[ profile ]
AllAround's profile
New to the game, if you like what you read let me know have several ideas for stories to follow!
Road Trip, Part 1 [ Mb(4), Mg(9), family, ws, diaper, fetish ] Reviews
Anonymous Harry:
[ profile ]
Anonymous Harry's profile
I'm just an old pervert with a prurient penchant for preteen fantasies. I write mostly about young sluts and cumwhore wannabees.
Parent Cuckold Club of Greater Chicago, Part 3 Reviews
Armer Poet:
Der Apfel Fällt Nicht Weit Vom Stamm [ poem ] Reviews
Das Wannenbad [ poem ]
[ profile ]
Danny_D's profile
Fiction may show what is filth, wrong and disgusting. As long as it stays a fantasy, you may enjoy perversity nevertheless. Condemn those that don't make the distinction between developing imagination and making wishes. Let's say, I admit I grave some things I would never wish to come true.
Piemeltjes En Gleufjes, Deel 1 [ inc, mother/son, Fb, 1st, Fdom, slow ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Goldrush's profile
Musical Memories, Part 4 [ MMg, nc, incest, pedo ] Reviews
[ profile ]
JerseyJ's profile
Author of stories about consensual sex between preteens/adults, teens/preteens, and preteens/preteens. I love little girls in a non-sexual romantic way, and hate to see them hurt.
On The Same Paige [ mmg, 1st, anal, oral, pedo ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Renpet's profile
Suspend belief. Let imagination take flight. Let words beguile and delight.
One Image, Just One Image [ MF, Fg12, Mg12, inc, cons ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Rolf's profile
My stories will have one common trait: a self-conscious female pre-teen character takes charges, an innocent male adult finds himself in meltdown. It could be you.
Die Vier Lektionen Des Doktor Plotz [ mult, Mfgb, org, bond, 1st, rom, reluc ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Scout65's profile
I have a thing for boys in uniforms, particually short pants and knee socks type uniforms. If it embarasses them to be seen, so much the better.
The Scoutmaster, Part 1 [ M/m, m/m, m/b, nc, bd, rough ] Reviews
[ profile ]
SilveRToucH's profile
Bonjour. Je suis français, j'ai trente ans et je suis actuellement au chomage. Je suis hétéro confirmé et j'adore les enfants dans un sens non sexuel mais je dois avouer que certaines idées me traversent occasionnellement dérivant de mon amour débordant pour eux. Je débute dans ce sujet d'écriture et je m'appuie essentiellement sur mon imagination. J'ai horreur de tout ce qui est violence et toute idée de forcer un enfant m'insupporte, donc dans mes textes je pense que vous ne verrez jamais d'histoire de viol et autre dérivé. J'espère que mes premiers écrits vous plairont, ainsi que les suivants que je serais amené à écrire.
Ma Petite Eva, Partie 1 [ Fg, nosex, slow ]
Ma Petite Eva, Partie 2 [ g, cons, 1st, lolita ]
[ profile ]
Taakal's profile
I am a guy who loves to write erotic fiction and I will only write stories with 100% consensual sex that's done out of pure love. I prefer when the approach comes from the child and when the sex takes place within the family. Further subjects in my stories are pee-games and animal-sex.
Ich bin ein Typ der gern erotische Geschichten schreibt. Der Sex in meinen Geschichten wird immer zu 100% einvernehmlich sein, Gewalt in jeglicher Hinsicht verabscheue ich. Normalerweise geht in meinen Geschichten die Initiative sogar von den Kindern aus und findet bevorzugt innerhalb der Familie statt. Außerdem lass ich gern auch Pissspielchen und Sex mit Tieren in meine Geschichten einfließen.
Lisa, Teil 3 [ MFg, inc, ws ] Reviews
Closing Time [ MMg, oral, anal, rape ] Reviews
[ profile ]
englishperv's profile
I am a 44yo middle class guy and a 95% hetero kiddie-lover, which means I mostly like girls but have a little streak of boy-curiosity in me. This is reflected in my writing, which features mostly male-on-female sex, but may include some male-male 'diversions' from time to time.
I call myself kiddie-lover because I hesitate to use the word 'pedophile' as too many dumb-asses out there immediately think that means somebody 'active'. I, however, am a writer because this is the domain where a love/lust of under-18 can be lived out in harmless fantasy. To this end, I try to achieve a satisfying realism in my stories. I like to explore all degrees of pedophilia from loving to coaxing to coercian to outright force, but in moderation.
Hannah, Your Third Man Is Here [ MMMg, pedo, oral, pett, voy ] Reviews
Little Hannah's Summer Of Molestation [ pedo, pett, slow ]
Fun And Games With Young Hannah [ MMMg, humil, anal, pett, voy ] Reviews
Maybe A Worse Pedo For Little Hannah [ pedo, anal, slow ] Reviews
this guy:
[ profile ]
this guy's profile
This guy has been reading and writing erotic stories since the mid 1990's.
International Business Trip, Part 1 [ Mg(4), intr, ped, lolita ] Reviews
International Business Trip, Part 2 [ Mg(4), ped, intr, lolita, ped, creampie ] Reviews
[ profile ]
AnonyMPC's profile
AnonyMPC mostly writes stories involving incest and teen girls. Most stories are in his own style, but he also writes stories in the style of erotic author Phil Phantom.
AnonyMPC's complete stories can be found at
My Private Camwhore, Part 4: Kinships and Rivals [ inc, mf, ff, Blkm, voy, exhib, les, anal, 1st, reluc, coer, nc ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Danny_D's profile
Fiction may show what is filth, wrong and disgusting. As long as it stays a fantasy, you may enjoy perversity nevertheless. Condemn those that don't make the distinction between developing imagination and making wishes. Let's say, I admit I grave some things I would never wish to come true.
Piemeltjes En Gleufjes, Deel 2 [ inc, mother/dau/son, Fgb, Fdom, bdsm, 1st ]
[ profile ]
Goldrush's profile
Musical Memories, Part 5 [ MMFg, pedo, nc, ws ]
[ profile ]
Masterius's profile
Ahhhh . . . bondage. Something near and dear to my heart for as long as I can remember. The earliest recollection of 'tie-up' I clearly have was when I was 5 and I was tying my neighbor's 7 year old daughter to their picnic table bench. What I remember most about that is two things: enjoying that a *lot* . . . and really upset that I couldn't tie a decent knot and she kept getting loose!
I made my first ballgag at 11, using a roller skate strap and a sponge rubber doggie ball. Unfortunately --sighs-- I never got to use it on anyone other than myself. If only I hadn't been so shy (and if only I knew *then* what I know *now*)
I enjoy writing (can you tell?) and I'm also a real life Dominant. I enjoy online and RL teaching and training in self-bondage, bondage and D/s. I also enjoy horses (riding them; watch those dirty minds out there! --winks--) and reading, especially fantasy and science fiction.
Summer Slave, Part 13 [ Fg/g, bd, d/s, Fdom, humil, nc, spank, toys ]
Summer Slave, Part 14 [ Fg/g, bd, d/s, Fdom, humil, nc, spank, toys ]
Summer Slave, Part 15 [ Fg/g, bd, d/s, Fdom, humil, nc, spank, toys ]
Summer Slave, Part 16 [ Fg/g, bd, d/s, Fdom, humil, nc, spank, toys ]
Summer Slave, Part 17 [ Fg/g, bd, d/s, Fdom, humil, nc, spank, toys ] Reviews
Vruća Razmena, Deo 1 Reviews
93; Reviews
Simple Simon:
Katie At The Glory Hole [ Mg, ped, oral, cum, mast, exhib ] Reviews
New Family: Brothers And Sisters [ Mf, mf, MF, inc, oral, anal ] Reviews
Taylor Swift:
[ profile ]
Taylor Swift's profile
My writings are all about little girls and their sexual adventures. My tastes favor incest, anal, and deepthroat. Hope you enjoy!
Whore in a Week, Day 4 [ gf(11/16)/mM, inc, bro/sis, fath/dau, oral, anal, orgy ] Reviews
[ profile ]
englishperv's profile
I am a 44yo middle class guy and a 95% hetero kiddie-lover, which means I mostly like girls but have a little streak of boy-curiosity in me. This is reflected in my writing, which features mostly male-on-female sex, but may include some male-male 'diversions' from time to time.
I call myself kiddie-lover because I hesitate to use the word 'pedophile' as too many dumb-asses out there immediately think that means somebody 'active'. I, however, am a writer because this is the domain where a love/lust of under-18 can be lived out in harmless fantasy. To this end, I try to achieve a satisfying realism in my stories. I like to explore all degrees of pedophilia from loving to coaxing to coercian to outright force, but in moderation.
Planning For Sweet Innocent Abigail [ MMg, pedo, slow ]
Abducting Nice 10yo Abigail [ MMg, pedo, nc, pett ]
The Rape Of Abigail [ MMg, pedo, nc, bj, rape ] Reviews
A Purvversion:
Child Protection Agency? [ g, pedo ] Reviews
Loving The Bi Life, Part 10 [ M/f(13), oral, pen, anal, mast, rom, cons, video, voy, exhib, cum-fetish ]
[ profile ]
Corn53's profile
Dear Reader, Thank you for enjoying a vicarious adventure with me. If you enjoyed the story, please send me a note. Also, please share any fantasies, memories, suggestions, etc. It's how I get material for new stories. And of course, there is no way for me to verify if something actually happened or if it is pure fantasy. I'm not seeking any themes that involve violence, although mild coercion may be OK, as the naive, curious, protagonist progresses through her adventure. I'm not advocating doing any of these things with minors, although role play with consenting adults could be fun. The reason that many of my fantasy stories involve younger characters is that they are so curious about their own, budding sexuality, and they are easily seduced with compliments or 'stuff,' that is promised to them. The character is led through little steps and soon gets into very compromising situations.
Preteen Tammy's Gets A Tutor Befor The Striptease Contest [ M,F/g, anal, finger, photo, contest, spank, ws, toys, mast ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Danny_D's profile
Fiction may show what is filth, wrong and disgusting. As long as it stays a fantasy, you may enjoy perversity nevertheless. Condemn those that don't make the distinction between developing imagination and making wishes. Let's say, I admit I grave some things I would never wish to come true.
Piemeltjes En Gleufjes, Deel 3 [ lolita, Fgb, les, mag, D/s, humil, spank ]
Charlotte Op Jacht, Deel 1 [ f, slow, cheat, sad, solo ]
Gabbius Maximus:
Pretty Ugly, Part 1 [ F30, M23, f16, g11, g6 nosex, slow, intro, abuse ] Reviews
MD Lover:
Julie Pays Her Debt, Part 1 [ Fggm, pedo ] Reviews
Master Chris:
Automation [ spank, teen, nc, maching/mf, exhib, anal, humil ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Scout65's profile
I have a thing for boys in uniforms, particually short pants and knee socks type uniforms. If it embarasses them to be seen, so much the better.
The Scoutmaster, Part 2 [ M/m, m/m, m/b, nc, bd, rough ] Reviews
Simple Simon:
Katie And The Work Men [ MMMg, anal, oral, ped ] Reviews
Slow Quill:
[ profile ]
Slow Quill's profile
A new and slow writer hence the name. I hope the stories I am working on will engage the audience using character development and woven plot lines. After enjoying the work of others for some time, I decided to throw my hat in the ring, maybe with some constructive critique it could be possible to produce a half indecent story.
A New Model Is Discovered, Part 32 [ g, fm, rom, fant, exhib, slow ] Reviews
A New Model Is Discovered, Part 33 [ g, fm, rom, fant, exhib, slow ] Reviews
A New Model Is Discovered, Part 34 [ g, fm, rom, fant, exhib, slow, prost, fetish ] Reviews
Tara (2):
My Thirteenth Birthday [ Mf, g, pedo, inc, fath/dau ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Ventor's profile
lover of writing
Summer Fun, Part 2 [ mult, cons, teen ] Reviews
[ profile ]
englishperv's profile
I am a 44yo middle class guy and a 95% hetero kiddie-lover, which means I mostly like girls but have a little streak of boy-curiosity in me. This is reflected in my writing, which features mostly male-on-female sex, but may include some male-male 'diversions' from time to time.
I call myself kiddie-lover because I hesitate to use the word 'pedophile' as too many dumb-asses out there immediately think that means somebody 'active'. I, however, am a writer because this is the domain where a love/lust of under-18 can be lived out in harmless fantasy. To this end, I try to achieve a satisfying realism in my stories. I like to explore all degrees of pedophilia from loving to coaxing to coercian to outright force, but in moderation.
A Tale Of Two Little Girls' Sex-Lives [ MMg, pedo, rape, anal ] Reviews
Little Slave Girl Hannah [ MMMg, pedo, humil, bj, anal ] Reviews
A Little Flower Called Camelia [ Mg, pedo, pett, voy ]
In Der Abgeschiedenheit Eines Dorfes, Teil 2 [ Mf(13), Ff, nc, rape, forced, toy ] Reviews
A Purvversion:
An Incestuous Episode: a Pleasant Memory [ Mf, inc, fath/dau ] Reviews
An Incestuous Episode: Eating Candy [ Mf, lolita, inc, unc/niece, oral, mast ] Reviews
An Incestuous Episode: Happy Father's Day [ Mf, cons, inc, fath/dau, preg ] Reviews
An Incestuous Episode: Satisfying Daddy [ Mf, inc, fath/dau, oral ] Reviews
An Incestuous Episode: Seeking Solace [ Mf, pedo, inc, fath/dau ] Reviews
An Incestuous Episode: Tessa and Her Dad [ Mf, inc, fath/dau ] Reviews
Amy and Larry:
The Physicals [ Mf+, teen ] Reviews
Austin Dobson:
[ profile ]
Austin Dobson's profile
English poet and essayist. His official career was uneventful, but as a poet and biographer he was distinguished. Those who study his work are struck by its maturity.
To A Greek Girl [ poem ]
Gabbius Maximus:
Pretty Ugly, Part 2 [ Mf, slow, pett ] Reviews
Master Taz:
Anna's Birthday [ ped, bdsm ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Noodle2501's profile
I'm a writer who enjoys detail and all things sexual in stories. The imagination is a free world, to do in it what I please. I am new to this site but not to the craft. thanks in advance for reading.
Spider Blossm, Part 1 [ Mg(8,7,6), Mb(9), MF, oral, anal, cult ] Reviews
Never Let Me Go [ Mg, rom, fant ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Otakuman's profile
Some stories may possibly contain some sci-fi or fantasy elements, although that isn't guaranteed. I have written a couple of furry stories, but most of my stories will involve humans only.
Most of my works are written to be a good story first (hopefully), and an erotic story second, as opposed to a couple of paragraphs designed for a quick wank.
NOTE: My stories only have 'consensual sex', inasmuch as a fictional minor can give consent. The sex usually includes elements of love, instead of just cheap thrills with strangers.
Pedophile Grooming Club, Part 6 [ Mg, g-solo, cons, loli ] Reviews
Pedophile Grooming Club, Part 7 [ Mg, gg, cons, loli, oral, inc ]
Pedophile Grooming Club, Part 8 [ Mg, Fg-solo, cons, oral, anal, loli, inc ] Reviews
Pedophile Grooming Club, Part 9 [ mF, cons, inc, mom/son, oral ] Reviews
Vruća Razmena, Deo 2
Xantha [ inc, scfi, g-solo, gg, Mg, oral, Fg ]
Stephen Dobyn:
[ profile ]
Stephen Dobyn's profile
Stephen Dobyns was born in Orange, New Jersey. He graduated from Wayne State University and has an MFA from the University of Iowa. Dobyns has published ten books of poetry and twenty novels.
White Thighs [ poem ] Reviews
Tara (2):
Seduction of a Stepfather [ Mf, inc, fath/dau ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Ventor's profile
lover of writing
The Curio Shop, Part 1 [ Mg, Mf, cons, pedo, voy ] Reviews
[ profile ]
englishperv's profile
I am a 44yo middle class guy and a 95% hetero kiddie-lover, which means I mostly like girls but have a little streak of boy-curiosity in me. This is reflected in my writing, which features mostly male-on-female sex, but may include some male-male 'diversions' from time to time.
I call myself kiddie-lover because I hesitate to use the word 'pedophile' as too many dumb-asses out there immediately think that means somebody 'active'. I, however, am a writer because this is the domain where a love/lust of under-18 can be lived out in harmless fantasy. To this end, I try to achieve a satisfying realism in my stories. I like to explore all degrees of pedophilia from loving to coaxing to coercian to outright force, but in moderation.
Decisions In The Pedo Ring [ pedo ] Reviews