Daemon Way
Fun with Chuckles
Chapters 20-23
Chapter 20
More Fun With Rover
Sixteen-year-old Charles Brentworth discovers there are things more perverted than having a gay boy in love with you, and that it is not a good idea to defy a man who has been nice to you.
Charles looked at his image in the mirror and a teenage clown with brilliant red cheeks, deep blue lips and a multicolored frizzy wig and wearing a polka dot shirt, rainbow colored suspenders, baggy clown pants, and oversized yellow and orange boots smiled back. What was that expression he'd once heard, about being a clown laughing on the outside but crying on the inside? That was exactly how he felt. On the outside he looked just like any other carnival clown with outrageous clothes, brightly colored face and a huge painted on grin. On the inside he was sick to his stomach and filled with dread.
Three weeks ago he'd been forced to make a video with that half-wit fifteen-year-old faggot Shane Finnigan who of course eagerly played around with his cock, and whose filthy cock he had to play with, and once again he got his nuts off with the faggot. Then last week, he had to make a video with his classmate and fellow basketball player Jason Bonner, whom he'd only recently discovered was a closet queer, and even worse, was a closet queer who was in love with him! He was so much in love that last week he'd even gotten down on his fag knees and licked his stinking, dirty feet and sucked on his toes. And they were stinking, because for the previous week he'd taken his dirty socks out of the hamper and worn them all day, and then tossed the clean pair he was supposed to wear in the dirty clothes hamper, as Jack had instructed him to do.
Who could understand the perverted mind of a faggot? There was no way he'd ever do that to Lisa Farrier no matter how much he loved her. Of course he didn't really love Lisa. He just wanted to get into her panties. Hell, he'd even be happy if she'd just give him a blow job. Chuckles the clown frowned. Okay, he'd be fucking happy if she gave him a hand job. He'd even pay her, or any other girl for that matter. He was desperate to lose his virginity. His virginity when it came to straight sex anyway. His virginity when it came to messing with guys he'd lost long ago. That was what made him sick to his stomach. For the past four months he'd been having almost weekly sex with fucking, perverted queers. In between that he was trying desperately to make out with Lisa. Four fucking months. The problem was, all that was happening was that he was getting a hell of a case of blue balls each time and had to satisfy the urge with his hand. Of course he pictured him and Lisa during those jerk off sessions, but he could not stop thoughts of him and Jason, and him and Shane from interrupting. That was only natural, considering they were the only two who'd ever gotten him off, or so he rationalized.
There could be another reason. It could be that he was turning into a fag himself. After all, every Saturday afternoon he was being forced to associate with them, and during the week he was constantly being admired by them. By Jason anyway. It was sick the way the closet fag was always looking at him, always drooling over him, in the lockers, on the gym floor, at the arcade, in the mall, everywhere. People were bound to notice Jason was so obvious. That was part of the dread, his friends finding out a faggot was in love with him. Even worse would be the suspicion that he was one of them too. He and Jason did chum around a lot, not that they had ever been close buddies or even claimed to be. Their parents were friends, good friends, and they had a lot of common interests, basketball, good clothes, and the cultured things in life for some. The big difference was that he liked girls, and Jason liked him.
Then there was his traitor body. His mind liked girls, there was no doubt about it, but his body liked being horny and getting off, and it didn't mind if it was with a guy. Take last week. There he was laying on his back and Jason slobbering all over his feet and sucking up his spit slime and licking the sweat from his stinking toes, and his Goddamn cock springs up to attention, and the fucker begins to leak pre-cum. How could it do that? How could something so disgusting and perverted as what Jason was doing turn him on? What was so erotic about having a boy sucking his toes. Yet looking down at Jason with his lips fastened about his big toe and sucking on it like he was a kid sucking on a thumb was erotic. The only solution he had was that it was his teenage hormones and the lack of any straight satisfaction. If Lisa would only put out he wouldn't be constantly horny, and if he wasn't constantly horny, his cock wouldn't spring up at an instant's notice. It was, when you came right down to it, Lisa's fault.
Charles reluctantly headed to the play room, a room he'd come to hate and to loath. Who would be waiting for him this time? Shane? Jason? Both of them? That was the rest of the dread that was weighing down his heart. The anxiety of not knowing what he was going to be forced to do each week, and with whom, or even if Jack wanted him to do a shoot that week, was taking its toll. As Saturday approached he could not sleep, and all day he could not think about anything else except his last session in that detested split-level with brown trim and worry about what the next video would be about. By the end of each week he was as tense as a drum skin and was snapping at everyone, his friends, his teachers, even his parents. Then, if he did have a shoot, he was depressed for half of the following week thinking about the perversion he'd been forced to engage in, and if he didn't have a shoot, it was like Christmas, and he was so elated he felt and acted giddy as a six-year-old. It was no wonder that his parents thought he should see a shrink.
Jack and Rob smiled as the boy entered the playroom. The two men were the cause of his mental anguish, and they took great joy in knowing they were the cause. Charles Brentworth was a spoiled rotten, snobbish, arrogant, rich kid who had to be shown that life was not going to be handed to him on a silver platter.
"So, how are you today, Charles?" Jack asked as he looked up at the hapless clown.
"Now, that certainly didn't sound like fine," Jack responded.
"Fine," Charles repeated, trying not to sound and look as depressed as he felt.
"Well, I'm sure you'll get into a happy mood once we begin shooting," Jack said, looking over at Rob. "Today you'll be doing a solo video."
Charles's heart gave a leap and he had a flash of happiness, at least for a few seconds. That he wasn't going to have to do some fag thing with Shane or Jason was good news. Of course that meant he'd be doing some perversion all by himself although what more they could possibly force him to do he had no idea. Then he spotted the border collie laying beside the familiar kiddy-sized chair and his heart sank again as he thought back to what seemed so long ago when he'd been forced to let the collie lick his butthole and then lick him off. So much had happened since then he'd forgotten all about it.
"Well, let's begin," said Jack. "Time is money." The hair on the back of Charles's neck stood as he heard that all too familiar phrase as he sat on the kiddie chair. Reading the actions on the cue card, he called the collie over to him. As he petted the dog's head and ran his fingers through the collie's long, silky tri-colored honey, golden and milk white hair as he began from rote, no longer needing the cue cards.
"Hello there my little friends. My name is Chuckles, and I hope you're all ready to have some fun, fun, fun, because I sure am! But first, did you remember to do what you were told to do when you got this video? I hope you did! Remember? You were told to only play this video when there are no grownups around. That, my little friend, is very, very, very important. So if your mommy or daddy or any grown-up is around, shut this off right now and wait until you are home with no adults around. If you forgot the rule, do it right now." Charles paused, and then continued. "So if you are watching me right now, right this very minute, that must mean there are no grownups around to stop us from having some fun, fun, fun, so let's get started!" He clapped his hands joyfully as he read the next cue card. "Remember a long, long, long time ago, when I was going to tell you about some new fun things to do and we noticed Rover licking himself? And remember how we tried to lick each other, but couldn't, and tried to lick ourselves and couldn't, and finally I let Rover lick my pee-er?"
Charles remembered that scene very well now that he'd been reminded of it. "Well, you'll remember Rover did a very, very good job, and made Chuckles feel very, very good. I know many of you went to your moms and dads immediately and begged and pleaded and charmed them into getting you a puppy so he could do the same thing to you as Rover did to Chuckles. Well, Rover has licked my bone many times since then, because he likes to lick it, and because he is a good dog," Charles said, looking down at the collie who wagged his tail vigorously as Charles petted him. "But you know from the videos I've been making just for you," he continued, pausing and smiling into the camera, "it feels just as good making someone else feel good as it does when someone makes you feel good. Right?" He paused as if expecting an answer. "Sooooo, today I am going to tell you how you can make your dog feel good. This time instead of Rover eating my bone, today I'm going to eat his! We are going to have oodles and oodles and oodles of fun!"
Charles stared at the next cue card. No way! "Charles?" No fucking way! "Charles?" That was like so disgusting! "Charles!" Charles looked over at Jack in disbelief and defiance.
"Com'on, Charles, we don't have all day."
"You got all fucking day."
"There's no fucking way I'm going to suck a dog's fucking dick."
"No fucking way? Com'on Charles, let's not be foolish here. You don't want to get me angry. And I don't have to remind you that every minute you dawdle it is costing us money. Well," Jack said with a grin as he glanced over at Rob, "actually it is costing you money. Now, com'on. Read the cue card. I know you can do this."
His heart feeling like a lead weight, Charles slipped to his knees and told Rover to roll over, which the dog, being well trained, eagerly did. Charles reached over and gently cupped the hairy sheath that contained the dog's cock. Rob's camera zoomed in on his hand. Jack's zoomed in on the look of disgust and apprehension on his face. Jack's would be spliced into the adult version. Getting down on his hands, the teenage boy bowed his head and sniffed the dog's pouch. It smelled like dog, rank and strong. He could not do this. He inhaled deeply. That was a mistake. Charles choked as he fought back the impulse to gag. He tried a second time, and then looked up at Jack pleadingly.
"I can't do this."
"You have to."
"Don't you understand, I can't," Charles replied, almost in tears with frustration. He knew the consequences of disobeying Jack's orders, but this was going too far.
"You don't understand. You don't have any choice."
Charles knew that. He got on all fours again and bending over, he sniffed at Rover's pouch, just as another dog might do. He filled his lungs, being sure he breathed in through his mouth rather than his nose, and nudged the hairy sack with his nose. It was warm, almost hot. He rubbed it with his nose. Turning his head, he opened his mouth wide and bent lower. His bile rose to this throat and he quickly drew away. The boy's futile attempts to do what Jack and Rob both knew he was not going to be able to was delightful. Rover's cock began to emerge from the pouch, a wonderful thick, red raw wiener that contrasted with the collie's long, beautiful fur. Charles's eyes bulged and his Adam's apple bobbed.
"Forget it, I'm not doing it," the boy responded as he got to his feet.
"Not? We have a contract, remember?"
"Fuck the contract. Fuck you," Charles retorted. Jack had gone too far this time. "I don't give a fucking damn if you show those pictures of me to my mother, or hang them up in the can at
school, or post them on the web, or whatever! I fucking don't care!"
Jack could see that. What he was forcing Charles to do was too perverted for his normal threats to work. The stupid, arrogant, obstinate teenager would rather see his picture performing fag sex splashed on the Internet for all to see than suck a dog's cock. Jack frowned. Teenage boys had so much to learn.
"Well, Charles, you're really trying my patience. You know that. Now I'll give you one more chance to do what you've contracted to do, or Rob and I will have to give you an incentive."
Charles had no idea what incentive Jack could possibly offer him to do something that disgusting. There was no way he'd do such a perverted thing, no matter how much money he was paid, no matter what Jack offered him, no matter what Jack threatened to do. Jack knew that, and so did Rob as the two men filmed Charles's reaction. Glancing over at Rob, Jack nodded and the two men put down their cameras. Stepping over to Charles, Rob suddenly grabbed him from behind and pinned his arms behind him. Two inches [5 cm] taller and twenty pounds [9 kg] heavier than the sixteen-year-old high school student, Rob was not that much bigger, but his height and weight belied the fact that despite his wiry frame his muscles were solid. Despite his squirming and efforts to break loose, and despite Charles being a basketball player and strong in his own rights, the boy was unable to get free.
Yanking down his baggy clown pants and his boxers, Jack stepped over to the desk in the room and returned with a small cardboard box. Taking out a rubber band, he hooked it about his thumb and stretched it back with his other hand as he aimed it five inches [12½ cm] away from Charles's balls. Charles knew what it felt like to be hit with a rubber band, and he could only imagine what it would feel like to get hit in the bare nuts. Jack looked down at the boy with an evil grin, giving the boy plenty of time to imagine what the pain would be like. He had learned long ago watching the anticipation of pain was even better than watching the experience of pain. He waited, but he did not give the boy a chance to change his mind. That would spoil it. He released the band without warning, and as it struck Charles's lower ball the boy yelped with pain. Taking another band, he aimed it at the higher of the two balls. Again he savored the look of horror on the boy's face and suddenly released the band without warning. Charles jerked violently with the sharp pain jolting his testicles, but Rob held him in place. Jack picked up a third band.
"Please," Charles gasped.
"Please?" asked Jack, acting surprised. "You see that, Rob. I told you the little perv enjoyed pain. He's even asking for more." Jack drew back the elastic band.
"No! No, I'm not asking for mo-aaaaahhhh!" Charles screamed as Jack released the band. "Gnnnnahhh. Ahhhhh. No. No more."
"Oh. If you weren't begging for me to stop with the bands, you must have been begging for me to let you to suck off Rover's dick."
"No," gasped Charles foolishly.
Jack picked up still another band. Saying nothing, he aimed this one at the boy's dickhead, and drawing it back, released it without a comment. As the band struck the sensitive rim of the teenage boy's dick head, the boy screamed at the top of his lungs and acute pain shot through his sensitive knob. Jack picked up another and snapped it against the boy's dick head also. By this time tears were rolling down the boy's eyes and he was choking and panting through the sobs with the excruciating pain. His balls had drawn up under his cock as if trying to retreat into his body cavity. Taking out still another band, Jack aimed it at the drawn up balls and let loose. Charles screamed so shrilly you would have thought his nuts had been cut off and he was a soprano once again.
"Now, Charles, are you going to suck Rover's cock like you were supposed to, or shall I continue?" Charles nodded his head like a drugged man. "Yes I should continue?"
"Nnnnnggh, nuhhhh," gasped the teenage boy in panic, certain his nuts had been damaged beyond repair. Never had he been in such pain, not even when he'd forgotten to wear a cup and had been kneed in a basketball game, and the way Rob was holding him he couldn't even double over.
"Then just a final reminder that if we have to stop shooting again, what is going to happen," Jack said calmly. Placing his index finger against his thumb, he snapped it twice against the boy's tight, round ball sack, and once against his dick head. "Now, go touch up your makeup, and be quick about it, or else."
Rob released him and he fell to floor, gasping and groaning in agony. The two men smiled at each other, and Jack sighed loudly, as if angry. The boy tried to pick himself up, and finding the pain too great, dragged himself across the floor. "Com'on, Charles be a man. Get up and get moving." Wincing with the pain shooting through his nuts, Charles pulled himself up. Doubled over so his hands were almost touching the floor, he shuffled out the room. Looking at his tortured face in the mirror, he patched up the smears in his makeup where his tears had streaked his face. He had to hurry. He had to get back in the play room before Jack got mad again. He had to hurry with his makeup so he could go suck off the collie laying on the floor waiting for him. Just the memory of the dog and the dog odor of his cock sheath caused his stomach to heave. Inhaling deeply with resolve, he stood and minced back to the play room as fast as he could, trying not to move too sweepingly considering the pain between his legs.
Gingerly getting down on his hands and knees once more, Charles again sniffed at Rover's exposed balls and sheath, except this time he only pretended to be sniffing and in reality breathed through his mouth. As he nudged the sheath with his nose, he thought about how a dog nudged you with his nose when he wanted to be petted. He kept his eyes away from the slowly emerging cock. Rover was well trained and unbeknownst to Charles had appeared in even more porno videos than the teenager, but unlike the hapless teenage boy, in straight and gay videos. It did not take long for the dog to become fully erect. Willing up all the strength he had, Charles inhaled deeply and ran his tongue up the length of the dog's now stiff poker. The taste was strongly salty and something else, some taste he could not describe having never tasted it before, a taste that he imagined accompanied a wet dog smell, a sharp wild meat taste that he vaguely recalled from a moose or something his grandfather had once shot and served at Thanksgiving.
His stomach immediately lurched and he scrunched up his face as he willed his churning stomach to stop. The boy's look of disgust was caught on tape by Rob, who zoomed in on his face just incase the boy vomited. He bowed his head again but just drawing near the dog's large, red, slimy-looking dick caused his stomach to rise.
"Shit! Grab the weak-bellied spineless fucker and we'll put an end to this," snarled Jack. Charles looked up at the man helplessly, his eyes pleading as Rob grabbed him once more. Yanking down his pants and boxers again, Jack picked up a plastic ruler. Bending it practically in half, he released it and it smacked the boy's tender balls with a resounding smack and Charles screamed in pain. Jack whacked the boy's balls a second time, sending a sharp pang of pain through the sensitive organs like a bolt of electricity. Bending the ruler in half, he released it a third time, causing Charles to screech so sharply his voice felt raw. Tears once again rolled down his cheeks, and once again he gasped and begged Jack to stop.
Crawling over to Rover, his pants and underwear still about his ankles, his clown paint streaked, he stared in horror as he realized Rover had been licking himself. The dog's large, wet tongue left a trail of dog spittle glistening over his stiff, red cock as he lapped his dick. Pushing the collie's head away, Charles stuck out his own tongue and ran it up the shaft of the dog's now spit-coated cock and over the knob. He swallowed the thick dog spit and licked his cock again, the dog's spittle forming a pool in front of his tongue and then flowing down the hollow he'd made by curling his tongue. He once again swallowed the foul dog spit coating the dog's hot, throbbing cock. Slipping his lips over the tip, he sucked on the dog's cock, causing the dog to squirm with obvious pleasure. He worked his lips up and down, as if slipping them up and down a cherry-red popsicle.
His bile rose and he forced it back down. Jack warned if he puked over Rover's pouch he'd force him to suck his vomit back up, causing his bile to rise with even greater force as Jack knew the thought would. He swallowed it back down, along with his spittle now flavored with Rover's cock. His eyes were filled with shame and revulsion as he bobbed his head up and down the obscene treat and you could see with every swallow he fought the temptation to puke. He was sucking a dog's cock for fucksake. He was performing the most perverted act that there could be, and it was being caught on tape for everyone to see. He worked his lips faster, his spittle drooling out from the corners of his mouth, and he swallowed desperately in an effort to keep his bile down. If he worked fast and sucked hard he was sure to bring the dog off faster, and the faster he brought the dog off the sooner this filthy, perverted act would be over. Adults watching the video would clearly see his shame and his desperation which were driving his actions.
"Didn't I tell you?" observed Jack. "These perverted teenage horndogs will do anything. Look at him wiggle his hips and shake his meat as he's eating that filthy dog bone." He was wiggling his hips, and shaking his cock. It was a natural body movement as he bobbed his head. "Play with yourself while you suck off man's best friend," instructed Jack. Charles reached down and began to stroke and shake his limp cock immediately. Anything to get this over with. Of course the fact he was having sex with a dog, as disgusting as that was, it was erotic, and combined with his fiddling, his cock began to swell. Jack and Rob of course noticed right away and the two men commented on what sort of perverted minds teenage boys had to have to be able to get a boner from sucking a filthy dog dick.
Charles no longer cared. He pumped his fist up and down his teenage cock, using the pleasure as a distraction from the perverted act he was doing with his mouth. He sucked and bobbed his head and swallowed his saliva with loud smacking, drooling sounds, his breathing labored with his physical exertion. Adults watching could imagine that the eagerness with which he was performing the act and the sounds he was making was evidence of his perversion and delight in what he was doing. Six-year-olds watching the performance could have no other conclusion, and loving their pets and lacking the inhibitions and moral blinders that came with age and the influence of society, they could only see a boy pleasing his dog and returning the many hours of pleasure derived from having a pet.
Rover's cock throbbed hotly and violently, more hotly and violently that ever, and Charles had a good idea what that meant. He was right, but he underestimated the speed and the volume of that reaction. Before he could do anything, dog spunk spurted into his mouth, hot, thick, dog-flavored dog spunk. It filled his mouth and he swallowed the foul tasting semen as it continued to spurt out of the dog's hot, throbbing cock. As Rover bucked and quivered with his orgasm, the dog drew his spurting red cock out of Charles's mouth and shoved it back in, causing Charles to try to accommodate his movements and causing dog cum to ooze out of the corners of his mouth and down around his chin to form an obscene cum goatee. Having succeeded in bringing Rover off, Charles finally raised his head with relief, streams of cum flowing out of his lips and continuing to connect his mouth with Rover's still stiff, even redder and slimier-looking cock. His makeup was streaked and smudged with his tears and with dog cum, the result, his young audience would conclude, of having one fucking hot and wonderful suck session with his dog. Of that they were even more certain as Chuckles wiped up the creamy cum sticking to his chin with his fingers and then popped his fingers in his mouth and sucked them off.
"Now, that was fun!" he exclaimed, looking into the camera. "I hope you try it and like it as much as I do. Now, I have to go, but if you liked this video and would like more, you know how to get the next one. I have oodles and oodles of videos that will tell you many more fun things to do. Maybe you can tell the nice man if you tried the fun game Chuckles had with Rover today and what you think of it. I'm sure he'd like that, very, very, very much. So until next time, this is Chuckles saying I hope you have a fun, fun, fun day!"
Jack followed Charles to the dressing room and waited as he removed his makeup, and Charles tried his best not to look at himself or think about what he'd just done or he'd upchuck for sure. He didn't even object when Jack told him because of the trouble he'd been he wasn't paying him for this video. Claiming that it was nippy outside, Jack insisted that Rob drive him home on the other hand, which seemed incongruous with the fact he was refusing to pay him. The truth was, the two men knew what Charles would do the moment he was in the street. By giving him a ride home they ensured that he would keep the slimy dog juice in his stomach for at least a bit longer. Dropping him off a block away under the pretense of saving Charles the trouble of having to explain, or lie, to his parents about who dropped him off, Rob made a U-y and headed back. Charles of course turned into the alley and immediately vomited. Bending over and hacking as a stream of dog cum, dog spittle, and his own spit spewed out of his mouth, Charles was much too busy being sick to see Rob had followed him and was taking a video of him in the alley, the zoom lens of his high-powered cam catching even the swirl of cum and dog spit in the puke hanging from the boy's lips. Rob zoomed in on the look of revulsion and shame in the boy's eyes and the man's stiff cock throbbed hotly in his pants. It was so much fucking fun working with Jack. As for Charles, as he knelt before the toilet late that night and retched for the seventh time since arriving home, he realized that there were worse things than having a faggot in love with him.
Chapter 21
Fun Playing Prisoner
Sixteen-year-olds Charles Brentworth and Jason Bonner introduce their young viewers to the wonderful world of bondage and cum control.
"Now, you're sure everything will be all right?" Mrs. Michaels asked for the tenth time.
"Sure, Mom, don't sweat it," replied her thirteen-year-old son Kevin. "I can handle things. You and Dad go out and have a blast."
"You two boys be good and do whatever Kevin says, understand?" Mrs. Michaels asked, looking at her younger son and his best buddy.
"We will," promised six-year-old Aaron Michaels, looking up at his mother with his wide, innocent blue eyes.
"Very well, I've rented you a Disney video, and there's microwave popcorn on the counter beside the cookies Kenny's mom sent over."
"Great! We're gonna have oodles and oodles and oodles of fun," observed Aaron, and the two six-year-olds giggled.
"When Kevin says it's time for bed, I don't want any arguing."
"We won't," the two boys said quickly, pressing their lips together to suppress their giggles as they glanced at each other.
Kevin glanced at the two boys, and then up at his parents. He knew exactly what the two boys were thinking, or at least he thought he did, and that they'd accidently or innocently reveal what they'd been doing together was his only concern about the games they'd been playing. As he watched his parents' car back out of the driveway, Kevin's heart was racing like when he was out with Ashley Hall at the movies with his arm around her and about to give her boobs a squeeze. He had been delighted to hear that his kid brother was having his buddy over for a sleep-over, and that his parents would be going out and staying out late. When Aaron had stayed over at Kenny's the previous Saturday instead of their place he'd been disappointed. It was dumb, maybe even a bit sick, but he was coming to look forward to the weekend sex sessions with the two six-year-old boys. Of course the possibility that he might be a faggot pedo had crossed his mind, but he was only thirteen, and one of the boys was his brother. That had to make a difference. Actually, it had to be just that he had raging hormones and hadn't found a girl willing to put out and satisfy his need yet. He had to get his nuts off or they would explode, and his kid brother and his kid brother's best friend got a kick out of making him squirt, so he was really doing something for them too. It wasn't all just him.
"So, what would you like to do first?" he asked, turning to the two boys.
"I think it's time for bed," Aaron replied with an impish grin.
"Oh? And what will we do there?" Kevin asked with a smile.
"Well, first, you gotta get starkers, and then we'll have some fucking awesome fun." The two six-year-olds looked at each other and giggled.
Two weeks earlier, their heros, Chuckles the clown and his best buddy's brother, Jason, had done just that, and earlier that afternoon, the two six-year-olds had watched the video they'd made.
As Charles had followed Jack to the bedroom where he had unknowingly given Jason his first blow job, it was with mixed feelings. After his session with the collie the previous week, he couldn't put what he'd done out of his mind. The foul taste of the dog's cock and slimy cum, the stink of his sheath, and the perverted fact that he'd had sex with a dog, those were the first things he thought about when he woke up, all he could think about all day, and the last things he thought about as he finally fell asleep after hours of twisting and turning. He could only imagine what he was going to be forced to do next, and visions of him having sex with a menagerie of animals from cats to horses had crossed his mind. So, it was a relief to find Jason would be performing with him this Saturday. It was a relief, but also awkward. It had been a month since Jack had given him Jason's love note to him, and from the way Jason had been looking at him and acting around him he was surprised nobody had noticed that his classmate and teammate had a thing for him. That Jason found him sexually attractive was as revolting as having sex with Rover, and that the sixteen-year-old loved him was even worse. Having sex just for the fun of having sex and shooting off a load he might have been able to handle. They were teenage boys after all. However, having sex with a guy because you loved him was so totally sick.
There had never been any doubt in his mind about the authenticity of the note, and the video session with Jason two weeks ago proved that it was real. The flaming faggot was so much in love with him he'd kissed his stinking, sweating feet and had even licked them clean. He was so fucking in love he even sucked his stinking toes. Now that was sick. And now he was going to have to have sex with the perverted, mincing faggot again. He almost wished, almost, that he was gong to do another shoot with Rover instead. Those were the thoughts going through his mind as he recited the introduction to the video by memory. Those were the thoughts going through his mind as he slipped the rainbow colored suspenders off and his baggy clown pants fell to his ankles. As he and Jason giggled like little kids, he was not the slightest bit happy.
Removing his oversized yellow and orange boots, he stepped out of his pants and pushed down his Winnie the Pooh kiddie briefs that he'd been given to put on and stepped out of them also. Removing his polka dot shirt, he stood there in front of Jason and the two men totally naked, his teenage balls and cock dangling between his legs. Despite all that he'd done and the number of times the other three had seen his private parts, he felt totally humiliated stripping in front of them. He felt even more embarrassed being the only one who was naked.
"All right, prisoner Chuckles," said Jason, trying to sound stern and authoritative, "lay down on your back on the bed." Jason had been overjoyed when Jack had phoned him earlier in the week to tell him that he had a script written for him and Charles for Saturday. It was not like Jack to phone him early, and it was all he could think about all week. He'd even refrained from jerking off for the rest of the week in anticipation of having a hot time with Charles that weekend. Sure he was disappointed that it would be in front of Jack and Rob and caught on video, but at least they were doing something together. He didn't even mind if it was going to be something perverted like they'd done two weeks ago. Licking Charles's feet and sucking on his toes had not been something he'd ever thought about doing before that day, and actually he was surprised and disappointed how dirty and stinky Charles's feet were, which made it even more distasteful, but Charles had enjoyed it. Charles had enjoyed it a lot, and that was what was important. When you love someone you want to do things to make them feel good, and he was madly in love with Charles.
So, he played his role with enthusiasm and from the heart. Jack had told him moments before they had begun what they'd be doing, and had assured him that Charles enjoyed what Jason was about to do to him. That, Jason had difficulty understanding, but he was young and inexperienced and he knew there were many facets about being gay that he knew nothing about, like feet fetishes for example. At least he'd read a few stories about what they were about to do on the net and had even found a couple pictures at a free porn site. That had been totally by accident. S and M was not something he was into personally.
Taking the pieces of clothesline, he tied them to Charles's wrists and ankles. He then had him spread his arms and legs and tied the other ends of the clothesline to the corners of the bed. He drew them up tight as instructed, at least what he thought was tight. Jack made him draw the rope up even tighter until Charles's arms and legs were really stretched and you could see the cords bulging under his skin. He felt a twinge of arousal in his groin, much to his surprise.
"Now, you are my prisoner, Chuckles, and you will do and say whatever I tell you, understand?" Jason asked, towering over his beloved and glaring down at him.
"Yes," Chuckles said uncertainly, and that was not play acting.
"Yes, sir," Jason ordered from cue card.
"Yes, sir."
"Yes, sir, master sir," Jason recited, sounding angry for Charles's sake.
"Yes, sir, master sir."
Walking around to the end of the bed, Jason squatted down and reaching out, began to tickle his beloved's feet. Charles of course immediately jerked and began to laugh. Jason tickled all the more, causing Charles to strain against his bonds as his body jerked and twisted uncontrollably and he laughed with the pain. Both boys could not help but think back two weeks ago when Jason had licked those very same feet. Jason continued until tears were rolling down Charles's painted cheeks and his sides ached.
"Ask me to tickle you some more."
"No way," Chuckles replied, reading the card.
Taking a plastic ruler, Jason slowly and menacingly folded it back and Charles was immediately reminded of his session last week. He drew himself up tight, his tender balls totally unprotected. It was not those balls though that Jack had in mind. He wacked the fleshy balls of his right foot. He was surprised how loud the whack was, and how much force the plastic ruler carried. Jack had told him that Charles was into pain and liked to be forced, but even so, it hurt him to have hurt his beloved so and he looked up at him with immediate concern. Catching Jack's scowl of disapproval, he immediately looked angry again. Jack smiled to himself. The look of concern he'd leave in the video for the adults.
"You going to ask me?"
"No," Charles replied though he'd have readily said yes. As the ruler wacked him as second and then a third, fourth, and fifth time he twisted with the pain shooting through his soles. Damn that fucker Jason. How could he do this? He didn't have to bend the fucking ruler right back. He wasn't even hesitating! What sort of twisted person could say he loved someone and then did this to him? The soles of his feet were burning and rectangular red marks crisscrossed them as Jason struck them another three times with the ruler, his heart bursting for his beloved and a flicker of doubt that the boy was really enjoying this crossing his mind.
"Yes, all right, tickle me," Charles finally read from the card.
"Yes, please tickle me."
"Yes, please tickle me."
"Please master sir, please tickle me."
"Please master sir, please tickle me."
Once again his feet were assaulted, this time with Jason's fingers, and once again he twisted and turned with laugher though his tender feet still burned from the slapping they'd received.
"Tell me you love being tickled."
"No way. I don't," Charles read from the card. Of course that resulted in another lashing of the soles of his feet with the plastic ruler.
"Tell me you love getting your feet slapped," Jason ordered.
"I love getting my feet slapped."
"Stupid prisoner. You forgot to say master sir!" Jason snapped, playing the role to the hilt as he slapped the now aching, crimson soles with the ruler.
"Master sir."
"Say you love me," Jason barked, immediately turning bright red. He was supposed to have said, "Say you love it."
Charles looked at the card and at Jason and the two boys looked at Jack.
"Say it," Jason said, getting flustered and ad libbing, his embarrassment showing in his eyes and his flushed cheeks.
"I love you, master sir," Charles responded, also ad libbing, much to the amusement of Jack and Rob.
Jason knew it was acting, but he felt another twinge in his trousers and as he continued he hoped that just maybe Charles really had meant it. That was his desperate hope, but even if it was not so, at least the two of them had successfully covered up his flub. Jason thought about his love for the handsome honey-blond strapped to the bed as he tickled his ribs, making him beg for more and then to promise to give him his new Winnie the Pooh underwear and the toy fire truck he'd gotten for Christmas before he'd stop. Both boys wondered just what sort of parody this video was supposed to be, and who would want to watch a boy tickling a teenage clown and making him beg.
Jason next sat down on the bed, still totally clothed, and began to gently stroke Charles's thigh. How anyone could enjoy the earlier tickling and slapping with the plastic ruler he could not understand, but what he was doing now he could. He ran his fingertips along the sensitive skin of Charles's inner thighs gently and tenderly, just as he often did his own thighs as he lay in bed thinking about Charles, thinking about doing just this very thing. Charles's cock slowly began to rise in response, just as his own always did. Charles was enjoying it, causing Jason to double his efforts. There was no greater pleasure than bringing pleasure to the boy you loved, and for him to be responding like he was, was proof that Charles loved him too. Soon Charles's cock was standing straight up in the air. Leering down at Charles as instructed on the cue card, Jason slipped his hand about his cock and slowly began to jerk it, his own cock now bulging out his jeans, which was caught on video and noticed by the teenage boy he was jerking.
"Warn me when you are going to squirt," Jason ordered.
"I will."
"I will master sir," Jason said, trying to sound angry as he gave Charles's dick head a snap with his index finger. It was a gentle snap, a love tap with little force, but it hurt just the same. It hurt both of them.
"If you don't, I'll have to hurt you bad, understand?" Jason asked, and to emphasize the point, Jack held up a box of elastics.
"Yes, I understand, master sir," Charles said immediately, and again, that was not acting.
As Jason resumed pumping Charles's cock, he wondered how Jack had known about Charles liking to be ordered about and getting tied up. The man seemed to know a lot about Charles, and teenage boys for that matter. He didn't understand how anyone could enjoy such things, but he was glad to have found out that Charles did because he wanted nothing more than to please his first love. If there was some way he could pay Jack for letting him in on Charles's secret he'd do that too. It was not long before Charles felt the telltale signs he was bout to shoot and he warned Jason. Pausing, Jason let him cool down, and then resumed.
After the second time, Jack paused the video and told the boys he had to take a leak and for them to take a break. While he was gone, Rob took Jason to the playroom and told him that in the next scene he was expected to bring Charles to a peak repeatedly and despite Charles begging him to finish him off, he was not to do so until Jack gave him the sign. He also warned him that if he didn't do as he was told, or accidentally brought Charles off ahead of time, he'd show Charles an interesting video involving among other things, a plastic bag. While the two were in the playroom, Jack returned as planned and gave Charles a similar message, telling the teenager that he was to hold off coming until cued, and that if he failed to do so, Jason would see just what he liked to do with man's best friend.
The two boys could sense the difference in atmosphere as they resumed even though they had no idea each had been given what Jack referred to as a little pep talk. Jason eagerly pumped Charles's throbbing cock, knowing the pleasure he was bringing, but at the same time fearful that he'd go too far and make him shoot. Charles, at the same time, twisted with the pleasure pulsing through his cock, but also feared the consequences if he let his mind go and he came. Jack and Rob simply grinned at each other as they watched the two boys unknowingly torture each other. Reading the cue cards, Jason teased his beloved and told him he was going to jerk him all day without letting him cum, and Charles begged the faggot jock to bring him off. Both boy wanted just the opposite, which Jack and Rob knew and which made this all the more delightful, the rich, arrogant, spoiled brat from Manor Heights asking the faggot he detested to bring him off, and the love-struck faggot jock telling the boy he loved that he was not going to bring him that ultimate pleasure.
It was delightful, as was the look of anguish on the faces of the two boys. Charles, by the fifth stop, was aching to go off, as anyone could see from his swollen, crimson cock and his tightly drawn up balls. Jason knew the signs, and had to stop teasing the boy's cock every sixty seconds. The sixth round he simply stroked the shaft with a single finger, causing Charles to twist and moan and plead to be brought off. The seventh he had Charles promise to give him a big mushy kiss when they met each other at school on Monday, which both boys knew somehow Jack would know if they didn't, and the eighth he had Charles tell him how desperately he loved him, which Jack had quickly written into the script after Jason's earlier blunder.
Charles lay there bound to the bed and twisted and jerked and pleaded and promised anything Jason demanded of him, desperately wanting to get his nuts off for real, totally humiliated being spread eagled and totally naked while Jason sat there fully clothed, and flushed with anger and embarrassment telling the flaming faggot how much he loved him even if it was all an act. Jason, caught up in the role he was playing, was flushed with arousal and pleasure hearing his beloved saying that, forgetting that it was on the cue card and assuming it was because of the weird pleasure he was bringing his classmate. If Charles wanted to be bound and have his cock teased, then he'd willingly do it. Of course it was embarrassing having it all taped and in front of the two men, and as he wrapped his fist about his beloved's beautiful, aching cock, his cheeks flushed with the shame of having their special love witnessed.
"Onnnngggghhh Gohhhhhd! I can't take any fucking more. Make me squirt," yelled Kevin, unable to believe how his cock throbbed and ached with the greatest pleasure and the greatest pain he'd ever felt.
"Promise me you'll give me your allowance this week," ordered Master Aaron.
"Yes, yes, you can have it. You can fucking have it for two weeks, just get me off."
"Sorry, you didn't say master sir," said Aaron with a giggle as he took his hand away from his brother's aching cock. It twitched madly like a weaving snake!
This was a lot of fun. He and Kenny hadn't had any problem convincing Kevin to strip naked and to lay on his bed on his back, nor have them tie his wrists and ankles to the corners with their dad's ties as Chuckles had suggested in case they could not find any rope. Tickling him had been a lot of fun too, the two brothers having had many tickle sessions in the past, but with Kevin usually winning. Playing with his cock though had been the most fun. It felt so huge and so hot the more times they started and stopped, and the more they did it the more Kevin twisted and begged.
"Sorry, master sir! Just fucking get me off! I'm not kidding anymore, Aaron. I gotta squirt!"
"What about Kenny?"
"What about him?" asked Kevin, looking up at the grinning, brown-eyed brunette. "What about him, master sir?" he said quickly.
He could not believe this. When the boys said they had a new game, he was all for it. After all, their previous games had been wicked. Stripping in front of them had been no big deal, and in fact he'd enjoyed it. He knew they envied him, wanting muscles like him and wishing they had a cock his size. At the age of thirteen, he wasn't exactly Mister Universe, but he seemed that way to the two six-year-olds, and his cock was growing daily, now being four-and-an-eighth inches [10½ cm] long. The tickling hadn't been that bad either, Aaron and Kenny getting a particular kick out of it, which he didn't mind considering the stuff they'd done to him in the past to please him. The jerking of his cock had been the best, and having them delay his coming was a wicked idea. At least it had been at first, having up to that afternoon always wanked himself straight to the conclusion. After a while though he'd had enough, and the pleasure had become pain yet they'd continued, managing to sense when he was about to come and stopping at the last moment. At first he'd gotten angry with them, but they'd just thought it was part of the game they were playing, and then he'd become desperate as the need to get off a load made his entire body ache. Now he looked forward to when he'd finally shoot with eager anticipation. He'd never wanted anything so badly, not even to score with Ashley Hall.
"You gotta promise him something."
"What?" Kevin gasped with irritation. "What, master sir?"
"Kiss my ass," giggled Kenny.
"Anything, master sir," Kevin responded, his cockhead feeling it was on fire and his nuts like they were being ripped off.
Pulling down his pants and underwear to mid thigh, Kenny straddled the prostrate boy and giggled as he felt the boy's lips smack against his bum. "Now suck on my bumhole."
Planting his lips on the boy's pucker, Kevin did so eagerly, and as he felt his kid brother begin to stroke his cock again he willed himself to come and prayed Aaron would not stop as he sucked on Kenny's hole even harder. Once more, after so many times he'd lost count, he felt himself approaching his peak. Closer and closer he came, the pressure once more building up in his loins, his hot, swollen cock seeming twice as swollen and twice as numb as it ever had been before. He felt the tension at the base of his cock, the same tension that a guy felt the second before he is about to pee, and then with a triumphant yell he felt his cum surge up the core of his cock. They could not stop him this time!
Never had he blasted with such force or with such volume. Squirt after squirt erupted out of his swollen, abused cock and wave after wave of ultimate pleasure rippled though his pulsing cock and flushed groin. He cried out in pure ecstasy as his cum flew into the air and landed back down on his body, streamers of his teenage cum lacing his chest, his stomach, and his thighs besides the bed sheets. He had no idea how high he'd shot, but it felt like there was enough force there to hit the ceiling, and he had to have shot twice the amount he normally did from the way he was spurting. It was the most wicked climax he'd ever had, and despite the pain that had lead up to it, he knew it was an experience he was going to ask for many times in the future.
Aaron and Kenny glanced at each other and huge grins crossed the six-year-olds' faces. They had really made Aaron's brother squirt, maybe even more than Jason had made Chuckles. They leaned forward and sticking out their tongues, they lapped up the creamy streamers lacing the older boy's body as they reached down and wanked their stiff little cocklets through their pants, adding this last act all on their own accord. Once again Chuckles had been right. Playing prisoner was one fucking awesome game just like he'd promised, and they could not wait until next Saturday to see what other games there were to play!
Chapter 22
Fun With Socks
Six-year-olds Kenny Darby and his best buddy Aaron Michaels learn another fun new game from Chuckles and Jason guaranteed to bring them hours of delight.
"So, did you two boys do as I asked last time?" the man asked as the two six-year-olds raced up to him.
"Sure the fuck did," Kenny replied with a huge grin, knowing the man loved to hear him use swears, and loving to see how he could make a lump in the man's trousers just by swearing.
"You wanna smell mine?" asked the boy's best buddy, holding up his foot invitingly.
The man would have loved to, and more, but he knew the rules, and as inviting as the two young chickens were, Jack's wrath was not something he wanted to risk. He reached down and squeezed the growing bulge in his trousers, knowing the boys were watching to see his reaction. They were becoming regular little fag perverts! The cute little brunette's sparking brown eyes and the way his rosy lips parted when he said "fuck" was more erotic than any male stripper down at Pier 69. He bent over and petted the six-month-old puppy that was frisking about his feet and his cock filled out as he thought about the two boys describing to him how they'd taken turns sucking on the pup's dick, and how awesome it looked when it came out of his pouch, and how awesome it had tasted. The way Kenny's eyes had sparkled when he had revealed that every night when he went to bed he and Laddie licked each other's bones until they both came had been enough to make his dick begin to leak. He wished he could follow the boys home and watch them as he handed them the latest video and they raced back across the playground. It was March now and there was a shrill, cold wind blowing, but it would not be long before summer was back.
"Did you boys remember to take off your wet boots?" Mrs Darby called as she heard the back door open and close.
"Yes, Mom," came her son's reply.
"You boys weren't out very long."
"It's too fu-sure cold out," Kenny responded and the two boys giggled.
"Fusure," agreed Aaron, causing them to giggle all the more.
Mrs. Darby smiled. She'd never understand what things set the two boys off into a giggling fit. It was a mystery, just like the pair of missing socks. She knew they were in the dirty clothes hamper Sunday night because she checked if Kenny had put his clothes in as he was supposed to when she'd set the new ones out. When she went to do laundry in the morning, however, they were gone, and they had not shown up all week until she saw them on Kenny's feet this morning, and when questioned, he'd said they were in his clean sock drawer and he'd just put them on.
"All right, your Dad, little William and I are going out. There's cookies on the counter. Don't forget the rule about letting strangers in the house."
"Don't worry, Mom. We won't let no strangers in the house."
As soon as the car pulled away from the house, Kenny and Aaron grabbed the plate of cookies and headed for the VCR. As Chuckles began his opening spiel about there being no grownups around, the two boys happily munched on the freshly baked cookies and wondered what today's fun game would be.
"Now then," said Chuckles, "did you remember to do what the man told you to do when you got my last video?" Kenny and Aaron nodded vigorously. It had been a funny game actually. They'd put on their clean socks on Monday morning like they were supposed to, but they'd also slipped the dirty socks they'd worn on the weekend in their coat pockets. Then, as soon as they were at school, they took off their clean socks and put them in their coat pocket and put on their dirty ones. Then before they went home, they switched them back, and that night when they went to bed, they put them on and slept in them. They did that every day for the whole week. Kenny was supposed to switch them again this morning, but he'd slept in, and when his Mom had caught him with them on, he'd pretended he'd just gotten them out of the fresh sock drawer. It was just a little lie.
"If you have a friend with you, you can do the things that Jason and I are going to show you together," Chuckles continued. "But if you are alone, you can still do these fun things by yourself. So, if you're ready, let's have some fun, fun, fun with our socks!" He clapped his hands together with excitement, and the two boys glanced at each other and grinned. "Socks are a lot of fun. Dirty, stinky smelly socks are even more fun! Boys like things that are dirty and stinky. That is the difference between being a boy and being a girl. Girls and moms like things to be nice and clean." Kenny and Aaron glanced at each other and smiled. That was sure true. "But if you couldn't trick your mom and are wearing clean socks, don't worry, because you can use clean socks too. Are you ready for some great stinky sock fun, Jason?"
"I sure the fuck am, Chuckles."
"Are you ready for some great stinky sock fun, Aaron?"
"I sure the fuck am, Kenny," responded Aaron, and the two boys giggled.
Copying Chuckles and Jason on the screen, the two boys lay down in opposite directions on the sofa and sniffed each other's feet. "Ewwww," responded Aaron, wrinkling up his nose. "Your socks really stink."
"So do yours," responded Kenny with a huge grin as he sniffed them again. The two boys giggled. Their feet did smell, and like Chuckles had said, boys like smelly things. They eagerly sniffed each other's feet, and buried their noses in each other's dirty sock and inhaled. Kenny noticed that Aaron's feet were warm and his socks a bit damp besides being smelly, and his hot breath made his socks even warmer and damper. Aaron's socks had a strong odour, not rotten but stinky just the same. The camera had zoomed in to show that Chuckles and Jason were getting boners sniffing each other's feet, and as the two six-year-olds thought about that, and how the two boys had said how awesome stinky socks smelled and how hot it was to smell boy feet, the two youngsters felt their dicklets beginning to get hard too, and they weren't even touching them! Loving how it felt when their pee-ers got hard, they snuffled each other's feet all the more eagerly to make their dickies grown hard faster.
Biting the elastic top of Aaron's sock with his teeth, Kenny began to draw it down off his foot just like a puppy dog might. It had looked difficult when Chuckles and Jason had done it, but they had managed to do it, and Kenny and Aaron were determined that they would too. It took a while and a lot of squirming and twisting, but eventually the two boys were barefoot. Picking Aaron's dirty sock up with his mouth, Kenny scampered about the floor on all fours, shaking his head and waving the sock like a little puppy dog. The cotton felt funny in his mouth, sort of fuzzy like, and Kenny's sock really did stink, but like Chuckles had said, boys liked stinky things, and that included putting dirty socks in your mouth. Chuckles and Jason had done it, and had enjoyed it.
Of course the boys had not seen the edited film showing the looks of disgust when the two teenagers had been told what they were to do, nor the footage showing their embarrassment as they picked up each other's dirty sock in their mouths. It took several shots before they were able to do so without gagging, and having to do it when they both knew how disgusting they were finding it was even more humiliating for the two sixteen-year-olds. Chewing on the socks like little puppies took even more convincing and required several reshoots what with their faces flushed with humiliation, their gagging, and Jack's perverse idea that prolonging their agony and pretending to have to reshoot when he didn't have to was funny. Both he and Rob had raging boners watching the two hapless teenagers chewing on the filthy socks, knowing that inside the two boys wanted to puke they were finding the act so dirty. Even Jason's love for Charles did not go that far that he'd willingly chew his beloved's dirty socks.
Kenny and Aaron had no such revulsion as they curled up and chewed on one of each other's socks. It was fun pretending to be puppies, and it was funny too. They stuffed the stinky toes in their mouths and chomped down on the nylon material until the already dirty socks were soaked with their spit, the rank taste and cheesy odour only making their saliva flow all the more. They knew that if their mothers saw them at that moment they'd have a fit, and that made it even more fun. They stripped naked and pretended to be dogs as they carried the dirty socks about in their mouths and tossed them in the air and pushed them across the room with their noses.
Tying the four socks together, they tied one end around Kenny's cock and balls, and the other around Aaron's, and the two boys stood facing each other and had a tug of war, stretching each other's balls and dicks and dragging each other across the living room carpet until they collapsed in giggles. After several tug of war games, they untied them and slipping a sock over their stiff dicks and little balls, they ran about the room wagging them like flags and looking like two little white Indians wearing perverse penis wrappers. Slipping each other's sock over their noses and mouths, they jerked their heads up and down and right and left, pretending they were elephant trunks.
Copying Charles and Jason, they took one of each other's socks and pressing them against their faces, they inhaled deeply as they lay back and fiddled with their dicks. Playing with their little dicklets was now a several times daily game in their lives. They lay there on the living room floor side by side, their backs up against the sofa, their little bare butts against the soft plush carpet and their legs outspread as they tugged on their stiff little organs. Kenny's long, fine dark brown eyelashes fluttered as he inhaled the pungent odour of Aaron's sock and he worked his thumb and first two fingers up and down his tiny but stiff two-inch [5 cm] dick, drawing his foreskin down off the little red knob and then pushing it back up. Shivers of pleasure ran up and down the little fleshy worm, and he inhaled and exhaled deeply with growing arousal, filling his lungs with the foul odour of Aaron's socks.
Six-year-old Aaron, his deep blue eyes glazed over and his fine blond hair sticking up in all directions, watched his best buddy tugging on his wiener as he similarly tugged on his. Ripples of pleasure passed up his throbbing little bone, and he inhaled deeply with the pleasure, inhaling the foul, almost rotten odour of Kenny's sock. Their mothers would surely have had fits had they seen their two sweet boys at that moment, and the man who gave them their weekly videos would have creamed in his trousers. With deeper and deeper breaths, the two boys tugged furiously on their little organs and finally trembled with the pleasure of their dry orgasms.
They later dressed, minutes before Kenny's parents returned, swapping socks in the process. Even though they were just socks, it felt different wearing each others, sort of special in a way. When Aaron left to go home, the two boys promised to wear each other's socks every day for the next week so when they played this game again next Saturday it would be even better with their socks even dirtier and stinkier. Like Charles had said, that was what the fuck being a boy was all about!
Chapter 23
More Fun With Your Pooh
In this story, fifteen-year-old Shane Finnigan, in desperation for friends his age and afraid he is losing the friendship of Charles, is forced to wear a diaper and relive his toddler years.
It was a cold, blustery Saturday the day Shane hurried up the street toward the large Eklands pharmacy downtown. It had been six weeks since he'd last made a video for Jack, six long, torturous weeks. He had picked up the phone and dialled the first six numbers and then hung up so many times. He desperately wanted to find out why Jack was not phoning him, if Jack or Charles was mad at him, if he'd done something wrong at the last taping. He was not the best actor, not like Charles, or even Jason. Maybe it was Jason. Maybe Charles had said he wanted to do stuff with Jason instead of him. Charles and Jason were friends, and went to the same school, and lived in the same snooty neighbourhood. When Jack had finally phoned and asked if he had a pair of white cords, and then told to meet him on Saturday at Eklands, he was too excited to even ask why. All he could do was hope it had something to do with the videos he'd been making, and that Charles would be involved.
Charles had really been acting strangely these past six weeks. For one, he was definitely avoiding him.. He was never hanging around the usual places at the usual times, and when they did meet each other, he barely gave him a glance. Mind you he gave Jason even less notice, which made his one suspicion about why he wasn't being called unlikely. Of course Charles was usually with Lisa or one or another girl, hanging onto her, groping her, making like he was hot for her. Of course he knew Charles had to do that so that nobody would know that he was really gay, but it wasn't fair. It wasn't fair in a lot of ways. For one it wasn't fair to the girls to think that he was interested in them. That was lying, and it was wasting their time, and only leading them to a disappointment. He knew about being lied to and lead to a disappointment. That was why he liked Jack. Jack was always up front with him, always treating him like an adult. It was also unfair because Charles had no interest in girls and he did, yet Charles got all the attention and he gone none. He was awkward around girls, never knowing what to say or how to act, and ending up standing there like a dummy. Charles was smooth, and had no trouble talking to girls. It wasn't fair, but Charles was his friend, his only true friend, and friends didn't criticise each other. Friends were loyal to each other. Friends did everything they could to please each other. He wanted very much to please Charles. And to please Jack. If Jack was satisfied with him, he'd give him more videos to do, and hopefully videos with Charles.
"Well, right on time," Jack observed with a smile as he looked at his watch, causing Shane to smile too. Things were starting right! Shane had left himself plenty of time, not wanting to be late. "Did you do like I asked yesterday?"
"Yes. Yes sir."
"And how do you feel?"
"Well, I do have to go, you know, bad." Jack had told him to load up on Bran Flakes and peanut butter and banana sandwiches, and to not empty his bowels, no matter how bad he had to. He had followed the instructions to the letter, consuming in the past twenty-four hours almost half a box of cereal and a loaf of rye bread. And, for the past hour he'd consumed a quart [0.9 liter] of water just as he'd been told, all of which of course had been absorbed by the bulk in his rectum, doubling his need.
"Well, today we're going to do a different type of video," Jack said with a smile. "This is going to be a video about boys who wear diapers."
"Wear diapers?"
"Yes. You know about boys who wet the bed, or can't control their bowels?"
"Well, yeah, sortta," Shane said. He knew about bed wetters, guys having made jokes about them, even calling him one when he was littler, but he had not heard of the other, about bowels. Considering what Jack had asked him to do, he had a sinking feeling what was going to happen. "Just me?" he asked, daring to hope Charles might be joining them.
"Yes, just you," Jack said, "though now you suggest it, perhaps we could do a latter video of you and say Charles in diapers." He and Charles in diapers, possibly wetting them, or worse? He desperately wanted to do a video with Charles, but not that! His face revealed his thoughts, and Jack smiled as he thought of the boy's fears. The kid had no idea the things he had planned for him. "What we're going to do is make a video for a diaper company showing that there is nothing wrong with wearing diapers so they can show it to other teens and make them feel good about having to do it," Jack continued.. "You'd like to help other boys feel more comfortable about wearing diapers, wouldn't you?"
"Well, yeah, I guess."
Of course he would. Jack knew his soft spots, and his weaknesses. "So, I want you to wear this microphone so we can hear and record your conversations, and this earphone so I can prompt you what to say and do," Jack explained. "Rob and I will pretend to be shoppers and will record what is going on with these hidden cameras." He indicated the miniature camera easily concealed in his hand. "Now, when we go in the store, I want you to find a clerk, and ask her where the diapers are."
"I think I could find them myself," Shane said as they stepped into the store.
"You have to ask. That is the point of the video."
Shane didn't quite understand, but he knew he had to follow orders. Finding a clerk, a heavy, matronly woman about his mother's age, he honestly had not felt so embarrassed in all his life as he stepped up to her and asked, in a whisper, where the diapers where, and reminded by Jack, explaining that the doctor said he had to wear them because he could not control his bowels. The clerk, assuming this was some teen prank, immediately looked around for his fellow perpetrators, but seeing only Jack, apparently checking out the shelves, she directed the boy to the right aisle, and when he asked if she'd help him, she lead him to the diapers suspiciously.
His cheeks burning a bright red, he said he'd had no idea there were so many different brands, which he had not, and asked what the differences were. Convinced by his voice and behaviour that this was a new, and humiliating, experience for the boy, the clerk's mother instinct kicked in, and she helpfully explained to the embarrassed teen the differences between Huggies and Pampers, between Depends and, my God, Daddy's Choice! After ten minutes of discussion on absorbency and plastic pants, on pins versus straps, and which powders were best to prevent diaper rash, Shane wanted to die. His final embarrassment was standing in line with a bag of Daddy's Choice clearly marked "Adult Size".
Jack of course advised him that the video would never do, his embarrassment being so obvious, which would do nothing to make teens who had a real problem feel more comfortable going to buy diapers. Shane could not see how anyone could feel comfortable having to do what he'd just done as they drove out to Costco. Telling him that this time he'd pick out the clerk, Jack wandered around until he spotted who he was looking for. Shane's heart dropped to his now straining bowels, and he whispered to Jack that of all the clerks, that was one he simply could not ask. Jack of course immediately responded that many teen boys had to face the humiliation of asking a girl their age for help, and as Shane tried to explain that it was more than just that, Jack pushed him forward, reminding him "time is money."
"Why, Shane, what a surprise!"
"Ah, yeah, it is," Shane responded. It was. What were the chances they'd pick a store where one of the girls who hung with Charles and Jason worked on weekends? If he'd really known Jack, he would have known just how thorough the man was, and how patient. It had taken time to find just the right diaper stores, which was one of the reasons six weeks had gone by. The other reason was that he loved to make the boy sweat, and he knew how desperately the boy wanted to be with Charles. Shane glanced down at the floor. He could not go through with this, no matter what! Not with her! And she was so cute besides.
"What are you doing here?"
"Shopping," Shane muttered, unable to say what he knew he was supposed to. Shopping. Well, duhhhh! She had to think he was an idiot.
"Can I help you find something?"
Jack smiled. This was just too perfect. He'd wanted a store with a teenage girl working, and
finding one where the girl actually knew Shane was piece of magnificent luck. Now she was playing right into the script! "Ah, well," Shane began. The possibility that after all the embarrassment he'd gone through he'd never do another video for Jack if he screwed this up crossed his mind. "Yeah, you could. I need some diapers," he responded, practically whispering as the blood rushed to his ears.
"Oh sure," she said with a smile, seeing his embarrassment and assuming he was buying them for a kid brother or sister or something. She could understand his embarrassment. "They are this way." Jack had to prompt the humiliated teen several times before he announced why he was looking for diapers. "Oh," Tricia responded. "I'm really sorry to hear that." Now that had to be embarrassing for him! She was embarrassed, and she wasn't the one who was shopping for them! Jack was beside himself as he taped the two blushing teens.
Of course Shane's humiliation did not stop there. He had to ask her advice, which ones were better, what it meant by 'double front panel' and if there were diapers for boys only. He tried his best not to be embarrassed, but asking a sixteen-year-old girl such questions, a girl who knew who you were, he could not hide his shame. Even worse, he could tell she was as embarrassed as he was, which made him all the more humiliated. That was bad enough, but he could just imagine her telling Charles and the others besides, and even though it was supposedly for medical reasons, he could imagine the laugh they'd get out of that!
"That was not much better, Shane," advised Jack, pretending to be holding his temper, and in fact trying his best not to smile. And this was just the beginning! He didn't know if he and Rob would last this taping without creaming their jeans.
"I'm sorry. It's just that, well?quot;
"I don't want excuses. I thought you wanted to make videos for me."
"I do. I really do," Shane responded in a panic. Oh no! After all the humiliation besides! This couldn't be the end! Jack's cock rose to its fullest. He loved it so when the boys began to wine and beg to be humiliated.
"Well, I'll give you one last chance, but Shane, time is money. You've made us shoot two useless scenes. I can't pay you this time."
"That's okay, really. You don't need to pay me. And I won't screw up this time, I promise."
"Alright," Jack relented, his thick cock bulging out his jeans. He and Rob would have to include this last little scene in the adult version of this video for sure. Remember, this is a video to show it is alright to wear diapers. I want you to look and sound like you like to wear diapers. That you enjoy it and don't mind anyone knowing. Understand?"
Shane nodded. He didn't know how anyone could possibly enjoy wearing diapers, but if that was what Jack wanted, that was what he'd deliver. Arriving at a CVS store, they went inside, and this
time Jack nodded to a male clerk stocking the shelves, a good?looking guy about eighteen or nineteen. Of course the guy immediately asked if he could be of help. This time Shane announced clearly and in a straight matter-of-fact manner that he was looking for diapers, and that the doctor had told him he had to wear them. The college freshman had never been asked where they kept the diapers before, and he could not help but look Shane over curiously when the boy asked if he'd help him select one. You would think he'd just want to pick one and get out of there! When Shane began asking about weights, and differences between brands, and double fronts and tabs, he clearly knew a lot about the product for someone shopping for his first time.
"So, ah, you think a guy would have to shave, you know, down there, to use baby oil?" he asked, parroting Jack.
"I really don't know," the clerk said, suppressing a smile. This fellow was too cool about this, and he glanced around, expecting this to be one of those hidden camera jokes. That would just be like one of his college friends. It was a hidden camera joke alright, but not the kind he expected.
"What about powder?" Shane asked, holding up one of the containers as prompted by Jack through his earphone. "I want something real mild for my balls. I hate it when they start itching."
"They're for babies. I imagine everything is mild," the clerk responded, convinced something was up. This was not how the average guy acted when he had to buy diapers. Shane looked at the shelves in dismay with Jack's next cue. He couldn't ask that! Jack prompted again. Picking up the box of Tranquillity, he looked at the clerk and asked, "how do you think I'd look in these?"
3; just
3; gorgeous, I'm sure. Look, I got other things to do, okay?" the guy said, backing off quickly. So that was what this was all about. The guy was a flaming faggot! He should have known that right from the start. He acted like one, and talked like one. And not just any faggot, but one who was into
3; well, whatever! As Shane watched the clerk hurry up the aisle he could almost see the guy's skin crawl, and a hint of shame flickered in his eyes. He was not gay! It was just a flicker. Even if he was, like Charles was, that didn't mean anything. Remembering his role, he quickly assumed a happier face as he headed for the checkout with his Tranquillity diapers.
"Now, that was much, much better," advised Jack, to Shane's relief. "You seem to be much better with guys than girls." That was all he said, but the insinuation was there, and he smiled over at Rob as they saw the look of objection, and then of shame, and finally self?doubt pass over the fifteen-year-old's face. They were so gullible at that age, and so concerned about their masculinity! "Now, lets go put on a pair."
Once in the mall washroom, Jack had him take off his cords and underwear and open up the package of diapers, not one of the three they'd boughten, but a pair from an adult novelty store Jack had purchased ahead of time, one with a print of a colourful train and yellow ducks and a clown and a blue ribbon. To his mortification, Jack had him put them on right there in the open, not even in the stalls, reminding him the video was supposed to show there was nothing to be ashamed of or to hide. Shane wanted to hide, and of course Jack made him repeat putting the diaper on several times, including reading the instructions and the initial fumbling of his first
experience. By the time Jack was satisfied with the shoot, he'd been seen by guys of all ages, from kids who probably were just out of diapers, to guys his age, to adults his father's age and his grandfather's age. He could not feel more humiliated as he stood there, fifteen-years-old and wearing a pair of kiddy diapers for all to see, undersized at that so that his hairy balls hung out one of the leg holes.
"Now let's take a shot of you filling them," said Jack, who was in better humour than Shane had ever seen him. "Well, not fill. Let's say just two turds for now." Shane stood there in the men's washroom in his baby boy diapers and looked at Jack forlornly. What was that about never feeling more humiliated before? "Com'on, before someone comes in." There was that. He could have him do it when someone was there. Jack would too. He closed his eyes and concentrated as he constricted his stomach. On the video there would be no doubt what he was doing. It would also look like he was enjoying it. With his full rectum and the odours of the washroom, he had no trouble fulfilling Jack's request.
"How does it feel?"
"Feel?" asked the fifteen-year-old. "It feels yuck. Sticky, and gross, and geez, filthy." He looked into the camera in dismay, looking like he'd just fallen into a cesspool. Reminding him of the purpose of the video, Shane reanswered. "It feels great. Warm and mushy, squishy. It feels really, really cool." Jack's cock began to ooze pre-cum. He just loved it when boys lied for him.
Putting on his cords, and making sure the elastic band of the diaper was showing above them like in those Markey-Mark underwear ads, they headed down the mall. Taking him to the places teens normally hang out, the music store and the game arcade, Jack took pictures of him emptying his bowels, a single turd at each place. With now four hot, thick turds in the back of his diapers, he was very conscious of the hot, sticky shit clinging to his butt, and it was impossible not to smell it. Those around him glanced over at him with disgust, looking like they'd just stepped in dog shit.
To his relief, Jack advised that it was time to head off to the washroom to change them. His relief was short lived. Insisting he keep the door open so they could secretly tape him, he stood there before the two men and dropped his pants. Jack had purposefully selected diapers on the small side, and to Shane's dismay they had leaked. He stood there red-faced and perplexed, not sure how he was to remove the soiled diapers. Carefully undoing the tabs, he gingerly removed the sticky diaper, balancing the surprising large mound of shit in the cloth. It felt shockingly warm. Realizing he couldn't flush it down the toilet, and that he should have taken his pants right off, he shuffled out of the stall and over to the paper dispenser to deposit the stinking mess in it.
Of course it was impossible not to get some of the shit on his hands, and as he pulled out the flimsy slips of toilet paper they stuck to his fingers. As he wiped them off, and then reached behind to wipe the shit clinging to his butt off, some dropped into his cords. Of course throughout the ordeal guys came in to use the washroom, old guys, young guys, teens his age, preteen boys. He was totally mortified standing there with his butt and the back of his legs smeared with shit and toilet paper clinging to his fingers. It seemed like every guy in the mall chose that moment to come in. Blushing a bright crimson, he wiped his butt and the back of his
legs off with the sheets of toilet paper the best he could. Wiping it off the inside of his pants was not so easy, and by the time he was done he'd left a large brown smear on the inside of the backside. He stood there now definitely more humiliated than he'd ever felt in his life as guys came and went while he wiped his buttocks, loins, balls and dick with baby oil and powdered himself. He finally headed to the washbasins to wash his hands but was told he'd only be getting them dirty again so not to bother, and that besides, only sissy boys washed their hands every time they went to the bathroom. By this time he just wanted it all to be over and dejectedly followed Jack and Rob out of the washroom.
They headed to the fountain in the mall where the elderly tended to gather, and once again he was forced to stand there and drop another couple turds in his new baby boy diapers. It was obvious to everyone what he was doing, and seeing the diaper sticking out the back of his pants, they looked at him sympathetically which did not make him feel any better. It did Jack and Rob wonders to watch.
Heading to the McDonald's in the mall, Jack ordered them burgers and fries and then he and Shane took one table while Rob sat a distance away so he could film the scene. Each time Shane brought his hand to his mouth he could smell the apple blossom powder he'd sprinkled on his groin, and beneath it, his shit. The worst was swallowing the last bit of fry he held between his fingers. Jack leaned over and whispered in his ear, and with a look of total defeat, the fifteen-year-old took a large bite of hamburger and pushed out with his abdomen, easing another thick turd into this diaper. Sitting down as he was, the pasty shit oozed up along his crack, and down under his balls. He could feel the heat of his shit under them. Taking a second bit, he pushed out again, and he felt the hot paste push his balls up. He reached down under the table as instructed, and rubbed himself through his pants and diaper, and despite his humiliation and his discomfort, he felt his dick begin to get hard.
The woman siting to their left whispered to her husband, and commenting on how vulgar and immature Shane was, meaning the comment for Jack's ears, he and his wife got up and moved. Overhearing the comment, two teenage boys sitting also to their left looked at Shane, at each other and at their girlfriends and then back at Shane in disgust and also got up and left. Four ten and eleven-year-olds sitting to their right jabbed each other and nodded to the table Shane was at and snickered and giggled. Shane continued to rub his stiff dick as he took another bite of hamburger, moving his fingers ever so slightly, but having caught the attention of the boys, they were fully aware of what he was doing. A mother, father, and thirteen-year-old son sat at the vacant table beside them, immediately finding out from the odour why it was vacant, but seeing no other place to sit. It did not take the teenager long to notice what Shane was doing, and once he noticed, he could not help glancing over at him, trying his best to be descrete. Knowing he was being watched from both sides, Shane rubbed more vigorously, hurrying to put an end to his humiliation. His breath shuddered as his cock erupted and the front of his diaper was flooded with his hot, thick teen cum.
"Shane, I think you need to go change your diaper," Jack announced, loud enough for the table of preteens nearby to hear as he handed Shane the last of the novelty diapers in its clear plastic bag. "You want me to come and help?"
"No, that's alright," Shane responded, quickly getting up and heading for the washroom, eager to get out of his sticky diapers, and even more eager to reach the privacy of the washroom. Everyone had to be staring at the package he was carrying. To his dismay, he found the doors to the three stalls had been removed, the management finding there was drug dealing going on under the partitions and figuring this was one way to stop it. Of course Jack had known that and had chosen McDonald's over the other fast food outlets for that very reason. He smiled as he watched the group of preteens get up and head for the can, and the teenage boy quickly follow them.
Having no choice, and knowing Jack fully expected him to return cleaned up, Shane stepped into the stall closest to the paper dispenser. He had just stepped out of his cords when the five boys entered the washroom. Just wanting it over with, he undid the tabs and having had one experience, gingerly removed the sticky, stinking diaper. He had filled it much more than the first time, and his groin was sticky with his cum besides. His face burning so red he was sure the blood was about to pour our of his pores, he quickly dumped the stinking diaper in the dispenser and began to clean up the mess. The boys pretended to be taking a leak, and then to wash their hands, all the while glancing at him and catching glimpses in the mirrors, the four preteens giggling and smirking so hard they could barely stand, and the thirteen-year-old so surprised he simply stood and stared, his young dick popping up with arousal at the sight of the older teen exposing himself and smeared with shit and his cum. Of course Rob had joined the boys and was catching it all on film.
Shane had done a good job, and it took a lot of paper before he had himself decently clean. He hesitated using the powder and oil, but decided comfort was priority over pride, and to the amusement of his young audience, he slapped the oil on his backside and powered himself before slipping on the new diapers. As the giggling boys left he heard their comments about him having to be a retard, and looking like one. Of course Rob remained behind, and again reminded him of the uselessness of washing his hands as he stepped toward the washbasins.
Giving him bus money and telling him they had to leave, Jack and Rob headed out, leaving him with the bag of Daddy's Choice diapers and telling him to hold onto them in case they had to reshoot, which of course they had no intention of doing. They headed straight back to Jack's to make their videos, an adult version showing every humiliating moment, and the kiddie one showing just how much fun it was to fill your diapers. In the video they'd also hear Shane telling them it would be just as much fun filling their underpants if they couldn't get diapers, and reminding them that only sissy boys washed their hands every time they used the washroom. It was not hard to dub in his advice from the hours of tapes of his voice that they now had.
As for Shane, it was a long ride home, sitting there with the bag of diapers, and try as he could he could not hold back all the way home despite having evacuated his bowels at least partially twice that afternoon. Giving into nature, he sat there and filled his diapers one last time. Sitting there totally humiliated, his diaper full once more, he realized that he'd left his underpants behind in the first washroom, totally unaware that Jack had picked it up and at that very moment Jack and Rob were shooting a load into them. With a deep sigh, he prayed he'd be able to sneak into the house without being caught. There was at least one consolation out of all this, two actually. For one,
he had to be guaranteed to do another video with Charles after all this, and second, Jack could not possibly make him do anything any more humiliating.