Scott WestwoodBoys Love TortureChapter 24 | ||||
Story NotesOnce again, apologies for the delay. Real life and emotional issues do occasionally interfere with my writing.As a reminder to all, this story could also be described as a type of Gay BDSM Soap Opera. As such, different characters will take the 'center' stage from time to time for variety and drama's sake. It is one of the reasons there is such a large group of characters. Besides torture, humiliation will continue to be a central theme in the series. It could be construed as a form of 'torture' and is definitely a part of almost every initiation scenario. While I had planned to get to the Arena event during this chapter, I was led elsewhere. This chapter focuses on the 'Twins,' the two hot young college wrestlers along with Kevin, a cute 15 year old German exchange student. It is the week before the Arena event, and all the boys are really getting worked up about it. | ||||
The week leading up to the big Arena Event ended up being a wild one! The 'ringmaster' email box was jammed with suggestions for how to stage the fights and possible punishments for the losers. It seemed like a lot of guys were interested in winning a 'private' Web Cam show with the guys of their choice. What made it even more exciting was the fact that if a local won, there was the definite possibility that they could be there in person to watch their 'private' show. Chip and Mark worked really hard to make sure everything was lined up. Mark focused on the technical side of things. He met with Dwayne and Jake several times to make sure the cameras were working properly and the Web Site was all set to go. Chip concentrated on the actual event and how it would work. He also worked with Dennis and Stevie to arrange the invitations and how the 'live' audience would be handled. The word had gotten out, so they had to come up with a 'by invitation only' plan. Even with that, by the time they were done working it all out, they had a guaranteed live audience of over 40 guys, and they figured there would be some additional 'friends' getting in. Yes, the barn would be crowded. And as if the Arena 'preps' weren't enough, the brothers had another major thing to deal with. All three had pretty much forgotten the fact that they were going to have a German exchange student living with them for the coming school year. They were reminded of that fact when their dad came to their room late Sunday afternoon to replace Chip's bed with a bunk bed. They griped about it 3; bitched and moaned the entire time their dad was setting up the bed. He just laughed and reminded them that they had agreed to the arrangement. Mike Peterson actually did know his sons better than they imagined. He knew they were 'sexually' active and that most of their 'activities' were between themselves and other boys. He got a major kick out of the fact that they really thought he didn't know what they were up to. He had gone through the same thing when he was their age, and although he had 'grown out of it', he actually had no problem with what they were doing. 'Boys will be boys' was his motto. As long as they didn't do drugs or really hurt someone, he was okay with things 3; and it did not matter if any or all of them ended up being gay 3; well, maybe it mattered somewhat since his wife wanted grand kids! Once the bed was set up, Mike headed towards the door. He figured the boys would need some more time to 'bitch and moan' amongst themselves, so he needed to make a quick exit. When he reached the door, he stopped, turned around, looked at his three cranky sons and said, "Okay boys, Kevin gets in tomorrow, I expect you guys to make him feel welcome! I mean it! Like it or not, he will be living with us for at least a year, maybe longer, so deal with it! And who knows, you guys might actually like him 3; I mean really `like' him!" And then he left! Mike would have liked to be a ';fly on the wall'; in his sons' room to hear their conversation. He smiled as he thought about the next day. Chip and Dennis were going to the airport with him to pick up Kevin. Neither knew what Kevin looked like, but Mike did 3; semi-blond hair 3; slender, tight build 3;! He wondered how long it would take 'the boys' to get him involved in their supposedly totally secret nefarious activities. Yes, Mike knew his sons pretty damn well! But he did not know Kevin! Had he known Kevin, and how much of an exhibitionist he was 3; and how much he craved challenges, he would have smiled even more. For the moment, there were no smiles in the 'boys'' room! Dennis and Stevie were really bitching. "Fuck this shit!" Dennis groused. "Now there will be four of us in here! This sucks big dick!" "He's probably a fat German Geek with pimples and can hardly speak English!" Stevie moaned. Chip listened half-heartedly as his two younger siblings bitched and moaned 3; on and on. There was something about his father's last words that stuck in his mind 3; "And who knows, you guys might actually like him 3; I mean really `like' him!" He thought about it for a while longer, then focused on the plans for the Arena event and wondered about what Dwayne and Jake would be doing. Besides working on the tech stuff, Dwayne and Jake ended up being really busy during the week in many ways. The two 'geeks' took it upon themselves to ensure that the twins were really ready and 'worked up' for the opening event. Dwayne called Dennis to explain the plans he had for the Twins. Dennis was excited about it and told Dwayne to go ahead. Dwayne smiled when he visited the twins at their frat house late Sunday night. Both were directed to follow him outside where they were ordered to strip naked. They did as they were told. Dwayne may have been a slightly chubby Geek, but there was something about him that made the twins want to obey. Standing there, naked in front of him, they waited expectantly and trembled. Dwayne smiled at the two naked jocks standing before him. He loved the feeling of power. He let them shake for a few moments, then tossed them chastity devices. "Okay you two horn dogs! Put those on each other and then give me the keys! You will wear them for the rest of the week!" They rushed to slide the devilish devices on each other before they got any harder. Both trembled when they handed Dwayne the keys. Dwayne smiled and continued, "Okay, now here is the other thing, everyday for the rest of the week, the two of you will go to that empty classroom in the old biology wing. You will arrive at 8:00 am sharp. You will strip naked outside the classroom, stack your clothes on either side of the door, stand in the `present' position, facing the hallway and wait until called inside!" "Once inside, for the next hour, you will do whatever you are told! And I mean whatever! Do you understand?" They both nodded nervously. "And just so you know, I might not be there every time! That doesn't make a difference! You will still do whatever you are told to do inside that room! Understood?" They both nodded and said tenuously, "Yes sir." Like it or not, both were totally turned on. The very thought of being used and abused by this Geek and his friends was actually exciting to the two college studs, though neither would admit it! Dwayne smiled as he told them to get dressed. He knew it would be a long week for them and he was right. Things shifted into high gear the very next morning. Right on time, Bryce and Brandon arrived outside the empty classroom. They stripped out in the hall, assumed the 'present' position and waited. They looked around nervously, praying that no one would wonder down the hall and see them. By the time they were called inside, both were breathing hard. That was when they had their first major shock of the day 3;Dwayne was not there, but others were. They glanced around the room and started to shake. It could have been a freshmen Geek convention. There were at least eight or nine freshmen there. All were around 18 or 19, although a couple might have been 17. All of them looked at the two naked jocks with amusement. One of them muttered, "They don't look so tough now, do they?" Bryce checked out their faces. He had seen those looks before. Straight or gay, Geek or Jock, the look was the same 3; every one of them were horned. And every one of them was checking out the two brother's naked bodies. Brandon whispered to Bryce, "Dude, this is not looking good!" Bryce whispered back, "Tell me about it!" One of the 'Geeks' approached them, looked at Bryce and chuckled, "So I guess you two know you have to do whatever we say, right?" Bryce blushed and said softly, "Um, yea, for like the next hour or so." The Geek smiled, motioned to the crowd and said, "Yo Lance, come on over here. I think you need to meet these guys! They sort of look like your older brothers!" The crowd parted and a little guy approached the twins. He wasn't very big, and definitely looked the part of a young 'geek.' His dark blond hair was frazzled and he wore a thick pair of glasses. He was slender for sure, but not overly skinny. In fact, if the truth were to be known, beneath the baggy 'hand me down' clothes from his older jock brothers, there was actually a well honed, tight little body. Lance blushed as he looked at the twin's naked body's. He pointed at the chastity devices and asked sheepishly, "Umm what are those?" The older Geek laughed and said, "Well those are to make sure these two guys don't do anything unnatural to you Dude 3; you know like fuck you!" Lance's eyes widened and he squealed, "Really?" The older Geek laughed some more and said, "Well, yea, for now, but mostly it's to keep them from getting an erection. They can't get hard with those things on." Lance's mouth dropped open, "Wow! So like how long do they have to wear them?" The Geek said, "I don't know. I think maybe a whole week!" Lance blabbered, "Holy SHIT! That means they can't 3; um 3; you know 3; UM! 3; ahhh." A bunch of them laughed and one shouted, "Just say it `Squeaker' 3; they can't jack off! You know what that means! You know! 3; Choke their chickens 3; wack the weasel 3; pound their puds 3;!" Lance blushed a lot more. He was embarrassed, but couldn't take his eyes off of the twins. Their bodies were even more developed than his older brothers. He thought about his older jock brothers and the things they had done to him and decided it was time for some pay backs! The twins weren't his brothers 3; but they were jocks 3; and they were 'available.' Lance looked at the older Geek and asked, "So like they have to do anything we say, right?" He smiled at Lance and said, "Yea, ANYTHING! So just go for it!" Lance grinned, turned to the twins and said, "Okay jock boys, put your hands behind your heads and spread your legs. We're all gonna get a chance to feel those tight bodies of yours." And feel them they did. Bryce and Brandon trembled slightly as the crowd of Geeks began running their hands all over their naked bodies. They felt every muscle, explored every crevice and teased their sensitive spots. Their nipples received a lot of attention and it wasn't long before both were sweating and panting. As much as they liked showing off their bodies, there was still something humiliating about being forced to do it this way. Especially with this group of guys. Lance was really enjoying himself, even more so when one of the guys found a feather and handed it to him. He smiled and told him to use it on the chastity devices. The group watched and jeered as Lance ran the tip of the feather between the slats on the devices. The twins both moaned as the feather tickled their straining cocks and balls. Lance got more and more excited as he worked the twins over. He had never had an opportunity like this before and was really getting into it. It didn't take him long to discover all the sensitive spots on their bodies. There were their cock's and balls, of course, but their nipples were sensitive too, as were their inner thighs, and then there was that spot under their balls, between their balls and holes. Both gasped as Lance ran the tip of the feather around that special area. The rest of the Geeks were enjoying watching Lance work the twins over. Lance was by far the youngest of the group and looked it. He had graduated from high school early and gone right into college. Over the years he had taken more than his fair share of kidding and abuse from his two older brothers. And when his brothers had gone through their 'sexual' curiosity and exploration stage, they had taken full advantage of Lance's tight little body and mouth. Although they used him for their own enjoyment and pleasure, they had never returned the favors. He had tasted their cocks, swallowed their cum, and had their large cocks deep in his ass on numerous occasions, but had never experienced things the other way. His cock really hardened as he looked at the twins' muscular bodies. He thought of his brothers and the things he had dreamt about making them do, and not just sexual things, more than anything he wanted to punish them, to make them suffer the way he had. He had also had never forgotten the times their jock friends came over and the things they had made him do. In his mind, a jock was a jock, and finally here were two who were at his mercy. The older Geek seemed to sense Lance's thoughts. He leaned closer and whispered in his ear, "Dude, you may never get another chance like this again, so why don't you go ahead and do what you want. Trust me they have no choice!" He went around behind the desk, retrieved a back pack, handed it to Lance and chuckled, "Here, this may help! It's some things Dwayne sent along." Lance looked in the pack. It was full of sex toys. While he recognized some things, there were others that were mysterious. The twins looked at the pack and then at each other. They didn't have to see inside to know what it contained. Again they looked at the faces of the Geeks in the room. All were looking at them like they were 'meat on the table' and it was pretty clear most of them were boned. Lance rummaged through the pack and pulled out some pieces of rope. He handed them to a couple of the older guys and asked them to bend the twins over the desk, and tie them down with their asses spread wide. The twins shuddered as the crowd of frustrated and horned Geeks bent them over the desk and secured their wrists and ankles. To the delight of all, Lance proceeded to grease up two sizable butt plugs. He showed them to the twins who shuddered some more. Lance laughed, "My brothers and their friends used some things like these on me. Of course they weren't as big as these two, and I'm sure both of you will really feel them." Lance handed one of the plugs to a friend and smiled as he pointed to Brandon, "Okay, you work this one into his ass and show no mercy! I want to hear them both scream!" They touched the tips of the plugs against the twin's tight holes and began pressing hard. Brandon and Bryce both gasped as they felt their asses being forced apart. They tried to relax their muscles as fast as they could, but it didn't work. Little Lance and his friend kept up the pressure. Both twins gasped as they felt their asses being split. Tears filled their eyes as pain shot through their bodies. Bryce looked up at the crowd gathered around the back of the desk. He trembled some more as he realized several of them were taking pictures and video. It took some doing but at last the plugs snapped into the twin's hot asses. Both screamed as their holes clamped down on the hilts of the plugs. They thrashed and pulled at their bonds for several minutes before they finally were able to adapt to the pain. Their sense of relief didn't last long as both looked up to see Lance passing out some leather paddles. He tapped his against Bryce's creamy white ass and chuckled, "Now we will get to see just how many hard smacks it is going to take to turn your tight little asses bright red. I'm thinking 50 should do it!" As it turned out, both of their asses were red, long before that. The Geeks took turns with the paddles and Lance made sure every smack was a hard one! "WHHHHHHACKKKKKK! 3; 3; AGHHHHHHHH! 3; WHHHHHHACKKKKKK! 3; 3; AGHHHHHHHH! 3;" On and on it went. As tough as the twins were, both were sobbing by the time the savage paddling ended. Lance smiled broadly as he saw the tears in their eyes. He tilted Brandon's head up, looked him in the face and chuckled, "You don't look that tough now `Mister Jock Dude!' " "So what is it to be? More paddling, say 50 more hard smacks 3; OR maybe we just pull the plugs out and fuck your jock asses?" "You decide! Paddle of fuck?" "CHOOSE!" Brandon looked at Lance 3; his ass was burning 3; like his brother's 3; and 3; his cock was straining inside the chastity device 3; like his brother's 3; He looked at the young Geek, took a deep breath and gasped 3; "Fuck us 3; OKAY! 3;Fuck us!" Lance was really enjoying the feeling of power he was getting from having the two naked jocks at his mercy. His Geek friends were having similar feelings. All had been picked on at one time or another by jocks simply because they were smart and not that good at sports. Lance smiled, looked over at Bryce and asked smartly, "So do you agree tough guy? Want us to fuck you, or would prefer more paddling?" Bryce trembled as he panted, "Go ahead and fuck me." Lance stood up, went over to the back pack, retrieved a box of condoms and passed it around. The twins were no strangers to being fucked. In fact they had done it to each other on many occasions. But being fucked like this by a group of total Geeks was totally humiliating. Both did get some pleasure though, as they glanced around the room. Most of the Geeks looked nervous and some blushed as they fumbled with opening the packs of condoms. It was obvious they had never done this before. Lance's hands shook as he pulled the condom out of the package. He looked at his friends 3; they all seemed to be just as nervous as he was 3; and just about as shy. He looked at the two naked jocks, stretched over the desk with their bright red 'plugged' asses and reflected back on all the things his older brothers had done to him, along with some of their jock friends. He knew what it felt like to have a cock shoved up his ass, and now he wanted experience what it felt like the other way around. It took him less than a minute to pull his clothes off, step behind the twins and take hold of the butt plugs. The other Geeks gasped and the twins screamed as Lance yanked the butt plugs out and laughed, "Okay guys! Time for some paybacks! You all know you want to do it!" Lance struggled a little as he worked his cock into Brandon's ass. He may have been small in stature, but his cock wasn't and Brandon really felt it. Brandon cried out when Lance shoved his 'untested' teenage manhood all the way in 3; with a savage thrust. For Lance the feeling was incredible. He loved the way Brandon's ass gripped his cock and loved the way Brandon trembled. His years of frustration manifested themselves as he began ramming his cock in an out. It only took a few minutes for Brandon and Lance to be drenched in sweat. Both were panting fast and hard. The other Geeks watched in awe as young Lance forced his cock in and out of Brandon's tight ass. Seeing the hot young college jock, tied naked and helpless, and being fucked by 'one of their own' was like a dream come true. Any 'shyness' Lance felt was now totally gone. He remembered the things his brothers and their friends had made him say and do over the years and followed suit. He slapped Brandon's ass hard and snarled, "Okay Jock Boy, I am certain you have been fucked before 3; so you know the types of things you should be saying! So start talking! Let my friends hear just how much of a jock slut you really are!" He gave Brandon's ass a couple more really hard slaps as he rammed his cock in as deep as he could. Every one in the room was pretty much taken by surprise by Lance's outburst 3; And turned on. Lance slapped Brandon's ass again and shouted, "Come on! Say it! You know what we want to hear!" Brandon and Bryce both knew the types of things to say. It was just tough to do it in front of these young Geeks. It took a few more slaps and some really deep thrusts for Brandon to finally start saying the things Lance wanted to hear! "OH YES SIR! Fuck ME HARD SIR! Oh YEA! SHIT FUCK ME REALLY HARD!" 3; and so on! At that point, any reservations the Geeks had, disappeared 3; all began to undress and put on condoms. Brandon continued crying out as Lance fucked him fast and hard. His cries were soon echoed by Bryce as the oldest 'Geek' in the group mounted him and rammed his cock in all the way 3; mimicking young Lance. Those years of frustration and abuse fired Lance's passion and desire. He told his friend who was using the video camera provided by Dwayne to come around to the front and record what the twins were going to say. What followed was like a nightmare for the twins 3;! Lance leaned closer and whispered to Brandon as he continued fucking him. "Okay Jock-boy, now listen carefully. Unless you do exactly what I say, we will beat your ass a lot more 3; maybe even try caning you 3; yea that's right, there is a cane here 3; it was on the floor beside the back pack 3; so you do exactly what I tell you to do, or your ass will really be ripped to shreds!" Brandon trembled as he listened to Lance's instructions. To say that he was shocked would be an understatement. It was bad enough being fucked by the horny little Geek and all his friends, now he had to totally humiliate himself on camera 3; no telling who would end up seeing the damn video. Still, it was better than being caned. He and his brother had been caned by their dad and uncle. Lance finished his instructions, rammed his cock in hard, yet again, and snarled, "Okay Jock-boy, look at the camera and start talking!" Brandon's eyes watered some more as he tilted his head up, looked at the camera and started saying the things Lance had ordered him to say. "Hi, my name is Brandon, and I like getting spanked and fucked 3; and yea, I like to suck cock too! If you would like me to suck your cock, or fuck me, just email me, and I will." He blushed a lot as he said it. Lance gave his ass another hard slap and snarled, "Keep going Jock-Boy!" Brandon took another deep breath as young Lance rammed his cock all the way in and just waited. Again he looked right into the camera and said, "Yea, I really love having a cock in my ass, so does my brother, and we both love being made to do things. So if you see us around, just say `apple blossom' and we will do ANYTHING you want. And I mean ANYTHING." Brandon and Bryce both trembled as he said it. Brandon had pretty much said, 'exactly' what Lance had told him to say, and it didn't take a mental genius to figure out the fact that his comments would be used in a very nasty way. The remainder of the hour did not go well for the twins! Like Lance, the rest of the Geeks lost their shyness pretty damn fast. All of them stripped naked and fucked the twins 3; and NONE were gentle! Brandon and Bryce begged for it to stop 3; which just seemed to make them 'fuck' harder. By the time the last 'Geek' pulled his cock out of Bryce's ass, both were dripping 'pre-cum' like crazy 3; and both of their cocks were straining to get hard inside their chastity cages. Lance had also done a really good job 'coaching' his friends! Every one of them managed to avoid 'cumming' while inside the twins. No one seemed concerned that the entire 'event' was being recorded on video. No once except the Twins that is. As soon as the fucking was over, the twins were untied, dragged across the room and forced to kneel with their hands behind their backs. Both blushed as Brandon uttered the final words Lance had told him to say 3; "Please Sirs, let us suck you dry 3; and feed us your hot manly seed!" Well, it wasn't exactly what Lance had told him to say, but was close enough 3; and looked and sounded really good on the video 3; two really HOT, naked jocks 3; on their knees 3; sucking a group of Geeks. Not only that, they were beginning for it. Every one of them shot a load into the brothers' mouths. And BOTH were required to swallow each time. For Lance, the hour passed by all too quickly. He smiled as he pulled his clothes back on and looked at the twins who were still kneeling on the floor with their heads down. Brandon looked up and Lance and asked nervously, "So what are you gonna do with that video?" Lance chuckled as he headed towards the door, "Well time we'll tell. I'm there are lot of guys, and maybe some girls who just love to see you two! So let's just stay in touch. You know where to find us, our Frat house is right beside yours!" They all laughed as they left the room. Bryce looked and Brandon and said, "This really is not good. Who knows what they are going to want. I just hope that video doesn't get out." Both of them continued to shake as they retrieved their clothes and got dressed. The worst thing was that this was just the first day. They had four more to go, not to mention the weekend at the 'Naked Fight Club' and who knew what their young Master Dennis might have in store for them. After the conversation Dennis had with Dwayne on Sunday, he got really excited. He would get involved with the morning 'activities' during the week, and figured it would be easy to just 'ditch' the German Geek, and just let Chip help him get settled in. At the very moment, Bryce and Brandon were dressing, Chip, Dennis and their Dad were waiting just outside of the customs area at the airport. Even though their Dad had seen a picture of Kevin, he had insisted that they hold up a sign that said, 'Kevin!' He chuckled inwardly as he glanced over at Dennis. He had made him hold the sign, and it was clear Dennis was not happy. He had bitched all the way to the airport and only shut up when Chip told him to. They didn't have long to wait. A bunch of people started pouring out of the customs area. Kevin was pretty easy to spot. He was just about the only person his age on the flight. He came through the line, dragging two large wheeled suitcases. He smiled when he saw the sign with his name on it and headed right towards them. The boys' Dad laughed when he gestured and said, "Here comes your new roommate sons!" The looks on Dennis and Chip's faces was, as they say, 'priceless!' Kevin was anything but a fat, German Geek. His blond hair, glistened from the morning sun shining though the skylights. He greeted them with a refined politeness 3; shook everyone's hands and then waited. The typical 'idle banter' followed for several minutes 3; "How was the fight? 3; What time did you leave?" Etc, while the boys essentially 'sized' each other up. One of the most interesting things happened when it came time to head for the van. To Mike's amusement, his sons insisted on carrying Kevin's bags. By the time they loaded the van and started leaving the airport, all three were just chattering away. It didn't take long for them to sound like they had been best friends for years. Kevin's English was quite good. He did, however, have this accent that Chip found really cool. The rest of the morning, and early afternoon passed quickly, and predictably. They stopped at a diner on the way home 3; Kevin was hungry, and really 'dug into' the classic American diner food, that included banana splits for all three boys. Chip and Dennis essentially 'took over' when they arrived home. They helped Kevin get settled in 3; set him up with a dresser of his own, helped him unpack, showed him all around the house, even showed him the computer and video game collection. There were several 'interesting and/or funny' moments as they did. The first one occurred, when Chip showed Kevin the bunk bed. Dennis tried not laugh too hard when Chip asked Kevin, "So do you want to be the top or the bottom?" Kevin showed no sign of recognizing, why what Chip said, sounded so funny to Dennis. He left it up to Chip, who said Kevin could be on the bottom. Kevin was still a little tired from the flight, so he asked to take a quick nap. As he napped, Chip and Dennis took a closer look at him. He really was good looking and both had similar thoughts 3; "Will he become one of us? 3; and get Involved with the stuff we do?" Kevin had just finished his short nap, when the next 'funny' thing happened 3; their Dad shouted upstairs that he needed to 'talk' to Kevin! Both chuckled 3; "It's already time for `THE TALK!'" And that is exactly what it was! Mike took Kevin into his den, sat him down and gave the 'TALK!' 3; About 3; no drugs 3; but knows about boys his age 3; if he drinks 3; he is not to ride with anyone who has been drinking, and so on! He gave Kevin a cell phone, and said it was his! Call if you need to 3; no questions asked! Chip and Dennis, kidded around with Kevin when he came back upstairs 3; all about 'THE TALK!' Yes, the boys were really hitting it off fast 3; Kevin even chuckled, "I thought it was going to be about 3; you know sex and stuff!" Chip really laughed, "Oh don't worry, that is `Talk #2'! I'm sure you will get it sooner or later!" They laughed some more, then it was decided, they needed to take Kevin on a neighborhood tour! Dad had come through and had already picked up a bike for Kevin, off they went. Chip and Dennis showed him where just about everything was 3; the school 3; the mall 3; the hiking and jogging trails 3; the park 3; and so on. Their little 'guided tour' also included `fraternity row' and their friends' houses. It was at their last 'stop' that one of the most significant things happened. It was Mark's house. Mark was outside kicking a soccer ball around. He ran up to the boys as he saw them approach. A quick round of introductions followed and they ended up kicking the soccer ball around for awhile. Mark was impressed with Kevin's skill and commented on it, which seemed to please Kevin. When they were done, Mark invited them inside for sodas. They sat and talked for around 30 minutes, mostly about school and sports. Then, to Chip's surprise, Mark asked him how his part of the plans were going for the 'Big Event.' Chip glared at Mark and said, "Oh fine." He obviously didn't want to talk about it with Kevin there, but Mark just continued on. "That's cool. I've been talking to Dwayne and everything is looking good for the video and Internet stuff. It should work out great." Chip rolled his eyes. He couldn't believe Mark wasn't taking the hint. Somehow he managed to change the subject. They chatted for just a little while longer, then Chip suggested that they should start heading home. He hoped Kevin had not really 'picked up' on anything. When they got home, the three headed to the bedroom to play video games. They played for just a little while, then Kevin asked if it was okay to take a shower. Chip hooked him up with a towel and wash cloth and returned to playing a game with Dennis. To Dennis and Chip's surprise and delight, Kevin walked over to the bed, and quickly pulled off his clothes. They tried not to be to obvious watching him strip naked, but it was tough. Kevin really did have a nice body 3; not quite as toned as Chip's, but still awfully nice. They didn't get a chance to get a very good look at his crotch though, because he wrapped the towel around his waist before heading into the bathroom. The quick glance they did get though showed that Kevin was fairly well 'endowed.' The two played the game absentmindedly, for several minutes. Neither one knew what to say. Finally Dennis couldn't stand it anymore, he dropped the game control, looked at Chip and asked, "So what do you think? Are we going to tell him about the Fight Club and stuff?" Chip thought for a moment and then said, "Dude, he hasn't even been off the plane for 24 hours yet 3; for all we know he could be 100 per cent totally straight, and not be into anything at all like that. We don't want to freak him out!" Dennis thought too, then chirped, "Yea, you are probably right 3; still it might be fun to try and find out. You are pretty good at that." They sat in silence for awhile, totally lost in thought. Chip really did want to find out how Kevin felt about 'things.' With everything that was going on, it was probably just a matter of time before Kevin found out anyway. The tough thing was how to bring it up with him. As luck would have it, it was Kevin who brought it up, right after he was done with his shower. He walked out of the bathroom, totally naked, crossed the room, while running the towel through his hair, and then pulled on a pair of clean boxers. He noticed the way Chip and Dennis were looking at him and blushed as he pulled up his boxers, "Oh sorry. I guess I should have put the towel on before I came out of the bathroom." Chip chuckled, "Oh heck, that's okay. It's not like we haven't seen it before 3; we're all guys, and we are gonna be living together for the next year." Kevin made no move to put on any more clothes. He stood in front of the mirror and started brushing his hair. As he did, he glanced over at Chip and asked, "So, um what is the 'big event' your friend was talking about? If you don't mind me asking!" Chip took a deep breath, thought some more then stammered, "Well Dude, I guess we could tell you, but you have to promise you won't say anything, to anyone." To say that Kevin was intrigued, would be an understatement! He had no idea what this was all about, but there was something about Chip's tone that made him 'want in!' And the fact that he would have to promise to keep what it was a secret, made it even more interesting. Boy Fact #2- Boys are natural conspirators. Kevin looked at Chip and said, "Don't worry. Whatever it is, I promise not to say anything, no matter what, and I have never broken a promise." Chip looked Kevin directly in the eyes and was certain he could be trusted. Time would tell, just how far he was willing to go, once he heard what it was all about. Kevin sat down and listened intently as Chip told him pretty much everything. He told him about the fact they had a secret club 3; that had a tough initiation that included lots of challenges 3; and that guys ranging in age from 11 to 24 were involved. Though he didn't get specific about the 'challenges', he said enough for Kevin to be able to put things together. He kept his eye on Kevin the entire time in order to gauge his reaction. The more Chip talked, the more interested Kevin seemed to become, so Chip continued to 'test the waters.' "Okay, I guess some of this may sound weird and all, the challenges are really tough for some guys, but most seem to get excited about it. You'd be surprised just how excited some of the guys get even when they have to do some pretty nasty stuff." Chip was about to continue when Dennis blurted out, "Dude! Tell him about the slavery stuff!" Chip glared at Dennis for a moment, took a deep breath and said, "Well, okay, since the blabber mouth here just brought it up, I guess I should try and explain. You see, one of the things that happens from time to time, as a result of the challenges, is that guys end up becoming slaves to other guys. Which means they have to do whatever they are told 3; no matter what. Oh and sometimes we make bets, and the loser has to pay some type of penalty, which could involve slavery." Now Kevin was pretty smart and it was clear he was understanding what Chip was talking about. Yes, he was straight and did like doing things with girls, and there was something about the way Chip was describing things that made him sure that most, if not all of the activities of Chip's group involved gay stuff. The crazy thing for Kevin was that, even so, for some reason it didn't seem to matter. There was also the fact that he was starting to get boned. Chip paused, looked at Kevin and said, "Well, Dude, I hope we're not freaking you out. I guess it might sound pretty strange." Kevin thought for a moment then smiled nervously and said, "Well maybe a little, but I've done some stuff back home. I'm sure it's not as intense as the stuff you guys do, but it was fun. I'll admit, I do like challenges and dares. But I guess you need to know that I really am straight." Dennis looked disappointed. He had been hoping that Kevin would just jump right into things. Chip's mind started racing. He wasn't sure how to respond. Kevin saw the looks on their faces, thought a moment then said, "Well, I just thought you should know. Oh and if it helps, even so, some of the stuff I had to do did involve a bunch of gay guys." Dennis and Chip both seemed relieved. Kevin was too, because, like it or not, he did want to hear more and the thought had already crossed his mind that he might actually want to join their 'club.' Kevin smiled and continued, "Well, maybe this will help. I have this friend back home. He's older than me. He makes me do challenges and dares a lot. Some of them have been fairly simple. Like the time he had me walk around with my shirt off until I found a group of girls who would agree to make me do some dares that he gave me over my Blackberry. It didn't take me long to find these three girls. We went into this alley and I had to take off my jeans and pull my cock out through the front of my boxers. They were allowed to take pictures of me like that. Later, they were allowed to come up with a dare. They had me put my jeans on, but have my cock stick out. They gave me a hat and told me to cover my cock. Then we went for a walk and every fifth person we encountered I had to take the hat away. It was sort of crazy." Dennis and Chip were enjoying hearing Kevin's story. Most of the dares did involve girls in some way. He had been ordered to allow them to feel his body, to pose for pictures in his boxers, and even to jack off while they watched. The toughest challenges, and some of the longest ones, did involve a group of older gay guys. One of the toughest ones for him was at this gay guy's birthday party. Kevin was tied in a chair, in just his boxers. His cock was sticking out, and they rubbed itching powder on his cock head and nipples then played this game. Kevin could ask for the powder to be wiped off of one spot at anytime. But if he did, then one of the guys would rub that spot with the tip of his finger for three minutes. After that, the itching powder would be applied again. It was a crazy night. Kevin tried to hold out as long as he could. He started to sweat and pulled at his bonds. He begged for them to stop and release him. But they ignored him. It didn't take that long before he asked to have one of his nipples wiped. He breathed a sigh of relief at first, then started to tremble as one of the guys rubbed his nipple. It actually was exciting. Kevin tried so hard to avoid asking for his cock head to be wiped off 3; but the itching became too intense, so he asked. The guy who wiped the powder off, really seemed to know what he was doing. He ran his finger tip around Kevin's cock head for the full three minutes before putting the powder back on. By then, Kevin was totally erect and dripping pre-cum. Dennis was really excited listening to Kevin's story. He couldn't contain himself and half shouted, "So did they make you cum or what?" Kevin blushed, lowered his eyes and said, "Yes they did. More than once. It was pretty embarrassing. They kept me in that chair for hours. I tried so hard to not ask, but damn the itch on my cock head was bad. So I asked a number of times." Dennis's eyes widened as he chirped, "So like how many times did you cum 3; I mean like in total?" Kevin blushed even more as he said, "Well, my friend told me later that he was pretty sure it was eight times. I sort of lost track." Dennis and Chip were really excited now. As straight as Kevin supposedly was, it was obvious he was as much a horny teenager as they were.
[Boy Fact #7- A horny teenage boy lacks common sense.] And that made him a definite candidate for membership in their 'club.' The boys continued to chatter until it was time for dinner. Kevin shared a few more stories about his 'challenges' and Chip told him all about the Naked Fight Club 3; the Arena event that was coming up 3; The torture house and so on. Kevin took it all in and seemed to be interested. Dinner was sort of crazy. Mom asked Kevin a ton of questions about his home 3; family and so on, and was really impressed by his polite, respectful manner. Yes, when it came to adults, Kevin really was a 'charmer!' Maybe even better than Chip. As dinner ended, Kevin totally won Mom over by insisting that he help do the dishes. Mom thanked him, but said it was okay. She would load the dishwasher herself and let the boys spend some more time getting to know each other. And so they did. Dennis was really getting anxious now. Chip had still not 'formally' asked Kevin to become part of their 'group.' Stevie had gotten home and had bunches of questions too. Back in their room, Chip let the chattering go on for awhile then announced, "Okay guys, I think we need to show Kevin some things." Mom smiled as she watched the boys rush out of the house, jump on their bikes and ride off. She turned to Dad and chuckled, "Looks like they are getting along really well. I guess they are going to show him around some more. That's nice." Chip was still concerned that they might be moving too fast. But after hearing Kevin's stories he felt a little more at ease. The ride to the torture house was fun 3; they raced each other 3; taunted each other 3; as boys do. The big moment of truth came when they arrived. To say that Kevin was 'blown away' would be an understatement! The brothers gave him the 'GRAND TOUR' which included the barn. All three kept their eyes on him the entire time, trying to gauge his reaction. Chip told him the entire story, which included what would be happening during the upcoming weekend. Afterwards, they sat on the porch of the house, drinking sodas. Kevin did seem to be in a little state of shock, and Chip sensed it. He placed his hand on the back of Kevin's neck and said, "Yo dude, I guess this a lot to take in all at once. Probably totally blowing your fucking mind 3; and maybe you are thinking we are a bunch of freaks 3; and that's okay 3; just thought you should know 3; since you are gonna be living with us for a year 3; maybe more I guess. And like I said earlier, you would have found out sooner or later. Oh and yea Kevin, it's okay if you don't want to get involved. Just don't say anything." Kevin didn't really know what to say. They sat in silence for sometime then headed home. The ride home was equally silent. Kevin was lost in thought. On the one hand he was concerned that the activities were clearly gay. But on the other hand, he was excited by it. The whole thing was absolutely incredible! The brothers were lost in thought as well and were concerned that they had indeed, pushed too far, too fast. It wasn't until they were getting ready for bed that Kevin finally spoke. He had just stripped down to his boxers and saw the way the brothers were looking at him. "Okay. I have to ask you guys a question. All the things you told me about are really going on, right? The torture and slave stuff 3; the broadcasts on the Internet 3;the naked fight club 3; and you really you do have some college guys doing that stuff too, right?" Chip smiled and said, "Oh yea! It's all true. And you'd be surprised just how easy it was to get them to do the stuff. And not just them either. Heck there are a bunch of guys doing it. And like I told your earlier, some our age." Chip sensed that Kevin seemed to have some doubts that everything was the way he had said. An idea popped into his head. He looked at Kevin and said, "Well, look, I think you'll understand better if we gave you a sort of demonstration." He glanced at Dennis and chuckled, "So what do you think Dennis? How about we take Kevin with us in the morning and `introduce' him to the twins?" Dennis's eyes widened. "Yea, that would be awesome!" He hoped seeing the twins being tortured and humiliated would turn Kevin on. And, of course, having another teenage boy present would add to their embarrassment. Kevin wanted to ask some more questions, but decided to just wait and see. Chip told him they would have to leave the house by 7:15 the next morning, then he concluded by saying, "So Kevin, just be prepared for a surprise. Both of these guys are freshmen wrestlers and are real jocks. And both of them are Dennis's slaves. Anyway, we better get some sleep." The four boys climbed into bed. They all had a little trouble getting to sleep because they couldn't stop thinking about the next morning. There was a major air of excitement when they awoke. All four awoke with raging hard-ons and had a little trouble pulling their jeans on. For Kevin, the bike ride to the college campus was a thrill. He couldn't wait to see exactly what would happen in this vacant classroom. As soon as they arrived, they parked and locked their bikes and rushed inside. The halls were dark and empty, which somehow seemed to make things more exciting. The darkness and the fact it was a pretty old building made Kevin feel almost like he was in a dungeon. Once inside the room, Chip explained a few more things. "Okay, now once they arrive, the twins will have to wait outside until we open the door. Then they will come in and have to do whatever we say for the next hour, no matter what. They have to do this everyday for the entire week and everyday there will different guys here waiting for them. Oh and the other thing, just so you know, they will be doing a special fight this weekend at the Arena in the barn." Kevin felt a surge in his cock as he thought about it and blurted out, "You mean they will be doing the naked fight thing?" Chip laughed and said, "Oh yea! You won't want to miss that." The thing that surprised Kevin was the fact that all of a sudden he realized Chip was totally right. For some reason he really did not want to miss it. Dennis suddenly waved his hand and said, "Quiet guys I think they are coming." They listened intently as they heard voices in the hall, followed by a rustling sound. Then silence. Kevin's heart was pounding in anticipation. Out in the hall, two other hearts were pounding as well. In spite of all they had already been through, Bryce and Brandon were nervous. Standing there naked in the hallway, with their hands behind their heads and legs spread, was scary. Not knowing exactly what would happen once they entered the room made it even scarier. And yet, their cocks strained and tried to harden inside their chastity devices. Both would do just about anything to be able to jack off. Dennis let them wait a few minutes, then opened the door and stepped back. Kevin's eyes really widened as he watched the naked twins enter the room and assume the 'present' position. He looked at their finely tuned muscular bodies and could tell they were wrestlers. There wasn't an ounce of fat to be seen anywhere and he envied their six pack abs. He did have a nice six pack himself, but theirs were really well defined. He saw the blush on their faces as both of them looked at him. Dennis smiled and said, "Okay slave boys, I want you all to meet our new friend. He's from Germany and will be living with us for awhile. Bryce and Brandon, meet Kevin." They looked at Kevin and Bryce said, "We're pleased to meet you sir." Kevin smiled and said, "And I'm pleased to meet you both!" Kevin just couldn't seem to take his eyes off the two naked jocks and he couldn't believe just how excited he was by the whole thing. Chip saw the way Kevin was looking at them and decided it was time to take a major leap. Heck, what was the worst that could happen 3; Kevin could freak out and say he wasn't interested in any of this 3; but Chip was pretty sure that wouldn't happen. After all, he saw the tent in Kevin's jeans. "So anyway, why don't you guys tell Kevin what happened here yesterday. I think he'll find it interesting." The twins looked at each and trembled. It was bad enough just being on display in front of yet another young teenage boy, but now they had to tell about was done to them the previous morning. Brandon nodded at Bryce, who swallowed hard, then stammered, "Well it was like this. We came into the room and stood just like we are now. And yea we were naked." "There were about nine guys waiting for us here. They were like around 17 or 18 years old and were 3; um well 3; you now like real geeks or nerds." Kevin smiled as he saw their faces redden even more. He could tell they were both super jocks, and that this whole thing had to be really humiliating. "Then, um 3; they started by 3; well feeling our bodies all over. They pinched our nipples 3; rubbed our chests 3; felt our muscles and squeezed our asses. Then they got pretty rough." Kevin listened intently as Bryce explained the who thing 3; about being bent over the desk and tied down 3; having butt plugs rammed into their asses 3; being spanked really hard 3; then fucked by everyone of them 3; and how they had to suck each one until they came in their mouths. Chip watched Kevin closely. If Kevin was freaking, he wasn't showing it. In fact, if he was showing anything, it was genuine interest. Kevin was totally lost in thought. He figured he should be repulsed by what he was hearing but wasn't. Instead, all he could think about was the two jocks tied over the desk. He had never been fucked or fucked a guy before, and had never sucked a guy either. When Bryce finished, Kevin finally spoke. He looked at Chip and asked, "So is it okay if I maybe ask them some questions?" Chip smiled and said, "Sure, you can ask them anything you want." Ah yes, the fish was nibbling at the bait! Kevin took a deep breath, looked at Bryce and asked, "So what about those things on your cock and balls. I guess they keep you from ejaculating right?" Bryce blushed and said sheepishly, "Yes sir. We can't cum with them on, at least not very easily." Kevin thought for a moment then added, "And I guess that means you can't masturbate at all." Bryce lowered his eyes and said, "No we can't." "So like how long do you have to wear them?" Kevin asked. "Well, until Saturday Sir! We've had them on since Sunday night." Kevin swallowed hard. The thought of not being able to masturbate for almost a full week was scary. Especially for Kevin since he usually did it everyday, at least once, sometimes more. "Well, I was just wondering, have you guys ever 3; well done stuff like you just explained to each other?" Kevin didn't know why he asked that. He just had a sudden urge to know. Bryce swallowed harder, took a deep breath and said softly, "Um yes sir, we have." Both of the twins trembled slightly. Sure they had suffered through a lot of humiliation before, but this really did seem different. Standing there naked in front of this young blond boy with the cute accent and admitting to these things was tough. Kevin tried to come up with another question but was having trouble. He imagined the two twins having sex with each other and his heart really started to pound and his cock throbbed. Chip decided to step in and move things along to some 'good stuff.' He figured the time was ripe. He looked at Dennis and said, "Hey Bro, I think maybe it's time for a little demonstration. What do you think?" Dennis smiled broadly and chirped, "Sure thing, whatever you say." Though they did have their differences, Dennis really did like the way Chip's mind worked. Chip stepped in front of the twins and said sharply, "Okay Bryce since you've been doing all the talking so far, I think it's Brandon's turn to do something. So Bryce, climb onto the desk, lay on your back and pull your knees up." Kevin watched in awe as the young college jock did exactly as he was told. Bryce got on the desk, pulled his knees up and wrapped his arms around them. He pretty much knew what was going to happen and he was right. Chip kept his eye on Kevin as he pulled a big dildo out of his back pack, greased it up and handed it to Brandon. "Okay Brandon, give us a good demonstration, and make your brother scream." Kevin stepped closer. He saw the look on Bryce's face and got even more excited. He had never seen a guy actually get fucked with a dildo before, well at least not in person, though he had seen it on the Internet. Bryce gasped as Brandon pressed the tip of the dildo against his hole. He had been fucked lots of times before, but even so, it still hurt. Dennis leaned over the desk, looked at Bryce and said, "Okay Slave Boy! Come on, you know the stuff we want to hear you say, so don't be rude and start talking! Kevin just might enjoy it." Bryce's eyes watered as he took a deep breath. His face blushed even more as he saw the way Kevin was looking at him. "Ahhh 3; okay 3; um yes sir!" "Um, Brandon, come on bro! Go ahead and do me! Yea fuck me as hard as you can! Please Brandon, fuck me really hard." Kevin was taken a little bit by surprise, but was now even more intrigued and excited. Hearing the muscular college jock, begging for his twin brother to fuck him with the huge dildo was incredible. And he couldn't help to wonder how it would feel. Bryce continued his nasty chatter as Brandon slowly worked the dildo in deeper and deeper. Brandon kept up a slow, but steady pace. Bryce moaned 3; then 3; then finally began to cry out 3; "OH FUCK! OH GOD! SHIT MAN! It's too big! AGGGGHHHHHHH." Brandon ignored his brother's cries as he forced the dildo in as far as he could. Dennis threatened to gag him if he didn't stop shouting so loud. Bryce tried as hard as he could, but just couldn't help himself. He screamed really loud as Brandon gave the dildo one last hard thrust! "AHHHHHHHHHHH 3; GDDDDDDDD 3; AHHHHHHHHGGGGGGG!!!!!!" Dennis acted quickly. He pulled a dirty jock strap out of the back pack and handed it to Kevin. "Here Kevin, use this!" Kevin wasn't exactly sure what to do, so Chip helped him along. "Okay, Kevin, just ball it up and stuff it in Bryce's mouth. That will help to keep him quiet. It's pretty nasty. I wore it most of last week whenever I went running." Kevin could smell the dirty sweaty jock. Chip was right, it was nasty. There was the definite odor of teenage crotch sweat, but there were other odors as well. There was a hint of a little piss and perhaps some dried cum. Chip saw the way Kevin was looking at the jock and laughed, "Yea, I think you can tell, I came in it more than once. Anyway, go ahead and stuff it in his." Again, Kevin thought he should be repulsed by this was wasn't. He balled the jock up and forced it into Bryce's mouth. He smiled as he watched Bryce's nose wrinkle in disgust and found himself actually getting even more excited. Brandon began moving the dildo in and out of Bryce's tight whole. He knew Bryce had been fucked many times before, but was still amazed just how tight Bryce's hole still was. Bryce screamed into his gag as Brandon picked up the pace. Both of the twins were really sweating at this point, and so were the rest of the boys in the room, including Stevie and Kevin. Kevin was also breathing really hard as he watched Brandon savagely raping his own brother with the dildo. His mind returned to home as he suddenly thought about doing the same thing to a certain guy he knew. Like Kevin the guy was a jock and played soccer. He also knew he was very straight indeed, always bragging about his latest 'conquests.' The other thing was that he was a total smartass and a bully. Something Kevin didn't like. Putting him through something like this would really knock him down a major peg. Chip's mind was working too. As straight as Kevin was, he could definitely see the signs. Kevin was clearly getting turned on. Helped along by the fact that the incredible musk- like odor of teenage arousal now pretty much filled the room. Chip decided the time was right to get Kevin even more involved. He told Kevin to stand beside Brandon, then said, "Okay Brandon, why don't you let Kevin take over for a bit." Kevin was pretty shocked and entered a sort of 'daze-like' state as Chip gently took his hand and placed it on the dildo sticking in Bryce's ass. "Go ahead buddy. Give it a try. I know you can do it!" Dennis chimed in and said, "Yea Kevin 3; GO FOR IT DUDE! See if you can make him scream even louder into his gag." Kevin's mind was running wild now. Something inside him was shouting to just get out of there. But there was also another voice inside that was shouting too. It took a few minutes, but eventually he gave into the second voice. Chip breathed a sigh of relief as Kevin started pushing the dildo back into Bryce's ass. Each time Bryce moaned, Kevin got more excited. It wasn't long before Kevin was thrusting the dildo in and out of Bryce's tortured ass with great force and speed. The more Bryce screamed into his gag, the harder and faster Kevin went. Dennis was actually somewhat surprised by what Chip did next. Chip had really good instincts when it came to this sort of thing and always did seem to know exactly when to strike. Still it was a major risk, but the time seemed so right. Chip stepped behind Kevin, placed his hands on Kevin's shoulders and massaged them as he whispered, "Dude, you are doing awesome. Keep it it!" Kevin was totally into it now. He gasped, "Thank you!" as he rammed the dildo in even deeper. Dennis had an idea where Chip was headed, and he was right. Chip looked at Dennis and mouth the word, "CONDOM!" Dennis ran to the back pack, retrieved a condom package and opened it. Kevin paid no attention. He was lost in the moment and couldn't remember a time when he was this excited. Chip continued his reassuring massage and whispered softly, "So I guess you've never fucked a guy before have you Kev?" Kevin shook his head and stammered, "Um 3;no, I never did." Chip felt Kevin tremble slightly. Kevin did sound a little scared, but then again it was so clear he was totally horned now and there was no way he could turn back now. He was on a roller coaster of extreme desire. Yes, Chip had chosen the best moment to strike. He massaged Kevin's shoulders some more and said, "Listen Kevin, my brothers and I really like you. You really are a cool guy and we think you should experience some of the things we have. I promise you will like it." Kevin trembled some more then managed to stammer, "Ahhh 3; okay 3; so what do I have to do?" Chip said softly, "Well buddy, you just go with the flow right now and trust me 3; okay?" Kevin nodded and said, "Okay 3; I will. I trust you Chip." Chip giggled softly, "Just promise me you won't freak on me." Kevin was totally beyond all reason now. There was only one voice speaking inside him now. He took a deep breath and said. "I promise I won't freak. I mean it." Chip gave him one last reassuring squeeze on his shoulder and said, "Okay, here we go. You will end up loving this. That is my promise." Brandon watched in amazement as Chip reached around and gently unbuttoned Kevin's jeans. Kevin tensed up a little but relaxed as Chip kept up his reassuring words. The other voice returned inside him, but he quickly squashed it. He had promised he would not 'freak' and always kept his promises. [Boy Fact #7- A horny teenage boy lacks common sense.] Brandon thought, "SHIT, this kid is damn good. Scary 3; but good!" Kevin's level of excitement continued to rise as Chip gently slid his jeans all the way down to his ankles. He rammed the dildo in and out of Bryce's tight ass, and tingled with every muffled scream. His tingling grew stronger as Chip then slid his boxers down to his ankles and his throbbing cock sprang up and slapped against his pubes. Chip paused for a moment to gauge Kevin's reaction. There was no sign of freaking at all. Kevin's cock was clearly throbbing and dripping. Chip patted Kevin gently on his now bare ass and asked, "So are you okay buddy?" Kevin's response confirmed he had chosen the right moment. Kevin turned his head, looked at Chip behind him and said, "Yes, I am okay. So should I step out of them, or what?" Chip smiled and said, "Whatever you want to do." There was no hesitation on Kevin's part. He raised one foot, and waited for Chip to slip his jeans and boxers totally off. Kevin actually found the entire thing exciting. He could tell that everyone in the room was 'checking out' his hard cock, but it didn't matter. Chip then said, "Okay Buddy, go ahead and pull the dildo out. Then I'll get you ready. You are doing great." Kevin smiled as he pulled the dildo out. "Thanks. Just remember though, I've never done this before." Dennis handed Chip the condom and Chip knelt beside Kevin and proceeded to slip the condom over his hard un-cut cock. "Don't worry Dude, you just go with your feelings. Trust me, you will like it! I've fucked girls and guys before, but still love the feeling of fucking a guy 3; especially a jock like Bryce here. Oh, and don't be gentle!" Kevin was pretty nervous as Chip guided his cock towards Bryce's hole. Bryce had heard the conversation and was actually very excited now. The thought of being this hot young German teenager's first fuck was somewhat humiliating, but was also a major turn-on. He just wished he could get hard so he could enjoy it even more. It took a little doing and some special coaching before Kevin was actually able start working the tip of his cock inside Bryce's ass. Both moaned as Kevin's teenage shaft began going where it had never been before. Chip pulled the gag out of Bryce's mouth and said softly, "Okay slave boy! You are his first, so make it good. You know what to do. Remember, his name is Kevin." Bryce nodded and panted, "Oh God yea, Kevin, please fuck me hard. I need your teen cock all the way inside me." It didn't take long at all for Kevin's primal instincts to completely consume him. Chip winked at Dennis as Kevin rammed his cock all the way inside Bryce and began pounding away. Dennis leaned closer to Chip and giggled, "Talk about the energizer bunny!" As he watched Kevin pumping fast and hard. Kevin pumped away and smiled as he thought, "Chip was right! This is great!" He couldn't believe how good it felt, especially when Bryce's ass clamped down on his cock periodically. He put a hand on Kevin's shoulder and said softly, "Okay Buddy, try not to cum too soon 3; stretch it out and let me know when you really are ready to cause I got one other thing I want you to experience." Kevin gasped for air as he nodded, and said, "Okay, but I am really close." Chip decided to do one more thing before concluding Kevin's lesson. He stepped behind Kevin, reached around, unbuttoned his shirt and gently removed it. Kevin didn't seem to mind the fact that he was now naked except for his shoes and socks, he just kept pounding away. A few more minutes went by, then he glanced at Chip and panted, "Okay, I don't think I can hold out much longer!" Chip moved really fast. He had Kevin pull out of Bryce, removed the condom and told Bryce to lower his legs. Then he helped Kevin climb onto the desk and straddle Bryce in the classic '69' position. Bryce's eyes widened as he stared at Kevin's beautiful teenage cock throbbing above his face. Both moaned as Chip guided Kevin's cock into Bryce's mouth. Chip whispered, "Okay Kev, you are gonna love this too! Oh and go ahead and cum in his mouth when you are ready." Chip was right once again. Kevin really was loving it. It took just a few moments for him to start fucking Bryce's mouth fast. Kevin really was in a state of total lust now. The feeling of Bryce's mouth on his cock really was awesome. What seemed to make it even more exciting was the fact that he was actually being sucked by an older college jock. But there was something else. Positioned as he was, Kevin's face was poised right above Bryce's encaged cock. He could see it throbbing inside the chastity thing and began to wonder just how big it would be if it was hard. And there was also Bryce's strong manly scent. He had smelled girls' pussies before and was aroused by it, but this was arousing too. Kevin continued pumping his cock in and out of Bryce's mouth. He looked over at Brandon and thought about the upcoming weekend and seeing the two twins fight. He thought about everything he had seen and heard 3; the torture house 3; the Arena 3; the 'club' 3; the secrecy 3; everything 3; and decided he wanted to be part of it all. And that is when it HIT HIM! [Boy Fact #4- Boys accept the fact that some sort of 'initiation' is part of the 'group joining' process.] If he did join Chip's group, there would almost certainly come a time when he would be in Bryce's position 3; and also he would be the one being tortured and humiliated 3; and it probably would be broadcasted on the Internet too 3; others would see him naked 3; sucking cock 3; being spanked or worse 3; and probably fucked 3; and that's what sent him over the edge. Kevin screamed as he shot volley after volley of his rich teen boy seed into Bryce's mouth. Bryce had a tough time swallowing it fast enough. He couldn't believe just hot much cum this 15 year old kid produced. When Kevin finally stopped shooting, he collapsed on top of Bryce and tried to catch his breath. He had never cum that hard before. Chip let Kevin rest for a few minutes then helped him off the desk. Bryce and Brandon were told to resume their present position and wait. Once again Chip moved fast. He helped Kevin get dressed, then pulled him out into the hallway to talk. When they were alone, Chip patted Kevin on the shoulder and said, "Dude, you did great. I know that was your first time doing anything like that with a guy, and you might feel a little guilty, and that's okay." Kevin thought for a moment then said, "Well I guess maybe I do feel just a little guilty, but you were right, it did feel good. Really good! So I guess that's okay." Chip smiled and said, "Oh yea, it's more than okay. And just because you liked it, doesn't automatically mean you're gay. It just means you are a horny teenager." They chatted for few more minutes. Chip was pleased that Kevin really didn't seem to have a problem with what had happened. He was about to suggest that they go back into the room when Kevin turned to him and asked, "So what happens next?" Chip looked serious as he said, "Well Buddy, that pretty much depends on you. We're not gonna try and force you to do anything you don't want to. You'll still be our friend and all." Now it was Kevin's turn to look serious. He had made some major decisions in his young life that he wasn't too sure of, but for some reason he was really sure about this one. He looked Chip squarely in the eyes and said, "So, okay, are you going to ask your new German friend to join your club or what?" Chip was actually taken by surprise by Kevin's directness. He had been trying to figure out just how to pose the question, and now here it was. He smiled and chuckled, "Well yea I would like to. I just didn't want to rush or push you. Especially because of some of the things you said before." Kevin chuckled now, "Oh you mean about being straight and stuff. Well don't worry about it. I can handle things. It's not like I haven't let gay guys do things to me before. Well not a lot, but I think I can take it." As if on cue, they heard a couple of loud smacks and groans from inside the room. Chip laughed and continued, "Okay, I just wanted to make sure you understood about the initiation. You're going to have to do some things that are tough." [Boy Fact #4- Boys accept the fact that some sort of 'initiation' is part of the 'group joining' process.] "Yes, I know that and understand. And I guess I can assume I will go through some stuff like the twins did, right?" Chip was a little nervous now. He really wanted Kevin to become part of their group, but wanted to totally confirm that he understood. "Yea, basically. Now I can't really tell you the specifics, but will tell you this. If you do accept my invitation, you will be initiated for awhile. And that initiation will include a lot of stuff. You will tortured and humiliated, physically and sexually on a regular basis 3; and will have to do whatever you are told." Chip's ominous tone worried Kevin just a little. Still, he had decided he would do whatever it took to become a true part of the group. He smiled at Chip and said, "Okay, look. I promise I will do whatever it takes. I mean it. For as long as it takes. So can I get in or what?" Chip smiled, placed his hand on the back of Kevin's neck and said, "Yea, okay, yes. You can. We will start your initiation later today, oh and yea, one we start, it will be like you are a member. So you can actually help with the stuff this weekend." Kevin's heart was really pounding again and his cock was rising. He was a little scared, but also incredibly excited. He had a feeling this was going to be the most exciting thing he had ever done, and he was right! Chip looked at Kevin and said, "Okay, look we are just about out of time with the twins. Because you did so well in there, I have an idea. Challenges are a big part of the club. So maybe you could come up with a quick challenge for the twins before we let them go. It could be just about anything." Kevin smiled and started to think as he looked around the hallway. It didn't take him long to get an idea. Chip was surprised when he came up with one so fast. "Okay, well, I guess this might be a little too tame. But I guess it could be fun. So here it is." Chip chuckled as he listened to Kevin's idea. It was simple but did sound like fun. Basically what they would do was take the piles of the twins' clothes to opposite ends of the hallway. It was a pretty long hallway. The twins would be called out of the room, and told the rules. When Kevin said "GO" they would run to the ends of the hallway, retrieve one piece of clothing and return. They would show it to Kevin then put it on and run back for another one. It would go on until they were both fully dressed. The guy who dressed last, would lose and get some type of penalty. Chip smiled even more as Kevin continued. "Oh and yes. They will start with socks 3; then shoes 3; then shirts 3; then pants 3; in that order." Chip laughed and said, "Dude, I like the way you think. You are just about as twisted as I am." Chip checked his watch and figured they had just enough time to do this. They scooped up the twins clothes and ran them to the opposite end of the hall way. They called the twins out into the hallway. Chip let Kevin explain the rules. Needless to say, the twins looked nervous. Although this wing was pretty much unused, some people did pass through. Chip and his brothers smiled when Kevin finally shouted go. It was fun watching the naked twins run down the hallway. Both were clearly determined to win. They both reached their pile of clothes at about the same time and started running back with one sock. Dennis giggled and said, "So yo Kevin, what will the penalty be for the loser? I hope it's something nasty." Kevin thought for just a moment and said, "Well I don't know, I'm sort of new at this and not really sure. I guess it could be just about anything right?" Dennis laughed, "You got that right. You have the loser do whatever you want. It's fine with me." Kevin was having a good time watching the twins run up and down the hallway, and didn't really notice Chip pulling his two brothers aside and whispering in their ears. By the time the twins had retrieved their shirts, Dennis and Stevie had wicked smiles on their faces. They kept glancing at Kevin as they watched the final part of the race. It was close but Brandon was slightly ahead. They were closing in on their jeans when all of a sudden there were voices echoing from around the corner close to Bryce. Kevin looked like he was gonna panic. He looked at Chip and said, "What do we do? Sounds like they are close." Chip smiled and said, "Let's just watch. Whoever they are will probably think it's just some type of fraternity prank, and just let it go." Once again Chip was right. Two guys rounded the corner and immediately started to laugh when they saw Bryce up close without his jeans on. They cheered as Bryce picked up his jeans and ran back down the hallway. Kevin breathed a sigh of relief when they kept just kept walking. The shock had been just enough for Bryce to fall further behind. By the time he got back, Brandon was already fully dressed. He pulled his jeans on and waited. Chip announced, "Well, looks like our time is up. Bryce you lost, so there will be a penalty for you. We'll let Kevin tell you about it later, now get lost, and don't forget to be here at the same time tomorrow!" They were about to run off when Dennis said, "Hold on cowboys! I got something for you two." He handed an envelope to Brandon and said, "Take it with you and read it when you get back to your frat house!" Brandon took the envelope and the then the two headed off. Stevie asked, "So what was in the envelope?" Dennis laughed and said, "Well, trust me when I say they ain't gonnna be very happy about it. But they have no choice!" Dennis ended up being right on both counts! The twins were actually very nervous as they jogged back to frat house. There was something about the look on Dennis's face when he handed over the envelope that seemed ominous. Across town, Kevin was getting nervous too as the boys rode their bikes home. He saw the way Dennis and Stevie kept looking at him and it was rather scary. His fears continued to grow when they arrived home. The house was empty and Chip quickly explained that the parents would not be home until early evening, which meant that Kevin's initiation could start at anytime. To Dennis and Stevie's chagrin, Chip gave Kevin one last chance to back out. Kevin looked at Chip, gestured towards Dennis and Stevie and asked, "Well, one last question. Am I right, that all three of you have gone through this stuff?" Chip smiled broadly and said, "Yes you are. It's a little different for everyone but, yes, all three of have gone through some pretty tough challenges." Chip could not have chosen a more appropriate word than 'challenges.' Kevin looked at Dennis and Stevie and realized there was no way in hell he could back out now. NO WAY! If they could do it, so could he. He looked back at Chip, and said, "Well I said I was in, so I am!" Dennis and Stevie breathed a sigh of relief. Both of them couldn't wait to start making the hot young blond do things. Chip laughed and said, "Good. Okay I guess I'll start with some basic rules." "To begin with, from now on, you will do whatever me or my brothers say, no matter what! Whenever! And, when our parents aren't around you will call all of us SIR! That means in front of our other friends too!" "Got it so far?" Kevin really didn't quite understand just why he was getting so excited again. He just knew he was and it was clear he was getting into it when he half shouted, "YES SIR!" Chip smiled and continued, "Good. Now a couple of other quick things. You're a guy like us, and I'm sure you like to jack off, and my guess is you do it at least once or twice a day. Am I right?" Kevin blushed and nodded as he said, "Yes Sir. Sometimes more." Chip grinned and said, "Okay, well for now, you can jack off whenever you want, but ONLY if someone else is watching you do it. It can be me or my brothers, or anyone else in or out of the club. You just have to do it when someone else is watching." Kevin trembled as he said "Yes Sir." It was probably the most humiliating thing he had ever experienced. Sure he had been forced to masturbate in front of some others back in Germany and had also been forced to cum. But this was different. Now he could not do it in private at all. Chip smiled some more as he said, "Well, that's enough to start with. For now, you strip down to your boxers, go downstairs to the rec room in the basement, kneel in a corner with your hands behind your head and wait for someone to come and get you. Kevin's heart was really pounding as he did as he was ordered. By the time he was kneeling in that corner, he was sweating and breathing hard in anticipation of what was ahead. MEANWHILE---- Across town there was more sweating and hard breathing. The twins had opened the envelope and were in a state of shock. They had no idea how Dennis had arranged this, but it didn't matter 3; he had done it. What they didn't know was that it was actually Dwayne who had set it all up. And what he had set up was pretty wild. The Twins had been signed up to serve as models for a night art class taught by Professor Mitchell. It was a three hour class that met every Wednesday night. They were to report immediately after wrestling practice. Once there, they would follow the professor's instructions completely. The twins were very smart, and just knew that most of their posing would probably be in the nude. Both blushed as they thought about having to do that in front of a class. Sure they were used to being seen naked, but that was in locker rooms, along with others who were also naked. They still had a tough time being the only ones in a room who were naked. Little did they know just how tough the class would end up being. Professor Mitchell was an art teacher, but he was also rather sadistic in his own way. And if there was one thing he really enjoyed, it was humiliating hot young college jocks. If there was any good news in the letter, it was that they both would be paid by the hour for their posing. They talked for a little while. Both were not all that happy about it, but both ended up signing the release forms. They decided to take the forms over to the Professor right away. No sense waiting. Besides, both of them figured it might be a good idea to try and get to know the guy before the first class, which started the next night 3; and so off they went. MEANWHILE---- Back at the Peterson house, with Kevin waiting in the basement, Chip quickly explained the plan that he had come up with in a hurry. They would start by putting Kevin through something that Chip had done to Dennis. Dennis and Stevie both loved the idea. Dennis knew first hand just how scary the whole thing was, which is why he couldn't wait to put Kevin through it. The three brothers rushed around the room setting things up. A chair was placed in the middle of the room, facing the door. Another chair was placed beside it. Dennis spread a bunch of 'torture' items out on the second chair. His cock actually hardened as he remembered his own experience. Most of the same items were there 3; a riding crop 3; ball paddle 3; penis whip 3; candles and matches 3; clothes pins and so on. Chip gave Stevie the set of leather wrist and ankle restraints and told him to go downstairs and put them on Kevin. He figured that would add to Kevin's humiliation if little Stevie did it. Once again, Chip was right. Kevin trembled as Stevie put the restraints on him. When he was done, Stevie couldn't resist. He worked his hand down inside Kevin's boxers and squeezed his cock. He whispered in Kevin's ear, "Remember, you have to do whatever I say from now on! My friends and I are gonna have some real fun with you soon." Kevin started to shake as Stevie fondled his balls, then moved back to his cock. If there was one thing that seemed to fascinate Stevie, it was un-cut cocks. Most of the guys in their club were circumcised. Kevin wasn't. And that really fascinated little Stevie. He had been thinking about ways to really torture a guy like this and had read some things on the Internet that sounded like fun. He played with Kevin's manhood for a few minutes, then ordered him to stand up and take off his boxers. Stevie figured he might as well do it now. After all, Kevin would be naked soon enough. Kevin did as Stevie ordered. He stood up, pulled his boxers down and stepped out of them. Once again his cock was standing straight up. Like it or not, there was something strangely exciting about being ordered around by this younger boy. [Boy Fact #13- Younger boys are fascinated by older boys' 'tools'. They love the thought of torturing older boys' genitals.] He was also pretty excited by the fact that Stevie seemed so interested in the fact that he wasn't circumcised. Without being told he assumed the 'present' position and waited for more orders. Stevie took his time. He fondled Kevin some more and played with his foreskin. But it was Kevin's reaction when he rubbed his finger across Kevin's exposed cock head that got him most excited. Kevin's cock head (aka. Glans) was super sensitive when it was exposed and he was fully erect. He moaned as Stevie rubbed it some more. A wicked grin crossed Stevie's face as he looked up at Kevin and said, "Wow, I think I am gonna have some real fun with you. Seems like your cock head is gonna be lots of fun to torture, don't you think?" Kevin didn't know what to say or think, but somehow managed to blurt out, "Yes Sir, if that is what you want Sir!" His cock really started to throb after he said it. Stevie smiled and said, "Well, I guess we will get to that. Meanwhile follow me upstairs. I'm sure Chip and Dennis are ready by now." And so they were. Both smiled as they watched the totally naked Kevin follow Stevie into the room. Kevin saw the two chairs setting side by side and really got scared. He saw pieces of rope dangling from parts of the empty one, but it was what was on the seat of the second one that scared him the most. Chip grinned as he saw where Kevin was looking. He picked up a butt plug, greased it up while Kevin watched and then said, "Okay Kev. Your initiation is really starting now. So here's the deal. This is what's called a butt plug. It's pretty obvious where it is going to go. The crazy thing about this one is that it vibrates from a wireless remote control." Kevin looked at the butt plug. It looked pretty big. Chip let Kevin think about it for a moment, then handed it to Kevin and said, "Okay. Now here is what you have to do. You will put the plug on the chair, and lower yourself onto it until it is all the way in your ass. You got it?" Kevin nodded and said, "Yes Sir." The brothers watched as Kevin proceeded to lower himself onto the plug. There was a lot of moaning and groaning as he struggled to follow Chip's orders. When the evil thing finally snapped into his ass he yelped. The pain was so great that Kevin barely noticed as the boys secured him to the chair. His arms were pulled around the back and his wrists were tied securely. Then his ankles were pulled up on either side of the chair and also tied off. Finally, Chip spread his legs as wide as he could and tied his knees. When Chip was done, Kevin was totally immobilized and vulnerable. His eyes were watering and he was breathing hard. Chip knew the signs well. He stood in front of the chair and pointed to the items on the second chair. "Okay Kev, you said you wanted in. Now take a look on the stuff on the chair. Most of the items are pretty obvious, but a couple might not be, so I will explain." Chip really smiled as he watched Kevin's eyes widen. "Okay, we'll start with this little guy. It's called a penis whip. Check out the three knotted rawhide laces. They hurt like hell when they hit a hard penis." Kevin started shaking again. Chip continued to explain some of the other items and enjoyed watching Kevin's reactions. He showed Kevin the little ball press 3; then the ball paddle. But it was the last thing he showed that caused Kevin to really shake. It was a small bottle filled with these tiny prickly little pine cones. Chip giggled as he showed them to Kevin. "Now these things can be really nasty for someone like you 3; you know being uncut and all. They work best right after a guy cums. Once his cock head is back inside his foreskin, you work fast to insert as many of these things inside the foreskin, and then just sit back and watch. It gets even more fun if you stroke him. I don't know why, but I have this feeling that little Stevie here would love to experiment with these little guys." Chip let Kevin think about it for a few moments then continued. "Well anyway, I guess there is just one thing left to explain to you. See, we have lots of friends. And they all pretty much know that when our parents cars are not in the driveway they can go around to the back door, and if it is unlocked, just come inside and come up to our room. It's important for you to understand that." Kevin wasn't sure why it was so important, but it soon became apparent. Chip made a big 'display' out of opening the bedroom door so that Kevin could see out into the hallway. When he was done, he pulled a blindfold over Kevin's eyes and chuckled, "Okay, you're going to love this next part. We're going to leave you alone for a couple of hours while we go to the mall. And we're gonna leave the back door unlocked. My guess is it won't be long before you meet some new friends cause we have guys dropping in all the time. Of course you really won't know who they are." "Oh yea, and by the way, just so you know, I have my Web Cam focused on you and you are being broadcasted on the net right now." And with that, Chip completed his setup. He clipped his portable MP3 player to the back of the chair, slipped the head set over Kevin's ears and switched it on. Dennis knew exactly what Kevin was feeling. He absolutely could NOT see or hear a thing. And sitting there tied up, naked and vulnerable in the chair, was pretty dang scary. Let alone the fact that there were people watching on the Internet. Chip motioned for his brothers to follow him into the walk in closet. He adjusted the louvers on the door so they could see into the room. Then they sat back and waited. Chip knew they wouldn't have long to wait. He wasn't leaving things to chance. He had made a couple of quick calls on his cell while Kevin was downstairs. It took a little while for the gravity of his situation to really sink in. Kevin reviewed everything Chip had said. His heart pounded faster as he wondered what would happen if some other guys found him like this. He didn't have long to wait. Though it seemed like a lot longer, it was barely 15 minutes before he felt a hand on his inner thigh. He tried to convince himself that it was one of the brothers, but couldn't. The hand rubbed his inner thigh for a couple of minutes, then moved to his nipples. Dennis whispered to Chip, "Dude, this is really wild. I bet they will really work him over." Chip whispered back, "Yea, that is what I was thinking." They continued to watch as three guys encircled the bound and helpless Kevin. The three were actually pretty impressed by what they saw. Kevin really was a cutie and had a great body. Well maybe two of them were impressed, the third was not a very willing participant but was just going a long with it. Dennis whispered again, "Dude, I can't believe you picked these guys, except for Mark." Chip softly giggled, "Well I pretty much left it up to Mark, and I'll be honest, he did surprise me. But it's a fun surprise, I can't wait to see what happens." Stevie was jockeying for a better view and gasped he was finally able to see who was in the room. Mark was rubbing one of Kevin's nipples. His older brother Matt was standing beside him looking at the torture devices on the other chair. The 'not-so-willing' participant was Justyn, Aaron's smart-ass cousin, or the 'dude with the tude' as he was known. Justyn was there because Mark had told him, if he didn't help, he would call Zack (Justyn's young 'Master') and make his life really miserable. So here he was, about to participate in yet another gay encounter. Mark looked at Justyn and snapped, "Okay ass hole, take off your pants and shirt and get over here. I want to try something." Justyn reluctantly pulled off his clothes. Kevin had absolutely no idea what was happening. Any hope that it was just Chip and his brothers in the room, vanished quickly as he felt two long and somewhat hairy legs bushing against his. Someone had straddled the chair and was rubbing his cock over his lips. He kept them closed tightly, then opened his mouth after he felt two hard slaps to his cock. Chip smiled some more as he watched Justyn, slide his cock into Kevin's mouth. He was really looking forward to an entertaining and exciting day. --- AND MEANWHILE --- Back on the college campus, Bryce and Brandon had arrived at Professor Mitchell's classroom. They found the professor in the midst of re-arranging the room for the start of the new classes. It was a large room with a small raised platform in the middle. To their surprise, as soon as he noticed them he snarled, "What do you guys want? I am busy right now. My office hours are posted on the board outside, so check them out and see me there. Right now I'm too busy to talk." Brandon grabbed Bryce's arm and tried to pull him out of the room, but Bryce resisted. He held up the envelope and said, "Sorry to bother you sir. We just wanted to drop these off. They are our release forms." That seemed to get the Professor's attention. "Oh, you must be the two wrestlers that are going to model for this semester's advanced art class. Is that right?" Bryce said, "Yes Sir. The only thing we really know is that it's on Wednesday nights 3; oh and yea, we're supposed to get paid for it." Professor Mitchell smiled and said, "That's correct. Of course it all depends on whether or not you are suitable for modeling. But it looks like you are, still I will have to see for myself." "But before we get to that, let me explain how things will work. Just to make sure you will be able to do it." Of course Professor Mitchell knew that they actually had no choice. He was the faculty advisor for the so called 'Geek' fraternity and when Dwayne came to him with the idea of using the twins, he jumped right on it. The title for the special night class was 'The Male Body As Art.' He had managed to get a special grant for it and actually did have a couple of models lined up. But the twins were clearly better. "Okay guys, so this is how things will go. The class meets every Wednesday night, starting at 6:00. You will both need to be here by 5:45 at the latest. I have two young interns from the high school art department who will help 'prep' you both." "You will each be paid $10.00 an hour for posing. Oh and there is one other thing. There is no term paper for this class, but each student is required to do a special art project using you both. They will each need to schedule a private three hour session with the two of you. And you will need to follow whatever instructions they give you. You will be paid for that time as well, and with 25 students in the class, you should be able rake in a fairly sizable amount of money by the end of the semester." "So how do things sound so far?" The twins were both still a little nervous about the whole thing, but the money part did sound pretty good, and what the heck, if someone wanted to pay them 3; why not? Brandon glanced at Bryce then looked at the professor and said, "Well it does sound okay. I guess we'll be posing in the nude 3; right?" Professor Mitchell smiled and said, "Yes you will, probably be nude every time." Actually, the professor was planning to make sure that most of the sessions would be totally pornographic. He was pleased that, although the twins did appear to be a little nervous, they didn't show any signs of objecting. He let it sink in for a moment, then continued, "Okay, so far so good. Now unless a specific assignment calls for anything different, whenever you come to a session, you will be freshly showered and clean shaven. There may come a time when you will be asked not to shave for a couple of days as part of an assignment, so be prepared for that." "Oh and finally, all of the classes are videotaped. You can see the cameras mounted on the ceiling. Most weeks the full session will be available for viewing the next day on the Art Department's Web Site. It is mostly to allow some potential students to `audit' the class. But we do have a few signed up to do the class online." That part did make the twins pretty nervous. They had seen a mention of it in the release forms, but had not really thought much about it until now. Not only would they be 'on display' in front of the class, but they would also be seen on the Internet, by who knows how many people. "Okay, now when we are done here, you'll need to stop in the office and fill out a couple of forms for the financial department so you can get paid. Right now, we have one thing left to do. I assume you both understand that you will have to do whatever I say. Correct?" They nodded and Brandon said, "Yes Sir, we understand." Professor Mitchell grinned as he looked at the two hot jocks and continued, "Good, now on to the last thing. I want to make sure you will make good models. Consider this both a try-out and training session. So what I want you both to do is take off all of your clothes and then step on the platform here, so I can look at you." The twins knew there was no sense in objecting. They blushed as they stripped and then stepped up on the platform. The professor almost gasped as he got his first full look at the two naked jocks. Their bodies were really solid and incredibly well defined. "There is nothing like the body of an 18 year wrestler!" he thought to himself. Bryce and Brandon put their hands behind their heads and spread their legs wide. Both were breathing hard. The professor retrieved a couple of keys from his desk and stepped onto the platform. He could hardly contain his excitement as he unlocked the chastity devices and removed them. Needless to say, nature took it's course, and in less than a minute both boys were totally erect and blushing like crazy. Professor Mitchell chuckled as he saw their condition, "That's okay boys. I know you've had those things on for a couple of days, and I'm guessing that is pretty rough, cause guys your age probably masturbate several times a day. Is that right?" They both trembled. Neither one of them wanted to answer, but it appeared the professor did expect an answer, so Bryce responded. "Um, yes Sir, we do. I mean 3; um 3; you know how it is 3; um 3;even though you are well 3; um older and all." Professor Mitchell grinned and said, "Yes I know exactly how it is. I remember being your age. And although I may not do it as often, I still do it. Anyway, let's get on with things." He set the devices down and began running his fingers over their hard bodies. He felt their biceps and pecs and rubbed their abs before moving on to their thighs and butts. "Well boys, you both definitely have what it takes, look wise. A little bit of oil will really help to highlight these great bodies of yours." The twins were flattered, of course, but still a little shaken. Being prodded and felt like this, especially while erect, was really humiliating. "Well, okay, now onto a little training. If you both can follow these instructions, we have a done deal." The Professor stepped off the platform, picked up a large drawing pad and explained what the boys would do next. He sat down on a stool in front of the twins and made sure they were facing the cameras. "Now I'm going to show you a series of drawings. Each time you see one, I want you both to simply assume the pose that you see in the drawing and hold it until I move on to the next one. You boys got it?" They both nodded and said, "Yes Sir!" "Good, so let's get started." He flipped the pad open and held it up so the twins could see. It was a very simple drawing, showing two nude boys flexing their muscles. Bryce and Brandon looked at the drawing, and quickly mimicked it. Any embarrassment they had, seemed to vanish as they 'went to work.' Both of them had similar thoughts 3; "Maybe this won't be that bad." They held their positions for several minutes, imagining that the room was filled with art students, staring at them and sketching furiously to create a drawing that would impress their professor. For the moment, both seemed to forget the fact that they had throbbing boners. The professor flipped the page. The next drawing was similar to the first. Both subjects were flexing, but in slightly different positions. The twins shifted their poses to match the drawing. The professor had run this 'scene' through his mind many times before and had done the series of drawings as he jacked off, over a period of months. His hands were shaking as he continued to turn the pages and watch the twins 'mimic' what they saw. He couldn't believe this was finally actually happening. The twins were really getting excited. The professor seemed very pleased and it was getting to be fun. They didn't seem to notice that the drawings they were 'recreating' were becoming increasingly more suggestive. The twins were in a pose that had them standing, facing each other, up really close 3; looking into each other's eyes, in an embrace. For Professor Mitchell, this was the moment of truth. He knew what was on the next page and his heart was really pounding. He looked up at the boys and asked, "Okay boys, I have a very personal question to ask you both. It's important, and I need you to be honest. I promise I won't hold anything against you." He took a deep breath and asked, "So, have the two of you ever had sex with each other?" At this point the twins were so worked up they couldn't think straight. As bizarre as the situation was, they were totally beyond reason now. [Boy Fact #7- A horny teenage boy lacks common sense.] [Actually, no matter what age he is, once a guy gets super horny, he lacks common sense. Call it a 'GUY' fact!] Brandon looked in Bryce's eyes and shook his head. Bryce grinned took a deep breath and said, "Oh what the fuck!" He looked at the Professor and said, "Yea, okay, we have. Is that important?" Professor Mitchell smiled broadly and said, "Well maybe not, but it should make some things easier. Okay boys, here we go. Just assume the poses as you see them." He turned the page to the next drawing and held his breath. The twins looked at the drawing for some time, and then 'copied' it. Professor Mitchell breathed a sigh of relief as the twins complied, hugged each other tighter and kissed. He left them 'pose' that way for a few minutes and then turned the page. Bryce and Brandon heard the page rustle, broke their kiss and looked at the drawing pad. The drawing they saw showed one boy in the classic 'present' position, while the other boy felt his balls. Once again the Professor breathed a sigh of relief as the twins followed suit. Bryce put his hands behind his head and spread his legs. Then Brandon reached down and cupped his hands under Bryce's balls. And on it went. Each turn of the page resulted in the twins assuming poses that were more and more suggestive and clearly sexual. The final pose of the session resulted in Brandon being down on his knees with Bryces's cock deep in his ass. It took a lot for strength for him to maintain that pose and not simply start fucking his brother hard. Professor Mitchell let them remain in that pose for a few minutes. Then he closed the drawing pad. He had another series of drawings with a bondage and torture theme, but decided not to push any further. There would be other opportunities to do that. "Okay boys. You did great. You can stand up now. I think you will make excellent models for this class." The twins stood up and faced the Professor. In spite of what they had just done in front of him, they felt sort of proud. Professor Mitchell smiled broadly as he looked at the twins. He loved seeing the two hot young wrestlers, naked and fully erect. As much as he wanted to get really sexual with them, he decided it would be enough to just continue with a little more humiliation. He was looking forward to a long 'jack-off' session later that night while he 'checked' the video. "So, like I said, you did great, so let's go ahead and finish the paperwork so you will be able to get paid. The Department office is just down the hall. I'll take you there." The twins started reaching for their clothes and were rather shocked when the Professor said, "Oh no boys. Stay the way you are and come with me. Don't worry, the sight of naked models is fairly common in this art department." They both wanted to object, but decided to do what the professor said. They followed him out of the classroom and down the hall. Both of them blushed as they saw the looks they were getting from students in the hallway. There were plenty of smiles and winks from girls and guys. The secretary behind the desk in the office also winked as she handed them their tax forms. They filled out the forms as fast as they could and handed them back. The walk there had been really humiliating. Try as they might, they could not 'will' their cocks to soften, let alone stop dripping pre-cum. And they could tell by the way everyone was looking, that their aroused condition had not gone unnoticed. The professor took his time leading them back to the classroom. He even allowed several students grope the twins along the way, using an excuse that they needed to get a real 'feel' for their muscular lines. He stopped in the faculty lounge and picked up a couple of small bowls which he filled with ice. The twins were curious about that, but didn't ask. Back in the classroom, the professor directed them to stand on the platform, once again, and assume the 'present' position. His heart started pounding again as he looked at their throbbing cocks. These boys were really charged up. He really did want to watch them cum, but decided to just continue with his nefarious scheme. "Okay boys, it looks like we're just about done for today. There's just one last thing we need to do 3; and that is put the chastity devices back on. The problem is, I really can't put them on you when you are all boned up, so we'll just have to take care of that. So how do you think we should do that?" The twins looked at each other, and blushed yet again. Both of them knew what they could do, but neither one wanted to say it. There was a long pause before Brandon finally took a deep breath and said, "Well, I guess we could jack off. That should do it." Professor Mitchell smiled then sighed and said, "Yes, that probably would. Sadly I really can't let you boys do that. So we'll have to do something else." He picked handed the two bowls of ice to them and said, "Okay, here's what you need to do. Stick your balls in the ice and hold one of the cubes against your cocks until you soften up enough so I can put the device back on. Just say `I'm ready', when you get there." The twins did as they were instructed. Unfortunately for both, it took a fairly long time before they softened. Like it or not, standing on that platform, with their balls stuck in the bowls of ice and holding an ice cube against their cocks was a turn-on. Professor Mitchell was really enjoying watching them. It did take awhile, but when they finally softened enough, he moved really fast. He figured they would 'bone up' quickly. And he was right. He managed to get the devices on just before their cocks started throbbing and straining inside their cages. The twins were allowed to dress after that and leave. Both were actually somewhat disappointed that they weren't able to cum. As they walked back to the frat house, both began to think about their upcoming 'posing' session in front of a full class, and both felt their cocks trying to harden again. ---- MEANWHILE, BACK AT THE PETERSON HOUSE--- Justyn was picking up speed. He was ramming his cock in and out of Kevin's mouth. It really didn't matter that it was a guy sucking his cock. It just felt really good, and he really wanted to cum in this dudes's mouth! This was a totally new experience for young Kevin. He had never sucked a guy's cock before, and never thought he would. And yet here he was doing it. And the crazy thing for Kevin was that he really wasn't all that upset about having to do it. And an even crazier thing was the fact that he actually got more excited when he felt this guy's cock throb inside his mouth. So he began to experiment. He tickled the guy's cock head with the tip of his tongue and got a thrill when the guy started pumping faster. At this point there wasn't a soft cock anywhere to be found in the room, which was filled with that musk like odor. The brothers hiding in the closet had their hands inside their pants and were stroking their cocks. Mark knew they were there, but pretended not to know. Well, sort of pretended, since he did wink that way every now and then. He let Justyn continue to fuck Kevin's mouth for a few minutes. When he recognized that Justyn was getting 'close' he gave his ass a hard slap and snarled, "Okay Slave Boy, give him all you got! Yea pump your stuff into him!" It was another thing that Mark really loved 3; being in control of an older guy like Justyn, who really was straight. Justyn pumped faster, then stopped suddenly, grabbed the back of Kevin's head and held it tight. He screamed as he shot several volleys of his thick teen boy seed into Kevin. It was yet another new experience for Kevin. He had never had a cock in his mouth before today, and so had never experienced the sensation of having a guy shoot into his mouth. He did, however, seem to accept the fact that he was expected to swallow it, and so he did. It was a lot, and though he choked a little, he was able to get it all down. Surprisingly for Kevin, as Justyn pulled out, and some of his cum oozed onto his tongue, he did not find it to be that distasteful. Mark looked at Justyn, the smart ass, so called straight dude and smiled. Justyn's tight 17 year old body was glistening with sweat and he was breathing hard. There was no question he had enjoyed cumming in Kevin's mouth. He let Justyn catch his breath, then got back down to business. Up until this point, his older brother Matt, had not been that involved. Mark's mind worked a lot like Chip's and he decided to just keep throwing more 'logs on the fire.' He told Matt to strip as well. Once he was naked , Mark directed the two older teens to kneel on either side of the chair and wash Kevin's toes and feet with their tongues. The brothers watched as Justyn and Matt followed Mark's orders. Dennis whispered to Chip, "Shit, this is so fucking hot! DAMN! I just hope the camera is working right." Chip whispered back, "I am sure it is. I can't wait to post this on those Websites. Shit that guy who Kevin knows, back in Germany, is going to go wild when he sees this." Kevin moaned really loud as he felt his feet being licked. It was obvious there were at least two guys there. And it became obvious that there was yet another guy there when he felt one of the earphones being pulled away and heard a voice in his open ear. Chip turned to his two brothers and whispered, "Okay, watch this, if he does this right, this should be totally fun!" Chip was actually somewhat amazed as he watched and listened. His call to Mark had been pretty short, but Mark clearly had taken it all in, and had even embellished things. He couldn't hear what Mark was whispering in Kevin's ear, but it didn't matter. Mark apparently did an awesome job explaining things to Kevin in his 'hokey' deep voice. Mark replaced the earphone, stepped back and waited. Kevin thought for a moment, he couldn't believe what he was about to say, but figured it was all part of his 'initiation' 3; and what choice did he have. He had read plenty of porn stories on the net and what he had been 'ordered' to say was actually pretty typical. Reading about it was one thing, but actually doing it was another. Kevin's cock started to throb, however, as he took a deep breath and said, "I have been a bad boy, and need to be punished." What happened next, pretty much took everybody by surprise. They all thought that Kevin's punishment would involve pain. They knew that Mark loved doing hot wax torture, and then using the penis whip to lash the wax off. But Mark had decided on doing something else. He started by telling Matt and Justyn to take their time and lick their way up Kevin's legs to his inner thighs. Then he picked up a feather and started tickling Kevin's balls with the tip. Kevin giggled a little. It did tickle, but it was also very arousing. It wasn't long before Mark began running the tip of the feather, up and down Kevin's hard teenage shaft. And it wasn't long before Kevin was once again breathing hard. The dual sensation of having his toes and feet licked, while his cock was being stimulated was really wild. There was also the fact, that being naked and tied in this chair, at the mercy of others, was exciting too. Kevin thought to himself, that if this was punishment, it wasn't bad. He could handle it. Little did he know just how long and far Mark planned to go. Like Chip, Mark was very, very good at judging when a guy was about to cum and knew that it really was a great torture. His goal was to get Kevin to the point where he was begging to be made to cum. He worked over Kevin's manhood parts for over fifteen minutes and could tell that he was very close. Kevin moaned and started to shake. His body glistened with sweat and he tried to pump his groin. Tied the way he was, that was pretty much impossible. His muscles tightened as he felt his moment of release coming. Mark saw it and immediately stopped what he was doing. Kevin moaned. He gasped for air as he tried to will himself to cum, but couldn't. Mark let him alone for several minutes. Then he tried something new. He picked up one of the 'homemade' sex toys the boys had put together. It consisted of a cardboard tube, from the inside of a roll of toilet paper. They had managed to cover the inside with a piece of soft rabbit fur. Chip smiled as he watched Mark slip the roll onto Kevin's hard cock. Kevin gasped as he felt the soft fur on his cock. He began to moan as he felt this new sensation. Matt and Justyn, meanwhile had reached Kevin's knees and began slowly licking Kevin's thighs. Another 15 minutes went by, during time, Mark had to stop frequently. Kevin was so close to cuming, but kept getting denied the pleasure. His body was totally drenched in sweat now and his beautiful blond hair was plastered onto his forehead. His moans turned to whimpers as Mark continued. Surprisingly enough, it took just over an hour, before Kevin started breaking down. His need to cum was so intense now, he could barely stand it. There wasn't anything he could do, other than beg for relief. And so he did. Kevin opened his mouth and stammered, "Please STOP! Please make me cum! I'll do anything you want! Anything!" Of course, Kevin was already promised to do just that, but it was still fun getting him to beg. To everyone's delight, Mark kept the torture going. It was tough, but somehow he managed to keep bringing Kevin to the edge without cumming. Matt and Justyn continued licking Kevin's tight body. They had avoided licking his genitals, but had done his stomach, chest and nipples. Then they started on his toes and feet again. Almost two hours went by. For everyone but Kevin, the time went by all too quickly. Actually Justyn wasn't all that wild about it. Being forced to lick this 15 year old's body all over was not his idea of fun. But is was fun for the others. The Peterson brothers loved watching the two naked older teens, down on their knees licking away. Kevin was begging constantly now. His cock was oozing large amounts of pre-cum 3; so much that you could smell it, along the odor of sweat and arousal. Mark was just about ready to let Kevin cum, when he got another idea. He looked over towards the walk-in closet, grinned and said, "You guys might as well come out now and help." Justyn and Matt were both surprised when the Peterson brothers walked into the room. Mark smiled as he noticed the tents in all of their shorts. Mark looked at Chip and said, "I was sort of thinking about doing some other things with German boy here. If that's okay." Chip laughed, "Yea, whatever you want dude. That's what I told you." He gestured towards Matt and Justyn and said, "Would be nice to keep these two involved though." Mark giggled, "Oh don't worry, they will be. Isn't that right slave boys?" They both stopped licking for a moment and said "Yes Sir." Their response was anything but enthusiastic, and Justyn's had a definite sarcastic tone, but both realized they had no choice. Things would just get worse if they didn't go along with things. Chip looked at Mark and asked, "So what do you have in mind?" Mark asked, "Well, you did say he has already promised to do anything and that he seemed serious about never breaking a promise, right?" Chip nodded and said, "Yea, he did. And I am certain he won't break that promise, I can tell. Even though he does seem pretty straight, I'm sure he'll go through with things. Oh and yea, he does love challenges." A wicked grin crossed Mark's face as he continued, "Well then, my idea is that we make it really challenging." Even Justyn and Matt listened intently as Mark explained what he wanted to do with Kevin. It was intense, nasty and would definitely be challenging. Dennis suggested that they all fuck Kevin, but Chip decided that would be too soon. He knew that day would come and had something special in mind for that day. Mark let Justyn and Matt lick a little longer while Chip and his brothers took turns using the feather and 'roll' on Kevin's throbbing cock. Chip and Mark monitored things closely. They did not want to see Kevin cum yet. It was just too much fun hearing him moan and beg. Finally they stopped. Mark removed the headset from Kevin's ears and then snarled, "Okay, if you really want to cum, you have to pay a price. You cooperate fully and we will let you cum, you got it?" Kevin nodded, and panted, "Yes Sir!" To Kevin's relief, they untied him from the chair and helped him to his feet. Someone massaged his shoulders which had been starting to ache. After awhile, they cuffed his hands behind his back and removed the blindfold. Kevin squinted and looked around the room. The Peterson bothers were there, along with the young guy Mark, whom he had met. And two other older guys who were both naked. Mark stepped closer and said, "Okay, here's the plan. You come with us and do what we say. Then we will let you cum." Kevin nodded and said, "Yes Sir!" Justyn and Matt were told to dress quickly, while Mark ran over to the desk, and hurriedly made up some signs. As soon as he was done he tossed a bunch of things in the back pack and then said, "Okay, everyone, you follow me." Kevin's heart pounded as Mark led the group out of the room, downs the stairs and then out into the back yard. It was in the middle of the day, and here he was, outside, totally naked, with his hands cuffed behind his back. They headed towards the back of the yard, and entered a wooded area. They came upon a picnic table. Mark removed Kevin's handcuffs and then had the others bend him over the table and tie him down. His arms were pulled across the table and secured. His legs were spread wide and his knees and ankles were tied to the table legs. Kevin was actually scared now. He was sure he was about to be fucked for the first time in his life. After what ended up happening was over, he almost wished he would have been fucked. Mark pulled his head up showed him a pair of dice and rolled them. Kevin couldn't see the result but heard Mark laugh as he said, "TEN! Great, that's makes it easier. Oh dang, it was a double 3; two fives 3; so I get to roll again!" Kevin didn't understand, but it didn't sound good. And it wasn't! Mark rolled the dice one more time and got a total of seven. He smiled as he said, "That makes 17!" Kevin still wasn't understanding until he saw lay three objects on the picnic table in front of him. There was a wooden paddle 3; a leather paddle 3; and a riding crop. Mark laughed as he announced, "Okay guys, here's the deal. Each of us will get to smack Kevin's ass 17 times with whichever one of these things we choose." Kevin had stopped shaking, but started up again. He did a quick mental calculation 3; six guys 3; each with 17 smacks 3; that was a lot! He started to beg for mercy, but received none. Dennis jumped right in. He grabbed the leather paddle and started beating Kevin's exposed and vulnerable ass. "SWACCKKKKKKKKK!" The sound of the leather paddle impacting Kevin's tight white ass, echoed through the woods. Kevin tried not to scream. Somehow he managed to hold on, as each of the boys took their turns. His ass was burning and bright red by the time the last one took his turn. It was Justyn. Justyn chose the riding crop, and really hit Kevin hard. By the time he was done, Kevin's ass had some really nasty looking red marks on it and he was crying. His cock had finally softened. It was Chip who released Kevin from the table and helped him to his feet. He saw the tears in Kevin's eyes and felt bad. He took Kevin into his arms, hugged him and said softly, "Dude, you don't have to do any more. It's okay." He patted Kevin gently on the back of his head. Some of the others were feeling a little guilty 3; well 3; all except Justyn and Dennis. Several minutes went by, before Kevin stepped back a little, smiled at Chip and said, "I'm 3; um okay 3; and let's see 3; how you say in English 3; um 3; I get second wind?" Chip smiled some more. He just loved Kevin's accent, and his obvious 'gutsiness'. He laughed and said, "Yea dude, that is pretty much how we say it!" Chip thought that Kevin might just have had enough for the day and was just about to suggest that, when Kevin looked at Mark and said, "Okay, I'm okay. So, what else do I need to do 3; you know to do like you said?" Mark chuckled, "You mean, get to cum?" Kevin did blush slightly as he said, "Yes. That is what I mean." As much as Kevin's ass was burning, it didn't stop him from getting hard all over again. Standing there, naked, in the woods, in the midst of this group of horned teenage boys seemed to do it. Mark thought fast, and decided to continue with the rest of his nasty little plan. There was always a risk doing something like this, but so far it seemed to work okay. Everyone followed along as Mark led them to the running trail in the woods. Once there he wasted no time. He showed Kevin the little sign he had made. It said, "I need to suck cocks for my initiation. Please let me suck yours." He hung the sign around Kevin's neck and said, "Okay, this will be it. You suck ten cocks, and then you will be allowed to cum. We will watch from the bushes." Kevin was then blindfolded and ordered to kneel. His hands were cuffed behind his back. As soon as it was done, the others ran into the bushes. Kevin was very scared now. He couldn't believe he was doing this. He had sucked his first cock just a few hours before, and now here he was again. He didn't have long to wait before he heard footsteps on the trail. Hiding in the bushes, Chip smiled as he recognized the runners. It was Logan and a couple of other guys he didn't know. They stopped suddenly when they saw Kevin kneeling on the side of the trail and read the sign. They all laughed and jabbered amongst themselves about how gay it was. Then Logan said, "Well, Dudes, I don't know about you guys, but as they say, a mouth is a mouth, and I am always up for a good blow job 3; so what the hell!" Mark whispered to Chip, "Isn't this great?" Chip could only manage a nod. He was so worked up by what he saw happening. Logan pulled down his shorts and jock, pressed his cock against Kevin's mouth and waited. Kevin was just a little disgusted, but he really needed to cum, so he did as expected. He sucked Logan until he came in his mouth, and then did the same to two more guys. The sweaty odor of their pubes filled his nostrils, along with their strong manly scent. He swallowed all of their seed and then just sat back and waited. As busy as the trail was, it took almost an hour for him to get his 'quota.' The cocks he sucked included several high school and college jocks, along with a couple of boys, who couldn't have been more than 11. Those two didn't actually shoot, but did seem to enjoy it. When he was done, Mark was true to his word. Kevin was taken back to the Peterson house. The only catch was, he was required to sit in a chair in front of the Webcam, and could only cum, once he had ten people in the chat, asking for him to jack off. Fortunately, for Kevin, it didn't take too long. He blushed as he reached that point and started stroking himself. He realized that almost all of the viewers were guys, but it didn't seem to matter. He just wanted to cum 3; and cum he did! Chip chuckled as he watched Kevin's cock erupt, "He is going to be lots of fun to have around! Maybe we should see if we can squeeze him into the Arena event, somehow." Mark laughed, "Yea, I was sort of thinking the same thing." For Kevin, it was another 'hard and intense' cum. Shooting his load in front of the camera really was a turn-on for him. Fortunately for Kevin, the boys decided that he had enough tough stuff for his first day and wouldn't use the other toys on him. There would be plenty of time for that. Mark thanked Chip for inviting him over, then he headed off with Justyn and Matt. He had plans for the both of them, especially Justyn the smart ass. Zack had told Mark that he could sort of 'borrow' Justyn for the day, and he wanted to take full advantage of it. As soon as they were gone, Chip looked Kevin, patted him on the shoulder and said reassuringly, "Well I know this has probably been tough for you, but you did great, and we're all really proud of you." Kevin smiled as he said, "Well, I must admit it was tougher than I thought it would be and never thought I would actually do some of the things I did. But I guess I'm okay with it." Kevin was actually surprised that he wasn't all that bothered by what had happened. He never thought he would ever suck a cock or fuck a guy, but he had and wasn't really upset. He did wonder though about what else lay ahead. Chip let Kevin go to the bathroom and clean up. When he returned he noted that the boys had put the sex toys away, and were sitting on the floor waiting. Still naked, he sat down on the floor beside them and asked, "Okay, so what happens now?" Chip smiled and explained the 'rules' to Kevin. "Now I know you know some of these already, but I wanted to go over them anyway. The big part of your initiation is that you will do whatever you are told by members, no matter what. Right?" Kevin grinned and said, "Yes, no matter what." "Okay, and also remember, from now on you can only jack off when someone else is watching. Right?" Kevin rolled his eyes slightly and said, "Yes, that's right." Chip smiled some more and continued, "Okay, and here's some other things, as part of this whole thing, from now on, whenever we are home, and the parents aren't around, you will be naked 3; oh and you will also sleep naked." Kevin did have that much of a problem being seen naked. It would be a little embarrassing though being the only one who was naked. He just nodded and said, "Yes Sir." Chip thought for a moment. One of things he really liked to do was to make guys come up with their own punishments and tortures. He got a serious look on his face and then said, "Okay, we showed you the torture house and explained some of the stuff that goes on there, as well as elsewhere. Our parents are going to be out tomorrow evening, so we'll do a special initiation thing with you." That got Kevin's attention. "Okay Kev, here's the deal. As soon as they leave, you will be tortured by the three of us for two hours. The trick is, you are going to have to come up with a list of tortures that we will use. We'll show you some stories on the Internet and let you look through the bag of sex toys to get ideas. The important thing is that you come up with some tough ones. Understood?" Kevin thought briefly and then asked, "And I guess besides just pain, there should be some form of humiliation as well. Is that right?" Chip smiled and said, "You got it Dude. Just remember, we expect them to be tough." Kevin thought some more. He was a little scared but also pretty excited. He had to do something like that back home and found it to be sort of fun, in a twisted sort of way. He looked at the brothers and said, "I think I can do that. If you guys help a little." The four of them sat around chatting for a little while, then Dennis showed Kevin one of the boy's favorite story sites on the net. Kevin's eyes widened as he read one particular story that was mostly about boys torturing each other. Sitting there naked, while reading, he found his cock getting hard again, which of course, didn't escape Stevie and Dennis's attention. Chip had gone downstairs to make some phone calls. He still had some things to arrange for the weekend event. He also wanted to get some other opinions about how to possibly incorporate Kevin into the event. He had just gotten off the phone with Dwayne when his phone rang. Chip was totally surprised by the call. He did know the guy from school, but not really well. Jaden was Chip's age, but looked much younger. He was really active in the theater, both in and out of school and Chip had always thought he was really cute. While he thought Jaden might be gay, he really didn't act like it. Chip's mind flashed back to some of the encounters he had with Jaden, in and out of class. Jaden seemed like a nice guy. About the time things got started with Mark, Chip had actually been thinking about approaching Jaden, but just never got around to it. And there was the other curious thing, the times they had talked, Jaden kept asking questions about things he said he had heard about soccer team initiations. He seemed really interested. And now, here he was on the phone. It was obvious that Jaden had heard something about the Arena Event and wanted to know more. Chip decided he didn't want to talk about it on the phone, so he arranged to meet Jaden in the park in 15 minutes. Chip was a little concerned that word just might be spreading too fast and wanted to find out, how Jaden had heard about it. They met near one of the abandoned concession stands and sat down on a bench. Chip barely had time to sit down before Jaden started asking all sorts of questions. Yes he had heard a lot, but didn't know where the event was going to take place. He was literally begging Chip to be able to attend and watch the event. If Jaden hadn't been so damn cute, Chip might have held back, but he didn't. He gave him a brief explanation what it was all about and how it got started. Jaden did not seem at all shocked. He just got more excited. More so when Chip explained the basic rules 3; "Okay, well since you seem to know a lot already, here is how it's going to work. There will be some `warm-up' events before the main fights. There will be five main fights. Each one will consist of two guys. The loser will be hung on a cross in the Arena and everyone there will get to help punish him afterwards." Jaden's eyes widened as he stammered, "And they will be fighting totally naked, right?" Chip grinned as he saw the tent in Jaden's shorts. "Yea, that's right, and they both will have to have boners while they fight. If a guy loses his boner during the fight, he loses the match. It might sound crazy to some." Jaden was really excited now and breathing hard. He looked at Chip hopefully and pleaded, "Please listen,I'll do anything to get to watch that. I'll help out if you want 3; do cleanup 3; whatever." Chip was already thinking about some 'whatever's' as he took a closer look at Jaden and his own cock started to harden. He smiled at Jaden and said, "Well okay. You can come and I just may have something for you to do. Heck, who knows, maybe I'll even invite you to join 3; if you could handle it 3; like the initiation and all." Jaden got even more excited, "Wow, yea that would be awesome. I'll do anything!" Chip thought to himself, "Sometimes this stuff is just too easy." They sat around and chatted for awhile. Jaden kept pressing to be allowed to join. Chip managed to get him calmed down a little by taking showing him where the barn was. Once inside, Jaden started chattering all over again. Chip managed to get him to shut up for a minute as he explained the 'lineup' for the event. "Okay, now over there in that big steel cage 3; the warm-up event will feature these twins. There 18 and are college wrestlers. You see those handcuffs attached to various parts of the cage 3; well the object is for them to try and wrestle each other into any of the cuffs. The loser will get punished." "And they will be naked, right?" Jaden stammered. Chip rolled his eyes and said, "Yes Jaden, all of the fighters will be!" Jaden listened intently as Chip told him about the other matches. He only knew a couple of the guys, but it didn't matter. Chip explained it all and Jaden goy really worked up as he realized the fights would not only include boys around his age, but some older ones as well. The matches were: Andy vs. Pete (teenagers - 14 years old) Matt vs. Justyn (teenagers- both 17) Coach Taylor vs. Aaron (Early 20's) Jason vs. Logan (teenagers- around 16) Cody vs. Ross (College seniors) Chip omitted telling Jaden that Cody was the college quarterback. He made Jaden promise not to tell anyone else, then gave him a 'assignment' that he hoped would buy him sometime to figure out just what to do about Jaden. He realized he had to do something, especially since some of the things Jaden had said, indicated he also knew quite a lot about their little torture club as well. He wondered how he had found out. "Okay Dude, listen I got to head back home, but I want you to do something for me. I'll talk to some of the other guys about you actually joining. When you get home, how about you write just a really brief description of yourself and email it to me. It seems you do know what the group is 3; um `into' 3; so keep that in mind. Oh and yea, just know that it is not easy to get in. The initiation is tough 3; really tough and you would have to do some nasty stuff." He gave Jaden his email address, then the two jumped on their bikes and rode off. Chip was lost in thought as he rode home. On the one hand, Jaden really was pretty dang cute, and he really wouldn't mind initiating him at all 3; in fact he would love it. Still, they had a lot of stuff going on and wasn't sure that should take on yet another guy. By the time he got home he was hoping that the last things he had said would scare Jaden enough to just forget about it. Obviously he didn't know Jaden well enough. When he got back to their room, Kevin, Dennis and Stevie were sorting through all the sex toys, so Chip got on the computer and there it was, an email from Jaden. Jaden thanked Chip for letting him come to the event and reiterated his desire to actually join Chip's group. He swore that he would keep it a secret and that he would do whatever it took to become a member. He concluded by attaching a brief descriptive statement and a picture. The Statement read: "Jaden is, 5'3 [1.60 m], slimish with dark brown yet slowly lightening hair, a strong fearless confident leader on the outside yet has a strong yearning to be broken and submissive on the inside. a vegetarian environmentalist and activist who is bubbly yet, though it doesn't seem it is actually bashfully shy about himself and wants to be emotionally and sexually controlled." Chip opened the picture and stared at it as he read the 'PS' 3; "PS: If you need some naked pictures of me let me know and I will send them!" Chip did want to see Jaden naked. He was still staring at the picture when he heard a voice behind him. "Well, I guess you met Jaden huh?" Chip turned around and looked up. Dennis was staring at the computer screen too. Chip knew immediately by Dennis's tone and look who the blabber mouth was. "Dude, did you fucking tell him about the club and stuff?" Dennis grinned and said, "Well, yea, it just sort of slipped out when I was at this party. I was talking to Andy and Pete about some stuff. Jaden was there and over heard some of the stuff we were talking about and just, well kind of forced himself into the conversation. He is a pretty pushy little dude." Chip chuckled, "Yea I noticed 3; pushy but damn cute." Dennis leaned closer, read the full email then asked, "So Bro, we gonna let him join or what?" Chip rolled his eyes and said, "Yea, I guess so. Things are getting a little out of hand, but I guess we should let him join. I am sure it will be fun initiating him and all." Chip typed a quick response to Jaden. He told him that he was sure that he could join, and as a start, he had to promise not to jack-off until the Arena Event. The response came back almost immediately. Jaden thanked him left and right, told him he was boned at the moment, but wouldn't jack off until then. Chip noted there were three pictures attached. He opened them and his boned up instantly. They showed Jaden, completely naked. Two of them showed him with an erection. Dennis had continue to be nosey, and smiled when he saw the naked pictures of Jaden. "Yea, I guess it will be fun to initiate him, he looks like a little sex kitten." Chip got into chat, and started talking to some of the guys who were involved with the Arena thing. He glanced at Kevin, who was still naked and hard as he continued looking at the sex toys. For some reason, Dennis's comment stuck in his mind 3; 'sex kitten' 3; and an idea popped into his head. --- THE REST OF THE DAY --- Ideas were not the only thing popping that day. Back at the college the registration office at the art department had a 'run!' The 'twins' little naked walk through the department had an effect Professor Mitchell didn't predict. Within an hour after they were seen and groped, the remaining class slots were filled. There was even a waiting list of art students who wanted to get in. Needless to say, the administration was pleased. They had received a grant for this special class and needed it to be filled, and now it was. ---- Kevin, although was still a little shaky, started working on his list of possible tortures that he would endure the next night. Some of them seemed rather tough, but he really wanted to impress his new friends and prove to them that he was serious. And he couldn't escape the fact that he kept getting harder as he worked on the list. Chip and his brothers did like seeing Kevin naked, and loved seeing him boned and, every now and then, ordered the hot young blond to stand up and 'present.' ---- Jaden was shaking too as he jumped on the net and started reading some stories. His favorites had very similar themes 3; humiliation and domination. He stroked himself as he read, but avoided going too far. Although he was sure Chip wouldn't find out if he did cum, there was something really exciting about following Chip's orders. And he really wanted to submit to Chip completely and become Chip's sex slave. The only thing that scared him was that from what he had heard, Chip was really 'into' torture, especially cock and ball torture. Still if it was Chip doing it to him, he knew he would go with it. ---- AND THEN THERE WERE THE FIGHTERS ---- ---- THE TWINS ---- The twins had a tough time at wrestling practice. Both were really super horned now and their cocks were really leaking pre-cum which became obvious on their light colored practice singlets. Their embarrassment rose when the coach pulled them aside and lectured them about their 'condition'. "Listen you two, we have talked about this before. You can't come to practice like this. So one way or another, relieve your selves before hand." Bryce and Brandon both blushed deeply. They didn't know what to say. Coach took a closer look at Brandon's crotch and saw the outline of the chastity device. He chuckled and said, "Okay, I think I get it. This is some sort of fraternity thing, right?" Both nodded and Brandon said, "Sorry coach, but it should be just for this week." "Well, okay, I get it. It's okay. Just make sure it really is for this week only! I'll let this slide for practice, but you can't wear those things to a real meet! Okay, now get back out there, oh and yea, you will wipe the mats off when we are done." They returned to practice and then just wrestled with each other. ---- CODY AND ROSS ---- Cody sat in the locker room after a very grueling football practice. He hadn't showered yet and was sitting in just his jock. Ross, who was also still in just his jock, noticed, sat down beside him, and waited for the other guys to get in the showers. He looked at Cody and asked, "Dude, you look upset. It was a great practice. You were right on the money. Sorry I dropped a few of those passes. Is that what you are upset about?" Cody managed a weak smile and said softly, "No, it's not. You did fine. A couple of them were not a little off the mark. I'm just getting worried about this weekend." "Oh yea, you mean the Arena thing. Yea, it's gonna be wild. So are you afraid you are gonna lose dude?" Cody poked him and chuckled nervously, "Yea right! In your dreams Dude. I know I can take you, so get used to the fact it is gonna be you on one of those crosses. You know I will take you!" Ross knew it would be a tough fight, and figured Cody was probably right. Still he was looking forward to trying. "Okay, so then what is the big deal?" Cody thought for a moment, then said, "Well, I just really pretty fucking scared that I will be recognized 3; you know and word will get out 3; that's all." Ross patted Cody on the shoulder and said, "Well, yea it just might, but what the fuck 3; even if it does 3; no one will give a shit, if we 'win out' the season. I am serious! You just stay focused, get me the ball, and we will win." Ross's words seemed to help. Cody thought a moment, looked at Ross and chuckled, "Yea, okay, you just make sure you catch the fucking ball!" "And you better be ready to protect your fucking balls this weekend! Cause I intend to see you on that cross!" They exchanged a few playful punches and insults, then pulled off their jocks and headed to the showers. Despite their 'cocky' talk, both were really nervous about the weekend. And they weren't the only ones. ---- COACH TAYLOR AND AARON Coach Taylor and Aaron were nervous as well. Though they weren't in direct contact with each other, both were worried about the Arena event and possible repercussions. They were both adults and were concerned about what might happen if the wrong people heard and saw what was going on 3; two grown men, fighting naked, in front of a crowd that included teenage boys! It was pretty scary. And there was the fact it was going to be broadcasted on the Internet. As scary as it was, neither one of them could escape the fact that it was also extremely exciting. ---- MATT AND JUSTYN ---- The two 17 year olds were having an 'interesting' afternoon. Mark had them in the basement and was making them exercise in the nude. Both had worked up a sweat, and both were boned. It was pretty natural for Matt. Like it or not, being ordered around by his younger brother actually was a turn on. It took a little more work for Justyn. Mark had to threaten him with being taken to the park to suck a bunch of 'brat punk' cocks before he started working hard to stay boned. Mark reminded them both about their upcoming fight in the Arena. "That's right boys, you need to get yourselves ready for your big fight. Remember, you will be fighting naked, and you both will need to stay boned! I can't wait to see one of you on a cross afterwards!" They exercised even harder as they both thought about it! ---- JASON AND LOGAN ---- Logan had been out running with a couple of his buddies. Finding Kevin on the running trail and getting a blow job was a real plus. It had been so exciting that he had pretty much forgotten about his upcoming fight with Jason. Until his cell phone rang. It was Jason 3; his Master! Jason told him he was on the way over to be 'serviced' by his slave boy Logan. He ordered Logan to shower and be naked when he arrived. As Logan showered, he thought his upcoming fight with Jason, and was determined to lure Jason into some type of side bet that would turn the tables on things and make Jason his slave, instead. It was something he knew Jason would hate, BUT would be something worth fighting for. The crazy thing about Logan was, that although he did like to be 'used and abused', he also liked it the other way around. ---- ANDY AND PETE ---- Of all the participants in the upcoming event, Andy and Pete were probably the most relaxed. They were also the youngest at age 14. Both of them assumed each would win. They had tried to get hold of Dennis to see if he wanted to play a strip game, but Dennis wasn't answering his phone, so the two of them decided to just play on their own. They were both down to their undershorts when Andy suggested they have a side bet connected to the upcoming event. "So what did you have in mind?" Pete asked. Andy chuckled and said, "Oh I don't know, maybe the usual, you know like some slave time." Pete smiled and said, "Okay, but how much slave time?" Andy thought for a moment and the said, "How about we roll the dice to see how many days. We could use the dice from the Risk game to make it more interesting." Pete laughed and said, "Okay, but how about this. We start by rolling once dice for the total number of rolls 3; then we roll all six dice that many times to come up with the total number of days. Oh and yea it means anything goes 3; right?" Andy giggled and said, "Of Course! Anything goes." Both were so sure of themselves. ---- ---- A lot of guys jerked off that night just thinking about the weekend. Kevin did too 3; in front of Chip and his brothers as he imagined the tortures he would be going through the next night. The only ones who didn't get to jack off that night were Brandon and Bryce. They had the devices on and had a restless night thinking about what challenge awaited them in that vacant classroom in the morning, and, of course their first naked modeling session later that day. For now they weren't worried about their appearance at the 'Naked Fight Club' on the weekend. Maybe they should have worried about it!
Story PostlogueSorry once again for the delay in getting this chapter out, and thank you all for your support! I am STILL trying to work as many suggestions into the story as possible and should get to most of them eventually!For now I am looking for a few 'specific' suggestions. First of all, two mid-teen characters have made their appearance 3; Kevin and Jaden. Kevin has been asked to come up with a list of 'tortures' and or/humiliations he will go through as part of the 'start' of his initiation. They need to be able to be completed on one night, while the parents are out! Kevin the hot, blond haired, 15 year old German exchange student who is anxious to impress Chip and his brothers! So, please EMAIL any suggestions for the 'tortures'/'humiliations' Kevin puts on his list! Jaden is about the same age, although he looks younger and seems on the verge of 'joining' the group. Chip had a sudden flash about how Jaden might be included in the Arena event! Any ideas? Please EMAIL! And finally, we will definitely get to the Arena in the next chapter! I am still looking for suggestions as to how to stage each fight! SO please email them too, if you have any. Just remember the MATCH-UPS: Andy vs. Pete (teenagers) Matt vs. Justyn (teenagers) Coach Taylor vs. Aaron Jason vs. Logan (teenagers) Cody vs. Ross They will be naked when they fight, and be required to stay BONED while they fight! Some suggestions are that one pair have their balls tied together while they fight! Another is to be blindfolded 3; etc.! Any suggestions will be considered and can be specific to a pair 3; LIKE 3; "I would to see Cody and Ross 3; fight this way 3;" -------- And last, but not least, I do have the story support site still running. If you would like the URL, please email me and I will provide it. It does have videos, as well as pictures that have been sent to me from readers. The pictures represent their images of the main characters. Please address all responses to: westwoodscotty(at)hotmail(dot)com ABSOLUTE FINAL NOTE: Although this story is a fantasy and fictional, I do like to keep at least some semblance of realism in the story line. To that end, while I try hard to eventually work suggestions I receive into the story, please understand there are some things that will never be included. Foremost among them would be things like castration, genital mutilation, and forced circumcision. Oh and yes, 'shit play!' So please don't suggest them. I will, however, continue to 'push the edge' when it comes to things like public humiliation. Being made to stand in a window while jacking is one thing 3; but running through a mall, while naked is another. Anyway, please do keep the suggestions coming! And as always, I love to hear stories about real life things like 'boyhood' initiations. westwoodscotty(at)hotmail(dot)com