PZA Boy Stories



Chapters 15-23

Chapter Fifteen

Beto is the first to invoke the Last Rule

I didn't know how Beto was going to implement the Last Rule for the first time, but since I didn't see anything in his box of rope that looked like a paddle or riding crop that Lee liked to use, I was looking forward to it. He let us into his apartment where we took off our shoes and socks at the door and went up to his room.

Beto dropped to his knees beside his bed to get his ropes. "I saw this tie on the web and it looked like fun so I'll try it on you and then you can do me. Okay?"

"Sure. That's the Last Rule. We each try it on each other at least once. What are you going to do?" I tried to keep from sounding too eager, but I don't think I succeeded very well.

He stood up with the box. "I'm not telling. You'll find out soon enough. Turn around and put your hands behind your back."

I shrugged and did as he said. He crossed my wrists in the small of my back and tied the rope around them in both directions so I couldn't move them up or down.

Turning me around by the shoulders, he said, "Now for the good part. Spread your legs a little."

When I did, he doubled a rope, tied it around my waist above my belt and pulled it tight enough that it dug into the soft flesh above my hipbones.

"Hey, not so tight."

"It has to be so it won't slip. Is it too tight?"

"No, it's just a little uncomfortable. My shirt wrinkled and it's pinching me in places."

"Oh, I didn't think of that. I can loosen it."

"Don't bother. I can deal with it." I could, too. It was uncomfortable, but nothing like what I'd put up with at Sam's.

"Okay then."

He let the two free ends of the rope dangle down to the floor and went behind me. Reaching between my legs from the back, he pulled the rope up into my crotch and looped it through the rope around my waist. He pulled steadily so the rope lifted my shorts and buried itself between my butt cheeks, giving me a wedgie. As soon as I felt the pressure there, I got an erection, which was really uncomfortable because the rope was on top of it and my clothes were bunched up around it. I shifted my weight and rolled my hips, trying to rearrange my clothes, but it didn't help.

Seeing me squirm, Beto said, "Are you all right?"

"Yeah. I'm okay." I wasn't about to tell him what the problem really was. And anyway, it would only last a few more minutes.

He pulled on the crotch rope again putting more pressure on my erection and then tied the ends to my wrists. "Almost done. Can you lie on the floor?"

With his help, I managed to stretch out on the white carpet more or less on my side while he tied my ankles. Taking the leftover rope, he pulled my feet up into a hogtie position and then tied it to the crotch rope, pulling it tight, increasing my discomfort.

"There. I'm done." He looked at his clock and said, "You have five minutes from now."

I knew I couldn't get loose, but I struggled anyway. Every time I'd twist a certain way, the crotch rope pulled the fabric of my clothes, which rubbed against my erection. I really liked the sensation and just as I found a movement I thought I could use to give myself an orgasm, Beto called time.

As he untied me, he said, "Tie me that way next. Judging how you were squirming around, you liked it."

"Yeah, that was different."

I rubbed my wrists and felt my face flush. Did he know that I was more concerned about rubbing my erection than I was trying to escape? It sounded like he did plus, I guess I was being pretty obvious about what I was doing if he'd thought about it.

After straightening out my clothes and helping him coil the ropes, I said, "Here goes. My turn. Put your hands behind your back."

He did, but then pulled them away before I could the rope around them. "Wait a minute. I want to take my shirt off. That way the rope wrinkling it won't make it pinch."

My face flushed again as my excitement rose. I was going to tie Beto while he only wore his shorts! I immediately tried to think of some strategy I could use to get him to take even more clothes off, but couldn't come up with anything right then.

Peeling off his shirt, he tossed it on the bed and then put his hands behind his back again. I tied his wrists together the same way he had done mine and then added the doubled rope around his waist. As I worked, I took every opportunity to touch his bare shoulders, back and belly, adding to my excitement and keeping my erection up. When the rope was tight, I turned him around using one hand on his chest and the other on his shoulder. I pulled the rope between his legs and up between his butt cheeks.

Looping it through the rope around his waist, I started to tie it to the rope on his wrists. Before I finished, he said, "Wait a minute. This is really uncomfortable. Is that why you were rolling your hips around?"

"Well, yeah, but I didn't mind too much."

"I wish you had said something more about it. Let's make an addition to the Last Rule: No matter what we try on each other, we'll do everything we can so the other guys isn't uncomfortable or hurting."

"Sounds good to me. What do you want me to do?"

"Untie the rope in back and then take my shorts off. All the material is bunching up when you pull the rope tight in back. If that wasn't there, it'd feel a lot better."

I said, "Good idea. Just a minute." As I worked to get the knot loose, I hoped that Beto didn't notice the excited tremble in my voice. I also put one hand in a pocket to rearrange my erect penis into a more comfortable position.

When the knot was free, I put both hands on his shoulders and turned him around. Reaching down I undid his belt, unbuttoned the waistband and pulled the zipper down on his school shorts. They fell to the floor and he stepped out of them, now dressed only in his white Y-front brief underwear.

His penis was outlined behind the thin material, but it sure didn't look as if he had a full erection. Could I have been wrong and he didn't get as excited as I did when I was tied up?

I turned him around by pulling on his upper arm and pushing his hip. He looked down at my hand pressing on his underwear, but didn't say anything. When his back was to me, I pulled the rope between his legs, looped it through the one around his waist and pulled it snug. He didn't complain, so I kept pulling and watched the strands disappear between his butt cheeks, pulling the fabric of his underwear tight around his hips. I helped him lie on the floor and then tied his ankles, pulling them into a hogtie.

I stood up, checked his clock and said, "Five minutes starts now."

He nodded and began to struggle and roll around on the floor. I sat on his bed and watched as he worked. Not surprising, he turned face down and began to rock his hips the way I had done. Did he or didn't he have an erection? I still couldn't tell and couldn't wait until he turned over so I could see the front of his underwear.

"Okay. Time's up. I'll untie you."

I undid the knots on his ankles first and then his wrists while he lay facedown on the floor. When I held out my hand, he took it and I helped him too his feet. And there it was! The rounded ridge on front of his underwear clearly bulged out and I could see the outline of his erection as it lay against his belly held there by the cloth of his Y-fronts. When e saw where my stare was directed, I quickly looked away.

Laughing awkwardly, he said, "It gets like that when I get tied up. Yours does, too."

That wasn't a question so I said, "Yeah. It does. And I like it when it happens."

Beto smiled and nodded. "I know what you mean. My turn. Hands behind your back."

When I did, he tied my wrists palm to palm and then turned me around, making as much skin contact as he could with his hands. The warm touch of his hands on my body only increased my excitement and I felt a growing wet spot on the front of my underwear.

As I turned, he put his hands on either side of my hairless chest, covering my nipples with his hands. He pushed me toward the middle of his room and moved me around several times. I couldn't see what he was trying to accomplish, other than to have a reason for keeping his hands on my chest longer. I didn't care because the palms of his hands rubbing my nipples felt really nice.

Finally, he was satisfied and stopped moving me around. Not surprisingly, he unfastened my shorts and let them fall to the floor. When they dropped I looked down and my erection was clearly visible as well as a circular wet stain about an inch [2½ cm] in diameter.

Grinning, he went behind me to pull the ropes between my legs. As he did, he spread them apart so that when he pulled them up one strand went on each side of my genitals. That was much better than the first time, but it accented my condition by pulling the cloth tightly over everything.

After tying the crotch rope in back, he helped my lie facedown on the floor where he tied a rope to each ankle and pulled them tight to my butt, one at a time. Then he tied the cord to each big toe and pulled them together. It was a strange position, but I was completely helpless. When he started the time, I struggled not to escape so much as to rub my penis against the carpeted floor again.

After time was up, Beto untied me and helped me to my feet. When he did, I didn't make any attempt to hide my erection. He smiled when he saw it, but didn't say anything. I tied him one more time and then we quit for the day.

At home, I raced to my room and tore off my clothes so I could masturbate and get some relief. While I did, I imagined him tied naked on the floor and struggling against the ropes. After my orgasm, I massaged my testicles and soft penis for a long time thinking about how I could come up with a reason for us to get our underwear off. If we could get that far then 3; What was next? I masturbated again thinking of possibilities.


The next day in P.E. class Mr. Scott continued to pick on the smaller boys, especially Tommy and this time, he really did make him cry. Seeing that upset Beto and he spent most of the class period scowling at Mr. Scott.

After school, as we walked to his apartment, he said, "I went to the principal today and complained about Mr. Scott. If he keeps it up, I'm going to ask my mother to come in and complain, too."

"That's a good idea. I don't know what he thinks he's doing, but he sure is making life miserable for Tommy. What a jerk."

After Beto let us in to his apartment, we took our shoes and socks off at the door and went upstairs. He closed and locked his room door and then pulled the box of ropes from under his bed.

Pulling a coin from his pocket, he said, "Call it. If you win you get to start."

He flipped and while it was in the air, I said, "Heads."

We watched it tumble through the air and when it hit the carpet, heads was face up. Beto said, "I lose. You get to tie me first. Just a minute while I take my shirt off."

When he did, I said, "Put your hands behind your back" And proceeded to tie him.

When he said we only had time for one more, I tied his wrists and put a rope around his waist. Then I unbuttoned his shorts and let them fall. This time he was clearly erect and I smiled as I finished the tie. Next, he did the same to me so we ended up wearing only our underwear again.

I practically ran home, my need to masturbate was so great. But when I got there, I took my time and used some of my equipment that I had neglected for the last few weeks. As I worked the inflatable butt plug through my sphincter into my rectum, I wondered what it would feel like to be tied and have Beto put it in. Better yet, what would it be like if I put it into Beto? I'd never done something like that before, but I'd done it enough to myself, I was sure I could do it and not hurt him.

Also, I decided to use it more often, because it was much more painful to get in that the last time. Did my sphincter tighten up because I hadn't used any of my butt plugs for several weeks? It sure seemed like it.


The next day Mr. Scott had us line up on our numbers in the gym and started an angry lecture. "So a few of you babies think I'm being too hard, do you? You don't know what hard it yet. Get in formation for calisthenics. Every one of you will do them right, or we'll be running laps until you do."

As we got into formation, I heard Beto mutter, "What's this 'we' shit about running laps, you fat bastard."

The rest of the class period, we had to do exercises and run laps every time someone couldn't do an one right. I was extremely happy to see the end of that class period.

On the way to Beto's I told him I'd talk to my dad about Mr. Scott and see if I could get him to call the school along with Beto's mother. We decided Mr. Scott was nuts and we'd better do something as soon as we could.

When we were in his room, Beto went first. He tied my arms and then immediately unbuttoned my shorts. I took his off next and we spent the rest of the time tying each other while only in just our underwear.

The rest of the week, we'd take each other's underwear off on the first tie and pretend we didn't see the other's erection, but we were careful to put the ropes on so they passed on either side of our genitals.

Things in P.E. class didn't get any better and by Monday, everyone in class had learned to hate Mr. Scott. Tommy was talking about trying to persuade his parents to take him out of school and go somewhere else.

Beto and my walks to his apartment turned into strategy sessions about what to do about Mr. Scott as we planned how to get more kids to get their parents to complain about him.

Beto got his box of ropes out and since it was a Monday, I flipped a coin to see who would go first.

"Hah. I win so I get to go first. Take your shirt off." When he did, I said, "Hold your hands out in front of you."

I tied a rope to each wrist and then crossed his arms over his bare chest and knotted the rope behind his back. Then I tied a doubled rope around his waist and turned him around to take his shorts off as we always did.

Unbuttoning the waist, I pulled the zipper down and let go so they would drop off his hips. When they fell to the floor, I was shocked to see he wasn't wearing underwear. He stood in front of me naked with his erect penis proudly standing at about a 75 degree angle from his body.

When I pulled my gaze up to look at his face, he smiled and said, "Well, go ahead. Last Rule."

Chapter Sixteen

Beto and David finally get together. But what will happen to his other activities at Sam's when she gets back from her photography tour

Beto's nudity and erection caught me completely by surprise and I bumbled, "Huh? Last rule. What 3; what do you mean?"

He smiled and nodded. "Last rule. We each have to try things we see. When I was surfing the web looking for new ways to tie you up, I saw most of the guys in the pictures were naked. It seems to me that wearing only our underwear is almost naked, so we should try it to see what it's like. We're naked together in P.E. class all the time, so what difference does it make?"

That made sense so I agreed with him. Of course, I didn't point out that in P.E. class we didn't stand around with erections that everyone could look at. As the opportunities to take advantage of a naked, tied up Beto went through my head, a grin spread over my face. At last! This is what I wanted from the start. Someone my own age who would tie me up and that I could tie up. In addition, Beto had a wonderful body that I loved to touch and wrap ropes around. The only question was how far would he be willing to go after we were naked? Would he only want to do it once? After all, the Last Rule said we only had to do it one time if we didn't like it. I'd be really disappointed if he didn't like it, but then, what was not to like? I couldn't think of anything.

The big question still remained. He'd never said one word about sex to me. Not even a dirty joke and I'd never said anything to him. He wasn't shy about letting me see his erection and an erect penis had only one use that I could think of. I wanted to stroke his penis so badly that it took all my will power to keep my hands away. The effort made me break out in a thin, cold sweat of anticipation.

He was going to use the Last Rule to allow me to tie him up naked. He had to know how much I enjoyed touching his body because he sure seemed to like touching me the same way. What was he really telling me? Mentally, I took control of myself, shrugged and forced myself to be patient to let things develop, although when I looked, my hands trembled slightly.

"Yeah, you're right. Last rule, then."

Separating the two strands of rope, I carefully threaded them between his legs so that one was on each side of his genitals. I dropped to one knee to better handle the rope, but my real intention was to get a better look at his penis. It was noticeably longer than mine, but mine was significantly thicker. Like everything on Beto, I thought it was perfectly shaped and proportioned. His Hispanic heritage made his skin much darker than mine and the skin on his penis was darker still, but it had a very light-colored head, making it even more attractive.

When I had the rope in place, I went behind him and pulled the rope up between his butt cheeks where it slipped easily into the crack and disappeared. As I gently snugged it up, Beto said, "You can make it tighter than that. I'll let you know if it's too much."

I pulled it through from the back until he groaned and shuffled his feet in discomfort and then I tied it. Before I dropped his shorts, I was planning to tie him into sort of a hogtie position, but if I did that, I wouldn't be able to see his penis. Instead, I sat him on the floor against one of the heavy bedposts and looped a rope around his chest and arms tying him to the post. Then I tied a rope on each ankle and spread his legs wide, fastening the ends to other pieces of furniture in the room to keep them open.

"Okay. Done. Your five minutes starts now." I glanced at the clock and then sat down in his desk chair to watch him struggle.

It was a show worth watching. As he rocked back and forth, pulling and tugging on the ropes, his erect penis stayed hard and flopped back and forth from one thigh to the other as his scrotum swung below it. Every so often, he'd roll his hips up and suck his belly in, which pulled his testicles up inside his scrotum. I was afraid I'd have an orgasm just watching his body as he worked against the ropes.

Reluctantly, I called time. "That's it."

After I let him loose and he stood in front of me coiling up a rope he pointed at my shorts and said, "Last Rule."

I nodded. "Last Rule."

Unbuttoning my shorts, I slid my underwear down my legs and stepped out of my clothes that were now piled on the floor. When I looked, I saw the head of my penis was bright red and it bobbed up and down with each beat of my heart. I wanted to masturbate so badly, that my penis actually hurt with my pent-up tension. At that point, had Beto touched my penis, I was sure I'd have an orgasm.

Instead, he proceeded to tie much the same way as I tied him. The only difference was that he touched me a lot more than I did him and when he reached between my legs to pull the rope through to the back he 'accidently' cupped my scrotum with one hand. When he did, I yipped and rose up on my toes. He quickly let go and I didn't say anything else.

We finished the rest of our tie-up session naked. When we were done, we dressed and didn't say anything about being naked and how much we enjoyed it. I practically ran home, I was so anxious to get relief from the tension I had accumulated in the last hour and a half.

Dashing up to my room, I slammed the door, jerked my shorts and underwear down and stroked my penis as fast as I could. I'll bet I didn't get more than a dozen yanks before I had a huge orgasm. After that, I took off my school clothes, cleaned up the mess I made on the carpet and headed for the shower. I masturbated three more times that evening, the last one as I fell asleep, hoping to dream about Beto and me having sex.

The next day after school in Beto's room, we took our shirts off and then he pulled the rope box from under his bed. When stood, I said, "It's your turn to start today. Last Rule." And I dropped my shorts and pulled my underwear down.

Smiling, Beto said, "Last Rule," as he dropped his shorts and underwear.

As soon as we were naked, we stood for a minute staring at each other's bodies, big grins on our faces. Then Beto said, "Can you imagine Coach Scott seeing us now? Or later, after we're tied up. He'd probably have a heart attack.

I laughed and said, "I can hope he would. But just think about what he looks like without clothes on. I'd probably puke if I saw that."

Beto laughed so hard, he bent over double. When he straightened up, he slapped me on the back. "I would, too, but I'd make sure I puked all over him. He'd deserve it. All bullies deserve something like that. Show what we think of them."

Still laughing, he picked up a length of rope "Hold out your hands."

Neither of us had an erection when we undressed, but as Beto tied more rope on me and I felt the pressure of it on my body and the restricted movement, I gradually became erect. As he worked, I saw Beto's penis begin to grow, but it only stayed partly erect until I tied him. Then it got hard and stayed that way for a long time.

For the next four days, every time we went to Beto's apartment after school, we tied each other while we were naked. We didn't even invoke the Last Rule anymore. It had become the first rule.

We also came up with ways of tying each other so that our erections wouldn't be hidden from the other's view as we fought the ropes. As we took turns, I desperately wracked my brain to come up with some reason to take the next step.

On Tuesday of the next week after we'd taken off our clothes and Beto had gotten his ropes out, he pointed at my crotch. "Did you shave your pubic hair off?"

I looked down at the emerging stubble above my penis. "Yeah." I couldn't tell him why I had to shave, so I said, "I didn't have much and like the way I look without it."

This wasn't a lie because I didn't like the clumps of hair I saw on adults. I didn't look forward to having that much hair and enjoyed the way I looked now.

"I haven't shaved for awhile, which is why you can see the stubble. But I'd better shave soon because it starts to itch if I let it grow out much more."

He stared at the mostly bare skin above my penis for a moment then pulled at his small patch of pubic hair with his fingers. "I like it that way, too. Would you shave me?"

"Sure, I can show you how. Do you have shaving stuff?"

"Yeah, I do. But I want you to shave me. I thought about doing that since the beginning of summer when it first started to grow out, but I could never make myself do it. If you tie me to the bed and then shave it off, I can't chicken out at the last minute."

"If that's what you want me to do. Sure, I'll do that."

"All right, but once you tie me, I want you to shave me no matter what I say. Okay?"

"Right. I won't let you loose until you're as bald as Tommy."

Beto laughed. "I don't think you can make me look that bald."

I grinned. "I'll give it a try. Where's your shaving equipment?"

He went to the bathroom and brought back a can of shaving cream, a towel and three disposable razors. Setting them on the bedside table, he untangled four ropes, handed them to me and held out his wrists.

I tied a rope to each wrist, looping it around several times and tied it snugly, but not tight so I wouldn't cut off the circulation. Dropping to one knee, I did the same to each ankle.

I put my hand on his shoulder to turn him toward the bed. "You're ready. Lie down and put your arms and legs out."

"Wait a minute." He took a bandana out of the rope box and handed it to me.

Folding it over several times, I wrapped it around his head and pulled it between his teeth when he opened his mouth to gag him. After I'd tied the knot, he stretched out in the middle of his bed, putting his hands above his shoulders and spreading his legs wide.

When I tied the first rope to his bed, I realized that it was constructed exactly right for tying someone to it. Each corner had a heavy wooden post with fancy woodwork so I could thread the rope through and tie it. Had Beto chosen this bed specifically for that reason? Probably. If I could talk my dad into buying me a new bed, I'd choose one that looked like this.

I tied both of his wrists to the posts on the headboard and then his left ankle to the footboard, pulling it tight, which stretched out his body, making him slide around to get comfortable. Only the right ankle was left.

I held up the loose end of the rope. "This is it. Once I tie this, there's no going back and you'll be shaved. Still want me to do it?"

His eyes above the gag looked a little scared and he swiveled his head to look at his bound wrists and finally nodded.

"Beto, trust me. It won't hurt and I'll be careful. Okay?"

He sighed through the gag, relaxed and nodded again.

"Okay, here goes." And I tied the rope to the post, steadily pulling on it so Beto had to move around on the bed to take any slack out of the ropes.

I walked around the end of the bed to get the shaving cream and razors. As I did, I admired his body and my handiwork. For some reason, even though we'd be tying each other while we were naked for almost a week, seeing him tied helpless to his bed with his legs pulled wide was extremely exciting. In fact, being in complete control of his body and doing something to him that he might not want was thrilling and my penis immediately jumped fully erect. It was all I could do to keep my hands away and not masturbate.

Beto's eyes followed me, staring at my erection, as I got ready. Him seeing my erection wasn't anything unusual, but I hoped he couldn't see my fast breathing, my hot, flushed face and trembling hands.

I sat on the side of the bed, sprayed shaving cream on the ends of my fingers and worked it into his pubic hair. He kept raising his head to watch what I was doing so I cleaned my hand off with the towel and put a pillow behind his head, so he didn't have to hold his head up all the time.

Taking the protective cover off a razor, I held it up close to his face, silently taunting him with what I was about to do. Then I slowly pulled it through the shaving cream, leaving behind a strip of bare skin. Beto saw his pubic hair disappear and struggled, rolling his hips around.

I held up the razor covered with shaving cream and hair. "You'd better hold still unless you want me to accidently cut you with this. I imagine that would really hurt where I'm shaving. There's nothing you can do that will stop me from taking it all off."

He immediately stopped squirming and let me work. To get all of his hair, I held his penis with the fingers of one hand and moved it around and out of the way. Although I'd brushed his penis and scrotum a few times tying him, I'd never had an opportunity to really hold on to that part of him before and I took advantage of the situation. After a few minutes of manipulating his penis, it began to get hard in my fingers and became erect.

When I finished I took the towel and wiped off the rest of the shaving cream. I reached up and lifted his head so he could see.

"There, all done. What do you think? I like it." I lifted his erection so he could see I didn't miss any hair.

Beto just stared and shook his head.

Grinning, I got up and started to untie one of his ankles. When I pulled on the knot, he began to waggle his foot back and forth, keeping me from reaching the knot. I looked up and saw him shaking his head.

"What? Don't you want me to untie your ankle?"

He shook his head again so I got up, went the headboard and reached for a knot on the rope holding one of his wrists. Right way, he started to flap his hands and I quit.

"You don't want me to untie your wrists either?"

He shook his head and I decided to take the gag out to find out what he wanted. When I tried to reach the knot, he leaned his head back into the pillow to keep me from getting to it. I stopped, put my hands on my hips and stared at him. Okay, so what did he want me to do?

He nodded his head, pulling his shoulders up from the bed as far as he could, thrusting his chin toward his feet. Then I got it. He was pointing with his chin and the only thing he could point at was his erect penis. I reached down and held it in my fingers again.

When he nodded and grunted through the gag, I knew I'd done what he wanted. But now what? There were only two things I knew that could be done with a penis. Since I hoped he didn't have to go to the bathroom, I decided to try the other and began to stroke it gently.

Beto threw his head back and moaned through the gag. He looked up at me and nodded while he made noises like a cat meowing. Obviously, I'd figured it out.

I'd never masturbated another boy before, but I decided I'd try to do the way Jordan did it to me at the motel. After ten or twelve quick strokes, I slowed down to about one every second for a minute and then gave him ten quick ones again. Whenever he thrashed extra hard so he looked as if he might be ready to have an orgasm, I'd quit, which made him struggle even harder and moan through the gag. Every time that happened, I grinned happily. Masturbating him and then stopping to frustrate him was a totally new experience for me. Always before, I'd been the one who had been controlled by someone else. While I like that, being able to manipulate Beto's emotions was extremely satisfying to me.

Finally, he had an orgasm and shot semen so hard, it hit the cloth gag in his mouth. If he hadn't been tied to the bed, I'm sure he would have bounced right off onto the floor. When he relaxed, I used the towel to clean him off.

This time when started to untie him, he didn't resist. He sat up rubbing his wrists and I untied the gag.

Beto ran his fingers over his smooth skin above his penis and said, "Man, that was amazing. It's never felt that good before." He rubbed deep marks on his wrists. "I hope these fade before my mom gets home. They'd be hard to explain."

"If we put socks over your wrists, you wouldn't get marks like that."

"That's a good idea, but how do you know that and how did you know how to masturbate me that way?"

Darn it. I spoke before I thought again and ran into another trap, so I lied and said, "Uh 3; well, I read about it on the web one time so I thought I'd try it." There was no way I could tell him that Jordan had done it to me before.

He seemed skeptical, but didn't ask me another question about it. He pointed at my genitals. "Last Rule. You look like you could use a shave."

I looked down at the stubble growing above my penis and smiled. "Got any clean sweat socks I can put on?"

He laughed, walked to his dresser and opened a drawer.

I pulled on a pair of white socks over my hands and rolled the elastic tops down to make a second layer. Then I happily held out my hands for Beto to tie a rope around each wrist.

Beto dug around in his box and pulled out another bandana and folded it into a gag that I willingly let him pulled between my teeth and tie in back of my head. Then I sprawled out on his bed and waited for him to tie my wrists and ankles to the bed posts.

Squirting out some shaving cream on his hand, he rubbed it over my stubble. It was obvious that he had never shaved before by the way he handled the razor. At first he only took timid light swipes though the foam and didn't get a lot of the stubble close to the skin. When he saw he wasn't getting it all, he used a firmer stroke and quickly learned how to do it as well as I could.

He had to lift my erect penis to shave under it and he held it lightly between two fingers and moved it around gently as if he might break it. His tentative grip was a result of never having held another boy's penis before and I encouraged him by nodding and grunting through the gag. By the time he finished, he was handling me with much more confidence.

Lifting my head so I could see his handiwork, he said, "I think it looks as good as Tommy. Don't you?"

I nodded tried to smile which didn't do too much good because of the gag. Dropping my head back, he wiped off the excess soap with the towel and sat on the bed beside me.

Staring at my face, he slowly reached for my erect and now aching penis. He lightly took it between his fingers and thumb and began to stroke it. I couldn't tell if he was just teasing me or was still reluctant to get a good grip and give it the workout I so desperately wanted. As he continued sliding the ends of his fingers along my penis, I groaned and drove my hips into his hand.

Just as I thought I'd go nuts waiting for him to be more forceful, I managed to scream around the cloth in my mouth, "Harder!"

He got the idea and yanked on my penis like he was ringing in the New Year. Fortunately, before he could do me damage, I had my orgasm after only five or six strokes and shot semen up onto my chest. As soon as I did, I fell back onto the bed, exhausted.

While I caught my breath, Beto released me and I got to my feet. I swung my arms around and flexed each leg. "Man. That was serious exercise. I feel like I've been running laps for Mr. Scott."

Beto said, "I know what you mean. Want a shower?"

"Sure. Good idea."

"Okay, I'll go first."

Grinning I said, "Last Rule. We both go first."

"What? Take a shower together?"

"Yep. It's lots of fun."

"Really? When did you take a shower with someone else?"

Great. I really put my foot in my mouth this time. I desperately thought trying to come up with a lie to explain how I knew what it was like to take a shower with someone and I felt my face turn red. "Well 3; uh 3; um 3;"

Chapter Seventeen

David and Beto help out Tommy who is being bullied by their P.E. teacher. Beto sets it up as a Last Rule surprise for David.

To keep from telling him how I knew it was fun to shower with someone, I said, "Well, uh 3; I saw a video of two guys doing it on a web page.

Beto didn't seem convinced, but he didn't ask anymore about it.

Quickly, to change the subject, I said, "Let's go before it gets too late. You got some towels and liquid soap?"

"Sure, I've got towels. I'll have to look for the soap. Why liquid soap?"

"It works better."

He frowned. "How do you know that?"

Man, my enthusiasm was digging a deep hole. Trying to take advantage of the situation was getting me more and more tangled in lies because I wasn't thinking before I talked. But how could I tell him the truth? He'd never believe me and if Sam found out, I'd be in real trouble. Images of Mistress Olga striping my butt kept creeping into my mind, making me mentally shiver with fear.

"Oh, in the video I saw that's what the guys were using. It looked easier to do that way than messing with a bar of soap."

Beto gave me a skeptical look and shrugged. "Okay. I think there's some in my mom's bathroom." He pointed at a closed door. "Towels are in the cabinet on the left."

I enjoyed the sight of his square butt cheeks rhythmically moving from side to side with each step until he disappeared into the hall, then I went into his bathroom. Pulling two towels from the cabinet, I set them next to the sink. His shower was at one end of the bathtub so there would be plenty of room for both of us at the same time.

Sitting on the side of the tub, I turned on the water and adjusted the temperature. I pulled up the valve to turn on the shower just as Beto came back with a large bottle of liquid soap. He reached up and flipped a switch on the showerhead, turning off the spray.

"We'll have to be careful with how much water we use. Otherwise, Mom would wonder why there was no hot water when she comes home."

"Good idea." I took the soap bottle from his hands. "Let's get started. I'll do you first."

He nodded and we climbed into the bathtub, pulled the curtain closed and I turned the water on. "Duck your head and I'll wash your hair first."

He put his head under the rushing water and when it was sopping wet, I turned off the water, got a handful of soap and began scrubbing his hair.

"Hey, be careful. Not so hard. You'll get it in my eyes. You're as bad as my mother used to be. She always got soap in my eyes when she washed my hair when I was a little kid."

I laughed and said, "Oops. Sorry about that. I've never washed someone else's hair before, you know."

There. I got in a lie that might make him less suspicious so he wouldn't ask more questions. I hoped. Just to be sure, I deliberately made my hand motions clumsier.

Putting my hand on the back of his neck, I pushed his head forward and turned on the water to rinse the soap out of his hair and get his shoulders and back wet. I snapped the water off, got another handful of soap and started on his shoulders, working down to his waist.

The sensation of running my hands over his slippery, smooth skin was amazing. I'd liked doing it to Jordan at Sam's, but that was nothing compared to the pleasure I got from rubbing Beto's naked body. I had an erection before I finished his shoulders. Working my way down to his waist, I dropped to one knee and soaped his butt. Then I had him turn the water on and rinse off. Next, I soaped both legs from the top of his thighs to his feet, running my hands up and down the length of his legs over his hairless skin. When I had finished, I reached up, pulled one butt cheek aside and used the other hand to scrub between them. Beto jumped when my fingers went in.

I said, "Sorry about that. Was that too hard?"

"No, you just surprised me. It feels okay."

With that encouragement, I worked my fingers in deeper and thought seriously about pushing one through his sphincter the way Jordan had done, but decided against it. Maybe later. I had him turn around, rinsed him off and began washing his hair again. After rinsing out the soap, I started on his shoulders sliding my hands over his chest and abdomen. The feel of his hard ribs and running my fingers over the ridges of his muscles was tremendously exciting. It must have been for him, too since he got an erection as soon as I began to rub his chest.

I grabbed his hips with both hands and got on my knees in front of him. Using several handfuls of soap, I washed each leg and then each foot. Finally, I squirted soap directly on his penis and began washing it and his scrotum. Actually, I wasn't washing it so much as I was stroking it.

Beto moaned and put both hands on the top of my head. I almost took that to mean I could take his penis into my mouth, but I decided that would be going too far right now. Anyway he was covered in soap, which wouldn't taste very good.

Since he didn't say anything, I kept stroking him until he had an orgasm. I tipped my head to the side so his spurts would miss my face and continued pulling until he started to lose his erection. When he did, I turned him by his hips to face the shower and he turned the water on to wash off the soap.

Beto turned off the water, turned to face me and held his hand out for the soap. "Okay, you were right. Taking a shower together is great. My turn now."

Grinning, I gave him the soap and we traded places. He washed me the same way I'd done him, but it seemed to take him forever because of my anxious anticipation of what he would do after he washed my legs.

As he washed my butt, I wondered what he'd do. He hesitated for a moment just massaging my cheeks, then pulled one to the side and squirted soap between them.

I said, "That's good. You can scrub harder than that, thought."

With that encouragement, he plunged his fingers in and gave it a thorough cleaning. As he did, did he deliberately press on my anus? It sure seemed like it and I smiled.

He turned me around and began washing the front of me. After he did my belly, which he spent a lot of time rubbing and massaging, he got on his knees in front of me and did my legs and feet. He filled both palms with soap, cupped my scrotum with one, grabbed my penis with the other and vigorously began to scrub both at the same time.

I grabbed his head with my hands and said, "Be careful. That's too hard."

"Okay. How about this?" He pulled firmly on my scrotum, forcing my testicles into the bottom of the sac and held them there. Adding more soap, he switched from holding my penis with his fist to three fingers and his thumb.

"That's better. Faster?"

He complied and in less than a minute, I was firing semen into the bathtub as I had my second orgasm in less than an hour.

Beto rinsed me off and we stepped out of the shower and dried each other with the towels I'd laid out. As I dried my hair, he said, "I've never done that before. You didn't mind?"

"No way. It was great. There's nothing I rather do."

He gave me his skeptical look again and said, "You sound like you've done it before."

My big mouth got me into trouble again. When would I quit? "No. It's just that I can't think of anything else that feels so good."

"Yeah, it does, doesn't it?"

We walked back into his bedroom, collected our clothes from the floor and got dressed. Then we cleaned Beto's room and bathroom so his mother wouldn't notice anything.

Beto went to the door with me. "I think we'd better have another rule."

"What's that?"

"A rule that says we trust each other completely and we keep our games to ourselves."

"That's a good one. Especially about trusting each other."

"Right. We trust each enough to talk to each other about things we want and don't want and that we don't lie or keep secrets from each other."

I felt my face turn red. He knew I wasn't telling him the whole truth. Breaking our new rule as we made it, I lied, "That's our new rule then. See you at school tomorrow."

Turning toward home, I walked slowly, thinking about our new rule. I knew I should tell him about Sam's and what I did there, but I couldn't. He deserved the truth, but lying to Beto didn't have the consequences that lying to Sam would have. I was going to follow Sam's orders no matter what rules Beto and I made.

When I got home, I'd lost most of my excitement since Beto had masturbated me twice, but I still felt an urging deep down in my groin. Getting my equipment from its basement hiding place I took out a bottle of enema solution, dropped my pants and squeezed it in. As I got rid of the empty, crushed bottle, I saw that I only had two left. Taking out the inflatable butt plug, the enema bag and lubricant, I went back to my room to wait for the inevitable results.

I sat at my desk and got on the internet. After only a few minutes, I had to go to the bathroom, but I sat until the urge grew to the point where I felt that I might have an accident if I didn't let it out. Going into the bathroom, I sat down on the toilet, relieved myself and went back to my room. Taking off my clothes, I took the enema equipment into the bathroom where I filled the bag with two quarts [~2 liter] of warm water. I chose the largest nozzle, lubed it up and slid it into my rectum thorough my resisting sphincter muscle. Holding the bag up about shoulder height, I snapped open the bag and immediately felt the water running into me.

I went back to my desk, hung the bag from the floor lamp next to the desk and sat down to surf the web. The bag wasn't too high and although I could feel the water filling me, there wasn't enough pressure to be uncomfortable. I got distracted by my web surfing and when I looked up later, the bag was empty.

Smiling, I stood and squeezed the flat bag. I'd taken the whole two quarts [~2 liter] and didn't have any discomfort. How much more could I hold? Carrying the bag in one hand, I went to the kitchen to get a measuring cup and then went back to my bathroom.

I pulled the nozzle out and opened the top of the bag. Let's see, if there were two cups to a pint and two pints to a quart, I'd try three cups. That'd give me two and three quarters quarts [~2½ liter]. After putting water in the bag, I screwed the top on, let out the air in the tube and turned the water on again after I'd put the nozzle back.

I went back to my room and sat at my desk, hanging the bag up. This time the pressure quickly grew into pain and I turned the water off. That didn't help and I was afraid I'd have to let it out, but then I got an idea. I opened the valve, lowered the bag and let some of the water run back into it. Right away, the pain eased and I relaxed. Then I raised the bag again and the water ran back into me until the pressure got too great and I lowered it.

By raising and lowering the bag, I finally got all the water in and pulled out the nozzle. Lubing my butt plug, I pushed it in with the usual sharp pain as I forced the large part past my sphincter. I pushed it tight up against my anus and pumped it up, closing off any escape for the water. Standing in front of my computer, I pulled up a picture of me with Jordan's penis in my mouth, turned on the vibrator as fast as it would go and masturbated. I stroked as slowly as I could, taking time to remember the sensation of performing oral sex and fantasizing doing it to Beto, hoping it would be as good with him as it was with Jordan. I managed to postpone my orgasm for almost twenty minutes. It took a lot of willpower to stop when I was close, but it was worth it. Then I had to make a dash for the bathroom. I'd pumped up my butt plug pretty tight, but not tight enough for an orgasm like that one and I felt a trickle of warm water running down my leg after each spurt.


The next morning, as Beto and I went into the locker room, he said, "You know, I don't really mind taking a shower anymore. Especially since I know that there's taking a shower and then there's taking a shower."

I looked around to be sure no one would hear me and I said, "Yeah, there is. Too bad we can't take certain kinds of showers here. Can you imagine the whole class doing that? Mr. Scott would have a heart attack."

Beto laughed and said, "We can only hope. It'd be worth it."

We both picked up our clean P.E. uniforms. When we walked into the group of lockers, Tommy, who had taken his clothes off and was about to pull on his jock strap, jumped up from the bench and stood in the corner with his hands over his genitals.

In a voice that sounded as if he was about to cry, he said, "Can't you guys come back in a minute so I can get dressed?"

I said, "What's wrong with you all of a sudden. We always change together. It's no big deal."

"Nothing's wrong! Just come back. Please."

"We can't. We have to change, too. Why are you acting so weird?"

Beto elbowed me in the ribs to push me aside. He walked up to Tommy and said, "Tommy. Relax. It's okay. Look."

When Tommy looked over his shoulder, Beto dropped his pants held out the waistband of his underwear. Tommy's eyes opened wide in surprise when he saw Beto's erection.

Beto said, "It happens to me, too. Don't be embarrassed. Be happy about it because it means you're getting into puberty like the rest of us."

I finally figured out what Tommy's problem was. How could I be so slow? I said, "Yeah, it happens to everybody all the time. Just pull your jockstrap on and it'll pull it up next to your body and no one will notice. No one notices mine that way."

"Really? It happens to you, too?"

Beto said, "Well, of course and every boy in the class at one time or the other. Don't be so shy. We're friends and we'd never make fun of you because we have the same problem."

Tommy faced the corner again, quickly stepped into his jock strap and pulled it up. He turned around and reached for his gym shorts.

I said, "See. No problem."

He smiled weakly, although he still had tears in his eyes. "Thanks you guys. I didn't know what to do. That's been happening a lot the last few weeks. I didn't know what it was."

Beto said, "You really don't know? Didn't you have a health class last year where they talked about puberty?"

"No. Until this year, my mom homeschooled me. She never mentioned anything like this."

At that point, Mr. Scott started bellowing at us to hurry up and we were too busy tearing off our clothes to get changed in time. P.E. class was the same and Mr. Scott yelled and bullied the smaller kids like always. He seemed to take particular pleasure in making Tommy feel bad because he wasn't able to keep up with everyone else in any exercise or game.

After P.E., Beto and I made a point to walk to our next class with Tommy. He looked on the verge of crying again and kept saying under his breath, "I hate him. Why does he have to pick on me all the time?"

Beto said, "He does that because he's a jerk and he can get away with it."

"Maybe so, but I wish he'd quit. I'd ask my mom to take me out of school here, but homeschooling with her is worse."

I said, "Yeah, you mentioned that. So you stayed home and never went to school with everyone else?"

"Right. I liked it at first, but then Dad left two years ago and Mom went nuts on religion. She bought me new books and study guides that were all religious. When Dad was with us, we went to the Methodist Church and I liked that because they had youth activities. After Dad left, we quit there and went a church that said the earth was only 6,000 years old and Mom stopped teaching me science. I love science and I could tell that most of what our new church said we had to believe was garbage."

"How did you end up here?"

"Mom had to go back to work and didn't have time to homeschool me anymore and Dad said he'd pay the tuition." His face turned red and he cleared his throat nervously. "When you were in public school, you had a health class that talked about 3; you know?"

Beto said, "Right. I took one in fifth and sixth grade. I didn't know much about it in fifth, but by the end of sixth grade I got it." He grinned. "Then I really got over the summer."

I said, "Me, too. You don't know anything about what's going on with your body?"

"No. Nothing. I wish I could find out though. How can I do that?"

Right then I had a brainstorm and a plan popped into my head. "My dad bought some books with pictures and diagrams that explain the whole thing. Why don't you come over to my house after school and you can read them?"

His face turned dark red from embarrassment. "No 3; I couldn't. I can't. I mean, I want to, but 3; You know."

Beto put an arm over his shoulder. "We do know. That's why you should find out. What if David gives you the books and we leave you alone while you read? Would that work?"

Some color faded from his face. "Well, that might work. You wouldn't make fun of me?"

"No way. We know how it is. We didn't make fun of you in the locker room did we?"

He shook his head. "No." He thought about it until we got to our lockers. "Okay. But I can't do it tonight. I have to tell my mom where I'll be. How about tomorrow?"

I said, "That would be great. We'll meet out front and go to my house." I thought it would be great, all right because then I'd have some time to make preparations.

After school, Beto and I went to his apartment for another tie up session. I left my shoes and socks at the door and we went to his room where he got his ropes out while I got undressed. When I was naked, he tied me and while I struggled for the five minutes, he pulled his clothes off so he'd be naked for his turn after he untied me. As usual, we were both erect before our turns were over. Then we'd lose our erections and get them back off and on as we made each other helpless.

Beto looked at the clock and said, "Looks like we only have time for one more. Ready?"

I nodded and he tied me in a hogtie position on my side instead of on my belly. He started the time, but instead of standing back and watching me roll around on the floor, he knelt down behind me and held my bound hands to the carpet.

"What are you doing? I can't move around that way."

"I know." He grinned, rolled up a bandana and gagged me with it. "It's time for something different."

Reaching from behind, he grabbed my penis, which was soft and started to stroke it. I'd hoped we'd masturbate each other today, but his sudden attack surprised me anyway. In about thirty seconds I was erect and enjoying the combination of his stroking and struggling against the ropes. I didn't last very long and shot half a dozen strong spurts onto the white carpet.

Beto said, "Oh, shit. I forgot about that. Don't go away."

I thought, "Don't go away? Where did he think I was going to go hogtied and naked on his floor?"

He jumped to his feet and ran into his bathroom to get a wet washcloth to clean the carpet. Working frantically, he scrubbed the spot and it looked as if he got it all, but there was an obvious wet spot. He took the washcloth back and came out holding a small towel and tried to dry the spot, but when he was done, it still looked wet. Finally, he came back and untied me.

When the gag came out, I said, "About time. I thought you'd forgotten me."

"No. I had to be sure Mom wouldn't notice anything. When you do me next, make sure you catch it on the towel. I might be able to explain one spot if she asks, but not two."

"If we want to do this and not make a mess, what if we used condoms? Nothing would bet on the carpet that way."

"Condoms? I know what they are, but I've never used one. When did you?"

Mentally, I kicked myself. I'd done it again. "Uh 3; well, you know after health class I bought some on eBay just to try. I've got a few left over."

"Oh. That sounds good. We should try it next time."

Beto gave me his same skeptical look, but didn't press me for details. He knew I wasn't telling him the truth, but how could I not lie to him?

I said, "My turn. And I'll use the towel."

Beto nodded and put his hands behind his back and then lay on the floor so I could tie him the way he had tied me. When he was gagged and secure, I knelt behind him and began to masturbate him. I didn't even look at the time. I took my time and worked him as slow as I could until his body went rigid and he had his orgasm, screaming into the gag.

I managed to catch his semen on the towel and then untied him. As we put things away and cleaned up, we talked about Tommy.

Beto said, "Did those books of your dad's help you when you wanted to know about puberty."

"Yeah, they did and I think Tommy will get a lot out of them."

"I hope so. Can you imagine not knowing what an erection is all about?"

"No, but he will after tomorrow. While he's doing that, I've got an idea for something we can do that will be different."

He nodded. "I hope so. I'm running out of ways to tie you up."

Grinning, I said, "Me, too. This will definitely be different."

"What do you have in mind?"

"Not telling. I want it to be a surprise. You'll like it though."

Chapter Eighteen

The Last Rule idea of David's was a surprise to Beto, but even more so was Tommy getting into the act.

The next day after school, we all met and walked to my house. Inside, Beto and I took off our shoes and socks and after a moment's hesitation, Tommy did, too. I led them into Dad's den and pulled out the chair in front of Dad's computer desk for Tommy.

He sat down and I retrieved three books from the shelves along one wall and set them on the desk. Tommy looked at the title of each, flipped through the pages, glancing at the pictures and quickly set them down, his face bright red.

He said, "Are you sure your dad won't mind me reading these?"

I said, "No way. In fact, I asked him about it last night and he told me that it was long past time that you knew. He also told me that if you have questions I can't answer, he'd talk to you about them if you wanted."

"You're kidding? Your dad said that?"

"Yep. Dad says that it's the most important information he can give me. He really means it, too. He started talking to me about in the fourth grade."

"Really? Weren't you embarrassed?"

"No, because it was no big deal to him. He says it a natural, normal thing for every guy and we can discuss it without getting all excited."

"Wow. I'm sure that's not what my mother thinks. The church we go to now says that sex is sinful unless you're married. Our youth pastor says we should be pure at our age. I don't know what that means, but I suppose it's not this." He picked up a book, looked at Beto and me and said, "Well, I guess I'd better get started 3;"

I laughed. "Okay. We get the hint. We're out of here. See you later." I almost said, 'Enjoy yourself,' but I decided I'd just make him more uncomfortable. Still, even if I didn't say it, I meant it.

Beto followed me as I went to my room. Opening the door, I ushered him in. I usually keep things picked up and my room reasonable neat, but last night I spent some time really cleaning things up so it looked more like his room.

He looked around while I closed the door and stood in front of it. With his back to me, he said, "this is really nice. It's not as big as mine is, but it's a lot better. Not having white carpet helps a lot. So what do you want to do that's different than what we've been doing?"

When he turned around, I'd undressed to the point where I was dropping my underwear on the floor. He took one look at me and laughed.

"Okay. I get the picture. Let's get started. You think Tommy will be occupied for a long enough time?"

"I'm sure of it. Get your clothes off." I turned and locked the door, then dropped to my knees to pull the hand and ankle cuffs from under my mattress. I'd gone though all my equipment and settled on these because they were easy to use and it'd be easy for me to explain where I go them. Everything else would require explanation than I could give. Especially the pictures.

I waited until he was naked and then held up the cuffs. "Here, I thought we could try these. I bought them on eBay and like use them. The keys are on my desk. Give me your hand and I'll show you how they work."

Closing one cuff around his wrist, I clicked it closed. He held it up to examine it closer and pulled on it to be sure it was locked.

"Watch. This is how you fix it so they don't close too tight and cut off circulation." I demonstrated, showed him how to unlock them, and said, "Now, put it on me."

He did and had no trouble with the mechanism. He said, "I never thought of trying handcuffs, but I like them. You're right, this is different."

"Good. Because we're just getting started. Hold out both hands."

When he did, I snapped the cuffs on, then dropped to one knee and locked the ankle cuffs on him. The locks clicked home and when I looked up, he had an erection. Better and better.

Standing, I grabbed the chain between his handcuffs and pulled him forward. "Follow me prisoner. You need a thorough shower."

Beto smiled and got into the scene by saying, "Yes, sir. I do, if you say so."

Hearing him call me 'Sir' added to my sense of power and control and I began to understand why Jordan made me call him that. Immediately, I got an erection to match Beto's and I quickly led him into my bathroom so I wouldn't waste it.

I sat Beto on the side of the bathtub and he swung his feet and legs over the side to get in. While I got the soap, he stood up and waited for me to join him. I got in, pulled the shower curtain closed and turned on the water. With his hands chained in front of him, it was easier to wash his hair and back. Dropping to my knees behind him, I washed his butt and legs, working around the ankle cuffs. As I did, I hoped that they wouldn't rust being in the water.

After finishing his feet, I took a handful of soap, pulled one cheek aside and began scrubbing between them. Since his hands were cuffed in front of him, I decided to go for broke. Making sure my finger was well soaped, I pulled his cheeks firmly to one side to expose his puckered anus and pressed the end of my finger against it. He jumped a little when he felt the pressure, but didn't say anything. I took that to mean he wasn't going to tell me to stop, so with one motion, I pushed my finger through into the open space of his rectum.

He shuffled his feet and tried to pinch his cheeks together, which did no good. "Whoa. What are you doing?"

I yanked my finger out. "Sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you."

"It didn't hurt. You just surprised me. What was that for?"

"When I take a shower, I always clean myself like that. It feels good."

"Yeah? I've never done that. Do it again and leave it in so I check out how it feels."

Pushing my finger in again, I rotated it around to stretch his sphincter muscle a little. Getting bolder, I pulled out my index finger and pushed two fingers in, making him moan. That really didn't surprise me because the grip his sphincter had around my fingers seemed much tighter than mine did or Jordan's for that matter.

"That's uncomfortable. Be careful."

"Okay. How's this?"

I carefully worked both fingers around as long as I thought he'd put up with it and withdrew them. Turning him around, I unlocked one of the handcuffs and turned him around again.

"Put your hands behind your back." When he did, I cuffed his hands again, turned him to face me and began to wash the front of his body.

Again, I discovered that with his hands behind him, it was easier to wash his chest and belly. I dropped to my knees to do his hips and legs and when I was done, I took a handful of soap and washed his penis and scrotum. That lasted for about ten seconds and I forgot about getting him clean and went right to work masturbating him. When he had his orgasm, I unlocked the cuffs and handed them to him.

He locked me in the hand and ankle cuffs and began washing my hair. As Beto worked down my neck, shoulders, and back, I wondered how far he'd be willing to go when he got to my anus. Would he be willing to get a finger in? I sure hoped so. It seemed to take forever, but he finally scrubbed my butt and then pulled my cheeks apart. I encouraged him by spreading my feet as far apart as the ankle cuff chain would let me, bent at the waist and stuck my butt out.

I felt his finger on my sphincter and said, "Go ahead. It's easy to do."

"Okay, but I don't what to hurt you."

"No problem. Just press in the middle and it'll go right in. I do it all the time."

There was a short pause and I felt his finger pass through. When he rotated his finger around the way I'd done, my penis which had only been partly up, came to life and I got a wonderfully strong erection.

"Now two fingers. Use lots of soap."

When he pulled his finger out, the pleasure made me gasp and so I laughed to be sure he knew I enjoyed it. He must have gotten the message because almost instantly, I felt two fingers go in. I about went nuts from the intense sensation when he twisted them around and drove them deeper and pulled them partway out. I liked pressing a finger into my rectum, but having Beto do it while I was chained, was amazing. Far better than anything I could do to myself. Since I didn't know what he was going to do, every movement he made was unexpected and new. The only thing I was worried about was I might have an orgasm just from that. I think if he'd hit my prostate at that point, I would have shot all over. And then probably fainted.

He pulled out his fingers, to my disappointment, and continued to wash me.

"Was that right?"

"That was more than right. It was fantastic. A lot better than when I do it to myself."

"I've never done that before, but I will from now on when I take a shower. Except in P.E. class that is."

As I laughed, he finished my back. Then he handcuffed my wrists behind me and started on my front. By that time, my penis actually hurt because I wanted relief so badly and I asked him to skip everything else and get to the important part.

"Please, sir. Wash my penis first." I added the 'sir' automatically and barely knew I'd said it until it had come out.

Beto laughed. "What was that, prisoner?" When I repeated it, he laughed harder. "Since it's something you want, maybe I should just skip that part."

"Please, sir. Don't do that. I'll do anything you say, but wash my penis next."


"Yes, sir."

"Well, I can't think of anything I want you to do right now, but I'll come up with something later. That's a promise? Last Rule?"

"Yes, sir. Last Rule."

He dropped to his knees and taking a handful of soap began to energetically stroke my penis and pull on my scrotum. Less than a minute later, I moaned loudly and drove my hips into his hand as my semen shot into the water in the bathtub. When my erection began to fall, he turned me around and unlocked the handcuffs.

When I was free, I turned to him and said, "Thank you, sir. I owe you a Last Rule. Anything you want at anytime."

"Right. It'll take some thought to come up with something suitable. I'll let you know when."

"Thank you, sir. I'm looking forward to it."

"I'm sure. We'd better get dressed. Tommy might be done and come looking for us."

"Yes, sir."

As we dried off and cleaned up, I wondered why falling into calling him 'sir' was so easy for me. Odder yet, he accepted it without question. I didn't mind because it seemed right and fit so well with our games. On the other hand, he was willing to call me 'sir' and accept it when I called him my prisoner. I'd have to put some thought into all of what had just happened and how I could use my newfound knowledge for our games.

Downstairs, I knocked on the door of Dad's den because Tommy had closed it. We went in when he said we could. He was sitting in Dad's big leather recliner with all three books stacked in his lap, with a smile on his face and looking relaxed.

He said, "Thanks for letting me read these, David. I didn't know how much I didn't understand. This has been really helpful, but I'll have to read them again a few times to get it all. I do have one question though."

I smiled. "No doubt. I looked through those books dozens of times before I got it down and understood. What do you want to know?"

"Well, they say that all boys masturbate." He mispronounced the word and I corrected him. "Okay, masturbate. I've never done that and the books don't say exactly how to do it except to 'stimulate' my penis. What's that mean?"

I almost laughed and Beto jumped in with a serious answer. "There's lots of ways, but the simplest way is to play with your penis until it's hard – you know erect – then make a circle with your thumb and index finger and rub it up and down real fast while you think about something sexy. Once you get started, you'll figure it out quick enough."

"That's it?"

"Yep. Try it tonight when you're sure you won't be interrupted. I like to do it right after I get in bed. It makes me sleepy."

"You do it? David, you, too?"

I said, "Sure, the books say all boys do it. We're boys aren't we?"

"Well, yeah, but 3;"

Beto interrupted, "No buts about it. Do it tonight and tell us about it tomorrow. Like David's dad says, it's the most natural and normal thing you can do and it feels great. Once you start, you'll never want to quit. Trust me. I mean, trust us."

Tommy smiled and nodded. "I'll do it. Why's your hair wet?"

I said, "I always take a shower after school and after I got done, Beto decided he wanted one, too."

"Oh." He glanced at his watch. "I've got to go. Can I read the books again?"

"Sure, anytime."

Beto left with him and after they'd, I checked to be sure nothing was out of place that would make Dad suspicious and I put the cuffs back with the rest of my stuff and hid it. The rest of the night I thought about what Beto might come up with to collect on my Last Rule debt. I went to bed and didn't even masturbate that night or the next morning, I was so occupied thinking of things he might want me to do. As I fell asleep, I smiled because I couldn't imagine that he could come up with anything like Sam and Jordan could. After I'd paid my Last Rule to Beto, I was going to hit him with a last rule and use some of my other equipment. He bought the buying it on eBay explanation and I could use that again to explain where most of it came from. I couldn't explain my pictures that way though and planned to hide them well.

After the usual horrible P.E. class the next day, Beto and I walked toward our lockers to get books for the next class when Tommy caught up to us. He had his usual post-P.E. class unhappy expression on his face since Mr. Scott had picked on him and the other smaller boys all class again, but this time he seemed more anxious and worried.

He said, "Beto, you know what you told me to do yesterday?" Beto nodded. "I tried it and nothing happened. Is there something wrong?"

"No, sometimes it takes a few tries to figure it out. Everybody's different you know."

"Are you sure nothing is wrong. You know, with me. Maybe I'm not like everybody else."

To back up Beto, I said, "I'm sure there's nothing wrong with you. You look perfectly normal to me."

Tears welled up in his eyes and he said in a shaking voice, "But what should I do?"

I said, "Just try again. You'll get it. Everybody does eventually."

Beto put a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "David's right. Try again." His eyes unfocused and he said, "Wait a minute, I have an idea. Can you come over to my place after school? I know what will solve your problem right away."

"I don't know. I'll have to call my mom and let you know."

"Okay, let's make it easy. If I don't hear from you, I'll assume you'll be coming over."

I didn't get a chance to talk to Beto until lunch because our schedules were different for most classes. As soon as he sat down, I asked, "Did you hear from Tommy?"

"No, but I'm sure he'll want to come with us. He's so worried that something's wrong with him that he wouldn't miss it."

"I suppose. What are you going to do to help him?"

"I'm not telling, but it's Last Rule."

"Last Rule. You mean, my Last Rule?"

"That's right, but you'll like it and it'll help Tommy."

Butterflies started to swoop around in my stomach. What had I gotten myself into? Then, I assured myself that no matter what he had in mind, I could manage it with all my experience at Sam's and I relaxed. Anyway, he knew I'd have my own Last Rule revenge on him, so he wouldn't get too carried away.

We met Tommy in front of the school and walked to Beto's apartment, talking about school and anything other than what we were about to do. I was slightly nervous, since Beto still hadn't given me any idea what he had in mind. Whatever it was, I hoped it would give Tommy some confidence and make going through puberty easier than it had been so far. Tommy looked as if he needed all the help we could give him.

Dropping our shoes and socks at the door, we padded up to Beto's room. Inside, he closed and locked the door. Tommy wanted to look around his room, but Beto cut him off, anxious to get started.

He said, "Okay, Tommy. This is what we're going to do. Books are fine as far as they go, but there's nothing better than a demonstration."

My mouth dropped open. He wouldn't do that to me would he?

"David is going to be our model and I'll explain what everything is, what it's called and how it works."

Tommy said, "You mean you and David are going to show me what to do?"

"That's right. We're all friends and it's something ever boy has to know. Since David and I already know how, we'll show you. Get your clothes off, David." He turned to face me so Tommy couldn't see his face and mouthed the words 'Last Rule' to me.

I almost said I wouldn't do it, but the way he said it and the Last Rule command made me say, "Yes, sir."

As I undressed, Tommy said, "This is great. Are you sure you don't mind, David."

Before I could answer, Beto said, "He doesn't mind at all. In fact, he begged me to let him do it."

Tommy said, "Why did you tell him to take his clothes off?"

"Well, I can't show you the important parts of his body when they're under his clothes, now can I?"

"No, I guess not."

"And anyway, it's better if you're naked when you masturbate. It's much more fun. Right, David."

I said, "Yes, sir. That's true."

Pointing to the middle of his room, Beto said, "Stand over there so we can walk around you while I show Tommy your body."

I moved to where he indicated, and said, "Yes, sir."

When I was in position, Beto said, "Come on over here so you can see everything."

Tommy said, "Sure. This is a lot better than the books. By the way, why does David keep calling you 'sir'?"

"It's a game we play sometimes. I'll explain it later."

Tommy shrugged and didn't ask anything more.

Surprisingly, standing there naked while they were dressed and examining me wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I was somewhat embarrassed, but I trusted Beto and Tommy was clearly enjoying the opportunity to look me over. He'd learn a lot and hopefully feel better about himself. How could he not? Relaxing, I let Beto do what he wanted.

As I listened, I discovered that he knew a lot about a boy's anatomy and the changes that took place during puberty. He pointed at my nipples and had Tommy feel each, then had me lift my arms over my head to see if I had any hair there yet. I didn't, which was good because I didn't like the idea of shaving there.

Beto ordered me to put my hands on my knees and bend over. I did and he spread my cheeks to expose my anus to Tommy and described what it did.

When he started talking about my genitals, he lifted and held my penis and scrotum in his hands for Tommy to see. After a lot of persuasion, he finally got Tommy to do the same. As soon as Tommy gingerly lifted my penis, I got an erection and he immediately let go.

Beto said, "Ahh, good timing. Take a look at his penis now. This is what it should look like when you get excited. Is that what yours looked like last night?"

Tommy leaned in close to look at my penis. "Yeah, it did, but mine's not that big."

"No, but it will be soon. That's part of the process."

"So as I grow, it will, too?" Beto nodded. "I understand. What happens next?"

"I'm glad you asked. David's going to show you. Aren't you?"

Well, this was it. Beto was going to make me masturbate for Tommy. I didn't want to, but my penis was ready and Beto's command was almost as strong as Sam's was. Even as I resisted, I knew I'd do it.

"Yes, sir. Now?"

"Right. Get started and show Tommy how it's done. I'll get a towel."

I looked down at my penis to avoid Tommy's stare as I began to stroke. When I glanced at him, I saw his gaze fixed on my penis. For some reason, the image of Lee standing over me with her riding crop during the first picture session we came to mind. It worked and in just a few minutes, I had an orgasm. On the first spurt, a dark-colored towel appeared at the end of my penis to catch my semen.

Holding up the towel, Beto showed Tommy what it looked like. Each spurt stood out on the dark cloth. He explained that at first, he might not have any semen, but it would still feel good and if he kept going, it'd eventually show up as he got older.

Tommy said, "Thanks a lot, David for doing this for me. I guess I shouldn't be so embarrassed when I get an erection from now on."

Still catching my breath, I said, "Nope. It's natural and normal and it happens to every boy. It feels great. There's nothing like it."

"I can hardly wait to get home."

When he said that, I had an idea to invoke the Last Rule. I said, "Beto, have I done my Last Rule for you?"

Without thinking, he smiled and said, "All done."

He should have thought before he said that because it said, "I did my Last Rule for you without resisting and now you owe me one."

With a look of complete surprise on his face, he said, "Huh? What do you mean?"

"You know." I grinned at what I had in mind and proclaimed, "Last Rule. Your turn."

He looked at me for a long moment, sighed and said, "Yes, sir. My turn."

I turned to Tommy and said, "You don't have to wait until tonight to try it yourself. It feels so good that we want to make sure you do it right, so Beto will help you do it right now.'

He smiled so wide, I thought his cheeks would tear. "You mean it? Beto, would you do that for me?"

Beto glanced over at me and when I nodded he said to Tommy, "Yes, sir. I will."

I said, "We're all friends and we won't tell anyone about it. Anyway, you deserve it after having Mr. Scott make fun of you. This'll put you on track for puberty. Next thing you know you'll have pubic hair and catch up with the other guys."

"I can hardly wait. Why is he calling me 'sir'?"

"Like Beto said, that's part of a little game we play. We'll explain it later."

"All right. I kind of like the way it sounds, though."

"It's fun isn't it? He'll follow your orders now. Try it out. Tell him to take his clothes off."

"Sure. Beto, take your clothes off."

Beto said, "Yes, sir." And began to undress.

I said, "What we're going to do is have you lie on Beto's bed and masturbate. If you have trouble, Beto will help you do it right. Before we're done today, you're going to have your first orgasm."

"That sounds good. Should I take my clothes off?"

"Right. You're learning. When you're naked lie on the bed and get started now that you know how it's done."

When Tommy was naked and stood beside Beto, I was surprised at how undeveloped Tommy's body was. His hips were wider than his shoulders and he had a roll of baby fat around his middle made his butt stick out like a half-hemisphere in back. His nipples were tiny and pinched horizontally so they weren't round and he had small soft mounds of fat on his chest almost like tiny breasts. In spite of that, I was attracted to him and my penis grew to about half-erect.

He stretched out on Beto's bed and began to roll his soft penis around in his fingers. After a few minutes, when nothing had happened, I said, "Beto, better help Tommy. He's not getting anywhere."

Beto climbed on the bed and knelt beside Tommy. Pushing his hand away, he took Tommy's tiny penis in two fingers and his thumb and began to stroke. I didn't know what Tommy felt as Beto worked on him, but Beto got an erection almost immediately.

Pointing at Beto, I said, "Tommy, look at Beto. That's what it's supposed to do."

He turned to stare at Beto's penis. When he did, I reached around and began to stroke Beto's penis in time with Beto's strokes on Tommy.

"Watch. Like this."

At the same time, I started masturbating, too. Seeing Beto and I hard and masturbating did the trick and Tommy got an erection. He tossed his head back on the pillows and let Beto give his penis its first real workout.

Tommy said, "Beto, you have to quit. I think I have to go to the bathroom."

I said, "No, you don't. It just feels like that at the beginning. It gets better. Be patient."

Beto stroked Tommy until he started thrashing around on the bed so much I let go of Beto and held Tommy's shoulders down with both hands while Beto used his free hand on Tommy's belly to help. A few seconds later Tommy had his first orgasm.

Chapter Nineteen

After another session with Tommy where Beto and David get to be much better friends with Tommy, David finally decides to show Beto the rest of his equipment

Tommy's orgasm was dry, but that didn't take anything away from its intensity. As soon as it was over, he laid back into the pillows with his eyes closed and caught his breath.

Beto stood up and as soon as he turned toward me, I grabbed his still erect penis. He reached and took mine at the same time. We tried to masturbate each other standing up, but after only a few seconds, it was obvious that it would be too clumsy.

Beto let go of me, picked up the towel and grabbed my hand that was on his penis. Pulling me around to the other side of the bed, he lay down on his side and moved over so I would have space on the bed next to him. When I was facing him, he took hold of my penis and picked up where he left off. I did the same and we concentrated on giving each other the most pleasure possible.

I had my orgasm first as usual and Beto held the towel while I kept stroking him. After a few more minutes, he had his and I used the towel to catch his semen.

Tommy said, "Wow. Thanks for showing me that again. Now I really know how to do it."

I looked up and Tommy was leaning over Beto's body with one hand on his hip and the other on the side of his chest as he watched us masturbate. I'd forgotten he was even there because I'd been concentrating entirely on Beto.

He said, "You guys must have done this before. It looked so good."

Truthfully, I said, "No, we've never done it this way before. It just sort of happened after helping you."

Steering the conversation away from Beto and me, I said, "Now that you've seen it and done it for yourself, any questions?"

He shook his head. "No. This is great. Thanks. I'll be able to do it by myself from now on. I can hardly wait to grow more and get bigger down there. Screw Mr. Scott. I hope I never grow up and look like him. I've seen monkeys that were better looking. I hate all that hair. And he's fat!"

Getting up, I said, "I know what you mean. Anyway, we need to get going. This is between the three of us, right?"

"Absolutely. I'd never tell anyone. It's none of their business." He smiled sheepishly. "Now that I know what I've been missing, maybe we can do it again?"

While I nodded, Beto said, "Maybe."

He looked down at his undeveloped body. "You know, I hate being naked and lining up for showers in P.E. But I've been naked with you guys for a long time today and I don't mind at all. In fact, it seems like the way it should be. Know what I mean?"

I said, "It is. I told you it's the natural, normal thing that boys do. I don't think you'll be so embarrassed in P.E. so much anymore. You may be the smallest, but you're on your way to catch up."

As we gathered our clothes and cleaned up the room, he thanked us again and again. I smiled and wondered what would happen when he got home. How many times would he masturbate between now and when he went to sleep, assuming he got any sleep tonight. He might be distracted by doing something more fun?


In P.E. next morning, Tommy was a different boy. Every time Mr. Scott gave him a hard time, he laughed. After only half a class period, Mr. Scott started in on one of the other smaller boys and left Tommy alone. Apparently, Mr. Scott only liked to pick on people who reacted negatively to his harassment. That didn't surprise me. Dad told me most bullies are cowards like that. Tommy laughing at him took all the fun out of it.

I thought that Beto and I should take all of the small boys in class and give them the same help we gave Tommy. It was a nice idea, but not too practical. Still, I was happy that Tommy could deal with P.E. class better. At the same time, I had to admit I liked the masturbation session we had with him and wondered how we could do it again. I'd have to talk to Beto. Maybe Tommy would be interested in joining our tie-up games. But I had the same problem I had with Beto. How could I find out if he wanted to do it? I was sure Tommy would want to masturbate with us again, but beyond that, I didn't know. Maybe we could start with a shower? I could probably come up with a good reason for Beto and me to take one with him.

For the next few days, Beto and I went to his apartment and played tie-up games, which now always ended with each of us masturbating the other.

The second day after helping Tommy, I brought two condoms with me. Opening my book bag, I pulled them out and gave one to Beto.

"So this is what they look like in the package? Our teacher showed us one, but it was all unrolled. Get these on eBay, too?"

"Yeah. There's all kinds of stuff like this, especially in the 'Adults Only' section."

"You're not an adult."

"No, but they don't know that. I just put in a fake birthdate. I'm actually thirty-five years old and you didn't notice."

Beto laughed. "You look good for someone that old."

"Don't I though. Let me tie you up first and I'll show you how to use it."

"Fine. What do you want me to do?"

I hogtied him on his side as we had done before so I could easily reach his erect penis. Kneeling in front of him, I tore open the package and held the condom where he could see it.

"There's nothing to putting one of these on. Take it out of the package and pinch the little nipple closed to get the air out. Then set it on the end of your penis and unroll it. Like this."

I demonstrated and when I unrolled the tight rubber ring at the bottom of the condom over his penis, he moaned and squirmed around on the carpet. "That feels great. Now what?"

"You're ready and I can start.

I crawled on my knees behind him where I could reach his condom-covered penis and started stroking.

After quite a bit of effort, he had an orgasm and I untied him. He tied me and rolled a condom onto my penis.

"This feels really strange. It's slippery, too."

"Yeah. Lube is put on it they make it. Can you grip it tighter?"

He did and stroked faster at the same time. I had an orgasm, but it took a lot longer and it didn't feel as good as it usually did.

Beto untied me and said, "I don't know about the condoms. It felt good when you unrolled it, but I didn't like it as much when you stroked it. Is that supposed to happen?"

I nodded. "It must, because that's what I feel, too when I use one."

"It must be the rubber covering the skin that keeps it from feeing as good."

"Probably. They'll be fun to use every so often, though."

"I suppose they'll be good for a change."

As we dressed, Beto said, "That shower with the handcuffs was good and using the condoms was okay. What else do you have that's different?"

Now I was in a spot. How much could I show him? He'd want to know where it all came from, but if I found places on eBay where I could buy it and showed them to him, he might believe that's where I got it. Plus, I'd have to take out things like the pictures I couldn't possibly explain and hide them.

I evaded his question and said, "Let me think about it for awhile and I'll tell you later."

He shrugged and said that was okay, but I could tell he didn't completely believe me.


In P.E. class the next day as we changed, Tommy leaned toward us and in a quiet voice said, "I did it last night. Nothing to it." He blushed. "In fact I did it a bunch of times. It was great."

Beto and I laughed. I said, "It sure is. Now you know what you were missing."

"I know and that's what I wanted to talk to you about. Could I read those books again? Now that I know how it's supposed to be done, I'll probably get more out of them."

"Sure. Can you come over today?"

"Yeah. I already told my mother I'd be there after school."

I waited for Beto and Tommy on the sidewalk in front of the school. As we walked to my house, Tommy told us about the religious class at his church his mother made him go to the night before.

"The guy who teaches the class looks like he's pissed off all the time and never smiles or laughs. Nothing we do is right and he keeps telling us we're all going to hell. Not only that, he thinks anything fun is sinful. Video games, movies, rap music, movies, TV, dancing you name it we aren't supposed to do it."

Beto said, "He sounds like a real cheery guy."

"You can say that again. Anyway, last night he spent the whole time talking to us about 'playing with ourselves'.

I laughed. "Playing with yourself? He didn't really say that did he?"

"Yeah, he did. I suppose he was talking about masturbation, but he never said the word and he wasn't too clear on the details. Just that it was bad. He said anyone who did was 3;"

Beto and I chorused with him, " 3;going to hell."

Tommy grinned. "Right. That wasn't hard to guess, was it?"

Beto said, "Nope. Since all the books say that almost every boy masturbates at some time, I guess we're all doomed."

Tommy said, "I'll bet he never did. I wonder what his wife is like-if he's got one."

I said, "Probably not. If masturbating is such a sin, did he tell you why it's so much fun?"

"Yeah, he did. The devil made it fun and it's not supposed to be."

Smacking my head with my palm, I groaned. "If that's the case, God's not keeping up with what the devil is doing down here."

Beto and Tommy laughed as I let them into my house. I got the books for Tommy and while he settled in the den, Beto and I went upstairs for a shower. We had finished, dried off and came out of the bathroom into my room not even wearing towels. Tommy was sitting in my desk chair.

I didn't know what to say, but Beto came to the rescue. "All done reading? We just finished a shower."

Tommy said, "Together?"

"Sure. Saves water. Aren't you a conservationist?"

"Yeah. But I don't think I'm that much of one."

I said, "That's not really why. Beto's just kidding you. We took a shower together because it's fun. It's a way to show each other that we're friends."

"Really? I never did that with my friends. 'Course I never had any until now because I was at home all the time. Not going to public school sure cut down the number of friends I could have. You two are my friends, you know."

I smiled at the eager expression on his face. It was telling me that more than anything, he wanted us to show him we were his friends, too. When I looked at Beto, he nodded and smiled.

Beto said, "Well, we're already clean, but how about if we both give you a shower. That way you'll be twice as clean."

Tommy jumped to his feet. "All right. What do I have to do?"

"Not much. Just take your clothes off and we'll do the rest."

The three of us in my bathtub using the shower all at the same time was awkward at first, but we got it worked out. Four hands washing Tommy's hair, shoulders and back made quick work of the job. Tommy's skin was as smooth and slippery as Beto's. But when I pressed harder, I found that the thin layer of fat under Tommy's skin was soft and felt a lot different than Beto's firm muscles.

Shoulder to shoulder, Beto and I knelt in the tub. I squeezed out soap onto Beto's hands and he washed Tommy's left leg, while I did the same for the right leg. I held out my hands and Beto filled them with soap again. Then he dropped the bottle, took one of Tommy's bulging, soft cheeks in each hand and spread them wide, exposing his anus.

I said, "Hold still. I'm going to wash out your crack. It won't hurt, but it might feel a little funny."

Tommy said, "That's okay. This is nice. Keep going."

I didn't need any more encouragement and began to scrub with the fingers of both hands while Beto held the gap open. Grabbing the bottle, I put more soap on my hand and then on my index finger. When Beto saw what I intended to do, he nodded.

Pressing the end of my finger in the middle of Tommy's puckered sphincter muscle, I eased my finger in. Tommy jumped in surprise, but when he didn't say anything, I pushed until I couldn't get any more in. I worked it around a few times and reached for his prostate. Way down on the bottom of his rectum I felt a small bump and jabbed the end of my finger against it. Tommy's high-pitched squeal told me I'd hit a bull's-eye.

I pulled my fingers then Beto and I got to our feet and turned Tommy around. Beto washed his hair and I rubbed a handful of soap over his soft chest, rolling his small breasts in circles and pinching his nipples at the same time. By the time Beto had finished Tommy's hair, I'd dropped to one knee to wash his legs and feet. Beto dropped down beside me to do the opposite leg.

Squeezing a puddle of liquid soap onto our palms, I began cleaning Tommy's marble-sized testicles in the small scrotum tightly held up against his body. Beto slapped his soap on Tommy's penis and began to rub. While I actually tried to wash his scrotum, Beto was simply masturbating Tommy.

He squealed again and grabbed Beto's head with both hands as he had an orgasm. As his penis surged, Tommy hopped in place and drove his hips in and out of Beto's hand. The way he thrashed around, I thought that maybe we should handcuff him the next time to keep him from falling out of the bathtub.

I kept working on his scrotum as long as Beto kept stroking. When Beto quit, I did, too and we both stood up to face Tommy.

He said, "That was amazing. I like masturbating by myself, but when someone else does it to me, that's the greatest. There's nothing like it. Now I know why you and Beto were doing it to each other a few days ago."

He pointed at my erect penis. "I've never done it to another boy. Could I maybe 3; you know 3; try it on you?

I handed him the bottle of soap. "Sure. Use lots of soap and be careful."

Beto filled his palm and tentatively reached out to grasp my penis. "It's so much bigger than mine and it's hot. Is that normal?"

"Yep. Hold Beto's for a comparison." I nodded toward Beto, who also had an erection.

"Can I do that? Is that all right."

Beto took Tommy's hand and guided it toward his penis. "How's that?"

"It's good. They're both pretty much the same, aren't they?"

"They are and yours will be like them soon."

Tommy let go of Beto and lightly looped his fingers around my penis. "Go ahead and stroke it, Tommy. We can't spend all day standing here in my shower."


As Tommy worked on my penis, Beto gave him pointers and sometimes helped by grabbing Tommy's hand and correcting the motion and showing him how to roll my testicles around. When I had an orgasm, I sprayed a few spurts on Tommy's belly.

He rubbed at my semen with his hand and said, "Wow. That feels hot. I didn't know that."

Beto laughed. "Some things you can't get in books. You have to experience them to understand them completely."

"I see that now. Beto, can I try it on you, too. David could help me this time."

He took Tommy's hand and guided it into position. "Go for it."

When Beto had his orgasm, with my assistance of course, Tommy deliberately stood where Beto's semen would hit him. Then we all took a quick shower to rinse off.

As we toweled each other dry, Tommy pointed to my crotch. "Why don't you have any pubic hair? All the books say that when a boy gets to the point where he can have orgasms, he gets pubic hair, too." He looked at Beto and said, "You don't have any either."

After he masturbated us, I decided we didn't have to many secrets to keep from Tommy so to be truthful, I said, "Beto and I both have pubic hair, but we shave it off."

Tommy said, "No kidding? Why would you do that? I can't wait until my starts to grow in. Then I can look like the other guys that have hair."

"First of all, less than half of the guys in our class have pubic hair. We shave ours because we like how it looks. Can you imagine what Mr. Scott looks like without any clothes on? I don't think I could stand it."

Tommy stuck out his tongue and made gagging noises. "That's disgusting. I can see why you wouldn't want to look like that. Maybe I should shave mine when it starts to come in."

Beto said, "It's up to you. See what it looks like when it starts. Sometimes it looks good. That little triangle of back hair that Stan has over his penis makes it really stand out."

Tommy said, "Yeah, you're right. I like that, but that long frizzy hair Jerry has looks bad."

I laughed. "Checking out the other guys in P.E. are you, Tommy?"

He blushed and said, "Uh huh. It's not as if we can avoid it since we stand around naked so much. That's kind of weird, you know."

Beto said, "I know what you mean. There's something screwy about Mr. Scott, but I don't know what."

I nodded in agreement and collected the towels to take to the basement hamper to wash them after they left.

We went into my room and dressed. Tommy said, "We're all friends now?"

Beto said, "Absolutely. We trust each other and promise not to lie to each other. When any of us needs help the others will help no matter what."

He stared right at me as he said that. I got the message although I didn't like what it was telling me.

"I like that. Is that what all friends do?"

"Not all. Just friends like us."

Beto and Tommy left and I knew I had a decision to make. No, that's not right. It had already been made for me by Beto. He wanted to know what I wasn't telling him. After everything we had done together, I guess he deserved it. But how could I tell him the truth?

I went to the basement and took out my secret box of equipment. Sorting through it, I took out anything that I wouldn't be able to explain. Mostly they were the pictures taken at Sam's and some that Jordan had taken the first time.

Tomorrow. That would be the day. I'd show Beto the rest of my stuff and we'd play tie-up games with it. I'd tell him I'd gotten it on eBay. Maybe that would satisfy his curiosity.

In P.E. class, I said to Beto, come over to my house after school. I've got some ideas."

He grinned. "Finally. I knew you had more things to do than you were telling me. You're on. I'll meet you out front."

I felt my face get red. Had I been that obvious to Beto? It didn't matter now; I was committed.

We walked to my house and dropped our shoes and socks at the front door. Leading Beto to the basement, I went to my secret hiding place and pulled out my box of equipment.

Setting it on the floor, I said, "Here's what I've got in mind." And I opened the box.

Chapter Twenty

David and Beto are experimenting with David's other equipment and make a serious mistake that could have a high cost.

One item at a time, I laid my equipment out on the floor where Beto could see it. He didn't say anything, but he picked up a few things and examined them closer. I put my butt plugs and enema stuff in one pile, the hand and ankle cuffs in another along with the extra chain and locks and the rope and leather equipment in a third. The condoms, lube and chastity device were off by themselves to one side.

After looking things over, Beto pointed at the pile of enema equipment and butt plugs. "What's that stuff used for?"

I blushed because talking to him about that part of my games was awkward in spite of everything we had done together. Since it was all in plain sight, I took a deep breath and tried to make my voice sound as matter-of-fact as it had been when we talked about the locks and chains.

"Well, these two are butt plugs. They go, you know, in your butt like when we cleaned each other there." Picking them up, I held them side be side. "This one can be pumped up once it's inside and it vibrates. This is a special one that's shaped to press on your prostate gland inside your rectum. If you do it right, it feels really good."

Beto didn't know what a prostate gland was and I explained and showed him how I moved the butt plug around after it was inside of me.

He picked up the inflatable plug and said, "This looks awfully big. I didn't mind when you put your finger up there, but I don't think this would fit."

"I thought the same thing when I first saw it. But if you take a little at a time, it only hurts a little when the big part goes in. After that, it's a great sensation. After I did it a few times, it got easier put in. I guess I got stretched or something."

Beto looked skeptical. He pointed at the enema equipment and said, "What's that for. I assume it's used in your butt, too."

Yeah. It's used to give enemas."

"What's an enema?"

After I explained enemas and how they worked, he said, "I've never had one. Does it hurt?"

I grinned because I had an idea to get us started using my equipment. "Nope. In fact, when you masturbate holding an enema it feels really different. I've got two bottles of enema left so I claim Last Rule. We'll give each other an enema then see how long we can hold it. The person who has to go first loses and gets tied up."

Beto laughed. "Last Rule again. Okay."

"Good. You can find out what an enema is and learn how to give one at the same time."

We dropped our clothes on the floor and when we were naked, I picked up the bottles. "You can buy these at Wal-Mart. They aren't expensive, but using the hot water bottle doesn't cost anything and you can get more water in. I've held more than two quarts [~2 liter]."

Beto shook his head. "I think we'd better start small. Show me what to do."

I bent Beto over and spread his cheeks with one hand. Taking the cap off the bottle, I explained how to put the nozzle in and then squeezed the contents of the bottle into him.

He stood up and said, "That feels weird. Sort of cool inside and I feel like I need to go already."

Laughing, I said, "You'd better do me right away then so it'll be an even contest."

I only had to give him a few suggestions and Beto gave me the other enema without any problem.

While we waited, we tried out the other equipment using the cuffs and chains to lock each other into a variety of positions. About twenty minutes after we'd given each other the enemas, I was beginning to have strong urges to let the water out, but I knew I could hold out for awhile yet.

Beto didn't seem to be affected and pointed at the chastity device. "You didn't show me that. It seems obvious what it's for, but I don't see how it'd go on."

I picked it up and separated the pieces. "Nothing to it. Watch." I put it on and looped the padlock through it so it wouldn't fall off, but didn't actually lock it. Putting my hands on my hips, I said, "There. That's how. I can't get an erection and I can't even touch my penis."

"Does it work? I mean, have you tried it?"

"For almost four days." I laughed and smiled. "Trust me, it works."

Beto reached out and moved the chastity device around a little and then bent over groaning, his arms across his belly.

"Okay, you win. I've got to go to the bathroom. Right now!"

We ran upstairs to my bathroom where Beto flopped down on the toilet seat just in time. Holding his hand in his crotch, he pointed his penis into the bowl as the enema and waste splashed loudly into the water followed by several high-pitched, wet farts.

"This is really embarrassing. Nobody's watched me take a dump since I was a really little kid."

I laughed. "That's part of it. You can't control what happens so you have to do it no matter who's watching or how humiliated you are."

"Yeah. I see that. My farts are probably the most embarrassing. I can't make one like everybody else. They always sound like I'm whistling."

"Well, if it makes you feel any better, you'll get to watch me next."

Beto's face had turned red as he let out another short fart that was almost a squeak. "Could you at least leave while I clean myself off?"

"Nope. I get to watch everything. You'd better hurry up because I have to go really bad."

Sighing, he turned away from me, took some paper and reached around to clean off. When he started to get up, I flushed the toilet. He moved aside and I sat down on the still warm seat. When I noisily released the enema, he put his hands on his hips and laughed.

"I understand now. How's it feel to be on the receiving end?"

Grinning I said, "Embarrassing. But I don't mind. I got you first."

After I cleaned off and flushed, we went back to the basement where I chained Beto and then masturbated him. then he did the same to me. He had to leave early and we put my equipment away. I gave Beto my 'adult' user name and password for eBay and he said he'd check to see what other things were being sold on the adults only pages that might be fun to have.

That night, just before I went to bed, I fired up my email and found that I had an email from Jordan, the first one since he left for college:


Sam wanted me to tell you she's back from her tour and you can expect to take part in some new projects soon. You will be contacted by Sam or me. Also, on Sunday two weeks from now, plan on spending most of the day getting a physical exam. I'll give you more details later. If you have any questions send me and email. As soon as you read this, email back so I'll know you got it.

Your new best friend.

I replied, putting in lots of 'Sirs' just to make sure he knew I hadn't forgotten what to do:

Dear Sir,

I got your email and I'll wait for you or Sam to tell me what to do. I'll keep that Sunday open. Please let me know what you and Sam want me to do, Sir. I have been following Sam's orders every day.

Thank you for emailing to me, Sir. I hope you are having a good year at college.


I read Jordan's email several times with mixed feelings. I liked most of what I had to do at Sam's but there was a nagging fear in the back of my mind because I knew Sam and the other mistresses were willing to hurt me. And what was that about a physical exam? I had a school physical and it took about 10 minutes. Why would this one take all day? Since there wasn't anything I could do except wait, I tried not to let it worry me. After awhile, I convinced myself I was looking forward to it.

After school the rest of the week, Beto came to my house and we continued to play tie-up games with my equipment. On Friday, Beto and I were comfortable enough with the equipment that I decided to have him help me hang from the ceiling.

I described what I wanted and he said, "Sure I can do that. Won't having all your weight on your arms and shoulders hurt?"

"I'm not sure. It didn't hurt much the last time I tried it, but I could touch the floor with my feet so I held some of my weight that way. I want to try it where I can't touch the floor. I think I can stand it for five minutes."

He shrugged. "Okay. What do I do first?"

"First thing is that I want an enema before I put the butt plug in. I can show you how to use the enema bag, too." I picked up the bag, hose, nozzle and my jar of Vaseline. "Let's go up to my bathroom."

In my room, we took our clothes off and went into my bathroom. I filled the rubber bag with warm water, put the cap on and then let the air out of the hose before I closed the valve. I put the largest nozzle on the end and dipped it in the Vaseline.

Handing Beto the bag, I said, "I'm going to lie on the floor on my side. You put the nozzle in and hold the bag. When I tell you, open the valve and let the water run. I'll tell you when to turn it off and if I want the bag higher or lower."

Beto nodded. "Okay. That sounds easy enough."

I stretched out on the floor, turned on my side and reached back to lift one butt cheek so Beto could see where to put the nozzle. "I'm ready. Go ahead and push it in."

He dropped to one knee and slid it in, then stood and without me telling him, opened the valve. Water began to fill me and I turned over onto my back. I read about how to give an enema on a nursing web page and it said to start on my left side, then back and over to my right side to help the water go in.

I rolled from side to side, telling Beto to start and stop the flow and raise and lower the bag. In about five minutes the bag was empty and I'd only had a few small cramps. I reached down, pulled the nozzle out and handed it to Beto who dropped everything in the sink.

When I reached a hand up, he grabbed it and helped me to my feet. Pointing, he said, "You're bulging a little." He ran his hand over my lower abdomen and the pressure made me groan. "Sorry about that. I didn't know it would hurt."

"That's all right. I can't hold it much longer. This is what I can use the inflatable butt plug for. After I give myself a big enema, I can put it in, pump it up and it works like a cork in a bottle to hold the water in. Right now I have to go."

I dropped down on the toilet seat and let the water rush out in a long stream followed by some long, low farts.

Beto laughed. "That was a lot different than the small ones we gave each other before. I guess I'll have to try that some time."

Grinning, I said, "You don't have a choice. Last Rule, remember?"

"Okay, but not right now. I get to hang you up as soon as you're done."

I sat for a few minutes more to be sure I was completely empty and then cleaned myself off. Flushing the toilet, I got up, rinsed off my equipment and led Beto to the basement.

I collected everything I'd need and explained what I wanted. Taking the butt plug, I lubed it up and putting one foot on the stool, I put it in, grimacing in pain as the large part passed through my sphincter.

When the plug disappeared and the controls hung down like a tail from between my cheeks, Beto said, "Wow. I didn't think that could possibly go in." He picked up the other butt plug. "Help me try this one, will you?"

"Sure. You'll like it. That's a good one to try first. It's nowhere near as big."

I normally used my jar of Vaseline to lube my butt plugs, but since it was Beto's first time, I grabbed what was left the tube of K-Y lube and used that. Holding his butt cheeks apart, I helped Beto position the end directly on his closed anus.

"That's it. Just push on it and it should slide in."

When he did, I saw the blunt end begin to spread him open. Before he got even half way, he stopped and pulled it out. "That really hurts. It feels like I'm being torn apart down there."

"Yeah. I felt that way at first, but keep working it. Push it in a ways and then let it out, but each time go a little farther. You'll get there."

"I don't know, but I'll give it a try. It seems awfully tight."

After a few minutes of no progress, he set the plug down and said, "I'll work on it later. I want to finish you first. How do I use the controls on your butt plug?"

"Okay." I grabbed my tail and showed him how to pump it up and let the air out and turning the vibrator on. After that, he strapped the leather wrist cuffs on, put the gag in my mouth and locked it. I shortened the chain between the cuffs so I was sure I couldn't touch the floor.

I stepped up on the stool and waited while he tied my ankles together, then I flipped the chain over the hook in the rafters. At the last minute, Beto reached up and tied a bandana over my eyes.

Everything was ready and very carefully, I took up the slack in the chain with my arms and let my feet fall off the stool. My body weight stretched out my arms and the ends of my big toes just touched the concrete floor. I heard Beto move the stool away and realized that I was completely helpless. Although I couldn't see it, I could feel that my penis had jumped up and stood out from my body fully erect. I could hardly wait until Beto masturbated me. This orgasm would be a good one.

Beto held my hips with both hands to stop me from swinging. "Are you all right? I can put the stool back."

I grunted through my gag and shook my head.

"Okay, then. The five minutes starts right now."

Hanging from the floor beams of the basement blindfolded and completely helpless was everything I hoped for. I was stretched tight and my arms were uncomfortable, but not painful. The five minutes we had agreed on passed quickly as I struggled and I felt Beto's hand on my penis as he began to masturbate me. At the same time, he pumped up the plug until it was much tighter than I usually liked and began to change the speed of the vibrator. I didn't ask him to do that, but it was a nice touch and it was about to drive me crazy because I never knew from one second to the next if it would be fast or slow. It added a lot to my perception of not being in control of my body any more. In only a few minutes, I had a great orgasm, trashing my feet and groaning loudly through the gag.

Beto put the stool under my feet and guided my legs so I was balanced and steady. He took the blindfold off and I blinked as my eyes watered with the sudden bright light. From behind me, he untied my ankles while I flipped the chain from over the hook and lowered my arms. Moaning slightly as the blood ran back into my arms and hands I rolled my shoulders around. Beto unlocked the padlock on the ball gag and took it out of my mouth, then wrapped his arms around my waist and helped me down to the floor.

I held out my hands so he could take the leather wrist cuffs off and waited until he came around in front of me. When he did, I got a shock. Beto had put the chastity device on, hooked the lock through it and closed it! Only Mistress Sam had the key to that lock.

Panic rose from my stomach and I thought I might throw up. Beto was unstrapping the leather cuffs and saw my face.

"Are you all right? Your face is white."

I pointed at the chastity device. "When did you put that on?"

"After I got you up. Since I knew I'd get an erection when I masturbated you, I wanted to see if it really works." He lifted it with one hand. "It does. I got partly hard, but it got uncomfortable and I couldn't get a full erection. I could rub and pull on my scrotum, but the tube kept me from touching my penis. I think if I had to wear it for any length of time, I'd go nuts. I'll have to take it off so you can tie me." He held up the key ring. "Which one is the key?"

Well, here it was. Do I tell him the truth or not? It only took an instant to decide. We'd done too much not to tell him all. He trusted me and it was time I trusted him with my secret.

I took a deep breath and said, "I don't have the key."

"What? Why not?"

"Just a minute and I'll explain." Taking a handful of paper towels, I let the air out of the butt plug and pulled it out using the towels. I cleaned off the extra lube between my cheeks and wiped the plug clean. Then for the next forty-five minutes, Beto and I, still naked, sat on my basement floor while I gave him all the details of what I'd been doing at Sam's and how I got involved. Near the end of my story, I went upstairs and came back with all the pictures I'd printed out. He spent more than ten minutes looking closely at each picture in the stack.

Beto said, "Let me get this straight. You go to Sam's studio and she takes pictures and makes videos while you're naked and tied up while Lee or others pretend to torture you to make you have sex. They she sells them to rich guys and she pays you part of what she makes."

"That's about it."

"And there are more people like Sam who make these videos?"

"There must be. Jordan told me there was a Mistress in the town where he goes to college that he has to report to. I don't know how many there are, but it seems like there's lots of them everywhere."

"All along, I didn't think you were telling me everything. I thought we decided that we were going to be honest with each other."

"I know, but I couldn't tell you. She said she'd spread around the pictures of me naked and having sex. And then she'd really spank or whip me. She would, too. I saw Mistress Olga put stripes on Jordan's butt. It was for real and he was screaming and begging before it was over. I didn't tell you what I'd been doing because I was afraid."

"I understand. But what do we do now? I have to get out of this chastity. We could cut the lock if you have a hacksaw or break it. It's only plastic."

The blood fell from my face as fear almost overwhelmed me making me tremble and churning my stomach.

Beto said, "Your face is white again. What's wrong?"

Almost whispering, I said, "If I did either one of those things, Sam would find out and she'd punish me."

"Well what else can we do? I can't leave this thing on forever."

Swallowing hard, I said, "I'll have to tell her what happened. Then see what she wants me to do. Since it was an accident, maybe she'll understand and not punish me. Depending on what she says, we can decide what to do."

"You don't sound very sure."

"I'm not."

"Tell her it's my fault and you didn't have anything to do with me putting it on."

"I can't do that. Then she'll punish you. I don't want that to happen. It's my fault for not telling you before. If I had, you would've known not close that lock."

"No way. I should have asked you first. We'll do this together."

"Please, Beto, no. I don't want you to get involved in this. I like what you and I do and I don't want to change that."

"You said you liked going to Sam's, too. And you were making a lot of money, right?" When I nodded, he said, "Well, that's what I want, too. Mom doesn't make a lot and we can only afford the place where we live because Dad sends her child support. When I turn 18, that stops. I'll need money to go to college and this looks like a way I can get some. I'll do it and take my chances on the punishment.'

"But 3;"

"Email her. Right now."

The tone of his voice told me there was no point arguing with him and I followed his orders. We packed up the equipment and hid it. Without dressing, we went to my room and I sat at my computer while Beto leaned against my back, his bare chest pressing on my shoulders. The warmth of his body pressed against mine reassured me and gave me some courage.

I didn't know how to get in touch with Sam directly so I emailed Jordan:

Dear Sir,

I have to talk to Sam. There is a friend of mine who was playing games with me like the ones you know about and we have a problem. How can I contact her so she can tell me what to do?

I'm sorry about this, Sir and I understand that there will be consequences.


When I was done, I sent it off and said, "I don't know how long it'll be until he emails back. But since he's at college he may be working on his computer and it won't be too long."

Beto said, "I guess we just wait. The problem is I have to take a leak. How do I do that with this chastity thing on?"

I took Beto into my bathroom and showed him to how urinate through the chastity and clean it up afterward just as Jordan had showed me. After that, we played computer games and I got up to check my email every fifteen minutes or so.

After an hour and a half, I got an email from Sam:


Saturday afternoon 2:00.

Executive Livery Service.

Just so you'll know he's one sent by me, ask the driver the following questions: 'Did Sam send you?' and 'Will Lee be there?'

He'll tell you what to do after that.


Beto read the email over my shoulder. I said, "Well, that's it. You want to stay here overnight?"

He reached down and lifted the chastity device. "Yeah, I'd better. I'd have a hard time explaining this to anyone. Good thing it's Friday and I don't have to do to school. I'll call my mom. I'm sure she won't mind."

I nodded and swallowed hard to keep my fear down.

Chapter Twenty-One

Beto has made his choice and the boys are on their way to a world unknown to most people. Have they made the right decision?

I gave Beto a pair of baggy sweat pants to wear since his school uniform pants were too tight to wear over the chastity. Trying to lighten up our mood, I pulled two identical tee shirts out of my dresser and gave one to Beto.

"Here, we can be twins."

He smiled as he pulled it over his head while I slipped on another pair of sweat pants. Then we went downstairs and watched a movie on Dad's big screen T.V. When he came home, he was surprised when I asked that him if Beto could spend the night. He'd always encouraged me to have friends over, but this was the first time I'd ever done it. He'd always been concerned about my lack of close friends and seeing Beto made him happy that I had a friend.

After introducing himself and spending some time getting to know Beto, Dad went all out and ordered pizza for dinner, something he rarely did. After dinner, Beto and I finished watching our movie and went back to my room to play video games. I checked my email every so often just in case Sam or Jordan sent me message, but there was nothing.

Dad went to bed after the ten o'clock news and stuck his head in my room to tell us good night and not to stay up too long. We played games for another hour, but by then I was having a hard time keeping my eyes open.

"I'm tired. Want to turn in?"

Beto said, "Yeah. Where do you want me to sleep?"

I got up and pulled what Dad called a trundle bed out from under my regular bed.

"Here you go. Dad got this for me in case I ever wanted to have friends over. You'll be the first one to use it."

He looked at the bed and said, "Cool. Do have some pajamas I can wear?"

My face flushed. I'd forgotten that Sam had ordered me to sleep naked and I hadn't told Beto. I sort of lied and said, "Well, I don't normally wear them anymore, but I've got some if you want."

He nodded and I dug out a pair of summer pajamas that had short legs. I handed them to him and he took off the tee shirt and sweatpants and pulled them on.

I folded the covers back on the bed and said, "Hop in. I'll be right back. I have to go to the bathroom."

Beto got into bed and said, "Okay if I turn the light out?"

"Go ahead. I'll be right out."

As I flicked the bathroom light on, my room light went out. Following Sam's orders, I dropped my sweatpants and sat on the toilet seat to take a leak. When I was done, I took off my shirt and pulled the sweat pants off my feet. Naked, I turned the light off and slid into bed.

Beto said, "I wish you hadn't flushed the toilet. Now I have to go. Running water does that to me."

I laughed and said, "That happens to me, too. It's bad if I'm at the movies because I always miss something exciting when I get up to go."

He flipped the blankets back and went into the bathroom. I heard him flush the toilet and then crawl back into bed. I less than a minute he was snoring gently and I soon followed him.

The motion of my bed bouncing up and down woke me up and I felt someone get into bed with me.


"Who else? I think I just tried to get an erection, but couldn't. The chastity got so tight and uncomfortable it woke me up."

"I know. That happened to me, when I had to wear it. Just relax and it'll be all right."

"Okay. Do you mind if I sleep with you?"

"Not at all. I was kind of hoping you would, but I didn't know if you'd want to or not and I was afraid to ask."

"No need to ask."

He moved over so he could press his chest to mine. I turned on my side so I could get closer to him. I put my arm over his waist and he did the same to me.

"David, are you naked?"

I'd forgotten about that and said, "Oh, right. I usually sleep that way. It's more comfortable. You should try it."

"All right." He got out of bed for a few moments and then lifted the blankets and stretched out beside me again. Sighing, he said, "This is nice. Why didn't you tell me you didn't wear anything to bed? I didn't have to wear pajamas; I just thought it'd be polite."

"Well, you asked for some so I figured that's what you wanted to do." Which was a pretty lame answer, but it was the best I could do and still not tell him about Sam's orders. I don't know why I didn't tell him, but it just didn't feel right at that time.

He said, "After everything that we've done, why would you think you'd have to ask me. We promised we wouldn't keep secrets from each other."

"I know, but it just didn't seem important. I'm sorry."

Moving closer to me, he tried to make as much bare skin contact as possible. "I want to trust you, but I'm not sure I can. You can ask me anything you want and I'll tell you, but I'm still not sure you're telling me everything."

I reached over and began to massage his bare back while I pushed my hips into him until I could feel the chastity device pressing on my genitals. Slowly, I ran my hand down and over his smooth butt cheeks. Eventually he relaxed and fell asleep.

Early the next morning, I heard my door open! I'd forgotten to lock it last night and Dad was looking in on me as he went to work. What would he think when he saw Beto and me in bed together? I kept my eyes closed, but Beto and I were wrapped up around each other like a pile of puppies. I couldn't do anything about that and I pretended Dad wasn't there.

To my absolute surprise, because he hadn't done it for years and years, he brushed by hair aside and kissed me on the forehead. I couldn't help myself and opened my eyes.

"Dad I can explain 3;"

He put his finger across my lips, cutting me off then he put his mouth close to my ear and whispered, "Shhhh. Don't wake Beto. I understand. Sleeping with someone else is one of life's great joys."

I smiled and relaxed. When I did, he put his hand on my bare shoulder and ran it under the blanket down my chest to my hips. Now he knew we were naked and I wondered what he'd say next.

He pulled his hand from under the blankets and touched my cheek. "I know what you're doing. It's all right, son. Just treat each other with love and respect." Then he kissed me again and left.

I laid there motionless, my mind churning. Of all the things he might have said after finding Beto and me sleeping together, I would have never guessed he'd say that. How much did he know? Did he mean what he said? I hoped so.

Beto said, "I thought we were dead. My mom would have had hysterics."

"I thought you were asleep."

"No, I woke up when the door opened. You should have locked it, but things turned out all right. Did he really mean what he said?"

"I was just thinking the same thing myself. Dad has always been on my side and I think he means it. I don't know how I could ever ask him about it, but maybe I'll get the opportunity later."

Beto reached across and rubbed my chest and belly, burying his head deeper into the pillows next to my head. "If you do, let me know how it comes out." He sighed and dropped back to sleep.

A couple of hours later, Beto woke me by shaking my shoulder. "David, wake up. I have to go to the bathroom, but I'm trying to get an erection at the same time. I don't know what to do, it's so uncomfortable."

I managed not to laugh, because I remember my first morning wearing the chastity and I felt the same way. "Don't panic. Come on, I'll help."

When I got out of bed, he did too and followed me into the bathroom. I pointed at the toilet and said, "Just sit down and relax. You'll feel better in a few minutes. You'll stop getting the erection as soon as your bladder takes over."

He sat down and maneuvered the chastity so it was behind the edge of the toilet seat, put his elbows on his thighs and rested his head in his hands. I moved over to stand in front of him and rubbed his shoulders trying to make him feel better and showing my sympathy for his situation.

In a few minutes, I heard running splashing into the bowl and I smiled. "There that wasn't so bad was it?"

He didn't change his position and groaned. "Yes it was. How did you stand it for four days?"

"Well, I didn't have a choice. It was on and I had no way of getting it off without breaking it and I was afraid the punishment I'd get would be worse than wearing the chastity."

"I don't know if it would or not. This is bad."

"Trust me. It would."

He looked up and since I had been standing right in front of him in order to reach his shoulders, his face ended up about six inches [15 cm] from my penis, which wasn't erect. For a change, first thing in the morning.

When I started to step back, he said, "Wait, don't move. I want to look at it."

I put my hands behind my back and stood patiently as he gently took my penis in his hand and moved it around so he could see all parts of it.

After several minutes, he said, "When you had Jordan's penis in your mouth, what was it like?"

"Well, he did it to me first the week before and I really liked it. I wasn't expecting him to do that and it felt a lot better than just being masturbated. When I had to do it to him, I was disgusted and thought I might throw up. But Lee hit me and it hurt so bad that I would have done just about anything to make her stop. So it did it."

While I'd talked, Beto had been manipulating my penis and testicles in their sac and I was now erect.

Beto pinched my penis behind the head and it began to drop. "You didn't answer my question. What was it like?"

I sighed and said, "Like I said, at first I was disgusted at the thought of putting it in my mouth. Especially when he had his orgasm because I knew I'd have to swallow it. I put my tongue on it just to taste the end of it a little, but Jordan pushed his hips forward and forced it into my mouth."

I stopped, unsure of how to continue. Putting both hands on his head, I massaged his scalp, messing up his hair. After a long pause, I decided there was no reason not to tell him what I felt so I said, "Right then I discovered that I liked it. It fit like it was supposed to be in there and wanted to just keep holding."

"You'd never done that before?"

"No! And until then I never thought I'd ever do something like that although I've seen pictures on the web of guys doing it. I haven't done it since then either, although as I told you, Jordan did it to me again. I liked it as much the second time as I did the first time."

"It was really that nice?"

"Yeah. It was. And 3; and 3; well, I'd like to do it again when I get a chance."

He looked down between his legs and said, "I think I'm done. You're right. All I had to do was relax a little and it took care of itself."

After he cleaned the end of the chastity with some toilet paper, he got up and flushed the toilet. When he did, I sat down and began to urinate.

Beto said, "You always sit down to take a leak?"

Not again! I wanted to tell him about Sam's orders, but I couldn't. Maybe after our session today and he understood more about her and Lee, I could. I did the best I could and evaded his question.

"I wasn't sure if I'd have to take a dump at the same time, so I sat down. Usually in the morning I have to, but I guess not today."

Beto shrugged and I got up and flushed the toilet. Without getting dressed, we went downstairs and I got breakfast for us. We cleaned up the kitchen and went back up to my room to wait. It was ten-thirty so we tried to stay busy playing video games and surfing the web, but we gradually become more tense and talked less as the time passed.

At one-thirty, Beto said, "What should we wear?"

"Sam didn't say so we might as well wear the sweat pants and tee shirts, but no underwear. It probably won't make any difference and we'll end up taking it all off."

"Yeah, I guess so."

We got up and dressed. I dug two pair of socks out of my dresser and we went downstairs to put our shoes on. After that, we sat in the living room where we could see the street waiting for whoever was going to pick us up.

The doorbell rang almost exactly at two o'clock and when I opened the door, a tall slender man wearing a grey uniform stood on the porch. Parked at the curb was a van that was so tall, someone could stand up in it. There were no windows in the back and it was painted pearl-grey and polished so bright, it looked as if it just came from the showroom. Painted on the side in fancy gold letters were the words:

Executive Livery Service. Your Security is our Only Business.

He said, "My name is Richard. I have orders to transport two boys from this address."

I said, "Did Sam send you?"

He said, "Yes, she did. I am to transport David and Beto."

"Will Lee be there?"

"Yes. She is expecting you. Are you ready?"

Well, this was the real thing. When I nodded, he turned and walked to the van, opening the side door. Beto and I followed and climbed in. He got in behind us, flipped on the lights and closed the door.

Inside were two bucket seats that looked like they came out of a jet plane, they had so many straps on them. The interior was upholstered in light grey leather with blue trim and there was a bar, TV, sound system and other electronics I couldn't identify.

The door closed with a heavy thud and I saw there was no handle on the inside to open it. Richard pointed to two plastic baskets on the floor.

"Stand over there in front of those baskets." When we did, he said, "David, I have specific instructions from Mistress Sam and you are to follow them. If you don't, there will be consequences. Do you understand?"

When I nodded, he slapped me on one cheek. It wasn't hard, but it got my attention.

"Mistress Sam sent me and although I work for her the same way as you do, you will address me as 'Sir' at all times. You know how to do that."

I said, "Yes, Sir. I do. I'm sorry, Sir."

"Do it wrong again, and I guarantee that you will be. Here are Mistress Sam's instructions: David, you will come with me and follow my orders until we arrive at Mistress Sam's. At that time she will be in charge."

"Yes, Sir. I understand."

"Good. You will remove your clothing and put it in the basket. Now."

"Yes, Sir." As fast as I could, I pulled off my clothes and put everything in the basket. Richard watched until I was naked then he picked up the basket.

"Beto, you have a choice. You can either go with David and share his punishment or you can get out and let David go alone. I have the key to the chastity device you are wearing and will remove it if you choose not to go." He glanced at his watch. "You have five minutes from 3; now to decide."

Beto said, "Sir, if I go, will David's punishment be less?"

"Yes, no question that it will." He looked Beto over from head to feet. "I would imagine when she sees you, there won't be much punishment at all if you decide to cooperate. If David goes alone, he will take it all. You have to decide." Glancing at his watch again, he said, "You have four minutes and thirty seconds."

He picked up the basket with my clothes in it and using a key on a ring attached to his belt, he opened the door to the driver's area and left, closing and locking the door behind him.

I said, "Beto, this is it. Say you'll get out and he'll take the chastity off so you can leave. I can handle the punishment."

Beto shook his head. "No, it's partly my fault. Anyway, he said the punishment would be less if I go. I don't know why it would be, but I'll do that."

I knew why. When Sam saw Beto's body and face plus the fact he liked the same things I did, he'd become part of her photography sessions. I couldn't let him do that.

"No. Get out now."

"We made a rule that we'd tell each other everything. You didn't. Have you told me everything about what you do at Sam's? Everything? Don't lie to me again."

I sighed. "You know it all. I showed you the pictures and told you everything I've done."

"That's what I wanted to know."

Beto looked down at the empty basket and pulled his shirt over his head.

"No, Beto. Don't do this. Please."

"It's my decision. We do it together. If you can, I can. You told me what she does and what you get out of it. I want that, too."

"But I never know what she'll do. I told you about Jordan getting stripes."

"Yeah, but that wasn't from Mistress Sam and you said they never really hurt you."

"No, but they always threaten me. They'll do the same to you and take pictures and videos. Then you'll have to do it. You won't have any choice. Do you want pictures of you having sex spread all over?"

He took off his shoes and socks and as he untied the cord in his sweatpants, he said, "No, but you said they put makeup on you to change your appearance. Any anyway, I don't think they'd do that. If they're making as much money as you say they are from pictures of you, they'd want you to keep doing the sessions. I'll take my chances."

"Please, Beto. What can I do to change your mind?"

Sliding his sweatpants down, he took them off and dropped them in the basket. "You can't. I'm going to do it."

The door opened and Richard came in. Nodding he said, "I see you've decided. Hold out your hands."

When we did, he clamped a pair of handcuffs on each of us. Then he dropped to one knee and locked ankle cuffs on.

Standing, took a familiar device from a compartment next to the bar. "You know what this is, David."

Nodding I said, "Yes, Sir. It's another chastity device."

"Very good. Stand still."

When I did, he expertly put it on me and closed the lock. Now Beto and I both wore them and I began to worry. I'd hoped to get Beto's off and we were going the wrong way, but it was too late now.

He pointed and said, "In the chairs."

We both said, "Yes, Sir." And we awkwardly dropped into the bucket seats.

When we did, he strapped us in. Two wide straps came down over our shoulders and another pulled across our laps like a seat belt. He pulled another strap up from between our legs that had a mechanism on it where the ends of all the straps locked together. Another strap went around each ankle and around each elbow, pulling our handcuffs tight as our elbows were pulled back against the seat. Even if we hadn't been chained, we would have been totally helpless.

He stood back to admire his work. "I have specific instructions on how to transport you two. However, Mistress Sam gave me considerable leeway on how forcefully to apply those instructions. If you cooperate, I shouldn't have to exert much force. Am I correct?"

Beto and I said, "Yes, Sir."

"That's good. I transport many people in this van, although two as young as you will be a first. Most of them don't like the experience much and they tend to be much more cooperative the second trip. You've done well so far and I'll give a good ride, but that can change at any time."

I said, "Yes, Sir. I understand and we won't give you any trouble."

After a moment's hesitation, Beto followed my lead and said the same thing.

"Remember that then. One last thing and we can leave."

Taking two ball gags with extra-long straps, he put them in our mouths and ran the straps through slots in the seats where he fastened them in back. Slowly, he tightened the straps, pulling our heads deep into the thick upholstery of the seat. He came from behind and tried to move our heads. I tried, too and found that all I could do was look straight ahead. After making several more adjustments to the straps, he was satisfied.

"All set. Enjoy yourselves. I'll be taking you back the same way."

Picking up the basket with Beto's clothes, he opened the door and went into the driver's compartment. I heard the engine speed up and felt the van pull away from the curb into traffic. What had I gotten Beto into?

Chapter Twenty-Two

David and Beto are being taken to Sam's. Did Beto take on more than he can handle? He's about to find out.

I'd ridden to Sam's studio several times in Jordan's car and it didn't seem like it was very far from my house, but in the back of that van without windows, it seemed to take forever. Finally, the van stopped and the engine was turned off.

Richard climbed into the back and unfastened the gags holding our heads to the seats and then undid the other straps.

"Get to your feet and follow me."

Stretching and twisting to relive our cramped muscles after being so tightly tied, Beto and I said, "Yes, Sir."

He opened the side door and stepped out. Then he turned and motioned for us to get out. When we did, he helped us out because the chain on the ankle cuffs was too short for us to step down. I looked around and we were inside a windowless garage with the door closed. I'd wondered how we were going to get from the van into Sam's studio while we were naked and chained. We sure couldn't walk in from the parking lot through the front door.

Richard closed the van door and led us into Sam's back studio through a door behind one of the many curtains hanging from the walls. He stopped us in the middle of the floor.

"Bend over, put your elbows on your knees and stay there."

We said, "Yes, Sir." And got into position.

He went to a table by the lockers and came back with two large bottles of enema solution. He squeezed one bottle into each of us and as it flowed in, I thought it felt different from the enemas I'd been using.

"Stand straight." He tossed the empty bottles in a trashcan and said, "That was a mineral oil enema so it'll be longer before you get the urge to go compared to the other kind. Hold it until you're allowed to let it out. Dribbling on the floor would not be a good idea."

We said, "Yes, Sir." Beto and I were getting good at saying that in unison.

"Hold your hands out."

When we did, he unlocked the handcuffs. I thought things were looking up, but then he ordered us to put our hands behind our backs and relocked the handcuffs.

"Stand there and wait."

He went back to the table near the lockers and came back holding two gags. "Open up." Pointing at me, he said, "You the penis gag and Beto gets the ball gag."

We opened our mouths and he put them in, fastening the straps behind our heads. After that, he left the studio to the front of the store. While we waited, Beto looked around the room with curiosity. He stopped and stared for a long time at the collection of whips, paddles and riding crops hanging from one wall before continuing to take in the other equipment.

The door to the studio opened and Sam walked in followed by Lee wearing her long robe and then Richard. Sam started to set up her cameras and Lee went directly to Beto and I while Richard stopped by the lockers.

Lee stood a few feet away from Beto, examining his body. Taking by the arm, she turned him around to look at his back and then turned him to the front again. "You're really nice looking for a boy. Pictures of you will make our clients really happy. Sam, you should see David's friend. He's going to a beautiful model."

Sam said, "Not right now. I've got to get equipment set up. Anyway if you've seen one naked Little Boy, you've seen them all. It's what you do with them that counts."

Lee said, "I suppose. Still, I'm going to really enjoy working with this one."

Beto's face had turned red when Sam and Lee came into the room. I'm sure he'd never been naked in front of women before and I wondered if he was having second thoughts about his decision. Not that he could anything about it now. As Lee looked him over, the red on his face spread down his neck and onto his chest. To make things more embarrassing for him, he'd started to drool because the ball gag wouldn't let him swallow well. I could push the silicone penis to one side in my mouth with my tongue so I could swallow my saliva.

"Richard, move that standing stock into place so we can get started."

"Yes, Miss."

He slid the stock that Mistress Olga had made for me away from the wall and following Sam's directions, put in the center of her lights and cameras set up. After adjusting it several times, Lee took Beto and me by the elbow and pushed us over to stand near the stocks.

Sam said, "That should do it. Richard, you are no longer needed. You will wait in the garage until we're finished."

Richard said, "Madam, please? I would like to watch."

Scowling, Sam turned to him and said, "I don't do this for spectators. Those who want to see my art have to buy it. You do know that?"

"Yes, Ma'am."

"Good. Then get out so I can work." She pointed to the curtains where the door to the garage was hidden.

Richard bowed and said, "Yes, Ma'am. I'm sorry, Ma'am."

Lee said, "Wait, Sam. That gives me an idea how we can make this more interesting." She stepped close to Sam so they could talk quietly and I couldn't hear what they were saying.

After a few minutes of conversation, Sam said to Richard, "Lee's right. You can stay and watch – if you're willing to pay."

Richard took a breath and his face went pale, but he said, "Yes, Ma'am. I am willing to pay for the privilege of watching you create one of your videos."

Sam laughed. "You know what to do, then. When you're ready, get the other set of stocks out and wait there."

Richard bowed and said, "Thank you, Ma'am. Thank you, Miss."

He walked to the lockers and I saw him begin to undress and put his clothes inside one. While he did that, Sam moved Beto and me around and using her light meter made adjustments on the arrangements of the lights and cameras. Eventually, she finished and told us to stand where we were.

When I looked, Richard was standing next to a set of stocks Lee had directed him to position outside the circle of lights and cameras. He was naked and had gold loops of wire hanging from his pierced nipples just as Jordan had. He was in excellent physical condition and I could see his muscles moving under his smooth skin which was easy since all of his body hair had been shaved off. His penis was larger than Jordan's and he wasn't circumcised. I wondered what it would look like when it was erect and if I could get a close look at it. I'd seen men who weren't circumcised in pictures on the web, but I'd never seen one in real life.

Lee opened the lower stocks and said, "Step in." When he did, she closed and locked the boards around his ankles. She lifted the upper stocks and Richard laid his wrists and neck in position and Lee dropped the board down and put the locks in. This set of stocks was the kind usually seen in the movies and TV so Richard had to bend at the waist, which made his head and hands stick out straight forward while his butt cheeks protruded out behind him.

Sam said, "Lee, if he's secure, get ready. We have a lot to do today."

Lee nodded, walked over to Sam and slipped out of her robe. She wore a black leather bikini with a lot of extra straps going around her body and knee high black boots. Around her neck and wrists, she wore wide leather bands with silvery studs.

Taking Beto by the elbow she led him to the stocks locked him in. Since she didn't take the handcuffs off, only Beto's head was held in the upper stock. Then she led me to stand in front facing Beto.

She slapped Beto on the cheek and said, "When we start, you'll do exactly as you are told. You are to look at me or David at all times and not directly at the camera." Turning she slapped me. "You should know how to do this, but that's a reminder. This could be one of the best videos we've ever made and I don't want you or your friend here, screwing it up."

We got the message and Beto and I both nodded.

Walking to the wall rack where the whips and paddles hung, she selected a short heavy paddle and came back to the stocks. "I'm ready when you are, Sam."

Sam said, "All right. Begin."

Lee took the gag out of my mouth and held it up in front of Beto's face. "This is a penis gag. It's David's favorite." She patted me on the butt with the paddle. "Isn't it?"

I got the message and said, "Yes, Miss. It is."

"Tell your friend why it's your favorite gag."

"It has a penis on it."

"So what?"

"I like having a penis in my mouth."

"Very good. I wonder if your friend will like it as much as you do."

She unfastened the gag in Beto's mouth and then pushed the penis gag, still wet from my saliva into his mouth and tightened the strap behind his head.

"That looks good. Now, David, tell Beto why you like having a penis in your mouth."

"I like having a penis in my mouth because you taught me how to be a cocksucker."

"What else did you learn?"

"I learned how to be a dicklicker and a ball sac sucker."

"Would you like to show Beto what you learned?"

"Yes, Miss."

"On your knees. Show him what you can do."

"Yes, Miss." I managed to get on my knees in front of Beto without too much trouble and began to lick his scrotum that hung below the chastity. It wasn't easy and the plastic tube and ring kept getting in the way, but I worked on him steadily as best I could. Pushing the side of my face against his thighs, I was able to suck one testicle at a time into my mouth. First one side and then the other.

Lee patted me on the butt again with her paddle. "You look like you're having a hard time doing that. Should I take the chastity off?"

"Yes, Miss. Please."

She took a small key, unlocked the padlock and roughly removed Beto's chastity. When he moaned, she slapped him.

"Quit complaining. Save it for something that actually hurts."

She put her hand on the back of my head and pushed it forward. "Get to work and show me what you've learned. Start licking his dick."

"Yes, Miss." Slowly, I began to run my tongue over Beto's soft penis, pushing it with my tongue from one side to the other. I didn't know what would happen if I couldn't give him an erection, but I remembered it took quite a bit of rubbing after wearing my chastity to get an erection.

When he didn't respond, I concentrated on running my tongue around the ridge of the head of his penis and he began to shift his weight and roll his hips. I felt his penis begin to thicken and knew I was making progress. As it grew, I got more excited about the chance to have his penis in my mouth. For weeks, I'd been fantasizing about giving him orgasms that way and now I had a chance to do it.

Lee saw Beto's growing erection and said, "You have learned something after all. Show me how you suck his cock."

"Yes, Miss."

She didn't have to tell me twice and I eagerly opened my mouth and pulled it in. I tightened my lips around the shaft as much as I could and felt the veins and his pulse on my tongue. I bobbed my head as quickly as I could and took as much of Beto's penis into my mouth as I could and not choke. At the same time, I felt a growing uncomfortable pressure as my own penis tried to become erect, but was prevented from doing so by the chastity.

When I heard Beto's breathing increase, I worked even faster to be sure he'd have a great orgasm. I wanted to be able to do this to him again and if his orgasm felt as good as mine did when Jordan had oral sex with me, I was sure Beto would want to do it again.

Beto's penis surged and hot semen shot into and bounced off the back of my throat. At the same time, he grunted in to the gag and drove his hips into my face as much as the stocks would let him. When he was done, I sat back, let his penis come out of my mouth and swallowed, trying to taste his semen to see if it was different than Jordan's, but I couldn't tell if it was or not.

Lee said, "Very good. You're a good student, but I think more practice is in order in the future. Stand up."

With her help, I struggled to my feet, wishing the chain on the ankle cuffs was longer so it wouldn't make the cuffs cut into the flesh on my legs.

"Bend over."

When I did, she emptied another large bottle of enema solution into me. That increased the pressure somewhat, but I didn't think I'd have any trouble holding it.

Lee went around behind the stocks, freed Beto and took his elbow to lead him next to me.

"You, too. Bend over."

When Beto was in position, she emptied another bottle into him.

She grabbed my hair and pulled, straightening me up, led me to the back of the stocks and locked me in. Then she went back to Beto and picked up her paddle.

Smacking him sharply on the butt, she said, "When I taught David how to be a cocksucker I had to persuade him with my paddle. Will that be necessary?" Beto shook his head. "Too bad. I like spanking Little Boys. Straighten up."

When he did she turned him to face me and took the penis gag out of this mouth. "Well, Little Boy, do you like this gag?"

"Yes, Miss, I do."

"That's good. David likes it so much, I think I'll give it back to him."

She pushed the gag back into my mouth and pulled the straps up uncomfortably tight.

"If you liked the gag so much, I guess it's time for you to try the real thing. Is that what you'd like to do?"

"Yes, Miss."

Although Beto said he wanted to, I could tell by the expression on his face that he wasn't looking forward to it. I knew how he felt. The first time Lee forces me to take Jordan's penis into my mouth, I thought I would puke. That lasted only as long as it took to feel how great Jordan's penis filling my mouth was. Then I discovered that I really liked it. I hoped that would happen with Beto, too.

"On your knees, then." She hit the back of Bet's knees with the paddle almost making him fall. "I'll take his chastity off, which will make it easier for your first time."

"Thank you, Miss."

Lee unlocked my chastity and took it off. Almost immediately, I had a full erection and I felt a strong urge deep inside. I was looking forward to Beto performing oral sex on me and was disappointed that the boards in the stocks kept me from looking down and watching him do it.

She grabbed a handful of Beto's hair and moved his face a few inches from my erection. "You'll do as you're told when I say, otherwise, I'll persuade you until you do. Understand?"

"Yes, Miss."

"Let's see then. Lick his balls."

"Yes, Miss."

I felt Beto's tongue on my scrotum, which only made my penis stand up straighter to stick out like a stubby flag from my body. Following my lead, he sucked my testicles into his mouth and backed away letting them pull out against his lips.

Lee let Beto work for a few minutes. Slapping him sharply on the butt, she said, "Now lick his dick."

Beto moved up and ran his tongue over my penis on all sides. Even though Jordan had done the same thing, knowing it was Beto, made it feel like electric shocks running up and down.

Lee slapped him again and said, "Suck his dick."

I felt the head of my penis go into his mouth and his lips tightened around the shaft. It took him a dozen or so tries of running my penis in and out before he got the rhythm down. Once he got started, he was better than Jordan. My tension climbed rapidly and I began to struggle in the stocks and moan. To begin with, I intentionally overdid it, for Sam's benefit, but in less than a minute, I wasn't faking anymore. Just before I thought I was going to go nuts, I had my orgasm. One of the best I ever had and shot spurt after spurt in to Beto's mouth.

When Beto felt me lose my erection, he sat back on his heels while I gasped for breath. Lee helped Beto to his feet, unlocked his ankle cuffs and replaced them with cuffs that had a bar between them, instead of a chain. Once it was locked on, Beto had to keep his feet about two feet [60 cm] apart. She came around the stocks, freed me and led me around to stand next to Beto where she replaced my ankle cuffs with ones with the spreader bar. Next, she locked smooth steel collars around our necks, which were connected with about ten feet [3 m] of chain and put a penis gag into Beto's mouth, strapping it behind his head.

"Bend over."

Beto and I followed her orders and she squeezed in a third large bottle of enema solution. Now the pressure was growing and I wanted to get rid of it.

"Stand up and follow me."

She walked to the curtains and pulled them back revealing the bathroom Jordan and I had used before. While she did that, Beto and I hobbled over, swinging our legs out in awkward arcs to walk. I found it was easier to walk with my knees almost straight and one clumsy step at a time, we made it. Lee had us stand facing the toilet while Sam set up her cameras.

Sam said, "One at a time, set them on and I'll get pictures."

Lee turned me around, backed me up to the toilet and I sat down, which was awkward because I had to flop onto the seat and my hands were behind my back.

"You can let the enema out now. Sit there until you're sure you're empty."

I relaxed and the oil streamed out along with a lot of semi-soft stool, splashing into the bowl. After the first rush, I had one more small run, but waited a few minutes to be sure I was done. While I was doing that, Sam walked around taking pictures of me from all angles.

"Are you done?"

I nodded and Lee flushed the toilet, pulled me to my feet and pushed me out of the way. Then she guided Beto onto the toilet seat.

"All right, your turn. Let it out and nod when you're empty."

Beto relaxed and let the enema flow. After the first big rush, he had several smaller ones including several where he passed gas in squeaky little farts. After each, Sam and Lee laughed uproariously, making Beto's face turn bright red from embarrassment.

Sam said, "This Little Boy has talent. Next time, we'll make a video and get sound to go with it. I know several clients who'll pay a lot for videos of Little Squeak here."

Beto nodded and Lee pulled him up from the toilet. "Follow me and hurry up. The best part's next."

Lee walked to Richard and waited for us to hobble over. Since we couldn't clean off after releasing the enemas, I could feel my butt cheeks sliding together due to the oil on them. When we were next to the stocks where Richard was held, she held up a large wooden paddle with a black plastic strip running down the length of it that was attached to a gauge fastened on the end.

She laughed and swung the paddle through the air several times. "Miss Olga made this and gave it to me to try out. I thought now would be a good time."

Mistress Olga! The vicious stripes she put on Jordan's bare butt filled my mind and I shivered with fear.

Lee saw me and said, "That's right, Little Boy. I assume you remember Mistress Olga. She's a very skilled craftswoman. Now you get your punishment for being careless with the chastity."