PZA Boy Stories

Scott Westwood

Boys Love Torture

Chapter 30
Of Deals, Bets And Brothers!

Story Notes

Once again a little bit of philosophizing and such before the chapter starts.

First and foremost, though this series and this chapter in particular, does include some 'contact' between men and boys, it is not intended to condone such actions in real life. Fantasies are one thing, but actually acting on ones that 'cross the line' is another thing all together. I shouldn't have to spell it out! Nuff said about that!

This series is 'based' on some real life experiences. I say 'based' because what happens here does go WELL beyond those real life ones.

I continue to enjoy reflecting on, and exploring certain wild and crazy 'tendencies' that I have noticed in 'boys'. Well, boys of pretty much all ages.

It starts at an early age, when the first drops of true male hormones begin flowing. Boys begin thinking with two heads. As they enter their teen years, it's the one between their legs that takes over very quickly.

That's about the time they enter a state of round-the-clock horniness. Athletics and rough competitive activities can help keep the 'urges' in check, but do at times do nothing more than 'fuel' the flames.

Want to get a teenage boy to make a 'wild and crazy' bet? Or do a 'wild and crazy dare?' Well, for most it's simple 3; just get him horned out of his mind 3; not that hard to do with many of them.

What seems like an exciting deal, bet or dare when you are super horned, may seem a lot different, after the fact.

Regardless of that, there is this 'HUGE' Guy Rule 3; that states 'A Bet Is A Bet!' no matter how 'ill-conceived' it is. And 'GUYS' do not 'Welch' on bets, deals or accepted dares! That's just the way it is.

And oh yes, horny guys are much more prone to enter into 'open ended' arrangements where 'Anything Goes.' That also tends to hold especially true for jocks, who tend to have inflated views of there capabilities when it comes to facing challenges.

Moral of this? If you do make a bet with another guy, whether drunk or sober, consider your 'horniness' level at the time and also consider the fact that you may actually end up losing!

Finally, for those who may have concerns about the 'Tom/Chip' thing 3; fear not 3; Tom has served his primary purpose as a story link and plot element, but will not be on center stage! That place is reserved for the 'Boys of BLT!' 3; LOL!

Lastly, I have continued to receive numerous requests for more 'coverage' of the Peterson brothers (Chip, Dennis and Stevie). For those who have requested that, there is a major part of this Chapter just for you. Once more I delve into exploring the mind, body and desires of Chip.

And so, on with the story 3;


Chip really was incredibly turned on. He was naked and tied to the chair with his legs spread wide, and totally immobilized.

The video feed from the Dungeon House showed Dennis being paddled hard by Mark and Kevin. That helped keep Chip worked up, which, of course was what Tom had intended.

Tom patted Chip on the shoulder and waited for Chip to give him the list of the five things he would endure as the final part of their deal. Chip loved making other guys do this very thing, although he was excited about having to do it himself, he was just a little scared.

He was about to speak when he and Tom heard a noise from outside.

Tom squeezed Chip's shoulder and said, "Hold that thought", just before he rushed out of the room.

When he reached the living room area, Tom heard the sound of a car coming to a stop out in front of the house. He peaked through the blinds cautiously. He was a little concerned at first, but relaxed when he saw the two guys climb out of the car.

One he did not recognize. He appeared to be around 18 or so. He was rather short but had a lean body and a cute face. Tom recognized the other guy immediately. He had seen his face in the papers a lot, and knew that besides being the star senior quarterback for the college team, he had also been the star of the boy's little arena show.

For the moment, they were just standing out front talking.

Tom ran back to the kitchen, looked at Chip and said, "We have company. The one guy is your college friend, you know the quarterback. They other one I don't recognize."

He gave Chip a quick description. Chip smiled and said, "Well, I'm sure that's Jesse. It has to be."

Chip gave Tom a quick run-down of what had happened the day before. He mentioned that Jesse was "joining" their "club" and that Cody was, for now Jesse's slave.

Chip was surprised when Tom left him tied to the chair and left the room. His cock hardened some more as he considered the very real possibility that he was about to have a bigger audience for his tortures. Hell, if their roles were reversed, it's what he would do.

Cody and Jesse looked up in surprise when the door of the house opened and this older guy walked out on the porch and smiled at them.

"Can I help you guys?" Tom inquired.

Jesse and Cody looked at each for a moment, then Cody said, "Well, we were just looking around."

Tom smiled some more and said, "That's okay, you guys can come in if you want. So are you guys in the club here?"

That took them both by surprise. At first they didn't respond.

Tom nodded and said, "Hey don't worry, I know all about it. In fact I help support this place for the owner, so it's all cool." He winked at Cody and said, "Oh and yea I caught your act in the arena show. It was a good fight. Can't say I was sorry to see you lose, cause I liked watching your punishment."

"So anyway, you're welcome to stay, in fact I've got something going on you may be interested in 3; maybe want to assist me with."

That got their interest, so they followed Tom inside. They didn't know quite what to expect. Both gasped when they reached the kitchen and saw Chip tied in the chair.

Tom chuckled, "I'm sure you two know this guy!"

"Yea, sure!" Cody managed to stammer. Cody's cock and balls tingled as he saw how hard Chip's teen cock was. Jesse's tried to harden inside the chastity device, but couldn't.

Tom let the three of them stare at each other for a few minutes as he reconsidered his plan. Sure he like doing things to other guys, but he also liked setting things up for other guys to play off of each other. An idea popped into his head that excited him. He would turn this into a sort of training session for the new guy.

"Well, okay, so what are your names?"

They told him through quivering lips.

"Okay, Cody and Jesse, here's the thing. I just made this big deal with Chip here that's gonna help you all out a lot. As part of it he's agreed to `seal the deal' by sacrificing his own body 3; five ummm 3; sacrifices to be exact. I think you know the type."

Both nodded.

"Not only that, he has to name them!" Tom continued.

Tom looked at Chip and said, "Well, in light of the fact we now have some more participants, you might want to revise your list, so I'll give you a few minutes to think."

While Chip was thinking, Tom pulled Jesse out of the room and earshot of the others.

"I understand Cody is your slave boy now?" he asked.

Jesse smiled, "Yea he is. Has to do whatever I say."

"Well then I have a wild idea. Might not work for everything, but what's say we work the two of them together. Whatever Chip comes up with, Cody will have to do too 3; hopefully at the same time. We won't tell them that until Chip gives us his list."

Jesse thought it sounded like fun, and readily agreed.

They returned to the kitchen. Chip looked at Tom and said, "I've got it Sir, I'm ready."

Tom and the others listened as Chip proceeded to "name his own poison."

"Okay, first off, you can keep me tied like this and use some of the electrical torture gear on my cock and balls. You can even use the little metal rod that goes inside my cock. Guess you could torture me for like an hour with that."

"Then you could tie me on one of the torture boards in the front room, and hang weights from my balls and use the clothespins and clamps on me."

"Okay, and out in the barn, we still have those dildo boards from the frat house. They have five dildo's mounted on them, that get increasingly bigger. You could grease them up, cuff my hands behind my back and make me ride each one back and forth until I cum."

"Another thing is take me outside, make me piss on myself. Then you all piss on me and make me jack off again, until I cum while covered with piss. Maybe have me suck toes too."

"Lastly, umm throw me in the back seat of your car, still naked. Drop me off somewhere with my hands cuffed behind my back and the key taped to my chest and make me get back here, or home."

He took a deep breath and said, "Hope that's all okay. I guess if you really wanted to, you could do the ant torture with the jar set up we have in the dining room."

Tom had Chip explain the last one in detail. Jesse seemed fascinated as Chip explained how the guy would be strapped down on the table on his stomach, with his cock and balls sticking through the round hold. A gallon jar, filled with a bunch of red ants would then be pushed up and secured against the hole so the guy's genitals were inside the jar with the ants.

Jesse and Cody both knew about those types of ants. They were nasty and delivered nasty stings and bites. Both cringed at the thought of those ants attacking their cock and balls.

Tom considered Chip's list. All were possible to do at the same time with the exception of the ant one, since there was just that one setup. Still he'd like to see that. He'd especially like to see the hot senior quarterback suffer through that one, with his huge cock and big balls.

""Okay, guess we'd better get started. Before w do, we've got a little prep work to take care of."

Chip, Cody and Jesse watched as Tom pulled another chair in position, facing Chip. He pulled another set of leather ankle and wrist restraints and rope out of a cabinet, tossed them to Jesse and said, "Okay Jesse, go ahead and secure your slave boy in that chair, the same way Chip is."

Cody was surprised, but followed Jesse's directions. It took several minutes for Cody to be tied the same way Chip was 3; naked, with his hands tied behind the back of the chair, ankles and knees tied off so he couldn't move. Like Chip, Cody felt helpless and exposed with his legs spread so wide and his cock and balls highly vulnerable.

Both "victims" watched as Tom set up the electrical torture controls on the table. He wrapped some band's around their hard cocks and tapped some metal plates to their balls. When he was ready to insert the rod in Chip's cock, he looked at Jesse and said, "Okay Jesse, you do the same things to Cody. You need to be careful and do it just like I am."

Jesse watched and followed along.

He greased the thin metal rod, pried Cody's piss slit open and slowly slid it down inside Cody's throbbing hard cock. Like Chip, Cody trembled and moaned as the rod slid inside.

It wasn't a pleasurable feeling. It tickled a little and itched.

With the rods in place, Tom attached all the wires to the cock bands, ball plates, and the rods. He set the control box to run "in tandem" so that Chip and Cody would feel the same thing.

He completed his preparations by giving Chip and Cody a pill. Both knew what they were for. Both were already painfully hard and knew the pill would keep them that way for a long while.

It had already been a day of surprises for them all. Tom continued that by setting up a Webcam and connecting to the show site. It would be a little tricky covering it with just the one cam, but couldn't resist making the effort.

Cody trembled when he realized what was happening. He was going to be on the Webcam 3; naked 3; completely exposed 3; fully aroused 3; and this time without a mask. His heart pounded as he considered the possibility that he might be recognized.

The final surprise came when Tom called Jesse to his side, handed him a pill and glass of water and said, "Take this now!"

Jesse looked at the pill and stammered, "But Sir, I umm have this chastity thing on my cock. It won't let me get hard."

Tom laughed, "That's fine with me, just take the pill. That's your price of admission today."

Jesse was scared, but swallowed the pill. Tom smiled and thought, "It's gonna be fun watching this kid start to squirm when his cock tries to get hard anyway."

Tom made one last check on his laptop screen. The camera angle was wide for the moment and clearly showed the two naked jocks, secured in chair 3; boned up 3; with wires attached to their genitals. The chat room was filling up.

Tom had Jesse take over the chatting part of things. He told Jesse that the sound would be on, but not to worry about talking to him to pass on what was being said in chat. The last adjustment he made was to turn the sound on, on the electrical control box. It made a buzzing sound whenever charges were applied, and made it more exciting for those watching 3; hearing the electrical buzzing along with the moans and then screams.

Chip and Cody Suffer

Tom started things off, by giving them both a series of shocks. He switched between the rods, cock bands and balls plates. They were mild shocks, but made both of them gasp and tremble.

For the next round, he zoomed in and Chip's cock and balls, so the viewers could see the set up. That got a lot of wild comments in chat. Jesse confirmed that both of them had a metal rod inserted in their piss slits, and that got the viewers even more excited.

Tom remained in closeup as he shocked them again. You could see Chip's body tremble and jerk with every buzz and hear him gasp.

He repeated the same thing with Cody's genitals in closeup.

Not surprisingly, the viewers pressed for stronger and stronger shocks, as well as some facial shots. Tom obliged and provided both. He knew from experience that, in addition to the genital shots, viewers did like seeing facials as well, so they could see that suffering.

And suffer they did.

Tom was actually quite good at using the equipment. He could use it to tickle, but also to deliver what felt like sharp needles.

He built to a crescendo of pain and suffering for both of the hot naked jocks. By the time he reached the 30 minute point, both were drenched in sweat and gasping for air. Both had started screaming and pulling violently at their bonds when the hardest shocks coursed through their sensitive, and overly aroused manly parts.

Tom knew that this type of scene was made more exciting by the fact that the two were experiencing it together. Both were highly competitive by nature, were body proud, and neither one wanted to be the first one to break down and beg.

Tom was just about ready to start another round when something interesting happened.

Cody looked over at Chip, whose eyes were filled with tears. Chip was shaking quite a bit, and sort of whimpering. Cody looked at Tom and said, "Hey Dude, I think he's had enough. So unhook him please. You can do extra with me, if you like, but he's had enough."

Tom was about to ask Jesse to get opinions from the chat room when Chip looked up, took a deep breath and said, "Hey, I can handle it! Don't worry about me."

Chip seemed to perk up some more after he said it. Cody got a lump in his throat as he looked at Chip. His life had changed a lot since meeting him. Though he was Chip's slave now, he began to realize he had some other feelings for Chip. The truth was he loved being at the mercy of the plucky and gutsy 15 year old jock. He loved everything that Chip made him do 3; a lot. While he liked being pushed and tortured by Chip, he got most excited when Chip came up with ways to humiliate him.

He had almost cum in his jeans when Chip mentioned that he would be turned over to that bunch of bratty 12 and 13 year old punks in the park.

Cody's daze-like state ended when Tom delivered a strong shock to the rod inside his and Chip's cock. Both gasped, screamed and pulled at their bonds.


For the remainder of the 30 minutes, Tom delivered shock after shock in rapid succession to Cody's and Chip's cocks and balls. Both screamed each time. Both had tears in their eyes, and both remained painfully boned.

When Tom finally switched off the box, the viewers in chat were clamoring to see the two hot sweaty, suffering jocks cum.

Tom got Jesse to hold them off by promising that would happen soon enough.

Jesse managed to keep most of the viewers with the promise that another session was coming up.

Tom worked as quickly as he could, to release Cody and Chip, lead them into the living room and secure them spread eagled on the upright torture boards, facing each other, both quivered as he tied a rope around Chip's balls, then stretched it over to Cody, and tied the other end around his balls.

The movement of the laptop and Webcam was a little rough, but worked out. The viewers seemed pleased when they saw the next setup. They seemed even more excited when Tom made Chip look into the camera and explain that he had chosen this stuff for himself.

"So I hope you keep watching. We're still facing some nasty stuff."

By now, Jesse had pretty much accepted Tom's role, as the guy he charge. He didn't object when Tom ordered him to strip as well.

Jesse pulled off all his clothes and dropped them on the floor. He blushed slightly as Tom looked him over.

"Well, I can see why you're distressed there Jesse. That is a small cock cage, isn't it," Tom chuckled.

Jesse could only manage a nod, and a nervous comment, "Yea, it is and is starting to hurt. My cock keeps trying to get hard in there."

Tom wanted to kid Jesse some more, but had a Webcam show to run.

The viewers seemed pleased when Jesse entered the picture. He wasn't a hot jock but had a nice compact little body. They were amused by the fact he was wearing a chastity device.

The excitement continued to mount as Jesse followed Tom's instructions. He hung weights on the ropes that connected their balls until their balls were stretched out as far as possible and both were sweating and grunting.

Tom followed Jesse back and forth as he put clothespins and clamps on their bodies. Each gasped when he attached the clothespins to their nipples. They moaned when he attached some to their sides and inner thighs.

Jesse got the biggest reactions when he clipped a bunch of them on their hard cocks and outstretched balls.

Tom made sure he got plenty of close-ups of their cocks, balls, and anguished faces.

Jesse really seemed to be enjoying himself, making Chip and Cody suffer. Tom told Jesse to focus on Chip for a bit while he chatted. He locked the camera down, focused on Chip and Jesse and smiled as he watched Jesse flick his finger against some of the clothespins and on Chip's painfully stretched balls.

In the chat room, Tom explained that both guys had been given pills that would help ensure they stayed erect the entire time. Guys continued to push to see them cum, but were satisfied to wait when Tom explained that they would be doing a dildo race.

He described it and noted that both of the guys would have their hands cuffed behind their backs, and would have to continue riding the dildos until they came. That satisfied just about everyone.

Tom instructed Jesse to continue torturing Chip while he ran out to the barn.

He found the dildo boards quickly enough and was able to set them up himself, side by side. He greased them with some lube and then headed back to the house.

His plan was to try and follow Chip and Cody as Jesse led them outside and into the barn. It would be a little awkward with the laptop setup, but it was wireless, and the range of the router did cover the barn.

When he returned he shifted the camera onto Cody and let Jesse do the same with him for a few minutes.

When it came time to remove the clamps, and clothespins, everyone got excited.

Chip and Cody gasped as the clothespins were removed. Tom knew this was usually the most painful part of the process, when the blood rushed back into the areas that had been pinched.

They maintained their viewers as Jesse released Chip and Cody, but promptly, and roughly cuffed their hands behind their backs.

The walk to the barn was sort of crazy. The camera work was a little shaky, but everyone seemed to enjoy watching the two naked jocks walk across the open area to the barn.

Once again, the excitement rose when they entered the barn.

Tom panned the camera up and down the length of the two dildo boards. The dildo's got larger from one end to the other. The last one was quite large.

Standing there at the end of the boards, Cody looked at Chip and smirked, "Way to go Chip! Hope you're happy."

Chip looked at the dildos and cringed. It seemed like a good idea when he had said it, but now the dildos looked even bigger than he remembered.

Chip looked at Cody and said, "So you scared there big boy? Wanna make a side bet?"

Cody chuckled, "Yea, sure why not? What's the bet?"

Chip said, "Okay, it's gonna have to be, you know twisted and kinky. So how about the loser, the guy who cums last, get's turned over to the brats for a day, and anything goes, except for getting arrested."

Cody thought about it. The "brats", as Chip called them were that little bunch of 12 and 13 year old punks who hung out in the park. Cody knew tem from the Arena thing. They were nasty little punks.

He thought about what Chip had said. In his heightened state of arousal, he couldn't resist making the bet a tough one.

"Okay, how about we make it for a weekend. And for this one, anything will go except for just one thing 3; and that is something that will get the loser arrested for sure 3; other than that, anything short of castration goes."

Cody's cock throbbed when he said it.

Chip's did too. What Cody said could open the door for some form of a permanent marking, like a tattoo, piercing, or worse. Still he couldn't resist the thrill.

"Okay done! No matter which one of us loses, I'll arrange it." Chip said.

Tom and Jesse had missed the little exchange between Chip and Cody, as they fiddled with the Webcam and chat room.

While they waited, Chip and Cody finalized the details of their bet.

The loser would be "delivered" to the brats, naked, bound and blindfolded. He'd have no cell phone, no keys, and no way out.

Both were excited when Tom looked over at them and told them they were ready to start.

More than one viewer "came" that afternoon as they watched the two hot jocks move back and forth, lowering themselves on the dildo's one after another.

They sweated, their leg and neck muscles strained as they forced themselves to hump on each dildo in succession. The "race" was pretty much neck and neck the entire time.

Tom focused a lot on their faces, side by side as they grunted and moaned as they rose up and down on the largest ass-splitters. Viewers commented that this was one of the hottest things they had ever seen.

Some pressed to know the ages of the two competitors. Tom ducked the questions. He smiled as he watched the chatters reach their own conclusions 3; they decided the older jock was around 21 or 22 3; and the younger one was probably just 16 3; and had probably lied about his age to do this.

Both were getting close to cumming. Both were getting overwhelmed by the thrill of competition and, also, the smell of sweat and aroused naked male bodies.

As Chip forced himself up and down on the second largest dildo, he considered the bet he had made with Cody. It had seemed like a good idea at the time, and in truth he had been focused on Cody being the loser.

Now he started thinking about those damn brats. Sure they would love to get their hands on Cody 3; But would most certainly be more excited if they got their hands on Chip and would show him no mercy at all 3; not one bit!

Chip did have a sort of "history" with a few of the boys in that group. They loved to bully other boys and gang up on them. Chip hated that and had "intervened" in their bullying on several occasions and had been forced to beat some of them up to get them to stop.

To say there was no "love lost between them" would be an understatement.

And so, Chip forced himself to ride each dildo as fast and hard as he could.

Cody was doing the same. There would be no question about "throwing" this little race. Cody's natural competitive nature had totally taken over. Had he known what Chip would be facing with the brats, he might have slowed down because of his affection for him.

For now all he could think about was winning.

Jesse watched mesmerized as Chip and Cody rose up and down on the dildos, grunting and groaning. His cock strained as he fantasized about making some of smartass "studs" on the football team do this 3; The guys who gave him shit everyday.

Tom was mesmerized too. Cody and Chip were clearly on the edge of cumming. With their hands cuffed behind their backs, they had to be careful to keep their balance as the moved from dildo to dildo.

The chatroom viewers debated which of the two naked jock studs would cum first. Most seemed to favor Chip, because he was younger. Tom leaned that way too.

In the end, it was Cody who "crossed the line" first.

He started shooting just moments before Chip's own cock started blasting away.

Tom managed to capture the moment with the Webcam. The ropes of rich jock cum were easy to see as they shot in the air.

It took awhile for Cody and Chip to catch their breaths, rise up off the dildo's and wait for further instructions.

Chip's heart continued to pound as he thought about what lay ahead for him.

Though Cody didn't know all that much about Chip's background with the brats, he sensed something was there. He looked at Chip and whispered, "Yo Dude, that bet was crazy. If you want we can make it something else."

Chip might have been a little tempted to agree, but he had never backed out on a bet before. He whispered back, "No it's all cool, a bet is a bet. I'll get it set up. You can, you know, deliver me 3; and if it's okay pick me up afterwards."

Chip's mind was already coming up with a plan. He did know that the brats had a couple places they did "sleepovers" and "campouts" at that were out of the way 3; mostly so they could smoke and drink the occasional beer or two. He figured that they would do "it" all at one of their places. He certainly did not want to let them use the torture house, or the Barn.

Boys being boys, by the time Cody and Chip were led back to the house, both were "back to normal" 3; well at least as normal as two bound and naked guys could be.

Tom had logged out of the Webcam Site, with the suggestion they check back in later for a special show.

As he followed the others back to the house, he decided that he would pass on the ant torture thing for the moment. There would be other times for that.

Chip had come up with enough others before that, and he wanted to make Chip feel that he had fulfilled his part of the deal.

Before they got back inside, he ordered Chip and Cody to lay down on the ground, side by side. He looked down at the two of them laying there with their hands still cuffed behind them and said, "Okay, go ahead and piss on yourselves 3; both of you."

Tom had decided to do this one now, since both were already showing signs of boning up again.

Thankfully it didn't take long for both to start emptying their bladders. Both blushed as their golden streams blasted out 3; splashing over their chests, stomachs and pubes. As soon as they were drained, Tom had Jesse add his piss, along with his own.

Both directed their streams onto the naked guys at their feet. Both focused primarily on their faces.

With that accomplished and the ant thing set aside, there was just one thing left to do.

Tom decided to use his car for that but didn't want it smelling like piss. He had Jesse take Cody and Chip inside the house and rinse them off. Both were to remain naked, with their hands cuffed behind them.

By the time they returned, Tom had everything ready to go.

He taped the handcuff keys to their chests as Chip had suggested. He directed both to climb into the back seat of his car.

Tom left the drop of points up to Jesse. Jesse drove Cody's car and Tom followed behind.

Chip and Cody were nervous as they drove towards the campus. Unlike the night before it was broad daylight. And also, unlike the night before with Jesse, Chip and Cody had not been allowed to wear shoes. Their naked run would be a totally naked run, except for the handcuffs.

Both had a feeling where they were headed, and both were right.

Jesse drove to the back lot of the Ecology Center off campus. It was busier than the night before, which concerned Chip and Cody.

He pulled over close to the tree line at the back of the center, got out of Cody's car and climbed into Tom's. Once inside, he looked in the back seat and said, "Okay boys, this is how this will work. We'll leave both of you here, just as you are."

"Chip, your assignment is to work your way back to that Café where Tom picked you up this morning. He'll meet you there and take you home. Cody, you work your way over to the practice field. I'll meet you behind the old field house and have your practice uniform ready to go. It's as simple as that. Now get out!"

Tom was impressed with little Jesse's boldness. He smiled as Chip and Cody climbed out of the car, and darted behind the trees on the end of the parking lot.

Jesse looked at Tom and giggled, "Well, it's gonna be tough, but I'm sure Cody knows about the hiking trails and stuff that circle the campus. It takes a lot longer going that way, than cutting across campus 3; which I doubt they want to do right now."

Jesse was right about that. The campus was really busy at the moment.

Chip was relieved when Cody told him about the trails. The two could remain together most of the way.

As soon as Jesse saw the two naked jocks head further into the woods, he looked at Tom and asked, "I uumm hope this is okay."

Tom laughed, "No problem. It's fun. I'll wait for Chip just like you said, and make sure he gets home."

They chatted for a little while, exchanging contact information and the like. Tom figured that Jesse just might come in handy at some point in the future 3; being 18 and part of the football team, if only as a manager.

He thought about Cody and how much the guys at his BDSM Club would enjoy using someone like him. Cody reeked of manliness, not one ounce of stereotypical gay tendencies. The guys would like that a lot. And he would be a new face.

As he drove off, he reflected on his deal with young Dennis and how it was intertwined with what was happening with Chip. All in all, this had been a great day.


Back at the Dungeon House, Mark and Kevin were having "fun" with Dennis. Mike (aka. Punisher) had pretty much turned Dennis over to them for the day. He had instructed them to keep Dennis aroused all day, but not to let him cum.

They were also supposed to humiliate him as much as they could.

Mike had familiarized Mark with the full capabilities of the video equipment in the dungeon so that Mark could put Dennis on the Webcam site at various times during the day, to help promote the evening's special show.

He had decided to make it a two hour show because of the interest level. He had left an explanation in the show's "profile" that said there would be no vote for the boy that night, since two of the three had already been used, and it only seemed right to use the last one. The viewers would be allowed to vote for which would be the main piece of equipment used for his torture however.

When the day had started, Mike had dragged Dennis out of his cell and into the back yard. He was tied to a post, with his hands above his head. Mike wrapped his hand around Dennis's balls and snarled, "Now you listen up smartass. You're gonna be the `star' of tonight's show and you'd better be cooperative. If not I'll make sure the boss cancels your twisted little deal."

"You can scream all you want, even beg for mercy, but no mouthing off. If I hear one smartass comment, you'll pay with a third hour of the worst torture you can imagine."

"Up until show time, you belong to your two friends, and will do whatever they say! I mean it!"

He squeezed Dennis's balls hard and said, "Do you understand?"

Dennis gasped and nodded, "Umm, Yes Sir!"

Mike smiled and went back inside, leaving Dennis tied to the post.

Once back inside, he released Mark and Kevin from their cells, and reviewed the day's plans.

"Okay, now listen carefully. You already know that Dennis will be the main attraction on the Webcam show tonight. You two will be helping with that. Mark, I'll have you run the cameras and control the chat room.

Kevin, you'll be doing a lot of the actual torturing. Now, even though you've been on the Webcam a lot already, I'm going to expect you to do some things to humiliate Dennis that will help excite the crowd 3; like lick your toes and ass, along with your cock and balls. I want you to cum in his mouth so that the audience sees it."

Kevin blushed as he heard that but would enjoy doing it, because he figured that Dennis deserve it.

"Now Mark, besides the camera and chat, I'm thinking I'll have you do your, um specialty at some point. We've got a piece of equipment here that I've heard you're really good with, it's over there in that chest."

Mark opened the chest and smiled when he saw what was inside 3; it was a "Tunnel of Terror", like the one they had at the Torture house. Yea, he'd love to use that on Dennis.

"So anyway, boys, Dennis will be yours for the day. You can do anything you want with him except be kind. Torture him a little bit every now and then, but not too much. Humiliate him a lot and try to keep him aroused all day. I want him to be totally horned when the show starts."

"Oh and show him on that Webcam site, on and off throughout the day, to promote the show."

"The two of you can cum all you want today, just make sure you can do it tonight. And yea, Mark, I'll want you to cum in his mouth tonight as well."

Mike smiled when he saw the looks on their faces, both seemed very excited. Kevin surprised him when he suggested, "Um 3; maybe you should fuck him on camera 3; like maybe have him ride up and down on your shaft and jack off while he does it. Bet people would like to see that."

Mike's cock hardened a lot more when he thought about that.

"Well, who knows, maybe I will."

He took the boys upstairs and fed them a good breakfast, which they were allowed to eat normally. He told them to have Dennis eat his from his dog dishes.

After breakfast, he sent the boys outside to start on Dennis.

He watched as they fondled Dennis and taunted him before finally releasing him and dragging him back to the house.

Mike wanted to review his plans for the night's show, so he went to the control room.

He monitored what the boys were doing and was pleased that Mark and Kevin were really getting into it.

Dennis was really pretty pissed about what was happening, but for once managed to keep his mouth shut. He consoled himself with thoughts of how he would get even someday. In Kevin's case, that might be a little tougher because of the deal he had been forced into making.

While Dennis was eating his breakfast, Mark pulled Kevin into the little store room and told him some of the things he had in mind.

"Dude, there's an enema setup in the washroom downstairs, like we have at the torture house. I think we should start with that 3; give him some painful enemas. Then we can do some piss stuff with him 3; you know piss all over him and in his mouth 3; stuff like that."

Kevin actually liked the idea. They chatted for a little bit longer. Mark was surprised at some of the things Kevin suggested. As "straight" as Kevin was, he did come up with some pretty gay stuff. Oddly enough he wasn't afraid to be on camera either, when doing it to Dennis.

Mike grinned as he saw the boys drag Dennis into the washroom and tie him up, straddling the toilet. He was crouching, with his legs spread wide, secured to eyebolts in the floor. His arms were secured to an overhead ring.

He turned the sound up so he could hear what was happening and smiled as he heard Dennis gasp and grunt as Mark worked the enema nozzle deep inside Dennis's tight little ass.

Yes this would be a fun day.


Cody and Chip were working their way through the network of running paths that skirted the campus. They were cautious and managed to hide from the few runners who were out on this hot day.

They had considered working to remove the handcuff keys that were taped to their chests, but decided against it. They figured Jesse and Tom would not be pleased if they did that, at least not themselves, anyway.

Naked and cuffed, in bare feet they managed to make good time. When they reached the point where they would split off, Cody reviewed the route Chip would follow to get to the back of the café.

Chip was the lucky one. He'd have good cover most of the way. Cody on the other hand, would have to cross some wide open fields when he got close to the practice field and the old field house. As scary as that seemed, his cock did continue to throb as he imagined being spotted.

They said good luck to each other then headed off.

An Hour Later

Tom was sitting in the shade, at a picnic table behind the café, smoking a cigarette. He hoped Chip would be there soon, because he wanted to get him home in plenty of time to see Dennis's Webcam show.

He was about to check his watch again, when he heard a whistle from the bushes behind him. He turned around and saw Chip's face peaking out from behind a big bush.

He picked up Chip's backpack and walked over to him. He smiled as he noted that Chip's cock was still fully erect. He looked at Chip's glistening hard body and his balls tingled.

He patted Chip on the head, then removed the key from Chip's chest and unlocked the cuffs.

Chip was surprised when Tom tossed him his pack and said, "Get dressed Dude. You did great."

Chip pulled his clothes back on quickly and chattered away. Tom smiled as Chip related what had happened on his run there. It had been relatively uneventful until the very end. He had managed to avoid being seen, most of the way, but did have to hide a few times, from hikers and runners.

He was approaching the café when he ran into some college guy who was out running. The guy stopped and laughed when he saw Chip. Chip gave him a song and dance about an initiation and asked the guy to remove his cuffs.

The guy just laughed, said he didn't have time, and ran off, but not before giving Chip's cock a hard squeeze.

Tom smiled when he heard that. He wished the guy had done more with the hot high school jock, but was amused by what had happened.

As soon as Chip was dressed, they climbed into Tom's vehicle and headed off.

On the way to Chip's house, Tom told Chip he was very pleased with the deal they had made. He also told Chip that he had retrieved their lunch from the torture house and Chip could have them for dinner. There were two "monster" Italian subs, chips, and potato salad.

Chip was grateful. He and Stevie were on their own for dinner and were getting tired of pizza, which was what mom usually left them money for.

As they drove, Chip's thoughts turned to the bet he had made with Cody. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but now he was having second thoughts. There was no question about not honoring though, no matter how rough those brats were.

Though they hated Chip and were scared of him, if Chip did endure whatever they dished out, his "stock" would be that much higher with them, that is if they didn't actually break him. Still Chip didn't think they could. He could take a lot.

They reached Chip's house with two hours to spare. They thanked each other again before Tom drove off after telling to Chip to watch his emails for further instructions regarding the plans for the house and barn.

Chip hurried into the house, and stripped down to just his jock again before sitting down at the computer. He had thought about showering, but wanted to be sweaty while he watched Dennis's show.

He started surfing the net absentmindedly. While he did, he formulated a plan for how to arrange paying off his bet. He would use Stevie as a sort of emissary. Stevie was their age. They knew Stevie was Chip's brother, and although they probably would give him some shit, they wouldn't hurt him, out of fear for Chip.

He was happy when he heard the back door slam followed by Stevie's clumsy footsteps on the stairs.

Stevie burst in the room, glanced at Chip and flopped down on his bed.

"Dude, that was intense. Jimmy goes crazy when we play `suicide soccer'! Shit, he'd not that big but he hits hard. Damn I got bruises!"

Chip smiled as he looked at Stevie reclining on his bed, catching his breath. He was wearing a T-shirt, shorts, socks and soccer shoes 3; all of which were splattered with dirt and sweaty.

Suicide soccer was similar to what used to be called "rough house" basketball. There were no rules, no penalties 3; tripping 3; kicking 3; punching 3; tackling 3; and so on were all allowed.

Chip saw the way little Stevie was massaging his crotch and chuckled, "Yo Dude, did you wear a jock like I told you too?"

Stevie was only 11 and hadn't gotten used to wearing one yet. In fact even though he shared a room with two older brothers, he was still sort of shy about it. To say he was mortified when his mom dragged him to the sporting goods store and made him pick out one would be an understatement.

Stevie groaned and said, "Naw, I forgot! Man I got kicked in the balls like three times too."

Chip giggled, "Man I told you 3; start wearing one and soon. If you've got the genes from dad, you'll be like me and Dennis and they'll drop early."

Chip surpassed a laugh when Stevie stood up, opened the front of his shorts, looked inside and asked all wide-eyed, "Really! You think so?"

Chip wanted to joke around with his little brother some more, but figured he needed to take care of some "business" first.

"Yea, not to worry Squirt, it'll happen. Anyway, pull up a chair, I got something I need to talk with you about. It's pretty important."

Stevie grabbed a chair and sat down next to Chip. He worshipped his oldest brother, and would do anything for him 3; eat grass 3; or worms 3; well maybe not worms, but just about anything else.

"Okay, I don't have time to explain everything, so I'll get to the important one first. You gotta promise you won't tell anyone about this, except who I say you can 3; especially Dennis."

Stevie nodded and said, "Yea, for sure. I promise."

Chip could tell Stevie was already enthralled.

"Okay, good, so here's the deal. I made this crazy bet and lost. It was probably crazy I know, but I'm stuck now, cause a bet is a bet."

Stevie nodded and said, "Yea. It's like you've always said."

"Okay, now just don't freak on me when I tell you what it is 3; okay? Cause I'm gonna need your help."

Stevie made the Scout sign and said, "Scout's honor 3; I won't tell and I won't freak."

Chip grinned and continued, "Okay, well here it is 3; because of the bet I lost, I'm supposed to be `delivered' naked to those little brats in the park for like a whole weekend. They can do anything they want of me, except they can't make me do anything to get me arrested. But other than that anything goes! Sound nuts I know, but I gotta do it Squirt."

Stevie jumped out of his chair and started prancing around the room, shouting, "OH MY GOD! Holy Shit Chip! You are crazy! Man that's Spike and them. They hate you a lot! I mean SHIT! 3;. GOD! They'd go wild if they had you for like a full weekend. And they are mean 3; really mean! HOLY SHIT!"

"Yo Dude, you're freaking out!" Chip giggled.

"You bet I am. Dude, you can't do this 3; I mean SHIT!"

It took Chip awhile to get Stevie settled down. In the end, he was able to get him calmed down enough to listen.

"Look, I know it's crazy, but it is a bet, and I've never welched on one before, so I have to do this. I do need your help though and was hoping that maybe you could ride your bike to the park and see if they are still there.

If they are then you can tell them what the deal is. They are your age, and may listen a little faster."

Stevie thought for a few moments and then said, "Well I guess. They do like to give me shit, but I probably could get them to listen. They'll be suspicious though and think it's some sort of trick."

Chip grinned, `Well, yea I guess, but just turn on the old Peterson charm and convince them. I doubt if they'll want to pass up a chance to get back at me."

Stevie laughed, "Yea, no doubt. But come on Chip, I know them. They are really cruel. I've heard some things about their initiations that are very bad. They'll probably make you do some of them."

"Yes, well, I can handle whatever they come up with. The final part of this is, that it's a one time thing. After that weekend, it's over. Oh and it'll be done at some place they can arrange for and not at our torture house."

Stevie said, "Well, that last part shouldn't be a problem. One of the guy's Dads has a cabin they get to use to camp out, it's close enough to ride bikes to."

Chip convinced Stevie to head to the park right a way, to see if they were there. He wanted to get this done with as soon as he could.

As soon as Stevie was gone, he checked the Webcam site. Nothing was happening yet with the room that Dennis would be in, although there were some guys in chat, just hanging around.

Chip logged into the room using the handle "RingMaster." He just watched for awhile before he actually started chatting. A lot of the guys were talking about how excited they were about the upcoming show. Somewhere a long the line the chat turned into a discussion about what the guys liked most 3; to be the one being tortured or doing the actual torturing.

It was an interesting conversation, especially for Chip. It got him thinking about his own feelings and desires. There was no question he liked being the one in charge. He loved torturing and humiliating other guys. The thing was there were some times when he did get turned on a lot, being on the receiving end.

There were times when he tried to convince himself that he shouldn't be submitting to anyone else and always be the one in control. For Chip, being totally controlled by another guy or guys for their own perverse pleasure was a welcome break from time to time. He loved to be tested and challenged. The tougher the challenge, the harder the tests, the more excited he got.

Chip started popping in and out of the various little Webcam shows, as he reflected on the "deal" Stevie was making with the young brats. He knew he would be in for a very rough and humiliating time. He knew that they would go to great ends to "break" him. Part of the thrill for Chip would be to endure all they dished out, without that happening.

In Chip's mind, if he was able to do that, his "stock" with that group would be that much higher, and their leader, Spike, would lose some face, which was part of Chip's motivation to go through with it.

He did get a little harder watching the Webcam shows, but not by much. They were really quite tame. Still some of the guys sitting in front of their cameras were pretty hot.

Chip kept his eye on the clock. He wanted Stevie to be back in time to see Dennis on camera and was really looking forward to seeing Stevie's reaction. He took a brief break from the Webcam site, to prepare their dinner.

He cut one of the monster subs in half and placed them on plates with some potato salad and chips. He wanted everything to be ready before Stevie returned.

By the time Stevie got back, Chip had two chairs set up in front of the computer screen, with a TV tray between them, so they could watch while they ate.

To say that Stevie was excited, would be an understatement. He couldn't wait to tell Chip all about what had happened. Still, first things first.

As soon as Stevie hopped into their room, he took off all his clothes, and pulled on a jock strap. Chip smiled at that. He was wearing just a jock, and little Stevie liked to try and be just like his older brother.

They started eating their subs as Stevie recounted what happened.

"Well, it was sort of crazy. They seemed real suspicious at first when I told them I had this special deal for them. Spike seemed the most suspicious and started talking trash, as soon as I said the deal involved you."

Chip chuckled, "Yea he doesn't like me much."

Stevie laughed, "You got that right! So anyway, I did get them to listen finally. I told them how you had lost a bet, and what the bet was. They thought I was kidding around, but kept listening. I said it was no trick 3; and you know, a bet is a bet. And all."

"I told them everything like you said 3; that you would be delivered to them totally naked and would be their's for a whole weekend 3; and that anything would go, except for doing something that would get you arrested or something."

"They kept asking me about the "anything goes" part, and I said that was part of the bet. I heard some of them talking about maybe they would make you do some of their initiation stuff."

Chip looked thoughtful as he said, "Well, that's ok, whatever they want. They'll be in total control."

Stevie looked concerned and muttered, "Man Chip, I know them, they are really nasty. I'm sure they'll torture you really hard. Spike laughed about it and told the others that he would make you beg for mercy, and then not give it to you."

Chip chuckled, "Yea, I figured that. Don't worry though I can handle myself."

While Chip was a little scared, he was also excited. Like Cody, when he was on the receiving end of things, Chip did like it to be rough.

"So anything else, Squirt?" he inquired as he wolfed down some more of the sub.

Stevie blushed and looked a little worried.

Chip noticed and said, "Come on Stevie, tell me."

Stevie swallowed another bite and said, "Well 3; ummm 3; yea 3; a couple things. First of all, I am pretty sure I know at least one thing their gonna do to you, and it's bad."

Chip patted Stevie on the head, "Just spell it out, okay, unless you want me to be surprised."

Stevie thought for a moment, then blurted out, "Well, whenever anyone joins their gang, as part of the initiation they get 3; umm 3; branded. It's not a big brand, but I'm sure it hurts like all hell."

Chip was a little surprised. He looked at Stevie and said, "So like where do they get branded?"

Stevie looked down, spread his slender legs and pointed to the inside of his thigh, just below his jock pouch, "Uh 3; right here. I saw it on a couple of them when we changed at the pool. It's not real big, maybe about the size of a quarter, and looks like a skull."

Chip was not crazy about that happening, but figured if the little 12 year old shits could handle it, then so could he. Besides, it would be hidden most of the time.

He reassured Stevie it would be okay, then asked, "So is that it?"

Stevie looked at the floor and half stammered, "Uh 3; well um 3; they told me, that I could watch what they did to you that weekend 3; I didn't know what to say."

Chip grinned, rubbed the back of Stevie's neck and asked, "So would you like to be there to watch what they make me do Squirt?"

Stevie trembled, "Well, I guess. Please don't be mad Chip."

Chip giggled, "Hey little dude, you've been around when I've gone through some nasty shit. So why not? It's fine with me."

Chip's balls tingled and his cock hardened as he thought about Stevie being there to watch him being tortured by the brats.

It took just a little more reassuring before Stevie felt at ease. When it seemed that Stevie had relaxed, Chip said, "Okay, listen, I've got a surprise for you, that I think you will like. Just don't freak out."

"There's this, umm 3; nasty Webcam show coming on in just a little while. It's gonna be wild."

Stevie's eyes widened as he hurried to finish eating. He mumbled between mouthfuls, "Cool, is it porn?"

Chip giggled, "Of course! I wouldn't be watching it if it wasn't."

They both gobbled down the rest of their dinner quickly, moved the TV tray out of the way, and pushed their chairs closer together.

Sitting there in just their jocks, with rapidly hardening cocks, both brothers tingled in anticipation.

Chip placed his hand on the back of Stevie's neck as the Webcam flickered on in the special room.

Stevie's eyes widened still further as he saw the "count" of viewers begin to rise really fast.

"Holy shit Chip. Wow! Looks like they have more viewers than we did for the Arena Show."

Chip laughed, "Yea, I figured they would. See that guy wearing the black mask and black jock? That's Punisher. He runs the show. He's really hot and is good at torturing guys."

Stevie nodded and asked, "So he's gonna be torturing another guy then?"

Chip said, "Well him and maybe some other guys. The guy who's getting tortured and stuff tonight is 14. I think you'll like watching him scream. The sound is really good."

They both sat and watched as Punisher explained how he had an assistant who would be handling the camera and the chat room. His young assistant would pass torture suggestions to him and yet another assistant.

The first order of business would be for the viewers to vote on which would be the main torture devices for the special two hour show. During the show, he would take suggestions for the actual tortures themselves.

The camera switched around showing the rack, the torture table, the punishment horse, the crosses (a St. Andrews and a regular one), chains hanging from the ceiling, and so on.

Chip let Stevie cast their vote in the chat room. Stevie voted to have the torture victim suspended from the ceiling by his wrists and balls.

Chip rustled Stevie's hair and chuckled, "Maybe you should join Spike's little gang! You're their age and seem nasty enough!"

Stevie blushed and was pleased that others picked up on his suggestion and pressed for it. It was a close vote, but Stevie's won out.

The tempo in the chat room sped up as the night's "victim" was led into the center of the dungeon.

He had a hood over his head, was naked and totally boned.

Chip and Stevie watched as he was forced to climb up on a small stool with his arms overhead. His wrists were placed in these long padded leather restraints.

"Know why they are using that type of restraints on his wrists?" Chip asked Stevie.

Stevie nodded and said, "Yea, so they don't cut off the circulation and he can hang there longer."

They both grinned as they watched a rope being tied around the boy's balls. Their grins grew wider and their cocks got harder when the stool was kicked out from under his feet.

They heard him grunt and then groan as the rope attached to his balls was connected to a winch and then winched up, to the point he was suspended by both his wrists and balls. Most of his weight was taken up by his arms, but a significant amount was being taken by his balls, which Stevie noted seemed to be a nice size for a 14 year old.

Chip rubbed Stevie's back and asked, "So what do you think about his body. Pretty hot for a 14 year old, don't you think?"

Stevie smiled, "Yea, almost like yours 3; he's got some decent muscles already and a nice 3; umm 3; you know bush 3; like 3; ummm 3;"

Chip giggled, "Yea! Yea! You can say it, like I used to have before the guys shaved me. Not to worry though, it's growing back."

Stevie blushed as he glanced down at Chip's groin. He could see some stubble and small hairs on either side of Chip's bulging jock pouch.

Stevie turned his attention back to the show. He looked at the young sweating, naked teen squirming around as he hung there in the dungeon.

"Man he's got a big cock too. Damn, I hope they show his face!"

Chip laughed, "I'm sure they will."

Chip looked at the chat's flying by. There were all types of suggestions being made for tortures, along with requests to see his face.

Chip saw the handle for the guy who was running the chat now 3; the moderator. It was "ElectroBoy."

Chip took a chance and sent a request for a PM (Private Message) session. He was logged in as RingMaster and was pleased when he got a quick positive response.

As soon as the Private Window opened, Chip asked Stevie to grab a couple of cokes from the fridge downstairs. As soon as Stevie was gone, he started chatting.

ElectroBoy: Only got a minute. Really busy. What up?

RingMaster: I can tell. So when are you gonna uncover my brother's face?

ElectroBoy: Chip?

RingMaster: Ya! Me and Stevie. He doesn't know yet.

ElectroBoy: He gonna freak!

RingMaster: I hope so. He be back in a minute.

ElectroBoy: Is gonna be tough on Dennis.

RingMaster: The tougher the better!

ElectroBoy: Yea! That's what I thought.

RingMaster: Well you got lots to do. Will get caught up when you get home.

ElectroBoy: That be end of week. Still gonna go through more stuff myself.

RingMaster: KK. Hope is on Web.

ElectroBoy: Probably. Oh and 2nd hour 3; I using Tunnel of Terror!

RingMaster: AWESOME!

ElectroBoy: Gotta go. Lot of chatting. CYA

Mark closed the Private session, just as Stevie returned. He was just in time.

Stevie almost choked on his coke when Punisher stepped into frame, tilted the victim's head up and pulled off his hood.


Chip laughed, "Pretty wild huh?"

"OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! SHIT!" Stevie continued as he started to hyper-ventilate.

"Dude! You're freaking out! Don't freak out!" Chip chuckled.

It took awhile for Stevie to settle down. When he finally did, he leaned closer to the screen and just stared at his older brother, hanging there naked.

Chip rubbed Stevie's bare back and asked, "So um, want to make some torture suggestions?"

Stevie trembled, "Umm 3; yea. Can I?"

Chip pushed the keyboard towards Stevie and said, "Make some good ones."

What Stevie didn't know was that Mark was the one in chat who was handling all the suggestions and passing them on.

Chip smiled as he noted that all of the suggestions that Stevie was making were implemented quickly.

Stevie's first one was that the guy's cock and balls should be coated with Icy Hot or Ben Gay.

He waited in anticipation as Punisher announced that his other assistant would start the tortures.

Stevie gasped when he saw the other assistant enter the frame. He was naked and boned and had bright blond hair.

"HOLY SHIT! It's Kevin!" Stevie squeaked.

"Cool, huh?" Chip chuckled.

Both watched as Kevin began torturing their brother. He started with the Icy Hot, just as Stevie had suggested.

It didn't take long before Dennis was huffing and puffing and thrashing about. Needless to say, any "thrashing" he did increased the pain in his balls.

Stevie made some more suggestions. He wanted to see Dennis's balls paddled and his cock whipped, and also to have some of the Icy Hot stuff worked inside Dennis's piss slit.

Stevie saw they way Dennis was gasping and laughed, "Yea, that shit burns like hell. Makes your balls feel like they are on fire."

Both were hoping that Stevie's next suggestions would follow, but weren't disappointed when Kevin did something else first. It was something they heard Punisher say had been received by Email and was a type of nasty challenge.

They listened, totally fascinated as Kevin explained what was about to happen. Chip just loved hearing Kevin's accent, so did Stevie for that matter.

Kevin held up a long birthday candle as he talked. He made a mark about halfway down and explained, "Well, this is how this torture works. I will stick this candle in the slit at the end of his penis. Then I will light it. His goal is to make sure the candle stays there until it burns all the way down to that mark. If it falls out before then, I will mark another candle, but this time further down. Then it will be inserted as before and lighted."

"If that one gets dislodged, the next candle will be marked even further down and so on. If he wants to avoid the flame reaching the tip of his erect penis, he will have to avoid thrashing about."

Chip looked at the way Dennis was suspended. He had been pulled up by his balls at just the right angle so his hard cock was sticking straight up.

He and Stevie watched, totally fascinated and increasingly aroused as Kevin inserted the candle as promised and lit it.

It didn't take long before the wax began running down and dribbling on Dennis's engorged cock head. Dennis gasped and shook as the hot wax began flowing across the over sensitive flesh.

He tried to remain steady, but it was a losing battle. The pain from the Icy Hot and the wax was just too much. He cried out, "AGGGGHHHH!" and jerked around.

Chip smiled as he watched the candle tumble into Dennis's pubic patch. There was an immediate flare up as some of the hairs caught fire.

Dennis screamed louder and gyrated wildly to dislodge the candle.


Luckily for Dennis, Kevin was fast. He acted quickly to swat the candle out of Dennis's thick bush and snuff out the flames. There were no burns, just some singed hairs.

Kevin waited a few moments for Dennis to catch his breath, before marking another candle and inserting into Dennis's piss slit.

Dennis managed to hold out a little longer this time before the pain from the running wax got him shaking violently again.


Kevin acted a little faster this time as the candle dropped into Dennis's pubes. There was a brief flare up, but not like the first time.

Chip chuckled, "He keeps this up and all of his hair will be singed off!"

Stevie gasped, "Wow! Look how far down Kevin marked the next candle. Shit, if the flame gets that low, Dennis is gonna feel it on his piss slit! You don't think they'll actually burn his cock head do you Chip?"

Chip laughed, "Well I'm not sure! We'll have to wait and see."

Chip was certain they wouldn't. For the moment though, he was enjoying looking at the fear in Dennis's eyes as Kevin inserted the next candle and lit it.

Stevie and Chip watched as wax began running down the sides of the candle and onto Dennis's cock head. He quivered and shook but managed to avoid shaking too much. Chip could tell how much of a struggle it was for Dennis. His teeth were clenched and his eyes were closed. Every muscle in his tight teen body seemed to be tight.

"Man look at him, he's really hurting," Chip said.

Chip was right about that. Dennis was trying hard not to start crying. The muscles in his arms were already starting to ache and it felt like his balls, still burning from the Icy Hot stuff, were being pulled off. The worst part was the candle sticking out of his cock. He was scared to look down at it.

Some of the wax had started to dribble past his cock head and onto the underside of his cock. He panted and gasped to keep from shaking too much. He had seen how far down Kevin had marked the candle. If the flame did get that far, it would be very close to his piss slit.

Mike smiled as he watched Kevin's next move, "The kid is a natural," Mike thought.

Kevin leaned over, grabbed Dennis head and tilted it as he snarled, "Open you eyes and watch the candle burn down to the head of your penis."

Dennis opened his eyes and looked. The flame was down pretty far now, and getting dangerously close to his piss slit. Dennis was getting worried. The farther down the flame was, the hotter the wax was, when it dribbled onto his cock.

He turned his head to Kevin and begged, "Come on Kevin, don't let it get too low and burn my cock head. I'll do whatever you want."

Kevin grinned and said, "You already have to do that anyway, until the end of the school year when I fly back home, remember. You're already like my slave boy. So you don't have anything left to offer."

Dennis had to agree with that. The deal he had made to get Kevin to stop whipping his cock, did amount to being his slave. Though the deal had focused on masturbation and sucking, the implication was that he would have to do whatever Kevin said.

Kevin ran his fingers through Dennis's pubes as he watched the candle burn down. He did like seeing Dennis like this and was looking forward to the year ahead. Yes, it would be fun to make Dennis masturbate in front of him and others.

His mind was already formulating a plan for the year ahead. Dennis would have to sleep naked every night. In the morning he would have to masturbate in front of him, Chip and Stevie. Kevin would see Dennis in school, and would make him do it there, as well.

He would also order Dennis to suck cock every day. He smiled as he thought of Dennis, kneeling naked in front of Stevie, and sucking his little cock. There, would, of course, be tortures too. Yes it would be a fun year.

Kevin snapped out of his little daze when he heard Dennis gasp.

The flame had reached the mark he had made and Dennis was feeling the heat on his cock head.

Dennis looked pleadingly at Kevin and said, "Come on dude, it's down to that mark, so blow it out!"

As much as Kevin was enjoying watching Dennis suffer, he didn't want to actually burn his flesh. To the disappointment of some of the Webcam viewers who wanted to see that happen, Kevin blew out the candle and removed it from Dennis's cock.

Dennis breathed a sigh of relief and slumped in his bonds.

Kevin glanced over at Mark and asked, "So what is next?"

Mark looked up from the computer screen and started rattling off a list of requests from the chat room. There had been a lot of similar suggestions, so he consolidated them.

Mike grinned as he listened to Mark.

"Okay, he's some of them 3; paddle his balls 3; squeeze his balls 3; whip his cock 3; punch his stomach 3; flog his chest, stomach and thighs 3; pour more hot wax on him 3; shave his pubes 3; put tit clamps on and pull them up 3; oh and use some dildos on him."

"But hold off on the cock and ball stuff for the moment."

Mark typed a quick explanation about that into chat.

ElectroBoy: Don't worry everyone. We have something really nasty planned for the second hour. It's called the Tunnel of Terror. It's a special device that uses electric shocks and vibrations and spikes to torture his cock, balls and ass. It's really wicked and I guarantee it will make him scream and beg like crazy."

That seemed to satisfy them.

Mike looked at the computer screen, smiled and looked at Mark and asked, "You seem pretty sure of yourself. Care to make a little bet on that?"

Mark kept typing in chat as he said, "I guess. So what's the bet?"

Mike grinned, "Okay, how about something open-ended? Might be more fun. If you do get him to beg like you said, then I'll give you whatever reward you want after this week is over. If there is any way possible for me to deliver on what you want, I will. But to make it more challenging, you will also have to use that Tunnel of Terror thing to make him cum three times during that hour."

Mike knew something about the tunnel, but not as much as Mark did. He thought with all the pain, it would be tough for Mark to make Dennis cum that many times.

"And if I can't make him cum and beg?" Mark teased.

"Well then, let's say your body will be mine for four weekends."

Mark giggled, "And I guess that means, anything goes, right?"

"Of course," Mike laughed. "We can spread them out over the school year. And if you win and want me to line up some slave boys for your Naked Fight Club I will. I can get college dudes and high school guys if you like."

Mark thought for a moment then asked, "But what if I want something else? What then?"

"Hey! Whatever you want! Just like I said."

Mark grinned and said, "Okay, but I get four weekends too 3; if I win. You have to get me whatever I want for four weekends."

Mike's cock twitched as he thought of having this hot little 13 year old's body for four weekends. He'd want to torture Mark himself, most of the time, but he knew some older guys who would do a lot of favors for him if he hooked them up with a boy like Mark."

Oddly enough, in spite of all that had already happened during his encounters with young Mark, it never occurred to him that Mark might want something else besides what he had in mind.

"Okay, it's a bet then!" Mike chirped.

Mark agreed and turned back to the computer screen.

They had momentarily forgotten about Dennis, who was now being flogged by Kevin.



Kevin was currently focusing on Dennis's smooth flat stomach. It was turning red and Dennis was thrashing about wildly with every blow.



Chip and Stevie continued watching the Webcam show with wide eyes. Both were sweating almost as much as Dennis was, and both were just as boned.

Stevie had moved his closer to Chip and was resting his bare leg against Chip's. He loved the feeling of Chip's lightly hair coated leg rubbing against his.

"HOLY SHIT! Look how red Dennis's stomach and chest is getting. Looks like he's starting to cry too," Stevie gasped.

"Yea, Kevin is really flogging him hard. Some of those red marks will take awhile to disappear," Chip said.

Both breathed harder as they watched Kevin start flogging Dennis's inner thighs. Dennis continued thrashing around and gasping.





Stevie looked at the chat window and all the comments. Everyone seemed to be loving watching Dennis suffer, and were making suggestions to make it even harder.

After awhile, Stevie looked at Chip and said, hesitantly, "Umm Chip, everyone seems to be loving watching Dennis scream and stuff. I mean they really like it a lot."

Chip smiled and said, "Yea, seems like they do." He was focused on watching Dennis, but did pick up on the hesitation in Stevie's voice.

Chip placed his hand on the back of Stevie's neck and asked, "So, what about you? Are you loving watching Dennis suffer like this? 3; all naked and exposed in front of hundreds of viewers? Seems like there may be some girls or women watching this, judging by their chat names."

Stevie blushed and trembled and looked down at the floor.

Chip squeezed his neck slightly and said, "Hey Squirt, it's okay if you like it 3; I do! 3; and it's not just because he's my brother 3; although that does make it a little more exciting 3; it's just the way I am 3; I like doing this stuff. And it's totally okay if you like it too."

Stevie looked at the screen again. His cock throbbed as he watched Kevin give Dennis's hard cock and outstretched balls a couple of lashes with the flogger.

Stevie looked at Chip and said, "So I guess we're perverts then, right?"

Chip laughed, "Well, maybe so, because we like all the torture stuff 3; but who the hell cares, lots of guys do. And hell, if you like it, then why not do it."

Chip sensed that Stevie wanted to talk, but didn't want to get into a heavy philosophical discussion. He decided to steer Stevie away from that.

"Hey look, we're home alone, watching this show, so how about we have some fun? Maybe we could play a game while we watch," he teased.

That seemed to snap Stevie out of it. Chip knew how much Stevie loved "games" 3; especially "naughty" ones, which this would certainly be.

In Chip's mind, this might be a lighter way for Stevie to get whatever it was off of his chest. He thought fast, and was rather impressed with what he came up with. Chip was really creative when it came to this "stuff."

"Okay Stevie, first off, just so you know, I am capturing this Webcam show, so if we miss something big, we can watch it later."

Stevie smiled, "Awesome! So what's the game gonna be?"

"Well, okay, before we actually start, go ahead and type a suggestion in the chat window, you know a suggestion for another torture for Dennis, before this first hour is up. Make it a tough one 3; and one that you would like to watch."

Chip was buying himself just a little more time to formulate the "rules" of this game.

He smiled as he watched Stevie typing hurriedly in the chat room. He didn't look at what Stevie was typing, but judging by the wicked grin on Stevie's face, it had to be pretty nasty.

Chip's balls tingled as he "finalized" the rules for the game he and Stevie would be playing. Though he definitely preferred doing "stuff" with guys who were more "developed" than Stevie was, he did get a thrill sometimes, doing stuff with younger boys like Stevie 3; especially when he was super horned 3; which was the case now.

Stevie stopped typing, watched the screen for a few moments, then smiled at Chip and announced proudly, "Dude! They're gonna do what I suggested! Wow!"

"So what did you suggest my little perv brother?" Chip giggled.

Stevie hunched over, grinned again and said, "Well, I umm asked that they cover his cock and balls with lots of hot wax."

That didn't come as that much of a surprise to Chip. The hot wax thing was something Stevie seemed to like doing to the older boys.

He waited for Dennis's hot wax torture to start. Both watched as Kevin and the Punisher guy began dropping wax on Dennis's hard cock and outstretched balls. It took less than a minute for Dennis to start screaming.


Chip was satisfied to sit and watch with Stevie for awhile. Both were sweating right along with Dennis as they watched.

Finally, Stevie glanced at Chip and asked, "Okay, so what's the game?"

Chip smiled and said, "Ahhh, okay, well it's sort of a `Pay' Truth or Dare. We'll need the dice from the Risk game, all six of them."

Chip smiled even more as he watched Stevie run to the walk-in closet, pull the Risk game out, retrieve the dice and hop back.

"Okay, here's how this is going to work. We take turns giving each other either a truth or dare, but you have to pay by taking some whacks with the paddle. So like when it's your turn, if you want to give me a Truth, then you roll three dice to determine how many whacks you'll get on your bare ass. If you want to give me a Dare instead, then you have to roll six dice."

"And remember, if you are given a Truth, you absolutely must tell the truth!"

Stevie grinned, "Okay, cool. So who goes first?"

They rolled for it, and Chip got to start things off.

"Okay Stevie, I'm giving you a Truth!" Chip chuckled.

He rolled the three dice and got a total of 12.

Chip got up and bent over the chair so he could still see the computer screen. His cock throbbed in anticipation as Stevie grabbed the wooden fraternity type paddle. His paddling ended up being pretty exciting.

He wasn't sure if it was by accident or design, but Stevie seemed to time his blows with Dennis's screams on camera 3; and there were a lot of them. Chip smiled as he watched Kevin dribble hot wax on Dennis's balls.

"AGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH 3; AHHH!" Dennis gasped as he thrashed about.


Stevie's first whack landed across Chip's two cheeks. It was so hard that Chip almost lost his balance.

"WOW! Good one little brother! Guess you're gonna make my ass get really red!" Chip chuckled.

Stevie grinned as he looked at Chip's exposed ass. It was muscular and sort of dimpled, and currently so white. Stevie loved the way Chip's tan line sort of framed his ass and groin.

He glanced at the screen and smiled as he watched the Punisher guy start to drip some wax into Dennis's piss slit.



Stevie's second blow was just as hard as the first, maybe harder. Chip gasped and his eyes began to water as he felt the delayed burning sensation on his ass cheeks.

By the time Stevie finished, Chip's ass was bright red. He had moved the paddle around just enough to cover all of Chip's tight ass.

Chip stood up, looked around behind him and chuckled, "Wow little brother, you did a really good job. Guess I'll have to make sure I do as good a job on you, when you pay."

Though Stevie would not admit it, he was looking forward to Chip spanking him. He knew how much Chip liked doing that type of stuff. Though it would hurt, he'd do it if it made Chip happy.

Both boys were so "charged up" that they temporarily forgot about Dennis. The Webcam show was being recorded and they could watch it later.

Chip looked at Stevie and giggled, "Okay, I paid for it so now it's time for your truth. Remember you have to give me the absolute truth!"

Stevie swallowed hard and nodded, "Yea Chip. I will, I promise."

Chip nodded, got a serious look on his face and said, "Okay, this is sort of a two part truth question. First of all, if you could have either me or Dennis for a whole day as a 3; you know slave to torture and abuse, which one would you choose? And also, what, ummm say, two tortures would you definitely want to do?"

Chip smiled as he saw the pained look on Stevie's face. He looked like he was about to cry.

"Come on little brother, just spit it out. I promise I won't be mad or anything," Chip said reassuringly.

It took a little while for Stevie to gather his thoughts. Once he did, he took a deep breath and stammered, "Ummm 3; well 3; okay 3; I ummm 3; would want to do it 3; you know 3; To ummm you Chip."

Chip's cock really throbbed inside his jock as he said, "Well, that's cool. So what about the tortures? What two would you like to do on me?"

It took a little more reassuring before Stevie finally got it out. The first was no real surprise, it was the hot wax thing. Like most 11 year old boys, Stevie was fascinated by older boys' genitals, and just loved messing with them.

[Boy Fact #13- Younger boys are fascinated by older boys' "tools". They love the thought of torturing older boys' genitals. ]

The second one surprised Chip a little.

"Well, and umm 3; the second one is sort of like the ant torture. I read about this on the net. It uses insects too. They are crickets, and what I'd do is get a bunch of them in a jar or something, then rub some beer on your cock and balls and then have you stick them in the jar."

"I read that the crickets get sort of pissed and start biting. Oh and yea, of course you'd be tied up. The other part would be putting a plastic tube in your ass so it reached your prostate. Then I'd use a funnel to get some crickets into the tube. They'd be pissed and would eventually start biting your prostate."

"The guy who wrote about it on the net said it is tricky, but can work, and is a really good torture. So okay, anyway, that's my truth Chip. Okay?"

By the time Stevie finished, Chip's cock was throbbing really hard. He wasn't sure what excited him the most 3; the thought of putting a guy through that 3; or having Stevie put him through it.

He thought for a moment and then said, "You know that cricket thing sounds wild. I bet it would be cool to try with someone like Kevin 3; you know, maybe try and get a couple of crickets inside his foreskin 3; that would be wicked."

"So, okay, that was your truth. Don't worry, I'm not mad or anything. It's cool. So now it's your turn. Do you want to give me a Truth or a Dare?" Chip asked.

Stevie thought for a moment then said, "A Dare!"

Chip smiled, handed Stevie the six dice and said, "Okay, go ahead and roll to see how much you have to pay."

Stevie shook the dice and rolled them out on the desk. Chip smiled as he added them up, "Looks like you gotta pay with 25 whacks Stevie so bend over the chair like I did."

Stevie trembled slightly as he bent over the chair. Like Chip his cock was throbbing as he waited for the first blows.

He looked at the Webcam show and noted that they were done with the hot wax part. Dennis was slumped in his bonds and was sobbing. The camera zoomed in on his cock and balls as the wax was being picked off.

Stevie glanced at Chip and said, "Man, they should whip the wax off of his cock and balls, like we've done at the torture house."

Chip laughed, "Well, you should have suggested it. Too late now though. Looks like they are in a hurry to get him ready for the next hour. That's when they'll use the Tunnel of Terror on him. That should be fun to watch. Oh and hey little bro, think about that. Since you've got the genes, it shouldn't be too much longer before we can use that thing on you. It is totally wicked."

Stevie trembled slightly as he thought about that. For the moment, he was glad his cock wasn't big enough for the Tunnel.

Chip took a look at something else that wasn't very big. His balls tingled as he looked at Stevie's little ass. It was creamy white and framed by a dark tan line, which Chip just loved.

He rubbed the paddle over Stevie's tight cheeks and said, "Okay little brother, brace yourself! I hope you've got a good Dare for me, cause this is gonna hurt!"

Stevie grabbed the front of the chair and gritted his teeth. He kept his eyes on the computer screen. To his initial chagrin, they lowered Dennis to the floor so he was no longer hanging by his wrists and balls. He got over it fast enough as he watched Dennis being spread-eagled on his back on the torture table. They bound Dennis so tight that he grunted.

Chip chuckled, "They're tying him really tight, so he can't thrash around too much."


Chip's first blow landed squarely across both of Stevie's tender cheeks. He gasped but didn't cry out. He wanted to impress Chip by being tough.


In the dungeon, Dennis was feeling anything but tough. His chest, stomach, thighs, cock and balls were still burning from the flogging and the hot wax. He was mad at himself for crying in front of all the viewers on the Webcam site. It was bad enough being exposed and boned like this, but crying made it feel even worse.

He knew what was coming next and was getting scared. He had seen Mark use electrical torture devices and the Tunnel of Terror before and knew how good he was with it. It hadn't taken Mark long at all to reduce Casey, the 18 year old, All-American jock type from the fraternity, to tears, and force him to beg. The end result of that was that Casey agreed to be Mark's slave until he graduated.

As tough as Dennis tried to be, he was almost certain that he'd get to the point where he too would beg for it to stop. The question was what would it take to get Mark to stop.

He got a sinking feeling in his stomach as he watched Mark wheel a small table across the room towards him. The feeling got worse as he listened to Mark explain how the Tunnel worked to the Webcam viewers.

Mike was pleased to see people in the chat room explain things to those who didn't have sound. Fortunately it appeared most did have sound. He was even more pleased as he watched and listened to Mark's explanation. He was like a TV host, albeit a naked one with an erection. Mike concentrated on zooming the camera in on the various parts of the device as Mark explained each one in turn.

"Okay, this is the heart of the Tunnel of Terror. It's basically a cylindrical metal cage with a rubberized coating. You'll note these six thick raised rings spaced out from one end to the other. They can be adjusted up and down to ensure full coverage of the subject's cock."

"Each ring has six small flat-headed electrodes and six sharp spiked ones. When the guy's hard cock is first inserted in the Tunnel, the electrodes and the spikes are retracted into the rings. The controls on this box are used to control the amount of current flowing into both and also to make them protrude into the tunnel to make contact with the cock."

"One of the wildest things about this, is that the rings can all be control individually. By using this slider control bar, the electrical shocks can be transferred from ring to ring, up and down the cock, resulting in a feeling like you are being masturbated with electricity."

"The spikes are rather sharp. When they are used, they can actually draw a little blood if you're not careful."

Mike and the chat room viewers were totally enthralled and excited. Mark went on to explain about the other two parts of the Tunnel.

There was a small mesh pouch that slipped over the guy's ball sack. It had two metal plates inside that rested against each ball. There was also a thin metal grid in the mesh that could shock the entire ball sack.

"Yes, the ball pouch is nasty too. You can tickle the subject's balls with light shocks, or raise the current level to the point where it feels like hundreds of tiny hammers are pounding away at his testicles."

Mark held the anal probe up to the camera and smiled, "Okay, this is the anal probe. It's obvious where it goes. Note the six copper colored metal bands spaced out along it's length. Like the rings on the Tunnel itself, they can deliver electrical shocks, and can be controlled in such away as to make the subject feel like he is being fucked with electricity."

"Lastly, the tip of the probe has a vibrator inside, along with a metal shock band. It rests against the subject's prostate. The vibrator can be used to keep him stimulated throughout his session. Activate the shock band located there, and electrical pulses will slam into his prostate. The result is he won't be able to stop cumming."

Mike glanced at the chat room comments as Mark proceeded to hook Dennis up to the Tunnel. Everyone was really excited.

Mike switched between cameras to get them even more excited. Dennis's face was as white as a ghost. He looked terrified. He twitched as Mark secured the pouch on his balls and slid the Tunnel down his cock.

He trembled some more as Mark adjusted the position of the end ring on the tunnel.

"The important thing about this ring is, you want it positioned so it is right in the center of his cock head. That way you can zap his head, or jab it with the spikes right when he starts cumming."

Dennis grunted as Mark worked the anal probe into his tight hole and attached it to the end of the Tunnel tube.

He completed his preparations by attaching the wires to the control box and signaling Mike with a thumb up sign.


Chip was delivering the final blow to Stevie's little, bright red ass.



Stevie grunted.

Chip was really proud of his little brother. Though he did have tears in his eyes, he never really screamed. He gasped and moaned at times, but didn't cry out.

"Well Dude, it looks like they're ready to start on Dennis," Chip chuckled.

Stevie stood up, rubbed his burning ass and said, "Yea. So ummm do you want to wait to do your dare, so you don't miss this?"

Chip had mixed feelings about that. He did sort of want to watch Mark torturing Dennis live. He could watch the video capture later, but would be more fun to see it while it was happening.

"Well, I would like to watch it. Depending on what your dare is, maybe I could watch while I was doing it," Chip chuckled.

Sitting there boned in just his sweaty jock, with his equally near naked and boned brother beside him was turning him on. He was loving watching Dennis being tortured, but was getting anxious for some live action of his own, no matter what it was.

Stevie actually had two possible dares in mind. One involved Chip having to run around the block in just his jock and running shoes. He would have to find three kids who he would let "feel" him up for five minutes each, before he came back.

Stevie liked that one. The other possibility was a dare that could be done in the room. He was a little concerned that it might be too much. Still he was really horned now.

Chip sensed Stevie's frustration and said reassuringly, "Hey Stevie, whatever you decide is fine, and the dare could be a tough one, you paid for it with your red ass."

Stevie thought for a moment longer then said, "Well, okay, we'll do the dare right here then 3; it's ummm 3; sort of simple 3; for your Dare, you just have to be my slave for two hours, and I get to do whatever I want to you."

Chip rubbed his knuckles through Stevie's hair and giggled, "Well, that is a Dare, and I didn't set any real limits, so I guess I have to do it. So what do you want me to do?"

Chip smiled some more as Stevie got things started. He had Chip remove his jock, then tied him in his chair, with his hands behind the back of the chair, and his ankles pulled up on either side and tied to the chair rungs.

It was the second time he had been tied like this today.

He noted that Stevie knew what he was doing. The way he was secured, his legs were spread wide and his cock and balls were totally exposed and vulnerable. Knowing Stevie, Chip was certain that cock and ball torture would figure prominently in this dare.

And he was right, well, partially right.

Chip was actually extremely excited about what was happening. Stevie turned the volume up on the Webcam show so that Chip could hear what was happening with Dennis. At the moment, Mark was busy "masturbating" Dennis with the electrical shocks. Chip's cock throbbed and his balls tingled as he remembered the time the Tunnel was used on him.

The throbbing and tingling increased though as he thought about some of his plans for the future. There would be some special "meetings" soon at the torture house. Everyone involved in their "club", in any way, would have to experience the Tunnel of Terror. He would work out a schedule of meetings. Each meeting would include one or two guys getting tortured with it and with the new video equipment being installed, they could broadcast every one on the Internet.

Chip's heart started pounding as he ran down the list. The toughest part would be to decide the order. While Stevie rummaged through their box of torture and sex toys, and Mark worked Dennis over with the Tunnel, Chip started prioritizing the list of names in his mind.

There were so many to choose from. The first one who came to mind was Justyn, Aaron's 17 year old smart ass cousin. He would be an unwilling subject, which would make it more fun. Chip figured he could let Justyn's two skate buddies know about it so they could watch it on the Webcam. Heck, since Justyn also still owed some time to the "brats" he just might invite them to assist.

Logan was another one at the top of the list. Chip just loved Logan's tight body and blond hair. He couldn't wait to see the 16 year old lacrosse captain, stretched out naked and to hear him scream.

Speaking of screaming, Stevie and Chip's eyes widened as they heard Dennis gasp really loud. They saw the signs and knew what was coming. Dennis raised his butt up off the table and started pumping in the air.


Mark knew the signs too, and waited for the precise moment when Dennis started to cum. As the first spurt of teen boy cream shot out of Dennis's shaft, Mark triggered the control that sent the six sharp electrified spikes plunging into his throbbing cock head.


Dennis's scream echoed through the dungeon as he yanked at his bonds. In spite of the pain, Dennis continued shooting until he was drained. The last few drops oozed out of his piss slit and dribbled down inside the tunnel.

Mark let the spikes continue to shock Dennis's oversensitive cock head until Dennis yelled, "OH GOD PLEASE! STOP! IT HURTS TO MUCH! AGGGGHHHHH! PLEASE MARK, I'LL do whatever you want! AGGGHHHHHH!"

Mark smiled as he retracted the metal spikes. Dennis had uttered the magic words. He had cum once and screamed and begged, which meant that Mark was halfway there to win his bet. All he had to do was make Dennis cum two more times and he had plenty of time for that. Like his brother Chip, Dennis had a fast recovery time.

[Boy Fact #14- Most teenage boys have an incredibly rapid recovery time, especially when it comes to anything even remotely sexually challenging.]

Stevie let Chip watch the screen for a couple more minutes, then said, "Well, I guess we should get to our fun stuff, slave boy!"

Stevie knelt beside the chair and started things off by sliding a constricting cock ring all the way down Chip's long shaft. Chip shook slightly when the ring "snapped" into place at the base of his hard cock.

Stevie and Chip both understood the main purpose of the ring was to keep him painfully hard and to make it difficult to cum.

Stevie followed that up by placing a leather band around the top of Chip's ball sac. It was wide enough to act as a sort of stretcher.

Chip started breathing faster and faster, as little Stevie continued working on him. Vibrating tit clamps were placed on his nipples and a vibrating "egg" was placed under his balls.

He had been certain that Stevie would torture his cock and balls the whole time. He wasn't afraid of pain, at least not that much. In Chip's case, that seemed to increase the intensity of his orgasms. If Stevie did what Chip expected, he would torture him for awhile, before making him cum.

Little did Chip know, Stevie had other plans and wanted to try them out on him. His own cock strained inside his jock as he rubbed Chip's inner thighs and teased, "Yea big brother, your body belongs to me now, and I'll do whatever I want to it. And who knows, I just may decide to keep you in this chair a lot longer."

Chip tingled all over. There was something about the tone in Stevie's voice that was turning him on. He really loved the feelings he got when he was in control of another guy and could torture and humiliate him. But there was also something exciting about being controlled by another guy. In Chip's case, when he was in this type of mood, having his own little brother in control of his naked body was a super turn on.

And now, here he was, bound, naked, and helpless and at Stevie's mercy. More blood managed to force it's way into his already painfully hard cock

By now, Stevie pretty much knew the most sensitive spots on Chip's body. They were pretty much the same for all three brothers.

Chip's inner thighs were quite sensitive. Stevie rubbed both of them teasingly. He smiled as he felt Chip tremble. Stevie had been reading a bunch of stories on the Internet and was excited about trying some of the things he had read about on Chip.

Chip was 15, and seemed to be horny all the time. Stevie knew that Chip masturbated a lot. Cumming four or five times a day was a common thing for his older brother. While Stevie would torture Chip's manly parts, he would focus most of his efforts torturing Chip with pleasure. He wanted to see if he could get Chip to beg him, to be able to cum.

He figured it might be tricky getting Chip close to the edge without cumming. Chip had a relatively fast "trigger" when it came to cumming. The tight cock ring and the band around his balls would help prevent him from shooting too soon, but was not foolproof.

The first part of his plan was to get Chip to the point he was horned out of his mind. After having watched the Webcam show with Dennis, and sitting in wearing nothing but sweaty jocks, both boys were already pretty "worked up."

Watching porn was exciting, but the real thing was better. Both brothers were craving actual physical contact.

Stevie rubbed Chip's thighs and pubic area for several minutes as he teased, "You really like looking at naked guys and doing `stuff' to them, don't you Chip. I mean you like it a lot."

Chip managed a nod and said, "Yea, you know I do."

The way Stevie was acting was new to Chip. By now, Stevie should be torturing his cock and balls in some nasty way. Instead Stevie was just sort of messing with him.

Stevie's heart started to pound faster as he felt Chip quiver slightly. He wrapped his hand around Chip's hard cock and continued, "And you do like feeling other guys hard cocks too, don't you?"

Again Chip nodded, "Yea, okay I do."

Stevie felt another shudder and said teasingly, "Looks like you like having your hard cock felt too, especially when you're tied up and helpless. You want me to torture this big cock of yours now don't you big brother?"

Chip shook some more.

"Well, don't worry, I've got something special in mind, to get you warmed up."

He stopped rubbing Chip's thighs and reached into the box of "toys."

Chip's eyes widened as he saw what Stevie retrieved. It was the tall little jar that contained a bunch plastic stir sticks. His eyes stayed wide as he watched Stevie remove one of the sticks and grease it up.

Stevie gave Chip a wicked little grin as he pried Chip's piss slit open and proceeded to slide the stick inside Chip's hard cock. He was already painfully hard, so it was a little difficult working the thing down his piss tube since it was so constricted.

Stevie was patient as he slowly inched the stick down inside Chip's throbbing shaft.

Chip gasped and squirmed. The feeling inside his cock wasn't all that painful. It did feel strange, however. It was a combination of pain, tickly and itching, and was sort of maddening.

When Stevie was finished, all but about an inch of the stick was inside Chip's cock. Chip couldn't resist looking down at his cock. It was sticking straight up and he could see the end of the stick protruding from his slit.

He trembled yet again as he watched Stevie attach a vibrating tit clamp to the end of the stick and turn it on.

Chip gasped when he felt the new sensation inside his cock. The stir stick transmitted the vibrations up and down it's entire length. He started to sweat as he tried to "deal" with this maddening sensation inside his cock.

Stevie was pleased with how Chip was reacting and decided to "turn up" the heat some more and "feel" the power.

He straddled Chip's chair, so that his jock strap pouch was in front of Chip's face and snarled, "Okay slave, I know you've tasted other boys before, now taste me! Go ahead and lick my jock pouch."

Chip started breathing a lot harder. Stevie's demonstration of power was having it's effect. Though Stevie's scent was not as strong as his own, it was there. Chip tilted his head forward and began licking the front of Stevie's pouch.

It was moist with fresh sweat, had a mild pungent odor, and tasted a little salty. It wasn't long before Chip began pulling parts of the pouch into his mouth and sucking it.

Stevie liked that. He let it go on for a few minutes, then suddenly climbed off the chair, yanked off his jock and then re-straddled it.

Chip stared at Stevie's manhood. His cock wasn't all that big and his balls had not dropped yet. Still he was fairly well endowed for an 11 year old, and his cock was sticking straight up.

Stevie saw the way Chip was looking at his cock and chuckled, "I know you want to taste me, but just a minute. First a reminder about who is boss right now. Tilt your head back and open your mouth slave boy!"

Stevie smiled as Chip followed his instructions. Chip had no idea what Stevie would do next, and was surprised by what he did.

Stevie leaned forward, gathered up a bunch of spit and then let it drop into Chip's open mouth.

"Okay slave boy, now swallow that! All of it!" Stevie snapped.

Chip swallowed Stevie's spit. His face was flushed and his body tingled all over.

Stevie grabbed Chip's hair, yanked his head back even further and commanded, "Open again slave boy!"

Chip opened his mouth wide and waited as Stevie spit in his mouth again. He didn't wait to be told to swallow.

As soon as Chip swallowed, Stevie pulled Chip's head back up and positioned his groin directly in front of Chip's face. "There you go big brother, now start by washing my balls with your tongue and mouth. They're still pretty sweaty form that soccer game."

Stevie was right, they were pretty sweaty. Stevie's scent was stronger now. His balls tasted salty, but the taste was not that unpleasant. Chip felt Stevie quiver with pleasure as he gently sucked his balls into his mouth. That caused him to tingle as well.

He continued to tingle as he moved to Stevie's hard young cock.

Stevie ran his finger's through Chip's hair and said, "Yea, you like having my cock in your mouth don't you Chip. Well get used to it, cause I'm sure you'll have a lot of cocks in your mouth on that weekend when you pay off on your bet to those dudes in the park."

Stevie's heart really pounded hard as he saw the way Chip was reacting. Not only was Chip breathing hard and sweating, but his whole body was shaking. He sucked Stevie harder.

Though Stevie could tell Chip was getting really "worked up", he had no idea just how incredibly excited Chip was getting.

Chip's mind was running wild. The vibrations from the nipple clamps, the egg under his balls, and the stir stick inside his cock were making him crazy enough. But it was the other stuff that Stevie was doing that was making him even crazier.

He had never really seen this side of Stevie before. There was no hesitation in what he was doing. He was asserting his authority over Chip's body and, in the process, was making Chip wild with desire.

Chip had been through a lot of stuff at the torture house, the fraternity houses and the barn, but this seemed all the more intense. And with each passing moment, Chip was becoming increasingly desperate to cum.

Stevie let Chip suck his cock until he was close to the edge before he pulled out and climbed off the chair.

He smiled as he surveyed his older brother's naked bound body. It glistened with sweat and his huge hard cock looked like it was ready to explode. He loved the way Chip's muscular chest was having as he gasped for air.

He knew he could make Chip cum within seconds it he wanted to and that would be fun. He would love to have his hand wrapped around Chip's shaft and feel it throb as his teen seed found release.

But, he wasn't quite ready for that just yet. He wanted to get Chip to beg for that release, just like he had read about in those stories on the net. And one way to get Chip to that point was to keep him totally worked up.

Stevie knelt beside Chip once more and began running his hands all over his body. He kneaded Chip's firm biceps, pecs and abs. He ran his fingers across Chip's denuded pubic area and felt the stubble.

"Feels like your pubes are growing back bro. I can't wait for you to get your bush back!" he teased.

Chip continued to shake as Stevie felt him all over. His excitement grew as Stevie, once again began massaging his inner thighs. The position he was bound in, with his thighs spread wide, accentuated his feelings of total vulnerability.

Stevie added to those feeling by lingering at the upper part of Chip's thighs, beside his outstretched balls.

"Man Chip, I bet there are a lot of guys who would just love to have you in this position. Imagine some of the stuff they would do to you. Maybe I should give that Justyn dude a call. He really hates you."

Chip trembled a lot more. As straight as Justyn tried to remain, there was no doubt in Chip's mind that Justyn would jump at a chance like this. He pretty much blamed Chip for orchestrating most of his problems.

Chip gasped, "Yo Dude, we don't have enough time for anyone else before mom and dad get home."

Stevie grinned, "Yea, I guess you're right, so I'll just have to do it all myself."

Chip did breathe a little sigh of relief as Stevie removed the stir stick from inside his cock. That was a welcome relief.

He started breathing harder with what followed.

Stevie had a mischievous grin on his face as he walked over to the computer, typed away and activated the camera.

"Woah, what are you doing?" Chip gasped.

"Oh come on Chip, you can tell! I am gonna record this next part so I can watch it later, maybe even share it with some of our friends."

Chip started to protest, but Stevie cut him off by reminding him that he was a slave, at least for the moment.

It occurred to Chip, as more blood tried to force it's way into his erect shaft, that the feelings he was having, had to be like those of so many of the guys involved with their "games" and activities.

He would definitely have to remember these feelings.

With the camera running, Stevie returned to the matter at hand 3; and that was continuing to make Chip hornier and hornier.

Once again he straddled the chair. This time he positioned himself so that his own hard cock was resting against Chip's. Then he began moving so that his cock was rubbing up and down on Chip's throbbing shaft.

"So do you like this Chip? You know have your little brother's erect penis sliding up and down on yours?"

Obviously Chip liked it a lot. He didn't know what to say, and could only gasp for air. Chip tried to get a grip as he tried to rationalize what was happening. Any teenage boy, his age would get turned on by this. The naked bondage was one thing, but the physical contact was another.

What Chip wasn't able to discern, how much of his excitement was coming from the fact it was an 11 year doing this to him. Was that a major part in his arousal, or was it that it was his own little brother who was doing this.

He thought about the brother thing and breathed still harder. This was a "naughty" thing 3; brothers doing this 3; the fact that it was "naughty" just made it all the more exciting.

Stevie continued rubbing his hard little cock against Chip's and teased, "I can tell you like this a lot big brother 3; feeling my hard penis on yours. I bet you'd like to use another part of me about now."

There were few times when Chip was speechless, but this was one of them.

Stevie seemed to sense that and pressed on.

Once again, he demanded that Chip open his mouth so he could spit into it.

Chip complied immediately and swallowed Stevie's spit.

Stevie smiled as he climbed off of Chip. Chip's cock looked even harder. The cock head was a purple color now and glistened with pre-cum.

Stevie laughed, "Yea Chip, looks like you need to cum really bad. If you're nice, I just may make you cum. You want that Chip?"

Chip gasped, "Oh God yes. Come on Stevie. Please!"

Stevie was actually a little surprised that Chip was sounding this desperate already. He loved the feeling of power he got as the realization came to him about just how powerful the desire to cum could be in older boys.

And at the moment, Chip's desire to do just that was overwhelming. It washed away all rational thoughts 3; all cautions 3; all concerns. All he could think about was that feeling of relief. It didn't matter what Stevie's "price" would be 3; whatever it was would be worth it.

Stevie was close to "forcing" some sort of deal on Chip 3; just to see if he was right, and could do it. He didn't want to make it another long slave deal or anything. The ones everyone had were already getting hard to keep up with.

Still he wanted something extra.

As tempted as he was to offer a deal right then and there, he held off. He wanted to do one last thing, to see if he could send Chip totally off the deep end. He thought it was sort of crazy, but couldn't resist trying it.

Once again, Chip's breathing sped up as Stevie straddled his chair.

Stevie sat with his legs spread across Chip's lean, but muscular thighs. He looked at Chip and teased, "So Chip, I could tell you liked feeling my cock rubbing against yours, but I'm betting there is something else you'd like even more."

Once again Chip didn't know how to respond. All he could think about was cumming.

Stevie smiled as he raised himself up a little, scooted around, and positioned himself so that the tip of Chip's throbbing cock was pressing against his little hole. It was a little tricky and he had to be on his tip toes, but he was able to pull it off.

"Come on Chip! Admit it, you'd love to feel me riding up and down on your big teen shaft wouldn't you? You know, you'd love to fuck your own little brother 3; maybe hear me gasp and scream as your giant cock split my tight ass?"

Most of Stevie's actions had taken him by surprise, but this one shocked him. This didn't sound like his loving and adoring little brother at all.

Chip tried to find the words to say but was distracted by the feeling in his groin. Stevie was pressing down so that the tip of Chip's cock started to force Stevie's hole open.

Stevie slapped Chip's face and snarled, "Open your damn mouth big brother and swallow more of my spit! NOW!"

Chip opened his mouth and swallowed more of Stevie's spit.

"Now come on big brother! Admit it! You'd love to feel your cock inside of me 3; your little brother. Love to make me scream as I ride up and down it 3; and would love to cum inside my tight little ass! Now just admit it!"

He spit in Chip's mouth a couple more times before Chip gasped, "Oh God Yes! OKAY, I admit it! DAMN Stevie, just make me cum okay. I promise I'll do whatever you want."

Stevie pressed down just enough so that Chip's cock head entered him. He gasped from the pain, and clenched down on Chip's cock head.

"Okay big brother, here's our deal. I get to tie you up again 3; like whenever I want 3; and do stuff to you 3; But to be fair 3; and because we are brothers 3; you can do the same to me, whenever you want 3; okay?"

The other side of Stevie had stepped in. He was loving doing this to Chip, but also wanted Chip to do "stuff" to him.

Somehow Chip managed to get hold of enough of his senses to "deal" with his horny little brother.

"Okay, okay! But here's the deal. To start with, you have to ride all the way up and down my cock right now! I mean all the way in, and keep doing it, until I cum. The other thing is, this deal is just between you and me! Dennis can't know about it! In fact no one else can know about this deal! I mean it!"

The deal turned out to be a "win-win" for both boys. Chip was finally coming to grips with some of his own "dark desires" and needs. In order to maintain control of the "group" connected to the torture house, he needed to come across as the "Master", the all knowing and powerful Chip.

Sure he could "submit" at times, just to demonstrate his own strength and ability to take what he dished out.

But overall, he had to be the one "in-charge!" He would torture and humiliate others for his own pleasure, especially boys older than him 3; and he would orchestrate the same for others.

But when he had those "dark desires" he could turn to Stevie, or Mark for "relief." He could rely on both to keep secrets 3; and as far as Chip was concerned, his deepest secret was the fact that he did get turned on by being used and abused by boys younger than himself. Not quite as much as he got turned on the other way, but still, the need was there.

The nice part about this "deal" was that Chip and Stevie would no longer have to fool around playing "Truth or Dare" games when they got the urge.

"Okay, so umm 3; there it is 3; okay Squirt? It's between you and me 3; okay? Just remember though, that means I'll get to do stuff to you too when I want 3; and torture you."

Stevie was glowing. He smiled and gasped, "Okay it's a deal!"

At that moment, a transformation took place. The "Dare" game was totally forgotten, as was Stevie's temporary control over Chip. Bound and helpless as he was, Chip assumed control.

"Okay little brother 3; now you have to deliver! Get off of me 3; remove the cock ring and that ball strap 3; and then climb back on 3; oh and yea, face me when you do 3; I want to see your look when you feel me all the way inside you!"

Stevie did as Chip commanded. He removed the ring and strap and straddled the chair again.

He lowered himself so that his hole was pressing against Chip's cock head.

Chip stared at Stevie and snapped, "Okay Squirt, now go ahead and lower yourself onto me all the way! Since I'm still tied like this, you'll have to do all the work!"

Both brothers gasped as Stevie worked to lower himself onto Chip's throbbing shaft. It was hard work. Chip's cock was big, and Stevie's little hole was tight.

Stevie's eyes filled with tears. Some from the pain, but others from the excitement of having Chip's cock inside of him.

He was about three quarters of the way down when he gasped, "OH GOD CHIP! This is really hurting! Do I have to go all the way?"

Chip gasped back, "Yea dude! All the way! I want to be totally inside your little body before you make me cum!"

Stevie gritted his teeth as he forced himself down the rest of the way.

Both brothers cried out when Stevie's ass cheeks finally came to rest on Chip's upper thighs.

Stevie thrashed about a bit and cried, "OH GOD! THIS HURTS SO BAD! AGGGGHHHH!"

His thrashing continued for awhile. Eventually he settled down. His ass seemed to loosen up and he started to get accustomed to the feel of Chip's manhood inside him.

Chip smiled and said, "Well you'd better get used to it, cause from now on you'll have it inside you a lot."

Stevie finally managed to catch his breath. He gave Chip a wicked little grin and gasped, "Okay, I think I'm ready to really ride you know Chip, so here goes."

Both brothers gasped for air as Stevie began sliding up and down Chip's throbbing shaft. Stevie grimaced with every downward plunge, but managed to pick up the pace after a few minutes.

"Oh may God, Stevie 3; your ass is so damn tight! Feels great though! AHHHHHGGGG!"

Chip and Stevie were both sweating and breathing hard. Chip's body was tingling all over. Being tied and totally helpless while Stevie essentially controlled his pleasure with his tight little ass was a major turn on. Another was the fact that he could feel Stevie's hard cock sliding up and down his abs.

Not surprisingly, it didn't take all that long before Chip exploded inside Stevie. He cried out as he started shooting. He gasped for air as he felt Stevie's hole clench down on his throbbing manhood.


Chip's gasp and the feel of his cock pulsing inside him, pushed Stevie over the edge too. He cried out as he spurted his little pre-teen load onto Chip's hard abs.

Both continue "pumping" for awhile before Stevie just collapsed against Chip. He wrapped his arms around his older brother and sobbed, "Oh God, how can something that feels so good be, you know supposedly so wrong."

Chip smiled warmly and said, "Well, yea lots of people think it's wrong, especially between brothers, but the hell with them, I don't really care. Still we do need to be cool about it. Hell, if the wrong people found out about this, or the other stuff we do at the torture house, we'd all end up having to see a shrink."

"But let's not get too worried about that. We'll just have fun."

Chip felt Stevie's arms tighten around him. If his arms weren't tied, he would have hugged Stevie back.

The two brothers stayed locked together like that for some time. When Chip's cock finally began to soften inside Stevie, he said, "Okay Squirt, I think we'd better stop now and get cleaned up. Probably should air out the room too cause it smells like sweat and sex."

Stevie giggled as he climbed off of Chip, "Yea I guess we smell too. I suppose I should untie you now, although it might be fun to see if I could make you cum again, before I do."

Chip noticed another quick change in Stevie's demeanor. Just moments before he had sounded like a sensitive, guilt ridden little boy, now he was a mischievous one. What's more the tone of his voice was one of command.

Chip opened his mouth to speak, but wasn't fast enough.

In one swift movement, Stevie scooped up his jock strap, balled it up and shoved it into Chip's mouth. He followed that up by stretching Chip's own dirty jock strap over his mouth and nose.

Chip screamed into the jock and yanked at his bonds.

Stevie laughed and said, "Hey, remember our deal 3; `Whenever I want' 3; well this is whenever. I figured it would be a good time, since you are already naked and tied up. And we never really did get to the good cock and ball tortures. Oh and there's still plenty of time before Mom and Dad get home."

At first, Chip was a little pissed at Stevie, but that went away quickly. The reason was, Stevie's little show of authority was turning him on once again and his cock began to harden. The scent of his own sweaty jock was also helping that along.

Stevie noticed the twitch in Chip's cock and giggled, "Yea big brother, my guess is you really do want me to torture your cock and balls hard don't you? So what should it be? The penis whip? 3; The ball press? 3; Maybe the stir stick again? 3; Some hot wax? 3; The ball paddle 3;or hey! Maybe those cock rings with the spikes inside? 3; Decisions 3; Decisions!"

Chip continued pulling at his bonds. His feeling of vulnerability intensified with Stevie's every word. Bound the way he was, Stevie had total access to his manly parts, and there was nothing he could do to protect himself.

Of course Stevie knew that he would eventually get some type of payback from Chip, but wasn't all that concerned about it. Hell, he had survived the ant pit torture already.

His own cock hardened some more as he began rubbing Icy Hot ointment on Chip's cock and balls.

As soon as he was done, he stepped back and hopped over to the computer. He made a few adjustments to the camera after confirming it was recording. The view was a good one. You could see Chip from his knees, all the way up to his face.

Stevie made note of the camera angle so he wouldn't block the view. As he was finishing up, he heard Chip moan. By the way he was panting, shaking and sweating, the Icy Hot was having it's effect.

Chip's eyes widened as he gasped for air. He had the stuff on his genitals before, but still couldn't get used to it. It went on cool, then quickly turned hot 3; really hot. Chip's cock and balls felt like they were burning. Tears filled his eyes and he screamed into his gag.


In spite of the pain, more blood rushed into his rapidly hardening cock. His rate of "hardening" increased as he watched Stevie setup a TV tray beside him and proceed to lay some of the torture items on top of it. He didn't know what was exciting him the most, the anticipation of the torture that was coming or the things Stevie was saying.

"Yea Chip, I know how much you seem to love torturing other guys' cocks and balls, but I have noticed you do seem to get really excited when yours get tortured, you know when you're all tied up 3; like now."

"And Holy Shit Chip! You're getting boned again really fast! What's up with that?"

Another wild thing about Chip was the fact that being in a situation like this tended to get his creative and organizational juices flowing.

As he watched Stevie prepare for his torture, his mind turned back to the "club". There was so much to do. He would, indeed, try to organize more, especially in view of the upcoming renovations to the torture house and the additional equipment.

There was also the matter of the secret tunnel and hidden cottage. The cottage would need to be cleaned. The question was just how to use it.

His mind kept racing as he felt Stevie tie a light piece of cord around his cock, just below the head. Stevie pulled the cord down and tied it off, so that Chip's cock was sticking straight out and away from his body.

Chip knew the purpose of that was so that the infamous penis whip had full access to his hardened member. Besides the hot wax, the penis whip was Stevie's favorite device for use on older boys.

Chip flinched but continued thinking as Stevie began lashing his cock.


Each twinge of pain to his cock made him a little harder, and kept him thinking.

By the tenth lash, Chip was breathing very hard. The pain coursing through his cock was intense, but so was the idea that was formulating in his mind.

He would "formalize" the membership process in their little club and make it more like a fraternity. There would be a formal initiation which everyone would have to go through. There would also be "ranks" within the fraternity. To gain a higher rank, you would have to do tougher stuff.

Stevie continued lashing Chip's hard cock. By the time he reached 20, Chip's cock had some nasty red marks up and down it's length. Chip's eyes were watering and he was gasping for air. To Stevie's dismay and frustration, Chip hadn't even come close to screaming into his jock gag. The most he got were some loud moans.

That didn't stop him from continuing the tortures. Hot wax was next, and he used plenty of it. Chip squirmed and trembled as the wax dropped onto the sensitive skin of his throbbing cock and balls, but there were still no screams.

Chip was on a roll now. It would take him awhile to formulate his plan. Even at 15, he knew from experience that guys could really get into "ritualistic" stuff 3; secret ceremonies 3; oaths 3; Secret signs 3; passwords 3; and so on.

If Chip had his way 3; which he almost always did 3; the club would have all of that.

He started to shake some more as Stevie began dropping the wax on his balls. Stevie kept taunting him, but Chip just sort of tuned him out.

First of all, he would have to come up with some cool and/or mysterious name for the fraternity. Then he would have to come up with a basic initiation that included a fair amount of ritualistic shit. Most "ceremonies" would be conducted with candle light or light from torches.

Creating the ritual part excited Chip a lot, but creating the tough initiation parts excited him even more. Every level would involve torture and humiliation.

To be fair, Chip figured that credit would need to be given for some of the stuff that the guys had already gone through. He could work that out. He also figured that Tom might be able to find a source and provide for some things like "ritual robes" and "symbols."

Stevie had gotten to the point where Chip's cock and balls were pretty much coated with wax. He was frustrated that Chip wasn't reacting as expected. Though he had remained hard throughout, maybe gotten even harder, he wasn't even close to screaming.

With that, Stevie decided to use the little leather ball paddle to whip the hardened wax off of Chip's exposed genitals.

Chip grunted as he felt the little paddle slam into his balls, but remained fixated on his thoughts.

He had no doubt about his ability to "sell" the idea to the others. That would be easy. The question would be, how to get it started. That had him perplexed for a bit.


Chip gasped and grunted as Stevie continued using the little paddle on his cock and balls. It hurt like hell, but it was that pain that seemed to trigger yet another moment of inspiration.

To launch this little secret fraternity, he would need some help from some guys who would understand, and could be trusted and relied upon. All the guys were that way, but it would be too chaotic to have a sort of "committee of the whole" to start things.

It took a few more whacks to his balls before Chip found the solution. He would meet with the three 18 year old frat boys 3; The Twins (Brandon & Bryce) and Casey. He would explain it all to them and enlist their assistance conducting the initiations for everyone else.

In keeping with ritual, the three, as well as Chip would "initiate" each other, albeit in an abbreviated manner to get things started. Once the formal initiations started, it would be like this had all been well established.


Chip breathed faster and harder as he felt the pain and "caught the vision."

It would be a mysterious ceremony.

The "initiates" would be lined up inside the front room of the torture house. The first "initiate" would be forcibly stripped, bound with his hands behind his back, blindfolded, and then be led down into the basement dungeon.

He would be forced to kneel, facing the back wall. It would be there that is "oath" would be taken 3; a sacred oath of secrecy and loyalty. His oath would be "sealed" with ten lashes from a flogger.



Stevie's whacks to Chip's cock and balls were getting harder, but so was Chip as he visualized the ceremony.

It was maybe a little hokey but was turning Chip on in a major way.

He saw the guy in his mind, in this case it was the hot 16 year old Logan, kneeling there after just making his oath. His blindfold was removed and his bonds untied. A robed figure (probably Casey), pointed at the wall and said, "Before you lies the entrance to our most sacred place. The key is your manhood! Raise it now, and the door will open!"

Chip was really gasping now and was getting close to cumming.

Stevie kept whacking Chip's genitals, trying to remove all the wax. He could tell Chip was indeed getting close to cumming and figured it was because of what he was doing. "Yea, big brother does like being tortured!" he thought.

Chip was totally focused on the image in his mind. There was Logan, kneeling naked in the basement dungeon. His solid high school jock body had some red marks from the hard lashes. He looked around and seemed a little confused at first. Then the robed figure repeated, "Before you lies the entrance to our most sacred place. The key is your manhood! RAISE it now, and the door will open!"

At last, Logan's face blushed as the realization struck. He wrapped his hand around his cock and started stroking.

Chip's balls tingled as he imagined Logan stroking himself to full erection. As soon as he was totally boned, the secret door in the wall would open. Logan would then be directed to enter the secret tunnel and be given the final instructions before the door closed behind him, "Keep your manhood raised young initiate! Keep your manhood raised young initiate!"

Chip's vision continued as he imagined Logan, naked and boned, walking down that candlelit stone tunnel 3; finding the ladder at the end, and climbing up into the hidden cottage, which would be where he would be tortured physically and sexually for hours 3; maybe overnight.

It was at that point that Stevie gave Chip's cock head a really hard whack with the leather paddle.

Chip yanked at his bonds and screamed into his gag as he started shooting. It wasn't as much as he had shot inside Stevie's little ass, but it was still, fairly substantial.

Stevie was beside himself now. He had made Chip cum again, sooner than he had expected. His own little cock was throbbing as he looked at Chip sweating and gasping for air. He loved the feeling he was getting from this.

If there was one concern that Stevie had, it was that Chip would be so pissed to the point that he would hate him. One of the most important things in Stevie's life was his oldest brother's approval and affection. Losing that would be devastating to Stevie.

Keeping said older brother tied up like this and torturing him might not help him in that department. Still he was very horned.

Now, if Chip was pissed about anything, it was the fact that his arms and legs were beginning to hurt. He had been bound in this position for some time. If it continued much longer, he might start to cramp.

Still Stevie did seem to be really enjoying himself, and that made Chip happy. And of course he had made Chip cum twice already 3; and that was always a good thing 3; coerced or not 3; in Chip's book 3; any cum 3; was a good cum. And oddly enough, some of his best "cums" had occurred when he was tied up.

At the moment, the way his mind was going, he wasn't all that concerned about what his horny little brother was doing to him. It actually was helping him get his thoughts "organized."

His only real concern was that Stevie would lose track of time and that their parents would "bust" them.

That aside, his thoughts shifted to the "Payouts" for the Arena Show. Those would need to be taken care of before the "launch" of their "fraternity" 3; which would need a name soon!

Chip managed a grin as he glanced at Stevie's groin. The dirty jock was still stretched over his face, but he could still see. Stevie's small, but rapidly growing little cock was once again fully erect. "Yep, he is a Peterson boy!" Chip mused.

Chip also noticed that Stevie did seem a little perplexed 3; obviously horned 3; but perplexed. Gagged as he was, he couldn't say anything. Still, he sort of wanted things to continue a little longer.

He considered trying to act really pissed to get Stevie's attention, and was about to start grunting and thrashing, when "fate intervened" 3; his IPHONE rang.

Stevie looked confused for a second until Chip started nodding his head and grunting.

Stevie grabbed the IPHONE, and answered it.


"Oh, no, this is Stevie. Who's this?"

"Oh hi Cody. Well 3; Chip is sort of tied up right now."

Stevie's giggles gave it away.

"Yea 3; he is really tied up. Is like this game. I guess I can put him on speaker."

He looked at Chip, who nodded.

It took a couple of minutes for Stevie to remove Chip's gag and get the IPHONE set up so Chip could hear and speak. Not surprisingly, he made no move to untie Chip.

"Hey Cody!" Chip chuckled.

"Sounds like you and Stevie are having some fun!" Cody laughed.

"Yes we are. I think maybe he is having the most fun since he has me tied up literally." Chip chuckled.

"Naked I suspect?" Cody asked.

"Of course 3; and before you ask you old perv, he's made me cum twice already!"

Cody laughed, "Wow! I'd love to hear more about that sometime. Still has you tied right?"


"Any chance he'll release you soon?" Cody teased.

Chip looked at Stevie, who shook his head and shouted, "He's gonna have to cum at least one more time before I release him. Maybe more!"

"Well Stevie, have fun!" Cody chuckled.

Meanwhile, on the other end of the line, Cody was getting really "worked up." He couldn't resist asking 3;

"So, umm, Stevie, could you tell me 3; just so I know 3; how do you have Chip tied up right now?"

Stevie really perked up.

"Well, okay, he's naked of course 3; and in a chair 3; with his arms pulled tight around the back 3; and his legs spread wide 3; OH HECK maybe it would be faster if I show you."

Chip was actually surprised that Stevie knew at least as much, maybe even more than he did about his own IPHONE setup.

It took just a few minutes before Cody was able to see a live video of Chip on his IPHONE.

Cody's cock throbbed as he saw Chip in that chair.

For the moment, he forgot about his initial reason for calling as he reached inside his gym shorts and started stroking. He hardened quickly as he looked at Chip's naked teenaged body. He really was something to see, especially when he had a raging hard-on and it was really exciting seeing him bound and helpless.

"So him Chip, what else has Stevie done to you besides making you cum?" Cody asked.

Chip smiled and said, "Well, you know the usual torture stuff 3; you know CBT along with vibrating nipple clamps and a vibrating egg under my balls."

Stevie chirped, "Don't forget the stir stick thing!"

Chip giggled, "Oh yea, he pushed a plastic stir stick down inside my cock and attached a little vibrator to it. That was really intense."

Cody was starting to sweat and his heart pounded as he visualized it. As much as liked being on the receiving end, he couldn't help but wish he was there and have the chance to work Chip over good.

"So anyway, what's up Cody?" Chip inquired.

"Oh yea, I remembered you said something about having a soccer scrimmage tomorrow after school. Is that right?"

Chip nodded and said, "Yea, it's just a scrimmage with the prep school and isn't part of our regular season."

"Well, if it's okay with you, I'd like to come and watch 3; and if you want you can come and watch our football practice. It's a short one with light pads and shorts, and then maybe we could grab a burger or something." Cody said.

Chip grinned and his cock throbbed as he thought about Cody's last words, " 3; or something."

"Hey that would be cool," Chip chuckled.

"Sounds like a plan then," Cody announced. His cock was throbbing too as he thought about seeing Chip out on the field exerting himself. For once, he was in a dominant sort of mood. His cock got super hard as he imagined being out on the field, ordering Chip to do "stuff."

He would have him strip naked in the middle of the field, do stretches and exercises, then run laps. And then have him masturbate out there in the open.

His last thought reminded him of what had happened after practice that day. He considered not telling Chip, but decided to go ahead. It actually was somewhat of a turn on to tell Chip and Stevie about what he had been ordered to do.

"Well, hey Chip, remember Jesse?"

Chip giggled, "Yea, so how's he doing?"

"Well, he's already climbing the walls with that chastity thing on. It hasn't been on that long, but he seems to be freaking out. I guess he's a real little horn toad when it comes to masturbating."

Chip laughed, "You know, I sort of figured. I'll keep it on him for awhile. That should drive him insane. So did he make you do anything after practice tonight?"

Cody smiled and said, "Well, sort of. After we were done, he told me to shower and then get dressed and meet him behind the bleachers. Oh and he ordered me to get a boner in the showers. It did it, and got a lot of kidding."

"Afterwards, when we were outside and alone, he pulled down my jeans and underwear and fondled me until I was close to cumming. Then he told me I wasn't allowed to cum until either you or he told me I could."

Chip chuckled, "Sounds cool! So anything else?"

Cody took a deep breath and blushed as he continued, "Well yea, he gave me an assignment that I'm supposed to do within a week. It's 3; ummm 3; pretty embarrassing."

Chip and Stevie's cocks throbbed as they continued listening.

"Well, it's like I have to tell the cheerleaders that I lost this bet. You know, the old excuse!"

Chip winked at Stevie and inquired, "Okay, yea, I get it. So what does he want you to do? I'm sure it's something twisted."

Cody's balls tingled and his cock throbbed as he said, "Yea. See I have to tell them that I lost this bet, and because I did, I have to strip totally naked in front of them all and then let them watch while I masturbate. Oh and yea, before I start jacking I'm supposed to let them feel me up."

Chip chuckled, "So what's the problem? From what I recall, a number of them have seen you naked before and have even had sex with you, right? You know, for um `show'."

Cody took another deep breath and then said, "Yea. Don't get me wrong, I did enjoy having sex with them 3; not as much as doing the stuff we do though 3; but 3; Well there's this one cheerleader 3; She's a freshman and is my cousin. She's never seen me, you know 3; naked or anything 3; and now I'll have to jack off while she watches."

Chip smiled and said, "Well, that should be fun to watch!"

Cody shuddered as he responded, "Yea I guess." As humiliating as that moment would be, he couldn't deny the fact that he was totally turned on by the prospect.

Chip could tell that Cody was really worked up. Jesse had told him he couldn't cum without his or Chip's permission. There was no doubt in Chip's mind that Cody was seeking that.

If it wasn't a school night, and mom and dad weren't coming home soon, Chip might have had Cody drive over, but it was too late for that. He decided that "phone" sex would have to do. He and Stevie were all worked up yet again and he wanted to do something.

[Boy Fact #14- Most teenage boys have an incredibly rapid recovery time, especially when it comes to anything even remotely sexually challenging.]

"So 3; ummm 3; Cody? How would you like to cum tonight?" Chip chuckled over the speaker phone.

Cody's cock really throbbed as he looked at Chip still bound in the chair, "Uh, yea sure! My guess is that it will cost me something, right?"

Chip laughed, "Well of course. Hell you still are my slave anyway. But for the moment let's just have some fun. I'm gonna need Stevie to untie me soon, cause my arms and legs are really starting to hurt."

"Before he does, how about you use Stevie here as your sort of proxy. You tell him what to do, as if you were actually here 3; and he'll do it while you watch! The deal is you have to be totally honest! If you were here, right now, what would you do to me? Impress me and I'll let you cum."

Cody was so turned on. Even through the IPhone, he could tell that Chip's body was coated with sweat. He thought about little Stevie torturing Chip in that chair and making him cum and wished he could have seen that.

Cody licked his lips while he rubbed his cock through his shorts. He wasn't sure how to proceed.

Chip seemed to sense some dilemma on Cody's end, so he spoke up again, "Okay, before we get started, why don't you tell us what you are wearing Cody." Chip managed to suppress a laugh. Saying that old classic phone sex line did sound hokey and funny.

Cody didn't seem to mind though. He waited just a moment before responding, "Well, I'm just wearing a pair of running shorts. That's it."

Chip grinned and asked, "And I'm guessing you're totally boned like you usually are?"

"Yea, you got that right. And I am `leaking' a little."

Chip smiled some more and continued, "Okay, well before you actually get started, go ahead and put on some socks and running shoes, cause I may want you to go for a little run."

Cody's heart pounded as he did as Chip had said. He considered putting on a jock, but decided against it, since Chip had not mentioned that. Unless Chip let him cum before that run, he would be in an embarrassing state. His no way he could hide the fact that he was boned in those shorts.

As soon as he had his socks and shoes on he responded, "Okay Chip Sir. I'm ready."

"Okay, then go ahead and tell Stevie what to do, just like you were here 3; and like I said, be honest. It's like you'll be in his little body," Chip teased.

All three were getting worked up now 3; really worked up! Stevie adjusted the IPhone so that Cody had a clear view of Chip, for his knees to his face.

"Well, okay, looks like you're pretty sweaty, so how about we have Stevie start taking care of that. So Stevie, go ahead and lick your brother's armpits, both of them," Cody said tentatively.

Chip tingled when he saw the way Stevie's nose wrinkled. For a moment it seemed like Stevie would protest, but that didn't last long. Stevie leaned close to Chip and began running his tongue through Chip's left pit.

It tasted salty, but not all that bad. In fact, Stevie felt his own balls tingle as he licked away. The taste was salty and the odor musty, but excited him. What also excited him was the way Chip trembled and moaned with every lick.

Cody was licking his own lips as he watched. He imagined running his tongue through Chip's armpits and then licking the sweat off of his entire body. He thought about Chip's soccer scrimmage the following day and his cock got harder as he wondered if Chip would make him lick him afterwards.

Chip was having similar thoughts. He couldn't wait to se Cody the next day. He would have Cody lick his sweaty body and would end up cumming in Cody's mouth. For Chip, that was one of the greatest feelings in the world, cumming in another guy's mouth. It was even better if the guy was bound, naked and helpless.

If they had the time, Chip would have Cody strip somewhere outside, then tie him up and have him suck Chip until he came hard.

He hoped there would be time to do that before Cody's football practice, because he wanted to put the new "equipment" on Cody before then 3; the remote controlled cock ring, vibrating egg, and the ball shocker. It would be fun to test them out during Cody's practice.

Chip moaned as Stevie followed Cody's next instruction. He removed the little vibrating nipple clamps from Chip's tits and started licking them. They were sensitive enough to begin with, but now were super sensitive, thanks to all that stimulation.

Chip shook hard as Stevie licked and nibbled at his tits. The nibbles were playful and teasing.

Meanwhile back in the frat house, Cody was sweating like crazy as he watched the perverse little scene. Sure, he was imagining that he was the one doing it to Chip, and that was exciting enough. But there was also something wildly exciting about watching Chip's own little brother doing it to him.

He wondered what it was like living there. The three brothers shared the same room and were obviously into this stuff in a big way. Chip and Dennis were in their mid-teens and had to be horned up most of the time 3; and though he was just 11, Stevie did seem to be moving down that road quickly.

So just how often did the mess with each other's bodies? He mused as he watched Stevie run his tongue down Chip's chest to his navel.

Incest stories, particularly ones involving brothers who were jocks in high school or college had always been a major turn on for Cody. There was a major gap, age wise, between himself and his little brother. They had never shared a room, and had rarely seen each other naked, at least not for years.

Somehow he managed to blurt out another request, "Okay Stevie, go ahead and lick his thighs, and then up and under and around his balls."

It was time for Cody's eyes to widen further as he watched Stevie run his tongue down to Chip's lean, but muscular, thighs and start licking away. He could tell that Chip was enjoying this a lot, by the way he trembled and moaned. He hoped that Chip was imagining that it was his tongue running over his body.

That was exactly how things started for Chip. He forgot it was Stevie and pretended it was, indeed, a naked Cody doing all the licking. That was exciting, but his thoughts had shifted back to the upcoming payouts for the Arena Show.

It occurred to him that two of the "brats" had won raffles that day. One of them would get Justyn for a full day, and another would get the college freshmen "Twins" (Bryce and Brandon) for a day as well. He wondered if they might be interested in doing his deal with them at the same time.

Since they would have him for the full weekend, perhaps the Twins could be "delivered" there for one day, and then, Justyn the next. Chip wasn't too worried about his own part. He knew it would be rough, but this could maybe take a little pressure off of him.

The more he thought about it, the harder he got. He was certain he could "sell" the brats on the idea, and that would "closeout" two of the raffles.

Logan would be the next. He had been won by one of his lacrosse teammates, as well as someone in the Internet raffle. Since the Internet raffles involved a "show, it might be possible to do the two together.

Coach Taylor had been won by the Twins' father. Chip thought that would probably be the easiest one to arrange. There was no doubt in his mind that the hot, young red-headed coach would be in for a very tough time. The Twins' dad seemed to be a rough type and was into torture. He hoped he would get a chance to see it.

He moaned louder as Stevie started licking his sweaty balls.

He envisioned Coach Taylor being suspended, naked in this dungeon 3; hanging by his wrists with a nasty ball stretcher on. These tough older guys, who looked like bikers were all wearing various forms of leather BDSM gear. They flogged Coach Taylor without mercy 3; used his hard stomach as a punching bag 3; shocked his balls with some sort of wand 3; then took turns fucking him while he hung there.

He didn't know if it would go quite like that, but it would be fun if it did.

That would leave just one live raffle and two Internet ones.

He and Casey had both been selected in the Internet raffle. Both owed a "live" show on the Net, or a direct one if the winner was close enough. So far they had not heard back from either of those winners since the initial email contact with Mark.

The last "live" raffle" winner was a 14 year old boy. He had won Cody.

Chip's balls tingled as he thought about the email they had received from that kid. He said that he was really "getting into" bondage, humiliation and torture and wanted to know just how far he could go with the guy he had won.

Chip responded that he could go as far as he wanted. The only limitations being that there would be no permanent marks and nothing that would get him arrested. Chip threw in the comment, "So yea Dude, you can humiliate him in front of others, however you want, but can't do something like, you know make him run naked through the mall. You get the picture."

Chip started panting as Stevie began sucking his cock.

Cody was panting too as he watched. He had told Stevie to put his hands behind his back as if he was handcuffed. He imagined himself, naked and cuffed, sucking Chip's throbbing teen cock.

And throbbing it was!

Chip had ended up chatting in ICQ with the kid who had won Cody. He had asked for suggestions for some really nasty tortures, and Chip had given him a bunch of ideas. The torture stuff aside, it did seem like the kid was planning a fair amount of humiliation for the college senior.

Chip trembled with excitement as he remembered the last part of the chat he had. The kid had a younger brother and was planning to have Cody teach him and his other little friends how to masturbate. After he showed them the "basics", they would tie him up and everyone would get a chance to jack him off. Their goal would be to make Cody cum multiple times. And in between, they would torture Cody's naked body.

Speaking of cumming multiple times, Chip was once again close. Stevie was really sucking hard. If Chip had one regret, it was that he wouldn't be shooting all that much into his little brother's mouth.

Back at the frat house, Cody was breathing really hard, and sweating like crazy. He wanted to cum so bad! The sight of Chip, bound the way he was, and being sucked by his own brother was almost too much.

He looked down at the front of his shorts. They were tented to the max. If Chip ordered him to go running like this, there was no way he could hide the fact that he was boned. He was certain that Chip would order him to do just that, and that made him all the more harder.

He snapped out of his little daze when he heard Chip gasp, "OH GOD Stevie, YEA! Suck it all out!"


As Stevie tried his best to suck Chip dry, Chip smiled at the IPhone camera and taunted, "That's right slave boy! I'm cumming in his mouth and I'll be doing the same thing to you tomorrow! I won't bother showering after soccer practice so you can really taste me!"

Cody almost lost it! He was so hard and so close to cumming.

It took a few minutes for Chip to catch his breath. Despite the fact that he had cum just a little while before, he had managed to deposit enough of his rich teen seed to give Stevie a nice little taste. The feeling of having Stevie's little lips wrapped around his cock as he came was intense enough. Knowing that Cody was watching, made it even more so.

As soon as Chip got hold of himself, his thoughts focused on Cody. He told Stevie to untie him before his legs and arms started cramping.

Cody watched as Stevie released Chip from the chair. Chip wobbled slightly as he stood up and walked to the IPhone.

"Well I hope you enjoyed our little brotherly sex show! Tune in again to see Chip payback Stevie. It will be twisted and fun," Chip chuckled as he repositioned the IPhone.

"Okay, so let's get down to some more fun. I have an assignment for you Cody. To start, how long is your basic running course on those trails behind Fraternity Row?"

Cody tingled as he replied, "Uhhh 3; it's just over two and a half miles."

Chip grinned and continued, "Okay, that's good. Now here is your assignment. You are going to run that course right now. You will wear just running shorts, socks and shoes. That's it. You will also have to stay boned the entire time 3; oh and yea.. it has to be obvious 3; so pull your cock down and trap it, so it tents straight out."

Cody's heart beat faster and his balls tingled. It was around dusk, a popular time for runners wishing to avoid the heat. As boned as he was, anyone he encountered would be sure to notice. He was both scared and excited about the prospect.

As if that wasn't enough, Chip made it even more scary and exciting.

"And another thing, when you run, I want you to carry a magic marker with you. You are to get seven different people to sign their names on your body. You'll need to get one signature on each of your ass cheeks, one on your back, one above each nipple, one on your stomach, and one on your pubic area, which I know is still denuded from that shaving."

"Oh and yea, when you get them to sign your pubic area and your ass cheeks, your shorts must be down to your ankles. I'll expect to see at least some hint of those signatures when I see you tomorrow."

Cody's heart was really pounding now. A lot of people who used those trails knew him. The one saving grace was that most also knew that he was in a fraternity, so he could explain it off as a frat thing. The fact that he was totally erect might be a little tougher to explain, but if questioned about it, he would use the same explanation.

He did consider trying to talk Chip out of it, but couldn't find the words. Any objection he had vanished when Chip snapped, "Okay slave boy, you have your instructions! Grab that marker and start running. Come back with all seven signatures and you'll get to cum 3; while Stevie and I watch of course."

Chip winked at Stevie as Cody signed off.

"Now that should be fun. Just wish we could see it. Anyway, while he's gone, I've got something to show you. It's really cool."

Chip listened to Stevie chatter as he pulled the sets of remote control devices out of his back pack. It took a little doing to get Stevie to shut up.

"Look dude, I'm not pissed at you for keeping me tied up for so long and doing what you did! That doesn't mean you won't be paying for it."

"So are you going to tie me up soon Chip, and you know torture me and stuff?" Stevie chirped.

"Yea, when I'm ready. And trust me I'll be getting you good little brother." Chip chuckled.

With that, the conversation shifted to the devices. Stevie was fascinated as Chip explained how the remote controlled vibrating cock ring, anal egg, and ball shocker worked. He got really excited when Chip told him what kind of range they had.

"Yea, these have a pretty long range 3; like a few hundred yards. I'm going to put a set on Cody tomorrow and play with it during his football practice. Oh and yea, a big by the way, check out the cock rings, there are several of them in each set 3; the smallest one would fit on a little cock like yours, little brother."

Stevie stared at the cock rings and then asked," So I guess that means you are gonna used them on me?"

Chip giggled, "Of course! In fact, I'll put them on you now, so you can really understand how they work. I think I'll have you sleep with them on 3; well 3; and um `in you' in the case of the egg. Speaking of that, go ahead and take a dump. I don't want you having to shit in the middle of the night."

Chip grinned as he watched his naked little brother scamper to the bathroom. Sure it was a school night, but would still be fun. He figured he'd shock Stevie's tight little balls a couple of times during the night and keep the egg and cock ring vibrating. He knew Stevie was experiencing "wet dreams" and wondered just how many he'd have.


Cody had managed to get out of the frat house without anyone paying any particular attention. As he jogged towards the running trails, he glanced down at the front of his shorts. He had done as Chip had instructed 3; his long hard cock was "trapped" in such a way that it stuck straight out to the point of being obscene.

Cody blushed as he entered the running trails. Though some might not notice his "tent" as he ran, whoever he got to "sign" his body would be sure to notice. He had entertained the thought of getting some of his frat brothers to just do the signatures, but blew it off. In a twisted way, this was much more exciting.

His excitement grew as he encountered two other runners. He recognized them from one of his classes. They had apparently just finished their runs and were cooling down. Both waved at Cody as he approached and both smiled when they glanced at the front of his shorts.

"Hey Cody, how's it hanging?" one guy said.

Both started cracking up as the second guy chuckled, "Looks like it's not hanging at all!"

Cody blushed and said, "Uh yea 3; sort of embarrassing. It's um 3; part of this frat thing 3; and um I was wondering if maybe you guys could help me out."

Cody had no idea if the guys were gay or not. They seemed like cool guys though and he got the impression they would accept the "frat" thing and decided to get the "ass cheek" signing out of the way.

Both managed to suppress laughs as Cody explained about the "signing."

"Okay, so um where do we need to sign?" one guy asked as he took the marker from Cody.

"Well, I know it's weird, but you each need to sign one of my ass cheeks." He blushed profusely as he said it. "I know it's crazy, but I'll owe you guys one, if you can help me out."

Not surprisingly there was some kidding around as Cody, dropped his shorts to his ankles and bent over.

"Shit Cody, you have a nice ass 3; and um a really big cock. Bet the ladies love that!"

Cody continued to blush as the guys wrote their names on his ass cheeks. They took their time doing it and gave his cheeks more squeezes than they really had too. When they were finished they stepped around in front of Cody and watched as he pulled his shorts back up.

"So is that part of this thing too 3; you know having to be all boned up?" One of them chuckled.

Cody nodded and said, "Yea. I have to be boned for all the signatures. I have five more to get, so I better get moving."

They handed the marker back to Cody, wished him luck and headed off.

He had only been running a couple of minutes when he encountered another guy. He appeared to be a freshman who was out hiking with a walking stick. Cody figured he'd probably be an easy one to get a signature from.

He was right. The guy seemed excited to be asked to sign Cody's back. While he did it, he chattered about thinking he'd try and join a fraternity. Cody invited him to a party at his frat house and the guy thanked him.

"So I guess if I get invited to join, I'll have to do something like this?" he asked.

Cody grinned and said, "Well, yea. A bunch of other stuff too. It's a little crazy, but not that bad. I'm sure you could handle it."

It seemed like the guy wanted to ask Cody more questions, but Cody politely begged off and reiterated his invite before continuing his run.

It wasn't until he reached the halfway point that he encountered another group. There were three college girls who Cody didn't recognize, but could tell they were in a Sorority by their T-shirts. Involving sorority girls in frat stuff was common and Cody figured they would accept it quickly. So he decided to ask them to sign his chest and stomach. After that he'd just have the pubic area to get signed.

He was right about the girls, they did understand. The also clearly noticed his tented shorts. As the first one was signing above his left nipple, she asked, "It's Cody, right? You're the quarterback, right?"

Cody nodded and said, "Yea I am. Guess you recognized me."

She giggled, "It's hard not to, you're pictures all over the place. A bunch of the girls have that calendar picture of you, you know in a swimsuit. Nice body, by the way. And 3; um obviously nice equipment!" She said as she glanced at his tented shorts.

Cody blushed some more and said, "Umm 3; thanks."

"But you're a senior right? This couldn't be part of pledging." One asked.

"Well, it's not. It's more like a challenge thing from the pledges. I got picked to do it."

It was a lie, of course, but sounded plausible enough.

The other two girls took their time signing above his other nipple and across his stomach. Both rubbed up against the front of his shorts when they did and grinned when they saw his blush.

When they were done, they handed the marker back and winked at each other. Cody was about to thank them and continue his run, when one of them said, "So since we did you a favor, I think you owe us one."

"Yea, I guess I do. I do have to finish my run though, so it'd have to be something quick or maybe at another time," Cody offered.

Again they winked at each other before one said, "Well, something simple and quick then. How about you let us check out your `equipment' then, right here."

That really made Cody blush. He didn't know quite what to say. He thought about it for a minute, then shrugged and said simply, "Okay, go ahead."

The girls smiled and stepped closer. One of them told Cody to put his hands behind his head. He trembled slightly as he raised his arms and waited.

One of the girls, grabbed the waistband of his shorts and yanked them down to his ankles. All three gasped when they saw his huge cock slap up against his pubic area. They had obviously seen naked guys before and definitely seen some with big cocks. Cody's was different however. Unlike most other guys with long ones, Cody's was sticking straight up, like that of a teenage boy.

The girls couldn't resist feeling his cock and balls. They took turns pulling his hard cock down until he grunted and smiled as they let it snap back up.

Cody wasn't sure how long it lasted, but guessed is was about 10 minutes. It seemed like they wanted to jack him off, but stopped when they heard some voices on the trail.

"Okay Cody, you're a good sport. Better pull your shorts back up and get moving. Maybe we could have a repeat performance sometime."

Cody acted quickly to pull his shorts up and then took off running. As he left he could hear one of the girls commenting, "Wow, he really is huge. I'm not sure I'd want that thing in me."

He was glad it ended when it did. As he rounded the bend, he saw where the voices had come from. It was an older couple out walking their dog. Both waved at Cody as he ran by. The old man shouted, "Good luck this weekend Cody!"

Cody rolled his eyes as he ran. "Is there anyone out here who doesn't know me?" he thought.

He would have blushed some more had he heard the conversation between the couple that took place after he passed by.

"Did you see writing on his chest and stomach? And his shorts?" the lady asked.

"Yea, he's a college kid, probably in some fraternity. That's what they do and you know that's what they're like," the old man chuckled.

Cody passed by some other runners and decided to keep going in hopes of finding someone he felt good about asking for that last signature, the one across his pubic area.

He was pretty close to the end of his run, when he came upon a guy doing sit-ups at an exercise station. The guy was shirtless like him and relatively young. As he drew closer, he smiled as he recognized the guy. It was Casey, the All-American type guy from the Gamma house who had helped with the arena show.

Casey watched Cody approach and smiled as he recognized him.

"Hey Cody, what's up?" Casey chirped as he stopped his sit-ups.

"Well not a whole lot, I'm just having to do this sort of crazy fraternity challenge," he chuckled.

Casey saw the signatures on Cody's chest and stomach, and the tent in his shorts and laughed, "Yea it's always something."

Cody giggled, "Yea, I've got one last thing to do before I'm done and maybe you could help me with it."

If anyone would be willing, it would be Casey. He was, after all, in a gay fraternity, and a rough one at that. You'd never guess that though from his boyish, almost angelic looks.

"Sure Cody, give me a minute or so to finish my sit-ups. I've got 50 more to do. It would be cool if you held my ankles. That's better than hooking them under this bar thing."

Cody was more than happy to help. He knelt down, grabbed Casey's ankles and watched as he continued his sit-ups. He couldn't help but look up inside the legs of Casey's shorts. Sadly Casey was wearing a jock, that didn't stop Cody from getting worked up though.

Boyish looks aside, Casey had just the right amount of light hairs on his legs, and smooth creamy white lean thighs, much like Chip's. Judging by the bulge inside his shorts, Cody guessed that Casey was either boned, or getting there.

As soon as he was done, Casey jumped to his feet, spun around and giggled, "One last favor bro, brush off my back, if you could."

Again, Cody was happy to oblige. He brushed the leaves and little twigs off of Casey's bare back and off the back of his shorts. Casey had the classic "V" shaped torso and a really nice little ass.

Cody finished by giving Casey's butt a playful slap and saying, "Okay dude, you're all brushed off."

Casey spun around and said, "Okay, cool, now what do you need me to do?"

He grinned as he listened to Cody explain.

"Well, okay, I need one last signature and it has to go down 3; here," Cody said as he gestured towards his pubic area.

"Not a problem! Give me the marker, pull them down and I'll do it. Guess your pubes haven't quite grown back in yet since the arena thing?"

Cody pulled his shorts down and handed Casey the marker. "Not yet, although they are getting there."

Casey chuckled as he pushed Cody's hard cock aside, "Sorry, I gotta move this bad boy out of the way. Man Dude, you really are big! I mean shit I almost forgot."

Casey did take his time signing his name across Cody's denuded pubic area. He loved the feel of Cody's hard cock. Though he was pretty sure that Cody was a lot like him and got turned on by being a submissive, he couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to have Cody in control of him, even for a short time.

He was the star college quarterback, and could take control. As he finished, he imagined Cody, taking control, ordering him around, humiliating him, torturing him, and making him ride his hard cock.

By the time he let go of Cody's cock and handed the marker back, he was totally erect himself.

Cody pulled his shorts back up and chuckled, "Guess I owe you one?"

Casey grinned and said, "No Dude, that's okay, just glad I could help."

There was a long pause as the two college jocks looked at each other, lost in thought. Finally it was Cody who broke the silence.

"No Dude, come on, you helped me out. So I owe you."

Cody tingled as he saw a mischievous grin cross Casey's chiseled, but boyish face. It was the same grin he had seen on Chip's face.

"Well, okay. How about this? 3; to make life more `interesting'. Let's race back to Fraternity Row. We'll use those two stone posts at the end of the pine trail as the finish line. The loser has to hand over his shorts, and go back to the frat house naked. To be fair, if I lose, I'll hand over my shorts and jock. How about that?"

It was the type of challenge that appealed to jocks. Both were super horny, which made the challenge all the more appealing.

Cody "sized up" Casey. He was really lean and fit and probably pretty fast. But Cody was fast too. He thought for a moment then took a big chance. He didn't know where the thought had come from.

"Well, okay, but one additional thing. Besides that, let's say the loser is the winner's slave boy for the rest of the evening. How about that?"

It took Casey less than a minute to agree.

By the time they took off running, both were really charged up. Both wanted to win the little race, but neither one would be that upset if he lost.

It was a really close race. Cody was amazed at just how fast Casey could run, especially on the flat stretches.

Casey had seen Cody on the football field and knew he was fast. The thing he seemed to have forgotten was Cody's scrambling abilities. The last part of the race was on a winding trail in the little pine forest.

Cody weaved his way through it without breaking stride and ended up crossing the "finish" line well ahead of Casey.

As they worked to walk it off and catch their breaths, Casey gasped, "So let me know when you want my shorts and jock 3; um 3; Master!"

Cody thought for a moment and gasped back, "Well, let's do this. Keep them on until we get inside my room at my frat house. That's when they'll come off 3; and then you are mine for the rest of the evening!"

Casey's cock throbbed as he nodded his head and said, "Okay Sir!" To say he was excited would be an understatement.

Cody was excited too. His heart pounded as he began thinking about the things he would make Casey go through that evening. Part of that excitement came from the thought of surprising Chip with Casey in his room.

As they walked to his frat house, Cody's dominant and sadistic side seemed to take over his mind. He wanted to have Casey naked and bound at his mercy 3; and wanted to show no mercy at all to the hot All-American boy jock.

As had been done to him, he would gag Casey with his own sweaty jock 3; maybe blindfold him 3; put a headset over his ears with loud music 3; and then torture him as hard as he could.

And who knows, maybe force Casey to ride his cock 3; all the way.

Yea, Chip would be surprised when he got Cody's IPhone call.

Speaking of Chip

Stevie was all "rigged up" with the remote devices. He was still naked, and currently outside in the back yard, running around. Chip watched from the window as Stevie ran laps around the yard. He grinned as he pressed the remote control for the ball shocker and saw Stevie stagger.

The cock ring and anal egg were vibrating at the fastest speed, and even from where he was, Chip could see that his little brother's cock was rock hard.

He let Stevie run a few more laps, before he called him back inside. Mom and Dad were due home soon, so the boys at least needed to get some shorts on. The test had been successful. It was a big backyard, and the remote had worked when Stevie was all the way in the back. Chip couldn't wait to have the devices on Cody during his football practice the next day.

Both boys had just pulled on some shorts when Chip's IPhone rang.

He was pleased to see it was Cody calling back.

Chip's first surprise came when Cody suggested they get on their computers and do a Webcam chat.

That was fine with Chip. The picture was bigger and better there, as was the audio.

It took a few minutes to set it up.

When they were connected, both grinned.

Chip and Stevie could see Cody sitting in his chair, bare-chested , with the "signatures" above his nipples.

Cody could see the two boys sitting in their chairs, also bare-chested.

Chip started things off.

"Okies, just so you know the `rents' could get home soon, so if we suddenly get quiet and/or sign off, you know why. I'll kill the speakers if that happens. So anyway, how was your run? And show us the results.. all of them!"

Stevie and Chip poked each other as they listened and watched. Cody gave them a run down of all that had happened and showed them all the signatures on his body.

The two boys giggled when they heard about the sorority girls and what they had done.

The only part that Cody omitted was the race he and Casey had. He was saving that.

Chip listened intently and then said, "Well, seems like you did good, so I guess you earned the right to cum tonight, so go ahead. We get to watch though."

Chip poked Stevie and winked, "This will be fun to watch," he whispered.

"Yea, okay 3; I'll do it, but before I start, I need to show you something," Cody chuckled.

Chip and Stevie watched as Cody panned the camera over to another chair.

There was a naked guy tied to it in the exact same manner Chip had been earlier 3; with legs spread wide. He was blindfolded, gagged and had a headset on.

Cody waited a moment for it to sink in, then chuckled, "Now you might not recognize him, but that's Casey 3; you know from the Gamma house. He was the last one to `sign' on me. We had a race after that and he lost, so I get him for the evening. He can't hear me now and is sucking on his own sweaty jock. So, umm 3; `Sir?' 3; is there anything you or Stevie would like me to do to him? I have some stuff here, but not a lot. Or you could just watch."

Chip's mind whirled. This was a total surprise. He thought about giving Cody some suggestions but decided it might be more fun to just watch what Cody came up with.

"Dude, that's okay. Just go with the flow! Just make him suffer."

"Well Okay. Just can't decide though. I want him to ride my cock 3; you know all the way 3; but I'd also like to cum in his mouth 3; so what do you think?"

Chip thought for just a moment, then said, "Well, how about this? When you get to that point, you make him ride your cock and take it all the way. When you get close to cumming, you make him suck your cock. He'll taste his own ass juices before he tastes your cum. Oh and yea, pull out just enough so you coat his tongue with your jism."

"Sounds like a plan boss, so here goes!" Cody chirped.

Cody's mind was totally reeling and his body was tingling all over.

Having this 18 year old jock bound, naked and helpless was a huge turn-on. He was like a kid in the proverbial candy store.

At one moment he wanted to lick Casey's hard body 3; suck his cock 3; bite his nipples 3; and so on 3; and then, at the next moment he wanted to torture his cock and balls harshly 3; to see him tremble and hear him scream in his gag.

His room smelled of sweat and male arousal, and he was feeling giddy.

Chip sensed some dilemma on Cody's part and was about to say something when Cody picked up an old used toothbrush and began running it back and forth across Casey's hard cock head.

Casey pulled at his bonds and screamed into his jock gag.


The pain traveled own his cock and into his body. As intense as it was, it did nothing to lessen his state of arousal 3; if anything it increased it.

Casey had experienced "sensory" denial before. Being blindfolded, gagged and unable to hear anything other than the rock music blaring in his ears was a huge turn on. It was Cody, the hot jock doing this to him 3; but for all he knew, Cody might have invited others in. He would never know 3; and that excited him.

Stevie whispered to Chip, "Shit! Cody is really getting into this!"

Chip nodded and whispered back, "Yea, sort of surprising. Anyway, let's just watch. And stop talking. If you don't I'll shock your balls some more."

Stevie shut up. The ball shocker was still on him, and he had noted the fact that Chip had turned the intensity up on the remote.

Cody did have some "toys" in his room, but not much, so he resorted to using his hands mostly.

He set the toothbrush down and slapped Casey's hard cock around for awhile.

Casey grunted and groaned with each hard slap. His grunts quickly shifted to muffled screams when Cody started on his balls.

He began with squeezing them, then "snapped" Casey's balls between his fingers. Each snap sent waves of pain through Casey's body. It was almost worse than being kicked there.

Cody continued that "treatment" for awhile. Then shifted gears. He picked up a ruler and started smacking Casey's exposed inner thighs.

Though Cody had experienced similar feelings, he was amazed that Casey continued to remain totally erect. It was as if the pain added to Casey's sense of sexual arousal.

Had he known more about Casey's past, he might not have been as surprised.

Like the "Twins", Brandon and Bryce, Casey had experienced some pretty nasty sexual stuff as a young teenager. For better or worse, by the age of 18, Casey's most intense orgasms came when he was bound and helpless, and being tortured in some way 3; That, or undergoing some form of major public humiliation.

Casey had been raised by his uncle after his parents died.

To say his uncle had perverted ideas would be an understatement.

Casey's uncle was relentless and meticulous when it came to raising his young nephew. He insisted on making sure Casey became a total jock.

Fortunately for Casey, he was gifted athletically, and excelled at every sport his uncle enrolled him in.

It was when he started puberty when things got sort of twisted.

His uncle caught him masturbating and lowered the boom on poor little Casey. He was only 11 at the time.

The next day, his uncle placed a chastity device on him. That device and subsequent devices would remain on him throughout junior and senior high school.

In spite of the fact he was involved in major school sports, no one seemed to question the fact that he didn't "want" to shower at school. Lots of teenage boys were shy about that.

The "twisted" part of the relationship with his uncle revolved around his rapidly evolving sexuality.

Casey could not masturbate with the chastity device on. Though he did have some "wet dreams" on occasion, it was not the same.

If there was a totally abusive part of their relationship, it occurred when Casey turned 13.

His uncle sensed that the chastity device was beginning to have a major negative effect on his hot little nephew. He recognized that Casey would need relief more and more and came up with a nasty plan.

On Casey's 13th birthday, his uncle called him into his den. He made Casey strip naked, except for the chastity cage. Casey blushed as he listened to his uncle explain the new set of rules that would be in force, since he was now officially a teenager.

"Believe it or not Casey, I do remember what it was like being your age! You feel the need to masturbate all the time. And it feels great. Well because I love you so much, I'm going to help you with that. The chastity device will stay on, but you can have it removed whenever you want 3; so you can masturbate."

"There will be a cost, however. Sort of like a menu. Each month I will give you a list of choices for things you can do to earn the right to masturbate. There will be one for each day of the month. Most will involve some form of punishment or pain. Each time you do one, you earn the right to jack off 3; and I'll remove the chastity device for you to do it while I watch, or anyone else I want to does."

And so it went!

Casey's "need" was insatiable 3; And the "prices" just kept getting higher.

Most days he'd rush home from school after his latest team practice and wait for his uncle. As instructed he'd be naked and kneeling just inside the door.

When his uncle arrived, he'd announce what item he had chosen from the "menu". One of the simpler ones would be getting 10 smacks on his bare ass with a paddle.

After that, the chastity device would be removed and he could jack off while his uncle watched.

Others were more involved and included being jacked off while being whipped or spanked in front of others. And once he was in high school, cock and ball torture was always predominant on his "menu".

The end result of all of this was that Casey got his most intense and satisfying releases when he was being punished or humiliated in some way. Sure he did get some relief just masturbating by himself, but it wasn't the same.

Chip was totally mesmerized as he watched and listened. Casey could not hear a thing Cody was saying because of the ear phones.

"Yea Dude, you have a really nice cock! One that can be tortured easily," Cody snarled as he slapped Casey's hard cock around.

Casey gasped and yanked at his bonds.


He shook violently when Cody pulled one of the earphones away and shouted, "DUDE! I can keep this up all night! You saw my cock! Ride it all the way, and I'll consider our little deal done 3; Well after I cum that is! So NOD now if you want to take my cock all the way in your tight little ass!"

No surprise there! Casey nodded fast!

Cody smiled as he removed the earphones, pulled the gag from Casey's mouth and continued, "Okay Dude 3; like I said, you're going to have to take all of my cock up your ass 3; Then 3; you'll suck me until I cum in your mouth! Got it?"

Casey was wild now! He nodded and gasped, "OH YEAH! Whatever you say!"

Chip crossed his fingers and hoped the "rents" wouldn't get home too soon.

This was a side of Cody he had not seen much of. Chip and Stevie wanted to see some more cock and ball torture, but were satisfied as they watched the scene unfold.

Cody untied Casey, dragged a weight bench into frame and had Casey bend over it. As soon as Casey was in position, Cody proceeded to "mount him."

There was no prep at all for Casey's poor little ass. Cody was just too worked up.

He positioned his cockhead and pressed against Casey's tight hole. It took some doing, but as soon as he felt a slight opening, he rammed his huge cock all the way in.

Casey screamed really loud and tried to throw Cody off of his back, but Cody was too strong and too much in a state of total lust. He rammed his cock in and out of Casey's ass.

"OH GOD! DAMN 3; AGGHHHHH!" Casey shouted.

Cody kept pumping as he snarled at Casey, "Remember slave boy, I'll cum in your mouth!"

Chip and Stevie watched wide eyed as Cody pulled out of Casey's ass 3; shifted around and shoved his cock into Casey's mouth.

It didn't take long at that point.

Cody shot volley after volley into Casey's willing mouth.

Casey shot his own volleys on the floor beneath the weight bench.

Thankfully their timing was right on!

Chip heard the garage door open and signed off fast with the reminder that he would see Cody at his soccer scrimmage the next day. He and Stevie pulled on T-shirts and went downstairs to greet Mom and Dad.

In Cody's Room

For the moment, Cody was in a state of "after-lust-fulfillment"! Like it or not, he had the feeling he had just raped Casey.

He sat down on the edge of his bed and stammered, "Dude 3; shit man 3; I am sorry about that."

Casey climbed off of the bench, sat down beside Cody and said, "Sorry about what?"

Cody took a deep breath and blurted out, "Shit man! I just raped your ass and mouth!"

Casey wrapped his arm around Cody's bare shoulders and said, "Dude, did you hear me shout rape? 3;. or stop?"

Cody perked up a little and said, "No I guess not. Shit man, this is all still so new to me. I guess I am still having a hard time the fact that I am a fag."

Casey gave Cody's face a hard slap as he snarled, "DAMN IT! Don't call yourself that 3; that way! What just happened was cool with me 3; No matter what you heard me shout! FUCK anyone who says it's not right!"

The "slave for the evening" thing evaporated as the too laid back on the bed. Casey snuggled close to Cody and listened as Cody poured out his heart. Both were naked now and could feel each other's heat and heart beats.

"Dude this is so hard sometimes! I mean shit, I didn't ask to be this way! I mean I keep dating these girls and getting off and all 3; so many just love sucking my cock."

Casey reached down and wrapped his hand around Cody's now soft cock as he teased, "I can understand why! You've got a monster!"

He started stroking Cody's cock as he listened to his rant.

"Man, this has been so tough for me! FUCK! You have no idea what it's like in the damn locker room!"

Casey snuggled closer as he stroked Cody's cock.

"Well actually I do. It has been that way with me for years. And 3; Ummm if it helps 3; I did like what you did to me. Did you like it? You know doing what you did 3; like torturing and `raping' me and all?"

It definitely was not by design, but Casey felt he was on the right track. He massaged Cody's cock and continued, "Dude it hurt like hell having your cock inside of me like that, all the way. But as they say, `no pain, no gain!' So what is your problem?"

Cody snuggled closer to Casey. It took awhile before he blurted it all out.

"Shit man, I am such a fucking perv! Yea, I admit it! I loved fucking you 3; I loved torturing you 3; like that 3; But 3; GOD I am so screwed up! 3;. if the truth be known and I am honest, I love it the other way! I get so tired of having to be the one in control all the time, like on the football field!"

"Sounds totally nuts I know, but ever since I met that damn kid 3; `Chip' 3; my life has spun around. And I can't wait for him to 3; ummm give me orders. I mean SHIT! The way I feel at times, if he told me to strip naked on the sidelines during a game, I just might do it. That's how crazy I feel at times."

Casey continued massaging Cody's rapidly hardening cock.

"Well, Dude, I feel the same way when it comes to his buddy 3; Mark 3; you think you're crazy 3; Mark is younger than him 3; and I'll do whatever he tells me to do. It's just the way I feel. And hell, come on, if it feels good, why not do it?"

Casey sensed there was one last thing Cody needed to get off his chest. He squeezed Cody's cock and said softly, "Dude, spit it out! I know you want to."

Casey pressed closer to Cody. He could feel Cody tremble and held his breath, waiting.

At last, Cody spit it out!

"DUDE! I can't help it! I get SO FUCKING turned on when those kids `make' me do the most dirty and nasty stuff. It's like I can't get enough of it. I have these crazy dreams all the time 3; about being forced to do stuff 3; naked 3; in public 3;like masturbating 3; GOD 3; it gets me so worked up! See how much of a perv I am?"

Casey gave Cody a major hug and said reassuringly, "Well, I do have similar thoughts and dreams. If it helps, maybe we can do them together 3; let them torture us side by side 3; and make us do 3; um 3; `nasty stuff' side by side 3; even to each other 3; I am game if you are, no matter how rough it gets!"

Cody had no way of knowing that this was the first time Casey had ever reached out to another guy in this manner. Hell, Cody had never felt this close to another guy before either! Laying there in bed, naked, side by side helped.

Both were hard again and turned over to press their manhood's together. It felt so good feeling one hard cock pressed against another. They rubbed up and down for awhile before Casey giggled, "So ummm 3; which one of us is the top?"

Cody laughed, "Heck, that would be Chip and his gang, I think! We are both slaves to them. Doesn't mean we can't have some fun on our own!"

Casey giggled, "Yea, that's sort of what I figured! Who knows, maybe we'll get punished for this, I don't care!"

And with that, Casey planted a major kiss on Cody's lips. The kiss continued as Cody's IPhone rang and rang!


The saga moves on! Coming VERY Soon 3; the ARENA PAYOUTS! Still time to get your suggestions in! Email them to westwoodscotty(at)hotmail(dot)com

There will be another insect torture event coming soon! And it will involve 'crickets!' Yea, they can be nasty little buggers 3; they do bite and 'sting'!

That aside, I do appreciate suggestions for tortures of various kinds. Reasonable ones! No castration and such.

If you have a suggestion for tortures 3; email them to me!

AND 3; as always 3; I JUST love hearing about any type of 'initiation' real life stories! Most always seem to involve nudity at some point!

Cheers, Scotty westwoodscotty(at)hotmail(dot)com