Forced Nudity
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Stories by Rick1463

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Public Hair
by Rick1463
An 11-year-old girl reaches puberty and has to deal with the embarrassing disciplinary practices her mom insists on, with the help of a neighbor boy her own age.
Public Hair 1 December 21, 2014
Public Hair 2 May 17, 2015

Friends to the (Rear) End
by Rick1463
Although he is two years younger, Mickey has always been more mature than his friend Ryan. For that reason, when he starts disciplining him it feels almost natural.
Friend to the (Rear) End 1 March 20, 2012
Friend to the (Rear) End 2  April 10, 2012
Friend to the (Rear) End 3 April 27, 2012
Friend to the (Rear) End 4 April 27, 2012
Friend to the (Rear) End 5  May 18, 2012
Friend to the (Rear) End 6 June 2, 2012
Friend to the (Rear) End 7 June 2, 2012
Friend to the (Rear) End 8 June 2, 2012
Friend to the (Rear) End 9 June 23, 2012
Friend to the (Rear) End 10 June 23, 2012
Friend to the (Rear) End 11 July 7, 2012
Friend to the (Rear) End 12 August 19, 2012
Friend to the (Rear) End 13 December 2, 2012
Friend to the (Rear) End 14 December 16, 2012
Friend to the (Rear) End 15 October 1, 2013
Friend to the (Rear) End 16 March 16, 2014
Friend to the (Rear) End 17 March 16, 2014
Friend to the (Rear) End 18 April 6, 2014
Friend to the (Rear) End 19 October 21, 2014
Friend to the (Rear) End 20 February 8, 2015

A Friend Who Cares
by Rick1463
After reaching puberty, 14-year-old Vicky had started acting up more and more often; misbehaving and talking back and generally being a real brat. Her childhood friend Kenny, on the other hand, was considered a well-behaved boy by everybody. And now, Vicky's mom has decided to entrust Kenny with Vicky's discipline!
A Friend Who Cares 1 July 7, 2012
A Friend Who Cares 2 July 28, 2012
A Friend Who Cares 3 September 9, 2012
A Friend Who Cares 4 November 18, 2012
A Friend Who Cares 5 January 12, 2013
A Friend Who Cares 6, 7 and 8  April 28, 2013
A Friend Who Cares 9 and 10 June 16, 2013
A Friend Who Cares 11 July 7, 2013
A Friend Who Cares 12 July 21, 2013
A Friend Who Cares 13  August 4, 2013
A Friend Who Cares 14 December 15, 2013
A Friend Who Cares 15  May 18, 2014
A Friend Who Cares 16 June 30, 2014
A Friend Who Cares 17 August 25, 2014
A Friend Who Cares 18 March 1, 2015

by Rick1463
12-year-old Cody takes his boyfriend to the "Spankymoon" resort.
Spankymoon 1 March 17, 2013
Spankymoon 2 April 7, 2013
Spankymoon 3, 4, 5 and 6 April 28, 2013
Spankymoon 7  May 12, 2013
Spankymoon 8 June 2, 2013
Spankymoon 9 June 16, 2013

The stories accessible from this page copyright © 2007-2015 by Rick1463, all rights reserved.

This site copyright © 2000-2015, all rights reserved.  Distribution of the stories contained on this site is subject to the copyright restrictions contained in each individual story.