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Lost Boy's Other-Worldly Story Links: 2007

19 November 2007 Apologies about "The Happily" link, it's now fixed
[lb] 8-bit - The Happily (ff mc drug serial) Eve's friends choose her a fate that will change all of their lives
18 November 2007 I've added 3d Monster Stories to the site links
[lb] LJ - The Prophecy (vamp swords) The Princess' disguise becomes her very well New part 4
[lb] manyeyedhydra - Venus of the Red Lights (fm succubus plant xform drug) An Amsterdam woman in waiting hides a terrible secret
[literotica] warduminanna - The World Possessed (fm scifi mc xform) She owns the future, and will soon own the present
17 November 2007 Halloween Competition has a Winner!
GoldStar Moniker Smith - The Devilles (ff mf demon incest)
Stanley's suburban lifestyle is more interesting than most
PentStar 8-bit - October 26th (ff mc alien serial)
That's how they did it. A kiss. A lot of women were probably glad to go out like this.
PentStar LJ - Blood Ties (mc mf vamp demon buffy)
Buffy's gynecologist bites off more than he can chew
PentStar Felix Lance Falkon - The Prong Eating Vine (mm tg vore plant)
No wonder that new plant is so popular!
PentStar Seraglio - Body Shifters Universe (fm alien xform)
What do those beauties see in a balding, middle-aged man? Surely they won't make his divorce any easier?
PentStar t'Sade - There Is No Trick (ff mf ghost rom)
Sarah's magical entrapment brings new friends
7 November 2007 Keep those votes coming in! I'll keep voting open a few more days ...
[lb] 8-bit - The Happily (ff mc drug serial) Eve's friends choose her a fate that will change all of their lives
[literotica] deathlynx - The Demon (xf demon succubus caution) She is pushed too far
[literotica] dr_mabeuse - The Vampires of Prague (mf vamp) The good Dr Mabeuse's vampires never fail to please
[mcstories] Flibinite - Must be the Season (ff witch magic plant goo worms) A young witch breaks into the home of one older, wiser, and meaner...
31 October 2007 Here are the Halloween Stories! Enjoy, and please vote! !
[lb] Moniker Smith - The Devilles (ff mf demon incest) Stanley's suburban lifestyle is more interesting than most (comp)
[lb] 8-bit - October 26th (ff mc alien serial) That's how they did it. A kiss. A lot of women were probably glad to go out like this. (comp)
[lb] LJ - Blood Ties (mc mf vamp demon buffy) Buffy's gynecologist bites off more than he can chew (comp)
[lb] Felix Lance Falkon - The Prong Eating Vine (mm tg vore plant) No wonder that new plant is so popular! (comp)
[lb] Seraglio - Body Shifters Universe (fm alien xform) What do those beauties see in a balding, middle-aged man? Surely they won't make his divorce any easier? (comp)
[lb] t'Sade - There Is No Trick (ff mf ghost rom) Sarah's magical entrapment brings new friends (comp)
[literotica] After you have voted , there are plenty of nice stories in the new site links here
24 October 2007 Please enter your story into the Halloween Competition: all stories will be posted on the 31st, but please get them in before this date
[lb] J. Swafford - High Ceilings (ff xform mc magic demon tent) Sally can’t resist the advances of the sexy female demons looking at her in the mirror
[literotica] manyeyedhydra - Hookah'ed (fm mc drug succubus) Security seems a little lax, and those girls look wasted...
[mcstories] Lisa Teez - You Can Go Back (fm ff witch mc) Hansel and Gretal are all grown up
[literotica] Orfeo - Stein's Girl, chaps [1 2 3 4 5 6] (mf mc scifi caution) She's not all there
1 October 2007
[lb] J. Swafford - The Only Human In The Class (ff xform mc alien tent) Sandy was so happy to find another Human girl in her class
[literotica] Akito01 - Bride of Sacrifice (f relig tent) She's given to the beast
[literotica] purplecf - Flower of Beauty (m f xform plant serial) "it always stands alone, a single plant bearing a single flower"
[literotica] WFEATHER - Arja (ff tent ghost) "do not fight it ... enjoy it ... experience it ..."
1 October 2007 Congratulations to XXXecil and Denkkar for winning the Nymphopocalypse competition!
GoldStar XXXecil - Three Hundred Million (alien fm serial mc)
Enslaved by an alien invasion; how pleasant!
GoldStar Denkkar - Dark Demons Rising (fm demon succubus xform)
Humanity cannot reject the only one who can hold the hordes at bay...
PentStar Tantric Legion - The Fall: With A Whimper (serial mc alien tent)
All on earth are learning the pleasure of falling
PentStar Haepnoteased - Hive Mind (fm asfr succubus rom toy)
Robotic succubi stalk men, but who controls THEM?
PentStar C&A - Lemon and Lilacs (fm alien mc vore succubus)
Marik learns why all of the men were kept alive
PentStar A. J. Watson - The Legacy of Argus (fm succubus magic)
Her release dooms the world ... but why does she still want him?
PentStar Jo Jo - The Farm (caution xd demon xform)
Grant tries to save his daughter
PentStar Felix the Cat - Invasion (mc serial comp alien)
She surrenders and dooms the Earth
PentStar Mobius - Integration (alien mf fm mc xform serial)
Those aliens only want a few of us ... but for what purpose?
PentStar J. Swafford - The Body Shifters (fm ff xform succubus alien)
He didn’t really know what was going to happen when this strange woman enters his home
27 September 2007 Voting is still open, and there's a new Nymphopocalypse story which was sadly too late for the cometition ...
[lb] J. Swafford - The Body Shifters (fm ff xform succubus alien) He didn’t really know what was going to happen when this strange woman enters his home (almost comp)
[lb] Kyle Phantasy - The Sorceress and the Demoness (ff demon mc magic) New Witch parries with Old Demoness (revised)
[literotica] vampladydi - Drive (fm vamp) She drove him hard
[literotica] Satyrotic - The Treatment (mf mc drug) Slavery, short and sweet
[literotica] Tang88 - All That Glitters (ff asfr xform rom) Diane's curatorial life deserves a change
19 September 2007 The Nymphopocalypse story competition has closed! Please vote for your favourite stories!
[vote] XXXecil - Three Hundred Million (alien fm serial mc) Enslaved by an alien invasion; how pleasant! (comp)
[vote] Denkkar - Dark Demons Rising (fm demon succubus xform) Humanity cannot reject the only one who can hold the hordes at bay... (comp)
[vote] Tantric Legion - The Fall: With A Whimper (serial mc alien tent) All on earth are learning the pleasure of falling (comp)
[vote] Haepnoteased - Hive Mind (fm asfr succubus rom toy) Robotic succubi stalk men, but who controls THEM? (comp)
[vote] C&A - Lemon and Lilacs (fm alien mc vore succubus) Marik learns why all of the men were kept alive (comp)
[vote] A. J. Watson - The Legacy of Argus (fm succubus magic) Her release dooms the world ... but why does she still want him? (comp)
[vote] Jo Jo - The Farm (caution xd demon xform) Grant tries to save his daughter (comp)
[vote] Felix the Cat - Invasion (mc serial comp alien) She surrenders and dooms the Earth (comp)
[vote] Mobius - Integration Those aliens only want a few of us ... but for what purpose? (alien mf fm mc xform serial) (comp)

Halloween is approaching!

There will of course be a new competition, so I hope that you can submit a new story for posting on 31 October.
It seems that mail to lbworlds.net may have been going astray, as at least
one story submission has disappeared!

If you have submitted a story and have had no response, then please, send it again.
If you still have no response, then send a message to lbworlds Yahoo!

I believe that these are the last of the competition stories, but because of the email troubles, I will wait
before setting up the voting.

15 September 2007 More comp stories!
[lb] XXXecil - Three Hundred Million (alien fm serial mc) Enslaved by an alien invasion; how pleasant! (comp, third part)
[lb] Denkkar - Dark Demons Rising (fm demon succubus xform) Humanity cannot reject the only one who can hold the hordes at bay... (comp)
[lb] Tantric Legion - The Fall: With A Whimper (serial mc alien tent) All on earth are learning the pleasure of falling (comp)
5 September 2007 More comp stories!
[lb] Haepnoteased - Hive Mind (fm asfr succubus rom toy) Robotic succubi stalk men, but who controls THEM? (comp)
[lb] C&A - Lemon and Lilacs (fm alien mc vore succubus) Marik learns why all of the men were kept alive (comp)
[lb] Kyle Phantasy - The Sorceress and the Demoness (ff demon mc magic) New Witch parries with Old Demoness
[oblimo] Oblimo - It's Always Time (fm xform goo succubus) Dee's experiments with Jello are out of this world! (finished)
29 August 2007 More comp stories!
[lb] mjm202036 - Succubus Ranch (mf succubus xform rom latex) A latex obsession defines a slippery fate (new part 5)
[lb] A. J. Watson - The Legacy of Argus (fm succubus magic) Her release dooms the world ... but why does she still want him? (comp)
[lb] Jo Jo - The Farm (caution xd demon xform) Grant tries to save his daughter (comp)
[literotica] Many Feathers - Extra tra-sexual experience (xm alien ~vore) Darla comes in peace
[literotica] scaredstiff - To Live Forever (fm ff succubus incest) She must do terrible things to survive
[literotica] scaredstiff - Scared Stiff (mf caution mc dreams) Judy fights for her life ... in her dreams
20 August 2007 The story competition continues!
[lb] XXXecil - Three Hundred Million (alien fm serial mc) Enslaved by an alien invasion; how pleasant! comp, two parts
[lb] Felix the Cat - Invasion (mc serial comp alien) She surrenders and dooms the Earth comp
[lb] Mobius - Integration Those aliens only want a few of us ... but for what purpose? (alien mf fm mc xform serial) comp
[lb] Tantric Legion - Infernal Destiny (caution mf ff vamp demon incest tent mc) Armakoth tears all asunder chap 18 (final!)
Topaz has pointed me towards a wondrous site full of transformational MM stories, which I've added to the links page

At XXXecil's suggestion, I hereby announce:

Nymphopocalypse, Lost Boy's Ninth Story Competition!

(extended until 7 September 2007)

Three stories have been submitted as yet, and appear below.

But the competition is far from over!
Please keep sending those stories in.

Here's XXXecil's description:

I had a wicked idea for a new story contest when you're ready to make
updates again; there have been many stories of alien invasions in
fiction and movies, and several of the best erotic online stories are
about seductive succubi that seek to dominate mankind through lust.

So I thought, why not write stories that take place AFTER the alien
breeders/demonic temptresses/sexy mutants have already won, and human
civilization has collapsed in an pussy-moistening orgy of alien
infiltration and seduction that the great nations were too distracted
to stop. It would be a fascinating writing challenge to picture the
world in ruins, with sexual predators scouring the wreckage for more
victims to seduce, or perhaps human survivors in a lonely bunker; will
they seek to fight a hopeless struggle against the voluptuous

Or seek merely to hide themselves from the lusting enemies that have
devoured the human race? We might read the chronicles of a surviving,
Last-man-on-Earth hero, on the run from legions of lusty horrors, all
the while fighting his own desires. Perhaps one of the seductive
aliens is curious about the world they have conquered, and plays games
of sexual experimentation with subdued humans?

It may still be possible to defeat the unnatural seductresses, but all
the present governments on Earth should have collapsed from the
takeover, which can take place through as many different means as the
authors can imagine!

Bring on the Nymphocalypse! Or perhaps Nymphogeddon?

Submit your stories until September 7 (was August 31), I'll post each one
up as I get the chance.

We'll have a popular vote on LBWorlds to choose a winner, and then we
can get working on our Halloween stories!

Note that my email address has changed: please submit stories to my good friend Wendy,
wendy@lbworlds.net, and general email to myself, lostboy@lbworlds.net

8 July 2007
[lb] Tantric Legion - Infernal Destiny (caution mf ff vamp demon incest tent mc) Armakoth tears all asunder chap 17
[lb] smotp - Offering (xf) Amanda finds new life in a sea cave
[lb] leem - Flora And Fauna (xf plant asfr mc) Chloris stays on her new world a little longer than she expects
[lb] S X Camaro - Bay Pharmaceuticals: Ashley Collins (xf plant vore) Ashley's research program is all about her
[lb] S X Camaro - Bay Pharmaceuticals: Melissa Patterson (xff plant vore) Two researchers help out
[lb] S X Camaro - The Plant under the Piano (xff plant vore) But she was playing so nicely!
[lb] S X Camaro - Jungle Girl Suprise (xff plant vore mc) Tija and Sera have different fates...
[lb] S X Camaro - A Jungle Girl Meal (xff plant vore mc) "Please make me a part of you"
[literotica] 100 Angry Bananas - The Girl in the Swap (fmm vore mc) She's a hungry lure
[literotica] linshell - Shadow Play (ff myst ghost succ) Why be afraid of your own shadow?
[literotica] emap - Texas Town Orgy (mf zombie virgin humour mc) She'd give her very being to know what it was like!
[literotica] bc_alucard - Decadence (fm vamp war) Nobody is innocent in a war
[literotica] Sam_177 - Vampire Bliss (ff vamp) She's happy to be enslaved
[literotica] Sheherezade_79 - AH Fantasies Ch. 4 (ff vamp) Friends change, but blood will out
[lustylibrary] sexybears - Soul (ff succ rom sad) Sometimes people know what they want
9 May 2007
[literotica] Metrotech - From Twilight To Twilight (ff ghost myst) A young wife's life in peril after bloody changes
[literotica] writelove - Tail for Two (ff succubus xform rom) A watchful grey cat knows of secret and deadly pleasures
[literotica] smotp - Offering (xf) Amanda finds new life in a sea cave
6 May 2007
[lb] Dragonfly - Flow And Ebb (xf ff alien vore serial impreg) Tonie wakes up to find herself covered
[lb] Dragonfly - Serpent Temple (ff snake magic) Rituals bring joy
[lb] JB/NL - Parkland Mall (magic xform witch) Three witchy women meet a dangerous toy
[lb] JB/NL - Bubblegum (xform magic growth) Simon's fun continues with friends (new part 2)
[lb] LJ - The Unicorn Bride (xf magic unicorn) Jenny believes, and is saving herself ...
[lb] LJ - Bride Of The Dragon (xf magic dragon) Ever wonder what became of all those ladies those dragons abducted?
[lb] mjm202036 - Succubus Ranch (mf succubus xform rom) Eternity can be a comfort (new part 4)
28 January 2007
[lb] LJ - The Prophecy (vamp swords) The Princess' disguise becomes her very well New part 3
[lb] malys16 - Ailes in the Tomb of the Dead God (xff vore nice) Can two elves escape their fleshy prison?
[literotica] Extreme Bohunk - 1947 (xf sf) She powers ship
[mcstories] Frustrated - Lucy Westenra Never Had Problems Like These (fm vamp) The reality of the campus vampiress
7 January 2007
Some new links for authors mjm202036 and Ohida
[lb] Ohida - Cheating Life (ffm vamp succubus relig myst) Checking out can open as many windows as it closes ...
[lb] mjm202036 - Succubus Ranch (new part 3 ffm succubus furry xform) Brian saves a stray cat ...
[lb] JB/NL - Bubblegum (succubus xform magic Revised) Simon's a bit careless with things he can't control

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· lbworlds Yahoo! · Donations · email: lostboy@lbworlds.net · (anonymous feedback) ·
· LB Collection · Story Links · Site Links · Poetry · Submissions: wendy@lbworlds.net ·