PZA Boy Stories

Scott Westwood

Boys Love Torture

Chapter 9
At Last, The Moth To The Real Flame

A New Boy Fact:

Some boys actually get turned on by being humiliated and tortured. (All Boy Facts (in new window))

Story Notes

  • My apology for introducing yet another character (Zack) in the last chapter. It just sort of happened. I don't intend to do much with the other three (Skyler, little Justin and Jake). Just occasional appearances since it's getting difficult to keep track of everyone. Again, sorry about that!

  • And on that note, three other characters appear during a FLASHBACK in this chapter. They are NOT new characters added to the story line. They are just fill-ins!

  • And finally, apologies all around to those not 'INTO' the younger boy stuff. I really do plan to move on as fast as I can. Before I do, there is gonna be a major event involving the three brothers. And yea, it will be focused on Stevie. And it is included HERE! By the time it is over, I am hopeful everyone will understand their 'dark' relationship even better and how strong they are, including Stevie. And for all of you who have been clamoring for a Major event involving Stevie 3; THIS is IT! We move on from here and focus on the older boys 3; well, and Mark too, since he does seem older 3; lol!


["Beware Mr. Moth, lest you tempt fate too often, by flying too close to the flame! Sooner or later, you will get burnt!"]

The day after Mark's "special class" turned out to be pretty much of an "off" day for all the boys.

Matt and Justyn headed out to the skate park around 9:00 in the morning. Mark decided to let Matt have a little bit of a rest. Besides, he was still wearing the chastity device, so Mark figured he would come begging once he got horned enough. Which knowing Matt, shouldn't be too long. Mark considered giving Zack a call to tip him off about where Justyn was, but didn't have his number.

By 10:00, Mark started to get bored (and horny). He was about to call Chip, to see if he wanted to initiate him some more, when he heard Aaron's truck pull into the driveway across the street.

He grabbed the DVD he had made the previous day and headed over to Aaron's.

Aaron smiled as he saw Mark approaching. He saw the DVD in Mark's hand and asked, "Hey Dude, so what ya got there?"

Mark smiled and said, "You have to see it to believe it!"

As they walked into the house Mark gave Aaron a quick overview of the previous day's events. Aaron thought he was pretty clever and listened intently. He almost fell off his chair when he started watching the DVD.

"HOLY SHIT! I can't believe you got Justyn to do that! OH MY GOD! It must have really blown his mind. So how did you do it?"

Mark laughed, "Like they say, 'I made him an offer he couldn't refuse!' Pretty good don't you think?"

Aaron watched wide eyed as Matt and Justyn 'made out' like two totally gay guys. He was, of course, totally boned by the time it was over.

"Man, 'Mr. Straight' would really be screwed if any of his friends ever saw this," Aaron chirped.

Mark laughed, "Yea, that's what I figured. So now I have a guarantee that he will do whatever I say."

They joked around for a little more as Aaron re-watched the part where Justyn begged Matt to fuck him. He chuckled as he pulled the DVD out of the player and handed it back to Mark, "So you got anything planned for the boys today?"

"Not really, I figured they could use a little rest. They should both be getting hornier by the minute though."

He told Aaron about the chastity devices and the deal Justyn had made with Zack.

Aaron started busting up, "Wow! Justyn must really be looking over his shoulder by now, worrying about Zack showing up!"

Mark laughed, "Yea that's what I figured."

They sat and chatted some more. Finally Mark asked, "So, um Aaron, you doing anything special today?"

Aaron saw the mischievous look on Mark's face and snickered, "Not really. Got anything in mind?"

Mark did have something in mind actually, as evidenced by the growing tent in his shorts. He was sort of hoping that Aaron would want to do something to him. A few moments passed without either saying anything. Aaron saw the tent in Mark's shorts, but resisted the temptation. He had some attraction to young Mark, and was trying hard to remind himself he was clearly an adult now and should avoid doing anything else with him.

He decided to shift the subject a little.

"So how are things going with the torture house? You guys made any more improvements?"

Mark was disappointed Aaron wasn't making any moves, but perked up a little at the question.

"Well, yea, we did some stuff 3; so hey 3; you wanna see?" he asked hopefully.

Aaron saw the hopeful look on Mark's face, like it or not he enjoyed being around this damn kid. Against his better judgment he said, "Yea sure, why not!"

The next thing you know, they were in Aaron's truck on the way out to the torture house. It was a short drive, but Mark chattered the whole way there.

His chattering continued as he gave Aaron the full tour. Aaron was really impressed with what they had done. He mused, "Dang, these little dudes are even more twisted than me." He got hard thinking about the possibility of bringing a couple of his college buddies out to "experience" things.

They returned to the living room after the tour and Aaron stared at the 'torture board.' He looked at Mark and said, "You know I have a suggestion."

Mark was all ears.

"This torture board you guys have set up is pretty cool. You can tie a guy spread eagled on it in an upright position. It might be fun to have one just like it, facing the other one. That way you could torture two guys at once, and they could watch each other being tortured. That might cool."

Mark's eyes widened as he considered the possibility, then he said, "Wow, that would be wicked! I'll have to tell Chip about that."

Aaron didn't know why he was doing this. He imagined Justyn and Matt secured on the boards watching each other and got really worked up.

"Hey, I got a better idea. How about we just surprise him with it? I'm sure he'd like it!"

Mark looked confused, "What do you mean, surprise him?"

Aaron laughed, "Well, I've got some time today. And if you'd help, we could get the supplies we need from Home Depot and build another board just like this one. I'm pretty good at building stuff 3; so what do you think?"

The thought of pleasing Chip appealed to Mark a lot and was right up there with being able to spend more time with Aaron.

"That would be really cool!" Mark beamed.

Aaron checked out the existing Torture Board, made a few mental notes and then they headed off.

He made a quick stop at home. Mark waited in the truck as Aaron went into the house. It didn't take him long to gather the tools he needed. He was about to leave when a wicked thought popped into his head. He envisioned Matt and Justyn secured on the twin boards watching each other. He thought about how smart Mark was and made a quick decision to "make things even more interesting."

Mark was about ready to go inside to see what was taking so long, when Aaron appeared carrying a toolbox and a large duffel bag. He tossed them in the back of the truck, apologized to Mark for taking so long, and then started the engine.

It didn't take long for them to get everything else they needed from the Home Depot and return to the Torture House.

As soon as they were there, Aaron took charge of the project. Mark followed Aaron's instructions enthusiastically, and it wasn't long before the second Torture Board was completed and set up facing the other one.

Mark was really excited, "Man! I can't wait to use these on those two dudes! I'm getting a lot of ideas already about how to freak them out!"

Aaron laughed, "I'm sure you are little Dude. But I have a surprise for you. Something I've NEVER done before, but I think I can trust you, and I think you can handle it."

Mark was totally intrigued. He watched as Aaron dragged the duffel bag towards the center of the room. He had been wondering about it, since no tools had been removed from it since they got there.

"Okay Mark, remember the time I used the Tunnel of Terror on you and I explained all the controls while I did it?"

Mark nodded, "Yea, it was really intense!"

"You seem to have a really good memory, so do you remember how it worked?"

Mark nodded again, "Yea, I'm pretty sure. My teachers say I have a kind of photographic memory."

Aaron had a feeling Mark was 'gifted' in more ways than one.

"Okay, so let me ask you this, do you remember how the different parts of the Tunnel plugged into the side of the control box 3; the testicle stimulators 3; the tunnel itself 3; and the rectal probe?"

Mark nodded yet again.

Aaron smiled, "Well, did you notice that there were identical plugs on the other side of the control box as well, and if you did, do you know why they are there?"

Mark thought for a moment and then stammered, "Well, yea I guess I did 3; and um 3; I sort of figured they were there so you could plug the stuff in from either side."

Aaron smiled, "Yea, that's right, you can. But even better, what it really means is you could have two guys hooked up to the thing at the same time, and be doing the same thing to both!"

Aaron let Mark consider the revelation for a few moments and then smiled broadly when Mark blurted out, "HOLY SHIT!"

Aaron laughed, "Yea, that's right little dude, you can use the extra tunnel stuff to hook two guys up at once, and torture them both at the same time. Only thing is, both guys will get the exact same dose of whatever you are doing."

Aaron saw Mark was lost in thought. He added, "And it's really fun having them be able to look at each other while you do it! So what do you think now?"

Mark thought a moment longer then chuckled, "I think you are really wicked 3; cool but wicked!"

Aaron winked, "Yea I am and speaking of that, if you want to be really wicked you could make them play the 'challenge game'. It works like this 3; you use the SPIKE control to press the spikes against their cocks. That hurts enough with just the pointy spikes and no electrical shock.

Then you ask the first guy to say "More or No More?" If he says "MORE" you turn the electrical control up one notch which starts to send electrical shocks to the spikes at the lowest level. They both feel the same thing.

Then you ask the other guy, More or No More?" If he says "MORE" you turn the electrical control up one more notch which sends electrical shocks to the spikes at the next highest level.

And so it goes, back and forth 3; "More or No More?" Until one of the guys can't stand it anymore and says "NO MORE!" He is the loser and gets a special penalty. It's a nasty test of wills!"

Aaron looked at Mark's face and asked, "So you like it?"

Mark thought a moment more and then cracked a wicked smile, "Man, that is really cool! They keep pushing to see if they can break the other guy first 3; to see who is tougher! That is intense!"

"Yea it really is! Especially if you do it to a couple of jocks who love to prove who is the toughest!" Aaron chuckled.

Mark was already thinking about how much fun it would be to have Matt and Justyn secured on the boards, watching each other while he used the tunnel on them. Both were really cocky and would want to push the other one to give in first. He couldn't wait to see them sweat and hear them scream.

Aaron smiled wickedly as he removed some other things from the duffel bag. There was a small black rectangular case, a small electrical control box, and a small wooden box.

"Okay, now here's the other surprise. I didn't show you how to use these yet. They are add-on's to the tunnel system," he said as he opened the black case. "This is the nastiest part."

He pulled out a small, thin black rod that had a wire dangling from it. It appeared to be made of rubber and had several narrow gold bands arranged evenly along the length of the rod.

"Can you guess where this goes?" he chuckled.

Mark thought for a moment as he examined the rod, then his eyes widened and he stammered, "You gotta be shitting me! HOLY SHIT!"

Aaron laughed, "Yea you guessed it. It's a penis probe. And those gold bands get electrified just like the bands on the rectal probe. It plugs into the side of the main control box and uses the same controls as the electrodes. So whatever charge you are sending to the electrodes touching the guys cock, also get sent to the bands on the probe. And likewise, if you start using the slider control to electrically masturbate him, the same thing happens to the penis probe. The charges move up and down the probe at the same rate."

Mark grinned, "Dang! It would be like masturbating him from inside his cock. Intense!"

"Yea, that pretty much describes it!" Aaron laughed.

"Okay, now this other control box is for what's inside the wooden box. They need their own controller."

He opened the box and pulled out a wire that had a pair of small circular metal plates attached to one end. To Mark, they looked very similar to the testicular stimulators.

"These are attached to the guy's nipples and can be used to stimulate him. It can be pretty intense too. You use the sticky gel to attach them. And the main reason they have their own control box is because the voltage is much lower. Because of the proximity to the heart. They work really well though."

Mark was once again deep in thought. He couldn't wait to use the tunnels and the new stuff on Matt and Justyn.

They spent about 15 minutes reviewing all the controls and then repacking everything into the duffel bag. Then Aaron surprised Mark when he asked, "So is there a secure place you could store this stuff? I know you'll take good care of it and put it to good use."

Mark thought for a moment, then led Aaron out to the kitchen. He showed Aaron the back wall of the pantry. There was a loose board there. He lifted it out and pointed to a small crawl space behind it. "Will this do?" he asked. "I think Chip and I are the only ones who know about it."

Aaron nodded, "This is perfect!"

It didn't take long for them to hide the duffel bag, lock up the house and drive off.

Mark chattered the entire way home about how cool this was, and how much fun it was gonna be to try out the tunnel stuff on two guys. Aaron smiled as he listened and thought, "Oh yea Justyn, you and your buddy Matt are in for a tough time."

Mark could not wait to tell Chip about the latest developments. He figured he would call him as soon as he got home, but then decided to wait and surprise him. But he couldn't wait. He used his cell phone to call Chip and ended up leaving a voice mail message. He loved doing surprises.

Oddly enough, so did Chip, who was at home thinking about a surprise of his own.

Stevie and Mark both had birthdays coming up in a few days and he wanted to do something really special which was why he was thinking about Aaron once again. Aaron owed him a full day of slavery when anything goes. As much as he wanted to work Aaron over by himself he figured Stevie and Mark would be really excited if they got to do it.

In any event, he could be there to watch and maybe help, so why not. It was pretty clear they both liked messing with older boys and would love the chance to do things to a hot college jock like Aaron. Still though, he thought he probably should add something to it, to make it even more special. The question was what else to add.

Chip started thinking about Aaron being naked, tied up and tortured. And the more he thought about it the hornier he got.

As solid as Chip was, he did have a tendency to do some crazy things when he got really, really horny. Today would be one of those days.

One of Chip's most closely guarded secrets was that he had been experimenting with self bondage games for about a year. The things he tried gave him a big thrill and he always shot a huge load immediately afterwards.

It had all begun when he bought a pair of handcuffs to use with tie up games. He played around with them and discovered that he could handcuff his hands behind his back by himself. As long as he had access to the key he could eventually free himself. It was a little tricky, but possible.

One night when he was feeling particularly horny he had a crazy idea. He waited for Stevie and Dennis to fall asleep. Then he pulled off his underwear and climbed into bed, totally naked. He put the handcuff key on the nightstand and cuffed his hands behind his back. He lay in bed on his back and kicked off the covers.

It was an incredible thrill, laying there naked, exposed and cuffed. If Stevie or Dennis woke up and looked over they would see him like that, and see that he had a major boner. Although he was sure he didn't want to actually get caught, the fact that it could happen made him really horny.

The first night he tried it, he lay like that for a half hour. Finally he couldn't stand the excitement any longer. He climbed out of bed, stooped down, recovered the handcuff key, and after some doing was able to free himself.

He climbed back into bed and jacked off forcefully twice during the night.

Chip's secret ritual continued pretty much every night after that. He got bolder and bolder. He started blindfolding himself. Some nights he would place the key to the cuffs on the other side of the room and tie his ankles together so he had to hobble across the room to retrieve the key. On other nights he would tie his feet to the bed posts.

One of the scariest things he did was to cuff his hands to the bedpost over his head. He kept the key to the cuffs in his hand. Positioned like that it was a real struggle to unlock the cuffs. Every time he tried it he came really close to dropping the key, which made for an even bigger thrill.

And there were the little challenges he came up with like the butt plug game. He lubed the butt plug and placed on the floor in the center of the room. He went back to bed, stripped naked, put on the blindfold, placed the key on the night stand and then cuffed his hands behind his back.

He lay on the bed for a full half hour. Finally he climbed out of bed, worked his way across the room still blindfolded, feeling carefully with his feet. When he located the butt plug, he had to couch down and lower himself onto it. Then he returned to bed and lay down for another half hour. He got pretty good at estimating the time.

Blindfolded as he was, he had no way of knowing if his brothers were awake and secretly watching, which added to the thrill. The thrill became so intense at times that he actually came while his hands were still cuffed.

His jack off sessions that followed were always powerful and mind-blowing. Most of the time he fantasized about torturing other guys, but lately his thoughts had been turning more and more to things being done to him, which was a little disturbing to Chip.

He suddenly remembered the night he had "simulated" the experience Dennis had to get a "feel" for what he had been feeling when Chip had him tied in the chair. It was a thrill.

And now Chip desperately needed a thrill. His mind went into overdrive as he quickly analyzed the situation.

Stevie and Dennis were gone for the day, and wouldn't be back until sometime in the evening. Stevie was with his friend Jimmy at the beach. Dennis was with Pete and Andy at the water park. Mark was off some where doing something. He had called and left a message on Chip's voicemail saying he had a surprise for him that he would explain tomorrow. The only friends that Chip had, who might drop by, were off on some camping trip.

So Chip was assured of total privacy for at least four hours. Which meant he had time for a thrill.

A crazy plan came to Chip. He knew it was really crazy, which made it all the more exciting.

He wasted no time putting his nasty little scheme into action.

Within minutes he had set things up the same way as he had done on the day he secured Dennis in the chair. He opened the door to the bedroom all the way and placed two chairs facing the door. He retrieved the same torture items that had been used on Dennis on the second chair, and tied pieces of rope to the upper and lower front legs of the other chair. He greased the butt plug up liberally and placed it on the chair seat along with the handcuffs. He hung a blindfold on the back of the chair, clipped the portable MP3 player on the back edge.

Chip's heart was beating faster and faster as he stripped off all his clothes and tossed them across the room. He grabbed one of Dennis's dirty jocks and set it on the second chair.

He was just about to complete the plan when he had a thought. He ran downstairs and made sure the back door was unlocked. By the time he returned to the bedroom he was totally boned and leaking a lot of precum.

He started breathing harder as he stared at the "torture chair" waiting for him. Now in a lustful daze, he walked over and began to lower himself onto the seat. He lined the butt plug up to his tight hole and proceeded to lower himself onto it. It hurt like hell going in. He remembered what he had done to Dennis and decided to get the full feel. He let his full weight press down on the plug. It popped into his ass in a second. Chip screamed as the plug rammed all the way in. It felt like his ass had just been torn in two. He panted for awhile.

It took several minutes for him to get used to the feel and handle the pain. Once he did he reached down and switched the vibrator on.

Chip's excitement grew as he completed his preparations. He tied his balls off the same way he had with Dennis 3; stretched out in front of him and tied off to a rung on the front of the chair. One by one he pulled his ankles up on either side of the chair and secured them with the rope. It was tricky, but he was limber enough to do it. He secured his knees to the top of the front chair legs so there was no way he could close his legs.

He put the MP3 player head set on and pressed play. The blindfold went on next followed by Dennis's dirty jock strap, which Chip stretched over his face, with the sweaty pouch covering his nose. Dennis's heavy teen jock smell made Chip feel a little light headed.

Finally Chip was ready for the big thrill. He felt for the handcuffs, making sure the key was in place. He cuffed his left wrist, then stretched both arms around the back of the chair and cuffed the other wrist. He tested his bondage. There was no way he could escape without unlocking the cuffs, which would be tricky, but could be done.

And so he waited. The vibrating plug was pressed tightly against his prostrate and was making him hornier by the minute. Despite the fact there was almost no chance of anyone finding him like this, there was a chance, and that was a major thrill.

As he sat and waited he remembered all the nasty things the boys had done to Dennis when he was in the chair. About 45 minutes went by and he could stand it no more. He carefully manipulated the handcuffs and the key and after about five minutes was able to unlock the cuff on his right wrist.

He kept his left arm positioned behind the chair like it was still locked there. He started slapping his cock hard with his right hand and started begging for his imaginary tormentor to stop.

"Please don't torture me!" he pleaded. "I'll do whatever you want!"

He reached over to the other chair, felt around until he found the penis whip. He picked it up and gave his painfully hard cock several lashes.

"OH GOD, please no!" he begged.

Chip continued to lash his cock with the whip until he felt tears in his eyes. He set the whip down, grabbed his cock and started stroking.

It didn't take long for him to get really close to the edge. As soon as he felt he was close he stopped stroking, reached his arm back around behind the chair and snapped the cuffs back on.

He could feel the sweat dripping down his sides. The scent of his own arousal began to mix with the smell emanating from Dennis's dirty jock. He imagined that someone was in the room with him and panted, "Oh God, please let me cum!"

And so it went for over an hour. Chip would struggle to unlock one hand and when he did he would use his free hand to torture himself. It wasn't just his cock and balls that got attention either. Some how he managed to attach a number of clothespins to various parts of his body 3; his nipples 3; his arm pits 3; his navel and even his inner thighs.

Each mini torture session was followed by a furious jack off moment which Chip ended just short of cumming and a return of his free hand to the cuffs.

By the time the hour passed, Chip was a total wreck. He had been pushing himself really hard with the pain and the jacking and was covered with sweat. He could not recall being turned on this much before. As each minute passed and the possibility of being caught grew, his excitement increased.

As exciting as that possibility was, Chip really did not want to get caught. He had pretty much experienced what Dennis had felt, much better than the night he simply sat in the chair. Now it was time for his reward.

He decided he would do one more round of torture and cum denial 3; re-cuff himself 3; wait about 5 or 10 minutes, then unlock the cuffs one last time and jack off like a wild man!

With his hand free, he found the ball paddle and used it on his balls and cock. He hit really hard to the point he was screaming out loud. He finished by using the little paddle to knock all the clothespins off.

"Man, this is great training for the day I have to do that deal with Pete and Andy!" he mused as the pain caused by the clothespin removal coursed through his body.

He almost came as he stroked himself to the edge yet again and had to gather every ounce of strength he had to stop stroking and re-cuff himself.

Cuffed and helpless once again, he contemplated the final round. He would forgo the torture this time and just jack-off. He couldn't wait for that glorious moment, when he would cum like never before. And that is when he thought of how to make Stevie and Mark's birthday really special!

[Boy Fact #7- A horny teenage boy lacks common sense. ]

"No question about it! That would really do it!" he chuckled to himself as he prepared to fiddle around and unlock the handcuffs for the last time.

His fingers touched the key sticking out of the right hand cuff and was about to turn it when suddenly 3; A hand grabbed his wrist and pulled it away!

Chip had been seeking a "thrill" and was about to get it!

Someone else was in the room with him now! He had been so sure of himself! Everyone had been accounted for 3; and no one should be here now 3; "So who could this possibly be?" he wondered.

The thrill turned into panic as he realized the key had been removed from the handcuffs and he was totally helpless. Naked, exposed and at the mercy of whomever this was.

He started shouting names 3; "Dennis is that you 3; umm 3; Stevie? 3; Pete? 3; Andy 3; Mark? 3; Come on dude, I was just fooling around 3; so who is it?"

The loud rock music continued to blare into his ears and he couldn't see a thing. But he could feel! And what he felt was not one, but TWO set's of hands exploring his body all over.

"Come on 3; just let me go! OKAY?" Chip pleaded.

The hands continued their exploration, rubbing his chest and stomach 3; feeling his cock and balls 3; stroking his inner thighs 3; and so on.

Chip's original intention was to get an intense feeling of what he had put his brother Dennis through. And as luck would have it, he was about to experience it in a real way. He had been "caught" in the act and was scared. His fear increased with what happened next.

One of the guys lifted the earpiece off of his left ear and started speaking. He was disguising his voice, and doing a great job. Chip had no clue who it was.

"Listen up!" the voice rasped. "We caught you in a big way! We've been here for almost an hour and got most of your little show on video! Yea! ON VIDEO!"

Chip was totally petrified. He tried to figure out who it was, but couldn't. The only thing he could conclude was it wasn't Stevie or Jimmy. Both of their voices were pretty squeaky and high.

"So you just cooperate and let us have our fun with your nice tight body, and this will remain between us guys. Resist and prepare to become an Internet star! Got it?"

Chip thought for a moment and stammered, "Okay, Okay! Whatever!"

He was clearly scared, but still incredibly turned on. So much so that he thought his cock would explode.

"Who were these guys and how far would they push him?" he wondered as the earphone snapped back.

He didn't have long to wait!

Like what happened to Dennis, someone straddled the chair, pulled the jock aside and pressed his hard cock against Chip's lips.

Chip had no choice.

He opened his mouth and started sucking. The cock was fairly large, but clearly belonged to someone fairly young. But someone with pubes, as evidenced by the smell.

Chip managed to derive a little pleasure by the fact he was able to get this dude to cum really fast. A couple minutes of sucking and wild tongue action was all it took before he shot a small load into Chip's mouth.

Next was the guy Chip figured was the one who did all the talking so far. Though the voice was disguised it was clearly an older voice. And it was a slightly older cock that entered his mouth now. And it was a big one.

Chip did his best to pleasure this cock. Wild sucking 3; intense tongue action 3; the dude was clearly enjoying it 3; but not cumming. He seemed to be really enjoying how hard Chip was working to get him off. Chip figured all he needed to do was to get this guy to cum quick and then it would be over fast.

Suddenly, the dude pulled his cock out of Chip's mouth. He stuffed a dirty sock in its place and slapped Chip's face hard. And then panic really set in as Chip realized he had no control at all.

Pain followed!

It started on his inner thighs. Blow after blow with what felt like the riding crop landed in quick succession until his inner thighs glowed bright red. His chest and stomach were next.



Chip lost track of all time as the crop hit his chest and stomach repeatedly 3; tears filled his blindfold 3; He screamed into his gag! He begged into his gag! But it continued!

Chip drifted in and out of reality as the pain continued. His balls were paddled 3; his cock whipped 3; Over and over! Hot wax was dropped all over his body! His arms and legs were lashed. The only relief came when his cock softened. And that relief lasted just long enough for a stroking hand to make him hard once again.

Chip thought he was losing his mind! "Who the fuck is doing this to me?" he pondered. "And why the fuck am I staying this hard for so fucking long?"

And then, just when he prayed to pass out, things changed.

The pain was gone!

The gag removed!

Someone started kissing him deep and hard!

Someone else started sucking his cock 3; deep and hard!

And at this point it did not take long!

Chip's voice was muffled by the deep kiss, but it's meaning was clear 3;

"OH 3; Mmmmmmphhhh 3; FUcmmmmmmm 3;.. SHITT 3;..muuummmmph!

Chip still had no idea who was kissing him 3; no idea who's mouth was sucking him 3; but it didn't matter 3; in spite of all the pain he had just experienced he was totally turned on.

The kissing and sucking suddenly stopped. His right hand was un-cuffed and pulled around to the front where it was placed on his cock. Chip got the message and proceeded to stroke himself fast and hard. He figured if he put on a good masturbation show they just might let him go.

And what a show it was. Chip stroked faster and faster and panted.


His cumming was explosive. Thick, rich, teen cum seemed to shoot everywhere. The first blast made it all the way to his chin. Several more jets followed and splattered on his chest, stomach and pubes. His orgasmic gyrations continued for a couple more minutes as he tried to extend his pleasure. When it was finally over, he slumped in his chair. He hoped his "show" was impressive enough for them and added to it by scooping up as much of his cum as he could and eating it.

His breathing returned to normal, and without even thinking, he reached around and re-cuffed his wrist.

Chip was about to say something when he felt the handcuff key being pressed into his right hand.

He thought for just a moment and stammered, "Hey come on guys 3; Who are you?"

There was no response!

It took awhile, but Chip finally freed himself completely. He put all the stuff away, cleaned the room, and took a shower. And what a shower it was as he tried to figure out who the two guys were! By the time he was done, he was boned once again.

Chip spent the rest of the afternoon playing video games. When Stevie and Dennis returned home that evening he eyed both suspiciously and dropped a few "leading comments", but neither one showed any signs of recognition.

Chip decided to forgo his "secret adventure" that night. He was pretty much convinced that Stevie and Dennis were not part of the day's wild ride! Which made things even more exciting! Who was it that did the stuff to him? If not Stevie and Dennis 3; then who?

And he drifted off to sleep that way 3; considering "who?" And he "came" three times that night 3; considering "who?"

Chip's night was troubled, to say the least. When he awoke, he found his sheets soaked with cum 3; some drying 3; some moist and fresh.

He climbed out of bed and looked across the room.

Dennis and Stevie were still sound asleep.

He looked at Stevie, sleeping peacefully and thought about how much Stevie idolized him. He thought about how much that meant to him, and realized just how much he loved his little brother 3; and yea, even the asshole Dennis, who was snoring away!

But for now though Chip had one primary concern 3; and that was to get to the bathroom and figure out how to piss through his morning woodie without making a mess!

He managed to get just soft enough to work his way through the "task" and was on his way back to the room when he ran into Stevie.

Chip looked at Stevie's tented briefs and whispered, "Dude, do what you got to do!"

Stevie's eyes watered as he blubbered and pointed to the tent, "I gotta pee 3; but I can't! This keeps happening!"

Chip felt a strong surge in his chest. It was a major brother bonding moment!

He gave Stevie a big hug and led him to the bathroom. As they walked, he realized, in spite of everything the brothers had been doing there were still some things they overlooked 3; and this was clearly one of them. Yea "morning piss hard-ons" had been overlooked.

He got Stevie into the bathroom and then had him pull down his briefs.

Stevie actually seemed to relax once his privates were exposed to Chip.

Chip smiled as he explained to Stevie how he needed to push his cock down and point it at the toilet and then just let the pee flow. Stevie did as he was told. It took about a minute, and finally he softened just enough for the pee to flow freely.

With Chip watching, it was a matter of seconds before his cock popped right back up after the pee was done and he made no move to pull his tight little briefs back up. Chip took a closer look at Stevie's hard little cock. It seemed a little large for boys his age which meant he was probably going to end up being just as large as Chip was.

Chip got the feeling that Stevie actually liked standing in front of him like this. As if in confirmation, Stevie squeezed his legs together just enough to allow his briefs to drop all the way to his ankles.

Stevie tried to act like it was an accident, but wasn't a very good actor. Chip smiled as he noticed Stevie was now breathing a lot harder. He whispered, "So aren't you gonna pull them up?"

Stevie took a deep breath and looked really nervous as he stammered, "Well, uh 3; I thought maybe you wanted to punish me for 3; um what I did."

Chip tried to look serious as he asked, "What for, what did you do?"

Stevie blushed as he spoke in hushed tones, "Well, it was pretty bad 3; I have been um 3; sort of 3; spying on you."

The way Stevie trembled, Chip could tell he was pretty scared, but his throbbing hard cock showed that he was very excited. "So, okay, when have you been spying on me Squirt?"

Stevie took another deep breath, "Promise you won't be too mad?"

Chip smiled and said, "Well that depends on how much you have been spying on me. You know what I told you guys." Chip figured Stevie was probably sneaking peeks when he was changing or showering.

Stevie's eyes began to fill with tears as he stammered, "I 3; um 3; have been sort of watching you in the middle of the night 3; you know when you do stuff to yourself 3; you know with the handcuffs and stuff 3;"

Now it was Chip's turn to start breathing hard as he remembered all the twisted things he had been doing to himself at night. He had been positive that Dennis and Stevie were both sound asleep when he played his little games. But now he wondered if both had been awake.

He should really be mad, but looking at Stevie standing in front of him naked and trembling and willing to accept his punishment brought a lump to his throat. And like it or not, there was also something really exciting about the fact that Stevie had been watching him.

"So I guess that means you saw me naked, with a hard-on, and you probably watched me shoot too?" he tried to sound angry. Which he was to a certain extent, but not as much as he should be.

Stevie blushed and nodded, "I'm sorry Chip 3; I know I shouldn't have watched, I just couldn't help it."

Chip thought for a moment, he looked his quivering little brother up and down. He really did not want to punish him, but figured he had to maintain some level of decorum. There was also the fact that Stevie appeared to want to be punished and would actually be disappointed if Chip didn't do something.

Chip looked serious as he pointed to Stevie's briefs wrapped around his ankles, "Well then, I guess you should take them all the way off."

Stevie nodded and trembled as he stepped out of his briefs and kicked them aside. He placed his hands behind his head and waited.

Chip needed some time to think. Punishing Dennis was one thing, he was just a year younger than Chip and Chip had really enjoyed doing it. But Stevie was four years younger and had just begun to develop. An idea popped into his head that he figured would buy him time and also excite Stevie.

"Okay Squirt, I'm gonna start your punishment right now, so follow me!"

Stevie followed Chip back into the bedroom. They both looked across the room at Dennis. He was definitely sound asleep. Chip figured it would be a while before Dennis stirred. He was tough to get out of bed in the morning and a very sound sleeper.

Chip led Stevie into the large walk in closet where Stevie watched nervously as Chip opened the bag with all the torture stuff. Chip continued to act like he was really angry, but had to concentrate to keep from smiling. Stevie did look sort of cute standing there naked with his dick sticking straight up in the air and shaking like a rabbit.

Stevie trembled as Chip pulled his arms behind his back and snapped on the handcuffs. He breathed faster as Chip tied a short piece of rope around his cock and balls.

Chip directed him to sit down on the floor in the back of the closet. He tied his feet together and then put on a blindfold.

He knelt beside Stevie and whispered, "Okay little brother, we'll get to your main punishment in a little while. And you're gonna have to come up with most of what it will be. I'm gonna leave you here and give you a chance to come up with a list of punishments 3; and they better be tough. When I come back, I'll untie you and have you write them all down. Then I'll look at them and if I think they are tough enough, we'll do them. If not you will be tied back up until you come up with a better list. Got it?"

Stevie trembled and nodded, "I'll come up with some good ones Chip 3; I promise."

Chip smiled as he kissed Stevie on the top of his head, "I'm sure you will little brother."

Chip turned out the closet light, closed the doors and headed back to bed. As he lay there he thought about little Stevie sitting there naked and bound, all alone and got tears in his eyes. The kid had guts. Maybe a little too much guts. As Chip drifted off to sleep he began to think he had made a mistake. Stevie really was a gutsy little Dude and would probably come up with a pretty nasty list of punishments to push himself and impress Chip. So how would he handle it if they were too nasty and tough.

"Well, maybe they will be okay and not be too tough," he mused. But the more he thought about it, the more he figured there would be a problem. Stevie could be just as hard on himself as Chip was on himself. And he was just as scrappy. Chip finally rolled over, smiled and fell asleep as he remembered that crazy afternoon in the park two months earlier 3; it was a day that would forever be engraved in Peterson brother lore 3;

Two Months Earlier
The Charge of the Kamikaze Chipmunk

It was the start of the summer. Chip was walking through the park on his way to the basketball courts to meet some friends, he had just entered the park when he ran into three guys from the football team. All three were total assholes, and all three hated Chip.

"Well look who it is 3; the soccer star! Going to sign a big contract?" Mike smirked

Chip tried to blow them off, "Yea, bigger than one you're punk ass will ever sign!" he said sarcastically as he tried to push past them.

Mike grabbed Chip's shoulder and held on, "Yea well at least it's a real sport!"

Chip pulled away.

"What's the matter punk, afraid of a little contact?" he laughed as he turned to he buddies and chuckled, "I told you these soccer guys are wimps. That's why they chose a non-contact game 3;"

Mike didn't see it coming. He was turning back towards Chip when Chip's fist slammed into his gut full force and he crumbled to the ground moaning.

"How's that for contact, asshole!" Chip snarled.

Mike could only moan as he clutched his stomach. Chip's blow had knocked the wind totally out of him.

Chip was pretty much of a "street fighter". His blow had evened the odds a little. It was still two to one though and Chip would have to be really quick. He turned to face the second dude with fists at the ready and watched cautiously as the third dude began circling around behind him.

A small crowd of kids gathered to watch the fight. One was even taking video. In spite of the fact that Chip was outnumbered, no one lifted a finger to help to make things fairer.

Chip and the second dude began throwing punches. They were pretty evenly matched and both managed to land some decent blows. It took a few minutes for Chip to start getting the upper hand.

That's when the third guy struck from behind.

He punched Chip in the lower back and then pinned his arms behind him. He was a lot bigger than Chip and had no problem keeping Chip's arms locked. The other guy started punching Chip in the gut then told him to kick his legs apart.

The big guy stuck his foot between Chip's feet and kicked them apart.

Chip's eyes widened as he realized what was about to happen. His groin was totally exposed and vulnerable and it appeared the second guy was lining up to deliver a kick.

"Let's see how good you are at blocking kicks, Soccer Star!" he laughed viciously as he started to deliver a killer kick to Chip's groin.

Chip gritted his teeth and prepared for the inevitable 3;

And that's when it happened.

Out of the corner of his eye, there was a sudden movement accompanied by a "banshee-like" scream.

Chip and his assailants turned their heads and saw the same thing, a kid on his bicycle, riding fast, dropped his bike and launched himself the air between Chip and the kicker. The guys kick caught the kid and the stomach and he crashed to the ground screaming in pain.

The momentary surprise was all the time Chip needed. The third guy's grip loosened just enough for Chip to break free. Chip spun around and kneed him in the groin. The big dude stumbled back as he grabbed his aching nuts.

Chip spun around to face the second guy who was moving back in. He turned his head and realized the big dude was closing in too. He considered his options which clearly weren't looking good, when 3; once again there was sudden flash of movement 3;

The kid who moments before had been laying on the ground crying, had jumped back up and launched himself at the second guy, landing on his back and was delivering punches left and right. He wasn't very big, and his punches weren't very hard, but he was all over him.

The momentary distraction was all the time Chip needed to take out the big dude. Three punches were all it took. The guy may have been big, but he was slow, and Chip's punches were really hard and soon he was on the ground moaning.

Chip turned to see how his little surprise ally was doing and had to stop himself from falling down laughing. The scene that enfolded was like something out of a comedy movie.

The kid was Stevie of course, and surprisingly, he was holding his own against this much older boy 3; well sort of holding his own. The guy managed to pry Stevie off his back and toss him to the ground.

He grabbed Stevie by the neck and punched him hard in the stomach as he snapped, "You just better fucking stay down there little man, if you know what's good for you!"

The small crowd that had gathered was clearly amused.

Chip prepared to rescue Stevie but couldn't resist saying something, he looked over and chuckled, "So need any help little brother?"

Stevie was clearly in pain, but smiled back at Chip and said, "That's okay, I've got him right where I want him!"

Everyone laughed, including the guy who had just punched Stevie 3; and that was all the time Stevie needed. Within seconds he was back on his feet and jumped on the guy's back. He wrapped his legs around his waist and started flailing away with punches.

Try as he might the guy could not pry Stevie loose this time. He reached around, and clawed at Stevie, to no avail. It was one of the funniest things anyone watching had ever seen.

Finally the guy looked at Chip and shouted, "Get him off me man 3; SHIT!"

Chip laughed and smiled at Stevie, "Okay Bro, I think he's had enough!"

Stevie reluctantly stopped punching and climbed off of the guy. He rubbed his stomach as he looked at Chip and said, "Good thing you stopped me when you did, cause I might have killed him!"

Chip laughed as he rubbed Stevie's hair, "Yea, I noticed."

They were about to leave when Chip suddenly turned and delivered a nasty blow to the second guy's stomach. As he crumbled to the ground Chip snarled, "And that's so you remember never to FUCK with any of the Peterson brothers again!"

Stevie got his bike and the two brothers walked all the way home with Chip's arm around Stevie's shoulder.

It was a day both brothers would remember forever!

Back to the Present Day!

It was about an hour later when Chip woke back up. He took a quick piss and then remembered Stevie. He ran to the closet, opened the doors and turned on the light.

Stevie was sitting just as he had left him and was still as hard as a rock maybe even harder.

He trembled as he felt Chip's hand on his shoulder.

Chip really wanted to just forget about the whole thing, but knew Stevie and figured there was no way he could do it without really hurting his feelings, as strange as that sounded.

He whispered, "You okay little brother?"

Stevie nodded and sobbed, "Yea, and I got my list 3; I hope it's okay."

Chip patted him on the shoulder and said, "I'm sure it will be!" His own eyes filled with tears as he realized just how much he cared for Stevie. He wished Dennis was more like him.

He took the blindfold off, un-cuffed him and untied his feet.

"Okay Stevie, the computer is on, so go ahead and type out your list of punishments. Dennis is still sleeping, so don't worry."

Once again things weren't going the way Chip thought they would. He should be planning Stevie's birthday surprise, but instead he was about to punish Stevie, "God, how do these things get so screwed up?" he wondered.

It took Stevie about thirty minutes to finish typing his list. Which Chip figured was not a good sign. Chip had Stevie kneel on the floor with his hands behind his back while he checked out the list. When he finally saw the list, he knew he had a major problem.

Stevie had come up with list of some pretty nasty and tough punishments. Most involved a good deal of pain. He glanced over at little Stevie kneeling there naked and trembling and thought there was no way he could put his little brother through this. After a little while Stevie looked up and Chip motioned for him to come over. He crawled over on his knees and then whispered through quivering lips, "Is it okay? I um can come up with some more if you want Chip."

Chip smiled and patted Stevie gently on the head, "No the list is good, maybe just a little too good little brother. I think you're being just a little too tough on yourself."

Stevie seemed to perk up a bit as he said, "Well, you said that if we spied on you, you would punish us hard. And I spied on you a lot."

Chip could tell Stevie was a little scared, but also very determined. "Well, okay, but this stuff is pretty rough, do you really think I should do this stuff?"

Stevie swallowed hard and nodded, "Uh 3; yea 3; umm 3; you've done worse things to other guys haven't you Chip?"

Chip smiled and whispered back, "Yea I have, but they were a lot older than you." Right after he said it, he knew he had made a mistake. He saw the look on Stevie's face, he had seen it before.

"Yea, well I can handle it! I'm just as tough as they are!" Stevie said obstinately.

Chip smiled and nodded as he patted Stevie gently on the back of the head, "I know you can dude. You are pretty tough. You remind me of me when I was your age. But my god Stevie, this list is just 3; um really tough 3; and I don't know if I could do all this stuff to you."

Stevie perked up even more as he pouted, "Yea, but you could do the stuff to other guys who didn't really deserve to be punished."

Chip's mind was spinning, he probably should just say no. He was the oldest and should take charge and just end it. But the look on Stevie's face made him think twice. If he said no, knowing Stevie, he would probably do more stuff to get Chip mad. He didn't know why Stevie seemed so obsessed with being punished. He saw the way his little brother was looking at him and another thought flashed into his mind. He decided to test it.

He looked at the list again and then said, "Well, hmmm 3; so how about as part of your punishment I just give this list to Dennis and have him punish you! Would that be okay?"

Stevie was surprised and looked a little disappointed. His lip quivered as he said, "Well 3; um 3; yea 3; I guess 3; whatever you say Chip 3; but umm, you'd be there to watch wouldn't you?"

The last comment told Chip he was right. Stevie actually did have a desire to be punished. It clearly excited him. But what apparently excited him the most was the fact it would be Chip doing the punishing.

Chip looked down at Stevie. There was something about this that started to excite him. He wanted to grab Stevie and give him a big hug. He glanced at the list and then at Stevie and began to visualize putting Stevie through it all. And the fact that Stevie was doing it willingly.

So here he was, once again getting turned on by the thought of making one of his younger brothers suffer. It had started when he did the thing with Dennis, and now he was having similar thoughts about Stevie, who he loved dearly. Sitting there in just his white briefs with a naked Stevie kneeling beside him, it didn't take long for him to become painfully hard.

Again he questioned himself, "What the fuck is wrong with me?" he thought. "Why the hell am I getting so turned on just thinking about making my own little brother suffer so much pain and sexual torment! DAMN!"

He tried shifting his thoughts away from Stevie. He remembered some of the hottest girls he had messed around with 3; he thought about doing things to Aaron 3; he even thought about how turned on he had been when he was being tortured in the chair the day before 3; none of it really worked. In fact it just seemed to make things worse. Chip got hornier and hornier.

Stevie looked like he was getting ready to cry. Finally Chip sighed and said, "Okay, okay, I'll punish you if that's what you really want."

Stevie perked right up, "He smiled at Chip and said, yea 3; and my punishment should be worse than what Dennis got because I have been spying on you for a long time."

Chip smiled and told Stevie to stand beside him as he went over the list. He placed his hand on the back of Stevie's neck and patted him gently.

"Okay, we're gonna have to talk about a few of these," Chip whispered.

Stevie seemed really excited now, scared, but excited.

"Okay the first few are okay I guess. Tough but okay. Let's see you've got a hand spanking with 25 smacks 3; then a paddle spanking with 25 more 3; then 25 with the belt. That's a total of 75, your ass will really be hurting."

Stevie whispered, "That's okay, I can take it."

Chip patted him again and said, "I'm sure you can squirt!"

"Okay, now the next one is to be whipped all over with the riding crop for a half hour. Okay, how about we do this, since your ass will already really hurting, let's say the whipping will be on your back, chest, stomach and thighs, okay?"

Stevie nodded, "That sounds okay."

Chip was thankful that not every item on the list involved pain.

"The next one is okay too, I guess. Suck off ten guys. So you thinking ten different guys?"

Stevie said, "Well maybe ten times total, so like maybe I would have to do some more than once."

Chip knew that Stevie was not really crazy about sucking guy's cocks. And he definitely did not like it when Dennis forced him to suck him. So this was real punishment.

"Now I'm a little worried about the next couple, they might hurt too much." He looked at Stevie who was about to speak and smiled, "Okay, yea, I know you can handle it, but let's talk about it just a little. First of all turn around."

Stevie turned around as Chip wet his finger and slid it between Stevie's tight little ass cheeks and pressed it up against his hole.

"Okay, there is no doubt in my mind that your little ass is extremely tight."

For emphasis, Chip pressed his finger into Stevie's little pucker, he pressed hard and worked the tip inside. Stevie moaned as pain shot through his body.

Chip kept working his finger further inside. Stevie started dancing around as he felt his brother's long finger work it's way deeper inside. Chip was right it hurt.

"Okay. Yea, you are extremely tight and I don't think I could get that butt plug into you."

Stevie gave Chip an evil look, "You did it to Dennis, and I saw you do it to yourself!"

Chip smiled, "Okay, okay, yea I know but you are really tight!"

Again he saw the look on Stevie's face. He had his finger all the way in now, and Stevie was clearly in pain 3; but also very determined.

Chip chuckled, "Okay, I'll tell you what, if you can handle another finger inside you right now we'll try it. But you're gonna have to prove it by doing most of the work."

Stevie nodded, "What do I have to do?"

Chip pulled his finger out, wet the second one and then pressed both of them up against Stevie's hole, "Okay you just keep pressing back. I'll hold my fingers steady, but you're gonna have to keep pressing back until both are all the way in."

Stevie immediately started forcing his ass backwards. There was a lot of grunting and groaning as the tips of Chip's two fingers began parting his tight little hole.

Chip could see tears running down Stevie's face as he worked really hard to impale himself on Chip's fingers. He paused a few times, took a deep breath and then started up again. It took several minutes for Chip's fingers to penetrate the first couple of inches. By then Stevie was really crying. Chip was about to tell him to stop when he took a really deep breath and rammed his ass back hard.

Chip's fingers slid all the way in and Stevie made a muffled scream. He danced in pain, but remained impaled on Chip's fingers.

He turned his head and looked at Chip through watery eyes and stammered proudly, "See I did it!"

Chip smiled back at him and said, "Yes you did. Just remember when we try the plug, it's gonna hurt a lot more."

Stevie nodded. Then to Chip's total surprise, Stevie started rocking back and forth, effectively fucking himself on Chip's fingers. His moans grew louder as he fucked himself faster and faster.

Chip laughed, "Well, I guess that brings us to the next one. Get fucked by ten guys. Come on Stevie, like it or not you really are kinda young for this. But I suspect I'm not gonna be able to totally talk you out of this one."

Stevie laughed back as he fucked himself faster, "Nope!"

Chip and Dennis had both been fucked, but were much older when it first happened. Chip was concerned that Stevie was pushing too fast to experience all the stuff his two older brothers had, but figured he had little chance of talking him out of it.

Chip let Stevie go on fucking himself on his fingers for a little while. Both brothers were now totally turned on and it took every ounce of strength Chip had to keep from fucking Stevie right then.

Finally he pulled his fingers out and gave Stevie's ass a playful slap, "Okay, I think that's enough you little horn dog."

Stevie actually seemed disappointed. The pain had pretty much gone, it was actually pretty exciting having Chip's fingers all the way inside him.

Chip ran his finger up and down Stevie's crack and said, "Okay, I tell you what, I'll agree to this part, on one condition. As part of your punishment, you can be fucked, but it ain't gonna be by ten guys. It will be just one. Okay? That's it!"

Stevie saw the look on Chip's face and knew this was non-negotiable. He smiled and said, "Okay, okay, just one. But I get to pick who it is!"

Chip laughed, "Okay, that's a deal! Just make it a good one!"

Chip continued down the list while Stevie watched. He still couldn't believe Stevie was actually gonna go through this all willingly. He tried a few times to talk Stevie out of a couple more, but Stevie stood his ground. He really wanted to impress Chip and figured going through this would do just that.

The rest of his list included some typical stuff: hot wax, ice torture, and ball paddling, and so on. It was the final item on the list that Chip had problems with 3; "Special Ant Torture."

"Okay Stevie, now what about this last one. I really think you are too young for it? And what does this 'special' mean?"

Stevie said, "Well, I think I can handle it and it will be a really bad punishment that will keep me from spying again. Especially the special part. Wanna hear what it is?"

Chip could only manage a nod and then he listened in horror as little Stevie explained what he wanted Chip to put him through.

"Okay, here is how it would go. It would be better if you had a couple of helpers like maybe Mark and Dennis. So anyway, you take me out to the torture house and then strip me totally naked. Then you walk me out to the edge of the ant pit and tie ropes around my ankles and wrists. You make me watch while Dennis and Mark pound four large stakes into the ground at the corners of the pit.

Then you blindfold me. You give me one last chance to beg for mercy. I shake my head no. Then you guys quickly pull me into the center of the pit and force me to lay down on my back. You guys pull my arms and legs wide and tie them off really tight to the stakes and then step back. Then you watch as the ants attack my naked body all over 3; and no matter how much I scream, you leave me there for an hour."

Chip could not believe it. He looked at Stevie and said, "Sorry dude, we can't do this one. I mean it, it's way too much."

Stevie started to argue, which seemed kind of crazy in light of what it would mean if Chip did agree, "Oh come on, it's the best punishment yet 3; better than anything else you've done, I think!"

Chip looked at Stevie, "Come on Stevie, be reasonable! You have no idea how much those damn ants hurt. You would go crazy!"

They continued to argue. As much as Chip cared for Stevie, there was something pretty freaking exciting about the whole scenario. He tried not to think about it but kept coming back to the image of poor Stevie, stretched out naked like that with the ants attacking him. His body covered with sweat and little red marks. He saw the ants covering his cock and balls and listened to him screaming. And, yes, he saw Dennis standing there smiling as he watched his little brother suffer.

He looked down at his own briefs and saw how tented they were and once again questioned why such suffering turned him on so freaking much.

His head was spinning. He told Stevie over and over again how bad the pain would be, but Stevie remained obstinate.

He was about to just put his foot down and just say no when a voice from behind said, "Oh HELL, Chip, if little brother here is so intent on suffering like that, I think we should just let him do it."

It was Dennis.

Chip turned his head and asked, "So how much have you heard?"

Dennis chuckled, "Well probably not everything, but enough to know that little Stevie here has earned some punishment and that he is pretty intent on going through with it!"

Chip figured he might as well let Dennis in on it. At least the punishment part and not what Stevie had actually done (or more precisely, witnessed).

He told Dennis about how he had Stevie make up a list of the punishments and then showed it to him.

Dennis looked at the list and laughed as he turned to Stevie, "Wow little brother, are you sure you can take all of this?"

Stevie straightened up and snapped, "I can take it better than you could!"

Dennis chuckled, "Well maybe so, still it does seem pretty rough."

He looked at Chip and asked mischievously, "So if the squirt here has the guts to do it, do I get to help? I heard the whole thing about the ant pit, by the way."

Chip was about to answer when Stevie snapped, "You can help all you want! You'll see! I can take it! So what about it Chip, we gonna do it or what?"

Chip thought for a moment then said, "Well if you are crazy enough, I guess so, with two conditions with the ant pit 3; First of all, one of us will have to have a brush or something to keep the ants away from your face and second it will be just a half hour, not a full hour 3; okay?"

Stevie nodded.

Dennis laughed and said, "Sounds like a plan! So when do we start?"

Stevie said, "I guess whenever Chip wants."

Chip shrugged and said, "Well I guess we might as well start now."

Dennis smiled as he saw Stevie's cock sticking straight up, he picked up the handcuffs and cuffed Stevie's hands behind his back as he laughed, "Hell, looks like you are ready to start right now little brother. Mom and Dad are gone so we might as well start the day off with some fun."

Dennis pulled his own briefs off and tossed them aside. Like his other two brothers he was hard as a rock. He smiled as he forced Stevie to his knees and held his cock in front of his face.

"You know what to do little brother. I was saving a nice load for the shower this morning, so there should be plenty to enjoy."

Stevie opened his mouth and Dennis shoved his cock in. He started sucking and soon his head was bobbing up and down rapidly. Dennis moaned, "Oh yea little brother one thing for sure, you do give good head!"

Chip felt his cock grow even harder as he watched Stevie going up and down on Dennis's morning boner. The scent of boy arousal began to fill the room and Chip reached inside his briefs and began feeling his cock.

The longer he watched his youngest brother sucking Dennis, the hornier he got. The feelings of love he had for little Stevie were soon replaced by pure lust 3; and a very sadistic lust at that, the type of lust that would take a lot to fully quench. He felt bad about the fact Stevie was so young, but hell, so was he when he got introduced to this stuff.

Dennis was in a similar state. He let Stevie get him really close, then would pull out and order him to lick his balls. And so it went for at least 15 minutes.

By the time Dennis finally shot his load into Stevie's mouth, Chip was in full rut! For the moment, Stevie was no longer his little brother. He was a toy to be used and abused.

He was about to do just that when his cell phone rang. When he saw who it was, he got hold of himself long enough to take the call. Stevie sat on the floor listening to Chip's side of the call. In spite of all his bravado, he started to get a little scared. Yes he was pretty worked up himself and that helped. As he looked at Chip sitting there, in his tented tight white briefs, he once again managed to get hold of himself. He wanted to please Chip in the worst sort of way. He wanted Chip to be proud of him, and would do anything to do that 3; ANYTHING!

"Hello 3; yo dude 3; what's up? 3; and what was that about a surprise?"

"Uh huh 3; okay 3; but hmmmm, can it wait until tomorrow, cause we've sort of got something special going on!"

Chip laughed and said, "YEA! That kind of special! 3; NO it's not him, it's Stevie 3; yea that's right 3; and yea 3; he's being punished 3; so you want to help?"

Chip looked at Stevie who was once again starting to shake. He listened into the phone and then said, "Cool, come on over right now 3; and you can bring Matt if you want 3; REALLY? 3; well that would be really sweet 3; yea bring him along! 3; Okay dude see ya in a bit!"

Chip hung up the phone and looked at Stevie, "Well little brother, looks like you're gonna get your wish BIG TIME 3; today is gonna be your first real punishment day! Unless you want to back out now. If you do, say so, and we'll find something else to do 3; and I will understand!"

Despite the fact that lust was now pretty much controlling Chip's actions, he was smart enough to know there was no way Stevie would back down.

Stevie shook his head, "No I'll take my punishment. All of it."

Chip saw the wicked smile on Dennis's face. He also knew how much Stevie liked a little bit of hokey drama, so he looked at Dennis and said, "Okay, take the prisoner to the holding cell until the other guys get here and bring out the implements of torture."

Chip smiled as he saw the way Stevie trembled. It was excitement more than fear.

Dennis gave Chip a quizzical look and mouthed the words, "Holding cell????"

Chip winked and pointed at the walk in closet.

Dennis laughed, pulled Stevie to his feet and manhandled him into the closet. He was pretty rough, but Stevie seemed to enjoy it.

He forced Stevie to kneel in the corner then went back to the bedroom and started laying out all the torture stuff, including the butt plug.

As he laid everything out on the desk he smiled at Chip and said, "This is gonna be a lot of fun. I've been really dying to torture that sneaky little, punk ass for sometime now."

Chip chuckled, "Did I ever tell you that you scare me sometime little brother?"

Dennis chuckled back, "Thanks! I appreciate that. But don't worry about it Chip, it's not like I was punishing and torturing you. But who knows, maybe that day will come."

Chip laughed, "Only in your wildest dreams, little brother." Chip actually trembled a little. Being tortured by Dennis was definitely a scary thought. He knew Dennis all to well.

Dennis thought about it as he continued to lay the paddles and other items on the desk. Torturing Chip had been something he had been dreaming about for some time now.

When he was done he pulled his briefs back on and walked over to Chip. He reviewed the list of punishments that Stevie had come up with.

"Man, I guess he is tougher little dude than I thought bro! He really want you to do all this stuff?"

Chip sighed, "Yea, you know how stubborn Stevie can be. He really wants me to punish him."

"So like um, what did he do, anyway?"

"Well, let's just say he did the same thing you did, a bunch of times without me knowing it," Chip said simply.

Dennis started laughing, "Holy Shit! I get it! He's been watching you jack-off 3; Right?"

Chip blushed and said, "Yea, that's pretty much it. But he's been doing it for awhile."

Dennis really wanted to know more. He wanted to know just when and where Chip had been masturbating and how Stevie was able to watch. But he knew there was no way Chip would tell him. He thought it would probably be difficult to get it out of Stevie, but maybe not impossible. Time would tell.

"So anyway Chip, are we really gonna do this stuff? Even the thing with the ants?" Dennis inquired.

Chip sighed again, "Yea I guess, although I think the ant thing is a little much."

Dennis laughed, "Oh hell, that would probably be the most fun. Come on admit it big bro, you're just as turned on as I am about the thought of seeing a naked guy suffering like that. Maybe even more so, cause it's gonna be your own brother. Bet you'd really love it if it was me tied in the ant pit like that!"

Like it or not, Chip was actually turned on by both possibilities.

Dennis smiled as he saw how tented Chip's briefs were, "Okay, anyway, so who all is coming?"

Chip said, "Well, should be just Matt and Mark."

Dennis laughed as he pointed to the computer, "That should be enough to handle our little brother's punishment. Mind if I put something together?"

Chip moved aside and let Dennis have the computer. He watched as Dennis cut and pasted a bunch of items from Stevie's list of punishments into a separate file 3; he made a few modifications to some 3; then changed the fonts and spacing and printed it out.

He grabbed the print out, cut it into a bunch of pieces, folded them all up and dropped them into a large mug. "Okay, I put most of the stuff on his list into the mug. So when we get started, each of us will take turns pulling a punishment from the list, and then will get to do it. Is that okay?"

Chip nodded, "Yea, that should work fine."

Chip had the feeling there was more to this than met the eye. Dennis seemed to be really mad at Stevie. He was right, of course. Dennis really resented the fact he had to blow Stevie and his friends, whenever Stevie said. And he was mad at Chip for setting the whole thing up! 3;

[Chapter 2- "Stevie will jack you off 3; and in return, you will blow him OR any of his friends whenever he wants for a month. Got it?"]

Chip watched as Dennis re-arranged all the torture items again. Dennis was clearly looking forward to what was about to happen.

It wasn't long before Mark and Matt showed up. Mark gave Chip and Dennis a quick run-down of what had been happening and told them that he had just removed the chastity device from Matt.

Dennis looked at Matt and chuckled, "Hey dude, I guess that means you are pretty freaking horny by now, right?"

Matt blushed and nodded.

Dennis laughed, "That's perfect. Cause we have a great mouth and a really tight ass for you to use."

Chip smiled as he saw the bulge in Matt's shorts beginning to stir.

"Who is it?" Matt asked.

Dennis smiled and said, "Our little brother Stevie. I think you've seen him around."

Matt said, "Yea, I've seen him, I guess he's kinda cute, but he seems pretty young."

Chip butted in, "Yea he is, but he's a pretty tough kid. He even came up with his own list of punishments for what he did, and is willing to go through them all."

Mark said, "Yea, Stevie is pretty scrappy. Looking at him, you wouldn't think it, but he's pretty tough. So just what did he do to get punished Chip?"

Chip laughed, "Well, that's not important. Let's just say he deserved it."

Dennis was getting impatient. "Okay, okay, so why don't we just get to it. Most of his punishments are in the mug. The only ones that aren't are the ones where he has to suck and get fucked, and the special ant thing. Oh and the butt plug."

Mark looked at Chip and raised his eyebrows, "What's the special ant thing?"

Chip laughed, "Trust me, you don't want to know! If we do it though, you'll probably be helping."

Dennis seemed to really be enjoying the whole thing, so Chip decided to let him take the lead. He could always rein him in later.

"Okay Dennis, since you have gotten things organized, why don't you get things started. We pretty much have most of the day, so take your time. And remember, even though he is pretty tough he is young, so keep that in mind."

Dennis smiled and headed to the closet. He dragged Stevie out by his neck and manhandled him to the center of the room. He forced him to his knees in front of Mark and commanded, "Okay Stevie, Mark will draw your first punishment from the mug. Before he does, you are going to thank him for helping with your punishment!"

Dennis looked at Mark and said, "Okay Dude, pull down your shorts and let him thank you."

Mark smiled as he pulled his shorts and jock down to his knees. His nice sized cock popped straight up in the air. Since Stevie's hands were still cuffed behind his back, he had to rise up on his knees to take Mark into his mouth. It didn't take long before he had a nice sucking rhythm going and Mark was moaning.

Stevie liked Mark a lot, so for him, this really wasn't punishment. Still being on his knees, cuffed and totally naked in front of these other guys was pretty humiliating.

Stevie continued until Mark started showing signs of cumming. As soon as Dennis noticed, he pulled Stevie off of Mark's cock, looked at Mark and said, "I think it might be too soon to cum Mark. You want to hold off for awhile?"

Mark laughed, "Yea, I guess, I do kind of like dragging things out. And besides, I guess I am better at punishing someone when I am horniest."

Matt laughed, "He is definitely right about that!"

They all laughed at that one.

"Okay, Mark, go ahead and pull a slip of paper from the mug. They are most of the punishments Stevie came up with for himself.

Mark pulled a slip from the mug, read it and smiled. Everyone was anxious to know what Stevie's first punishment would be, including Stevie.

Mark chuckled, "This is one of my favorites."

He kept them guessing as he un-cuffed Stevie and had him lay down the floor on his back, with his hands over his head and his legs spread wide. He grabbed some rope and secured Stevie's wrists to the leg of a dresser. His legs were secured to two of the nearby desk legs.

Stevie's eyes widened as he saw Mark pick up a candle and light it. It was one of the punishments he really didn't like. He threw it in because Dennis had gone through it and he wanted to prove he was just as tough as him. He began to have second thoughts as he watched Mark light a bunch of tee-lights as well.

The group of horny boys gathered around to watch.

Mark started slowly. He began by dripping wax on Stevie's arms. Stevie flinched as drop after drop of the hot wax landed on his lower and upper arms, and then his armpits.

Mark continued to "tease" him by dropping some wax on his lower legs. He knew the skin wasn't as sensitive there, but it still hurt.

The rest of the boys watched totally fascinated as Mark slowly worked his way towards the more sensitive areas of Stevie's outstretched body.

The drops that landed on his lower neck, produced a loud moan.

More moans and pants followed as the wax began dropping on his chest.

It was when Mark reached the area just below Stevie's navel, when the moans began turning to screams.

"AAGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!" Stevie cried out as several drops landed beneath his navel.

Mark smiled and moved the candle.

"OOOHHH 3; GADDDDDDDDD!" Stevie screamed as a series of drops landed on the inside of his upper thighs.

Mark knew from experience that the upper inner thighs were really sensitive. Matt had tortured him with hot wax before and seemed to know where all the most sensitive spots were.

Stevie's eyes were watering as he watched Mark pick up one of the tee-lights. It had been burning for several minutes now and was full of hot molten wax. There was just one area of his body that had not felt the burning wax yet. He knew it was next and began to shake.

Mark raised the tee-light over Stevie's cock and balls and tilted it.

The first drops landed on Stevie's balls.


Stevie pulled at his bonds and just kept screaming as drop after drop of the hot searing wax landed on his cock and balls.


Mark picked up another tee-light and emptied its entire contents of hot wax on Stevie's hard cock.


And that's the way it pretty much went for the next fifteen minutes. Mark continued to drop hot wax all over Stevie's body. Stevie continued to scream. And the boys just kept getting harder.

When Mark finally finished, the boys all helped peel the hard wax off of Stevie's body, which made Stevie scream that much more.

Matt went next.

He pulled a slip of paper from the mug 3; "25 whacks with the paddle."

For this one, Stevie was bench over the end of Chip's bed, with his ass in the air. Dennis sat on the bed and held his outstretched arms tight as Matt started the paddling.



Matt was really hitting Stevie's tight little ass hard. By the time he was done, Stevie's ass was bright red and he was sobbing loudly.

Dennis looked into his little brother's watery eyes and asked mockingly, "So are you ready to call it quits little brother?

Stevie took a deep breath, glared at Dennis and said sharply, "Don't worry, I can handle it!"

And indeed he did.

One after the other, the boys pulled the slips of paper from the mug. One after the other they delivered the punishments 3; the ice torture 3; ball paddling 3; hand spanking 3; belt spanking 3; and body whipping.

Dennis kept pressing Stevie to give up. But Stevie stood his ground, in spite of all the pain and humiliation. He screamed, he cried, he moaned, but he did not break.

Chip got to do the ice torture. He had Stevie tied spread eagled on his back for that while he ran ice cubes all over his tight little body. He placed a cube in each arm pit, one on his navel, one under his cock one his groin. He forced one inside his tight little hole, then ran one all over his balls. He slid one up and down his chest and around the nape of his neck. After about fifteen minutes, Stevie was shivering and moaning. He whimpered and begged Chip to stop.

Unfortunately for Stevie Dennis pulled the body whipping one. He took Stevie down to the rec room for that one, tied his hands over his head and whipped him really hard with a belt. He started on Stevie's back, then moved to his chest and stomach.



On and on it went for over fifty lashes. By the time he was done, Stevie was crying loudly. His body was covered with red marks. It was Chip who called an end to it.

"Come on Dennis, you've down enough!" Chip demanded.

Dennis didn't want to stop. He wanted to make Stevie cry some more, but gave in to Chip.

They ended up delivering the belt and hand spanking, while Stevie was still tied up with his hands over his head. Matt did the hand one and Mark the belt. By the time both were done, Stevie's ass was bright red.

Fortunately for Stevie, Chip pulled the ball paddling one and though it was painful, Chip took it easy on him, much to Dennis's disappointment.

After all the painful punishments were over (except for the ants) and the fucking (which Chip was saving for a special time), Dennis insisted that Stevie suck all of them. He cuffed Stevie's hands behind his back, and forced him to kneel in the center of the room. The boys gathered around in a circle with their dicks exposed and ready.

Dennis directed Stevie's actions. Each one was sucked off in turn. And each one shot his load into Stevie's mouth (Chip included).

When it was finally over Chip laid Stevie down on his bed while the others proceeded to clean up the room and put things away. Matt had to leave to go to a doctor's appointment. Which left just Mark, Dennis and Chip to continue on. Chip had a tear in his eye as he looked at Stevie's body. There were whip marks in many places, and splashes of cum on his chin and chest. And, of course, drying tears on his face.

Chip had a major lump in his throat as he stroked the back of Stevie's head, "Wow Squirt, you were something else! You are one crazy little dude!"

Stevie started to perk up, "He looked up at Chip and said, "I'm really sorry I spied on you!"

Chip patted him some more, "Yea I know, and I'm really proud of you for taking your punishment like you did! You are something else little brother!"

Chip was actually breathing a sigh of relief. He figured this would pretty much end things. Stevie had gone through a lot of punishment and had been punished enough. He threw a sheet over Stevie and told him to rest. Then he went over to the other side of the room to talk to the other guys. He was fairly confident that they would agree to just end things.

Then again, Dennis was there.

"Okay, so you have some big wooden stakes?" asked Dennis as he looked at Mark.

"Yea, we have this big tent thing that dad uses for outdoor parties, and there are all these wooden stakes, they should work fine," Mark said.

Chip chirped in, "Woah, what are you guys talking about?"

Dennis laughed, "The ant thing 3; you know 3; staking Stevie out in the ant pit like he said in his list of punishments!"

Chip snapped, "Hang on Bro! I think he's been punished enough! That's really pretty much over the top anyway."

Dennis responded loudly and mockingly, "Yea, I guess you are right. I figured that little shit would chicken out 3; he is kind of a pussy after all!"

Chip was about to respond when he caught a sudden flash of movement out of the corner of his eye.

One moment Dennis was standing there mouthing off and the next he was on the floor with a naked Stevie on top of him throwing punch after punch, "FUCK YOU Dennis! You're the REAL PUSSY! 3; Crying and begging in that chair 3; I'm GLAD you have to SUCK COCK 3; you ASSHOLE!" Stevie shouted as he flailed away at Dennis.

To say that the boys were taken by surprise would be an understatement 3; especially Dennis, who was in total shock. Chip and Mark were shocked too. They watched as Dennis tried to get up. He was bigger and stronger than little Stevie, but Stevie was one intense little dude.

Chip smiled as he remembered the scene in the park, when Stevie had come to his "rescue." Like the guy in the park, Dennis was managing to get in a few punches, but could not seem to dislodge Stevie, who continued to flail away.

Mark and Chip watched for a little while and started to laugh. Finally Mark looked at Chip and asked, "So you gonna break this up?"

Chip chuckled, "I guess I'd better. It is kind of fun to watch though 3; okay, I'll take care of Dennis, if you can take care of Stevie 3; won't be easy 3;"

Mark laughed, "Oh, looks like you get the easy one!"

It wasn't all that easy. It took a little doing, but Chip and Mark were eventually able to separate the two brothers.

When they were done, the two "sides" faced off against each other!

Chip had Dennis's arms locked behind him and Mark had Stevie in a similar position.

Chip tried to get things under control. He snarled at Dennis, "DUDE! What is your fucking problem?"

Dennis snapped right back mockingly, "DUDE! He's the problem! Like I said he is just a little chicken! I knew he would back out!"

Mark had everything he could do to hang on to Stevie's arms as Stevie snapped back, "I AIN'T NO CHICKEN! I can take my punishment a lot better than you asshole!"

Dennis laughed, "Yea RIGHT! So prove it!"

It was not the first time the brothers went at each other, and would definitely not be the last 3; brothers being brothers and all!

Eventually they both calmed down as a solution was reached. It was predictable, and as crazy as it sounded, it was the only one the gutsy little Stevie would accept 3; he would DO the ant pit punishment.

Dennis was willing to bet anything that Stevie would chicken out just before it went down, and decided he would do his best to scare the shit out of Stevie to make him back out just to prove he was right.

And so, an hour later 3; Chip, Dennis, Mark, and Stevie arrived at the torture house. Mark brought the four large wooden stakes, a sledge hammer and a couple of other items. Chip had four long pieces of rope, a blindfold, and a mesh bag about the size of a pillow case which he planned to put over Stevie's head to protect his head and face 3; if they actually did it. And Dennis brought his "smart-ass" grin.

Chip was having a difficult time dealing with it all as he spread a blanket under the shade tree by the corner of the house and told Stevie to sit down and wait. Then he and the other boys walked over to the pit. It was actually more of a large, circular gravel indentation in the ground. Chip noted thought the numbers of the nasty red ants had increased since he had last seen them.

Dennis and Mark wasted no time laying the stakes out around the pit. Mark picked up the first one and held it in place while Dennis began tapping it into the ground. The ground was hard but workable. As soon as the stake was couple of inches into the ground, Mark took his hand away and Dennis began to pound away with the sledge hammer.

He looked at Chip and said, "This won't take very long, so you might as well get the little shit ready!"

Chip sighed and walked back over to the blanket. He got a lump in his throat again as he looked down at young Stevie sitting there quietly. He sat down next to him warred his arm around him and said softly, "It's almost time little brother."

Stevie nodded and trembled.

Chip gave him a reassuring hug and said, "Look Stevie, you really don't have to do this. You have been punished enough."

Stevie flinched every time the sledge hammer hit the stake. They both looked over and watched as Dennis pounded away at the second stake. Dennis looked into the pit then over at Stevie and Chip.

"So did he chicken out yet?" he asked smartly.

Stevie took a deep breath and shook his head.

Dennis looked in the pit again and laughed, "That's cool little brother, cause these little guys look pretty hungry. And it looks like all this pounding is pissing them off."

Chip felt Stevie start to shake.

Stevie looked at Chip and said softly, "Chip I'm really scared!"

Chip hugged him harder, and repeated, "I told you, you don't have to do this. And just forget about Dennis, he is just a sadistic asshole."

Stevie looked over at Dennis pounding away at the stake. He had a wicked smile on his face and was actually licking his lips.

"I know, but I just ain't no chicken!" he said firmly.

Chip tried to talk Stevie out of it. In spite of the fact Stevie was clearly very scared, he couldn't get him to give in. He thought that as the oldest brother he should just put his foot down, but couldn't bring himself to do it. Like it or not there was just enough of a sadist in him to keep his love for Stevie to win out. The thought of seeing a bound naked guy suffering was a turn on. Didn't matter if it was his own brother, or not. It was still exciting. Even more so, since he was doing it willingly, which made it even better.

Dennis started on the third stake and Chip sighed, "Well little brother, since I can't seem to talk you out of it, I guess I better get you ready. So stand up."

Stevie nodded and slowly rose to his feet. He couldn't take his eyes off of Dennis pounding away.

Chip slowly removed Stevie's sneakers and socks. He pulled Stevie's T-shirt off and tossed it on the blanket. Stevie trembled slightly as Chip pulled his shorts down and off. He smiled as he saw the tent in Stevie's tight white little briefs. He had decided to leave them on for the moment. Dennis said he would remove them, once Stevie reached the pit.

Chip finished by tying long pieces of rope around Stevie's wrists and ankles. They were long enough to reach the four stakes, so Stevie would be spread really wide in the pit.

He finished with the ropes, just as Dennis finished pounding in the last stake.

Dennis smiled as he saw Stevie standing there waiting nervously, "Okay, we're ready for him!" He gestured to the pit and chuckled, "And so are they!"

Chip put his hand on the back of Stevie's neck, "This is just about your last chance little brother. Just say the word."

Stevie shook some more. His eyes watered as he stared at the stakes sticking up from the pit. He saw the evil look on Dennis's face and whispered to Chip, "Chip please promise me one thing!"

Chip said, "Anything little dude!"

Stevie swallowed, his lip quivered as he stammered, "Just promise me that no matter what happens 3; no matter how much I scream, you will make sure they keep me in the pit for the full 30 minutes 3; and umm 3; well if I do start to beg 3; and ask to be untied 3; you will um 3; maybe gag me 3; and make me stay for a full hour!"

Chip felt Stevie tremble. He looked at the tent in his briefs, and knew instinctively that some portion of Stevie's reckless courage was coming from his groin.

He patted Stevie on the back of his head and said, "Well, if it is what you want, I will promise you that I will make sure you do the full 30 minutes, BUT, I don't care what you say, that will be it! No more! That is more than enough time dude!" Chip could not bring himself to make Stevie suffer any more than that.

Stevie nodded, and said, "Okay, thanks Chip."

And then it began.

Chip walked Stevie to the edge of the pit. Mark and Dennis looked like two waiting executioners, standing on either side of the pit.

When they arrived, Stevie looked down into the pit, he saw the red ants running around and his knees weakened. Chip steadied him and whispered in his ear, "This is your last chance, bro!"

Stevie looked at the four stakes. He looked at the angry red ants and then at Dennis who was smiling and rubbing his crotch. He took a deep breath and said softly, "Let's just get it over with, okay?"

Chip patted Stevie's head and said, "Okay little brother, we will! Just remember how much I love you! You are one wild ass, crazy chipmunk!"

That seemed to perk Stevie up considerably. Although he hated when people commented about his "chipmunk-like" facial cheeks, he really loved it when Chip called him "Chipmunk." It was Chip's special term of endearment, and one that was just between the two of them.

Chip stepped back, looked at Dennis and said, "Okay bro, he's your for now."

Dennis smiled as he approached. He ran his hands up and down Stevie's chest and stomach, gestured towards the pit and said, "I think they are gonna really enjoy getting a taste of this nice little body!"

Stevie trembled.

Dennis laughed as he pulled out a pocket knife and flipped it open.

"Yea, and we definitely wouldn't want to deprive them of your sweetest parts!"

He grabbed the waistband of Stevie's little briefs and proceeded to cut them off. Two quick cuts was all it took. He ripped Stevie's briefs off and tossed them into the pit. They all watched as a bunch of ants started crawling all over them.

"Yea, that should give them a taste of what's coming!" Dennis chuckled.

Stevie swallowed hard as he watched the ants crawling all over the remnants of his undies. He was scared, but somehow remained totally hard.

Dennis nodded at Mark and said, "Okay Mark, why don't you do that little demonstration you told me about."

Now it was Chip's turn to tremble as he watched Mark pick up a hotdog on a string and a tube of Icy Hot. If Dennis learned about it, he was sure to pass it on to Pete and Andy, who would almost definitely use it against him!

Mark dangled the hot dog in front of Stevie and said, "Watch this Dude!"

Stevie watched as Mark lowered the hot dog into the pit. As soon as it reached the ground, a bunch of ants started climbing on to it. They seemed to be attacking it. Mark let Stevie watch for a bit, then pulled the hotdog back out. He shook the ants off and then started rubbing the Icy Hot on the hot dog.

"Okay, now check this out!"

As soon as the dog was coated, he lowered it into the pit.

Stevie's eyes widened as he watched what happened. This time the ants started swarming all over the hot dog. They looked really angry and were clearly attacking it. Mark dropped the string into the pit, squeezed a bunch of Icy Hot on his fingers and stepped closer to Stevie.

Stevie's eyes were glued on the hot dog, which was now totally covered with angry ants.

Mark smiled as he began applying the Icy Hot to various parts of Stevie's naked body, "I think you got the picture!"

He smeared some in Stevie's arm pits, then on his nipples, navel and all over his ass. He knelt down and coated Stevie's toes with the stuff, then stood back up.

Dennis jumped in at this point, grabbed the tube of Icy Hot and snickered, "Here, let me take care of the best parts!"

He squeezed a large amount of the ointment into his hand and proceeded to coat Stevie's cock and balls with it as he chuckled, "Yea, I wouldn't want then to miss out on your fun parts little brother."

Stevie kept his eyes on the hot dog as Dennis rubbed the ointment all over his privates. It took just about a minute for the burning sensation to kick, and he started to fidget and sweat! "OH GOD!" he moaned, as he felt his balls begin to burn.

At this point Chip jumped in and said, "Well, I guess we should get this over with."

He guided Stevie to the side of the pit. He whispered into his ear, "Just hang in there Chipmunk. Remember I love you! This will be over soon."

Stevie could only manage a nod.

Chip put the blindfold on, then slipped the mess bag over his head, and secured it snuggly around his neck. He was hoping it would be enough to keep the ants away from getting to his face, but had a brush ready, just in case.

As planned, he had Stevie lay down on the ground on his back with his hands above his head and his feet together. Once he said, "Go", he would grab Stevie's arms, Dennis and Mark would grab his feet. The would lift him up, walk over to the pit, lay him down on his back, and then quickly tie his ankles and wrists to the four stakes in a really tight spread eagle. Then they would step back and watch Stevie suffer. All three had brushes ready to knock the ants off once it was over.

Chip looked down at Stevie. He was breathing hard and trembling. His nice sized cock, though not overly large, was still sticking straight up. Chip took a deep breath, looked at Mark and Dennis, nodded and said, "GO!"

They lifted Stevie up, walked and lowered him into the pit. It took less than a minute to secure his wrists and ankles to the stakes. Chip finished the wrists first and smiled as he watched Dennis and Mark pull on Stevie's ankles to ensure he was stretched painfully tight.

The three stood up, stepped back and watched. Chip checked his watch. As excited as he was, he really didn't want Stevie to suffer any longer than necessary.

It took a few more minutes before the ants started to do their "thing."

It started with several climbing onto Stevie's body. They ran all over. Chip figured they must be like scouts, or something. It wasn't long before they were joined by a lot more.

Stevie started to sweat and squirm. As more and more ants climbed on, he began to moan. It didn't appear like they were "attacking" just yet, but Chip knew from experience that a big part of this "torture" was the sensation of feeling them on your skin and being unable to brush them off. That was maddening! Of course the worse part was when they actually started attacking 3; biting 3; and stinging. And judging from Stevie's gasps, that was beginning to happen.

Stevie started panting fast and began pulling at his bonds as the attacks began.

"OH MY GOD!" he shouted 3; "OH SHIT! FUCK!!!!! AGGGHHHHHH!"

It was hard to figure out just where most of the pain was coming from. The ants seemed to be everywhere!

Stevie's screams grew louder.


He started thrashing wildly and then began to scream as the swarming began.

It happened so fast. One moment they were everywhere and the next they began swarming to all of the points where the icy hot was 3; his arm pits were full of angry red ants 3; his nipples totally surrounded 3; his navel was being attacked 3; his toes assailed, and his cock and balls completely covered.

Fifteen minutes after it all started, Stevie was screaming in agony. He tried in vain to shake the ants off but couldn't. A bunch had found his Icy Hot coated ass and were giving it their full attention.


At twenty minutes, Stevie was crying loudly and begging to be released.


Chip kept a close watch on the time and Stevie's sweating body. He felt for his little brother, and damned himself for the fact that in spite of his feelings for Stevie, he was so incredibly turned on.

He glanced over at Dennis. Dennis looked at him and gave him a wicked wink which made Chip shudder. He knew exactly what was on Dennis's mind, and knew that Pete and Andy would soon know ALL about this!

At about 25 minutes, the ants seemed to be trying to get to Stevie's face. Chip brushed them off of the mess bag.

Stevie was totally lost in the pain now. Thankfully, his hard-on had gone down, which meant there was less exposed skin to attack. Still they kept at it and Stevie's screams continued.

Dennis was clearly enjoying himself watching Stevie suffer. He had his hand inside his shorts and was stroking his own cock.

The second hand ticked over to thirty and Chip shouted 3; "Okay, that's it! Thirty minutes! Let's get him out!"

Mark and Chip quickly began untying the ropes. It took a some loud coaxing and threats from Chip for Dennis to help out. As soon as he was untied, they lifted him out of the pit and laid him down. Chip and Mark worked feverously to brush the remaining ants off his body. Dennis did too, albeit with a lot less enthusiasm.

As soon as they were done, Chip picked Stevie up and carried him over to the blanket. He laid him down and removed the ropes, mesh bag and blindfold. Stevie curled up in a ball and started crying.

Chip started crying too as he looked at Stevie's ravaged little body. There were red marks everywhere. Some of them looked pretty nasty. He tried patting Stevie, but couldn't find a single spot to touch that wouldn't cause him to scream.

Chip felt really bad. His own hard-on had gone down as he looked at his suffering little brother.

He looked at Mark and inquired, "Dude, do we still have some of that powder for soaking in the house?"

Mark nodded.

"Okay, well go ahead and fill the tub with some luke warm water. The water heater is on 3; and put a punch of that powder in the water."

Mark ran off.

Chip knelt beside Stevie, stroked his hair and said softly, "I'm sorry Chipmunk! I really am. I am gonna make it up to you!"

It took a moment for Stevie to react. He uncurled a little looked at Chip through watery eyes and stammered, "I Did IT! 3; uh 3; Like I said I would! 3; Did I make you proud Chip?"

Chip's eyes watered, as he patted Stevie's matted hair, "Yea, Chipmunk, you did!"

Stevie smiled and then curled up.

Mark returned a few minutes later and announced the bath was ready. He offered to help carry Stevie, but Chip just waved him off. He picked Stevie up and rushed him into the house. When he got to the bathroom, he carefully lowered Stevie into the tub, making sure he was totally immersed in the water up to his neck.

"Okay, little brother, there's some stuff in the water that should help relieve the pain and reduce any swelling. You just need to relax and soak for awhile. And then when you are done we've got some cream I'll put on which will help even more. Okay?"

Stevie smiled weekly and nodded.

Chip was about to leave when Stevie whispered, "Can you stay here with me?"

Chip smiled, sat down on the floor and said, "Sure!"

They sat in silence for well over thirty minutes. Chip had no idea what Dennis and Mark were doing. It wasn't a big thing though, since Mark was showing Dennis the new torture board and the two were discussing some potential tortures, which didn't include the tunnel, oddly enough.

Stevie had managed to drift off to sleep while the waters worked on his ravaged body. Chip kept a close watch, for fear Stevie's face would slip under the water.

Finally Stevie opened his eyes and looked at Chip. He smiled weakly and chuckled, "Dude, I think I am starting to prune up!"

Chip laughed, "Actually I think that just might help!"

He looked at Stevie's body and noted that the red marks had receded quite a bit. There were a lot of them, but were all pretty tiny now.

Stevie looked himself over and chuckled, "Yea, I think you are right. I do feel a lot better."

Chip smiled and said, "Well, we have some cream that will help a lot too! Once you get out of the tub, I'll rub it on you. You'll need to soak a few more times the next couple of days as well!"

Stevie smiled some more, "So I did good Chip? Taking my punishment and all? I bet Dennis is pissed that I made it! Although I did beg and all."

Chip laughed, "Yea, I guess he is pissed, cause he seemed to have his heart set on you chickening out! And don't worry about the begging 3; hell I would have done the same thing!"

Stevie's eyes twinkled, "Really? You would have begged too?"

Chip rubbed his hair and laughed, "No question! Those fucking ants are really wicked."

They chatted for several more minutes. Stevie gave Chip all the details about what he felt as the ants began attacking his various body parts. His toes drove him crazy, but his cock and balls were what really made him start to beg.

Chip listened intently and was about to tell Stevie to get out of the tub, when Stevie gave him a dirty little smile and said teasingly, "Well, um since I did good 3; I was just wondering if you could 3; um just take care of one thing 3; um 3; since I did good."

Chip smiled and said, "Sure, you name it Chipmunk! What is it?"

Stevie's eyes looked down the tub. Chip's eyes followed and he saw it 3; Stevie's ravaged cock was hard once again and was sticking up out of the water.

The look on Stevie's face said it all.

Chip laughed and said, "Dude, come on are you sure? The damn thing must be pretty fucking sore. I mean look at all the red marks on it!"

Stevie laughed, "Yea, it is really sore and all, but I still would like it if you could 3; you know make it go down!"

He grabbed Chip's hand and placed it on his hard cock.

Chip started to stroke it slowly. Stevie leaned back and the tub and started to moan. Chip stroked a little faster, and Stevie moaned louder. It took a few minutes for Chip to realize that whatever pain Stevie was feeling was being surpassed by the pleasure he had from having his big brother's hand on his boyhood.

He continued to stroke. He could tell Stevie was getting close and suddenly realized what he needed to do. To Stevie's disappointment he stopped stroking. He had him get out of the tub and proceeded to towel him off gently. He silenced Stevie's protests with a simple "Trust me!" as he patted him dry.

Then he dropped to his knees in front of Stevie. He stared at Stevie's hard cock, covered with red marks, leaned in and took it into his mouth. He could tell Stevie was still in pain, so he proceeded cautiously 3; teasing Stevie's cock with his tongue ever so gently.

It didn't take long!

One minute Stevie was moaning and the next he was panting and ramming his cock in and out of Chip's mouth as he shot his little load. It wasn't very big, but it was more than he had ever shot before.

When it was over, the two collapsed on the floor and hugged. Both were feeling a lot better and would have remained cuddled that way for awhile longer had not the door burst open and a familiar voice reigned down on them.

"Well, will you look at this! What a beautiful picture of brotherly love! You guys need to get a room!"

It was Dennis, of course!

Chip glared at Dennis as he and Stevie separated, "What's up Dennis?"

Dennis laughed, "Well Mark and I put all the shit away, so we are heading back home. He wants to mess with Matt when he gets back from his doctor's appointment and he said I could help. Just wanted to let you know. So if you want, you can stay here and mess with our pussy little brother for a while longer!"

There was a momentary pause, then a flash of movement!

Stevie jumped to his feet and launched himself at Dennis as he shouted, "I AIN'T NO PUSSY! YOU'RE THE REAL PUSSY!"

Luckily for Dennis, Chip was just a little faster than Stevie. He wrapped his arm around Stevie's little waist and "reigned" him in. "Hold on there Tiger!" he giggled as he pulled Stevie back.

"Come on, you know Dennis, he's just messing with you! Right Dennis?"

Dennis saw the look on Chip's face. Like it or not, he knew Chip was right, it was exactly what he was doing. And like it or not, he really was impressed with Stevie, though it was really tough for him to admit it.

He looked at how hard Chip was struggling to keep Stevie under control and finally smiled and laughed as he looked at his wild little brother, "Yea, Chip is right. I was just messing with you little dude! You did real good. Guess you're not a chicken or a pussy after all!"

And with that he was gone.

Chip and Stevie remained locked together for awhile. Both seemed to be in shock. The only thing that could have shocked them any more would if Dennis had said I love you. THAT would have given them heart attacks!

Chip eventually un-wrapped his arm from around Stevie's waist. He got the ointment and rubbed it all over Stevie's body. It pretty much happened in total silence, except for Chip's few simple directions to lie down and then roll over.

All three brothers were now lost in thought.

In spite of the residual pain, Stevie was really enjoying the fact that his oldest brother, Chip, was carefully applying the soothing ointment to his body. He loved it when Chip touched him and dreamed about being able to touch Chip in the same way. Even better, to make Chip do "nasty" stuff too 3; and maybe even torture him. And the more he thought about torturing Chip, the more excited he got. And the more he thought about making Dennis continue the sucking thing, the more excited he got. Still it was pretty crazy at the end, when Dennis said what he said!

Chip was lost in his own thoughts! He was still really troubled by the fact he got turned on watching Stevie suffer through all of his punishments 3; especially the ant thing! Worse was the fact that he was seriously thinking about ways he could make it up to Stevie! What could he possibly do to make it up to him? To make him feel less guilty for putting him through all this shit. Stevie moaned as Chip applied more ointment to his chest and rubbed it in. Chip pretty much knew what he was gonna do. It made sense. Well as much sense as it could 3; Chip was hard once again! And when you are hard, some things make sense that wouldn't under other circumstances!

Meanwhile Dennis was on his way to Mark's house. He was really looking forward to messing with Matt in a big way. He wanted to hear him scream really loud as he tortured his naked body. He wondered if Chip would scream louder, 3; if he were given the chance. And he really wanted that chance. The way things were looking, he might just get that chance! He had found out about Chip's little deal with Pete and Andy and was determined to help them win! And once they did, they had promised to "give" Chip to him for a few days!

Chip finished applying the soothing ointment to Stevie's body and helped him dress. He was pretty damn impressed with how resilient his little brother was.

They locked up the house, climbed on their bikes and headed home.

Chip was once again lost in thought as they rode 3; so many thoughts 3; he had the upcoming deal with Pete and Andy 3; he had Stevie's and Mark's Birthday Present, which was definitely gonna involve Aaron, and him 3; yea 3; him 3; that was gonna be the big surprise for them! 3;

Two troubling questions remained though 3;

First of all 3; what was up with Dennis? Did he really care about either one of his brothers? Chip thought about Dennis's parting remark 3; "Yea, Chip is right. I was just messing with you little dude! You did real good. Guess you're not a chicken or a pussy after all!"

He smiled as he realized, that was probably as close as Dennis would ever come to telling Stevie he loved him as a brother. And brothers do tend to have "love/hate" relationships!

The second was the related to his recent experience in "the chair!" He had done it as an afternoon "thrill" and really never expected anyone else to be part of it. But two guys were! Two guys who could not possibly have been there! All had been accounted for! Had he missed something? Who were those two guys who had actually messed with him in that chair? 3;

Notes! Notes! Notes!

I am pretty much backed up with storyline suggestions at this point! This particular chapter was an attempt to clear out a large number of suggestions. I got so many requests about Stevie 3; I just went ahead and DID IT! LOL! And in the process, I hope I have 'fleshed out' even more about the 'Three Brothers' and their character! This story is all about them after all! 3; Chip 3; Dennis 3; and Stevie! And their relationships 3; between each other and their friends 3; which can get pretty freaking tumultuous at times! Is all part of 'boys being boys!'

A MAJOR NOTE to all who have submitted suggestions! Please continue to hang in there! I am incorporating MANY into the story as I can! Just feeding them in there slowly! We are getting really close to the Chip/Pete/Andy deal now 3; and the thingee with Aaron. Feet and exercises will be in both!

And finally, to the 'Flamers' 3; GIVE IT UP! I am NOT gonna stop writing this series! If you have issues, deal with it! And the best way is to just stop reading! Don't know why you continue to read if you have 'issues' with some of my themes!

Anyway! Thank you SO MUCH for the 'Non-Flamers!' Your suggestions and comments continue to fuel the muse! No promises to where the story will turn next! The characters are now in control. They have taken on a life of there own and I follow. Still I still maintain some control 3; so continue to email your suggestions and desires!

Biggest question now 3; "Who were the two guys who messed with Chip in the chair when he was fooling around and got burnt? I know who they were! Chip doesn't! Do you have an idea who they were?"
