Daemon Way
Fun with Chuckles
Chapters 10-14
Chapter 10 More Fun With Your Bum
For Charles Brentworth, the past two weeks have been the worst two weeks of his entire life and he is dreading the upcoming Saturday. For his video co-star, Shane Finnigan, the past two weeks have been the most confusing, and he is not sure how he should be feeling as Saturday arrives.
"We're, not, well, you know, we're not going to do anything disgusting, are we?" Shane asked hesitantly.
"Disgusting?" asked Jack, acting surprised. "Why, Shane, what have we ever done that's been disgusting?"
"Well," Shane responded, shifting uncomfortably as he looked out the car window.
"Look at me, Shane."
Shane slowly turned and looked at the middle-aged man sitting behind the steering wheel. From all appearances, he could have been anyone's father. He wouldn't mind if Jack was his father. He talked to him and was interested in what he had to say, and in what he was thinking, not like his father, who figured anyone who was a kid didn't have anything important to say, and especially a teenager. When it came to conversations, his father dominated, just like he dominated everything in Shane's life, and in Shane's mother's.
"Well," Shane replied, shifting uncomfortably again. "The stuff we did last Saturday."
"Which part did you find disgusting? You have to be specific if I'm going to understand."
"Well, you know, Rob peeing his pee in my body," Shane said in a whisper as he began to turn red. "And peeing his pee back out."
"You'll have to speak louder, I can't hear with the road noise."
"Rob peeing in me, and me peeing his pee back out," Shane repeated, "and Charles peeing all over me. That's, well, dirty, peeing on someone."
Jack suppressed a smile. It was so fucking hot hearing the fifteen-year-old talking about the perverted things he'd done last weekend. And he loved the way he still used baby talk. Pee! Most kids his age wouldn't hesitate to say piss, even in front of an adult. The kid was so innocent.
"Charles seemed to enjoy it."
"Well, yeah," Shane admitted. He had enjoyed it as Shane recalled it. He was smiling as he'd aimed his piss at his body, and he'd tried to make Shane feel good too by aiming his piss at his nipples and stuff. "But, well, like, that last part was really gross."
"Getting sucked off?"
"Oh no! Not that. Just before that."
"I don't understand," Jack lied.
"When Charles licked his pee off me," Shane explained as he made a face and Jack felt a quiver run up his cock hearing the boy say it and seeing the look on his face.
"You did ask me to write in the script a scene where Charles sucked your cock."
3; yeah," Shane responded. He remembered them talking about it, but he thought Jack had offered it, not that he'd asked, though now he wasn't sure. He was glad that Jack had either way.
"Don't you appreciate that?"
"Oh yeah. I do. Honest."
Jack smiled again. The kid was so fucking innocent it was delicious! "So I don't understand Shane. Did you like what you did last Saturday or not?"
"Well, yeah, the last part."
"The last part?"
"Charles sucking me," he said, feeling totally embarrassed and wishing he'd never brought the topic up now. What they'd done was intimate, and private, even if Jack and Rob had taped it.
"Sucking your nipples."
3; sucking my
3; sucking my dick," he said with a wince.
"You like getting your cock sucked by another boy, don't you?" Jack said with a smile as he looked over at the flushed, squirming boy.
"Yes," admitted Shane shyly as he looked down at his knees. He'd rather be sucked by a girl, but you had to be popular to have a girlfriend, and a real stud besides to get a girl to have sex with you. Shane was not popular, and he was not a stud. That was what made his relationship with Charles so special. Charles was the only one he knew who really liked him.
"If you don't want to keep making these videos, you don't have to," said Jack. "We can turn around right now
"Oh no! I want to make them," Shane said emphatically. He wasn't used to saying things emphatically, and as they drove on in silence and he thought about it, it made him feel good.
"I'm glad you want to continue," Jack said with a smile a few minutes later. "Well, here we are."
Shane looked up at the large, impressive house. He bet it cost five hundred thousand at least, maybe more. "You really think Charles just forgot to come to the shoot?"
"I'm sure. Now run up there and tell him I'm waiting."
Jack reached down and squeezed his semi-erect cock as he watched the innocent boy bound up the sidewalk. The kid would probably jump off a cliff if he asked him too. He wouldn't of course. He wasn't into snuff films. Besides, he liked the kid. Not that he wasn't going to have him do far more perverted things than the kid had done so far. The kid was just too delightful not to.
"Charles! Your friend is here to see you!" called Mrs. Brentworth.
Charles's heart sank. His mother didn't say which friend, but he knew which one. None of his real friends would just come over without phoning first. The handsome sixteen-year-old boy looked at himself in the mirror. The smartly-dressed image looked back with angst, dismay, and anger. When he'd left the taping last Saturday there had been no mention about a tenth video. He hadn't gotten a phone call all week, though as each day passed he'd become more and more anxious expecting one. He knew he was expected to show up for another shoot though. He just knew it. What he didn't know was how many more shoots there were, or what they would be about. They had to be just about over. What more could he be forced to do? Actually, he'd thought when Jack hadn't said anything about coming back and he didn't get a phone call from Ginger that Jack had run out of ideas. He'd hoped that. He'd hoped it a lot.
"Charles, your friend is waiting!"
Charles cringed as he got up from where he was sitting on his bed and reached for his jacket. Shane had to have come to get him. Even if he hadn't, he sure as Christ wasn't going to pretend he was a friend and let him in his room, in his private space. He didn't even want the geek in his house. Well, he'd just tell him and Jack that it was over. To hell with the picture of the two of them kissing. If Jack really would send it to the yearbook committee he'd claim it was a fake. Everyone knew him. They knew he was no fucking faggot.
"Jack is mad," Shane whispered as they headed down the walk. "Real mad."
"Fuck Jack," he said, his heart a lead sink as he saw the car parked in the street. Shane opened the front door.
"You sleep in Charles?" Jack asked, looking up through the open door. He didn't sound angry, but his voice was cold and controlled. Charles knew that voice. He didn't sound angry, but he was. "I thought we were finished," Charles explained. Why was he explaining? Why was acting so apologetic? It was the truth. That's what he had thought. Besides, he'd paid his debt. He should just tell him that they were finished. He should, but he didn't.
"We'll talk about it. Now get in." Shane stepped back to let Charles in. "No, you in the front, Shane. Charles, get in the back. Now move your asses boys, time is money."
Charles got in. Christ how he hated that phrase. He sat in the back of the car sullenly, his heart heavy with dread as he wondered what they were going to do. Having made Jack come get him, Jack would probably make him make still another video after this one. He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. Why the fuck hadn't he thought of that when he'd decided not to show up! Well, Jack had said they'd talk about it. He'd explain why he was home, and that he didn't want to make any more videos. They'd talk. Arriving at the detestable split level, he was told to put on his own make-up this time, probably as a punishment for not showing up he assumed. As he did, Jack took Shane aside and explained what was about to happen. Shane looked at him with a combination of shock and dismay, and a touch of disgust, all of which was being caught on the hidden camera for the adult version of the video.
"Is there a problem, Shane?"
Shane wrinkled up his face with a clear distaste. He definitely did not want to do this, but he didn't want to say no to Jack either.
"Charles has pleased you. Several times now."
"Yes, bu
"Friends please each other."
"Yeah, bu
"Charles has sucked your cock for you. Made you feel good. You do want to please Charles, don't you?" asked Jack. "If you want to stop
"Oh no. I don't want that!" He needed time to think. To explain.
"Then it's settled," Jack said, putting his hand on the boy's shoulder. Trust me. It won't be bad. And Charles is going to love it."
Charles actually sighed with relief as they entered the garishly painted room with cartoon characters and animals stenciled on the walls and toys cluttered all over the floor. He'd been afraid they might go to the tiled room with the cots. The play room he was familiar with. He sat down on one of the kid chairs, his cheeks painted a brilliant red and his lips a deep blue, a multicolored frizzy wig on his head and large oversized yellow and orange boots over his runners, and wearing the pair of Winnie the Pooh shorts that had been laid out for him with the reminder he was not to wear any underwear.
"Hello there my little friends," he said enthusiastically though mechanically. "My name is Chuckles, and I hope you're all ready to have some fun, fun, fun, because I sure am! But first, did you remember to do what you were told to do when you got this video? I hope you did! Remember? You were told to only play this video when you were alone. That, my little friend, is very, very, very important. So if your mommy or daddy or any grown-up is around, shut this off right now and wait until you are home by yourself. If you forgot the rule, do it right now." He paused and then continued, "so if you are watching me right now, right this very minute, that must mean there are no grownups around to stop us from having some fun, fun, fun, so let's get started!" He clapped his hands joyfully and looked at the cue card.
"Do you remember when Chuckles told you all about how you can have oodles and oodles and oodles of fun with your bum? That was video number five," he said, holding up his hand and counting on his fingers. "Well, Ginger and me are going to show you another fun thing you can do with your bum. So let's get totally naked, so we can begin!"
As they stripped down, Charles wondered what more they could do with their asses as he thought back to the disgusting video they'd made earlier. Following the directions on the cue card, the two boys walked over to a corner of the room covered by a carpet and Charles laid down on his back with a stack of brightly colored cushions with cartoon characters under his backside to raise it. "Now, remember how Ginger and me showed you how to clean your bum real good?" he asked, reading from the cue card held above his head and out of sight of the camera. "Well, you can clean out your bum before you do what we are going to do, or you can do it raw and natural, just like we are going to do now. Actually," he said, turning his head and raising an eyebrow as if sharing a secret as the camera zoomed in on his face, "it's much yummier doing this raw. Are you ready Ginger?" He looked up at Shane as the camera pulled away.
"I sure am Chuckles. I can't wait to have some more bum fun!" Shane responded, clapping his hands together excitedly like a little child.
"Then go ahead, Ginger," Charles said, reading the card above his head and pulling apart his asscheeks as instructed. "I want you to lick my bum! I want you to lick it reallllll good!"
Swallowing hard as he pressed his lips together and trying his best not to look disgusted, which was good enough to fool any child watching but was evident to any man who enjoyed these types of videos, Shane dropped to his knees, and sticking out his tongue as far as he could as he'd been told to do in his private conversation with Jack, he ran it down Charles's ass crack from his tail bone to his balls. Jack had been right. It didn't taste bad at all. A bit salty, but no different than licking his fingers really. Jack was always right. He should have known he could trust him.
It didn't taste bad, but it was still a disgusting thing, kneeling there and running your tongue up and down another boy's butt crack. Guys told each other to kiss their ass, or to lick it if they didn't like each other. Shane had been told to do that many times. It was something degrading, an insult. Shane's feeling of shame showed, to Jack and Rob's delight. They let him continue for a few minutes, catching his humiliation on tape, and then stopped the filming and told him to look like he was enjoying it, like he was licking the icing off a cake.
"Chocolate icing," joked Rob, which didn't help, but gave the two men a chuckle. Shane resumed his licking, closing his eyes and imagining it was icing he was licking. It was a beautiful picture.
"That's it, Ginger. Lick my asshole with your tongue. Your tongue is so hot and wet! It feels soooo goooood," Charles exaggerated as he read the card. Shane's tongue was hot, and he could feel his spit on his anus and running down his crack to his tail bone. It was disgusting. It was filthy. It was the most perverted thing they'd done yet, even more perverted than last week. At least one good thing about it, Jack hadn't made him do the licking. After not showing up he was especially surprised by that, but it was probably because they already had the cue cards done and didn't want to change them.
"Stick your tongue in my asshole. Push it in and wiggled it. Ahhh, yessss!" he cried as Shane actually did it. His pleasure was not totally acted. Having a hot, wet tongue licking your hole and sticking inside it was arousing, and his hole did have nerve endings that were being stimulated, and talking dirty like that was erotic. He closed his eyes and pretended it was Sherry licking his ass for making that comment about him and Shane in the mall, or that it was Lisa because she was hot for his body. His cock began to rise. Well, let it. That is what they wanted. He concentrated all the more, imagining Lisa tongue-fucking his ass, telling him how good he tasted, how much she wanted him. His cock stood up straight and hard. He opened his eyes and glanced up at it, his hips being higher than his head, and at Shane kneeling there wiggling his tongue up his asshole. Well let the stupid moron lick his butthole. Served him right being the little suckhole he was for Jack. Maybe that was why he was making these videos. He was Jack's little suckhole. A smug smile curled his lips, which would be left in the adult version.
Shane could not help but see Charles's arousal of course. Jack was right again. Charles really was enjoying this. It was filthy, but it was making Charles feel good, and that make it all right. Charles was his friend, his best friend, and had made him feel good lots of times. Seeing Charles's cock getting hard, he started to get hard too, without even touching himself. Guilt and shame flashed through his mind for a moment as he realized the implication of that. There was only one type of boy that got hard seeing another boy get hard. He quickly put that out of his mind. That couldn't be the reason! It had to be because he was happy he was making Charles feel good. That had to be the reason. He'd have to ask Jack.
Of course everything that was happening was all caught on tape, the camera zooming in on the swelling dicks of the two boys, at Shane's face as he eagerly ate out his friend, at his moment of doubt, at Charles's smile and long fluttering eyelashes as if he was in pure ecstasy, nobody being able to tell he was thinking of girls and not boys. Soon both boys were aching to get their nuts off. Charles sighed with genuine pleasure as he opened his eyes. The best part of it, he was making a video that was not going to make him puke out his guts all the way home.
"You are making me so horny, Ginger," he read from the card, "and I see you have gotten horny too." He looked down between his outspread legs. The little perv had a boner. He'd gotten hard licking ass for Chrissake! Now that was sick! "And I'm glad it did," he continued reading from the card. "Because I want you to fuck me now." Charles went white as a sheet, which was evident even under his make-up, not that a six-year-old would notice. No, not that! "I want you to stick your cock up my asshole. That will feel soooo gooood!" he said as he continued reading. He stared up at the card in dismay, which would be kept in the video for the adult audience.
He looked at Ginger. For Chrissake, he was getting into position to do it! This could not be happening! If anyone was going to do the fucking, it should be him! Shane placed the tip of his cock against his hole and pushed. Well, it was not going to happen. Charles clamped his asshole tight. Dammit no! Shane pushed, but his cock could not force open Charles's tightly clenched hole. Jack of course knew what was going on and he and Rob smiled at each other. They let the boys struggle a few minutes, the one trying desperately to get his cock up and the other trying just as desperately to keep it out. They would edit it out of the kid version of the tape, but for the other version, well, keeping it in would have the consumers begging for more. They reached down and squeezed their leaking cocks. Jack finally wrote a new cue card.
"Looks like your pee-er is too big to fit in my bumhole," Charles read. He could not help smiling. His plan was working. "Try pushing one more time and if you can't get it up my ass I'll use my tongue to get the end of your cock all slippery with my spit." The message was clear, as was the look on Jack's face. "When you push in I'll push out, like I'm taking a poop," he read on the next improvised card. "That will open my bumhole."
So, if he continued to resist he'd have to lick the tip of Shane's cock, the tip he was pressing against his anus. If he didn't resist and pushed out like he was expected to, he'd get fucked. If he didn't push out, Jack would be able to tell, and who knows what Jack would do. Shane was pushing in. He could feel the tip of his hard, hot cock pressing against his anus. Charles closed his eyes and did the only thing he could do, he pushed out like he was taking a poop. He felt his anus stretching open as Shane's dickhead wedged in his hole. Encouraged, Shane pushed harder. Charles pushed harder too. He didn't want Jack to think he wasn't trying. The two boys grunted and Jack and Rob groaned as pre-cum oozed from their throbbing cocks.
Shane gritted his teeth and scrunched his eyes as he pressed forward. He felt his dick enter a bit further. He wanted to get it in, to please Charles, and to please Jack. He wanted to, but he didn't. This was filthy. He was trying to get his cock up the hole Charles shit out of, up his rectum. They hadn't cleaned it out, like in the other video. He inhaled deeply. He had to do it. The look on Charles's face showed he was going through the same mental struggle. There was no way he wanted a cock up his ass, but he knew it was going to happen one way or another. Fucking ass had to be the dirtiest sex act of them all, and between two guys filthier yet.dirtiest thing two guys could do. He pushed out as hard as he could. He had no choice.
The two boys sighed together as they felt Shane's cockhead suddenly slip inside Charles's rectum. Shane's lips curled into a smile. He'd done it! He was inside Charles. As he tentatively pushed forward, he found the resistance gone. He continued pushing. Charles inhaled deeply, his lips parted, his eyes staring blankly up at the ceiling as he felt Shane's cock penetrating him, deeper and deeper and deeper. He was in. He didn't have to push it all the way for Chrissake! It pushed past that spot up your rectum that sent a shiver up your cock, the spot he didn't even know existed until he'd been forced to do that tape of him finger fucking himself.
Finally Shane was totally in and began to withdraw. And then enter him again, and then withdraw. Rubbing against that spot inside him that made his cock jerk. It was like that spot guys said a girl had, her clit. That was his clit, and he was being fucked just like a girl. He had a cock inside him, just like a girl, on his back. He closed his eyes and tried to block it out. His asshole burned with irritation as Shane's cock rubbed in and out of it. His cock jerked and shocks of arousal shot up it each time Shane passed the spot. He couldn't block it out. He was being fucked.
Shane worked his cock in and out of Charles with a steady rhythm. He was fucking. He was actually fucking. It was a guy, not a girl, but he was fucking. It was an ass, not a cunt, but he was fucking. His cock was surrounded by hot, throbbing flesh. His cockhead was tingling and sending ripples of pleasure up his shaft. It was a filthy, perverted act, but it felt good. He was glad he was fucking. Every guy wanted to do it. It was just too bad it was with a guy. But at least it was with his best buddy. Charles was enjoying it. He had to be from the look on his face, and the way his cock was jerking, as if it wanted to be up his ass. He hoped not. It felt good fucking Charles, but he didn't know if he wanted a cock up his ass. It felt good, but it was dirty.
Jack's and Rob's underwear were soaked with pre-cum. The only thing better than watching two virgins having their first fuck was watching two virgins not wanting to be having their first fuck. The look of physical pleasure and mental disgust was so priceless they were ready to cream their shorts. The two boys were ready to cum also. After all they were young and horny and it was their first fuck. It was natural they'd be fast. Shane closed his eyes and breathed heavily through his parted lips. He felt the familiar pressure developing in his groin and the increased irritation around the rim of his knob. He was going to cum. He was going to cum up Charles's ass. This was so filthy and it felt so good.
Charles's chest was rising and falling as he felt the same developing pressure, the same increasing desire to shoot. How could that be? How could getting your ass fucked make you want to cum? There was only one type of guy that got turned on by being fucked, and he was not that type of guy. No fucking way! He gasped and grunted as he felt the ache up the core of his cock, the ache that meant he was about to piss, or about to pop his nuts. And then Shane suddenly stopped fucking and started to groan and Charles felt his cock throbbing deep up his rectum, and his cum squirting up his ass. The fucking moron geek son-of-a-bitch was cuming up his ass. And then he was spurting. His cum was shooting out of his cock and up in the air, striking his chest. He was fucking coming too.
Out of sight of the camera, Jack reached out and grasping Shane's hips, pulled him back, pulling him out of Charles's asshole so the camera could catch the last spurt of his cum. Rob zoomed in at the throbbing, shit streaked cock spurting its last feeble spurt against Charles's red, gaping pucker. Of course the kiddie video would only show the two boys' faces in the throes of ecstasy as they'd popped their nuts. The kiddies' time to learn about ejaculating would come, but not in this video, not this way. The adult video would show everything of course. Shane's shit-stained, dripping cock and tight balls. Charles's gaping cum-leaking asshole and still stiff cock with the streamers of his cum down the shaft. The two boys gasping for breath. Shane staring down at his shit-and-ass-slime streaked, cum-dripping cock with that stunned look, the combination of relief at having popped his nuts and the "oh my god what have I just done" look. Charles, his painted lips parted and cheeks flushed with his hips still up in the air on the pillows, staring at his body with that dazed look, the combination of the pleasure of ejaculation and the dismay and humiliation of having lost his virginity to another boy. Perfect.
Chapter 11 Still More Fun With Your Bum
As sixteen-year-old Charles Brentworth finds his once-a-week humiliation becoming daily, young six-year-old Kenny Darby picks up his eleventh video of his new hero, Chuckles the Clown, along with an unexpected Christmas present.
The man smiled as he watched the youngster walking up the street toward the playground. There had been a heavy snowfall and each yard had a small mountain of snow piled up from the driveway. As the boy approached each one he could not resist climbing up one side and attempting to slide down the other on his feet, knocking enough back into the driveway which would be sure to make the occupant of the house curse when he discovered it. Romping along with the boy was his puppy, Laddie. The boy paused and made a snowball and tossed it as far as he could, which at the age of six was less than the length of the frontage of the yards he was walking past. The dog plowed through the snow after it, and the boy's high-pitched giggle traveled through the crisp afternoon air to the man waiting for him.
"Hi," Kenny greeted, finally arriving at his destination, covered in snow from his bright red toque to his snow boots. A puff of frozen breath floated from his red lips, and his cheeks, normally rosy, were even rosier in the winter air. Even all bundled up in his snow suit and the wide red scarf that had slipped off his face he looked delicious and the man felt a stirring in his trousers.
"Nice toque."
"Thanks. It's a Spiderman toque. I got it for Christmas. And this scarf"
"Nice," the man said, bending over and looking at the web design on the scarf and the Spiderman picture on the wool toque. He ached to reach out and stroke the boy's cheek but he knew the rules. "So, did you enjoy last week's video?"
"Oh yeah, oodles," grinned the boy.
"Did you and your friend try what Chuckles and Ginger did?"
"Sure did," the boy replied. "We fucking sure did," he said as an afterthought, knowing the man liked to hear him swear.
"Like it?"
"Fuck yeah," the boy said, his big brown eyes sparkling.
"Did you get lots of toys from Santa this Christmas?"
"Sure did," the boy smiled. "I got a gas station with garage like my daddy has, with some cars and a wrecker and a lift that really works, and a Bugs Bunny video, and a big fire truck from my grandpa, and some Leggos and lots of stuff."
"You must have been a good boy."
"Oh yeah. I been real good."
"So I guess since you got a new video, you don't want one from me this week," the man teased.
"Shit no!" the boy said, taking him seriously, his eyes growing wide with worry.
"Well," the man said with a smile, "I'm glad to hear that." He reached into the inside pocket of his coat and took out the latest video, and a small package. "And here is a little Christmas present from Chuckles."
"From Chuckles?" the boy asked, his eyes now the size of saucers. "For me?"
"Yes," the man said, "but you mustn't open it until you are watching the video and Chuckles tells you to."
"Okay," Kenny responded. That would be about thirty minutes from then.
"And what do you have to remember?"
"To only watch the video when no grownups are around."
"Good," the man smiled. "Now, it's a cold day. You better head home."
"Kay. Thanks," Kenny replied, turning and heading off across the playground. He suddenly stopped, turned, and headed back to the man. Reaching up and pulling him down, he kissed him, not on the cheek like most boys would but smack on the lips, and not a quick little peck but a long, hot kiss. "Thanks," he said, "and tell Chuckles thanks."
"I will," the man said, feeling furnace hot despite the chill wind starting up.
His new video and surprise present tucked inside his snowsuit, Kenny hurried home, and not because of the cold. He could not wait to see what fun Chuckles had for him that afternoon!
He had no idea that his new hero, who was ranking right up there with Spiderman, was not having anywhere near as great a Christmas as he was. In fact his entire December was the pits. Actually, his entire fall was, but December had been the worst. It had begun on the first day of the month with him playing those stupid pissing contest games and getting his bladder filled with someone else's piss, and then licking his own piss off his video co-star. Then, on the following Saturday, the eighth, he'd lost his virginity, to another boy. Catching the bus home after that shoot, he'd stood up even though there were empty seats, his butthole too sore to sit down, but as he stood there holding onto the overhead railing he could feel Shane's cum oozing out of his abused hole and down his leg. So he sat down and was sure he could feel it spreading across his backside. He stood up again, and casually reached behind him. It didn't feel wet. An elderly woman saw him touching his backside, his asshole to be specific, and he quickly drew his hand away as he turned a bright red and she glared at him with disgust and disapproval.
Arriving at home, he'd headed straight to the bathroom and yanked down his trousers and underwear and looked in the mirror and felt the back of his thighs. They weren't wet. He pulled apart his butt cheeks and looked over his shoulder at his asshole. It was red and swollen, but he couldn't see any cum or anything. He touched it gingerly with his index finger. It was tender but he couldn't feel any blood or cum. He looked at his trousers and underwear. There was a bit of a shit spot on the back of his underwear, and a clear spot. It could be Shane's cum. He couldn't tell. Gooseflesh formed on his arms and legs. He stripped and took a shower, soaping up his asshole as best he could. He noticed blood on the soap and immediately rinsed off and dried himself. Was it from rubbing too hard with the soap, or from
3; from
3; he forced himself to think it
3; from being fucked? For the next two hours he was sure he could feel his blood trickling out of his hole, or Shane's cum finally. He checked every ten minutes, taking a piece of toilet paper and pressing it against his hole. There were a couple tiny specks of blood at first, but then nothing. It was all in his mind.
He went out that night, as he did every Saturday night, just hanging with his friends, but he went home early. By going out he'd hoped he'd be able to forget about the afternoon. He couldn't. Lisa was disappointed, but she was part of the problem. Every time he put his arm around her, or she smiled at him, anything at all, he'd think about that afternoon and wonder what she'd think if she knew he'd been fucked. For the first time in his life, he found thinking about fucking her brought him unpleasant thoughts, thoughts of him there on his back, his ass in the air.
3; He twisted and turned all night, thinking about what had happened, imagining his ass had begun to bleed and getting up to check on it. His mother heard him of course. He told her he had an upset stomach. That was true in a way
He'd gone down to the mall the next afternoon, Sunday, just hanging out, trying to put what had happened out of his mind. He'd barely gotten there than Ginger showed up, with that goofy big smile and geek walk.
"Jack said to give you this for the video we made on Saturday and to say he's sorry he forgot," Shane said, reaching into his pocket and pulling out the roll of money. He was going to put it in an envelope, but Jack had told him not to. Jack wanted Charles's friends to see the money. There would have been no point in 'forgetting' to pay Charles that Saturday otherwise.
"Whoa! That's a wad of cash!" Jason observed as Charles stuffed the bills in the pocket of his school jacket. The outside was a fifty, but the rest were ones and fives, making it look a lot more than it was. "I didn't know you made videos. Didn't even know you had a camera."
"We don't take the pictures," Shane explained. "We act in the videos." Charles glared at him. The moron had an empty head and a big mouth. Jason looked at Shane, really for the first time. "Hey, cool threads," he observed, recalling the cheap geeky clothes he'd worn the previous week.
"Thanks," Shane said, glad he'd noticed, disappointed Charles hadn't. "Jack helped me pick them out."
"This Jack, he a mutual friend of yours?" Jason asked, looking at Charles and then Shane.
"No," responded Charles quickly.
"Yes," replied Shane honestly.
"So which is it?"
"He's just a guy I know."
"That you make videos for."
"Yeah. Look, I gotta go."
"Must be a lot of work for that kind of cash."
"Just an hour or two," Shane responded.
"An hour or two?" Jason asked in surprise. "You think Jack would like another person to act in these videos?"
"No," responded Charles quickly, his heart leaping in his throat. If Jason were to find out what type of videos he and Ginger had been making together he'd die. He couldn't let that happen.
"Thought you had to leave," observed Jason, having caught on quickly that he was going to get a lot more information out of Charles's friend that he was out of Charles.
"I do. Com'on, Ginger."
"Hey, don't rush away. You can hang with us awhile, Ginger."
"Actually, my name's Shane."
"Cool to meet you," responded Jason, extending his hand. The others nodded, more curious than anything else. He wasn't from their neighborhood, and didn't go to their school, and wasn't exactly their type, so why was he friends with Charles?
"Com'on, Shane," Charles said, putting his arm around his shoulder to drag him away, and quickly removing his arm and turning red as he thought how putting his arm round him could be interpreted.
Shane could not believe he'd been asked to hang with Charles's friends. That would have been cool, but that Charles wanted to be alone with him was even cooler. He was so happy in fact that his heart felt like it was going to burst. Two months ago he didn't have a single friend his age. Now he was having to make a choice. As the two headed down the mall, Jason glanced at the others, and with a twist of the corner of his mouth and a shrug, he slipped an arm about his present crush, Cindy, and pretended not to care. He did of course. That was one wad of money, and he was just as good an actor as Charles Brentworth any day, better.
Charles warned Shane that they had best not tell Jason or any of the others what sort of videos they made. Shane was pleased that Charles cared enough about him to warn him, but he was disappointed too. He was shy and quiet, but he was no fool, which Charles was evidently thinking. He knew that others might think they were gay making the types of videos that they were making. Of course they weren't. They were just videos. Actors pretended to be firemen but they weren't. Charles was pretending to be a clown but he wasn't. Jack had explained that after Charles had left last week. And they had gotten stiff because they were just young and horny. Teenage boys had soaring hormones and constantly full balls that needed emptying, Jack had said. That was all there was to it. That was why he'd gotten hard licking Charles's ass. It made sense, sort of. Everyone joked about teenage boys and hormones. One problem was that he did like Charles. He even thought about him and the stuff they did when he jerked off at night. Of course he didn't tell Jack that! He wondered if he should have. Maybe he was gay. But he thought about girls too, though not as much since meeting Charles. A guy couldn't be gay if he thought about girls. It was all very confusing for the fifteen-year-old, and something he was thinking a lot about lately.
Having done what he'd intended on doing, Charles left Shane and headed home. He knew he didn't have to worry about him after their talk. He was a moron, and a geek, but he knew the humiliation there'd be if anyone found out about the films. All he had to do is remind him what people would think if they saw a picture of him licking ass. He was dumb, but not totally stupid. Nor was Jason. That was a serious problem. Jason caught him at school the next day and pestered him about Jack and Shane and the money. He brought it up again the next day too, asking Charles to put in a good word for him next time he saw Jack. Of course Charles said he would, having no intention of doing so. He'd acted sincere, but he wondered if Jason believed him, especially when he and the gang went to Taco Time after school on Wednesday and Jason asked for Jack's phone number in front of everyone. He just wasn't going to drop the fucking topic.
The ultimate was Friday night. They were going to watch the basketball game against Grollier High at the school, him, Jason, Lisa, Cindy and Sherry. When he arrived, he was shocked to see Shane there. He and Jason were having a deep conversation, or so it seemed. He pulled Shane aside and found out Jason had invited him. Evidently Shane had been at the mall looking for him on Thursday and he and Jason had run into each other. Shane swore he didn't tell Jason anything, but he looked guilty as sin. When Jason went to take a leak, Charles followed him and confronted him. Jason claimed he just thought he was Charles's new friend, and he seemed cool, and figured why not. Besides, he had Cindy and Charles had Lisa, so with Shane Sherry wouldn't be left on her own. It made sense, but he didn't trust Jason.
That night, two weeks and a day ago, the day before he made the video Kenny was hurrying home to see, Charles lay awake planning what he was going to say to Jack, about Shane, about telling Shane to stay away from him and his friends and to keep his big mouth shut, and about putting an end to these videos, no matter what it was going to take, even if he had to repay him the money, even it he had to pay double.
Across town in the poorer district of the city Shane was laying awake thinking what he was going to say to Jack too. Jason had asked him about the videos. Of course he knew better than to tell him much, especially what they were about, but he had told him some things. Jason had been persistent, and he wasn't good at thinking on his feet, and he was even worse at lying. He hadn't really told him any secrets, or anything important, just things like they'd been making them once a week, and got paid two hundred bucks a shoot, things like that. He'd ended up promising to ask Jack if he'd be interested in another person acting in the videos. Of course he figured Jack wouldn't, not the type of videos they were doing. They were special, and Jack had said he and Charles had been picked special to do them, because they were honest and could be trusted and stuff. But he saw nothing wrong with asking. Nobody had ever asked him to do them a favor before. It was cool being part of Charles's crowd.
Jason was thinking that night too, what he could do with a cool two hundred a week. It was only ten days before Christmas. Two hundred bucks before then would be wicked. Hell, two hundred after Christmas would be wicked. He had no idea what these videos were, but hey, he could out act Charles Brentworth with one arm tied behind his back.
Totally unaware of everything that had gone on the week before the making of the video he was about to watch, or that the video had been made two weeks earlier and on the Monday after was being copied for distribution across the country, Kenny kissed his mom and dad goodby and headed to the living room. He had changed out of his wet clothes and into a fuzzy warm pair of fleece pants and his new red and green sweater, dry underwear, and Mickey Mouse slippers. His mom had put a mug of hot chocolate, with marshmallows, and a plate of Christmas cookies on the living room coffee table, and had put his new Bugs Bunny video in the machine. Removing it now, he slipped in the other new video he'd gotten, and pulled the mysterious present out of his sweater.
"Hello there my little friends," Chuckles said as he always did. "My name is Chuckles, and I hope you're all ready to have some fun, fun, fun, because I sure am! But first, did you remember to do what you were told to do when you got this video? I hope you did! Remember? You were told to only play this video when you were alone. That, my little friend, is very, very, very important. So if your mommy or daddy or any grownup is around, shut this off right now and wait until you are home by yourself. If you forgot the rule, do it right now." He paused and then continued, "so if you are watching me right now, right this very minute, that must mean there are no grownups around to stop us from having some fun, fun, fun, so let's get started!" He clapped his hands and the camera zoomed in on his face.
"Last week Ginger and me showed you how you can have oodles and oodles and oodles of fun with your bum. I hope that you tried it, and that you liked getting fucked as much as I did." Kenny grinned as he thought about the fun he and Aaron had had. "Well, sometimes we are feeling horny and don't have a friend to play with," Chuckles continued. That was true. Today for example Aaron was away visiting some relatives during the Christmas holidays. "Today Ginger isn't here, so I'm going to show you a way you can have," he said, leaning forward, and Kenny said the words with him as they appeared on the screen, "still more fun with your bum." Chuckles clapped his hands again. "That's right, I am going to show you how you can have fun with your bum even when you are alone. So, go get a cushion and let's get our pants down and begin!"
Placing a cushion from the sofa on the floor where he could lay and watch the television at the same time, Kenny pushed down his grey fleece pants and underwear and laid down with his hips on the cushion just as Chuckles did.
"Now, open the special present I sent you," Chuckles said. Kenny eagerly ripped off the wrapping paper and opened the rectangular box. Inside was a two-inch [5 cm] long, pink, silicone penis. It was just like his when his was hard. It even had a slightly bigger knob with the tip peeking out the skin just like his did, and two balls. It looked so real at first Kenny thought it was. "That is a dildo," Chuckles said. "D, I, L, D, O. Say it after me." Kenny did as he lay there on his back and holding it in his right hand. "Isn't it fun to learn new words? Now, the first thing we have to do is get our dildos nice and slippery so we can stick them up our bums," Chuckles said. "I'm going to get mine slippery with my spit."
Kenny watched and then slipped the dildo in his mouth and pretended to be sucking it just like Charles did. It felt just like Aaron's dick, just as Chuckles said it would. Working up a gob of spit, he drooled it over the silicon dildo, watching Chuckles carefully and making sure he did it exactly how he did it. He then spread his legs and placing the tip against his bumhole, he pushed out with his stomach as he pushed it in just as he was told. The slender, spit-slicked dildo stretched open his tight anus and easily slipped into his rectum. The six-year-old grinned with his success, and because it felt good. It had gone in super easy, just like Chuckles's had. The camera zoomed in on his asshole and show it sticking up his butt, and then slowly disappearing up his ass as he pushed it in. Kenny giggled at the sight and thought back to the video where he and Aaron had stuck stuff up their butts. That had been a lot of fun.
He slowly pushed his dildo up his bum, and it felt just like when Aaron had stuck his pee-er up his bum last week like Chuckles said it would. He pulled it back out slowly until it was almost out just like he watched Chuckles do on the television screen, and then pushed it back in again up to the silicon balls, which he was holding to work the penis in and out of his ass. It was sending tingles of arousal out from his stretched pucker, just like Aaron's dick had last week. He watched the close up of Chuckles easing his big thick dildo in and out of his ass as he began to do likewise. It felt good, real good. In fact it made his little dick get hard, to stand up and get out of the way Chuckles had said referring to his own which was doing the same exact thing, and Kenny chuckled at the idea.
So the three-foot-nine [1.14 m], forty-three pound [18½ kg] six-year-old lay there on his living room floor staring at the television, his grey fleece pants and underwear about his ankles and his new red and green Christmas sweater working up his torso as he eased the replica of his cock in and out of his asshole. Laying there watching Chuckles the clown fucking his ass with his dildo, he squirmed with arousal and pleasure, and as the camera moved up and showed Chuckles's face, from the look in his eyes and the curl of his lips, he had to be enjoying it too. As Chuckles reached down and began to tug on his stiff cock, Kenny did likewise. Soon, the six-year-old was gasping for breath and squirming on the cushion in eager anticipation of his climax. As Chuckles began to tremble and jerk with his orgasm, so did Kenny. He thrust his hips up off the cushion and he gasped as if he'd just run all the way from his house to the park as wave after wave of that mysterious and addicting combination of plain and pleasure emanating from his tingling cocklet and burning anus swept over his body. Chuckles was jerking and groaning with evidently the same awesome pleasure.
Kenny lay there enjoying the strange feeling and catching his breath, the dildo still stuck up his ass, as he rewound the tape. He went to the bathroom and washed the dildo off with soap and water, and went and hid it away under his bed with his video collection and the other stuff he'd gotten with the fifth video. He just got back into the living room when his mom and dad walked in from their afternoon grocery shopping, blissfully unaware what their young son had done while they were away.
Chapter 12 Fun With Teddy
Having discovered the lucrative jobs his classmate and teammate Charles and his dorky friend Shane have, and eager to make some easy cash that won't require any sweat, sixteen-year-old upper class snob Jason Bonner has wheedled an interview. Little does the teenage manipulator realize he is about to meet the master at the game.
Sixteen-year-old Jason Bonner sat in the low and uncomfortable metal chair across the desk from the man, trying to act and look cool but feeling nervous as hell. Suppose he failed the interview. Suppose the geek he'd used to get the interview told Charles he'd had an interview. His life would be hell once Charles found out he hadn't gotten a job. Being bested by Charles Brentworth would be bad enough, but the worst part was that Charles would be sure everyone knew. He hadn't considered that when he'd pressured Shane into getting him an interview. He looked up at the man again. He looked like an average middle-aged businessman in khaki trousers and a blue long-sleeved shirt. He didn't fit his image of a producer, but then what did the grade eleven student know about producers?
The man's office was a small room, a third the size of his spacious bedroom, with just a desk, a filing cabinet, and two stacking chairs besides the leather chair behind the desk. He sat uncomfortably on the edge of the metal chair as the man behind the desk pulled out a file folder. "So, you understand by signing this, you agree to make a series of videos and still pictures of our choosing for us in return for payment to be agreed upon for each shoot. And in return for payment, you release all distribution and copyright to us," he said, handing the boy the paper.
As the boy read the simple one-page agreement, Jack studied him closely. The teenager looked even better than the picture of the boy he'd had Shane bring him last week, sending him on the mission while he and Rob had videotaped Charles fucking his ass with a dildo. Five-foot-eight [1.73 m], a hundred-and-thirty-five pounds [61 kg], brunette with short hair darkened on the sides and moused to form a combed up crest in front, pale skin and sexy deep chocolate brown eyes and long eyelashes, he was slightly taller and heavier than Charles. Like Charles he was a basketball player and the picture Shane had brought of him showed him in his high school uniform. The boy had muscular biceps and thighs and overall had a more muscular build than Charles, but he wasn't muscle-bound like a football player or a hockey player.
"So, how many videos we talking about?" he asked, signing the form and returning it to the man. "And what kind of payment?"
"Well," Jack said with a smile. "What we'll do is shoot one, and if you do a good job, and there is a demand for another one, we'll shoot a second, and if you are as good as you claim to be, and are willing to push the envelope a bit, there could be a dozen, maybe a couple dozen."
"Push the envelope?"
"We'll start with something simple, some beefcake poses, which pay the least and take the least time. If you're willing to do a bit of acting and do something more daring, then the pay goes up accordingly, and the number of videos we sign you up for. People aren't going to buy stuff they can find on the Internet for free."
"Of course," Jason said, hoping he sounded convincing. He didn't really know what Jack was talking about.
Jack smiled as he signed the form and stuck it in the new file folder. Conceited, confident, arrogant, competitive, just the type of teenage boy he wanted, just the type of boy that would make an excellent threesome with Charles and Shane. "So if you're willing to try out for the first shoot, let's get started. Time is money."
"Sure," Jason said with a shrug. The guy had said all he'd be required to do was a bit of memorizing and to read a script and follow directions. What could be so difficult about that?
Taking him down the hall, they entered a bedroom that looked very much like any teenager's bedroom. Actually, it looked surprisingly like his bedroom, except on a smaller and cheaper scale. A bed, the largest piece of furniture in the room and the same size as his with even the same white cover with blue trim, an expensive stereo and top quality speakers with a stack of CD's, a great wide-screen television, a dresser with a mirror, a desk with a computer, a few binders and looseleaf papers and textbooks, including calculus, physics and biology, a bulletin board with a few pictures and a calendar, and even a Jefferson Oakes High School pennant.
"Okay, for this shoot we're just going to take some beefcake photos, you know, the sexy poses you see of celebrities in their promotional posters and in teen magazines. You just need to lie on the bed and look sexy, which should not be difficult for a hunk like you." Jason smiled. The man knew his actors, the teenage boy thought. "So, what I want to you do is come into the room, pick out a CD, look through the magazines on the night stand, get down on your hands and knees and get the one under the bed, and then lay on the bed and thumb through the magazine, looking at the pictures. After a few pictures I want you to yawn as if tired, strip down and put on the pajamas that are under your pillow and we'll take a few final pictures of you and your Teddy." There was a brown Teddy bear with button eyes perched up on his bed, the only thing that was markedly different from his room. "And totally ignore me taking your pictures."
"Sure," Jason agreed with another shrug. Simple. He went back out, Jack took his position and they began. Of course what he did not know was that there were several hidden cams in the room, and that Rob was making a video of everything.
Jason looked through the CD's delighted to find a few from KoRn, his favorite band. Popping one into the CD player and cranking up the volume, he thumbed through the magazines and then getting down on his hands and knees, with Jack and Rob zooming in on his ass, he reached for the magazine under the bed. It was far enough under that he had to bend right down with his head on the floor to look for it, causing his ass to stick up in the air and giving Jack and Rob plenty of opportunity to get pictures of it. Pulling the magazine out, he found, to his surprise, that it was a triple X porn magazine. Sitting on the bed with his back against the pillows at the headboard, he began to look through the magazine page by page. Jack had made sure the issue had plenty of pictures of naked women with huge jugs and dripping twats, and of men hung like horses banging and being sucked off by the women. Of course looking at the lewd and forbidden pictures had the obvious result, much to Jason's horror and embarrassment. He tried to not think about the pictures, but it would take a saint to be able to do that, and Jason was no saint.
Jack was aware of the boy's problem and embarrassment of course, and he continued to pretend to take pictures, prolonging the boy's agony. Later he and Rob would add a few still pictures and would edit the tapes into four versions. He had enough footage of Chuckles that he could piece together an introduction with Chuckles introducing Ginger's older brother Jason, and a conclusion hoping the boys had oodles and oodles of fun with him. That version would cut out any evidence of Jason's embarrassment and would have closeups of Jason looking at a Fun With Chuckles coloring book, which did not exist but the men were considering producing. Unlike the instructional videos it would not be free to their young clients. A second version would be to edit the kiddie tape to replace the coloring book with closeups of a gay mag for the gay men who just wanted a picture of a hot gay teenager getting turned on. The third version would be the kiddie version before replacing the porn mag for the bi crowd and for some select women's sites on the Internet. Of course the fourth version would be for the men who'd been collecting the adult version of the Fun With Chuckles series showing the embarrassment of their new young star.
Jack zoomed in on Jason's crotch and the growing bulge, commenting to Jason that they couldn't have that showing in a teen magazine and to reach down and move the tent into a less obvious position. Jason had hoped his condition would go by unnoticed, and having Jack comment on it caused the boy to turn beet red, which of course totally delighted Jack and Rob and which they caught on tape as the humiliated teenager reached down and tried to hide his throbbing erection in the folds of his trousers. They let him struggle for a few minutes, which in the pictures and on tape would look like he was fiddling with himself.
Jack finally observed that they were not going to be able to do anything about hiding the erection, and pointing out that production time was money and if they waited for him to go down and they re-shot he'd have to deduct the time from his pay, he suggested that they incorporate the unforseen development into the shooting and hide it other ways. Reluctant to blow this one chance to get in on the serious video production and big money, and not wanting to lose any cash from this job only three days before Christmas, Jason agreed. When Jack suggested he stroke and squeeze the bulge in his pants as he looked at the magazine, it was only because of that promise of a lucrative paying job, and the fear of Charles finding out he couldn't even handle a simple beefcake shoot, that he agreed. He reached down and stroked his erection through his pants, at first reluctantly and blushing with shame, and then with acceptance and enjoyment as his body and mind responded to the pleasure, giving Jack the versions he needed.
Telling Jason that was enough and it was time for him to act like he was getting ready for bed, Jason immediately foresaw another problem they were going to have. Trying to will away his erection, he struck a number of suggestive poses as he removed his shirt, shoes and socks, and slowly pulled down his fly and pushed down his trousers, Jack telling him to imagine thousands of teen girls buying the magazine with his pictures as the feature article and drooling over his body, which defeated any attempts to will away his boner. Jack assured him that he was making sure he did not get any pictures of the evident tent in his Joe Boxers. Of course that was a lie, and Jack and Rob got excellent pictures of the teenager blushing with shame as he stood there in different poses, his boxers tented out with an evidently humongous cock. As Jack had him hide the magazine back under the bed and then strike different poses on the bed, of course his cock peaked out of the fly of his boxers, causing Jason to turn so red it was amazing there was enough blood below his neck to keep his cock erect. Jack had him hide his erection with his hand, which in the pictures looked like he was playing with himself, and to slip his hand under the elastic waist band to rearrange it so it wasn't peaking out, which make Jason turn all the redder with Jack watching and supposedly waiting while he stuck his hand in his boxers and tried to position his eight-inch [20 cm] cock so it could not be seen, which was impossible.
Telling Jason to pull down his boxers and put on his pajamas, Jack turned with his back to the boy, pretending to give him a private moment but in reality positioning himself so he could secretly take pictures of the blushing teenager through the mirrors located in the room. Jason quickly pushed down his boxers, and with his rigid cock sticking up in the air, he took out the white cotton pajamas with thin blue stripes and a button fly and quickly put on the bottoms, unaware that it was all being captured on video and in still pictures. Telling Jason to leave the top of his pajamas and to think of all the girls swooning over his pictures again, Jack had him flex his muscles before the two mirrors in the room and strike suggestive poses beside and on the bed, looking seductively into the camera and saying things like "suck my cock babe" and "lets fuck". He finally had him put on the top but leave it unbuttoned. Of course throughout all this the tent in the cotton pajamas bottom was just as evident as it had been in his boxers, with his dick head again peaking out of the fly.
He then had Jason hold the plush Teddy as he stood beside the bed, posed before the mirrors, and then lay on the bed in various poses. Some of the poses Jason thought were childish and reminded him of a six-year-old with his Teddy bear, some of the poses he found strange like holding the bear and sucking his thumb, or bending over and swinging the bear between his outspread legs, and other poses were very clearly provocative as he leered at the camera. Of course Jack would later use the stills for his four different audiences, and Rob would edit the tape for the four videos.
Again complaining that Jason's huge erection was creating problems, and at the same time praising the teenager for his evident virility, Jack suddenly had a brilliant idea. If Jason tore a hole in Teddy's mouth, he could slip his dick inside the bear and nobody would notice it. Jason found it a strange solution, but he was no producer and he knew better than to question the judgement of someone you wanted to hire you. So, Jack and Rob got some excellent pictures of the boy concentrating as he ripped the seams in his Teddy where the mouth would be and then stuck his long, thick cock in the hole. He struck another series of poses, again with initial embarrassment and then growing comfort as he held the bear with its head pressed against his crotch.
For the final scene, Jack had the boy rip a hole in the seam between the bear's legs where Teddy's asshole would be and insert his cock into the stuffing, claiming the other idea looked unnatural. Having felt uncomfortable during the shooting, Jason accepted the reason. Again Jack had the boy strike several poses holding the bear in front of him, and in one of them jokingly having him release the bear and taking several pictures of the foot [30 cm] long Teddy hanging in front of him without any visible support. He finally had him button up his pajamas top and lay down on his side, clasping the Teddy to his lower torso, then lay on his stomach with his ass raised and Teddy under him, and then clasping Teddy to his chest and pretending to drop off to sleep.
Telling Jason that he had done an excellent job, and that he envied the boy's virility, he observed that he remembered what it was like being a horny teenager with raging hormones and an uncontrollable cock and assured the boy he need not be embarrassed about having gotten erect. Of course pointing it out and talking openly about it just made Jason all the more embarrassed, and kept his cock erect besides, both of which were Jack's intentions. Commenting that when he was Jason's age he hated to waste a good hard, Jack told the blushing teenager that he'd leave the room so Jason could get one off, suggesting with particular emphasis he should try using the opening he'd made in the Teddy bear's backside. Telling him that after he satisfied his natural teenage urges, to get dressed and come back to his office, Jack left the surprised and bewildered teenager standing there.
Of course Jack immediately joined Rob in the adjacent room, and the two men watched as the sixteen-year-old high school stud debated what he should do. He finally gave in to his nuts and pulled out his cock and began to jerk it off. He glanced several times at the Teddy bear, evidently thinking about what Jack had said, and finally gave in to Jack's suggestion and his own natural curiosity. Jack snapped pictures furiously and Rob zoomed in as the sixteen-year-old slipped his thick, eight-inch [20 cm] cock into the hole between the bear's backside. Laying down on the bed on his front, he grasped the bear and began to work his cock in and out of it. After being erect for close to an hour, it did not take long before he was ready to come. Jack and Rob recognized that look on his face immediately, along with the look that told them he suddenly realized things were about to get wet and he was uncertain what to do about it.
Having no time to really think it out, he continued fucking the bear, reasoning that it was as good a place as any to shoot his load, and besides, if Jack did check the bear out later, he'd see that he'd taken him up on his suggestion, which certainly would not hurt his changes of further shoots. Those thoughts were quickly replaced by the immense pleasure as the pressure in his groin reached the peak. The look on his face when he came was priceless, as was his dazed look as he pulled his cum dripping cock out, his last streamer still stuck to the new hole in Teddy. He glanced around uncertain what to do, deciding finally to wipe himself off on Teddy's asscheek, which had Jack and Rob leaking pre-cum big time.
As the boy left, he was disappointed that he had only made a hundred dollars, but as Jack pointed out he'd only made some beefcake pictures by himself. On the positive side Jack said he wanted him to do a second series of still photos the following week. On the embarrassing side, Jack had slipped into the bedroom, and returning with the Teddy, had handed him to Jason and asked him to return with the bear the next shoot. Disappointed it wasn't more but still delighted with the extra hundred dollars of cash in his pocket, Jason tried to ignore the stares he was getting on the bus as he clenched his cum filled Teddy to him and wondered how he was going to get him in the house and out of the sight of his parents. That concern was suddenly replaced by another as he felt a wet spot against the top of his right thigh and realized that he'd been squeezing the bear sitting on his lap so hard he'd squeezed something besides stuffing out of his new asshole. He sat there cherry red for the rest of the trip home, the wet spot seeming to get bigger and bigger and colder and colder. It was a long trip back to Manor Heights.
Chapter 13 Fun In The Shower
Innocently unaware of the torment his video stars are going through, six-year-old Kenny Darby, like hundreds of other young boys across the country, becomes even more enamored with his hero as he learns of still another way to make his body feel good.
Putting the video away with the others under his bed, Kenny headed for the bathroom and quickly stripped off his clothes. Like most six-year-olds, he was not overly keen nor concerned about being clean, and when he did have to wash he preferred having a bath so he could play with his boats and rubber duck, but in the video he'd just finished watching, Chuckles' friend's brother had shown him some fun things to do taking a shower.
Adjusting the water temperature, he raised his left arm and began to soap up his armpit, thinking about the fine silky hairs Jason had and wondering why guys got hair under their arms, and as he soaped up his right arm pit he thought about the neat trick his friend and classmate Tommy had shown him, how if you cupped your hand under your arm pit and then slapped your arm against your body you could make fart sounds. He knew he was ticklish under the arms, his dad and uncles having tickled him there, but he was surprised how gently rubbing the skin there, barely touching it, made him feel sort of good.
He moved on to his left nipple. Now he knew touching and rubbing his nipples made them tingle and burn just like the head of his pee-er, and even sent ripples of pleasure down to his pee-er to tell it how good they were feeling. Today he tried the new techniques Jason had shown him, circling his nipple with his index finger, making the circles smaller and smaller until he reached the dark circle around his nipple. He pinched his nipples and twisted them, causing pain to shoot through them initially, but then followed by a hot, burning feeling that really felt good. It was sort of like scratching a mosquito bite both in how it felt and how irresistible it was. It was painful but felt good doing it, and once you started you couldn't resist continuing to do it. Doing the same with his right nipple, he reached up and continued to tweak his left one with his left hand, doubling the ripples of pleasure. His little nipples were soon hard and burning with that strange combination of pain and pleasure. He continued to play with them until the sensation became so strong the six-year-old boy was dancing in the tub with the erotic pleasure.
He continued down to his belly button, another ticklish spot and one he never realized could make you feel good too. From there he continued down to his nuts. He stretched out the skin and rubbed the double layer between his thumb and index finger. He gently rubbed the two oval eggs in the loose sack with his index finger, closing his eyes and concentrating on the pleasure as Jason had done. By this time his little pee-er had been hard and aching to be touched for the past ten minutes. He now reached down and slowly pulled the skin back as far as he could, exposing the knob and tender skin below it. Releasing the skin, he watched as the tight skin crept back up over the knob. He repeated it several times, and then pulling it right back and holding it, he turned and let the water from the shower fall on it. Turning around again, he soaped up his middle finger and reached behind him and began to caress his butthole. He'd learned from Chuckles just how much fun that was, and since receiving his eleventh video had fucked his bum with his dildo every night when he went to bed and had even taken it to school and done it in the boys' room.
He now slipped his soapy finger up his asshole and began to finger fuck himself. The six-year-old brunette closed his big brown eyes and standing there in the shower concentrated on the pleasures rippling through his slender three-foot-nine [1.14 m], forty-three-pound [18½ kg] body, his breathing becoming heavier as he felt the strange pressure building up in his groin that he knew would eventually result in the greatest pleasure yet.
As the six-year-old aroused himself in the shower, he had no idea that the star of the video, Chuckles's friend's supposed brother, was totally unaware that there was a video of him showering being distributed across the country to primary school-age children. As far as Jason knew, he'd posed for another series of beefcake stills, which would discreetly keep his private parts hidden. He'd fiddled with his nipples because Jack had said teenage girls would be turned on seeing pictures of him doing so, and then because he'd discovered to his surprise that playing with his hard, pert nipples felt good. He'd once again become embarrassed when he'd gotten an erection, but had quickly overcome his embarrassment as Jack talked about testicular and prostate cancers and how guys should check themselves out regularly. He was acutely self-conscious as he listed to and then followed Jack's instructions how to feel your testicles for lumps, how to throughly wash under your skin to prevent a build up of dick cheese, which of course he knew, and how to find your prostate and check it out for lumps with your finger. They were humiliating things to do in front of another person, especially an adult old enough to be your father, but they were important things to know.
Of course as he did each of the things Jack suggested, the conversation lead to how good those things also made him feel. Little did he know that the conversation was being taped and would be edited to sound like he was telling little kids how to make themselves feel good. Once again the shoot ended with Jack telling him there was no sense in wasting a good boner and leaving him alone to jerk off. After getting himself so aroused, it was a temptation he could not resist. Of course he did not know about the hidden cameras, nor the two-way mirror, which allowed Jack and Rob to catch it all for the adult videos in addition to some more soft porn of him drying himself off and getting dressed.
As he'd headed home that day after the shoot, he could not believe he'd just been paid a hundred dollars to take a shower. Having a hundred bucks in his pocket was great, and he was even more delighted having heard Jack tell him he was pleased with his performance and wanted to schedule him to do a video next Saturday which would pay twice the money. He didn't care about the stares of others on the bus as he hugged his Teddy bear, which he'd brought to the shoot as Jack had requested but which he'd said he'd decided they wouldn't use this time.
He did not know that across town Shane was sitting staring out of the window dejectedly. It had been three weeks now since he'd made a video. The first he'd been sent to get Jason's picture, which was logical though he could have done that anytime, and the last two he was just told not to come, with no reason. That did not prevent him from inventing his own reason. Jason had told him Jack had hired him. Jason and Charles were very close friends, they attended the same school, and they were both of the same social class with the same interests. It was evident. He had been replaced. He wiped away a tear as he watched the wind beginning to pick up outside.
Neither Jason nor Shane was aware that Charles, on the other hand, was totally elated. Two weeks earlier he'd told Jack that he wanted to stop making the videos, no matter what it would take, and to his surprise Jack had told him he understood exactly how he was feeling, and that he'd think about it. He had fully expected a call the following Friday telling him he was expected to continue, and he'd certainly expected one the Friday after that. When he hadn't, he could only conclude that Jack had decided to stop, or more likely, he'd just run out of new video ideas. Of course he had not phoned to say so, but Jack would not. Anyway, it was like a one ton weight had been lifted off him. His mother and father had certainly noticed and were relieved, having been concerned about his lack of appetite, his restless sleep, and his upset stomach.
Of course Mrs Darby and her husband knew nothing as they returned home from shopping early. She was due any day now, and even something as simple as shopping had taken all her strength. Hearing the water running in the bathroom, she looked at her husband in surprise. For the past few weeks Kenny had stopped making a fuss about taking a bath, and now he was showering all on his own! If this latest change had anything to do with this Chuckles show her son was watching, she definitely had to write to the producer and express her appreciation. As she waddled into the bedroom to lie down, she would have had different thoughts if she'd known at that very moment her six-year-old son was jerking and squirming with a violent orgasm, his little nipples burning and rock hard, his middle finger shoved up his asshole as far as he could shove it, and his right fist squeezing his burning, throbbing little erection so tightly the knuckles were white.
Chapter 14 Fun With Big Brother
Six-year-olds Kenny Darby and Aaron Michaels are delighted it is Friday, not because it means two whole days of play time, but because it means tomorrow is Saturday and a new fun video from Chuckles the clown. Aaron's brother, Kevin, thirteen years of age as of last month, is delighted also, because it means two days with no school and two days he can sleep in. None of the boys are aware that two weeks ago sixteen-year-old Jason Bonner, recently added to Jack's crew of teen porno stars, was looking forward with anticipation to the upcoming Saturday and his first video movie, the movie Kenny and Aaron would be getting two weeks later. On the same day, fifteen-year-old Shane Finnigan was totally ecstatic to receive a phone call telling him to come to a shoot then next day, and to phone Charles and tell him to come also. Charles Brentworth, Jason's classmate, on the other hand, was furious. After three weeks of not being subjected to Jack's perverted idea of entertainment, he'd thought that he'd finally gotten himself free.
"I'm not making another fucking video!" Charles shouted angrily. He knew his suckhole co-star showed up early, so he'd shown up at the detested split-level even earlier, to Jack's surprise. Jack had taken him down to his tiny office where this had all begun fourteen weeks ago. To Charles it seemed like fourteen years, fourteen years of hell.
"But Charles, we have a contract."
"I want out of it. I'll pay you back, every penny you've given me. I'll pay you for the runners. I'll pay you double, triple, anything you want."
"Where will you get the money?"
"I don't know, but I'll get it. I'll pay you back, I promise. I'll even sign a paper saying I'll pay you back whatever you want and if I don't I'll make as many videos for you as you say."
"I already have an agreement for you to make all the videos I want."
"And I want out of it. Don't you understand? I hate it. It's detestable. It's perverted." Charles screwed up his face in disgust. "I refuse to make another video no matter what."
Jack reached out with surprising speed and grabbing Charles by the chin, twisted it. "People who have tried to break a contract with me have been known to get hurt."
"Go ahead. Cut me up. Whatever. I'll go to the police."
"And when they find the videos you've been making, and your signed agreement?"
"I don't care. They'll put you away for life for making them, which is what you deserve."
"If you feel so strongly about this, I suppose sending the pictures of you and Shane to the Jefferson Oakes Yearbook Committee isn't going to change your mind this time."
"I'll just tell them they are fake. They'll believe me."
"I hope your mother will believe you when she gets them, because I will send them to her if you walk out of here now. In case she does, maybe I should send her a copy of one of the videos her son has stared in besides. Which one do you think she'd like?" Charles thought of the ten videos he'd made, videos of him jerking off, sucking cock, getting fucked, licking up his piss. He thought of his mother getting one of them in the mail and popping it into the VCR. He glared at the man across the desk. "I didn't think you'd like your mom knowing what you've been doing these Saturday afternoons. Now, go put your costume and make up on." Charles slowly got to his feet, his heart pounding and his face flushed. He wanted to strangle the son-of-a-bitch. Instead he turned to the door. "And, oh, Charles. Because of this little tantrum of yours, don't expect to get paid today." The combination of hatred and helplessness in the boy's eyes caused Jack's dick to begin to rise. As the door closed, he smiled with satisfaction and reached under his desk to shut off the hidden camera. There was a knock on the door and Rob announced that Shane had arrived and was asking to talk to him. It appeared his young stars were getting restless, but such is the life of a serious producer.
"Yes, Shane, you wanted to see me?"
"Yes sir," Shane replied as he shuffled from one foot to the next. "I just wanted to say how glad I am that I'm making this video."
"Well, I'm glad you feel that way."
"It's been three weeks since the last one. You're not disappointed in my acting or nothing, are you?"
"Why, Shane, of course not! I just didn't have a scene that needed more than one actor these past three weeks."
"You haven't?" Shane asked, immediately brightening up with the news. That meant Charles and Jason hadn't been making videos together after all!
"And for recruiting Jason for me, you're going to find an extra little bonus in your pay envelop this week."
"Wicked!" Shane responded, his face lightening up even more. The first payments he'd given almost all to his parents, telling them he'd gotten them doing odd jobs, cleaning up yards for winter, things like that. The last two Jack had insisted he buy some clothes for himself, and his parents were delighted for him, but he'd felt guilty spending so much money on himself when his parents needed it much more. A bonus meant this week he'd be able to do both.
Sending Shane to the playroom to look over his cue cards, Jack was again about to shut off the camera when Rob announced Jason had arrived.
"So, you looking forward to your first video?"
"Oh yeah! You bet!"
"Since this is your first one, I've chosen something simple to start off with. Rob will take you to the bedroom where we had your first shoot and I want you to change into the pajamas and lie down on the bed on your back with the sheets pulled up over your head. In this video you're a sixteen-year-old boy sleeping in in the morning. Two burglars sneak into your room thinking the house is empty, discover you, and decide to give you a blow job. Any questions?"
"Ah, no, I guess not." A video of him getting a blow job? Just the thought of getting his cock sucked caused it to stir. He was, after all, a healthy red-blooded teenager. But two guys? The thought of doing it with guys caused his arms to turn to gooseflesh. "That's it?"
"That's it. Just pretend you're asleep and let things happen naturally. When the burglars lift up the sheets, the ones over your head will be pulled down so we can film your facial expressions as you get your blow job. Just keep your eyes closed and enjoy it. We'll tell you when we're finished taping."
"I'm going to actually
3; you know
3; get a blow job?"
"You have a problem with that?" Jack asked, his tone very clearly indicating Jason had better not. "Surely a stud like you has had a lot of girls suck you off."
"Ah, no, I guess that's no problem," Jason responded, knowing that was the answer Jack wanted and purposefully not commenting on the second assumption. If that was what Jack thought, let him. "You're not actually going to take pictures of them doing that, are you?"
"Now, Jason, what do you think," Jack asked, feigning shock the boy would even think such a thing.
"You said the pay was more for making a video."
"Twice as much."
"Two hundred?"
"That a problem?"
"No way," Jason said in disbelief. He was going to get blown, and paid to have it done.
"Then head off and get ready," Jack said with a smile. Sending Jason off to the bedroom set with Rob, Jack headed to the playroom. This was going to be a great shoot! He already had a full erection and they had not even begun!
"Hello there my little friends," Charles said from memory. "My name is Chuckles, and I hope you're all ready to have some fun, fun, fun, because I sure am! But first, did you remember to do what you were told to do when you got this video? I hope you did! Remember? You were told to only play this video when there are no grownups around. That, my little friend, is very, very, very important. So if your mommy or daddy or any grown-up is around, shut this off right now and wait until you are home with no adults around. If you forgot the rule, do it right now." Of course Jack could dub the introduction from earlier tapes each time, but he enjoyed watching Charles pretend to be enthused, knowing the boy was hating every moment of it, because it sounded childish, and because he knew whatever was coming up, it was going to be perverted. "So if you are watching me right now, right this very minute, that must mean there are no grownups around to stop us from having some fun, fun, fun, so let's get started!" Charles clapped his hands joyfully, dreading on the inside what this video would be about. "Today, Chuckles is going to tell you all about how you can have oodles and oodles and oodles of fun with your big brother."
"And if you don't have a big brother, you can have fun with your best buddy's big brother, because best buddies share," said Shane, having memorized his line and saying it with feeling because he believed the message. That best buddies shared was how he felt, and he believed he and Charles were best buddies. Being an only child, he'd often wished he had a brother. "Today I am going to share my big brother with my best pal," he continued, putting his arm affectionately around Charles. Jack smiled. Teenagers were so impressionable, and had such difficulty telling the difference between reality and fantasy. Charles forced an exaggerated happy clown smile. "My big brother is a teenager," continued Shane. "He is a real pain in the ass sometimes, and he acts really goofy when he is around girls."
"Girls, yuck, ptooey," observed Charles, making a face. He remembered feeling that way when he was a little kid. It was one of the first things in fourteen weeks that he could see an adult watching these movies could relate to.
"But other times my brother and me do fun stuff together. This is a fun thing you can do with your big brother that will really surprise him, and that he will really, really, really like! Right now he is sleeping. If your big brother is like my big brother, he likes to sleep in. Teenagers need a lot of rest." Shane smiled, delighted he'd been given so many lines in this video.
"You remember when Ginger and me showed you how you can have fun with your pee-er by having your buddy suck it? Well, we are going to surprise Ginger's brother and make him feel real, real, real good by licking his pee-er while he is asleep. When he wakes up, he will think he had a wonderful dream. You should ask your brother if he did later. Watch the look on his face when you do! Now, we don't want to wake Ginger's brother up, so we won't be able to talk. Just watch real, real careful what we do, and then some morning when your big brother is sleeping in you can do the same."
"So come with us," said Ginger, getting to his feet. "But be real, real quiet," he said, putting a finger to his lips.
The boys began to tip toe to the door. "Oh, yeah," said Charles, as if just remembering. "You know how good it feels right at the end when you get your pee-er sucked? Well, a special thing happens when teenagers and men come to the end, a special thing that makes them feel extra good. I'm not going to tell you what, because it will ruin the surprise when you lick your brother's pee-er."
"So when it happens when you lick your big brother, don't worry. It is supposed to."
"But after it happens, you should lick your brother clean so when he wakes up he won't know it even happened. I know that sounds yucky, but it isn't. It is like licking an ice-cream cone, but oodles and oodles better."
"And if he wakes up while you are licking his pee-er, he will like it so much he'll want you to keep doing it. You can really surprise him by telling him you want to lick up his surprise when it comes."
"He'll like that, and so will you," Charles and Ginger said with huge grins.
As the boys tip toed with exaggerated steps down the hall and entered the bedroom, Jack followed them with the camera. The topic for the day had not come as a big surprise to Charles. He hadn't thought about it until they were making the video, but it was logical that it would only be a matter of time before Jack and Rob got in on the sex action. They were perverts making these porno videos, and he'd seen the bulges in their pants as they'd humiliated him and Shane. His only surprise was that the person covered up under the blankets and pretending to be Shane's brother was going to be Rob and not Jack. He'd have thought Jack would want to be the first one to get sucked off by them.
Shane still wasn't exactly sure what a satirical parody was, and to be truthful, didn't want to know. He didn't want anything to jeopardize his friendship with Charles. Besides, he was proud that Jack had given him so many lines this time, so he didn't really think about the plot. He was disappointed that it wasn't just him and Charles in it, but at least he and Charles were doing something together. As he and Charles slowly raised the blankets and sheets at the bottom of the bed one by one and piled them up on the stomach of his pretend brother, that it was strange it was Rob lying there instead of Jack didn't even cross his mind. Jack was the boss so it made sense he'd be running the camera, and the person under the blankets had to be Rob or else Jack wouldn't be taking the pictures this time.
Jason inhaled and exhaled deeply, not because he was feigning sleep as it appeared in the video, but to calm his nerves as he felt the sheets being drawn up and stacked on his stomach. As he'd stripped down in front of Rob, whom he'd just met for the first time, and put on the pajamas that he'd worn the previous week, he'd found that in itself embarrassing. Stripping in front of his classmates like in gym was one thing. Stripping in front of an adult was something else, even if it was to make a movie. He wasn't sure he really wanted to make this video. He knew he didn't want to get blown by Jack and Rob, whom he assumed were going to be the two burglars, but he also knew if he wanted good paying shoots, it wasn't wise to object to his role in the very first video. Now if it had been a video about two girl thieves.
3; That was what he'd decided he'd think as Rob set up the cameras to film his face and explained they'd be on remote, and as he'd lain there waiting. He'd pretend it was Sherry and Lisa sucking him off. It was still going to be disgusting, but it wasn't as if guys didn't tell other guys to suck them off, or that he'd never wondered what getting a blow job would be like, by a girl or a guy. And it wasn't as if they were going to take pictures of him getting sucked and splash them all over the Internet or something. They'd be splashing their own faces if they did that.
As Charles and Shane folded each sheet and blanket up on Jason's stomach, Jack carefully pulled down the top of each one out of sight of the camera and bunched each one up as if the sheets and blankets had naturally slipped off the head of the sleeping 'brother'. Between the bunched up sheets and the folded bottoms, there was an effective barrier preventing Jason from seeing who was really sucking him, and Charles and Shane from seeing who was really in the bed. Jason inhaled and exhaled nervously and tried to stop from trembling as he felt two pairs of hands slip under the elastic band of his pajamas and pull them down over his hips to his knees. He did shudder as he felt the two pairs of hot hands against his bare thigh, and the brush of cheeks against his stomach as two hot breaths blew against his limp dick and balls. His heart was high in his chest with nervous tension, which was not one of the reactions he'd imagined he'd have when he got his first blow job. The remote camera picked up the expression on his face which would have Jack and Rob leaking big time when they viewed it.
Charles took a deep breath and ran his tongue over the limp dick hanging down over the large hairy balls he and Shane had exposed, nausea almost causing him to gag as he recalled the two blow jobs he'd given Shane. This was just as humiliating and perverted, but overriding his embarrassment and his disgust was the blind hate for the man in the bed, and the man behind the camera. He hated them for making him do these things, for their filthy, perverted minds, and for their power over him. As he ran his tongue up and down the shaft and over the knob of the slowly swelling cock he did so mechanically, his mind focusing on his hatred and his humiliation. He tried, but could not totally block out what he was doing.
As Charles licked the dick that he and Shane assumed belonged to Rob, Shane bent over and licked the hairy balls. He'd spent many hours since Charles had given him his first blow job imagining what it was like to lick a guy's nuts as he'd jacked off. Reality was nowhere near what he'd imagined. It was a low-hung sack and it was hairy and salty, both of which took getting used to. Usually when one had a hair in his mouth, he removed it. The taste was not that unpleasant, but the act itself was perverted. As he ran his tongue around under the balls and over them, he wondered if he'd feel the same way if it was Charles's balls that he was licking. He suspected he wouldn't.
As Jason's cock began to rise, Jason was not overly concerned that he was getting aroused by two men licking his cock. He was a healthy red-blooded teenager with his sex hormones at their peak, or close to it according to his high school health class that fall. It was only natural that he'd be getting a boner. It had nothing to do with being a fag. The two men licking his swelling cock were the fags, not him, and if two fags wanted to lick his cock, why not? That they preferred a teenage boy to men their own age was just more evidence they were two sickos.
As Jason's cock began to rise, Charles and Shane switched roles, Charles licking balls and Shane licking dick. Charles choked back his bile as he ran his tongue over the spit-drenched balls and realized he was running his tongue through Shane's spit. He was mixing his spit with Shane's with his tongue. He wanted to puke, but he knew if he did Jack wouldn't hesitate to cut off his nuts. He fought back his revulsion as he slipped his tongue under the drenched balls in the hopes of finding a spot not yet licked, but Shane had been through. Shane's feelings were not as clear cut as he ran his tongue around the sensitive knob and along the shaft already amply licked by Charles. On the one hand he was thinking that he was running his tongue around the same places as Charles had run his, and in a strange way, that was arousing and the fact that his tongue was where Charles's had been caused his cock to twitch with arousal. On the other hand, he was licking cock, and licking cock was a fag thing, and something dirty. He felt ashamed and perverted. At the same time, he could not help thinking that what he was doing was what Charles had done to him, and it had felt great, and Charles had enjoyed doing it. As he ran his tongue over the blood-engorged knob, he wished it was Charles that he was giving his very first ever blow job to. As for Jason, he squirmed as he felt himself approaching his climax. The two faggots licking his cock were about to get their reward.
The three teenagers had no idea that two weeks and a day later in a bedroom in another part of the city, and in bedrooms across the nation, young boys would be copying their actions. Aaron and Kenny could hardly refrain from giggling as they tiptoed into Aaron's brother's room, their hearts in their throats and so nervous that had the floor boards creaked it would have sent them through the ceiling. Tiptoing up to the sleeping teenager's bed, one on each side, they slowly and carefully raised the quilted comforter and drew it up to his stomach where they folded it just like Chuckles and Ginger had done with Ginger's brother. The next two blankets followed, and then the white sheet. They looked at the lower torso of the sleeping boy, bright-eyed and with apprehension, and then slowly bent over and pulled up the dark-brown elastic band of his tan sleep wear bottoms. They tried pulling them down, but found his butt was holding back his pajamas. Inhaling deeply and nervously, they slowly slipped their outside hand under the band along the side of his hips while they pulled up on the band in front. Kevin twisted his body and sighed, sending the two six-year-olds diving for the floor.
A minute later two heads, a brunette and a blond, poked up on either side of the bed like two little gophers, and the two boys once again stood over the sleeping thirteen-year-old and tried again. Once again Kevin squirmed but this time the two boys held their position, and used his movement to slip his pajamas bottoms off his hips. Keeping their eyes on his face for the slightest hint he was waking up, they continued to pull his bottoms down until they were half way to his knees. The two boys looked down at his exposed genitals, and then at each other with wide grins. His pee-er was huge, at least twice as long as theirs, and twice as fat. And he had a tiny patch of fine, curly hairs above his dick. It wasn't as bushy nor as far up his stomach as Ginger's brother's, nor were his balls hairy, but they were huge, just like Ginger's brother's were.
Leaning on the bed ever so slowly and carefully, they leaned over his crotch and took a closer look. They had already decided since it was Aaron's brother, he would begin licking his pee-er while Kenny licked his nuts, and then they would switch when he started to get hard, just like Ginger and Chuckles had. With one last glance at each other, the two tousled-haired boys bent down lower. Two little pink tongues stuck out and began to lick the sleep-damp genitals. They had, of course, licked and sucked each other many times since they'd watched the seventh video seven weeks ago. This was different, sucking someone older and sucking together, and sucking while the person was sleeping. It was exciting and daring, and it was fun, especially as his dick began to swell and slowly began to rise up, just like Ginger's brother's had.
It was huge, the shaft part as long as their four fingers placed side by side, and the knob part sticking out above that. It wasn't as big as Ginger's brother's of course, but it was twice as big as their own, and the biggest cock they'd seen in the flesh. They switched, Aaron licking his brother's huge balls and Kenny licking his now stiff cock. The two six-year-olds were not feeling any of the emotions their heros had felt. This was exciting, and new, and oodles of fun, and they were sharing in the experience just like buddies were supposed to, and just like Ginger had shared with Chuckles. They began to both lick up and down the shaft of the four-inch [10 cm] cock sticking straight up in the air as they'd seen Chuckles and Ginger do, both eager to find out what the surprise was when a teenager's cock got all tingling and started to wave in the air all on its own. The camera had zoomed up to Ginger's brother's face to show how much he was enjoying having his cock licked in his sleep, and so that they would not see the surprise Chuckles had said would happen.
Inhaling and exhaling deeply as he approached that peak, Kevin drowsily opened his eyes a crack and closed them again. No wonder his cock felt so wet and he felt like he was about to come, his kid brother and his buddy were licking it. He inhaled and exhaled even more deeply and a slight smile curled his lips. Now that was a wicked dream. He'd only turned thirteen two months ago, and had only shot his first load a month before that. This was his first sex dream about his brother. Usually his dreams had been about girls, or about him and his buddies fucking girls. They'd been great dreams, but hadn't felt as real as the one his was having. He sleepily opened his eyes a crack again. His kid brother and his buddy were running their tongues up and down his cock from his balls to the tip like they were licking a candy cane. In a minute they were going to be in for a real surprise. As his cock twitched with delight, the possibility this was not a dream slowly crossed his muddled mind.
Inhaling deeply, Jason held his breath and tensed as he felt his nuts constrict and his cum shoot up the core of his cock. Shot after shot erupted out of his canon, and as his shots fell back on his thighs and on his stomach, he felt the two tongues that had been licking his cock begin to lap them up. These really were two sickos. He inhaled and exhaled deeply with pleasure as the last of his cum flowed out of his stiff cock and down over the knob and shaft. With the heaving of his body, he'd felt the sheets and blankets piled up on his stomach slide off, and though he was supposed to be sleeping, he dared to open his eyes a sliver to look at the two pervs that had licked him off. His eyes popped wide open. There on his hands and knees with the tip of his tongue in the pool of cum on his stomach like a kitten lapping up a puddle of milk was Charles's friend Shane, and lapping up the flow of cum that had flooded over his knob and shaft was Charles Brentworth himself! He had disguised himself in a frizzy wig and clown make-up, but he still recognized him. He stared in shock and disbelief that his childhood buddy was a faggot cocksucker.
Charles and Shane slowly became aware that the blankets had slipped off also, both having been too involved in what they were doing to realize Jack had purposefully pulled them off. His cheeks smeared with cum and a streamer hanging from his tongue to Jason's dick, Charles stared at the shocked face of his friend and high school teammate. He prayed that God would strike him dead with a bolt of lightening, but he knew it would not happen. His heart sank so low it felt like it was parallel to his navel, and any embarrassment he'd felt before paled in comparison to how he felt that moment. Maybe if he was careless enough he'd get hit by a truck on the way home. His head still bowed, Shane looked up at the shocked teenager who had recently become his friend, just as surprised and shocked as Jason was having fully expected to see Rob laying there. His face began to turn bright red with shame.
Of course Jack and Rob caught the look of shock and disbelief in Jason's eyes, and then the realization that one of his closest friends was a fag. They also caught the looks of shame and embarrassment on the faces of the two boys who'd licked him off, zooming in on their pained eyes and on the drool of cum hanging from their lips. The cameras continued to roll as the three boys stared at each other, unable to move, not knowing what to do next. Exposed as cock suckers, Shane and Charles knelt there with their cum-smeared cheeks and lips, more totally devastated than they could have ever imagined. Realizing he'd just engaged in a homosexual act with two boys his own age, Jason's delight had turned to embarrassment also, embarrassment for the two boys kneeling on either side of the bed, and embarrassment for himself. The men who would buy this video would be clamoring for the next video in the series, wondering what Jack could possibly come up with that would be more embarrassing than that moment. Of course the video that was being distributed to young boys across the country would cut off with the look of sheer delight on Jason's face and conclude with a dub of Chuckles's signature sign off.
Kevin Michaels knew nothing about videos as he felt his cum about to shoot. He considered calling out a warning to Aaron and Kenny, but if he did so he'd reveal he was awake and they might stop, only seconds away from that awesome and mysterious peak of pleasure that was still very new to him. He should warn them, but it was the little faggots' problem if he shot in their faces, assaulting him in his sleep like they had. In fact it would serve them right. It would also be fucking hot, he thought with a smile. Inhaling deeply, he squinted at the two through almost closed eyes as felt his cum surge up his cock.
His first wad shot straight up into the air and back down to flow over his knob and down his shaft, and it was quickly followed by a second and third. It happened so fast and was totally unexpected by the two six-year-olds. Before they could react, his fresh cum flowed over their tongues and into their mouths. Of course they immediately drew back, and a long sticky streamer of cum extended from their tongues to Kevin's fountaining dick. The streamer finally broke and swung down and hung from their chins as they stared in wide-eyed surprise as the thick, creamy fluid flowing out of Kevin's twitching cock like lava from a volcano and coating their still extended tongues, looking very much like two six-year-olds who had just licked something unexpectedly spicy. Not knowing what else to do, they closed their mouths and savored the creamy streamer that had flowed over their tongues. It was not that bad. In fact it sort of tasted like the almond icing on Kenny's last birthday cake. The two boys swallowed and glanced at each other. They knew what Chuckles had told them to do, but this was not what they'd expected.
It being his brother, and figuring he'd be mad when he woke up if they didn't clean him up, Aaron slowly leaned forward again and sticking his tongue out as far as he could, he lapped up a stream of cum from the base of Kevin's cock to the tip. It was sort of like licking icing from a cake, or whipped cream from a beater. He smiled over at Kenny, and returning the grin, the six-year-old brunette leaned forward and ran his tongue up the cum-streaked cock. They puckered up their lips and sucked up the puddles that had formed on Kevin's balls. Looking up at each other, their lips coated with the sticky, white cum, they looked like the milk ads with the celebrities having a milk moustache. The two boys giggled and resumed licking up the strange surprise that had flowed from the teenager's cock. Kevin had no idea what had prompted the two boys to do what they'd done, but as he lay back and sighed with pleasure, he was not going to question why. Hearing the boy's sigh, the two youngsters glanced at each other again. Aaron's brother was liking it. Chuckles had been right.