A Friend Who Cares 14

By Rick1463

Copyright 2013 by Rick1463, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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A friend who cares is a friend who... spanks bare! - Chapter 14
They held the barbecue on a small garden area set between the Henderson's condo and the beach. The sun had just hidden behind two nearby mountains and the sky was quickly turning into a swirling dance of purples and reds. Kenny's mom pointed out that the colors looked truly beautiful, but the image of the twin mountains with the sun's red glow right above them brought painful memories to Vicky, Lucy and Lindsey. Very recent painful memories, in fact. In unison, the three girls reached behind themselves and gave their own pair of red-glowing, sore 'mountains' a quick rub, their faces wincing with the fresh memory of their spankings. Kenny caught their reaction, and snickered.
Mr. Henderson was doing the cooking on a portable grill, while Mrs. Henderson, Kenny's mom and Vicky's mom relaxed on beach chairs. The four adults made merry conversation, enjoying the early evening breeze, and the six kids played with frisbees on the beach.
When Kenny missed catching one of the frisbees, he went to get it while the others continued playing. But after picking it up, he turned around to find an annoyed-looking Vicky right behind him.
"Whoa!" Kenny said, taken by surprise. "Vicky, you scared me. What's the matter?"
"Did you give Lindsey a spanking?" the black-haired teenager said, hands on her hips. They were far enough from the rest of the group -who were still playing- for anyone to overhear the conversation. Kenny thought that Vicky had probably been waiting for this chance to talk to him in private.
"Um... why do you ask?" he said.
"'Cause she's been rubbing her butt for the last thirty minutes, whenever she thinks no one is looking at her. You did spank her, didn't you, when you two had your 'talk' a little while ago?"
"Ok, yes. I did spank her. So what?"
Vicky made a face. "Oh my god, you did! How COULD you?"
"What do you mean? You don't think she deserved it?"
"That's not the point, you idiot. That was our thing!"
"What thing? You mean spankings?"
"No, stupid, I mean fishing. Of course I mean spankings!"
"But I... I don't get it Vicks, I would've sworn that you'd love to hear that Lindsey got spanked. You really should be thanking me for being fair, you know?"
"I should be tha-?" Vicky started to say. Then she facepalmed. "Aaagh! Kenneth Adams, you really are a hopeless BLOCKHEAD!"
Before he could react, Vicky turned around and walked away at a brisk pace. Kenny just stood there for a moment, mouth still open, trying to piece things together. Vicky was upset that Lindsey got spanked? Shouldn't she be happy about it? She did dislike Lindsey, didn't she? Or maybe Kenny had got it wrong, and Vicky actually liked Lindsey? But that would contradict everything that had happened since the trip started. And what did she mean by 'our thing'? It was all too confusing!
Kenny sighed. He wondered if he would ever understand women. Was that possible at all? Usually it was Vicky -his BFF- who helped him understand what other girls said or did, but now he needed help to understand Vicky herself. Not to mention Lindsey, who seemed to be following some secret agenda of her own. Even so, he knew that he had no one to blame but himself for becoming so involved in the world of girls and relationships, with all of its costs and rewards.
He tried to put it all out of his mind as he walked back toward the others, but still he felt undeniably troubled. He felt like he needed to talk to his best friend, but he would have to wait until she had cooled off a bit. He just hoped these girls would stop earning themselves so many spankings so there could be time enough for actual conversation.
A little while later, Kenny was not too surprised to see that the relatively calm atmosphere did not last very long. He was more surprised, though, to learn that it had not been Vicky, Lucy or Lindsey the ones responsible for causing trouble this time. Marky had tossed a frisbee to Mandy when she was distracted, and so the frisbee had hit her right on the nose. She lashed out at her brother, accusing him of doing it on purpose, which he furiously denied. Then they started calling each other names, and soon they were rolling across the sand, pulling on each other's hair and fighting like a couple of berserk cats.
Kenny and Lindsey separated the redheaded twins while their mother, Mrs. Henderson, hurried toward the scene. "I can't believe you two are fighting again already!" Mrs. Henderson said. "You've been like this all week. All month, in fact! I just don't know what I'm going to do with the two of you. You're driving me crazy!"
"If I may, Mrs. Henderson," Lindsey said. "It's clear to me that these two need nothing more than a good, sound spanking."
"WHAT?" Cried both twins at the same time.
"A spanking?" Mrs. Henderson said. "Well, I haven't spanked them in years, since I'd thought they'd grown too old for it... but seeing how Vicky and Lucy are still getting spanked at their age, and having heard about it from Vicky's mom, I now think that your suggestion might be just what my pair of brats need, Lindsey. Very well, I agree. I’ll take them into the condo for a good spanking." she said and then sighed. "And here I was having such a good time just a minute ago, but it seems like I can't ever relax for too long with these two around."
"Oh, that doesn’t need to be a problem, ma'am," Lindsey said. "If you’d prefer, Kenny and I can take care of business for you, so you can go back to relaxing with the others. Kenny's already an expert on the subject and, as his protegé, I'm quite able to warm up a naughty young bottom, too."
"Huh?" Kenny said.
"As his WHAT?" Vicky said, blinking.
"Hmmm," Mrs. Henderson said. "All right then, if you two are experienced as you say, then I guess it's a good idea. They have caused me enough stress already, anyway. Just make sure to make it a really good spanking so they'll behave for the rest of the evening, will you?"
"Sure, ma'am. Consider it done!" Lindsey said with a big smile.
"B-but, MOOOOOM!" Marky said.
"Mommy, NO!" Mandy said. "I don't want them to spank me! It's not faaaAAAIR!"
"What's not fair is you two giving me so much trouble all the time!" Mrs. Henderson said. "In fact, I think we will start spanking you at home once again, whenever you misbehave. Enough is enough. Now go ahead, Lindsey, you can use our condo."
Mrs. Henderson walked back toward the other adults. Kenny and Lindsey grabbed each of the twins by the arm and led them toward the Henderson's condo.
"'Protegé'?" Kenny whispered to Lindsey as they walked with the reluctant twins in tow. He had been clearly taken by surprise by her previous speech.
Lindsey giggled. "Just go along with it, sweetie. You're getting too much spanking work with so many brats around, anyway. Is a little help all that bad?"
Kenny said nothing in response. She was right in that respect, at least. Still, he didn't exactly love the way she had just maneuvered herself into this business. He was quickly learning just how manipulative his girlfriend could be, and how quick on her feet. Had his 'sweet, innocent princess' been an illusion all this time? Or was this simply just another side of Lindsey that he had never seen until now? He felt anxious about these questions, but there was no time to ponder them at the moment, since duty -in the form of a pair of naughty young bottoms- called. So, on they walked, the twins making a big fuss as they were dragged along, protesting and whimpering all the way. Meanwhile, Vicky and Lucy stayed on the beach, watching the other four kids walk away.
"What... what just happened?" Vicky said.
Lucy smirked. "A pair of redheaded brats on their way to become red-bottomed brats, is what happened," she giggled. "Serves them good. Just be glad it wasn't our butts on the grill this time!"
"But did you hear what she said?" Vicky said, starting to look pretty annoyed. "Lindsey, I mean? The way she just talked herself into helping Kenny with their spankings? Oh, that little, manipulative witch! She's not satisfied with having Kenny's attention all to herself, so now she wants to take this other thing from our relationship, too!"
"Huh? What other thing?" Lucy said.
"The spanking thing, of course!” Vicky blurted out. “Spanking is a part of Kenny's world that we... I mean, it was our..."
"Our what? What are you trying to say? You're not making too much sense, sis."
Vicky stared at Lucy, as if for the first time realizing she was there. In truth, Vicky had been talking mostly to herself, angry at the scene she'd just witnessed. "Um... n-never mind," Vicky said. "By the way, didn't you have some kind of crush on Marky? Why do you seem so happy to hear that he's about to get his butt roasted?"
Lucy shrugged. "I guess I just kind of like it when other kids get spanked. Other than myself, I mean,” she giggled. “C’mon, it's not like a spanking will make him any less cute, anyway. Boys should get spanked as much as girls when they get in trouble, don’t you think? It's only fair."
Vicky nodded in agreement. Her sister's words had reminded her of Danny's spanking after the movies the other day. The same spanking that she had watched for a moment and found out that she truly enjoyed watching. After so much drama during this beach trip, she had forgotten all about Danny, and he was supposed to be her own crush. Well, she was certain that she found him super-cute and, now that she thought about it, his spanking may have even made her feel closer to him, since she could sympathize as a fellow spankee.
In fact, a little time with Danny might be just the thing to lift her spirits after all this stupid Kenny-Lindsey business. She told herself that she would call Danny the minute she got back from the beach. So Kenny and Lindsey -and now even Lucy- could spend quality time with their own crushes? Well, she could do that, too. So her stupid BFF had found someone else to share his time with, including his 'spanker' business? Well, she could replace him, too! Danny was not just amazingly cute, either - he was also lots of fun to be with. And more importantly, he did not behave as stupidly as stupid Kenny was stupidly behaving around his stupid little girlfriend! She didn't need his stupidness around, anyway. Who needed that? Not her.
She kept telling herself that, while she and Lucy went to get something to drink, trying to get herself to really believe it.
The twins proved to be impossible to reason with. It was clear that they hadn't received a spanking in a long time, judging by the level of resistance they were offering. But Kenny was determined to turn the pair of rebels into a pair of meek, obedient, very sorry kids. He and Lindsey struggled greatly with them, until they finally managed to yank their swimsuits off (Mandy's bikini bottom, in her case), sit on the living room's sofas and pull the brats across their knees. Kenny decided that Lindsey should be the one to spank Marky and he should be the one to spank Mandy, so the genre difference between spanker and spankee could make it all the more embarrassing. The spanking started as soon as the kids were placed into position, and it came hard and fast – a relentless stampede of open palms assaulting their plump, freckled behinds.
The 12-year-old brother and sister yelled as loud as they could, their legs and arms flailing around desperately, but they weren’t able to escape their spankers' grip. They cried as if they were on fire -which was pretty much the way they felt about their rear ends- and soon enough their cries were intermingled with promises of better behavior. Kenny was merciless in the execution of Mandy's punishment, and he noticed that Lindsey was being just as harsh on Marky's bare bottom, if not harsher! He also noticed that Lindsey was stealing glances toward his work from time to time, seemingly trying to emulate his spanking style, as if this was some sort of training session for her.
If that was what this was, then he was ready to give her high marks for both ruthlessness and skill. Now that he was watching her in action, he had to admit that she truly seemed like a natural born spanker. She was making Marky squeal and squirm as efficiently as if she had been doing it for years. He couldn’t help but feel proud of his self-proclaimed 'protegé, at least for the time being.
But then he also noticed a subtle elation in her face… a shuddering gleam in her eyes… a wicked twist in the corner of her lips… all of them signs that suggested the considerable amount of joy that she was getting from the experience. Kenny admitted that he, too, experienced something of a thrill out of spanking someone, and he thought that it was probably unavoidable (particularly when bearing the responsibility of spanking girls as pretty as Lindsey and Vicky), but enjoying this job only helped to underline the need for a sense of justice, temperance and responsibility that had to come with it. He delivered the harshest possible spankings when the crime demanded it, but he also knew to be moderate when the crime was not as terrible. Which meant that, enthusiastic and skilled as Lindsey was proving to be as a spanker, she also needed to learn about responsibility if she wished for his endorsement in this business.
When the spanking was finished, the redheaded twins rubbed their newly-reddened bottoms as they pranced around the room frantically, crying as loud as they could. Lindsey shot Kenny a smile and a thumbs-up, which Kenny answered with a thumbs-up of his own, signaling his approval of a job well done.
"So now you remember what a spanking feels like," Kenny said when the spanked kids had settled down enough to pay attention. "Which means that now you know you'd better stop fighting each other for the rest of this trip, or else you're going to get it again. Understood?"
"Make sure you don’t," Kenny said. "And start minding your elders, including Lindsey and myself. Is that clear?"
The twins nodded in response as they squirmed in place, standing in front of Kenny and Lindsey while they continued to cry softly. Their hands were still busy rubbing their burning bare bottoms, so modesty had been temporarily forgotten about: Their privates were freely displayed toward their spankers, small tufts of red pubic hair showing that both siblings were already on their way out of childhood, regardless of their still-childish behavior.
Kenny lectured them for a minute longer, just enough to confirm that all traces of rebelliousness had been spanked out of them. They kept nodding and insisting that were sorry, which satisfied Kenny, and he finally allowed them to put their swimsuits back on. Then the four of them walked out of the condo and toward the barbecue; the sniffling, red-faced twins lingering a few paces behind their spankers.
"So what do you think?" Lindsey said, as she walked by Kenny’s side. "Am I good spanker material or what?"
"I think Marky would definitely say you are, if we ask him," Kenny said. "But still, we have to talk about more this before you go any further. Don't talk yourself into delivering any more spankings until we've had a good talk about it, ok?"
"Ok, got it!"
The four kids joined the others and then plates with deliciously smelling food were served for them. Vicky and Lucy were already diving into their plates like a pair of half-starved animals. Mrs. Henderson looked very satisfied to hear a very sorry pair of twins meekly apologize to her -as per Kenny's instructions- while they still rubbed their stinging bottoms.
"Well, it’s clear now that spankings are still effective for the two of you, even at your age," Mrs. Henderson said. "Which means that we definitely should start spanking you more often."
"NOOOOO!" said the twins in unison. Everybody laughed at their synchronized reaction.
"Sadly, I'm way too busy at work every day to deal with you as often as you deserve," Mrs. Henderson continued. "If only Kenny wasn't so busy with Vicky and Lucy, I would definitely ask him to lend a hand. A spanking hand, that is. But maybe you can do a few house calls from time to time, Kenny?"
"Well, I..." Kenny started to say.
"No need for that, Mrs. Henderson," Lindsey interrupted him. "I'll be more than glad to help with these two. I can easily babysit them most days after school. Kenny's taught me everything there is to know about spankings, so I'll have no problem keeping a short leash on your kids, and keeping their bottoms very warm when they need it. What do you think?"
"Well, that sounds like a lovely idea, Lindsey," Mrs. Henderson said. "If Kenny vouches for you, that would be good enough for me. I've hearing wonders all day about his success with Vicky and Lucy, so I expect that he's been a good teacher for you. What do you say, Kenny? Is Lindsey ready for this duty?"
"Ready? I uh... I mean, s-she..." Kenny said, his head spinning. Lindsey made puppy eyes at him. Damn that girl! Had he not ask her not to exactly what she was doing now, at least until he'd talked to her? This was absolutely irritating for Kenny. He felt maneuvered into agreeing with his girlfriend - how could he speak against her in public? "Um, sure, I guess… she can do it."
"Good enough for me," Mrs. Henderson said. "Can you start as soon as next week, Lindsey?"
"Sure thing, ma'am! I'll keep your kids on the straight and narrow... no matter how many spankings it takes!"
Marky and Mandy whimpered and whined about this turn of events, but their bottoms were still warm enough to make them think twice before protesting.
After that, everyone ate their dinner and conversations drifted to other topics. At one point, when no one seemed to be paying attention, Kenny discreetly stepped behind Lindsey.
"You know we're going to have some words about what you just did, don't you, girl?" Kenny whispered in her ear. "Some pretty stinging words, if you know what I mean."
Lindsey swallowed and felt her butt cheeks clench. She knew exactly what kind of 'words' her boyfriend meant. Still, she managed to draw a painful smile on her face. "I know," she answered. "But it was definitely worth it."
To be continued...



(The End)