IstariSteven's Summer in ChainsChapters 5-...Chapter 5The rest of the afternoon was spent shopping, eating and strolling along the boardwalk. Steven was beginning to notice how many looks he was getting from other men and even a few boys as they passed him by. The idea that other guys might want to have sex with him was quite a profound revelation to the thirteen-year-old and resulted in yet more unwelcomed and uncomfortable reactions from his eager penis.On the drive home, the boy was quite the chatterbox, talking about all the cute boys, the awesome waves, how crazy he was to have eaten so much pizza at lunch and of course pointing out any particularly cool car that came along. From the driver's seat Mark was very happy and relieved. Steven had a butt-plug in his sweet virgin thirteen-year-old ass, a cock-cage locked around his cute young dick, and a collar around his gorgeous slender kissable neck, and yet the boy was chattering away like all of this was perfectly normal to him. 'Maybe I should have started him off on this stuff last summer,' Mark thought with a smirk. "What's so funny?" the boy beside him asked, taking a moment to adjust the cock-cage and its already frustrated contents. "Oh I was just thinking about you. You've taken to all this so quickly 3; hey, hands off your cock-cage. No touching yourself, not even when it's locked up. Sit on your hands until we get home." "Yes, sir," Steven said and obediently put his hands under his thighs. "And I guess I sorta have gotten into it, haven't I? I really like this stuff, I mean the things we're doing. The cock-cage is neat. I mean I hate that I can't get hard or touch my dick or cum, but that's kinda the point, right? I'm supposed to hate it 3; and I love it 3; geesh, this is so confusing!" "What about the plug? Doesn't look like it's giving you as much trouble now as it was when we started off this morning." "No, sir. It feels okay. Weird but okay. It keeps pushing on that spot inside me. I'm totally leaking all inside my shorts though. I was afraid some of it was gonna run down my legs while we were walking." "Some of it did," Mark said, recalling the moment when he spied a little trickle of glistening moisture on the boy's right thigh. Steven's eyes widened in horror at the embarrassment. "But I'm sure if anyone noticed they just figured it was sweat," Mark replied reassuringly. "God, I hope so!" Steven exclaimed. "And so what if they did. You're my slave. If I want to embarrass you in public, I will." "Oh, man that is so hot!" "Do you want me to do that to you? Humiliate you? Maybe not actually in public, but back home?" "Yeah 3; yeah, I think I do. Call me names and tease me 'n stuff 3; like, when you tell me how small and pathetic my dick is, that gets me so hard 3;" "Okay, boy, we'll give some of that a try tonight. I've got a rather big surprise for you. I know you'll love it." When they got back home, Steven was still full of energy. He quickly grabbed all the shopping bags from the back seat and bolted to the front door, excited about what exactly his uncle meant by a surprise. When they were both inside, Steven made a move toward the stairs. "I'm gonna take my stuff up to my room, k?" "No. Not okay," Mark said, tugging on the hem of the boy's t-shirt and pulling him back. "Aren't you forgetting something?" Steven looked lost for a moment. He'd already thanked his uncle for buying all the cool clothes for him, so that wasn't it. Suddenly his eyes widened. "Uh-Oh. I'm still wearing clothes." "Bingo. Boys go naked in this house. Strip!" Steven set down the bags and quickly shucked off his shoes, then his shirt, lastly he unbuttoned his khaki shorts and let them drop to his ankles and gracefully stepped out of them. "Hands behind your head, boy!" Mark said sternly. "Stand up straight!" The sudden change in the air was instantly apparent to the young teen. He assumed the required position. Mark walked around him slowly, tracing his finger over the luscious curve of the boy's bare behind. "Don't you ever dare to wear clothes in this house again, boy. The second you walk through that door the first thing you do is strip naked. Do we understand on another?" "Yes, sir." Mark swatted Steven on the butt. Just once, but rather firmly. The sound of his hand hitting the boy's soft warm bare flesh made a sharp and ominous echo. Steven let out a little groan and stared up at his uncle. In his nakedness he suddenly felt very small, and a surge of excitement went through him like a jolt of electricity. "Now you can take your stuff upstairs. Be quick about it. Take a piss if you have to then have your naked little butt back down in the living room. Remember, you squat over that toilet now whenever you pee. Don't make a mess and don't make me come up there after you." "No, sir! I'll be quick!" Naked and with his young heart really pounding, Steven grabbed the bags once more and tore up the steps as fast as his young legs could carry him. By the time he reached his room, the boy was quaking with excitement. Uncle Mark had smacked him on the bottom before, usually just a quick tap to remind him to behave, but this was the first time Mark had ever hit him on his bare butt, and the first time there'd ever been any real force behind it. Steven's backside still stung from that single blow. 'Oh, man, I really messed up,' he thought to himself as he scurried into bathroom, squatted down over the toilet as ordered and took a quick piss without once touching his cock-cage. He flushed, wiped up the bit that had splattered, washed his hands, checked his hair in the mirror and ran back downstairs, only coming to as stop when he was once again in front of Uncle Mark in the living room. On the table he saw his leather wrist and ankle cuffs, several lengths of chain and several other things he'd never encountered before. "Arms at your sides, boy," Mark said, "spread your feet. Good." Mark quickly put the boy back into his wrist and ankle cuffs, locking them on with padlocks. He noticed the boy's swollen cock within the strict confines of its tiny plastic cage but made no comment. He then connected one set of chains between the boy's ankles, the other between his wrists. "I think you'll agree you need to be punished for your little mistake earlier." "Yes, sir," Steven said, his eyes lighting up. He loved being chained and assumed that this was the beginning and end of his 'punishment.' "I'm going to give you a good hard spanking now. You're too big to go over my lap so bend over and grab your ankles." The boy swallowed hard. This was unexpected and more than he'd bargained for. Still, he wanted to be a good sport, and damn everything so far had been so exciting and made him so desperate to cum. He wanted more. He needed more. This was it. This was really it. He was really going to be Mark's slave. He bent over and clasped his hands around the leather cuffs that adorned his slender ankles. "You're getting ten and they're going to be hard. This is meant to teach my little slave boy a lesson to always remember his rules. You will count each one and thank me. You will say 'One, sir. Thank you, sir.' If you forget, we start over. Got it?" "Yes, Uncle Mark." "I want you to call me 'sir' or 'master' for the rest of the night." "Yes, master." Steven rather liked that and, of course, his cock reacted accordingly. "Is your little dick trying to get hard right now?" "Yes, master." "Well that's just too bad for you, isn't it? Let me see if I can't help you get it soft again." Mark placed one arm under the boy's stomach to steady him, then, standing just to one side, he aimed up with his right hand and gave Steven the first swat on his flawless teenaged butt. "Owww! One, sir! Thank you, sir!" Steven shouted. SWAT "Yeeeoww! Two, sir! Th 3; thank you, sir!" Steven shouted. SMACK "Ughh, thhh 3; three, s 3; s 3; sir. Thank you, sir!" Steven's voice broke and wavered for the first time. Mark was not being gentle. SMACK! "Ouch! Four, sir! Thank you, sir 3; " Mark stopped for a moment and gently rubbed Steven's butt. It had already turned a bright shade of red. "Looks like this little butt hasn't been spanked much, has it?" "No, sir," Steven said, trying hard not to sniffle. "Mom never spanks me anymore." "Well, perhaps she should. I'll have to take that up with her when we talk." SWAT! "Hey, I wasn't ready!" the boy protested. "What did my slave say to me?" "Oh, oh. Sorry, sir. Five, sir. Thank you, sir!" "I'll let that go, just this once. Do that again and we start over." THWACK! "Yeouch! Six, sir. Thank 3; thank you, sir!" Mark could hear from the sudden heaviness of the boy's voice that Steven was starting to cry. He smiled to himself and adjusted the growing erection in his pants. "Four more to go, boy. And stop your crying or I'll give you ten more for being such a pussy!" "Okay, master. Sorry, master," Steven said choking back a sob. WHACK. WHACK! Two in quick succession. "Seven, sir! Eight, sir!" Steven's voice was shrill now as he counted out. "Thank you, sir." "Two more, boy. I'm going to make sure these land right on your butt-plug. Count them. I want to hear you shout nice and loud this time." SMACK! "Aaaiigh! Jeeezus! Ouch! Nine! Nine, sir 3; oh, please 3; oh, th 3; th 3; thank you, sir." WHACK! "Ten!" the boy shrieked, his voice high and cracking. He would have fallen over if Mark hadn't been supporting his weight. "Ten, sir! 3; ten, sir 3; ten 3; thank you 3; sir." "On your feet. Stand up straight." Steven obeyed. His backside was on fire. The last two blows had driven the plug even deeper inside him, poking him rather painfully. His cock was still half-hard inside its little cage and a steady stream of pre-cum was dribbling from the tip. "Look at you leaking pre-cum all over my floor. You are a bad little boy, aren't you?" Crying, hurting, but totally into it, Steven nodded his head. "Sir, yes, master." "For the rest of your punishment you will stand there at attention for the next hour. You will not move. And I mean that. You will be completely still. You will not move so much as a finger. And you will not speak to me. Open your mouth." Steven obeyed and Mark selected one of the other items still on the table. "This is a ball-gag. When I gagged you last year we just used rolled up socks and rags. This year you're going to start wearing the real thing, just like a real slave boy. It's uncomfortable but get used to it. You'll be wearing this a lot." Mark forced the red rubber ball into his thirteen-year-old nephew's mouth and buckled the straps tightly behind his head. Another padlock ensured that the gag would not come off. Steven was breathing hard. Turned on by the pain and humiliation of his first real spanking, the sudden erotic power of the ball-gag in his mouth and the fact that he was naked and collared and chained and here in the living room with his uncle whom he loved more than anything or anyone in the world. Mark stood close to the boy and drew him into his arms. He caressed the boy's back and whispered softly into his ear. "No matter what we do, no matter how hard things get, you're always safe and you're always loved. If this gets too much for you, snap your fingers three times and we'll take a break." Steven looked up at his uncle with love and devotion in his eyes. He shook his head sternly. He would not be snapping his fingers. There would be no need. Mark smiled and kissed him on the forehead. "One hour. Then we'll have some fun together." Steven didn't really think much about the last part of his punishment. 'Just have to stand here. That's no problem,' he thought as he got into position, hands behind his head, feet spread wide apart under his uncle's orders. But standing still, really standing completely still is harder than it seems, especially for an energetic and incredibly horny thirteen-year-old boy. Steven was positioned facing his uncle, off to one side of the coffee table. Mark turned on the TV and watched the evening news for a few minutes, then picked up a magazine and began reading. The idea of being left to just stand there, ignored, like a floor lamp or a piece of furniture was turning Steven on very quickly. The boy made it a point to stare at his uncle for a moment, but Mark was not going to play his little game and just went on reading. After about fifteen minutes, Steven was starting to get fidgety. He felt this inexplicable pressing need to move his legs or wiggle his arms. It took a lot of concentration to fight it and remain focused on being perfectly still. 'Ok. This is harder than I thought.' Mark looked up from his magazine just for a moment, scanning his eyes over the young teen's perfect hairless body. He could see the boy's breathing was getting a bit faster, the first sign that this test was proving a real challenge after all. Mark returned to his article without giving the boy any acknowledgement. After thirty minutes, Steven was beside himself. 'Oh, man! I gotta move something! I can't stay still like this. Are my legs starting to hurt? I think they're starting to hurt. Maybe I should snap my fingers 3; no, that's stupid. This is easy. I'd be a total sissy if I quit now 3;' Unintentionally a little whimper escaped the boy's throat. Mark looked up at him in earnest this time. "You can do this, Stevie. Take a deep breath and concentrate. Calm down." Steven decided the best way to indicate he understood what his uncle was saying, without moving his body, was to blink his eyes, which he did. Mark smiled at him and returned to his magazine once more. Steven couldn't see a clock from where he was standing so he had no clue how much time had passed. It sure seemed like more than an hour already, but taking his uncle's advice did make things a bit easier. As he continued to stand there he became aware of the residual sting on his backside from the spanking. He was also keenly aware of the butt-plug filling him up and pressing on that special place inside him. He was aware of his penis, currently soft and dangling between the constricting bars of the plastic cock-cage. That and the tightness of the ring around his balls which held the cage in place was a particularly nice feeling. When he'd first laid eyes on the plastic chastity device last night he'd assumed it would be painful to wear or at least very uncomfortable, but those two things only happened when his penis tried to get hard. The rest of the time it was not unpleasant at all, frustrating perhaps but he rather liked that feeling. The thirteen-year-old had quickly discovered that not being able to get hard was in fact highly arousing. A little satisfied smile came to his face. This time yesterday he didn't even know what a cock-cage was, or that such a thing could even exist or be done to a boy, but now 3; now he was ready to have his little dick locked up forever, so long as it was Mark who had the key. With fifteen minutes left, Mark got up from the couch and disappeared down the steps. Like all beach houses, Mark's place didn't have an actual basement, but there was a garage and a large storage room at ground level, beneath the two main living floors. With his eyes, Steven watched his uncle leave the room and wondered what he'd be doing down in the garage. Steven also figured this was probably some kind of test, and so for the next fifteen minutes he made his body as rigid as he could, willing himself to not move a muscle or even twitch. "Time's up, boy," Mark said when he ascended the stairs once more. "Stretch if you need to." Steven most definitely needed to. With a huge sigh of relief he lowered his arms to his sides and swung them forward and back to get his muscles loose again. He bent and twisted at his finely tapered waist and did a few quick squat thrusts, the same routine he went through before a wrestling match or a swimming heat. Mark looked on, loving the sight of the boy's lean, lithe, perfectly shaped athletic body. "Damn, you're sexy," he said. Steven grinned from ear to ear behind his ball-gag. "Come over here." Hobbled by his chains, the boy shuffled over into Mark's waiting arms. "Follow me downstairs," he spoke softly into the boy's ear, running his fingers playfully over the boy's silver earrings. "There's something special I want you to see 3; just for us." Steven fell in line obediently behind his uncle. He'd mastered the art of navigating stairs with his ankles chained back when he was eight, the summer his uncle first used the chains on him. He loved the sounds of the metal links clinking upon the steps. At the bottom of the stairs there was a small entryway from the garage. On the opposite wall was the door to the storage room. Mark was already there waiting for him. His uncle opened the door. The lights were already on inside. Mark reached behind the boy's head, opened the padlock and loosened Steven's ball-gag, allowing it to drop and hang freely from his neck. "This will be going right back in," Mark said, fingering the rubber ball wet with the boy's saliva. "But first I want you to go in there and tell me what you think. I'll be storing something a lot more important than my old junk down here from now on." "Yes, master," Steven said. He shuffled into the room and looked around. "Oh, shit!" It was definitely not a storage room any longer. The concrete floor was now covered with a soft black carpet. The walls which had been bare drywall when Steven helped clean things out down here last summer were now painted a rich deep and very dark red. There were lights in the ceiling and Mark had put sconces up on the walls. Cosmetic appearances weren't the only changes. Gone were the boxes and shelves, but the room was certainly not empty. Steven's eyes took it all in a matter of seconds. There was a bed, twin-sized, just right for a thirteen-year-old boy, with a bare mattress covered by a single sheet. There was a wooden table in the very center that Mark must have made himself. It was rectangular, dark cherry stained and had iron rings attached to it in various places. Chains and ropes hung everywhere, from the ceiling, the walls, and coiled up on the floor. There was a toilet, a small sink, and a shower in one corner of the room that had been done in white tiles floor to ceiling. There was a single large drain there in the floor. "Oh, wow!" There was a low wooden bench, stained to match the table, and with similar rings attached. There was a wheeled cart that Mark had 'borrowed' from one of the University labs. It was stainless steel and looked like something the boy imagined would be found in a hospital. On the cart there were all sorts of toys and gadgets, some Steven recognized were surely meant to go into his mouth or his butt or both, some things he had no idea what they might be used for or where on his young body they might go. "Oh, shit, man, this is freakin' awesome!" In another corner, lit by its own overhead spotlight there was a cage, big enough to accommodate a large dog or a healthy teenaged boy. Knowing that Mark had never owned a dog, Steven realized that he was meant to be the cage's resident. "A cage! Damn. Am I 3; I mean, are you gonna really 3; I'm gonna go in there, right?" Mark nodded with a smile, pleased at the boy's bewildered but excited reaction. He moved close and spun the boy around, placing his hands on either side of Steven's head and gazing into the thirteen-year-old's eyes. There was a glimmer of fear, but mostly there was happiness and a great deal of sexual excitement. "Yes, you'll be spending a lot of time in there, but not tonight. I've got other plans for you this evening." Steven continued his tour of the newly transformed room. There were whips and paddles hanging from the walls and hand-made wooden stocks, including a very small one with a single very small hole. "What's this one for?" the boy asked. "That one goes around your cock and balls, Stevie. Sometimes I'll chain you to the floor that way." "Fuck, that's soooo hot! You can do that to me right now if you want!" "Not yet. There's some things we need to talk about first before we do anything." Steven walked slowly back toward Mark and came to a stop in front of him. The top of the young teenager's head came up to the man's chest. He looked up with wonder and love in his eyes. "How long did it take you to do all this?" Steven asked, his voice squeaking and jumping an octave in surprise. Last time he'd been in here it was still a storage room. Mark grinned, clearly proud of his handiwork. "Started working on it the day after you left last summer. Worst part was putting the bathroom in over there. I'm not much of a plumber!" Steven's blue eyes widened. "You 3;you didn't do this all for me, did you?" "Of course, silly boy. Who else would I do it for? But to be honest, I did it for me too. For both of us. I've wanted a room like this for a long time, and I've wanted you in it. Now here we are." "But, what if 3; I mean what if I've said no 3; about the slave stuff 'n all?" Mark smiled and kissed the boy on the forehead, gently fondling Steven's tiny nipples as he did so. The boy cooed and moaned and his left hand instinctively reached for his caged cock. Mark gently brushed it away. "I know you better than that. You had to say yes. This is just the kind of stuff you're fantasizing about all the time, isn't it?" "Hell yes!" the boy squeaked excitedly. Mark smiled again, but there was something serious behind his eyes. "So now we can make all those things real. I've had fantasies too. About you. About keeping you naked and chained and using your little body any way I want. And now we've got just the right place to do it. So, tell me, do you like our little dungeon?" It was Steven's turn to smile. He stood up on his toes and kissed Mark squarely on the lips. Mark held him closer and offered his tongue to the boy's mouth. "Oh," Steven sighed. His first real kiss. Mark gently pushed him away a few moments later. "Go stand in the middle of the room, boy. Under those two chains I've got hanging there." "Yes, sir." With the boy in position, Mark removed the chains between Steven's wrist cuffs. "Aw," Steven complained jokingly. "Oh, don't worry, little slave. There'll be lots of chains tonight. Arms above your head." "Yes, sir," the young teen replied, taking a deep breath and unable to hide his smile. This was the good the stuff. The stuff he'd been waiting for all year. "I guess I shouldn't be smiling, right? I mean, slaves aren't supposed to smile, are they?" Mark rubbed the boy's taut stomach and then reached around and gave him a little love tap on his butt. "Well, generally no, but in your case we'll make an exception. I love your smile. I want to see more of it. Now, no more talking unless I say so. Got it?" Steven nodded and watched with hungry horny eyes as Mark attached first his right wrist cuff and then his left to the hanging chains, pulling his arms up and out so that he imagined he looked like a giant 'Y'. As always, Steven tugged on the chains quickly determining the range of motion he'd be allowed. There wasn't much slack, which he found a bit surprising. In the past Mark had always started him off easy and tightened things up as they went along. 'Wow, guess we're getting right into it tonight. Cool!' the boy thought to himself. Mark ran his hands down the boy's exposed sides, feeling the contours of the young teen's ribs and enjoying the boy's tightly stretched abdomen. "You've got a nice little six-pack starting there, kiddo," Mark said with praise. "I like that on a boy your age." 'Yeah, I know you do!' Steven thought with an evil grin on his face. Mark next removed the chains between the boy's ankle cuffs and replaced them with a two-foot [60 cm] aluminum spreader bar. A rather large drop of pre-cum fell from the boy's cock as Mark locked the ends of the bar in place. "Well I see my little sex slave is enjoying himself." Steven blushed and giggled. It was great. It was everything he'd been fantasizing about and jerking off to for the last year. And it was only just starting. With the boy now properly restrained, Mark took a step back to admire the young teen's athletic little body. "You look amazing like this, Stevie," he said, his voice betraying his great emotion. "I 3; I feel amazing, sir!" Mark stepped closer, kissed the chained boy on the lips again then held Steven's head between his hands. "We need to talk about a few things before we go any further." 'Oh, here we go,' Steven thought. 'Adults always have to talk about shit. Let's just have fun!' "I know that look, kiddo, but this is important stuff, okay?" "Okay." "Look around the room again. You see all those whips and paddles and all those other things?" "Yeah," the boy said. "Sure are lots of them. I don't even know what half that stuff is for!" "Well, you're going to learn all about them this summer. I'm going to use them on you. I'm going to torture you down here, Steven. I'm going to chain you up and whip you. Hard. I'm going to do nasty things to that sexy little body of yours that you can't even imagine yet." "Oh, wow! That sounds totally fuckin' awesome 3; I mean, uh, yes, sir!" "Have you ever tried hurting yourself, just a bit, when you tie yourself up or when you jerk off?" Steven cast his eyes away for a moment. That was a very personal question, even coming from his uncle. "Tell me. When we are in this room you cannot lie to me. Tell me the truth, Steven." "Yeah. Yeah, sometimes, when I'm like really really horny, I give my balls a good hard squeeze, twist 'em a bit too, you know 3; makes me cum even harder." "Did you get off on that little spanking I gave you?" Steven knew there was no point in denying something that obvious. He nodded slowly, suddenly beginning to realize that his fascination with being chained or tied-up was only one element of his increasingly complex sexual identity. "Yes, sir. That was 3; well, it was great 3; I mean I haven't gotten a spanking since I was a little kid 3; and being spanked like that, by you, hell, it really turned me on. I might have to be bad more often!" Man and boy shared a laugh, but Mark was soon very serious again. "I'm asking you all this because I need to know how far I can take you this summer. The last thing I ever want to do is hurt you, I mean really hurt you." "But I think I kinda like being hurt," the thirteen-year-old said in his most astute voice, "well, part of me does anyway." "And that's why we have to be careful. Boys your age think mostly with their dicks 3;" "Hey, that's not fair!" "No but it is true. You're so horny right now I could do anything to you, or make you do anything if you knew you'd get to shoot your little load 3; am I right?" Embarrassed silence for a moment, then a small and suddenly very childlike, "You're right." "Can you see how that can be dangerous, when we're playing around with stuff like this?" Mark gestured to the wide array of disciplinary implements on the wall and the collection of torture devices on the stainless steel cart. Steven seemed to get it fairly quickly. "Like, maybe we'd get carried away or something? Like we'd go too far and I'd let it happen 'cause I'm such a crazy hornball right now." "Exactly. I'll always be looking out for you, but there are going to be times when you're the only one who's going to know if we've gone too far. This has to be good for you, you have to want it, and enjoy it, or there's really no point." "Yeah, but maybe I want you to just do stuff to me and not really care how I feel about it," the boy said, looking at his uncle with earnest eyes. "Just listen to what you said, Steven. 'Maybe I want 3; I want 3; it is about you. All this is really about you. If it's not making you happy, if you don't feel safe and loved, if it's something you don't want, then I don't want it either. If what you want is for me to be mean and nasty to you sometimes, okay. I'd love that. I've fantasized about that a lot, actually. But you have to be okay with it. I will not hurt you. I won't. I can't." "I love you so much right now, sir!" "I know you do. And I love you. That's why we need to keep you safe." "How should we do that?" Mark slowly massaged the boy's chest, caressing his soft smooth skin. Steven was already starting to sweat from being stretched out. The chains clinked and rattled as the boy moved his arms. "You have to be totally honest with me. If it ever gets too much, tell me to stop. Say it three times so I know you're serious. If you're gagged, snap your fingers. Don't think you're being brave or grown up by taking more than you can handle, that's just being stupid. Promise you'll be honest with me, and with yourself." Steven nodded. "Totally honest, sir. I promise." "Good. Now let's have some fun!" Steven giggled and smiled and thought, 'Yeah, it's about fuckin' time!' Mark selected a pair of nipple clamps joined by a silver chain and dangled them in front of the chained boy's eyes. They were the screw-clamp style, a perfect choice to cause the boy a little bit of pain without overwhelming him, ideal for the start of Steven's first night of torture. The young teen's tiny nips were already hard with excitement, and Mark made quick work of screwing the clamps in place. "Oh, god!" Steven hissed. "That's awesome!" "Want them tighter?" "Yes, sir!" Mark lovingly obliged, tightening the little clamps until Steven let out a high-pitched little squeal. The boy twisted in his bonds, not in distress, but just curious to see if he could shake them off. "They're not going anywhere, boy, and neither are you. Open your mouth. It's time I gagged you again." Steven obeyed immediately and was rewarded for his good behavior by once again having the rubber ball stuffed into his mouth and the straps cinched tight behind his head. He heard the padlock snap closed. "You're a smart boy, and I love talking to you, but I think I'll be keeping you gagged a lot from now on. You just look so adorable this way." Steven moaned and his blue eyes danced. It was a concept he was quite happy with. "Remember, snap your fingers if things get too much. That's the only thing that's going to stop me for the rest of the night. You're little body is mine, and I'm going to have fun with it." Mark produced a familiar key from his pocket and opened the padlock on the thirteen-year-old's cock-cage. He removed the chastity device slowly, leaving on the ring at the base of the boy's hairless genitals. Steven's young cock, imprisoned for almost twenty-four hours quickly sprang to life, reaching its full five-inch [12½ cm] erect state in a matter of seconds. "I don't recall giving you permission to let that pathetic little thing get hard, boy," Mark smirked. Steven looked down at his erection and back up at his uncle with needy desperate eyes. It felt so good to be freed of the cock-cage, and it was certainly the best feeling boner he'd ever had in his young life. "Don't even think about it. You won't be cumming tonight, slave. I won't even be touching that useless little dick. Let's see what I can do to make it soft again. That's the way your dick should be in this house at all times, soft and small and out of the way. When I want you hard, I'll tell you." All that nasty talk of course only made the boy's dick even harder and his need to cum ever stronger. Mark selected a small flogger from the collection on the wall. Steven tensed in his chains as his uncle approached. This was it. He was going to be whipped, really whipped, for the first time in his life. His young cock was already throbbing and dripping in anticipation. Chapter 6Mark took his position behind his bound thirteen-year-old nephew, enjoying the sight of the boy's backside, so helpless and exposed. Steven's back was stretched so that Mark could see the developing young muscles beneath his pale flawless skin. The kid's butt was small and round and presently clenched tightly in anticipation of what was coming. The boy's legs were simply perfect, lean and shapely and toned from all of the sports he played. Steven was twisting slightly as he hung from the chains. His feet, separated by the spreader, just barely touched the floor. Mark could see that the boy was breathing rapidly.'He's still so small,' he thought to himself as he gazed at the boy's back. 'And he has no idea what he's getting himself into. I'll have to be careful with him.' Mark aimed up and drew back the flogger. It whistled through the air and landed with a soft 'crack' across Steven's back. Steven gasped and let out a loud groan into the ball-gag. That first blow didn't really hurt, but it was shocking just how much force was behind it, and how much it continued to sting afterward, and how scared and excited all this was making him. "Come on, boy, I barely touched you," Mark said with a gentle laugh. "That was only the beginning." He laid a second blow, considerably harder than the first, right between Steven's shoulders. Again the boy grunted, a high-pitched little cry that really turned Mark on. 'I can't believe I'm actually doing this to him 3; this is what we've both wanted for so long. I'm gonna make this good for him 3; ' Mark lashed Steven again, this time across the small of his back. That must have been a particularly sensitive area. The naked boy squealed and thrashed about, twisting his hips and for a brief moment supported only by the chains at his wrists. Mark continued whipping his nephew for another ten minutes, concentrating mostly on the thirteen-year-old boy's back and shoulders, varying the strength of each blow to keep Steven off balance and unsure. Steven obligingly cried out with each blow, some mostly for show, quite a few indicating that he was feeling real pain. Either way his boyish sounds of distress soon filled the newly christened dungeon with a pleasant echo that Mark found very exciting. He took a moment to strip off his clothes, revealing his powerful eight-inch [20 cm] erection. He wanted the boy. He wanted him so badly, but had to do this right. He had to make it special for Steven. They had all summer together, and so he would be patient and bring the boy along slowly. Steven's back was now a crisscross of red stripes. He was panting rapidly into his ball-gag. Mark walked around front to find the boy's head bowed, his blonde hair darkened with sweat, and his young cock still fully erect and dripping pre-cum at an alarming rate. With the handle of his flogger beneath Steven's chin, Mark raised the boy's eyes to his own. "Look at your master." Steven returned his uncle's gaze. Mark reached behind and unlocked the ball-gag, loosening it just enough that Steven could spit it out. Mark tapped the handle of the flogger against Steven's erection. "Why is this little thing still hard, boy?" he asked. Steven blinked and looked rather bewildered. "I 3; I don't know, sir 3;" Mark immediately gagged him again and returned to the boy's backside, whipping him harder now, landing blows on the boy's beautiful little butt as well as his back. The thin leather stands of the flogger made an intoxicating sound as they lashed against the boy's bare skin. This went on for another ten minutes, Steven screeching into his gag, grunting and moaning and starting to cry as the pain grew more intense. He was also well aware now that his cock was still hard, something it was not allowed to be. Try as he might, wish as hard as he could, he could not make his penis go soft. The clamps on his nipples, the plug in his butt, the constant crack of the whip against his skin, all conspired against him, sending him into a dizzying world of pain and arousal that he really could not yet understand. Mark stopped and again walked round to stand in front of his little naked slave. Again he removed the boy's gag and asked the same question. "Why is that little cock still hard, boy?" "I 3; I don't know." "Liar. Of course you know. Tell me why." "Because it turns me on, sir," the boy replied meekly. "What does?" "All of this," Steven said, darting his eyes around the dungeon. "And 3; and that," he stammered, staring down at the whip, " 3; especially that." "So my little slave boy likes being whipped?" "Yes, sir. He does. Very much, sir." Mark smiled and kissed Steven on the cheek. "Good. You've learned your first lesson. But that still does not give you the right to have an erection without my permission. Look at this," he said, pointing down to his own eight-inch [20 cm] erection. "What is this?" "It's your cock, sir." "No. It is your master's cock. Say it." "It's my master's cock, sir." "Good. How is it different from yours?" "It's 3; umm, it's a lot bigger, sir." "That's right. It's the only cock in this house that matters, and it's the only one that's allowed to be hard." Mark again placed the handle of the flogger on the underside of Steven's erection. "What is this?" "That's my cock, sir." "No it is not," Mark said. "This thing is my slave's useless little cock and it belongs to me. Now I'll ask you again, what is this?" "That's your slave's cock, sir." "Not quite correct." Mark brought the flogger down against Steven's penis for the very first time. The boy shrieked and threw his head back and agony. "What is this?" Mark asked again, never raising his voice. "That's your slave's 3; useless little cock, sir." There were big tears in Steven's blue eyes now. "And who does it belong to?" "You, sir." "Very good. You've learned your second lesson." Mark then continued the whipping for another thirty minutes, adding the backs of the boy's thighs to his targets, and coming round front to whip Steven's stomach and chest. Finally, from sheer exhaustion and fatigue, Steven's erection subsided and his cock softened to its flaccid three-inch [7½ cm] state. Seeing this, Mark stopped and set the flogger aside. "Good boy," he said, flicking Steven's penis with his finger. "Soft and small. This is the way it's supposed to be unless I say otherwise. It is a sign of extreme disrespect to present your master with an erection. Do you understand that?" "Yes, sir," the boy replied with a guilty look on his face, as if he could really help it or control it on his own. The last thing he wanted was to blow it right here at the beginning, before they really even got started. He wanted to make his uncle proud of him. Sensing the boy's turmoil, Mark gave him a reassuring smile. "I know that little thing has a mind of its own, but you still have to be punished for your erection." Steven watched as Mark walked over to the wall with all the whips and floggers hanging from it. His young eyes widened when his uncle picked out a heavy wooden paddle. "Oh shit," Steven whispered under his breath. "We have to work on that potty mouth of yours too. Slaves don't speak that way. Ever. So I'll just add that to your punishment." "Sorry, sir." "Apology accepted. This is going to hurt you. A lot." Before he started, Mark put the ball-gag back into Steven's mouth. He also adjusted the clamps on the boy's nipples, tightening them a bit more so they wouldn't fall off. He expected the boy to be doing a lot of violent struggling and thrashing for the next five minutes. "If you get hard during your punishment, we have to start everything all over again. Understand?" Steven nodded slowly as tears streamed down his cheeks. For the first time Mark saw genuine fear in the boy's eyes. He moved in close and whispered into the thirteen-year-old's ear. "All you need to do is snap your fingers and it's over. You haven't forgotten, have you?" Steven slowly shook his head. "Alright then. Take a deep breath." Mark was no fool. He knew the paddle could cause real and lasting damage and he had no intention of applying it at full force. The psychological threat it provided was more than enough to get the point across. Even a soft love-tap with it would probably leave the boy screaming into his gag. However, Mark wanted Steven to feel it, really feel it, and he wanted the boy's butt to be sore for a day or so afterward as a subtle and constant reminder of what it meant to be a slave. Steven's perfect thirteen-year-old ass was already red from the whipping. Mark decided that five additional strokes with the paddle would be enough to leave it a nice shade of purple. Steven had by now taken in several deep breaths and Mark could clearly see every muscle in the boy's young body clenching in anticipation. Mark first rubbed the paddle against the boy's rear end, sizing it up slowly and carefully. Then he pulled back and let it fly, landing a rather soft blow on the young teen's ass. As expected, Steven shrieked into his gag and bucked violently against the chains that held his arms above his head. Mark gave the boy two more blows of equal strength, producing the same high-pitched results from Steven's throat. The boy's butt was darkening nicely. Mark paused for a moment to rub the silken smooth boy-flesh with his hands. He could feel the heat from the paddling. He pushed teasingly on Steven's butt-plug then snaked his hands between the boy's thighs and gave the kid's low-hanging balls a firm squeeze. Steven whimpered. He could feel his penis start to harden again, just a bit. He looked down at himself and sure enough his boyhood was semi-erect. He took several more deep breaths and tried to calm himself down. That seemed to help somewhat. Mark releasing that tight grip on his balls made it easier as well. "Ok, little slave. You've got two more coming. I'm going to make them count." And he did, paddling Steven's ass twice, hard, in quick succession. Steven shouted into the ball-gag and twisted helplessly as the sharp pain slowly subsided to a dull ache. Mark set the paddle aside and walked round front. Steven's blue eyes were red-rimmed and wet with tears. His hairless body glistened with sweat and he was breathing hard and fast. The boy's penis was flaccid. "Good boy," Mark praised him. "Are you ok? Be honest with me." Steven nodded his head slowly and sniffled. Mark carefully loosened the nipple clamps and removed them. He unlocked the boy's ball-gag and pulled it gently from Steven's mouth. He removed the spreader from between the boy's ankles. Steven's legs were weak and trembling. "You are to speak only when you are spoken to, or the gag goes right back in. Now I want you to just hang here for a bit and catch your breath, ok?" "Ok," the boy said weakly. "I mean, yes, sir." "How's your butt feel?" "Like it's on fire, sir." "That was the idea." Mark left Steven alone for a moment to process everything that had happened. When he returned his attention to the boy, he held Steven's cock-cage in his right hand. The boy looked at him in dread and disappointment. "Aw, poor little slave boy," Mark teased him. "You didn't really think I was going to let you cum, did you?" "Guess not," Steven answered in a classically smart thirteen-year-old tone. He quickly corrected himself. "I mean 3; no, sir." Mark made quick work of locking the boy's penis into its little cage once more. He snapped the padlock closed then fed the key into a metal clasp which he attached to the ring at the front of Steven's collar. "You are on your honor never to touch that key. I know I can trust you." Steven managed a weak, tired smile. "You can trust me, sir." Mark released his nephew from the chains. Steven wasn't prepared to support his own weight again and quickly collapsed into his uncle's arms. "Sorry," he muttered. "Don't be," Mark replied hugging the boy tightly. "I like this." Both of them naked, man and boy embraced for a moment. Holding him like this, Mark was reminded just how small the boy still was, and yet what an intelligent, gentle, sensitive young man he was becoming. "I love you, Steven." "I love you too." Mark trailed his hands slowly down Steven's back. The boy winced, and smiled. He was still rather sore there, but somehow his uncle's touch was soothing. Reaching down with his left hand, Steven found Mark's cock, still half-hard. Tentatively he wrapped his fingers around its impressive girth. "Go ahead, little slave. Jerk me off." Steven worked his hand quickly up and down Mark's cock, bringing him to a full erection almost instantly. His own cock was the only one he'd ever handled this way before, and at thirteen he was accustomed to jerking it quick, hard and fast. His hand flew in a rapid blur over his uncle's eight inch [20 cm] cock. Mark groaned and closed his eyes. "Slow down, boy, let your master enjoy it." "Sorry, sir," Steven replied, slowing his pace. "Is that how fast you do it to yourself?" "Um, yeah." Mark laughed, remembering his own teenaged jack-off sessions. "Mmm, that's good right there. Don't stop. Don't speed up." "Okay." Steven was all concentration now, focusing on his uncle's hard cock, moving his hand slowly along its impressive length. Pre-cum was glistening from the tip. Steven stared at it for a moment, milking more of the clear fluid from Mark's manhood. The boy then bent over and lapped his tongue over Mark's piss-slit. "Oh, you naughty little boy," Mark sighed as Steven's hot soft tongue sent shivers up and down his spine. Mark let the boy continue rubbing him for a few more minutes, then, as he was starting to get close, he pushed Steven down onto his knees. The boy needed no further instruction. He hungrily opened his mouth and starting sucking his uncle's cock. Mark looked down, pleased and aroused at the sight of his adorable nephew with a big hard cock stuffed between his soft pink lips. Steven looked up with contentment in his eyes. Meanwhile his teenaged boy-cock was straining to get hard within its tiny constricting cage. "This is where you belong, isn't it, Steven?" Mark asked softly, running his fingers through the young boy's hair. "Naked and on your knees, with a man's cock in your mouth." Steven slowly nodded as he tried to take more of Mark's huge organ down his throat. He gagged and choked for a moment, but was determined to get more of his uncle's cock. "Take it easy, little slave. Take your time. I want you to enjoy this as much as I am." Steven slowed his effort a bit, gradually working further and further down Mark's hard throbbing shaft until his nose was tickled by his uncle's pubic hair. He continued like this for a few more minutes, keeping up a nice steady rhythm. Mark was sighing and groaning now, getting closer and closer. Suddenly he grabbed the boy's head to hold him still and began thrusting violently into the thirteen-year-old's eager mouth. "Hands behind your back, boy!" Steven obeyed immediately. "Here it comes. Swallow it, boy! Swallow your master's cum," Mark growled as he shot his load down Steven's throat. Steven choked and panicked, unprepared for just how much spunk a healthy grown man like his uncle could produce. Mark continued to hold the boy's head. "Don't you dare spill a drop of it, boy. It's good for you." Steven was swallowing as fast as he could, fighting the urge to gag. Finally Mark's ejaculatory spasms stopped and he gently pushed the boy away. A little dribble of milky sperm hung from Steven's lower lip. His blue eyes were wild and dancing. A long thin strand of clear pre-cum was dangling from the tip of his caged penis. "Wow," he whispered breathlessly. Mark smiled and helped him to his feet. "Having fun so far?" he whispered, breaking out of his stern 'master' voice for a moment. "Yeah," Steven replied with bright eyes. "This is so wild." "You feel okay about everything we've done?" "More than okay!" "Good boy. I'm going to gag you again now." Steven nodded excitedly and gazed down at the ball-gag. "Nope. Not with that. Stand right there. Hands behind your head." Steven obeyed and waited while Mark selected a different gag for him. "This is called a penis gag," he said, showing the new gag to his thirteen-year-old nephew. "Damn. That looks serious!" the boy said, taking an instinctive step back as his uncle raised the scary-looking gag. "Don't back away, Steven. Stand still. You're not going to like this one at first, but you'll get used to having this big rubber cock in your mouth. Now open up." Steven opened his mouth slowly, his eyes locked on the black leather gag with its flat front and bulbous cock-shaped prong nearly three inches [7½ cm] long. Mark put the gag into the boy's mouth and reached behind his head to buckle it tightly in place. Like the ball-gag, a padlock ensured that Steven could not remove it by himself. The boy's eyes were wide as the size and thickness of the rubber penis filled his mouth. 'Oh, god! I can't breathe!' he thought to himself. "You can breathe," Mark said, reading the panic in the boy's young eyes. "Just calm down. Calm down, Stevie." He held his hands on the boy's bare shoulders. Steven slowed his breathing and blinked his eyes to indicate he was going to be okay. "That's better. I'm going to keep you gagged the rest of the night. I'll take it out when we eat dinner, then it goes right back in." Steven bore a serious expression on his innocent young face. He nodded his head slowly, indicating his understanding of this profound new development. "Do you need to pee?" Steven thought about it for a moment and again nodded his head. "Go over to the toilet and take a piss. Then get right back here." The boy hurried over and remembered to squat down over the bowl. It still felt weird, peeing with the cock-cage locked around his dick, but he was starting to get used to it. He flushed, washed his hands and presented himself once again to his uncle. Mark had a black rubber jock-strap for him to wear. "This will hold your junk nice and tight 'til morning. Plus I think you'll look totally sexy wearing it." Steven pulled the shiny skin-tight rubber jock up his legs and around his hips. As expected it hugged him perfectly, snuggly outlining the contours of the cock-cage. Steven looked up at his uncle for approval. "Yeah, you look hot! Turn around and show me your cute little butt." Steven obliged with a little giggle. Mark gave the boy's rump a quick smack. "Alright, boy. It's time I introduced you to some real chains." Mark started by removing Steven's leather collar and the matching wrist and ankle cuffs. The collar was replaced with one made of iron. It was hinged at the back and was secured in front with a hex-wrench and padlock. The front of the collar also had a single large iron ring. Mark took the key to Steven's cock-cage from the discarded leather collar and hung it from the ring on the iron one. "Heavy, isn't it?" he asked. Steven nodded. Heavy was an understatement. A pair of shackles for the boy's ankles went on next. They were closed and locked just like the iron collar and they were joined by a thick heavy chain only one foot [30 cm] in length. "See how short this chain is?" Again the boy nodded as he stared down at his shackled feet. "They're meant to hobble you. The best you can do in these is shuffle around. You'll be wearing them a lot this summer. Now for your wrists. Put your hands out in front of you. Irons for Steven's slender thirteen-year-old wrists came next. They were a smaller version of the shackles around his ankles and they too had foot-long [30 cm] chain between them. "These are bit big for you, I guess, but they're the smallest size I could find. They won't fall off, but they might rub against your wrists a bit." With the boy now collared and shackled in iron, Mark attached more of the thick heavy chains. Each wrist was chained to each ankle. Another set of chains was attached between his wrists and his collar. Steven's eyes were wide. He could not believe how heavy everything was. 'How am I supposed to move in all this stuff?' he thought to himself. "All together everything weighs close to sixty pounds [27 kg]," Mark explained. "You're my slave. That means I control everything. Including when you can move and how much. Your chains are a reminder that your body belongs to me." Steven blinked his eyes that he understood. Mark laid his hands on the boy's shoulders. Steven was trembling. "Still okay?" he whispered into Steven's ear. Steven nodded and made a little grunt into his gag. "Are you happy?" Steven nodded again, this time with a bit more enthusiasm. "Are you scared?" Another nod, this one a bit hesitant, as if he was ashamed to admit it. "It's okay to be scared. That's part of what this is all about. I'm going to put you in the cage for a while. Get down on your hands and knees and crawl over there." Steven swallowed hard and did exactly as he was told, crawling toward the cage. Mark followed close behind him, enjoying the sight of the lean slender thirteen-year-old on his hands and knees, his adorable little ass on display, the end of the butt-plug clearly visible. He opened the door to the cage. "Get in." For the first time, for just a moment, Steven thought about snapping his fingers. But he didn't. He crawled inside. It was a small cage, but he was still a small kid, so he had some room to move around. He quickly realized he could sit down inside it, or curl up on his side, or stay on all fours. That was about the limit of his freedom of movement. He spun around slowly into a sitting position, facing the door. He was sitting on a thin rubber matt which offered little comfort. "I'm going to cage you for at least two hours every day. Maybe longer once I really get you trained. When you're in your cage, there is no safeword. You are here until I decide to let you out. Got it?" Steven nodded. Mark closed the door and locked it with two heavy old-style padlocks, the type Steven remembered seeing in pirate movies, except these were the real thing. "You are not allowed to pee in there. So if you have to go again, you just hold it in until I let you out. I'll be back for you later, slave." Without a further word, Mark turned and left the dungeon. He turned off all the lights except the one directly above the cage. He left the overhead fan running to make sure there was some air circulating in the hot little room. Steven's blue eyes were locked on him as he closed and locked the door and went back upstairs. 'That went well,' Mark thought to himself as he opened a bottle of red wine and took it out to the porch overlooking the ocean. 'Here's to you, kid,' he toasted his beloved nephew, while thoughts of all the things he would do with the boy, and to the boy, ran through his head. He then set up his lap-top, waited for it to find the wireless connection and spent the next two hours surfing the web. He found and bookmarked several websites with detailed instructions for prostatic massage and milking. He knew he would have to drain Steven's ripe young balls at some point and he was determined to do it without ever allowing the boy to cum. He was pleased with what he learned. He'd have to be careful. A thirteen-year-old boy's balls are like little time-bombs just eager and waiting to explode. But it could be done. Complete and total denial. In his heart Mark was sure this was exactly what young Steven wanted and needed. 'Well, kiddo,' he thought, as he took another sip of wine, 'lets just see how long you can go without having a single orgasm. Wonder if I can keep you locked up and begging for it all summer? I'll bet I can.'
"You look so adorable in your cage," Mark said as he pointed the digital camera at the boy and took several shots. Steven remembered the cool sexy pictures of other boys on his uncle's computer and wondered if his pictures would end up there too. He smiled into his gag at the thought of having Mark take pictures of him wearing all his slave gear. Setting the camera aside for a moment, Mark unlocked the cage and pulled the door open. "Come on out, boy," he said. Steven repositioned himself somewhat awkwardly, causing his chains to rattle and clink, then he crawled out on all fours much the same way he'd crawled in several hours earlier. He'd lost all track of time and wondered just how long he'd been locked in the cage. It felt like a very long time being confined in such a small space, yet it was strangely relaxing in there. His cock had attempted to harden a few times, and it was leaking constantly, making the inside of his rubber jockstrap all wet and sticky, but for the most part Steven found it nice to just be in there, surrounded by metal bars, locked in and knowing he could not get out. 'Wonder if he'll make me sleep in here sometime? That would be cool.' "Stand up and stretch," Mark ordered softly. Steven obeyed, suddenly realizing just how tight and stiff his joints had become. He winced a bit as he stretched out his lean torso and rolled his shoulders. "Better?" Mark asked. "Mmphh," Steven replied in his gag and nodded. Mark reached for a nearby riding crop and smacked the thirteen-year-old on the thigh. "When I've got you gagged that means you are not to use your voice to communicate. Just nod your head yes or shake your head no. Do you understand?" Steven nodded, and this time remained completely silent. "Alright. Now stand up straight. Keep your arms at your sides. Spread your feet as far as the chains can go. Keep your head bowed. Don't look into the camera unless I tell you to." Steven immediately did all of those things in that order. "Good boy. I'm going to take some pictures of you now." Again Steven nodded, feeling a surge of excitement to know that his uncle was going to be taking dirty pictures of him. His cock hardened instantly within its small plastic prison. In spite of the obvious frustration, his inability to achieve any kind of real erection was starting to become a little exciting. Steven loved the way it felt when his penis swelled up against the bars of his cock-cage, the tightness, the unrelenting tightness, gradually forcing his boyhood to return to is soft and harmless state. 'Why is that so fuckin' hot?' he thought to himself. 'Why does not being able to be turned on turn me on so much?' "You really do look sexy in that little rubber jockstrap," Mark said, interrupting the boy's private monologue. "It leaves just enough to the imagination. You wear straps when you play soccer?" Steven nodded. He loved wearing a jockstrap. Often he'd wear one to school instead of underwear. Sometimes he'd even jerk off into it when he got home, then sneak it into the laundry pile hoping his mom wouldn't notice. This rubber one he was wearing now was even better. It made his cock-cage seem even tighter as it pressed the device down between his legs and kept it from bouncing around when he moved. And the tight shiny rubber hugging his waist was also quite arousing now that he really thought about it. "You like wearing that, don't you?" Mark asked him, seeing the dreamy look in the boy's eyes. Steven smiled behind his penis-gag and nodded his head enthusiastically. "And I like you wearing it." Mark took several pictures of the boy at different angles. "Turn around, slowly." Steven obeyed and stopped when ordered when his back was facing his uncle. "What a great little ass you've got. It's still nice and red too. Is it sore?" Steven nodded. "Does that turn you on?" Steven nodded. "Want me to keep that little butt red and hurting all summer?" Steven nodded. "Be careful what you wish for, Stevie." Steven giggled, but he was beginning to learn that his uncle was quite serious about things. "Bend over and grab your ankles. I want to see your butt-plug." Steven did as ordered and looked back at his uncle between his hairless legs. "Nice. Turn and face me. Stand up straight. We've got to work on your posture. Shoulders back. Tummy in, hips out. Put your knees together now. Good. Stay like that." Steven stayed like that while Mark took a whole series of pictures. He pulled the boy's jockstrap down to his knees and captured several close-up images of the boy's caged cock. Steven was breathing softly, his eyes closed, enjoying this moment. "Tighten your abdomen for me," Mark commanded. "Let me see that hot little six-pack. You have no idea how sexy that is on a hairless little thirteen-year-old." Judging by the obvious erection in his uncle's shorts, Steven in fact did have a fairly good idea. "Alright," Mark said, tussling the boy's hair and wrapping the camera's leather strap around his wrist for safe keeping. "Do you need to pee?" Steven shook his head. "Then we're going upstairs. You first. Remember you don't have as much chain between your legs as you're used to. Take it slow. I'll be behind you just this once. After you get the hang of it, you'll always follow behind me. Slaves follow their masters, right?" Steven nodded and shuffled toward the stairs. Immediately he was reminded just how heavy all the chains were. Combined with the weight of the iron collar and shackles, it took a formidable effort to keep moving normally. He managed the first two steps neatly but nearly stumbled on the third. He felt his uncle's reassuring hand on his bare behind. "Take it easy. I don't expect you to be quick when you're chained like this." The boy was thankful for that. Quick was one thing he certainly could not be. One foot of chain didn't really seem that short just looking at it, but even a barely five-foot [1.50 m] tall thirteen-year-old has a normal stride considerably longer than that. 'Wow. This is really hard to do,' Steven thought as he trudged up the steps. In all those movies he loved about pirates and gladiators and barbarians and stuff, chains never really seemed to slow the heroes down all that much. They just looked really cool and Steven never tired of watching those kinds of scenes over and over again, always adjusting the nearly instantaneous erection they caused in his pants. The reality of chains was, of course, quite different, they get in the way, they're heavy, they slow you down, they rattle and clink and make all sorts of noise as they drag along the floor. Just one more instance where fiction and reality didn't quite match. But Steven liked the reality very much. Having his movement so heavily restricted and so tightly controlled was a neat feeling, and the realization that, just like with his collar and his gag and his cock-cage and his butt-plug, he could not remove these shackles and chains himself was all the more exciting. He was being controlled. Every part of him. At the moment, there really wasn't anything he could do without his uncle's permission. His uncle had put him in chains and he would stay in chains until the padlocks were opened and the shackles removed. Steven wondered just how long he'd be wearing them. At the top of the stairs the fresh ocean air from the open windows instantly cooled the boy's sweaty skin and reminded him just how hot the enclosed downstairs dungeon had been. "Into the kitchen, slave boy," Mark said, gently directing him with a swat on the butt. Steven noticed that there was a chair missing from the kitchen table. In its place was a wooden stool. "That's your stool," Mark explained. "The boy does not use the furniture in this house anymore. From now on that stool is the only place you are allowed to sit in this house, other than on the floor. You'll take it with you when we move from room to room. You will not sit down on it until I give you permission. Understood?" Steven nodded swiftly. "You're making dinner tonight," Mark said, placing his hands on the boy's bare shoulders and marching him over to the long marble-top counter. "The recipe is right here," he pointed to an open page in a cookbook. Next to it was a variety of spice bottles, an onion, a tomato and a big piece of fresh swordfish they'd bought on their shopping spree earlier in the day. "I've already gotten out everything you need. Preheat the oven before you start. Can I trust you not to cut yourself with the knife?" Steven nodded. He loved cooking and helped his mom out in the kitchen at home as much as he could, way more than his sister ever did. "I'll leave you to it. If you need me for anything, I'll be out on the deck. Get cooking, slave boy. When you get it in the oven, come out and join me." Again Steven nodded and went to work right away. He loved seafood as much as his uncle, and even at the tender age of thirteen had a definite appreciation for a good meal made from good, fresh ingredients. He read over the recipe quickly. '"Baked Swordfish", mmmm 3; . looks good,' he thought. 'I am so hungry. Guess I better get started 3; where's the butter?' The boy quickly discovered that performing seemingly routine tasks was considerably more difficult when you're bound in heavy chains. It took him several minutes to get the hang of moving his arms without the chains getting in his way. He nearly knocked a bottle of olive oil off the kitchen counter and wondered what punishment he might have faced had he done so. 'Maybe I should do it, and see what happens,' he thought to himself, his cock instantly trying to harden within its tiny cage. But he was very hungry and didn't want to keep dinner waiting any longer. Fifteen minutes later, Steven had dinner expertly assembled in the pan and baking slowly in the oven. Remembering to take his stool along, he shuffled out to the deck. Mark smiled at him warmly. "I don't recall telling you to bring your stool, boy," he said with a knowing smirk. "The floor is good enough for you right now. You'll be punished for that later on tonight. Put it back in the kitchen and get your little butt back out here." Steven nodded and carried his stool back to the kitchen table and returned as fast as the chains would let him. Mark pointed to spot on the deck directly beside his lounge chair. "On your knees." The thirteen-year-old shuffled awkwardly into position. Mark reached down and gave the boy two quick and very hard smacks on his butt, enough to make Steven cry out into his gag. "That's for assuming. A slave only does exactly as he is told. If I'd wanted you on your stool, I would have told you to bring it with you. Never assume you know better than your master." Steven shook his head slowly and rested his hands on his thighs. Mark removed the chains that connected the boy's wrists. All the others stayed securely attached. "Put your hands behind your back and keep them there," Mark instructed. Steven obeyed quickly as he always did. Mark produced a set of handcuffs from the table on the other side of the lounge chair. "Turn around and put your back to me." Steven shuffled around on his knees until his backside was facing his master. He felt the cool metal of the cuffs going around first his right wrist, then his left, clicking closed with ominous finality. They'd played around with handcuffs before over previous summers, plastic toy ones when he was very little and a quick-release metal pair the last few years, but this pair was the real thing. There were no safeties on these that would have allowed the thirteen-year-old to get them off by himself. He was stuck with his hands cuffed behind his back until Mark let him out. Steven next became aware that Mark was removing the padlock from the penis-gag he'd been wearing since they got home. The boy felt the buckle being loosened and finally falling free. Mark's hands appeared in front of him. "Open your mouth. Don't speak." Steven did as he was told and Mark pulled the gag out slowly. The boy was relieved to have the big latex cock out of his mouth for the first time in several hours. His relief however was not to last long. "Turn around and face me." Again the boy shuffled around on his knees until he was staring into his uncle's eyes. Mark held up another gag and the boy knew it was only a matter of moments before his mouth would be stuffed again. The plastic cock on this one was, if anything, even larger, but it also had a strange appendage in front, and the leather portion appeared to be designed to cover the entire lower half of his face. "This is called 'the Humiliator', Steven," Mark explained. "This side works just like your penis-gag. It's a bit bigger, so it'll stretch your cute little cock-sucking mouth nice and wide. Good practice for you. This other side," he said, pointing to the metal tube sticking out of the front, "allows your master to put on all sorts of attachments. Would you like to see them?" Steven swallowed hard and slowly nodded his head. He could already feel his dick hardening inside his cock-cage. "Let's get it on you first, then I'll show you. Open wide, boy." The young teen had to stretch his lips and open his mouth as wide as he possibly could to accommodate the huge black latex penis. Mark showed no mercy, pulling the straps tight behind the boy's head and locking the device in place. As Steven had thought, the gag covered the bottom of his face, from under his chin to just beneath his nose. "Makes a nice muzzle for you," Mark observed. "Let me show you some of the things I can attach to the front of it." Mark pulled a box from the under the lounger and set it on the deck in front of Steven's knees. "Everything just slides right onto the mounting tube." Steven looked on with wide and sometimes worried eyes as an array of items was presented to him. "An ash tray," Mark said. "Lucky for you I don't smoke. Maybe I'll start!" Steven fiercely shook his head indicating he thought that was a very bad idea. "A clothes hanger. You can carry your master's shorts around with you when I'm not wearing them. A serving tray, so you can hold my drinks for me. I think we'll be using that one a lot. A toilet brush. That will be your punishment when you're really, really bad. Just imagine. You'll be on your knees in the bathroom, scrubbing the toilet with this." Steven squirmed a bit as he formed a mental picture in his head. Mark attached the toilet brush to the gag to demonstrate how it would work, and just how close Steven would have to get to the toilet in order to clean it properly. The boy let out a frightened little moan of protest, but Mark guessed quite correctly that the thirteen-year-old's frustrated cock was currently trying to get hard inside its tight little cage. "Lets see what else we have here 3; this is a dish brush, you can use that when you clean up after dinner tonight 3; there's a floor brush too and a brush for cleaning my shoes. I think we'll start you with the serving tray right now." Mark attached the small circular tray to the gag and locked it in place. He transferred his wine glass over from the table. "You have to stay perfectly still and perfectly quiet, Stevie. Don't twitch and don't make a sound." Steven blinked his eyes nervously as he felt the modest weight of the glass on the tray. "I'm going to keep you in the Humiliator for at least an hour each day. It's a good way to teach you discipline. A slave, even an adorable one like you, has to be reminded of his place." Steven spent the next half hour on his knees, trying to keep as still as possible and maintain perfect balance on the serving tray attached to the gag. He didn't want the glass to fall off and break. His cock was aching within the snug confines of its plastic cage. Steven had never wanted, or needed, to jerk off so much in all his young life. He could feel the pre-cum oozing out of him, slowly, constantly, maddeningly. It was filling the inside of the hot rubber jock, making his hairless balls all wet and sticky. 'I need to cum so bad!' he thought as Mark took a sip of wine from the glass and returned it to the tray. "We're going to have so much fun together this summer, Steven," Mark said to his gagged and nearly naked nephew. "There are so many things I want to teach you." At that moment the timer in the kitchen went off. "Sounds like dinner's ready," Mark observed. He set his glass back on the table and removed the serving tray from Steven's gag. The gag itself stayed in. "Stand up and turn around." With the weight of all the chains and his hands cuffed behind him it was hard for the boy to get back on his feet, but he did it with some gentle help from Mark. Keeping the boy cuffed, Mark pushed his thirteen-year-old nephew gently into the kitchen, only freeing the boy's hands once he was standing in front of the oven. "Smells good, Stevie. Nice job. Take it out and bring it over to the table. Then bring us some plates and utensils. Iced tea for me. Water for you." The gagged boy nodded, put on a pair of oven mitts and carried the hot and delicious-looking baked fish over to the table. Next he dutifully brought two plates and two sets of knives, forks and napkins. He set Mark's place first and was about to put a plate down at his usual spot facing the open doors to the deck when his uncle stopped him. "Your plate goes on the floor from now on, Stevie," he said softly. "Slave boys do not use the furniture in this house unless they're told, remember?" Steven found the idea of being forced to eat on the floor particularly hot. He set everything down close to his uncle's chair. "Always serve your master first," Mark instructed the novice slave boy. Steven dutifully cut a large portion of the steaming fish and placed it on his uncle's plate. He poured some tea from the pitcher into Mark's glass. "You'll wait until I've finished," Mark said, "then you can serve yourself. Put your hands behind your back and keep them there. If I want anything else, you'll get it for me, understood?" Still gagged and now totally starving, Steven nodded somberly. Mark knew the boy was famished, but he rather enjoyed Steven's humbled presence beside him. Having a sexy little thirteen-year-old boy waiting on your every need and desire was far more rewarding than he'd ever imagined. Discovering a bit of cruel streak within him, Mark decided to take his time with his meal, making the boy wait before allowing him to eat. "More tea, boy," he said softly after draining his glass. Steven immediately snapped to action, refilling his uncle's glass and eyeing the fish with unmasked want. Mark finished his first helping, demanded and received a second, and finally released to boy from his service. "Go to the sink and fill your glass with water first," Mark said. "Then I'll take your gag out so you can eat." Steven picked his glass up from the floor and hobbled over to the tap, his chains clanking along on the floor between his ankles. He returned to his place and hungrily piled the remaining fish on his plate. Thinking better of taking too much, he gazed at his uncle for approval. "You can have the rest." Steven set his plate on the floor and positioned himself on his knees. Really getting into this submissive role, he again clasped his hands behind his back and bowed his head. Mark smiled and tussled the boy's blonde hair. 'He's enjoying himself. Good,' he thought as he got up to open the padlock that secured his nephew's gag. He unbuckled the cruel device and pulled it gently from Steven's mouth. "No talking. Your mouth is for eating, drinking and sucking your master's cock. Nothing else, unless I give you permission." Steven was so hungry that he had no interest in wasting time talking anyway. His jaw felt a bit sore from having the gag in so long yet his mouth felt strangely empty without it. "Eat up. When you're done, lick both of our plates clean," Mark instructed. "I'm allowing you the privilege of using a knife and fork. Don't take it for granted." Steven nodded and smiled and quickly cleared his plate. "It's very good, by the way," Mark said. "You added a little extra saffron, didn't you?" Steven nodded as he happily chewed. Having never used or even seen that particular ingredient before, the boy had been puzzled at just how much he was supposed to put in. He thought it was cool how it changed the color of the dish and gave it such a nice aroma. And his uncle was right. The fish was good. Very good. It was the most complicated recipe the boy had ever attempted. He was understandably pleased with himself. "You are a great little chef." "Thanks!" the boy replied, before remembering that he'd just been instructed not to speak. "That's a bad boy, Steven," Mark chided him with a warm smile. "We'll just add that to your punishment later tonight." Steven was careful not to speak during the rest of the meal. Mark sat back and watched the slender, athletic boy eat. He was so beautiful. So perfect. Mark laughed when Steven brought the plate from the floor to his lips and licked it clean, then stood up and bent over his own plate still on the table and licked it clean too. Watching that little pink tongue at work and remembering how wonderfully intoxicating it felt when it was lapping over his cock made Mark hard almost instantly. When the two plates were cleaned to Mark's satisfaction, he ordered Steven to stand at attention once again. "Open your mouth," he said, taking the Humiliator gag off the table. Steven hadn't expected to be gagged again so quickly, but the big latex cock was once more shoved into his mouth and the device strapped tightly in place behind his head. Steven's eyes widened when Mark secured the dish brush attachment onto the Humiliator. "I don't need to run the dishwasher anymore, since I've got you. Take everything over to the sink and get it washed up." Mark stood by and watched as the boy filled the sink with soapy water and placed all the dirty plates to the side. One at a time he placed each plate in the water. Then, trembling from arousal and humiliation, he brought the plate to the big soft-bristled dish brush attached to his gag. It was certainly the most humiliating and 'slavish' thing he'd ever had to do, and it felt so amazingly hot and exciting. His young cock was pressing so hard against the bars of its little cage at the moment that it was almost painful. Seeing the boy quickly had the hang of using the special attachment, Mark left him to finish up on his own. "Come in to the living room when you're done," he ordered, swatting the boy hard on the butt before walking away.
Steven presented himself to Mark in the living room several minutes later, still with the brush sticking out in front of his gag. Mark gestured him over to the sofa, to a space between his legs. Steven sat down cross-legged facing his uncle. Mark leaned over, removed the Humiliator and immediately replaced it with a red ball-gag. In answer to the boy's questioning eyes he replied, "I like the way you look with a big gag in your mouth. So I'm gonna keep you that way for the rest of the night." He massaged the boy's shoulders and playfully pinched Steven's nipples. The young teenager gasped and moaned as his cock once again attempted in vain to stiffen within its cage. Mark rubbed his bare foot over the thirteen-year-old's taut muscular abdomen and down to the rubber jock-strap which temptingly hid the boy's treasures. He could feel the outlines of the cock-cage imprisoning his nephew's cute penis. Using his toes, he played with Steven's ripe young balls. "These things are probably ready to explode right now, aren't they?" he asked playfully. Steven rapidly nodded his head. "You'll get used to not being allowed to cum 3; or maybe you won't 3; but since you're a slave you'll just have to deal with it either way. Now turn around and stay between my legs. I've got some movies for us to watch. You can rest your back against the sofa if you want to." Uncle and nephew spent the next four hours watching science fiction movies, one of their many mutual interests for as long as either of them could remember. The first one was a recent blockbuster full of snazzy special effects which Steven really got into. It was an odd thing. Sitting there mostly naked, gagged and collared and chained with his dick locked up and big plug up his butt, and watching a movie like it was just a normal thing. After the first half hour or so he sort of forgot all about the chains at his wrists and ankles. "Why don't you go nuke us some popcorn for the second movie," Mark suggested. Steven scrambled to his feet and made his way into the kitchen. He knew his way around his uncle's place like a second home and quickly found the popcorn. 'Mmmm, caramel flavored,' the boy thought to himself. 'Hope he takes this gag off so I can have some!' Back in the living room with the popcorn, Steven was indeed freed of his gag but still under orders not to speak. The second movie on the twin bill tonight was a far earlier one than Steven had never seen before. "It's called Forbidden Planet," Mark explained when the DVD started playing. "A lot of people think this was the first real sci-fi classic. Sort of paved the way for all the stuff that came after. I was probably your age the first time I saw it on TV." Steven didn't think he'd like a movie without dazzling computer animations and lots of explosions, but he quickly proved himself wrong. Good science fiction doesn't really need all those bells and whistles and he was easily drawn into the classic story based on Shakespeare's The Tempest. Steven of course really didn't get that part of it, only that it was a very cool story with rather good special effects for being so obviously ancient. "Did you like that?" Mark asked when movie came to an end. Steven nodded enthusiastically. He'd have to check out some of these older flicks for himself. Mark gagged the boy again. "Take the popcorn bowl back to the kitchen" he said, "then we'll deal with your punishment." Steven took a sharp breath and scurried off to follow his master's orders as fast as the chains between his feet would allow. 'This is it!' he thought, his young mind racing back and forth between fear and arousal. Mark took the thirteen-year-old boy upstairs and into the master suite. Working slowly to prolong the boy's anticipation and excitement he removed the chains and set them all aside. He next removed Steven's harness and stripped him out of his rubber jockstrap. The iron collar and shackles came off next, leaving the boy entirely naked. Strange how quickly he'd begun to think of his slave gear as clothing, and how odd it felt to suddenly not be wearing any of it. The boy took in a deep breath of the crisp clean ocean air. Mark placed his hands on either side of Steven's face and ran them slowly down the boy's slender neck and over his shoulders. Totally naked, except for his cock-cage, the boy seemed somehow smaller and younger this way. He'd worn his slave gear and chains with a certain unmistakable pride and teenaged bravado, but now he just seemed like a vulnerable hairless little boy. They both felt it in that moment. Steven shivered and Mark kissed him softly on the cheek. "Are you ready?" his uncle asked. "You can answer me." "Yes, sir." "Lie on the bed, face down. Spread your arms and legs out as far as you can." Steven knew this part very well. He loved being tied this way and quickly assumed the required the position. The one special difference was that last year he'd been wearing boxers or his just a pair of speedos. This year, he was naked, his bare butt on display for his uncle. His young heart was already pounding in his chest when he felt the first rope being secured around his slender wrist. Again Mark took his time, tying off each of the boy's smooth hairless limbs in turn, stretching them as tightly as he dared. He wanted the boy to feel a little discomfort this time. Steven grunted and wiggled his butt and pulled against each binding as Mark completed it. After a few minutes of thoughtful rope-work, the boy was secured spread-eagled across the bed, his back and his butt helplessly laid out for easy access. Mark pressed firmly on the boy's fully exposed butt-plug, eliciting another high-pitched grunt from the young teen. He left the boy alone there for a moment while he ventured to the basement to fetch the proper tool for a lengthy session of discipline. Steven had to remind himself to keep breathing as he kept holding his breath anticipating his uncle's return. He then heard Mark's footsteps on the wood floor and Mark was then standing beside the bed, naked, erect and with a thin riding crop in his hand. "This is called a riding crop, Steven," he explained to the inexperienced little submissive. "Out in the real world it is used to control horses and keep them focused. In this house it will be used on you in the same way. I can give you a gentle tap to remind you when you've done something wrong, or I can give you a hard lashing with it. The perfect tool to make sure my little slave boy always obeys me. I am going to punish you with it tonight for forgetting your place. You spoke without permission earlier and of course there was your little error with the stool. This will help you remember. It will hurt. You may cry if you need to." Steven's eyes were wide and he stared at his uncle, his master, with a look of genuine fear. Mark moved in close and whispered into the lad's ear. "Do you remember what to do if it gets too much?" Steven nodded and snapped his fingers twice to demonstrate that he knew he had a way out if he really needed it. "Good. Always remember," Mark continued, "this is only as real as you want to make it." Steven nodded again and closed his eyes. Mark took that as his signal that he was truly ready. Mark lined up the crop with the boy's perfect little butt and give him a gentle tap which cracked thinly against his smooth bare skin. Steven twitched and clenched his fists, expecting it to be a lot worse. He relaxed, only to receive another blow, this one considerably harder. "Ggggghhh," he grunted into his gag. That one hurt. And there was no question that it was meant to. Mark spent the next several minutes focusing his attention on the backs of the boy's thighs, careful not to strike hard enough to leave any lasting welts or marks. Couldn't very well have the boy parading about in shorts or a speedo with the thin red lines of the riding crop visible for all to see. Those he would save for the boy's beautiful naked butt which would only be seen and admired by his own eyes. Still, from Steven's perspective the continued rain of strokes from the crop on the backs of his legs and on his sensitive inner thighs was exquisitely painful and extraordinarily arousing. He was thrashing about madly on the bed, pulling hard against the ropes which held him helpless and spread-eagled at his uncle's not so tender mercy. He was grunting and groaning and getting more and more into it with every moment. His young cock was so painfully swollen within its cage that he could barely stand it any longer. He began to press his hips into the mattress in a vain attempt to get himself off in spite of the presence of the chastity device designed to prevent that very outcome. 'Come on, come on!' he thought to himself as he thrashed and struggled and got himself worked up into a teenaged sexual frenzy. 'I'm soooo fuckin' horny! Shit, I think I can cum, oh man I can feel it, even with the cage around my dick, I think I might 3; oh, fuck 3;oh just hit me harder!' "Hmmph mmphh!" he shouted the words 'Hit me!' into his gag. Mark was only too happy to oblige, but perhaps not in the way Steven had hoped. "Stop humping the mattress, you horny little buck," he said, turning his attention to Steven's butt, swatting him hard, very hard. Hard enough to raise an immediate welt. Steven shrieked for the first time and all thoughts of cumming vanished in an instant as two more sharp blows just like the last one landed perfectly on his smooth firm teenaged rump. "Those will be with you for a few days," Mark said as Steven began to cry. He gave the boy the crop twice more, not quite so hard, but enough to keep Steven in tears and moaning plaintively. "That's all for the first part of your punishment," Mark explained as he laid the crop down on the bed near to Steven's head so that the boy could get a good look at the instrument of his discipline. "Now for part two 3;" Mark took hold of the boy's butt plug and slowly pulled it out. Steven craned his neck back wondering what was about to happen. Mark applied some lube to the boy's virgin hole and spent several delightful minutes working first one then two fingers into the thirteen-year-old's warm tight rectum. Steven watched anxiously as Mark produced the next object of his punishment. A long, thick and very nasty looking dildo. Steven had seen it down in the basement and it nearly made him wet himself. Now he was feeling the same sense of dread. "I'm going to shove this big thing into your little hole now, boy," Mark said. "It might just rip you in half. We'll see. First I think I'll blindfold you." Mark had more expensive blindfolds in the basement, but for this occasion a simple bandana was good enough. Mark rolled it up, straddled the naked boy's back and quickly covered Steven's eyes with it, pulling it tight and tying it into a simple knot. Steven was sniffling softly and trembling beneath him. Mark took a moment to rub his erect cock against the boy's back, gasping at the silken smoothness of the boy's warm moist skin. He scooted down off Steven's back until he was kneeling between the thirteen-year-old's out-stretched legs. He took the huge scary dildo and quietly pushed it aside, picking up a much smaller one that the boy had not been allowed to see. Some clever devious mind games were one thing, but he would never, could never, do anything that would actually harm his beloved nephew in any lasting way. With the smaller dildo in his right hand and his left hand now wrapped firmly around his own erection, he pushed the latex prong slowly but insistently into Steven's butt. The boy shouted into his gag at first, fearing the huge evil invader making its way into him. He gradually caught on to his uncle's rather nasty trick, realizing that the object being forced up into his butt felt really no larger than the plug to which he'd already grown somewhat accustomed. Having his butt fucked by the dildo however was a completely new experience. It was not long before the boy was again moaning and groaning, this time in pleasure and frustration as every thrust of the dildo pressed on his adolescent prostate. Pre-cum was flowing out of his imprisoned cock now in a constant stream, enough to have already left a wet stain on the bed-sheet. 'This is punishment?' the boy thought to himself, enjoying the sensations from deep inside him, but after several minutes of being relentlessly driven to cum but unable to do so, he began to get it. Mark continued speeding up and then slowing down his pace, working the boy's prostate carefully, sliding the dildo into and out of his slender, bound, helpless nephew as he continued to slowly jerk himself off. It took nearly twenty minutes of merciless teasing of the boy's little joy button to finally produce the desired results. Steven could feel it happening. Something that was not an orgasm, something wild and amazing and 3; indescribable. He let out a deep, throaty groan, his muscles tensed, he pulled against his bonds, and a large glob of his milky white seed oozed out his caged cock onto the bed. "That's it, Steven," Mark said as he continued to pleasure himself with more urgency. "Give your master your milk." He worked the dildo a bit faster. Steven gasped and tightened his little butt around the latex invader. Another stream of his teenaged spunk dribbled from his frustrated cock. "You're not cumming, are you?" Mark asked, his voice growing rough and raspy as he neared his own climax. Steven shook his head and sobbed. He still wanted to cum, he still needed it so badly. His stuff was coming out of him, he could feel it, but he wasn't cumming. "Get it all out. Give me all your sweet milk, boy, come on, I know there's more in those hairless balls." Indeed there was. A plaintive whine from Steven accompanied a third offering of the thirteen-year-old's fresh boy-juice. It joined the sticky puddle already between his legs. Mark finally brought himself over the edge, grunting aloud and shooting his impressive load all over Steven's back and butt. After taking a few moments to recover his breath, he continued working Steven's prostate, this time pulling out the dildo and replacing it with his fingers. "Is that all?" he asked gently as a final tiny drop of purest white sperm flowed out of Steven's cock accompanied by another deep, anguished moan. Steven mumbled incoherently into his gag and sniffled, the results of his first milking having had a shattering effect on the young boy. His body was covered in a fine sheen of sweat. He was breathing hard and fast. "Good boy," Mark said, removing the dildo and placing his hand gently Steven's red and welted butt. "Calm down now. It's over. Take a nice deep breath for me. Good. Just relax. I'm going to get something to clean you up." Mark was quick to return, not wanting to leave to boy alone for too long in his current frame of mind. With a soft warm rag he gently cleaned Steven's back and rear end, and wiped up the surprisingly large amount of seed the boy had spilled. Next he reinserted Steven's butt-plug, removed his gag and blindfold, kissed him on the back of his neck and untied all the ropes. The boy instantly rolled over onto his side and curled himself up into a little ball. Mark quickly lay down beside him and drew him close. "I'm 3; I'm cold," the naked boy said softly. "I'll keep you warm. I'll always be here to keep you warm." Steven's ragged breathing slowed as he melted into his uncle's warm embrace. Mark drew the silk sheet up over them both. "Are you okay?" "Yeah 3; I think 3; that felt so weird 3; I was scared at first 3; when it started coming out of me 3;" "That was the part I was worrying about the most," Mark confessed. "I didn't know what that would do to you, or how you'd take it." The boy rolled over to face his uncle, their eyes met and Mark wiped the remaining moisture from Steven's cheek. "What was that?" the boy asked. "I mean, what did you do to me 3; to make me do that 3; I don't understand 3; " "It's called 'milking'. If I massage your little joy button enough up there, I can make your spunk come out without you having an orgasm." "Is that, like, normal?" the boy asked bewildered. "Well, I don't think it works for every guy," Mark answered with a smile, "but it definitely works for you!" "Lucky me," Steven said with a yawn. "Tired." "Yeah." "Me too. Hold out your hands," Mark said. Steven obeyed. Mark took a length of the previously discarded rope and gently bound the boy's wrists for the night. He then reached over and turned out the light. The pale soft blue of moonlight on the ocean streamed in through the large open windows. The distant sound of the waves breaking on the beach provided a soothing soundtrack for man and boy as they lay there together. Steven again pressed himself into his uncle's naked warmth. Mark draped his arm across the boy's slim frame, running his hand tenderly over the boy's hip and once more kissing the back of Steven's neck. In all their previous summers together, they had never shared the same bed, but on this night it seemed so perfectly natural. "Love 3; you," the boy said as he drifted off to sleep. "Love you too, Stevie," Mark whispered as he too closed his eyes.