PZA Boy Stories


aka Storyguy

Profile: Bill is his late 50s and lives on the East Coast of the United States. His stories invariably contain imaginings of the early-adolescent sexuality of boys, sometimes based on memories of his own boyhood experiences. He is interested in history and science fiction, so the settings for many of his stories are in the historical past or the imagined future. Besides the stories on this site, more of his erotic writing can be found through the 'prolific author' list of Nifty Archive – http://www.nifty.org/nifty/prolific.html – under the author name 'Bill'. He always appreciates feedback from readers... even including constructive criticism!
Contact: bil47_new(at)yahoo(dot)com or feedback form (please type Bill in the subject line).


Amsterdam, 2015

An American visits an Amsterdam boy-brothel in 2015. Everything can be done with the boys 3; but, it are no boys, but sexual androids.
Boy-Prostitution story

Story codes: M-boy-android – oral

3,000 words (6 pages)

Link to story   Story was never finished

Atheense Jongens – 460 v.Chr.

Het verhaal volgt de 15-jarige Jason als student in de Atheense academie en als tijdelijke meester van het huishouden van zijn mentor, inbegrepen de 12-jarige tweeling slavenjongens
Hist. Boyslave

Story codes: Mt Mb tt tb – cons anal oral mast – bd spank toys

25,000 words (50 pages)

Link naar het verhaal Finished story

Athenian Boys - 460 BC

The story follows 15yo Jason as student in the Athenian acadamy and as temporary master of his mentor's household – including the 12yo twin boyslaves.
Hist. Boyslave

Story codes: Mt Mb tt tb – cons anal oral mast – bd spank toys

25,000 words (50 pages)

Link to story Finished story

Balkan Boy

In the 17th century, a sensitive 12-year-old peasant boy discovers the pleasures of sex with an old farmer for whom he does chores... and then seduces his own father.
Consensual Man-Boy story

Story codes: Mbcons oral anal

10,000 words (20 pages)

Link to story Finished story

Boarding School Boy

The sexual adventures of young boys in an American boarding school in the 1960s.
Boyfriends Story
School or Camp Story

Story codes: bb tbcons mast oral anal – first ws spank bond

23,000 words (46 pages)

Links to chapters
1-6   Story was never finished

Boarding School Teacher

A young teacher finds all of his boy-sex fantasies becoming a reality when he takes a job as the hall-master and wrestling coach at an American boarding school.
School or Camp Story

Story codes: Mtb – cons mast oral anal

28,000 words (56 pages)

Link to story Story was never finished

Boyhood of a Clone

In the year 2055, gay men have formed communal living groups and raise children who are clones of themselves. Each year, nine children are born in the commune - three sets each of three identical boys, who grow up in an environment of free love among themselves and with other age groups of boys.
Boyfriends Story
Fantasy-Magic story

Story codes: bb tb – cons oral anal

14,500 words (29 pages)

Link to story Finished story

Boyhood Sex Lessons

A 23-year old university student moves in to the house next-door to a naive and lonely 13-year-old boy. The man decides to teach the boy about all the ways that guys can make each other feel good.
Consensual Man-Boy story

Story codes: Mb cons mast oral anal

10,000 words (20 pages)

Link to story Finished story

Boys in the King's Navy, 1807

Quite a number of boys served in the British Navy during the age of sail. Orphans and cast-offs, aged 11 to 14 served as "powder monkeys" for the cannon crews, but were also available to provide sexual relief to the sailors and marines aboard. Upper-class boys served as midshipmen, some as young as 14. They and the senior officers sometimes sampled the ship's boys as well.
Boy-Prostitution story

Story codes: Mb tt tbcons/slave anal oral mast – prost discipline humil castr

22,000 words (44 pages)

Link to story Finished story

Brothel-Boy in Harlem

DeShawn is the 11-year-old son of a crack-addicted whore, living in one of New York City's worst slums, where he is pimped out by his mother to pay for her drugs. When the owner of a brothel for beautiful young black boys makes a deal with the mother, DeShawn begins his new life as a highpriced brothel boy.
Boy-Prostitution story

Story codes: Mb bbcons prost oral anal mast – interr

6,000 words (12 pages)

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Cabin Boys – 1785

The year is 1785; the place is a small town on the coast of Italy. A 13-year-old and his 14-year-old cousin prepare to go to sea as cabin boys on merchant ships, on which one of their duties is to be the sex-partner of the sailors and officers. There is always a danger that the ship may be attacked and captured by North African pirates, with the sailors becoming galley slaves, and the boys becoming sex slaves in the palace of the ruler.
Boyfriends Story

Story codes: tt – cons mast oral

4,000 words (8 pages)

Link to story Story was never finished

Chesapeake Boy 2203 AD

200 years after a terrorist-released virus nearly wiped out the human race. A 12-year old white boy is sold by his father to pay the tax money. The boy is bought to serve in a boy brothel.
Boy-slave Story
Boy-Prostitution story

Story codes: Mbcons Mdom anal mast oral – interr prost spank ws

39,000 words (78 pages)

Links to chapters
1-2   3-4   Story was never finished

Discovering My Father's Secret

In the mid-1960s, a young adolescent boy discovers the secret of his divorced father's sexual orientation. Together they explore their very similar sexual desires. The boy encounters other adventures during his one-week stay with his dad.
Consensual Man-Boy story

Story codes: Mt cons oral anal mastincest spank ws

25,000 words (50 pages)

Link to story Story was never finished

Father Christmas

In the year 315, a Christian bishop in an eastern province of the Roman Empire finds a special way to celebrate Christmas.
Hist. Boyslave

Story codes: Mbcons oral analspank

2,500 words (5 pages)

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Geisha Boys

American and European boys in a Japanese internment camp are teached to serve the sexual desires of Japanese officers who appreciate the erotic appeal of boys in the 12 to 15 age range. The activities in the story are consensual, and there is no physical abuse of minors by adults.
Boy-Prostitution story

Story codes: Mtb ttcons anal mast oralprost toys

5,500 words (11 pages)

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Geisha jongens

Amerikaanse en Europese jongens in een Japans interneringskamp worden opgeleid om de seksuele verlangens van Japanse officieren te bevredigen, die vallen voor de erotische schoonheid van jongens tussen 12 en 15 jaar. De activiteiten in het verhaal zijn met wederzijdse goedkeuring en er is geen fysiek misbruik van minderjarigen door volwassenen.
Boy-Prostitution story

Story codes: Mtb ttcons anal mast oralprost toys

5,500 words (11 pages)

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Een Grand Tour in 1928

(Dutch translation of Grand Tour, 1928).
Ainsley Montgomery, een jonge man van in de twintig, introduceert William Taylor in de Europese Boyloverswereld.
Boy-Prostitution story
Consensual Man-Boy story

Story codes: Mb Mt tb MM – oral anal mast rim – prost spank ws

45,000 words (90 pages)

Links to chapters
1-3  4-5  Finished story

Grand Tour, 1928

Ainsley Montgomery, an English gentleman in his twenties, introduces the American William Taylor into the European boy love world.
Boy-Prostitution story
Consensual Man-Boy story

Story codes: Mb Mt tb MM – oral anal mast rim – prost spank ws interr

45,000 words (90 pages)

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1-3   4-6 Finished story

Just Like Old Times

A married man finds sexual satisfaction with a 13-year-old hustler, and a romance develops between them. Things get more interesting when the boy seduces the man's 10-year-old son.
Boy-Prostitution story

Story codes: Mt tb – cons oral anal – prost

30,000 words (60 pages)

Link to story Finished story

London, 1892

Jonathan goes to a boy orphanage and learns what "bedtime fun" means.
Boy-Prostitution story

Story codes: Mb tbcons oral analprost

7,500 words (15 pages)

Link to story Story was never finished

My Dominant 12-Year-Old Brother

A naive 'innocent' 14-year-old boy learns everything about sex from his younger brother.
Boyfriends Story

Story codes: tbcons anal mast oralws

6,000 words (12 pages)

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New Boy In Juvenile Detention

Short story about a 14 year old boy whose life has gone a radical change after sent for 18 months to a juvenile detention facility.
Boyfriends Story
School or Camp Story

Story codes: tt – Mdom anal oral – humil spank interr

6,500 words (13 pages)

Link to story Finished story

The Only Boy on Calisto

Billy, the only boy on Calisto, writes a letter to his cousin about his sexual adventures in virtual reality. There are two versions of this story.
Fantasy-Magic story

Story codes: Mb tb – mast (virtual: cons anal oral)

9,000 words (18 pages)

Original version

Revised version Finished story

Roman Slave-Boy, 143 AD

Yosef is a 13-year-old slave-boy in Ancient Rome. He is owned by a tavern-keeper, who uses him for sex (and spanks him when needed), pimps him to customers at the tavern, and rents him out for orgies of boy-loving aristocrats. Yosef's life changes when his master buys a younger slave-boy and directs Yosef to train the youngster in the ways of pleasuring men.
Hist. Boyslave

Story codes: Mtb tb – Mdom anal oral mast – prost spank

23,500 words (47 pages)

Link to story Story was never finished

Russian Boys

Sasha, a naive 12-year-old living in the slums of Moscow, learns from an older boy how to make easy money by posing nude for a photographer. The older boy, 14-year-old Alexei, then introduces Sasha to the pleasures of sex, getting him ready for his next money-making venture – a boy-sex filming session at an isolated farmhouse
Boyfriends Story

Story codes: tbcons oral anal mast

8,500 words (17 pages)

Link to story Finished story

Russische Jongens

Sasha, een naïeve 12-jarige jongen die in de sloppenwijk van Moskou woont, leert van een oudere knaap hoe hij gemakkelijk geld kan verdienen door bloot te poseren bij een fotograaf. De oudere knaap, de 14-jarige Alexei, laat dan Sasha kennis maken met de geneugten van de seks, en maakt hem klaar voor een nieuwe geldopbrengende onderneming – een jongens-seksfilmsessie op een alleenstaande boerderij.
Boyfriends Story
Consensual Man-Boy story

Story codes: tbcons oral anal mast

8,500 words (17 pages)

Link naar het verhaal Finished story

Shy Boy at Summer Camp

A 12-year-old boy goes to summer camp for the first time and learns about sex from other campers. He discovers his desire for submissive sex when he is seduced by a dominant fellow camper.
Boyfriends Story
School or Camp Story

Story codes: bbcons oral anal mast – first spank ws

14,500 words (29 pages)

Link to story Story was never finished

Soldiers and Boys in Wartime

Multi-part series of short vignettes, set at various stages of history, when soldiers took their pleasure with boys during times of war.
Boy-Prostitution story

Story codes: Mb Mtcons anal oral mastprost interr

26,500 words (53 pages)

Links to chapters
1-5   Work in Progress

Submissive Camp Counselor

A young camp counselor is blackmailed into being the sex-slave of the boys he is supposed to supervise, and finds that loves being submissive to young boys!
Boy-Prostitution story

Story codes: Mt – cons mast oral analboy-domination

5,250 words (10½ pages)

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The Sultan's Favorite Boy

This is a story set in the year 1618 and is reasonably historically accurate. It's an account of the powerful Ottoman Empire and it's tradition of manning a highly-effective standing army - called the Janissaries - with slaves taken as boys from the subjugated Christian regions of the Balkans. The story tells the adventures of eleven year old Sacha who was collected by Sultan's as part of the boy-tax of his Bosnian village.
Hist. Boyslave

Story codes: Mb tbcons anal oralhumil spank

48,000 words (96 pages)

Links to chapters
1-4   5-7   Finished story

Finished story Finished story — Work in Progress Work in Progress — Story was never finished Story was never finished — Status unclear Status unclear