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* * * * * A friend who cares is a friend who... spanks bare! - Chapter 11 "B-but, Kenny, just... just hold on a second!" Vicky said,
when the two of them were finally alone in one of the condos' bedrooms. Lindsey
had gone to take a shower in the other condo. "Save it, Vicks," Kenny said, searching inside the closet for
something. "You've really crossed a line now, screwing with our guest. So
I need to put an end to your pranks right here and now, before you ruin this
entire trip!" "Me, ruin the trip?ME?" Vicky said, suddenly annoyed.
"Maybe it's your dear guest the one who's ruining our trip! Maybe
you feel I crossed a line not because I screwed with your guest, but because that guest is your
sweet little girlfriend!" Kenny looked up at her for a moment, pausing in his search. He looked
surprised by Vicky's sudden outburst, given that she had always shown nothing
but shivering dread during the moments right before a spanking. "What's
gotten into you? You're supposed to be terrified right now, remember?" "Yeah, well, maybe I feel a bit more irritated than terrified at
the moment!" Vicky said. "Well, in any case...." Kenny said, drawing something from the
closet and then showing it to Vicky. "Soon you'll be feeling nothing but
this!" Vicky's expression instantly turned from anger to alarm when she saw the
mean-looking leather beach sandal in Kenny's hand. One of her hands
subconsciously flew to protect her bottom, while the other hand started
twirling her long, black hair, as she was prone to do whenever she was nervous.
"B-b-but is that really necessary...? I m-mean, I guess I earned a few
smacks… but really, Ken, your hand is always more than enough for..." "My hand's not enough for your attitude right now," Kenny
said, sitting on the bed. "We need to get this message across, so you're
getting the sandal. Now get your swimsuit off and get yourself across my
lap!" "What? M-my swimsuit off? But then I'll be completely
NAKED!" "It's not my fault that you chose to wear a one-piece swimsuit. But
it's like I told you the very first time I gave you a spanking, some weeks ago:
A friend who cares is a friend who spanks bare! Your spankings will always be
on the bare, you know that, so quit stalling and take it off." Vicky blushed and started slipping off her swimsuit, turning around to
show Kenny her back. Then she placed the wet swimsuit across the back of a
chair and then turned around again toward her friend, covering her breasts with
one arm and her pubic area with her other hand. "Ah-ah. No covering allowed, Vicks. You know that, too. You're
being punished, so it's fine for you to feel embarrassed. After all, you didn't
care too much for Lindsey's modesty when you pulled off her bikini top, did
you?" Vicky sighed and dropped her arms to her sides in defeat. "I guess
I didn't." Kenny held his breath at the sight of his now-nude BFF. Lindsey had
always been the picture of perfect beauty to him, but Vicky was also very
attractive in her own right. Also, this was the first time in his life that
Kenny had seen an entirely naked girl, right in front of him. He felt something
stirring within him, and blushed just as much as his embarrassed friend. "W-well, *ahem*" he said, trying to focus on the task
at hand. "You've just, uh... you've just confirmed my suspicions: It WAS
you who pulled off her bikini top, after all. More reason to use this sandal
then. C'mon, over you go," he said, patting his thigh with the
painful-looking sandal. Vicky groaned but did as she was told. Kenny got a good grip around her
waist and stirred again, as he realized he now had a fully-naked girl across
his lap. He forced himself to push those thoughts away and instead remembered
the pain and embarrassment that the incorrigible brat had caused to his
girlfriend on the beach. His determination strengthened, he brought the sandal
up to begin her well-earned punishment. *SCHLACK! SCHLACK! SCHLACK! SCHLACK!* "OOOWW! OOOWW! OH MAN IT STINGS! OOOWW!" cried Vicky,
wriggling her body and kicking her legs as the leathery instrument landed on
her plump bottom again and again. *SCHLACK! SCHLACK! SCHLACK! SCHLACK!* "Hopefully, this will make you think twice before pranking Lindsey
BUTT! OOOWW!" *SCHLACK! SCHLACK! SCHLACK! SCHLACK!* "She wouldn't have a stinging butt if it wasn't for you!"
Kenny said, without pausing the spanking for even a second. "I see that
you need much more of this before you lose that attitude!" *SCHLACK! SCHLACK! SCHLACK! SCHLACK!* "OOOWW! OOOWW! I'D DO IT ALL OVER AGAIN! OOOWW! I'M NOT SORRY! I'M
NOT! OOOWW! OOOWW!" *SCHLACK! SCHLACK! SCHLACK! SCHLACK!* "What's... what's going ON?" said someone from the doorway. Kenny and Vicky both turned their heads to find an astonished Lindsey
holding the bedroom's door open, watching the scene and looking truly shocked. "Oh, crap," Vicky said, feeling a sharp jolt of embarrassment. "L-Lindsey!" Kenny said. "I was... we were... d-didn't
you say you were going to take a long shower?" "I... I was," Lindsey said, still looking dumbfounded. Her
voice was unfocused, as if she was answering the question automatically, while
her brain was still dealing with the unbelievable display before her eyes.
"But, uh... but I couldn't find any towels anywhere in the other condo...
so I came to this condo to look, but then I heard... I heard..." The blonde girl stared at Vicky, as if unsure of the right words to use
next. Kenny looked just as anxious and uncertain about what to do or say. Vicky sighed, from her place across Kenny's lap. "Oh, for the love
of...! You can say it: You heard the sound of a good, hard spanking going on.
All right already, you caught us red-handed -and red-bottomed, in my case- so
let's just get it over with: Yes, mom is not my actual spanker. Kenny is. Happy
now?" "What? He is the one who spanks you?" Lindsey said.
"B-but he's a boy!" Vicky groaned. "Don't you think I know that? It's freaking
embarrassing, I know!" Kenny let Vicky up and stood up himself, dropping the sandal on the
floor and taking a step toward Lindsey. "Listen, Lindsey, it's... it's a
long story. Let me explain..." "Oh, it's not such a long story, really," Vicky said, rolling
her eyes. She was standing at Kenny's side, rubbing her stinging bottom and
forgetting about modesty for the moment. "Some weeks ago, mom got fed up
with my attitude and asked Kenny to deal with me the old-fashioned way. Kenny's
family and mine have been neighbors and friends for ages, so we're almost like
family. That doesn't make it any less embarrassing every time he bares my
bottom, though! Or any less painful when he smacks it, for that matter." "This is... this is incredible!" Lindsey said. "Lindsey, I..." Kenny said, looking mortified. "Vicky
is... but you are... just let me, oh geez, just let me explain." "And why were you spanking her just now?" Lindsey said. "Because I stung you with a sea urchin," Vicky said. "And
I’m glad it hurt. Oh, and I undid your bikini top, too. And I am not sorry!" "It was you?" Lindsey said. "Why did you do
that?" "Because you ruined our weekend by coming here!" Vicky burst out. "Vicky!" Kenny said, turning toward her. Lindsey looked surprised again. Then she turned around and ran away from
the room. "Lindsey, wait!" Kenny said, then he turned to Vicky.
"You see what you did? You upset her!" "Good!" Vicky said, defiantly. “I’m glad she’s upset and I’m
glad she’s gone! Woo-hoo! Good riddance,” she said, in a mocking tone of voice. Kenny clenched his teeth and looked truly annoyed. “I’m guessing I’d
better wait for a bit and let her digest all that information before I go talk
to her…” he said as he picked up the sandal. “…but in the meantime, I think we
should turn those ‘woo-hoo’s’ to ‘boo-hoo’s. What do you think?” Vicky swallowed and held her butt protectively. “But… but you just
spanked me!” “I was just getting started, really,” Kenny said, taking a seat on the
bed and pulling his friend back across his lap. “Let’s see how long it takes to
change your awful attitude, shall we?” *SCHLACK! SCHLACK! SCHLACK! SCHLACK!* * Minutes later, Kenny found Lindsey standing right outside the condo,
staring at the sea. "Hey," he said, stopping beside her. "Hey," she said, without turning. "So, uh..." he started to say, trying to gauge Lindsey's
feelings, but her neutral expression let nothing show. "Listen, I know
you're confused about all this, but you have to understand..." "I understand," she said. "You... you do?" "Well, I knew Vicky was like a sister to you," Lindsey said.
"I just didn't know how close you two actually were. But it kind of makes
sense, you're kind of like her responsible older brother. Even though you're
both the same age." "Um, yeah, it's pretty much like that…" "And she IS a brat. My butt still stings from that stupid sea
urchin!" she said, frowning. "So I guess she does need to get spanked
constantly." "Right. So I... I know you're upset about me seeing another girl
naked. And very often, in fact. AND getting to spank that same naked
girl." "I'm not." "But listen, I... wait, what? You're not?" "Well, yes and no," she said, finally turning toward him.
"I don't like you seeing naked girls, of course, but this is a special
case, I guess. Listen, Kenny, I knew what I was signing on with this
relationship. I knew you were pretty close to Vicky. She’s like a sister to
you, and I have to respect that. I don't want you changing your life or
relationships because of me, particularly with those who are closest to you. I
know you and her care about each other as strongly as close relatives, and I've
just arrived to your life, so I have no right changing any of that." Kenny didn't know what to say. "I... well, that's..." "Which is why," Lindsey continued. "I've also started to
think of Vicky as something like a stepsister. If she's close to you, I want to
be close to her, too. I want to be a good friend to her. I understand that you
spank her because you care for her, because you want her to be better." "Yes. Yes, that's right," he said. "So you're saying…" "I'm saying you should spank that misbehaving brat as long... as
hard... and as many times as she deserves!" Lindsey said. Her blue eyes
became intense, and Kenny took a step back, taken by surprise by Lindsey's
sudden passion. Lindsey held the hard, determined expression for a couple of
seconds, and then her face smoothly turned back into the soft, friendly,
smiling face that she was known for. "So I guess I should thank you for
spanking her just now. For the pranks she played on me, I mean." "I, y-yeah, you’re welcome..." Kenny said, still taken a
little aback from Lindsey's temporary change of attitude. "In fact, she's
getting another spanking later tonight, for her terrible grades." "Great! I will enjoy smacking her naughty butt!" Lindsey said. "What? You smacking her?" "Sure! I was the victim of her pranks, remember? So I earned the
right to give her a few smacks myself! We can spank her together, like a
couple. It'll be romantic, don’t you think?" she giggled. "R-romantic?" Kenny said, becoming more and more surprised by
Lindsey's reaction, with each passing second. "I guess... I guess we could do
that." "Awesome! I can't wait to get a little payback," she said, then
giggled again. "Now I'll go take that shower, then. See you later!" "Um, yeah, see you..." Kenny said as he watched his girlfriend
hop happily toward the condo. He was very confused about the conversation he'd just had. But he
decided to focus on the good news: Lindsey was actually ok with his spanking
relationship with Vicky. He'd thought she'd be upset, but it turned out that she
was even encouraging him! He sighed and stared at the flowing ocean waves, which seemed to be
getting stronger by the minute, and thought that they were probably just as
unpredictable in their intensity as girls were proving to be. And now he had to
deal with two of them! To Be Continued…