A Friend Who Cares 15

By Rick1463

Copyright 2014 by Rick1463, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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A friend who cares is a friend who... spanks bare! - Chapter 15
After the barbecue, the adults opened a bottle of wine and lounged on the beach. Night had finally fallen and it seemed like a particularly dark evening, so Marky, Mandy and Lucy decided to go back into the condo to play board games.
Kenny thought that the time had come for the ‘talk’ he had promised Lindsey – the one where his hand would be doing most of the talking. But then he realized that the blond girl was nowhere to be seen. She had sneaked away when he wasn't looking! Kenny grumbled to himself as he searched for her, walking all around the condos. He swore that her butt would pay handsomely for escaping like this.
After he'd swept the entire complex, as well as inside the two families' condos, he decided to look for her further down the beach. He walked along the seashore, the stars providing his only illumination. He smiled when he finally glimpsed a female silhouette up ahead, sitting on the sand and staring at the rolling waves.
"There you are!" he said, and the girl turned to look at him. But as he approached and got a better view, he realized that it was not Lindsey at all, but Vicky, wearing a rather gloomy face, as if she was a bit melancholy. "Oh, hey Vicks. I was actually looking for..."
"Misplaced your prize girlfriend, huh?" Vicky said. "Yeah, I didn't think you were looking for me." She turned back toward the sea.
Kenny stared at her for a moment and thought  that for some reason she looked quite lovely in the near-darkness (not that he didn't find her lovely under the light, too, which he definitely did).
"Um, well, as a matter of fact..." Kenny said as he sat next to her. "I wanted to talk to you, too, you know?"
"Oh man, I'm still feeling the last 'talk' we had," she said, suddenly worried. "That sandal was pretty vicious. So what did I do this time? Oh wait, I remember. You still owed me a 'talk' for my history quiz results."
"Uh... no, I don't mean that kind of 'talk'," he said. "I meant actual talk, with just words. No spanking involved."
"Oh well, that's a relief. Ok, so what's on your mind?"
Kenny followed her gaze toward the black ocean. Given what he was about to say, he thought that he was supposed to feel nervous, but for some reason he felt completely relaxed. No wonder people come to the beach for relaxation, he thought. But then he realized it wasn't the beach’s work at all: It was simply being with his BFF. Vicky made him feel comfortable in ways that nothing else could.
"Well, I guess I have wanted to tell you this for a while now," he said. "It's about Lindsey."
Vicky sighed. "Figures."
"No, I mean...! It's not really about Lindsey, it's more about me. It's about... look, you know my parents are divorced, right?"
"Of course."
"And you know it wasn't pretty when it happened. It was, like, the worst thing ever. It scared me. And I'm still scared."
"You, scared? I didn't think anything could scare you. But I don't get it, I mean, I get that it was a bad time for you, but it happened years ago. What are you still scared of?"
"I'm scared of more parts of my life falling apart. I mean, it can happen at any time, right? I'm scared of losing more things I love. Losing more people I love."
"But why would you lose...?"
"I'm scared of losing you, Vicks."
Vicky turned to look at him, an ice cube sliding down her throat. For an instant, she didn't recognize him and she didn't know why. Then she realized that he looked vulnerable, somehow. She’d never seen him looking vulnerable.
"But wh.... me? I'm not..." Vicky started to say, speaking before getting her thoughts straight. She forced herself to focus. "What do you mean losing me? Why would you lose me?"
"Because that's what happens when you get too close to someone?" he said, somewhere between a statement and a question. "That's what happened to my parents, anyway. They got married and had a kid and it all made them closer to each other. And they couldn't take it, being so close."
Vicky thought that she should say something, but she couldn't think of what to say. She felt her previously-hardened heart gently melting like ice cream under the afternoon sun.
"And you and I are way too close," he continued. "I mean, we are the best BFFs ever! I care for you a lot and I know that you care for me a lot and... and I just can't bear the thought of losing you. So we can't get any closer, you see?"
"But... but I thought… "Vicky started to say. She’d been afraid of losing him, too. But it was because of Lindsey. Vicky thought that Lindsey would start taking him away from her life. She never imagined that Kenny was afraid of the same thing, even if for different reasons.
"Listen, we are 14 years old," he said. "And we want to have girlfriends and boyfriends and all that stuff. I mean, it's probably good for us to experience that part of our lives, right? We should have boyfriends and girlfriends and learn about love and relationships and stuff. But we're going to lose those boyfriends and girlfriends eventually.”
“We are?”
“At this age? Sure we will. Either in good or bad terms, but it's going to end and we'll move on to new relationships later, right? So Lindsey, she... I mean, I do care for her and I think she will be a wonderful girlfriend. And I don't know if she and I will be together for years or maybe just days or whatever, but I want to try having a girlfriend. And I guess it will hurt when I lose Lindsey, because, like I said, I will probably lose her at some point. But I don’t want to lose you, Vicks. You’re too important to me."
"Oh, shit," Vicky said. "Kenny, I..."
"I know," he said, interrupting her. "I know I'm a coward and whatever. I know this is unfair to Lindsey or to you or both of you or whatever. But I'd rather be a coward and unfair, but still have you. And I guess you'll probably think the worst about me after saying all of this, but I just thought you had to know. I just thought I had to tell you."
Vicky looked at him for a moment, in silence, until she realized that he was done.
"I want to have a boyfriend, too," she finally said.
"I want to have a boyfriend, just like you have a girlfriend," she said, and he was surprised to find a smile on her face. "And I was thinking Danny Thompson would be a good choice for me, what do you think?"
"Danny? Well, he's... I mean..."
"I don't want to lose you, either. And I think I might hate you for everything you just said, but the truth is that I guess I’m a coward, too. I’ve been afraid of losing you, too, you know?”
"Me? No way, you don’t have to worry about me. I’m the most stubborn BFF ever.”
She giggled. "We'll be fine, right?"
"I think so, yeah."
"Training kiss?"
"Training kiss."
A training kiss, as they’d kissed before. A kiss supposed to train them so they could deliver decent kisses to their girlfriend/boyfriend. A kiss that didn’t count as a real kiss, since it was between BFFs. Kenny thought that he should feel bad about it since he now had a girlfriend. And he did feel bad. But it also felt right. It was crazy. But he did it anyway.
And so they kissed.
And they were warm.
And they were still.
And they were fine.
Then they pulled apart and Kenny smiled. "I feel great," he said.
"Me, too."
"So, uh... what should we do now?"
Vicky sighed and her smile twisted, but remained. "I guess we should go have that other 'talk'. The one about my quiz results."
"Oh, right. I guess we should."
"So I guess you'll probably keep on spanking me forever, too, right? You’re my BFF and also my BSF."
"Best Spanker Forever. You bet I am," he said and laughed. "Don't worry, my hand will never stray too far from your naughty bottom."
"I'm not worried about that," she said, her eyes sparkling. "Not anymore."

To be continued...



(The End)