A Friend Who Cares 3

By Rick1463

Copyright 2012 by Rick1463, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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A friend who cares is a friend who… spanks bare! – Chapter 3
On monday morning, Kenny reluctantly decorated his desk with the pink Pokémon toy, earning laughs and taunts by the rest of the boys in class. Lindsey told Kenny not to listen to them, and the brown-haired boy simply blushed, tried to endure it, and shot Vicky another of his killing stares.
Vicky winced as he stared at her, but she was secretly enjoying herself tremendously, as her BFF and spanker was being humiliated by a product of her own design - it felt like a little payback for the spankings he'd given her! Although she had to admit to herself that she would have enjoyed watching him blush even if he never had spanked her.
Much to Vicky’s relief, the math quiz did not come that day as expected, and would be coming in the day after. That had probably earned her butt a day of reprieve, since she suspected that her results on the quiz would not be exactly wonderful. Yes, she really could use a full day without a warm butt. But would she really be able to keep herself out of trouble?
On monday afternoon, Kenny and Vicky hung out at Vicky's house. They watched TV, read magazines, and generally lazed off as they chatted about all sort of things. It seemed that Kenny's mood had finally cooled off. Vicky’s butt was still a bit sore from the previous day's session over his lap and she didn't want a repetition any time soon if she could help it.
"Mrs. Goodman's class was BO-RING today, wasn't it?" Vicky said as she polished her fingernails, lying facedown on her bed. Her feet moved up and down, touching her pillow when they descended. "I swear I was falling asleep right there on my desk."
"What are you talking about?" Kenny said from the sofa, as he turned the page on a magazine he was reading, without turning to look at his friend. "You spent the whole class gaping at Danny Thompson, with that dumb, hypnotized look in your eyes."
"W-what? That's not true!" Vicky said, blushing.
Kenny chuckled. "'Oh, DaaAAAaannyyy, please give me some sweet, sweet kiiIIIiisseees!'" he said in mockery, trying to make a girlish voice, and then mimicked the sound of kissing.
"Shut up, you blockhead! Besides, I don't think I looked nearly as dumb as you did when you stared at Lindsey through all of math class!"
Kenny's smile vanished and he put the magazine down. "I, uh... I was just trying to guess if she was having trouble with today's lesson, that's all... You know I'm good at math and I could help her if she's struggling..."
"Yeah, I'm sure you'd LOVE to help her and be rewarded with a kiss from her glossy, sparkly, pretty-princess' lips, wouldn't you? Besides, you're one to laugh about kisses, anyway, since you've never ever kissed anyone before!"
"Oh, and YOU have?" Kenny said, standing up. He looked a little annoyed. "I'm pretty sure you've never kissed anyone before, either, unless you've been keeping it a secret from your best friend, which happens to be me."
"I... n-no, of course I haven't..."
Kenny saw that she was blushing and felt the stress wash off his body. He smiled to her, warmly. "Don't worry about it, Vicks. Our time will come for that. I finally got Lindsey's attention, so my first kiss might actually come soon, right? Which reminds me that we really should do something about Danny."
"About Danny? What do you mean?"
"Well," Kenny said, sitting on the bed beside her. "You DID help me get Lindsey's attention -even if you did it in your own characteristic, bratty way- so now I think we should do the same for you. We must think of some way to get you Danny's attention!"
"Y-you think we could do that? He's, um... he's maybe the cutest boy in school, you know?" Vicky said as she moved into a sitting position on the bed. In truth, she also thought that Kenny was cute, but in a boy-next-door, innocent kind of way, while most girls in school (including herself) thought that Danny was handsome in a movie-star kind of way. "D-do you really think he could be interested in me...?"
"Of course he would! You're a real hot babe, after all!" he said and laughed.
"Shut up, you blockhead!" she said and pushed him over the bed, then started punching his arms and shoulders, just hard enough to hurt a little.
"Ow! Ow! Ok, ok, I'm sorry! Ow! I was kidding! Ow!"
"Yeah, you're SO funny," she said, pausing her assault.
"Seriously, though," he said, sitting back up. "Why wouldn't he like you? I really do believe you're pretty, you know?"
"You… you mean that?"
"Sure! And I know Danny, he's a nice kid. It'll be a piece of cake, you'll see!"
"Well, I... yes, of course I'd like to try it! Let's give it a shot!"
The two kids talked for a while about what the best strategy would be and finally decided to ask Danny to go on a double date with them and Lindsey to the movie theater. Kenny called Danny and he casually agreed to go with them, as if it was no big deal. Kenny gave her a thumbs-up while he finished the conversation on the phone, as a sign of success, and Vicky made a silent 'yes!' gesture with her fist, as her face brightened with glee. Then Kenny hung up.
"Oh my god," she said, mouth hanging open. "Oh my god, I'm going out with Danny Thompson!"
"Yes, you are," Kenny said. "I told you it'd be a breeze. Now you'll just have to try and behave when the four of us go to the movies this wednesday. I don't need to remind you what'll happen if you misbehave, do I?"
"N-no, of course not..." Vicky said, sneaking a hand underneath her bottom, instinctively protecting it. Then her smile grew again. "Oh my god, Kenny, I'm so excited!"
"I'm happy for you, Vicks," he said, smiling back.
Vicky took a moment to look at her good friend sitting there on her bed next to her. In his eyes she could see that he was truly glad to see her happy, and she felt warm inside. Even if Kenny was her spanker -and even if he certainly took that position very seriously- she still couldn't bring herself to not enjoy his company and friendship. He was the BEST of friends to her, and she loved him for it. Sure, she would also love it if he would start spanking her a little less often... or at least a little less HARD... but at the moment she all but forgot about the spanking part of their relationship. She was just so glad to have him in her life…
"Um, Kenny? Listen, what if..." she said, and then swallowed. "I just had a thought. What if, uh...."
"Yeah, what? Spit it out."
"Well… I… I was just thinking of what we just said about kisses a moment ago..."
"And about, um... about us not having ever kissed anyone yet..."
Kenny stared at her with a puzzled look on his face.
"And, well, I thought..." she said, and swallowed before continuing. She was blushing again. "W-what if we... you know... practiced with each other?"
"Practiced?" he said, his eyes opening wide as the realization dug in. "Y-you mean KISSING?"
"Uh, y-yeah! I mean, do you want to feel stupid when you give your first kiss? Imagine kissing Lindsey and giving her a terrible kiss! What would she think about that? Your first kiss is something special that you will remember forever! So maybe it makes sense to practice for it, doesn't it?"
"Uh... well, when you put it that way... But, if... if we practice kissing, wouldn't that make it our ACTUAL first kiss? How can you practice your first kiss without actually giving a kiss?"
Vicky arched an eyebrow, in thought. "Well, yeah, but... but it would be US, you know? So it kind of doesn't count, right? It wouldn't be a first kiss... I mean, it wouldn't be a KISS kiss, you know? It would be a PRACTICE kiss. If you think of it like practice then that's what it counts as, not as an actual kiss. You see?"
"Uh, I... I guess I see... S-so you really think we should practice?" Kenny said and blushed.
"Well... yeah! We have to impress Lindsey and Danny if they are going to be our first kisses, right?"
"Ok... sure, I guess... um, h-here? Now?"
"Uh, sure... w-why not?"
"S-so what should we do?" Kenny said. They were sitting side by side on the bed, looking at each other, their hands resting over their respective laps and their whole bodies stiff with nervousness.
"I guess we should, um..." Vicky started to say, as she ran a finger through her black hair, fixing it behind her ear. "I guess we should lean a little t-toward each other or something..."
"Ok... like this?"
"Yeah... just... j-just keep leaning closer I guess..."
Both kids leaned their faces toward one another's, ever closer. Kenny's eyes fixed deeply into Vicky's and he felt a tingle inside his chest, like a guitar string sending shivers throughout his skin, opening his pores. He'd never felt anything like it and it was all too much for him.
"Um..." he started to say, making Vicky blink. Their faces were now very close to each other's and Kenny felt a drop of sweat run down his forehead. "I, uh... I b-brushed my teeth after lunch. You did too, didn't you...?"
"WHAT?" Vicky said, her mortified face backing off from his. "Of course I did! Why? D-does my breath smell...?"
"No! No, I just... I just thought I'd tell you that because, uh... just so you'd be sure that I did brush them and, um..."
Vicky looked annoyed. "You idiot, you're spoiling the mood!"
"The mood? W-what mood? I thought this was just pract-"
He never had a chance to finish his sentence, as Vicky lunged forward and kissed him full on the lips. Kenny's eyes sprung open with surprise, but then he closed them and his mind went white. He was then overwhelmed by a bright, powerful sensation showering all over him -like being slammed by a waterfall made of light and laughter and maybe chocolate or something- and he gently, instinctively pushed his face forward, returning the kiss.
The kids' lips did not move or part. They simply stayed pressed to each other, as if focusing on the other's feel. They stayed like that for a moment... then a little longer... then they heard the soft, wet, smacking sound that their lips made as they detached. Both kids stared at one another, sensing the world around them fall back into place - although it now felt somehow different from the same world that they had been living in just a few moments ago.
"Was that... was that ok?" Kenny said. "Did we do good? As p-practice, I mean...?"
"What? Uh... y-yeah!" Vicky said and blinked heavily, as if waking from a daydream. "I think, um... I think it was ok as a first practice... We're not exactly hopeless, I guess."
"First practice?" Kenny said. "You mean... you mean we're going to practice again?"
"Uh, s-sure... I mean, if you'd like to... We do want to give a good impression when we give our first kiss, so I think we should practice again. M-maybe in a few days…"
"Right, ok... So you want to, uh... play a board game or something...?"
"Yeah! A board game, sure, why not? B-bring it on..."
Kenny retrieved the monopoly game from his closet and the two kids set up the game on the bed very quickly. Both seemed in a hurry to put their minds elsewhere. If so, monopoly had been a good choice, since they always became very competitive when playing that particular game. Sure enough, several minutes later they were truly focused on the game and sparks had even started to fly between them.
"That's against the rules!" Vicky said. "You can't charge that much until you have a hotel!"
"Read it and weep, sunshine," Kenny said, showing her the back of his property's card. "And then pay the bill if you can. But I think you're going to fall short, which means that your ass is going straight to jail!"
Vicky read the card and grumbled. "Not so fast, smartass," she said, counting her monopoly money. "I might have just barely enough in here..."
Kenny smiled and silently counted the money in Vicky's hands as she counted and re-counted it herself. He was absolutely certain that she didn't have enough to pay him. She made a face as if something was bothering her and then scratched her lower back - Kenny thought that financial misfortune could be itchy indeed. But then, Vicky did another recount of her money and smiled, puzzling her friend.
"There!" she said, handing Kenny the money. "Barely enough, but I remain a free woman. Looks like you've underestimated my administrative skills once again, blockhead!"
"No way! I was sure that you had less than this!" Kenny said, as he counted the money. "By the way, why do you keep calling me that, recently? Are you, like, 80 or something?"
"What, you mean 'blockhead'? I heard it on an old Charlie Brown cartoon and I liked it. I thought it definitely suits you!"
Kenny finished counting the money. It was enough to pay his fee. How could that be? He was so sure... Then he looked up at Vicky and his eyes narrowed. "Wait a minute..." he said. "I saw you scratching your back while you were counting..."
"Uh... d-did I? …So?"
Kenny stood up from the bed. "Stand up. Right now."
"W-what? Why?"
"Right. NOW."
Vicky stood up, as she knew better than disobeying when Kenny used that tone of voice. Kenny reached for her arm, turned her around, and then slipped his free hand into the back of her slim pants.
"H-HEY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Vicky said, wriggling as Kenny's hand groped around inside her pants and all over her panties.
Kenny's hand finally came out, holding a few monopoly bills.

"Scratching your back, huh? You were cheating! You've been hiding this money in your pants through the whole game and you used some of it just now to make the payment!"
"It's n-not what it looks like, Ken..." she said, blushing.
*SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!* Kenny swatted her pants-covered behind as he kept the wiggling girl in place by holding her arm with his other hand. "Not what it looks like? You've got to be kidding! You're a shameless, dirty cheater and I'm going to teach you a little honesty here! *SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!*
Kenny spanked her in standing position for almost a full minute. Then he released her and scolded her a little more as she rubbed her bottom, winced, sniffled, nodded at everything he was saying and promised not to cheat anymore.
"All right," he said. "Now we'll just have to make sure that I got all of the money you were hiding. Take your pants off. The t-shirt, too."
"WHAT? B-but you already found all of it! I promise!"
"You've taught me over and over that I can't trust you. Take them off before I decide to teach you a longer lesson across my knees."
Vicky knew that she was actually getting away with a much lighter spanking -less than a full minute!- than she could have received, and so she decided that the wisest thing to do was to obey her friend before he decided to make good on his threat. She took off her shoes and then her pants, revealing the pink, flowery panties underneath.
Then she grabbed the bottom of her t-shirt and hesitated - even when Kenny had seen her naked from the waist down on several occasions when he prepared her for a spanking, he had never seen her naked chest, or even her bra (since that was not strictly necessary for a spanking). She decided to try shooting her best puppy-eyes at him.
"Stop it with those eyes," Kenny said, folding his arms. "Like I said, I have to make sure you don't have more money hidden elsewhere. Off with that t-shirt."
Vicky sighed and pulled it up and off, then threw it over a chair. Strangely, she felt just as embarrassed as when Kenny saw her bottom-half nakedness, even if she was wearing her underwear right now. She saw Kenny's eyes stare at her breasts, which were still covered by a pink bra. She didn't think they were big at all, but they were definitely taking shape. She doubted that Kenny had ever seen a girl in her bra before, and so she blushed and tried to endure his stare.
"Satisfied?" she said, throwing her arms to the sides.
"Not quite yet," he said. "You could have hidden money inside your bra. Take it off."
"No! PLEASE!" she pleaded. "H-how about I take it off while looking away from you and then... and then it will be obvious if I was hiding some money there, since it would fall right off, r-right? Pleeeeeaaase?"
Kenny sighed. "Ok, ok, turn around and take it off."
She hurried to comply before he changed his mind. She turned around, unclasped her bra and took it off, bringing her hands to her sides (one of them holding her bra). Her black hair covered part of her back, leaving her waist and the valley of her lower back naked to the eye. Except for her panties she was now nude, and Kenny held his breath as he admired the sight of his attractive best friend. Her tan skin looked firm and smooth.
"There!" she said, sounding more than a little annoyed. "All done now?"
"Almost," he said, stepping forward to stand right behind her. "One last place to check."
He gently grasped the waistband of her pink panties and pulled it outwards, so he could peek inside. Vicky groaned but knew better than to argue, so she just folded her arms and fumed - Kenny amusedly thought that smoke might start coming out of her ears any second now.
He leaned down and peeked inside the delicate garment, where he spied a pair of beautiful buns and a lovely crack between them, but no hidden monopoly money.
"Any money in there?" she grumbled.
"I see some very valuable ASS-ets," he said. "But none of them are money."
"Hardy-HAR!" she said. "If you're done with your inspection, officer, then maybe we can continue our game."
"Sure," he said. Then he lowered the waistband a little and let it go, making it snap right across the middle of her butt. Vicky OW-ed and jumped, and Kenny chuckled. Then he continued: "Right after I inspect the other side, of course."
"WHAT? Oh, man! You've got to be KIDDING me!" she said. "You really think I would hide it in there?"
"After all these years knowing each other, do you honestly think I would put it past you?" Kenny said and Vicky whimpered in response, stomping the ground in protest. "I thought not," Kenny continued. "Now turn around."
The whimpering girl turned, covering her chest with her arms. She blushed hard and looked up at the ceiling, as if trying to avoid watching her own humiliation take place. She felt the boy's hands grasp the waistband at the front of her panties and then gently pull it outward, making her whimper louder.
Kenny leaned down and examined the scenery. Nested inside the pink panties, his friend's triangular bush seemed somehow thicker and darker than he'd ever seen it before. As the embarrassed girl shivered, the bundle of black curlies seemed to gently shake in rhythm. No hidden money there, either, though.
"You know, at this point," Kenny started to say. "And knowing the lengths you go to be such a brat, I'm tempted to do a full cavity search."
Kenny laughed. "Kidding! I'm just kidding, Vicks!" he said, and gently put the panties' waistband back into place. "Now dress up so I can finish kicking your ass in the game."
She grumbled and started to dress. But before she had put her pants back on, she felt a sharp *SMACK!* on her butt.
"OOOOWW! W-what...?"
"That's just to remind you not to cheat again," Kenny said. "Or else I'm going to have a long conversation with this sexy little rump, *SMACK!* You got it?"
"OOOOWW! I got it! I got it!"
Vicky finished dressing and the kids resumed the game. Moments later, Kenny spied Vicky's face while she tossed the dice, and he saw that she was still blushing hard. He noticed that she was still instinctively covering her chest, too, even if it was now fully clothed. He smiled with satisfaction - he was learning that spankings were not the only effective punishment for his wayward friend, since it looked like embarrassing her could have just as big an impact. Besides, he had to admit to himself, even if he did enjoy spanking his bratty friend, not all of her misdeeds were deserving of a trip across his knees. She was still his BFF, after all, and he honestly didn't want to over-punish her for small offenses (although he would hold nothing back when her crimes were more serious).
Humiliation had levels, too, and so he would have to measure each misdeed to decide the right level of embarrassment to punish Vicky with, or to complement her spanking with. Yes, he would keep the 'embarrassment' factor in mind, and he thought that he would probably need every method of punishment he could think of, if he was to have a prayer of handling a professional brat like Vicky.
A while later, Vicky and Kenny were in the dining room, having dinner with Ms. Hill (Vicky's mom), Lucy (Vicky's 12-year-old younger sister) and Beth (Lucy's friend from school). Lucy and Beth kept bringing up the subject of Vicky's spankings, much to Vicky's annoyance.
"So, is my big sister's tushy getting spanked tonight, Kenny?" Lucy said, with a mischievous smirk. "I only ask because Beth and I are planning to watch a movie, so maybe we should choose a LOUD movie, so we can hear the dialogue over her crying. She can get pretty loud, you know?"
"Shut up, runt!" Vicky said.
"Don't speak to your little sister that way, young lady!" Ms. Hill told Vicky. "Or else I'll ask Kenny to take you upstairs, pull down your pants and teach you some manners."
"But, mooOOOoom!" Vicky whimpered. "They're teasing me!"
"Yes they are, but I actually think that's good for you," Ms. Hill said. "It might help you keep in mind the consequences of misbehaving. Now simmer down and eat your vegetables."
"But I don't like vegetables!" Vicky said and folded her arms, adding her best pouty lip for emphasis.
"Hey Lucy, it looks like we ARE going to be hearing some fireworks tonight, after all," Beth said, with an evil grin. "I bet someone's pants are coming down real soon for a good spanking."
"You shut up, too, Beth!" Vicky told the dark-skinned girl. "You're a real pain in the ass, just like my little sister!"
"Vicky," Kenny said, in a calm but firm voice - perhaps trying to defuse the sparks and help his friend a little. "Stop your tantrum right now. Beth is a guest in this house, so you must not speak to her like that. You should no curse in front of them, either, since they're younger and you're supposed to be an example to them. Now apologize to Beth and then finish your vegetables."
"Go on, Vicky," Beth said, with a smug expression. "Apologize to me and ask for my forgiveness. And remember to say please."
Vicky looked as if she was going to burst an artery. "I am NOT sorry for what I said! And I'm NOT going to eat these stupid vegetables! They're GROSS!"
"Ok, that's it!" Kenny said and stood up. "Stand up and bend over the table. NOW."
Vicky did not even try to argue. She groaned and did as she was told, her face furious. Once bent over, her elbows over the table and her butt sticking out, Kenny reached around her waist and started undoing the fly of her pants. Lucy and Beth were sitting right across the table from Vicky, and she grumbled, as she had to endure staring at their happy faces and their giggling as they enjoyed her humiliation.
Kenny finished unzipping her and he lowered her pants all the way to her ankles. Vicky blushed and braced for her panties going the same route, but it did not happen. Instead, Kenny just peeled her t-shirt up to uncover the lower part of her back, then gently pressed his hand on her lower back to make her butt stick out even more invitingly. He then started spanking her with his free hand.
The smacks came slow, as Kenny scolded her between smacks, but they landed firm enough to make her wince and jump with each strike. She silently thanked Kenny for at least allowing her to keep her panties on. Ms. Hill and the two, younger girls continued their meal as if nothing unusual was going on, although the girls' eyes stayed glued to the punishment proceedings and their smiles could not be any wider, as Kenny spanked and scolded his friend over her pantied behind. 
"You must not be disrespectful to guests in this house!”
"And I mean ANY guest!"
"You will apologize to Beth after you sit back down!"
"What did you say?"
"And then you will finish your vegetables!"
"And THEN you will behave like a good little girl for the rest of the evening."
"Good. Now you'll get a short, fast finish to make sure I made an impression."
Vicky howled and then did a short spanking dance after Kenny let her go. She rubbed her butt as she jumped in place, producing more giggling from Lucy and Beth. Then Vicky reached for her pants but Kenny stopped her, instructing her instead to take them completely off.
"I've decided that you have lost your pants for the rest of the evening," he said. "As a reminder that you could be climbing across my lap at any time if you misbehave again."
Lucy and Beth giggled even louder, but stopped short when Kenny turned toward them.
"And you two better bring it down a notch," Kenny told the two 12-year-olds, who shrunk down into their seats and made puppy-eyes at him. "Because you could be climbing across my knees, too. That goes for you as well, Beth: When you enter this house, you follow the rules or you get the same treatment."
Kenny then sat back down at the table and instructed Vicky to do the same, which she did with great care and still she winced when her rear end touched the seat of the chair. Then Kenny asked Vicky to apologize to Beth.
"I'm s-sorry... *sniff*" Vicky murmured, blushing.
"Speak up," Kenny said. "Look Beth in the eye and politely ask for her forgiveness."
Vicky looked up at the younger, grinning black girl across the table from her. Vicky's eyebrows stayed furrowed with annoyance. "I'm sorry for s-saying those things to you... *sniff*. C-can you please forgive me....?"
"Well..." Beth said. She arched an eyebrow and tapped her finger on her cheek, as if thinking about it. "You WERE pretty rude to me, you know... but your butt HAS paid the price for it, so yeah, I can forgive you. But I hope your tushy kepps stinging for the rest of the night, to remind you to be respectful again. I suspect that those cute panties of yours are not staying up for very long, if you are rude again tonight."
"She suspects right," Kenny told Vicky, giving her a stern look.
Vicky swallowed and blushed. Then she forced herself to eat her vegetables, making a grossed-out face with every mouthful.
After dinner, the four kids went to the TV room to watch a movie. At first, Vicky tried to cover her panties by stretching down her t-shirt, but Kenny stopped her, explaining that part of the reason for losing her pants was to make her feel embarrassed, as part of her punishment. So Vicky had to sit there as Lucy and Beth kept giggling and mocking her, while Kenny set up the movie.
"I see England, I see Spain , I see Vicky's underpants!" Lucy sang, and then laughed along with her friend.
"Shut up, you brat!" Vicky said. "And it's 'France', not ' Spain ', you dork. Besides, how old are you to be singing baby rhymes, anyway?"
"Says the just-spanked girl who's walking around the house in her underwear," Beth said, and they laughed again.
"You little weasels. I'm going to-"
"You're going to stop calling them names," Kenny said, sitting beside her. "Or else we'll be making a quick trip to the study, and your panties will be making a trip to the floor."
"B-but they're teasing me!"
"And they can, like your mom said; so long as they keep it relatively mild," he said. "They're helping with your punishment by embarrassing you further. So just sit there and take it or you know what happens next."
Vicky grumbled and folded her arms but said no more. The movie started and she tried to immerse herself into it to be distracted from her humiliating predicament, but the two younger girls were not planning to allow her such respite. They kept giggling and pointing at her panties and making soft-voiced, mocking comments that seemed to amuse them at Vicky's expense. Vicky felt her anger rise to a boiling point and she was not able to hold it in any longer.
"Would you stop with your STUPID giggling already?" Vicky shouted. "I'm trying to watch the movie here!"
Kenny stood up in a flash, grabbing Vicky's wrist to stand her up with him, and then spanked her butt with his free hand as she danced and howled in place.
"This is your- *SMACK! SMACK!* -last warning, girl! *SMACK! SMACK!* You either stop cursing at them- *SMACK! SMACK!* -or we're going to the study for a- *SMACK! SMACK!* -little talk over my knees, GOT IT?" *SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!*
They sat back down and continued watching the movie, and the two younger girls resumed their low-voiced taunting. Vicky stared at them with raging fire in her eyes.
A little while later, Kenny paused the movie to go to the restroom. Lucy and Beth took advantage of his absence to taunt the humiliated girl even harder.
"I just loOOoved your dancing steps a few moments ago!" Beth said. "And your singing was good, too! How did that song go? 'Boo-hoo, waa-waa'?"
"Awww... is the baby's tushy hot-hot?" Lucy said. "Don't make that pouty face, baby sister, or I'll tell Kenny to send you to bed early. Maybe he'll even feed you a warm bottle of milk and sing you a lullaby."
Vicky gritted her teeth. "Listen to me, you little brats," she said. "You'd better DAMN well believe I'm going to get back to you for all of this CRAP, you stupid little witches!"
Lucy and Beth looked as if they'd been taken aback from Vicky's words, and Vicky felt pleased at their reaction. But then she thought that their 'shocked' expression looked a little exaggerated and uncharacteristic of them, almost as if it was an act...
Vicky's face went pale when she saw the two girls' eyes look straight at some point behind her, and she realized whom they were acting 'shocked' for. She slowly turned her head to find a very displeased-looking Kenny at the TV room's doorway. He had surely overheard her furious outburst, complete with all her cursing.
She panicked and stood as he walked toward her with a quick step, without saying a word. "No, WAIT!" she said and retreated a few steps, as Kenny reached and grabbed her by the ear. "OOWW! THAT HURTS! OOWW! WAIT, LISTEN TO ME! OOWW! OOWW! THEY STARTED IT! OOWW! I SWEEEAAAAR! OOOWWW!"
Vicky continued pleading and trying to explain, but it all fell on deaf ears as Kenny dragged her by the ear to the study, which was the room right next door. He closed the study's door as they went in and then Lucy and Beth stood from their seats and walked closer to overhear. They heard the rustle of clothes and Vicky's begging becoming more pronounced, and then the spanking sounds and the howling started and the two 12-year-olds high-fived each other and grinned.
A little while later, Kenny walked into the TV room, holding Vicky's panties in his hand. A bottomless Vicky followed close behind him, walking awkwardly as she covered her frontal fur with her hands. Kenny handed the flowery panties to Lucy, and then he turned and addressed Vicky.
"Now, apologize to them," he told the blushing girl. "Then turn around and show them what happens to girls who curse in this house. And then politely ask them for your panties back."
Vicky cringed and grimaced but knew better than to disobey her friend's instruction. She stepped in front of the two sitting, smirking girls.
"I'm sorry for c-cursing at you..." she said. "It won't h-happen again... Um...look what I got for cursing..."
Vicky turned around to show the girls her reddened, naked behind, and they giggled at the glowing display.
"Hmmm... It certainly looks like this tushy was well spanked, don't you think, Beth?" Lucy said.
"Yeah. I'm sure it's stinging quite a bit, too, from the looks of it," Beth said. "You think she can have her panties back?"
"Only if she asks SUPER-politely," Lucy said. "And she only gets one chance to do that."
Vicky shivered and then turned to face the girls. Her mind raced as she tried to think of just what the insufferable brats would like to hear from her - she didn't want to spend the rest of the evening naked from the waist down!
"Um, e-excuse me, girls..." Vicky started, blushing hard. "I h-have been naughty and disrespectful, but I already got my, uh... my bare tushy very well spanked for my misbehavior... and it stings a LOT... S-so, would you be so kind as to allow me to wear my panties again... p-pretty please? I promise to behave and to be respectful to you…"
"What do you think, Beth?" Lucy said. "Do we believe her?"
"Are you kidding?" Beth said. "Who would believe that your bratty baby sister can behave herself?"
"Hmmm... You have a point." Lucy agreed.
Vicky swallowed and started to tremble. The little brats were going to make her sit through the rest of the movie while flashing her privates!
"On the other hand..." Lucy said. "She DID get well punished for her disrespect. She will definitely be sleeping on her tummy tonight, nursing that tushy."
"Yeah, well, I guess you're right..." Beth said, squinting her eyes, as if not entirely convinced. "Oh well, she'll probably get spanked again as soon as tomorrow, anyway. There won't be no shortage of punishment for this naughty girl. She can have her panties back for now, I suppose."
"All right, all right, here you go, baby sister," Lucy said and handed the panties back to a relieved-looking Vicky, who took them with one hand while still covering herself with the other one. "But stop being rude to us in the future, or we won't be so soft-hearted the next time."
'Soft-hearted?' Vicky thought, as she hurried behind the sofa to put her panties back on, away from the others' sight. The little rascals had gotten her spanked in the first place! They'd set her up! She'd told them that she'd get back to them and she promised herself that she would, as soon as possible. But in the meantime, she'd try to keep quiet for the rest of the evening, lest they changed their minds about allowing her to wear her underpants.
When the movie was over, Kenny told Vicky that it was time for him to go home and she walked him to the door.
"You know," Vicky said, before he opened the door. "I was SO embarrassed during my punishments today - being strip-searched, getting spanked in front of everyone at dinner, apologizing to that pair of brats and, GOD, asking for their permission to wear panties! - that those were even WORSE than the actual spanking parts! Did you really have to make me go through all of that?"
"Yes, I did, PRECISELY because it makes up for the short spankings," Kenny said, smiling. "You have to admit that your spankings today were shorter and definitely lighter than your usual sessions across my knees - just hard enough to keep your butt warm and stinging throughout the day. And so, sometimes you'll get a full-scale spanking for your misbehavior, and other times you'll get a light spanking WITH added embarrassment, like the ones you got today. It will depend on the circumstances. Hopefully, this will help you misbehave a little less often."
Vicky whimpered. "Well... At least we did have fun playing monopoly, and the movie was good, and the... uh... practice... was n-nice, too, I guess..."
"R-right, the practice..." Kenny said, his face becoming nervous with the memory of kissing Vicky. "Well, um, I-I'll see you tomorrow, then... Don't be late, remember that they're giving us the results of the math quiz first thing tomorrow."
Vicky's mouth hung open. With all the excitement, she'd forgot about the quiz results. She knew exactly what to expect if her results weren't good, and her buns clenched at the thought. "Uh, s-sure... I'll be on time, don't worry."
"Ok, see you tomorrow, Vicks!" he said, opened the door and walked out. Vicky quickly jumped to the side so no one passing by in front of her apartment could see her in her panties.
She slowly made her way to her bedroom, while rubbing her prickling posterior - partly to soot its sting and partly as a way of expressing sympathy, considering what lay in store for it during the rest of the week. And it was only monday!
To be continued...



(The End)