A Friend Who Cares 1

By Rick1463

Copyright 2012 by Rick1463, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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A friend who cares is a friend who… spanks bare! – Chapter 1
"Mom, I'm home," Vicky said as she walked into her house, followed by a brown-haired boy. Both kids were carrying backpacks and wearing white uniform shirts with the school logo on them. "Kenny’s here, we're going to do some homework together."
"Oh, hi, kids," Ms. Hill said, as she fixed her hair in front of a mirror on the wall. "I was just on my way out. Dinner's in the freezer, ok? Oh, I almost forgot! Kenny, would you be so kind as to give Vicky a good spanking today?"
"WHAT?” Vicky said, in shock. “MOOOOOOOOOM!"
"Oh, shush, girl!" Ms. Hill said, without taking her eyes off the mirror. "She was just unbearable at the mall yesterday, Kenny. She threw a temper tantrum over some obscene underwear that she wanted to buy, can you believe it? She thinks she’s all grown up at 14-years-old, so make sure to give her a good reminder of her age with a real long spanking this time, ok? And please do it right now, or else she would be distracted when you both do your homework, since she'd be thinking of the spanking to come."
"Sure, Ms. Hill," Kenny said, a huge smile on his face. "Don't worry, I'll take good care of our little brat’s behind."
"I know you will, darling," Ms. Hill said, turning to face him with a smile, and held his chin with her hand. "You've always been such a good friend to Vicky, and you are way more responsible than she is, so I trust you'll do a good job. All right, I'm running late. You kids behave, ok?"
"B-BUT, MOOOOOOOOM!" Vicky protested, but Ms. Hill walked out of the house without another word and closed the door behind her.
Vicky turned to see Kenny with her huge, dark, puppy eyes. She bit her lower lip and twirled some of her wavy black hair – which was held back with a blue cotton hairband - around one finger, as she always did when she was nervous. The two 14-year-old kids had been classmates and neighbors for several years, and had forged a very strong friendship between them. They visited each other all the time to either play, do homework, talk, or simply be with one another. Their mothers had become good friends as well, and often invited the other family over for dinner or went places together.
But, after reaching puberty, Vicky had started acting up more and more often; misbehaving and talking back and generally being a real brat. Kenny, on the other hand, was considered a well-behaved boy by everybody – even though Vicky knew that he was not an angel all of the time, but even she had to admit that he was practically a saint when compared to her.
It had been less than two weeks ago when Ms. Hill had asked Kenny to give Vicky her first spanking. Ms. Hill suffered from a chronic respiratory illness that prevented her from doing anything that might agitate her too much, so delivering a spanking was out of the question; and Vicky's dad was away for months at a time because of his job, so neither of Vicky's parents was available to give their daughter the discipline that she badly needed.
And so, Ms. Hill had turned to her daughter's best friend – a boy that she trusted completely and one whom she knew that truly cared for her daughter.
Kenny had felt for a couple of years now that Vicky needed to be put in line, and he was sincerely worried about his friend's worsening behavior and performance at school, so he immediately agreed to help. Of course, it did not hurt that he also… understandably liked the fact that he would be getting better acquainted with the feminine anatomy, most particularly with the feminine posterior. 
Vicky had, of course, protested and cried and stomped the floor when her mom had informed her of her decision, but Ms. Hill was determined, and so her naughty daughter had been given the very first spanking of her life, and it had been delivered by a boy of her own age. It had not become easier or less embarrassing for her the second time. And now a third time was about to happen, and she did not feel any less distressed about it than she did during the two previous experiences.
"C'mon, Vicks," Kenny said, smirking. "Let's go to your room and roast your butt first thing, like your mom said. We’ve got a lot of homework to do, so we'd better hurry things up."
"B-but, Kennyyyyyy…!" Vicky said, taking a step back. "I d-don't want to get a... C-can't we do it tomorrow or something? Like you said, we have a lot of homework, and..."
"Stop it," he said. "Last chance, come with me right now or I'll have to drag you upstairs, and you know how much you hate that."
"Please, Kenny! I don't wanna spanking! PLEEEEAAAASE!"
Kenny sighed. He reached over and gripped her ear with his hand. Then he yanked it and dragged her upstairs by the ear, all the way to her bedroom.
Once in her bedroom, Kenny sat on an armless chair, pulled her close and started to undo the fly of her jeans.
"Oh, please, Kennyyyyyy!" She whimpered, her eyes already welling up with tears. "Can't we d-do it over my pants this time?"
"Vicks, Vicks, Vicks…" he said, shaking his head as he unzipped her pants and pulled them down to her knees, revealing her white panties underneath. "I’ve told you before: You'll always get it on the bare.”
His hands grasped the waistband of her panties and she panicked. "Kenny, no! Please, let's do it over my panties this time? PLEEEEEAAAASE?"
"I don't know why you're acting like this," he said, as he gently peeled her panties down a little until some pubic hair showed above the waistband, then he let them rest there and kept his grip on them, his fingers brushing her pubes from the inside of the panties. Her white uniform shirt was nowhere near long enough to protect her modesty. "I've already spanked you two times before and both times I've pulled down your panties and got a good look at your bush, so maybe you should start getting used to it, don’t you think? Besides, I’m not some random guy - this is me, your BFF! Doesn't that make it a little better?"
"Hell, no it doesn't!" she said, blushing. "It's still unbelievably embarrassing!"
Kenny chuckled. “I guess you’re right. It’s probably always going to be really embarrassing, isn’t it?” He peeled the panties down a little further and let them rest there, showing more of the black, curly hairs. Vicky’s face turned all shades of red. She grumbled and gritted her teeth, almost more annoyed than embarrassed. Her arms and legs had started to tremble with sheer fury about her predicament.
"Oh well,” he continued. “It’s your punishment, so it’s ok if you feel like that. But, you know," he started to say as he pulled the panties the rest of the way down with a single pull, until they joined the jeans at knee-level. "At least you know that I think that you have a real CUTE bush!" Then he giggled.
"Ve-ry fun-ny, idiot!" Vicky said, rolling her eyes. She blushed even more intensely as the boy stared straight into her dark, furry triangle. She frowned at him, hands on her hips, with growing annoyance. "Now what do you think Lindsey Allen would say if she knew that you were frequently stripping another girl from the waist down and enjoying the sight of her privates, huh?"
Kenny looked up at her face, looking a little shocked. Kenny had a crush on Lindsey, and he was planning to become closer to her. Many of their classmates thought that Vicky and Kenny were secretly a couple, since they spent so much time together, and often pressed them to admit their love for each other. In truth, the two were the very best of friends, and – at least so far – they did not seem emotionally attracted to each other in a more romantic way. Vicky, too, had a crush on another boy from their class, and she and Kenny often talked to one another about their respective crushes and helped each other plan their respective romantic strategies. Even so, that didn't mean that Kenny could not enjoy the sight of a bottomless girl as pretty as Vicky was, let alone enjoy being authorized to smack her gorgeous behind, which was developing beautifully. Vicky was considered one of the prettiest girls in school, often competing with Lindsey for the ‘prettiest girl’ title in many discussions from their male classmates.
"Y-you wouldn't tell her!" Kenny said. "Remember that we promised not to tell anyone in school about this. Besides, it would be waaaaay worse for you if this got out, remember?"
Vicky grumbled some more, but she knew that he was right, and sighed. "Well, then," she said. "Can we get this over with already? Are you done getting your eyeful or are you maybe waiting for me to start dancing for you? We DO have homework to work on, you know! Now move your hands away from your lap so I can get over it."
"Yes, sir! Whatever you say, boss!" Kenny said, as he did what he was told and Vicky positioned herself across his lap. He reached around her slender waist with his left arm, got a firm grip, and adjusted her a little so her butt was sticking up. Vicky felt her feet dangle through the air and her face move a little closer to the floor when her body was adjusted. She felt the boy’s right hand start fondling her naked buns and her annoyance started turning back into terror.
"Um… K-Kenny?" she said, her voice breaking. "Are you sure we have to d-do this now? Maybe we can wait until after dinner, c-can't we? Can't we, pleeeaaase? Oh, PLEASE!"
"Sorry Vicks, no can do," he said, as he caressed and admired her delightful posterior, as if it were his most valuable possession. He smiled to himself as he enjoyed the sight and touch of it: The delicious buns rose sharply from the brief depression of the small of her back, describing a high and perfect arch of rounded, bouncy, tan flesh that then descended steeply toward her thighs – it was shaping into an unbelievably beautiful teenage behind, but it still had some of that childish bubble shape in it, and the mixture made it for Kenny the best of both worlds. He thought that it was absolutely magnificent. ‘If arses were hotels,’ he thought, ‘then this one would be a five-star deluxe resort. One where I own an all-included luxury package!”
"Your mom was right,” he continued to say, as he fondled her rear end. “We need to spank you now so you'll be focused when we work on our homework. Now stop arguing, we're wasting time and your spanking is already going to take somewhere about fifteen minutes. Your mom said that we should make it a long one, remember?"
"W-what? FIFTEEN minutes? Oh no, Kenny please! Y-you don’t have to spank me so long! OH, PLEASE! I DON'T WANNAAAAA SPAAAANKIIIIIIIIIIING!"
She started struggling and kicking when she heard the projected time of her punishment, but Kenny simply tightened his grip around her waist, and kept fondling her buns and grazing her crack with his fingers for a little while longer, letting the anticipation grow for the terrified girl.
A minute later, he took aim and went to work on the gorgeous rump before him, swinging at high speed and full force from the very start. *SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!*
While he spanked, Kenny scolded her about the misdeed that had earned her the spanking in the first place, like he always did. "You must not talk back to your mother, *SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!* or throw tantrums at her! *SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!* When she says no, *SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!* it means no, *SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!* understand?"
Kenny spanked hard and fast, and her bottom soon turned pink and then red. She kicked and cried and snot flew from her nose and tears flowed through her cheeks and dripped to the floor. Kenny could not avoid enjoying himself in the process, but he also knew that his friend deserved the spanking and he was convinced that it was going to help her in the long run, so he spanked with energy drawn from both friendship and excitement.
When he was done, he let Vicky up and watched as she did a funny spanking dance, rubbing her butt while jumping in place and bawling savagely toward the heavens. He felt something stir inside his pants as he watched her, and knew that he would be spending some quality time with himself that night, remembering this event.
After dinner, both kids sat at the dining room's table to work on their homework. Vicky brought two cushions from the living room and placed them on the seat of her chair, but she still grimaced when she sat down on them. Kenny giggled at her.
"Still too sore, huh?" he said.
Vicky grumbled and frowned at him, displaying her teeth like a furious animal.
"Yes it is, Mr. Excited-Hand. Did you really have to spank so hard? My butt stings like a bitch!"
Kenny giggled some more. "You know you deserve it, girl. And watch that mouth when your mom's around - we can curse when we're alone, but she'll ask me to spank you if she hears you cursing."
"And that would be such an annoying chore for you, I'm SURE," Vicky said. "If you keep spanking me so often, you will soon know my butt better than I know it myself!”
"Then don't misbehave so often, it's that simple,” he said. “And I guess I already know your butt better than you do, actually. Did you know that you have a super-CUTE mole on the lower, inner side of your right butt-cheek?" he said and laughed.
Vicky grumbled. "Stop it! And, um, y-yes of course I knew that... But you don't need to start mapping my butt as if it were a country or a kingdom or something! You've been playing too many videogames!"
Kenny laughed. "Awww... but it's such a pretty, bouncy kingdom! We can call it the Kingdom of Spankya ! I'll draw the map tomorrow and I'll give you a copy, how's that?"
"Hey, hey, HEY! Chill out, Vicks! I was KIDDING!" Kenny said, between laughs. "That cute mole of yours will remain a secret between you and me, ok? I promise! I'm your best friend, dummy, remember? Now relax and let's open our notebooks already, 'cause we have a lot of work to do, and you definitely need to improve your grades."
Vicky frowned at him but did as he said. Deep inside, she knew that he was speaking the truth: He sincerely cared for her as his best friend, and she knew that he spanked her with her best interests at heart, even if he also surely enjoyed doing it for other, more primal reasons. And those ‘best interests’ didn't stop him from teasing her to death about it, the little punk, and it didn't make her fear the spankings any less or feel less embarrassed about them, either; but at least she knew that the person spanking her was someone who actually cared.
She sighed and braced herself for what she knew was going to be a couple of days of heavy teasing from him about her latest spanking, as well as about that stupid mole he had discovered. If only he would at least give her a break at school, but Kenny sat next to her in class and loved to whisper embarrassing stuff in her ear all day long during the days following a spanking. 'I have to say, you look particularly STINGING today, Vicks,' he would whisper in her ear, or 'Hey Vicks, that answer you just wrote on the quiz - are you SORE? I mean, are you sure?', or any other stupid pun that came to his mind.
"Actually… speaking of school, um..." Kenny started.
"What is it?" Vicky said. "I know that look. You need my help with something, don't you? C'mon, spit it out."
"Well, yeah, I... I was thinking of asking Lindsey out on Saturday, and, uh...."
"What, really? Oh my god, are you actually finally starting to grow some? I've been telling you for months that you should ask her out."
"I know, but I, uh..." Kenny said, scratching his head and making an uncomfortable face.
"I just want to start hanging out more with her, so I thought... I thought maybe we could all go to the mall or something... I mean, the three of us..."
"Three? You mean ME?" Vicky said and snorted a laugh. "I should have known that you couldn't have grown some so quickly."
"C'mon, Vicky, I'd be too nervous to be with her by myself! You know I'm always nervous when I'm around her. And you’re kind of friends with her, aren’t you? Please come with us, pleeeeaaaase?"
"Right, I should agree to that as fast as you did when I was the one screaming 'please' a little while ago. You were all Mr. Merciful then, weren’t you?"
"Oh, c'mon Vicky, that's different!"
Vicky sighed. "All right, all right, I'll come with you and your little princess. But only because you’re hopeless and could definitely use my help. Also, it's always funny to watch you babble when you speak to her, anyway."
"YES! Thanks, Vicks, you're a real friend!"
"And you're a real pain on my REAR END! Figuratively and literally!" Vicky said as she sneaked a hand underneath her burning bottom to give it another quick rub.
Kenny laughed and the two kids set to work, but Vicky's devious mind started to chew on the possibilities of that Saturday. So Kenny liked to embarrass her, did he? He LOVED to spank her ass bright red and make her bawl like a newborn, did he? And now he needed her help for making an impression with Lindsey. Well, Vicky could definitely help him with that... she could help him make a BIG impression with his beloved blonde cutie... but it might not be exactly the impression he was hoping for.
Vicky looked at her unsuspecting friend, rubbed her stinging, crimson behind yet again, and smiled sinisterly as she started planning a way to paint Kenny's face that same shade of deep crimson that Saturday...
To Be Continued...


(The End)