Scott Westwood
Boys Love Torture
Chapter 6 Pay Backs Can Be A Bitch
[Leeches have an anterior (oral) sucker which is used to connect to a host for feeding, and also releases an anesthetic to prevent the host from feeling the leech. A leech attaches itself when it bites, and it will stay attached until it has had its fill of blood at which point they fall off to digest.]
Chip watched as Mark took the jar with the leeches and stepped out of sight. A few moments passed and then he felt the water on his cock and balls as Mark moved the jar into place. The water felt good.
It took just a few minutes before Mark removed the jar and chuckled, "Okay all done!"
He released Chip, un-gagged him and helped him climb off the table. Chip was surprised that he hadn't felt anything, and was even more surprised when he looked down at his hard cock.
One of the leeches was attached to his cock head. Another one was about halfway down on the underside and the third one was down near the base of his cock, just above his balls. All three were undulating.
Mark laughed and pointed at the leeches, "You see how they are pulsing like that? That means they are sucking the blood from your cock dude!"
Chip trembled a little. It was a little scary watching them, but at least it wasn't painful. He managed to pull his eyes away and look at Mark. "Okay so now what?"
Mark chuckled, "Okay, I guess I should finish what I had planned. Follow me and don't worry they won't fall off until they have had their fill!"
Chip followed Mark into the bathroom. He was curious about what Mark had in store for him there. He didn't have long to wait as Mark went into action. He directed Chip to straddle the toilet standing up with his arms above his head. He pulled a rope down from the ceiling hooks and secured Chip's wrists. Then he tied Chip's ankles to the eye bolts in the floor on either side of the toilet bowl. He made sure Chip was stretched really taught.
"Okay, first of all this is gonna help with the disposal of the leeches. When they are full they will release themselves and drop into the toiled bowl. These guys looked pretty hungry so it may take a little while. Meanwhile I have something to make the wait a little more interesting."
Chip watched as Mark retrieved several items from the linen closet. His eyes widened as he recognized what was in Mark's hands
3; an enema kit!
Mark smile wickedly as he filled the big plastic water bottle with plenty of hot water and then hung it from a hook on the wall.
He picked up what looked like a butt plug with a valve on it, greased it with some lube and showed it to Chip. "Dude, this thing is really sort of nasty, I mean check it out! It's a butt plug with a valve. I figure there's gonna be no way to get this thing out without help once it's in your butt, so I thought it would be fun to test it out! What do you think?"
Chip laughed, "Oh yea, that sounds like lot's of fun! Not for me though."
Mark gave Chip a wicked smile, stepped closer and proceeded to work the plug into Chip's tight ass. There was a lot of grunting and groaning before the thing finally snapped into place.
Mark asked, "So how does that feel?"
"FUCK DUDE! It feels like my ass is splitting in half! Wasn't there a smaller one in there?
Mark chuckled, "Well, yea, but I thought this one would be more fun! Okay, anyway, let's get to the real fun part. Have you ever had an enema before Chip?"
Chip shook his head.
Mark said, "Well my mom gave me one a couple of times. And Matt has done it to me for torture a few more times. He made me hold the water in for a long time while he spanked me. It was tough. But that shouldn't be a problem in this case since the plug will definitely hold it in."
Chip was not liking the way this was sounding.
Chip looked around as Mark attached the plug to the water hose leading out of the bottle and opened the valves. The initial flow of warm water that surged into his butt felt strange but was not all that uncomfortable. The feeling didn't last as Mark pressed on the bag and forced more water into Chip's ass.
Chip began to moan as he felt more and more water being forced into his insides. What started out as a pleasurable feeling was now becoming quite painful. He tried to force the plug out of his butt, but it wouldn't budge. Mark was right! There was no way it was coming out without some help.
The pressure continued to build as Mark forced the last of the water into Chip's ass and then closed the valve on the butt plug.
He walked around and patted Chip's belly which was now sticking out.
"Pretty freaking intense isn't it Dude?" Mark laughed.
Chip nodded and grunted, "SHIT MAN! This fucking hurts! It feels like I'm gonna explode."
Mark said, "So you ready for more?"
Chip looked down at his extended stomach and the leeches who were still busy sucking away at his cock and then said bravely, "Sure, why not! Go for it!"
Mark laughed as he took the water bottle off the wall, filled it with more hot water and reattached it to the butt plug, "I was hoping you'd say that."
It took a lot longer to force the full dose of water into Chip's ass. What started with grunts and groans ended with real screams. By the time Mark closed the valve, Chip's abdomen was grossly extended. He was covered with sweat and panting."
Mark retrieved a chair from the other room, sat down, and laughed, "Okay Chip, now all we have to do is wait for your three little friends to drink their fill of your hot cock blood and drop off, then I'll open the valve and let the water out of your guts. Until then, enjoy!"
Chip groaned, "OH GODDDDDDDDD!"
It didn't take long for Mark's shorts to start tenting out all over again as he sat their watching Chip suffer. Stretched out as he was, totally naked
3; arms above his head
3; legs straddling the toilet
3; leeches sucking away at his huge hard cock
3; and his belly painfully extended
3; it was an incredibly erotic sight for a rapidly developing little sadist.
Once again Chip was in total agony. He felt like he was gonna explode and was desperate to expel the water from inside his guts. His abdomen was extended so far that he could no longer see his cock, and had no way of knowing if any of the leeches had dropped off yet.
He looked at Mark, saw the tent in his shorts and snapped, "Well Dude, I see you are really enjoying watching this!"
Mark laughed, "Yea, as a matter of fact, I am! It is actually a lot more fun than I thought it would be making a jock like you suffer like this! I just wonder how much you can really take! The thing with the ants was pretty impressive. But can you really take more!"
Chip summoned up all the courage he could muster and announced proudly, "You'd be surprised how much I can take! So go ahead!"
Mark smiled, stood up and said as he left the room, "Okay, we'll see! I'll be right back!"
Chip didn't really like the sound of that, but he figured it probably couldn't get much worse, and would be over as soon as the damn leeches were full of his blood and dropped off. He tried again to expel the water from his ass but couldn't.
He was just about to call out when Mark returned.
Chip watched as Mark approached holding something behind his back. Remembering what Mark had said about his brother Chip said sarcastically, "Let me guess, you brought a paddle!"
Mark laughed as he held up the leather paddle, "Like I said this is a lot for fun than I had imagined. So anyway Chip I got a deal for you. Looks like all three leeches are still sucking a way, and you really would like the get rid of that water."
Chip nodded, "HELL YEA! And I suppose it's gonna cost my ass to do that?"
Mark nodded and giggled, "Well of course. So here's the deal! I'm thinking of a number of hard smacks I want to give your nice ass. Now you tell me how many times I should paddle your ass and if your number is higher than the number I'm thinking, I'll let the water out right after I paddle you. But if your number is lower, you'll get the number of smacks I was thinking of and the water stays in until the leeches drop off!"
Chip stammered, "OH SHIT! Dang
3; okay
3; um
3; gonna give me a hint at least?"
Mark chuckled, "Yea, okay
3; well it's higher than ten but lower than forty!"
Chip took a deep breath, thought for a moment then said sheepishly, "Umm, okay, how about thirty?"
Mark laughed, "Good JOB! I was thinking twenty, but thirty works for me so here goes!"
"AGGGHHH!" Chip grunted as Mark delivered a nasty smack to his right ass cheek.
"AGGGHHH!" the next blow landed on the left one.
And on it went back and forth through all thirty smacks. By the time Mark was finished, Chip was breathing hard and sobbing and his ass was bright red.
Mark chuckled again as he looked into the toilet. All three leeches had dropped into the water and were floating in the bowl, totally bloated with Chip's rich cock blood.
Chip seemed lost in a daze as Mark slowly opened the valve on the butt plug allowing the water to begin draining from Chip's insides. He let it drain for a little while, then pulled the plug totally out.
Chip moaned as the remaining water blasted out of his tortured hole, "OH GOD! SHIT! Thank you
3; DANG!"
Mark let Chip catch his breath for a couple of minutes before he untied him. He laid Chip down on the floor and gently massaged his arms and legs. He avoided Chip's cock, which amazingly was still very hard. His primary reason for avoiding it was the simple fact that it looked so bad, covered as it was with hundreds of little red marks, and three big ones from the leeches.
Chip relaxed after a bit looked up at Mark and said, "Dude, you are one bad ass little pervert! FUCK that was intense. And SHIT, my cock and balls hurt like you wouldn't believe."
Mark felt sorry for Chip and said, "I guess I may have gotten a little carried away. But any way I think we need to take care of your cock and balls. I got some stuff that should help."
Chip was pretty impressed with Mark. Not only had he planned the tortures out so well, but he had also prepared for the aftermath.
Mark began filling the bath tub with warm water. He poured a couple capfuls of some greenish powder into the bathwater as he explained, "Um I brought some stuff with me. You need to soak in the tub for like twenty minutes or so. My mom got this from the doctor earlier this year when I got a bunch on insect bites in my groin on a wilderness camp out. It should help. And then I got this cream to put on. You're gonna need to do this a couple times a day for the next three days or so. But it should help a lot."
Well Chip followed 'DR. Mark's' advice for the next three days. Soaking in the tub with the powder in the water and then applying the cream. The intense itching pretty much subsided after the first full day and by the end of the third day, Chip's cock seemed to be just about back to normal. So much so that he was once again able to start jacking off. Which was a great relief for Chip! Especially since Dennis had been 'paying off' his deal with Stevie every morning and night with a promised blow job. It was hell for Chip to watch, and not be able to relieve himself.
Meanwhile, Mark was having problems of his own. Chip had put the chastity device back on him just before they left the torture house. Chip's cock and balls had been so sore that he skipped his morning runs for those three days, which meant Mark didn't get his relief.
And during that time, Mark's older brother Matt discovered the chastity device on Mark and learned that the only way to get it off would be to talk to Aaron. He resisted, of course, and took his frustrations out on poor Mark. Torturing him morning and night and fucking the hell out of him. But he couldn't get to Mark's cock, which really frustrated him.
It took three days for Matt to come up with a plan. He had seen Aaron around and and figured it would be pretty damn easy to force him to release Mark's cock, and at the same time make him do stuff too when faced with the prospect of being thrown in jail. He was looking forward to getting his little brother's cock back and putting Aaron 'in his place!' The stuff he had been doing to Mark would be nothing compared to what he would be doing to Aaron.
As luck would have it an opportunity presented itself. He had run into Aaron's cousin Justyn one afternoon at the nearby skate park and the two became instant friends. Assholes seem to attract each other at times. Through all the chatter, he discovered that Justyn was gonna be gone for the better part of a day when Aaron shipped him off to visit his Aunt.
And that was the day that Matt decided to act.
Late that morning on the day in question, he watched with excitement from across the street as Aaron put Justyn into a cab and waved goodbye.
He ran upstairs, and found Mark just coming out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his tight little body, "Okay little shit! The time has come to get that damn chastity thing off of you! So hurry up and get dressed! You're coming with me."
Mark started to whine, "Oh come on Matt, can't you just talk to him yourself and get the key from him?"
Matt grabbed Mark by the throat and dragged him into his room. Once inside he shouted at Mark, "Listen to me you little shit! I told you I'm the boss. The Master here, and you are my slave boy. So you will do as I saw. Now assume your position."
Mark saw the look on Matt's face and knew there was no sense arguing. He pulled his towel off, tossed it aside, dropped to his knees, spread his legs wide and placed his hands behind his head.
Matt smiled as he looked at his naked little brother kneeling in front of him, "You know bro, I swear your body gets better looking everyday. I guess all that running helps. So you keep it up."
Mark trembled slightly as Matt pulled down the front of his shorts and jock strap. He stepped closer to Mark and said, "Okay little brother, you know what you need to do. Don't worry though I'm not gonna cum in your mouth again. I just want to be totally horned when we go talk to that perv Aaron."
Mark leaned forward and took his brother's long cock into his mouth. Of all the thing's Matt made him do, this was one of the one's he enjoyed. The only thing better were the times when Matt sucked him, which thankfully had become more frequent lately.
It didn't take Matt long to get to the edge. As soon as he got there he stepped back pulled up his jock and gym shorts and said, "Okay little brother, you did good. I'm ready to talk to the perv. So you get dressed and meet me downstairs in 2 minutes. And, by the way, once that thing is off of you, you are gonna pay for getting yourself into this thing in the first place. I've got two new cock and ball tortures that you will totally hate."
Matt laughed as he walked out of the room, "This is going to be a very 'interesting' afternoon!"
As things would turn out, it was the one thing that Matt was right about.
Mark jumped to his feet and dressed quickly. He really didn't like the sound of things and was a little scared about the afternoon. Though the thought of doing things to Aaron was exciting, he really didn't want Matt involved. In spite of everything, Mark really liked Aaron a lot and didn't want to see Matt mess with him.
He was about to leave the room when it occurred to him that this just might be the time to execute his own little devious plan. Mark had been getting more and more pissed off about not being able to do stuff to Matt and had come up with a very simple plan.
One of the 'games' Matt liked to play the most was what he called 'The Bad Ass Big Brother.' When they played it, Mark had to act like he was really scared and that Matt was forcing him to do stuff totally against his will. Matt really got turned on by it.
About a week earlier they played the game in the basement rec room. It was extremely intense and Matt was really pleased the way Mark 'played his part.' He did it better than anytime before. Little did he know there was a reason for it.
It started off with a simple role playing set-up. Mark was playing a video game. Matt entered and started yelling at Mark for playing one of his games without permission. He shut the game off
3; grabbed Mark by the throat and told him he was gonna be punished.
Mark started to cry and beg. He blubbered, "Oh please Matt don't punish me again that really bad way! Please I promise I won't do it again!"
Matt laughed wickedly, "Too late for that little brother! Now take off your fucking clothes and get ready for your punishment."
Mark sobbed as he pulled off his clothes. Then stood in front of Matt, totally naked with his hands behind his head. Matt ran his hands all over Mark's tight body as he snickered, "Oh yea bro, I'm gonna enjoy punishing you again!"
What followed was one of the toughest 'sessions' Mark had ever experienced. At one point he was hung by his wrists and whipped savagely with a belt all over his body. He lost track of how many lashes he received after fifty. Matt fucked him while he was still hanging by his wrists. Then he knelt in front of Mark and licked his cock until he came. He even commented on how sweet Mark's cum was and how it was tasting better and better.
The lashing was one of the worst things. But there was a lot more. Throughout the entire 'game' Mark continued to beg and plead, which seemed to get Matt more excited. When it was all over Matt kicked Mark in the balls and left him crying on the floor.
To anyone watching it would have appeared like an extremely abusive situation. An older brother forcing himself on his little brother
3; torturing him
3; and using him sexually in some very perverse ways.
After it was all said and done and after he had cried for several minutes Mark gathered up his clothes and staggered out of the room.
A few minutes later he snuck back into the rec room, silently worked his way around the walls, and recovered the digital camcorder that he had hidden on the book case.
He waited for Matt to leave the house before he reviewed the DVD. It was even better than he had hoped. Knowing how his father felt about queers, if he ever saw this he would beat the shit out of Matt before throwing him out of the house. There would be no way for Matt to talk his way out of this one.
He made a copy of the DVD and hid the original in a safe place.
It was the copy that Mark tucked into the waist band of his shorts before running downstairs. He had not planned on using the DVD against Matt for awhile, but it seemed like the perfect time had just presented itself.
Both brothers were lost in thought as they crossed the street towards Aaron's house.
Matt was thinking about all the nasty things he was gonna force Aaron to do. He figured Aaron would cave in quickly once he threatened to tell his parents about what he had done to poor little Mark.
Mark was thinking about the best way to reveal the existence of the DVD to Matt. He had a general idea of how it would probably work out. He figured Matt would cave in quickly once he saw what was on the DVD and that Aaron would help him get back at Matt.
And as it turned out
3; one of the brothers had 'figured' correctly.
Aaron answered the door and invited the two brothers into the family. He could tell by the look on their faces that the 'moment of truth' had arrived. Although he was confident he could manage the situation he was a little concerned.
Matt appeared to be the typical 16 year old jock
3; overly proud of his well developed body
3; cocky
3; arrogant
3; and totally confident. Aaron had dealt with the type many times before and had always been able to handle it. He knew he was in a slightly precarious situation though, in light of Mark's age. So he proceeded with caution.
"SO what can I do for you guys?" he said simply.
Matt snapped back quickly, "Well I'll tell you what you can do! You can start by taking that fucking thing off of my little brother
3; You FUCKING Pervert!"
Aaron tried hard not to appear rattled in any way as he replied simply, "Now why would I want to do that? And why are you so concerned? After all it's not like it was on you! It seemed like an appropriate punishment for what he did. He should not have been laying on your front lawn jerking off!"
Matt glared at Mark.
Aaron suppressed a smile as he saw the first crack appear in Matt's wall of confidence.
Matt stammered, "Yea well okay, maybe not
3; but that still doesn't give you the right to touch his cock and balls. Hell he's just a kid and you're an adult."
Aaron glared at Matt and said sharply, "That's right! I am an adult and one who knows it's not right for boys to do that kind of thing. Hell, I've met your father and if he knew what I caught little Markie here doing, I know he would be pretty fucking upset."
The look on Matt's face said it all. Another crack appeared in the wall of over-confidence. This was not going the way he had figured it would.
Matt thought for a moment and then snapped, "YEA, he would be pretty fucking pissed. But even more once he found out that you put that thing on him! So take it off of him now!"
Aaron was struggling to maintain his composure. And it was a struggle. He was a little scared, but showed no signs of it. His position was tenuous at best.
"Now why would I want to do that? I mean what's in it for me? And besides, I suspect he would be even more upset if he knew how much you were 'perving' your little brother here." Aaron said pointedly.
Matt glared at Mark, who stammered, "Ummm
3; sorry it just sort of came out."
Matt thought for a few moments and then smiled like a Cheshire cat. In spite of the fact Aaron knew about what he had been doing to Mark, he figured he was about to win and decided to 'drop the nuke!' Little did he know, Mark had a 'nuke' of his own sitting in the waistband of his shorts.
Matt laughed, "What's in it for you is you don't go to jail! And besides, like he's gonna believe the word of a queer guy who perved his youngest son. Trust me! I know my Dad! He'll believe whatever I tell him. No matter what Mark says too. And he will definitely not believe you!"
Aaron was about to respond but was interrupted by Mark.
Mark had heard enough. The year of one-sided torture and sex play had to end. It was time for Matt to 'pay-back!' And as the old saying goes 'Pay Backs Can Be A Bitch!'
Mark snarled as he pulled the DVD out of his waistband and waived it at Matt, "Yea well Dad may not believe me or Aaron but he WILL believe this!"
Matt looked at the DVD and laughed, "Okay, now what the fuck is that? So like what? You found where I hid some porn on our computer? Big fucking deal! I can always say it was you who did it! Yea Dad will believe me!"
Matt was right of course. He was clearly the favored son. Dad could not be any prouder. Matt was the epitome of everything a father dreams of
3; a natural athlete
3; strong
3; self confident
3; good looking
3; and a real ladies man.
Mark handed the DVD to Aaron. Aaron smiled as he inserted the disc into the player and turned the TV on. Unlike Matt he had a pretty good inkling of what was really on the DVD.
They stared at the screen for several minutes. It showed the empty rec room in Matt and Mark's house. Finally Mark entered the picture and started to play a video game. A few minutes passed before Matt entered and started yelling at Mark.
Matt's mouth dropped open as he watched in total shock and horror. It was all there! The entire 'Bad Ass Big Brother' game that he and Mark had recently played. Only it didn't look at all like Mark was playing!
Mark let the DVD play up until the point when Matt sucked his cock and commented on how good his cum tasted. Then he asked Aaron to pause the DVD.
Aaron clicked on the remote and the picture of Matt's tongue on Mark's cock head froze on the screen.
Mark laughed, "I wonder what dear old Dad would think about that? Hell, this would make a fun Christmas card for all his friends!"
Matt buried his head in his hands and mumbled, "OH GOD
3; oh my GOD."
Aaron pulled Mark out of the room and whispered to him, "Dude, I owe you one, BIG TIME! Thought he just about had me!"
Mark smiled and whispered back, "Well the shit head had it coming to him. I mean he is my brother and all, but he should have at least given something back
3; you know?"
Aaron laughed, "Yea I do, and that was what I was hoping to do for you. And thanks to you, that will happen. Okay, I am gonna have a talk with your big brother right now. Meanwhile I need you to go out to the garage and get the padded leather wrist and ankle cuffs, a leather collar, a cock ring, and one of the ball stretchers. And then get a glass of water and one of those erection pills from the cupboard beside the fridge. Then just wait for me to call you. Okay?"
Mark smiled wickedly, "You are really twisted! Cool! But Twisted!"
He was about ready to head off when Aaron grabbed his arm, "Oh, and by the way, go ahead and pull out some other toys from the trunk that you would like to use on your big brother, cause it is pretty obvious where this is going!"
He gave Mark the key to the chastity device and smiled.
Mark gave Aaron a 'high five' and then headed back to the garage.
Aaron returned to the family room and found Matt frozen in the same place, still sobbing. He sat down on the couch beside him, placed his hand on Matt's shoulder and said, "Well Matt, it seems like we have us a 'situation' here!"
Matt sobbed, "Oh MY GOD! What the hell am I gonna do? When Dad sees that, he is gonna KILL me
3; I mean REALLY KILL ME! Oh GOD DAMN! That sneaky little prick!"
Aaron rubbed Matt's shoulders a little and said reassuringly, "Well, I have a feeling there is a way around that and I am pretty sure I can convince Mark not to show that DVD to your Dad. As long as you are
3; willing to
3; shall we say 'cooperate'!"
Matt trembled and stammered, "Oh God, YEA! Dad can never see that video! SHIT! Please help me! I'm sorry if I was such an ass a few minutes ago! That's me, I get that way at times."
Aaron knew that he had won and was now in complete control of Matt thanks to Mark's timely revelation of the DVD. Still he figured he needed to reinforce the control a little more.
"Dude, I understand! But before I say anything else, let's take a look at a little more of this video. So far the quality has been really good."
Aaron pressed PLAY and let the DVD roll on. It didn't take long for Matt to start crying and muttering "OH GOD" over and over. It was one thing for him to force Mark to do things to him as 'punishment'. But it was something else entirely different to see him licking Mark's body all over, and clearly enjoying it.
Aaron paused the video at a point where Matt was licking Mark's armpit.
"So anyway Matt, you came here wanting to make a deal. So how about it? Are you ready to make one now? So that dear old dad never sees this?"
Matt put his head in his hands and sobbed, "Yea
3; oh God YEA! I'll do anything
3; please
Aaron placed his hand on the inside of Matt's thigh and whispered, "And I suspect you already have a pretty fucking good idea what 'anything' is gonna mean
3; right dude?"
Matt started to cry as he mumbled
3; "Oh damn
3; shit
3; you're gonna perv me aren't you?"
Aaron worked his hand up inside the leg of Matt's shorts
3; rubbed his bare thigh some more and whispered, "Oh it is gonna go way beyond simple 'perving' you dumbass jock boy! Let's just say from now on, your body belongs to me! And anyone else I say. Cross me
3; and your dad will get a nice copy of that DVD in the mail at his office."
Aaron waited a moment for it to sink in, then squeezed Matt's thigh hard and snapped, "So what's it gonna be smart ass? You gonna do whatever I say? Or should I order some popcorn for dear old dad to watch your video premiere?"
Matt thought for a minute or so and then stammered, "OH GOD! Okay
3; okay
3; I'll do whatever you want! Just promise me my dad will never see that video! Okay?"
Aaron smiled! His victory was complete!
"That I will promise as long as you do whatever I say. And speaking of which, you can start by taking off your sneakers, socks and shirt!"
Matt sighed. Took a deep breath and quickly did as ordered.
Aaron took his own deep breath as Matt pulled off his t-shirt, sat back and waited. Naked from the waist up, it was obvious why Matt was so cocky about his looks. His chest was well defined. His biceps well developed. And he had a nice set of six pack abs. All of which Aaron had seen in the DVD, but still, it was better seeing it all live.
The other interesting thing was the fact that Matt's gym shorts were clearly tented!
Aaron chuckled as he patted Matt's thigh, "Good boy! Now I have a question for you. And I want your HONEST answer! Okay?"
Matt nodded, "Yea OKAY! OKAY!"
Aaron smiled and asked, "OKAY, OKAY
3; so how long have you been making Mark do this stuff
3; come on tell me
3; the 'perv' kind of stuff
3; how long have you been making him do it?"
Matt may have been a dumb jock, but he was at least smart enough
3; or dumb enough to know when he was in a no win situation
3; and so he stammered
3; "Umm
3; dang
3; I don't know
3; I guess maybe like just about a year or so!"
Aaron laughed as he patted Matt's tented shorts, "And by the looks of things you are thinking about how much fun it was to do those things to your little brother!"
Aaron waited a minute for it to sink in, then continued, "Okay, well anyway, I am not gonna drag this on much longer. And so I'll get to the bottom line! From this moment on your body belongs to little brother Mark! You made him your little sex and torture slave for a year, and now you are gonna be HIS for a year! You WILL DO WHATEVER HE SAYS! I think that's only fair! And if I get even a HINT you are not obeying Mark
3; DAD gets a copy of your special video show! Understand?"
Matt looked white as a ghost and his lower lip was trembling, "Uh
3; yea I understand
3; I'm gonna be Mark's slave for the next year
3; oh GOD."
Matt's mind was racing as he remembered all the things he had done to Mark. He started to sweat as the realization really hit that their roles were now going to be reversed. And knowing Mark as he did he was absolutely positive that Mark would show him no mercy at all.
Aaron sensed what Matt was thinking about. He ran his hand over Matt's chest and stomach and asked, "So Matt, I have a feeling that you are pretty much of a virgin as far as having stuff like we just saw done to you. Hell, I'll bet you've never been fucked either."
Matt's eyes continued to water. He trembled as he leaned forward and placed his head in his hands and sobbed, "Oh God no! No one's ever done anything to me."
Aaron rubbed Matt's glistening back and said softly, "Well don't worry about, cause that's gonna change real soon!"
He squeezed the back of Matt's neck and said, "Okay, I'm gonna call your brother in here. Just remember from now on you are his slave boy and will do whatever he says. No matter what. Your year of slavery begins right now!"
Aaron called yelled for Mark to come in.
Mark walked into the room slowly carrying the stuff Aaron had asked for. Matt watched as Mark set the leather restraints, collar, cock ring, ball stretcher, glass of water and the pill on the table.
Aaron said sharply, "Okay, Matt, before we tell Mark the good news on want you to take the pill that's on the table!"
Matt was about to object, but once glance at Aaron's face told him it would be useless to object so he took the pill.
Aaron smiled and said, "Okay Mark, go ahead and put the restraints on your brother's wrists and ankles."
Mark did not have to be told twice. He grabbed the restraints and quickly put them on Matt. Making sure they were on good and snug and that there would be no way for Matt to slip out of them. Matt trembled visibly as Mark put the wrist cuffs on and muttered softly, "Dude, um
3; shit I'm sorry for all the stuff I've been doing to you
Mark was about to respond when Aaron waved his hand, "Okay Mark, Matt here has some really interesting news for you, but it needs to be delivered in a proper manner, so Matt, go ahead and kneel in front of your little brother and place your hands behind your back."
Aaron was a little surprised that Matt acted as quickly as he did. And without the slightest sign of hesitation. He let the two brothers stare at each other for a few moments and then said, "Okay Matt, now you tell your little brother the news! All of it!"
Matt swallowed hard, looked up at Mark and stammered, "Umm
3; well
3; I'm gonna be your slave
3; for like a
3; umm a year."
Mark's eyes widened and his mouth dropped open, "Holy SHIT! Are you serious? You mean like my total slave?"
Matt trembled as he nodded and said, "Yea. Your total slave. I'll do whatever you say no matter what it is. Whenever! And I promise I won't get back at you!"
Matt threw that last thing in on a whim to maybe placate Aaron a little.
Mark was really excited. He had really liked doing stuff to Chip, but now his biggest dream was coming true. "Wow, this is really awesome damn! This is great!"
Aaron picked up the collar and handed it to Mark, "Go ahead and put the collar on your slave boy Mark. This serves a practical purpose, of course, but is also symbolic of Matt's new roll. Just one suggestion to start with though, You two probably should act pretty much the same as you always do in front of your parents, otherwise they might get suspicious."
Mark put the collar on Matt and said, "Yea, that's a good idea. I think we can do that, can't we Matt?"
Matt was still a state of shock but managed to respond, "Yea, I guess we better do that."
There was a long pause as the two brothers appeared lost in thought. Aaron broke the silence by asking, "So Mark what do you want to do to your slave boy first?"
Mark pondered a moment and then said, "Well I guess I should torture him for a little while. Is it okay if I use the garage?"
Matt did not like the sound of that.
Aaron chuckled, "Sure thing. If you need sometime to get stuff ready, I'll keep an eye on your slave for you."
Mark laughed, "Okay, cool! Yea, I'm gonna get some stuff ready and you can mess around with him you want while I'm gone."
And with that, Mark ran out of the room.
Aaron watched Mark leave and laughed, "Well Matt, it looks like your little brother is really excited and by the looks of the front of his shorts you are going to be in for a very interesting afternoon. Oh and another by the way, you probably can guess what that pill was he gave you. If not I'll give you a hint. It's just like Viagra, only a lot stronger and longer lasting!"
Matt started breathing harder.
Aaron picked up the remote control and turned the DVD back on, "Well I think I'll watch a little more of this to get an idea of what your little brother might have in mind for you."
Tears flowed down Matt's cheeks as the DVD played on.
About ten minutes went by before Aaron saw Mark standing in the doorway motioning to him. He told Matt to go kneel in the corner with his hands behind his head, and then walked over to talk to Mark.
Mark pulled him out of the room, handed him a bag of stuff and then whispered, "Dude I need you to do me a couple of favors. First of all take the stuff in the bag and lay it all out on the coffee table while Matt watches. It will blow his mind and get him really scared."
Aaron peeked into the bag and chuckled, "Yea, this stuff would scare most guys! Okay, so what else?"
Mark laughed, "Well I was wondering if maybe you could call Chip and see if he and his brothers could come over to help? That would really freak Matt out, especially because he and Chip have had some fights and he hates Chip."
Aaron laughed, "Yea I guess I could do that! So is that it?"
Mark said, "Yea
3; um but just one thing
3; could you let Matt hear you make the call? Just don't let him know who you are talking to
3; like don't mention Chip's name!"
Aaron laughed again, "Man you really are a nasty, twisted little dude
3; but I love it! Okay I'll do it."
And with that, they were off.
Aaron looked at Matt kneeling in the corner as he set the bag down beside the coffee table. He had to admit, it was pretty exciting looking at the young sweating teen jock, dressed only in a pair of gym shorts, kneeling in the corner with his hands behind his head.
He let Matt sweat for a couple of minutes then called him over and told him to kneel beside the coffee table. Matt did exactly as he was told and Aaron noted that it was a good sign he kept his hands behind his head.
"Okay Matt you can lower your hands, I've got some things your brother wants me to show you. I'll get to that in a moment
3; first I have to make a quick phone call
3; so hang on."
Matt eyed the bag on the floor suspiciously. He didn't want to guess what was in it
3; but he started to imagine
3; his thoughts were broken as he heard Aaron making his call.
"Hey Dude
3; it's me
3; yea don't give me that shit
3; I know you have caller ID
3; yea right
3; okay listen
3; Mark is over here right now and wanted me to call you, to see if you guys could come over and help him with a 'special project'
3; hahahaha
3; yea that kind of 'project'
3; uh huh
3; no
3; it's not him
3; and no not him either
3; DUDE, hang on I think he wants to surprise you
3; uh huh
3; okay
3; cool
3; so even if it's just the two of you, that would be great
3; yea
3; as soon as you can
3; oh and one thing
3; I have a feeling it would be great for you guys to be wearing really sweaty jocks!
3; uh huh
3; perfect
3; YEA, don't shower
3; okay
3; see you guys in a bit!"
Matt obviously did not like the sound of the call and stammered, "Oh god, who was that?"
Aaron laughed, "Don't worry, you'll find out soon enough! Seems like your little brother wants to share his slave boy's body with others. I think that's pretty nice of him to share! Don't you?"
Matt trembled and sobbed, "Oh Damn! Oh Damn!"
Aaron let Matt think for a few moments then pushed the bag towards him and said, "Okay Dude, I think you are getting really curious about some of the things your little brother has in mind for you, so I guess we should do a little show and tell! He's already picked out some stuff he wants to use with you so go ahead and take them out of the bag one at a time and place them on the coffee table."
Matt took a deep breath, opened the bag, looked inside and moaned, "Oh SHIT!"
Aaron let him stew for a bit and then watched as Matt pulled the first item out of the bag and laid it on the table. It was a really nasty looking big dildo with bumps and curves.
Aaron chuckled, "Well I am sure you know what that is! I've used that on a few guys. It's called the 'ass splitter'. It works really well and is the most painful when it is shoved all the way in. And unless I am wrong, you'll be finding that out today! Well, keep going and let me know if you don't understand what something is."
Aaron watched as Matt removed the remaining items from the bag. Matt's terror continued to grow as he placed them on the table
3; the penis whip
3; the prostate stimulator
3; the vibrating cock ring
3; the electric tit clamps
3; the ball paddle
3; and a ring gag.
Aaron chuckled as Matt examined the last item, "Oh dude, that's what we call a ring gag
3; it works like a regular gag but the nice thing about it is the dude's mouth is still open, and you can pretty much stick whatever you want in his mouth without him being able to close it! And check it out, the opening is big enough to take a cock too!"
Matt started shaking.
Aaron laughed and said, "Okay Slave Boy, put the stuff back in the bag and then go kneel in your corner and wait for the other guys to get here!"
Matt scooped the items up, dropped them back in the bag and hurried back to his corner, knelt and placed his hands behind his head. As terrified as he was, he could not deny the fact that he was already harder than he had ever been before and was starting to get curious about what Mark had in store for him. And the more he thought about it, the harder he got.
Aaron took another look at Matt kneeling in the corner. He had the classic V shaped torso and judging by the shape of the back of his shorts, a very nice ass. Aaron was getting anxious for the moment when Mark finally stripped his older brother.
He heard the back door open and close and Mark call out for the boys to come to the garage.
"Well Matt, it looks like it's getting really close to show time!" Aaron chuckled.
Matt shuddered. He had been focusing on Mark and now faced the reality that he was about to be used in front of others. He was scared even consider who they were. Probably a couple of Mark's young friends, he thought.
Finally he heard voices approaching. The only one he recognized was Mark's.
Chip and Dennis were really curious about who the so-called slave boy was. Mark said it was a surprise. Chip thought it was probably Justyn.
They entered the room and Chip's mouth dropped open. Even from the back he could recognize it was Matt. "HOLY SHIT!" he stammered. Dennis said, "Who the hell is it?"
Mark laughed, "Well that's my slave boy! Doesn't he look great in just his gym shorts. I can't wait to let you see all of him!"
Chip had to admit that Matt had a great body. He got hard in an instant as he thought about the things they would make Matt do. An idea popped into his head as he remembered the things Aaron had done to him a couple of years ago and thought they might be fun.
There was a moment of silence which was finally broken when Mark snapped, "Okay, on your feet slave boy and get over here and meet my friends. And keep your hands behind your head!"
Matt stood up, turned around and froze as he saw Chip standing there smiling broadly. "OH MY GOD!" he stammered.
Chip smiled, walked over and ran his fingers across Matt's chest as he chuckled, "No, not God, it's just me! But in your case I think you're gonna wish he was here!"
Mark smiled as he saw Matt start to shake and tear up.
Chip noticed it too and laughed, "Oh I think it's a little early for tears there slave boy! There'll be plenty of time for tears."
Chip looked at Mark and asked, "So does he have any idea what's in store for him? And what's it's gonna be like to be a torture and sex slave boy?"
Mark nodded, "Oh yea, he knows really well! Don't you big brother? Go ahead and tell them!"
Matt tried to speak, but couldn't. He just stood there muttering
3; "Oh
3; god
3; uh
3; damn
3;" and so on.
Mark then said, "Well hell, since you can't seem to be able to tell them maybe I'll just show them."
Matt's eyes grew wide as he saw Mark pick up the remote control for the TV and DVD player. "OH MARK
3; PLEASE NO! PLEASE!!!!!!!!"
Mark laughed as he switched the machines on and pressed play, "You go kneel back in your corner while the guys watch you little show."
Matt staggered to the corner and knelt. He started to sob as he heard the sounds of him abusing Mark echoing across the room. Dennis and Chip watched in total fascination as the torture scene unfolded. Mark used the remote to fast forward through some of the longer repetitive parts. By the time they were done, everyone in the room had monster hard-ons and anxious to get things moving.
Chip and Dennis had a great deal of respect for Mark. Particularly as Mark explained that Matt had been doing this to him for a year and that Matt would now be his slave for a full year! As cruel as Chip could be, he couldn't believe the savage beating Mark had taken from his older brother.
Aaron decided to see if he could get things moving along, "Okay listen you guys why don't start out in the garage, I'll be out in a minute to watch."
He smiled as he watched them drag a terrified Matt out of the room and thought it was a nice touch when Mark made him carry the bag of toys.
Matt didn't like the way things looked in the garage. There were chains and ropes hanging from the ceiling and a bunch of sex toys, whips and such were spread out on the floor next to a large trunk.
Mark got things started with a surprise, "Hey listen Chip, I figured I kind of owed you for the other day, so how about you start things off. I'm sure you have some cool ideas."
Chip laughed, "You bet I do. And just so I understand, Anything goes, right?"
Mark chuckled, "Yea, but nothing that will leave marks where our parents could easily see."
Chip looked up just as Aaron entered the garage and it all came back to him. "Yea, he thought we'll do some of the first stuff that Aaron did with me. That should be fun."
Chip snapped at Matt, "Okay SLAVE BOY, set the bag down and get over here!"
Matt hurried to obey. He dropped the bag, rushed over and stood nervously in front of Chip.
Chip chuckled, "Okay, I think you're smart enough to know where things are headed and that there's something you need to do before we continue!"
Matt thought for a moment and began to blush. He waited for Chip to say something else. Chip waited too. Finally Matt shrugged, reached down, pulled off his shorts and jock, kicked them aside and stood with his hands behind his head.
Everyone stared at Matt's huge cock, which was standing straight up and was beautifully framed by a thick patch of pubic hair. A nice set of large, low hanging balls completed the picture of perfect teenage masculinity.
Chip picked up a piece of rope and handed it to Dennis. "Dude, remember that thing a couple of years ago? With me?"
Dennis thought for a moment and smiled, "Yea! That was fun."
Chip laughed, "Yea for you guys maybe. Anyway let's do some of the same stuff!"
Mark watched totally fascinated as Chip directed Dennis to tie one end of the rope around Matt's balls. When Dennis was done, he shackled Matt's hands behind his back, picked up the other end of the rope and handed it to Mark.
"Okay, why don't you and Dennis take Matt out into the back yard. Dennis I'm sure you remember that running thing
3; so let's say four times around
3; I'll be out in a minute."
Matt whimpered as Mark and Dennis led him out of the garage, through the kitchen and out into the back yard. He blushed as Dennis explained the task at hand
3; run around the back yard four times
3; naked
3; with his hands tied behind his back
3; kneel and kiss the crotch of the jockey statue ten times each time he passed it.
It was the most humiliating thing Matt had ever had to do.
Mark laughed as he watched Matt take off running, "Damn, this is so cool!"
Dennis laughed, "Well knowing Chip, I suspect it's gonna get a lot cooler
3; or hotter I should say. I know your brother really pissed Chip off when they first met and that is never a good thing with Chip."
Unfortunately for Matt, Dennis was totally right!
Chip walked into the yard carrying a small duffel bag just as Matt was starting his last lap.
"So Mark, you enjoying this?" he laughed.
Mark said, "Hell yea! So what is next?" as he eyed the duffle bag Chip was carrying.
"Well, I figured we could try something. It might work, it might not, but who knows. It is a little dangerous though."
They watched Matt complete his final round. When he arrived back he knelt in front of Chip and waited as he caught his breath.
Chip laughed and said, "Looks like you did good slave boy. Now I have something really special in mind for you. Take it like a man and things might just be a little easier on you for the rest of the day!"
Chip's plan was a little risky because it relied on getting some other kids involved. If it worked it would really blow Matt's mind even more. He knew the trails in the woods behind Aaron's house and knew one in particular that boys liked to play on. He also knew boys really well.
To Matt's dismay Chip directed Mark and Dennis to lead Matt into the woods. Chip took the lead. The further they got from the house the more nervous Matt became. Finally they stopped where one of the trails made a big turn.
Chip chuckled, this should be perfect.
Mark and Dennis watched in total fascination as Chip went into action. He unshackled Matt's hands from behind his back and then re-shackled them in front. He threw a length of rope over a low hanging branch and pulled Matt's hands up over his head and tied them off. He completed Matt's bondage by spreading his legs wide and tying his ankles off to two trees.
Then he chuckled as he ran his hand over Matt's sweaty chest, "Looks like a pretty good spot don't you think Matt? We're gonna be leaving you here for awhile to see if you can make some knew friends."
Matt started to shake, "Oh Man, please don't do this to me
3; please!"
Chip looked at Dennis and said, "Okay Dude, I need your jock now."
Dennis pulled off his shorts and handed his jock to Chip, who balled it up and stuffed it into Matt's mouth. He took his own jock off, sniffed it and chuckled as he laid it on Matt's shoulder, "Yea this one's pretty ripe!"
"Okay, let's complete your outfit!" He pulled a blindfold out of the bag and started to put it on Matt. Then he stopped and said, "Oh damn, I almost forgot to show you the best part of my little setup."
Chip pulled a piece of cardboard out of the bag and held it up in front of Matt. He had written on the cardboard with a magic marker. Matt's eyes widened in horror as he read the words
Chip laid the sign on the ground in front of Matt. Covered his eyes with the blindfold and then stretched his sweaty dirty jock over Matt's face so the pouch covered his nose.
He motioned for Dennis and Mark to follow him into the woods and to stay quiet. They didn't have very far to go. They crossed the trail and climbed up a little hill that was covered with bushes. Dennis and Mark both smiled as they reached the top. Chip spread a blanket on the ground and the three lay down on their stomachs. They could see Matt clearly from where they lay but were pretty much totally concealed.
Chip whispered, "Well hopefully some guys will come along soon and mess with him and not just let him loose. This could be a lot of fun."
Dennis and Mark both stifled giggles.
And so they waited.
About twenty minutes went by and Chip was starting to think he needed to forget about it. Then he heard something that was music to his ears. The sound of voices coming up the trail. Even better, the sound of young boy voices.
Chip shifted his position so he could look down the trail. He heard the voices drawing closer and then he saw movement. Three boys emerged from a side trail riding trail bikes. They stopped to catch their breaths and passed a water bottle around between them.
Chip said a silent prayer that they would decide to come this way
3; and luck was with him. After a couple of minutes, one of the boys pointed in his direction. The others agreed and started riding towards Chip.
Chip watched the three drawing closer and got really excited. He almost said "HOLY SHIT!" out loud as he recognized two of the three boys. All three were about 11 or 12 years old. The boy in the lead was Tanner. He lived a few blocks away from Chip and was a total little smart ass. He was followed by Tyler, another little dude who was too smart for his own good. The third kid Chip didn't recognize, but he figured if he was hanging with these guys he probably was a little jerk too.
Chip slid back to Mark and Dennis and whispered, "Holy FUCK, I think this is gonna work!"
They listened as the sound of the trail bike wheels grew louder. And then all of a sudden, there it was, the sound of brakes being applied and wheels grinding to a quick stop and someone saying, "HOLY SHIT!"
Chip, Dennis and Mark watched as the three boys cautiously approached Matt.
Tyler was the first one to speak, "Wow, check it out, the dude is boned to the max. His cock is bigger than my brother's."
Tanner laughed, "And how would you know that?"
"Well I've seen him coming out of the shower a few times and his cock and balls aren't as big as this guys! I mean look at his balls! Wow!"
Tanner took a closer look and noticed the sign on the ground. "Hey look at this!"
They looked at the sign and chuckled. The third kid asked, "What does that mean? 'Perved?"
Tanner slapped him on the head, "Danny, you are so dense! That means he made his little brother do sex stuff!"
Danny's eyes widened and his mouth dropped open, "Wow!"
The three boys continued staring at Matt's bound and naked body. Matt was, of course, totally terrified. He could tell by the voices that the boys were fairly young and that boys that age can actually be particularly cruel.
Tanner laughed as he started slapping Matt's hard cock, "This dude is really boned. I think he's actually getting off on this whole thing. Maybe we should do what the sign says."
Tyler stammered, "You mean punish him?"
Tanner laughed viciously, "Sure why the hell not? Hey Danny you ever felt a big boy's cock and balls?"
Danny shook his head sheepishly.
"Well, here give him a good feel!"
Matt moaned as he felt Danny's hand wrapping around his cock.
Danny said, "Wow, this is kinda cool!"
Tanner and Tyler smiled as Danny continued feeling Matt's exposed genitals. He seemed particularly fascinated by Matt's low hanging balls and enjoyed pulling on them hard enough to make Matt groan.
Tanner chucked, "So how about it guys? Wanna punish him? I think it would be fun to torture him for a while and make him cry."
Tyler and Danny looked at each other, Tyler said, "Won't we get into trouble?"
Tanner laughed and said, "Hell no, like who's he gonna tell? He'd be in more trouble than us for perving his little brother."
The three agreed to do it and then Danny asked, "So what should we do to him first?"
Tanner laughed again and said, "Well, what would you like to do to him Danny? Come on think of something really nasty! You don't get a chance like this every day!"
Danny thought for a few moments, then blushed and said, "Well, um
3; maybe we could torture his cock and balls with pointed sticks or something
Matt did not like the sound of that at all. But Tanner obviously did. He retrieved a pocket knife from a pouch on his bike, picked up three small sticks and quickly sharpened the ends. He gave one to Tyler and one to Danny and chuckled, "Okay let's see how loud we can make him scream into his gag!"
It didn't take long for the screaming to start. From what Chip could see, Tanner was focusing on the end of Matt's cock. He took hold of it just beneath the head and started poking it repeatedly with his pointy stick. Tyler kept moving up and down Matt's painfully engorged tool. But it was little Danny who seemed to be having the most fun. He had pulled Matt's balls down really low and by the look and sound of things was really stabbing away at Matt's full balls.
Matt was jerking violently and pulling on the ropes, and was screaming loudly into Dennis's sweaty jockstrap gag.
The stabbing torture went on for at least fifteen minutes before Tanner finally said, "Okay, I think he's had enough of this. Maybe we should try something else."
Matt sagged in his bonds as the horrible stabbing ended. His cock and balls were stinging. Unfortunately he also remained painfully hard. And to make matters worse, that kid Danny kept feeling him up.
Chip nudged Mark and Dennis and pointed as Danny continued fondling Matt's balls. He knew how excited Danny probably was about having free access to an older teenage boy's private parts.
Danny asked excitedly, "So what else are we gonna do to him?"
Tanner thought for a moment and then said, "I don't know Danny. What would you like to do to him for punishment? Hell is little brother is just a year older than you. But maybe we should find out some of the things he did to him. That may help you decide. I have a pretty good idea what some of it must have been. But we'll see."
Matt's humiliation was becoming complete.
Tanner snapped at Matt, "Okay Big Boy, I've got some simple yes and no questions for you that you can answer by nodding your head and you better answer truthfully, or it's gonna really cost you big time. Understand?" He gave Matt's balls a hard squeeze and Matt nodded his head.
Tanner kept his hand on Matt's balls and asked sharply, "Okay, first question, did you make him suck your cock?"
Matt hesitated a moment and Tanner gave his balls a squeeze. He blushed notably as he nodded his head.
Tanner chuckled, "Good boy, so was it more than once?"
Matt nodded again.
Tanner kept at it. It took a few more ball squeezes to the fact that he had made Mark suck him more than a hundred times. And that he liked to cum in his brother's mouth."
Danny was going crazy. He couldn't believe it. He knew what cum was but had never actually seen it. And started to wonder how this guys little brother felt about being forced to eat it.
The questions continued. Tanner had a pretty good understanding of what a 'perving' would entail. By the time he was done he had gotten Matt to admit to the fact that he fucked his little brother regularly, tortured him and even made him lick his hole.
Danny was really in a state of shock. He looked Matt up and down and tried to imagine Matt forcing him to do all that nasty stuff. And he got a little angry. This was probably what Tanner had in mind when he started asking the questions.
Tanner smiled and asked, "Okay Danny now what do you think we should do to him?" He didn't know why he was getting such a kick out asking Danny to come up with ideas. It just seemed a little more exciting.
Danny looked at Matt and said sharply, "I think we should whip him
3; all over."
Tanner chuckled, "Good idea. Let's strip some birch branches and use them."
It took just a few minutes for the boys to cut and strip three suitable branches. Mark watched and whispered to Chip, "I hope they whip him really hard!"
Chip patted Mark on the back and said, "Don't worry. I have a feeling they will do a great job."
They got quiet as the boys started to speak.
"So how many lashes do you think we should give him Danny?" Tyler asked.
Danny thought for a moment and said, "I don't know, how about 25 hard ones?"
Tanner laughed, "Hmmm let's see you said whip him all over right?"
Danny nodded.
Tanner smiled wickedly as he said, "Okay that sounds good 25 hard ones from EACH of us. But I got dibbs on his back and ass!"
Tyler chimed in before Danny could say anything, "And I got his chest and stomach!"
Danny looked a little disappointed, "So what does that leave me?"
Tanner laughed, "Dude we saved two of the best places for you."
Danny looked a little confused until Tanner knelt down and started stroking the inside of Matt's exposed thighs. "Do know how sensitive a guy's inner thighs are?"
It was clear that Danny knew from the look on his face. His smile got even broader as Tanner continued, "And then there are these!"
Tanner grabbed Matt's cock and balls.
Matt began to whimper as it all began to really sink in. He was about to be savagely whipped and what was worse that wild kid Danny was going to be focusing on his thighs, cock and balls. He remembered how loudly Mark had screamed the times he whipped his cock and balls and how he begged. If he wasn't gagged he would definitely be begging now, but was certain even if he did, his pleas would be ignored the same way he had ignored Mark's.
The boys decided to take turns delivering one lash at a time.
It began as Tanner deliveed a hard lash across Matt's tight ass.
Tyler followed immediately with a hard lash across Matt's chest.
Each blow was followed by Matt's screaming into his gag. Predictably the loudest screams occurred during Danny's turns. And also predictably most of his lashes were directed at Matt's cock and balls.
By the time they finished, Matt's body glistened with sweat and was covered with a bunch of nasty red welts and he had almost thrown up into his gag more than once when his balls were lashed. His knees had buckled and he was hanging by his wrists and crying.
The boys left Matt alone for several minutes while they considered what to do next. Eventually Matt was able to stand up again and strained to hear what they were talking about.
Danny wanted to torture Matt some more, but surprisingly Tanner seemed to think he had been tortured enough. They argued for a bit and finally Tyler chirped, "Hey aren't you guys forgetting something?"
Tanner laughed, "Like what?"
Tyler came right back with, "Dudes, he perved his little brother!"
"Yea, so what?" Tanner responded.
Tyler chuckled, "Well maybe we should perv him as part of his punishment!"
Tanner looked at Matt's naked body and smiled wickedly, "Dude, you're fucking right. And HOLY SHIT, I think I know what to do first. I've been wanting to try it!"
Chip whispered to Mark, "This just keeps getting better and better!"
Tanner's excited tone caused Danny to forget about the torture thing and wait to see what Tanner had in mind. He didn't have long to wait.
Tanner walked behind Matt and began rubbing his hands all over Matt's ass.
"So tell me what it's like to stick your cock up your little brother's ass? Did you like it? Did it make you all excited? Oh I forgot it's tough for you to talk with some guy's jock stuffed in your mouth isn't it? But maybe you really like that too!"
Matt started shaking again. Even more so as he realized the taste of Dennis's dirty jock in his mouth and the smell of Chip's jock stretched over his nose seemed to help keep him worked up. That and the pill of course.
Tanner licked his fingers and began working a couple of them into Matt's ass crack. He slid them up and down and few times, found his hole and then started to work his way inside.
Matt trembled, moaned and started shaking his head violently.
His trembling continued as Tanner's fingers penetrated his ass and worked their way deep inside. Tanner was trembling too! This was so exciting. He had read some porn stories about messing with a guy's ass, but this was so much more exciting. The deeper he penetrated, the louder Matt moaned, and that was even more exciting.
Finally Tanner figured out that he had found what he had read about. The tip of his finger brushed up against a slippery little round object. Matt groaned louder and pulled at his bonds. Tanner tickled the thing with his finger, which started to drive Matt wild.
Tanner looked at Tyler and said, "Dude, I think I found his prostrate thing
3; you know from those stories we read. Watch this!"
He tickled Matt's love nut some more and was rewarded by even louder moans.
He pulled his finger out of Matt's tight ass and said, "Go ahead and try it!"
Tyler wet his finger and plunged in. It took him a little longer to find the thing, but once he did he couldn't seem to get enough of it. Tanner let him play with Matt for a couple of minutes, then pulled his hand out and looked at Danny.
"So, you wanna try it?"
Danny's eyes widened, but he shook his head. As exciting as it was, the idea of sticking his finger in another guy's ass seemed a little gross. And besides, he was getting distracted by the stuff that was leaking from the tip of Matt's cock.
Tanner laughed, "Well, okay, you don't know what you are missing. Anyway okay, guess it's time for the main event. I've been SO wanting to try this!"
He leaned closer to Matt and laughed, "So Dude, have you ever been fucked before?"
Matt shook his head violently.
Tanner laughed, "Perfect! I've wanted to see how it felt to fuck another dude. And even better, to fuck one who's never been fucked before. Sorry my cock isn't that big yet, but I think it's big enough to do the job on you!"
Danny moved around to get a better view as Tanner quickly pulled off his clothes, greased his cock with spit and stepped closer to Matt's ass. Tanner's cock was actually pretty impressive for a boy his age. Not overly large, but not as small as Danny's.
Mark watched as Tanner worked his cock into Matt's ass. He was a little sad it wasn't him giving Matt his first fuck, but figured 'what the hell'.
The feelings Tanner experienced as his cock entered Matt's tight ass were overwhelming. Matt moaned and then screamed as Tanner forced his cock inside. Tanner was afraid his cock would not be long enough to reach that special spot. He rose up on his toes
3; pressed hard and received his reward. Matt trembled and moaned really loud.
And Tanner went wild.
He pumped his cock back and forth in Matt's stretched ass faster and faster like a wild dog. It didn't take long for Tanner to shoot his little load into Matt's butt!
It took Tanner a little while to catch his breath. Finally he pulled his cock out of Matt's ass
3; stepped back, looked at Tyler and panted, "OH GOD DUDE, that was awesome! You can't believe how good that felt! SHIT!"
Tyler, thought for just a moment, pushed Tanner aside, striped off his own clothes and followed Tanner's lead. It took him a little longer to work his cock inside Matt's ass. But once he got it all the way in, it didn't take long for his little bit of seed to join Tanner's inside Matt's ass.
Chip, Mark and Dennis were a little disappointed that Tanner and Tyler couldn't convince Danny to follow suit. Chip whispered to the other two, "Well, little Danny may be a little shy about undressing in front of the other guys. He is younger, and may be a little embarrassed."
Still, all three thought it was really fun watching Tanner and Tyler fuck poor Matt.
Chip rubbed Mark's back and whispered, "Don't worry Dude! You'll get your chance to fuck Matt!"
Mark whispered back, "Yea, I know
3; just the thought of fucking my older brother makes me crazy! Sounds weird I guess
3; but it is so fucking hot!"
Mark had no idea of the 'seed' he had just planted! He was about to say something again when Chip motioned him to be quiet. The other boys were talking again.
Danny asked, "Okay, so you guys perved him
3; so what now?"
If Chip was closer he could have recognized the mischievous look on Tanner's face.
Tanner laughed, "Well if you wanna keep hanging out with us, I guess you need to perv him too! Don't worry if you don't wanna fuck his sorry ass
3; there is something else you can do!"
Danny thought for a minute and then stammered, "Ahh
3; okay
3; so like what?"
Tanner winked at Tyler, looked back at Danny and asked, "Well to start with, have you ever tasted a big boy's cock before?"
Danny looked at Matt's huge hard cock and shook his head.
"Well, then I think this is the perfect time to give it a try. Go ahead and give his cock a little lick!"
Tanner really didn't know where these ideas were coming from. They just seemed so freaking right.
Danny started to shake as he looked at Matt's hard cock. He leaned closer and was instantly overwhelmed by Matt's smell. There was the smell of sweat, of course, but something else
3; this heavy musk
3; which made him want to get closer. He couldn't believe that Tanner wanted him to lick this guy's cock. He really wanted to stay friends with these guys
3; and play with this guys cock and balls some more
3; and so he did it! He stuck out his tongue and licked his cock.
It didn't taste bad! And the crazy thing, the more Danny licked, the louder the guy moaned. Yes there was something really exciting about being able to make this older dude moan like that.
Once again, nature took it's course as little Danny's lust took over. He licked Matt's balls and then sucked his cock harder and faster. Matt was also totally caught up in the moment
3; the humiliation was there, of course, but so was the lust. And the fact that some young little dude, with a virgin mouth was sucking him off was too much to handle
3; he didn't care if these other guys saw him cum
3; he just wanted to cum
3; and cum hard in this dude's mouth.
And as luck would have it for Matt, Tanner and Tyler had the same idea!
They watched for the tell-tall signs, and as soon as they appeared, they grabbed Danny's head and Matt's cock and held them firmly together.
Danny tried to pull off of Matt's cock as the first blasts of Matt's hot teen boy cum shot into his mouth. But to no avail. Tanner and Tyler kept the two locked together and made sure Danny swallowed every drop of Matt's seed.
When it was all over, they released Danny and listened to him bitch for several minutes about why they made him do that.
When he was finally done, Tanner chuckled, "Come on dude, we were just messing with you
3; besides it seemed like you enjoyed most of it."
Chip listened carefully as Danny bitched and moaned some more. He was protecting his reputation, but there was something about the way he protested and bitched that got Chip's attention. That, and the fact little Danny continued to stare at Matt's perpetually hard cock.
Chip started to get concerned about the time. They had been lucky so far with these guys but what would happen if someone else came along. And that is when he heard it
3; more voices on the trail
3; older voices
Tanner heard them too and panicked
3; "Dudes let's get the fuck out of here
3; someone else is coming."
They jumped on their bikes and rushed off. Leaving Matt as they had found him
3; well except for the fact his hard cock was glistening with fresh cum
3; his body was covered with welts and his ass had a nice little deposit of fresh boy seed that was starting to leak out.
Chip and company waited for what seemed like forever. No one came, and finally they figured out that whoever it was had taken the turn off down below.
Chip looked down at Matt who was moaning and pulling at his bonds. He figured he was probably starting to cramp pretty bad and decided it was time to move things along.
It took just a few minutes for the boys to release Matt from his bonds and lay him down on the blanket. To Matt's surprise, Chip tended to his aching arms and legs. He massaged him gently and soon had him feeling a lot better.
Once Matt appeared to be feeling better, Chip stood up turned to Mark and said, "Well, I guess in all fairness, and in light of everything else that has happened today I think there is one thing that really needs to be done to seal this new deal!"
Mark and Matt both looked confused. Chip waited a moment than glared at Matt and said, "Come on Matt, I think you are smarter than you look! Mark is now your Master! So what one thing does he need to do today to really 'seal that deal'?"
Matt thought for a moment, then his eyes widened and began to fill with tears.
Chip laughed and said, "Dude, I think you finally got it! So why don't you tell your little brother Mark here what that is because I can tell you have it figured out! Don't make me have to tell him, cause if I do I promise you are gonna regret it big time!"
Chip waited and watched as Matt's lower lipped quivered. He looked up at Mark and said hesitantly, "Um
3; ahhh
3; Bro, I think he means you need to fuck me
Mark's eyes popped open really wide as Chip laughed, "See, I figured you were smarter than you looked! So let's get to it!"
Mark looked like he was gonna pass out. It was something he had dreamt about so many times before, and now it was about to come true.
Matt knew he was beaten. He turned around and then knelt on all fours.
Mark looked at his naked older brother, kneeling with his ass open and exposed, then turned to Chip and asked, "Um
3; is it okay if we do this a little differently?"
Chip laughed, "Sure however you want!"
Chip and Dennis watched as Mark directed Matt to lie down on his back and pull his knees up to his chest. Mark took his time positioning his cock at Matt's hole. Just before he began entering his older brother, Mark told Matt he had to keep his eyes open the entire time and look him in the eye.
Matt did exactly as he was told.
What followed was one of the most exciting things Chip and Dennis had ever seen.
Young Mark fucked his older brother ruthlessly. Paying no attention to Matt's screams he plunged in and out of Matt's tortured ass. Matt freed up one of his hands and stroked his own cock harder and harder. By the time it was clear Mark was ready to cum
3; both brothers were covered in sweat and breathing hard. Mark was yelling
3; "You FUCKING BASTARD!" with every hard plunge
3; and Matt was moaning
3; "OH GOD
3; I am so sorry dude!"
Mark came first! He pumped his load into Matt's ass and dropped down onto Matt's chest. Matt immediately wrapped his legs around Mark's lower back just as he also began to cum. Matt's second cum of the day was even more intense than the first as he pumped several loads between his and Mark's pressed stomachs.
Chip glanced over at his younger brother Dennis, who was clearly caught up in the erotic little show, watching Mark fuck his older brother's brains out! He looked at Dennis's shorts which were tented to the max
3; he remembered the most recent shitty things that he had done to Dennis
3; And then thought about Dennis
3; yea he could be an asshole
3; but he was still his brother
3; and like it or not he really did care a lot about the jerk! And that's when another crazy idea took over!
Chip pointed to Dennis's tented shorts and then gestured towards his own as he chuckled, "Well Dude, I guess we both really need to take care of business
3; huh?"
Dennis could only manage a nod as he continued staring at Mark and Matt, who remained locked together with Mark's cock in Matt's ass.
Chip laughed and said, "Okay, let's go for it! We both strip, and the last one who get's totally naked, get's fucked!"
Chip waited for it to sink in. Once it did, Dennis started pulling off his clothes fast. Chip couldn't believe what he was about to do, as he deliberately fumbled with his own clothes. He made it look good! And lost by just a couple of seconds.
And then it went on.
Mark and Matt watched now as Dennis directed Chip to lie down on his back, pull his knees up to his chest and wait. Dennis positioned himself carefully and then proceeded to fuck his older brother Chip with no mercy. They sweated
3; they yelled at each other and in the end
3; they both CAME really hard.
They laid together for awhile, catching their breaths, finally Dennis muttered, "Wow Dude! Thanks, that was really cool! So
3; um
3; like can we do that again sometime?"
Chip chuckled, "Well, maybe
3; I guess
3; next time is gonna really cost you though! And I'm not sure you can pay the price!"
It took a little while for the two sets of brothers to detach themselves from each other. When they did, Chip took charge. He dressed along with Mark and Dennis and led the still naked Matt back to Aaron's garage. Chip figured it was best not to tempt fate any longer that day.
All were lost in thought as they marched back.
Two sets of bothers! The crazy thing was the older brothers were struggling with one set of similar thoughts, while the younger two struggled with their own similar thoughts!
Matt, the oldest of the four, was an absolute mess! On the one hand he was really pissed off about what had happened, and about the fact that the tables had been totally turned on him. But on the other hand, he couldn't believe how excited he remained the entire time the little shits were messing with him
3; and then when his own little brother FUCKED him so hard! He probably deserved the last
3; but still why was he so HARD! Must be that damn PILL he surmised
3; yea that's it
3; the pill
Chip was in a little better shape. But was having his own issues. Everything seemed fine up until the point when he engineered things so that Dennis could fuck him. What was up with that he wondered! It felt SO RIGHT at the time!!! Yea he felt a little guilty about the stuff he had done to Dennis
3; And yea, maybe he deserved some punishment
3; But SHIT
3; why did he seem to enjoy having his own little brother's cock shoved up his ass???
Mark was in 'hog heaven!' Matt was gonna be his for a whole year! And he was gonna be able to do some really nasty stuff to Matt for a whole year! At this point all he could think about was making his older brother scream
3; and scream! Cause he was really pissed about all the shit Matt had put him through!
Of the four, Dennis was probably the most confused! He totally loved watching Mark fuck his older brother Matt
3; but was completely blown away when Chip offered up his own ass for fucking! He enjoyed it totally! Fucking his older brother Chip's tight ass was something he would give ANYTHING to do again!
Aaron was waiting inside the garage when they returned. One look at Matt's welt covered body told him that Matt had already been through quite a bit and felt a little sorry about some of the preparations he had made. Chip looked around the garage and saw what one was
3; the 'Jaws of Terror' were already to go.
He chuckled and said, "Looks like you've been busy."
Aaron smiled and nodded.
Chip looked at Dennis and said, "Hey Dennis remember that Jaws of Terror thing?"
Dennis nodded.
"Well how about you and Mark help get Matt set up on it. I need to talk to Aaron about something."
Chip pulled Aaron out of the garage as Dennis began explaining what they were about to do.
As soon as they arrived in the family room, Aaron asked, "So what's up Chip?"
Chip got a very serious look on his face and his eyes began to water as he stammered, "Well, I don't know, lately I just seem having all these really weird thoughts and feelings."
Aaron asked, "Well, like what? I think you know you can trust me."
Chip dropped down on the couch, put his head in his hands and stammered, "Well, it's like lately, when I start thinking about
3; you know sex stuff
3; I start getting confused
Aaron sat down beside Chip and asked softly, "In what way?"
Chip said, "Well, I know it's probably gonna sound strange coming from me
3; but lately it's like I get really excited when I think about me being the one who get's tortured and humiliated. It's starting to make me crazy. Hell a few days ago I let Mark torture me hard for over two hours and I came really hard while he fucked me, even with my cock and balls still being tortured. And
3; um
3; just a little while ago
3; I kind of rigged things so that Dennis could fuck me. And he did! And it felt good. Man what am I going to do? I'm the dude who's in charge and shouldn't be getting off on things that way."
Aaron put his arm around Chip and said, "Hey Dude maybe your tastes are changing
3; or maybe your just going through a phase
They sat a chatted for a little while. Finally Aaron said, "You know one thing it might be is maybe you need to try doing things to different guys. Like maybe older ones. So have you been thinking about the day you make me pay that bet?"
Chip said, "No not really, cause I figured I'd give you to Mark and Stevie as a birthday present."
Aaron smiled, "So have you told them yet?"
Chip shook his head.
Aaron laughed, "Well listen, why don't you see if you can up with a different present for them. And plan on you being the one who works me over for that day. Start thinking about that, and see if that helps
3; Okay?"
Chip took a deep breath, nodded and thanked Aaron as they returned to the garage.
Dennis clearly had a great memory. When they arrived they saw that Matt was in the perfect position. He was sitting astride the metal vice with his balls hanging down between the metal plates. A piece of rope dangled from his balls and had a small bucket tied on the other end. His arms were tied off above his head and his ankles were pulled up and secured on either side of the vice.
Aaron and Chip looked at Matt's face. He was terrified.
Aaron walked over, looked Matt up and down and said softly, "Pretty scary isn't it Matt?"
Matt nodded his head, and stammered, "Oh shit, oh damn! Please don't crush my balls! PLEASE!!!"
Aaron ran his hand over Matt's inner thigh and chuckled, "Oh don't worry I won't be, I think somebody else deserves the honor! Come over here Mark."
Mark stood beside Aaron and waited expectantly.
Aaron continued, "Okay Mark I need to explain something to you. First of all I think you already know sensitive testicles are to pain."
Mark nodded.
"Well let me tell you one of things I've learned over the years. First of all, sharp blows to the balls can be very painful. Be even more painful is a slow steady crushing. One of the amazing things about most guys balls is that they can really withstand quite a bit of pressure before they are actually damaged. The pain is really excruciating and with a setup like we have here, I guy could be made to suffer for a very long period of time without fear of damage.
If you want to do this to your brother Matt, I'll act as a safety observer and let you know when you are close to the point of no return. Then you can just keep him at that point for as long as you want. He'll definitely need to be gagged though, cause I have no doubt he will be screaming his head off. SO what do you say, want to give it a try?"
Matt started whimpering and shaking his head. Mark looked at his sweating, and terrified older brother then looked at Dennis and said, "GAG HIM!"
Dennis looked around for a moment. Shrugged, took off his shorts and then his jock and stuffed it into Matt's mouth as he laughed, "We keep doing this and I suspect your start to enjoy the taste a lot more."
They all laughed.
Aaron explained a little more about the vice, then Mark took over. Matt looked down as Mark began turning the lever slowly. He watched in horror as the metal jaws began closing in on his beautiful low hanging balls. It didn't take long before he felt the cold metal make contact.
He began to moan as the pressure slowly built. Sweat poured down his sides as the pain began. It was slow at first. But grew in intensity fairly quickly. As Aaron had predicted Matt began screaming into his gag. The screams grew louder and louder as Mark kept up the steady pressure.
All four of the observers got major hard-ons watching Matt suffer. There really was something really exciting about watching a naked hot jock like Matt suffering like this.
Chip glanced over at Aaron's tented sweat pants and smiled. He glanced at Matt and then back at Aaron as a wild thought popped into his head. His cock stiffened suddenly as he imagine it was Aaron riding the jaws. And the more he thought about it, the harder he got. He thought to himself, "Damn Aaron I think you may just be right! Maybe I just need to try doing this stuff to older guys!"
Matt let out a really loud scream. Aaron looked at Matt's balls which were pressed pretty flat and said, "Okay, Mark you've got him there. Don't go any further."
Matt continued screaming for several minutes as he tugged at his bonds. Eventually he settled down as he adjusted to the constant input of pain. His screams turned to sad whimpers and moans as he slumped in his bonds and tried to resign himself to his fate. He would do anything to ease the pain. ANYTHING!
Mark let him suffer for awhile then took hold of his cock and started stroking it. It was still pretty hard, but had gotten a little softer. Mark chuckled, "Guess you would be willing to do just about anything to relieve the pain bro, huh?"
Matt nodded rapidly.
"Well remember all that bullshit you fed me about how I needed to channel the pain into my sexual energy?"
Matt nodded slowly.
Mark laughed, "Well thanks to you I think I managed to do it sometimes. Of course it took a lot of your 'special' training sessions to get me to that point. So I guess it is only fair to start your training. So go ahead and start channeling the pain big brother, and if you can cum, I'll release your balls."
Matt had doubts about being able to cum yet again, but tried thinking about his cock. He tried to remember the things he had done to Mark that excited him the most. Eventually, and partly as a result of Mark's continued gentle stroking he began to get really hard. He tried to mentally 'transfer' the pain in his balls to his cock. He had closed his eyes, but now opened them. He saw Chip and Dennis smiling and staring at him and felt a sudden surge in his cock. The surge caused his balls to tingle and hurt a little more.
Chip whistled and started clapping his hands, "OH YEA! Go for it dude! Let's see you cum like the big stud you are!"
And that did it!
He screamed into his gag as two decent size ropes of thick, white teen cum shot out of his cock and the pain in his balls intensified.
Mark stepped back and watched his big brother shoot. It was something he would never grow tired of watching.
True to his word, as soon as Matt's post orgasm spasms ended, Mark eased the tension on his balls. It took all three boys to release Matt and help down off the vice. As he climbed down, his knees buckled and he fell into Chip's arms. Chip reacted quickly. He helped Matt to the floor and began gently stroking Matt's shoulders as he curled up in a ball.
Matt was crying, "OH GOD, please no more today! Please, I'm begging. You can do more to me tomorrow, but please can that be enough for today?"
Chip felt sorry for Matt. He looked up at Mark and nodded while he continued to comfort poor Matt.
Aaron helped the boys put the stuff away. He let Mark pack a few items into a back pack and whispered to him, "Just let me know if you need anything else. And remember you've got a whole year ahead of you. Oh and from what I've seen it looks like humiliation is gonna be a big part of things! So keep that in mind."
Chip helped Matt get dressed which included locking the chastity device back on and then walked him to the door with his arm around his shoulder. As Mark and Matt walked across the front lawn, Chip called out to Matt, "Hang in there Dude!"
It was another one of those crazy things about teenage boys. Seemingly bitter enemies could become close friends very quickly. Which was exactly what was happening with Chip and Matt.
Mark was a little worried that he had pushed Matt a little too fast, so when they got home, he suggested that Matt take a nice long hot bath. Which is exactly what he did. After he soaked for a good half hour, he pulled on a pair of shorts and went looking for Mark.
He found Mark working at his computer and chuckled, "I hope you're not looking for porn little brother. You know the stuff dad has set up on the puter."
Mark chuckled, "No, I'm just working on a calendar program for you and I just finished it. Wanna see?"
Matt knelt beside Mark and looked at the screen as Mark brought up a yearly calendar and explained, "Okay this calendar runs for a little over a year from now. You see how all the monthly blocks are highlighted in red?"
Matt nodded.
"Okay, those are all of your slavery days. I gave you credit for today, so you have 364 days left. You'll need to check your calendar everyday to see if I've posted any special orders for you."
Matt laughed, "Man Dude, you really are something else. And yea okay, I'll be sure to check it. And, before you say anything else, don't worry
3; you've got me for a full year!"
Matt was already feeling a whole lot better. Which was evidenced by the fact his cock was once again trying to get hard in the chastity thing. The thought of being in Mark's control for a year seemed to be getting to him.
3; um little brother
3; about this thing on my cock
3; um
Mark laughed, "Yea, I know
3; you can't jack off with it on. I know! I tried."
Matt waited nervously. Finally Mark chuckled, "Okay don't worry I know you need to get off a lot, and I've planned for that!"
Matt smiled and said, "Thank you!"
Mark chuckled some more and said, "We'll see if you are still thanking me once I tell you how this is gonna work. First of all, outside of the times I am doing stuff to you, anytime you wanna jack-off, all you need to do is ask me. But it's gonna cost you something."
Matt said, "Ahh okay
3; whatever
3; so like what's it gonna cost?"
Mark said, "Okay, each time you wanna jack off will cost you either an immediate penalty, or a day added to your slavery period."
Matt thought for a moment and then gripped, "Oh come on Mark, isn't that a little much?"
Mark chuckled, "Take it or leave it!"
Matt thought for a bit and then asked, "So umm
3; like what kind of penalty?"
Mark knew he had him! He smiled at Matt and said, "Well let's say you wanted to jack-off right now. You'd have to say something like
3; 'Mark you can paddle my ass twenty times, if I can jack-off now'
3; or something like that. And if I like it
3; we do it and then I let you jack-off while I watch!"
Mark's explanation sent immediate signals to his restrained cock. It was bad enough to have to beg to be able to cum
3; and do a penalty
3; but now it seemed Mark expected to watch every time he jacked off.
Mark turned back to the computer and mumbled, "It's up to you big brother."
It took less than a minute for Matt to say the magic words
3; 'Mark you can paddle my ass twenty times, if I can jack-off now'
Mark laughed as he ordered Matt to retrieve Dad's fraternity paddle from the den. When he returned he pulled Matt's shorts off, removed the chastity device, and ordered him to bend over and grab his ankles.
Matt's ass was bright red by the time Mark finished the paddling. About as red as his face as he dropped to his knees and shamelessly masturbated in front of his little brother.
He watched out of the corner of his eye as he continued to explore Matt's computer. He found a file titled 'marknewbdtors' and tried to get into it. He couldn't. It was encrypted and password protected.
So he asked Matt, "Dude what the fuck is this file marknewbdtors?"
Matt immediately stopped stroking and stammered, "Oh shit
3; I
3; um don't remember
3; umm
3; ahh sorry
One of the things Mark knew about his older brother was that he was a terrible liar!
Mark laughed, "Yea right! Tell me the password right now, or you can forget about cumming for a full week!"
Matt thought for a moment, then started stroking again as he blurted out the password.
Mark opened the file and began reading it. He could not believe what he was reading. Spelled out in detail was a series of sexual tortures that just blew his mind. The title of the file pretty much said it all.
Mark looked at Matt who was jacking faster, "Where the hell did you get this shit from Matt?"
Matt stammered, "Ummmm, I used a friends computer
3; and made a copy on a disk
His eyes filled with tears.
Mark's eyes narrowed devilishly as he read on and reached the inevitable conclusion, "And let me guess, you were actually planning to do this shit to me?"
Matt sobbed and nodded.
It took a moment for Mark to get control of himself. He changed the name of the file. Changed the password and then turned to Matt.
"Well big brother, looks like there are a lot of wild ideas in there! And I think we'll need to try them all! I've changed the password and the file name. The new file name is 'mattsnewtorts'! Think about it!"
Matt thought about it! And immediately began shooting hard