A Friend Who Cares 13

By Rick1463

Copyright 2013 by Rick1463, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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A Friend Who Cares is a Friend Who... Spanks Bare! - Chapter 13
Kenny led Lindsey to the condo's living room. He had asked Vicky and Lucy to stay out of the condo, which they hadn't liked since they wanted to overhear the conversation, but they also knew the risks of disobeying their official spanker, so they had reluctantly obeyed.
Incredible at it may seem, it looked as if the adults hadn't seen Mandy getting pantsed by Lindsey, even though Mandy had shrieked when it happened. Kenny thought that it was probably due to the noise that other kids had been making, along with the loud background music in the pool area. Plus, when his mom got going in a conversation, she really got carried away.
Now, with the two of them alone in the condo, Lindsey sat on a sofa while Kenny paced around the living room. He was too uneasy to sit down or stay still.
"Lindsey, I... I just don't get it," Kenny said. "Why did you pants that girl? It's not like you to misbehave like that. Not like you at all."
"Um... because I wanted to see if she was a real redhead?" Lindsey offered with a smile.
"Don't joke right now," Kenny said. "Talk to me. There must have been some reason for doing what you did. You're not a naughty brat, like Vicky. If she had done what you did, I..."
"You would have spanked the living daylights out of her, I know," Lindsey said, sitting forward. Her face had turned serious. "You would have bared her bottom, pulled her across your knees and smacked her ass until it was glowing like a christmas tree. Until she was bawling her eyes out. And she would have deserved it."
Kenny stopped pacing around and stared at his girlfriend, feeling a little confused. "I... yes, that's right. And I won't do that to you, of course. But I still want to know why you..."
"Why not?" Lindsey said, springing to her feet.
"W-what?" Kenny said, taken aback. "What do you mean, 'why not'?"
"I mean, why the hell not?" Lindsey said, hands on her hips.
"I... well, Vicky is... you know she's been close to me and my family for years, and, um..."
"So you feel much closer to her than to your own girlfriend? Is that it?"
"No! W-what I meant was, uh... Listen, where is this all coming from, anyway? Do you... do you actually want to get spanked? Do you like the idea of getting spanked or something?"
"What? Of course not, I hate getting spanked! Uh... I mean I hated getting spanked, back when I was a little girl. It hurt and I cried and, well, I guess it was a pretty effective punishment."
"Ok, so why are you...?"
"Because it's a pretty effective punishment," Lindsey said. "I used to behave better after a good spanking. For a little while, anyway. And like I said before, I think what you're doing with Vicky is great because she definitely deserves it and because I really believe it's good for her to get some hard discipline."
"So then...?"
Lindsey sighed. "Don't you get it? I totally get that you're spanking Vicky because you care for her. And that's fine. But I'm your girlfriend. You should care about me, too!"
"What? I... I do, I..."
"I mean, I know I won't be having any fun when it's my turn over your knees, but I won't have you spending so much time with another girl's butt while my own butt is left unattended. I just won't have it!"
"Un... unattended?" Kenny said. "Your butt?"
"Yes, my butt. Did you already forget that I have one? Figures."
"No, I... I mean..."
"Look, like I said, I understand your brother-like relationship with Vicky. I totally get it and I know I have to share you with her in some ways. That's all right, but if we have to share you, then we share all of you. Meaning your spanking hand, too. I don't want her to have something of you that I don't, even if it sometimes means getting my bottom smacked but good."
"Lindsey, I... I didn't know you felt that way. I don't know what to say."
"So speak with your hand, then," she said. "I just pantsed a girl in public. Be a good boyfriend and set me straight."
"So... so that's why you did it, then," he said. "That's why you pantsed her. You were trying to provoke me into spanking you. Because... because you're jealous of Vicky?"
Lindsey blushed and looked down for a moment. "J-jealous? I'm not... I... well, sure, I guess you could call it that, maybe, whatever. But like I said, I'm not asking you to give her any less of yourself. Certainly not any less spankings. What I'm asking is that you to give me at least as much as you give her, in the subject of spankings just as in every other subject. So you're her 'brother', ok, but you're my boyfriend, dammit! Now stop staring like an idiot, grab my ear or something, pull me across your knees, bare my butt and freaking spank me already!"
"I... I... o-ok, um, get over here? I mean... get over here!"
Still trying to digest what his girlfriend had just explained, Kenny tried to focus on her immediate request and reached for her ear. He pulled her by the ear toward the sofa, sat down and set the blonde teenager across his lap.
He adjusted her and then his fingers gripped the top of her bikini bottom. At that moment, Lindsey started whimpering and wriggling a bit, and Kenny thought that it must be due to the realization that she was about to be bared by a boy - boyfriend or not, that must be pretty embarrassing. She also must be getting pretty nervous about the spanking, he thought, since even if she had requested it, she had also admitted that she did not enjoy getting spanked.
Kenny started peeling off the bikini bottom and revealing Lindsey's bare bottom. 'Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit,' she thought to herself. 'M-maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all...!' She whimpered some more and shivered, but did not protest.
Once the garment was taken completely off, he put it away and then took a moment to admire his new target. He swallowed - Lindsey's bottom was nothing short of drop-dead gorgeous. Its color was whiter than Vicky's tan skin, but it was at least as attractive as Vicky's rear end. Both girls were definitely developing quite well. He saw a small, brown mole on Lindsey's right butt cheek, and he thought it looked cute. He inhaled deeply as he cautiously rested his hand over his girlfriend's naked buns, giving her entire body another big shiver.
"Ohhh, I'm sorryyyy!" Lindsey said when she felt his hand resting on her butt. She no longer sounded strong and determined, like she did only moments ago. Her voice was now one of a scared little girl. "I won't do it again! I promiiiiiise!"
Kenny was surprised by the change in her attitude. Had she not actually asked for this? He almost asked her if she had changed her mind about getting spanked by him just like Vicky did, but he stopped himself: It was a good thing that Lindsey, as any other girl, felt sorry for her misbehavior when she was about to get a spanking. And he was starting to suspect that maybe Lindsey was not as perfectly behaved as he had previously thought. If that was the case, then she needed discipline, just as any other naughty girl did. Now that he had a few seconds to think about it, he decided that Lindsey was right: He spanked Vicky because he cared for her, so the same should apply to his own girlfriend. Yes, he was going to spank her. Not only right now, but every other time when she needed it.
His left arm gripped her waist firmly as he prepared to get the spanking started. His right hand caressed her bottom for a few more instants, gently inspecting its soft, curved target. She had started weeping a little bit and her promises kept coming.
"Lindsey," he said as he fondled her buns. "You did a very naughty thing today. So I'm going to do what I'm always going to do whenever you are naughty."
"Noooo, pleeeeaaaaase!" She said, and her breaking voice told him that she was not acting.
"I'm going to soundly spank your adorable bare bottom until it's burning like a raging star," Kenny said.
He wondered at his own words. Did they sound a little romantic, in a weird way? No, there certainly couldn't be anything romantic about spankings.
Could it?
He looked at the pleading, worried face of the pretty girl looking back at him, face already contorting with anticipation, tears already forming in her eyes. Then he looked at her shapely bottom, shuddering in terrified waiting.
He didn't let it wait any longer. *SMACK!*
"OWIE!" cried the girl, her blond hair shaking as her head jolted upwards. Then she lowered her head once again, in resigned submission, as she continued to sob and whimper.
Kenny remembered Vicky's nonstop struggling and kicking while she was spanked, even from before the first smack landed. In contrast, Lindsey seemed to take her spankings meekly and submissively. He thought that each of those attitudes was a faithful reflection of the respective girl's personality.
"Bad girl," he said.
"Bad, bad little girl," he said, picking up the pace of the smacks.
"You'd better be good. Or else I'm going to be roasting your pretty bottom very often, girlfriend."
The spanking went on for a few minutes. Lindsey wailed and tears ran down her face, but she never kicked or struggled. She promised to be a veeeery goooood giiiiiirl, but she never asked for Kenny to stop.
Finally, he did stop and let her stand up. Her spanking dance also turned out to be different from Vicky's, as Lindsey squirmed up and down but her feet never left the floor, while Vicky always jumped all around the room. Vicky also forgot her modesty every time she was dancing after a spanking, but Lindsey covered her pubic area with one hand while the other hand rubbed her stinging bottom vigorously.
"No, I don't," Kenny agreed, reaching into the closet. "I take it very seriously. But hold your praise for after we're finished."
"I mean," he said, showing her the leather sandal that he'd just picked up. "That we're not finished just yet."
"You saw me using this on Vicky a little while ago," he said, waving the sandal at her. "And you just said you wanted me to give you as much as I give Vicky, didn't you?"
"Besides, you actually did a very naughty thing today. You shouldn't pants innocent girls just to prove a point," he said as he approached her. In panic, she instinctively used both hands to cover her threatened bottom, and Kenny noticed that, just as Mandy turned out to be a real redhead, Lindsey was a real blonde too, even though her bush was of a slightly darker shade of blonde than the hair on her head. He swallowed and blushed at the sight, and he could see in her face that she was embarrassed as well, but it was clear that she was even more scared than shy at the moment.
"You did the crime, now you do the time," he said, taking her wrist and sitting back down on the bed. Then he swiftly pulled her across his lap. "The time over my knees, that is. You'd better start getting used to this position, Lindsey. Something tells me you're not as well-behaved as I thought."
"Naughty girls-" *SCHLACK! SCHLACK! SCHLACK!* "-get a hand spanking," *SCHLACK! SCHLACK! SCHLACK!* "but VERY naughty girls-" *SCHLACK! SCHLACK! SCHLACK!* "-get something extra!"
"I call it-" *SCHLACK! SCHLACK! SCHLACK!* "-the VNP service." *SCHLACK! SCHLACK! SCHLACK!* "'Very Naughty Person!'"
"This is for your own good," *SCHLACK! SCHLACK! SCHLACK!* "so don't expect special treatment-" *SCHLACK! SCHLACK! SCHLACK!* -just because you're my girlfriend!"
Kenny found, a little surprisingly for him, that he did not feel bad at all to be delivering such a severe punishment to his girlfriend. If anything, he found that it felt right. Like something natural, something that boyfriends should probably be expected to do in a relationship, he reflected. This was his girl crying her eyes out across his lap. This was his own hand bringing the sandal down over and over again, roasting her bottom with furious intensity, punishing her for her misdeed. He smiled as sweat started running down his forehead: Yes, this felt absolutely right.
A while later, after it was over, Kenny let Lindsey cry it out. She lay on her stomach over the sofa while he went to prepare some lemonade for both of them. He knew that she a big fan of lemonade, particularly when the weather was too warm. And right now she must be definitely finding it too warm indeed. He let a few minutes pass and then he walked back to the living room, carrying two tall glasses with fresh lemonade.
Lindsey had already recovered enough to be able to sit up on the mercifully soft, well-cushioned sofa, although she was still sobbing. He smiled at her, sat by her side and handed her a glass. She drank more than half of it at once, then she put the glass down on a side table and looked at him.
"So, what do you think?" Kenny said. "Did I do a good enough job?"
"If... *sniff¨* ...if you mean the lemonade, yeah..." Lindsey said, as she wiped her nose with the back of her hand. "If you mean the spanking, hell yes, you did! *sniff* It was way more than I expected..."
Kenny chuckled. He used a clean napkin to gently the tears and snot from her face. "I guess you only got very mild spankings were you were little, huh?"
"Uh... right, *sniff* when I... when I was little..."
"Well, this is what you should expect from now on, every time you misbehave. It will make you think twice before misbehaving again, won't it?"
"Oh yeah, it... *sniff* ...it definitely will. I hated it!"
Kenny frowned. "Does that mean... does that mean you hate me a little, now...?"
"What? No, silly, *sniff¨*" she said with a soft smile. "I guess I... I feel closer to you now, you know? And maybe more... protected. Or something like that."
"Uh, ok..."
"I guess what I'm trying to say is... I hate getting spanked... but I love you for spanking me. Does that make sense?"
"I, uh... sure, I guess?"
She giggled. Then she leaned over and gave him a small, brief kiss on the lips. "So thank you for spanking me, boyfriend."
Kenny blushed. "Um, s-sure... any time,"
She giggled again. "Now let's get going. They must have started the barbecue already, and I'm totally hungry again!" she said, then stood up and started walking toward the glass sliding door that opened toward the garden/beach area. Kenny had previously drawn the curtains so no one could look in.
"Uh, Lindsey?" Kenny said, right before she reached the curtains covering the glass door. "Aren't you forgetting something?" He said and pointed at the area below her waist.
Lindsey looked down and shockingly found out that she was still completely bottomless. "OH MY GOD!" she said as she hurried to cover herself with both hands, her knees bending a bit. She blushed as she realized that she had been like that during the entire conversation. "Uh... t-thanks for the heads-up."
Kenny snickered. "No problem, natural-blondie!"
To be continued…



(The End)