The Curio Shop, Part 1

[ Mg, Mf, cons, pedo, voy ]

by Ventor


Published: 4-Sep-2012

Word Count:

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

My name is Steve and I own a curio shop down town in Lower West Falls. It was originally a warehouse for a company that built shelving many years ago. But, when the prefab and DIY models started appearing in department stores, there wasn't any need for such fine, elaborate woodwork anymore. When the tenants left, they also left behind several shelves in great condition. When I found the place, I instantly knew it'd be perfect for my shop. The only thing was that whoever was here last, had the place set up like a labyrinth. I considered moving the shelves into a more shopper friendly configuration, but they were too heavy. I called around to see how much it would cost to have them moved and that's when I decided it might be a fun way to sell my wares.

First thing I'd do was map out the store and have it posted everywhere so customers could find what they wanted . . . and not get lost. Don't laugh. One of my first days here I was stuck in a spot near the rear corner, or so I found out, and had to climb out a window. One day, I was up on the second floor landing, a balcony really, which went around the whole store, I noticed that I could see the layout better and was able to see where I made my error. I went back down and found the spot. One of the shelves was actually hinged to another set and the floor was slightly graded. When I walked through, the shelf unit closed quietly behind me and I never heard it. When I turned to go back it was as if there was a wall there and it became somewhat confusing. I had thoughts of what I could do with such a space. Storage perhaps or a personal area, maybe where I could put a cot on nights I worked after the store closed. An office might be nice, I mused. With the window, it would be a nice location to work. Then, my mind came up with a better plan yet and that's when I decided it might be a good place to spy on the kiddies. They'd most certainly come down here if I made it worth their while. I could put toys and such on these shelves and watch them play. I was getting a hard on just thinking about it.

It took several months to get my shop into shape for opening day. But it was spring now and it seemed like a good time to open.

The crowds poured in and people bought stuff all day. I had to hire a couple cashiers so that I could inventory and order and do other administrative things. I never took into account how much there'd be to do. I figured I would stand behind the counter and ring up orders all day, but was I ever wrong.

Stephanie worked after school and was a huge help. Cindy was a little older and just out of school and worked some mornings and some nights. Both were a big help to me and I appreciated them totally.

A few weeks after opening, a little girl walked in and asked where the toys were. I told her to follow this row down and take a right and then a left and a right again. But, not to worry I had little maps like in the mall that told you where you were placed all around the store, except for down near the toy section, which I neglected to mention.

She skipped down the way and seemed to have no problem locating her desired area.

"Steph, I'm going to check some stock, I told her.

"Sure Steve," she said without looking up from her magazine.

I made my way down to the section I knew the little girl would be in and noticed that the shelf hadn't closed. I realized then that she was only about nine years old and wasn't heavy enough to make that happen. That turned out to be a good thing. This way when I entered, it would close. There were also many toys just outside this area and someone might mistake them for all we had, therefore never knowing about this area in here.

I asked the little girl if she found anything she liked as I stepped between the shelves. She was looking at items on the far wall and the shelving closed behind me without her noticing.

"I like this," she said, holding up a red water rocket.

"Ah, yes. I used to have one of those when I was a kid," I mused. "Say, where's you mom?"

"Oh she's next door getting her hair done. I got bored and snuck over here," she began. "She takes forever getting her hair colored and cut. And they talk after that."

"Oh, I see," I said. "So you like the rocket?"

"Yeah, it's shaped like a thingy," she said caressing it.

"A thingy?" I chuckled. "What's that?"

She pointed at the front of my pants and said, "That!"

"Oh, well of course," I stammered never expecting to hear this from such a young person.

"Is yours shaped like this?" she asked.

I told her it was sort of but not exactly. She asked if she could see it and at first I was so flustered that I didn't know how to respond. I had set up this area for seedy enough reasons but now it was sort of backfiring on me. I placed some hidden cameras so I could get a live feed on my computer tablet. But here was this little one taunting me in the flesh.

"So, how much longer will your mommy be getting her hair done?" I queried.

"Oh, she'll be in there for a while, trust me," she said almost with indignation in her voice.

"Ok, well . . . um you won't tell her will you?" I pursued further.

She looked at me shocked. "Are you kidding?"

"No." I said, becoming as serious as I thought necessary to get my point across. I'm sure she had an idea what kind of trouble she'd get in. But she couldn't imagine what I could end up getting for a punishment.

"My uncle John touched me. I let him. But mommy and daddy caught him and told the police," she recounted. "They thought he was doing something wrong and he went to jail. I didn't tell, but I know it's not right."

"So you won't tell on me then, right?" I drove the question that meant the most home.

"I won't tell. I'm not a two year old you know," now with definite indignation in her voice.

"Ok," I said, unzipping the fly to my jeans and pulling them down just below my crotch. I never wear underwear so my dick just sort of flopped out half erect.

She opened her eyes wider and stared at it. "That's big!" she said in excitement. "Can I touch it?"

I figured we'd gone this far I might as well let her. She walked over and put her little hand on it, petting it like a pet snake.

"Do you like how it feels?" I asked.

She nodded and cocked her head when she saw the dribble of clear semen pop out of the head.

"What's that?" she asked inquisitively.

"Oh, that's just what happens to a man when he gets excited," I replied. I swiped the drop off on the end of my finger and held it out to her. She looked at it closely and then looked up at me.

"What does it taste like?" she asked. "I saw my older sister put one of these in her mouth once when I was hiding in her closet spying on her and her boyfriend. When he was done making noises I saw some white stuff on her mouth and she licked it off."

"Why don't you see for yourself?" I responded. "If your sister liked it you might too!"

She thought this over and agreed. I held my finger to her mouth and she sucked the drop off. A little smile played around her mouth and she asked, "Is there more?"

"Well, we'll have to work at it, ok?" I told her.

"Ok, what do we have to do?" she asked, obviously ready to make more of the liquid appear.

"You stand right there in front of me and hold your mouth open," I instructed. I stood there stroking my member while she watched. "Now, there's going to be a lot more than just a drop ok? So, I'm gonna spray it in your mouth and you taste only as much as you want, deal?"

Again, she nodded not taking her eyes off my cock. I brought it right to her lips and told her to stick her tongue out. As she did this I blew my load into her little opening and she started swallowing it. There was a little more than she could handle and some went down the front of her chin. I wiped it away swiftly so it didn't get on her clothes and held my finger out for her to clean off. She was quite taken with what she received and asked for more.

"Sorry, honey. But, it'll take a few minutes for me to be ready. Let's make a plan ok?" I was scheming now. "How often does your mother get her hair done?"

"Every other week," she said rolling her eyes.

"Well, then you just come over here as soon as you can and we'll get you some more of that. What do you think?" I asked hoping that this idea appealed to her.

"I guess. But I liked it," she said seeming somewhat dissatisfied.

"I know. Maybe I can do something for you, though. You know, girls get to feel good, too?" I posed knowing she'd take the bait.

"What do you mean?" she asked. "I don't have a thingy."

"Oh, but you do," I replied. "It's just different than a boy's. Pull your pants down"

She looked at me questioningly. "I showed you mine," saying it indignantly to mime her previous attitude. She cocked her eye up at me suspiciously.

"Alright, but I don't see how this is gonna be good," she said while removing her pants.

She stood there in her panties looked at the floor. I kneeled down and brought her chin up so she would be looking at me. "Trust me?" I asked.

She nodded and I took the knuckle of my index finger and brushed the protrusion of puffy lips outside her underwear. She gasped. I slid a finger inside the leg and touched her little pussy. She pulled her panties down now realizing that something good indeed was happening here. She stepped out of them and stood there with her legs spread wide. I placed a finger on her slit and pried it open. It was growing wet in there and she was emitting soft moans. I found her nearly developed clit and rubbed it. She swayed and I thought she might fall so I steadied her with my other hand.

But, it was getting too much for her and her knees weakened. I drew her over to a chair in the corner and had her sit in my lap. My pants were still half off. I pushed them all the way to my ankles so we could be comfortable and resumed playing with her pussy. While I did this my cock started growing hard again. She noticed this and a smile came to her face.

"It's getting big again! Can we make squirt?" she asked.

"I'm sure we can. But let's finish with you ok?" I replied.

At this point my cock started creeping up between her legs and soon was grazing her thighs near her warm spot. I stopped using my finger and slid the length of my shaft between her lips. I told her to move on it while I pressed my hand against the other side. We both made noises of delight and she started shivering in my lap. I knew she was gonna cum, or whatever nine year olds are capable of. She bucked and nearly slid off.

"Wow!" she exclaimed. "That felt really good."

"Are you ready for more of my stuff," I asked her.

"Yes!" she said and got off my lap. She bent over while I stroked it and told her to get ready. Then I thought, what the hell, and brought her head right over it and told her to put her mouth on it. She craned her head and looked at me as if to say, seriously. I nodded and she did as I asked. She had no skill but just the feeling of her soft wet young mouth was enough. I braced her by the back of the head and asked if she was ready. Knowing full well what to expect I plunged myself into her mouth and let the cream flow. She gagged a couple times, but I wouldn't let go. I drove my stiff member into her throat and this caused her to throw up a little. But she wasn't giving up. I gave her all of my warm liquid and for the most part there was not a trace of it outside her mouth.

"I thought I was gonna choke," she said wiping the corners of her mouth. "I got a little throw up on you, though."

"Don't worry about it honey," I spoke slightly out of breath. "By the way, what's your name?"

"Amy," she said.

"I'm Steve," I replied and she gave me a hug.

"What's that for?" I asked.

"That's for being my friend," she replied.

I smiled at her and then realized that some time had passed. "We'd better get dressed. I think I hear some customers milling about."

We got our clothes on and I lead her part the way back, but let her go on her own from there. I feigned doing some inventory and then returned to the counter. The other customers must have been off in another part of the store. I approached Stephanie and asked, "How's business?"

She was looking down at the counter, not at a magazine though. I recognized the lighted screen immediately as my tablet and realized that she was looking at the live feed. That was it, my goose was cooked.

"I can explain," I started. She looked up at me with an expression I couldn't quite read. It either said, I'm calling 911 or something else that wasn't as clear.

She put her hand on my arm and stared into my face and whispered in a serious tone, "I want some of that."

"Some of what?" I asked, not knowing which part of what she saw she was referring to.

"Some of what you two were doing back there," she responded, tightening her grip on my arm. "I got soaking wet watching." She stood back from the counter and I could see the spot on the front of her jeans. "When will she be back?"

There was no audio feed on the camera back there so she hadn't heard that part. "She'll be in every other week. At least that's what she said. She's only nine, so I don't know how credible that is. But, I'm hoping . . ." I said trailing off. "Maybe we can do something about your predicament, though."

We chanced it and left the register unattended. We practically ran back to the special area and stripped off our clothes. I was about to bend her over and stick my cock in her pussy when she said, "Uh uh, I'm tasting that little cunt on your cock before you fuck me."

Who was I to argue? She got to her knees and licked me, savoring every flavor of Amy's pussy juices. When she was satisfied, she stood and turned around, bent over and received my member gladly. We both came and quickly got dressed. After all, we had a store to run.

When we returned to the front, a lady was waiting at the counter. She had a package in her hand that I recognized immediately. There was an expression on her face that concerned me though; more than that of a curious customer.

"Hello," I said welcoming her to my store, "can I help you?"

She held out the package and said, "My daughter said you gave this to her?"

I hadn't actually given it to her. She must have just picked it up on the way out and I hadn't noticed. But I realized what might be happening here so I told the woman that I had, indeed given it to her daughter.

"Why would you give something away?" she asked with an air of someone interrogating a suspect.

"Ah . . . she just seemed so sweet. I couldn't help it," I lied.

"Well thank you just the same, but I'd prefer her not to have something that I might find lodged somewhere later that would require explanation, if you understand my meaning," she said pointing down at the tablet that was still on the counter showing anyone who might look, the secrets of my shop. I moved Stephanie's magazine over it and cleared my throat. I didn't know what to say. She hadn't seen my adventure with her daughter because Stephanie had been witness to that. But, she seemed like an awfully smart woman.

"Um . . . yeah. I guess not," I said looking for the right words, knowing there were none.

"She said you told her she could come in here and play while I was getting my hair done. Is this true?" she asked

"Yes." Simple, flat answer, requiring no explanation I hoped.

She looked me up and down and then at my assistant. She said to Stephanie, "You, my dear have a very nice ass." And to me, "You equally have something nice. Knowing my daughter, she probably enticed you with her own wonders. Am I right Mr.?" she asked hinting for my last name.

"Just call me Steve," I responded, now not sure what she was getting around to until she dropped the bomb.

"Amy's uncle is in jail because he tried to do things to her. She's only nine and he was going to fuck her. She told him no and he wouldn't listen. We just happened to walk in after a movie one night when he was babysitting and found him almost succeeding in his endeavor," she explained.

Stephanie and I just stared at the woman as she told the story. When she finished I didn't know whether to apologize or tell her how much I was looking forward to my next meeting with the young girl. But, when she continued, I realized that it was the latter.

"All I ask is that you treat her nicely and don't, I repeat, do not take her virginity. If I find out that you've done anything she didn't approve of you will end up with uncle John. Am I clear?"

"Crystal," I replied.

"And you young lady? Can I assume you have some propriety as well?"

"Yes, ma'am," Stephanie spoke not sure this was really happening or not.

"Good day then," she said and waved. She turned and headed for the door. She paused for a moment, browsing the shelf just inside the exit, reached out and grabbed a glass paperweight roughly the shape of a submarine. She looked back and said, "Just what I needed." She placed the item in her purse and walked out.

I breathed out a huge sigh of relief as did Stephanie. I immediately turned off the feed and went back to remove the cameras. There was no need for them anymore and it wouldn't do if another mother wasn't exactly as kind as Amy's.

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Good story


Loved the story hope there are more adventures with Amy to come

Philip Spencer

Well-written. It piqued my interest; the little girl is unusually slutty for someone her age, yet she seems real.


This was a great story. It was also a nice way to have my morning wank


very well written, good plot: interesting twist.

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