* * * *
This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of
sexual activity
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* * * * * A friend who
is a friend who… spanks bare! – Chapter 5 That wednesday
afternoon, at the movie theater, Vicky and Kenny made small talk with their
respective crushes as the four kids waited in line to buy popcorn before the movie
started. So far, the double date had been going surprisingly well, and Kenny
was almost impressed at Vicky's good behavior. He looked at her with a proud,
satisfied smile on his face.
"Oh my god, look, Kenny!" Vicky said, pointing to a movie poster on a
nearby wall. "They're going to air the Justin Bieber movie again next
week! Your all-time favorite movie! Oh my god, freak out!"
And just like that, Kenny's daydream of a well-behaved Vicky vanished into thin
air, along with his smile, as he crashed back into reality. A deep blush
appeared on his face.
"You're a Bieber fan, dude? Really?" Danny Thompson said, and then
chuckled. He was standing at Vicky's side and smiling mockingly at Kenny. Vicky was
ecstatic to be going out with one of the cutest boys in school. Danny had movie-star
good looks indeed, but he still looked very much his 14 years of age, which is
something that Vicky actually liked. Some girls at school drooled over older,
manlier boys, but Vicky preferred more of a "cute" kind of handsome
in her boys rather than a "manly" kind of handsome. And Danny fit the
"cute" part perfectly, with his soft facial lines and shoulder-long,
dark-blonde hair. "Is he a
fan?" Vicky said, repeating Danny’s question. "Kenny is Justin's
BIGGEST fan! He knows all of the songs by heart, and he sings them in the
shower all the time." "Hey!"
Kenny said. "I, uh... h-how do you know that?" "Well,"
Vicky said. "Sometimes you're taking a shower when I come to your place,
and so I have to wait in the living room, chatting with your mom. She and I
always have a laugh about your singing. And it's always one of Justin's songs,
admit it!" "B-but
I... I just..." Kenny said, his eyes finding Lindsey's, who was giggling
at the revelation. "W-well, it's just that the songs are kind of catchy,
you know...? Besides, there's lots of boys who like Bieber, it's not just
'girl' music, right? …Right?" Danny laughed
out loud. "Oh, man, you should look at your face right now, it's red as a
tomato!" he said and laughed some more. "Don't worry about it, dude,
I actually know one other boy who likes Bieber - my cousin. Well, it's also true
that he's only nine years old and becoming a little more feminine every year,
if you get my meaning... but still, you shouldn't be ashamed of your tastes. No
one should. I'm more of an indie music kind of guy myself, you know? But everyone's
entitled to their opinion." "Oh,
Danny, you're so democratic!" Vicky said, holding Danny's arm and
snuggling close to him. Kenny frowned at her and wondered if she actually knew
the meaning of the word. "Danny's
right, Kenny," Lindsey said, leaning closer to the blushing boy. Her close
proximity always made Kenny very nervous. "I like Bieber myself, you know?
I mean, at least I used to, a couple of years ago… But if you're such a fan, then
we should totally come to watch the movie again next week. My treat! What do
you say?" Kenny stared at
her big, blue eyes and felt frozen in place merely by being so close to such
beauty. Then he realized that his mouth was moving but nothing was coming out
of it, and he forced himself to speak. "I... I think, um, I'd love to? I
mean, s-sure, I'd love to..." "Excellent!"
Lindsey said, with a celebratory jump. "It's a date!"
Vicky arched an
eyebrow. A date? She had absolutely enjoyed watching Kenny squirm with
embarrassment just a moment ago, but then it had all ended up with him earning
another date with that... that... that airheaded princess? Vicky wasn't sure
that she liked that at all. She had actually started to like Lindsey at the
mall, where she had lots of fun browsing the stores with the blonde girl. But
when you included Kenny in the equation, Vicky was not so sure that she'd
approve of Lindsey as a good match for her BFF. What did he see in her, anyway?
Other than her admittedly amazing princess-like prettiness, that is? * The four kids
enjoyed the movie, and then discussed it as they walked home. Lindsey's home
was closer, so they were walking her home first. Night had fallen but the
streets were well illuminated, and it was a pretty quiet neighborhood. The
weather was warm but not too warm, and so it turned out to be a nice night for
a walk. At some point,
Danny and Lindsey started arguing about some element of the movie, and Kenny
took the chance to fall a few steps behind, pulling Vicky back with him for a
private word. "What the
hell were you trying to pull this time?" Kenny whispered at her. He kept
an eye on the other two kids, who were talking amongst themselves just a few
steps ahead, to make sure they wouldn't overhear him. "W-what do
you mean?" Vicky whispered back. "Don't get
cute with me, you know what I mean," Kenny said, giving her a hard look.
"The Bieber thing!" "Oh, that,"
Vicky said, and chuckled discreetly. "I... I just saw the poster and then
everything just came right out of my mouth. I wasn't even thinking about what I
was saying, honest!" "Yes,
that's something you don't do very often, do you? Think before speaking?
Dammit, Vicks, I know you did it to embarrass me." "Why are
you whining so much? It got you a new date, didn't it? With your giggly
princess? 'My treat, Kenny! Excellent!'" Vicky said, speaking the
last part in a mocking mimicry of Lindsey's enthusiastic tone of voice, and
even imitating her little celebratory jump. "Oh, and
I'm sure you think that your little prince is so cool, huh? He's so full of
himself, the smug little brat. He thinks he's the hottest pie on the shelf! 'Oh,
I'm more of an alternative music kind of guy myself, you know, 'cause I'm too
cool to like other music, you know?'" Kenny said, doing a comical imitation
of Danny and exaggerating a smug facial expression. "He didn't
say 'alternative music', you blockhead," Vicky said, looking annoyed.
"He said 'indie music', it’s not the same thing. But I can easily
understand how a Bieber superfan like yourself can mistake one thing for the
other, though." "Now listen,
you little..." "Hey!"
Danny said, smiling at them. Him and Lindsey had stopped walking and were
looking back at them. Kenny and Vicky barely stopped in time to avoid stumbling
with the other two kids. "What are you two gossiping about?" "Uh,
n-nothing!" Vicky said, brushing her hair behind her ear. "We were
just, um... just..." "T-talking
about school!" Kenny said. "Uh,
y-yeah!" Vicky agreed. "About school, yes, because... because we still
need to do some homework for tomorrow!" "Yes!
Homework!" Kenny said. "We were talking about doing it tonight, when
we get home." "Oh,
that's right," Danny said. "I'd forgotten that you two live
practically next to each other, right? In the same apartment building? So
'home' is kind of the same place to you two, huh?" "That's
right," Lindsey said, and giggled. "That's why they've known each
other since forever. They're BFFs, you know?" "Oh, are
they?" Danny said. His tone and the look in his face resembled the moment
when he’d learned about Kenny being a Bieber fan, and so Kenny realized that
Danny was about to launch into another mocking diatribe –disguised as another
‘democratic’ comment, surely- only this time he would not only be mocking
Kenny, but Vicky as well. A fire raged in Kenny’s eyes as he thought about the
other boy mocking his BFF. "Yes, we
are," Kenny said, taking a step forward toward Danny. "She's my best
friend in the world and there's no one who knows her better than me. Or cares
for her more than me. Uh... in a friendship kind of way, of course..." The four kids
said nothing for a moment. They had all been taken a little by surprise by
Kenny's sudden attitude - even Kenny himself had. The brown-haired boy had
spoken with a firm, no-nonsense tone of voice that was just this side of being
aggressive. His eyes were set in the same mood. Vicky stared at
him with surprise. What was Kenny doing? Why did he say those things? Was he
trying to protect her in some strange, instinctive sort of way? And more
importantly: Why did she like it when he said it, even though he had sounded somewhat
silly, and even a little dorkish? "Hey, hey,
hey, chill out, dude!" Danny said, smiling at him. "I was just making
conversation. We're all having a good time here, aren't we? At least I
am." "Me,
too!" Lindsey said. "Yeah… us
too," Vicky said. Then she blinked and realized that she'd also spoken for
Kenny and not just for herself. "I mean, uh, me too. What about you,
Ken?" "Uh,
sure..." Kenny said, relaxing his posture. He gave the others an awkward
smile. "Let's keep going, then." * They left
Lindsey at her doorstep, said goodnight to her and then walked in the direction
of Danny's house. The conversation became lighter and Danny made Vicky laugh a
few times. Kenny kept a polite smile on his face, but his opinion of Danny did
not improve with every passing minute. Just the opposite - the more Danny made
Vicky laugh, the more Kenny became convinced that Danny came off as egocentric.
Kenny walked beside them with both hands buried in his pockets, and said
little. When they
finally arrived to Danny's place, an angry-looking lady stormed out of the
house and hurried toward Danny. Kenny realized that she must have watched them
arrive through one of the windows. "Daniel
Thaddeus Thompson!" The angry lady said, approaching Danny and grabbing
his ear. "Is it true that you splashed your sister with the garden hose
today? Don't even try to lie to me, young man!" "OWW! But mom,
I was just-! OWW! OWW! It was just a little water! OWW!" Danny said as his
mom tugged on his ear. "Just a
little water? The entire living room’s soaked! You actually chased your sister
into the house with the hose, didn't you? And she caught a cold because of what
you did. She's been sneezing for hours! Oh, you're really going to get it this
time, young man. Come here!" "NO, MOM,
whimpered as he was dragged by the ear toward the house. Danny's mom did
not seem in the least moved by her son's pleas as she dragged him inside. Vicky
and Kenny stood transfixed for a moment, as they heard the commotion continue
inside the house. They heard the sounds of struggling, then louder begging from
Danny, and then the smacking of bare flesh alongside Danny's crying. "Oh, wow,"
Vicky said, wide-eyed. "H-he's getting a spanking!" "He sure
is," Kenny said, no less surprised than Vicky by the sudden development. A
slight smile appeared on his face. "Let's go
watch!" Vicky said and hurried toward the front door, which had been left
half-open. "Vicky,
wait!" Kenny said, but she had already sprinted ahead. Kenny joined
her at the ajar door, and both kids discreetly stuck their heads inside. From
their vantage point, they could spy Danny's mom sitting on a sofa, her son
across her lap, and the boy’s pants and underwear pulled down to his ankles.
Her hand rained down over his bare bottom with astounding force, making the boy
cry out, kicking and squirming continuously. Danny's bawling was loud and
desperate from the very beginning, his shoulder-long hair shaking wildly as he
wiggled. "Man, what
a crybaby," Kenny whispered to Vicky. "Not even you start crying that
hard until WAY further into the spanking." "You're
right..." Vicky admitted, as she stared at the scene, looking even more
amazed than Kenny. "Oh my god... I'm actually looking at Danny Thompson's
bare butt! And it's definitely gorgeous! Even better, I'm watching it get
soundly spanked! "Hmph.
Seems like a normal butt to me..." Kenny said, trying to sound
unimpressed, although he secretly had to admit that Danny's perky bubble-butt
must have looked pretty attractive to a girl. Then Vicky and
Kenny saw a young girl come running down the stairs, with an excited look on
her face. Kenny realized she must be Danny's little sister - the one who had
been splashed by Danny, like his mom had said. The young girl stopped right in
front of the ongoing spanking and started giggling at her older brother,
leaning her face toward his to make sure that he saw her delight. "Who's wet
now, you big bully?" The little girl said in Danny's face. "Your face
is, that's who! Wet with lots and lots of tears. You cry just like a little
baby!" she said and laughed as if she was very amused by her own taunting. "Make
yourself useful, Molly," her mom said as she spanked away with unrelenting
force. *SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!* "And bring me my big hairbrush. It's on the
nightstand, in my bedroom." *SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!* "Because I think
your naughty brother here needs a really long and painful lesson, and my hand
will start hurting before we're through." *SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!* "OWAAAAAA!
SMACK!* A delighted
Molly hurried upstairs to comply with her mother's request, as Danny's howling
became even louder and his begging turned more and more into the voice of a
very young infant. "C'mon,
Vicks, let's go," Kenny said, taking her arm. "What are
you talking about?" Vicky said, her eyes never leaving Danny’s bouncing
bottom. "This is awesome! I want to watch all of it!" "I'm sure
you do," Kenny said. "But Danny's mom hasn't noticed us spying on
them yet, and if she does she might call our own mothers, and then WE'D be in
trouble. Besides, it looks as if this spanking is going to take quite a long
time, and I really do need to finish some homework tonight." "Oh,
you're such a party-pooper!" Vicky said, frowning, but she started to step
back with him, stretching her neck as much as she could in order to catch some
final precious instants of Danny's current predicament and committing the image
to memory. * The two kids
walked away, side by side, toward their own apartment building. The dramatic
sounds of the punishment followed them more distance through the otherwise
quiet streets than Kenny thought they would, finally vanishing from earshot
until they were more than two blocks away. "I can't
believe that just happened," Vicky said as they walked. "I mean, it
would have been difficult in the first place to believe that someone in school
other than me was getting spanked at this age, but for that person to be Danny
Thompson -the cool, confident, cutest boy in class- it just blows my
mind!" "He didn't
sound that cool and confident when he was across his mommy's lap, huh?"
Kenny said, and they both shared a laugh. "So, does this change the way
you feel about him?" "I... I
don't know… I mean I did enjoy hanging out with him today, you know? Besides, I
get spanked, too, so how could I dismiss someone because of something he shares
with me? Everything’s just weird in my head right now. I'll just have to think
about it, I guess..." "That actually
kind of makes sense. And, well, I had a good time, too. Even after that Bieber
thing you pulled..." "Oh,
c'mon, admit you LOVE his music! It's just us right now, no one else is
listening. Tell the truth! Baby, baby, baby ooohhh like!" she started
singing as she tussled his hair with both hands. "Hey, cut
it out!" He protested, as Vicky continued with the tussling. "Ok, ok,
geez! I admit it, ok? I like his music!" "I knew
it!" Vicky said, smiling triumphantly and pulling away from him. "But keep
it between us from now on, all right?" Kenny said, as he tried to fix the
mess she had left his hair in. "You know what the boys at school would
probably say if they knew about it..." "Ok, ok,
I’ll try not to embarrass you again by sharing any more neighborly secrets. Pinky
promise! " Vicky said, showing him her pinky finger, but she kept her
other hand hidden behind her back, forefinger and middle finger crossed. * A while later,
they finally reached the block where their apartment building was. Then Vicky
snorted a laugh. "What?"
Kenny asked. "What's so funny?" "The
hottest pie on the shelf?" she said, referring to the phrase he’d used
when they had been arguing behind Danny and Lindsey’s backs. Then she laughed
out loud. "Where did you get that from?" "Oh man, I
said that, didn’t I?" he said and then couldn’t help start laughing
himself. "I don't know why I said that, I swear! We were arguing and I was
mad at you and it suddenly came out of my mouth. It sounds freaking ridiculous!
Please, please, please don't remind me of it for the rest of our lives." "Of COURSE
I'll keep reminding you of this beautiful mephat... mepat... metaphor you created,
for the rest of your life! You think I'd give something like this up? This is golden!" "Oh,
brother," Kenny said, and then sighed, but his smile remained. "You are a
blockhead, but a funny blockhead, Ken. You know that?" "Yeah,
yeah, you're a barrel of laughs yourself. When you're behaving, that is." Vicky stared at
her friend's brown eyes and smiled warmly. She had truly enjoyed talking to
Danny and it had felt exciting hanging out with such a cute boy, but being with
Kenny always made her feel comfortable and warm. Those were two different kinds
of goodness, and she felt lucky to be experiencing both. Kenny smiled back at
her and said nothing for a moment - who knows what he might be thinking about? "Come with
me, you idiot," Vicky said as she took him by the wrist and led him behind
the apartment building, with a quick step. "W-what
are you doing?" Kenny said as he let himself be carried along. "Where
are we going?" Behind their
apartment building was a basketball court, where the neighborhood kids played
casual tournaments. It was well maintained and it even had a set of concrete-built
bleachers on the far side, so people could sit and watch the games. The
bleachers rose all of three long rows of seats high, so the back of the
bleachers was tall to enough for people to hide out of sight. Opposite to the
back of the bleachers stood a long brick fence, so between the two was a long,
darkened corridor, which might have been put to unsuitable uses if that were a
worse kind of neighborhood. But in fact, the small town did not have any
too-disagreeable neighborhoods at all, least of all that particular area where
Vicky and Kenny lived in, which was known to be one of the safest and better-off
parts of town. Vicky finally
stopped when Kenny and her were well inside the concealed corridor's shadows,
practically hidden from sight. She turned to see him and giggled. "What's
going on?" he said. "Why did you bring us here?" "So we can
practice some more," she said. "Pract...?
Oh! Y-you mean the same thing that we practiced yesterday?" "Of
course, dummy! Unless, uh, unless you don't want to...?" "Want to?
Uh, s-sure! I mean, why not? I mean..." "Shut up
now, blockhead."
Vicky leaned over and kissed him. She then realized that this time it had been
easier to simply reach out and do it - she felt less nervous about it than last
time and she pushed forward, letting herself enjoy it. Then they reached their
arms around one another and embraced as they continued to kiss, which was also different
from last time. Kenny's arms around her felt wonderful to Vicky, and she hugged
him harder. Three times their lips parted and three times they came together
again, with the moist, intimate sound that lips do when they part.
At some point they slowly released each other. Vicky suddenly realized that
they must have been kissing for only a few moments, even if it had felt to her
like a very long time.
"Um... s-so?" Kenny said. "How was that?"
"I think, um..." Vicky said, with a shy smile. "I think we're
actually getting better at this, you know? I guess it must be true that
practice makes perfect..."
"Which means that we'll...?"
"Yes, which means that we'll have to practice again. But really, those two
are in for a surprise when they become our first kiss."
"'Those two?'"
"Uh, Danny and Lindsey, of course..."
"Oh! O-of course!" Kenny said, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Well, I... I guess we should be go home now, right? It's getting pretty
late," Vicky said and started walking away, but Kenny held her arm.
"Hold on a second, girl," he said. "We still need to deal with
another matter."
"Huh? What is it?" she said.
"Your misbehavior at the movies, of course. Did you really think you'd get
away with embarrassing me like that without getting even a few smacks?"
"What? But... but... Kennyyyyy!"
"Stop whining. You know I can't let that go, or you'll start doing it even
more often. You have to learn that your actions come with consequences. Now
hold up your skirt."
"B-but someone might see!" Vicky said, squirming as she pleaded,
although her hands were already gripping the hem of her skirt. "Can't we
do it in my room, at least? Pleeeaaase?"
"It's the middle of the night, there's no one around and we're pretty well
shielded from sight in this dark passageway. Which I'm sure it's the reason why
you brought us here for our, uh... for our 'practice'.... So if it's private
enough for that, then it's private enough for a few smacks. Now hurry up before
I decide to pull your panties down, as well."
"Ok, ok!" she said and turned around, lifting her skirt all the way up
until it revealed her midsection. She gently pushed her back forward a little,
so her butt was sticking out. Her knees were slightly bent, which also made her
bottom stick out further.
Even through the shadows, Kenny was surprised when he saw Vicky's red panties,
which featured intricate lace patterns all over. Through the lace he could
glimpse some of the flesh underneath. He thought that these were surely the
sexiest panties he'd ever seen on her - they were practically lingerie! Could
all kinds of girl underwear be called 'lingerie', or was the term used
exclusively for the sexy kind of underwear? Kenny wasn't sure. If the latter
was the case, then Vicky was definitely wearing some truly sexy lingerie at the
moment and Kenny couldn't help but stare, bewildered, at the admittedly attractive
sight of his friend’s derriere.
He thought of asking Vicky about it, but then decided not to for some reason.
He realized, with further surprise, that he was blushing at the sight of the
provocative garment. Perhaps, he thought, part of the reason for his reaction
was that he was used to dealing with Vicky the bratty little girl, but less
used to dealing with Vicky the I'm-not-a-little-kid-anymore girl? He was amazed
at how easily a simple pair of panties could be threatening to change his perspective
about his best friend. He shook his head to clear it and tried to focus on the
task at hand - he had a job to do, and all that sexy red lace was -before
anything else- his plump, deserving target at the moment. "Y-you did
say a 'few' smacks, right?" Vicky said, as she waited for the spanking to
"I did say 'few', yeah," he said, raising his hand and taking aim.
"But I did not say 'mild', did I?"
*SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!* "OOWW! OOWW!" Vicky cried, then realized she
was making too much noise and raised her skirt even further so she could bite
on it, muffling her cries so no one might overhear. *SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!*
Vicky squirmed and fidgeted, but somehow managed to stay in place. She was
standing up and slightly bent over so her butt could be well presented for her
friend's relentless hand. She shut her eyes and bit hard on the skirt's fabric
as she endured the sharp spanks that alternated between her left cheek, her right
cheek, the center of her butt, and some that landed on the area between her
buns and her thighs, which particularly stung like the dickens. The spanking
merely took a couple of minutes, but it was enough to draw tears from Vicky's
eyes, as well as some redness in the area below her fancy underwear. Then she
pranced in circles for a few moments, rubbing her posterior. She was still
biting on her skirt as she jumped around and whimpered, and Kenny noticed that
the front of her laced panties matched the pattern from the back, letting show
some of the dark hair beneath them. The sight of the prancing girl suddenly seemed
to Kenny a strange marriage between the comical and the attractive. When Vicky had
settled down, they both entered the apartment building and walked up three
floors, then down the hallway until they reached Vicky's front door. Vicky
unlocked and opened the door, half-stepped inside and then turned back toward
Kenny. With one hand she held the door open, while the other one was still busy
rubbing her stinging rear end. "I'll see
you tomorrow, then," Vicky said. "Yeah,
don't stay up late, tomorrow's a school day," Kenny said. "Speaking
of school, weren't you getting your science quiz results today? Did they hand
them in?" Vicky's face
turned pale. "Uh, y-yeah, they did... But can we talk about them tomorrow?
Oh, Kenny, pleeeaaase?" Kenny sighed.
"Oh well, I guess I still have to finish some homework before I go to bed
tonight, so you are off the hook for now. But tomorrow we'll take a look at
them, all right?" "All
right, thanks! I, um, I actually didn't do as bad as I did on the math quiz,
you know?" "We'll
see. And, hey, you're also getting your history quiz results tomorrow, aren't
you? We'll have to see those, too. And don't think you'll only get one spanking
if you did bad on both of them - you'll earn one punishment for each, if both
results are bad." "Oh, man!
Let's... let's just talk about it tomorrow, ok?" "All
right, all right. ‘Night, Vicks. Sleep tight." "'Night,"
she said, closing the door as he turned around and started walking away. Vicky started
walking toward her bedroom when she heard the sound of laughter coming from the
kitchen, which was very close to the front door. She stepped into the kitchen
to find her younger sister, Lucy, serving herself a glass of milk. "Sounds
like your butt's having a busy day tomorrow," the black-haired, 12-year-old
said, and giggled at her blushing older sister. She'd clearly overheard Vicky
and Kenny's conversation at the front door. "You've scheduled it for a
nice tanning session, didn't you? I'll be sure to have Beth over, so we can
both enjoy the show. She just LOVES the way you sing in duet with Mr.
Hairbrush!" Vicky's buns
clenched at the mere mention of the dreaded wooden weapon. "Fine, bring
her over, why don't you? I'm sure you'll both get yours sooner than you think,
anyway. You both think you're so smart, but you're just pretentious little brats!" Lucy giggled.
"Maybe so, but at least I'm smart enough to keep my own bottom nice and
fresh, aren't I? Unlike some other brats who live here." Vicky grumbled
through clenched teeth and walked away. Once in her bedroom, she settled
herself in a position that was quickly –and painfully- becoming all-too
familiar to her: Lying on her stomach on the bed, naked from the waist down,
and a small electric fan turned on and aimed at her bare, stinging posterior.
This rump-refreshing routine was rapidly becoming standard procedure before she
fell asleep. Elbows sunk on the bed below her face, she held her head up with both
hands while she fumed, annoyed at both the current burning predicament of her
rear end and at Lucy's taunting words of mockery. What angered
her most was that Lucy was probably right - odds were that tomorrow she was
going to end up doing the horizontal dance across Kenny's lap after he checked
her two quizzes' results, while Lucy and Beth would surely be in the next room,
enjoying the recital. Then, *POOF!*
Demon Vicky popped up on her left shoulder, in a cloud of red smoke. "You're
probably not getting off the hook from that spanking, girl," the
mischievous, red-clothed demon girl said. "But those two brats don't have
to get away with their little rumps unscathed, either." "You're
right..." Vicky said, her eyes gleaming with wickedness as her brain
chewed on the possibilities. A twisted smile appeared on her face. "You're
right, I can get back at those twerps, can't I? Yes, I'm sure I can set them up
nicely and wipe that smirk off their pretty faces..." *POOF!* Angel
Vicky made her entrance, materializing on Vicky's right shoulder in a cloud of
white smoke. "Well, go
ahead," Vicky said to the miniature angel and rolled her eyes. "Say
your piece and try to dissuade me. I guess I have to give you a fair chance to
do it." "What?
Dissuade you from getting those two brats something they’ve had coming for a
long time?" Angel Vicky said. "Not a chance, girl. For once I'm going
to agree with her evilness over there, and encourage you to do exactly what she
suggested. Oh, I would really enjoy watching those two naughty little bums get
nice and red, believe you me!" Vicky felt a
devilish determination wash her body like soothing warm water. The fine, fuzzy
hairs on the back of her neck, as well as the ones on her lower back, stood up
straight, charged with electrical excitement. Yes, she knew what to do. If she
-or, more accurately, her panties- were going down tomorrow, then two other
pairs of panties were going to fall, too, and their owners would be singing
their own tearful concert, to her immense delight...