Published: 4-Sep-2012
Word Count:
It has been two weeks now since I've entered the society and in that short period of time I have bared witness to things of unspeakable nature. I have participated in horrors that no one should do or even see. 'Poor little girls and boys', I constantly thought to myself. Before I was granted access to the society I had to have my background investigated of which was squeaky clean. I also had to undergo a series of tests to gauge my level of interest in the sexuality of children. Those test were especially challenging.
The first week I was set down in a room closed off to the rest of the compound in which I was being held. I was in some undisclosed location and maid to watch tons of child pornography. The images that played on the 27-inch screen were terrible but I had to remain in character, stay believable. I masturbated twice to the thought of my ex-wife and I making love while making it seem as though those disgusting images were turning me on. Madam widow or Kaitlyn Wells as she's officially known, is the mother of the web, the queen or the spider. She personally over sees the induction of every member and I was no exception. They also forced me to watch live sexual acts that involved children and adults; no prerecorded stuff, no 27 inch, it was surreal. Madam widow periodically checked my level of interest by softly grabbing my manhood through the white cloak I was given to wear. The erections I tented the cloak with were from more wholesome thoughts of woman and man, not what I witnessed in that place. The Spider was none-the-wiser. I had to wear that faded, disgusting garment along with a mask during the entire induction of which lasted three weeks. Each night things got progressively weird and even more psychologically taxing.
The first week was the background and all the audiovisual propaganda or porn. The second week was a bit more hands on, literally. I had to touch but not indulge in the nakedness of three girls and two boys. It was pretty much like a sexual anatomy class. There was even a strange "doctor", so to speak, who explained in very medical terms, just how to make a child experience an orgasm. Doctor 'O' is what the society called him. He was stiff and sort of stood out amongst the multitude of the other loose moral members. The doc seemed to take his position extremely serious though. There were demonstrations and the practical exercises that required me putting to use what I was taught.
They're skin, so soft to the touch; it was one of the first times I was mildly turned on. I was still determined on my goals to make them believers in my wanting to be there, so I had play the part. Doctor 'O' watch thoroughly as I attempted and surprisingly succeeded in making each one of those kids climax. Each child required a unique technique to get them off but the end goal was paramount; make them cum without genital sex.
Little Wendy, aka Rose, the baby of the group was only 4-years-old. She was the first of the children who seemed very eager, if not the most eager to be a test subject during the class. The little flower was forever burned into my memory, her smile and how bubbly she was. I recall vividly how her small body trembled with pleasure each time I touched her using the doctor's instructions. 'Start at the head, adults tend to generate comforting emotions in children by stroking their hair. Then gently grasp the sides of their faces and kiss them on the cheek and then the lips'. The Docs words were a guide for my actions but the way I began to feel was unjustified. Little Wendy melted like butter when our lips met. It was evident that she was very much so into what was happening of which eased my tension, slightly.
I pulled back from her and for the first time became aware of her beauty. Aware of her cute chubby cheeks, the cutest grey eyes. Big and round like the beauty of swirling storm clouds, a force of nature. Her lips were pink, perfect, and soft. Her pale freckled skin was like pillows to the touch and her golden blond hair shimmered in the florescent light as it cascaded down her small back. Her whole body was blushing at the fact that my eyes were taking in the entirety of her nakedness. I drank in every inch, from her cute tiny nipples to the puffy mound that had been deliciously parted by nature.
I shook my head in attempts to shake off the growing infatuation but my efforts were fruitless. I was deeply caught in the web of the tiny, sexual being that stood before me; of whom anxiously awaiting my next move. My mind was no longer in control, my body came to life and my hands began to meticulously survey Wendy's little frame. She began to purr like a kitten, her eyes closed, lips parted while breathing heavily. I planted another kiss on her lips but this time it was unscripted. It lingered and my tongue scoured her mouth, making contact with hers as my hands continue to caress her entire body.
By that time I was kneeling on the cold floor beneath us. Her bare feet had been taken off of the ground, her small body wrapped completely in my hugging embrace. I was passionately kissing her and deeply enjoying the feel of her bottom in the palm of one had with her back in the other. I hadn't adhered to the rule of 'not indulging'; I was far-gone. Wendy was moaning through the kissing and her body was shuddering. Then she wiggled her arms free, threw them around my neck and squeezed tightly. "I'm Cumming," she whispered in my ear. Something I never thought I'd here a 4-year-old moan but it was nonetheless a symphony to my ears.
I followed her, with stream after explosive stream of cum, completely soaking the crotch of the white cloak causing it to stick to Wendy's thighs and my stomach as I kept her snugly trapped in my arms. After a few bliss filled moments I came back to reality and looked down at the child who had then fallen asleep. I became aware of the pain in my knees and slowly stood up to help the blood return to them while cradling Wendy. I must have been really taken away in the moment because I didn't notice that the doctor had left the small office we were in.
I placed Wendy down quietly on the bed that was in the room and tried to exit but wasn't able to. The Doctor had locked the door from the outside. For the rest of the evening I stayed near the door opposite to where Wendy slept soundly and slipped into my own slumber on the cold floor. I couldn't bring myself to getting into bed with little Wendy, that poor Rose. Surprisingly the floor was comfortable and I slept pretty well.
The following morning I awoke to an empty room, no bed, desk, examination table, or Wendy. I must have slept like a log. It was sort of comforting though, being alone again. There was a silver platter of breakfast on the floor next to me. It contained an egg white-omelet (ham and cheese), hash browns, turkey sausage and a small glass of orange juice. After I devoured the breakfast I notice a letter underneath one of the plates. It read 'this will be your quarters for the duration of your induction, be patient'. I was confused to say the least but accepted it; I hadn't a choice. Over the next 24 hours the room was repopulated with furniture and I had to complete the rest of the hands-on exercises with the other children.
By the end of the second week my world had been completely turned upside down. I was in complete sexual shock, traumatized if you will. Peter, the dandy lion, 9 years old; another memory burned into my psyche. Much of those moments with the little boy were a blur but it sort of ended the same as with Wendy, minus a few details. What I could recall, was being in a sexual haze again, with two fingers buried to the third knuckle in his bottom while he pumped his hips into my face nearly breaking the mask with each thrust.
Peter was a bit more experienced and took more finesse to crack. A blowjob was the only thing that would get him off. I wasn't experienced in giving one but I did remember things I did at scout camp when I was a child that prepared me for the occasion. So there I was, child cock-in-mouth, him shooting a surprisingly copious amount of cum down my throat and I soaking the already stained cloak again. I hate to admit it but I swallowed every drop, willingly. Although it was damaging to my mental state to do such a thing, it was somewhat nostalgic being on my knees pleasing a boy again.
I was once again brought back to my senses at the end of it all and felt as though I would burn in hell for sure for what had taken place. All I had to look forward to was the third week of which would proved to be even more psychotic I imagined.
The third week began with a ritual that was peculiar but had a deep meaning or so I was told. Members were only inducted on a full moon because of the secret flowers that only blossomed under moon light and die at dawn; a rarity, like the society itself. My restraint was tested before the ceremony took place. The Spider and I were in the massive hall that housed a stage and studio lighting. I had to recite an oath verbatim without moaning or Cumming while a young girl who appeared to be 8-years-old performed oral sex on me. I hadn't had my cock mouthed by a woman ever, let alone a child. A blowjob was something the wife absolutely refused to do. Fellatio was something I used to view as demeaning to woman. My views have since changed. What was troubling was how well the child performed the task. I stutter a bit but eventually got through the test. It took every fiber in my being to not cum loads down that child's throat and even more fibers to remain focused on the my goals.
Up until that point no other law enforcement agency had come remotely close to bringing the society to justice but I had. Where they failed and fell to temptation I would succeed and tear the carpet from under their feet, at least I thought. Although I enjoyed the pleasure I received it didn't deter me from my ultimate goal. During week three I witnessed the sex rite of passage of a beautiful young girl named Jennifer Swanson but was later given the name Lilly after her induction.
According to the society all girls and boys are flowers and the madam was the protective spider. The men and woman of the society were the trees or the clouds. Trees being males and females were the clouds. Trees spread their seed, pollen or cum and the clouds rain they're nourishing waters or piss onto the flowers. No matter how symbolic it was it remained disgusting.
Lilly's rite began with her cloak, a light green one, being torn from her frail frame, that of a five or six year old child. Her kitten mask removed and her beauty revealed to all. The room was cool that night and Lilly's body expressed it with goose pimples and tiny extended nipples. A look of anticipation was heavy upon the child's face as she stood there staring into a crowd of onlookers. A tall, slender man approached completely nude from the waist down. He wore only a mask and a black hooded cloak. A teenage female who wore a silk white cloak was holding the lower portion of the masked figures cloak. She also wore a crown of rose stems around her head. The teen girl was breathtakingly beautiful but I had to focus on the induction of Jennifer.
The small child continued to look forward as the mask figure approached her. The man gazed down upon the girl and spoke in a dark tone "do you wish to blossom my child?" without thinking twice, she responded "yes, I wish to be pollinated from the tree of life" the masked man rose his hand as an offering "then receive the seeds as the wind blows"
At that very moment drums began to beat and flutes and violins sang as girls of all ages clothed in bluish white dresses that hung to the ground, took to the stage. This is when I first recognize the beauty of the hall we were in. 100 foot high ceiling covered in perverse art works and chandeliers cascading down from them. I was taken back by the sounds echoing throughout the hall, the symphony of music, singing, and sex that graced the atmosphere. I was completely and utterly turned on; it was impossible not to be. I marveled at the large curtains that covered the stain class windows. Then it dawned on me, we were in an old cathedral.
Shocked at the revelation but nonetheless turned on, my attention was diverted back to the stage where Jennifer was down on her knees expertly sucking the masked figure's erected penis; the teenage girl had gone by that time. A normal person would expect a 6-year-old to be sloppy and use her teeth but like a woman of the night who has made a living doing the JOB, Jennifer put her horned skills to great use. The slurping sound that was emanating from the act was surprisingly audible over the tantric music. The moaning was quit noticeable as well but it wasn't coming from the tall fellow, it was coming from the child. Little Jennifer had been groomed for that very day, seemingly from birth. She was enjoying giving pleasure more than the man enjoyed receiving it. Both of her small impish hands worked his shaft in rhythm with her head motions, all of which were synchronized to the music. It was truly a site to behold.
Everything became a blur at that moment; I was completely intoxicated with intrigue and couldn't take my eyes away no matter what my morals. Moments later, after nearly making the masked figure cum, the little girl had been bent over what appeared to be a large, square pillow. She was slowly penetrated from behind by the masked figure. From where I was standing I couldn't tell what hole he was in but by the low position of his penis I surmised that he was in her tiny pussy. Jennifer's head flung back violently as tears raced from her eyes. Her small fingers griped the sides of the object as the masked man held her waist tightly forcing her onto his shaft, impaling the little child. She didn't say stop, not once. She didn't even gesture in a manor that would express her wanting to stop. She just bit down on her bottom lip and braced herself; wanting seemingly, needing to get the man's huge cock in her small body. He inched forward ever-so silently but it was absolute torment for the child. Everyone just stood there and watch as she screamed out in agony.
My fists clenched and teeth gritted. I wanted to tear the guy's head off and someone next to me noticed. "Relax, she is very experience, she isn't hurt too badly". The woman that was to my right grabbed my hand, yanked it and placed it on her cloaked breast. "If you are to become a tree you must do the same to girls and boys alike, this is our way, the only way" she continued softly with my undivided attention "the spider believes you are worthy, don't prove her wrong. The age of six is time for pollination or deflowering. A time in a child's life that is critical to their sexual development. They all go through it with the consent of their parents and of course theirs. Some choose to wait until 8 or 9 but this is the ripest age if they wish to become flowers, its for the future. Continue watching, you'll see, she'll be fine".
I swallowed the huge ball in my throat as she let my hand fall back to my side and I realized that I came very close to blowing my cover. I wasn't sure what all that mumbo-jumbo was about the future and ripe ages. All I knew was that the poor girl was being torn in haft, and everyone watched without concern for the child. As hard as it was, I continued to watch in silence.
After a few moments of easing his meat into the 6-year-olds pussy, the guy's dick was haft way in. Jennifer's tears stop and her breathing softened. Her body loosened and a small smile grew upon her face. The lady stand next to me, who's left breast I had recently palmed, leaned towards me a whispered "told you so". It was unbelievable, little Jennifer had soon become accustom the tight fit of the enormous cock in her pussy. She began to slowly wiggle her hips, thrusting them backward and seductively look back over her shoulder to let the masked man know that she was ready for him to join in.
This signaled the girls who circled the pear on the stage to sing in unison a chant of unknown origin and they began to dance as the sexual act intensified. According to the lore of the society the dancing girls symbolized the blowing wind that carries the pollen from plant to plant. Jennifer was experiencing a euphoric pleasure. She began to moan aloud as the man's cock sank the rest of the way into her body. This time his head flung back in pleasure when her small bottom and his pelvis toughed. Jennifer thrashed about wildly as the mask man hammered at her small opening creating a load smacking sound that was in tune with the music, dancing, and singing each time her small ass and his pelvis collided.
The instruments tone deepened as the sex became more violent and soon two screams filled the hall as Jennifer and the mask man climaxed at the same moment. I nearly came along with them, watching in disbelief. Silence fell upon the hall and I notice the crowd beginning to part in even rows making way for a dark figure that slowly walked into the light. It was the Spider and the inner rows bowed as the she passed them on her way to the stage. Her hips swaying from side to side, hypnotizing me as I watched. She was completely nude minus the shimmering necklace that dangled gracefully between her still semi-saggy but gorgeous breast. It jingled with every step she took. At the age of 55 she remained youthful and sexy, I was surprisingly attracted to her. There was something about her maturity that interested me. The Spider wore no mask, for all who were within those walls that evening, were in her pockets, including myself. She slowly approached the couple on the stage.
The masked figure, the child, they were completely spent. The masked man's cock fell sloppily from the child's gaping womb and a large amount of cum followed, pooling on the floor beneath her as he stagger to his feet. He silently and slowly backed away from the child, disappearing into the crowd. Jennifer was panting with tears in her eyes and a smile on her face as she lied, slumped over the square pillow. Madam Spider kneeled in front of her and gently stroked the child's hair.
"Welcome to the garden my flower, you will spread throughout the world and share your Beauty with the trees and I shall provide protection, my knowledge will set you free."
At that very moment everyone in the hall kneeled, so I followed along but kept my eyes on the stage. The spider scooped the child into her arms and spoke, "Tonight we start a new, Jennifer is no more this flower is Lilly, so says the garden of the goddess and the spider of the web in this, the spider's blossom".
Everyone bowed they're heads seemingly in prayer and shock came over me once more. These people worshiped the spider as though she were a goddess. She spoke again "rise and pay tribute to this new flower, may our waters purify her to aid in her growth". The spider placed the girl down, back onto the stage and stood over her. Squatting the spider began urinating all over the girl. Lilly embraced the shower with seductive gyrations and smeared the urine all over her body.
"Trees pollinate, so shall the skies water the flowers. Until the last grain of sand falls, Lilly shall bare the seed in solitude and when the next moon comes her transformation will be complete". For those not in the know, what madam spider was saying is that Jennifer or Lilly must keep the massive amount of cum that was just deposited into her, within her until tomorrow night, the next moon. The spider will check and if the cum has been absorbed into the girls body she'll become a flower, so to speak. Madam widow picked the child up from the stage once more and disappeared into the crowed. I didn't sleep much that night and I didn't have enough lotion in my quarters to properly relive what I had witnessed.
The following night I saw Jennifer in the hall while speaking with the spider. She seemed very elated to have earned her new title, Lilly. She danced around singing to herself not noticing the spider and I watching.
"You know what you will be tomorrow and what you must do, inspector I don't feel I should need to remind you but here I go. If you reveal the knowledge of this society to outsiders the consequences will be dyer. You will no longer exist. May I ask you why you are here, why are you perverted and why do children turn you on?"
There was long moment of silence between her questions and my answers. I thought of saying some witty about the child's relation to the youth of the world that we must become one with but I ultimately decided to go with the truth "I don't know" I said. After I told her I realized that I had been in denial for sometime now. I, in fact was very infatuated by the soft bodies of prepubescent girls but I didn't know why. It was something that I wanted to remain a fantasy. Touching them, smelling them, licking them, fucking them. Unfortunately that fantasy had to become true if I were become part of the society and get closer to the blossoms madam.
The spider leaned her head towards me and softly whispered into my ear, "You are the only person that ever spoke the truth. Why are we so drawn to little boys and girls, robbing them of their innocence"?
A smirk grew upon her face, "No one knows why, we just are and children are sexual creatures but they must be taught what's what, the ways of the world and that's where I come in". She continued and I listened in shock. "Do you know how much one of my flowers goes for, for a single night, five hundred dollars and that rate goes up depending on his or hers unique abilities".
I was amazed, five hundred dollars was what I made in a month. This place must take on some pretty important clientele.
"More important than the money we earn is the information I know and I take good notes. Senators, judges, police chiefs, congress men, teachers, preachers, nuns, men and women alike all flock to these doors when the sun goes down and the good wholesome folk go to bed under the eyes of a nonexistent god".
She raised her arms gesturing for me to look at our surroundings. "This is the truth, reality. The oldest profession known to man, who am I to fuck with tradition.
I melted into her and became a slave to her every word. I knew at that moment that I had descended a bit deep into the abyss. There was still a way out but the light was dimming and the line between morality and pleasure was becoming invisible.
That night the spider and I became one. She took me into her chambers and made me a true believer. Her attractive body wasn't just for show, she used it in ways I didn't think we're possible for a woman of her age. There weren't words yet added to the English language that would begin to describe her sexual prowess. She swallowed all eight inches of my cock and forced me to cum down her throat by constricting the muscles in her neck. Her pussy and ass took my loads as well that night. Contracting her inner walls to drain the life from my very being through my dick. I didn't even know I was able to cum as much as I did that night. Drained, I fell fast asleep only to awaken in my hotel room in the down town plaza.
It wasn't a dream and that was what haunted me most. With the day brought the truth of the night and there were many, many more nights to come.
Sex writer
that is a true explanation for a lot that goes on in this world and is an explanation that should be used more often. Politicians who fuck us over time and time again for what reason?
it is more than greed - I think it becomes a habit and they simple don't know why - enjoyable writing
And as I can see from the prior comments, I'm not the only one who'll be waiting with bated breath. MASTURbated breath! ;-)
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