A Friend Who Cares 16

By Rick1463

Copyright 2014 by Rick1463, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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A Friend Who Cares Is A Friend Who… Spanks Bare! – Chapter 16
In one of the bedrooms of their condo, Vicky was in the process of paying for her awful history quiz results by means of a sound bare-bottom pounding, when Lindsey walked in.
"OOW! OOW! OOW!" Vicky cried as her reddened bottom bounced with each of Kenny’s firm smacks. She blushed as she turned to see Lindsey entering the room, evidently embarrassed by the fact that the blond girl was going to witness the rest of her punishment.
"Oh, hi, Lindsey," Kenny said, looking up at her, but he didn't pause the walloping of the teenage girl who was presently bucking and howling across his lap. "Come on in and close the door, please. Where have you been? I was looking for you a little while ago."
Lindsey closed the door as instructed, smiled subtly as she shot a casual glance at poor Vicky, then made herself comfortable on a cushioned chair. She sat down carefully, as her bottom was still somewhat sore from her own earlier 'conference' over Kenny's knees.
"Oh, right, I forgot to tell you," Lindsey said, in an extra-casual tone of voice, as though nothing out of the ordinary was going on in the room, all while Vicky's cries thundered all around them as the spanking continued. "I had to call my parents but I couldn't get good reception, so I had to walk pretty far down the road to get any bars. I finally managed to call them, so everything's fine. You know, they were glad to hear that I got a job babysitting Marky and Mandy. They said it was a sign that I was growing up and stuff. Awesome, huh?"
"Yeah, great, sure," Kenny said. "What's not so great is the fact that you ran off by yourself in the middle of the night like this. It could be dangerous, you know? At least you could have told me about it."
"Yeah, I guess I should have. You're right and I'm sorry. Are you going to spank me for it?" Lindsey said, as she pulled out her cell phone and started checking her facebook. Her tone of voice and neutral expression suggested that she wasn't exactly terrified by the possibility of getting spanked.
"I was considering it," Kenny said. "Do you think I should?"
"That's your call, sweetie, not mine," Lindsey said, still browsing her social network.
"You mean to tell me that... you are always going to agree with my opinions or something?"
"Of course not. I will definitely give you my opinions about other stuff and even argue and everything. But in the subject of spankings, it's just not a matter of opinions, is it? You're my spanker. You don't give me your opinion about spanking me or not, let alone asking my own opinion about it. You just give me your decision, and I just have to follow it.
“Huh? You’re not going to argue about it? I mean, ever? You don’t mind getting spanked, is that what you’re saying?”
“Of course I mind! I'll hate it every time you decide that I need a good spanking. And I'll probably moan about it and groan and everything. And sometimes, yes, I'll think your decision to spank me is unfair and I’ll be pretty sure that I don't deserve a spanking. But even then, I'll just have to grit my teeth, drop my pants and get myself over your knees, whether I like it or not. Because that's what you do when your spanker says it's time for a spanking. It's as simple as that."
"Oh... Well, I guess I wasn't looking at it that way… but what you're saying makes sense. Hopefully Vicky here would stop protesting about her spankings, too, but knowing her I really don’t think that will happen. So anyway, I guess that's also the way you're going to feel about spankings when you babysit Marky and Mandy, right?"
"Of course. I'm their spanker now. When I say it's time for their cute little tails to match the color of their cute red heads, they'll just have to comply without any protesting. Or ELSE."
"Holy cow, sounds like you're going to keep them on a short leash. Do you expect you'll be spanking them very often?"
"From what I've seen from them, I think that pair of bratty twins are not going to be sitting down comfortably during most of the week. Every week."
Kenny whistled. "Well, I can't say they don't look like they deserve it. They seem as naughty as good ol' Vicky, AT LEAST. Speaking of which, I was thinking that you're going to need a few more lessons about this spanking business, if you’re going to be in charge of the twins’ butts. We can talk about decisions and responsibility stuff later, but right now would be a perfect time for some technical practice."
"Technical? You mean....?"
"Yeah. You can help me finish up with Vicky's spanking. Come over here and sit next to me."
"Oh, simmer down, Vicks," Kenny said. "Your spanking is far from over, anyway, so there's no harm in letting Lindsey lend a hand. She needs the practice and this way we can kill two birds with one stone. Think of it like a favor from you to her."
Lindsey couldn't hide her delight from Kenny's invitation. Her face brightened up, her eyes sparkled and her smile grew as wide as a kid's in christmas morning. She hurried to sit next to her boyfriend, eager to begin her practice - particularly if the practice canvas was going to be Vicky's plump posterior!
Kenny rearranged Vicky's positioning so she would be lying on her stomach on the bed, right between himself and Lindsey.
"All right, then," Kenny said, patting Vicky's bun with his left hand, which he would have to use because of the side he was sitting on, but he had always been pretty good using both hands even though he was right-handed. "Ready to begin today's lesson?"
"Ready, teacher!" Lindsey said, obviously excited, as she patted Vicky's other bun with her right hand.
"Let's get to it, then."
For the next several minutes, Kenny proceeded to teach Lindsey everything he knew about spanking techniques. And he already knew quite a bit (much to Vicky's misery), so it took some time for him to show her all of it, but Lindsey was a quick learner (much to Vicky's relief), so it also didn't take as long as it would if the student had been somebody else. Kenny would show a certain technique on the butt-cheek on his side -the right way to move the wrist; the location of the sit-spots and other key areas; the timing and variability of the smacks; the coordination between force and speed depending on the spankee's crying and kicking; etc.- and then Lindsey would mimic him on the other butt-cheek, both of them performing what Vicky would later call a 'stereo spanking'.
At some point, Kenny paused for a moment and smiled at Lindsey. "Wow, you're really a quick learner, aren't you?" he said. "And it's obvious you have a natural talent for this job. I have to say that I'm a little impressed."
Lindsey blushed and smiled. "Oh, Kenny... you say the nicest things." Then she leaned over and kissed him on the lips. He was surprised at first, but then returned the kiss. Vicky's stinging bottom glowed bright red, straight below their kissing faces.
Vicky turned her head to look at them, rolled her eyes and groaned. "ALL RIGHT, ALREADY! ENOUGH WITH THE KISSY-KISSY! THERE'S A HALF-COOKED BARE BUTT WAITING FOR YOU, REMEMBER?" she said with indignation, as she wiggled her butt for emphasis. "SO CAN WE PLEEEAAASE GET THIS OVER WITH?"
Kenny cleared his throat. "Uh... r-right, of course. Sorry, Vicks."
"Yeah, we're so sorry, Vicky," Lindsey said, although to Vicky she sounded a little sarcastic when she said it.
They resumed the spanking lesson and Vicky resumed her crying. Then, when it was finally over, they let a bawling Vicky stand up and do her spanking dance, rubbing her butt as she jumped around the room.
"Well, it looks like we did a good job, don't you think?" Kenny asked Lindsey.
Lindsey giggled. "Yeah, we make a great team!"
"Now, about the thing we were saying earlier, about your running off on your own..."
Lindsey sighed. "Ok, I guess you've made up your mind, haven't you? Oh well, like I said, it's entirely your call," she said, then stood up and swiftly pulled her bikini bottom down to her ankles.
"Uh... n-no, wait," Kenny said, unable to avert his gaze from his girlfriend's bottomlessness. "I was going to say that I'm still not sure about it. I was mad about it before, but now I’m not so sure. I think I’m just too tired to think straight now. We can talk about it tomorrow."
"Oh!" Lindsey said. Then she quickly pulled up her bikini bottom and blushed. It was as if she was embarrassed of the fact that she'd just unnecessarily displayed herself in front of him. "Um, ok, sure. I’m tired, too. This has been a loooong day. We should get some sleep."
"Yeah, let's," he said. "It really was long day, but it was also fun. Right, Vicks?"
Vicky's still-desperate crying did not allow her the use of words to answer his question. Fun? A day in which she'd received not one, but two spankings was supposed to be fun? A day in which she'd found out that she would have to share her BFF with another girl? But then she also remembered the warm conversation she'd just had with Kenny, sitting on the beach under starlight. And she also remembered that Lindsey herself had been spanked, too. And Lucy, as well. And Marky and Mandy. All of which reminded her that, like it or not, spankings had truly become a regular part of her life and surroundings, so she couldn't really judge a day by the fact that she got spanked, could she? That was practically routine by now. And then she had to admit that the rest of the day had been pretty fun, playing with the other kids and splashing around and everything. So she just nodded at Kenny in response, even as she continued crying and jumping and rubbing her burning bottom, and she hoped that the next day would be just as fun as this one. Regardless of the number of spankings she would probably earn.

To be continued...



(The End)