And don't keep me WAITING too long!"

Chip hurried had the restraints and collar on in no time. Instinctively, he stood back up, placed his hands behind his head, spread his legs and waited. Both boys were totally worked up now.

Mark stepped off the porch, stood beside Chip and grabbed his cock and balls, "You know these are now totally mine now, right?"

Chip nodded and shouted as more blood rushed into his painfully erect cock, "YES SIR!" He couldn't believe how much this was already turning him on.

Mark laughed as he shackled Chips hands behind his back and gave his ass a nasty slap, "That's right! They are MINE, along with the rest of your body! Now get your sorry ass down into the basement 3; FAST!"

Chip shouted, "YES SIR!" And ran into the house. Lucky for him all the doors were open. As he ran through the house, he looked around and noted the small covered tables next to each of the primary torture stations and trembled.

He made his way down the basement steps, moved to the center of the room and waited.

Mark bounded down the steps shortly after him and acted quickly.

He began by strapping a ring gag into Chip's mouth. The type that would keep him from talking, but would also allow things to enter his mouth.

Next he forced Chip to lay down on the floor on his back, with his hands cuffed behind him. He shackled Chip's ankles together, forced his ankles up close to his ass and spread his knees apart.

Chip's eyes widened as Mark stepped between his legs, pulled down the front of his shorts and aimed his cock and Chip's face.

Mark laughed, "Yea that's right 3; you know what is coming now. You can close your eyes but keep you face pointed at me."

Chip nodded, closed his eyes and waited.

He didn't have to wait long! Within moments he felt the first blast of warm piss hitting his chest. Mark inched closer and aimed his stream at Chip's mouth. He was glad he had that extra Pepsi as he aimed towards the center of the ring gag and was happy to see Chip gag as his golden stream flowed into Chip's open mouth.

"Yea! Have a good taste of me Chip! You'll be getting the cream later!"

As nasty and humiliating as this all seemed, Chip actually found himself getting increasingly excited and harder.

When Mark was done pissing, he looked down and snarled, "So are you ready for the main events?"

Chip panted, "Give it your best shot!"

And so he did!

It took just a few minutes for Mark to drag Chip up into the living room and secure him spread eagled on the upright torture board, with his ass sticking though the hole.

Chip watched as Mark pulled the towel off of the table to reveal the torture devices that were about to be used on him.

"Check these out Chip! I know you are familiar with all of them, and guess what, you are about to become even more familiar with them!" Mark laughed.

Chip's eyes widened again as he saw the items that were spread across the table 3; the nasty penis whip with the knotted rawhide laces, the tit clamps, the cock rings, the leather ball separator, the plastic stir sticks, the candle, the matches, the leather lacing, the vibrating egg, the tube of Ben Gay, the clothespins and the paddle.

Mark started by slipping one of the flexible cock rings over Chip's cock. He stretched it wide and slid it all the way to the base and let it snap tight. Chip winced as he felt the pressure as even more blood forced it's way into already painfully engorged teen cock.

Mark made sure the ring was not too tight. He stepped back for a moment and took a good look at Chip. Spread eagled against the board, with his huge cock sticking straight up, and his athletic body glistening with sweat, he made an impressive sight.

Chip was a little scared, but also incredibly aroused. He became even more aroused as Mark snapped the ball separator in place, stretching the skin on his balls very tight.

Mark winked at Chip as he picked up the small chain with the tit clamps. He held them up so Chip could see them. They were the type alligator clip type that had a few nasty looking metal teeth.

Chip's first loud moan came as Mark snapped the first clip in place on his left nipple. Mark could tell that it really hurt by the way Chip trembled as he attached the second clip.

"Pretty nasty aren't they Chip?" Mark chuckled as he gave the chain a quick yank.

"AGGGGGGGGGHHHHHH!" Chip groaned into his gag.

The pain was pretty bad, but Chip was able to adjust to it, by breathing hard for few moments, and focusing his mind elsewhere. He made a quick mental note that it was interesting that the pain didn't seem to be affecting his state of arousal one bit. If anything, it seemed to be increasing it.

Mark patted Chip on the head and whispered, "You are doing fine Chip, so let's get to the good stuff!"

Once again Mark made sure Chip could see everything he was doing. He figured that the anticipation would add an element of terror to the tortures. And he was right.

Chip's eyes widened yet again as he watched Mark pick up one of the plastic stir sticks and dip it in the sterilizing solution. He knew what was coming and started breathing harder again.

Mark smiled as he saw the change in Chip's breathing. "A little scary isn't it, thinking about what it's gonna feel like to have this thing pushed inside your dick isn't it?"

Chip managed a nervous nod.

Mark laughed as he carefully stuck the stir stick into the tube of Ben Gay. "I'll tell you what Chip, it is not a pleasant feeling at all, and this stuff will make it even more interesting for you."

Chip trembled as he thought about the Ben Gay coated stick being forced into his pee slit. He knew it would burn, the question was just how bad would it feel.

He didn't have long to wait.

Mark set the Ben Gay down and stepped closer to Chip. He took Chip's throbbing cock head between his fingers and carefully spread his piss slit open a little wider. Chip cringed as the tip of the stick made contact and began to move slowly into his cock.

Mark worked the stick steadily into Chip's huge cock. He wanted it in as far as it would go, as quickly as possible so the Ben Gay would take effect at the same time up and down Chip's piss shoot.

The stick wasn't long enough to reach the base of Chip's cock. Mark pushed it in as far as he could and still have a little bit sticking out. When he was done, he stepped back and watched.

Chip began breathing harder and harder as sweat began running down his sides. He began to moan and then it hit. The inside of his cock suddenly felt like it was on fire.

Chip yanked at his restraints and screamed into the gag.


Mark watched in total fascination as Chip thrashed about. Despite the fact that he already thought of Chip as a best friend, there was something really exciting about watching this naked teen jock suffer. Mark wanted to jack off right then and there, but knew it would be better to wait.

He let Chip suffer for several minutes. When he started to calm down, Mark leaned closer and flicked his finger against stir stick tip.

Chip yanked as his restraints and screamed into his gag once again as pain shot through his hard cock.


He tried controlled breathing which seemed to help manage the pain and watched fearfully, through watery eyes as Mark picked up the vibrating egg, and held it against the stir stick tip.

Chip began to whimper.

Mark laughed as he switched the egg on. "Now this should be interesting!"

For Chip, the sensation was anything but interesting. It was maddening! The 'burning' stick was now vibrating up and down the inside of his poor cock. The pain increased, but now there was also this intense tickling sensation.

Chip's eyes filled with tears as he moaned loudly. Already he wanted Mark to just stop. He fought off the thoughts about giving up so soon and then just surrendered to the pain. Which is when another strange thing happened. Suddenly Chip was filled with an almost insatiable desire. He looked at Mark and at the other implements of torture, and shifted his breathing. He wanted to be tortured some more. He wanted Mark cause him even more pain 3; to torture his cock 3; he envisioned Mark dropping the wax up and down his cock 3; and then lashing away with the penis whip 3; and so on.

His breathing pattern was now one of defiance, and if he could have spoken he would have said something like, "COME ON! You can do better than that!"

More blood forced it's way into his throbbing cock.

Mark noticed the change as well and smiled as he set the egg down and gently removed the stir stick. "Guess you are ready for some real torture now, huh?"

Chip managed a defiant nod.

Mark laughed as he lit the candle and held it above Chip's cock head, "Of course you knew this was coming. So enjoy!"

Chip bit down on the gag as the first drops of wax landed on his hard cock head. It didn't seem too bad at first, but then it got worse as Mark began focusing on the underside. Each drop seemed a little hotter than the one before, and the ones that landed on his balls burned like all hell.

It wasn't long before he was once again pulling at his restraints and moaning loudly.

Mark pulled Chip's cock down and coated the other side with wax. Chip's moans changed to screams again as Mark shifted his focus to Chip's balls. He found himself getting harder and harder the more Chip sweated, thrashed and screamed.

Mark drew it out as long as he could, but started to get concerned about the time. He had so many other nasty things planned and wanted to make sure there would be time for the worst ones.

Finally he blew out the candle and waited for Chip to regain some semblance of control. He was amazed how quickly Chip recovered and resumed his breathing of defiance.

"So be it," he thought as he picked up the penis whip and held up in front of Chip's face.

"This thing hurts like hell Chip. Your brother Dennis knows that already. But it is pretty good at removing wax."

Chip closed his eyes and braced himself. He started thinking about Andy's tight ass and how it would feel to fuck him hard as he felt Mark forcing his cock down.



Mark delivered a nasty blow to Chip's hard cock. The knotted rawhide laces snapped around and slammed into the sensitive underside.

Wax flew everywhere and Chip screamed!





And so it went 3; on and on for what seemed like an eternity for Chip. But was actually just a few minutes.

Mark lost himself totally as he flailed away at Chip's poor cock. He had wanted to lash it soft 3; but no matter how hard he lashed, Chip's cock remained rock hard.

Finally most of the wax was gone. He set the whip down and looked at Chip's cock. It had a bunch of red marks all over it. What was most amazing to Mark was the fact Chip's cock head appeared to be leaking a lot of pre-cum.

Chip's breathing slowed as he felt Mark examining his cock. He was a little upset with himself that he was crying, but managed to recover.

Mark saw the tears streaming down Chip's face. He removed the gag and said softly, "Dude are you okay?"

Chip snapped, "What do you think? My cock is burning on the inside 3; has had hot wax dropped all over it 3; and just got the shit beat out of it!"

Mark stammered, "So 3; um 3; do you want me to stop?"

Chip took a deep breath, thought for a moment and then snarled at Mark, "Dude I told you there was only one thing that would make me mad! So get the FUCK on with it, and don't turn into a wimp!"

Mark considered for just a moment, then reached down and grabbed hold of Chip's balls, "Don't worry about that Dude, just remember when you start to beg for mercy and don't get it that you asked for all this!"

Chip laughed mockingly and said, "Yea right just give it your best shot!"

It was classic teen jock bravado! Chip tried his best to sound like the tough ass smart guy. And while a part of him was turned on by the though of the tortures that awaited him, another part was getting nervous.

The little verbal exchange served one key purpose, however. Mark was totally focused, and more excited than before about making Chip suffer.

He squeezed Chip's balls harder and harder, until Chip began to moan really loud. Then he gave Chip's cock a slap and untied him from the board. "Time to move on now! And don't worry the best stuff is yet to come."

Mark steadied Chip as he stepped away from the board. He was a little wobbly in the legs from his ordeal. Mark gave him a few moments to stretch, and then led him over to the punishment horse. He told Chip to uncover the table and smiled as Chip looked at his next instruments of torment: the two large dildos (one with a vibrator inside it), the whip, the leather paddle, the parachute (designed so weights could be hung from the guy's balls), and the riding crop.

He considered them for a moment, then walked around to the other side and bent over the horse. Mark wasted no time securing his wrists and ankles to the uprights. He snapped the snapped the parachute around Chip's balls and began hanging the small weights from it's chain. He kept adding them until Chip began to groan.

Next he walked around to the front of the horse and stood facing Chip. Chip tilted his head up and watched as Mark slowly removed his T-shirt, shorts and jock strap and then picked up the leather paddle. He stepped closer, pressed his groin up against Chip's face and snarled, "Okay show me how much you appreciate me doing all of this for you Chip."

Chip stared at Mark's hard cock. Though not as big as his, it was perfectly formed. He opened his mouth stuck out his tongue and began licking away. It was now Mark's turn to moan as Chip began working him over.

He gave into the sensation for several minutes, breathing harder and harder as the room began to fill with the scent of sweat and teenage boy arousal.

Chip took Mark's cock into his mouth. Somehow Mark managed to regain control of his senses and get back to the task at hand. He leaned forward a little raised the leather paddle and began lashing away at Chip's tight ass checks.

He started off with several hard whacks in a row, then got even harder. And the harder he lashed Chip's ass, the harder Chip sucked. Within ten minutes both were breathing hard and sweating like crazy. Chip's moans were the loudest and got increasing louder as his ass turned bright red. It burned like hell, but he wasn't really thinking about it. All he could think about was the smell of Mark's groin and the taste of his cock.

Just before Mark seemed about to shoot, and much to Chip's dismay, Mark pulled his cock out and stepped back. Mark let Chip catch his breath while he calmed down. He couldn't believe the way Chip was literally devouring his cock and balls while he lashed away.

Chip couldn't believe it either and was having a difficult time understanding why he was so incredibly turned on. Sure he liked doing a lot of this stuff, but pretty much exclusively the other way around. Why was he so worked up about being forced to service Mark's developing boyhood.

Chip watched as Mark set the paddle down, picked up the vibrating dildo, and began lubricating it. "I bet you've never had one of these up that nice ass of yours have you Chip? Cause you look awe fully tight back there."

Chip shook his head and cringed at the size of the dildo. It was thick and long and shaped like a real cock, complete with balls. Judging from the way others had reacted when he first shoved things in their asses, he knew this was going to hurt a lot.

Mark walked around behind Chip and inserted the tip of his finger in Chip's hole. Chip trembled and moaned.

"Yea, you are tight as all hell. Probably just as tight as I was before Matt started doing his things to me. I think I'm gonna really enjoy this part!"

Mark couldn't resist throwing in a little humiliation. "So umm, Chip, it seems like you really liked the taste of my cock and balls didn't you?"

Chip hesitated as he resisted admitting the obvious. In spite of everything, he wanted Mark's cock back in his mouth.

Mark slapped his ass hard with the dildo, and snarled, "Come on admit it! You can say it!"

Tears filled Chip's eyes and he trembled and said meekly, "Yea, okay, okay, I do 3; there I said it, now just get on with it!"

"You do what? What all do you want Chip?" Mark said as he leaned forward, pressed his groin against Chip's ass and laid his sweaty chest on Chip's back.

Chip trembled, took a deep breath, and then nearly shouted, "Oh GOD! I want to suck your cock 3; I want you to hurt me hard 3; please Mark."

Neither boy was prepared for the sudden outburst. Mark laid on top of Chip's back for several moments breathing heavily. Finally Chip whimpered, "Please just do it all okay! I mean it. Everything, and don't stop."

At last Mark stood back up, he touched the tip of the dildo against Chip's hole and began pressing. There was a lot of resistance but Mark kept at it. Chip shook violently as the dildo began entering him. Pain shot through his entire body

Mark ran his hand across Chip's sweaty back and said, "So do you really want to taste my cock again Chip?"

Chip was in a state of lust over load. His cock was hurting from the abuse it had already taken but felt like it was gonna explode, and he was desperate to smell Mark's groin again, and have his cock back in his mouth.

Chip nodded violently and stammered, "Oh God yes!"

Mark snapped, "Okay, if that's what you want you can get it, as long as you can take this entire dildo up your ass! Still want it?"

Chip's lust was now in full control. He nodded again and shouted, "God yes! Just do it!"

And so he did. It took Mark almost 20 minutes to work the dildo all the way inside Chip's tight ass. By the time it was all the way in, Chip was crying and screaming.


It took awhile longer for Chip to finally start settling down. Mark then climbed over the horse, keeping his hand on the end of the dildo. He worked himself into place so that his groin was in front of Chip's face, but could still hang on to the dildo.

Finally he said, "Okay Chip, go ahead and suck me."

Chip didn't have to be told twice. Through all the pain he opened his mouth and began sucking away. Mark flipped the vibrator on and began moving the dildo in and out of Chip's tormented ass. He matched pace with Chip's sucking movements and it wasn't long before both boys were getting close to cumming. Really close.

Mark gave serious thought about allowing that to happen, but decided against it. He wanted his own climax to be really intense, and definitely wanted to drag out Chip's sexual torment. He especially wanted Chip to be horned to the max when he placed him on the torture table to face the ants.

Reluctantly he pulled his cock out of Chip's mouth, slipped the Dildo out of his ass and released him from the horse. Chip's knees buckled as he tried to stand up.

Mark steadied him and guided him into the dining room. He glanced down at Chip's cock. It was still standing straight up and it's throbbing head glistened with precum.

As soon as they arrived in the dining room Mark wasted absolutely no times securing Chip to the table. He took the parachute off his balls, but left the cock ring and ball separator in place.

Chip was, of course, directed to lay face down on the table with his arms and legs spread wide and his cock and balls hanging down through the round hole. Mark began by stretching Chips arms and legs tight and securing them to the corners of the table. He pulled the leather strap over Chip's lower back and secured it very tight. Then did the same thing to the one that passed over his upper legs just below his ass. When he was done he double checked all the restraints. Chip was totally immobilized and his groin was pressed firmly against the hole.

Things were ready.

Chip was in a crazy state! The entire time he was being tied and strapped down he couldn't take his eyes off the small towel covered side table. The shape of the objects under the towel was obvious. There were gallon jars there. The type used for the ant torture he had devised. He thought it was pretty ironic that he would be the first guy it was tested on.

Then he started thinking about the ants. He had felt their bites and couldn't even begin to imagine how they would feel on his cock. Especially in view of the fact it was so painfully hard and overly sensitive.

He was still incredibly aroused by the things Mark was doing to him, but began to feel something else as he thought about the ants. He had never really experienced feelings of terror, but was about to 3; thanks to what Mark did next.

Satisfied with his preparations, Mark walked to the end of the table and stood beside the side table.

"Well Chip, I guess you know what's coming up next," Mark chuckled.

"Yea, the ant torture," Chip said nervously.

"Yea, that's right, and I've picked out a whole bunch of good one. So are you ready to ask me to stop? You could save yourself a lot of torment. Those little guys are really going to do a number on your cock Dude."

Chip shook his head, "Yea, I figured, but I'm sure Andy and Pete are going to use them, and I got to know."

Mark smiled. He was actually glad Chip didn't want to stop, because he really was looking forward to watching him suffer.

"Okay, so we go on. I have a little demonstration for you first though," Mark said ominously as he removed the towel from one of the jars and slid the table closer so that Chip could see.

Chip's eyes widened as he saw the ants crawling all over each other inside the jar. There were a lot of them and some were pretty big. He watched curiously as Mark picked up a hotdog tied a string around it, removed the jar lid and lowered it into the jar. "Check it out Chip."

Chip watched as a bunch of the ants started climbing all over the hot dog. From Chip's viewpoint a number of them seemed to be biting at it, but most were just running up and down.

He cringed at the thought of his own 'hot dog' locked inside the jar.

Mark let him watch for awhile. Then he but on one of the protective gloves, pulled the hot dog out of the jar and carefully scraped the clinging ants back inside.

When he was done he smiled at Chip and said, "But I think you'll find this next demonstration even more interesting."

Mark picked up the tube of Icy Hot and smeared a bunch all over the hot dog. "I think you recognize this stuff. It's even stronger than Ben Gay."

Chip could only manage a nod, knowing full well one of the things that was about to happen to him.

Mark gave a wicked smile as he lowered the Icy Hot covered hot dog into the jar, "Check this out dude!"

Chip watched first in fascination and then in horror.

This time it looked like every ant in the jar was trying to get at the hot dog. And they seemed really angry. In fact most of them looked like they were biting away at it. In a manner of seconds the hot dog was completely covered with angry ants.

Mark watched as Chip began to sweat and tremble. He glanced at his watch and figured there should be just enough time. Which was good, because it took him longer than expected to get the hot dog out of the jar and scrape all the ants off of it. Somehow he managed and then turned to Chip.

"Okay, time for the grand finale!"

Chip began breathing hard as he said tentatively, "Go for it!"

Mark picked up the jar and climbed under the table. The milk crates were already to go. He smeared a bunch of icy hot on his hands and coated Chip's genitals with it. He made sure the entire length of Chip's painfully hard cock was completely covered. He removed the jar lid pressed the jar up into the hole against Chip's groin and moved the milk crates underneath for support. He smiled as he saw the ants jumping onto Chip's cock and balls. It took just a matter of seconds for the swarming to begin and Chip to start screaming.

For Chip, the burning sensation hit him about the same instant the ants began biting at his cock and balls. It felt like hundreds of tiny needles were attacking his burning genitals. To say the pain was excruciating would be a gross understatement.

Mark was glad the house was pretty isolated because Chip's screams were loud indeed.


Chip pulled violently at his bonds to no avail. He wanted the creatures off of his cock and balls. The pain was bad enough, but so was that sensation of all those tiny feet moving around his cock and balls, and through his pubes. That part was maddening 3; wanting to be able to brush them all off but couldn't.

Mark watched in fascination as Chip's suffering continued. His screams got louder. Mark looked at his watch, just ten minutes left. Chip had no clue how much time was left and Mark was not about to tell him. Mark knelt beside Chip's head and said. "Don't worry Chip, you still have plenty of time to play with your new little friends. That should give them enough time to eat their fill of your cock and ball skin."

Mark climbed under the table and looked in the jar. Every inch of Chip's huge hard cock was covered with angry ants. Chip's screams continued and Mark started to feel sorry for Chip.

Mark looked at his watch 3; five minutes to go 3; it appeared Chip was gonna make it. Then he heard it 3; Chip started to babble, "Oh GOD MARK 3; DAMN 3; please 3; ummm 3; GOD DAMN!"

Mark climbed out from under the table. He looked at Chip's sweaty body. Looked at the tears running from his eyes and the agony in his face. Chip's quivering lips said it all. He was about to give up.

Mark could have ended it right then and there. Chip was on the very edge of begging for him to stop. Mark would have won and Chip lost.

Mark thought for a moment as he felt this incredible sensation in he chest. A sensation of pride and something even stronger.

His instincts took over as he covered Chip's mouth with his hands to keep him from saying anymore. Then he began whispering in Chip's ear, "Hang in there Dude! You have less than four minutes! You can do it!"

Mark climbed onto the table and laid on top of Chip's back. He kept his hand over Chip's mouth and kept whispering encouragement.

When the time was up, Mark announced, "DUDE! You made it! Your time is up."

He removed his hand from Chip's mouth and said, "Okay, I'll get you off of this thing."

Mark was about to climb off when Chip suddenly stammered, "NO wait! 3; SHIT! FUCK! 3; DAMMNNNN! AGGH!"

The ants were continuing to do their thing, but something else was happening which neither boy fully understood. Though the pain was still intense, somehow it had cross-circuited with Chip's sexual desires which was stronger than he had ever felt before. Through all the pain he was thinking about winning the bet and what he would get.

Mark asked hurriedly, "Don't worry, I'll get them off of you as fast as I can!"

Chip snarled through clenched teeth, "SHIT! NO! You have to do something else first and do it FAST!"

It was the 'something else' that surprised them both. Chip heard the words coming out of his own mouth and couldn't believe he was saying them.

"Mark, FUCK ME! FUCK ME HARD!" Chip snapped.

Mark's mouth dropped open, "Are you shitting me? Like this? Strapped down with the ants and all?"

Chip snapped again, "YEA! DO IT NOW!"

Mark was about to protest when Chip snapped again, "JUST DO IT! I Know you'd like to 3; FUCK SHIT! DO IT before they tear my fucking cock off!"

Mark jumped off the table, lubed his cock and climbed back onto the table. He released the strap beneath Chip's ass and knelt between his legs. Chip moaned as Mark stuck his finger in his ass.

"OH GOD! Just do it! Fuck me Markee!" Chip cried.

Mark took another look at Chip's sweaty body and his tight ass. He had never fucked another guy before and was really excited that Chip would be his first.

Chip screamed again as some ants found another spot on his burning balls.

And that was all it took.

Mark pressed his cock head against Chip's tight hole. Chip moaned louder and louder as he felt Mark's hard boyhood begin working it's way inside.

Mark paused momentarily his pubes reached Chip's ass. Chip began whimpering from the pain on his cock and balls and the feeling in his ass. Both were intense, but so was the feeling inside his balls.

Chip whispered pleadingly, "Do IT!"

Mark took a deep breath and started pumping fast and hard. Both boys were totally lost in a primal lust, which did not take long to reach fruition. Mark came first in a series of violent contractions inside Chip's ass. His screams were almost as loud as the ones from Chip which followed.

And scream Chip did as his balls shot load after load of rich teen jock cum into the jar.

Mark dropped onto Chip's back and panted, lost in the afterglow of the most powerful orgasm he had ever felt. He remained that way for several minutes until Chip broke the ice.

"Umm, okay DUDE! That was awesome, but could you do me one quick favor?"

Mark asked excitedly, "Sure! Anything you say!"

Chip groaned as he felt more ant bites then managed a laugh as he said, "Get these fucking ants off of me Dude!"

Mark chuckled as he climbed off the table ant went to work. Even with the protective gloves on he got bitten by some stray ants. It took awhile to get all of the ants off of Chip's cock and eventually back into the pit. Mark laughed as he emptied the jar and saw how much cum Chip had shot inside.

When he returned to the house, Chip was sitting in a chair in the dining room holding some ice on his cock and balls. Chip uncovered long enough to show Mark his tortured genitals. "See what your friends did?" he laughed.

Mark's eyes widened as he looked at Chip's poor cock, which was still rock hard. The marks from the whip were there but so were tons of tiny little red marks.

Mark asked, "So how does it feel?"

Chip chuckled, "Pretty fucking bad, but I'll get over it, and it looks like that dang pill is still working! Do me a favor and get the ointment from the first aid kit."

Mark got the ointment and was really happy when Chip asked him to rub it on his cock and balls.

They sat in silence as Mark applied the soothing ointment. By the time he was done, Chip was feeling a whole lot better. He assured Mark that he was not bad and admitted he was not looking forward to his two hours with Andy and Pete.

Mark laughed, "Well I'd be happy to help coach you through it, if they would let me. I suspect they won't be as wicked as me, and I sure won't help them with any ideas."

Chip laughed, "You really are pretty twisted. But that may be a good idea. I was pretty fucking close to giving in. Those damn ants are wicked."

Mark chuckled, "Yea I figured."

Chip started examining his cock again to see if there was any real damage. He glanced across the room and gestured at the other jar that was still covered, "So what's in the other jar? More ants?"

Mark laughed, "No. Guess I'll just have to save that for another time. I was kinda hoping we'd have enough time to do it."

Chip walked over to the table and said, "Come on show me!"

Mark hopped over and chuckled, "Okay, just don't get too scared."

[Boy Fact #14 – Most teenage boys have an incredibly rapid recovery time.]

Chip laughed, "After what you just put me through I don't think anything would scare me. Well, um unless it involved a lot more pain cause I'm not sure my cock could take much more 3; especially since it is still so fucking hard."

Mark laughed, "Well this doesn't involve much pain 3; maybe just a little, but it is sort of scary for most guys."

By now, Chip was intrigued and of course, getting horny all over again. There was an implied challenge here, which Chip could not resist.

[Boy Fact #3 – Boys have an almost insatiable need to face challenges.]

"Okay, well tell you what Dude, as long is this doesn't involve a lot of pain to my cock and balls, let's see what else you had planned for me. I'll do whatever it is. I promise. Consider it part of my training for the bet!" Chip laughed.

He waited expectantly for Mark to uncover the other jar, but Mark surprised him by insisting he get back on the torture table.

Chip reluctantly agreed and was soon strapped down once again with his cock and balls sticking down through the hole. He watched in nervous anticipation as Mark uncovered the second jar.

All he saw was a jar full of water and he laughed, "So like what is this, some kind of cock and ball water torture?"

Mark laughed and said, "Sort of 3; so do you really want to do this last part?"

Chip sounded a little frustrated as he snapped, "Yea 3; go for it!"

He was further surprised when Mark gagged him and chuckled, "This is so I can't hear you begging me not to do it!"

Now Chip was a little scared. His cock was getting harder though as Mark picked up the jar, held it up in front of his face and gave it a little shake. It took a few moments for Chip to see them swimming in the water 3; leeches!

Mark chuckled as Chip screamed into the gag, "That's right Chip, you know what they are! Good thing your cock is full of blood, cause I think they are really hungry!"

Thanks to all for your comments. And once again apologies if I have not responded to you. I am trying to incorporate ideas I receive as best I can, but please understand it may take awhile. Several of the characters have started to take on a life of their own, so I am following their lead.

other story notes

(Like what has been happening elsewhere)

— Aaron picked Justyn up at the airport. Justyn is an even bigger asshole than Aaron remembered. It is gonna be a rough three weeks.

— Pete and Andy have begun planning for Chip's two hours

And so we go on!