Published: 1-Sep-2012
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"Are you ready sweetie?"
"Yes, Daddy."
Andrew looked at his little girl, she was so pretty in the summer dress he had just bought her. He did think the skirt was a little short but she'd wanted it so badly that he had relented. It tugged at his heart how much his little girl looked like her mother, especially in pink, his late wife's favorite colour.
He held ut his hand, ready to leave the hardware store and lock up. The little brunette took his hand just as a black man in his mid 20's burst in the door with a gun in his hand.
"Empty the fucking register. All your cash, NOW."
With fear for his little greeneyed angel foremost in his mind Andrew did as he was told.
"Just stand still honey and the man will soon be gone," he told his daughter, who had started to cry.
"No fucking crying," the robber screamed, making the girl back off and snuggle up to her father.
"Please, she's just 8 years old, she's scared."
"I'll give the little cunt something to be scared of if she doesn't shut her whore mouth."
With that he pushed the barrell of the gun against the childs pouty little lips.
"Shut the fuck up!"
She did, tears falling over the spattering of freckles on the bridge of her nose.
Andrew handed the man all the money proceeds from the day. "Here, it's over 5000 dollars, you got what you came for."
The intimidating black man went over to the door, but rather than leave, he locked the door and pulled down the metallic partician that covered the door and windows at night.
"Got what I came for?" he said with a sneer "Oh no, not by a long shot."
He stared hungrily at the childs legs, especially her thighs, which was totally exposed the way she held her tan arms around her fathers waist.
"I always need pussy after a successful robbery and young snatch is hard to come by, but not here, uh, uh. I've had my eye on this fine piece all day."
"You can't be serious," Andrew said. "Please, take the money and go."
The black man hit Andrew over the cheek with the gun so that he fell down in a heap.
"Get up, walk over between the shelves."
Andrew staggered to his feet and he started to cry too.
"Not my little girl, please, not my angel."
But the black man walked him between the shelves to a supportbeam, telling him to lean against it while pointing his gun in the little girl's direction.
Andrew sat down, terrified, not for himself, but his innocenct little girl. He couldn't help but notice the hardon pressing against the robber's pants as he cuffed his hands behind his back. Desperate to avoid his princess being defiled, he did wrench his hands free, but the black man jammed his gun into Andrew's gut.
"I'll blow you both away asshole, trust me."
Finally he got Andrew's wrist cuffed behind his back and behind the support beam.
Andrew was helpless as he watched the man pull his daughter over, holdig his gunfree arm around he shoulder.
"Don't worry, I'll take good care of her," he said, took her by the hand and led her to the storage area in the back.
The little girl was tembling as she heard her father shouting. "Let her go. You bastard. Not my little girl, please, don't do this to her. Please."
What was the man going to do to her? She was so sacred as she looked up at the tall, scary black man. He held her wrist so hard.
Finally Deshawn got the terrified little girl in the storage area. He heard the white dude yelling for his daughter, but wasn't worried, knowing there was nothing but closed stores on the whole street. The girl was his to do with as he pleased. She was so beautiful, with smooth, perfect skin.
"What is your name, pretty girl," he asked, running his hand up her smooth legs.
"Marielle," she answered. She didn't like the way he touched her, higher and higher.
"That is a pretty name," he said as his fingers bumped at the bottom of her cotton panties.
"T-thank y-you," she stuttered. The man's finger was touching her private area. She shuddered. It felt good.
"Don't worry about Daddy, I'm not gonna kill him, you and I are just gonna spend a little time together and then I'll be gone," Deshawn said, manouvering the girls panties down her legs.
He put the gun away, pulling her down on his lap. She felt just incredible. He hadn't been close to a hot little girl for so long now. He hugged her close, opening up the buttons in the back of her summerdress.
"Stand up again," he told her. She did and her dress dropped on the floor.
She covered her crotch as she uddenly stood naked before the man. She was getting afraid again. Why on earth did he want her naked?
He pushed her hand away, pushed her legs apart. Marielle could only stand there as his rough hands roamed her entire body. Fast at first, but they started going slower, going to a near standstill when he touched her butt. She knew it was wrong but it felt so very good. Deshawn was in heaven, what an incredible body the girl turned out to have. Every curve shaped just the way he preferred on little girl.
Marielle was enjoying the attention until the man's hands stopped at her peepee and he started to talk.
"What a sweet pussy. So pure, so untouched, just begging to finally be fucked, fucked hard."
What was fucked? The word scared her. The man tore his shirt off and opened his belt buckle. He was gonna get naked too. His pants dropped, his boxers sticking out like crazy. He suddenly grabbed her hand and put it on the boxerstent. She felt something incredibly hard under it. It had to be his peepee. She snatched her hand away. He put it back.
"I dont like that, sir."
Sir? He liked that. "I do like it, touch me or I just might have to shoot Daddy."
She touched him. He asked her if she wanted to see it. She didn't. Not at all. But she said yes.
Deshawn dropped his boxers, relishing the look on the girls face as she stared at his fat, 7 inch cock.
"Touch bitch," he added when she hesitated. He groaned loudly. Her little hand felt amazing. And it looked so tiny on his thick cock. Her tears were falling again and this time they didn't annoy him, only turned him on further. He could hardly wait until he could hear her cry again. Scream in torment. But not yet.
"Pull you hand up and down. But I can't keep telling you what to do. Just try your best."
Marielle was disgusted. She hated the thing, it was so fat, her hand didn't come close to going all the way around it.
"I want Daddy," she cried out.
"You'll get Daddy soon. Now get to work."
Wanting it over with, she did as she was told. God, what was that stuff, she thought, when some clear fluids started leaking from him. Still, she pulled on it, guiding her hand up and down the shaft of steel.
"Yeah, baby, jack my cock. Good girl. G-o-o-o-o-o-od giiiiirl..."
Deshawn was beside himself. Looking down into her pretty little face as she looked at him with fear. But she kept jacking him off, her pale hand looking so pretty against his dark skin.
"Lick me," he said.
Marielle stopped. What did he say? No. No she couldn't. She... He yanked on her dark hair. "Lick me."
She gave him a lick, got the leaking stuff on her tongue. Ewwwwww! She pulled back, but he just yanked her forward again, screaming at her to lick his cock. Now she started to cry in earnest as she had to let her little pink tongue slide up and down his cock.
"Yeahhhh....that's right...lick little cunt, use that tongue."
He did not let go of her hair, yanked on it when she wasn't good enough. He took hold of her other hand and guided it towards his hairy balls.
"Squeeze them, girl. Not too hard, do a good fucking job."
Her whole body started to tremble, her being scared, so very scared. His heavy sack was terrible, his thing scared her so much, she wanted away from him and the safe arms of Daddy. She wanted to run but what if he shot her Daddy. Then he told her to open her mouth.
"Why?" she asked. He got so mad at her that he yanked harder than before at her hair.
"Little fucktoys do not ask goddamn question, they obey. Open your fucking mouth."
When she did, he pushed the bulging tip of his thing in her mouth. He was so thick that if filled her entire mouth.
"Don't stop touching the rest you whore. And suck on what you have in your mouth. Lets go, lets go."
Marielle tried as good as she could. She stroked slowly up and down while trying to pretend it was a big lollipop in her mouth. Deshawn wanted to deepthroat her but knew it was impossible, but he was stil eager to try just how much she could take. He could hardly wait too fuck er athletic lillywhite hide. He had promised his last victim it wouldn't hurt her, to make her totally unprepared, but this time he was gonna be honest upfront. The look on her face would be priceless. But now for the business at hand. She was getting good. He grabbed her head tighter and shoved gently forward.
Marielle felt him start to enter more of her mouth. But, there wasn't any room for more, she knew it, but he held her head so tight. She took his wrist, trying desperately to push him away. He was too strong. The big monster pushed into her throat, she was so filled up with the thing her jaws hurt being so wide open. Deshawn knew there was no room for more, so he pulled back ready to fuck her little face. The child gagged when he rammed back in again.
"Suck my dick. Fu-u-u-uck. Suck it, that feels so good."
She was gonna die, she just knew it, he wouldn't stop, it just went in and out as she tried in vain to pull back, push him away. Then he pulled out, finally letting her breathe. She gasped for air and only managed one word, Daddy, before the black monster was back, going in and out of her throat even faster.
"Blow me, bitch. Suck me off you white cunt."
He enjoyed her little face in front of him, the sight of her little lips stretch to the braking point around his cock. He pushed in more cock, forcing half his cock down her throat. The desperation in her pretty green eyes were beautiful as she totally panicked. But he held firm and when he pulled out this time, she heaved for breath for a long time.
"No more. I want Daddy, I want my Daddy." Tears were falling in rivers down her pretty features.
"You'll have Daddy soon," he promised, before entering her again. Knowing an orgasm was forthcoming soon, he fucked her face, pistoning and inch behind his gland down her gullett.
Marielle cried and cried. He was doing it again. She didn't want anymore. No more, but she had no way of begging him. On and on it went, not so much this time, but without stop. Then he finally seemed to slow down, but suddenly her mouth was filled with something sticky. He was peeing in her mouth! No, it felt thicker than pee. Oh my God, the taste, what was that horrible taste? It pumped inside her mouth, again and again and again. She wanted to spit it out but his thing was in the way, she had no choice but to swallow it.
"Oh shit, fuck yes, I'm cumin. I'm cuuuuuuuuuumin!!!!!!!!!" he cried out. God, what an orgams, it seemed endless. Finally he pulled out. Jizz dripped from the coughing girl like spit. She'd done a good job at swallowing, he had to give her that.
Marielle looked up at the man towering over her.
"Let me go. Please. No more thing in my mouth. Please. I just want my Daddy, that's all, no more thing."
"It's not a thing, it's a cock. Guys have a cock and you bitches have a cunt, that's the hole between your legs. SAY IT!"
"No more cock. Please, just give me Daddy. Please, sir, don't hurt me with your cock anymore."
"Just one more thing. See, it's still hard. It has to be played with until it goes down. And one way to do that is put it in someones asshole. Like yours."
"Asshole, what is an a...." Her eyes bulged from their sockets. "My butt? You can't stick that in my butt. No, no, no. No, please. That will hurt."
He pulled her naked little body in to his arms. Their nude bodies pressed together felt so nice and warm, Deshawn loved it. He pushed her back and looked into her eyes.
"I'm gonna do it to you. Right now, I'm gonna fuck your little girl asshole."
"No, it'll hurt."
"Yes it will," Deshawn said, making sure his cock pressed against her little crack. "It will hurt. It will hurt more than you can possibly imagine. It will send such a horrible pain through your entire body you will feel like it tears you in half. It's the most terrible thing that'll ever happen to you. It's a pain you couldn't have imagined in your worst nightmares."
Marielle couldn't believe what she was hearing. But he meant every word, he was gonna do that to her. He was gonna kill her with the monster between his legs. Deshawn saw the fear in her eyes. She tore free of his grasp and ran for her father.
Andrew was beside himself with fear. What was the son of a bitch doing to his princess? He heard the words lick and suck once. His little princess giving oral sex to a black man 3 times her size. But he hadn't heard any pain, thank God. Then his princess cameback into the store, running for him. She climbed on to him, holding onto his neck for dear life.
"Daddy, help me, he's gonna stick his huge cock up inside my butt. Stop him. Help me, It'll hurt soooooo terribly."
Then the man came back after her.
"What have you done to my baby? Don't rape her. Please don't rape her. I'll give you anything but don't ruin her life like that."
But the man just grabbed Marielle, twisting her fingers to get her to let her father go. The girl pleaded with her father, she didn't want a cock in her butt, he had to help her. Deshawn got her fingers unlocked and pulled her away from her father. With a hard grip on her wrist, he dragged her down the aile. Andrew could only watch helplessly as his little princess held her free arm out to him, reaching with her little fingers.
"Daddy!!!! Help me."
"Let her go, please don't do this, she's only eight years old." Deshawn gave him the finger, grabbed Marielle around the waist and pulled her kicking and screaming with him.
"DA-A-A-A-A-A-A-ADY." Then she was out of sight.
Deshawn got the girl in the storage area where he pushed her down on the cement floor. She tried to scramble to her feet but he pushed her back down. She scooted backwards on her butt as the big black man stalked her slowly, his fat erection leading the charge. He ordered her to roll over, but she shook her head.
"Don't make me force you, you will have cock and there is no way around it."
"Oh, please, don't hurt me," she sobbed.
"Too late, you can't stop the pain."
Deshawn, fed up, flipped her over, pulled her to his knees. Marielle wanted away but he was far too strong for her frail 8 year old body. She looked back with fear, seeing his dick come closer, knowing there would be no way to stop it, to stop the horrible pain he had promised her. It turned out, the pain was even far more worse than he had said.
Andrew started to cry when he heard the piercing wail of pure agony coming from his daughter out back. He strained aginst his handcuffs but to no avail. All he could do was listen to his little girl being violated. The screams never seemed to end as the minutes passed.
Deshawn had been fucking the little bitch in her lillywhite asshole for five minutes and he wasn't even close to coming. He had enjoyed the child's screams at first but they were starting to get on his nerves. He told her to shut up and even though the screams stopped, her crying didn't. God, her ass was tight. He'd never forget shoving himself in there the first time. He hadn't even tried to be careful, simply just pushed on relentlessly, right past all the defenses her anal cavity tried to offer. She was opening up more, but slowly. Still, he pushed in his cock as hard as he could over and over and over. He held her hips in a vicelike grip, pistoning in and out of her. Finally, her asshole yielded to him completely. Effortlessly, he slid in and out with no resistance. He increased his pace, raping the child with fast, brutal strokes.
"Nnnnnnggggggh, nnnnnggggggh, nnnnnggggggh. Fuck yeeeeeeeaaaaahhhh. I told you it would hurt, you little bitch and all you can do is take it. Just feel my hard cock enetering you. Oh, baby. You hot little bi-i-i-i-i-i-itch."
The pain, the horrible pain! Marielle cried and shook, the pain was unbearable, worse than the man had said, much worse. She tried to crawl away but he held her too hard, digging his fingers into her skin. She tried to think of a way to get away from him, but she couldn't focus, the pain was too much. The cold cement floor scraping her knees.
"Please," she whimpered, barely audible. "Don't hurt me anymore."
Deshawn had every intention of hurting her more. The pain he was causing was intoxicating, he felt like a God. Her life was in his hands. He wanted the pain to be as bad as possible, to have her know she belonged to him. It was Saturday so he could have the entire Sunday for fun if he wanted, maybe he'd even take her with him. He said as much. He stopped his fucking for a while, leaned over the girls back, and whispered in her ear.
"Would you like that? I'll take you with me, I'll be your new Daddy and your butt can be blessed with my cock in it every day." He let her think about it, riding her slowly.
Marielle was beside herself with fear. His words chilled her to the bone. She didn't want him for a Daddy, he wanted her Daddy.
"Don't take me...away from Daddy. I want my..."
She couldn't go on as the man started doing her butt even harder than before, once again, the world was agony, pain, misery. Deshawn lasted a long time and when he felt orgasm building he stopped. His knees were killing him, so he stood them both, lifted the girl in his arms and lowered her asshole to his cock. This way he could feel more of her body as he raped her. She held tightly onto his neck as he lifted her up and down his thick fuckstick. He ordered her to look at him. The fight as all gone from the girl, he had her, mind, body and soul. He licked her tears as he shoved in whenever he dropped her down on his tool. She was such a pretty girl. He went over and pressed her against the wall, where he kept looking into her slowly dying green eyes. He started banging into her again, watching her face contort and twist in pain, tears falling in one small river after another. She passed out, the pain finally too much to bear. He took her a few steps back, lifted her up, dropped her limp body down his cock one last time and finally came. His orgasm ran through his cock like a freight train and exploded powerfully up inside the unconscious little girl.
"FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!!" he yelled out, rubbing his hands all over her bottom.
Still imbedded in the girl Deshawn carried her ou to her father, stopping in front of him. The man stared up at him with a burning hatred and a look of extreme sadness. Deshawn hooked his hands under Marielle's knees and lifted her off of his cock. Her father started crying when he saw a river of cum run out of his daughters hideously gaping anus. Deshawn dumped her down on her fathers lap.
"What a piece of ass. That's the sweetest fuck I can ever remember having."
"You son of a bitch, you evil scum, how could you do that to a little girl?"
"Relax, the slut had to experience it sooner or later."
"I'm gonna kill you."
"Shut up if you want me to let you loose so you can hold her." Andrew shut up. Deshawn uncuffed him and the man wrapped his arms tightly around his girl, weeping into her hair.
Marielle slowly opened her eyes and got scared when she felt a pair of arms around her. But it was her father, stroking her hair, whispering in he ear. "It's OK, sweetie, Daddy's got you." Marielle grabbed onto him for dear life, sobbing into his chest.
"He hurt me Daddy, he hurt me so bad. It still hurts Daddy, my butt hurts so bad, please make the pain go away, please."
But with a gun pointed in their direction Andrew was helpless, all he could do was hold her tight and say that things were going to be alright.
"Put the cuffs back on your Daddy," Deshawn said later, saying the last word mockingly.
But she wouldn't let go. Deshawn ordered her father to let her go. "If you don't, I will take her with me when I leave and sell her on the streets, even broken in she'll get top dollar."
Terrified of the sincerity behind the words, Andrew tried to get his daughter to cooperate but she clung to him in fear. "He'll hurt me more Daddy, please don't let me go."
"I won't hurt you. I won't even touch you," Deshawn said, but that he would if she didn't do as she was told. For added emphasis, Deshawn put his gun in the man's mouth. Seeing that, Marielle, trembling and terrified, got slowly to her feet, doing a she was told.
Deshawn started tugging at Andrew's pants, opening his belt and zipper, pulling his legswear down. "What the fuck are you doing," the man said. But Deshawn just finished what he had to do.
"The whole time she kept saying she wanted Daddy, well, now she's gonna have Daddy." Realisation dawned on Andrew over what the punk had in mind. "No fucking way, don't you dare."
"Holy shit!" Deshawn said when he saw Andrew's dick. "Damn, whiteboy, I thought we were supposed to be the endowed species," Deshawn laughed.
Andrew looked at his penis, all 10 inches when it was hard. "You can't do this, you see how big it is, I won't let you do this."
"Don't tell me, tell this thing," Deshawn said. "If you don't get hard, it can't be used. But daughter or not, I'll bet she gets you hard in a flash."
"What is happening Daddy." Marielle asked. Suddenly the scary man pulled at her wrist, shoving her down on her knees between her Daddy's legs. He held her firmly by the neck and pushed her face to her Daddy's thing.
"You know what to do, bitch," his harsh voice said.
He wanted he to lick her Daddy's thing? She couldn't, it was her Daddy. The scary man pressed his thing to her butt again, telling her that if she didn't do as told, he would fuck her again. Marielle licked, slowly pushed her tongue up her Daddy's thing. She was surprised at just how fast it got hard. She wanted to stop, her butt was on fire and she didn't like cocks, she never wanted to see one again, but what if he killed her Daddy and took her with him. Reluctantly she kept licking.
Andrew was horrified at the effect his daughter was having on him. Her little tongue drove him crazy, it felt so damn good. But he didn't want this, it was obsene. He begged the balck man to pu t at end to it. But Deshawn was enjoying himslef too much. "Once you are no longer hard when she does you, this will stop," he promised, knowing in his heart only an orgam could do that.
Andrew shuddered when Marielle's hand pulled his skin back and let her tongue glide over his gland. He started leaking, precum landing on his little girl's tongue. Marielle pulled away, her Daddy tasted even worse. Then the scary man asked her to suck cock. She didn't want to but he'd shoot Daddy. Ass still burning, she did as she was told. Daddy's cock wasn't as fat as the scary man's, so it fit more easily inside her mouth. She took the tip in and out of her mouth. Andrew gasped with pleasure, his daughters mouth was indescribably good around his cockhead.
"Make her...oh more....oh fuck..." Andrew stuttered. He hated this just as much as he wanted more. Deshawn grabbed the back of Marielle's head, making her take more cock. "Suck it," he said, pushing her up and down. When he let go, the girl continued.
Marielle tried to take more and more inside her mouth like the scary man kept telling her, but even though Daddy's cock was easier to get in it was just too long, not much could fit. But she tried. She could hear how Daddy was enjoying it. Should he be enjoying it?
"Good little cunt, suck Daddy's cock, bitch," Deshawn told the bobbing girl.
Andrew was groaning as his little girl sucked his dick. He hated to admit it but she was good. He tried many week protests butshe kept on sucking, sending waves of pleasure throughout his whole body. Why wouldn't his dick go down, this was so wrong, but what if the punk did kill them. Andrew gave up, defenses shattered, and let the blowing continue. Marielle sucked and sucked, her mouth filled with Daddy's cock.
"Use your imagination, whore, don't just bob like a boring cow." Marielle thought about it. So, she grabbed her Daddy's cock and licked the tip. Then took it in her mouth, sucking the tip and jacking the rest at the same time. Andrew couldn't take much more, he was shocked at how much he wanted to blow his load in his daughters mouth. This was so fucking wrong so why was he so horny.
Deshawn watched with a pleased grin, the cunt was getting good at this,maybe even enjoying herself. What pleased him most was how much her father was loving it, despite his weaker and weaker protests.
"Yes, suck Daddy," the man suddenly said, surprising all three. How could Daddy be enjoying it, was all Marielle could think, hadn't he just earlier begged the scary man NOT to do this? But Andrew awas past the point of no return, ashamed he didn't want it to stop. He could feel his load ready to blow, he wanted it, craved it. He shoved his cock up, thrusted. Silent tears fell from Marielle's green eyes at her father fucking her face, shooting the nasty stuff in her mouth. At the same time the scary man pushed the back of her head,making Daddys shooting stuff choke her.
"I'm cumin, oh, I'M FUCKING CUMIN."
Deshawn laughed, delighted.
Orgasm over, shame crashed down on Andrew. Unimaginable shame. What had he done. He'd enjoyed, loved, his daughter, his precious little angel, his princess, sucking his fucking cock. "I'm sorry, Marielle, I'm sorry, " he cried when the black guy pulled her away. She looked at him with such a hurt look of betrayal in her eyes. Then the punk had her onhe back, spreading her legs. Oh God, he couldn't bare the thought of watching his baby being raped. "Don't do it, you've hurt her too much allready."
"Really. I don't think the sting in her ass can compare to the sting in her tears at how much fun you just had." With that Deshawn put all his focus on the girl. Her little pussy looked so inviting, so innocent. So defenseless. Her legs were spread wide, cunt open and at the mercy of anyone determined enough to get in. He dove for her with his tonue, licking all over her 8 year old vagina.
Having expected more pain, Marielle was totally unprepared for the incredible pleasure the scary man was giving her. His tongue was soft where his cock had been hard, so nice where his cock had been awful. It was pressing for entrance to her hole. She wante it inside her, it made her forget the pain in her butt. Thenhe stopped pressing his tongue.
"No, don't stop," she begged. Deshawn was pleased. He genuinley wanted her to enjoy herself. He found her clit under it's shielding, gave it a lick.
"Oooooooooohhh!" He attacked it again, sucking it in his mouth. She squaled with delight. It was the best feeling ever. She begged for more, and pleased, she got what she wanted.
Deshawn ate her pussy like a demon, fingering and licking her clit, licking her hole, whirling his tongue back and forth. Th e girl thrust up, prsing her pussy agains t his tongue, wanting it inside her. When it slipped it, she kept shoving her groin in his face.
"Yes. yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes," she cried out. Then something happened. Something so good she was surprised it even existed. Her whole body was suddenly made of pleasure.
Andrew watched, disgustedly fascinated as her first orgasm wracked his daughters body. The way she threw her legs over the punk's sholders, squeezing him with her thighs, shoving her vagina as hard as she could into his face.
Deshawn looked up, pleased. The girl had such a satisfied look on her face. "More," she said.
"Daddy is hard again. Him first, then you."
Andrew was horrified when his baby literally dove for his cock, wanting to suck it just so the punk could give her another orgasm. "Something else, isn't she," Deshawn said as she started sucking.
"For God's sake, stop this. I admit it, OK. I enjoyed it, just like you wanted to prove, but no more."
Deshawn pulled Marielle away. "My turn now?" she smiled at him.
"Daddy first. But he's had your mouth, he should get you hole too." The girl looked at him with big eyes. He wanted Daddy to do the fucking thing in her hole? No, that would hurt, she didn't wanna hurt anymore. Andrew watched his cock thwitch at the prospect of taking his girls cherry. But his mind screamed no. No fucking way. But the punk had her straddle her Daddy's waist, ready to lift he onto his cock.
"Don't do this. You can see I'm much too big for her, I can barely get the whole thing iside women."
But Deshawn was determined to see all ten inches inside the bitch. Marielle started crying again, the pleasure from a few minutes ago replaced my the memory of her anal rape. She tried to get away but the once again scary man, just put his gun in Daddy's mouth.
"Come back here and put your fucking pussy onto Daddy's big cock. NOW!" Her earlier resentment fell away and concern for her Daddy took center stage. "Now lets get ready for some father/daugher fucking," Deshawn laughed.
Andrew stared at his daughter's vagina getting closer to his big, long cock. He didn't want her to experience pain because of him but no matter how much he tried his cock would not go down. He could feel it practically pulsing with exitement. Then her tiny slit was pressed against his cockhead. The punk had her by the shoulders, ready push down at a moments notice if she didn't do as she was told.
"Lower yourself more, let Daddy inside you," Deshawn said.
"Make her stop, don't make me do this, I DON'T WANT HER TO HAVE THESE MEMORIES OF ME."
Afraid for her Daddy's life, Marielle pushed down when his shiny tip pressed against herself. The scary man used two fingers to spread out the lips between her legs. The inside of her peepee was spread open by the pressure of Daddy's thing. The head started slipping inside her and it hurt. She tried to lower herself but it was impossible, it hurt too much. She didn't think it would work, her hole was too small. The scary man pushed on her shoulders, forcing her further down.
"Lower yourself, cunt."
"I CAN'T. It hurts."
"It'll hurt far worse if I push and MAKE it slide in."
"Stop this, stop this, stop this, stop this," Andrew kept repeating, hating himself for enjoying it so much. Marielle's vagina was sooooo deliciously tight around his cockhead. There was o way she would be able to take the hole thing without excrusiating pain, pain the black punk wa so eager to cause. He was tempted to order his daughter off no matter what but the punk would just rape her himself, probably causing untold damage.
"Lower," Deshawn ordered.
"Baby, I'm so sorry. I'm so very sorry," Andrew cried, his tears as copious as his daughters. She screamed so loud he just knew it was her hymen breaking.
Marielle looked down and saw how much cock there was left to get inside her. How would she manage with the pain she was in already. It hurt far worse than in her butt and he wasn't even all the way in yet. She almost wihed it would go in fast like in her butt to get it over with. Then, with half of Daddy inside her, she was stuck. She tried to push down but it would go no further. The black man siuddenly grabbed her under the shoulder, lifted her off most of Daddy, then dropped her, his foot kicking aside one of hers. She fell onto Daddy's thing. The man did it again, several times, forcing Daddy inside fast.
Deshawn relished the satisfied look on the father's face, such a great contrast to the rage in his eyes. If looks could kill, he'd be a dead man. He kept forcing the girl to ride the father's cock, he still couldn't belive how big the white man was. Not as fat as his own but with the length it was still a lot bigger.
"Now, bitch, I'm gonna let you go and you fucking get all of him inside you, no more trying, just do it."
Marielle tried so hard, trying to ignore the pain, but it wouldn't go any further.
"Can't I just fuck half," she asked.
Both men stared at her urprised at he language. Deshawn was pleased at what a fast learned she was and said OK. Half lying down, head and upper back only against the support beam behind him, Andrew looked at his daughter riding his cock. He wanted to just thrust and fuck her hard, but his love for her stopped him. But he loved every minute, it was better than any pussy he had ever had.
"Ride that cock, baby," the scary man told her and Marielle did. She was surprised at herself for getting used to it and it didn't hurt so much. It was starting to feel good the way the button between her legs slid down the lenght of her Daddy.
"Nnnnnnngggghh, nnnnggggghhhhh, mmmmmmmm, oooooh," Marielle cried out, enjoying herself. Then, without warning, the scary man stood and pushed down on her shoulders as hard as he could. The rest of Daddy slipped in. It was by far the worst pain she had ever endured.
With his daughers wail of agony Andrew knew he was past her cervix and in her womb. Marielle desperately tried to get up but the scary man held her down, forcing her to keep Daddy inside. She felt like a thousand knives were jamming her in the stomach. She kept shrieking and shreiking until everything went black.
"Not again," Deshawn complained.
"What kind of monster are you, for heavens sake, let us go."
Andrew wanted to hold his daughter, end her misery but the damn handcuffs prevented any action he wanted to take. And his fucking cock just wouldn't obey, it just kept feeling awesome stuck inside the pussy around it. It took a long time before his daugter came to and he was still hard as a rock.
Marielle opened her eyes. She still had a cock in her. She couldn't move. Bu that didn't stop the scary man, he lifted her up and down, forcing her to fuck Daddy. She prayed to pass out again, but no such luck. All she could do was suffer. Then, when sure life couldn't get any worse, the scary man brutally shoved his cock back in her butt. He lifted her up and down. Off her Daddy's dick and onto his own. Off his own dick and down on Daddy's. Over and over and over. She got her wish, the pain was so unbearable her brain shut down to protect her sanity and sent her into blissful unconcious oblivion.
Deshawn singlehandedly handled the child's double rape, forcing her down onto her father's big dick by pushing his own up her ass. Two cocks raced in and out of the child. Andrew had a massive orgasm, wave after wave of pleasure thanks to huge volleys of jizz exploding up inside his daughters immature womb. Then the shame set it. Still, he was thankful for the orgasm as his erection deflated, never to cause his princess pain again.
Deshawn pulled the girl off her Daddy, got her on her back and finally entered her cunt. God, what a wonderful whore, her pussy was heavenly. He fucked it slowly, wanting to savour every thrust. Too son, he blew his load, his perm joing her Daddy's in her womb. Pulling out his dick was wet with blood. He deposited the child on her father. He got dressed, looked down on his handiwork. Watching agrown man cry, he had to admit, was embarrasing. He knew he couldn't leave witnesses, he had no choice but t oset the place ablaze. He had lighter fluid in his coatpocket adn matches. He hunkered won in front of the man.
"Sorry about this. But no witnesses. Probably best for the girl anyway. You both will be cherished in my memories.
In the end, Deshawn made two fatal mistakes. As he went for his coat near the exit, he didn't notice the girl had awoken and he forgot what kind of a store he was in. She got up, grabbed a wrench from the shelf and with blood all over her thighs,charged him, hitting him as hard as she could. He fell face first. She hit him in the back of the neck, knocking him out.
When he came to, he was in the storage area. His head was killing him and he looked around for his two vitims. Trying to get up, he found himself cuffed to one of the support beams in the back. Coward that he was when no one defenseless was around, he got scared. As the hours passed, the dread descented more and more. He couldn't get any sleep because the cuffs was so tight. They left him there overnight, the room gettng colder and colder. When they came back the father still wore the same clothes but the girl was cleaned up, hair washed and wearing jeans and a kneelength red sweater. She gave him a brutal stomp on the top of his balls and punched him in the face repeatedly. He didn't know little girls was capable of such cold fury. She aimed for his nose most of all and ten punches later he felt it break. Two broken teeth fell into his lap in a river of blood when he tried to speak. The father urged him to not talk and pulled out a bag.
He held up a needle. "To stick under all 20 nails," he simply said.
Marielle gave her father a pair of pliers with a smile on her face. "To pull your nails out," she said. DeShawn looked terrified at the monster he had created.
A rusty pair of scissors. "After we break all fingers, at every joint, we're gonna use these to cut them off, one joint at a time."
"And then it's your toes, after we smash it with this," Marielle finished where her father left off, holding up a hammer.
Andrew held up an iron. "For anesthetic, we don't want you to bleed to death. Then we will remove your teeth with the hammer as well. Then, with no way of proving who you are, I will dump you on the streets of Mexico where you can beg for change for the rest of your miserable life."
Deshawn stared at him. He was serious. Dear God! He was serious!!!!!!!"
Marielle was arrested on suspicion of 20 serial murders of known childmolesters at age 43.
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