Published: 4-Sep-2012
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Laelie sat in front of her vanity mirror, fixing herself up. With make up, and perfume, and jewelry, and hair products - all that pretty girl stuff. Stuff that smells good and looks pretty and guys can't ever understand. I still don't know how she fixes herself up so well; how she gets her hair so perfect, how she never has a trace of misplaced lipstick on her soft lips... I could NEVER do stuff like that. My whole life, I could never understand little girls. I could never understand how they could be so openly affectionate, how they could be so automatically feminine, how they could always make themselves so perfect and beautiful... I swear, little girls are born with the ability to make themselves look pretty. One of life's little mysteries, I suppose... I thought maybe I'd understand little girls more when I find my own girlfriend, but I was wrong, of course. Little girls are still mysterious, even if you live with them and tell them everything and they tell you everything, there's still this... little halo of mystery they always keep around them, this little knowing and confidence about something they always have but you never understand and certainly never have had... little girls are incredible. Really. They seem to know it all, but they never tell you. They just want you to know that they know something you don't, that they could handle any situation that could come up, and to keep you guessing about them the things you can never understand...
And Laelie... she was so different from other little girls. I mean, she had all those things that little girls had, but she was so LOVING and care-free and sweet... she fascinated me in so many ways. I'd love watching her talk to her friends, or draw a picture, or talk on the phone, or read, or play video games... she always had these expressions on her face that were so pure and true... She was only 12, but Laelie never tried to do anything but show what she really felt, which was the complete opposite of me my whole life... I was just so enthralled with how she could do that, and how she was so comfortable with that... and it wasn't just that that fascinated me about her, either. Just the way she did things, with those little hands and fingers of hers, with those big blue eyes that were always so happy and open... I loved to just watch her do things, just watch her be herself in her own element. She just... fascinated me so much...
I was just sitting on the bed and watching her. Watching her be so careful and serious as she kept her eyes on the mirror, her little delicate hands so knowing and precise as she applied her make-up with such skill and care... she was putting her eyeliner on - gentle and knowing so she could get it perfect - when she turned her head halfway to look at me. "Eric, are you getting ready?"
I was lying on my stomach, my head tilted up, my legs kicking back and forth in the air playfully, with my chin rested on the crossed arms that lay in front of me. I smiled. "I will."
"You will?'" She rolled her big green eyes and turned back to the mirror, putting the eyeliner back down and picking up a golden barrette. She didn't turn to me as she placed it carefully in her hair, adjusting it gently. "Eric, we're leaving in 15 minutes."
I smiled again. I was feeling so happy, and kind of silly at the same time... "I know."
She finished putting her matching barrette in, then applied her lipstick. Those little lips of hers... she managed to get them so perfect... those sweet little lips I loved to kiss, how could she get them so impeccably red?
"Do you need help?" she asked as she smacked them together gently.
"No," I answered simply, smiling again. I was being so dopey. I know I was. But I didn't care. I kept kicking my legs back and forth, letting them sway comfortably as I kept my eyes continuously on her.
She started to play with her hair, to fix it. She was leaving it in the odango - which I was very happy to see, because you don't know HOW much I adore those sweet little odango - but she did that pretty thing where she pulls out a few curls and lets them fall from behind her ear to brush a smooth pale cheek, or curl from behind her neck so it'd hang down and tickle her skin. At least, it looked like it tickled. If I had hair like that, it would tickle me.
She kept adjusting the golden curls, and kind of curling them around her finger to make them more springy, and patting and fixing the rest of her hair to make sure it looked right... she adjusted the odango and sprayed all of her hair quickly, afterwards fiddling with it again to make sure it was right. It was flawless, but she didn't look satisfied until she had checked it several times; she turned to me again as soon as she was done. God, she looked so PERFECT... like a china doll, with her face well-defined, and her little golden curls hanging down, and her lined eyes big and endlessly light... she saw how I was just staring at her, smiling like some dope, and she made a face. Kind of like she was... angry and annoyed at the same time... God, she looked just like an angry china doll...
"Eric! Come on! You GOTTA get ready!"
I just wanted to keep staring at that perfect little face, in that perfect little expression...
"I will," I said again with a smile. I felt like teasing her so she wouldn't lose that sweet little pout, with those big green eyes flashing with annoyance... that angry little girl...
Laelie humped and pushed her chair back. She was so petite... I just LOVED her so much...
"Eric, get up. We are NOT going to be late." She walked to the closet quickly, her little stockinged feet padding on the carpeting. She yanked the cord to the light on in the closet and started fishing through the hangers, her thin arms yanking them aside quickly to look at each of the outfits with her serious little face. The pretty dress she wore swished around her naked calves, with those petite stockinged feet on tip-toes so she could reach the high hangers better. She looked long at a tuxedo hanging.
"Eric, you wanna wear your tux? I don't think it's too formal..."
She wasn't even looking at me, her little feet on her tip-toes, her little perfect hanging curls bouncing as she moved... I smiled, slipping my socked feet to the floor and sliding behind her silently. I wrapped my arms around her petite waist, leaning over and kissing her smooth cheek. Her skin was so light and cool, and smelled so pretty... kissing her was like drinking a glass of sunshine...
She tightened in surprise, then tried to push me off.
"Er...Eric! C'mon! Quit it! We're gonna be late!"
I closed my eyes, kissing her temple. She was so soft... she made a noise of disgruntledness, grabbing my arms and breaking free of them. She turned to me angrily, those big green eyes full of fire.
"Eric! Come ON! If you don't get ready in time I'm leaving without you!"
I smiled again, tilting my head at her. She stomped her foot angrily, her eyes burning.
"Eric, will you QUIT IT?!" I love making her annoyed. She's so beautiful when she's mad. She turned back angrily to the closet, wrestling with the hanger of the tuxedo and pulling it out, shoving it at me with a frustrated annoyance to her features. "Here," she ordered. "You'll wear this. Now get DRESSED!"
I looked down at it. It was my black one. She had turned back to the closet and gotten to her knees, fishing through all the shoes on its floor before finally pulling out with a pair of black dress shoes and cramming them at me.
"Wear the shoes, put on your good socks, and... make yourself look good, OK? There are gonna be a lot of people we've never met before at this party and I DON'T want my boyfriend looking shabby."
I smiled. "Ok."
She made a face. "Don't EMBARRASS me tonight, Eric," she growled.
"Embarrass you, Laelie?" I batted my eyelashes at her innocently. Laelie rolled her eyes and gave me a little push.
"You are such a dork. Just put on the tux." She went back to the vanity mirror, sitting down and pulling out her eyeliner. I just stood and watched her a minute, with her little fingers holding the small brush, combing out those long, beautiful eyelashes... "Eric." She didn't even bother turning to me. "GET DRESSED."
I smiled at her little girl reflection in the mirror before dropping the shoes on the bed and putting on the tuxedo. I've done it enough times that it's not a problem, and a minute later I flung out my arms and smiled at her.
"See, Laelie? All done!"
She turned to me as she was putting her earrings in; she frowned, then got up and came over to me, stood on her tip toes fixed my jacket and brushed the dust off the shoulder. She always did stuff like that. She took my tie and started tying it quickly. I had to bow down so she could reach my neck, those thin hands yanking and tying briskly. She looked so serious, yet so small and innocent with her little red lips set tight, and her big eyes flat... she made my heart go fuzzy. I took the opportunity to slip my arms around her and pull her close, kissing her little cheek again. It felt like it had blush on it, and it smelled so soft and pretty...
"Eric!!" She pushed me angrily, her eyes flashing with vexation. "Will you STOP?! You are driving me CRAZY!!"
I smiled as she grabbed my tie again, mumbling angrily to herself as she finished with its loops and quickly adjusted it. My eyes shined happily as I looked down at her angry, muttering form, her curls jarring with her jerky, frustrated movements. God, this was FUN...
Laelie pushed a golden curl out of her face, looking out the window at her side. The streets were bright with street lamps and a few store lights and wane moonlight, but the night was quite dark. And a little cold for late April, incidentally. Winter had come late and lingered long that year.
I glanced at her as I drove. The street lamps that made lines of light on the dark road flicked on and off of her through the window, illuminating her profile in brief spurts that were closely spaced and darkly yellow.
She was a perfect girl-child. Even in the murky yellow light, even though her face was turned down to her lap, even though the car was dark... she was beautiful. I smiled as I came up to the light, stopping because it was red. She was still looking in her purse, checking through her lipsticks and bubble gums and whatever childish stuff she keeps in there. I never looked, so I don't exactly know what. I leaned over and kissed her temple again, enjoying how gentle her make-up powder felt on my lips. She blinked and turned to me as she felt it; I took the chance and kissed her full on the lips. I felt her cheeks get hot, and she broke from me and moved closer to the window, flashing me an annoyed look. But I could see she was blushing.
"Eric... keep your eyes on the road," she muttered, her thin fingers fumbling to go through her purse again. The light had turned green, and I drove forward, keeping her in the corner of my eye. She had looked down again, but a moment later she looked up at me, then made a face. Those little ruby lips of hers set in a frustrated line, her blond eyebrows furrowed. Petite fingers came up and started rubbing my lips as she frowned.
"Eric, now you got my lipstick on you."
I smiled under her fingertips.
The parking spot we got was pretty far away from the ballroom thing, so we had to walk through the dark parking lot to get to it. I didn't exactly know what the place was - it looked like some big mansion with a ballroom on the bottom floor. I wasn't really sure - Oliver and Simone were friends with some rich girl that Simone had met when she had gone to Germany. The girl was another member of the art group, and they got along, and it turned out she lived in Berlin so she invited them to some ball she was having. Simone talked to her about Laelie and me a lot. She was fascinated by our relationship and how much in love we were and how I met Laelie when she was only a little giggly eight-years-old girl. Well, she's still a giggly little girl but I treasured every moment while watching her grow up for the past four years we've been together. So that's how Simone invited us, too. I'd never even seen the girl, but Simone told me she was nice and all, and it'd been a while since Laelie and I got to go to something formal, so we went.
Laelie's dress had long sleeves, but it was rather thin, as most formal dresses are. It was pretty cold out, and there was a light wind; I felt her take my arm and lean against me, trying to keep warm. I put my arm around her and pulled her closer as we walked, her high heels on her little feet clicking against the concrete. I liked having her little body so close to mine, and I kissed her on the temple once more; she moved her head away and looked at me angrily. Her green eyes were annoyed.
"Eric," she told me flatly. "Will you cut it out? You've been doing that all night."
I smiled and moved my face closer to hers. She smelled like flowers and make up...
"That's 'cause I'm thinking about how much I love you," I drawled.
She rolled her eyes and turned her face forward. "Eric, you can be so corny."
I smiled. "Yeah, but you like it."
She looked up at me out of the corner of her eyes. Slowly, she smiled. A little smile, gentle, those tiny red lips curling slightly. She was so beautiful...
"That's the first smile I've seen all night," I said with a smile.
She let out a breath. "Eric... it's not that I don't like you being sweet - you know how much I love you. It's just... TRY not to romance me a lot tonight at this party? It can be embarrassing when you do it in public. Especially since we're hardly gonna know anyone there and they'll be all staring at us. You know what they still think about us when they see you kissing with some 12-year-old girl."
I looked up and pulled her closer. "Fair enough." I looked down at her mischievously from the corner of my eye, and smiled wickedly. "But that doesn't mean I'm gonna do what you ask."
Before she could go further, I saw we had reached the doorway, and I quickly whisked her in before she could chide me again. There was a servant there with a booklet. "Name?" he asked me.
"Laelie and Eric." Laelie glared at me as she brushed her sleeves out, giving me a warning look. I winked at her, and her eyes flashed with aggravation. She looked like she was going to lecture me again, but the guy got his say in first.
"Go right through. Simone asked for you two to be shown where the lady of the house is mingling. Mrs. Ulman said she would be there. I believe she and her husband were waiting for you?"
"Most likely," I replied. The man nodded, then pointed to a small group of chattering people deep in the ballroom. "They would be there," he said formally.
I linked my arm with Laelie's and nodded at him. "Thank you." We walked past him and into the bright-lighted ballroom, the gossiping guests and quiet music echoing around us.
It was pretty big, for a private party. It looked like she probably owned the place, and the ballroom certainly wasn't a little dance parlor. White marble floors, a five-piece orchestra in the corner, tables with drinks lined down in many places with vases of large flower arrangements, and a big marble stairway that lead up to the second floor. There were lamps up high on the walls, far-spaced but lined on every wall, and a big crystal chandelier in the high, dome-shaped ceiling. Actually, it looked a lot like that last dance Laelie and I were at on "The Moon Kingdom". Almost, only this one was smaller than that, and a bit more contemporary. It was surprising.
Laelie looked up at me as she adjusted her purse on her shoulder. "Be good, OK, Eric?"
"Good?" I tried to look innocent. She gave me a little nudge.
"Don't embarrass me," she hissed lightly, brushing a curl out of her eye. She seemed pretty nervous.
I brushed my fingertips over the hand my arm was looped with.
"Hey, calm down, little girl," I whispered to her quietly, my face near her temple. "Don't get riled up. They're just people, for God's sake."
She brushed another curl away quickly. "I know. Just... I don't want to be looked at as if we're freaks. And you should be nice, too. Your tie ok?" She looked up at it, then reached up to try to adjust it again; I caught her hand before she touched it, curling my fingers over hers and bringing it back down to rest at her side.
"It's fine, Laelie. Calm down."
She sighed, then turned forward again. She had started to worry me a little, but it didn't seem to be anything serious, so I simply gave her arm a little squeeze to try to reassure her. I didn't even have another moment to think about it, as a voice cut into my thoughts.
"Eric! Laelie! You made it!"
Simone. She had suddenly appeared nearby, a glass in her hand and a happy smile on her face, Oliver beside her. They were both dressed nicely, and looked to be in high spirits. Laelie and I smiled at them, and I released her so she and Simone could hug briefly. Oliver gave me a friendly knock in the shoulder.
"Hey, Eric. What'cha been up to?"
I shrugged. "Not much. Rewriting attack plans for taking over the world to coordinate with my hours at the lab, but not much else."
"Hmm. Why am I not surprised?" Oliver lost himself in his glass a moment, then looked over at Laelie with a smile. "Hey, Laelie. You look great tonight."
Laelie blushed shyly, and Simone looked her over. "I was just about to say the same thing. Where DID you get that charming dress, Laelie?"
I remember. That time Laelie dragged me to the mall, and we went through a hundred of those children's fashion shops where all I had to do was stare at my toes or an occasional little girl who happened to be in the shop with her mother, until she'd come out of the dressing room with a new outfit and asked me how it looked. It didn't matter to me - she looked gorgeous in anything in my eyes. I'd tell her as much, and she'd always blush. I dunno - she still blushes around me, though we've been together close to four years. Kinda weird, but I'm not complaining. She's even more gorgeous child when she blushes.
"'Voodoo Dolls' at the mall," she said shyly. "I know it's not very fancy, but I kinda liked the color..."
"No, no - it's PERFECT, Laelie!" Simone assured her quickly. "And that color green really suits you. Goes with your eyes."
Laelie got all red again, and looked down. It DID suit her - I'll admit that it is even prettier than all her other stuff. It had this low collar that revealed her neck and slightly below, but wasn't low-cut enough that it showed anything else. It covered her shoulders and arms in a thin, long sleeve fabric that was like silk, and went down her body in a simple, comfortable style that ended well beyond her knees, all in emerald green. She had a little bow of pink silk that she had tied around her thin waist, and the gold necklace with the diamond heart on it I gave her for Valentine's Day around her little neck. Come to think of it, she DID look beautiful. I mean, more so than normal. I ALWAYS think she's beautiful little girl, so I don't, unfortunately, often notice if she looks especially good. I'm gonna have to start getting better at that.
Simone took Laelie's arm. "Laelie, why don't you come with me so we can go join the girl chat? The girl that threw this party wanted to meet you."
Laelie wrung her hands shyly. "Me? Why?"
Simone smiled. "Cause I told her what a great little gal you are. You ready?"
Laelie pulled back a bit. Why did she look so nervous?
"Uh... yeah, in a sec. I'd like to... talk to Eric for a second. Why don't you... go and I'll follow you?" Laelie's smile looked rather wane.
Simone smiled. "All right. Come soon, Laelie." She walked over to a group of mingling women and got right into a conversation. Laelie took my arm unconsciously as she watched her go. I was going to ask Laelie why she seemed so upset when Oliver nudged me. He winked.
"After your talk with the Miss., come join me for guy talk, alright? We haven't done that in a while."
"Uh... sure." I watched him leave, then turned down to Laelie. She looked pale. I got worried. "Laelie, are you alright, darling?" I asked quickly, pulling the little girl closer.
She nodded quickly, but her grip on my arm tightened.
"Eric... what am I gonna do?"
I blinked. "What?"
"I can't just go over THERE!" she said breathlessly. "That woman is so... regal! And those other women are all so... high-class!"
"And you're not?" She glared at me nervously; I moved back, showing I was unarmed. "Hey! I wasn't kidding! Why is that suddenly making such a difference for you? They don't have anything you don't."
"Eric, you... I... oh, you just don't UNDERSTAND!" she said frustratedly, throwing her arms up and humping. I took her arms and pulled her closer, giving her a skeptical look.
"Laelie, I don't believe you. You might be only 12 but you have no reason to be nervous here. So don't be."
Laelie frowned angrily and looked down. However, it seemed to be now more full of annoyance than true worry, and that made me feel better. I took her hand.
"C'mon. I'll walk you over, sweetheart."
"What?! Eric... don't! I... I need a minute!" She pulled desperately on my hand, but I only gripped hers more firmly and practically dragged her to where Simone and the group of close to a dozen women chattered. Laelie kept pulling on me, but I took her wrist and pulled her up behind me, smiling at the women as I approached.
"Good evening ladies! How are you all doing tonight?"
Simone took one look at me, my grip on Laelie's wrist, and the look of total fright on her face, then covered her face with her glass and tried not to laugh. I ignored her and stuck a hand out to the woman that seemed to be the girl that had thrown the party. "Hi! I'm Eric! May I have the pleasure of knowing the name of the fine hostess of this regal party?"
The woman blinked, then slowly extended a surprisingly rough hand for me to shake. She smiled, a look of amusement on her face.
"I'm... Fiona Ulman."
"Pleasure meeting you," I said as I gripped Laelie's wrist tighter. She seemed to be giving up, though.
Fiona looked at me more closely, then a slightly different look of pleasure came into her eyes. Oh God... why is it women will still look at you that way even when they know you have a girlfriend? Drives me nuts sometimes. I guess that's what I get for wearing my good tux. Crap. Shoulda worn the white one.
"Nice meeting you, Eric," Fiona said, her voice lower and more relaxed than it had been a moment ago. "I've heard a lot about you from Simone."
I smiled. "Only good things, I hope."
Laelie made a haughty humph behind me. "Flirt," she muttered. I pretended not to hear it as I slipped my arm around her waist.
"Oh, but I'm sure you've heard about my lovely girlfriend as well!" I said with a false happiness that sounded way faker than I intended it to. I fought the wince I so wanted to make at my last comment as I flung her forward. "This is Laelie!"
The women all made polite comments and greetings as Laelie smiled shakily and returned them as much as she could.
"Um... thank you, Mrs. Ulman. That's very... kind of you." At the word "kind" she had managed to reach behind her slowly enough so no one would notice and dig her nails into my arm with vehemence. God, she had SHARP nails. She almost drew blood. I gave myself a mental note to remember to cut those little things when she was asleep.
I pulled away from my little girl's killer nails and gave a parting wave to all females present.
"Well, it was nice meeting you all, and I hope to perhaps see you later this evening?" All the women made choruses of agreement, and, don't you know, they all had that look in their eyes. I really should have worn the white one. I flicked off a quick smile before bending close to Laelie and smiling wickedly. "Now YOU be good," I chided her, and gave her a peck on the lips. She glared daggers at me for that one.
"Eric!" she hissed, trying to keep from the other women's' stares. "WHAT did I TELL you about when we came in?!" She turned back around to the women, smiling shakily and giving a little wave. I looked at her, then quickly took her chin and kissed her again, slipping away fast enough to dodge her swiping nails as her eyes glared at me in twin seas of emareld-hard green. Man, was I gonna get it later for THAT one. But you know, I didn't care. I liked to see her mad. Come to think of it, that's a LOT like it was when we first met.
I winked. "I love you, precious." She blushed furiously and tried to hide herself in her purse strap as she was absorbed by the group of females. What was this, flashback central? I felt like I was in some corny "Remember the Eighties" show or something. God, I really AM an idiot.
I found Oliver nearby. And, sure as Oliver's Oliver, he'd been watching me the whole time with Laelie. He just shook his head at me and smiled.
"You know you're gonna be sleeping on the couch 'till you're 45 for that little stunt," he said through curled, amused lips hidden in a glass of punch.
"She kicks in her sleep anyway," I replied as I picked a drink off the nearby table and downed some of it. Oliver laughed.
"Charmer extraordinaire, you are NOT, Eric," he remarked. "At least not with that little girlfriend of yours. However, you ARE getting quite a few female stares from this place besides the fact that you obviously have a girlfriend. I think three quarters of the place was watching you two."
I winced, then finished the cup in a swig. I gulped it down and picked up another. "Man, I really AM gonna be on the couch for 20 years." I suddenly looked up at him and blinked. "'Female stares?'"
Oliver cocked an eyebrow at me as he took a light drink from his cup. "You shoulda worn the white one."
I hate Oliver when he's right. I think I finished that whole new glass in one gulp.
"You suck, Oliver."
"I know."
A man I didn't know came up nearby and gave me a look, smiling broadly as he held up a glass of the punch like he was making a toast. He had to have been in his 40's.
"Hey, it's the lady killer! You've been getting quite a few women's' eyes even after that bout with your little lady, lad!"
At that moment I vowed to go home, take off the black tux I was wearing, and burn it. Come to think of it, maybe I didn't have to wait till I got home. I think I had some matches in my pocket, and I could slip outside for a minute...
"I think the gals go for blue eyes or something," he said with a laugh.
I shrugged as I picked up another drink.
"Well, I may be free after tonight," I muttered as I swigged again. Funny, I never drink like I was right then. Laelie does things to me NOBODY can...
"Your little girlfriend planning on letting you go?" The man laughed.
I looked up at him and blinked. "What?"
He smiled. "Yeah. The little cute doll in green."
I stared at him a second, then turned to Laelie. "Her?"
"Yeah. Don't worry - I think you can do better," he said with a laugh.
I shot him an icy glare. "Hey, shut your mouth," I told him flatly. "I love that little girl." I shouldn't have been so nasty - I KNEW I shouldn't - but that comment really angered me. I kinda surprised myself. It caused this little intense burning deep in my chest. Like any woman or any little girl could be more perfect than my Laelie. I suddenly realized I was really mad at the guy. I felt like punching him in the stupid jaw. Inwardly, I winced. I needed a grip, and fast. I downed the drink and tried not to look at the guy as I felt Oliver's gaze on me. The guy made a noise of surprise.
"Hey, I'm not looking for trouble," he said, a bit brusquely. "I didn't know. No hard feelings meant."
I didn't look up. "Right." I picked up another cup and took a gulp. I didn't want to look at him until I was sure my anger was curbed. He made a humph.
"Fine." He addressed Oliver. "Tell your little friend he better keep ahold of his emotions or he isn't gonna get anywhere in life," he said flatly, with this really nasty undertone to it. I didn't care. I finished the glass of punch as his footsteps clicked away.
A hand quickly gripped my arm, and Oliver looked at me with fiercely eyes. "What was THAT all about, Eric?" he asked flatly. "What came over you? You were just REALLY rude with that guy. Are you looking to ruin relationships before you even start them? Your testosterone messin' with your head again?"
I nudged him off, a bit roughly. I glared at him. "Don't tell me how to talk to people, Oliver."
Oliver gave me a rather cold look before looking down and shrugging it off. "Get a grip, Eric."
I scowled, then sighed. He was right. Again. I slapped a hand to my forehead, exasperated. "Oliver..." I moaned sadly. "What am I doing?!"
"I can make a pretty good guess," he said simply, running a long finger along the rim of his cup. He cocked an eyebrow at me.
"Can YOU do the same?"
I sighed. "Laelie," I whispered. "It's because it was Laelie."
"It was BECAUSE you felt someone was insulting your one and only," Oliver added for me. "The one and only that's been the ONLY one to ever affect you like she does."
That was something I hated hearing, but knew it was true. God, I hate hearing things that I KNOW I have no control over and land me in big trouble. Sweet little Laelie, you can cause some BIG problems, little girl, you know that? "Mmmm..."
Oliver smiled slightly. "Eric, I know how much you love that little bunny of yours. But you gotta get a grip. She's screwed with your emotions so profusely - and don't get me wrong, in a GOOD way - that you can't control them at all when it comes to her." He brought down his cup, smiling wickedly. "Don't forget I was with you that time when a guy at the supermarket was rude to her and you nearly knocked his lights out."
I ran a hand through my bangs. God, I so hated Oliver. How come he was ALWAYS right? "Oliver, you suck A LOT."
Oliver rolled his eyes. "Look. The fact that that little princess of yours has so grabbed your heart and opened you to new horizons of emotion and feeling are of course gonna make her your weakness! There's nothing WRONG with wanting to kick the crap out of any guy that makes her feel bad. But you just can't act on that, Eric."
I gulped down the rest of the glass nervously and put it down on the table. I sighed and leaned back against it, looking over at my little girl. She was still talking to the women, her little hand gripped on the purse strap on her shoulder in an almost tight way.
"You're right as usual, Oliver," I breathed.
"Of course I am." He put down his now-empty glass and came over to stand next to me and join my gazing. We were quiet a moment, before he voiced the thought prominent in my mind. "She really is beautiful."
"Don't I know," I whispered. God, that girl SO hypnotizes me. But I like it that way. Oliver perked his ears up to hear the orchestra as it started another song, then gave me a nudge.
"Hey. They're startin' a slow song. Why don't you go dance with Laelie a while so you can calm down? I kinda feel like dancing with my woman myself."
"Good idea." I stood up slowly and stretched my arms out a bit before the two of us made our way over to the gossiping group. I touched Laelie on the shoulder to get her attention; she jerked around to me very abruptly, a small look of fear in her eyes. That really confused me. I almost got worried, except that the look was immediately extinguished and replaced with a look of relief.
"Eric," she breathed. Her hand quickly clamped on my arm, like she didn't want me to go.
I tried to ignore these odd signs and not start getting confused. I smiled.
"Hey, sweetie," I whispered to her quietly. "Wanna dance?"
She nodded quickly, slipping into my arm. I looked up at the women.
"Do you mind if I steal this lovely girl of mine for a quick dance, ladies?"
Oliver winked as he put his arms around Simone. "I have to say I have the same thieving intentions. Does anyone mind?" God, we really ARE flirts. Habit, I guess. Or just that damn testosterone again.
The women all chuckled good-naturedly. "Go right ahead," Fiona said, waving a hand. "Have a good time."
"And we look forward to you two handsome gentlemen to steal us away for dancing later on," one of the women laughed. I smiled, though I really felt like running. I don't feel good when women say stuff like that to me. But Oliver was eating it up, winking and smiling at the girls before whisking Simone to the dance floor. He really is a born flirt.
I pulled Laelie out to the marble dance floor, and she quickly slid into my arms and pressed close to me. I clasped her hand and put my arm around her shoulders as her arm slipped around my waist and hugged me tightly. She seemed a little... nervous... I started to lead in a slow, easy dance, and she followed shakily, out of natural instinct. She may be a little shaky on her feet at times, but she really has a knack with dancing. Dancing with her's like dancing with warm air.
Once we'd gotten the swing of things, I decided to talk to her bit. I leaned my lips down near her ear.
"How've you been holding out?" I said with a smile. "Those girls stuffy enough to clog up your breathing air?"
Laelie was silent. She tightened her grip around my waist and curled into my shoulder where I couldn't see her face. I blinked. "Laelie?"
She started trembling in my hold. I got alarmed. What was this? I released her hand and tipped her small chin up urgently, my heart going fast.
She was crying. "Eric..." she sobbed.
"Laelie?" I pulled her face up and brought mine close to hers, gazing at her in worry. "What's wrong?"
"Eric," she sobbed again. "I... I... I feel like such... a... child..."
"You what?" I set my mouth in a tight line. I needed to get her out of here. I pulled her close and quickly escorted her off the dance floor, letting her hide her face in my side so hopefully nobody would notice something was wrong. I really didn't want her to embarrass herself like this. I found a little hallway that led off of the main ballroom, into a little hallway and to the kitchens and some store rooms. I pulled her into it and around a corner in the hall where nobody would likely go; as soon as we were out of sight, she collapsed into my arms and started crying harder. I decided not to interrogate right away; I simply held her little shaking form in my arms as she buried her petite face in my neck and sobbed warm little tears.
God. Oliver was so RIGHT. Seeing her crying now - her little pretty face sad and tears streaming, her mascara and make up blurring and smearing on her beautiful 12-year-old face - made a hand grip my heart and squeeze it without mercy. I wanted to shatter, or cry, or hurt someone, or kill myself - I didn't even know what. It just... made me feel so BAD. She had been so confident and aggravated earlier, her green eyes flashing and in control, and now she was crying, smearing the soft, powdery make-up she had so carefully padded on, and the ruby lipstick she had so intricately administered to her little lips... I clutched her tighter to me, trying to squeeze out her pain, her sadness, whatever was making her little confident self cry and wringing my heart...
"Laelie..." I whispered. She sniffed, sobbing more into my neck.
"Eric," she whispered shakily in my ear. "I... I felt like... such a KID out there..."
"A kid?" Her voice broke my heart. Dammit - I was starting to lose it. I mean, really LOSE it. I REALLY felt like hurting someone, ANYONE, that might have caused her to cry like this, that might have made her smudge all that make-up she had wanted so much to make perfect... my arms trembled. I gritted my teeth and fought down that violent urge that welled up in me, the violent urge I KNEW I couldn't act upon. God, how could I be so not in control of my feelings? Because it was with Laelie...
"I'm... so YOUNG compared to those women," she sobbed, clutching the fabric of my jacket with a slender, trembling hand. "Simone was probably the... youngest one there besides me. I... I... I can't compare with them!"
"You... you can't compare?" My voice was as shocked as I truly was. How could she... be crying because... I felt my eyes quiver. My God...
"I'm just 12," she whispered through her sobbing. "I... I still go to school every day... I play with toys... I've never been to Africa or Japan or... met important people in France... or been in front of the Emperor as an orchestra member... I haven't had any EXPERIENCES like that! All I ever did was... read comic books and play at the arcade!" she blurted out, her voice cracking. "I'm just a stupid KID!"
I didn't know what to do. I felt like... I wanted to jab a knife into my heart, to take away the pain. At least that would be less painful than THIS... she thought she was stupid? Oh GOD...
"Laelie..." I breathed, hugging her tighter. The poor girl... she just turned 12, and she was talking with all those much older women that were probably science majors or psychologists going for their Masters degrees... but I didn't CARE about that! NONE of them had a heart as big as Laelie's! I'd trade a million of those stuffy botanists to arrive home from work and receive a bear hug filled with love from Laelie. I'd trade a million hours talking to a psychology major just to sit and watch Laelie play with dolls or put on her make-up so carefully in front of her vanity mirror before she went out to a party. I'd trade a million flirtatious, educated women for one kiss from my little girl, one kiss that was so filled with undying love in such tiny lips that so accepted me for what I was and never asked for anything more than who I would always be...
Her crying was so sad in my ear, so childlike and weak... I slid my face closer to hers, whispering to her as gently as my raging emotions could.
"Laelie, don't... don't say things like that," I breathed. "It's not... YOU'RE not... it doesn't matter, OK? You don't have any reason to feel inferior to them. Just because you're young doesn't mean you're anything less than them."
"But it's not just 'cause I'm young," she breathed in a high, wavering voice. "I'm so... STUPID and act like such a KID..."
"Don't SAY that!" I said it rather forcefully, and I immediately bit my teeth together as soon as I had. My control couldn't fade, it COULDN'T... I took a deep breath silently and tried to still my quaking arms. "You're NOT stupid," I said, more quietly. "Do you hear me? You're NOT. You're a beautiful and smart girl that I love very much and wouldn't give up for anything in the world."
She was still sobbing. "But Eric..."
"Listen to me. Those women may have been in school more than you, they may know more people, they may have busier jobs, but NONE of them is as kind and gentle and loving as you are. NONE of them. And I don't care what ANYONE says, you might be a child, but you're more precious than all of them put together. You've only kept your beautiful innocence with you always. That's nothing to be ashamed of, Laelie. It's something few people can do. And it's one of the things that made me fall in love with you in the first place."
She was quiet a moment. I could feel her heavy breathing against me, hear the sweet breaths that she choked back in my ear as she fought down the tears that streamed from her eyes. She curled herself into my arms more, making a little whine as she rubbed her eyes with a petite hand.
"Eric..." she whispered. "Do I... do I really look OK out there with all of them?"
I shook my head. "No." I closed my eyes and pressed my lips into her ear. "You look a thousand times more beautiful than ANY of those other women."
I felt her smile slightly near my cheek, and one of her hands nudged up and clutched at my collar as she leaned her cheek against mine.
"Eric, c'mon... I mean, do I REALLY look OK?"
"You look wonderful," I said quietly, feeling a smile of my own curving my lips unconsciously. I could feel my insides start to relax and loosen, and fill up slowly with that fuzzy warmth I got whenever I held her close. It hadn't taken very long for my emotions to completely flip-flop. Oh, Laelie... "You stand out as being so beautiful, Laelie," I whispered to her. "But, you don't look out of place at all. I had no idea you were nervous until you told me. You fit perfectly well with everyone."
I heard her make a noise somewhat like a chuckle as she slid a soft finger up to caress my opposite cheek gently.
"Even though I'm SO different..."
"You're better."
Laelie giggled slightly at that. "Eric... quit it."
I smiled as I turned my head to look at her. She had make-up smeared on her face, but she was happy, and she still looked as beautiful as she always did. And I felt so light inside, so calm inside, now that I could see her smile...
She suddenly blinked, then covered her mouth with a little hand. "Oh! Eric... I got make-up on you..." She backed up from me and unclasped her purse with petite fingers, pulling out a tissue and quickly rubbing my cheek with it. I smiled at her, and she smiled back shyly as she rubbed off any cream or powder that might have rubbed off on my jacket and pulled out a small vanity mirror, looking into it with wide eyes.
"Good God, I look AWFUL..." She started rubbing off mascara as she reached out with fingers still clutched around the mirror to touch my arm. "I don't wanna keep us back here for long, but I gotta fix this all up. Wait for me?"
I touched her hand. "So you ARE going to listen to me?"
She looked up at me slowly, and gave a little smile.
"Well," she said. "You've been right lots of times already. Might as well give you the benefit of the doubt." She looked up quickly. "But promise you'll bring me out there? I don't know if I could make it alone..."
I gave a mockingly regal bow. "I shall wait to escort you back to the party, milady."
Laelie giggled shyly as she gave me a little push. "Geez, Eric. You can be so SILLY."
I smiled as I watched her wipe around her slightly-smeared lips carefully. My eyes went soft.
"But you don't look any less beautiful now," I whispered to her.
Her eyes suddenly flicked up at me. She quickly looked back down, rubbed off all her lipstick in one, fluid movement, then threw her arms around my neck and kissed me with such gentle, beautiful, loving passion that I seriously thought I was going to faint.
God, Oliver. You were so RIGHT.
She finally broke away and kept her little face breathingly close to mine, her eyes half-closed.
"I love you," she whispered softly.
I could have collapsed right there, everything was so hazy and warm, and my heart was pounding so hard... I only managed to put my arms around her shakily and hold her back.
"I... love you, too..." I whispered. Everything felt so thick and warm inside me, and I could hardly think... delicate fingers took my chin as she pressed her forehead against my chest.
"I love you so much, Eric," she whispered. "Don't ever change..."
I reached up slowly and touched her cheek. "Only if you don't..."
She smiled, giggling softly. Her eyes grew soft. "Whatever you say, but I must grow up one day."
Oliver wouldn't stop staring at me with this intense skeptical look that annoyed the hell out of me for the longest time. I swear, if I wasn't in such a good mood I probably woulda punched his lights out for driving me so damn crazy. At last I slammed my glass down on the table and glared at him.
He kept up with his little scornful look for a moment before shrugging and shaking around the ice in his glass.
"Just wondering what you were doing with Laelie back there."
I was so worked up it took me a minute to compute.
Oliver looked at me sarcastically.
"Eric..." he sighed. "God. You're just..."
"Just what?" I was really starting to get annoyed.
He rolled his eyes exasperatingly. "All I know is that I SEE you go and take that little girl for a dance, disappear suddenly after two minutes, and five minutes later you come out looking you're on top of the world and dance for a half an hour straight."
I looked at him dryly. "So? Why do you care? You've been glaring at me for the past five minutes because I -"
"Should watch how emotional you two get in public." He looked at me seriously. "Eric, I KNOW you and Laelie have been in love since she was eight, but maybe you shouldn't get all emotional and disappear together and stuff when you two are at parties. Now's a time for you two to be more social with other people and not just yourselves. I know you probably don't want to spend a minute apart, but you really -"
"I get what you're saying, Oliver." I cut him off, not unkindly. "But this was an unusual thing. Laelie got a little upset, but she's fine now, and looking a lot more comfortable with those women, so I really see no reason for you to drag out the fact that we -"
"Why don't you just wipe the lipstick off your lips and we'll continue this evening without anymore reprimands from either side?" He took a sip of punch and kept his eyes off me.
I blinked, then slowly put a finger to my lips. I hate to admit it, but I blushed when I saw the slight red that rubbed off.
"Damn." I rubbed off the lipstick as quickly as I could. "I thought Laelie got the stuff that wasn't supposed to come OFF..."
"It wasn't a lot," Oliver said with a smile. "You could hardly notice it."
I looked up quickly. "Oliver, I don't want you to think Laelie and I -"
"It's ok." He smiled. "I understand but I gotta give the lovers advice now, don't I?"
I rolled my eyes as I picked up another drink. "Right, O Wise One. I've BEEN in love a while. I just want to let her grow up slowly, without being pushed by anyone."
I turned to watch Laelie, leaning back against the table again as I jiggled the glass in my hand idly. She really looked happy, her eyes dancing, her gestures certain, and that slight air of uneasiness I had sensed around her earlier completely vanished. I found myself smiling as I watched her, my eyes shining with pleasure as I sipped at the punch. The music came and went in my ears, fading from loud to soft to quick to slow in waves of sound. All the lights started to get cloudy in my eyes, soft glows that blurred with the color of people, dresses, faces... it came to a point where I was only staring dreamily at Laelie, this hazy look in my eyes as time, light, color, music, blurred into one soft, moving mass that made me feel sleepy... and the funny thing was, I didn't FEEL like discontinuing my staring. I knew I looked like an idiot, but I didn't care...
I almost didn't think to look at Oliver. As it was, I think it took me a minute to answer. "Mmmm?"
He was beside me, but I didn't turn to look at him. I didn't want to take my eyes from all the pretty colors, and with the ray of Laelie's beauty penetrating it all...
"You ok?" He put a hand on my shoulder, turning me to him. I kept my face turned out so I could keep staring at her - fingers touched my cheek and pushed my face to look at his. He looked puzzled, and a little concerned - I didn't know why, but I also found that it didn't interest me very much. I just wanted to go back to looking at Laelie again...
"You all right?" he asked again, holding my shoulder a bit more firmly.
I blinked sleepily. "Hmmmm?"
He started waving two fingers in front of my face. "Your eyes are lookin' kinda outta focus... everything ok?"
I let my eyes move back and forth to follow his fingers; after a moment, they were too fast for me to keep up. I shook my head and rubbed my eye, looking up at him and giggling.
"Oliver," I drawled. "You're makin' me dizzy."
Oliver looked concerned. I didn't even bother wondering why. Why did I feel so tired all of a sudden?... I realized I was still smiling and hadn't bothered to stop. In fact, for some reason I felt like smiling MORE... I turned back around and stared at Laelie again dreamily, immediately forgetting Oliver even existed. I brought up my glass to drink more punch - I saw it was empty and made something like a frown. I brought the glass to my mouth anyway and stuck my tongue in lazily to lick the ice, feeling oddly bored.
Oliver yanked the glass from my hand and jerked me towards him.
"What are you DOING?!" he breathed sharply, his eyes flashing. "What's the matter with you?"
I giggled again as I picked up another glass and stuck my fingers in the punch, playing with the ice.
"I like how it feels so cold on my tongue," I giggled. "It... TINGLES."
Oliver suddenly looked really worried. I didn't notice and started staring at Laelie again, giggling more.
"She's so pretty..." I sighed lazily as I stuck my tongue into the glass and starting lapping the punch playfully.
Oliver's hands quickly clutched the glass and slowly but firmly pulled it away from me. I followed it, but he put it behind his back and kept me held away with another arm. I started to whine unconsciously as I tried to get it.
"Oliver, what are you-"
"Eric," he reprimanded me quietly. "You have to listen to me for a second, ok? Pay attention."
I still felt oddly peeved that he wouldn't give me back the glass, and I didn't stop trying to reach it.
"Cut it OUT, Eric," he suddenly snapped, and I blinked and looked up at him. He looked like he was... a combination of annoyed and worried, and I started to whine unintentionally again.
"Oliver, why are you -"
"How many glasses of this stuff have you had?" he told me quietly, his voice suddenly low and his eyes suddenly soft and concerned.
I felt hot all of a sudden, like I wanted to get out of that stuffy tux and go swimming. I started to squirm as I pulled away from him.
"What do you WANT?" I asked tiredly.
"How many glasses of punch did you have?" he asked again, that look of worry still in his eyes.
I was still so itchy, and I started to feel uncomfortable in the room with all the lights and music and people.
"I... dunno... why do you care?"
"Eric, that stuff had quite a bit of vodka in it," Oliver told me worriedly. I hardly bothered to listen. I wanted to get out of there...
"I thought you knew that," Oliver - I think it was Oliver - said. I had hardly heard his last few sentences, and I didn't care. Everything was getting so blurry and hot, and I just felt like taking off that stupid tux and jumping in a lake. Oliver gripped my shoulders and pulled me closer as I started to try to squirm away from him again.
"Oliver," I mumbled. "I... wanna swim..."
"Eric," he said quickly and softly, his voice urgent. "You have to -"
The dizziness hit me like a wave suddenly, and I stumbled as the floor spun around me in a blur of white. I felt Oliver make a little outtake of breath as he gripped me more firmly, trying to keep me standing. I felt nauseous, and tried to slip from his grasp so I could just go to the floor. Everything was spinning so hard while I stood, and I just wanted to put my forehead down on the marble tiles until the spinning went away...
"Eric!" Oliver breathed to me. The spinning hit me again, and my knees buckled under me as I fell to him, nearly completely limp. I had to close my eyes to keep from fainting.
"Oliver," I moaned. "I don't... feel good..."
I felt Oliver move slightly, the fabric of his tuxedo brushing my cheek as he shifted and held me tighter.
"Hey!" I heard him say to someone nearby. "Grab that girl in green over there for me?" My face was tiredly buried in his jacket, and I heard everything he said through the rumble in his chest. He sounded so different like that...
"The blond over there?" I didn't know that voice. He sounded quiet next to Oliver's heavy breathing and the noise of the rest of the ballroom.
"Yeah." Oliver sounded... OLDER when I listened to him talk from being near his chest...
"Wow. Sure, love to."
Oliver made a little angry growl deep in him. Weird, I'd never heard Oliver make a growl like that... it didn't seem like him, but then again, from that perspective, he seemed different in a lot of ways...
"Don't get smart, kid. She's his girlfriend." Oliver sounded peeved. I'd heard him peeved before, so that wasn't weird... thinking had started to hurt, and I suddenly got really dizzy again; I caught a breath and closed my eyes tighter as Oliver's hands clutched at me. A minute later, a little voice that seemed to loosen the tightness in my chest and made my heart feel safer came into my hearing.
"Oliver, what's the matter with him?" I opened my eyes to see Laelie looking worriedly at Oliver as she gripped my arm.
"Laelie," I whispered as the world spun around me, and I was forced to close my eyes again. My stomach churned, and I moaned and buried my face in Oliver's tux more so.
"Good GOD Oliver, what happened to HIM?" Simone? She was here? Wait a minute - she was, I had seen her earlier... was I still at the party? I couldn't be, it didn't FEEL like I could be at any kind of party right then...
"I don't think he knew the punch had alcohol in it," Oliver's muffled voice rumbled against my cheek. "He's smashed REAL bad."
"Oh no..." A cool little hand stroked my forehead and ran over my cheek and temple softly, motheringly. It had to be Laelie. It made me feel a little better, but I still felt like I was going to be sick... "I'd better get him home," she said worriedly, her little voice concerned. "Help me get him to the car?"
"I'll drive you two home." Oliver sounded so in control when I heard his voice like that... "Simone, go say good night to Fiona and follow us with our car."
"Alright. See you at their place." It sounded like Simone left, but I couldn't even think straight without feeling nauseous - Oliver shifted me in his arms and tried to get me to stand straight. "C'mon," he breathed through his teeth as he hefted me to my legs. "I can't CARRY you the whole way. Work with me."
I tried to keep my legs solid as he held me up, but I couldn't open my eyes for fear of getting dizzy and falling... Laelie took my other arm and tried to support me with her little shoulders.
"C'mon, Eric," she said to me worriedly. "You can do it."
My feet felt like they weighed more than the rest of my body, but I somehow managed to get dragged out of the ballroom. The cool night air made my stomach stop flipping a little, but I still felt dizzy, and only after some very slow progress did I finally get propped up against a cool car door. Oliver left me to rest my weight on it with Laelie holding my arm as she pulled something that jingled from her purse and gave it to him. I leaned my cheek against the cool metal as Laelie whispered to me reassurances, and I heard a car door open from where Oliver was. I breathed heavily as my head spun.
Man, this was gonna be a LONG night...
Oliver had to CARRY me to our door. Good God, I didn't know he had the strength in him. I'm not that small, and I never thought he was that strong. But when I collapsed and started to moan in the elevator, he picked me right up and carried me to our apartment room. He even brought me to the bedroom and put me down on my bed, Laelie immediately sitting down next to me and taking off my clothes. But Oliver. Never knew he had it in him.
"You gonna be ok?" I heard him say. He sounded mostly normal now that I heard him from a slight distance, but he still sounded older to me than he usually did.
"Thank you for everything, Oliver. You've been so helpful," Laelie breathed. "You're such a good friend..."
"He'd do the same for me," he said with a chuckle. "Take care of him, sweetie."
"I will," Laelie replied as I heard him leave, closing the door behind him. Laelie sighed as she continued to take off the tuxedo and toss it aside, occasionally rubbing her cool fingers across the skin of my face and neck to try to calm me. "Oh, Eric," she sighed as she threw my shirt aside. "How could you let such a thing happen to you?"
I opened my eyes slightly to see her concerned face, busily undressing me.
"Laelie..." I moaned, when all of a sudden my stomach heaved, and I grabbed my mouth and squinted my eyes shut, sliding from the bed and stumbling to the bathroom. I hardly heard Laelie running behind me and calling out worriedly.
I must've looked like such a moron: on my knees, my tuxedo pants still on but not wearing any kind of shirt, my head in the toilet bowl puking my brains out for a five minutes as I clutched the seat with pale hands. Then I just sat there and waited, eyes half-closed, my hair in my eyes that I didn't have the will to brush away, sighing painfully and feeling extremely pathetic. I didn't get sick often, and I think I had probably only thrown up a few times in my life before then.
Laelie was right there the whole time, on her knees next to me, stroking my forehead with her cool hand and whispering soft, comforting words as she brushed the stupid hair out of my eyes. She stayed concerned but calm and loving the whole time, and I was REALLY thankful for her then. I was really glad I didn't have to be alone when I was feeling so sick.
After a while, I let out a breath and leaned my head over on her shoulder, closing my eyes tiredly. She put her little arms around my neck and kissed my forehead, talking softly into my hair.
"Are you alright, baby?"
I nodded, breathing heavily. She held me quietly, stroking my hair and humming something soft that relaxed my aching muscles and my spinning head. We just sat there, cradled on the bathroom floor, her pretty green dress spread out around her on the tile with her hair relaxed beside it, those thin, green-clad arms softly around my neck and resting my head on her chest. It really made me calm down, and my body started to finally start unwinding and let fatigue take over. I realized how TIRED I was after everything, and I nearly fell asleep in her arms right there. She was like a tranquilizer, with her soft breath humming, her little arms so gentle and smooth... I sighed tiredly, enjoying the way her little hands felt so calm and babyingly on me, how she cradled me like a child... I wished I could be a child then and not her, so she could hold me and rock me and sing sweet lullabies in my ear like I do to her every night...
"Woah, Eric... you are SMASHED..."
I weakly smiled at the little girl, rubbing my cheek against Laelie's soft dress. It was good to know Laelie and I had such a good relationship compared to the petty arguments of other couples, but there was always a chance...
"You think we'll be grumpy like them when we're older?" I joked quietly.
Laelie smiled, kissing the top of my head. "Nah. That's just because they're bored."
I closed my eyes. "Laelie, I... I want you to stay a little girl your whole life."
Laelie cocked an eyebrow at me, smirking. "Based on SOMEONE'S actions tonight, I'd say we'd be better off if at least one of us acts grown up."
I chuckled, reaching for one of her hands and sliding my fingers through it. Her hand was so small and soft in mine...
"What happened to the girl that was crying her eyes out because she felt so childish a few hours ago? YOU certainly seemed to grow up fast, little girl."
Laelie smiled and brushed her thumb across our clasped hands.
"Someone made me realize being myself was being as grown-up as I should be."
I smiled tiredly. "You know I love you for who you are, Laelie," I whispered. "There's nothing you NEED to try to be. Everyone loves you because you're you. And I love you MORE than everyone loves you because you're you."
Laelie smiled gently, running a finger down my cheek.
"I love you, too, Eric," she whispered and winked. "Just don't get so drunk again, OK? You're lucky no one saw Oliver carry you in."
I chuckled, then leaned my head against her small shoulder again and closed my eyes. "I'm sorry, Laelie. I hope I didn't embarrass you. I didn't mean to do what I did..."
"I know you didn't," she whispered to me. "But next time you better stop with the punch when you have an overwhelming urge to stick your tongue into it. That's USUALLY a bad sign, sweetie."
I groaned. "Oliver... you squealer..."
Laelie laughed. "Don't worry about it, Eric. Actually, I though it was kinda cute."
It took me about 20 minutes, with Laelie's help, to get cleaned up and get in bed. I was still dizzy, and VERY tired, so it was all I could do to stand up and not collapse over onto her. But, Laelie can be very patient, and she helped me the whole time without a word of complaint. God, I love her so much...
I finally got into bed, lying down and sighing tiredly. Laelie climbed on the other side, sitting up beside me and cradling my head in her lap. I closed my eyes as she hummed softly, her fingers absently stroking my hair as she looked forward, unseeing. My dizziness was fading, and I felt much better on the cool sheets, in her soft lap, with her humming filling the air with gentle, comforting music... I felt like... God, I didn't know what. I felt so much better, so relaxed, so safe... I didn't often feel like this. I was usually the one to hold Laelie and make her feel better when she was sick or sad, but now that she was holding me... it felt so comforting. Like she was being the mother I couldn't remember, the mother I had always cried for whenever I was sick and had no one there to make me feel better... God, Laelie was... so MUCH to me. She wasn't just my little girl, my love, my angel - she was my FAMILY, the family I had never had and always wanted, had always needed...
"Laelie..." I whispered, tilting my face to feel her gentle fingers on my skin. Those cool, smooth fingertips... God, how my heart beat for her... how it beat faster, harder, for her now... "Laelie... I love you..."
She looked down at me, her eyes soft. She smiled gently.
"I love you, too, Eric," she whispered as she ran a fingertip down my cheek. I looked up at her through half-closed eyes.
"Laelie," I whispered. "You... you don't know... how much you... mean to me..."
She smiled, taking my face in both her hands and rubbing her thumbs down my temples. It made me feel so tired...
"I know," she whispered. "But you should go to sleep. You've gone through a lot tonight."
I looked at her sadly. "Laelie," I whispered. "I... I remember once... when I was 19... I got really sick one day, and threw up a lot and felt really bad and everything. I remember... lying in my bed that night, not being able to sleep because I felt so ill, with... the moon shining on me from outside my window... and... I started to cry, because I felt... so alone..."
I closed my eyes as I felt few tears roll down my temples, smearing against her fingers. All of the night's events had left me rather unstable, and I could feel myself getting emotionally insecure. I felt like crying for no reason... I was feeling so shaky, I couldn't have stopped the tears if I had wanted to... but I knew that it was Laelie, and I could cry in front of her, because she didn't care if I cried at times like that...
"I... I prayed to God that night... that one day... I could find a little girl like you... that I could fall in love and never have to be alone like that... ever again... that I could find someone to hold me when I felt bad... that would be there to rock me when I was sick, that I... would do... the same too... because... I... would... love her... and she... would be... my family..."
I couldn't talk anymore, I was crying so hard. I didn't often cry like that, not even when I was alone... but my emotions had gone everywhere that night, and had been so unstable... they left me feeling so vulnerable and unprotected, like my chest was wide open and cool winds blew in and burned my heart...
She put her arms gently around my neck, pulling me closer into her protective embrace.
"Shhh... Eric, it's ok..." she whispered, rocking gently. "You're not alone anymore... I'll protect you from whatever makes you feel sad... don't cry, baby. I'm here..." Her fingertips rubbed away my tears, but they flowed so freely that they only streamed over the contours of her fingers and melted into her lap. It was so ironic... earlier that night, she had been crying in my arms, and now, I was crying in hers...
"Laelie..." I whispered, tightening my chest to keep it from its choking sobs. "I... I love you more than anything..."
"Shhh..." she whispered, running her fingers down my face. "Don't talk. Just sleep, Eric. You don't have to worry. I'll watch you all night. I'll protect you..."
I closed my eyes, feeling her gentle caresses wet with my tears... my breathing slowed, as my tears did. But there was still this aching, throbbing feeling in my heart... love, that was so strong I would be lost without it... love, that thumped in me like a bulb of power... love, that belonged only to her... sleep was pulling at me, dragging me into soft darkness...
"Laelie..." I whispered as I felt myself slipping away. I wanted to tell her more, tell her how much I loved her and needed her... but, deep inside, I knew she knew. I knew I didn't have to tell her, I knew that she understood everything even more than I did... she was a little child, she was my girlfriend, she was my love, she was my protector... she wouldn't let anything happen to me. She could handle everything.
"Laelie..." I was hardly conscious. But there was one thing I wanted, before I fell asleep in her soft arms... "Laelie... kiss me..."
Her fingertips brushed my temples again as I slipped out of reality. But, just before I did, the last thing I felt was the feel of her beautiful, familiar lips, softly brushing against mine.
The End
Young Lover
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