PZA Boy Stories

Daemon Way

Fun with Chuckles

Chapters 33-34

Chapter 33
Even Still More Fun With S&M and Pooh

In this story, the threat of homophobic seventeen-year-old Matt Danson unites Jack's three reluctant costars with a resolve to do what they'd adamantly declared they would never do again with hardly any coercion or manipulation by Jack.

Matt Danson paced up and down between the two banks of lockers impatiently. He had been kept waiting for over an hour now, and he was not happy about it. Nobody kept Matt Danson waiting. His present mood was in marked contrast to his mood that morning when he'd gotten the surprise phone call telling him to come to the high school for a televised interview at one that afternoon. That had put him right up there on the top of the world, and he'd been so excited and pleased with himself he hadn't even bothered to ask who the interview was with. Even when he'd noticed there were no cars in the parking lot when he'd been met outside the school by the two men, and even when they'd gone in through one of the back doors and gone straight to the boys change room, and even when he'd realized the school was totally empty, not even his coach or the high school principal being there, he hadn't been suspicious. Wasn't he after all the best basketball player the school had, probably the best it had ever had? That he was being interviewed was only to be expected, and where better than the boys change room off the gym?

When they had left him there alone and ten minutes had gone by, he'd become irritated that he was being kept waiting, not that he had anything special planned for that afternoon. You just didn't keep important people waiting. After another ten minutes, his irritation turned to frustration. Had it been anyone else he'd have found them and given them a piece of his mind, but when it was the people interviewing you, you had no choice but be at their whim. When he reached the half hour mark frustration turned to anger. When he finally got up to see what the fuck was going on a few minutes later, he discovered he'd been locked in. That was his first moment of suspicion that things were not as he had been lead to think they were. After another ten minutes his anger turned to apprehension and finally to fear. This was not right.

At last the door opened and in walked the last people he'd expected to see that afternoon, Jason Bonner dressed up like some Roman gladiator or fantasy warrior from the television show Xena or something in a spiked dog collar, a leather and chain harness, black leather boots almost up to his knees, and a studded jock strap; his fairy friend Shane Finnigan dressed up in a low cut, undersized blouse that showed a strip of his belly and a tight skirt that extended half way down his thighs; and a clown in a frizzy rainbow coloured wig and baggy clown costume with huge orange and yellow shoes, his cheeks painted a bright red and his lips a bright blue. It took a minute for him to realize the clown was his classmate Charles Brentworth. He was followed by the two men who had met him outside the school, one of them carrying several cameras and the other a flip chart. "What the hell is this?" he asked, looking from one to the other. None of them answered. "What the hell are you three doing, going to a masquerade party? Or some sort of fag party?" he added as an afterthought as he wrinkled up his nose in disgust.

"We're here to interview you," Charles responded as he'd been told to. For the past forty-five minutes the boys had been prepped on what to say and do, and had been memorizing and practising some of the lines Jack wanted to be sure were on the tape.

"Now, if you sit there," directed Jack, indicating for Matt to sit on the low change bench, "and if you sit beside him," he indicated to Charles, "and you two on the other side, we'll begin." Rob set up his video and digital cameras as Jack set up the flip chart out of sight of the cameras.

"Now, here we are in the boys change room with Manor Heights' star basketball player, Matt Danson," Charles said into the camera as he'd memorized, having already gone through his routine introduction and told his audience that today they'd be having oodles and oodles of more fun playing S&M and with pooh, and learning some fun things that could be done to people who are bullies or who want to hurt you like the boy they'd be meeting. When Jack had first explained what the video was going to be about, he, Jason and Shane had been reluctant even given the things Matt Danson had been saying about them. In the end they all agreed to do it though not one of them was totally comfortable with his decision. "How are you this afternoon Matt?"

"Ah, fine," the confused high school student said. Being interviewed by a clown, a faggot and some sort of leather freak was not at all what he'd expected.

"Why don't we begin by you telling us something about yourself?"

"Ah, well, I'm Matt Danson," he began as Jack pointed to the list of questions on the flip chart. "I'm a student here at Westview High in Middleton, in grade eleven, and I'm the centre on the school's basketball team. I'm seventeen and I live at 43 Manor Heights Boulevard. My birthday was last month, April 25. I'm six-foot-one [1.85 m], and a hundred-and-forty-five pounds [66 kg]."

"I understand you're a pretty good basketball player."

"Pretty good?" Matt snorted, there being no cue for him to read. "I'm the best the school has, the best it has ever seen, and ever will."

"I hear you can handle the ball pretty good," said Jason as they'd rehearsed.

"Yeah, I can."

"You can handle my balls anytime," responded Charles uncomfortably. Jack had explained where these comments were supposed to lead to, and what ultimately they'd be expecting Matt to do, and he'd agreed, but even so, he didn't like the line, even if it was all an act, especially with Matt already suspecting he was gay. Matt looked at him first in surprise, and then with contempt, and he could tell in his eyes that Matt was thinking the line suited him.

"You like to handle your balls when you jack off?" asked Jason as they had rehearsed.

"What is this?" asked Matt, looking at one and then the other, and then at Jack. He was no fool, and had not only realized that he'd been set up, but that he was also in a very vulnerable position.

"Your interview you dumb asshole jock," said Shane as Jack had told him to if Matt asked that question.

"Who you calling a dumb asshole jock you fucking faggot?"

"Ah, duh, I guess you," said Shane, just as uncomfortable with his line as Charles had been with his, but also growing angry with Matt. He had to wonder how Jack knew Matt would make his comment in response to Charles's comment, and then the second comment in response to his.

"You prickless flamin' queer," retorted Matt angrily as he got to his feet, his face flushed with emotion. Now that Jack had not predicted, and Shane felt his heart speed up. He was used to being called names, but not with such intense anger, and he had no idea if he was expected to respond and if he was, how.

"Hey, hey, let's get back to the interview," said Charles, Jack pointing to him and quickly writing the impromptu line as fast as he could.

"Yeah, calm down," read Jason as Jack pointed to him and quickly wrote the comment and then indicated he was to get back to the script they'd rehearsed. "It is a question a lot of girls, and guys, would like the answer to," he continued looking at Charles and Shane hesitantly with the mention of guys and speaking without the enthusiasm he was supposed to have in his voice. Jack had him repeat it, several times, and at the same time motioned for Matt to sit back down. Despite his anger and apprehension, he did so, in part because of Jack's authoritarian manner, and in part because he was confused why this was being taped, and Jason and the others clearly acting. "So, what is the answer, do you like to play with your balls when you jack off?"

"I don't jack off," Matt responded, and that was no act.

"Yeah, right," said Shane, having been the one designated in their rehearsal to make the response should Matt make such a claim, which was a typical claim by teenage boys when the topic of masturbation came up. "Everyone jacks off."

"Maybe if they're fags or losers."

"You must have jacked off at some time," observed Charles, who like the others had been told to challenge any such comment made by Matt.

"Well sorry to disappoint you, but I haven't," he replied condescendingly and with a cut of sarcasm in his voice.

"You expect us to believe that?"

"Only losers jack off. Do I look like a loser to you's?"

"Yeah," the three boys chorused after looking at each other as Jack quickly wrote what to do and say on the flip paper and then gave the clue "truth trick" to prompt Charles to say his part of the pre-written and practised script.

"I think it's time we used our truth trick to get Matt to tell us the truth.".

"What truth trick is that, Chuckles?" asked Shane, who had to repeat the line several times to sound like he really wanted to know. Matt glanced at one and then the other. It was obvious they were repeating lines they'd memorized, but it was a mystery to him what the point of it was.

"You two hold Matt down and I'll show you."

Shane and Jason wrestled Matt, who was not acting, to the floor of the change room and held him down flat on his back. Charles pulled up Matt's singlet, the boy having put on his school's blue and gold basketball strip as he'd been told to for the interview. The seventeen-year-old had the beginning of fine chest hair of which he was particularly proud. Taking one in the centre of his chest just below his neck, Charles plucked it out, causing Matt to cry out and curse. "Now, tell us the truth. Do you jack off?"

"No," he replied angrily.

"Tsk, tsk, you're supposed to tell us the truth," Charles said, repeating the line they'd rehearsed as he pulled out another hair.

"I'm telling you the truth!" Matt screamed as Charles pulled out another. He pulled out several more, asking the question with each hair he yanked out. Matt, becoming more and more angry as the pain increased with each hair plucked out, struggled to get up but with Jason and Shane pinning down his arms and Charles sitting on his stomach, it was impossible. "I'm telling you the fuckin' truth, fuck it!"

"Pull out one of the hairs around his nipples, they're the most sensitive," Jason said, recalling his line from the rehearsal. He didn't have chest hair himself yet, but he could imagine how painful it would feel. On the one hand he felt sorry for Matt, but on the other, with the comments he'd been making about gays he deserved what he was getting, and would be getting. He felt a pang of guilt for feeling that way, but as he recalled the cutting comments Matt had made about homosexuals, he rationalized that he was justified in feeling the way he did.

"Oh yeah, pull one out," agreed Shane, feeling the same way about what was happening as Jason.

Charles did and Matt screamed and cursed all three of them all the louder as pain ripped through his nipple.

"Maybe he likes pain. What did you call those guys?" asked Shane, reading the new prompt written hastily by Jack and looking at Jason as directed.

"Masochists," Jason responded, having to think for a moment.

"Maybe that's what he is," Shane continued as Jack wrote the prompt.

"Or maybe I'm telling the fucking truth you ignorant faggot," Matt sneered, the cues being out of his sight.

"Pull down his shorts and see if he got ball hairs. They'll really hurt when you pull them out," said Jason as they'd rehearsed, Matt's latest comment reaffirming he shouldn't be feeling guilty.

"I think he's telling the truth," observed Charles, remembering his line after a moment of silence. Matt had to be telling the truth as unbelievable as it was. No teenager was going to lie there and have his nipple hairs plucked out over something like refusing to admit you jerked off unless you really didn't do it. Jack knew the boy who didn't wank himself off at least occasionally was almost nonexistent, but that there were still a few around. That he'd come across one accidentally was a marvellous bonus that was going to automatically double the demand for this video once word got out. Jack had put Charles's line in as a way to get to the next step, not for a moment having suspected Matt was so pure as to have never jacked off nor that Charles would really believe his denial. "And I think it's time he found out how great jerking off is." Jack made him say the statement several times with an accompanying wide-eyed boyish innocence. "We'll let you up, if you promise you'll jerk off."

"No fucking way! If you think I'm gonna do that you're fucking crazy."

"Oh, I think you will," said Jason as Jack cued him to go onto the next thing they'd talked about doing to Matt. "Pull down his shorts and underwear." Matt struggled the hardest yet and cursed all three of them as Charles and Shane sat on him and as Charles pinned down his arms while Shane pulled down his gym shorts and his boxers and Jason opened the locker Jack had told him to in their rehearsal. During the rehearsal the three boys had been convinced that what they were about to do Matt thoroughly deserved, but now as they were about to do it, they were not so certain. Taking out the slender inch-wide [2½ cm] and six-inch [15 cm] long candle from the locker where Jack had planted it as Shane and Charles dragged Matt to his feet, Jason pulled apart Matt's ass cheeks and Rob zoomed in as he inserted the wax candle with little difficulty. Matt called him a filthy faggot and every other name he could think of as he felt the candle penetrating him. Never had he suffered such indignity, and he angrily told the three they were going to pay for it. The boys knew how embarrassed Matt had to feel having his shorts and underwear pulled down to his ankles, still feeling embarrassed exposing themselves before Jack and Rob despite the number of times they'd done so. They also knew how humiliating it had to be to have a candle shoved up your ass. Having second thoughts but knowing he had no choice, Jason reluctantly lighted the candle as he'd been told to do.

"Now we're gonna let you go, and you better start jerking because that candle stays there until you squirt, even if we have to leave it in until it burns down to the end."

Matt of course immediately reached behind himself to pull out the candle but the surprised boy quickly had his fingers slapped before they got anywhere near the candle with a leather strap by Jack who told him to do as he'd been told or the next snap of the strap would be his nuts. From his tone and the look on his face, Matt knew the stranger meant exactly what he'd said. He stood there in a state of confusion. That the act they wanted him to perform was disgusting and only performed by losers he truly believed, just as he believed it drained the body of strength and energy, an old tale his father had been told and who in turn had told him when he'd reached puberty. He couldn't do it, but he didn't want his balls snapped either, nor the candle to burn down to his asshole. Of course his angst and turmoil were caught on video and would be kept for the adult version, including the priceless look on his face as he came to the conclusion he had no choice.

After all these years of restraint, he slowly began to stroke his cock, not secretly in private nor with a best buddy like the first experience of most boys, but in front of two of his classmates and a boy he barely knew and two strange men, one of whom was catching everything on film. Rob zoomed in on his fist slowly pumping his cock for the first time in his life and then on the look of resignation and disgust on his face. Fear, guilt and shame dominated his feelings and prevented him from getting hard, the opposite to his usual problem of popping a woodie instantly and at any time of the day or night. Not being able to get hard was a reflection on his masculinity in his mind, which added to his shame and humiliation, and the harder he tried the less aroused he felt.

Under Jack's prompting, Charles suggested perhaps Matt needed a girly magazine to help him get a boner, something which Jack had of course left in the locker as a likely prop. Flipping through the porno magazine, which was more explicit than any magazine he'd ever seen, his exploration in that area having been limited to copies of Playboy, Matt was shocked and enticed by the closeup shots of vulva and pictures of big boobed girls masturbating, sucking cock, and being fucked up the pussy and the ass. He was surprised girls would allow such pictures to be taken, until he considered the fact he was being videotaped playing with himself and looking at the porno magazine. Jack knew that Matt needing pictures of women to get it up reinforced for the adult audience that they were watching a straight boy jerking off, and would alienate him from the little boy audience who thought girls were yucky and would cheer the efforts of their heros to seek their revenge.

The magazine overcame his feelings of shame and revulsion, and once the barrier was broken Matt quickly got hard. By this time the flame of the candle had begun to heat up the cheeks of his ass, causing him to pump his fist in earnest. The pleasure of the friction between his hand and his knob was lost however with the fear his asshole was about to be burnt. Having believed the propaganda that sex weakened the body and should not be engaged in by anyone who planned on becoming an athlete, and his own propaganda that only losers jerked off, he'd never pleasured himself before, and was bewildered but enticed by the throbbing pleasure pulsating through his organ. Despite his fear and embarrassment, he did feel an exciting arousal percolating about the rim of his glans. He concentrated on that as he pumped his fist up and down his now numb, swollen cock, pumping faster and faster as the heat from the candle increased, until suddenly he felt a twang deep in his loins, and the feeling like he was about to piss. He clamped his pee slit closed but of course there was no way he was going to be able to stop the gusher once it started. His very first ejaculation was a blast like Jack and Rob had not witnessed for a long time, and the two men were delighted with the look of awe and pleasure on the teenager's face mixed with his shame and embarrassment. They both knew now that the teenager knew what ejaculation felt like, he was not going to be refraining from that solitary pleasure any longer. Actually, the pleasure of shooting his very first wad was so great, it wasn't until it began to singe his tail bone that he remembered the burning candle up his ass.

"You know, since you like girls so much," observed Jason, reading the script Jack had written in advance for this video, "as a reward for jerking off in front of us I think we should let you make love with Miss Ginger."

Shane had been delighted yesterday when Jack had finally phoned and told him he'd be picking him up to do a video shoot the next day and to be sure to bring his Miss Ginger outfit with him. Of course he hated having to wear it, but relieved Jack had not phoned his mother or sent her any pictures of him, he was willing to do anything Jack said. Earlier that afternoon when Jack had explained what he was expecting all of them to do, and him in particular, Shane had secretly enjoyed the idea of the straight fag hater being forced to fool around with him even if he wasn't gay like Jason and Charles. It would serve him right for the things he'd been saying about them. Now that the time had arrived, he wasn't so certain he wanted to go through with it. There was no doubt how Matt felt about the idea.

"Forget it," Matt said, looking at the three of them. "I'm like so out of here." He bent over to pull up his underwear and shorts. Jack let him have it full force with his leather belt, the narrow strip of leather striking his exposed backside with a resounding thwack that echoed in the small change room and caused all of them to jump, not just Matt. The seventeen-year-old instantly straightened up, his shorts and underwear still about his ankles, his ass burning with pain. He glared at Jack. "No fucking way am I touching that queer," he retorted. "And I don't know who you-."

"Pin his arms behind his back," Jack ordered quietly and Charles and Jason jumped to obey.

As they each grabbed an arm and twisted it behind Matt's back and Jason stepped between Matt's legs and on his shorts and underwear to keep his feet on the ground, Shane took several clamps out of the locker. Commenting how he loved men's chests, especially men with strong muscular pecs and chest hair, Shane hoped that Charles and Jason knew it was an act, and only the feelings of the character he was portraying, not his real feelings, Jack having made it sound like it was and not that he was to pretend in his instructions before they'd entered the change room. As he ran his fingers through Matt's chest hairs and caressed his chest and his nipples and felt them growing hard, he tried to ignore the fact he was enjoying arousing Matt and that his cock was beginning to swell in his lace panties. His enjoyment had to be because he was humiliating the boy who was causing trouble for Jack and Charles, and it arousal had to be because he knew Matt was getting aroused. It could not be because he actually was enjoying caressing Matt's chest and running his fingers through his chest hairs. He was no fag. He wasn't!

Matt was thinking the same thing to himself. He was no fag, but his nipples were becoming hard and were tingling with arousal just like his glans had before ejaculating. Why was he feeling pleasure to another boy's touch? He definitely could not be because he actually enjoyed it. He of all people was definitely not a fag! His nipples tingled and itched with arousal, and as Shane brushed his fingers over them, Matt felt his cock twitch with renewed arousal. Why was his body reacting to something his mind found so repulsive?

"Kiss me."


"We'll see."

"You're supposed to say that with a smile, Ginger, like you're going to enjoy making this arrogant straight boy make love to you," instructed Jack, seeing Shane's hesitancy and wanting to mess with his mind a bit. "Now repeat the line with a smile, and like you're enjoying this." His adult audience was going to love watching one straight boy torture another straight boy until he agreed to have sex with him. Of course for the kiddie version he'd leave out his interruption and instructions.

Shane attached the tit clamps to Matt's aroused nipples, replacing the pleasure he'd been feeling with a sharp pain. "Now, will you kiss me?"

"In your dreams asshole."

Yanking on the tit clamps, he winced as Matt grimaced and gritted his teeth with the pain. He asked the question several times, tugging on the clamps with each refusal. Taking out another alligator clip, he leered evilly at Matt as instructed by Jack and told him unless he made love to him like he did to his girlfriend, he'd clamp the clip to his cock. Receiving a defiant but now hesitant no, he clamped the clip to the underside of Matt's limp shaft, sending a sharp pain through the soft flesh. Matt finally gave in after Shane informed him that he had half a dozen clamps left, and that the next he'd attach to the knob of his cock, and then they'd start on his nuts.

So, with the clamps removed, the reluctant seventeen-year-old straight boy who'd never touched another boy in his life took Shane in his arms and began to kiss him, his cheeks, his forehead, his ears, and finally his lips. It was the most shameful thing he'd ever done, even more shameful than jerking himself off. Jerking off in front of all of them had been humiliating and the most disgusting thing he'd ever had to do, but it was at least a solitary thing. Kissing a boy was doing something with another guy, and that was even more disgusting and even more shameful. He was kissing another boy, an act that was meant to be only between opposite sexes. Their lips were pressed against each other in what was supposed to be a tender expression of love, or an act of lust. Jack and Rob were fully erect watching the two straight boys kissing, and they let them continued for as long as Matt wanted.

That was longer than they'd expected. Matt was struggling with going on to the next step, and debating if he should say that was all he'd ever done with a girl. He could have, but that would not have done his macho image with Charles and Jason any good, not that it mattered considering they were both faggots. Deciding to get it over with, he raised Shane's blouse and was repulsed to discover he was wearing a frilly lace bra. After some difficulty, it not being a routine task for him, he managed to remove it. He reluctantly ran his fingertips over Shane's chest. Unlike his it was completely hairless and his breasts soft and fat, not that unlike a girl's tits. Matt knew how a girl's tits felt, having managed to go that far on his dates simply because the girls were infatuated with dating a high school jock and a hero of sorts. Blushing with shame and humiliation, he drew Shane to him, pressing his body against his, his gym shorts and underwear still about his ankles and his singlet still pulled up under his armpits, and Shane's blouse pulled up to under his arms. He kissed Shane's neck, his cheek, and his lips as he caressed his back and pressed his naked, flabby chest against his. Slipping his hands down his body, he pushed down his skirt and finally slipping his hands into the queer's pretty panties, he pushed them down over his ass. He'd never gone that far with a girl, but he was not about to reveal that. Given what Shane had in his panties, that was, to Matt's relief, as far as he was going to be able to go. So he had thought.

"That was great," observed Jack, his cock throbbing hotly in his pants. "Now drop to your knees and kiss Ginger's dick."

Matt looked at the man. He was going to tell him he was out of his mind, but he thought better of it. "I don't kiss my girl down there."

"Don't you go down on your girl?"

"No!" the teenager replied in true revulsion.

"Yeah? I'd figured you for a muff diver," observed Jack. Matt gathered that was an insult but he wasn't sure, and he wasn't going to argue with this man anyway. Instead he blushed a bright red with the thought of burying his face between a girl's legs, and seethed inside at meekly taking the man's insult. "Anyway, it don't matter. Let's get on with this. Time is money. Drop to your knees and give Ginger a nice blow job."

"No fuckin' way," Matt blurted, the words coming instantly. Never! Not in anyone's wildest dreams! No matter what they did to him! There were limits, and he'd passed his long ago.

His arms were again pinned behind his back by Charles and Jason, and Charles again stepped between his legs and on his underwear and shorts. Following Jack's instructions, Shane caressed Matt's cock, pulling back on his foreskin to reveal his mushroom cap, and after stretching it all the way down, pushing it back up. Having another boy touching is most private part was as repulsive as it was humiliating and he cursed and struggled, all in vain. As shameful and as disgusting as it was being touched there by a boy, the friction of his foreskin sliding up and down over his glans was stimulating, and the renewed pleasure tingling through his cockhead and his memory of his recent and very first ejaculation caused his cock to begin to swell, much to his horror. Why was his body defying his mind and embarrassing him like this? What would they think seeing him getting a boner from being fondled by a guy for Chrissake!

His worry and the pleasure between his legs suddenly came to an end as Shane fastened one of the alligator clamps to the underside of his swelling cock, sending a sharp pain through the poor organ. He slowly stroked Matt's cock with a second clip, leering up at him as instructed by Jack as he ran it up and down the length of the semierect dick. In a way he wanted the arrogant, macho straight boy to suck his cock, not just because of the trouble he'd caused Jack and Charles, but because Matt in a way represented all those snobbish rich boys at Manor Heights who'd laughed at him when he'd first come looking for Charles, and all those arrogant and smug boys at his school who thought they were so much smarter and handsomer and better than he was. He wanted every one of them to drop to their knees and suck his cock. Of course he knew that was wrong. It was wrong to force others to do things they didn't want to do. It was wrong for two boys to have sex with each other.

He stretched out Matt's foreskin and attacked the clamp to it, causing Matt to curse him and call him a fag and a woman. Matt deserved everything he was going to get, from him, from what he knew Jason was going to do to him, and even what he knew Charles was going to make him do. He stroked the sensitive rim of Matt's glans with a third clamp, running it along the edge from his peehole down and around and back up along the funnel back to his peehole. Matt's cock throbbed hotly in his hand and filled with more blood. He ran the clip around the rim again, causing Matt's cock to swell even more. He was almost erect. Shane opened the clamp and looked up. The boy's tortured face, his expression reflecting his shame of having his organ manipulated by another boy and his humiliation that he was becoming erect, and the dread and anticipation in his eyes as he stared at the jagged claw of the clip, gave Shane a moment of hesitation as he recalled the hours of shame and humiliation he'd suffered over these past six months. Six months? It had seemed like a year, a long, torturous year.

He didn't have to continue Matt's torture. There was no way Matt was going to have a clamp fastened to his glans, no matter how disgusting or debasing the act he was expected to perform was. Reluctantly and angrily, he dropped to his knees and held up the perverted she-male's limp but partially aroused cock with his thumb and index finger like it was a disgusting turd. He fought back his revulsion as he leaned forward. He gagged before he even made contact, to the amusement of Jack and Rob. They would keep the reaction in both the kiddie and adult versions. Matt had to concentrate with all his effort and sum up all his courage, something Rob caught on film as he zoomed in on Matt's face, and he had to try several times before he managed to get just the knob of Shane's cock in his mouth without gagging. He had been wrong. This was beyond all doubt the most humiliating thing he'd ever had to do. Matt Danson, star basketball player, a popular student liked by his peers and his teachers, and a decent and obedient son, was on his knees in the boys change room with another boy's cock in his mouth. His face burned with humiliation as he sucked on the limp flesh and slowly slipped his lips down the stiff shaft.

Shane had to admit getting his cock sucked felt good, even if it was being sucked by a boy and not a girl. He also had to admit having a fag-hater like Matt sucking his cock was sweet. Mat Danson, an arrogant, self-centred jock, a pompous upper class snob like all his friends, and a prejudiced asshole like his father, was on his knees in the boys change room sucking his cock. As he thought about that, his cock throbbed with pleasure and a warmth of moral satisfaction flowed through him. He shivered with the pleasure of having his cock surrounded by a hot, moist mouth working up and down its length from the hairy base to the sensitive tip, and with the pleasure of revenge. He looked up at Charles and Jason watching him, a mixture of embarrassment, guilt and satisfaction on their faces, and then at Jack and Rob watching and filming him engaged in that debasing sex act, and then down at the hapless boy sucking his cock.

Guilt flashed through his mind. He was no fag! He really was not! The pleasure between his legs was purely a physical thing. It didn't matter if it was a girl or a boy sucking his cock. It was the physical stimulation of a hot, moist mouth sucking and working up and down his cock flesh that was giving him pleasure. It was getting back at someone who'd hurt him that was making him feel good about forcing someone to engage in this debasing act, just as Jack had said. That was why he was erect. That was why he was already ready to shoot a load. It was the excitement of being sucked off by someone who'd never sucked cock before, who he had every right to force to bring him pleasure.

Closing his eyes and throwing back his head, Shane could not hide his pleasure as he began to shoot his load. The look of pleasure, the physical pleasure of ejaculation and the emotional pleasure of revenge, sparkled in Shane's eyes, and the look of sudden shock, revulsion, and total humiliation in Matt's eyes gave them a hollow, haunted look as he felt Shane's hot, slimy spunk squirting into his mouth. Charles and Jason squirmed with embarrassment, embarrassment for both Shane and Matt, and embarrassment because despite the fact the act they'd just witnessed was degrading and forced, they were both feeling horny. Both could not help wonder what sort of boys they were to feel so.

Rob and Jack knew very well what sort of boys they were, and what sort of boys Shane and Matt were. The two men reached down and squeezed their swollen cocks, turned on from watching the two straight boys reluctantly engaging in a fag act and struggling with their feelings of shame, pleasure and guilt. Their cocks throbbed with arousal at the sight of Shane's semen oozing out from the corners of Matt's mouth and down around his chin, and at the fifteen-year-old's look of embarrassment as he slipped his still dripping cock out of Matt's mouth. Matt once again revised his opinion. As he turned and opened his lips so Rob could photograph the slimy cum shot coating his tongue and filling his mouth, he concluded beyond all doubt that what he'd just finished doing was the most humiliating and disgusting thing he'd ever done, or could ever be forced to do.

"That was sweet," observed Jason, reciting his line as he inhaled deeply and nervously. His major scene in the film was next. When Jack had phoned him the day before and told him to come to the school at exactly ten after ten, he'd hoped the scene would be a romantic one between him and Charles, perhaps a romantic teenage rendezvous in the school drama room or the cafeteria or something. He knew that was a wild hope, but Jack had promised him his future scenes would be about love. He was disappointed when Jack explained what they'd be doing that afternoon, and him in particular, but as Jack had explained, it was about love in a way. It was showing Matt what being gay really was. It was also putting a stop to Matt's insinuations he and Charles were gay and his constant fag bashing talk. He had to admit seeing the fag hater sucking his first cock had been satisfying, though that was a problem. After his tirade about gay sex being about love and romance and tenderness, how could he not be a bigot admitting that he'd found pleasure in forcing Matt to engage in sex with another boy? How could he explain the pleasure and arousal he'd felt forcing Matt to engage in an act Matt found revolting when to him sucking a boy's cock was a demonstration of love and the desire to please another? How could being so cruel and sadistic, even to someone as prejudiced against homosexuals as Matt, be part of his feelings? The look of self doubt would go by unnoticed by the little boys watching the video, but every adult watching the adult version of the tape would be aching with desire after seeing the look in the tortured teenager's eyes.

"Getting a blow job is a great feeling," he continued, "but what I like even better is having my cock totally engulfed by a hot, moist asshole."

Matt stared at him with a sinking feeling, there being no question what he was going to be forced to do next. Once again his earlier conclusion had been wrong. There was something worse than being forced to suck someone's cock. Getting your ass fucked by another guy was the ultimate in humiliation and dominance of one boy over another, and even worse it was being witnessed by two other boys and two adults besides, and was being filmed. Besides, knowing he was straight, using him like a woman was the most degrading thing Jason could possibly do to him.

In that he detested humiliating and dominating others, and found it embarrassing exposing himself in front of others despite the number of times he'd now done it, Jason found his cock was refusing to cooperate as he tried to get it hard. Fearing Jack's reaction, and even more, what Jack might make him do if he couldn't perform as expected, he concentrated on getting a boner. Of course Jack and Rob knew what the problem was, and they delighted all the more in the sixteen-year-old's torment as he desperately tugged on his cock in front of them and the three teens in the locker room. Concentrating on what did turn him on, kissing and making tender love, he thought of the cute boys he knew and would love to make love to. He thought of Matt's stiff cock and Matt jerking himself off until he came, and he thought of Shane's stiff cock and it dripping with cum as he'd removed it from Matt's mouth. It took a little while, but being a healthy red-blooded teenager, the images and thoughts did manage to get him hard. Matt stared in dismay at the teenager's thick eight-inch [20 cm] cock, knowing that to object would only result in more torture of his already abused tits and dick and would only delay the inevitable.

Taking out the tube of lubricant from the locker, he handed it to Matt and told him to lube up his cock for him. To his surprise, and that of Charles and Shane, and to the utter amusement and delight of Rob and Jack, Matt took the tube and squatted down obediently. They knew the straight boy hadn't suddenly become a cock-loving faggot, but they knew they'd broken his spirit, at least for that afternoon, and that was the first step. Matt blushed with shame as he smeared the clear gel over Matt's cock, the second cock other than his own that he'd ever touched. He blushed with even greater shame as he lubed up his asshole, sticking his greasing fingers up his own ass. As he spread his legs and bend over and grabbed the handles of the lockers, he inhaled deeply with dread as Jason stepped up behind him. He pushed out with his stomach muscles as Jason told him, not because he wanted to be fucked, but because he wanted this to be as quick and as painless as possible. Despite the lube, it was a struggle of course, Matt being tight it and inexperienced it being his first time, and Jason's cock being thick and long. As the two boys grunted and panted in their attempts to unite, Charles and Shane didn't know which way to look. They didn't want to watch, being embarrassed themselves just being in the presence of two boys having sex with each other, both of them of course being straight though they thought each other to be gay. They on the other hand wanted to watch Matt getting what was due him for his comments and accusations, and they knew Jack expected them to be watching. So, with shame and reluctance, but also a perverse fascination and begrudging arousal, they watched as Jason sank his cock up Matt's rectum and began to fuck him.

Matt gritted his teeth and stared down at the change room floor as he felt Jason's hard, thick cock penetrate him and then begin to ease in and out of his body. He was being fucked. He was being used as a woman by a fag, and watched by two others, one of them a swishy queer who probably enjoyed getting his ass fucked as much as real boys enjoyed being the fuckers. As he heard the boy grasping his hips grunting and gasping he turned red with shame and with anger. After all this time of suspecting and accusing Jason of being a queer, he now knew he was, and his feelings of revulsion and hatred multiplied with each thrust of his cock up his ass. He was being fucked by his classmate and fellow basketball player, the person he saw every day at school and played basketball with in the evenings and on weekends. The boy he stripped down before in the lockers and took communal showers with and who had probably ogled him and had jerk off fantasies about him, was now fucking him. Nothing could be more degrading and humiliating.

As Jason fucked him, to his surprise, dismay and disbelief, Matt felt his cock beginning to swell. As Jason eased his cock in and out of his ass, his own cock was responding by beginning to swell with blood and to rise with arousal. He was getting hard! He was getting a boner for Chrissake! Getting hard because someone was fucking your ass could only mean one thing. That he refused to believe. There was no way he was a faggot. Absolutely no way! He wasn't a sick pervert like the three boys in the locker room. He was getting a boner though, and there was only one reason for him getting stiff, and that was because he was being fucked. He had not been thinking about girls to give him an out for getting hard like when they'd made him jack off. Charles and Shane had to see he was being turned on, as had the two men watching. But why the fuck was he being turned on? This was not erotic! This was not pleasurable! Well, not really. The friction about his anus was stimulating. No! How could he even think that! Of course Matt had no way of knowing why he was getting hard, not being aware of the existence or role of the prostate.

"Looks like Matt's enjoying getting fucked," observed Miss Ginger, reading the new prompt and looking at the hapless teen's erect cock as directed.

"Looks like he's enjoying it a lot," agreed Chuckles with a forced giggle.

"So does Master J," commented Miss Ginger, and the two teenagers giggled like little boys.

Jason was enjoying it. Despite his reluctance and his aversion to forcing even someone like Matt to have sex, he could not deny having his stiff, aching cock surrounded by hot, moist ass flesh was pleasant, and the friction between his stiff cock and Matt's asshole was the most physically enjoyable sensation a boy could feel. Sure, it was embarrassing having sex in front of Charles and Shane, and having it filmed, but the throbbing of his cock and the ripples of stimulation circling his knob more than made up for that. It was not long before he felt the familiar signs that he was going to shoot his load.

Matt had felt dirty jerking off, and even dirtier sucking cock for the first time, but as he felt Jason's hot, thick load squirting up his rectum, he concluded getting his ass fucked was the most degrading thing that could happen to a guy. A quiver ran up his spine and gooseflesh formed on his forearms and his thighs as he thought of Jason's ball juice squirting up his body. As Jason finally pulled out and Rob zoomed in on his shit-smeared, dripping teenage cock and then on Matt's gaping, cum dripping hole, and his dumb, stiff cock, Matt wanted to curl up and die. He stood there numbly, flushed with arousal and with humiliation, his ass suddenly feeling so open and empty as it dripped with Jason's cum, and his cock standing up fully erect like it was supposed to back when he'd been forced to jerk off 3; how long ago? It seemed like he'd been humiliated and tortured for hours. Still thinking about that, he was too confused and overwhelmed to react when Jason slipped a ball harness about his nuts and drew it tight, cutting his balls off from the rest of his body, and then slipped a cock ring about the base of his swollen cock and drew it tight, causing his cock to swell even more as the return circulation was cut off.

"So, it looks like Matt enjoys sucking cock, and getting fucked. I guess we know what sort of boy Matt is, don't we?" asked Chuckles, looking at Miss Ginger and Master J.

"Hey, now wait just a fucking minute. I don't know what the fuck all this is, but if that's what your fucking game is, forget it. There is no fucking way I'm a fucking queer and there is no fucking way you're going to make me fucking say it."

The three boys looked at each other, and then at the cue card. "Oh yeah?" they chorused.

Shane had been hesitant about making Matt make love to him and then suck him off, and Jason had been reluctant to fuck his ass, but the most reluctant of the three was Charles who's star performance was next, and the climax of the video. As Matt's arms were once again twisted behind him and his legs pinned, this time by Shane and Jason, Charles knelt down and began to run a finger along the rim of his blood-engorged glans. His stiff cock twitched and jerked with arousal as the tingling, itching irritation along the rim penetrated the head of his cock. As Charles continued to stroke his glans with the tip of his index finger, Matt squirmed and twisted in both anticipation and dread. On the one hand he wanted to experience that unique pleasure of building arousal and finally ejaculation, and on the other he dreaded the humiliation of shooting his load before the three teens and two adults. To be brought off like that by another boy had to be the ultimate humiliation. The second he thought that Matt cursed himself. Every time he thought that, he found himself being forced to do something even more humiliating and debasing

That fear was a fleeting thought as Charles continued to stroke the rim of his glans, bringing an intense pleasure that overrode all other thoughts and which ultimately brought Matt to the second orgasm of his life, but this time, with the ball harness cutting off the tubules that carried his sperm from his balls to his cock, and the cock ring keeping his cock permanently erect by cutting off the exit route for his blood, his orgasm was dry, and didn't end with the same sense of satisfaction as his first orgasm.

"Apologize for all the bad things you said about us," said Chuckles, "and all the bad things you said about people who are gay."

"No fucking way. You're perverts, every one of you sick assholes."

Charles resumed stimulating Matt's cock, and not having satisfied his initial need, it responded quickly and in a matter of minutes Matt was jerking and thrusting out his lips with still another dry orgasm. When told to apologize and now kiss Chuckles's ass besides, Matt of course refused again with even greater resolve. Chuckles had no difficulty bringing him to his third dry orgasm, which lasted longer and was even more agonizing than the previous two. His swollen, throbbing, abused cock, now supersensitive, ached with a combination of the most intense pleasure and pain Matt had ever felt. Even just the touch of a hot breath across his glans was enough to send him into spasms of orgasm.

"Okay, apologize for the bad things you said about us, kiss my ass, and eat my shit and I'll stop this."

Matt was about to retort even more angrily than the last time but cut himself short. To do so would only result in more torture of his cock, and he could not take more. And although he could not see what else Charles could add to his list of irrational demands, he knew the list would just keep getting longer. "Please, please, no more," he pleaded as Charles began to stroke the rim of his glans once again, causing his cock to jerk as if a puppet on a string. "Oh God! Oh fuck! Oh stop! Please oh please oh fucking please, no more." His cock head felt like it was on fire.

"Do as I said."

"All right, all right. I apologize for all the things I said about you. I apologize for anything that offended you. I'm sorry I accused you of being gay. I'm sorry about anything I might have said about gays that was derogatory." He sincerely did not recall much of what he'd said about Charles and gays, but he was willing to apologize for anything as long as Charles kept his finger away from his itching, aching glans. Talk was easy. Charles turned and bent over, and Shane and Jason forced Matt to his knees. Talk was easy, what he was expected to do next was not. Still, he could take no more. He gave Charles's ass cheek a quick kiss, but Charles, or rather Jack, was not going to settle for that. Charles, or rather Chuckles, told Matt to plant a long, passionate kiss directly on his asshole like it was the sweetest thing his lips ever touched. Rob zoomed in as Matt did.

Taking a sundae glass from the all purpose and amazingly well and conveniently stocked locker, Jason placed it on the floor and Charles squatted over it. He'd been told to stuff himself with bran and bananas the night before when Jack had phoned to tell him to report to the high school at exactly ten after one Saturday afternoon for the next video shooting, and he had a bowel full ready to be evacuated. Of course he'd known from past experience why he'd been asked to eat bran and bananas, and though he'd spent a sleepless night fretting just what more he could possibly do that involved shit, he'd done as Jack had asked, and had headed over to the school after lunch willingly. This was after all the second last video he'd ever have to do. With several grunts and gasps for breath, he contorted his face as he pushed out with his abdominal muscles and opened his sphincter and his lips at the same time.

Matt watched in horror as the first long, thick turd eased out of Charles's asshole and into the sundae glass being held in position by Jason and the foul stench of shit wafted up to fill the change room. No way! No way was he going to eat the fucking faggot's shit! No fucking way! That was the ultimate, worst possible humiliation. The moment he thought that he regretted it. Had the last tine he had thought that not resulted in what he'd thought then was the ultimate humiliation, that of getting his ass fucked in front of everyone? He watched in revulsion as a second turd eased out of Charles's ass and plopped into the glass on top of the first. Charles could have continued, but Jack had told him two. Slowly standing and turning around, he looked at the sundae glass containing his two turds, and then at Matt. Pushing Matt down so he was sitting on the floor and setting the container with the two rich brown logs on the bench before him, Jason took out a spoon and handed it to the hapless teenager. He stared at the two thick, steaming turds, and then up at Jason and Charles, and over at Shane and the two men. There was no fucking possible way. Charles glanced down at Matt's swollen, aching cock, slowly turning purple and so numb it felt gigantic. He could not take having it touched. He wondered if he didn't have the restraining straps removed soon if he could permanently hurt himself. It was that possibility that finally gave him the courage to pick up the spoon and cut into the first of the rich brown logs.

As he brought the spoon to his face he knew he had to act fast or he'd never be able to do it, no matter what they did to him. He had no idea what more they could possibly do to him, but after all that had happened so far, he had a feeling that they could still think of things even worse. With that thought in mind, he opened his mouth, inserted the spoon, and clamping down his lips, withdrew it. He immediately wanted to gag, but he fought down his bile and quickly cutting into the foul log again with the spoon, he once again brought it to his mouth and popped it in. And so, Matt Danson, star basketball player and high school sophomore, sat there on the floor of the boys change room with his basketball tank pulled up and his gym shorts and boxers about his ankles, eating Charles Brentworth's shit from a crystal sundae glass with a spoon.

He swallowed the foul, acidic paste, finding to his dismay most of the doughy substance remained stuck to the roof of his mouth or his teeth. He worked up a mouth of spittle and swallowed it. That did not help. Desperate to be done with it, he spooned more and more of foul shit into his mouth. It was the foulest, most rotten taste he'd ever tasted. With each swallowful he fought to keep it down. The stench of Charles's shit filled his nostrils as he struggled to clear his mouth of the shit he'd spooned in, the sundae glass still being half full. It was like trying to eat raw dough. He allowed his mouth to fill with saliva before swallowing, and found it helped a bit. He worked up more spit and swallowed again, the brown spittle oozing from the corners of his mouth as he swallowed the doughy paste. He spooned more into his mouth, his eyes watering and his stomach objecting violently. He chewed and worked up a mouth of spit and swallowed. After what seemed forever, he'd emptied the sundae glass.

"Pull apart my ass cheeks and lick my hole clean," ordered Charles. As the sixteen-year-old boy squatted there and felt his teammate's hands pull apart his ass cheeks and then his tongue run along his ass crack and over his asshole, he stared straight ahead with shame and humiliation, hating every second of the perverted act being filmed even if Matt had asked for everything coming to him. Charles was at least consoled by the fact that of all the filthy, obscene things he'd had to do, nothing was as bad as what Matt was doing. He knew he should feel compassion for him, but after the comments Matt had been making, he did not. As he felt his asshole being licked clean, he had but one thought on his mind. One more video. That was all that was left. One more video. Jack had promised.

As Jason watched the two, he felt the same way as Charles. The act they were engaged in was the most perverse and sickest thing he'd ever heard of. However, Matt had brought it on himself, and his comments about gays was something even more perverse. Actually, the gay student rationalized as he watched the shit-brown spittle ooze out of the corners of Matt's lips, anyone who hated gays like Matt did was even sicker than someone who ate shit. He knew by humiliating Matt and allowing his hatred to justify their actions he was lowering himself to Matt's level, but at the moment he did not care. Matt deserved it, just as Jack had said. On that Jack was right. Despite everything Jack had done, he did not hate gays.

Shane reminded himself that he had said he wouldn't do anything gross again as he watched the two teens engaged in the filthy act, but he wasn't sorry about what he'd done, and besides, he was just glad Jack had accepted him back and wasn't holding a grudge. He would never cross Jack again, not after all that Jack had done for him. As he watched Matt obviously fighting back the desire to puke, he didn't really feel that sorry for him. He wasn't gay, but he was of the opinion that nobody should hate homosexuals like Matt did. As sick as it was watching him eating Charles's shit, he had deserved what they'd done to him.

He would of course never convince Matt of that. As the seventeen-year-old sophomore licked the fucking asshole of his queer classmate and teammate, he plotted his own revenge. He had no idea what it would be, but Charles Brentworth would pay dearly for this. They would all pay, every one of them in the room. He worked his tongue up and down Charles's crack angrily, so intent on thinking about his revenge he wasn't even aware of what he was doing. Jack and Rob could see that hatred in his eyes, and Rob zoomed in on it. Seeing the two snobbish, arrogant teenagers from the best part of town engaged in one of the most perverted and debasing acts possible was the perfect conclusion of a day that had been filled with oodles and oodles and oodles of fun.

Chapter 34
Fun With Chuckles and Friends

Kenny Darby and his best buddy Aaron Michaels join dozens of other six and seven year old boys from far and wide for a special fun-filled afternoon of crafts, games, songs, stories, interactive skits and moral lessons from Chuckles and his friends.

"Now you're really, really, really sure that your moms and dads aren't going to worry where you are?" asked the man.

"Uh-huh," Kenny and Aaron nodded. It was a hot Saturday afternoon that second week of June. The two boys were wearing their favourite short-sleeved shirts, Kenny's a collage print of racing cars, and Aaron's a Jurassic Park print with dinosaurs, and wide legged shorts. Their thin legs and arms were already developing a nice summer tan, and bore the usual scratches and scrapes of active, energetic boys. The two were particularly full of energy that afternoon.

"My mom and dad are taking my little brother to my auntie's and then going shopping so they'll be gone all fucking afternoon," observed Kenny as he bounced from one foot to the other.

"And my dad is at work and my mom has gone shopping for a dress for a party she and dad are going to for his company so she'll be gone a fucking long time," Aaron advised as he beamed up at the man.

"And they left the two of you alone all afternoon?" the man asked.

"I said I was going to Kenny's to play."

"And I said I was going to Aaron's to play."

"That's what we do every Saturday," the boys chorused.

"So, do you still want to go?" asked the man, feeling just as excited as the two boys.

"We really gonna see Chuckles?" Kenny asked, his voice reflecting his disbelief.

"Yes. Like I told you last week, your pictures were chosen as one of the winners, and the prize is to spend an afternoon with the other winners with Chuckles and his friends."

"Fucking awesome!" the two boys said, jumping up and down with excitement.

"So, does that mean you still want to go?" the man asked teasingly.

"You fuckin' bet!" the two boys yelled, bouncing up and down anxiously and wrapping their arms about his legs.

"Then let's go," the man said with a huge grin, having looked forward to this day with just as much eagerness and disbelief as the two boys. Nothing made him happier than to see two cheerful, smiling young boys full of energy and the awe of life. Well, except perhaps two, cheerful, smiling, naked young boys full of energy and the awe of life.

Three weeks had passed since their last videotaping, three very long weeks for the three teenage stars of the Fun With Chuckles video series, and for Matt Danson. The moment he'd left the high school, Matt had doubled over and puked out his guts, and Charles Brentworth's shit and Shane Finnigan's cum, all of which of course Jack had caught on a hidden cam he and Rob had placed on the roof of the alcove just outside the back door, knowing full well where the seventeen-year-old would head and what he would do when they were done with him. No matter how much he'd brush his teeth and gargle, no matter how many breath mints he's suck, he'd always have the memory of that taste in his mouth, and no matter how many times he showered and how hard he scrubbed his body, he'd never wash away the filthy feeling of being embraced and used by the three faggots. Even after three weeks, he still had flashbacks of sucking cock, being fucked up the ass, and having to lick a shitty asshole several times a day.

Jason was having daily flashbacks also. He would never forget fucking the arrogant fag-hating classmate that afternoon. No matter how you looked at it, he had raped Matt Danson. For three weeks he'd been tormented from the moment he'd woken up to the moment he'd dropped off to sleep and he'd twisted and turned all night with that memory and that conclusion. He hated violence and cruelty, even when the person deserved it, and Matt Danson had certainly deserved what he'd gotten. That hadn't made what he'd done right. What made it even worse was that he had enjoyed raping his classmate and teammate. He really had! What sort of person was he to take enjoyment in that? And then there was what Charles had made Matt do. What sort of pervert was Charles to force someone to eat his shit, and to stand there and enjoy it like Charles had? Now that was totally sick. And to think that he had the hots for someone like that! At least he was fortunate to have found out what the real Charles Brentworth was like before he'd gotten too involved with him.

He did not know it, but Shane was having the same feelings and thoughts as he was. He was first and foremost relieved that Jack had evidently forgotten his comments about not doing more videos, but like Jason, he'd been haunted by the last videotaping for the past three weeks. Matt Danson was prejudiced and snobbish and represented all the things that he hated about others, but he did not deserve the treatment he'd received. Shane, after all, was used to being despised and bullied by others. Even more troublesome was how much he'd enjoyed making Matt suck him off. How could he feel such hatred and contempt for another human being, even one as detestable as deserving of his contempt as Matt Danson? What was most troublesome of all, however, was what Charles had made Matt do. How could Charles Brentworth, the one boy who'd befriended him and brought him such pleasure, be so cruel and so filthy? How could any sane person make another eat his shit! He'd been growing less and less enamoured by Charles with each passing week, but that Saturday afternoon was the breaking point. He could no longer be his friend, and losing the only real friend he'd ever had was the worst of it all.

Charles, like Shane and Jason, had spent a restless three weeks also. Like the two of them, he was deeply troubled by what had happened to Matt Danson, and by his role that afternoon. They'd never been close friends, and to tell the truth, had been rivals, for the attention of the hottest girls in school, for athletic honours, for the rep of being the sexiest stud at Westview High, but he was still a classmate and a teammate and one of the in crowd at Manor Heights, and what he, Jason and Shane had done to him was filthy, and illegal. Of course there was the matter of the rumours Matt had been spreading about him being gay like Jason and Shane. That was part of the problem. He had actually had moments of enjoyment seeing Matt Danson getting his just reward, being forced to suck Shane's cock, getting fucked by Jason, and even, yes, even eating his shit after the shit he'd been spreading about him. What sort of person did that make him? Charles Brentworth did not like the answer, not even when he put total blame on Jack for what he'd done

The past three weeks had been particularly awkward, seeing Matt at school, going to basketball practice with him after school, and running into him at the mall with the gang. Matt had missed the first half of the first week of school, and he knew would have missed more and skipped practices if it had not meant he'd be cut from the team if he couldn't give a good reason, and the reason he had Matt could hardly give. When Matt did return, they couldn't even look at each other, and their play had suffered to the point that coach had begun playing combinations that kept him, Jason and Matt apart, Jason having the same problem as he had. That was bad enough, but at least his worst fear had not materialized. Matt had not reported them nor sought out any type of revenge as knowing Matt, he'd been sure he would. Of course, how did a guy report them or seek revenge without revealing what had happened to him, and who would admit doing what Matt had been forced to do?

So, with the memory of their last videotaping still haunting them, Charles, Jason and Shane had woken up that Saturday with more than a little apprehension. Would they be having another session with Matt? If not, what could Jack possibly have in mind for them now? What more could he possibly make them do? That question was at least relieving in a way. Surely there could be nothing more perverse than what they'd done last Saturday, and the Saturdays before that. As he sat in the back seat of the car, his heart pounding in his chest with anxiety, Charles had at least one consolation. This was his last videotaping. He kept repeating that fact over and over in his mind. Jack had promised. No matter how perverse, no matter how disgusting, no matter how humiliating, this would be his last time. Jack had done many things to him, but he'd never broken his word.

Jason had been given no such promise. As he joined Charles in the back seat a few blocks away, he glanced at his classmate and teammate self consciously and quickly stared straight ahead. He, like Charles, had no idea where he was going or what he was going to have to do, only that it was going to be something he didn't want to. As Jason thought about that, at least he had the consolation of knowing that whatever it was it would be about love and something that whoever it was he'd be doing it with was willing to do. Jack had promised, and last week had been an exception he could understand. Jack had explained that to him, and he had accepted it. Jack understood how he felt, and understood him. When he'd found out about Matt, Jack had come to his defence after all, hadn't he? Five months ago hadn't he realized right off that he was gay and had arranged for him to have sex with Charles, even if it was a trick? Jack understood how it was.

Half an hour later Jack pulled into a shopping mall and picked up Shane. He too glanced at Charles and Jason with embarrassment, knowing that the three of them were again going to be engaged in some perverse and humiliating sexual situation, and had quickly stared straight ahead as they continued on their way. He hated these Saturday afternoons, whatever they were going to do he knew he wasn't going to want to do it, and he no longer wanted to be Charles's friend, not after what he'd done last time. The only good thing about it all was that Jack had forgiven him for being ungrateful. Jack hadn't said anything more about his outburst after the video about the snot and stuff. Jack understood he'd just been frustrated. It wasn't Jack's fault Charles turned out to be such a sick pervert. Shane sighed. He'd do what he had to do for Jack. He sighed again. His mother had no idea, but he had to do it for her also.

When Jack gave them the blindfolds, they put them on without question. They just wanted the afternoon to be over, and they'd become used to doing whatever Jack said because they knew they'd eventually have to do it anyway. When they got out of the car and were lead across the lot and into a building, the anxiety of the three teens was at the point of hysteria. A frightening thought passed through Charles's mind. Perhaps this was his last video because it was a snuff video. He'd heard of such things. And knowing Jack. 3; His heart rose in his chest and was beating so hard it could not beat any faster. A very different but equally frightening thought passed through Jason's mind. Jack had promised he would not make any more videos causing others pain, but he hadn't said anything about causing him pain. He remembered blindfolding Charles and then raping him. Why not have Charles do the same to him? Or that creep Shane? Or have Matt seek his revenge! The sixteen-year-old's heart thumped in his chest with a fear greater than any movie thriller he'd ever watched as he imagined the worst torture possible awaiting him. Shane's thoughts were just as frightening, perhaps even more so considering he was the most timid and less worldly of the three teens. Where were they being lead? What were they going to have to do? What would he see when the blindfold was removed. The image of his mother came to his mind. Suppose Jack had not forgiven him at all. Suppose Jack was going to do more than just show his mother one of his videos. Suppose he was going to have her watch "her daughter" making one! He would die. The way his heart was pounding, he just might before they got to where they were being lead.

Removing their blindfolds, the boys found themselves in a small room that reminded them of a backstage dressing room they'd seen in movies, which was exactly what it was. As they changed into their costumes, Jack handed them earphones and explained that for this shoot, he would say the person's name and recite what they were to say, and that Rob would tell them what to do. They practised a couple simple routines, having them run and skip, wave and grope themselves and engage in conversation with each other. Finally, telling them to imagine the beginning of their favourite television game show, and their favourite children's program, Jack left them alone to await his cue. A few minutes later, he told them to imagine they were six again and about to have the happiest time of their lives, and to come skipping into the next room and take their place in the centre of the stage. Anxious, but relieved that their worst fears of ten minutes earlier had not come true, the three teenagers glanced at each other, reached out to hold hands, and made their entry.

As the three of them came skipping into the room, Charles in his Chuckles the Clown outfit, Shane in his Miss Ginger outfit, and Jason in his Master J leather outfit, they were greeted with the loudest screaming, cheering and applause any kiddie show performer could hope for. To their surprise, they found themselves on a stage which was a replica of the playroom where they'd made so many of their videos facing a triple row of bleachers with four dozen wildly cheering six and seven year olds. Out of sight in a darkened balcony above them sat the twenty-four just as excited but silent men who had brought their little friends to meet their heros.

"Wow, Chuckles," said Shane, needing to be prompted several times for his opening line, the fifteen-year-old staring out at the screaming, cheering youngsters in surprise and confusion, the presence of little children and the expectation that they'd be engaging in some form of perverted gay sex being incongruous to the now experienced but still naive teen. "Look at all our little fans. I've never seen so many boys and girls all at one time."

"Step," began Charles before he remembered Rob was giving him stage directions, not the words to say. With all the cheering and excitement, his audience didn't notice. Stepping to the edge of the stage and putting his hand above his eyes, he scanned the room. "Not boys and girls," he observed. "Just boys. I think some are dressed like girls just like you." Some of the audience giggled and others cheered and clapped. He was right. A few of the boys, those who'd taken a particular fancy to Miss Ginger, had indeed come dressed in skirts and dresses. Charles stared out at them with the same disbelief and confusion as Shane. What the hell was this? And how could Jack possibly be forcing little kids to be part of his perverse game?

"And some like leather, just like me," observed Jason. A few were dressed in dog collars and leather harnesses and little leather jocks. Their outfits were totally incongruous for their age, the idea of six and seven year olds having leather fetishes and masochistic fantasies totally out of keeping with his perception of childhood. As he looked out at the group of cheering youngsters, he had a very uneasy feeling. "Some have their faces painted like you, Chuckles," he said by rote, repeating Jack's words while his mind tried to make sense out of what his eyes were seeing. To help pass the time while waiting for the stars of the show to arrive, Rob had besides passing out stickers and candy, engaged in a bit of face painting with a few of the audience.

"Well, hello there my little friends," began Charles shakily despite the number of times he'd recited his opening. "My name is Chuckles, and these are my bestest friends, Miss Ginger, and Master J, and I hope you're all ready to have some fun, fun, fun, because I sure am." The group of boys all cheered and clapped and yelled their assurances that they were "fucking ready" as Rob had prepped them before the show. Charles stared out at them in disbelief, and the possibility this was not the first time they'd heard that introduction crossed his mind. No way. Those had been parodies, for adults. This, what they were doing right then and there, had to be a parody, for adults. "Well, then, let's get started," he continued, clapping his hands, but his voice and actions being far from as enthusiastic as in his videos. Jack could not do much about it. Today, for the last video in the Fun With Chuckles series, they were taping live. "Today we're going to talk all about having fun with our friends, and, we're going to have oodles and oodles of fun together." The announcement was met with another thunderous cheer and applause. Having been anticipating this moment for the past week, and having been fuelled for the past half hour with candy and sodas, they did not need any prompting how and when to respond.

"What is your favourite fun thing to do with your friends, Chuckles?" asked Miss Ginger.

"Well, one of my favourite fun things to do with my friends is to colour and to draw," Chuckles replied, a bit surprised and more than a bit relieved at the answer. He had envisioned any number of other, very perverted responses. He admonished himself for having such thoughts as the three of them sat down on little kiddie chairs before a low table on which were large sheets of paper and a box of crayons. This was not like all the other times. They were acting before little children.

"I like to draw and colour too," observed Miss Ginger.

"Me too," agreed Master J. "And when you get tired of colouring, there's other fun things you can do with crayons, like you can do with chalk." He was supposed to say that with a leer, but given the circumstances he hadn't made the connection with the earlier game the three had played with chalk. The meaning was not lost on their young audience, and as the statement was met with giggles and smirks and nudges, what was being thought by their young audience became clear to the three teens who immediately began to turn red.

"I'm not too good at drawing though," said Master J, eager to change the topic.

"I am," observed Miss Ginger, and Chuckles recalled having been told that, a very long time ago, in a video shoot that seemed like ancient history. "It is easy." Following Rob's instructions, he drew a stick figure on the paper. A camera above the paper transferred the image to a screen behind the boys and magnified it. "This is a stick figure," Miss Ginger observed, and then adding a line and smiling self consciously, added, "and this is a stick boy." The audience giggled loudly and Miss Ginger grew still redder.

"This is a stick boy 3; taking a pee," observed Chuckles, blushing so brightly his cheeks were almost the colour of the spots painted on them.

"And this is a stick boy happy to see another stick boy," explained Master J, his arms turning to gooseflesh with the comment as he added the appropriate upward line and his audience giggled appreciatively.

"I like to draw clowns best of all," observed Chuckles.

"That's hard," observed Master J.

"It isn't yet, but it is getting that way," responded Chuckles after a moment's pause as he slowly reached down and grabbed himself. Miss Ginger and Master J giggled, but not very convincingly, with an immediate warning by Rob. With Rob's instructions, Chuckles showed how to draw a clown with an outfit just like his, oversized yellow and orange boots and fuzzy multicoloured hair included, and with an oversized penis sticking out of his fly. Miss Ginger and Master J copied his example, feeling very childish, and very guilty.

"What is your favourite fun thing to do with your friends, Miss Ginger?" asked Chuckles.

"I like to play school," observed Miss Ginger, the happy smile coming a bit late but not noticeably so for their young audience though it was picked up by the adults watching.

"Oh yeah, that is a fun thing," responded Chuckles, clapping his hands, also a bit out of sync with the comment. "Let's do it." He and Master J took their places in the two desks while Miss Ginger stood before them in front of a portable white board. "What are we going to learn today, teacher?"

"Today we are going to learn some new words."

"I like to learn new words."

"Me too."

"Who can tell me what a boy has that a girl doesn't?" Miss Ginger's two pupils hesitantly put up their hands. A number of the audience put their hands up also. "Master J?"

"A pee-er," he said self-consciously, being immediately reminded by Rob that he was supposed to look proud that he knew the answer as his audience giggled.

"Right, very good Master J," Miss Ginger said as she wrote the word on the white board. "And who knows how many other names there are for a boy's pee-er."

Chuckles slowly put up his hand. "Four," he responded upon being called upon. "Pee-er, pee pee, penis, and cock," he continued when asked to say them.

"Very good, Chuckles," his teacher praised as she wrote the words on the board. "But there are many more than just four words. Can you guess how many?"


"Much, much more."

"Fivity-five?" asked Master J.

"There is no such number, Master J," his teacher corrected. "But I'll tell you. There are over a thousand."

"Over a thousand?" her two pupils responded in surprise, and they were not acting. Their young audience was just as impressed, most having no concept how large such a number was.

"Is that bigger than a hundred?"

"That is ten hundreds."

Master J hesitated before saying his response. "Fuck." A twitter ran through the lower audience and the audience above grinned at the boy's embarrassment.

"Are we going to learn them all?" asked Chuckles.

"Well, not all today. But we will learn a few." So saying, their teacher began to write the names on the board, carefully pronouncing them and spelling them, and having her pupils repeat them, and then having their audience say the words also. "Wiener, weenie, willy, pecker, pocket rocket." Several of the audience giggled over the last word.

"I'll never remember all those," complained Chuckles.

"There are a lot to remember," agreed his teacher. "But there is a song to help you remember. Would you like to learn it?"

"Oh yes," her two pupils agreed, and when she asked her extended classroom, she got a resounding yes from the four dozen observers. Flipping back the top page of the flip paper she stared at the words printed there as she was reminded "to make her mother proud" by Rob. Pointing to the words, she sang, with increasing enthusiasm with Rob's prompting.

"Mutton dagger, Ol' blind Bob, Hanging Johnny, Fishing rod, Tally wacker, Pocket rocket, One eyed trouser trout, Ding dong, Ankle spanker, Pork sword, Engine cranker, Hairy hot dog, Davy Crockett, Let them all hang out!" Red with embarrassment, she continued with the chorus. "Pet names for genitalia, You know the girls think of 'em, And you gotta love 'em! Pet names for genitalia, There's always something silly, About little Willy!" With her two pupils blushing with embarrassment for her, she continued, "wang, wahzoo, weenie wacker, pecker, pee pee, kidney cracker, heat-seeking moisture missile, giggle stick, love whistle, tube steak, Uncle Dick, This is getting really sick! I"m not through, There's one more, Purple helmet warrior!" With that she sang the chorus once more. If that was not embarrassing enough, she lead her two pupils through the song, and then her audience, who responded with an enthusiasm any teacher would have been proud of. The men in the balcony, who had been given a CD of Tom Green's Pet Names for a Penis along with several of his other songs, reached down and squeezed their pocket rockets as they beamed down at the young audience.

"What is your favourite fun thing to do with your friends, Master J?" asked Miss Ginger, eager to have the spotlight on someone else. "I like to play make believe," responded Master J. That was fairly safe, possibly.

"That is a lot of fun," agreed Chuckles. "What do you like to make believe?"

"Well, I like to play pirates."

"Oh yeah, let's play pirates!"

Pushing together the chairs and table to make a boat, the three teens opened up a trunk and took out pirate hats and swords, and erected a pirate flag. Leaving them to do some impromptu acting, Rob and Jack sat back and enjoyed themselves as the three teens "played pirate" with Chuckles and Master J attacking a make believe ship lead by Miss Ginger, killing off her crew and capturing her to "cook and clean their ship for them", the one part provided by Jack. Leaving her to cook their supper at the play stove, the two pirates went "below deck", and finding herself alone, Miss Ginger discovers she has to take a leak. Of course the stage direction is heard only by the three actors, and the audience, kiddie and adult, are puzzled by Miss Ginger's sudden look of angst. It took several reminders of the consequence of not following through from Jack before she squeezed herself between the legs as she pretended to search about the boat, and then slowly stepped up to the edge facing her young audience, and with her eyes focussed on Jack and pleading for him to stop there, slowly raised her dress and pulled down her panties, fully exposing herself to her audience. They had all seen her willy plenty of times on tape, but seeing it for real for the first time was different, and they all leaned forward for a good look as the humiliated teen stood before them, her limp dick in her hand as she pretended to pee. Of course at that moment she was discovered by her two captors, who make a big deal about her being a boy and not a yucky girl, with recitation of a dozen of the new words they'd learned for that part that made her a boy, and concluding that it was a lot better that she was a boy because boys are the best.

"That was oodles and oodles and oodles of fun," observed Chuckles.

"Oh yes," agreed Miss Ginger flatly, her panties and dress back in place.

"Another fun thing I like to do is to make things," observed Master J.

"Oh yes. I love crafts at school bestest of all," Miss Ginger responded excitedly, certain everyone's eyes were on her and eager to have them focus on someone else.

"Would you like to learn how to make a pretend bum for fucking?" Master J asked, his heart sinking.

"Oh yes," agreed Chuckles and Miss Ginger, far less enthusiastic than their audience when Master J turned and asked them. He wondered where their parents were, and how they'd all gotten there.

Taking the materials which had been set aside on the counter for him and putting them on the table, Master J proceeded to explain and demonstrate how to make the pretend bum. "First you need a real thick sock, the thicker the better, like a thick wool sock you wear in the winter like this one. Turn it inside out like this and take a paper-towel tube and stick the sock in it like this and pull it through. Take about two inches [5 cm] of the sock's open end and pull it over the outside of the tube like so. Then take a plastic bag and put something inside to make it slippery and wet like inside a bum, like Vaseline from the medicine cabinet, or KY jelly if your mom and dad use it and you can sneak some, or some liquid soap, or your spit." So saying, he smeared Vaseline over the inside of the bag. "Then push the bag into the open end of the sock with a pencil far enough in so there is room for your pee-er. Fold the part of the bag that is still sticking out the top over the outside edge of the tube and the sock that you folded over, and then wrap a rubber band around it all to hold it in place like this. Then take out your pee-er, stick it in, and fuck it," he continued, reluctantly removing his jock and taking out his limp cock and sticking it in the bag. "It is nice and moist just like a bum, and if you were wearing the sock, it will be nice and warm yet, just like a bum is. If not, it will get nice and warm as you fuck it." He flushed a bright red as Rob instructed him to keep fucking.

"I'm going to make me one as soon as I go home," announced Chuckles, clapping his hands excitedly, secretly embarrassed for Master J and wondering how much longer this was going to go on. Half an hour had gone by, but to the three boys it seemed like two hours.

"Me too," agreed Miss Ginger, wondering the same thing. "It is fun to fuck bums, and fun to have your bum fucked. Would you like to hear the bum-bum song I learned?" she asked, her heart sinking. Of course both her two friends, and her audience, replied in the affirmative, the latter with wild excitement, many of them having reached between their legs and begun fiddling with themselves as they watched Master J thrusting his hips to and fro. They were close enough to see with each withdrawal that his pee-er had gotten hard. Lowering her skirt and panties, Miss Ginger self consciously stepped out of them. Stepping over to a short section of rail fence, she climbed up and sat on it. "My bum is on the rail! Bum is on the rail! Look at me! My bum is on the rail!" she sang, glowing with embarrassment as she recited the words to another of the Tom Green songs. Jumping off she ran over to Rob who was filming from the sidelines and sat on his foot. "My bum is on the man! Bum is on the man! It's a lot of fun to put your bum on a man! He, he, he!" Running over to the play steps, she continued, "My bum is on the step! Bum is on the step! Don't fall down the step! You might hurt your bum! A ha, ha, ha, ha! And that's not very fun if you fall down and hurt your bum, I like to put my bum on things, it's fun for everyone!" Pretending to take something out her mouth, she reached behind her and continued, "My bum is on the gum! Bum is on the gum! I can blow a bubble with my bum bum bum!" Her young audience howled with laugher at the idea. "My bum is on the ship!" she continued, running over to their pretend pirate ship. "The battleship! I hope they don't shoot the cannon in my bum and shoot poo all over the place! Poo poo!" She ran around the room, prancing and singing as her face burned with embarrassment. "My bum is on the dog! My bum is on the cat! My bum is on the phone! I like to put my bum on things, it's fun for everyone! Do you want to hear the cannon in my bum?" she asked, placing her hand under her armpit, and again her audience laughed. "Do you want to hear the cannon? Do you want to hear the cannon in my bum bum?"

"Yes," screamed her audience and she rewarded them with several pretend farts using her armpit.

"Un-oh," said Master J softly, and then louder as Rob threatened to cut of his nuts if he screwed up.

"What's wrong?" asked Chuckles.

"Nothing," gasped Master J. "I'm gonna squirt!"

They all fell silent, and with all eyes on him, his two costars, Jack and Rob, his young audience, and the men in the balcony, the sixteen-year-old shuddered and shot his load into the greased bag. The stimulation and pleasure of ejaculation were evident to everyone watching and there was not one there who could not relate personally to that special male experience. His humiliation coming before dozens of little children were also evident to his costars and the adults, which for the adults, made it all the more enjoyable. As he pulled his cock out, his eight inches [20 cm] glistening with Vaseline and the last of his cum oozing out the tip and hanging from it, the teenager wanted to die.

"It is awesome to squirt," observed Miss Ginger, "and awesome to have a dry orgasm if you're too young to squirt." He looked out at the flushed, bugeyed boys staring at Master J's impressive cock. How much more depraved could this afternoon get. "I especially like to finger fuck my bum until I come," she said, her heart sinking as she knew what was coming.

"Do you want to see how Miss Ginger can squirt finger fucking her bum?" asked Chuckles, knowing the answer and wondering with dread what Jack and Rob were going to have him do. Of course the young audience enthusiastically responded as he thought they would.

Turning around with her back to the young audience, thankful that at least she did not have to face them, Miss Ginger bent over and pulled apart her asscheeks so everyone could have a good look at her "bum bum". Spitting on her middle finger, she slowly inserted it up her rectum. Every youngster in the audience, and the men who had brought them, leaned forward to watch, and a number of the youngsters reached behind themselves and slipped their hands down the backs of their shorts. While Rob filmed Miss Ginger finger fucking herself and zoomed in on her finger, and on her growing pee-er, the image picked up by the camera was transferred to a big screen forming a backdrop to the playroom. Miss Ginger ached with humiliation as she glanced up at the image, and the look of humiliation and despair had every adult in the audience squirming with delight. The young audience was squirming too, and Jack aimed his camera at them, catching the sparkling eyes, the wet tongues slipping out to lick cherry lips, and the fresh, rosy cheeks as the four dozen six and seven year olds fiddled with their dicks and their bumholes, their eyes glued on Miss Ginger as her stiff cock wagged in the air, each stroke of her prostate bringing her closer to her orgasm. When she finally experienced that "little death", her cum shooting out of her waving cock and spraying the playroom, she wanted to die big time.

"I like to finger fuck my bum too, or fuck it with things," observed Chuckles, knowing his turn had come and there was nothing he was going to be able to do to avoid it. "I like to fuck bums too. I fuck my best friend's bum oodles and oodles and oodles of times, and he likes it too." Master J and Miss Ginger felt their arms and legs turn to goose flesh as they wondered which of them it would be, and each praying that it would be the other. "Would you like to see how I fuck my best friend?" Chuckles asked weakly, knowing the answer. As his young audience responded, Rob gave him his next instruction. Chuckles stood there staring at the man. No way. No fucking way. Rob gave him the instruction again, glaring at him now. He couldn't. Anything but that.

"Well," observed Jack softly, "if you're not going to fulfill your end of the bargain, then I guess I don't have to fulfill mine." Chuckles looked over at him desperately. "I guess this is not going to be your last video after all."

"Rover," called Chuckles softly, feeling totally sick to his stomach. He called louder with Rob's direction, and Rover came bounding into the room. As the border collie jumped up on him and licked his face, his tail wagging, Charles ran his fingers through his fine, silky hair. He couldn't. Not before Master J and Miss Ginger. What they'd done was dirty, but nothing as dirty as what he was expected to do. He knew they did the stuff they'd just done. Unlike him, they had no idea he'd done stuff with Rover before, filthy, disgusting stuff. "Dogs are men's best friend, and Rover is my best friend." His young fans cheered and clapped and screamed. They knew. They knew what he'd done. They'd seen his videos, the ones with Rover. They'd seen the others too, every single one of them. He knew that now. That hit him harder than anything Jack had ever said to him these past eight months.

Master J and Miss Ginger stared at Chuckles. He wasn't really going to do what they were thinking! That was impossible, wasn't it? If it wasn't impossible, it was sick, sicker than anything they'd done that afternoon, sicker than anything they'd ever done in their life. As Chuckles removed his big, oversized boots and lowered his baggy clown pants and his Winnie the Pooh underwear and stepped out of them, they knew he was going to. Staring in disbelief, they slowly became aware of the cheering and encouragement of their audience and they slowly turned to look at them. Four dozen six and seven year old boys were jumping up and down and encouraging him to fuck Rover, to fuck Rover's ass, to doggy fuck him as he'd doggy fucked Chuckles. This was not the first time they'd seen Chuckles and Rover. Nor was this the first time the boys had seen them. They'd seen them several dozen times, doing all kinds of sick, perverted things. They stared out at their young fans, at the dozens of boys that they'd corrupted over the past half a year. That was even sicker than what Chuckles was about to do.

'The last one,' Chuckles said silently to himself. 'This is the last one. The last fucking one. No more.' Rover had immediately begun licking him between the legs, and despite the situation, he'd gotten hard. Why not? He was a sick perv dog fucker. He corrupted little children. Dropping to his knees, he prepared to do the filthiest, most humiliating, most perverted thing he'd ever done yet, in front of his classmate, in front of Miss Ginger, who's dress fetish was nothing compared to his perversity, in front of dozens of little boys. 'The last one,' he repeated over and over, focussing on that, blocking out everything else. Rover was not eager to be fucked, but he had been trained well, and as much as it was against his nature, he stood there and allowed himself to be used as a bitch. Chuckles was not eager either, but like Rover, he'd been trained well. He eased his stiff teenage cock up the dog's rectum, sinking it deep up his ass until his crotch was pressed up tight against his tail and hairy backside. He wrapped his arms about Rover's waist and eased his hips back and sank them in again, doggy fucking there in the playroom in front of Miss Ginger and Master J and four dozen cheering giggling boys and two dozen squirming, horny chaperones. He eased his cock in and out of the dog, teen hormones and biology taking over, and four dozen young boys frigged themselves to a frenzy of orgasms and two dozen men creamed their trousers at the sight of his humiliation and the wild sexual abandon of the young audience. 'The last one. No more. The last one.' He shot his load up Rover's ass without even realizing he'd come. Totally devastated, totally defeated, he fucked mechanically, and when he was done, he stood and faced his cheering audience mindlessly, his cock dripping with dog poo and fresh cum.

"I think it is time for milk and cookies and a story," said Miss Ginger, mouthing the words without thinking, too shocked by what she'd just witnessed.

"Good idea," Master J said excitedly, following the stage direction with the same mindlessness as Miss Ginger. "You get the milk and cookies, and I'll get the story book."

The three teenagers, naked from the waist down and all three having recently shot their loads, sat around the little table and Miss Ginger poured them all a big glass of milk and set out a plate of Oreo cookies. As they began their snack, cookies and soda were handed out to their young audience, and their chaperones helped themselves to beer and pretzels. Opening up the big book, Chuckles read them an x rated fairy tale, about three bears and a boy called Goldicocks, who thought he was putting sugar on their porridge but instead it was Spanish Fly which made him super horny. He didn't just sit on each of their chairs but tried fucking them, but they were too hard or too soft, and he fucked the little chair so hard it broke. After trying to fuck the table, the vacuum cleaner, the left over porridge in the pot and several other objects in the house, he ended up in little bear's bed, where Little Bear found him and brought him satisfaction, after which he satisfied Little Bear, Papa bear and Uncle Bear.

"That was a wonderful story," observed Miss Ginger as she put away the dishes and glasses.

"I love reading, especially sexy stories about boys having fun," commented Master J. "It is even better than watching television."

"But watching television is fun too," observed Chuckles.

"Oh sure. I like watching cartoons on Saturday morning."

"And Fun With Chuckles videos in the afternoon," observed Miss Ginger, and the three pretended to laugh.

"And now I think is a good time this afternoon for our very, very, very special surprise."

"What surprise is that, Chuckles?"

"Everyone here today is here because they sent us a picture of themselves that was very special," observed Chuckles, and a flash of guilt caused him to stumble in his lines as he recalled the video about taking pictures. Surely they didn't do the things he'd said! He knew they had. He stared out at the attentive audience, their faces bright, their eyes sparkling. What had he done! "In a minute, we're gonna invite everyone to come join us in the playroom to play. "We got a reading centre with lots of books like I just read, and a crafts centre where you can make some special sex toys, and a computer centre where you can look at fun stuff on the Internet, and a games centre with some special sex games, and, if everyone plays nice, and takes their turn, everyone can have a turn playing with us before they go home!"

"I can't wait," said Miss Ginger flatly as she looked at the audience, but the audience was too excited by the news to notice her lack of enthusiasm.

"Then why don't you go first," suggested Chuckles. "Of all the pictures we got sent, we each picked one for the very first boys we'd like to come play with us."

"And these are the two boys I'd like to come and play with me right now," announced Miss Ginger, uncertain what was going on and although she had an idea finding it impossible to believe they'd actually do anything dirty with the little boys squirming now with anticipation in the bleachers as she brought out a tray with a tea pot and five cups and saucers and a plate of Oreo cookies and set it on an outdoor table with an umbrella in one corner of the playroom. The picture flashed upon the screen was of four seven-year-old boys dressed in bras and panties, which they'd pulled down in front, standing in a plastic wading pool and pissing on each other. "Derek and Steven, and Michael and Rory, come down and have a pee party with me."

The four boys, two dressed in flowered blouses and mid-thigh skirts and the other two in dresses with lacy trim, looked at each other in disbelief and wide-eyed delight, and as the others cheered and clapped, leaped up and joined their heroine on the stage. Sitting down at the table, she poured them tea, actually lemonade, leaving her cup last and finding to her dismay she'd run out of tea. Following Jack and Rob's instructions, she announced that wasn't a problem as she'd just make more, and stood up and held the tea pot in front of her. Having placed diuretic powder in the glass that she'd used earlier during story time, she by that time had to go badly. She stood there naked from the waist down in frustration and embarrassment, the presence of the four expectant boys watching her and the stares of the audience counteracting the effect of the diuretic. With the chanting of the audience to pee pee pee, she finally overcame her embarrassment, and once started, easily filled the pot. Pouring herself a cup, she sat down, and as the boys ate their cookies and drank their pretend tea, Rob gave her stage directions she knew were coming. The four boys giggled as she slowly raised her cup to her lips and took a sip, and then another. To the amusement of her audience, young and old, she dunked her cookie in her cup and munched on it. She smiled weakly when instructed, but the adults could clearly see her revulsion as she raised the cup and washed down the piss-soaked cookie with her warm urine.

Observing that it was a particularly hot day, she asked the boys if they'd like to join her in the pool, to which of course they readily agreed. Pulling a plastic kiddie pool out to the edge of the stage where they could be better seen, the four boys and their host stripped and stood in it, the five of them barely fitting in the tiny wading pool. Observing with dismay that they had no water, she asked the four boys if they had any ideas what they could do, which of course they all did in that they obviously especially liked water sports. Just to be sure, Jack had ensured that the soda they'd been given had a little additive to make sure they could perform, and by then they were all quite eager to do so. So, before the rest of the audience, the four proceeded to piss on their host, their urine flowing freely and running in hot yellow torrents down her body and collecting about their feet in the pool, having no idea that Miss Ginger did not share their fetish. They gleefully aimed for her nipples, and her belly button, and her buttocks, drenching her with their pee. Their proximity of course resulted in them being spattered, which the four young piss queens did not mind at all. When they were done, they squatted down and scooping up their warm urine, they splashed it over their host, all four quickly becoming erect. With the aroma of fresh urine filling the stage and drifting over to the audience, the four seven-year-olds began groping her ass and running their wet hands over her body, their stiff cocks wagging with their arousal while the fifteen year old object of their affection stood there helplessly.

"Why don't you go next, Master J?" asked Chuckles, and Master J looked out at the audience forlornly and with apprehension and then up at the screen and at the picture of two six-year-old boys naked except for open lab coats, with toy stethoscopes in their ears, listening to a younger third boy's heart as they tweaked his nipples. From the expression on the faces of the two doctors, they were clearly enjoying themselves. From the look on the face of their patient, he was not. "Bobby and Peter, come down and play doctor with me."

As the two boys joined him on the other side of the stage, Master J rolled out to the edge an examination table with a tray containing an assortment of medical implements. Being told they could do whatever they wanted, the boys began by deciding to take his temperature, using the anal thermometer of course, to Master J's humiliation and the amusement of their audience. They then took turns cupping his balls and having him cough, something the two doctors checked several times during their examination. Taking Q-tips, they brushed them against his nipples and timed to see how fast they got hard, and if one got harder faster than the other. Laying his limp penis on a ruler, while one held it the other licked their patient's hard nipples to see if he could make his penis grow, which of course it did. Having him bend over and spread apart his ass cheeks, they teased his anus with the Q-tips to see if stimulating it would have an effect on his penis, which of course it did also. Jack meanwhile pointed out that he wanted to do videos that involved love, and that little boys loved to play pretend, and that playing doctor really was not causing him any pain.

Turning their attention to his swelling penis, they thoroughly inspected it, feeling it and his balls, pulling back the foreskin to see if it would return on it's own, holding his cock up to see if it would fall back down, and running the Q-tips over the rim of his knob to see if they could first get him hard, and when they did, if they could produce pre-cum. Despite the humiliation and guilt of having his cock fondled and stroked by two six-year-old boys, Master J found himself becoming more and more aroused until he did produce the first droplet of pre-cum, which made him even more humiliated and feel even more guilty. From the look on the faces of the two doctors, he could not deny that they were loving the fantasy. Of course the two doctors had to taste the clear nectar, which caused more pre-cum to flow, not just from Master J's dick but from the swollen members of Jack and Rob, and half of the adult audience watching. The sight of the two bright eyed, smooth faced boys flipping up the droplet of clear pre-cum with their index fingers, and then sticking out their tongues and transferring it to the tip, and seeing the sticky strand connecting their tongue and finger as they drew their finger back, had the men in the audience ready to pop a nut.

"And," announced Chuckles, everyone's eyes turning to him and the room growing silent in anticipation as he dragged the low table in the centre of the stage over to the edge and then picked up a tray from the back and placed it on the table, "I feel like having a picnic, and this is the picture that I chose for the first two boys to come have a picnic with me." The picture of two six-year-olds smiling brightly at the camera, their cheeks rosy with the blush of youth and excitement, their moist, cherry lips grinning with amusement, and their eyes sparkling with mischievousness, appeared on the screen. The reason for their merriment was evident, the stiff little dicks of each of the two boys sticking out of their flies and lying in an open bun and coated with relish, mustard and onions. The two boys in the audience squealed with surprise and excitement. "Kenny and Aaron, come down and let's eat some wieners."

The two six-year-olds scampered across the room and up onto the stage, their shorts jutting out with arousal from everything that had been going on and now itching as they thought about playing with and eating Chuckles's wiener, which of course everyone could see, him being naked from the waist down. Joining their idol on the stage, they beamed up at him, unable to believe they were actually there with him, so close they could touch him. Following Rob's stage directions, and reminding himself over and over that this was the last video he'd have to make, Chuckles squatted down and pulled down the flies of the two boys, and then unsnapped their shorts and let them drop to their ankles. The boys were wearing white briefs, and the fronts were jutting out with their arousal. Chuckles could not believe it. The two six-year-olds were fully aroused. Slipping his hands inside the elastic band of the underwear of the button-nosed brunette staring at him with his big brown eyes, he pulled the boy's underwear down and the boy held onto his shoulders as he eagerly stepped out of them. With the blue-eyed blond staring at him with the same hero worship, he pulled the boy's underwear down also, revealing the boy's tiny two-inch [5 cm] boner and little hairless balls.

Taking one of the buns, which had been baked especially for this scene and especially for little six-year-old cocks by one of Jack's boy loving friends who was a baker, Chuckles buttered it and wrapped it about Kenny's stiff little cocklet, and he and Aaron giggled when it stuck there when Chuckles let go. Similarly buttering and slipping a bun about Aaron's tiny little boy cock, he proceeded to slather his little dicklet with relish, mustard, and ketchup. At the same time, Kenny had reached over and begun to fondle and stroke Chuckles's cock. Being touched there by a six-year-old boy was embarrassing, but the unique feel of his hot little hand, and the perversity of being touched there by a child, resulted in blood rushing to the flaccid organ. To Chuckles's dismay his cock began to rise, and before long he was as stiff as Master J and Miss Ginger, who were by then receiving a very enthusiastic jerk off by the boys they'd chosen, or rather, Jack and Rob had chosen for them.

As Chuckles slathered the condiments over Kenny's little dicklet, Aaron took over for him, and by the time Chuckles was done, Chuckles was also stiff. The two boys eagerly took the larger bun and buttered it, and then holding it under the sixteen-year-old's thick, stiff cock, they dipped the plastic knife in the relish jar and coated his swollen cock with pickle relish. Squeezing out a double row of mustard, and then of ketchup, the two boys giggled at the sight of his wiener laying there in the bun and covered with the condiments. Having the two boys stand on the table, Chuckles sat down before them and reluctantly following the stage directions, proceeded to eat their wieners, carefully nibbling the bun around their stiff little dicklets, and then licking the condiments off them. His very last video. No more after this afternoon. All he had to do was make it through the afternoon. Yes, he was having sex with two little boys. Jack was forcing him to do it. Yes, he was licking the little pee-er of a six-year-old boy. It wasn't as if he was doing so willingly. He was no paedophile. He was stiff and aching to go off, but that didn't mean he was enjoying what he was doing. It couldn't. He didn't even like guys. He didn't! And not having sex with little boys! But he was stiff, and he was getting hot.

Oblivious to the teenager's torment, Kenny and Aaron squirmed and giggled as Chuckles ran his tongue over their stiff dicklets, licking the condiments off them. They loved getting their dicks licked and sucked, and to be getting them licked and sucked by the very person they'd been learning all these neat things about sex from made this the best moment of their lives. Never in their widest dreams had they ever thought they'd actually be meeting Chuckles the Clown, the individual responsible for introducing them to the wonderful world of boy sex. They wrapped an arm about each other's shoulder, in part to support each other as the first wave of dry orgasm ripped through their loins, and in part out of close friendship, wanting to share their happiness over this very special experience. Chuckles could not believe it as the two boys quivered and shook violently, their little dicklets throbbing hotly with their dry orgasms. He could not believe they were having orgasms, and he could not believe he was the cause. The audience squirmed and giggled with excitement at the sight, reminding him these were not the only two boys he'd corrupted over the past eight months.

Giggling excitedly, Kenny and Aaron sat on the table and began to eat Chuckles's wiener. They nibbled off the bun and ran their tongues along the length, licking up the pickle relish, the mustard, and the ketchup. They snuggled in close to run their tongues along the underside, causing the green, yellow and red condiments to smear all over their cheeks. Chuckles squirmed and fought against the pleasure pulsating through his cock, denying its existence. He could not be enjoying this. He could not be getting aroused by having two six-year-old boys licking his cock. He could not, but he was, and his cock jerked and ached with his rapidly approaching orgasm.

He was not the only one wrestling with his feelings and the reaction of his body. Miss Ginger and Master J were wrestling with the same guilt, denying they were about to climax as the result of the young boys fiddling with them, flushed with embarrassment and with arousal at the same time as they stood there being jerked off by little children who's heads barely came past their belly buttons, their hot little hands stroking their butts, their thighs, and pumping their hot, hard cocks, the little dicklets of the boys being just as hard, and being jerked by their other free hand. They avoided looking at each other and at the audience watching them intently as they flushed with arousal and with shame. They were high school students, their cocks being played with by grade one and two children.

As the four young boys in the wading pool quivered with their orgasms, so did Miss Ginger, and she blushed a bright red as her cum squirted out of her stiff cock and through the air to land in the shallow pool of piss she and the four boys were standing in. She had come once again in front of an audience of little boys, this time the result of being jacked off by four of them as the five of them stood a tepid puddle of piss. Quivering with the pleasure of ejaculation and staring straight ahead with shame and embarrassment, Miss Ginger struggled with the conflicting feelings and with her guilt.

The two doctors working on Master J were rewarded by a violent and copious eruption by their patient a few seconds later, and the two six-year-olds trembled with the delight of holding a spurting, eight-inch [20 cm] cock, one boy with his hand just above the teenager's tight, hairy balls, and the other boy with his hand above it, the two hot little hands grasping the teenager's throbbing shaft like a fire hose, his knob still extending beyond the fist of the second boy. Master J sighed and quivered with the pleasure of his ejaculation and goose flesh formed on his arms and legs with the humiliation and the guilt of having been brought to a climax by two little boys, who were groping each other's tiny two-inch [5 cm] dicks at the same time and quivering with their dry orgasms as he shot his load across the stage, once again climaxing before the audience of children, and unbeknownst to him, their adult chaperones.

Unable to hold back any longer, Chuckles, who had lain down on his back on the little table, quivered as he came, his stiff, sticky cock sticking straight up in the air. His thick, white cream shot straight up and fell back down over his throbbing, aching cock. The two boys immediately dived in and their little tongues lapped up the teenager's cream. They swirled their tongues over his knob, lapping up the torrent of cum flowing from his pee slit and over his knob. They shivered with delight at the taste of his astringent cum, and with the delight of its slimy texture as it oozed over their tongues and their gums. Their eyes glistening, the two six-year-old boys licked the teenage boy cream from their lips and trembled with as much pleasure as they had minutes earlier with their own orgasms.

The rest of the audience swarmed down on the stage to enjoy the games and toys scattered about the playroom, to read the x-rated picture books, and of course most delightful of all, to play with their heros. Little six-year-old she-boys asked Miss Ginger to autograph their frilly pink panties, stolen from sisters or purchased for them from the adoring men who had been giving them their weekly videos. Six and seven-year-old budding sadists and leather fetish boys swarmed about Master J, offering their leather jocks for him to sniff, asking for his socks, and sucking on his toes while others sucked his nipples and still others played with his hairy nuts and his fine pit hairs. In a daze of shock, he stared at the boys swarming around him, at the children he had corrupted these past six months as he felt to his horror and perplexity his cock beginning to rise.

And of course everyone had to tell Chuckles how much they had enjoyed his videos, and how special this day was, and how much they had learned, and just how fucking great life was because of him. Their hero sat there smiling at them, allowing himself to be fondled and kissed, listening to their perverted tales of what they enjoyed doing with Laddie and Spot and Buster, how they loved the smell of old socks and had brought him one of theirs they'd been wearing ever since they found out they were going to meet him, which of course he had to smell. His last video. This was the last video. He smiled at the boys milling around him, giving in to their desperate pleas to reach out and fiddle with their stiff little dicklets, dropping to his knees to suck on the little reeds, and bending over and allowing himself to be poked up the ass by them. He felt their hot little hands on his balls and on his cock, and he felt his desire rising until to his dismay and bewilderment he shot his load to squeals of delight, only to find minutes later another gaggle of boys groping him and wanting to be groped.

The afternoon went by agonizingly slowly for the three teens but all too quickly for the young boys and the adults watching, and eventually Jack and Rob had to bring it to a close. The three teenagers stood there side by side on the stage and waved at their little fans, their naked bodies streaked with cum and sweat and spit from moist little boy kisses and hot little boy mouths, their teenage cocks hanging limply between their legs and their hairy nuts drawn up tight beneath them. They were totally exhausted and their balls totally drained, their young fans having sucked and milked them dry. They stood there in relief that it was over, staring out at the four dozen perverted, sexually satiated six and seven year olds, feeling totally humiliated and demoralized by an afternoon of romping about the stage and engaging in sex with the cheering, cursing, vulgar stream of little boys, constantly reminded that the youngsters' behaviour was the result of having been watching them religiously for the past eight months performing the most perverted of acts.

"Now that was oodles and oodles and oodles of fun," announced Chuckles as he addressed his young audience. "I know me and Miss Ginger and Master J had a fucking fun, fun, fun afternoon, and we hope that you had a fucking fun, fun, fun afternoon too." His young audience cheered and clapped and giggled and shouted that it had indeed been a fucking fun, fun, fun afternoon for them too. "We have to leave now," he said, putting on a sad clown face, "but before we go, we want you to always remember, it is excellent to be a boy, and it is excellent to do fun things that just boys can do, no matter what some grown-ups say. Those grown-ups are just dumb fucking assholes who don't want you to have fun, so remember, only do these fun things we done today when you are alone, or when you are with grown-ups who don't mind you doing fun sex stuff. Will you remember that?" His young audience loudly assured him that they fucking would. "So this is Chuckles, (and Miss Ginger and Master J his costars joined in) saying goodbye, and our dicks saying goodbye too." He and his costars waved vigorously with one hand, and waved their limp dicks at their young audience just as vigorously with the other hand as they began heading off the stage. "We hope you will always enjoy being a boy, and that you will all have oodles and oodles and oodles of fucking fun with your pee-ers, cause that is what being a boy is all about!"