IstariProfile: Am I really a wizard? Well, no, but if I were you can bet I'd see to it that we'd have a world full of handsome young boy slaves to do our every bidding.All of my writings involve the enslavement of young males in some fashion or another. My stories may be consensual or non-consensual, but they almost always center around themes of discipline, bondage, humiliation, strict enforced chastity through various cruel devices or other means, and the occasional use of body modifications. I try, in most cases, to get into the heads of my young slave boy heroes, allowing the reader to experience their lives with them and see the world through their youthful eyes. I suppose my tales fall into two separate groups. The first is where the boy is the prime mover, the actor who struts upon center stage and generally controls everything that is happening to him and around him. Stories like Mastering Alex (my first ever boy-erotica) and Steven's Summer in Chains fall into this category. Are these boys really slaves at all, or are they in fact superb masters of their own fate, directing those around them to meet their deepest and darkest needs? These stories tend to have a more 'real-life' quality to them, as they always take place in a world largely identical to the one we all live in. My second group of tales are the more outlandish fantasy driven stories, where the boys, while still vibrant and active characters, are less able to control the events of their own lives and are forced to endure the rigors of slavery for the enjoyment of others. Worldwide Boy Gladiators is surely the cornerstone of these tales. I make no apologies for the events in my stories sometimes being far-fetched, ridiculous or simply impossible. It is boy-erotica, after all, and sometimes the wierder and stranger the world, the more compelling it is for the writer and the reader to inhabit it. Boys are marvelous creatures. For an all too fleeting time, they represent that strange phenomenon known as the 'human being' at their most beautiful, inspiring, inquisitive, creative, brave, stupid, kind, cruel, vulnerable, stubborn and yes sexual. Everything that makes us unique as humans seems to be amplified to a fevered pitch in the bodies of young boys. It is no wonder they burn themselves out so quickly and turn into ordinary men. Like me. Like you. Like all of us. But we were all boys once. Maybe, through my stories, we can all relive the wonder of what it was to be a boy. Happy reading. Contact: Istari_olias(at)yahoo(dot)com or feedback form (please type Istari in the subject line). |
(Dutch translation of Azrael the WonderBoy).
Azrael is sterartiest in het circus zonder dieren 'Circus de la Lune'. De kleine durfal acrobaat is de favoriet van de fans, overal waar de show doorgaat. Nochtans is zijn leven achter de schermen heel anders dan het leven van andere jongens van zijn leeftijd. Zijn trainers hebben een strikt regime voor hem opgesteld, van training en discipline om hem in topconditie te houden, zowel mentaal als fysiek. |
Boy-slave Story Story codes: MFb – Mdom Fdom nosex – bond chast 2,200 words (4½ pages) |
Azrael the WonderBoyYoung Azrael is a star performer in the all-human 'Circus de la Lune'. The daredevil little acrobat is a favorite of fans wherever the show goes. His life behind the scenes however is rather different from that lived by most boys his age. His trainers have established a strict regime of discpline and training to keep him in top mental and physical condition. |
Boy-slave Story Story codes: MFb – Mdom Fdom nosex – bond chast 2,200 words (4½ pages) |
Chastity for Boys: A Parent's GuideNot so much a story, but simply playing out an idea in my head to its full and logical extreme. This one may not appeal to a mass audience as there is no real narrative. However, those readers who, like me, have a love for boys in chastity should find this little treatise quite delightful. |
"Other" story Story codes: t b – nosex – chast 5,000 words (10 pages) |
Educating QuinnTales from a World of Slavery 4Quinn van Doorn's adventure at the Slave Processing and Discipline Center was only the beginning. What began as an innocent experiment for the young master becomes a serious crisis when word of the free boy's punishment becomes public. Lies were told and laws were broken and the lives of Quinn, his father and their beloved slave Brandon are now all at stake. Quinn must make a choice, the most difficult one of his young life 3; |
Boy-slave Story Story codes: Mb Mt tb – slave oral anal – humil bond chast tort pierce body modification ws enem spank milking 65,500 words (131 pages) |
The Fremont StakesThe Annual Fremont Stakes is the premier race for boy-jockeys and their specially trained boy-stallions. Twelve-year-old Jamie Taylor and his stallion, fourteen-year-old Caliban have won this race before and are favorites to reach the winner's circle once again. Jamie learns that this year's race however comes with very high and very dangerous stakes indeed. The final results will change young Jamie's life forever. |
Boy-slave Story Story codes: Mtb – slave Mdom Bdom oral – chast bond humil body modification 7,500 words (15 pages) |
(Dutch translation of World Wide Gladiator Boys).
In de niet al te verre toekomst was Extreme Action Broadcasting het meest bekeken netwerk in de wereld geworden. Omdat ze een zaterdagse publiekstrekker wilden hebben dat verder ging dan ze ooit eerder gedaan hadden, kwam een jonge producente met het concept van de "Gladiatorjongens Wereldwijd." Gelokt door de grote som geld die ze zouden krijgen na afloop van hun contracten, zijn tien jonge jongens in de leeftijd van van 10 tot 14 jaar aangeworven om de allereerste gladiatoren te worden. Elke week zullen deze atleten deelnemen aan extreme wedstrijden die zo vernederend, beschamend en pijnlijk zullen zijn als de organisatoren maar kunnen bedenken. Tussen de wedstrijden worden de jongens onderworpen aan een zwaar regime van conditionering en oefening. |
Boy-slave Story Story codes: Mtb – Mdom Fdom anal oral chast – bd cbt electr enema humil spank tort toys 207,500 words (415 pages)
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Jupiter, the Pony-BoyFor several generations there has been a special and rather unusual tradition practiced by the McCord family. As the eldest son, it is young Jayden's honor and duty to work the family ranch as a pony-boy. Initiated into his new life at age eight, Jayden, now twelve, has become a seasoned and well trained little beast. His life now consists of an exhausting daily routine of hard physical labor, strict discipline, and sexual use by the other male members of his family. Naked, gagged, harnessed and kept perpetually horny, this is his story, in his own words. |
Boy-slave Story Story codes: Mb bb – Mdom bdom oral anal mast – pony play chast bond humil spank ws 8,500 words (17 pages) |
Mastering AlexThis story describes the evolving relationship between and man and a soon-to-be thirteen-year-old boy. It is the story of a safe, loving, consensual, dominant/submissive relationship and does contain scenes of bondage, sado-masochism, etc. |
Consensual BDSM story Story codes: Mb – cons anal oral – bd spank 128,000 words (256 pages) |
Processing GarretTales from a World of Slavery 1In the not too distant future, young Garret Weathers is sentenced to four years of enslavement and hard labor for a rather petty crime of accidental vandalism. Garret quickly learns that in a world of slavery, justice (if it can be called that) is swift and harsh. This story follows Garret and his family as they witness his journey into enslavement at the local Slave Processing Center. |
Boy-slave Story Story codes: Mb – Mdom implied anal oral – bond humil chast 13,000 words (26 pages) |
Punishing BrandonTales from a World of Slavery 3In the not too distant future, Greg van Doorn and his son Quinn pay a visit to the local Slave Processing and Discipline Center to subject their teenaged slave boy Brandon to a session of corrective discipline. Brandon will be placed on one of the Center's cruel and merciless punishment machines, where he will experience an ordeal that will render him a much more docile and manageable boy. Much to Greg's surprise, young Quinn, out of some sense of boyish guilt and curiosity, insists on sharing the young slave's punishment. Special arrangements are made, allowing Quinn to masquerade as a slave boy for the day and experience the same ordeal Brandon is being subjected to. Quinn will learn what it truly means to be a slave. And Greg will witness his son and his slave boy being tortured side by side, with far reaching consequences for all three of them. |
Boy-slave Story Story codes: Mb – Mdom/bdom oral anal (both implied) – humil bond chast enem spank milking 13,000 words (26 pages) |
Selling DylanTales from a World of Slavery 2In the not too distant future, fourteen-year-old Dylan Randall has become too difficult and disrespectful for his own good. His father and step-mother come up with the perfect solution. Sell the boy into slavery. Dylan is quickly sent to a slave dealers, sold at auction and actually ends up in the hands of a wealthy relative who transforms him into an obedient boy-pet. |
Boy-slave Story Story codes: Mtb – Mdom implied anal oral – bond humil chast body modification 9,500 words (19 pages) |
Slave's BirthdayEvery year, Slave receives a special birthday gift from his master, but this year it is Slave who has a special idea of his own. |
Boy-slave Story Story codes: Mt – slave anal oral – bond chast humil 2,500 words (5 pages) |
Steven's Summer in ChainsSteven always spends the summer at the beach with his uncle. They've shared a very special relationship over the years and Steven always get to indulge in his boyish tie-up fantasies under the watchful protective eye of his loving uncle. In the past they've played 'the slave game' together, but this year the boy is going to learn that it is much more than a game, and that once he starts, there will be no going back. |
Consensual BDSM story Story codes: Mt – Mdom cons oral anal mast – bdsm chast humil cbt spank pierc ws scat 89,000 words (178 pages) |
In een niet al te verre toekomst, bezoeken Greg Van Doorn en zijn zoon Quinn het locale centrum voor verwerking en discipline van slaven, om hun tiener slavenjongen Brandon te onderwerpen aan een sessie van correctieve discipline. Brandon zal op een van de gruwelijke en meedogenloze strafmachines van het centrum gelegd worden, waar hij een beproeving zal ondergaan die hem handelbaarder en gehoorzamer moet maken. Tot Gregs verrassing dringt Quinn er op aan om samen met de slaaf aan de bestraffing blootgesteld te worden, een vorm van jongensachtig schuldgevoel en nieuwsgierigheid. Er worden speciale maatregelen getroffen, om Quinn als slaaf voor een dag te doen worden en dezelfde beproeving te ondergaan als de jonge slaaf. Quinn zal leren hoe het is om slaaf te zijn. En Greg zal er getuige van zijn hoe zijn zoon en zijn slavenjongetje zij aan zij zullen gefolterd worden, met ver reikende gevolgen voor alle drie.
Boy-slave Story Story codes: Mb – Mdom/bdom oral anal (both implied) – humil bond chast enem spank milking 12,500 words (25 pages) |
Taming the TigersBrothers Breslin and Rhys are members of the Ridgeview Tigers Boys Gymnastics Club, an elite organization that builds young champions through a strict regime of training for the young athletes' minds and bodies. The club has some rather unusual rules and regulations that the boys and their father must live by on a daily basis, rules their father is only too happy to enforce. |
Consensual BDSM story Story codes: Mtb – Mdom oral mast – chast bond milking humil spank enem 7,500 words (15 pages) |
The Upper Fremont Pony ClubIn the not too distant future, the Harrison family spends the first two weeks of summer vacation at a very special club. Their eleven-year-old son Kevin is quickly broken and trained as a pony boy, along with his best friend Jacob. Along the way they suffer an endless variety of humiliations, punishments, sexual abuse, and some mild body modification. |
Boy-slave Story Story codes: Mbt – Mdom cons nc oral anal – bd humil chast pierc ws "pony play" 29,000 words (58 pages) |
Verhalen uit de wereld van de slavernij 2In een niet zo verre toekomst is de 14-jarige Dylan Randall te moeilijk geworden dan goed voor hem is en zonder respect voor anderen. Zijn vader en stiefmoeder kennen de perfecte oplossing. De jongen verkopen als slaaf. Dylan wordt vlug naar een slavenkoopman gezonden, verkocht op een veiling en komt uiteindelijk terecht in handen van een rijk familielid die hem verandert in een gehoorzaam jongensdiertje. |
Boy-slave Story Story codes: Mtb – Mdom implied anal oral – bond humil chast body modification 9,500 words (19 pages) |
Verhalen uit de wereld van de slavernij 1In een niet zo verre toekomst is de jonge Garret Weathers veroordeeld tot vier jaar slavernij en hard labeur voor een nogal luttel vergrijp, niet opzettelijk vandalisme. Garret leert al snel dat in de wereld van de slavernij, rechtvaardigheid (zo kan het genoemd worden) nogal vluchtig is en hardvochtig. Dit verhaal volgt Garret en zijn familie die getuige zijn van zijn reis naar de slavernij, in het lokale verwerkingscentrum. |
Boy-slave Story Story codes: Mb – Mdom implied anal oral – bond humil chast 13,000 words (26 pages) |
Worldwide Boy GladiatorsIn the not too distant future, Extreme Action Broadcasting has become the most watched network in the world. Needing a Saturday night blockbuster program to go beyond anything they've done before, a young producer comes up with the concept of 'Worldwide Boy Gladiators.' Lured by the huge amount of money they'll be paid upon expiration of their indenture contracts, ten young boys ages 10 to 14 are recruited to be the initial gladiators. Each week, these athletes will participate in extreme completions that are as humiliating, embarrassing and painful as the organizers can devise. Between competitions, the boys are subject to an arduous schedule of conditioning and training. |
Boy-slave Story Story codes: Mtb – Mdom Fdom anal oral chast – bd cbt electr enema humil spank tort toys 216,000 words (432 pages)
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