* * * *
This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of
sexual activity
involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to
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* * * * *
A friend who
is a friend who… spanks bare! – Chapter 2 That
Saturday, Kenny and Vicky walked to the mall, which wasn't too far from their
own homes. They were going to meet Lindsey at the mall's main entrance. When
they were just one block away from reaching their destination, Kenny
slowed his pace and his hands started shaking. Vicky giggled at him, since
she knew the signs, which she had seen many times before in him: Kenny always
turned into a nervous wreck whenever he was close to Lindsey Graham. "Take
it easy, Romeo!" Vicky said, tussling his brown hair, which was fashioned
in the messy hairstyle that modern kids used. "You'll do fine. I've
got your back, remember? Try to relax a bit." "Easy
for you to say," Kenny said, as he fixed his hair with his hands.
"Let's just try to stick to the script, ok? That way we can avoid
something unexpected happening. Let's go over it again: We'll shop for some
clothes that we need - a t-shirt for me and some socks for you - and then
we'll have lunch at the mall's food court, and then we'll say goodbye to
Lindsey and go back home, you got it? Short and simple. I'll try to talk to her
in the process and just have fun as we go. I'm a fun guy, so it can't be that
hard, right? You think I'm fun, don't you?" Vicky
giggled. "Oh yes, you're TONS of fun! Particularly when you're around
Lindsey, because then you're mumbling like an idiot and that makes it very
funny... for me!" "Stop
it, Vicks! You're supposed to be boosting my confidence, not destroying it!
Now, like I said, we'll stick to the script that I just described, ok?" "Got
it, boss!" Vicky said, with an exaggerated smile, crossing her fingers
behind her back. "We'll go where you said and do what you said, nothing
less and nothing more!" "Good.
Now try to act natural and follow my lead. We're almost there and...
Whoa." Kenny
froze in his tracks. They had arrived at the mall's entrance and there she was,
standing in the middle and waving at them: Lindsey Graham in all her
glory. ‘Shining in the middle’ would
be a more appropriate description, Kenny thought. He could only stare in awe at
the gorgeous girl with long, blonde hair, that was looking at him with gleaming
blue eyes and a smile that would melt the coldest of hearts. She wore a short,
blue dress, with ruffles at the edges, and matching shoes. Her hands were
clasped in front of her delicately, and then she touched her hair with one hand
and Kenny wondered why the world had started moving in slow motion. He also
wondered if anybody else could see the shimmering brightness that surrounded
the angelic girl. Then he felt a smack on the back of his head that brought
him out of his trance. "Snap
out of it, blockhead!" Vicky said. It had been her hand that smacked him.
"Quit drooling and let's go say hi.” They
walked toward Lindsey, Kenny dragging his feet through the floor, as if he
wished to become stuck to it. Vicky was the first to speak. "Hi,
Lindsey!" "Hi,
guys!" Lindsey said. "Thanks for inviting me. I can't wait to check
out the shops, there's some stuff that I really need to buy!" "Yeah,
us too," Vicky said. "Right, Kenny?" "Uh...
s-stuff? Y-yeah, sure... W-we like stuff!" Both
girls stared at him for a second, and Kenny went pale. Then Lindsey giggled.
"You're funny!" Lindsey said. "C'mon, let's go browse around and
see what's for sale!" Lindsey
hurried inside, followed by Vicky and Kenny. "Great start, Romeo,"
Vicky whispered in his ear, out of Lindsey’s earshot. "She's probably
amazed at your clever remarks. You will soon have her lying at your feet!" "Shut.
UP." Kenny grumbled back through his teeth, not looking amused by her
sarcasm at all. Vicky
giggled. “All right, let’s hurry to the shops, because, remember? - ‘We like stuff!’ Kenny
felt his blood boiling but could say nothing in response because they caught up
with Lindsey. He told himself that it had only been a little stage fright on
his part and her took a deep breath, trying to relax. Everything should go
smoothly now. Right? * The
three kids browsed several shops, and were having fun at it. Vicky and Lindsey
seemed to be getting along rather well, both of them discussing clothes and
discovering that they shared some tastes, and they even made jokes and laughed
together. Even Kenny had started to relax and become a little more talkative.
He was starting to believe that the mall had been a good idea, after all. Then,
in one of the shops, Vicky called him and his confidence shattered when he saw
what she was holding. His hands started shaking again and his stomach went
cold. "Look
what I found, Kenny! Can you believe it?" Vicky said, holding a t-shirt
for him to see. Lindsey was right beside her. "It's a t-shirt with
your favorite POKÉMON!" "Oh
my god, it's so cute!" Lindsey said, looking at the t-shirt. "It's a
kitty, isn't it? A pink kitty! I didn't know you were such a Pokémon fan,
Kenny." "I...
I'm n-not... I mean..." he started to say, his face blushing with
embarrassment. What did Vicky think that she was DOING? "It's
not exactly a kitty, Lindsey," Vicky explained. "It's a Pokémon.
Kenny knows all about them, it's been his favorite cartoon for years! This is
Kenny's favorite Pokémon, but I forgot what it's called... What was its
name, Kenny?" Kenny
stared, speechless, at the two girls. He looked at one, then the other,
then the other again. He didn't know how to escape this embarrassment.
"I-it's called 'Mew'..." he
finally said. "B-but it's not cute at all... it transforms into a... into
a powerful... N-never mind, let's go look at some other t-shirts, ok?" "What
do you mean it's not cute?" Lindsey said. "I think it looks SUPER
cute! If it's your favorite then you really should buy it. You said that you
needed to buy a t-shirt, didn't you?" "Uh...
well, yes, but..." "Then
buy this one!" Lindsey said. "It will look real cute on you. C'mon,
let's go buy it right now!" Lindsey
snatched the t-shirt from Vicky’s hands and hurried to the cashier. Vicky was
starting to follow her when Kenny grabbed her arm. "What
the hell do you think you're DOING?" he whispered harshly, looking really
annoyed. "You're embarrassing me! I was into Pokémon like,
FIVE years ago!" "Didn't
you hear what she said?" Vicky whispered back. "She thought you'd
look CUTE in it! You should be thanking me! Besides, I caught you watching the Pokémon
cartoon the other day. You still like it!" "N-no,
I don't! ...Well, maybe a little... But even so! You knew that this would
make me feel embarrassed; don't try to deny it! I don't know what you think
you're doing, but you should stop it right now! Or else..." he started to
say and then discreetly cupped one of her butt-cheeks with his hand. She
was wearing thin shorts, so his hand managed to cup the whole curvature of her
cheek. She felt her buns clench at his touch, and she swallowed.
"...Or else you'll be tasting my very stinging opinion of your behavior
when we're back home. You GOT that?" "G-g-got
it...!" Vicky said. Kenny
let go of her arm and she hurried to rejoin Lindsey at the cashier. Kenny
followed, dragging his feet, hands in his pockets and grumbling to himself. He
was sure that Vicky had gotten the hint of what she should expect if she kept
on embarrassing him, but he knew her too well to be sure that it
would actually make her stop. In his experience, once Vicky started
misbehaving, there was no threat that could stop her. He
worried about it as he rejoined the girls and paid for his Pokémon t-shirt with
the 'pink kitty' on it, and promised to himself that he would unleash a
devastating revenge upon Vicky's rear end if she kept at it - a good
lesson that would leave her unable to sit for a week! * Some
time and some shops later, the kids were browsing clothes at one of the
big department stores in the mall. Pop music sounded in the background. They
had found socks for Vicky there, and Lindsey had also picked up a
couple of things. Then
the three of them walked to the boys' section of the big store and browsed the boys’
clothes. Kenny was looking at a checkered shirt when he heard someone clear her
throat behind him. He turned to find the two girls staring at him with
mysterious smiles on their faces. Vicky's hands were on her back. Was she
holding something...? "Oh,
KENNN-Y...!" Vicky said, with a playful voice. Kenny felt his stomach
go cold again. He knew that tone of voice and it set off all of his alarms. ‘Thiscan'tbegood,
thiscan'tbegood, thiscan'tbegood’ he thought. "You will NEVER guess what
we found!" Vicky said. Kenny
stared at her, expecting the worst. The back of his neck started to feel cold,
too. "You want to try and
guess?" Lindsey said, and giggled. She looked rather amused. "C'mon,
give it a try!" Kenny
swallowed. "Uh... a n-nickel lying on the floor...?" Lindsey
laughed. "No, silly! You're a funny guy, you know that? C'mon, Vicky, show
him!" Vicky
bit her lower lip and made a naughty smile. Then she brought her hands to the
front in a flash and showed Kenny what she was holding. "TA-DAH!"
Vicky said. Lindsey
giggled. "So? What do you think? Isn't it the CUTEST thing?" "I-it's
a... it's..." Kenny said, staring dumbfounded at the garment in
Vicky's hands. "It's
TOY STORY pajamas!" Vicky said, savoring each word with tremendous glee.
"With all of your favorite characters!" "Vicky
said that your favorites are Woody and the green dinosaur!" Lindsey said. "S-she
did, did she...?" Kenny said. He couldn’t believe this was happening to
him. "W-well, everybody liked the movies, right...? People from all ages,
I mean…" "Of
course!" Vicky said. "But not everyone has a HUGE collection of Toy
Story stuff in their bedrooms! You have lamps, toys, slippers and
curtains... and even your mattress! Lindsey, he's the BIGGEST fan!" "Then
you HAVE to try it on, Kenny!" Lindsey said. "Go on, the fitting
rooms are right over there!" The
three kids walked toward the fitting rooms and a reluctant Kenny took the
childish pajamas from Vicky. "C'mon,
Vicky," Lindsey said. "Let's go look at other stuff while he tries it
on." Vicky
started to follow her but Kenny grabbed her arm. "Um, Vicky, could you
please stay for a little while? I need... uh... I might need you to bring me a
different size if this one doesn't fit." "S-stay?
I, uh..." Vicky started to say, more than a little worried. She was about
to give an excuse for not staying, but then she saw Kenny's killing stare and
she thought twice about it. She had seen the killing stare before and she dared
not ignore it. "...S-sure! You go ahead Lindsey, I'll be right behind
you..." Lindsey
left and Kenny gently pulled Vicky by the arm all the way to the fitting rooms.
No one seemed to be in any of the stalls, which was perfect for Kenny. He
walked into the stall at the end, with Vicky in tow, and closed the door from
the inside. Once inside, Kenny wasted no time and started undoing the fly of
Vicky's shorts. "H-hey!
Kenny, what are you DOING? N-NOT HERE!" Vicky said, in distress. "In
the other shop I gave you a soft warning to stop embarrassing me," he said
as he pulled both her shorts and panties to her ankles at the same time.
"And it didn't get through to you. Let's see if a HARD warning does the
job this time!" He
didn't waste any time staring at her bottomlessness, like he usually did, and
instead he immediately turned the girl around as they both stood there. Vicky
realized that she had really made him mad! Holding her left arm with one
hand, he started swinging right away with the other, as best he could in the
enclosed space of the stall. Vicky jumped and squirmed with each smack, as
if she were dancing to the modern pop music in the store's background. *SMACK!
SMACK! SMACK!* "You will stop embarrassing me- *SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!* -in
front of Lindsey! *SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!* Or my hand is going to- *SMACK! SMACK!
SMACK!* -have a LONG conversation- *SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!* -with your butt when
we get home! *SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!* "OWIEEE!
a minute, Kenny stopped. Vicky's tail had already turned pink. Kenny told her
to rejoin Lindsey and to make sure to stop her naughtiness or ELSE. Grimacing at
the sting on her rump, Vicky pulled her panties and shorts back up and opened
the stall's door to step out. She was shocked to find a young boy standing
right outside their stall, staring at her with surprise on his face. "D-did
he... Did that boy sp... spank...?" the young boy started to say. Vicky
thought that he couldn't be older than ten years old. He was holding some
clothes and Vicky realized that he had walked into the fitting rooms to
try them on and then he had heard the spanking in progress. "Uh... I
gotta go!" the little boy said, and sprinted away. Vicky
blushed. "Oh my god, Kenny! That boy heard everything!" Kenny
chuckled. "Well, I hope it makes you feel embarrassed, just like you've
made me feel a few minutes ago. Serves you right! Now stop making such a fuzz,
you don't know that boy and he doesn't know you. You'll never see him again in
your life, so it's no big deal. Now go on, I have to try on these 'cute' pajamas,
thanks to a certain brat!" Vicky
walked out of the fitting rooms and toward the direction that Lindsey had
gone. An uneasy sensation crept into her mind: Did she really not know that
little boy? He had looked familiar to her... but no, it must have been her own
surprise and anxiety at having been caught getting spanked. Like Kenny said,
she didn't know the boy and he didn't know her. ...Right? A
couple of minutes later, Kenny had just changed into his pajamas when a voice
called out to him from outside the fitting rooms. "Hey, Kenny?"
Lindsey said, raising her voice to be heard. "Did you put it on? C'mon out
and show us! We'll tell you if fits all right!" Kenny
groaned. It seemed that his humiliation wasn't done yet. He gritted his teeth -
if this had been another of Vicky's pranks... But
he couldn't refuse that sweet, beautiful voice. He just couldn't. Dragging his
feet, he made his way out of the fitting rooms. "Oh
my god!" Lindsey said, looking at him with a huge smile. "You look so
stood there, in his cartoonish pajamas, blushing and hanging his head low.
Then he raised his sight and saw Vicky standing behind Lindsey. Vicky was shrugging
at him, doing some signs with her hands and moving her mouth soundlessly,
trying to explain to Kenny that this time it hadn't been her idea to call him
outside. She pointed at Lindsey and made a 'what could I do?' facial expression
as she shrugged again. Kenny just gave her an annoyed look, not entirely
convinced of her innocence but not able to disprove it, either. Lindsey
declared that the pajamas just looked 'too pretty' on him to pass up, and asked
him to go change into his clothes again so they could buy them. Kenny dragged
his feet back into the fitting rooms, wondering if things could get any worse.
With Vicky around, you never knew. * A
little while later, the three kids reached the food court. They looked around,
trying to decide what to have for lunch. "Listen,
Kenny," Lindsey said. "Why don't you save us a table and Vicky and I
will get lunch? I promise to bring you something good, ok?" How would
she know what he'd like, Kenny asked himself. But a better question would be:
How could he question or refuse the melodious voice of such a beautiful angel?
Her big, blue eyes looked straight into his and he felt electricity running
through his skin. "O-ok... yeah, I'll save you. I mean I'll save us! …I
m-mean I'll save us a TABLE! Yes, t-that's what I meant!" Lindsey
laughed out loud. Behind her, Vicky snorted and smacked her forehead with the
palm of her hand, shaking her head in disbelief. "All right, then!"
Lindsey said. "Let's go, Vicky." The
girls gave him the shopping bags and walked away. Kenny just stood there for a
moment, not believing himself. He slowly made his way toward an available table
and sat there, staring idly into the distance. He
thought he was hopeless. Hopeless! How would he ever earn Lindsey's attention
if he could only babble incoherent nonsense whenever he tried to talk to
her? She'd never be interested in him. She must still be laughing at him at the
moment. What had ever made him think that he might be able to interest the
prettiest girl in school? What had he been thinking? He didn't need Vicky's
help to embarrass himself in front of Lindsey - he was learning that he could
do a very good job of it himself! This was a disaster. He wished for time
to speed up so he could be back home, watching cartoons and trying to forget
that this whole day ever happened. He
straightened up when saw Lindsey and Vicky approach the table, holding paper
bags. The girls sat at the table and smiled at him, then they started to giggle
out of the blue. 'Oh no,' Kenny thought, looking at them suspiciously. What
were they giggling about? 'Oh no, Vicky did something again. That's what
they're laughing at me about. She did something again and it's going to
embarrass me AGAIN! I warned her, but she couldn't help herself, could she? Of
course she couldn't, she's the stubbornest brat in the whole wide world! Oh
god, will this torture ever END?" "We've
got a TREAT for you, Kenny!" said Lindsey, sticking her hand into one of
the paper bags. "To be fair, it was Vicky who saw it and told me that we
should get it for you, so it’s her you should be thanking!" Kenny
looked at Vicky with raging fire in his eyes. In return, Vicky shrugged
and shot him an awkward smile coupled with painful eyes, as if she
were both enjoying and suffering the moment. Lindsey retrieved the contents of
the paper bag and handed them to Kenny. "It's...
it's a Happy Meal," Kenny said, looking at the colorful box now in his
hands. "Yes,
but that's not all," Lindsey said with glee. "Open it!" Kenny
opened the box and saw what she meant. He took out from the box a small,
plastic, pink toy. He stared at it, disconsolately. "It's
your favorite Pokémon!" Lindsey said. "The one on your new t-shirt!
Vicky realized that they were giving these in Happy Meals at McDonald's, and I
thought it would be a pretty decoration for your desk at school! I know it's
mostly girls who do that kind of thing, but then I remembered that Wayne and
Tim have some stuff decorating their desk, and they’re boys." "W-Wayne
has a small wrestling trophy that he won last summer…" Kenny said.
"And Tim has a stand-up plastic figure of his favorite baseball player.
This, uh... this toy is not exactly the same kind
of thing..." "Oh,
but we picked it especially for you, because we knew it's your favorite…"
Lindsey said, her smile vanishing. "You really should appreciate that sort
of thing, you know?" "N-no,
I DO appreciate it...!" Kenny said, scrambling for words. He didn't want
to be thought of as ungrateful by the girl of his dreams. "It's, uh...
it's very thoughtful of you! O-of course I like it…!" "So
you'll put in on your desk?" Lindsey said, her smile returning. "Ssssssure…!"
Kenny said, forcing a smile. "I mean... it's a gift from you, right? I
mean, from the both of you. It will be, um... a reminder of our friendship and
a... pretty decoration." Vicky
snorted a laugh, holding her mouth shut with her hand to disguise it.
"Sorry, *sniff!* something’s making me sneeze," she said afterwards.
"It's a little cold in here, don't you think?" The
three kids ate their lunch - Lindsey and Haley had a standard burger-and-fries
meal, and Kenny his smaller Happy Meal - while they made small talk with
each other. At one point, Lindsey received a call on her cell phone from her
mom, and Kenny took advantage of her distraction to talk to Vicky, leaning
closer to her. "I
warned you," Kenny whispered in Vicky's ear, careful not to be
overheard by Lindsey, who was talking on the phone. "You know what
you're getting the moment we get home, don't you?" Vicky
swallowed. "A... a good scolding...?" she whispered back. "Very
funny," he said. "C'mon, I want to hear you say it." "I
guess I earned a... a sp..." "C'mon,
spit it out... it's not that hard to guess, is it?" "Y-you're
giving me a sp... a special scolding?" Kenny
sighed. "You have a wonderful sense of humor today. Keep it up with the
jokes see what else it gets you tonight. Say it in detail right now and we
might keep your punishment to one session, instead of you earning a second session
tomorrow." "A
spanking!" Vicky immediately said, afraid of worsening her oncoming
punishment even further. She kept her voice low and looked toward
Lindsey, who was still on the phone. Her mind raced for details to give about
her punishment, as he has requested in his threat. "You're g-giving me a
good, bare-bottom spanking until I… until I cry myself hoarse and my butt is
burning like a... um, like a well-done hamburger...?" "Smart
girl," he whispered. "You got it exactly right. So keep
that thought in mind for the rest of the day, ok? I think tonight we'll
use our reliable roasting aide, Mr. Hairbrush. What do you think?"} Vicky's
eyes burst open and she felt her buns clench tight. "D-do
you think that's necessary, Kenny...? This was all just in g-good fun, you
know? Just harmless little pranks... D-don't you have a sense of humor?" "Yeah,
I'm sure I'll be feeling that fun when the rest of our class sees my pink Pokémon
toy decorating my desk. I'm sure THEY'LL be having LOTS of fun with that.
Now shut it before you make it worse on yourself. You're in for a hell of a
session tonight, girl." Lindsey
hung up and rejoined the conversation. It seemed that she had heard nothing of
the two kids' whispering. Vicky felt herself shaking as she thought of the
tremendous bite of the big, wooden hairbrush sitting on her dresser, and
wondered if it all had been worth it. She had known what she was getting
herself into when she made plans about the embarrassing t-shirt and pajamas (she
had seen them in those stores during previous visits), but she had not planned for
the Happy Meal toy - that one had been an unexpected discovery. After
the pajamas thing, she had known that she had stretched Kenny's patience as far
as it would go, and so she had known what she might expect if she went ahead
with the toy thing. But it was just too good an opportunity to pass up! She had
pictured Kenny's blushing face as Lindsey gave it to him and it was just too
delicious an image not to make it happen. Even now, her heart was brimming with
malicious glee, as she had dealt embarrassing blows to her friend and spanker.
But she had not expected him to become so mad as to bring the hairbrush into
matters! He had only given her a taste of the terrifying weapon before, and it
had only been for one minute, as the last stage of a hand-spanking, and that
terrible minute had been enough for her to dread the brush forevermore. So, had
her actions today been worth it? Her naughty heart said yes, but her cowering
rump said HELL NO. She
bit her lower lip, feeling her anxiety rise and form a lump in her throat, and
she tried to make small talk with other two kids as best she could, while
enduring what would surely be a very long and excruciating wait until
evening. * It
was mid-afternoon when the front door of the Wood's house was slammed closed
from the inside, as Kenny and Vicky walked inside. Kenny
turned to a terrified-looking Vicky. He was raging inside, but he inhaled
deeply and tried to get a hold of himself, at least until she was across his
knees - THEN he planned to lose ALL hold over himself and release the storm of
his fury over the tender, naked female posterior of his incorrigible
friend. "Go upstairs," he said, in a dry and blunt voice. Vicky
realized that he was making an effort to speak calmly for the moment.
"Strip from the waist down and wait for me. I'm going to get a glass of
water and then I'll go upstairs." Vicky
opened her mouth as if she was going to say something, but Kenny's hard stare
seemed to make her think twice about it. She closed her mouth back, biting both
lips from the inside, and nodded at him. Then she retreated from him
walking slowly backwards for a few steps until she could touch the rail of
the staircase, and then she turned and hurried upstairs. Kenny
inhaled deeply again and let the air out slowly. He was walking toward the
kitchen for his glass of water when his cell phone rang. He saw Lindsey's name blinking
on the phone's screen. "Hello?"
he said. "Hi,
Kenny!" Lindsey said on the other side. "I just called to tell you
that I had a VERY NICE time today." "You...
you did? That's, uh... that's great! I had a g-good time, too..." "Great!
Maybe we should go out again next week, what do you think? Maybe we can catch a
movie or something." "Uh...
YEAH! I mean, t-that sounds like fun... Yeah, we definitely should! And I'll
try to, um... to be more fun that I was today, I guess..." "What
are you talking about? You WERE fun today. I liked talking to you and you made
me laugh several times. We really should get to know each other better." "We…
should? I mean, we should! Yes, let's uh... let's talk about it at school and
make plans together.” "Ok!
See you later, Kenneth!" She
hung up and Kenny stared at his cell phone, making sense of the conversation.
Kenneth? Nobody called him Kenneth. Well, just Vicky when she was mad at
him, but no one used his full name regularly. It sounded a little serious and he
thought it may be a good sign. Hell, the whole conversation he just had was a
REALLY good sign! Lindsey thought that he was fun and wanted to see more of
him? 'Get to know each other better'? That was romantic language, wasn't it? At
least Kenny had heard it on some romantic movie or something. He felt his heart
rise and a smile formed on his face - he may have misjudged the day's
outcome after all. This was exactly what he had been hoping for. Then
he remembered Vicky upstairs, waiting for him to discharge his wrath over her
deserving behind. Should he forgive and forget her misbehavior because it
didn't seem to have had a negative impact on his romantic agenda after all? He
thought about it as he went to get his glass of water. A
couple of minutes later, upstairs in Vicky’s bedroom, Kenny had told Vicky
about Lindsey's call. Standing in the middle of the room, naked from the waist
down and hands behind her back (she knew that she was not allowed to cover
herself while being punished), Vicky listened to his narration of the phone
call and felt a little hope light up inside her. "S-so...
then it means that our trip to the mall was a success!" she said, forcing
a smile. "W-which means that whatever I did in there was not a bad
thing at all, since it obviously didn't make her think badly of you. Which then
means that I don't have to… to g-get a spanking... R-right?" "You're
right, the trip was a success," Kenny said, sitting on the armless chair.
"But you're wrong when you say that your behavior was not a bad thing. You
WANTED to embarrass me and, in fact, you did! What Lindsey thinks about it is
one thing, but the way I feel about it is another, and I felt very embarrassed!
Also, knowing you, I strongly suspect that you planned your pranks
BEFORE we went to the mall, am I right?" "No!
Well, y-yes but... the Happy Meal was not part of the plan, I saw it there
and couldn't resist, I PROMISE!" "I
believe you. And that's why we have to work harder to help you 'resist' your
misbehaving urges, whether they are planned or spontaneous. Pick up the
hairbrush from you dresser and climb over my lap." Vicky
whimpered but knew that she wasn't getting out of this one. With shaking legs
she picked up the frightening tool reserved for the greater transgressions and
brought it to her 'BFF'. She forced herself to climb over his lap and started
weeping and squirming as soon as she felt the gentle touch of the wood on
her naked bottom, as Kenny let it rest there for a few moments, like a preface
for the tear-jerking, dramatic story that was about to begin - with her vulnerable
buns as the writing paper! In
his mind, Kenny went one more time through the moments of
embarrassment that he had suffered by her hand at the mall, and he made a
mental image of the Pokémon toy he was going to be forced to place on his
school desk the next day, and imagined the reaction of his peers around him
when they saw it. The images made him boil from inside once again, and his eyes
gleamed with merciless determination. He raised the hairbrush and started what
would be a long, powerful workout for his relentless arm. WHAP!
was begging, kicking and bawling at full force from the very beginning,
which was much sooner than during her regular hand-spankings. Her wild display
did not make Kenny slow down for even a second, and the brush kept pummeling
the soft, rounded flesh of the wailing girl's young tail. It was a spectacle of
force, cries, kicks, tears and snot; unprecedented in its energy in the Wood’s
home. Neither
of both kids could remember afterwards just how long that spanking had taken.
Kenny had simply stopped when he felt that his outrage had been drained out of
him - or at least that it had been fully channeled through the hairbrush to his
friend's burning rump - and left Vicky to her jumping and howling as he made
his way out of the house. * Lying
on her tummy that night, still weeping as she hopelessly tried to rub some
of the sting off, Vicky thought of Kenny's embarrassed face at the mall (even
under her current situation, she could still savor the image) and tried to
convince herself that it had been worth it. Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't, but
she suspected that she would do it all over again if she could - she just
couldn't contain herself from such temptations! She sighed as she thought that
it just meant that there were a LOT of spankings waiting for her in the future.
long would it be until the next one? She counted the potential dangers of next
week: The math quiz results were due to be handed in on Monday, science
results on Wednesday, and history results on Thursday; and she wasn't sure how
well she had done on either of them. And THEN she had the trip to the beach on
the weekend! With all the excitement, she had forgotten all about it! Her mom
and Kenny's mom had planned a whole weekend in a condo at the beach, and Kenny
was going, too! Holy
crap, the whole week looked like a spanking mine field, with a possible big
finish during the weekend! She couldn’t trust herself to fully behave at the
beach of all places, could she? She rubbed her butt even faster when she
thought about it and swallowed hard. Had she seen a red swimsuit earlier at the
mall? It seemed like exactly the same shade of red as her butt when she got...
Yes, it might be good camouflage at the beach if Kenny became... displeased
with her during the trip. She sighed again and made a mental note to herself to
buy that suit tomorrow. She had a feeling that sunburn would be the least of
her burning worries... To Be Continued...