The Scoutmaster, Part 2

[ M/m, m/m, m/b, nc, bd, rough ]

by Scout65

Published: 3-Sep-2012

Word Count:

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Bryan was fast asleep as John pulled the van up to the gate of the ranch. It was just approaching dawn and he was exhausted, but he knew he had a few hours more work ahead of him. He woke his son to open the gate, then pulled the van and trailer through waiting for his boy to lock the gate behind them and hop back into the van. The ranch was a few hundred acres, and their nearest neighbor was 12 miles away, who they only saw occasionally in town, which was 25 miles away, when they went for supplies. John's wife had left them a small family fortune when she died, so John didn't have to worry about work, but they did raise a few cows, and keep some chickens, along with some horses. He made sure Bryan learned how to live in the country, and was used to hard work. The boy was smart, and John home schooled him making sure he had the equivalency of a high school education. He planned on assessing his new scouts' education as well.

He pulled the van up to their barn, then carefully backed the trailer back up to the entrance. Once they got out, he had Bryan open the door leading down to the "scout hut", which was in a stall in the barn. John was thankful that his grandpa had a bit of cold war hysteria when he built the place years ago, and basically had the a room basically the whole area of the barn built underneath the structure, with full plumbing and power, both on the grid and it's own generator. He quickly unloaded all the old camping gear from the trailer, revealing the two hooded scouts, who were both still soundly out. He had Bryan bring over a military stretcher he had picked up at surplus years ago, and cut the hog tie rope on Gage, but the small boy's legs and wrists remained tied while they strapped him to the litter and carried him down stairs into his new home.

They quickly dumped him on the lone bed they had set up in the cell that they had constructed, and headed back upstairs. "We will have to add another cot in the cell and add some more chains," John told Bryan. "For now they can share the bed."

They quickly cut Luke's hogtie and carried him down the stairs as well. Instead of dumping him in the cell however, they laid him out flat the large flat wooden table in the center of the room. John cut all the ropes off of Luke and he had Bryan pulled his arms up over his head, so that he was laying on his back stretched out. He removed the sack covering his head.

"Get the clipboard boy," John ordered his son, and got a cloth tape measure from one of the many cupboards full of all kinds of different items. He quickly started taking measurements of limp boy and reading them off to his son. "Height, 61inches, waist, 24 and half inches, inseam" he couldn't resist of feel of the boys cock through his shorts as he ran the tape down the inside of Luke's thigh down to his well worn sneaker. John noticed the kid had on those new fangled nylon sneakers that all the kids were wearing now. Size 8 he noticed. Not for long for this one, he thought. They will both have proper uniform shoes soon. "Inseam is 28inches., shorts will be 9 inches to start with." He then measured his arm length, head circumference, neck and chest size.

He needed these measurements for the custom clothing that he and Bryan would create for his new scouts. Some he could buy or mail order, but some things he would just have to do himself. He had learned to sew in the Army as a parachute rigger, and after his wife died, he made sure that Bryan started to learn as soon as he was old enough to operate a sewing machine.

John went into the cell and easily lifted the smaller boy up and over his shoulder, then carrying him and placing him down next to Luke on the table. He cut the ropes binding Gage and stretched him out next to Luke, tossing the sack that had covered his head aside. The contrast was large. The older boy had the old style uniform, and while it was neat and clean, he cold tell it was well worn. The smaller kid, looked like an ad from the boy scout catalog. He had the khaki shirt, and the shorter shorts with cargo pockets, as well as the new style uniform socks with the bright red band on the top, compared to the collarless short sleeve shirt and all green socks held up by the more traditional garters that the red head was wearing. Blondie was wearing brand new hiking shoes. He also noticed that the only badges on his shirt were his troop and patrol markings, no rank or anything else. He was brand new, as compared to the other boy's patrol leader markings and other insignia marking various accomplishments.

He took Gage's measurements, calling them out as before to Bryan, who wrote them down on the clipboard. 54 inches tall with a 23 and half inch waist with a 26 inch inseam for pants, 7 inches for shorts. He had size 6 feet. After he was satisfied with the preliminary measurements, he stared at the two boys while he contemplated the next move. His original plan being for only one boy, having two now changed things.

"Get me a catheter out of the cabinet Bryan and a bedside urinal, their bladders are probably very full." He told his son while he started digging through the boys pockets, retrieving a wallet from each. .

"Just one Sir?"

"Yes, I want the little one here," pointing to Gage, "to have an accident. We are going to have some fun."

Smiling, Gage nodded and went to retrieve the one time use catheter and bag from the well stocked medicine cabinet, while John went through the contents of each boys wallet. So the redhead's name was Luke Jones. he discovered from his junior high school student ID card and public library card. 13 years and 3 months old, would have started 8th grade this year. Oh well, he will learn more from me than any school he thought.

Next was little Blondie's wallet, which like everything else he wore looked brand new, as well as quite expensive. It surprising had a crisp 20 dollar bill in it, (which was a large amount of money for a boy in 1981) and a small card with his typed name and address in it. Gage Powers the III, according to his school ID. Just 12 this past month and graduated sixth grade. Well little Gage, thought John, it looks as if have been fed with a silver spoon; not anymore, he thought.

Just then Bryan returned with the catheter and a box of hospital gloves. "The redhead is named Luke, and the little one is Gage. It looks as if Gage is a bit spoiled judging by his clothes, and this," holding up the boys wrist, that had a very expensive digital watch, then letting it fall, "while Luke here is wearing a second hand uniform apparently. Undo Luke's belt and get his cock out, were going to drain him.

His hands shaking with excitement, Bryan undid the brass belt buckle of Luke's belt and unclasped the shorts. His own cock was growing in his tight cut offs as he gazed upon the red head's white briefs. He reached inside and pulled out the kids soft circumcised penis pulling the waistband of his briefs down under the boys balls revealing a 3 inch soft dick under a small but full patch of red pubic hair. He even had a few freckles on his dick, Bryan noticed. He licked his lips, wondering if a boy cock tasted different than his dad's or the other men he had sucked off in his life.

John noticed his boy staring at Luke's revealed private area and cuffed him on the ear. "Not now Scout! Focus! Now put some gloves on and get the catheter ready. You are going to do him while he is still out. We don't have much time.

Brought back to the present by his Dad's painful reminder, he pulled a pair of gloves on as did his father. He had been made to do this to himself for over a year now, but it was different doing it on another boy. Just holding Luke's cock in his gloved hand was almost more than his own cock could bare, but knowing he would be severely punished if he screwed this up, he carefully followed the correct procedure, taking the lubed tip of the catheter and slowly inserting it into the boys urethra. Luke didn't budge, still totally out as the catheter slowly entered his bladder. Bryan smiled when he saw the flow of urine start to flow, and quickly set it up to drain into the plastic urinal.

"Good job scout, keep it in until the flow stops," John said, proud that his son got it right on the first try. After draining almost 200ml of urine into the bottle, Luke's bladder was apparently empty, and Bryan, looking at his dad for approval, slowly removed the catheter. That was the first time that Luke moaned and started to move.

"Quick son, get the wheelchair over here. They will both be waking up soon." John said, while he lifted Gage back up over his shoulder and returned the boy to the bed in the cell, placing him on his back. The bed was an old military cot, with a sturdy metal frame and a thin mattress on top of a wire spring frame. In the process of building the scout hut, John had taught his son to weld, and one of the projects was welding irons to each end of the bed. He stretched the small boy out on the cot in an "X" restraining his wrists and ankles with leather cuffs that were attached via heavy chain at each corner. He wasn't planning on such a short boy, so Gage was stretched pretty tightly on his back. John next took off the boy's bright blue neckerchief, tied a knot in the middle placing the knot in the boys mouth, careful to keep his tongue underneath it, and tight it tightly around his head, gagging the boy. He placed a pillow under his head, so that when he woke, Gage could see his feet, and left him their to return to the table where Bryan was waiting with an old hospital wheelchair that they had modified with leather restraints.

With his son's help, John got Luke, who was now starting to moan, into a seated position in the wheelchair, placing his feet on the footrests (which they had welded permanently in place at a wide angle, so that whoever was in the chair would be sitting with their legs spread wide), before doing the same to his arms and wrists on the chairs armrests. He had Bryan practice his knot tying skills by further restraining the youngster with several wraps of rope under his arms and around his chest to the back of the chair, so slouching would be impossible. Luke was starting to come to, his head now moving about and moaning. John quickly took the yellow neckerchief from around Luke's neck, knotted it and gagged him just as he had to Gage. He then wheeled the boy into the cell and locked the wheels of the chair, leaving him facing the back of the cell and directly in front of the floor length mirror that was located there. He took the boys red beret and made sure to place it perfectly on his shaggy red hair, and then turned on a baby monitor that he had mounted high on the wall of the cell, next to the closed circuit TV camera that was also there. He checked each boys restraints one last time and exited the small cell.

John closed the cell door then, ensuring it was locked, then turning to Bryan. "Come on boy, we need some rest before the next phase, and I want to get you ready for our first meeting after they wake up."

"Yes sir," Bryan replied, following his dad up the stairs. Both father and son were sporting painful erections at the anticipation of what was to come. The scoutmaster turned off all the lights in the room, save one dim bulb that illuminated the cell, the climbed out into the barn, slamming the hatch to the room shut and locking it.

Through the fog in his brain, Luke thought he heard a door slam. What was going on? He was going to camp today...My head hurts, my mouth tastes awful. What's in my mouth, why can't I close it? His eyes snapped open, and Luke woke up looking at himself tied to the wheelchair, still in his full uniform with his neckerchief gagging him. He saw in the mirror that he was in some kind of jail cell and wondered what the heck was going on. He screamed into his gag and struggled against his bonds trying to break free. This went on for several minutes until he gave up, exhausted, and finding that he was secured extremely tightly to the chair. He was trying his best not to cry and to figure out what had happened and where he was.

It was coming back to him, had had to pee badly and ran ahead of everyone else, then went to help out that scoutmaster and the other boy scout. That's all he could remember. Something happened in that trailer. He was so caught up in his own plight that it took several minutes for him to realize that he wasn't alone in this cell. He saw for the first time, another boy scout, not from his troop tied down to a bed on his left. That kid was starting to moan softly and move around.

Gage felt something weird in his mouth. He tried to close it but couldn't and when he tried to feel what was in it, he woke up fully realizing he couldn't move his arms or legs. He found himself looking out of some kind of jail, and his ankles were chained to the bed. At first he thought it was another trick by the older bullies in his troop, but then quickly realize there is no way they could do something like this to him. He struggled and yelled into his gag and just like Luke, found out quickly that that was useless. He was starting to panic, and tears welled in his eyes when he looked to his right and gasped into his gag. There was another scout, in an old uniform with troop markings he didn't recognize, tied to a wheelchair facing the back wall. He locked eyes with the other boy, who was bigger and older looking that him, and tried to yell though the gag, but quickly realized the other boy was gagged as well, so communicating was impossible for the moment. What the hell was going on? When my mom finds out about this, people will pay, was the first thought through his head. The second thought was that he had to pee really really bad.

He placed his head back on the pillow and tried to think. He was crying when that explorer scout said he would help him. He then remembered that the boy held him down in the van when that awful smelling stuff made him black out. He had been kidnapped! But why? His mothers money? That must be it, eh thought. God I have to pee!

Luke watched the younger scout, god he had no badges at all on his uniform, a total tenderfoot, he thought, struggle briefly before starting to cry and lay back. He tried once more to talk, but found that the gag made it totally useless, plus his neck was hurting trying to look over toward him all the time. He glanced back at himself in the mirror, but that frightened him as well. Whoever did this to them was dangerous he thought, and he couldn't figure out why he had been kidnapped. He was also slightly embarrassed that even in his situation, he had a sort of tingly feeling that he used to get when he was slightly younger playing "tie up" games in cub scouts and such. He looked back over when he heard the younger kid start to cry in earnest. He then saw why.

Gage had held out as long as he could. He tried relaxing and thinking about anything else he could, but finally his bladder betrayed his will, and the piss started flowing. He laid on his back and started crying at frustration and humiliation as felt first his underpants, then his shorts, then the rough woolen blanket he was laying on start to soak up with warm liquid draining out of his penis (he actually thought in terms like that, his mother always insisting on not using slang of any kind). He wanted to go home. He wanted his mother.

Luke momentarily forgot about his own problems when he saw the wet spot start then grow on the poor kids uniform. At the same time he was glad he didn't have to pee and wondered how long they had been out, and where they were. He was scared but also getting mad. How could they do this to them? Who are they? He started screaming into the gag until he heard a tinny voice come out of a speaker high on the wall.

"Scouts, stop trying to talk. Failure to do as your told will result in quick and severe punishment. You have been warned." The speaker went dead. The voice terrified Gage, and Luke looked up and saw the small radio looking thing right next to the camera that had a small red light. He then realized that they were being watched and listened too. He wanted to scream at the camera, but the voice sounded ominous, and he realized he could do nothing. The warming about punishment also scared him, so for the time being he relaxed. Boy was he thirsty!

In the den of the main house, John smiled at his son as they watched the reaction of Luke on the small black and white TV that was hooked up to the camera in the cell. "That should keep them thinking for a while. Now you get out in the kitchen and get my barber kit, you are going to loose that punk hairstyle."

"Yes sir," Bryan said dejectedly. He had finally been allowed to grow his hair like all the other kids in town, but only for this operation. John had wanted to make sure that in case of any witnesses, they would blend in as well as possible. Otherwise, he believed boys should look like boys did when he was a boy, fashion trends be dammed. No son of his would look like a dammed girl!

When he got to the kitchen, he smiled as he saw that Bryan was waiting for him, sitting on his chair next to the table where the clippers and scissors were neatly laid out. He was sitting completely naked except for his socks under a barber cape, that John secured around his neck before picking up the scissors. (he wasn't allowed barefoot in the house as it was unsanitary).

"Since you have done a good job, I'm going to let you keep it longer than before son, no flat top or butch this time."

"Thanks dad. I mean sir," Bryan responded, still not happy he was losing his hard grown long hair.

"Dad is fine up here Bryan, but remember, in front of the new scouts, it's Sir or Scoutmaster, got it?" He pushed the boy head down and lifted the hair on the back of his head, switched the clippers on and placed them against the back of his sons bared neck.

"Yes Dad, I'll remember," Bryan whispered, wincing at the familiar feel of his fathers clippers running up his neck. He loved his Dad with his whole heart, but wished he would understand that he didn't want to perennially look like a fifth grader from 1966.

The Scoutmaster cut his son's hair with quick efficiency that came with years of practice. In a matter of minutes, gone was the modern hairstyle, replaced with a tapered cut with a severe part along the right side of Bryan's head, and large "white walls" above the teen's ears. His skin was noticeably whiter where it had been covered by hair the last few months.

When John removed the cape from his son, he saw that the boy was sporting a large erection. "Excited Bryan?" He asked. "I want' you to get some rest before we begin, and I don't want you ruining that pent up energy."

"I want you to take a bath, make sure you shave your legs too. Then when you get out, bring me your belt before you take a nap."

"Dad, no, please!" Bryan whined. "I won't touch it I promise!" He knew exactly which belt his father was talking about. "I shouldn't have to be the..."

He never got to finish his sentence, as before he new it, he was bent over the kitchen table with his father's large hand pressing down on the small of his back. Bryan felt his socked feet being kicked apart and his father's other massive hand crashing into his naked buttocks.

Bryan knew better than to cry out. He bit his lip hard while his father laid 10 very hard swats to his naked behind. It hurt like hell, but he tried like hell not to show it. He wanted his father to be proud of him, even when he was being punished. After the final swat, he fought with everything he had not to rub his sore ass, but instead, turned to his father came to a parade rest position (legs apart, with hands clasped behind him at the small of his back), his cock now half as hard as it had been, but still sticking out from him and said with military precision, "I apologize for my outburst sir .Thank you for correcting me! I will do as ordered"

"See to it boy, I want those legs smooth as glass when you bring your belt to me. I'm going to go turn out the lights in the hut so our new scouts get some rest while we do."

With that, Bryan came to attention before walking out of the room as he had been trained many years before, and headed to his bathroom, dreading shaving his legs. He had just started to grow some nice fuzz that matched his jet black hair he was thinking. Oh well, he new he had to follow the rules, especially since he wanted to have fun with the new boys in the hut! His cock was hard again as he filled his tub with water.

At the same time, John was in the barn opening a small electrical box in the stall that contained the entrance to the hut. He threw the breaker to the lights in the cell, plunging the entire room below into complete blackness.

Down below in the hut, the sudden darkness caused both boys to involuntarily jump against their bonds. The only light in the entire room that Luke could see was the small red light on the video camera on the wall. Gage could not even see that from where he was positioned and he became more afraid than he already was. He tried not to start crying again but couldn't help it. He laid there helplessly as the tears fell down his face, adding to the wetness he already felt in his soiled uniform. Luke tried shouting through the gag for the smaller boy to stop crying but it was no use. He was just as scared, and now that the small blond couldn't see him, his head sagged and he started crying as well. How could anyone find them down in this room, he wondered in despair. He and Gage lost track of how long they sat and laid there in utter darkness, fear and hopelessness setting in.

Scoutmaster Hart smiled slowly as he watched the two boys slowly stop crying and go to sleep on his black and white monitor. He had the entire hut illuminated by infra red light so that even in darkness, he could monitor his new scouts. He had got this system from a security company in the states using a false company name to purchase the gear and have it delivered to a PO Box that he maintained in Montana. So it would be hard to trace to him.

Soon, Bryan entered the kitchen, wearing nothing but a fresh pair of white tube socks. His erection had subsided a bit, but the boy was still terribly excited about what was about to happen down in the hut. He approached his father and handed him his special belt. It was a black leather chastity belt with a hard leather pouch that confined his sons genitals and prevented erection. It resembled a jockstrap kind of, except that the waistband had a buckle at the back that fastened with a small padlock that only John had the key for. It conveniently left his sons boy pussy, as he called it, readily accessible. John took the offered belt and placed it on the table. He had to take care of that erection first, which he did by taking a bowl of ice water he had prepared, knowing his son, and sticking the bowl up against the boy's balls, submerging them in the icy water.

Bryan's eyes grew wide and he let out a small yelp, but otherwise maintained control as his dick rapidly deflated and his balls retreated into his shaved smooth sack. John smiled as he held the bowl there for a while, feeling his son's shaved smooth legs to make sure he did a good job.

"Nice job boy. Depending on how you do training the scouts, I may let you grow your hair out ahead of your 18th."

"Thank you sir," Bryan croaked, his balls now painfully cold.

Satisfied the erection had subsided, John put the bowl down and picked up the chastity belt. He expertly fit the steel reinforced cup around his son's dick and balls, and brought the straps together behind Bryan's back and tightened them until he saw his boy visibly wince. He locked the small lock with a key he kept at all times.

"That should keep you out of trouble son. Now go get some sleep. I will wake you in exactly three hours, and then it's show time."

"Yes sir, thank you sir." Bryan replied, feeling his hard leather pouch all the way to his room. His cock was jammed against it's prison dying for release, but he knew it was useless. He got into bed, thinking he would never get to sleep, but as the whole operation had gone past 24 hours, he was quickly out, dreaming of having two young scouts groveling at his boots...

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I'm really enjoying this story. Too bad we now have a lomng wait until the next part can be posted.


Good story so far, I can't wait to see where you go with it.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.