PZA Boy Stories

Daemon Way

Fun with Chuckles

Chapters 7-9

Chapter 7
Cock Sucking Fun With Your Best Bud

In this chapter six-year-olds Kenny and Aaron follow the instructions on their new video closely if somewhat hesitantly, innocently unaware that the two boys on the screen actually didn't want to do what they had been taped doing.

Kenny and Aaron's little hearts leaped for joy at the sight of the man standing over in the corner of the school playground watching the youngsters on the slide and jungle gym and swinging on the swings. From where he was standing, in the summer when the boys with wide-legged shorts reached their peak on the swings he could look right up their pant legs at their underwear. Right now it was winter and he had to be satisfied with his imagination, which was quite enough. He reached down and squeezed the lump in his trousers as the two youngsters approached him.

"Well, well, hello again," he said, looking at Kenny with a friendly smile as he continued to squeeze the bulge in his trousers. "And who do we have here?"

"This is Aaron," Kenny replied. "He's my best bud."

"Best bud? Well, that's a very important thing to be. Nice to meet you Aaron," he said, extending his hand to shake. Aaron glanced over at Kenny and the two boys giggled as he shook hands with the man. It was funny when adults treated you like you were grownup. "Sooo, best buds," the man continued, his face serious as he concentrated, "you didn't happen to watch the last Fun With Chuckles video together did you?" The two boys glanced at each other and looking up at the man, nodded as they giggled. "And did you do what Chuckles and Ginger did with each other?"

"While we was watching," Kenny informed him, and the two boys grinned at each other as they thought back to last Saturday.

"And did you have fun?"

"Oh yeah," said Kenny with a bright smile. He glanced over at Aaron, and the two boys finished with sparkling eyes and big grins, "oodles and oodles and oodles of fun."

"I'm glad to hear that. I'm sure Chuckles will be glad to hear it too."

"You know Chuckles?" asked Kenny, his deep brown eyes growing wide.

"Of course," the man lied. He was only one of several hundred men across the country that received the weekly videos to distribute at playgrounds, parks, and shopping malls.

"Cool," the boys said, looking at each other and wondering what it would be like to actually know Chuckles.

"It is a bit," the man replied. "But it is the first of December."

The two boys giggled. "We didn't mean that. We meant it's, well 3;"

"I know," the man said with a smile and the boys laughed. Of course someone as cool as he would know what the word meant. He wasn't like most grownups. They stood there in silence, each waiting for the other. The two boys glanced at each other and then up at the man and back at each other. Aaron jerked his head at the man and gave Kenny a look that told him to go ahead. Kenny shifted from foot to foot nervously, and licked his lips.

"That last video was a lot of fun," he hinted.

"Yes, you said," the man replied.

"A fucking lot of fun," Kenny added, remembering his swear lessons from the second video. He noticed the man smile, but the man didn't say anything. "So, we was wondering, well, if Aaron could have one."

"Oh," said the man as if surprised by the question. "Why certainly. Chuckles wants as many little boys as possible to have his videos." He reached inside his coat and took out a cassette with a picture of Chuckles's face and the words, Fun With Chuckles 6. The boys glanced at each other again, and then back up at the man. "And, ah, well, we was wondering if maybe you might have another video for us," Kenny said, looking up at the man hopefully. "Like a new one."

"Oh," he said again. "Would you each like a copy of number seven?"

"Sure," the boys said together.

"Fuck sure," Kenny added.

"Yeah, fucking sure," responded Aaron. It was weird swearing in front of a grownup who didn't get mad at you for it.

The man smiled, and reaching into his inside pocket again, took out two copies of the seventh video. That was what he'd been waiting for, to hear the two boys ask for the video. It showed that they were enjoying them, and wanted more of them. It proved that he and others like him were right, and the rest of the screwed up world was wrong. He wasn't forcing them to watch them, or using any type of influence, or even bribing them with candy or money or anything. He was just making them available if the boys wanted them, and he and others like him, knew that given a choice, boys wanted to learn about and do the things they were learning on the videos. The two boys thanked him politely, and glanced at each other. "Go," the man said, "but remember to watch your videos only when there are no grownups around. Now go have oodles and oodles and oodles of fun." He knew they were anxious to get home and look at the new video, and as the two youngsters raced across the playground and up the street, he wished he could follow them and peek in the window and watch. He was tempted, but he knew the rules, and the first rule he'd been told was not to make any moves on the boys he came into contact with. He didn't know what the punishment for breaking the rule would be, but he was left with the impression he didn't want to find out.

Kenny's parents were just about to leave when the boys raced up the driveway. They smiled at the sight of the two friends, their eyes bright and excited, their smooth cheeks and lips rosy with the crisp December air. They wondered why it was that six-year-olds could never walk, they always had to run. Telling the boys they'd be back in two hours, and that there was milk in the fridge and cookies in the cupboard, they got in their cars and headed downtown, comforted by the knowledge the two young boys were safe and sound at home. Kenny and Aaron immediately got two large glasses of milk and a plate of chocolate brownies and popping the video into the player, they plopped down cross-legged before the screen. They exchanged grins as the image of Chuckles and Ginger in the bright playroom came onto the screen, and the words, Fun With Chuckles Number 7: Cock Sucking Fun With Your Best Bud. The title stayed on the screen long enough for the two six-year-olds to sound out the unfamiliar words.

"Hello there my little friends," Chuckles said enthusiastically. "My name is Chuckles, and I hope you're all ready to have some fun, fun, fun, because I sure am! But first," he said, leaning forward and raising an eyebrow, "did you remember to do what you were told to do when you got this video? I hope you did! Remember? You were told to only play this video when there are no grownups around. That, my little friend, is very, very, very important," he said seriously. "So if your mommy or daddy or any grown-up is around, shut this off right now and wait until you are home with no adults around. If you forgot the rule, do it right now."

The two boys reached for another chocolate brownie. "So if you are watching me right now, right this very minute, that must mean there are no grownups around to stop us from having some fun, fun, fun, so let's get started!" Chuckles said as he clapped his hands joyfully. "Today, Chuckles is going to tell you some more about how you can have oodles and oodles and oodles of fun with your best buddy. And as you can see, sitting here beside me, is Chuckles's best buddy, Ginger," he said, motioning to the boy beside him. "This is Ginger. Say hello to everyone, Ginger."

"Hello everyone," Ginger said brightly, raising his hand and waving at the cameras.

"There are many, many, many special and secret things that best buds can do together," Chuckles continued. "Like in the last video Ginger and me taught you one way. Do you remember the name of what you did? Let me hear it good and loud." Chuckles leaned forward and put a hand to his ear.

"Jacking off!" shouted Kenny and Aaron with giggles.

"Right!" Chuckles said gleefully as he clapped his hands with approval. "Now, you remember a couple weeks ago when we tried to lick our own cocks like we'd seen Rover do?" The two boys, eyes intent on the screen, nodded. "And you remember when that didn't work how I had that great idea that we could lick each other's, but that didn't work either?" The boys nodded again. "Well, today, Ginger and me are going to show you how best buds can make each other's pee-ers feel real special good with their tongues and their mouths instead of their hands." Kenny and Aaron exchanged glances, curious but not so certain about the idea, not like last week. "So, I want you to take your pee-ers out along with Ginger."

The two boys watched the fifteen-year-old boy with reddish-yellow hair pull down his fly and take out his pee-er. Glancing at each other, and seeing nothing wrong with doing that, they giggled and pulled down their zippers and pulled out their little pink dicks. They were surprised when Chuckles didn't join them.


At that very moment, the man who'd given them the videos was back at home watching his version, the version that showed Chuckles declaring right after the comment about best buds making each other's pee-ers feel real special good with their tongues and mouths that there was no way in hell he was going to do that. The man smiled as the two men, their faces never visible on screen, took Chuckles out of the playroom to the bathroom, where one held his arms behind his back and the other pulled down his baggy clown pants and his boxers and kneed him solidly between the legs half a dozen times. The camera zoomed in on his constricted, bruised nuts as the man reached over and gave them a squeeze and a twist for further convincing. The camera panned back out as the man wiped the tears from the boy's face, his body still held by the other man but bent over with the excruciating pain, and told him because of the delay and the cost of having to add more face paint to his cheeks and lips, he, unlike Ginger, would not be paid for making this video, and that he'd be expected now to come back to make an eighth instead of this being his last video as the man had intended. The camera zoomed in on the boy's face, and the pain in his eyes was not just because of his tortured balls as the last statement sank in. As the man warned the boy and asked if he understood that there had best be no further delays, and that he had better act like he loved sucking the other boy's cock when they returned to the playroom unless he wanted another session in the bathroom, the camera zoomed in and focused on the boy's face. With a look of despair and surrender in his glistening eyes, he slowly nodded his head.


"Now, remember when we had fun with words, we learned some new words for our pee-ers?" asked Chuckles back on the tape. "Let's see how good you can remember them. Let's hear you say them." Kenny and Aaron glanced at each other and grinned. "Com'on, I didn't hear you!" said Chuckles.

"Penis, prick, cock," the two boys responded.

"Good!" said Chuckles, clapping his hands. "Now, a boy's pee-er can be called many other things. Some I bet you already know. How about wiener?" Kenny and Aaron exchanged glances. That they had heard older boys say. "Or you can call your pee-er your sausage, your banana, your lollipop, your noodle," Chuckles continued with a large grin, "and a name adult men sometime use, your tube steak. Now, what do all those words have in common?" Kenny and Aaron looked at each other. "Ginger, what do all those words have in common?"

"They are all things that are good to eat," Ginger responded.

"Right!" said Chuckles gleefully. "And right now I want to lick your lollipop, because I know it will make you feel real, real, real good!" said Chuckles. "And licking it will make me feel real, real, real good too. Now," he continued, looking directly at the two boys watching the video, "if you and a bud are watching together, why don't one of you do what I'm going to do to Ginger. Watch real close and do just what I do. Put first, pause the tape and decide who will be me, and who will be Ginger. But don't take too long! I'm in a hurry to make my best bud feel good!"

As Chuckles stared out at them, Kenny paused the tape, and looked at Aaron. "So, like, whacha wanna do?"

"I dunno. What you wanna do?"

"I dunno," Kenny responded honestly. "Jacking each other off was fun."

"Yeah. Ooodles and oodles of fun," responded Aaron.

"Fuck yeah," said Kenny. "So, you wanna try what Chuckles and Ginger are going to do?"

"I dunno. Do you?"

"If you do."

"I dunno. Touching a guy's pee-er is okay, but licking it," Aaron said, wrinkling up his nose. He didn't have to say more.

The boys glanced at the still tape. "You think it would taste like pee?" asked Kenny.

Aaron shrugged. He felt guilty making Chuckles and Ginger wait. "If Chuckles is going to do it to Ginger it can't be that bad."

"That's what I was thinking."

"We could try it and if we don't like it we don't gotta do it."

"Right," Kenny agreed. "And we can take turns trying it."

"Yeah. Good fucking idea."

They looked at the frozen screen again. "Since it's my house, I'll be Chuckles first."

Kenny pressed the play button, and as Ginger stood and Chuckles knelt before him, he got to his knees and Aaron stood in front of him, the two boys at ninety degrees to the screen so they could watch what was happening and copy the two older boys as they did it. As the camera zoomed in on Ginger's circumcised cock and Chuckles held it up by the base and stuck out his tongue as he leaned forward, Kenny reached out and held up his best bud's cock.

It was warm, and soft, and smooth, and it felt funny kneeling there and holding it. He knew it was a guy's most private and special part, a part his mom and dad didn't want him touching except to go pee, and they didn't want anyone else to even see. Being allowed to touch Aaron's was extra special, something only a best bud let another best bud do. Touching it was okay. He touched his own. Playing with it was okay too, extra special okay because playing with a guy's pee-er made him feel good, and it made the guy playing with it feel good too. As he looked at the soft tube of flesh he was holding in his fingers, he wasn't so sure about licking it. Watching Chuckles out of the corner of his eye, he stuck out his tongue and quickly ran it up Aaron's soft dick, from his fingers at the base to the tip.

"How is it?" Aaron asked anxiously.

"Okay," Kenny pronounced. "Sortta salty. Like licking your thumb, or your arm," he added, thinking of the times he'd licked his when he'd gotten a cut or a scrape. "How'd it feel when I licked it?"

"Great," Aaron responded, relieved his buddy had liked it, because as the recipient he certainly had. "Even better than getting licked by Skippy," he added, referring to his three-year-old black lab. "Your tongue isn't as rough."

The boys giggled and turned their attention to the video. Copying Chuckles, Kenny, ran his tongue around Aaron's knob, and Aaron squirmed. Kenny was immediately worried he'd hurt his best bud, but Aaron quickly assured him he'd done just the opposite. Studying what Chuckles was doing on the screen, Kenny once again turned his attention to Aaron. Kneeling there on the living room floor, he held out his best buddy's cock and ran his tongue up and down it like he was licking a lollipop, and he ran his tongue around the bulb, causing Aaron to shiver with delight. His spit filled his mouth and he swallowed it and licked his lips. Concentrating to be sure he did it right, he slipped his moist lips over Aaron's dick, allowing the silky soft flesh to push apart his lips just like Chuckles instructed. He slipped his lips right down and sucked at the same time, sucking Aaron's dick into his mouth until his upper lip was pressed against his belly and his bottom lip against his balls. With his mouth fastened onto his buddy's limp noodle and stuck in his fly, he sucked on it like he would a straw. He felt it swelling in his mouth and becoming hard, like Chuckles said it would, like Ginger's was. His own cock was swelling with excitement in his jeans, just like Chuckles' said his was.

Aaron looked down at his best bud kneeling there sucking on his pee-er. That was so awesome. It felt great having a hot, wet mouth sucking on it, a lot greater than tugging on it with your hand, and a lot better than getting it all sticky with dog food and having Skippy licking it. Getting sucked was awesome, but it wasn't just the physical arousal. His best buddy had his pee-er in his mouth. That most private and special part of his body, that part that his mom and dad and everyone in the world said was so dirty. He shivered as he just thought about that. As Kenny began to slide his lips up and down his now stiff pee-er, which was jutting out of his fly like a big thumb, he reached out and put his hands on Kenny's shoulders just like Ginger was doing with Chuckles. He licked his lips and threw back his head, not because that was what Ginger was doing, but because of the ripples of pleasure pulsating through his wiener. That was what he had between his legs, a wiener, and his best buddy was eating it.

Kenny's cock was stiff and itching to be touched as he slipped his lips up and down Aaron's stiff dick. He could feel the blood inside it pulsating with his lips, and as Aaron squirmed and began to breathe louder he knew his buddy was feeling great, and that he was the reason for it, which made him feel great. He totally forgot the video playing beside him as he concentrated on sucking off his best bud, on making him feel good. The six-year-old knelt there with his stiff little cock jutting out of his blue jeans, a half-eaten chocolate brownie still on the plate, eagerly sucking his best bud's hot, throbbing cock for his very first time.

Aaron grunted and inhaled sharply as his cock went all tingly, and he suddenly began to jerk and wiggle uncontrollably as that still very strange and very powerful sensation that sprang up from between his legs caused his body to quiver with the greatest pleasure there was. His little cock throbbed and burned with arousal and he snorted and gasped for breath. Three-foot eight [1.12 m] and forty pounds [18 kg], the blue-eyed blond six-year-old threw back his head and whimpered with the exquisite delight of having received his first ever blow job.

"Did you like that?" asked Kenny, looking up at his buddy.

"Oh yeah. Oh fuck yeah," Aaron gasped. Ginger was gasping too, and the video was showing his face, his eyes closed and his tongue licking his lips. Aaron knew exactly how he was feeling. He reached down and pushed the pause button. "Now it's your turn," he said with a huge grin as he looked at Kenny.

Kenny was hoping Aaron would say that, and as he got to his feet, he hoped that Aaron would like doing it to him as much as he'd liked doing it to Aaron. He inhaled nervously and held his breath as Aaron knelt before him and taking his stiff cock in his hands, looked at it for a second. It did look like a sausage, now that Chuckles had mentioned it, thought Aaron. A lot more like a sausage than his did with the skin over the top. He bent his head and stuck out his tongue and licked the hot, pink sausage from his fingers to the tip, hoping he'd like it, hoping he'd be able to give his buddy the same awesome pleasure his buddy had given him.

Waiting until Aaron had licked his sausage for the third time, Kenny finally released his breath. He liked it! That was so great. And he was right. It was a lot better than having Laddie licking it. His tongue was not so rough, and besides, he was his best buddy. And now they had another secret that they knew and nobody else knew, making their friendship all the closer and all the more special. How many best buds could claim they liked each other so much they sucked each other's pee-ers? That sounded dirty, but it wasn't. It felt totally awesome, the best ever. His cock throbbed and tingled as he looked down at his buddy licking it, and when Aaron puckered his lips and slipped them over and down his cock, it was marvelous.

So, the two six-year-old boys concentrated on the pleasure of their first afternoon of oral sex, on the pleasure of having your cock being sucked by a hot, wet, hungry mouth, and the pleasure of bringing your best buddy off. As the snow began to fall lightly outside, Aaron grasped his buddy's hips, and Kenny grasped his buddy's shoulders as his dry orgasm hit, causing his cock to burn and throb with pleasure and his body to jerk and twist like he'd been hit by a bolt of lightening, the little brunette's big brown eyes glazed over with that unique delight that so few boys his age had the privilege of knowing and his tongue licking his smooth, rosy lips.

"I hope you and your buddy had as much fun today as we had," Chuckles said, sitting down on the floor with Ginger standing beside him, his cock now limp but still sticking out of his fly. "But now it is time for Chuckles and Ginger to go," he said with a sad clown face. He wrapped his arms about Ginger's legs. "We really had oodles and oodles and oodles of fun, fun, fun, today, and now that you know how much fun sucking cock can be, we know you're going to have oodles and oodles and oodles of fun too any time your mom and dad are out and you are together. And if your mom and dad are home, you can invite your friend over for a sleep over and suck each other off in your bed. And you don't just have to do it in the house. You can do it in your play house if you have one, or in the bushes in the park, or at night in your back yard or in the back alley, or in the stall in the boy's room at school or in the mall! You can suck your buddy's cock in your kitchen, in your living room, in your bedroom, anywhere at all. Good buddies like to suck each other's cock."

"And good buddies like to watch videos together," said Ginger as Chuckles got to his feet and the boys put their arms around each other.

"So we hope you'll go look for the man who gave you this video and ask him to give you another, because I have oodles and oodles of videos that will tell you and your buddies more fun things to do by yourselves, with each other, and with others. So until next time, this is Chuckles (and Ginger added Ginger) hoping you have a fun, fun, fun day!"

Chapter 8
Kissing Fun With Your Best Bud

Totally ashamed of what he'd been forced to do last week, and being lead to believe this is his last video, Charles is determined not to screw up no matter how disgusting the afternoon is. Shane, also feeling guilty about the previous week, is more delighted at having found a friend his age, and for that friendship, is willing to sacrifice some of his dignity, as long as it is not too humiliating.

After last week, sixteen-year-old Charles Brentworth had headed straight home and brushed his teeth for half an hour, and then gargled with mouth wash for another fifteen minutes, and he still could taste Shane's prick. He tried to eat supper, but each time he raised his fork to his mouth he could think of nothing else but having the fifteen-year-old boy's hard, throbbing dick in his mouth and he choked up. On Sunday when his mother served wieners he gagged and couldn't eat anything. She was certain he'd come down with the stomach flu and for the rest of the day she was constantly feeling his forehead for a temperature. At least she didn't stick a thermometer under his tongue! Of course Charles could not explain what his problem was, but each time she fussed he thought about the disgusting, perverted act he'd been forced to perform, and about how his mother would react if she ever found out he'd spent last Saturday afternoon sucking another boy's cock. That was the most perverted thing he'd been forced to do yet.

If those thoughts were not torment enough for the well-to-do, upperclass high school sophomore, every time he thought about that afternoon, he was also reminded that it should have been his last video, and if he'd just given in and done it, he would at last be finished with Jack and Rob and their perverted, stupid satirical parody. As he approached the white split-level with brown trim and the well-trimmed lawn, a flower garden in the front, and a deck and a high fence for privacy in the back in the middle-class part of the city, a part of the city that Charles, coming from ritzy Manor Heights, would not normally frequent, he felt his stomach begin to tighten.

Fifteen-year-old Shane Finnigan was delighted to see Charles walking up the street and a large smile replaced the worried look he'd had on his face. Unlike Charles, who arrived seconds before their one o'clock appointment, he had been there fifteen minutes early so he would not be late. He was embarrassed by what he'd done these past two weeks, jerking off with a boy his age dressed up like a clown, and then having his cock sucked by the boy, and he knew many would think the acts disgusting and perverted. He'd actually discussed that with Jack after they'd shot the video last week, and he was glad he had, because Jack had shown him that what he'd done was not all that bad. It was not as if he'd never jerked himself before, and he knew though nobody admitted it, he suspected many boys jerked off together, and Jack confirmed it. As for having his cock sucked, well, he knew that boys who didn't like other boys called them cock suckers. He himself had been called such, but last Saturday he hadn't been the one doing the sucking. That made a difference, though he had to also admit that if the two men had told him to, he'd have done to Charles what Charles had done to him. It wasn't because he really wanted to, but he felt it would only be fair, and besides, getting sucked had felt awesome, and luckily the man had stopped the video seconds before that point where he would cum, because it would really have been embarrassing telling everyone he was going to shoot, and he had no idea what they would have expected him to do if he had.

"Hi," Shane said cheerfully as Charles joined him at the gate to the house he'd come to hate with a passion.

Charles didn't say anything as he pushed past the retard perv and headed up the sidewalk. The kid acted and talked simple, and he had no interest in becoming friends with an idiot. If he wasn't a retard, then he had to be a perv to willingly come here and perform in front of the camera. Of course mainly he was pissed that he'd been the one that had been forced to do the sucking last week, though he wasn't so sure that he'd be just as angry if he'd been the one getting sucked in front of the cameras. At least he had not been forced to suck the boy all the way. Now that would really have been disgusting.

Jack greeted them at the back door with a big, friendly smile, and took them downstairs, where Charles's cheeks were painted a brilliant red and his lips a deep blue and he was fitted with a multicolored fizzy wig. This time they were told to strip down to their underwear, of course not knowing there was a hidden camera in the room to catch the action. The two men glanced at each other and smiled as Charles stripped down to his narrow striped blue and white Joe Boxers and Shane to his white Calvin Klein briefs. Another difference this time was showing both of them a video showing clips of men and women kissing and telling them to pay particular attention to the looks on their faces. The knot in Charles's stomach got tighter as he surmised what he and the other boy would be doing, but he resolved that he'd do whatever he was told and he'd do it perfectly and get this weekly humiliation over and done with once and for all.

The two boys headed to the play room, but this time instead of sitting in undersized chairs, they were told to sit up in a kid's bed with a sky blue cover with bright rockets, space ships, suns and planets. Taking a deep breath, Charles prepared himself to read and perform whatever he was prompted to do on the cue cards Jack was holding as Rob began to run the camera.

"Hello there my little friends," Charles said enthusiastically, as he had on each of the previous videos. "My name is Chuckles, and I hope you're all ready to have some fun, fun, fun, because I sure am! But first," he said, leaning forward and raising an eyebrow as directed on the card, "did you remember to do what you were told to do when you got this video? I hope you did! Remember? You were told to only play this video when there are no grownups around. That, my little friend, is very, very, very important," he said seriously. "So if your mommy or daddy or any grown-up is around, shut this off right now and wait until you are home with no adults around. If you forgot the rule, do it right now."

Jack flipped over the next card and Charles continued. "So if you are watching me right now, right this very minute, that must mean there are no grownups around to stop us from having some fun, fun, fun, so let's get started! Tonight," he said with a huge, happy grin, "I am having a sleep over with my very, very, very best buddy, Ginger." The camera panned over to Ginger sitting beside him, and the boy greeted everyone with a wave and big smile. "If you are watching this video with your very, very, very best buddy, then the two of you can have oodles and oodles and oodles of fun together while you watch us. All you have to do is do what Ginger and me are going to do." He looked over at Ginger and the two boys smiled at each other as prompted on their cue cards. "You remember how Ginger and me showed you how best buds can make each other's pee-ers feel real special good with their tongues and their mouths? Well, today we are going to show you another way two buds who really, really, really like each other can make each other feel real special good with their tongues and their mouths. It is called kissing." Charles had known it, and his heart sank. How was he possibly going to kiss another boy?

"Kissing? Yuck," responded Ginger, making a face as if he was a six-year-old. "I don't want to kiss no girls. I hate girls." He tried to sound convincing, because Jack had been good to him, and had even paid him for the last two videos, and he treasured Jack's attention, most teenagers his age rejecting him, and most adults ignoring him. He recalled how he'd felt when he was six for motivation. "Chuckles and Wendy sitting in a tree, K-i-s-s-i-n-g, first comes love, then comes marriage, and then comes Chuckles pushing a baby carriage. Yuck!"

"You don't need a girl to kiss," responded Chuckles as he looked at Ginger as if explaining to him. "Boys can kiss boys, especially if they are best buds, cuz best buds love each other, and love is good. And boys don't have to marry each other unless they want to, and two boys can't make any poopy babies."

"Well, we are best buds," said Shane looking into Charles's eyes as directed, "and we love each other." He wasn't sure about love, but he did hope Charles at least liked him.

"Yes, we do," admitted Chuckles as he gazed back into the eyes of his best buddy. He slowly leaned forward and closed his eyes as he puckered up and their lips met. He counted to ten quickly, and deciding he'd better not take any chances, he counted to ten a second time. He was not going to screw this up.

Shane smiled as if he'd really enjoyed it, and returned the kiss for just as long. Actually, he had not found kissing another boy that bad, though it was embarrassing kissing in front of Rob and Jack, and he'd never do it for real. He was not that kind of a boy! They stuck out their tongues and touched tips, and then their tongues twisted around each other. Both boys had goose flesh and were so embarrassed they wanted to shrink and hide under the bed, but the camera zoomed in on their faces and their dueling tongues, purposefully missing their embarrassment. As Shane withdrew his tongue, Charles followed, sticking his tongue in Shane's mouth until their lips met. Wanting to puke, he ran his tongue around inside Shane's mouth, exploring the inside of his mouth, the roof, the insides of his cheeks, his teeth and his gums. He ran his tongue over Shane's and around and under it. It reminded him of a fat, wet slug, and he definitely wanted to puke. He quickly removed his tongue and their lips parted.

"Kissing with your tongue in another person's mouth is called French kissing," he explained to Shane.

"It feels strange having your tongue licking the inside of my mouth and my tongue and my gums," admitted Shane truthfully.

"Don't you like it?"

"Oh yes, it feels great," Shane lied. It was not as bad as he'd expected, but it was far from great. "It makes my pee-er get excited."

"Mine too," lied Charles as he squeezed his limp dick inside his boxers and the camera panned to their underwear.

"Would you like me to stick my tongue in your mouth and lick it inside?" asked Ginger.

"Oh yes, that would be great," lied Chuckles with all the sincerity he could muster. This had better be his last video!

And so the two boys kissed again, this time with Shane sticking his tongue in Charles's mouth. This time Charles definitely wanted to puke as he felt the boy's tongue roving inside his mouth and his spittle drooling into his. That was disgusting, and they were doing it in front of the two men, kissing and sucking face like two faggots. Jack had them reach down out of sight of the camera and fiddle with themselves to increase the bulges in their underwear, and then as the camera panned down, had them comment how hot kissing made them feel.

"I love the taste of your mouth," observed Ginger, "and running my tongue over yours."

"Your great kisser," commented Chuckles, looking into Ginger's eyes as he might be a girl's. "Kissing you is making my pee-er get hard."

"Mine too," said Ginger with a smile.

So for the next fifteen minutes they sat there on the kid bed kissing each other on the lips, on the cheeks and on the neck, and nibbling on each other's ears, between which they made love eyes at each other in front of the two men. For both of them, this was even more embarrassing than the previous week and they wanted to die. Sucking cock had been perverted and dirty, but kissing each other was intimate and doubly embarrassing.

"Well," said Chuckles finally with a sigh, and with real relief, "it is time for Chuckles and Ginger to go to bed." He wrapped an arm about Ginger's shoulder and Ginger wrapped his about his waist as the cue cards instructed. "We really had oodles and oodles and oodles of fun, fun, fun, today, and now that you know how much fun kissing can be, we know you're going to have oodles and oodles and oodles of fun too any time your mom and dad are out and you are together. You can kiss in your bedroom when you have a sleep over, when you play in your play house if you have one, or in the bushes in the park, or at night in your back yard or in the back alley, or in the boy's room at school or in the mall! You can go to the school bus stop early and kiss each other good morning before anyone else comes, and you can wait til everyone has gone at the end of the day and kiss each other goodbye!"

He and Ginger kissed, and with their lips still locked together they embraced tightly. Their lips parted and they looked at each other lovingly before kissing again for one last time, slowly dropping their hands into each other's laps as their lips locked, and the camera zooming in on the bulge in Chuckles' boxers, and the tent in Ginger's briefs.

"I bet if when you go look for the man who gave you this video and show him what good kissers you are, he'd take your picture to send to Chuckles," said Ginger.

"And I hope you'll go look for him, because I have oodles and oodles of videos that will tell you and your buddies more fun things to do by yourselves, with each other, and with others. So until next time, this is Chuckles (and Ginger added Ginger) hoping you have a fun, fun, fun day!".

The two boys headed in opposite directions upon leaving the white split-level. Charles was disgusted with this last humiliation. Kissing another boy was in some ways even more intimate and embarrassing than sucking his cock. He was embarrassed, but he was also elated that he'd gone through with it with no problems, and had even gotten two hundred dollars for it. Most of all, he was glad this weekly torture was all over and he'd be able to put it behind him.

Shane was disgusted too, having been brought up with the moral belief that boys kissed girls, and boys who kissed boys were funny. He was also delighted. Charles had now made him feel good three different Saturdays, and in three different ways. He'd jacked him off, and then sucked him off, and now kissed him. Charles had to like him. A boy wouldn't do those things to another boy if he didn't like him. Charles was his first real friend, and he even got paid two hundred dollars just to spend an hour with Charles and get taped.

As the two boys headed home, Rob made a copy of the video, and then as Jack began making multiple copies, he took his copy and began to edit it, carefully removing the makeup on Chuckles and replacing it with Charles's skin tone, and editing out the frizzy wig and replacing it with Charles's natural hair from the secret videos he'd taken while the boy had been getting made up as a clown. It was painstaking work, but when he was done, he had an exact video minus the talking, and showing two teenage boys stripping down to their underwear in a teenager's bedroom and then lying on a teenager's bed and passionately kissing and declaring their love for each other. The two men could not wait until next Saturday and their next session with the two boys, and it was not because of the money they were raking in on the kid and the adult videos.

Chapter 9
Fun With Your Pee

In this story six-year-olds Kenny and Aaron continue to follow the instructions in their latest video faithfully but with growing hesitancy as Chuckles and Ginger introduce them to some naughty but enticing new games to play. The two video stars, Charles Brentworth and Shane Finnigan, are themselves pawns in another game as Jack, the man producing the videos, plays with their hopes and emotions.

"Kenny, do you have to go pee?"

"Huh? Oh, ah, yeah," Kenny responded. He hesitated, not sure what he should do about having been caught, and as his six-year-old mind slowly realized there was only one thing he could do, he glanced at his best friend Aaron, and then headed to the bathroom. A few minutes later the toilet flushed and he returned.

"Didn't you forget to do something?" Aaron's mother asked.

"Ah, well," he stammered, wondering how she could have known as he began turning red with guilt. Moms were amazing.

"Your hands," she prompted.

"Oh, that," Aaron responded, his face brightening with the realization that she hadn't meant what he'd thought she'd meant, and he turned and headed back to the washroom. Aaron's mother smiled and shook her head as moments later she heard the running of water in the sink. Boys, she thought, they're all the same.

"Remember, Santa is always watching to be sure you're being good," she reminded Kenny as he returned to the living room. "And that includes always washing your hands after going to the bathroom."

Kenny glanced at his best buddy and slowly nodded. He wasn't sure if Santa really would watch a guy taking a leak. Actually, there were rumours at school that Santa didn't even really exist and it was really your mom and dad who left the presents under the tree, though that he was even less ready to believe than that Santa spying on you in the bathroom. In fact the lie he'd just told was causing him some worry regarding Santa's little book with the list of good boys and bad boys. A horn honked outside.

"Now, you boys be good," Aaron's mother said as she put on her gloves. "We'll only be gone for an hour. You'll be all right that long?"

"Sure, Mom," Aaron responded. "We'll watch TV or something."

"Why don't you find a game to play or colour a picture or something instead?" she suggested. There wasn't anything on in the middle of a Sunday afternoon that children shouldn't see and besides, she and her husband had purchased one of those devices that blocked unwanted channels. She just preferred they do something active instead of sitting mindlessly in front of the television.

"Sure, we can play a game," Aaron replied, glancing at his best buddy with that 'we got a secret smile.'

"Now remember, don't let anyone in the house, and if you need help, phone Mrs Weyerhaeuser next door."

With a motherly smile and the comfort of knowing her son was going to be safe in his home with his best pal while she and her husband did some of their Christian duties this Christmas season, Mrs Michaels joined her husband waiting in the car.

"Did you really go pee?" asked Aaron with a hint of worry in his voice as he watched his parents' car back out of the driveway.

"Naw. I just pretended."

"Good," Aaron said with a relieved smile as he crossed his legs in an attempt to delay his own need.

"I pretended to wash my hands too," Kenny said with an impish grin. Aaron giggled. "I don't care what your mom and my mom says. I like the smell of my cock on my fingers."

"Me too," admitted Aaron.

"You like the smell of my cock on your fingers?" asked Kenny, his big brown eyes sparkling as he pretended to be surprised, and as Aaron giggled again so did he. The truth was, Aaron did, and Kenny liked the smell of his best pal's dick on his too.

"So," Aaron began hesitantly, "you still wanna do what we said we was gonna?"

"Do you?"

"Well, if you do."

"Chuckles and Ginger looked like they liked it."

"Yeah, looked like they were having oodles and oodles of fun," Aaron agreed, citing Chuckles's favourite phrase.

"They wouldn't do it if they didn't like doing it," Aaron reasoned innocently.

"Right," Kenny agreed again, trying to convince himself that what they'd planned on doing that afternoon really was all right.

"All the other things were okay."

"Way okay."

"Yeah," Aaron agreed with a bright smile and a giggle as he thought about the many things Chuckles had taught them.

"All the stuff Chuckles has told us has been way cool."

"It is sortta dirty though, isn't it, what they did at the end?"

"Yeah, sortta," Kenny agreed with a shrug and a bit of a giggle. That was part of the fun of the videos he'd been watching for the past two months, doing stuff that was dirty, though in this case he wasn't so sure either.

"So we gonna do it?"

"I drank galleons of water this morning so we could."

"Me too."

"I'm willing to try if you are."

"If I don't like it you'll stop?"

"Of course. You too?"


That decided, the two best buddies wrapped their arms about each other and headed for the bathroom. As they stripped, they thought about the new video they'd watched yesterday. As they'd been told to do a week earlier, they'd eaten half a dozen big raw carrots for breakfast and drunk a big jug of water and several glasses of juice and milk before going to pick up their latest video after lunch. They hadn't known what new fun Chuckles and Ginger were going to tell them about of course, and they certainly hadn't expected the video to be all about peeing. They watched with amusement as Chuckles and Ginger had contests with each other, contests like seeing who could pee the farthest in the snow, who could pee the highest against a tree, and who could pee the most in a bottle. They watched them pee dirty pictures on walls, and write dirty words and their names with pee in the snow. They listened carefully to the instructions how to make sure they had a lot to pee, to have a head of steam as Ginger said, or to piss like a race horse as Chuckles had said, so they could have contests with others and could bet them stuff, like the looser having to kiss the winner's ass or give him money or toys and stuff, and be sure they had to piss the hardest and be the winners. They listened carefully as Chuckles explained that carrots made your pee more yellow and beets made it pinky, and that eggs and meat and stuff made it smell and taste stronger and eating lots of sweet stuff made it taste sweeter.

By the time the video had finished, they both had to pee badly. It was way too cold to go outside to see who could pee the furthest or do some of the other stuff Chuckles and Ginger had done, so they decided to see who could pee the most, except they couldn't find any empty bottles in Kenny's house, so they ended up using two pots the same size Kenny's mother used for cooking soup. That had been sort of fun, standing there and peeing in the pots and hearing the noise as they filled up, but it was hard to tell who had the most pee. Wiping them dry with the bathroom towel when they were done, they put them back so his mom wouldn't know they had even used them. They decided they'd have to find bottles and try it again, and that they'd have to try the other things in the video too over the following days.

One thing had really caught their wonder, the last thing Chuckles and Ginger had done. Knowing his mom and dad wanted to go out the next day and were trying to get a baby sitter for him since his brother had junior high basketball practice and wouldn't be home, Aaron had suggested they see if they could play together at his place without a sitter, and if they were allowed, they could try it, if Kenny wanted to of course. Kenny did, mostly because it was something forbidden and looked interesting, though he was not so sure it would be as much fun as Chuckles and Ginger were having. But if Aaron was willing to try it, he sure was. Aaron's parents had been hesitant, but it was only an hour, and it was Christmas and they were short of cash for a sitter, so they'd finally given in.

The boys were delighted. They didn't go pee when they woke up in the morning like they usually would have, and they'd drunk up their milk and juice that morning and a dozen glasses of water when their parents had not been looking. They now had to go so badly it was hurting.

Stepping into the tub and facing each other as they'd seen Chuckles and Ginger do, the two boys glanced at each other uncertainly, both wondering if this was such a good idea now that they were naked and facing each other, but neither wanting to be the party pooper nor the one to be the chicken, neither was about to admit it.

"You ready?"

"Oh yeah," said Kenny. "I gotta piss like a race horse. A fucking race horse," he added, remembering his swear lessons. "You?"

"You fucking bet! I got oodles and oodles of fucking piss in me." The two boys giggled. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad.



"When I say three."


"One 3; two 3; three."

There was a second while their minds objected to what was about to happen, but the boys had straining bladders and could not have held back if they'd wanted to. Kenny's hot, yellow stream burst forth, arching up into the air and hitting Aaron high in the chest. Aaron was aiming downward and as his dam broke, his stream struck Kenny's right thigh and ran down his leg. Aaron directed his hose to the right and the left so that his piss washed over Kenny's entire thigh and then directed it at his other leg. Finding that having a hot stream of piss flowing down your legs was not all that bad, and not being able to stop pissing now anyway, Kenny directed his stream so that it hit Aaron's nipples, and to his relief Aaron giggled and squirmed with the sensation. He'd also discovered to his relief that having your friend's hot pee trickling down your body wasn't as bad as he'd thought, and, actually, was even more fun than having a shower.

Also being unable to stop pissing now anyway, Aaron directed his flow over Kenny's left foot so his yellow stream flowed down it and between his toes just like he'd seen Chuckles do to Ginger. Now fully into the game, and seeing why Ginger and Chuckles had looked like they were having so much fun, the two boys tried to soak every bit of each other's body with their hot pee before they ran out. They raised their arms so their buddy could piss under their armpits just like Ginger had done, and they peed on each other's bums. Hot, yellow streams of piss flowed over the two boys, over their chests and ribs, their backs and backsides, and over their stomachs and crotches. They giggled and felt a strange excitement and tension as they watched their pee flow over their buddy's body and their buddy's pee flow over their own.

Their piss ran down the natural crevices of their body, between their ass cheeks and the crevice between their crotches and legs. It collected in a pool about their feet and trickled off their balls. Totally soaked with pee, they felt the pressure finally subside and the streams slackened until at last they were done. They did not have to ask if the other had enjoyed it. Standing there dripping with urine, they thought about what Chuckles had done to Ginger next. Chuckles peeing on Ginger had seemed gross at the time, but what he had done after that was really gross, even for two six-year-old boys who thought farts and boogers were funny.

"You wanna do the next part?" Kenny finally asked.

"Do you?"

"If you do."

"I'll try, but you gotta too."


They said they were willing but saying and doing were two different things. Each waited for the other to make the first move. In the video Charles had only done all this stuff to Ginger, but he'd said that two buddies could do it to each other, and Ginger had said it was a lot of fun. Finally Kenny stepped toward Aaron, and slowly bending over, he tentatively and quickly ran his tongue over his chest as he'd seen Chuckles do to Ginger in the video.

"How was it?" asked Aaron apprehensively.

"Salty, but not bad," Kenny said pensively as he pressed his lips together, as if he'd been asked his opinion about a new flavour of bubblegum. "Sortta like 3; salt and vinegar chips."


"Really. Go ahead and see."

Kenny having done it to him, and Kenny being his very best buddy, Aaron had to do it. He stuck out his tongue as far as he could, as if that would make the taste less unpleasant, and he ran the tip along Kenny's piss-drenched chest. It was salty, very salty, but like Kenny had said, not really that unpleasant.


"You're right."

"Wanna try some more?"

"Okay. A little."

"Let's do each other's legs," Kenny suggested.

"Yeah!" agreed Aaron. That had been the best part of the video.

Laying down in the tub in the shallow pool of urine in opposite directions with their heads at each other's crotch, the boys tentatively stuck out their tongues and licked each other's thighs with the very tip of their tongues. Their urine had been dilute, but it was still very salty, though for boys who could live on a diet of salt and vinegar potato chips they did not mind. Ginger had said how hot it made him feel when Chuckles had licked his legs, and the two six-year-olds quickly declared that he had been right, and the swelling of their little cocklets proved it. They licked each other's thighs more zealously and with the flat of their tongues once they saw what licking was doing to their buddy, leaving trails of spittle in their wake. Soon they had licked each other's thighs clean of any piss and they both had stiff, itching boners. They turned to each other's balls next, and the salty urine that had drenched the little sacks caused their saliva to flow even more abundantly. They eagerly licked each other's eggs until their sacks were just as drenched with spittle. It was naughty, and it was gross, but that was what made it exciting and fun.

Their mouths now filled with the taste of fresh, salty urine, the two boys fastened their lips about each other's stiff little dicklet and began to suck. That was something they'd done before and knew felt great. They eagerly sucked on each other's hollow piss tube, sucking out the little bit of piss that was left inside, and causing a whole lot of exciting tingling feelings over the knobs. The harder Aaron sucked the itchier Kenny's cocklet became and the harder Kenny sucked on Aaron's stiff little wiener, which of course caused Aaron to suck on the harder on Kenny's. It was not long before they were wiggling and squirming in the shallow pool of still warm piss in the bottom of the tub with the strange pleasure they had learned resulted from playing with their dicks. They grasped each other tightly as the first wave of that strange combination of pleasure and pain rippled through their burning dicklets. Chuckles was right again!

Arriving home twenty minutes later, Mrs Michaels was pleased to see the boys sitting at the kitchen table colouring instead of sitting before the televison. "Did you boys have fun while we were gone?"

"Fu-un, yeah," replied Aaron, having almost said fuck yeah and causing Kenny to bust out laughing. "We played a new game," he added, looking at Kenny and grinning.

"I 3; ah, see," said his mother, bending over to see their colouring and quickly drawing back and holding her breath. How could boys get so stinky dirty just playing in the house? "How would you like to get your plastic boats and you and Kenny can play in the tub for a while?"

"Oh, wow, cool," the boys said, looking at each other and grinning. Ten minutes later they were navigating their boats around the two pink fountains that had popped up in the soapy ocean. They had drunk a lot of water that morning. Chuckles had been right about playing with your pee being oodles and oodles of fun, and they could not wait until next Saturday to see what new fun he and Ginger had to show them.

Carrying their discarded clothes with the tips of her fingers, Mrs. Michaels threw them in the washing machine and headed for the kitchen Hearing the giggling and splashing of the two boys, she smiled as she thumbed through her Christmas cookbook. The boys deserved a treat for being so good that afternoon.


Across town in a much more expensive home another mother was listening to the running of water in the bathroom. "Charles, I know boys your age are especially concerned about cleanliness, and I'm glad that you are, but there are limits," his mother complained over the noise of the shower. "Charles, did you hear me?" she asked, knocking on the door gently. She was upset, but he was her oldest son after all.

Charles had heard her, but he chose to ignore her for a few more minutes. He knew just how much he could get away with before she really became angry. He also knew it was going to take more than a few minutes to feel clean. He'd showered three times upon returning home yesterday, and this was his third shower today even though it was only mid afternoon, but his body still felt sticky and he was sure he could still smell the stench of urine.


"Yes, Mom," he finally responded, turning off the water. He heard the phone ring, and he prayed it would not be who he thought it probably was.

"Charles! Your new friend phoned!" called his mother through the door. "I told him you'd phone him as soon as you were out of the shower."

Charles cringed. It was not his new friend. And why did she have to tell him he was in the shower of all things! As he dried himself off, he thought back a week ago, to the day after he'd been forced to kiss and make lovey-dovey eyes at his 'new friend', the boy he knew as Ginger. That was the first time he had phoned him at home. He had to have gotten the number from Jack, since he certainly hadn't given it to him. He hadn't even told him his last name. Of course he hadn't told Jack either, but he knew it would not be hard for Jack to find out where he lived. Fortunately his mother had taken the call and he'd told her to tell him he'd phone back, which of course he had no intention of doing. The kid was a retard, and trailer trash besides. Well, he didn't know if he lived in a trailer, but he was of the same class.

Shane had been persistent. He'd phoned three more times that Sunday, and twice after school on Monday. If that wasn't frustrating enough, Charles's mother was getting annoyed that he wasn't returning the calls. "He seems like a very nice boy," she'd said, causing him to cringe with distaste and wanted him to ask how the hell she could tell that over the phone.

Tuesday, he'd gone down to the mall after supper to hang with a few of his buddies. They were having some New York fries and Cokes and just talking when who shows up but Ginger. Charles immediately turned his back, pretending he hadn't seem him, and prayed that Ginger hadn't spotted him. No such luck! He headed right over to him, with this big, goofy, happy smile.

"Hi," he said.

Charles could not ignore him with him standing there right in front of him. He gave a shrug and a grunt, conscious of everyone looking at him. God, he was wearing this totally tasteless no name winter jacket, probably from Wal-Mart, and a striped sweater that looked like it had been handed down once too often and was a generation out of style and trousers that had to be from some bargain basement. Even his runners were shabby. Charles looked down at his own Jordan Air-walks, and was immediately sorry he had. They were the cause of all his troubles and the reason he'd become entangled with Jack. He'd wanted to throw them away since they were a constant reminder of Jack, but Jack had made a point of reminding him constantly how he'd boughten them for him.

"Jack said for me to give you this," Shane said as he handed Charles a large plain brown envelope. "I brought it to your house and your mom was going to take it, but Jack said to be absolutely sure nobody got it but you." God, the way he repeated Jack's instructions, slow and emphasizing each word, he sounded like the retard he looked like. "Your mom told me you'd probably be here." He'd been to his house! His mother had seen him! What would she be thinking about the very nice boy on the phone now that she'd seen him and the way he dressed?

Charles looked at the brown envelope. He had no idea what was inside it, but just the mention of Jack had caused his stomach to knot and he didn't even want to guess what he had sent him. He didn't have to.

"He said it is a picture of you and me," Shane said. "He said he figured you'd really like it."

"Ah, well, thanks," Charles said awkwardly, taking the envelop. The two of them? God, which of the disgusting things they'd done together had he taken a picture of and was sending him? Why would he do that? For a brief moment he thought perhaps it was for a memento of his short-lived but two-months-too-long video star career now that he was finished. No, Jack would not be that thoughtful. He sat there, the others all watching, waiting, including Shane.

"Well, com'on, Charles. Open it up."

"Yeah, wow, a picture of you and your buddy, let's see it."

Now what was he going to do! There was no way he was going to open it up. He knew they were teasing, unable to figure him and this geek from the other side of town being friends. He also knew Ginger had no idea they were teasing.

Shane did not. He figured it was awesome that Charles had so many friends, and that they were eager to see a picture of the two of them. That was sort of nice. He could not figure out when they'd taken a picture of the two of them, but then they took a lot of pictures. He waited eagerly to see what it was. "He said to be sure you put it in a safe place, because he might want you to bring it to him sometime for one of our, you know, meetings," Shane advised. He'd been so excited about seeing Charles's home, and being there with all his other friends, he'd almost forgotten the rest of Jack's message.

"Yeah, well, I'll open it later."

"Aw, com'on, don't be shy. Let's see it," Jason said, grabbing for the envelope. Charles was worried enough about anyone seeing what was in the envelop to be on guard and he yanked it out of Jason's reach. Lisa grabbed it and they had a brief tug of war before he savagely ripped it out of her hands.

"Later, dammit!"

"Hey, all right, all right. Don't get so tense man. We're just joking."

"Com'on, let's get out of here," Charles replied.

Shane watched with disappointment as Charles left with his friends without inviting him to come along. When Jack had asked him to deliver the envelop, and had given him Charles's phone number, it was like getting an early Christmas present. Worried when Charles never returned his calls, he'd told Jack how busy Charles was and how he'd tried to give him the envelop, and so Jack told him where to go to deliver it. That had been his happiest day. It was a long way and required several bus transfers, but going to his friend's home made it worthwhile. When he'd arrived at Charles's home, he was really impressed. He had no idea his new friend was so rich. His mom seemed nice, though surprised to see him.

It had been disappointing Charles didn't greet him with more enthusiasm when he caught up to him in the mall, but then his showing up had been a surprise, and Charles probably already had plans. He understood. That's why he'd been trying to phone him to see when would be a good time they could meet so he could give him the picture. Disappointed, but excited by the events of the day, he headed for the bus stop.

"So who is your new friend?" teased Jason.

"He's not a friend."

"He brought you a picture of the two of you."

"Sure seemed he thought you were buddies."

"Good buddies."

"What did he mean about your meetings?"

"Yeah, what was that about, Charles?"

"You got a secret we don't know about?"

"Maybe Charles like to go slumming," grinned Jason, who was even more of a snob than Charles.

"So maybe they're secret lovers," giggled Sherry, glancing over at Lisa who had recently begun seeing Charles on a regular basis.

"Woo, woo."

"Maybe we should go back and invite him to join us."

"He's not a friend, okay! He's just someone I know, through 3; through some business I had to do. And I don't know what he's talking about meetings! He's not too swift. I'm sure you could tell that."

"All right, all right," his friends responded, but they glanced at each other and smirked behind his back. They were all friends, but not beyond enjoying another's discomfort.

Discomfort was a mild way of describing how Charles felt. He was still in a rage when he got home. Going into the bathroom, the only place safe that he could lock, he opened the envelope. He could not believe it. Never had he kissed Ginger without his makeup, but there they were, their lips pressed together, and in the second picture they were looking into each other's eyes like two lovers, again without his makeup. His skin turned to gooseflesh as he looked at the pictures and Sherry's comment came to his mind. His first impulse was to rip them up, but fortunately he recalled Shane's comments about Jack maybe wanting them back.

Of course Jack would say that. He'd know he'd rip them up. Now he had to find somewhere to hide them, somewhere very secure, and worry twenty-four hours a day about them being found. He had hated Shane, and now he hated Jack as well as he stuffed the pictures back into the envelop. The next night, Wednesday, he got a phone call from Shane telling him Jack had told him to tell him to drink lots of water and tea, several galleons, for their next session on Saturday, and to eat a couple dozen raw carrots for breakfast. Shane had wanted to talk more, but Charles had been abrupt and cut him off. He was not his buddy dammit! He never was going to be! And what was this shit about their next session? Jack had said that the seventh video was to have been his last if he hadn't gotten him mad by refusing to suck Shane's cock, and so he'd have to do an eighth. So he did, and he'd done everything he'd been asked to in their last session even though it turned his stomach and was the most embarrassing thing he'd been forced to do yet. When they were done, there had been no talk about coming back, not like all the other sessions, so he knew he'd finally pleased Jack and didn't owe him anymore. When he'd walked down the street he'd come to hate last Saturday it was like walking on the clouds he'd been so happy thinking he'd never have to go there again. Even his friends said he'd never been so happy and wondered if he'd been popping uppers.

Well, he didn't have to go. He didn't owe Jack any money or any extra time so Jack couldn't make him make more videos, and he certainly didn't need the money Jack had paid him for a couple of them, not with all the money his parents had, even if his father was a cheap son of a bitch. So, he just wouldn't show up. Charles twisted and turned that night, unable to sleep, and he could think of nothing else Thursday and Friday no matter how hard he tried to get his mind off it. Saturday morning came, and he ate the entire bag of carrots that were in the fridge, hoping they were enough, and drank two pots of tea and four bottles of distilled water. He could not believe it as he headed over to the detested white split-level with brown trim. He was actually going, and even worse, he was worried he hadn't eaten enough or drank enough and that Jack would be angry. What the hell type of chicken shit was he giving in to Jack, and worrying about displeasing the filthy bugger besides? He was fuming mad, and he was bloated like he'd never felt in his life. By the time he walked up the sidewalk to the back door his bladder was ready to burst.

Like always, Shane was already there and waiting, this time in the house instead of outside. After putting on his clown costume, they went in the back yard and he and Ginger wrote their names in the snow with their piss while Rob filmed them. It was embarrassing, the two of them standing there pissing with Rob filming them and Jack watching. Charles thought about the adults that Jack said these videos were being made for watching him standing there pissing as Rob zoomed in on his cock and then on his face. He was glad that at least he had clown make up to disguise himself, unlike Ginger. Any guy who watched the video could easily recognize him!

They went back inside and Jack made Charles eat a huge pot of cooked spinach, telling him that it would make his piss yellower, just like carrots did, and he made him drink a couple quarts of tea. Telling him it would take at least an hour for his body to process enough piss again, Jack took them to another room in the house, a room they'd never been in yet. It was the size of a small bedroom. The walls were white and tiled half way up and the floor was tiled also. There was a counter along one side with cupboards above it, a fridge and microwave, some equipment with cords and hoses, a couple stools, and two narrow adjustable cots covered with white sheets. It reminded Charles of a hospital examination room. The boys were told to get up on the cots and lay on their backs. Shane did so immediately. Charles hesitated.

"What are you going to do?" he asked as he climbed up on the cot and laid down.

"Production time costs money," Jack replied, a phrase Charles had heard plenty of times and had come to hate. "We can't wait for you to build up another head of piss, so we're going to prime the pump." Jack glanced over at Rob and the two men grinned.

"Just what do-hey, what are you doing," Charles objected, sitting up and reaching down to push Jack's hand away from his crotch.

Jack's response was a swift punch to his tender balls which brought tears to his eyes and caused him to curl up in pain. "Just do what you're fucking told, boy. You'll see." Squinting his eyes shut to stop the tears, Charles laid back down and tried to catch his breath as Jack finished pulling down his fly and slipped his fingers inside. Oh God! His pain was replaced by disgust as he felt the man's fingers wrap about his penis and pull it out of his pants.

Jack smiled down at the soft, pink tube as he fondled it, and then looked up at Charles. The look of hate and pain and humiliation in his eyes was even better than the sight of his teenage dick. Rob was doing the same to Shane on the next cot, and having the same rush as the boy looked up at him with embarrassment and his objection evident in his blue-green eyes if not spoken. Jack went over to the counter and returned with a clear plastic tubing a foot [30 cm] long. The one end was about the thickness of juice box straw and the other half as thick.

"I used to be a nurse," Jack observed as he took a jar of clear paste and greased up the thin end of the tubing.

"Got fired for practicing his own type of doctoring on the young boy patients," chuckled Rob.

"But not before I learned a few important medical practices. Do you boys know what a catheter is?" Charles and Ginger shook their heads. "Well, you are about to find out," he said with a chuckle as he picked up Charles's limp cock. "Rob, adjust the mirror so the boys can watch." Rob adjusted the mirror above the beds, rotating it so the magnifying side was facing down. Charles felt his heart rise and stop in his chest as Jack squeezed his knob to open his pee hole and slipped the tip of the greased, narrow end of the tube into the opening. Gooseflesh formed on his arms and legs as Jack slowly worked the tube up his cock. To his surprise, it didn't hurt, but it certainly felt strange as it slipped up his penis, which began to swell in response. "Look, the horny little fuck is trying to get a boner," Jack laughed, knowing full well the swelling was a natural response of the body to widen the ureter. Charles of course didn't, and he flushed a bright red. This was not erotic! He was not enjoying this! Humiliated but entranced, he stared up at the magnifying mirror, watching the clear tube disappear up his penis.

Deftly inserting the catheter up and into his bladder, Jack had no need to clamp it, Charles having just emptied it. He then turned his attention to Shane. Unlike Charles, the boy closed his eyes as the simple procedure was done. All the while he kept repeating to himself that Jack was his friend, and that whatever he was doing, he would never hurt him.

"Now," Jack continued once he'd inserted the catheter up the fifteen-year-old boy, "a catheter can be used to drain the bladder, or to fill the bladder. Today, we're going to fill the bladder." He again glanced at Rob and the two men laughed. Stepping over to the cupboard, he picked up two items that to Charles looked like long rubber nipples, or two short condoms. Inserting the tubes in the pointed end of the nipples and making sure they were tight, Jack nodded to Rob and the two men pulled down their flies. "Rob and I have been making some extra piss for you this morning," he said with a grin as they lowered the two cots to knee level and inserted their penises into the larger end of the nipples.

Good God no! They couldn't be planning 3; Charles suddenly felt the tubing up his urethra swell as Jack's piss began to flow through it. A minute later he could feel a definite swelling in his groin. Jack was filling his bladder with his own piss! He could not believe it! His bladder was being filled with someone else's piss. It was so weird he did not know what to think, whether to be angry or embarrassed or what. His body didn't think. It responded by causing his cock to swell even more, something Jack was quick to point out.

"Little fuck is really enjoying this. Look at his cock swelling."

"Same with this one."

"How's it going?"

"Man, I gotta full head of steam. I'm not even half done."

Shane had a sudden fear as he felt his bladder filling. Suppose it couldn't hold it all and burst? It already felt huge. He looked up at the man standing there pissing up his urethra pleadingly. As if reading his mind, Rob leaned down and pressed against his stomach. "Oh yeah, getting nice and firm," he grinned. "You're going to piss like a race horse for the next part of the video." Shane turned red with embarrassment as the man stroked his belly as he continued pissing up the tube.

When they were finally done, Jack carefully removed the catheters, not wanting any blood for the little people who would be watching the video of them pissing. Telling the boys to be sure to hold back their piss, Jack took them back outside and as Shane wrote 'piss' and 'fuck' in the snow with his piss, Charles drew a stick man with a large penis and another man kneeling before him on the side of the garage. All Charles could think of was that the piss flowing out of him really wasn't his. That and worrying that he wouldn't finish the picture in time and that Jack would be angry with him. To his relief, he did.

Being told not to bother tucking their dicks away, the two boys headed back into the house, their hopes that they might now be done dashed. This time they went directly to the room with the two cots and laid back down on their backs. Jack went over to the fridge and returned with two milk jugs. Opening them, the two men held them before the boys' noses. The rank stink of stale urine filled their lungs. As he reinserted the catheters, Jack explained that for the past week whenever he or Rob had to take a piss, they'd used a milk jug. They had four and a quarter galleons [16 l] of piss already for this day. Pouring the contents of the milk jugs into two squeeze bottles, the men attached them to the catheters and once again the boys' bladders were filled, this time with the men's cold piss. They discovered the human bladder, theirs anyway, could hold a galleon [3.8 l] of piss, though not without pain.

In fact it was so bad, they could barely walk back outside, where they had a contest to see who could piss the farthest. Desperate to relieve the pain in their groins, it looked like a real contest. After refilling their bladders once more, the boys were made to piss against a tree to see who could piss the highest. They did so blankly and numbly, like two robots, painfully aware that the piss streaming out of their bodies wasn't even body temperature, and wasn't their own, and wondering when this torture was going to end. What more could they possibly do?

Charles felt like a fool doing the stupid competitions like a dumb little kid, but then these were supposed to be videos instructing kids. Why any adult would buy a video of a clown and a fifteen-year-old boy pissing he had no idea. Of course he also had no idea that there was a hidden camera in the room where they were getting their refills, and that Jack was making one version to actually give away to little boys, and another version to sell adults. And, he had no idea there were thousands of adults out there who would pay good money to see what was happening to him and Shane.

Going back inside, Charles was forced to eat another pot of boiled spinach until he was ready to puke, and this time to chug-a-lug a couple bottles of beer, all being taped on a hidden camera. Of course it was evident he was being singled out and not Ginger, but neither boy dared ask the reason nor what was going to happen even though they could not help thinking about it. After the next refill, which was much smaller and had become so routine the boys lay there and let it happen like two mindless slaves, Charles and Shane went in the bathroom and pissed in two pop bottles to see who could piss the most while Jack watched and Rob filmed them. Making Charles another pot of tea, this one heavily laced with diuretic, Jack told them there was one session left, and for it Charles had to use his own piss. Telling the boys they'd be back in half an hour, the two men left them in the room with the two cots, leaving of course the hidden camera running.

"This has been sortta dumb," observed Shane as he glanced over at Charles hesitantly. He wanted to talk to Charles, and talking about what they were doing seemed like a good place to start, but he wasn't sure if Charles would be in the mood, and he was shy initiating conversation to begin with.

"Sortta!" snorted Charles. It was dumb, and it was embarrassing, and it was sick. Shit, he'd been filled with some else's urine and been forced to piss it back out, and was taped doing it! He wanted to ask Shane why he was doing this, what sort of hold Jack had on him to get him into this, but he didn't. If he did, he'd have to explain how Jack had tricked him into staring in these videos. Surely his co-star wasn't doing it willingly. At least he didn't think he was. Charles didn't know what sane people did willingly anymore. He frowned as he thought about why he was there today.

"Do you think guys really buy these videos?"

"How should I know?" snapped Charles, angry at even being reminded that his contests had been taped and strangers out there would be viewing them. "I'm just fucking making them."

"Me too," said Shane softly, hurt by Charles's anger. Charles was his friend, the closest friend he had, but he was so temperamental. When they met each Saturday, he did things to make him feel good, but then when he tried to be friends back Charles seemed to want to be by himself. There was no reason to be mad at him. He wasn't making him do these things. Nor was Jack. Jack had told him this morning that Charles looked forward to these meetings, and that he really liked him. Shane sighed. He didn't understand, but then he never was very good at making friends.

Charles sat there and fumed, angry with the simpleton he was forced to spend the afternoon with, angry with Jack and Rob, angry with himself. One more scene. Did Jack really mean that, or was it another lie? Of course he had to admit Jack had never really lied to him. Not directly. It was sort of the evasive sort of things like he did to get things from his parents, or from his friends. Charles gritted his teeth. No! There was no way that anything Jack did was like what he did. He started to wish he'd kept up the conversation with Shane. Even moronic jabber was better than sitting there being angry. Besides just sitting there he became aware that his bladder was finally beginning to send messages to his brain.

The minutes slowly ticked by. The messages were becoming more insistent as the beer, tea, and diuretic took effect. He shifted, and finally reached down and pinched himself. He glanced over at his image in the mirror on the wall, unaware it was a two-way mirror. The look of angst, impatience and growing discomfort was priceless and the two men decided they'd wait another half hour.

When Jack finally returned, he took Charles out of the room. "Ginger tells me he met your mom and some of your friends." Charles wanted to express his anger over that and to tell Jack he never wanted to see Ginger around his house or anywhere near where he lived again, but he bit his tongue. He knew it would not do to get Jack mad. "Did you like the pictures I sent you?"

"They're fake."

"Of course. Would you rather I'd sent the ones with you with all your make up on?"

"Why did you send them?"

"I just thought you'd like a little souvenir of your first eight videos. Don't I get any thanks?"

"Thanks," Charles muttered begrudgingly.

"Now, now, that didn't sound very thankful," said Jack condescendingly and Charles's heart sank. He had done everything that had been required of him so far and now he'd gotten Jack mad. "High schools still have yearbooks, don't they?" Charles looked at Jack blankly. "Maybe I should have sent the pictures to them. Guaranteed to make the yearbook for sure, and to be the talk of the school. Now let's hear an apology, and a more sincere thanks."

Inhaling deeply and drawing on all the reserves he had, Charles looked up at the hated man. "I'm sorry I was ungrateful. Thank you for the two pictures." This was totally humiliating, and his bladder was aching.

"Now, that was much better," Jack said. Taking out his wallet, he handed Charles two hundred dollars. "Now, for the final part of the video, I want you to give Ginger a golden shower."

"A what?"

"I want you to piss on him, all over him. Drench him from head to foot with your piss." Charles looked at him in disbelief. The man was totally sick. "Now, you'll do exactly what I say, won't you?"

Charles's heart sank to a new low as he nodded. He joined Ginger and the two headed for the bathroom. At least in this last scene he wasn't the one being pissed on. That was a consolation. Shane deserved it actually, coming to his house, and to the mall and embarrassing him in front of his friends. He recalled his embarrassment as he stripped down and got in the tub. The more he thought about it, the more convinced he was that Shane deserved this. Served him right, the moron. He probably did it to himself for fun.

As the two stood facing each other and Charles raised his limp prick, Shane slowly realized what was about to happen. So that was why Charles had been fed the spinach and made to drink. He wanted to cry he felt so ashamed, but that would just make everyone mad at him. He inhaled deeply and waited. He did not have to wait long. Charles let his stream loose. He played it over Shane's body, ignoring his dismay and his shame having to do this, ignoring the two men filming what he was doing. He ran it over his thighs, trying to get him hard, he aimed up at his nipples, and at his dick as Jack had told him to.

Shane did not know what to think as he stood there being drenched with piss. Jack had told him when he'd arrived that in the last scene of the video, they'd be doing something to make Charles feel good, and if that was true, then it was the least he could do. Charles had made him feel good lots of times, and it wasn't as if he was doing this because he disliked him. Jack motioned for him to raise his arm, and as he did so Charles aimed his stream at his pit. Charles did seem to be enjoying it, enjoying it a lot. He felt filthy and humiliated being pissed on, but at the same time Charles's hot piss flowing over his body was erotic, and Charles was aiming it at those parts that really got him hot. Shane had to smile with the realization. Charles was even trying to please him while pleasing himself. He was really a special friend to be doing that. His cock began to swell.

Charles was enjoying it. It was justice. He just wished it was Jack that he was pissing on, and he pretended it was. As his piss stream finally subsided, he was sorry to see it end. Jack's next comment made him really sorry he was finished for a much different reason.

"Lean over and lick Ginger's chest across the top, just above his nipples."

He could not believe it! There was no way in hell he'd do that! From the look on Jack's face, he knew there was no choice. He could just imagine the yearbook committee getting a plain brown envelop in the mail, and their reaction. He reluctantly leaned over, and sticking out his tongue, he ran it over Shane's chest. He wanted to puke. His piss was sharp and salty with an acidic bite. He could smell it, hot and putrid. His body was spattered with it. He licked Shane's piss soaked nipples, nipples soaked with his piss which he was now licking off him. Shane's nipples grew hard under his tongue. He crouched down, running his tongue over Shane's flat stomach, licking his putrid piss out of his belly button. He wanted to puke. Never in his life had he felt so filthy, so totally debased. He was licking his piss off another boy's balls, and being filmed doing it. The acrid taste of his spinach-enhanced piss caused his saliva to flow and the putrid odor made his eyes water. He lapped at Shane's thighs, eager to get this over with, wishing he'd drop down dead.

Shane stood there looking down at Charles in disbelief as the handsome sixteen-year-old licked his pee off his body. Getting pissed on had been disgusting and filthy, but licking your own piss was even more so. How could anyone like that? But Charles did like it. Why else would he do it? Besides, the way he was running his tongue up and down his thighs he had to be enjoying it. Shane was also. As perverted as this all was, and as debasing at it was having two men watching and videotaping it, it was arousing. As Charles had licked his nipples they had become firm, and as he'd licked his balls, his cock had started to swell. Now as Charles eagerly licked his piss off his thighs, Shane's cock began to rise.

Charles's mouth moved up and he slipped his lips around the swelling cock, having caught Jack's motions out of the corner of his eye. Why not? It wasn't as if he had never sucked his cock before. It certainly was no worse than licking his piss off his body, or having his bladder filled with a stranger's piss. As Shane became hard, Charles worked his lips up and down the solid shaft, blocking out the men watching, blocking out the fifteen-year-old piss drenched boy looking down at him. He sucked desperately, wanting to bring him off, wanting this to end.

Shane groaned with pleasure as Charles attacked his cock. He really did like it. And Jack had come through with his promise! He'd said he'd work in someway for Charles to suck his cock again, and he had! Jack was a true friend, and treated him like an adult, which was more than other adults did. And Charles was the best friend a guy could ever have.

"Ah, I, I'm going to come, ohhh, ahhhh!"

Jack and Rob were beside themselves with arousal and delight as the shy fifteen-year-old boy shot his load into the handsome young cocksucker kneeling in the bathtub before him. This was just too perfect. Of course for the kiddie video Shane's comment would have to be blocked out, and they'd show the closeup of his face as he came rather than his cock, which was throbbing hotly in Charles's mouth as the boy gulped down the sudden surprise before he choked.


"Charles? Charles?"

Charles looked up. His mother was looking at him, her face creased with worry. "Are you listening to me?"

"Yeah, of course."

"And the mouthwash. You've used up a whole bottle in two days. Now I know you want your breath to smell nice for the girls, but really, Charles."

"Can I go out now?"

"Of course dear. Maybe some fresh air is what you need."

Charles stepped out onto their front patio and looked down the street of his rich, upper class suburb with the manicured lawns covered with a fresh blanket of snow. He inhaled deeply. The air was sharp and crisp that December afternoon, and smelled of wood smoke from fireplaces and of piss. He was never going to get the stench out of his nostrils, or the taste of his own piss out of his mouth. He leaned over the railing and puked into the fresh snow.