PZA Boy Stories

Daemon Way

Fun with Chuckles

Chapters 24-28

Chapter 24
More Fun With Socks

Charles and Jason are forced to continue revealing to their young audience the joys of sex with socks, and six-year-olds Kenny Darby and his best buddy Aaron Michaels in turn share their newfound knowledge with Aaron's older brother Kevin and his older brother's best friend, Enrico.

Rob and Jack glanced at each other as Charles recited his routine welcome and warning. Pretending there was some problem with one of the cameras, they'd left the two boys alone in the playroom for fifteen minutes, and their discomfort had been delightful. To the two teenage boys it had seemed more like fifteen hours before the two men had returned. Charles, dressed up as Chuckles the Clown, sat there in his tiny chair and fidgeted the entire fifteen minutes with a solemn look on his clown face. Just being in the same room as the perverted faggot sitting beside him gave him the creeps, and being there in the playroom, the scene of so many humiliations, made his skin crawl. It had been just over a month now since Jack had shown him Jason's love note. Since then the perv had sucked and licked his dirty feet like they were the most delicious thing in the world, and had tied him up and made him say he loved him. Then two weeks ago he'd romped around the play room like a little kid, or like a little puppy actually, carrying his stinky sock in his mouth, chewing on it, and finally sniffing it as he jerked himself off. That was the type of sick pervert that Jason Bonner was, and the fucking pervert was in love with him!

Jason had fidgeted the whole time too, and was just as solemn, though for a different reason. He wished that he could put his thoughts into words. He'd tried several times in writing since he'd lost the love note he'd written to Charles, but what he'd written sounded sappy, or too formal. Nothing he wrote could come close to his feelings for the sixteen-year-old sitting beside him. As for speaking them, he was much too embarrassed to voice those feelings. As he sat there he wished he could tell Charles that he wished he didn't have to pretend to like girls, and how he wished the two of them could find a place on this world where they could express their feelings for each other openly and honestly. He wished things could be between them like it was between a boy and girl. He wondered if any girl could love Charles as much as he did. Would a girl suck his stinky feet, and carry his stinky socks in her mouth? Would she tie him and tease his cock until he begged her to bring him off because that was how he liked his sex? He doubted that very much. Their's was a very special love. He did not understand Charles's perversions, but he understood that he loved him all the same, and would do anything to please him.

"So, if you are watching me right now, right this very minute, that must mean there are no grownups around to stop us from having some fun, fun, fun, so let's get started!" Charles recited from memory as he clapped his hands gleefully and looked over at Jason like an excited little kid while detesting his very presence inside. "Remember the day we told you all about how much fun you can have with dirty, stinky socks? You do?" he asked, as if having received an answer. "Well, today we are going to show you oodles and oodles and oodles of more fun you can have with socks, so I hope you and your buddy have put on your very stinkiest!"

"Have you put on your stinkiest socks, Chuckles?" asked Jason eagerly. Personally he found Charles's fascination with things filthy disgusting, and a surprise. Who would have thought the stylish and otherwise immaculately dressed Charles Brentworth would have a stinky sock fetish?

"You fucking bet. I haven't changed my socks or washed my feet for two weeks!" That was the sick truth. Two weeks ago Jack had phoned him and told him he wanted him to put on a thin pair of white nylon socks and to wear them every day until he told him not to, and he didn't care if he bathed as long as he didn't wash his feet. Charles had done as he'd been told. He knew if he didn't, Jack would find out somehow, and he didn't want to anger Jack. So, sixteen-year-old Charles Brentworth, high school sophomore and basketball player, heartthrob of half the girls in school and son of one of the richest families in Manor Heights, snuck his dirty socks out of the house every morning and put them on, changed into his clean socks before returning home so his mother wouldn't notice, and put them on when he went to bed. And he'd had a sponge bath every day for the last two weeks so he wouldn't get his feet wet, and had even made up a story about having athlete's foot so he would not have to shower after gym.

"Wow, I bet they're going to really be stinky! I haven't changed my socks or washed my feet for two weeks either!" Jason Bonner had been doing exactly the same thing, because he too did not want to anger Jack, and because he knew that Jack's order meant he and Charles would be doing another video. That it had to be about socks and dirty feet he was disappointed, but at least he and the boy he loved would be doing a video together. For at least one afternoon they'd be making each other feel good, and if messing around with dirty socks was what turned Charles on, then he wouldn't change his socks for a year no matter how itchy they felt or how filthy it made him feel.

"Then let's have some stinky socks fun!" Charles said gleefully as he removed his oversized yellow and orange boots and Jason removed his runners. "Mmmmm-mmmm," he sighed. "I can smell your socks already. This is going to be so fun! I'm getting horny just thinking about it."

"Me too," sighed Jason, trying not to gag with the foul odour wafting up from Charles's sweaty feet. He thought he'd be able to handle it, having had to smell his own feet these past two weeks. Why did the boy he loved have to have such strange perversions?

"Bet my socks will get your cock hard faster than your socks will get mine hard."

"Bet," agreed Jason, "and the loser has to chew one of the winner's socks." He said it exactly how the idea made him feel, like puking. Of course Jack made him repeat the statement as if he meant it, and he did, for Jack, and for Charles.

So Chuckles removed his baggy clown pants and his Winnie the Pooh underwear, and Jason removed his cargo pants and Joe Boxers, and the two supposedly mature and responsible boys reluctantly lay down on the playroom floor before the Tonka trucks and building blocks in reverse direction. Try as hard as they could, they could not conceal the look of revulsion as they drew each other's feet near, and when they shot the scene a second time and Charles buried his nose in Jason's feet he could not help gagging. It took several more trials before the two boys, inhaling deeply and resolving they'd get through the ordeal, grabbed each other's feet and began inhaling the foul odour as if sniffing bread fresh out of the oven while imagining the sweetest smells they could. As disgusting and as humiliating as it was, what the loser was going to have to do was even worse, and the two boys concentrated on the sexiest things they could think of in a desperate attempt to get hard first. Of course anyone watching the video would see two teenage boys eagerly sniffing each other's stinky feet.

Inhaling the cheesy stench of Jason's brown-stained once-upon-a-time-white socks, Charles imagined Lisa's peach-scented shampoo and what it would be like to be kissing and embracing her, and as he inhaled the fetid odour emanating from Charles's dirty ankle socks, Jason imagined what it would be like if they could just kiss and make love together like the gay stories he'd read on the Net. They snuffled and sniffed each other's filthy socks like two filthy pigs, and their cocks slowly began to swell. They were, after all, sixteen and with unsatisfied needs. Jason's needs, or his imagination, or because he was at least with the one he was fantasizing about, won out, and to Charles's dismay, Jason's cock stiffened out before his own.

Rolling Jason's sock off his foot, Charles could not help notice the toe jam between his toes and the dirt under his nails, and as he brought the toe of his sock up to his mouth he gagged. Jack allowed him to suffer another two trials before suggesting that perhaps they should get Rover in instead. Charles had no idea what Jack had in mind by that statement, but recalling the revolting stink of the dog's sheath and the disgusting taste of his cum, putting Jason's sock in his mouth suddenly did not seem that bad. Slipping the brown-stained toe in his mouth, he began to chew the foul object, staring down at the floor and imagining the disgust that had to be in the eyes of the two men watching. As for Jason, he didn't want to know what the faggot was thinking as he lay there chewing on his filthy sock. As his mouth filled with saliva and he swallowed the foul sock-flavoured spittle, he could hear Jason choking. Fuck, he was so much in love with him watching him chew his sock was choking the faggot up! Charles's cheeks began to burn.

"Now, you know how much fun stinky socks are," he finally continued, reading from the cue card and looking into the camera, glad that he didn't have to look Jason in the eye, "and you know how much fun sucking cock is, so if you want to have double as much fun. 3;"

"... suck your buddy's cock with his sock on it!" he and Jason chorused.

As Rob zoomed in on the two boys laying on the floor in opposite directions and slipping each other's sock over each other's stiff dick, Jack zoomed in on the looks on their faces as they concentrated on what they were doing, and then as they opened their mouths wide and slipped their lips over the sock-encased knobs. Of course they could not disguise their revulsion, nor their embarrassment performing such a perverted act, which was just what Jack wanted. At some point he'd have them so perverted and broken they'd do anything he asked, but for now he wanted a video showing their struggle. He wanted the men buying these videos to see them obeying him but with supreme reluctance, and he wanted them to see the struggle between their sense of decency and the perversion they were engaged in.

Having them repeat the action of putting the socks on each other and then slipping their mouths over the filthy socks until he was satisfied they did so with the proper eagerness and delight for his kiddie audience, Jack reached down and squeezed the swelling in his pants as he thought of the hundreds of little boys he was gradually perverting across the country. As the two teenagers clamped their lips about each other's sock encased cock and began sucking as they bobbed their heads up and down, tears welled up in their eyes, tears from the sting of the foul odour and tears from the sting of humiliation. They bobbed their heads up and down and sucked on the foul sock in their mouth as a thought even more troublesome than the humiliation of performing the gross act before the two men crossed their minds. Despite the foul taste and the disgusting fuzziness in their mouth, as they slid their mouths up and down each other's filthy sock wrapped about each other's cock, they could feel the heat pulsating though the sock, and their own cock throbbed with an equally erotic arousal. How could their partner be enjoying this? More importantly, what sort of perverts were they to be enjoying it? Charles could not ignore the fact he was rock hard and aching to get off a load, and Jason could not deny that his arousal went far beyond simply wanting to please his beloved.


Aaron and Kenny had no such disturbing thoughts as the two six-year-olds wolfed down their supper two weeks later. Ever since the first video about socks the two boys had been sneaking their dirty socks to school each day and while they'd stuck the socks their moms had set out for them in the morning in their coat pockets, they'd put on their dirty ones, and then at noon, swapped each other. They did not understand why, but when they swapped it gave them instant bones, which of course they fiddled with through their pockets until they reached that delightful point where they lost all control over their bodies. That was usually while they were doing seat work and their teacher invariably asked if they had ants in their pants, which caused them to giggle. The way their dick heads felt it was like ants crawling over them. That Saturday afternoon they'd spent at Kenny's engaged in the new sock game they'd watched, and they were eager to have more fun that evening, especially since they knew Aaron's parents were going out and were going to be leaving them alone with Aaron's older brother and his best buddy, though they were not too sure they liked the latter part.

Aaron's brother was looking forward to the evening with mixed feelings too. On the one hand he'd been looking forward to his kid brother's sleep overs with just as much excitement and anticipation as his kid brother ever since Aaron and Kenny had given him his first ever blow job now over two months ago. The boys having spent the previous Saturday at Aaron's house, and Kenny being particularly secretive about what they'd done, made this Saturday all the more to look forward to. It seemed every time his kid brother spent time with Kenny he learned some new way to have some sex fun, and he'd figured by then the boys must have found a stash of magazines or something at Kenny's house and were reading them. There was no other way the two six-year-old's could be coming up with such shit. Of course they wouldn't tell, and he was not going to push the issue. Hell, he had a good thing going. Who else had a kid brother who could satisfy those needs all thirteen-year-olds have until they can get a girl to put out?

That was why he'd invited his best buddy Enrico over, and why he was a bit apprehensive about the decision. He and Enrico had been best buds for years, and had shared a lot of secrets together, from looking in Marcy Steven's panties when they were about Aaron's age to Mister Barnwell's broken window and the porn picture site Enrico had recently discovered on the Internet. They had also shared their fantasies and most ardent wishes regarding the girls in their class and at their school, and had even admitted to each other that greatest secret of all, that when they could stand it no longer they jacked off. It had been sharing that secret, and Enrico showing him the Internet site last Saturday, that had prompted Kevin to invite Enrico over for a sleep over. What his kid brother and his buddy were doing was just too good not to share with his best pal in the world. Even though he thought Kevin was crazy, Enrico had even agreed not to change his socks for the week.

So, after setting out the popcorn for the boys and reminding them of the limit on cookies and sodas, being sure they had remembered to reactivate the V-chip after watching the adult movie channel the night before, and reminding them not to let strangers in the house, Mister and Mrs Michaels headed out secure with the knowledge their boys were safe and without temptations in their home.

"So, shall we watch the Disney movies my folks got for us, or go search for some porn on the Net?" Kevin asked. Enrico looked at Aaron and Kenny. "Don't worry about them, they're cool," responded Kevin. "They won't tell, will you?"

"Fuck no," responded Aaron, beaming with the fact his brother had told his buddy he and Aaron were cool. He knew not many older brothers said that.

"You guys can join us, or watch the Disney movies, or I imagine you're planning on playing a Chuckles game tonight," Kevin observed, using the secret word the boys had come up with to refer to the new games they were learning.

"What's a Chuckles game?" Enrico asked innocently.

"Trust me, they are like so wicked! Maybe the boys would like to teach you one of them after we do some surfing," Kevin suggested, looking at his brother suggestively. Aaron and Kenny glanced over at Enrico hesitantly. "I haven't told Enrico about the Chuckles games, but I figured maybe it was time we let him in on them," Kevin said. "He's cool. And he and I haven't changed socks all week."

The two boys glanced at each other and to Enrico's bewilderment huge smiles crossed their lips as if Kevin had just announced they were having ice cream for desert. So the four headed down to the computer room. Of course the Michael's had installed Net Nanny, but it had taken Kevin all of five minutes to follow the steps one of the older boys at school had shared to bypass the program. For the next hour they surfed the sites, looking for naked girls, which though the two younger boys were curious, soon lost their interest. Most of the sites requiring membership, the two teens found it frustrating, but they also found plenty of free stuff to get them aroused. Of course being thirteen, that did not take much.

"Looks like it's time for a Chuckles game," Kevin observed as he glanced at the bulge in Enrico's blue jeans.

"You never did say what the fuck a Chuckles game is," Enrico pointed out.

"They're fucking cool. And we got a brand new one that we learned!" Aaron responded.

"Oh yeah! It's fucking hot," observed Kenny to the amusement of the two teens.

Going to Kevin's bedroom, the two teens sat up on his bed and watched as the two six-year-olds removed their runners, and rolled down their socks. Holding them up to their noses and inhaling deeply, the two youngsters observed that they were delightfully stinky, which was going to be just perfect. The two teens glanced at each other with bemused smiles as their cocks itched for attention after an hour of looking at naked women.

Kevin inhaled nervously as his brother pulled down his fly and undid the snap of his jeans, and he raised his hips so he could pull down his jeans. He had been thinking of the various things they might do over the past three weeks when he'd decided to let Enrico in on the secret. He was horny, and curious, and knew of no better way to try stuff out with his best buddy than involving his kid brother and his friend. That way if Enrico didn't want to do it, or didn't like it, he could always say he was just humouring his kid brother. Enrico was surprised as Kenny reached for his fly, but to Kevin's relief Enrico was more than willing to let Kenny do the same as Aaron had done to him. Both teens were still erect as evidenced by the tents in their boxers. Before they removed the older boys' underwear, Aaron and Kenny chucked their jeans and briefs, unabashedly displaying their tiny hairless dicks and balls. As Aaron pulled down his brother's boxers and Kenny pulled down Enrico's, the two teens leered over at each other, and self-consciously and covertly glanced at each other's dick. They of course had seen each other naked changing for gym and showering at the swimming pool, but they'd never seen each other stiff before. Unlike Kevin, Enrico was uncut, and his balls were slightly larger, but less hairy. Of course the Mexican-American's cock was a dusky brown like the rest of his skin.

Glancing at each other, Aaron picked up one of his brother's socks and Kenny picked up one of Enrico's, and the two boys slipped them over the teens' dicks. Stretching them right back and holding them about the base, the two boys opened their mouths wide and slipped them over the dirty socks.

"Oh God!" gasped Enrico as he watched Kenny go down on him and felt his hot, moist mouth through his sock.

"Told you a Chuckles game was wicked," grinned Kevin as his brother began to suck his cock through his dirty sock.

The two randy teens stared at the two six-year-olds as they eagerly and zealously bobbed their heads up and down and sucked on their cocks through their dirty socks like they were the most delicious things they'd ever tasted. Their stiff, aching cocks throbbed with lust, and it was not long before the two teens, randy from surfing the net, were gasping and squirming with their approaching orgasms. Aaron and Kenny were meanwhile wanking on their little dicklets, tugging on the pencil thin, pink prongs with pure enjoyment as they sucked on the older boys' sock-encased cocks. As the two boys gasped and panted deeply as they shot their hot wads in their socks, the two younger boys trembled with their dry climaxes. It being Kevin's first time squirting in the presence of another boy who was also squirting, and it being Enrico's first time to squirt in the presence of someone else, the two teens had never felt so aroused, nor so satisfied. Squeezing the boys' stiff cocks by tightly clamping their lips about the base, the boys slipped their lips up their shafts, and then opening their mouths and descending, they repeated the action, milking out their cum just as they'd watch Jason and Chuckles do. The two teenagers were still laying there in a blissful daze as the two boys finally slid their socks off their still stiff cocks, opened them, and before they realized the boys' intentions, slipped the sticky, cum-filled socks on their feet.

"I bet that's gonna make the hair grow between my toes," observed Aaron, quoting Chuckles as he wiggled his toes in the creamy, sticky cum, and the two boys giggled. As he and Justin had put on each other's socks, Chuckles had said wearing your big brother's socks was a sign of respect and admiration, especially if they were dirty, and doubly especially if they were sticky with his cum.

"Gross," observed Kevin, wrinkling up his nose as he watched his brother wiggling his toes in his cum soaked sock and Kenny doing the same with Enrico's.

"Yeah," agreed Enrico. "But fucking hot." The two boys glanced over at each other and grinned.

"So, whatcha wanna do now?" Kevin asked.

"Well, I still have one other sock," Enrico observed with a leer and the four boys laughed. Chuckles games were wicked, and they were enticing!

Chapter 25
Fun Playing Dressing Up

In this story, fifteen-year-old Shane Finnigan is disappointed to find out once again he will be making a film alone. His only consolation is that after having been made to wear and soil a diaper in his last shoot, nothing he can be asked to do could possibly be more embarrassing. Little does the naive grade ten student know the depths of depravity Jack and Rob have planned for him before they are done with him.

"Where are the others?"

"There are no others. This is a single shoot." Jack glanced over at Rob and the two men smiled at the look of disappointment and dismay on the fifteen-year-old's face as they stepped into his house. There was nothing more arousing than messing around with a teenage boy's emotions.

"Is that a problem?"

"No. Not really. I was just hoping there'd be someone else is all."

"Like maybe Charles?"

"Well yeah."

Jack smiled at Rob again, but this time making sure Shane saw. "What is the expression you teenagers have these days 3; you two are an item?"

"Huh? Us? No, no, nothing like that!"

"Hey, Shane, that's all right. You don't need to be embarrassed admitting it to us. We understand such things."

"But 3;"

"Actually, this is a shoot that will lead into one with you and Charles. In fact it provides something that the two of you will have in common for a theme in later videos."

"It will?" Shane asked, his objection to being thought of as gay and embarrassment that Jack thought he and Charles were lovers forgotten with the good news.

"You know how Charles dresses up as Chuckles the clown every time."


"Well, he's the only one to ever dress up, and viewers have been asking why, and Rob and I figured perhaps in the future videos you should dress up too."

"As a clown?" Shane asked hopefully.

"Well, no not exactly," Jack said, "but you will see. For this first scene we want you to put on your backpack and pretend you have just arrived home from school. You go to your room, take off your school clothes, then go to the closet and put on your dress-up clothes, and admire yourself in the mirror. Think you can do that?"


"Then let's begin. Get your backpack and step outside and we'll begin shooting."

Shane eagerly got his backpack from his room and stepped outside. Anything that put him closer to Charles had to be good, and that he was going to be the other person dressed up and not Jason made it even better. He could not have hidden the huge smile on his face if he'd wanted to. Of course that was just the look Jack and Rob wanted as they filmed him walking down the hall a few minutes later. They had arranged with him to use his home while his parents were out for this shoot. Removing his backpack and placing it beside his desk as he always did, he began to undress. After all this time, he still was not comfortable being naked in front of Jack and Rob, especially them being adults, and them always being clothed, but he had come to accept it was something he just had to do and get it over with. He'd accepted it, but he still could not stop from blushing a bright crimson as he stepped out of his boxers and walked stark naked over to the closet. Jack and Rob glanced over at each other and their crotches began to bulge as they admired the fifteen-year-old's tight, compact butt and his teenage cock and balls bouncing between his legs. They could also not wait to see the expression on his face when he looked inside the closet to find what they'd left for him while he was outside. The look of shock on his face was priceless, as was his quizzical look back at the two adults. Jack's gestures made it quite clear that he was to continue as they'd described while they'd ushered him outside. His reaction they'd keep in for the adult version of the video, and cut out for the kiddie version.

Following Jack's instructions, he removed the hangers and carefully laid the clothes out on his bed, and then opening the bottom drawer of his dresser as they motioned for him to do, with Rob zooming in on his backside as he bent over, he blushed even brighter as he saw what was inside. He stood and turned and looked at Rob and Jack in dismay. From the looks on the faces of the two men, they were starting to get annoyed, and he knew what happened when Jack got angry. Of course the expressions on their faces had been exaggerated to get the look of consternation and then of futility on his face. That would be priceless for the adult video also. There was nothing like genuine teen angst to stir up the arousal of the men their video was being made for. Following Jack's instructions, Shane took out the flesh-coloured, silicon breasts and strapped them on and then looked at himself in the full-length mirror on the door of the closet. They looked very real. "You're not supposed to look like you're looking at some freak in a circus," Jack criticised.

"You're supposed to be admiring your new look."

He was a freak. At five-foot-six [1.68 m] and a hundred-and-twenty pounds [55 kg], he had a slender, almost effeminate body, especially with his soft, contoured muscles, Shane not being the overly athletic type. The false breasts emphasized his feminine features. Although not markedly hung, he was nonetheless male, and his dangling balls and dick were a marked contrast to the big boobs.

"Shane, caress your breasts, squeeze them, turn and model them. You're supposed to be enjoying dressing up, not looking like you're going to a fucking funeral."

Shane caressed and squeezed his new breasts, and turned and admired himself in the mirror and watched his image reach down and play with himself. Jack kept him at it until he'd gotten over his embarrassment and made a half-hearted attempt to look like he was having fun. The men who would watch the video would know better, and the little kids wouldn't notice with the editing that they'd do.

Bending over once again, he took out from the bottom drawer the delicate pink panties with frilly white lace and dainty flowers embroidered across the crotch and stepped into them. Jack of course had made sure they were large enough to fit, and tight enough to show off his cock and balls. Removing the wig, the hair the same reddish-yellow as his, he slipped it on, and once again admired himself. Jack and Rob could barely contain themselves. He was the perfect image of an effeminate teenage faggot she-male.

Taking out the nylons and garter belt next, he sat down on the bed, and after several attempts, managed to roll the nylons up and figure out how the garter belt worked, the look of embarrassment and self-consciousness in his eyes causing Rob and Jack to spring to full erection. He had much more difficulty snapping up the back of his bra, a delicate pink with white lace undie which matched his panties, and he wondered just how girls managed. Putting on the black leather skirt, which just barely covered his crotch, and the low-cut, bright crimson blouse, which was the same colour as his face and amply showed off his cleavage, he walked over to the closet once again, following Jack's gestures. Putting on his new shoes, which since he was new at this and for convenience in his first shoot were low-heeled, he once again modelled and admired himself, all the while praying they'd get this over with before his parents arrived back home. Jack had promised it would be no more than half an hour, but it seemed like several had already passed. He did make, Jack and Rob concluded, a hot looking hooker.

"Okay, let's go."

Shane had no idea where they were going, but he dutifully followed Rob and Jack. Taking him downtown, they first of all had him walk the streets in one of the busier parts of the town while they filmed the reaction of those he passed. More than just a few of the men cast appreciative eyes at him, much to his embarrassment, and when he walked past a construction site, which Jack had known would be there, a few of the workers were so daring as to whistle, which was even more embarrassing. The women he passed were not so appreciative, and the looks of disgust were just as embarrassing once Jack explained just what type of girl they were thinking he was to the naive teenager.

They next took him to the downtown J. C. Penny's. As he browsed through the women's clothing department, and then the lingerie department, he wanted to die, especially when the sales clerks approached him to offer help, and then looked at him like he was a sick pervert when they realized he was a guy. Jack made him approach half a dozen cosmetic departments downtown to buy lipstick and nail polish until he was satisfied he'd done so without any hint of embarrassment, enjoying of course the torment he and Rob were putting the boy through as clerk after clerk was unable to hide her surprise and discomfort serving a teenage boy in drag. If that wasn't embarrassing enough, they then made him go to the men's room and using a small hand-held cam recorder which they concealed inside a rolled up newspaper, they filmed him putting on his make-up and the reaction of the men who came in. Some came close to striking him in disgust, which they probably would have done had it not been for the presence of Jack and Rob, and one guy even spit on him. Shane was, of course, totally mortified by what the men were thinking about him, and more than a little frightened.

Returning to the car, he sighed with relief that his ordeal was over, but the hapless teen soon discovered it had only begun. They were heading back toward Jack's place, but before they got there they turned into another mall, one he was very familiar with. It was in his neighbourhood. Being a Saturday afternoon, the place was busy, and as he walked down the mall he looked straight ahead, praying that the familiar faces he saw would not recognize him, and to his relief they did not, not until Jack had him stop and buy an ice cream cone at the food court. He immediately balked, and asked if they could wait for a minute, but Jack insisted he do it now, and reminded him that time was money. Shane knew the consequences if he didn't obey, and so he reluctantly but obediently walked over to the vender and stood beside the customer waiting there, one of his teachers. When he had to tell the vender what type of ice cream he wanted, he tried to disguise his voice, causing Jack to almost drop his cam recorder in amusement. Hearing his voice, the man turned looked at him more closely. Shane continued to stare straight ahead, and when the man finally turned and continued on his way, which was only second later but seemed like half an hour to the teenage boy, Shane sighed with relief and prayed that he'd not recognized him.

Speaking of luck, from there his luck got progressively worse. Jack had him head to the video arcade where he stood just outside the entrance and finished his cone, licking it with seductive and erotic poses. A number of the girls who attended his school glanced his way and then glanced at each other with looks of disgust at the wanton hussy. Some of the boys, on the other hand, stared intently and purposefully at him, and from the bulges developing in their jeans, they were clearly being turned on. Finally three of the smug, arrogant jocks that he knew only too well, approached him.

"Hi there," one of them greeted with a huge friendly smile.

Shane nodded, wanting to die and wishing he could escape. "Haven't seen you around here before. You new in the neighbourhood?"

Shane considered just nodding again, but he knew that he wouldn't be able to keep this up if he didn't speak at some time. "No," he responded.

"I guess our paths just haven't crossed before."

"Yeah, I guess." His heart was in his mouth as he prayed the guys would see he wasn't interested and would just back off. One of them, Brad Schwartz, looked at him curiously, and then suspiciously. He glanced at his buddies, and one by one they looked at Shane and the same expression crossed their faces.



"Fuckin' Christ!" The boys looked at each other again. "What is this, some sort of initiation or something?" one of them asked, glancing around in the expectation of seeing a group of guys bent over with laughter. All they saw was the usual group of adults shopping in the mall. Of course Jack and Rob were using their cams and keeping their distance.

"Ah, yeah, something like that."

"Shit. You make one hot looking whore, you know?"

"Oh yeah. Nice tits," teased his buddy.

Shane was by then as red as his blouse.

"We'll have to have a date sometime," the first one joked and they all laughed.

"Jeez, those falsies look so fuckin' real," observed another. "They are falsies, ain't they?"

"Of course."

The boys snickered as they glanced at Shane and then at each other. "Well, have fun, babe," Brad said to everyone's amusement, everyone except Shane. They headed back into the video store where several more of their classmates had gathered, and whom they quickly enlightened.

"You really think it's an initiation or something?" one of them asked, his voice picked up by Rob's cam, Rob having followed them into the store.

"No way. The guy's a nutcase."

"Or a fruitcase."

"Fruit is right. There's no doubt that's what he is. A flamin' fuckin' fruit! Can you imagine!"

"Well, we've always said he wasn't playing with a full deck."

"To think he'd come out in full drag, right here in the open! Why would a guy do that?"

"Maybe he's cruising," one of them suggested.

"That has to be it!"

"Well, we almost fell for him."

"Can you imagine what would have happened if we hadn't recognized him, and one of us ended up on a date with him?"

"Or in bed?"

"Ewww," a number of them replied, and a couple gagged, but Rob and Jack noticed not all of them. Both men were observant when it came to scouting for a supporting cast for their three main stars, both as willing and not so willing performers.

As he waited for Jack, Shane wished he was dead. What had just happened was the most humiliating experience he'd had yet. Of course his sullenness and silence Rob picked up on his cam recorder for the adult version of the video. To Shane's disappointment, his humiliation was not over yet. Picking up one of Jack's friends, a fat, balding man he called Doc, they drove across town, over to an area that Shane had never frequented until he'd met Charles six months ago. His heart sank as he saw the now familiar mall approaching. This was Charles's part of town.

Making him go to the food court and buy an ice cream cone and then stand there and lick it while rubbing his crotch, it was not long before he was noticed by the group of teenagers who had gathered there, his low-cut crimson blouse and cleavage, his short leather skirt, and his ginger-coloured hair making him impossible not to notice. Finally several of the more curious approached him, and the scene in his own mall was played out again, this time with a different cast and with Doc catching the action with the video, Jack and Rob having stayed behind in the car.

"Holy shit, can you believe it?" asked Trevor Yarrow as they watched Shane head back up the mall, Doc having finally motioned that it was time for him to leave and staying behind to catch the reaction of the teenage crowd.

"I can't believe it. Shane of all people!" observed Lisa.

"So, you believe his story it's an initiation?" asked Cindy.

"Sure, like I believe in Santa Claus." "God, how sick," observed Sherry.

"I'll say. They should round up every fag pervert in the country and shoot them," commented Trevor.

"After they've been hung up by the balls and had the shit beaten out of them," added Ricky Ballard.

"Fags don't have balls," observed Sherry.

Jason stared at the floor of the mall, totally devastated by the antifag comments and the hatred and disgust in the voices of his friends. Of course he'd heard fag jokes and comments from them before, but it had always been joking, or just an expression, a way of speaking. Guys often told each other to suck dick or called each other fags but they hadn't really meant it. This time they meant what they were saying. If they only knew that he was gay. The more they talked the sicker he felt, and the angrier he was getting also. This was all Shane's fault. The stupid fucking idiot. Showing up there at the mall in drag. He always knew he was a moron, but he didn't think he was that stupid! Thank God he hadn't let slip any comments about what they had done together! Next time he did see the stupid queen, he'd let him know just what would happen if he ever did reveal what went on over at Jack's house.

"Wait until Charles finds out."

"Maybe Charles already knows."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, Shane is Charles's friend."

"Yeah. Hey, didn't Shane say something about them doing something together once or something. You know, that time he'd brought Charles some money from some guy?"

"Shit, you don't think Charles is a closet fag do you?"

They looked over at Lisa, who had been fidgeting uncomfortably during the entire conversation. Everyone knew she and Charles were next to going steady.

"He certainly doesn't act like one," she observed.

"Yeah, but who knows? They can hide it pretty well if they want. You never can tell."

Jason wanted to die as everyone agreed. Doc of course had seen the videos of the boy and caught it all on tape for Jack and Rob. Shane wanted to die too when they finally took him home. "You know, I think it would be a good idea for you to let your hair grow long. You'd look gorgeous with long hair," observed Jack, and Shane knew it was not just a suggestion. As he headed up the walk, he wondered just where he was going to hide the stuff that Jack had insisted he keep at his house. At least they had returned before his parents had. As he closed the door behind him and headed to wash off his makeup, he wondered just what more could happen to him.

Chapter 26
Even Still More Bum Fun

Six-year-olds Kenny Darby and his best buddy Aaron Michaels learn more fun games they can play with their bums, and they know just the perfect person to play them with, their sissy classmate Percy Simmons.

Percy figured that Aaron was pulling a joke on him when he said Mrs. Sanders wanted to talk to him, but he was not sure, and when you are six and told your teacher wanted to see you, you didn't take any chances. Besides, being at the top of the class and the teacher's pet made the possibility that she did want to talk to him quite likely. That was why Percy Simmons was in the hallway Monday morning before the bell rang instead of out on the school yard with everyone else and why the hall monitor had let him in. That was also why Aaron Michaels had run around to the other side of the school to sneak into the building and join Kenny Darby in the boys room. As Percy walked by, the two boys jumped him and dragged him into the washroom. Pulling one of his brother's dirty socks out of his pocket, Aaron jammed it in Percy's mouth and tied it in place with a shoelace while Kenny held back his arms.

It was the worst thing Percy had ever tasted or smelt in his life, reminding him of the time Robbie Fisher in grade six had left a carton of chocolate milk in his locker and had forgotten about it until everyone began to notice a peculiar stink a month later. He of course could not help but gag, and that caused him to heave his breakfast of scrambled eggs, bacon and toast. The exit being blocked by the stinky sock, he had no choice but to swallow it back down, and the taste of the acidic puke caused him to upchuck a second time as the first upheaval was going down. The vomit going up having no place to go went up the back of his throat and finding an exit, gushed out his nose.

"Eww, gross."

"Yeah," giggled Aaron.

Aaron pulled down Percy's pants and his underwear, making him forget about the sock and the puke leaving a foul taste in his throat and dribbling off the foul sock and his chin, Percy being a little prude even at the young age of six. Laying him on his back on the floor of the cubicle and raising his legs so he was laying on his shoulders, the two boys pulled apart his asscheeks and giggled at the sight of his small pink pucker.

"Did you remember to bring the KY?" asked Aaron anxiously.

"Of course," Kenny replied, taking the tube of lubricant that the man who'd given them the latest video had given them out of his pocket. Placing the tip of the tube in Percy's butthole, he squeezed out some of the KY just like they'd seen on the video.

"And the marbles?"


"How many?"

"Eight," Kenny said with a grin. It was the same number they'd watched Ginger and Jason stick up Chuckles' asshole in the video on Saturday. Taking the first one, he placed it against Percy's lubricated pucker and slowly pushed on it. He and Aaron giggled as it disappeared inside their struggling classmate. Aaron inserted the second, and so in turns, they slipped the marbles up young Percy's rectum as he lay there totally humiliated and worried what would happen if the marbles got stuck up there, and how he'd explain why he had marbles up his bum.

"Now we're gonna see how wide your fuckin' asshole can stretch," advised Kenny, looking down at their frightened victim. Taking the first piece of chalk, he slipped it half way into Percy's rectum. "Feels great, huh?"

It felt anything but great and Percy squirmed as hard as he could and grunted his anger, but the two boys were holding him firmly, and they could not make out a word with his sock gag. He inhaled deeply and almost puked again with the stink of the soiled sock in his mouth and the putrid odour of his vomit. Fighting back his urge to gag, he continued to squirm as a second stick of chalk was inserted, stretching his little hole as wide as a man's finger would. A third and fourth were added, stretching it further than it had ever been stretched before. Chuckles had been able to take a lot more, but Jason had warned them about inserting too many up a virgin hole compared to a boy who liked getting fucked like Chuckles.

"Should we do one more?"

"Two, one for each of us."


So, two more pieces of chalk were partially inserted into Percy's hole, stretching it an inch and a half [4 cm] wide. Kenny slipped his fingers about Percy's tiny dicklet and began tugging on it, distracting his attention from his asshole. Percy knew about fiddling with your pee-er, and he knew it was a bad thing to do. His father said so. So did Mrs Sanders when he told her that Kenny and Aaron were doing it during printing, which was one of the reasons Kenny and Aaron disliked him. Another was because they'd gotten in big trouble when he told on them for using bad words on the playground at recess. He squirmed even harder as he tried to stop Kenny from fiddling with his little dinky, but he couldn't shake him off.

"Feels fucking awesome don't it," Kenny observed, mistaking Percy's squirming as being out of pleasure. It did, in a way. Memories of how good it felt when he'd absent-mindedly played with himself while he'd played trucks in the family room before his father had caught him and told him it was a bad thing caused his pee-er to tickle. It was an awesome feeling, and good, which made it naughty since things that felt good usually were bad for you. Exactly why playing with your pee-er was bad for you he never did understand, but since his father said it was, it had to be so. By this time Aaron had taken over from Kenny and he was vigorously rubbing his dicklet, pulling his skin right back off the bulb end and then pulling it right back over, and Kenny was rubbing his dangles. He'd never done that to himself, and it felt sort of strange, and sort of good.

"He's getting hard!" observed Kenny. "Told you even an asshole like Percy likes to get jacked off."

He was getting hard, and he turned bright red as Aaron let go of his pee-er and it stood up straight and stiff. Nobody had ever seen it like that before. His face was so red with embarrassment it felt hot. His embarrassment was quickly forgotten as Kenny suddenly pushed the sticks of chalk further up his bum until he felt his bumhole close, trapping them inside him!

"Now, you better keep this fuckin' stuff up your fuckin' bum til lunch time, and you fuckin' better not tell nobody fuckin' nothing about what we done," warned Kenny.

"Yeah. Or we'll fuckin' make you clean the fuckin' stuff we stuck up your fuckin' asshole with your fuckin' tongue," added Aaron, just as Justin had warned Chuckles in the video.

As the bell that told everyone they could come into the building rang, Aaron and Kenny released their classmate. They watched with huge smiles as Percy sat down in his desk, and they giggled and snickered as he squirmed uncomfortably until finally Mrs Sanders had to ask him if anything was wrong. The boys held their breaths and waited, knowing he was a little squealer, but he said nothing was wrong. When Mrs Sanders observed that he was wiggling around like he had ants in his pants, which was not like him, Kenny and Aaron snorted and wished they could tell her what he really did have in his pants. At recess Percy just stood and watched, afraid to even move, but Kenny and Aaron were going to have none of that. They began by making him play tag with them, saying they'd tell all the guys why he was squirming if he didn't, and then they made him slide down the slide. The look on his face as he slid down the slide was so funny Aaron and Kenny doubled over with laughter.

When noon arrived Percy hurried to the boys room. To his dismay he discovered a dozen boys waiting for him, Kenny and Aaron of course, several of his classmates, and a collection of older boys from grade two to six, older brothers and friends who'd been told about Percy's before school experience. Despite the humiliation and embarrassment of having an audience, Percy pulled down his pants and underwear and squatted over the paper towelling that Kenny and Aaron had lay on the floor. His need to evacuate his bowels was just too great to refuse and he definitely was not going to be able to last all afternoon.

So, the blushing, helpless boy squatted there in the boys room in the centre of a circle of giggling, snickering classmates and older boys and pushed out with his abdominal muscles. Slowly the first of the pieces of chalk emerged from his straining hole.

"Shit, he does have chalk up his asshole!" someone observed and the giggling and snickering grew even louder.

"Fuck, how much chalk does he have up there?" asked another as the fourth piece of brown smeared chalk joined the others.

"Six," announced Kenny.

"And that's not all he's got up his asshole," Aaron advised with a twinkle in his large, blue, and not so innocent eyes.

As the shit-smeared marbles began to plop out of his hole, Percy was bright red with embarrassment and with the exertion of emptying his asshole. He stared down at the tiled floor but he could not block out the murmur of boys' voices all around him, and he could feel all dozen pair of eyes on him, or more exactly, on his straining bumhole.

"You better shit out all eight," warned Kenny, as he'd heard Jason tell Chuckles in the video, "or you'll have to stick your finger up your ass and fish the rest out."

Percy strained all the harder. There was no way he was going to stick his finger up his bum, especially in front of a bunch of guys, and besides, the last thing he wanted was for a marble to be stuck up there! To his relief, and to the amazement of those watching, he evacuated all eight. The six-year-old was relieved his ordeal was over, but as he slowly realized that he should wipe himself off, the thought of having to do that in front of everyone was even more embarrassing than having had to poop the stuff out of his bum even though he knew it was something every one of them did.

Kenny knew exactly how Percy was feeling, having seen the same look of humiliation on Chuckles's face, and knowing how he would feel if he had to wipe his bum in front of a bunch of guys. He and Aaron still didn't quite understand how Chuckles could like being humiliated like that, but Justin had explained to Ginger that he did, and he sure seemed like he'd enjoyed it in the video. It had gotten Chuckles's pee-er hard, which Jason said was a sure sign he was liking it, and Kenny and Aaron knew that was true since their pee-ers got hard when they did the fun stuff they were learning. Taking some slips of toilet paper from the dispenser, Kenny handed them to Percy with a knowing glance at Aaron, and the two boys and those they'd invited snickered as they watched Percy wipe his bum. Even though it was something they all did and it wasn't anything sexy, they all felt a strange itch in their groins as they watched the six-year-old reaching behind him and wiping the smears of shit from his bumhole.

"Now, for being so good, Aaron and me brought ya some special lunch," announced Kenny as he unzipped his pants and undid the top button.

"Yeah, real special," said Aaron, as he also pulled down his fly and along with his best buddy pushed down his blue jeans and his underwear. Their audience all glanced at each other and then back at them, all of them having the same thoughts of the now pale white Percy. "I brung ya a wiener, and I been keeping it nice and warm for ya," Aaron continued, wiggling his bum. That was not what any of them thought, especially Percy, who felt a wave of relief pass over him.

"No way," observed one of the older boys. "You didn't!"

"Sure the fuck did," said Aaron with a grin. "Come get it Percy," he said, bending over. Percy just stared at his classmates buttocks and the straining butthole. He was relieved it wasn't what he'd thought, but he wasn't that relieved. "Com'on, I don't got all day."

"Jeez, he does have a wiener up his bum," one of his classmates observed as it began to protrude out of his hole.

"I ain't eatin' that!" Percy responded, wrinkling up his nose. "That's sick!"

"Then I guess we'll have to tell Mrs Sanders where her chalk went," observed Kenny, using one of the threats Jason had suggested in the video for when they did this for real. "Joshua, you wanna to get her?" he asked, looking at one of his classmates.

It took Joshua a moment to catch on, that Kenny was serious if Percy didn't do as he said. Either way it was going to be totally humiliating. He felt sorry for Percy, but he was sort of a know-it-all and irritating. "Sure."

"Bet she'll be mad," observed Kenny. "Bet she'll phone your mom and dad for sure."

By this time Joshua was at the door. "Wait," called Percy frantically. He couldn't have his teacher know what had happened! Or his mom and dad!

"You don't gotta worry," said Aaron. "It's clean. I had an enema before I stuck it up there so there's no shit." Percy looked at him blankly. "You know what an enema is?" Percy shook his head as he stared at the wiener half sticking out of Aaron's bum. "I washed my bumhole out so it would be clean," Aaron explained, feeling smug that he knew something at last that Percy did not.

"So did I," said Kenny. "So my hole would be clean too. Now hurry up so I can give you your dessert."

Percy got on his knees, not because he was in a hurry for whatever dessert Kenny had, but to get this over with. He bit into the wiener gingerly, sticking his teeth out and taking a nibble. It smelt poopy, but did taste like wiener. If he ignored the smell and where it was. 3; He ate it down as fast as he could, to the amusement of everyone. The six-year-old knew if he didn't he'd puke. They all turned to look at Kenny as Percy swallowed the last of the wiener.

"I brung ya chocolate pudding," he said with a huge grin.

It had been sort of fun cleaning out his bumhole with the squeeze bottle he'd gotten from the man with the fifth video the man had given him, the first video on things he could do with his bum. That seemed like such a long time ago, and he'd given himself plenty of enemas since then, or had Aaron give it to him. Transferring the can of chocolate pudding to the bottle and then squeezing it up his bum had been more difficult, but remembering how much fun it looked when Chuckles sucked the pudding out of Jason's bumhole, he had done his best.

Now as Percy knelt behind him and pressed his lips against his bumhole as instructed, and as he pressed out with his stomach like he had to poop and he felt the puddling oozing out of him like diarrhea, he was so glad he and Aaron had decided to do what they'd seen happening in their latest Fun With Chuckles video. This would get back at Percy for squealing on him and Aaron good, and it was a heck of a lot of fun besides. As the guys watching pretended to gag and snorted and giggled, he pushed out all the harder, and Percy swallowed quickly as his mouth was filled with what tasted, and he hoped really was, chocolate puddling. When Kenny was at last finished, he even made Percy lick his bum hole, and several of the guys asked if it really was pudding that he was licking up, and observed that it certainly looked like something else. As he made Percy lick his bum clean, he wished he could have seen it, but Aaron assured him it was just like how they'd seen on the video.

"So, did you like that?" Kenny asked.

Percy, still on his knees, looked up at his classmate. He certainly hadn't, but he knew that was not the answer Kenny was expecting, and afraid what else might be in store for him if he didn't cooperate, he nodded, much to the hooting and laughter of the boys in the room, causing him to turn red again.

"I got to go pee," observed Kenny, glancing over at Aaron with a grin and then back at Percy. Percy had no idea what Kenny was thinking, but he knew he was not going to like this.

"Me too," said Aaron. Percy looked frantically at one and then the other.

"You really never heard of an enema before?" asked Kenny. Percy shook his head. "Well, ya like learnin' stuff, so maybe me 'n Aaron should learn ya. Stand up and bend over."

Percy had no desire to learn what an enema was, but he also knew saying so would not stop Kenny, and flat out refusing likely wouldn't either. So he bent over, and Aaron pulled apart the cheeks of his bum until his bumhole was stretched open. Kenny stepped up behind him and he felt the tip of Kenny's pee-er press against his open hole. Percy's heart sank. He couldn't really be about to do what he was thinking! A second later he felt the gush of warm liquid flooding his rectum and up into his bowels. Kenny was peeing up his bum! Those watching could not believe it, and several expressed their disbelief. When Kenny finally finished and backed up and they saw the yellow fluid begin dribbling from Percy's butthole there was no question that he'd really done it. They could not begin to imagine what that felt like for Percy as the six-year-old stood there bent over, staring at the floor in total humiliation. It was the dirtiest thing they'd ever heard of, and it was totally wicked and they felt privileged to have been among the few to have been invited to watch.

"Better hurry Aaron. My pee is leaking out."

Aaron quickly took his place, and as he proceeded to empty his bladder Kenny explained that he and Aaron used warm water and soap and a squeeze bottle to clean out their bums, and that it felt good, but a warm piss enema would do the same job. That night more than one mother would be asked if there were any empty squeeze bottles, and to save the next empty one 3; for school.

By the time Aaron was done Percy's intestines were filled with boy piss, causing his belly to develop a bit of a bulge, which Kenny was quick to point out, just as Ginger had in the video when he and Jason had given Chuckles a piss enema. Percy stood there afraid to move as he tried valiantly to hold back the flood behind his tightly clenched sphincter. When the boys told him he could go poop out their piss, he shuffled over to the toilet as fast as he could, his pants and underwear about his ankles. The cluster of boys watched him with huge grins, and as they heard him evacuating his bowels, Kenny observed, as Jason had in the video, that it sounded just like how a girl took a piss. Already giggling with amusement, the groups of boys burst into gales of laughter.

"So what's your fav desert?" Kenny asked Percy as he was finally allowed to pull up his underwear and pants.

Percy looked at him, not sure if he was supposed to say chocolate, or if it was a trick question, or what. "Canned peaches," he finally said.

"Yeah? I'll bring some for ya tomorrow," Kenny said with a twinkle in his eyes.

"You really gonna do it?" asked Joshua as the boys headed out to play for what was left of the recess.

"Fuckin' bet."

"You and your friend are one pair of pervs," observed one of the grade sixers, and his two buddies nodded in agreement.

Kenny and Aaron had no idea what a perv was, but from the appreciation and admiration in the boy's voice and his eyes, and the eyes of his buddies, they figured it was a good thing, and having a grade sixer admire you when you were just in grade one definitely was something good. And, it was all because of their heros, Chuckles, Ginger and Jason.

Chapter 27
Still More Fun With Pooh

In this story, the control of Jack and Rob over fifteen-year-old Shane Finnigan and sixteen-year-olds Charles Brentworth and Jason Bonner is put to the test as the men capitalize on the fascination young preteen boys have with bodily functions and scat humour, while at the same time they continue to shape the perception the three teenagers are forming about each other and of themselves.

Jack and Rob looked through the two-way mirror in the play room at the three teenagers sitting there waiting for them. Charles, now five-foot-eight [1.73 m] and a hundred and forty pounds [64 kg], was in his regular colourful and baggy clown outfit with oversized orange and yellow shoes, his fuzzy multicolored wig, bright red cheeks, and bright blue lips. They knew behind the make-up of the honey-blond was a handsome face with sexy blue eyes, and under the baggy costume was the smooth, athletic body of a high school sophomore and basketball player that even decent high school girls had fantasies about. Beside him was Shane, the lonely, shy fifteen-year-old grade ten student from the other side of town looking ravishing in his ginger-coloured wig, false tits, low-cut crimson blouse, nylons and short leather skirt. The two men knew that the five-foot-six [1.68 m], hundred-and-twenty pound [55 kg] youth was wearing dainty pink panties and bra with embroidered flowers and a lace trim under his drag costume, the same costume he'd been forced to wear in public two weeks ago, and had been forced to wear to the taping last week during which he and Jason had subjected Charles's ass to some stretching exercises. In that session, to his humiliation, he'd been given the name Miss Ginger. When he had objected later, Jack had threatened to send his mother a picture of her little 'girl', which put an end to that though the phrase he could not get out of his mind the rest of the week.

For the same session Jason had been told to change into his leather domination outfit and had taken on the name Master J. Having the hots for Charles, he'd been delighted to learn the video would involve them having sex, but he was disappointed to learn from Jack that Charles liked to play the submissive in S and M games and the sex would involve stuffing Charles's ass with foreign objects, not his cock, and that Shane would be joining them. He would have preferred to have a romantic scene with kissing and embracing, but he'd gone along with the ass play because it at least meant they'd be doing something together, something that he hadn't gotten the courage to press for outside of their filming sessions though he had given Charles enough hints. Today the muscular five-foot-nine [1.75 m], hundred and forty-five pound [66 kg] basketball player was wearing the same uniform, the studded leather harness showing off his smooth chest and developing muscles and the arm bands about his upper arms showing off his teenage biceps. His spiked dog collar, leather jock and chains added to the sex appeal of the good-looking brunette and would have aroused more than just a few of his female classmates, whom he flirted with and even dated as a cover to his real orientation.

Besides their youthful good looks, soaring teen hormones, and teenage insecurities, there was something else that the three boys had in common. They were presently sitting there slumped on their chairs in total depression, a very different attitude from the arrogant and confident attitude the two teenagers from the rich side of town had last fall, and far deeper than the naive, lonely and purely innocent Shane had ever experienced. Their faces reflecting their anxiety and their eyes revealing their embarrassment, they shifted their weight on the tiny, uncomfortable kiddie chairs. For this session, the three boys had been instructed to fill up on bran, peanut butter and bananas the previous night, and to refrain from using the bathroom so were now fidgeting with the pressure of full bowels besides their apprehension. Shane and Jason had known what those instructions implied and had spent a sleepless night worrying what they were going to be asked to do. Charles now knew also, the three boys having been shown for inspiration the video of Jason explaining to his young audience what eating bran and bananas would do and then shitting on a target, a pair of lips he'd drawn and pretended were his mother's, and on the picture of his girlfriend Cindy along with his comments about how he disliked girls. The video had ended with him shitting in a plastic bag and fucking it with as much enthusiasm and glee as a normal teenager would fuck an inflated female doll. By the time the video was over Jason was bright red with shame, and the two boys sitting beside him were just as embarrassed.

That was followed by the video of Shane buying diapers and filling them a turd at a time and telling his young audience how great it felt to fill a pair of diapers or your underwear. He wanted to crawl under his chair and die as the video showed him changing his dirty baby diaper with cartoons in the mens room, and then eating a burger and filling his diaper while he fiddled with himself all at the same time at McDonalds. It was the first time any of the boys had seen a finished video they'd made, and they sat there in surprise at how much like a little children's show the tapes looked and how believable they sounded. Watching the videos had been totally humiliating, but they would have been even more embarrassed had they been shown the adult versions that kept in their protests and showed their shame.

They had been kept sitting there for the past ten minutes so that shame could really sink in and to build up their anxiety about the video they were about to make. They had not said a word since they'd entered the room, and they had not even looked at each other. As they watched, Jack and Rob stroked the bulges in their jeans. They knew what each of the boys was thinking, and there was no better turn on for the two men than seeing a young teenage boy squirming with humiliation and worry, unless it was seeing three boys doing so in the presence of each other.

"Well now, are we all ready to begin?" Jack asked cheerily as he and Rob finally joined the three boys. The three nodded sullenly. "Now, now, you don't look very excited," he said with a frown, and each of the boys felt his heart do a flip. They knew what it could be like if Jack got upset. "Now, let's try this again. Are we all ready to begin taping?" Of course the three boys did not know that they were already being filmed by a camera on the other side of the two-way mirror.

"Yes," the three boys responded with forced smiles. Jack frowned and had the boys repeat their answer several times until he got a resounding and positive yes, the type of yes you'd expect from a television game show audience, all of which of course was captured on tape for the adult version of the video they were about to make for their growing number of kiddie and adult fans. Their reluctance and thinly veiled anger made Jack act all the angrier, the truth being of course that seeing their mental struggle was making him all the hornier and happier. Nothing turned him on more than a teenager in angst.

"Hello there my little friends, my name is Chuckles, and I hope you're all ready to have some fun, fun, fun, because I sure am! But first, did you remember to do what you were told to do when you got this video? I hope you did! Remember? You were told to only play this video when there are no grownups around. That, my little friend, is very, very, very important. So if your mommy or daddy or any grown-up is around, shut this off right now and wait until you are home with no adults around. If you forgot the rule, do it right now," recited Charles.

The three boys were still under the impression that the videos they were making were parodies of children's shows, having by then looked up the word parody a dozen times in half as many dictionaries to convince themselves what they were doing was legitimate, and having finally become comfortable with that as the purpose of these weekly shootings. They could not believe that anyone would actually show anything so perverted and debasing to young, impressionable children, though the two tapes they'd seen certainly made it look like a kid's show. Actually, as they sat there during the pause, they had an unsettling suspicion that Jack and Rob just might actually be doing that, though that thought was only for a second. It was just too unbelievable to be possible. The idea that adults would buy the videos to watch such filth was actually almost as difficult to accept, but at least it gave a reason for Jack and Rob to be doing this. Of course that they were being paid to make these perverted videos added to their feelings of guilt and shame and they prayed that their friends and parents would never find out.

"So if you are watching me right now, right this very minute, that must mean there are no grownups around to stop us from having some fun, fun, fun, so let's get started! Today, we have Miss Ginger and Master J joining us once again. Are you ready to have oodles and oodles and oodles of fun?" Charles asked, looking over at Shane and then Jason.

"We sure the fuck are ready to have oodles and oodles and oodles of fun, Chuckles," the two boys chorused, again having to repeat the sentence several times until it sounded sincere, and again the first responses being kept in for the amusement of the adult audience. None of them had been aware of the dubbing of Charles's introduction or conclusion on the other tapes, which had given their performances in those videos a very definite kid focus, and each had concluded that Charles had been taped specially for those tapes and the tape spliced onto their own. They could not help but wonder what Charles was thinking of each of them at the moment. Though Shane had become friends with Charles's crowd, he knew the snooty high school students from Manor Heights weren't really his friends, and Shane had nobody else as close as Charles, with whom he'd shared the most intimate experiences of his life. Though he himself was not gay, and was revolted by some of the things they'd done, he did not want to lose Charles's friendship. Jason, on the other hand, had had the hots for Charles ever since he'd accepted he himself was gay, and though he also disliked some of the things Charles seemed to enjoy, he too had had his most intimate experiences with his fellow basketball player, and he did not want to lose his friendship either. He remembered what it had been like being gay and alone, and he didn't want to go back to that.

"How are you feeling today, Miss Ginger?" Charles asked, reading from the script. Now that was the most appropriate name. He still could not get over how much like a girl the faggot geek looked, or, for that matter, acted. Fags as far as he was concerned were revolting, and limp-wrist effeminate ones like Shane even more so. Just the idea of a boy wanting to dress and act like a girl was incomprehensible and sent a shiver up his spine. That the moron fairy had paraded his perversity in front of his friends in the mall had also angered him. The ribbing that his good friend from across town and evident worshipper was an effeminate faggot, and the hint that he must be a fag too, had all been made in fun, but he knew that there was more than one that was wondering. For that he wanted to punch the son-of-a-bitch out. He might not have had sex with a girl yet, and he might have had sex almost weekly with a guy, but he was not a fucking fem faggot!

"I'm feeling great, Chuckles," Shane responded. "I can't wait to find out what new fun games you have for today, but before we begin, I have to go take a poop. I got to go fucking bad." That of course was true, and as he read the words on the cue card Shane wondered just what he was going to be expected to do. Of course he had no idea that his two fellow actors had been given the same pre-filming instructions and so was assuming at the moment he was going to be the sole performer, which would be even more humiliating. That overrode everything else, his embarrassment at being called Miss Ginger, having to dress up as a girl and his fear of losing Charles's friendship.

"Well, you are looking great, Miss Ginger," announced Jason, running his hand over his leather jock as instructed in the cue cards. Actually, though he was gay, he did not find boys dressed up as girls erotic, having no knowledge nor interest in transvestitism, and he really wasn't that interested in Shane, even though Shane was gay, or so he thought. Like Charles, he was hiding his real feelings, his feeling of disgust that a boy would dress up like a girl, and his anger that he'd flaunt his perversion in front of his friends. Though the ribbing had all been directed at Charles, who acted like a gay guy should act in public and whose macho image he understood as being a necessary cover, he'd found the teasing and not so hidden hints just as embarrassing, not just because he was embarrassed for Charles, whom he believed to be a closet gay like himself, but because being gay he was feeling guilty and spineless just standing there listening to the anti-fag comments and seeing Charles being humiliated. "And guess, what, I got to go fucking bad too."

"Well, Master J, I have to say you are looking very sexy too," Chuckles responded. He was looking sexy in that revealing leather outfit, for girls, but it was doing nothing for Charles of course. His contempt for his fellow classmate and teammate had only grown since Shane had appeared in drag. That the faggot had just stood there and let him be teased showed just how much of a friend and how much of a man he really was. He could have at least had said something in his defence. Charles had wanted desperately to lose his virginity to a girl for some time, and wanted to even more so now that his orientation was being questioned, but his girlfriend Lisa was getting pissed off with his constant attempts and the only sex he was getting was from two pervert fags. That was frustrating as fuck!

Shane's anger when Charles had observed Jason looked sexy was thinly masked and could be seen in his eyes by anyone who was the slightest bit observant. Even though Charles was a faggot and had some pretty sick interests, he was still his best and only friend, and he did not enjoy having to share that friendship with anyone else, especially a faggot like Jason, with whom he knew he would have a difficult time competing Jason being gay like Charles and all, but he was willing to do anything to keep his friendship, even engage in gay sex.

"And I got to poop fucking bad too!" Charles concluded. The three boys giggled like little six-year-olds. They then looked at the cue card, and with sinking hearts, turned to each other and said with the enthusiasm they would normally have had about a dental appointment, "so let's have some fun with our pooh!" Needless to say Jack exploded and made them repeat the line so it sounded more like they were talking about playing a new video game

"I bet I can make a longer turd that either of you," challenged Charles.

"Bet not!" replied Shane and Jason with childish enthusiasm.

So, Charles lowered his baggy clown pants and Winnie the Pooh underwear and Shane raised his skirt and drew down his lace-frilled panties while Jason placed three paper plates on the floor behind a rainbow-coloured beam that had been added to the many colourful toys scattered about the play room. Sitting down on the beam with their asses hanging over and directly above the plates, the three boys listed all the synonyms they knew for shit and taking a shit as they forced the first turd out of their bodies, Rob zooming in on first one and then another's asshole as their shit slowly began to slide out. "Bung, crap, dung, poo-poo, doo-doo, ca-ca." They pushed out their stomachs and felt the ca-ca slowly force open their sphincters. "Take a dump, number two, go pottie, defecate." When they ran out of words they knew, Jack added others to the flip chart. "Faeces, bowel movement, excrement, stool, schletka, alley apple, making a log, answering nature's call, making brownies, choco surprise, dropping the Cosby kids off at the pool." This was, after all, supposed to be an educational video for his young viewers!

They talked about how bran helped make thicker shit, and how peanut butter and bananas give you the poops, and made your poop "a delicious chocolate bar brown colour". It was embarrassing taking a crap in front of each other, and even more embarrassing talking about taking a shit at the same time, and especially having it all on film, but they knew the consequence if they didn't, and they did have full bowels. Slowly their shit eased out of their rectums and hung above the plates until finally one by one the cylinder of shit broke off and landed in the plate with an audible plop, which the boys responded to with childish giggles as prompted. They then walked around the beam and bent over and enthusiastically compared lengths, acutely conscious of their dirty bumholes, especially when Rob filmed them, and trying their best to ignore the foul odour as they bent close to examine the fresh, fat turds.

Concluding that Master J had the longest and Miss Ginger had the shortest, Chuckles observed that was the same as the comparative sizes of their dicks, to Shane's further embarrassment. Miss Ginger responded that his turd might have been the shortest, but he bet he had to take the biggest shit, which resulted in the second contest. Resuming their places, the boys continued to evacuate their bowels. The bran had done its job, and turd after turd dropped from their bodies and landed in the plates. By the time they were done the playroom stank like an outside pit toilet. Once again they walked around the beam and bent over to compare, and once again Rob videotaped their dirty assholes. Although the amounts looked equal to the three boys, Chuckles was declared the winner.

"So, what do you think Chuckles should get for being the winner?" Jason asked, reading from the flip chart.

"You know, that sort of looks like a pie," Shane responded, looking at the winning plate. "And you know what clowns do with pies."

"Oh yeah," Jason said, a grin slowly crossing his face as directed on the flip chart. They couldn't be serious!

"Ah, wait a minute guys," said Charles, not having to put any fake apprehension into his statement. "Ah, maybe Miss Ginger had more poop than me," he read from the cue card, hoping against the odds.

"I don't think so, Chuckles," Miss Ginger said as she picked up Charles's plate of shit. There was no enjoyment over what he knew he was about to do, but he certainly didn't want the same thing done to him.

"Right, it was Master J," Charles responded desperately in the hope that Jack had a surprise in store for them.

"I don't think so either, Chuckles," Master J responded, as he held the plate with Miss Ginger.

Before they lost their nerve, they smacked the plate of shit in Charles's face together. When they let go it stuck there and as they pulled it off, they left behind half the shit on the plate. The sticky brown paste clung to Chuckles's cheeks, forehead, eyebrows, chin and nose. Some was even smeared on his lips. It was totally disgusting and it was only the total humiliation that was stopping Charles from upchucking.

"We got two plates left," observed Jason.

"I think Chuckles should win them too."

As instructed by the cue card, the two boys advanced on Charles and wrestling him to the floor, proceeded to remove his shoes and socks, pull off his pants and underwear and unbutton and remove his shirt. Pulling him back up on his feet, Shane plastered his chest with the second plate and Jason plastered him between the legs with the third. Giggling like little children, the two boys dropped the plates on the floor and began to smear the clumps of shit clinging to Charles over his body, observing that it was just like playing in mud, except shit was a lot stickier and smoother, and a lot stinkier, the latter statement causing them to giggle all the louder.

Actually, the warmth and stickiness of the thick brown paste was disgusting, and the stench was enough to make them want to puke as they slowly and self-consciously ran their fingers through the foul chucks of fresh excrement. Despite the foul odour and the filthiness of what they were doing, they obediently rubbed the thick, warm paste over Charles's body, smearing it over his chest and his nipples until they became hard, and then down over his flat stomach. The faster they did the foul deed, the faster it would be over, or so they all hoped. The paste had clung to his hairs and they pulled out the clumps and smeared the warm goo over his cock and his balls. The perversity and the warmth of the shit, combined with the manipulations of their hands, caused the hapless teenager to begin to swell.

"Look, Chuckles is enjoying us smearing shit over him," observed Miss Ginger. "He's getting a fucking boner." It was already written on the cue card so Jack must have known that would be Charles's reaction. Getting a boner because he was being smeared with shit? How could that be?

"Some guys love shit," observed Master J, reading from the cue card. "They are called scat lovers." He had never heard of such a thing. Now that was totally sick!

The two boys looked at each other. "Ewwwwww," they observed, wrinkling up their noses, and they were not acting. Despite their revulsion, they continued to smear their shit and Charles's over his thighs. It was totally disgusting and perverted, but if Charles was enjoying it, they were determined to make him happy, and they found themselves competing with each other to see how much shit they could smear on him. Scooping up the rich brown faecal paste that was still in the plates, they smeared it over his buttocks, and then they bent over and had Charles wipe their bumholes clean with his fingers, transferring the smears of brown to his calves with their fine honey-blond hairs. They finally had him stand in two of the plates and Rob filmed the shit oozing between his toes as he purred how much better than stepping in warm mud it felt.

Standing on either side of him, Miss Ginger and Master J began to jack off their shit smeared buddy, one pumping his fist up and down his shit-coated shaft and the other rubbing his exposed knob with a shit-smeared palm. Chuckles reached over and began to play with them, taking a cock in each hand. It was not long before the two boys were hard also, to their surprise and their dismay, this being far from erotic in their minds. Jack and Rob exchanged grins, knowing full well the power of teenage hormones. The boys continued talking about how much fun playing with their pooh was, neither paying any attention to what they were reading as the pleasure between their legs increased and the shame and confusion of being aroused doing such filth tortured their minds. Although it seemed like forever, it was not that much longer before the three boys were shooting their cum in the air.

"That was oodles and oodles and oodles of fun," Chuckles gasped as he looked into the camera, his shit smeared chest rising and falling with the exertion of his climax.

"For fucking sure," observed Miss Ginger, her hands smeared with shit and acutely aware of the foul matter under his nails.

"Fucking right," agreed Jason, his cock still stiff and dripping with cum.

"I hope you had fun watching this video and that you'll try this fun game with your best buddy," observed Charles. "I know it looks gross, but I bet if you give it a try you'll see how much fucking fun it is playing with pooh. And I hope you want to learn more fun things, because I have oodles and oodles of videos that will tell you about many more fun things to do. So until next time, this is Chuckles (and Miss Ginger and Master J added Shane and Jason, who chorused along with Chuckles) saying we hope you have a fun, fun, fun day!"

As soon as they got home, the three boys showered even though Jack had allowed them to shower before leaving (and had unbeknown to them taped them of course). As they tried to scrub away the stench and the filth from their hands and from under their nails, Shane and Jason could not scrub away the memory of what they had done, and the nagging guilt of what they were becoming. They were not perverts, and as much as they liked Charles, they were beginning to wonder if his friendship was really worth it all. Today had been particularly disgusting and humiliating. Charles, who was sure he'd never feel clean again, could not get over how disgusting Shane and Jason were, how much they had enjoyed making what had to be the most disgusting video yet, and how they were actually jealous of each other over him. The entire afternoon had been totally disgusting, but he had no idea how he was going to put a stop to these weekly shootings, unless 3; For the first time in his life, the teenager whose biggest problem had been hassling his parents over rasing his allowance until last fall, thought about ending his.

Chapter 28
Fun With Cum

Six-year-olds Kenny Darby and his best buddy Aaron Michaels continue to amuse and to amaze Aaron's thirteen-year-old brother Kevin and his brother's Mexican-American buddy, thirteen-year-old Enrico, with the help of Chuckles and the gang.

"Yeah?" responded Kevin Michaels as his kid brother and his brother's best friend stuck their heads in the doorway of his bedroom.

"Can we come in?"

"Sure." It was not the usual response a thirteen-year-old boy gave his kid brother when he has a friend over, but then Aaron was not a typical kid brother, and their Saturday afternoons as a foursome were becoming a routine.

"So, what are you up to this afternoon?" he asked as Aaron and Kenny stepped into the room, their flushed faces and bright, sparkling eyes telling Kevin and his best buddy Enrico the two six-year-olds were up to some mischief.

"Three-foot-nine [1.14 m]," Aaron responded with a huge grin and a twinkle in his eyes.

"And I'm up to three-foot-ten-and-a-half [1.18 m]," responded Kenny with a giggle.

"And his dink is up to two inches [5 cm]."

"So's Aaron's."

"You two been smoking grass?" asked Enrico.

"No," the two six-year-olds giggled.

"What is it, you two been learning more dirty words?" asked Kevin. Last week the two had rhymed off at least two dozen ways to say shit or to take a shit, some of which even he and Enrico had not heard before. The two boys shook their heads. "Then what do you two little squirts want?"

The two boys looked at each other and their grins widened. "Big squirts," answered Aaron and the two boys broke into giggles again. "Yours and Enrico's." They doubled over with laugher.

"I think we'd better do as he asks," observed Enrico. "These two look like they're suffering from a severe lack of cum."

"Oh yeah," said Aaron. "I want you to squirt me in the face with your cum pistol."

"I want your creamy cum dripping from my teats like milk," said Kenny, quoting Chuckles from the video they'd just watched as he looked at Kevin. Kevin snorted as he glanced at Enrico and Enrico shook his head in disbelief. Where Aaron and his buddy came up with their expressions the boys had no idea, but the things that came out of their mouths were totally wicked.

"We want you to squirt us all over," said Aaron. "We wanna have a fuckin' cum bath."

"Fuck yeah," agreed Kenny. "Would you, please?" He looked at the two teenagers with his big brown eyes and a sweet, pleading look that always worked on his parents.

The two teenagers glanced at each other. Well, why not? They were horny, like always, and they'd been hoping the two boys would get them off that afternoon, as they'd been doing for the past four weekends. The four quickly stripped naked and formed a jerk circle on Kevin's bed, the two six-year-olds alternating with the two teenagers. Aaron reached over for Enrico's limp, swarthy-skinned dick without the slightest hesitation or inhibition, and Kenny similarly reached over for Aaron's brother's cock. As the two boys began to fiddle with the teenagers' cocks, the two older boys reached out and began to tug on the tiny limp dicks of the two six-year-olds. It felt strange tugging on the slender, short noodles, their dicks being so small and the skin so velvety smooth. It was strange, but sexy too. It did not take long for the two youngsters to become fully erect.

It did not take the two teens long either, and before long the two youngsters had their small, hot hands wrapped around the stiff four-inch [10 cm] cocks of the two older boys, marvelling at the size and the heat of the boys' wieners, their cocks seeming huge to the two six-year-olds being twice the size of their own when hard. Aaron pulled back the skin of Enrico's dusky wiener, exposing his dark bulb-like knob, and then eased it back up over the boy's glans as Enrico similarly pulled back Kenny's foreskin, revealing the youngster's flanged, crimson mushroom cap and then eased it back up over the knob. Kenny slid his fist up and down Kevin's throbbing, circumcised cock from his swelling balls to his flanged cap while Kevin jerked off his kid brother's circumcised cocklet.

The four boys squirmed with pleasure as the stimulation between their legs grew and their cockheads began to itch with that painful pleasure no boy can resist once discovered. As the itch grew in intensity their pumping action increased in speed, the four boys having one goal only in mind, to satisfy that itch they knew the boy they were jerking off was feeling.

"I'm going to shoot," Kevin finally announced as he felt the familiar twitch deep in his groin.

"Squirt my chest," responded Kenny excitedly, and seconds later the first thick, creamy rope of cum shot from the thirteen-year-old's cock and laced the six-year-old's chest directly across his left nipple. "Fuck yeah! Fuckin' awesome!" Enrico didn't have to announce that he was going to ejaculate. He just turned to Aaron and shot, squirting his teenage cum at the boy's smooth chest. His cum squirted out rapidly, spraying his chest and his nipples with hot, creamy boy juice. The two six-year-olds continued to pump their fists up and down the squirting cocks, at the same time squirming and gasping as their own dry orgasms sent spasms of pleasure through their groins and caused them to jerk uncontrollably like string puppets. They continued pumping their fists until they'd milked the two teenagers dry.

"Hey, look, my nipple's oozing milk," Aaron giggled, squeezing his chest and causing the streak of cum to flood over his nipple and causing Kenny to giggle also. The two teenagers had to chuckle at the sight and the comment. Streaks of cum laced the smooth chests of the two younger boys.

There being nobody home, the four boys headed downstairs, the two six-year-olds with cum streaks glistening on their chests and cum dripping from their nipples and the two older boys with the last droplet of cum clinging to the tips of their semierect cocks. They spent the next half hour surfing the net looking for porno sites, which were not that difficult to find, and which within half an hour had the four boys just as randy as they'd been before their jerk session.

Returning to Kevin's bedroom, the two teenagers lay side by side on their backs on Kevin's bed while the two six-year-olds knelt between their legs, Aaron between his brother's and Kenny between Enrico's. The two youngsters bent forward and slipped their lips over the tangy, flaccid boy cocks, and it was only a matter of seconds before the teenage flesh had filled with blood and the two teen cocks stood up proudly and eager for action. The two youngsters worked their lips up and down the four inches [10 cm] of pulsating flesh, going down to the boys' plump balls and silky nests and then drawing up until their puckered lips were being forced open by the engorged knobs. The two six-year-olds had been sucking cock now for five months, and had become quite skilled at it. As they sucked, they reached down and began to fiddle with their once again stiff cocklets.

As for the two teenagers, skill really did not matter. Simply having a hot, moist mouth working up and down their shafts and sucking on their cocks was enough to send their heads spinning and their cocks throbbing furiously. They inhaled and exhaled deeply as they thrilled with the pleasure pulsating through their young stiff cocks. With all of their focus on the pleasure they were receiving, it was not long before they warned the boys they were going to shoot. Kenny and Aaron slipped their mouths off the stiff dicks with the first squirt, allowing the rest to spray their faces. Being young and horny, the two thirteen-year-olds blasted out a full load despite having come only forty minutes ago. They grunted and gasped and thrust their hips in the air as their teen cum squirted out of their throbbing cannons, spraying the two six-year-olds in the face. Shot after shot spurted from their young, four-inch [10 cm] cocks, lacing the boys' faces. With cum oozing down their cheeks to hang in creamy-white pendants from their chins and along their noses to dribble over their rosy lips, the two giggling cherubs squeezed out the remaining cum from the hot, stiff teen cocks and smeared the creamy goo in their hair.

They lay there on the bed recovering from their orgasms, and being young and full of energy, they did not lay long. The two brothers having Play Stations, they took out their favourite video games and the four naked boys sat crosslegged on bed and for the next half hour concentrated on killing monsters and accumulating treasure. It was fun, and something they could do for hours, but with their parents away, there was another game that was far more interesting. This time the two younger boys eagerly lay on their backs and propped their backsides up with pillows, and the two older boys knelt before their backsides and their spread and raised legs. Having fucked the two boys for the first time only the previous week, this was still new to the two teenagers, but the two six-year-olds had been fucking each other since Christmas and stuffing things up their butts even longer, so although they were tight they were able to accept the cocks of the two older boys without difficulty and without any need for lubrication.

As he eased his hard, aching cock up Kenny's hot, moist rectum, Kevin closed his eyes and delighted in the sensation of having his swollen cock surrounded by pulsating flesh, and he imagined that this had to be how it felt fucking a girl. Enrico was thinking the same thing as he eased his cock up the willing asshole of his best buddy's brother. The two teens eased their hips forward until their four inches [10 cm] of cock were buried up the hot, tight assholes of the two six-year-olds and the youngsters' smooth eggs were nestled in the older boys' fine, silky hairs. Slowly easing their hips back and their cocks out of the two youngsters until their knobs were stretching open the boys' sphincters, the two teenagers sank their cocks up the hot, moist rectums again, sending thrills of pleasure through their cockheads and up their shafts. The two six-year-olds once again reached down and began to tug on their dicklets.

Kenny and Aaron were soon squirming with double pleasure, the pleasure pulsating through their stiff, irritated cocklets, and the pleasure pulsating through their stuffed rectums and stretched rectums. Kevin and Enrico were gasping with pleasure themselves, the two teenagers humping the younger boys faster and faster as they felt themselves approaching their climaxes once again. As they felt themselves reach that peak, the two boys pulled out of the boys' rectums as they'd been requested and sprayed the two panting, flushed six-year-olds, their cum once again as copiously as their first shots earlier that afternoon. They spurted their cum over the stomachs and crotches of the two younger boys, filling their belly buttons with creamy pools of cum and lacing their smooth pubes, stiff dicks, and tiny balls with hot streamers of teen cum. Finally totally spent, the two teens sat back on their heels and sighed with contentment.

Aaron got to his knees, and with his dick dripping with Enrico's cum, Aaron observed that it looked like he was cumming, to the amusement of the others. Kenny observed that it had to feel awesome making baby juice and he couldn't wait until he was able to do it, and the two teens assured the younger boys that there was no greater pleasure.

"Kevin? Aaron?"

The boys had been so captivated by their pleasure they had not heard their parents return. "Yeah?" called out Kevin as he hurried to close the door and the others began to scramble for their clothes, their hearts pounding in their chests now with fear instead of sexual ecstasy.

"Are Kenny and Enrico still here?"

"Yeah," Kevin responded as he grabbed his underwear and began to step into it. Enrico already had his on. Their bodies sticky with cum, the two younger boys didn't know what to do and looked at each other and at the older two boys in a panic.

"We bought a treat for the four of you. Your favourite. Chocolate coated cream filled donuts from Tim Hortons."

The four boys looked at each other, their eyes brightening with a delight of a different kind than they'd been experiencing that afternoon. "Wicked!" called out Kevin. "Can we eat them in my room?" he asked a moment later, seeing a solution to the predicament of the younger boys.

"I suppose," his mother responded. "As long as you're careful you don't make a mess, and you come and get them."

"Be right there!"

"If we're real careful and suck the cream out of ours, will you and Enrico fill them up again?" asked Aaron with a twinkle in his eyes.

The two teenagers glanced at each other and leered. Now that was fucking wicked! "I think we can do that," Kevin replied for both of them. They were, after all, healthy thirteen-year-old boys, and they'd only come three times.

Aaron and Kenny glanced at each other and giggled. Chuckles was right once again. Cum was oodles and oodles and oodles of fun!