Scott WestwoodBoys Love TortureChapter 19 | ||||
Story NotesThere have been so many requests to move one "particular" character to center stage that I decided to do just that with this chapter. "Who Is It" you may ask! LOL, guess you'll have to read on to find that out! Oh and yea, this chapter also addresses another ongoing and popular request concerning good old Chip!The other strong thematics are: Guys can do really STUPID things when they get TOO horned (no matter how strong, old or experienced) 3; and "Paybacks" really can be a bitch!
Chip and Coach Taylor walked in silence all the way to Coach's house. Chip was totally worked up. He couldn't wait to start torturing the hot young coach. He really wanted to do the "sexual agony" thing with him. It had been fun with Dennis, but Coach was a fully developed man, albeit young looking, and Chip really wanted to hear his screams and pleas for mercy. Coach was excited too. On the one hand he was a little frightened about the fact that Chip and his brothers had seen his WebCam show and worried that someone else from nearby might have seen it too. He consoled himself by the fact that if someone else had seen it, they weren't likely to say anything, since they would be admitting watching gay porn. And then on the other hand this whole thing was like a dream come true. Chip had to be gay, which was great. He knew he shouldn't do anything sexual with him, but just couldn't resist. Chip had such an incredible hot young teenage body, and he couldn't wait to see him naked. The only question that remained was whether or not he was in to the twisted stuff that interested him the most. Fortunately he didn't have to wait long to find out. As soon as they got in the house, he got them both a cold drink and the two sat down at the kitchen table. Chip could tell Coach was pretty nervous. He sipped his drink for awhile in silence, then smiled and said, "So Coach, I guess you're wondering what happens now." Coach Taylor took a deep breath and said nervously, "Um, yea sort of 3; um yea." Chip laughed and said, "Well first of all, you actually don't need to worry, I'm not gonna "out" you or anything., I'm not like that. But that doesn't mean I don't expect some things from you." Coach seemed to relax a little as Chip continued. "I really enjoy running with you in the mornings, so that's gonna continue. We'll run, then bullshit as usual. But outside of that we're gonna have a, 'special' arrangement." Coach set his drink down and said cautiously, "Um, what kind of arrangement?" Chip, of course, had the advantage now. He knew all about Coach's twisted interests from Jason and knew he really didn't need to coerce him into doing exactly want he wanted. But, to make things really work, he had to essentially, "play the game." Chip smiled and said, "Well it's simple really. From now on you do whatever I say, no matter what. I'm sure you've read about these types of things. It's like I'll be the Master, and you'll be my slave. And I'm sure you know what kind of slave I'm talking about." Coach swallowed hard and stammered, "You mean like a sex slave." He felt more blood rush into his already hard cock. Chip giggled and said, "Yea, that's absolutely right. But I got to tell you it'll be more than that. You're gonna be my torture slave boy, cause that's what really excites me. Like your little Web show about "sexual agony". You'll be going through a lot of that." Chip could tell Coach was really excited. He started breathing harder and he started to blush. Coach didn't know what to say. His mind said he should do whatever he could to just cut this whole thing off, but his body said otherwise. The prospect of being used as a sex slave by the hot high school jock was just too much. And then there was the thing about being tortured by him. Physical and sexual torture was a key part of almost every one of his fantasies. Finally he cleared his throat, looked at Chip and said softly, "So, Um, when do you want to get started?" Chip laughed and said, "Right now Slave Boy! You can start by taking off your shoes and socks, and then stand in front of me with your hands behind your head so I can check out my property." Coach moved quickly to do as he was told. Standing in front of Chip, dressed only in his tented running shorts, with his hands behind his head was actually a huge turn on. Chip stood up and circled the Coach. His body really was incredible. He could tell that Coach was totally worked up by the way he quivered. Chip added to his level of excitement by slowly running his hands over Coach's tight body. He felt his arms, chest, stomach and legs as he commented on just how hot Coach was. When he was done, he stood behind Coach, placed his fingers in the waistband of his shorts and asked, "So Slave Boy, do you want me to take these off of you now?" Coach Taylor trembled and panted, "Yes sir, if that's what you want." Chip smiled as he slowly slid Coach's shorts down to his ankles. Coach stepped out of them and waited as Chip circled around in front of him. Chip was impressed with everything he saw. Coach had an absolutely incredible ass. It was small and very tight. But it was what was up front that really got to Chip. Coach Taylor's cock was huge. It was sticking straight up in the air, like that of a teenager. His balls hung rather low and he had a really heavy patch of pubic hair, with reddish highlights. And then there was this really nice treasure trail leading from just below his navel. Chip thought to himself, "God, this is really going to be fun!" He reached down, grabbed Coach's balls and started to squeeze as he said softly, "You're going to suffer a lot for me today slave boy. I mean a lot! I know that's what you really like and need. Admit it!" Coach took another deep breath and said, "Yes Sir Chip Sir, I do." Chip squeezed Coach's balls hard and continued, "Okay 'boy', guess we need to talk about a couple of things before we really get rolling. I'm sure you've read a lot about this stuff and know about things called safe words." Chip thought it would be a good idea to "formalize" things a little by going with a safe word. He really didn't want to blow his chance to use Coach for a long time and he wanted to sound like he really knew what he was doing when it came to BDSM. Coach moaned as Chip tightened his grip on his balls. He nodded and said, "Yes sir." Chip smiled and said, "Okay, since I plan to torture you really hard, you'll need to tell me what your safe word is going to be." Coach thought for a moment then said, "Um Chip Sir, if it's okay, I don't think I really want one. If that's okay." Chip didn't know what to say. He was about to question him about it when Coach continued. "See it's like this, I really don't want to have a way out. I mean it. I think I trust you enough to know that you won't do anything that would cause real damage. I've dreamt for so long about being in situations where I have absolutely no control and being forced to do some really nasty and humiliating things." Chip got even more excited as Coach continued. He could tell he was really serious about this. "Okay, go on," he said. Coach took yet another deep breath and said, "If I had one request it would be that you be really cruel. And if it ever gets to the point where I beg and ask you to stop 3; you totally ignore it, and make things even worse." Coach was starting to sweat and his cock seemed to be getting even harder. Chip didn't know quite what to say. He had heard similar words before but had yet to go quite that far. He loved making a guy beg and getting him to promise to do all kinds of things. But the prospect of going beyond that 3; to torture him to the point he begged 3; and then ignoring those begs 3; was actually intoxicating. He looked at Coach Taylor's fully developed body. He thought about seeing him bound 3; in pain 3; and hearing him crying and begging. It was almost too much. He looked Coach in the eyes, squeezed his balls hard and snarled, "Are you totally sure about that? I can be really cruel when I put my mind to it!" Coach gasped, "Yes! I'm sure. I've thought about this for a long time." Chip smiled as he released Coach's balls. "Well, in that case, I'll do it. Just remember I gave you a chance to have an out." Coach nodded and waited. Chip was about to say something, when Coach cleared his throat and said, "Um, Chip Sir, before we do anything else, there's something else I should tell you 3; um 3; well actually show you. I think you'll really like it." Chip was curious. He nodded and said, "Okay, so show me." Coach was absolutely right. Chip really, really liked "it!" In fact he couldn't believe it! The dungeon was a total surprise! He had planned to take Coach to the torture house, but this was so much better. "HOLY SHIT! I don't believe this! How long has this been here?" Coach smiled and said, "It was just finished yesterday. Hasn't really been used yet. Guess I might have gotten a little carried a way 3; but heck, I do have the money." Chip was totally intrigued. He walked all around the room examining everything, getter harder by the minute. Coach saw how excited Chip was and continued. "I'm betting you can figure out how everything works, there's a lot of toys and stuff in the cabinets, and oh yea, the room is sound proof." Chip forgot all about Coach for awhile as he went through everything. The cabinets were stocked with everything imaginable, and more. Some of the torture devices looked pretty freaking nasty. Coach watched Chip closely, and smiled. He was like a little kid on Christmas morning. He saw the huge tent in the front of Chip's shorts and started breathing harder. His initial experiences with Jason had been really exciting, but Chip was another story all together. There was something about Chip that totally turned him on besides the fact he was one hot teenage jock. He couldn't wait for Chip to start using him 3; and using him really hard. It took a while for Chip to snap out of his daze. He had spent a lot of time reading the little booklet that was in the box with the three "iron maidens". He loved CBT a lot, and those things would be great for it. Finally he got hold of himself. He looked at Coach and had a brief feeling of guilt. In spite of everything, he was actually having a tough time maintaining his "Master" role. He gestured around the room and said, "Dude, this is really cool and all, but if we go ahead with this, it's gonna be 3; um 3; like real 3; like I'll do just what you said 3; you know ignore you if you start begging and stuff. I can be pretty nasty at times." Coach took yet another deep breath. He couldn't understand it. He just knew he wanted it! He wanted to be controlled, tortured and used by this hot teenager. "Look, I really have thought about this for a long time. It may sound strange, but it's what I want. If you're not comfortable with it, I'll understand." Chip thought for a few more moments, then looked at the Coach and asked, "Okay, well one last question. I know you've been, 'checking me out' every time we've run together. I was just wondering if you jacked off thinking about me." Coach started to blush and his cock began throbbing. He swallowed hard, lowered his eyes and said, "Oh yea. Probably more than I should have." Chip snapped totally out of his daze. "Well okay then. We'll do it your way! From now on, your body is mine 3; And I mean mine completely. The only time I expect to see you in clothes of any kind is when we are out in public. Other than that, if I'm here with you, or you are some place else that is private with me, you will be naked. I don't care who else is around. Do you understand?" Coach nodded and said, "Yes Sir!" Chip smiled and then said, "And another thing, from now on you can only cum when someone else is watching! I mean it! You can still do your WebCam thing, and you can cum during it, cause someone will be watching. If you want to cum during any other time, you'll need to find someone to watch! Understood?" Coach nodded again and said loudly, "YES SIR!" He couldn't believe how much this whole thing was turning him on! Chip was getting into it too. He glared at the coach and snarled, "Okay Slave Boy, go to the cabinet, get some leather wrist and ankle restraints and put them on. And then bring me one of those leather collars." Coach literally ran over to the cabinet, grabbed the restraints and put them on in a hurry. When he was done, he ran back to Chip and handed him the collar. Chip took the collar smiled and said, "Okay, Slave Boy 3; kneel!" Coach dropped to his knees and waited anxiously. Chip bent over, put the collar around Coach's neck and announced, "Okay, and this makes it official! You are my slave boy! Only I can put the collar on you! And only I can take it off! You will wear it whenever and wherever I say!" Coach trembled and got a look of near panic. He looked up and Chip and stammered, "But what about at school. I can't really wear it there." Chip slapped Coach across the face and snapped, "You will if I say so. You wanted it this way, so get used to it! I mean it!" Chip was enjoying how scared the Coach looked. Although he had no intention of actually making Coach wear the collar while at school, he liked the feeling of power and decided he just might have him do it, but maybe in a way which was not too obvious. Coach looked up at Chip and said softly, "Sorry Sir. It took me a little by surprise. I'll do whatever you say." A wild idea popped into Chip's head. He thought about it for just a moment, felt his cock throb and decided to go with it. He shackled Coach's hands behind his back, grabbed a chair from the corner of the room, sat down on it and ordered Coach to kneel in front of him. Then he pulled his cell phone out of the waistband in his shorts and pressed speed dial. He glared at Coach and said, "Take my shoes and socks off Slave Boy." Coach looked confused. His hands were shackled behind his back. Chip sensed his confusion and chuckled, "Dude, use your fucking mouth and teeth! You probably could use the practice cause you'll be doing the same thing for some of my buddies." Coach leaned down and started tugging at the laces of Chip's running shoes. The scent of Chip's sweaty feet and shoes filled his nostrils. It was a pungent smell, but was another turn on for the young coach. It wasn't an easy task. He only had one lace untied by the time Chip started talking on the phone. He listened intently and started to shake when he heard what Chip was saying. "Dude, what are you doing?" "Really that's cool, so how much are you lifting?" Chip look down at the Coach who had started on his other shoe lace. His cock really started to throb as he watched the naked and cuffed Coach tugging at the other lace with his teeth. He whispered, "By the way, this is my younger brother. He's lifting weights right now, and oh yea, he's 14." Coach trembled slightly as he listened to the rest of the conversation. "So anyway Dude, you're still not pissed about last night are you?" Chip listened intently for awhile, then covered the mouthpiece with his hand and giggled, "He's still pretty pissed." He turned back to the phone just as Coach managed to pull off Chip's first shoe. The smell of Chip's sweaty gym sock filled his nostrils and his eyes rolled. It was an odor he really loved, and one of the ones that made him very horny. There was only one thing that got him even hornier, and he was such he'd be getting a good whiff of that soon. Chip said into the phone, "Okay, yea when maybe I shouldn't have done the thing with the bed afterwards. I just couldn't help myself. But hey little brother, I'll make it up to you." Coach kept listening as he tugged Chip's sock off and sniffed his bare foot. Chip assured Dennis there was no trick, and he would totally love what was going on. He told him how to get Coach's condo, and how to get down to the basement. The last thing Coach heard Chip tell Dennis was that he shouldn't shower after his work out. Chip closed his cell phone, smiled at the Coach and said, "He'll be here soon. Crazy thing about Dennis is he can be even crueler than me, and he is a total sadist." Coach was literally panting as he pulled off Chip's other shoe and sock. The smell was really getting to him. Chip could tell it to, so he rubbed his feet in Coach's face and told him to give his feet a nice tongue bath. Coach went right to work. He started by sucking Chip's toes then slurping away at the rest of his feet. Both were moaning by the time he reached Chip's ankles. When he finished, Chip spread his legs wide and ordered him to move closer. Coach crawled between Chip's legs and waited expectantly. Chip saw the way he was looking at his crotch and tented shorts. He pulled the front of his shorts open, grabbed the back of Coach's head and forced his face down inside his waistband then let it snap shut around coach's face. Coach's mouth and nose were sticking inside the front of Chip's sweaty running shorts and the tip of Chip's hard teenage cock was touching his nose. Chip laughed, "Okay Coach you get a really good whiff of me. I'm sure you'll like it." He was absolutely correct. The strong smell of Chip's adolescent crotch was overpowering. It was all there 3; the smell of sweat, mixed with a touch of pee splash, maybe a little recent cum, and that wonderful musk like smell that seems to emanate from the crotch of an aroused boy. Coach breather deeper and harder. Chip loved the feeling he was getting. It was a feeling of incredible power, knowing he was in total control of this guy. And knowing just how much he was turning him. He tilted his head back and moaned, and then felt Coach's tongue touch the end of his cock. Chips looked down at the Coach, slapped him on the back of his head and snapped, "HEY! I didn't say you could taste me yet! You'll get your chance to taste a whole lot more of me. You just keep smelling me." He grinned as he heard a muffled "Sorry sir come from inside his shorts." The two remained locked together like that for over fifteen minutes. Chip was just about ready to tell the Coach to start licking his cock head when he heard footsteps. He had left the door to the dungeon open so he could hear Dennis's arrival. The door swung open and Dennis paraded into the room. As soon as he was inside, his mouth dropped open and he said, "HOLY SHIT!" Chip giggled, "I knew you'd like it!" He walked around the room surveying everything as he kept repeating, "HOLY SHIT!" over and over again. He hardly seemed to notice the fact there was a naked and cuffed man on his knees with his face inside Chip's shorts. When he finally did seem to notice, he exclaimed, "HOLY FUCKING SHIT!" Chip pulled Coach's face out of his shorts and told him to look at Dennis. When he did, Dennis's mouth dropped open again and his eyes got really big. Chip laughed, "I think you recognized him, didn't you." Dennis could only manage a nod as he checked out Coach's naked body, and his hard cock. Finally he stammered, "Wow, his cock looks even bigger in real life. So who is this dude anyway?" Chip smiled and said, "Dennis, I want you to meet Coach Taylor, the new assistant lacrosse coach. Coach I'd like you to meet my brother Dennis." Coach looked at Dennis and said teasingly, "Pleased to meet you Dennis 3; um I guess." Coach gulped as he checked out Dennis, standing there in a T-shirt and baggy gym shorts. He could definitely see the family resemblance and there was no question about the fact that he had a really tight body. He was also incredibly cute and had a devilish sort of smile. By now Chip was getting really anxious to get moving. He thought about having Coach do the shoe and sock thing with Dennis but decided against it. Instead he had Dennis take off his own shoes and socks and sit in the chair, while Coach licked his feet. While Coach did his thing, Chip explained what was going on. There was another round of "HOLY SHITS!" from Dennis as he explained about the slavery deal. He concluded by saying, "So anyway, I told you I would make it up to you. So what do you think? Oh and by the way, this doesn't mean you get out of doing that park thing. You are a Peterson brother, and a promise is a promise." Dennis wasn't thinking about that at all. He glanced around the room and his cock got really hard. The "promise" thing was something sort of sacred to the brothers and was a source of pride, so even though he didn't want to do it, he would. And it didn't matter that it had been coerced. A promise was a promise. Dennis was just about to respond when Chip noticed Coach had finished his feet. He pulled Coach closer to Dennis and had him hold the front of his shorts open while he forced Coach's face down inside, just like he had done with his own. Chip noticed that Dennis was wearing a jock. By the look of it, it was probably the one he usually wore when he lifted weights, which meant it probably hadn't been washed in awhile. Dennis was also at that age when he had to be reminded to take more frequent showers. Coach breathed in the smell of Dennis's crotch. It was actually stronger than Chip's. But the aroma was very much the same and he loved it. Chip left him that way for several minutes, then pulled him to his feet. He pointed to the jail cell, and told Dennis to blindfold him, keep his hands shackled behind his back and put him in the cell. Dennis got really excited as he marched Coach into the cell, and locked the door behind him. He rushed back over to Chip and blabbered, "Dude, this is so fucking cool! Shit man, how old is he? This is a lot better than what we did to that other man." Chip smiled and said, "Oh he's like 22 or something and should be real fun to torture. And check out the size of his cock. It's really big." Dennis smile wickedly as he said, "Yea I noticed, it's gonna be awesome to torture. Bet we can get him to scream and beg." Chip grinned and added, "That's the plan, little brother. Like I said, this should be a lot of fun." What Dennis did not know was that Chip was having another twisted brainstorm. When he got this horned all kinds of crazy ideas entered his head. He looked at Dennis who had gone back over to the cell and was taunting Coach by telling him all the nasty things he would be doing to him. The more he listened to his sadistic younger brother talk, the more excited he got. Suddenly he started imaging what it would be like to torture Dennis at the same time. He liked torturing and humiliating other guys, but there was just something really cool about doing it to his own brother. There was probably no way Dennis would go for another bet thing. At least not so soon after the last one, and would definitely expect Chip would trick him somehow. That meant Chip would have to find a way to overpower him somehow. A feat that would not be easy, since Dennis was actually pretty strong and a real scrapper. Still there might be a way, he mused. Chip let Dennis taunt the Coach some more then said, "Okay Bro, maybe we should get started. I think you'll like this first part." He walked over to the rack and started getting it ready. He was just about to tell Dennis to bring Coach over when there heard this loud buzzing sound. Dennis jumped and said, "What the hell is that?" Coach, "Said, Shit, that's the doorbell. I forgot Steph said he was going to drop off the final bill for the dungeon. He's the guy who built this. If you let me out and let me get dressed, I'll take care of it." Chip thought for a moment. He didn't want to release Coach, and was actually curious about the guy who built the dungeon. He wanted to see what he looked like. He didn't even think about the fact that Steph might be a little curious himself when he saw Chip there. Chip said, "Well, if he's just dropping it off. I'll get it." Coach didn't think it was such a good idea, but Chip was gone before he had a chance to say anything. Dennis was curious to and followed after him. Which concerned Chip a little. He opened the door and smiled at Steph, who was surprised to see Chip standing there wearing just a pair of gym shorts. When he saw the tent in the front of Chip's shorts he thought to himself, "Man Rusty apparently likes them young 3; he's taking a big chance." He smiled at Chip and said, "Um, is Rusty around? I have something for him." Chip smiled back and said, "Yea, it's the bill for the construction work. He's kind of tied up right now, but you can just leave it with me. I'll give it to him." Dennis snickered at Chip's "inside joke." Steph then noticed Dennis standing a few feet behind Chip. Both were good looking teenagers. Steph couldn't resist asking, "So how do you guys know Rusty?" Chip thought quickly and responded, "Oh he's a friend of the family. We just came over to visit for a little while." Dennis moved closer and Steph noticed a resemblance. "So are you two brothers then?" Chip nodded and said, "Yea, we are. That's Dennis and my name's Chip." Steph extended his hand and said, "And I'm Steph. Pleased to meet you both." Chip shook his hand and shivered a little for some reason. He had a really firm grip and was actually pretty good looking. Not quite as hot as the Coach, but still hot. And there was no question Steph was "checking" them both out. Steph had a lot of experience messing around with other guys. He loved everything about BDSM, and loved torturing and humiliating college age types especially. Though he was not specifically attracted to teenage boys, he couldn't help it with these two. [Boy Fact #16- Brothers can be Extremely Competitive and Antagonistic! The closer the ages, the more Antagonistic they can become!] And there was another thing. If Steph had one key fetish, it was sort of an incest type of thing. One of his biggest "turn-on's" was watching two real life brothers involved in some type of torture scene. There was just something about it that was extremely hot. He loved how cruel one brother could be to the other. Sadly, those things were really tough to make happen. Chip was having some crazy thoughts of his own. He wondered if Steph was into BDSM. He figured if he built dungeons, he just might be, and the way he was looking at Chip, suggested that he just might be gay as well. And in that case, he just might be willing to help Chip out with his little scheme to get Dennis. To Dennis's surprise he asked Steph to come in. Steph stepped in side. He recognized the odor of "arousal" immediately and confirmed the state of the two hot teenagers with a quick glance at the front of their shorts. Chip asked, "So I was just wondering, if you do more than just build those things, I mean like are you in to that stuff? Yea we saw the dungeon." Steph smiled and said, "You get right to the point don't you kid. Yea, I'm into in a big way. Guess I have been since I was about your age." Like Coach, Steph knew he was on shaky ground, but just could not help himself. A set of two hot sexually charged brothers was just too much to pass up. He gave Chip a wink and teased, "And I'm betting that you two are into it too!" Dennis blushed as Chip chirped, "Yea we are." Steph then took the big step. "And I'm also betting that when you said, Rusty was tied up, you weren't kidding." Dennis rolled his eyes and listened as Chip proceeded to tell Steph what was going on. The thought of these two teens torturing Coach was really exciting. He listened intently as Chip told him some of the things he had planned for the Coach. He told him all about the sexual agony thing, and even about the fact Coach insisted on not having a safe word. Steph did jump in and tell him that was dangerous, but Chip insisted he could handle it. Dennis could absolutely not believe Chip was telling this guy, who they had just met, all of this stuff. Chip was so caught up in his plan to snare Dennis that he just figured this might be a way to enlist Steph's help. Finally Chip said, "So you wanna see him? We got him in the jail cell." Steph smiled and said, "Sure, I'd love to see that." They turned towards the kitchen. Chip told Steph to go ahead cause he needed to talk to Dennis. As soon as Steph was gone, Chip ran back to Dennis who was still standing near the door. Dennis asked tenuously, "Dude are you sure this is such a good idea?" Chip laughed, "I'm not sure, but I just thought it would be fun to have him help torture Coach. You heard him, he's into it and probably has some cool ideas. Besides if he does help, we'll probably get to see him naked." The familiar wicked grin crossed Dennis's face as he got the picture. He nodded and said, "COOL!" Chip concluded by saying, "Okay, now here's the plan. I want you to wait up here until we come back up. It shouldn't be very long. Then we'll plan things out, and you can help convince him to help." Dennis asked, "Why don't I just come downstairs now?" Chip winked and said, "Well I need to talk to Coach alone for a bit, just to make sure all is still cool and all. So I'll send Steph back up and you keep him occupied so he doesn't leave. Think you can do that?" Some how it seemed to make sense to Dennis. Chip smiled as he headed downstairs. "So far so good" he thought as he bounded down the steps. Now all he needed to do is see if he could somehow convince Steph to help him subdue his brother." It would actually be an easy sell. Steph was having similar thoughts. He couldn't resist fantasizing about watching one of the boys torture and humiliate the other. The question was how to approach it. Chip arrived to find Steph standing by the cell, teasing Coach. Coach's cock was still really hard and glistened with pre-cum. Steph had really gotten him worked up by telling him he planned to help teach the boys how to torture him good. Chip pulled Steph across the room and whispered to him, "Look I know this may sound strange, but since you like this stuff, I was wondering if you could help me out?" Steph asked, "With what exactly?" Chip took a deep breath and continued, "Well, okay, I'll be honest, my brother is sort of an asshole at times, and I was really wanting to maybe torture him at the same time I do Coach. I think it would be awesome to make them scream at the same time, and have to do all kinds of wicked things with each other." Steph was now totally caught up in things. He looked at Chip and asked, "You'd do that to your own brother? That seems pretty cruel." Chip said, "Trust me, if he could do it to me, he would, and besides being an asshole, he is a total sadist. I really love making him suffer." Chip told about the things he had done to Dennis just the night before. Steph chuckled, "Seems like you're somewhat of a sadist yourself." Chip smiled, and said, "Well, yea, I guess. So will you help?" Steph thought for a moment and said, "Well, I have one concern. If I do this and he gets really upset, are you sure he won't tell anyone? I could get in lots of trouble." Chip looked at Steph and said, "Trust me Dude. It's not a problem. We've done some pretty nasty things with older guys, and I promise, neither one of us has ever said a thing and never will 3; no matter what!" Steph could tell by Chip's demeanor that what he was saying was totally true. Though he was still a little concerned, but agreed to help. What Chip didn't realize was that Steph was starting to formulate a plan of his own. The more he thought about it, the more he liked it. Without realizing it, Chip had provided him with the final bit of assurance he needed to go through with it. Steph closed the door and said, "Okay, I've got an idea and don't want to risk your brother hearing this. He looks like he can be a real smartass and maybe sneaky too 3; so he just might try to listen in." Chip giggled, "You've got that totally right! So what you got in mind." Steph said in his best "conspiratal" manner, "Well, if this is gonna work, I'll have to show you something, cause you're gonna have a key role." Chip was intrigued as Steph led him over to the punishment horse. Coach was intrigued as well. "Okay, you'll need to understand exactly how the 'quick close cuffs' work on this thing." Chip looked really curious. Steph continued, "Okay, now you see those padded wrist restraints on the one side of the horse, near the bottom of the legs?" Chip looked and nodded. Steph said, "They are both spring loaded and snap shut almost instantly when activated. Now this is how I see it happening. You'll be kneeling where I am now on this side of the horse. I'll have your brother on the other side 3; oh heck I better show you just how this works. Come here a second and make believe you're Dennis, I'll make believe I'm you." Steph couldn't believe Chip didn't appear to be the least bit suspicious. It actually wasn't all that surprising, since Chip was already focusing on the things he would be doing to Dennis once he was subdued. Steph smiled and said, "Okay, this is important, cause you'll have to move fast. Your brother looks pretty strong." Chip nodded, "Yea he is, and can move pretty quick." Steph grinned and said, "Okay, now like I said, you'll be kneeling exactly where I am now. I'll be behind Dennis and be showing him the horse. Right after I nod I'll shove Dennis over the horse. Go ahead and bend over the horse and I'll show you what you'll do." Chip was so excited, he could wait to surprise Dennis. He was absolutely right! Dennis would be very surprised indeed. "Okay, now as soon as I bend him over the horse 3; you grab one of his wrists and slam it into the open cuff exactly like this. It's important that it hits the inside back of the cuff." Steph grabbed Chip's right wrist, yanked it down and slammed it into the cuff. It snapped closed instantly and Chip said, "HOLY SHIT! That is wicked. FUCK!! Man he's gonna be squealing his head off 3; SHIT!" Steph said, "See if you can get you're hand out!" Chip tugged and tugged, but the cuff held firm. He shrugged and said, "No way, it's got me good." Still no suspicion. Steph continued, "Okay, cool. Now the other thing is you'll have to do the same thing to his other wrist as fast as possible while he's still in shock. Just like this." Steph grabbed Chip's other wrist and slammed it into the other cuff which also snapped closed instantly. "See then after that you secure his ankles and knees and he's totally helpless. Of course you'll want to pull his shorts off first. Oh and you can probably tell, positioned like that, his cock and balls will be hanging down and be totally exposed 3; just like his ass." Chip panted, "Wow, this is so freaking cool. He is going to go nuts." Steph waited for just a minute and said, "Okay, the cuffs need to be released with a key, which is hanging in the cabinet. I'll go get it. By the way, what have you got planned for your little brother." Coach was watching the whole thing and guessed what was about to happen. He watched as Coach retrieved a ball gag from the cabinet, but no key. Chip just started babbling. "Well a bunch of stuff. I really want to be in sexual agony most of the time. And I've always wanted to cane his ass good. Plus use some really big dildo's on him, and you know sort of gang bang him. He'll hate that. Oh and do a whole bunch of cock and ball tortures." Steph smiled as he approached, "Sounds like you really want to make him suffer good. Still he is your brother." Chip laughed, "Yea, he is. But I don't care, like I said, he'd have no problem doing the same to me." Steph knelt in front of Chip and snarled, "Yea, I was sort of counting on that." Chip's mouth dropped open as he saw the ball gag in Steph's hand, which was perfect for Steph. He moved so fast Chip didn't have a chance to close his mouth before the gag was inserted. Suddenly realized how much of a chump he had been. He pulled at his wrist bonds and started flailing his legs as he screamed into the gag. Steph continued to move quickly. He avoided Chip's kicks while he pulled his shorts off and was able to get his ankles and knees strapped to the horse legs quickly. When he was done he grabbed Chip's cock and balls and squeezed hard. "See what I mean about these being exposed? Yea, if your brother is like you say, he'd gonna be having lots of fun. And there's gonna be a lot of screams in this dungeon today! 3; A LOT!" For one of the few times in his life, Chip was actually terrified. He thought about Dennis and just how cruel he was. He couldn't believe he didn't see this coming at all, or worse, how he had actually walked into it. Steph found Dennis waiting right at the top of the stairs. He figured he was ready to sneak down. Steph smiled and said, "Dennis, come on into the living room for a moment. I have to tell you something. It seems like your brother had a special plan for today 3; and I think you need to hear about it." Dennis listened intently as Steph told him about what Chip had planned. He backed away slightly when Steph explained how Chip wanted him to help subdue him. Steph laughed, "Don't worry little Dude. That ain't gonna happen." Then he told Dennis about some of the specific things Chip said he wanted to do to him 3; the sexual agony 3; the caning 3; and so on." Dennis looked really pissed as he exclaimed, "That sneaky prick! I'm gonna get even with him for sure now!" Steph laughed and said, "Well, here's your chance. How you like to do the same shit to him for the rest of the day?" Dennis really perked up. Steph thought he suddenly looked like a little Satan as a wicked smile crossed his face. "You mean like do whatever I wanted to him, no matter what? 3; the sexual agony stuff too?" Steph, laughed, "Yea, anything! And I'll stick around to help if you like. If you're really sure you want to make your own brother suffer that much." Dennis said, "This is so WICKED! Yea stay and help! I want to make him suffer a lot! A whole lot!" He looked at Steph and asked, "What about Coach, can we still torture him too?" Steph laughed, "Yea, him too. Should be fun to hear them both scream and maybe do stuff to each other." Dennis exclaimed, "I want us all to fuck Chip a bunch of times!" Steph giggled, "No problem. Coach has a really big cock which should hurt a lot. Mine isn't quite as long, but it is pretty fat. Check it out." He opened the front of his pants and showed Dennis his manhood. Dennis's eyes almost popped out of his head as he saw how fat Steph's cock was. It actually was pretty long too. "Man, Chip is going to scream his head off when you shove that thing in him. You gotta shove it all the way in!" Steph smiled and said, "Not a problem little dude. Now by the way, I don't know how much of this stuff you've done, but I thought it might be fun if you pretty much took the lead and tortured both of them." Dennis smiled broadly, "Yea, that would be way cool. I got plenty of ideas. I've been reading a lot about how to mess with guys' minds and all 3;" Steph figured he had been doing that a lot. They chatted for just a little while longer then headed to the dungeon. Dennis was hard, but got harder when he saw his naked brother bent over the punishment horse, completely helpless. He walked over, slapped Chip on the ass really hard and snapped, "Hiya big brother! Ready for some fun!" Chip shook his head violently and yelled into his gag. Dennis looked at Steph and said, "Is it okay if we start things off with Coach? I got some wicked ideas." Steph nodded and said, "Sure, you need me to do anything?" Dennis got Steph to get Coach out of the cell and secure him with his hands above his head in front of Chip. Both could see each other clearly and both were completely boned. Steph pointed at Chip's hard cock and said, "Looks like your brother is liking this." Dennis said, "Yes, well he mostly likes doing this stuff to other guys 3; but sometimes he does like it when stuff is done to him. It's sort of cool because he thinks his so tough. Isn't that right Chipster?" He gave Chip's ass another hard slap and Chip shook his head again. He was pretty scared. Here he was, naked and bound helpless in a dungeon, with some of the nastiest looking pieces of torture equipment at his brother's disposal. The brother that showed no mercy to anyone. To his horror, he felt his cock begin to harden more as he felt the old familiar feelings trying to return. The ones he thought he had pretty much banished from his mind. He tried to think of other things, but wasn't very successful. The thought of being tortured by Dennis, in the presence of Coach Taylor and this other dude, started to actually excite him. Still he was really pissed 3; pissed at himself 3; pissed at Steph 3; pissed at Dennis 3; and as soon as he could he would try and talk his way out of it. Perhaps one of the oddest things was the fact that the thought never even crossed Chip's mind to threaten to tell on Steph. Had he threatened to do so, he just might have pushed Steph far enough to end things. But Chip just wasn't like that. Steph sat down in a chair and waited to see what Dennis would do. Dennis started with the Coach. He removed his blindfold so he could see Chip. He checked Coach's firm body. He looked great standing there naked, arms stretched and secured, high over his head and with a huge hardon. He grabbed Coach's cock, squeezed it and said, "I got some important questions for you Coach, and expect truthful answers. Understood?" Coach nodded and said, "Yes Sir. I'll do my best." Steph was absolutely amazed how things proceeded. It was like a full grown, experienced sadist had taken over Dennis's tight little body and mind. He squeezed Coach's cock harder and asked, "Okay I'm pretty sure you really are a perv and I'm guessing you really like looking at teenage boys. Might even be why you went into coaching. Is that right?" Coach took a deep breath and said, "Not entirely 3; I um do like the sport and all 3; and always wanted to coach." Dennis bent his hard cock until he winced. Coach took another deep breath and said, "But, yea 3; um okay 3; I do like looking at them." Dennis grinned, "See that wasn't so tough. You probably get hard looking at us 3; you know, working out 3; getting all sweaty.. straining to do stuff 3; right?" Coach nodded and said softly, "yea I do." Dennis grinned and continued, "Now since you are an adult, some would say you were perving on us boys, by looking at us that way and getting boned up. And I'm thinking you should be punished for that. Do you agree?" Coach nodded and gasped, "Yes Sir I deserve to be punished." Dennis smiled, stepped back and pulled off his shirt. He ran his hands over his chest, pinched his own nipples, saw the way Coach was looking at him and snapped, "And I can tell just by the way you're looking at me, you're perving on me right now! Correct?" Coach's throbbing cock could not deny it. His eyes began to get watery as he nodded and said, "Yes Sir." Dennis smiled again and announced triumphantly, "And since you just perved on me, it should be fair that I'm the one who should punish you, don't you think?" Coach swallowed hard and said, "Yes Sir. Punish me however you want." Steph and Chip could not believe what was happening. Dennis was putting the young Coach through an incredible moment of humiliation which would continue to get more and more intense. Dennis continued, "Okay, and what should that punishment be? Make it good." Coach thought for a moment and said, "Um, I guess you could whip my back and ass sir." Dennis glared at Coach and asked, "So how many lashes do you think you deserve for perving on me and other boys?" Coach swallowed hard and said, "Um 3; okay 3; maybe 20?" Dennis snapped, "Dude, doesn't sound like you're all that sorry about what you did. You have to do a lot better than that!" Coach swallowed really hard, took a deep breath and said, "Sorry, Sir. How about 40 then." Dennis smiled as he went over to the cabinet, took out a flogger and returned to the coach. "Okay Perv! It will be 40. You're gonna count them all out, and thank me each time 3; and you're also gonna let me know when they should be harder! Remember this is your punishment!" "Now, let's make sure everyone knows why you are being punished. You look at Steph over there and tell him why you are being punished." Coach looked at Steph. His cheeks flushed as he tried to find the words. Finally he managed to blurt out, "I'm being punished for perving on teenage boys by getting boned while I look at them." Dennis raised the flogger and delivered a hard lash across Coach's back. "SWATTTTTTTT!" "AGGGGHHHHHHHH!!! 3; ONE! THANK YOU SIR! 3; HARDER SIR!" Chip and Steph both almost came as the watched what was happening. Coach Taylor called for the lashes to be harder several times, and Dennis obliged. "SWATTTTTTTT!" "AGGGGHHHHHHHH!!! 3; FIVE! THANK YOU SIR! 3; HARDER SIR!" And so it went. By the time Dennis finished, Coach's back and ass were bright red. His body was covered with sweat and he was crying. He didn't know which was worse, the pain or the utter humiliation. The one thing he did know was that, in spite of it all, he remained completely turned on. Being punished this way, by this young teenager, in front of others, was unreal. His cock continued to throb. Dennis waited a little while for Coach to catch his breath. While he couldn't wait get to his brother, he was really enjoying himself. And one of the fun things about this was he knew just how much this was turning Chip on. Yes, by the time he was ready to move on, his older brother would be horned out of his mind, which would make torturing him even more fun. Dennis took Coach's balls in his hand. He gave them a gentle squeeze and said, "Okay, now the next thing 3; I'm guessing you have taken the opportunity to sneak peaks of boys on the team when they are taking showers, and perving on them that way. Am I right?" More tears filled Coach's eyes. He started breathing hard as he glanced at Steph. Dennis squeezed his balls a little harder and said, "WELL?" Coach nodded, and said, "Yes Sir. You're right." The truth was, Coach came up with a lot of excuses for having to "check on" things in the locker rooms and the showers at just the right time. He loved seeing the boys naked and especially loved catching a glimpse of them with an erection. Which at that age, happened fairly frequently. What Coach really didn't understand, was that a part of his attraction to teenage boys was the simple fact that, as a teenager, he had never really had a sexual experience with another boy his age. It was something that probably should have happened. Dennis glanced at Steph and smiled. Steph smiled back and took a deep breath. Dennis seemed to become more and more sure of himself with every passing minute. It was wild. He really seemed to know how to "get to" Coach and Steph couldn't wait to see what he would do to Chip. As he listened to Dennis continue, he thought to himself, "This is one crazy ass, and nasty little dude! Scary too!" "So do you think you should be punished for that too?" Dennis snapped. Coach took another really deep breath and said, "Yes Sir. I deserve it. Punish me hard." Listening to Dennis's questions did make Coach feel guilty about his feelings towards boys, and taking the punishment was a way to relieve some of those feelings, at least for a little while. Dennis tapped the flogger against the palm of his hand and said, "Okay, let's say 40 lashes for that too! Where do you think you should get them?" Coach really did not want them on his back and ass again, so he said, "Um, I guess on my chest and stomach." Dennis made Coach repeat his "confession" about finding ways to see the boys naked and ask to be punished. He raised the flogger, and things went as before. This time across Coach Taylor's well defined chest and abs. "SWATTTTTTTT!" "AGGGGHHHHHHHH!!! 3; ONE! THANK YOU SIR! 3; HARDER SIR!" Chip and Steph both almost came as the watched what was happening. Coach Taylor called for the lashes to be harder several times, and Dennis obliged. "SWATTTTTTTT!" "AGGGGHHHHHHHH!!! 3; TEN! THANK YOU SIR! 3; HARDER SIR!" Once again, by the time Dennis finished, Coach was sobbing and crying. His chest and stomach were bright red, just like his back and ass. Everyone in the room was as hard as a rock, including the young Coach. Steph was amazed that the Coach continued to stay that hard. He had, of course, encountered this sort of thing before, but it was fairly rare. Most guys lost their erection when they received that much pain. The ones who remained hard throughout, were the ones that were the most fun to deal with, and Coach was clearly one of those. Pain and humiliation really seemed to be a huge turn-on for him. Dennis was really pleased with himself. He just loved doing this. He loved humiliating this grown man and making him cry. He was determined to make him beg at some point and was really looking forward to the screams that would follow, when he ignored those pleas 3; not just from Coach but his brother as well. AND, he was especially looking forward to eliciting some "promises" from Chip. It happened almost every time the boys did this stuff. They'd reach a point, just like the night before, when the guy being tortured begged for it to stop and agreed to some future torture or humiliation. The trick was to find just the right type of thing to use to get him to that point. And Dennis was convinced he would be able to get Chip to that point. He was making things up as he went along, but was really good at it. He had seen the way Coach stared at Chip, bent over the punishment horse, and decided to do one more thing before moving on. Once again Dennis grabbed Coach's hard cock and gave it a squeeze. "Okay, one more question Coach. I've seen the way you've been looking at my brother and me. You've been running with him in the morning and I'm pretty sure you've been really perving on him. A lot of guys do. I'll have to admit, he really is hot. So how about it Coach, have you been perving on him? Tell the truth." And another truth was, ever since Coach first ran with him, Chip was at the center of almost every one of his masturbatory fantasies, in one way or another. He just could not help it. Coach nodded and said sheepishly, "Yea, I have." Dennis grinned and added, "And you've been jacking off thinking about him haven't you?" Again Coach nodded. He blushed as he said, "Yes, I've done that too." Steph was really beside himself. He just couldn't believe how good Dennis was at this. For coach, it was one of the most humiliating moments in his life 3; to admit these things to a boy, and to be punished by him. Dennis squeezed Coach's cock really hard and snarled, "And you should be punished severely for doing that don't you think Perv?" Coach took a deep breath and panted, "Yes Sir. I deserve it." Dennis stroked Coach's hard cock as he asked, "And what part of your body do you think deserves to be punished for that?" Coach trembled as he said, "Um, I guess my penis Sir!" Dennis let go Coach's cock, retrieved a penis whip from the cabinet and a piece thin rope. He tied the rope around Coach's cock, just below the head and then pulled it down so that Coach's cock was sticking straight out. He showed Coach the whip. It had a wooden handle with three short rawhide laces dangling from it. Each of the laces had a knot at the end. Coach stared at the nasty looking little whip. Dennis let him think about what was coming for a few moments, then asked, "So Perv! How many lashes do you think your penis deserves? That really is bad you know, a grown man like you perving on my brother." Coach was definitely turned on but also a little scared. He looked at the whip in Dennis's hand and stammered, "Um 3; ten?" Dennis laughed viciously and said, "Oh give me a break! Just ten?" Coach took a deep breath and said, "Um okay, twenty." Dennis grinned, "That sounds okay. You probably deserve more, but twenty it will be 3; for now anyway." Steph watched as Dennis raised the penis whip above Coach's outstretched cock. This was something he really loved. Watching a guy like this young Coach really suffer. It was clear that Dennis loved it too. Dennis was just about ready to strike when a thought popped into Steph's mind. He looked at Dennis and asked, "Yo Dude, just how bad do you want his penis punishment to be?" Dennis made his devilish grin and said, "As bad as possible, why? You got something else in mind?" Steph smiled and said, "Well sort of. I don't know if you saw the other penis whip in the cabinet." Dennis nodded and said, "Yea, I did, it looks just like this one." Steph smiled some more and added, "Not exactly, maybe you should take a closer look at it." Dennis was really curious now. Coach did not like the way this was sounding. The penis whip Dennis had was bad enough, but the other one was probably worse in some way. It was! Dennis grabbed the second penis whip and examined it. At first glance it looked just like the other one. Then he looked at the knots on the end of the rawhide laces and exclaimed, "HOLY SHIT! WICKED!" Steph smiled as he saw the look on Dennis's face. The knots at the end of those laces had something extra. Each one had the pointed end of three tiny nails sticking out of them. Dennis looked at Steph, thanked him, then hurried back to Coach. He held the whip up in front of Coach's face and chuckled, "Check it out!" Coach's eyes really widened as he saw the little metal points sticking out of the knots and he gasped, "Oh God!" Once again Dennis pulled his cock down. He raised the whip and delivered a nasty lash to the center of Coach's engorged cock. His aim was perfect. The laces wrapped around Coach's cock and slammed into it's sensitive underside. At least two of the sharp points made contact and Coach screamed. "SWWWWWTTTTTT!" "OH GODDDDDDDDDD 3; AGGGHHHHHHH..AGGGGHHHHHHHHH! FUCK!!!" Dennis seemed really pleased. He hit Coach's cock over and over again, giving him no time to recover between blows. "SWWWWWTTTTTT!" 3; "SWWWWWTTTTTT!" 3; "SWWWWWTTTTTT!" They were lucky the room was sound proof, because by the time Dennis reached the last lash, Coach was really screaming loud. Dennis was a little concerned that Coach might dislocate his shoulders the way he was wildly pulling at his bonds. He finally set the whip down, and looked Coach over. His knees had buckled and he was hanging by his arms. Dennis examined Coach's cock. It was still hard, but looked a little nasty. There were a number of red lash marks on it, and Dennis could see some small droplets of blood underneath from where the nails had impacted. He was actually a little concerned that he might have gone too far. Steph seemed to sense that. He walked over, patted Dennis on the back of his neck and said, "Don't worry, it's not as bad as it looks. He'll be okay. You just keep doing what you're doing. And notice the fact that his cock is still really hard." It took awhile for Coach to recover to the point that he could stand up. What Dennis didn't realize was that Coach had actually been very close to cumming near the end of the savage lashing. When Coach recovered his senses he immediately began wondering what else the devilish little imp had in store for him. The "imp" had decided to move on to his brother for awhile. Everyone watched as Dennis busied himself by the cabinet. There was a two tiered table with wheels in the dungeon. Dennis had pulled it over to the cabinet and was now in the process of loading it up with a bunch of toys and torture devices. Chip started to get scared again as he watched Dennis. From his position, bent over the punishment horse, he couldn't see everything Dennis was putting on the cart, but what he did see wasn't good. Dennis was humming a little tune that sounded like something from the "Omen" as he placed several dildo's on the cart. He had chosen some of the bigger ones. Steph moved a little closer so he could see. Dennis had really been busy. Besides the dildo's there was a leather paddle, a ball paddle, a tube of icy hot, several whips, a flogger, two leather parachutes with chains (used for hanging weights from a guys balls. The box of weights was on the lower shelf of the cart), an assortment of cock rings, tit clamps, ball stretchers, and the box with the iron maidens. Dennis pulled an item out of the cabinet and looked at it curiously. It was made of metal and was round and slightly oblong. It also had a large hole at the top. He looked at Steph with a questionable look. Steph smiled and said, "It's called a nutcracker. Go ahead and push that button on the side." Dennis did and the thing popped open like a clamshell. Steph then said, "You open it just like that, then you put it over the guy's balls and close it. The top of his sack comes out through that big hole. There's a big key on the shelf there that looks like it's from an old wind up toy. You insert it in the bottom of the thing. When you turn it, there is another metal casing inside that consists of s series of overlapping casings. It gets smaller with over turn and squeezes the balls almost to the crushing point." Dennis thought for a moment, smiled wickedly, and placed it on the cart. He picked up a small clear plastic cylinder that contained a bunch of long thin rods. "Are these for what I think?" he inquired. Steph said, "Yea, you slide them inside the guy's cock. The black ones with the gold metal rings are electrical. There's a battery control box on the shelf there that you can hook up so you can shock the inside of his cock." Dennis added that to the cart as well. By the time he was done, the cart was really full. The last items he added included: a milking rod, vibrating cock rings, spiked cock rings, leather wrist and ankle restraints, blindfolds, clothespins, and a small bottle of pills (the kind used to keep a guy hard). Steph made one other suggestion. "There's a cup there that's mounted in a metal bracket. It goes with the punishment horse. You can hang it underneath so that the guy's cock sticks into. It's called a milking cup. I think you get the picture." Dennis did indeed get it and added it to his cart. Chip and Coach watched as Dennis wheeled the cart back across the room. Coach could see most of the items on the cart and in spite of how turned on he was, got a little scared. Dennis found a small cup and filled it with water. He took one of the pills out of the bottle and walked over to Coach. "Open your mouth and swallow this Perv!" he commanded. Coach opened his mouth and swallowed the pill. Dennis looked at the pill bottle, grinned, and took three pills out. He walked over, knelt in front of Chip and removed his ball gag. Chip immediately started to yell and curse. "Fuck this SHIT Dennis. Let me go now! If you don't I swear to God, I'll beat the SHIT out of you the first chance I get." Dennis patted Chip on the head and chuckled, "Oh come on big brother, lighten up. You know me, and should know I'm not gonna do that. So you are just gonna have to go with the program." Chip continued to yell at Dennis. After several minutes of yelling he calmed down enough to try and reason with Dennis. The more he tried the more amused Dennis seemed to become. Finally Dennis raised his hand and said, "Okay, enough of the bullshit. You deserve this, and you know it, so shut up and take this like a man! Now open your mouth!" Chip saw the pills in Dennis's had. He said, "FUCK YOU Dennis!" and clamped his mouth shut. Dennis grinned and set the pills down on the cart. He picked up the cane and showed it to Chip. "You know what this is? Yea, I know you do, it's a cane. Remember some of those nasty videos we watched. Remember what the guys' asses looked like in some of them after they were caned? Well that's what your ass is gonna look like if you don't take these pills." Steph wondered what the effect of three pills would be on a horned teenage boy. One pill was what you were supposed to take, and just one kept you super boned for a long time. Chip kept his mouth tightly closed. Dennis's first blow was really hard. It landed across both of Chip's creamy white cheeks. "SWWWWWATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!" "FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!" Chip cried out. Dennis kept it up. After each savage blow he asked Chip if he was ready to take the pills. It took almost twenty hard blows before Chip finally shouted, "OKAY! OKAY! Give me the fucking pills you little SHIT!" Steph looked at Chip's ass. There were some really nasty looking red and purple marks and a little bit of bleeding. Dennis smiled broadly as he gave his older brother the three pills. Chip knew exactly what they were and was scared about what effect three would have. Time would prove he had every right to be scared. Dennis knelt in front of Chip and said, "Okay Bro, this is how things are gonna go for the rest of the day. It's time for you to experience that sexual agony thing. You cooperate and I just might go a little easier on you. You keep giving me shit, and you'll get the cane again and a lot more. You understand me?" Chip nodded his head reluctantly. He really was scared now. He knew it was going to be a rough day. He consoled himself with the fact that sooner or later he would get even with Dennis. Dennis stood up and looked through the items on the cart. He looked down at Chip and said, "You know since you are my brother I'm going to be fair. Just like you've been to me. So if at anytime you want me to stop what I'm doing, all you need to say is 'Let's Deal'. Then we'll make a deal, and you know what kind of deals they will be." Chip knew all to well. He had forced some really nasty and humiliating deals on Dennis in the past. Chip looked up at Dennis and said, "Okay, whatever, just get on with it, okay." Dennis smiled as he picked up a cock ring. He slid it down Chip's hard and throbbing cock, all the way to the base. Then he snapped the leather parachute around Chip's balls. As soon as he was sure it was secure, he began adding weights to the chains that dangled from it. He continued adding weights until Chip's balls were pulled down really far and he was grunting and groaning. Chip was really starting to sweat and his eyes were already starting to water. Dennis gave Chip's cock a number of strokes and was really pleased as he felt Chip's cock harden even more. He chuckled as he retrieved the second parachute and box of weights and walked back over to the Coach. He snapped the parachute around Coach's big balls. It was a tight fit. Then, like he did with Chip, he added enough weights to the hanging chains to make Coach start to moan. Steph was getting increasingly excited as he watched Dennis work on the two helpless guys. Seeing the naked young Coach "strung up" as he was, and the hot naked teenager bent over the punishment horse, being tortured by his own brother was just incredible. He wished he had a video camera available. Dennis stepped back to admire his work. He looked at Coach and at his brother. Both were sweating and both were clearly in pain from the weights on their balls. He added a few more weights to each, just to be sure, and smiled as they started panting as well as moaning. If anyone was really caught up in the "sexual agony" concept it was Dennis. He seemed to have an uncanny understanding of how to make it work. And in this case, he was so excited about it that he was able to overcome his "shyness" about his body. For the moment, one of the really important things was to keep both of these guys totally aroused. There were a number of ways to do that, especially with guys who were gay, and Dennis knew that "lust" was definitely one of them. He started with Coach. Chip was watching too, so it really didn't matter with whom he started. Dennis stepped in front of Coach and started playing with his own nipples. Coach looked at Dennis, standing in front of him in just his gym shorts. He could see the top of Dennis's jock strap. Like Chip, Coach found himself attracted to the impish teenage jock. Dennis grinned as he ran his fingers around his own nipples, "So what do you think Coach? Do you like what you see? Do you think I'm hot or what." Coach didn't know what to say. His cock continued to harden as he watched Dennis. The pain from his stretched balls seemed to add to his excitement. Dennis glanced at his suffering brother and winked, "I know Chip thinks I'm hot. That's why he likes perving on me so much!" It was a strain for Chip to keep his head tilted up, but he couldn't take his eyes off of his younger brother. Like it or not, he was attracted to him 3; he loved seeing him naked 3; he loved torturing him 3; and he loved humiliating him. Dennis looked back at Coach as he ran his hands down and started fiddling with the waistband of his shorts. "Hey Coach, I bet you would love to see me take these off wouldn't you?" Again, Coach didn't know what to say. Dennis chuckled as he saw Coach's cock throb slightly, "Never mind Coach, your cock is pretty much speaking for you. Well I tell you what, I'll take them off, but it's gonna cost you something. Are you interested?" Dennis had been thinking of a way to get the hunky Steph more involved, and figured this was it. Coach could only manage a nod. The "pill" was starting to take affect and he was getting painfully hard, and hornier by the minute. Dennis smiled at the Coach and said, "Okay, I'll take my shorts off, but as payment, you'll have to lick both of Steph's armpits. So is that a Deal or No Deal?" Coach thought for just a brief moment and said "Deal." Steph stood up, pulled off his shirt and walked over to Coach. He looked Coach in the eye and chuckled, "That little Dude is a real piece of work isn't he?" Coach managed a smile and said, "Yea, he is, I had no idea." Steph then said, "Well I guess we'd better do what he said 3; cause we don't want to piss him off." He raised his right arm and moved closer to Coach. He was just tall enough, and there was enough slack in the ropes holding his arms above his head, that Coach was able to reach Steph's armpit with his mouth. Dennis and Chip both watched as Coach licked both of Steph's armpits. Steph had a really nice muscular build and a lot of hair in his armpits. The more he licked, the more excited Coach seemed to become. The strong manly odor emanating from Steph's pits was almost overpowering. Chip was getting really excited too. Blood just seemed to keep rushing into his teen cock and he was getting so hard it hurt. Dennis waited until Coach was done. When Steph stepped away, he dropped his shorts to the floor, stepped out of them and kicked them aside. Coach took a good look at Dennis, standing there in just his jockstrap. He was just as cute and hot as Chip 3; maybe just a tad cuter. Dennis waited a few moments. His usual shyness was gone for now and he was actually enjoying the fact that all three of the other guys in the room were checking him out. He toyed with his jock a little bit then giggled, "I bet all three of you pervs want me to take this off 3; right?" He looked around the room. Coach managed a nod 3; Chip just stared at him, but Dennis could tell by his look. Steph cleared his throat and chuckled, "No problem here! Go for it little Dude." Though he didn't realize it at the time, Steph was actually getting caught up in the "spell" of the devious and sexy little imp known as Dennis. Well he wasn't that small! Shorter than Chip for sure, and Chip wasn't all that tall anyway, so that pretty much qualified him to be called little. Chip was totally amazed at what was happening. He thought he really knew his younger brother, but obviously didn't. As pissed as he was, he couldn't help being impressed with Dennis. And what Dennis did next really blew his mind. Dennis looked at Steph, a guy who clearly was dominant 3; a top 3; as they say. Someone who was always in control, and had never surrendered that control to another guy. Dennis fiddled with his jock a little more, rubbed the pouch and smiled at Steph. "So you really want me to take this off too, so you can see me naked?" Steph smiled back and said, "Yea little Dude! Take it off." Steph was breathing hard, just like the others. There was something about this damn fucking kid that was making him crazy! The room smelled of male arousal and sweat. For the first time ever, in Steph's life, he was getting confused. His confusion mounted when Dennis winked at him and said, "Okay, but it will cost you!" In retrospect, two guys made a bunch of mistakes that day. The first was Chip, when he failed to recognize Steph's intentions and ended up naked and bound over the punishment horse. But surprisingly, it was Steph, the confident, 24 year old, totally "grounded", gay top who probably made the most mistakes. Steph was amused and aroused. He winked back at Dennis and asked teasingly, "Okay, what's the price?" Dennis was essentially on "auto-pilot" now. He looked back at Steph and said, "Well, to start with you got to take off your pants." Steph really was amused, but couldn't resist humoring the little dude. He unbuttoned his pants, let them drop to the floor, and stepped out of them. Dennis took a real good look at Steph, standing there in just his briefs. His body was not as smooth as Coach's but was really solid and muscular. Like everyone else in the room, he was totally boned. Taking off his pants, was his first mistake, the others followed quickly. Steph smiled at Dennis and asked, "Anything else?" Dennis had felt some rushes of power before, but the one he felt at this moment was totally unreal! Steph, a grown man, had taken off his pants at his request. He decided to push for more, especially since Steph seemed to be "keeping the door open" with his "anything else" comment. Once again, Dennis rubbed the pouch of his jock. He smiled at Steph and said, in a more commanding way, "Yea, now take off your undies and let me see all of you." Steph grinned as he dropped his briefs to the floor. He had been naked before, and boned, just like now 3; and he had fucked so many guys, usually after torturing them, but for some bizarre reason, this was really getting him worked up. Moments ago he was excited about watching Dennis torture his own brother and Coach Taylor, and all of a sudden he found himself getting turned on, when this stupid little 14 year old kid started telling him to do stuff. "What the fuck is happening?" he asked himself. "This is nuts." And it got nuttier! Without even thinking, he looked at Dennis and said again, "Anything else?" Dennis walked over and looked his body, up and down. His cock wasn't quite as long as Coach Taylor's but it was really fat and he had what has been described as a "bubble butt." Common sense and logic should have told Steph that he had done enough and that it would be Dennis's turn to "pay up." But for some reason, he was already too horned to think logically. Dennis gave his fat cock a good squeeze and chuckled, "You've really got a fat one. So like how many guys have you fucked with this thing?" Steph thought for a moment and said, "Oh I don't know 3; a lot 3; maybe 60 or 70." The number was actually much higher, cause Steph had been sexually active since he was Dennis's age. Dennis ran his hands over Steph's butt and asked, "And how many times have you been fucked?" Steph backed immediately, "Never! I'm the one who does the fucking." It was another mistake. As if things weren't looking bad enough for the hunky young construction worker, Steph had just given Dennis a goal. Dennis circled around Steph and once again stood in front of him. He grabbed Steph's hand, placed it on the pouch of his jock and whispered seductively, "Go ahead and feel me up." Steph acted as if he was in a daze. He squeezed Dennis's hard cock through the mesh and moaned. The feel of the ultra hard, young teenage cock was incredible. Unlike Coach Taylor, Steph did not have a major attraction to teenage boys and yet here he was feeling one up, and clearly loving it. Dennis sensed that he was now essentially in control and decided to try to move things even further. He figured it probably wouldn't work, but if it did, things could get really wild. He whispered, "Get down on your knees." Steph dropped to his knees without thinking and waited. He stared at Dennis's bulging pouch and started breathing hard. He tried to get hold of himself and get back on his feet, but couldn't. He looked up at Dennis and stammered, "Yo Dude, I'm not like this. I don't do it like this." Dennis giggled and said, "Well, maybe it's about time you did!" He pulled Steph's face against his jock and commanded, "Lick it! Lick it good!" The smell of Dennis's jock was really strong. He had worked out in it for over a week and had not washed it. It smelled of sweat, old and new, and also dried cum. Steph ran his tongue up and down Dennis's jock pouch. It had a salty taste. Before he knew it, he was "mouthing" Dennis's cock through the pouch. His mind was racing. He wanted to stop. Wanted to pull away from this kid, but just couldn't. There was something about Dennis that was overpowering. Chip was following the entire perverse little scene and could not believe what was happening. Dennis was like a totally different person. Listening and watching him seize control of this older dude was really intense. It was just as intense for Coach, maybe even more so. Seeing the now naked Steph on his knees, licking Dennis's jock was almost too much, and, was of course, a complete surprise. Coach knew that Steph was definitely a dominant, and a Master in his own right, and yet here he was, on his knees, in front of little Dennis. Dennis let him mouth his pouch for a little while longer, then told him to stop. He stepped away, went to the cabinet, pulled out a few items and stood behind Steph, who was still on his knees and breathing hard. Dennis looked down at Steph and said, "Okay, you've just about paid up for getting me to take off my jock for you. Just a little more, and then we'll see what else you might be interested in 'buying.' Dennis took a deep breath and said, "Put your hands behind your back!" To Dennis's delight, and everyone else's surprise, Steph obeyed and Dennis quickly snapped a pair of handcuffs on his wrists. He pulled Steph to his feet and placed some shackles on his ankles. Finally Dennis stood in front of Steph, grabbed his balls, squeezed them hard and snapped, "Okay, tough guy, now I'm the king of this dungeon, and you're just another one of the slave boys." For Steph, it was an entirely new feeling. He had never been restrained before. Never been in anyone else's control, and never even thought about it, and yet here he was, in the control of a 14 year old boy, and getting more excited by the minute. He blurted out the same thing he had made so many of his "conquests" say, "Yes Sir!" Dennis smiled broadly. Things had happened so fast and he needed time to think. The night before had been crazy. He had been tortured by Chip for two hours and then left tied up all night while his younger brother jacked him off, over and over again. All he could think about was getting back at Chip. And now, here he was with Chip at his mercy, along with two grown young men, with every conceivable instrument of torture at his finger tips. It was awesome. Dennis thought for a little while then decided to just follow his instincts. Steph was clearly aroused, and Dennis decided to make sure he stayed that way, since it was going to be a long day. He made Steph swallow two of the pills and chuckled, "Dude, this will be like a scientific test 3; Coach took one pill 3; you took two 3; and Chip took three. Will be fun to see how things go." Dennis put a cock ring on Steph and then marched him into the jail cell. He was feeling really sure of himself now. He released Coach Taylor and was pleased he offered no resistance as he shackled his hands behind his back and put him in the cell. Chip was next, and Dennis had a fun time with him. As soon as he released Chip's wrists, Chip tried to fight. It was a dumb move, since his ankles and knees were still secured. It didn't take long for Dennis to cuff Chip's wrists behind his back, put shackles on his ankles and drag him into the cell. It was a fairly tight fit. The cell wasn't that big, his three naked prisoners' bodies were rubbing up against each other. Dennis smiled when he looked at Chip's hard cock. It was really throbbing and looked like it was ready to explode. He thought, "Maybe three pills was too much! Oh well, it should make for an interesting day." Dennis left them in the cell and went up stairs. He got a soda out of the fridge and sat down to think. He couldn't wait to get to start really torturing these guys. He wanted all three to experience that "sexual agony" for hours, especially Chip. The thought of torturing two fit grown men in their twenties was almost just as exciting. He really wanted to make both of them scream and hear them beg. His only concern was the fact that three guys would be a lot to handle. It occurred to him that maybe he should get some help. The question was who to ask. He looked around the kitchen, found some pencil and paper and made a list of who he might be able to call. He didn't bother putting Stevie on the list since he figured he couldn't totally rely on his loyalty. He just might try and release Chip 3; and a Chip on-the-loose could be a real problem 3; especially since he was so pissed. There was no question, a lot of the guys would jump at the chance to torture Chip. And a lot would really love to mess with the two older Dudes. Once he completed the list, he started to narrow it down. He crossed off a couple of guys who, even though they had participated in some of their "games", were essentially straight. Then he crossed off a couple more he figured might not be cruel enough. He left a couple of younger ones on the list, just for humiliation reasons. Coach and Steph would probably be totally humiliated if they were forced to suck some little dude. Pete and Andy were at the top of the list. They were logical choices. They had the deal going with Chip and would have to pay up soon. The only down side was that they might be worried about really pissing Chip off, and then having him make things even tougher when they did pay up. Knowing Chip, it was gonna be rough anyway, so he just might be able to convince them to get their "licks" in now. He considered some of the older guys, but ended up ruling them out. He really wanted someone about his age 3; someone who was really in to this stuff 3; someone who could be cruel. Suddenly, one name jumped out at him. He was more Chip's friend than Dennis's 3; BUT he was Dennis's age 3; and could really get into this stuff. Even better, he did seem to have a "thing" with Chip and would have no problem torturing him. And better yet, he loved torturing older guys. He ran downstairs, grabbed Chip's cell phone and ran back upstairs. He found the number he was looking for and pressed speed dial. His cock throbbed when he heard the voice on the other end of the phone. "Hey Mark, this is Dennis 3; what are you up to? 3; UH HUH 3; that's cool 3; but I got something a lot better 3; if you're interested 3; yea 3; of course 3; that's what it's about 3; 3; no I'm not there 3; I'll text you the directions, it's not far, you can ride your bike 3; Dude 3; I promise you're really gonna love this! It is the best yet 3; oh and if you can, you might want to see if you can sleep over 3; Or better yet 3; say we're gonna be camping out or something 3; OKAY? Yea Cool! 3; HEY! Like I said 3; this is gonna blow your mind!" Dennis hung up the phone, sent the text message with directions and smiled. He sat back and waited for Mark. Meanwhile, downstairs, in the dungeon cell, the three "prisoners" waited too. None of them said a word. All were naked and all had their hands cuffed behind their backs 3; and all had hard-on's that just seemed to get bigger and bigger. Try as they might, they just couldn't seem to avoid rubbing up against each other, which just seemed to make things worse. It took about twenty minutes for Mark to get there. He was obviously excited and told Dennis he could sleep over. Then he pressed Dennis about what was going on. Dennis laughed and said, "Okay, like I said, you're not gonna believe this. There's a fully equipped dungeon downstairs that we can use, and I've three naked guys lokked in a jail cell down there ready to be tortured." "One of them is this 24 year old construction dude. You should see his body, he's really built and muscular. The second guy is 22 and is an assistant lacrosse coach. He looks like he's 16 and has a smooth tight body, and a really long cock. Almost forgot, the other dude has a really fat cock, which is also pretty long. And the last guy is Chip!" Mark's mouth dropped open, "Holy Shit! How the heck did you manage all that? Especially Chip." Dennis gave him a quick run down of what had happened. Mark got really worked up when Dennis told him they would have the rest of the day and into the night to torture the guys. He really liked the sexual agony part. He was especially excited about Chip being part of it. They sat and chatted for awhile and Dennis laid out his plan, which Mark thought was totally wild, and extremely wicked. So, of course, he loved it. The three naked slave boys looked up when they saw Dennis and Mark enter the dungeon. Chip rolled his eyes when he saw Mark. Coach and Steph both twitched when they saw Mark. Here was another young teenage boy who was obviously there to take part in the "festivities." They gave Mark a really good look. He looked really fit and had a very cute face. Dennis looked at Mark and giggled, "Dude, you're the only one who's not naked, so maybe you should get with the program. Besides, I'm sure these Dudes are anxious to see you naked, so they can perv you with their eyes." Mark smiled as he stripped. Dennis was right, they were anxious to see Mark naked. When he was done Mark stepped in front of the cell, and posed for them. They clearly liked what they saw. Denis waited a couple of minutes and then said, "Okay, we're gonna get started very soon. Just so you know, we've decided to have a competition. The winner will get a special reward. The guy who comes in last will be tortured all night." Mark was amazed at how intently the three were listening. None of them protested, and all actually seemed eager to do what they were told. Which really wasn't that surprising, since all three had painful boners and were getting hornier by the minute. Dennis continued, "Okay, the competition has three parts. For part one, each of you will pick which piece of equipment in the dungeon you will be placed on, and will come up with a plan for how you will be tortured on it 3; what things will be used 3; and how they will be used. You will basically be directing your own torture for an hour. The one who we feel did the best job, will win the round." Mark watched the three in the cell as Dennis explained. There was a little bit of trembling, but all appeared already lost in thought. The horned factor was one thing, but so was the competitive one. Mix the two together with young athletic guys and some really wild things can happen. "Okay, now Part 2, actually won't be done today. Each of you will have to promise to do it whether you win or lose. And once you do complete it, each of you will get a special reward just for that." They all seemed very curious. Dennis smiled and said, "Okay, it works like this 3; each of you will come up with a thing that you will go through that involves humiliation, bondage and torture. It must be completed in two weeks. The one we feel is the best and most intense one, will win Part 2. Oh and by the way, in return for actually completing what you come up with you'll get to have your choice of either me or Mark as a slave for an afternoon or evening." Mark looked in the cell. That one really seemed to get their attention and they were really thinking. Mark was a little worried about the reward for Part 2, but figured, "What the heck." Dennis waited for it to sink in and then continued, "And finally Part 3 is about how well you do as a Slave. Later today, Mark and I will decide which one of you was the best Slave, and whoever was will win that part." Mark was amazed there were no questions or protests. All were totally caught up in the twisted competition now, and all were determined to win Dennis's wicked game. Dennis then said, "Oh, we'll give you guys 15 minutes to think about it, then one by one we'll take you outside the room to hear what you came up with, so the other guys can't change their's." He repeated the instructions then he and Mark left the room. They kept the door open a crack and listened to see if the guys were talking at all. There was vey little talk. All were too wrapped up in coming up with a plan that would win. Steph was the one who broke the silence initially when he looked at Chip and said, "Man, your brother is one totally, twisted little dude! I can't believe I'm doing this shit." Chip managed a nervous smile and said, "You have no fucking idea! Sometimes he scares the shit out of me 3; he's come up some crazy stuff before, but this is the craziest." They got quiet and kept thinking. Steph could not believe he was actually thinking about how to win the competition. It didn't take him long to come up with a basic plan for Parts 1 and 2 that he was sure would win. He would have to go through a lot, but was certain the two little dudes would be impressed. His two cell mates were having similar thoughts about their plans. By the time the 15 minutes were up, all three had well developed plans, and all three were horned to the absolute max, including Steph, who wanted to win, at all costs. One by one, they were pulled out of the cell and taken outside the room. Each described their plans for what they would go through in detail. Dennis and Mark had a quick conference after they heard them all. Mark started it off by saying, "Shit Dennis! This is gonna be harder to decide than I thought! They all came up with some really wicked stuff! Man they are gonna go through a lot!" Dennis giggled, "Yea they did! Looks like I came up with a good way of doing this. They all seem really anxious to win." When they were done talking, they returned to the room. Dennis stood in front of the cell and said, "Okay, we're gonna start Part 1 now. I'll warn you, that if while you are being tortured, you ask for it to stop, it will count against you. It doesn't mean you'll lose, but it will be taken into account." Coach smiled a little and whispered to Chip, "Do you think he makes this up as he goes a long, or does he plan it out in advance?" Chip whispered back, "I don't know. It's why he scares me at times." Dennis glared at them and announced, "Okay, we've decided that Steph will go first. You other two will be able to watch from the chairs Mark is placing over there." Chip and Coach got more excited. As concerned as they both were about their own upcoming tortures, they couldn't wait to watch the hot Steph go through his. That was no surprise for Chip, he loved watching guys suffer. For Coach it was a little different. He liked being on the receiving end but was discovering he liked it the other way too. Mark opened the cell and led Chip and Coach over to their seats near the "Examination Table." He kept their hands shackle behind them. Dennis then led Steph to the table. It was like a gynecologist's table with leg stirrups and such. Steph climbed onto the table, lay down on his back, raised his legs and placed them in the stirrups. Dennis and Mark moved quickly to secure him to the table. His arms were pulled up over his head, and shackled to the corners. Leather straps were pulled around his ankles, knees and thighs and buckled down. When they were finished, Steph was completely immobilized, with his ass and manly parts exposed and totally accessible. He had never felt this helpless or vulnerable before. He had never experienced anything like this before. He looked at the two naked, and eager teenagers and waited. Dennis looked at Chip and Coach and said, "Okay, you guys pay attention, cause when it's your turn, things will go pretty much the same way with what you came up with." He looked at Steph and said, "Okay, your hour starts now. You tell us what to do, and we'll do it. Remember, you're trying to impress us with your suffereing." Steph took a deep breath. This side of things was so new to him. There was no denying the fact he was turned on. All he really knew at the moment was that he wanted to win, which is why he chose what he did. "Okay, most of this is about electro-torture. I'll walk you through it as fast as I can." Chip and Coach watched and listened intently as Steph gave the instructions for his own torture. He started by having Dennis, slide one of the long thin rods down inside his hard cock. It had gold bands around it that were designed to transmit electricity. Then he had Mark insert a butt plug inside his ass that had similar gold bands. What really got the guys' attention was when he directed Dennis to put the electrical "iron maiden" on his cock and balls 3; the one that was filled with electrical contacts that would press up against his penis and testicles. It was a tight fit, because his cock was so fat. There was a hole at the end of the thing which meant the rod that was inside his cock, stuck out so it could be connected to the control box. It took a couple minutes for Steph to talk them through hooking up all the wires, and explaining the controls. When he was done he looked at them and said, "Okay, you guys should be ready to go! So have at it! Work everything up as high as you can no matter how much I scream! And don't forget the vibrator in that butt plug 3; it's there too." Mark winked at Dennis, flipped a switch on the control box in his hand and smiled as Steph started to shake. He felt the vibrations in his ass and moaned. Dennis flipped on the other boxes and gradually turned up the power levels, beginning with the with rod inside Steph's thick cock. It didn't take long for the effects to be seen. Steph began breathing harder and harder. It felt like the inside of his cock was being jabbed with needles and pinched. The same sensation began to be felt on the outside of his cock and balls, as well as inside his ass. Dennis and Mark nodded to each other as they increased the voltage on all the controls. Steph pulled at his bonds. He cried out as the pain mounted. He looked at his two tormentors and gasped "MORE!" The boys continued to turn the dials higher and higher. The electrical shocks grew stronger and stronger and the pain became intense. Sweat poured from Steph's bound and naked body, his pants and moans turned to loud groans. His legs shook really hard as the devices shocked his genitals and the inside of his ass. He had never experienced anything like this. Suddenly his muscles tensed as Dennis turned one of the boxes to it's highest settings. His groans actually became screams. Tears flowed from his eyes and he began thrashing his head from side to side. Mark was pretty excited. His own cock got really hard as he watched this grown man thrash and scream. >From Steph's perspective, his ordeal seemed last forever. He gasped when they finally turned the boxes off. The boys carefully removed the torture devices and helped Steph off the table. He really looked like hell. They helped him over to one of the chairs and sat him down. They waited several minutes for him to catch his breath, then Dennis looked at Chip, smiled and said, "Looks like you have a pretty tough act to follow." All couldn't wait to see what happened next. Coach found that he was actually looking forward to watching the hot young teenage jock suffer. Even more, since the tortures he would be enduring were of his own choosing. They watched as Chip retrieved several items from the cabinet and placed them on the floor near the end of the sling. They included two very long dildos, one of them was very thick. A really fat one called the "ass splitter" that looked like a real cock and balls, some lube, a plastic stir stick (used as a penis probe), and the "iron maiden" with the itching powder. Chip climbed onto the sling and waited patiently as Dennis and Mark pulled his arms and legs up and secured him in the thing. All were really getting worked up just from seeing Chip's tight body secured in the sling, with his legs spread wide, and ass totally vulnerable. Coach began to breath harder as he listened to Chip give the instructions for his own demise. "Okay Mark, go ahead and dust that little stir stick with itching powder and put it inside my cock." Mark actually shook a little as he dusted the stick, spread Chip's piss slit open and slowly worked the stick inside his wonderfully hard cock. Chip moaned as the stick worked it's way down the inside of his hard teen shaft. Then he told Dennis to dust the inside of the iron maiden with the itching powder and place it on him. Dennis gave it a really good dose, especially inside the ball casing, then quickly snapped the nasty thing over Chip's manly parts. Chip looked at Mark, and said, "Okay Buddy, do your thing. Use that green dildo and fuck me as hard as you can. Then let Dennis do the same with the red one. You guys decide who will use the last one." Chip waited while Mark greased the first dildo. It was very long and bumpy, and fairly thick. Not quite as thick as the second one, but substantial enough to cause real pain. Mark smiled as he pressed the tip against Chip's tight hole. It took quite a bit of pressure before the tip finally managed to work it's way through the entrance to Chip's insides. Chip gasped and yanked at his bonds as the first real pain shot through his body. His cock and balls were really starting to itch and the itching inside his shaft was terrible and getting worse by the second. He started to thrash and pump his groin in a fruitless attempt to somehow relieve the itching. It was worse than he thought it would be, not to be able to scratch. More pain coursed through his body as Mark kept working the dildo inside him. He really was extremely tight and it felt like his ass was being torn. He gasped as the devilish dildo inched deeper and deeper. "OH GOD! SHIT! AGGHHH!" He looked at Mark and panted, "Keep going buddy 3; make me suffer real good." Marl was breathing hard too as he forced more and more of the thing into Chip. He loved seeing Chip sweat from the pain, loved seeing him gyrate, and loved hearing him moan. He was certain Chip would be screaming before his hour was up and couldn't wait. Chip's moans grew really loud as Mark forced the dildo still deeper and started twisting it around. The others couldn't believe how much of the dildo was inside of Chip. They watched him tremble and all started breathing harder every time Chip raised his groin up off the sling and panted. Dennis grinned as he picked up the second dildo and began greasing it up. It was definitely thicker than the first and would really hurt. He wanted to see Chip cry and really scream as he split his ass with this thing. Chip's first real scream came when Mark gave the dildo a quick thrust. It was pretty much in as far as it would go, but Mark tried to force it still deeper. It looked like Chip would fly off the sling. He thrust his hips high and the air, pulled against his bonds and screamed, ""OH MY FUCKING GOD! SHIT! AGHHHHHH!" Mark waited still he dropped back onto the sling and then started thrusting the dildo in and out. The more Chip gasped, the faster he moved. Coach had seen savage dildo fucks in videos, but this was about the worse. Mark really showed Chip no mercy as he fucked him faster and harder. Coach looked at Dennis standing there, holding the other dildo. He figured Dennis would be worse, and was right. For Steph, it was really exciting when Dennis took his turn on Chip's ass. Any scene where one brother tortured the other was incredibly hot. He loved how cruel they could be to each other, and Dennis did not disappoint him. Dennis wasted no time at all working the larger dildo into Chip. As tough as Chip was, it was just a matter of minutes before Dennis had him crying and screaming. The itching in and on his manhood was driving him crazy, and his ass hurt like hell. Dennis wrapped both hands around the dildo, braced himself and used all his strength to force the dildo in as far as it would go in one savage thrust. Everyone was amazed Chip did not fly off the sling. He thrust his hips high in the air and screamed bloody murder. ""AGGGGHHHHHHHHHH! OH GODDD!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCKK 3; SHIT!!!! AGGGHHHHH!!!!" Dennis took up most of the remaining time working Chip's ass over with the dildo. He slapped his ass hard with his hand in between each savage deep thrust. And smiled as he watched the tears running down Chip's face. When Dennis finally stopped and pulled the thing out, Chip was quivering really bad and whimpering. His groin was undulating as he tried in vain to lessen the terrible itching. But being the competitor he was, Chip hung in there. He looked at Mark and stuttered, "One more!" Mark couldn't believe it. Dennis grinned as he picked up the last dildo 3; the ass splitter. He greased it up and handed it to Mark. "You heard my brother! Go for it!" Mark took the dildo and looked at Chip's ass. It was really quivering. After the tip, the dildo was thicker than his fist. He looked at Dennis and said, "Dude, I'm not sure I'll be able to get this thing in him. He's still pretty tight." Dennis chuckled, "Yea, I noticed, but it will be fun trying! Go ahead, I want to hear his loudest scream yet when you really split his ass." Steph and Coach could not believe how cruel and sadistic Dennis was. His brother was really suffering, and he really seemed to enjoy it. Mark greased the frightening dildo up as much as he could, then pressed the tip against Chip's suffering hole. Chip flinched, took a deep breath and waited. Mark pressed harder and harder. Eventually Chip's ass opened a little and the fat tip entered him. Chip gasped and started panting really fast. He tilted his head up, looked at Mark and said, "DO IT!" Coach thought, "Shit this is one tough kid!" Mark pressed hard, and to his surprise, the fat dildo started inching inside. Chip started to shake really bad. Dennis reached down, put his hand on the dildo and pushed as hard as he could. Chip held on as long as he could, then could hold on any longer, he started to scream really loud as he felt his ass being forced open more than it ever had been. The itching, as bad as it was, was forgotten as the pain shot through his body. Mark looked at Dennis and whispered, "Dude, we better not go any further. We might really hurt him." Dennis was satisfied to keep the dildo where it was. Chip was suffering terribly. He really wanted to hear Chip beg, but Chip would not give his younger brother that satisfaction. He screamed, but did not break. At last the hour was up. The dildo was removed from his ass. And the other devices remove from his cock and balls. Mark gave Chip a wet rag to wipe his cock and balls with and let Chip take a quick piss to flush out the inside of his cock. Dennis grinned as he watched Chip walk back to his chair and sit down carefully. He had Mark re-shackle his hands behind his back and then looked at Coach. Coach took a deep breath, stood up and walked over to the rack. He climbed on, laid on his back with his arms up over his head and waited while Mark and Dennis secured him to the wicked device. As soon as he was secure, Dennis began turning the wheel. With each click, Coach's body was drawn tighter and tighter. Dennis kept turning it until Coach really began to pant and moan. The two boys looked down at Coach. His fully developed athletic body looked really awesome stretched out like that and they loved the look on his face caused by the pain in his joints. Dennis glanced at Steph and Chip and said, "Wait till you guys see this! Chip you might remember this from a video we watched last month." Coach had seen the same video. It's where he got his idea. Steph and Chip watched and listened as Coach setup his own torture. He directed Dennis, to wrap a piece of rope around his cock as tight as he could. HE winced as Dennis wrapped and wrapped. It was wrapped really tight and started to throb. Then he had him tie off his balls. When Dennis was done, two bungee cords were attached to the cord around his ball sack, pulled up towards the ceiling and attached to a yoke that hung there. Dennis raised the yoke and Coach's balls were pulled up in the air, away from his body. When he was done Coach's balls were really stretched and totally open and exposed. The last thing Coach requested was to have Mark get the small hand cranked electrical generator from the cabinet and attached two wires with alligator clips to him. One was clipped to his skin, just under his balls, and the other to the tip of his cock. When all was ready, he turned his head, looked at the boys and said, "Okay paddle and whip my balls, and start the shock treatment whenever you want." Chip gasped. He had seen this in a video and it looked awful. Ball paddling was one of the worst pains imaginable and whipping was unreal. He had played around with a little electrical self torture of his cock with a small battery, but figured this would be much worse. He was right. Although he felt sorry for the Coach, he was looking forward to watching him suffer. Like him and Steph, Coach was still totally boned, which made this all the more thrilling. Steph glanced at Chip and whispered, "Sorry about my little trick. So what do you think about this? Do you really like watching naked guys suffer?" Chip nodded and whispered back, "Yea, I do. I love it. I know that's bad, but I do. And I guess 3; um 3; don't worry about what happened. Sooner or later, Dennis would have found a way to get at me like this." Mark started things off by using the small leather ball paddle on Coach's balls. He didn't have to hit very hard. Just about any tap to a guy's balls causes pain, especially when they are bound and stretched out like Coach's were. He gradually increased the strength of the blows and it wasn't long before Coach was gasping and panting 3; "OH GOD! AGGGHHH!" Dennis picked up a small riding crop and waited in anxious anticipation. One of the things Dennis had learned from his readings was that you could torture a guy's balls pretty hard without causing permanent damage. And since Coach had chosen this particular torture for himself, Dennis was determined to take full advantage of that fact and the situation. Mark worked Coach's balls over with the paddle for almost twenty minutes. By the time he was done, like the others before him Coach's eyes were filled with tears and he was moaning and panting. Dennis took over, raised the riding crop and went to work. Unlike Mark, he did not start with gentle taps. His first blows to Coach's bound and exposed balls were really hard. Coach started screaming almost immediately and shook violently. He really couldn't "thrash about" because his body was stretched so tight on the rack. Dennis delivered three hard blows to Coach's suffering balls. Coach screamed. ""AGGGGGGHHH 3; DAMNNNNNN! OH GOD 3; AGGGHHHHHHHH!" The louder Coach screamed, the harder Dennis seemed to hit. He was really getting worked up making this grown man scream. "WACKKK!!! WACKKK!!! WACKKK!" "AGHHHHHHHHHHHH!" By the time Dennis finally stopped, Coach was crying really hard and his body was covered with sweat. Dennis and Mark were totally hard and they ran their hands all over Coach's sweating body. Mark said, "This really is pretty cool, getting to do this. Man feel the way he's breathing. He's really suffering." Dennis smiled and said, "Well check this out!" He grabbed the small hand crank generator and started to crank it slowly. Coach let out a loud yelp and jerked as he felt the electrical current run from under his balls and up through his bound cock. It was much worse than he thought it would be. Dennis smiled when he saw Coach's reaction. He turned the crank a little faster and Coach began going wild. The pain was indescribable 3; but felt a bunch of needles were moving through his balls and cock. Dennis kept it up and was rewarded with the loudest screams of the day. He would have bet anything Coach was about to start begging, when time ran out and was a little disappointed he hadn't been able to make him beg for it to stop. The boys had to help Coach off the rack and back to his chair. They let their three captives sit in their chairs for about 15 minutes while they finalized their plans for the next part. Standing all the way across the room, out of ear shot, they kept glancing back. Chip, Steph, and Coach looked so hot, sitting there, naked, hands cuffed behind their backs, with huge boners. Mark chuckled, "Man, those pills really do worked, they are all still boned good. Look at Chip, holy shit!" Dennis grinned as he looked at Chip's hard-on. It really seemed bigger than normal, and was throbbing. Mark then said, "Listen, I've got an idea for how they should announce the thing they are offering to do for this next part. I think you'll really like it." He gave Dennis a hint what would be involved when he said, "Only trick is it's a little tough pissing with a hard-on." Dennis got a wicked smile on his face and said, "Yea, I know, but it can be done. I bet they all have to piss by now anyway. So go ahead and do what you got planned." Mark got the three to their feet and led them to a corner of the dungeon. There was any area there with tiled flooring and a drain. He had them kneel on the edge of it, then explained they would be taking turns explain what their offer was for the next part. He reminded them they would be judging the best one and that no matter what, they would all be expected to complete them within two weeks. "Remember, they have to include humiliation, bondage and torture, but mostly humiliation. You guys already told us your plans, now it's time to let your fellow slaves know what you've offered to do." Mark ordered Steph to lie on his back on the tiled floor. Once he was there, with his shackled hands beneath him Mark continued, "Okay, now here is how this will work. You piss on yourself and as soon as you start pissing on yourself, you start explaining your offer." Steph blushed deeply. He had never felt this humiliated before. Having to explain his offering while pissing on himself in front of these guys was really embarrassing. But is was actually nothing compared to what he was offering to do. He was certain it would win him this round. It took a little while for him to get the piss to flow, but when it finally did, it shot out of his cock and was impossible to control. The first few blasts of pee splashed all over his face, then continued on his chest and stomach. He breathed hard as he panted, "Well, for my thing 3; at the Adult Emporium 3; the one with all the gay stuff 3; there's this sort of demonstration area upstairs that they don't really use anymore. There's two large posts there. I said I would make arrangements to go there on a Saturday, their busiest day and be tied, spread eagled, standing up naked between the posts and be blindfolded and gagged. I'd have to stay like that all day with some rests every now and then for my arms and legs. During the day, the customers would be allowed to do whatever they wanted to me. Feel me up 3; jack me off 3; use toys on me 3; whatever. And it would be video taped so you guys could see it." He shook a little as he said the last part. The whole thing would be extremely humiliating, as it was, but having a video of it would make it even worse. Chip and Coach were both shocked and impressed. It sounded really good. Both were still confident in their own offerings. Steph stood up, shook as much of his piss off as he could and returned to his kneeling spot while Chip took his place on the floor. It took Chip awhile to piss himself. When he finally did, the results were pretty much the same. The first shots splashed all over his face then quickly covered his chest and stomach and finally dribbled into his pubes. "Okay, for my thing, I'll have Dennis and Mark take me to the park where this bunch of young brats hang out. They're a bunch of nasty little pricks. When we find them, I'll have to strip and give Dennis all my clothes to take home with him. They'll cuff my hands behind my back. Then I'll have to give all of them blow jobs. When I'm done, Dennis and Mark will turn me over to them for the rest of the day, and they can do anything the want with me. At the end of the day, I'll have to find my way home, naked and cuffed. Dennis will have given the key to my little brother Stevie. And then I'll have to do whatever he says to get the key back." Coach and Steph both thought that sound pretty good too. The thought of a bunch of young boys having their way with the hot teenage jock was really pretty exciting. Finally it was Coach's turn. The boys all smiled as they watched him piss all over himself. The smiles got broader, and their cocks harder as they listened to Coach's offer. "Okay, now this may be a little tricky, but I thought what I would do is get Jason to tell the lacrosse team that I help coach, that I am joining some sort of secret fraternity and that part of the initiation is I have to get some teenage jocks to initiate me. We'll all go to the old field house. They will strip me naked, then shave off all my hair below my neck, including my pubes. They will then cuff my hands behind my back and make me lick all their shoes. Next I'll have to suck them all off and let them cum in my mouth or on my face. They will spank me as long as they want. And finally, they will mount this big dildo on top of the old vaulting horse that is there. I'll have to climb on, still cuffed and lower myself on the dildo. Then I'll have to fuck myself on it, until I cum while they watch." Coach was blushing like crazy by the time he finished his explanation. Chip and Steph were a little less confident now. Coach's offering sounded really humiliating. Dennis and Mark were really pleased. It didn't matter to them that they would have to "pay up" to each of them by being a slave for a half day. They figured it would be worth it, to make these guys do these things. Dennis and Mark put the three back in the cell and went upstairs for a few minutes. They needed some time to talk and also enjoyed seeing the three naked slave boys in the cell with their piss soaked naked bodies rubbing against each other. As soon as they were in the kitchen Mark started blabbering again. "Man this is so unbelievably cool. I can't to do that stuff to Chip. I just wish we could see the other things." Dennis said, "Well, we probably can't get into that adult store, but there will be the video we can see. And as far as the other thing, there is a loft in that old field house so we probably could hide up there and watch while they do it 3; oh and we could probably hang around and watch what the little shits do to Chip for awhile." Mark chuckled, "Maybe we could lend them some 'toys'." Dennis nodded and said, "Great idea. We could probably borrow Chip's favorite dildo from today!" They both laughed at that one. They reviewed what had happened and got themselves even more worked up. Both were sitting there naked and boned and wanted to do so much more. Mark managed to insert a few ounces of common sense. "You know they've already done a lot. All three of them are hurting pretty much, so maybe we shouldn't do too much more. They still have to do those other things, and hopefully we can get them to do more sometime." Dennis thought for a moment and said, "Yea, you might be right. Coach will probably be easy to get to do more. He is really into it. I'm not sure if I can get Steph to do it though 3; and Chip will be tough, I can tell he is pretty pissed." Mark laughed, "Yea, and pissed on!" Dennis busted up. They chatted some more, finally Mark asked, "So are you worried about having to do the half day slavery thing?" Dennis looked thoughtful and said, "Well, each one of them will get to pick one of us for that. I am certain Chip will pick me, and will be really nasty, so I guess I am a little worried." Mark actually hoped Chip would pick him, but was sure Dennis was right. They talked some more, and decided to keep things going a little longer. After all, everyone was still all horned and boned and it would be a shame to waste those pills. To say that everyone was still all horned would be a gross understatement. In truth, in spite of everything, the three naked guys in the cell had reached the point where they were "horned out of their minds." Chip was totally desperate to get some relief. Coach needed it too. And Steph thought he was going insane. He had never been in this position before and found himself totally turned on. He tried reasoning to himself that it was just hormones. But it didn't work. Like it or not, he couldn't wait for the two boys to return and continue what they were doing. [Boy Fact #7- A horny teenage boy lacks common sense.] [Actually this could very easily be restated as- "Most horny guys lack common sense.] The physical closeness, the naked male odors and the sounds of each other's heavy breathing was getting to each of them. More and more they rubbed against each other, and more and more the rubbing involved their cocks. Dennis and Mark returned to the dungeon, just as Chip began rubbing his cock up against Coach's hard member. It was more than rubbing, it was humping. Chip stopped as soon as he saw Dennis approach. Dennis laughed, "Well, well, looks like my big brother wants to make a new friend. So go ahead, get yourself off. I know you want to. It will be fun to watch." Chip's sense of embarrassment from being "caught in the act" vanished in an instant. As badly as he wanted to cum, and it was pretty bad, he would not give Dennis the satisfaction. He glared at Dennis for a few moments, and a thought popped into his mind. Dennis's mastery of the day had been pretty much flawless until that moment. If he made any mistake, it happened next, and it ended up being a big one, for both him and Mark. Coach and Steph listened intently as Chip began to speak. Coach knew Chip pretty well, but really didn't grasp the significance of what was happening. Steph didn't know the two at all, but he did know brothers. He had been blown away by just how clever and devious young Dennis could be. But as he listened to Chip talk, it occurred to him that it might just run in the family. Chip gave Dennis a mocking look and scoffed, "Okay little brother, you got us into this little competition but didn't really tell us what was in it for us. So tell us what is the big prize for winning? It better be good!" Chip kept his eyes on Dennis and managed to keep a straight face as he saw a slight change in Dennis's cocky demeanor. Chip was a guy you did NOT want to play poker with! Dennis tried to think fast. Yes, it was true he and Mark had the upper hand with the three naked slave boys 3;but he was smart enough to recognize a simple fact about these type of scenes. As much as the "Master" had to make it sound otherwise, in most instances, there had to be some element of cooperation on the slave's part. In this case, Dennis and Mark would not be able to keep things going if their three slaves really resisted. It didn't matter that they were naked and cuffed. Once out of the cell, if they chose to resist or "revolt", Mark and Dennis would be in a real jam. They were both strong, but Coach and Steph were much bigger and stronger and Chip was fast. So the trick would be to "make it worth their while" to continue to allow themselves to be used and abused. Dennis pondered 3; "What would make them really want to continue to cooperate?" He tried to buy some time. "Well, remember, after you guys do your Part 2 things, you'll get to pick one of us to use as a slave for half a day." Steph suppressed a smile. This was a very "interesting" set of brothers. Chip rolled his eyes and said mockingly, "Yea, we know that already, that's fine, but you haven't told us what the 'special reward' will be. Like I said, it better be good! Otherwise you will have three very cranky slaves on your hands." Chip recognized Dennis's look of confusion and could tell he was desperate. Mark was sort of desperate too. He really wanted things to continue. He whispered in Dennis's ear just a little too loudly, cause Chip's hearing was exceptional. "Dude, make it something really good! Come on you have to! You know the kind of stuff." Dennis thought about it. Rewards or prizes in these situations were all pretty much the same 3; they all almost always involved someone being "enslaved" for a period of time or "forced" to do humiliating, painful or sexual things. It was just the way it was. He looked at the three naked guys in the cell and his cock twitched. He wanted to do so much more to them. Then he saw the mocking and challenging look on his brother's face. Chip's words echoed in his mind 3; "It better be good!" His cock twitched some more as he looked at the three boned guys in the cage. He was getting angrier by the second as he looked at Chip's face. He was desperate to regain total control of the situation. He sensed that Chip was about to say something and cut him off. "Okay Shithead, I'll tell you what the reward will be. It's better than good!" He took Mark by the neck, pulled him closer and faced the cell. He grabbed his and Mark's hard cocks and said, "Whoever the winner is gets BOTH of us as slaves for an entire weekend! And of course, anything goes!" Chip rolled his eyes and scoffed, "Oh come on Squirt! You can do better than that!" Steph was now totally beside himself. What was going on between the two brothers was totally amazing. Chip assumed the role of "spokesman" for the slaves. It was crazy. And even crazier was the fact that Steph and Coach didn't seemed to mind. Dennis started breathing harder. He was getting really pissed. He hated when Chip called him Squirt. Chip smiled and said, "Come on Squirt, make us a better offer." Dennis thought for a second and then snapped, "Why the FUCK should I? You're really not in a position to bargain now are you Bro?" Chip snapped right back, "Dude think about it! You've already had lots of fun at our expense and by the look of your cock, want lots more 3; so let's just say, you'll get our full cooperation for the rest of the day if the reward is good enough." Dennis stepped up to the cell, glared at Chip, reached in, grabbed his cock and said, "You know you're gonna lose no matter what after this?" Chip smiled and said, "Well that's up to you Squirt, honor has never been a big thing with you 3; so what's it gonna be? A really good reward or not? So far it's not good enough." Actually, for Steph and Coach it did seem to be good enough, but they just went with the flow. The encounter between the two brothers was intense and exciting. And for Steph, it was yet another first. Over the years he had managed to arrange a number of "brotherly encounters", but they were nothing compared to this. There was an intense moment of silence as the two siblings glared at each other. At last Dennis took a deep breath and said, "Okay, here's my final offer, the special reward will be, that the winner gets me and Mark as slaves for two weekends. That's the special reward! And in return, all THREE of you will cooperate fully as slaves for the rest of the day! And I mean cooperate fully! And yea, the one we decide lost will be tortured all night by everyone! And all of you will still have to do your Part 2 thing within two weeks. If any one of you backs out of that, the winner won't get his special reward." Chip glanced at his "cell mates" then looked back at Dennis and said, "Okay, I think I can speak for everyone. Just remember you guys are gonna have to make good on that reward!" Dennis snapped back, "Don't worry about that, we will, as long as we get that full cooperation.. I mean it! Anything less, and there's no special reward." It was a very one-sided deal. Two full weekends of slavery was a lot, not to mention the half days one or both of them would have to do. Mark should have said something, but he was way too horned. Like Dennis, all he could think about was the moment. Meanwhile the guys in the cell were taking another real close look at their two young masters. The thought of being able to use their tight teenage bodies for two entire weekends really would be a special reward and was a definite incentive to fully cooperate now. Chip smiled and said, "You just worry about your part of the deal and we'll take care of ours." Once again Dennis was pissed. Chip was giving him a real "smart-ass" look, and Dennis thought he had to do something about it. He glared back at Chip as he opened the cell door and said, "Remember, full cooperation!" Chip nodded and said tauntingly, "Yep! No matter what. And I bet you'll be wanting to start with me." Dennis motioned for Chip to come out of the cell. Chip felt a surge in his cock as he stepped out of the cell. He knew he was in for a rough time, but was somehow really excited by it. Dennis pushed Chip towards Mark and snapped, "Put him on the exam table!" Mark marched Chip over to the table. Chip did tremble just a little as Mark secured him on the table on his back with his legs in the stirrups. As soon as Chip was secured, Dennis walked over. The stirrups were adjustable, and Dennis took advantage of that to spread Chip's legs even wider. He loved seeing Chip like this 3; naked and bound, with his ass and cock and balls exposed and vulnerable. Dennis looked at the cell and snarled, "Okay Coach get your tight little ass over here now!" Coach stepped out of the cell and ran over to the exam table. Dennis pointed at Chip's ass and said, "Okay Perv, down on your knees and lick my brother's ass good. And I better hear him moan soon!" Coach dropped to his knees, leaned forward and ran his tongue up and down Chip's exposed crack. The odor of urine was there, but so was the strong scent of teenage arousal and manhood. Dennis smiled as he watched Coach work his tongue into Chip's hole. "That's right perv, stick your tongue deep inside. I know how much you like doing that to my brother. You do a good job and maybe we'll find some other guys just like him for you to tongue fuck!" Coach started breathing really hard as he probed Chip's teenage hole. Dennis was right, he did love doing this to Chip. Dennis watched a little longer. When Chip started to moan, he looked at Mark and said, "Okay, keep an eye on those two, I gotta have a chat with the other Dude. Oh yea, and if looks like Chip is gonna cum, let me know, I wanna make sure we catch it all in a cup." Dennis got Steph out of the cell and had him follow him upstairs. Now it was Steph's turn to start breathing hard. As he followed the naked young teenager up the steps, once again he thought about his situation and the fact he was so completely turned on. He had always been the one in charge 3; the one giving the orders 3; the one doing the torturing 3; and had never even fantasized about doing any other way, let alone with a teenage boy. And yet, here he was, naked, hands cuffed behind his back, boned, horned out of his mind, following this crazy ass little kid, and actually looking forward to what he would make him do next. It was crazy 3; but exciting. Dennis led Steph into the living room. There was a big bay window there with closed drapes. He had Steph stand up against the drapes, facing the window. Then he took a seat in a chair beside the window. He smiled when he saw the nervous look on Steph's face. He reached up, played with the cord that could open the drapes and giggled, "What's the matter tough guy? You scared I might open the drapes and make you stand there like that?" Steph swallowed hard and said, "Yes Sir 3; I just afraid someone might see me and get us all in trouble." Dennis pulled the cord and the drapes inched open just a crack. Steph started breathing really hard as Dennis said, "We just might chance it. And if I decide to open these drapes you WILL stand there as long as I say. Remember 3; full cooperation!" Steph's heart was beating really fast. He really was scared, but also turned on. More blood surged into his hard fat cock. Dennis just loved the feeling he was having. Steph was a full grown 24 year old man, and yet was totally at his mercy. If he had his way, he would drag him outside, tie him to a tree by the edge of the road and then jack him off while people driving by watched. But of course, that was not possible. It was fun to think about though. He smiled and said, "Okay Dude, I've got some questions for you. And I expect good answers." Steph gulped and said, "I'll do my best sir!" Dennis grinned and continued, "Okay, good, now first of all, I get the impression you've done a lot of this stuff 3; you know 3; BDSM." Steph breathed a little easier and said, "Yea, that's right. I've been doing it ever since I was about your age." Dennis grinned as he pulled on the drapery cord and the drapes inched open a little more. "Well then you should know the proper way for a slave boy to address his Master. What the hell kind of answer was that 3; 'Yea'? Now give a proper answer or I open them some more." Dennis was really getting into it! Steph gulped. The drapes were open just far enough that he could see the street and he realized it would be possible for someone to see him, if they really looked. "Sorry sir! Was My mistake. I should have said Yes Sir, that's right. I've been doing it ever since I was about your age." Dennis smiled broadly and said, "That's better. Now my next question 3; I don't know why, but I also got the impression that being a slave is new to you, is that right?" Steph swallowed hard. His eyes were glued on the street, watching for any passersby. "Yes Sir, that's right. I've never been a slave before. I've always been the Master 3; the top." Dennis grinned as he asked, "But from the look of your cock, it seems you are really liking this 3; and it's not just because of the pills either." Steph sucked in some air. He just couldn't bring himself to admit it and say the words, so he stammered, "Uh 3; I'm really not sure 3; um Sir." Dennis inched the drapes open a little further. Steph realized that he was now pretty much totally exposed and anyone passing by would not have to look very hard to see him standing there, naked and with a major hard-on. His eyes widened as a car drove by and his heart started beating even faster 3; and even worse, more blood forced it's way into his painfully hard cock. "Sorry Sir 3; it's just that 3; well 3; I've never been in anyone else's control before, let alone by a um 3;" Dennis laughed, "Go ahead you can say it. In fact I want to hear what you exact thoughts are! I mean it. Say exactly what you were thinking you wanted to say after 'let alone' and I'll hold off on opening the drapes any further 3; at least for a little while." Steph took a deep breath and said, "Okay, well, I was gonna say, 'let alone by a crazy, smart ass little kid' 3; um Sir!" Steph held his breath while he kept his eyes locked on the street. A couple of boys road by on bicycles but did not look his way. Dennis thought for a minute then laughed, "Well, at least your honest. But you should really re-think the 'little kid' part. Come on check this out!" Dennis grabbed his cock and gave it a few strokes. Steph glanced over quickly and stared at Dennis's hard cock. It was almost as big as Chip's and much larger than you would expect for a boy his age. Dennis saw his look and giggled, "See 3; pretty impressive isn't it?" Steph nodded then looked back outside. "Yes Sir, it really is. You've got a very nice cock." Dennis smiled and continued, "And actually that is the main thing I wanted to talk to you about. You've been doing this stuff for a long time and I'm thinking you know a lot about CBT 3; you know, cock and ball torture. Am I right?" Steph wanted to answer Dennis's questions as fast and completely as he could, so hopefully he wouldn't have to stand in front of the window anymore. "That's right Sir. I've done a lot of it to guys and really like doing it. I like making them suffer a lot, and I love testing their limits." Dennis seemed pleased. He thought for a moment then said, "Well, I've seen a lot of stuff on the net, and read a bunch of stuff, but I sort of wanted to hear if some of what I read is true." Steph breathed just a little easier. "Sir, I'll tell you whatever you want to know. I really have done a lot. Some pretty nasty stuff too." Dennis's demeanor changed just a little. All of a sudden he was more like a curious little boy than a sadistic little master. "Okay, cool, well, the main thing I wanted to know was is it true what they say 3; that a guy's cock and balls are a lot tougher than people think, and can take a lot of punishment?" Steph thought for a moment, another car passed by and he quickly said, "Well yes sir it is. That's been my experience. You really can torture a guy's cock and balls pretty freaking hard and cause a lot of pain, without doing any real damage, as long as you do it in certain ways 3; or I should say avoid doing it in certain ways." Dennis was really curious now. "Okay, continue!" Steph kept his eyes on the street as he continued. "Okay, it's like this 3; Slapping, paddling, stretching and flogging are all pretty much okay -- well, okay in the sense that they won't cause damage 3; You can hit with almost any flat object and even whips, as long as you don't hit with, say, the edge of a wooden spoon or stick. Keep the objects you hit with flat 3; and you can cause a major amount of pain 3;with no damage." Dennis loved hearing this stuff. Like Chip he really liked cock and ball torture. He smiled at Steph and asked, "I read something about play piercings. Is that really possible.. you sticking needles into a guy's cock and balls?" Steph took a deep breath and said, "I probably shouldn't be telling you this, but, yes it is possible, and pretty painful. You just have to be careful. You have to make sure to sterilize the needles and you can't put them through the fleshy part of a guy's cock, or actually into his balls. You just pull some skin away from either and push the needles through. It's pretty wicked." Dennis was getting extremely excited now. He was about to ask another question when suddenly Steph blurted out, "SIR! We've got a problem! There's a kid outside and he's seen me. He's coming closer!" To Steph's dismay, Dennis told him not to move. He peeked through the corner of the drapes and saw the young boy approaching. He recognized him. His name was Tommy and he was Stevie's age. Dennis had seen him around the neighborhood and thought he was a nice kid 3; cute too. Though he really didn't know him all that well, that had played basketball and other pickup games at times. Dennis, looked at Steph and said, "Don't worry, I know him. I'll handle this, you just stay where you are." Steph was really embarrassed. He tried not to look at the kid, who was obviously staring at his erect cock. He tried to think about something else but couldn't. Dennis ran to the door, opened it a crack, stuck his head out and said, "Hey Tommy, come here." Tommy managed to pull himself away from the window and trotted over to the door. He recognized Dennis tight away and said, "Hey Dennis, how's it going 3;and what's going on 3; is this some kind of dare or something?" Dennis laughed and said, "Well, sort of, come on in and tell you about it." Tommy hurried inside. His first surprise had been seeing Steph standing naked in the window, with a boner. His second came as he went through the door 3; Dennis was naked too and had a boner as well. Dennis closed the door and made Tommy promise not to tell anyone about any of this. Tommy swore he wouldn't tell a soul. He checked Dennis out really good while they talked. Dennis noticed it and smiled. It occurred to him that Tommy might like him, especially since every time they had run into each other Tommy always seemed to want to hang out with him. He blushed as he saw the way Tommy was eying his crotch. Finally Dennis giggled and said, "So have you ever seen a grown man naked and boned?" Tommy shook his head and said, "Not really, a couple times I saw guys in the changing room at the pool, but the only other guy I've seen with a boner is my cousin. He's 13 but is really well developed 3; you know 3; down there. But still, he's just 13." Dennis laughed, "Well then this should be a treat for you then." He leaned around the corner and said, "Slave Boy, come here." Tommy's mouth dropped open, "He's your Slave boy? How old is he?" Dennis chuckled and said, "Well, he's 24, and for today, at least, he has to do anything I say, and I do mean anything. Isn't that right slave boy?" Steph stood in front of the two boys and said, "Yes Sir!" He glanced at Tommy, who appeared to be about 11 or 12. He had to admit, he was a pretty cute kid 3; a real All-American boy type. A little skinny perhaps, but also clearly athletic. Dennis winked at Tommy and asked, "So then I guess you've never touched an older guy's cock either?" Tommy shook his head, blushed a little and said sheepishly, "Well, just my cousin's." Dennis laughed and said, "Well, go and ahead and touch his. He's got a long one that's fat too 3; and check out how boned he is." Tommy seemed a little hesitant as he reached out and wrapped his hand around Steph's cock. He squeezed it and Steph moaned. It felt really good. He squeezed it some more and stroked it a little and Steph moaned more. Tommy started fondling Steph's balls with his other hand, and Steph responded by trembling. He couldn't believe how much he was being turned on by being fondled by this young boy. It defied all logic. Dennis seemed pleased. He looked at Tommy and said, "You keep doing that, I just got an idea and need to get something. I'll be right back." Dennis ran down to the basement. He figured he probably shouldn't let Tommy in on the dungeon secret, at least not yet. He wanted to check on Chip and needed something from the dungeon for what he had just thought of. When he arrived, Chip was still firmly in place on the exam table and he saw Coach was now licking Chip's feet. Chip was sweating and moaning. Mark looked at Dennis and said, "Dude, he really tongue fucked him good so I told him to lick his entire body." Dennis grinned, and said, "That's cool! I got something going on upstairs, I'll tell you about it in a little while." Dennis grabbed a bunch of pieces of rope and a blindfold and headed back up stairs. When he got back, Tommy was really feeling Steph up good. Dennis smiled and said, "Okay, bring the slave boy back into the living room, I have an idea that I think you will like." Tommy led Steph back inside. Dennis quickly unshackled his wrists, then had him lie down on his back on the coffee table. He pulled his arms up over his head and tied his wrists to the coffee table legs. He did the same with his knees and ankles. When he was done he looked at Tommy and said, "If you haven't done the other things I asked, then obviously you haven't jacked a man off before or seen him cum? You do know what that means don't you?" Tommy seemed a little insulted. He snapped back, "Yea I know what it means 3; it means masturbate him and make him ejaculate! I've done it with my cousin. So I've seen it." Dennis rolled his eyes as he thought, "Again with the cousin, maybe I should meet this guy." Dennis smiled and said, "Okay, well hopefully this will be fun for you. I was thinking you'd like to see what it was like to do that to my slave boy here. I'm sure he'd enjoy it." Dennis didn't need to hear an answer from young Tommy. The look on his face and the way he was staring at Steph's strong and well developed body said it all. Tommy nodded his head and Dennis continued. "I don't know why, but I especially like doing it to a guy when he's tied up. So whenever you're ready, have fun. Just one last thing, there's a cup under the coffee table, try to catch his cum in it. I have someone in mind for it." Tommy knelt beside the table and started running his hands over Steph's body. He loved the feeling and Steph clearly loved it too. He breathed faster as Tommy ran his small hands over his chest and played with his nipples. Again his mind raced 3; he kept telling himself he should not be this turned on by being used by these two boys 3; but he was 3; and his cock confirmed it. Dennis added to his level of arousal be leaning close to him and saying, "Okay Slave Boy, now you ask Tommy here real nice to jack you off and make you cum 3; oh and say it the way he just said it 3; I kind of like that 3; remember 'full cooperation'!" Steph was confused for a brief moment. He thought about what Dennis had said, then figured it out. He tilted his head up, looked at Tommy and asked, "Umm 3; Tommy, would you please masturbate me and make me ejaculate?" Steph's cock throbbed as he said the words. Tommy grinned broadly. He looked at Dennis, blushed some more and asked, "Do you want me to do it the way my cousin makes me do it? He likes it when I tie him up too and always wants me to do it the same way." Dennis thought he definitely had to meet this freaking cousin. He looked back at Tommy and said, "Yea, sure, however you want." Both Dennis and Steph were totally surprised by what happened next. Tommy stood up, pulled off all of his clothes and tossed them aside. He stood beside the table, grabbed his cock and quickly stroked till it was totally hard. It had been close already. Dennis took the opportunity to get a good look at Tommy's body. He definitely was Stevie's age but his body was a little more developed, and he had a nice set of "manly equipment." His balls weren't that big and had clearly not dropped yet, but he looked really good in Dennis's eyes. As soon as he was totally erect, Tommy climbed onto the coffee table, laid down on top of Steph, pressed his cock against Steph's and started sliding it up and down. Steph felt another surge in his cock. He couldn't believe the sensation. Tommy kept sliding up and down and moved faster with every moan from the naked man under him. He grinned at Dennis and said, "This is how we usually get started. It feels really good and gets him really excited." Dennis laughed, "Yea, that much I can see." Tommy continued until Steph started to shake. Then he climbed off, grabbed Steph's cock and slowly started stroking it. It didn't take Steph long to start panting. Tommy got this devilish look on his face and looked at Dennis. "You know sometimes I sort of torture him 3; I get him real close, then I stop. It drives him crazy. He gets mad sometimes when I do that 3; but when I finally do make him cum he likes it." Dennis smiled back and said, "Do whatever you want!" Steph wanted to cum really bad now. What's more he really wanted this kid to do it. When Tommy suddenly stopped stroking, he couldn't help himself, he tilted his head up and said pleadingly, "Please jack me more 3; make me cum." Dennis glared at Steph and snapped, "Say it like before slave boy! You know I like it!" Steph looked at Tommy and pleaded, "Please Tommy, masturbate me until I ejaculate." Saying it like that seemed all the more humiliating, but had the effect of turning him on even more. Tommy smiled and said, "Okay. Sometimes I do this too." He leaned down, put his mouth around Steph's fat cock and started sucking. Steph went wild. He pulled at his bonds, trembled violently and shouted, "OH MY GOD! HOLY SHIT!" Dennis chuckled, "Be careful, he's really close!" He was right. Tommy barely had time to grab the cup. He got it in position, just in time. Both boys were amazed at how animated Steph's orgasm was and at how much man seed blasted into the cup. It was more than Dennis had even seen 3; even more than Chip 3; and Chip shot a lot. Steph thought he had experienced "mind-blowing" orgasms before, but this was far more intense. Dennis and Tommy sat down on the sofa and looked at Steph. His breathing eventually returned to normal, but his cock remained awfully hard. Tommy commented on that and Dennis explained about the pills. He was correct they did have something to do with it, but so did the situation Steph found himself in. Tommy then asked, "So what happens next?" Dennis said, "Well, I'm gonna torture him for the rest of the day 3; you know make him scream and stuff." Tommy's eyes widened, "You mean like real torture, with whips and paddles and that kind of stuff?" Dennis laughed, "Yea, 'that' kind of stuff, and a whole lot more. So do you like doing that sort of thing too? You know to guys?" All of a sudden Dennis got this strange feeling in his chest. He looked at Tommy and it occurred to him that he really was awfully cute, and his body was really great looking. Tommy blushed looked down and said, "Yea, my cousin and I have done some stuff. We've tied each other up and tortured each other. He likes making me cry and then jacking me off. But he seems to like it more when I do it to him. It's a little scary though cause he keeps wanting me to be rougher and rougher. He wants me to get him to beg to stop." Dennis felt yet another surge in his cock. Steph was listening to the entire conversation and was getting harder by the minute. Pill or no pill, hearing the boys talk, and being able to smell their naked young bodies was a huge turn on. He kept glancing at them and couldn't take his eyes off there hard young cocks, which were sticking straight up in the air. Dennis was about to ask more about the "cousin" when Tommy suddenly said, "So um 3; do you want me to 3; you know 3; um 'do you' too 3; I will if you want." He looked at Dennis's crotch and blushed. Dennis's heart started beating really fast. He looked at Tommy sitting beside him 3; his cute face 3; and warm eyes 3; and temporally forgot about Steph and Chip. He looked at Tommy and said softly, "Yea I guess I do." For Steph, what followed was one of the most erotic scenes he had ever seen in his entire gay life. He loved BDSM, but this was different. It was different for Dennis too 3; had Chip been able to see it he would just not believe it. Tommy stood up and told Dennis to lie down on the sofa on his back. Dennis did as he was told, never taking his eyes off of Tommy's face. Tommy knelt and started running his hands over Dennis's tight teen body. He commented how hot Dennis was and admitted to him that he had checked him out whenever he saw him at the community pool. That seemed to really excite Dennis and he started getting this really warm feeling in his chest. Tommy leaned closer and began running his tongue around Dennis's nipples. Dennis didn't know why he said what he said next, he just did. It took Steph by surprise, and really seemed to excite Tommy. He looked at Tommy and said softly, "You can tie me up if you want." Tommy's eyes sparkled. He looked at Dennis and asked, "Are you sure?" Dennis nodded and half panted, "Yea I am! Tie me up and do what you want with me." Tommy smiled and acted quickly. In no time he had Dennis stretched out on the sofa, with his arms tied overhead to the sofa arm and his ankles firmly secured to the other end. He started in much the same way as he had done Steph. He laid down on top of Dennis and started sliding his cock against Dennis's. Dennis started breathing really hard. Tommy's face was right above his. He looked in Tommy's eyes, opened his mouth to speak and was surprised when Tommy lowered his lips and started kissing him. It was the most incredible kiss he ever had, and it wasn't long before both were tonguing each other's mouths deeply. When Tommy finally pulled off, Dennis sounded like a broken record, he just kept panting over and over again as Tommy continued rubbing their cocks together with his humping motion, "OH MY GOD 3; OH MY GOD 3; OH MY GOD!" Steph's cock started to throb all over again as he watched and listened. The scent of teenage arousal permeated the room. If he wasn't tied up, he'd be jacking himself like crazy. He almost came when he heard what Dennis panted next. "OH MY GOD Dude! Fuck MY Ass Dude! Please! FUCK IT HARD!" Steph wanted to see that. It would be an incredible turn around to see the hot little master being fucked by another little dude. As it turned out, Tommy was actually already quite skilled at this sort of thing, and he had been dreaming about Dennis ever since he met him. He had heard lots of nasty things about him but it didn't matter. He climbed off of Dennis, knelt beside him, looked him in the eye, and giggled, "Maybe next time. Right now I really would just love to see you cum 3; you know ejaculate!" Dennis looked at Tommy's cute face and panted 3; "OH GOD!" Tommy looked back and teased, "But I'm a little tired so you're going to have to do all the work I'm afraid 3; and if you do cum for me, then I just might fuck you one day 3; and who knows maybe let you fuck me." He wrapped his hand around Dennis's hard cock and giggled, "Okay, get to work." Steph watched in awe as Dennis immediately started pumping his groin up and down, sliding his cock in and out of Tommy's hand. Tommy ran his free hand up and down Dennis's inner thighs and occasionally teased his hole with a finger tip. He could tell by Dennis's reaction that his inner thighs were really sensitive 3; just like his cousin's. It didn't take Dennis long to get to the edge. Tommy could tell. As soon as he saw it, he removed his hand and Dennis went crazy 3; pumping his groin in the air madly. Tommy laughed and said, "Awe, poor boy, you want to cum so bad. Well, I'll tell you what, I'll let you, but you gotta do one thing for me 3; you gotta eat this dude's cum first 3; then your own." Dennis was beyond caring. He nodded and panted 3; "Anything you say!" Tommy picked up the cup and held it above Dennis's mouth. The scent of man-seed was really strong and Dennis smelled it. He opened his mouth and Tommy poured Steph's full load in. He dropped the cup, leaned down and placed his mouth on Dennis's and swished his tongue inside, tasting Steph's seed. Dennis breathed harder as he returned the kiss, sharing some of Steph's thick cum. His heart was beating wildly, when Tommy broke the kiss, grabbed Dennis's cock and started stroking. It took less than thirty seconds before he erupted. Every muscle in his body tightened as he shot his wonderful load of teenage seed. Tommy milked every drop he could out of Dennis's cock and fed him most of it. When he was done he licked the remainder off of Dennis's tight abs, laid down on top of him once more. He gave Dennis a long kiss, then winked at him and chuckled, "So how soon do you want me to fuck you? I never fucked a guy before, not even my cousin, although he keeps asking me to do it." Dennis had never, ever felt like this before. It was a confusing feeling, but a good one. He smiled at Tommy and said, "I guess the sooner the better." They stayed like that for almost fifteen minutes 3; Tommy laying on top of Dennis's outstretched body 3; feeling each other's heartbeats 3; breathing each other's air. Finally Tommy climbed off and started to untie Dennis. "Well, you've got more stuff to do with Slave Boy and I do have to get home." He gestured toward Steph's hard cock and laughed, "And by the looks of things our little scene has gotten him excited." Dennis chuckled as Tommy untied his feet and moved to his wrists, "Yea, this is going to be a fun day. I'll probably put him back in the window for awhile 3; I mean it worked pretty good so far." They both laughed really loud. Tommy had just started untying Dennis wrists when they heard a voice from the kitchen doorway, it was Mark. "Yo Dude, you coming back down soon? Coach is done with his part and I'm kinda anxious to get things going with Chip." Tommy freed Dennis's wrists and there was a sudden moment of silence as Tommy and Mark looked at each other and froze. Both of their mouths dropped open. Neither knew what to say. Dennis sat up and rubbed his wrists. He was about to speak when Mark blurted out, "Tommy, what the hell are you doing here?" Tommy blurted right back, "I should probably ask you the same thing Mark!" Dennis looked confused. He looked at Mark and asked, "You two know each other?" Mark rolled his eyes and said, "Yea, you could say that! He's my fucking cousin!"
Special Notes and ThanksOnce again, thank you to all who have emailed me. I really do appreciate it and just love hearing stories about any kind of "initiations" experienced either during the teen years or college years.Special thanks to all who have sent in story suggestions. I really do try to work them in at some point and in some form. Hopefully you'll be able to recognize yours when they do appear. Oh and apologies if a suggestion doesn't appear. Sometimes I simply can't work it in. As mentioned previously, I have had a number of requests for copies of the pictures submitted by readers 3; pictures they feel represent the main characters 3; I have posted them 3; along with some other cool stuff on a special website. If you would like the link, just email me and confirm you are 18 or older, and I'll send you the link. Also feel free to send me any pictures you feel represent the main characters and I'll try to add them to the site when I can. westwoodscotty(at)hotmail(dot)com